Jericho : 06 - Capture The Flag (mm/mf)

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Jericho : 06 - Capture The Flag (mm/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jericho's stories
06 - Capture The Flag
Story index at the bottom

By Jericho

Tuesday August 8th 2000 11:42:28

Hello, all. Sorry it's been awhile since I've written. I've been trying to read through this page every few days, even if I haven't had time to post anything. I appreciate the comments from those of you who missed me. I've been planning to roll out a few stories of my college days on the other page, and there's one there already for you to read if you're interested.

Another childhood memory involves Andrea and I playing capture the flag against her two brothers, Joe and Matt. We ususally played this game at their house, because they lived out in the deep woods. My parents house, as lovely as it was, was in the middle of suburbia. The Mitchells owned the property around their house for approximately 5 miles. The nearest house was approximately 1 mile away (by road), across a ravine and creek that ran along their property, and visible only in winter. They even owned the winding, dirt road that led to their house! Anyway, I enjoyed visits to their house as far back as I can remember, spending time exploring the woods around their home.

Our families were visiting sometime in October, and things had been pretty tame all day. Towards evening, Joe suggested to pair up and play capture the flag. He offered to take Matt on his team (Andrea's twin). Andrea and I looked at each other and shrugged. Why not? Joe was notably a year older, while Matt, Andy and I were the same age. We were probably in the 16-15 year old range at the time. We established the rules, and split up to head to different corners of the property at twilight. Andy and I reached the rocky area she wanted to call homebase, and tied the bandanna around the tree we used for a flag. After a brief strategy, we set out on a circular route to check up on our opponents. Andy thought she knew right where they'd go, and we stayed close to one another as we set out.

Almost immediately, Matt popped out from behind a couple trees and captured us at gunpoint (they were caps). Andy and I first admitted capture and then began arguing over how he had gotten the drop on us. There's no way he should have been anywhere near our location that quickly, based on the time we allowed each other to set up bases. Joe soon joined us, having circled around and grabbing our "flag". Andy and I probably spent a half-hour heatedly debating the foul play her brothers used on us to win, notably on their mis-set watches. We were interrupted by our parents calling us in to dinner.

The families ate together, then the kids wandered off to the rec room to play. The parents had rented a couple movies, but they were nothing we were interested in. After idly playing video games and tinkering with some misc items for a half-hour, Joe asked if we were going to finish the game. I remember the conversation, because he seemed a little different than his usual self. Andy and I disagreed that we had lost (fairly, that is), but he was persistent. Andrea and I looked at each other, and she left it to me. I agreed to finish it up mainly to shut him up, not because I wanted to be captured. He gathered up a few things, and then the four of us headed back into the woods. We walked to their base with flashlights under gunpoint.

We must have walked for at least twenty minutes, and I'm glad we had jackets, because it was chilly. The house lights disappeared from view after five minutes. When we arrived, Matt covered us while we knelt, hands behind our heads, while Joe built a small fire. Joe finished, and pulled Andrea over between two solid oak trees (maybe 12-18" in diameter). He made her take off her jacket, claiming it would get in the way of tying her. She reluctantly did so, and waited in her sneakers, jeans, and a form-fitting long-sleeve pullover. (By the way, Andy stood about 5'8" with a slim, athletic build, maybe an A or B cup. She had short sandy brown hair that hung to her neck.) Joe pulled out a couple backpacks filled with coiled clothesline, and went to work on her. When I saw the amount of clothesline, I commented that it seemed a little overkill, but Joe wanted to show us some new techniques and felt that elaborate tying was essential.

Andrea stood between the two trunks, and her arms were tied off to each tree, about three feet over her head. The tying was exhaustive, and the knots extreme. Joe encircled the tree probably ten times before moving to her first arm. The coils were so solid on each wrist, they almost covered her forearms, and three or four lengths ran from each wrist to each tree. After she was hung between both trees (Joe pulled the slack out of the ropes), he encircled her waist with many more feet, running a few lengths between her legs (to her protest). After that, he ran other lengths from her waist to each tree on each side, tightly holding her body in place.

When he started on her ankles in a similar fashion, drawing her legs far apart, Andy was virtually suspended in the ropes. She didn't protest much at this point, but kept trying to strain her tip-toes to the ground to take the strain off her wrists. She suggested lowering her body down, but Joe offered that it would take too long to re-tie her hands. When Joe was finished, she hung immobile, facing away from the fire (and the house). She could barely look over her shoulder at me, and I could tell she was concerned. Joe gagged her with a couple cloths and a bandanna (the first time I saw a packing gag by the way), then blindfolded her with another cloth, and hooded her with a cloth drawstring bag.

Joe looked over at me where I knelt. He said "You know, I don't have to tie you up like that. You're a guy, and you could come onto our side." I heard Andy murmur under her hood, helplessly tied between the trees. I stood up, and considered. I was about Joe's size (Matt had more of Andy's petite build), but I knew I couldn't take the both of them in a fight, or escape through their woods at night. I walked around the trees to look at Andy and the way she was tied. Joe said "We could leave you here to keep our sister company while we head inside to get some other toys to keep her busy during her captivity. What do you think?"

I looked at Andrea, and couldn't betray her. I knew if I lied and agreed, I doubted I could have her free before they returned (it took nearly an hour to tie her in the first place). I didn't have a knife or flashlight with me. I shrugged and stood between the tree on Andy's right side and another one, about equally spaced as the other pair was (probably why the spot was selected).

"Do your worst", I said. I soon regretted it.

If I thought Joe was thorough with Andrea, it was something again to be tied by him in this fashion. He had tied us up before in other games years back, but never like this. The only difference from Andy's to my securing was my feet - I learned from Andy's predicament and stood with my legs apart when he tied my hands off. I had my feet on the gound, but my legs were straining and the footing was not solid. We talked as Joe tied me, and I got one other concession from him; he agreed to leave me ungagged and would undo Andy's so we could talk. I agreed we would not call for help, but it probably wouldn't have mattered; a light breeze was blowing through the leaves, and while the sound might have carried, I doubt it would be understood very far off.

After nearly another hour, I was secured identically as Andrea had been, shivering in my jeans, sneakers, and 3/4 length pullover jersey. I asked what they were going to do with us. It was certainly after 9pm, and my family usually left around 11pm. Joe wouldn't elaborate, but seemed to be picking up the site.

"How long until we'll be untied?", I asked.

"That's up to you", Joe said.

"C'mon, Joe, Matt. You don't really expect us to be able to get out of this?", I asked.

Joe shrugged, and I felt a chilling sensation.

"Where are you going?", I queried.

"Back to the house", stated Matt calmly.

Joe kicked the fire into embers, and walked behind me with his flashlight. He blindfolded me and hooded me with another cloth bag, leaving the world in even greater darkness. I heard them move to Andy's position, and I heard her muffled protests. I thought they were removing her gag, but after a few moments, I could tell from her sounds that whatever was happening was unpleasant. I called over to them, and they told me to be quiet, or they would gag me as well. I continued to harass them, telling them to leave Andy alone. Eventually they came over to me, and removed my sneakers and socks for my trouble. I was warned to keep quiet or other things would be done to me, regarless of being a guy or past promises.

They then walked away into the woods, until I could no longer hear them. I struggled fiercely against the ropes for several minutes, but the sheer volume of restraints and lack of slack prevented me from doing anything more than making myself sore and chaffed. I could find no escape, and worried over being discovered or worse, forgotten. I could hear Andy's murmurings, but could only understand her part of the time. I tried to keep talking quietly, and not alert anyone or anything around us. Her sounds were reassuring, because I jumped at every noise, and felt that everything in the forest was surrounding me, and I was helpless to do anything about it. Believe me, this was one of the scariest times in my life.

Probably a half hour later, Matt and Joe returned to check on us. They were satisfied we remained secured, and tickled our feet and sides briefly. Unfortunately, they lifted my hood and gagged me because I swore at them for assaulting us, and then they left my shirt pulled over my head after they were done. It was probably in the low 60's that night, but it feels really cold when you can't move and you're partially exposed. They left us there again for another hour or so. It seemed like the entire evening, and my mind was almost interested in something bad happening, just so that something would change.

When Joe and Matt did return, they untied me first, leaving my hands and hood til last. I tore the hood off and undid the gag and blindfold myself.

"I can't believe you went off and left us -", I started.

Joe tried to calm me, promising that my parents were still watching TV, and it was only 11:30pm. They looked comfy, so we had time to collect things and straighten ourselves up. I made myself relax, pulled my shirt down, and put my socks and sneakers back on while they started to untie their sister.

Joe commented "You know, we could just leave her here for a bit longer. After all, she sleeps here; you were the only one that has to go home."

Andrea yelled behind her gag.

I considered his offer for a second, then replied "Don't even think about it."

When I picked up a flashlight and came over to help, I found Andy's shirt over her head as well, exposing her bra and tight abs. She was nearly blue it was so chilly. I covered her back up and worked on her socks and sneakers before moving on to untying some of the knots. Andrea was pissed at her brothers for months after that, and appreciated that I made the decision to stick with her. I think that's one of the reasons we were such good friends for so long. It was however, the last time we let her brothers tie us up (at least without better assurances on the ground rules). Tell me what you think.


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