(F/m) Geography Lessons - Part 1

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(F/m) Geography Lessons - Part 1

Post by radarlove67 »

<t>Ok, so I've posted this in Adult as there is a degree of fetishism, but nothing heavy. I'm erring on the side of caution it probably that it doesn't sit in Stories for Everyone, but people may disagree. The story I'm about to relate is a fantasy I had when at school, nothing actually happened. Without further ado, I shall if you're sitting comfortably, begin...<br/>
My school it seemed was a melting pot of bad haircuts, acne, hormones and interpretations of the dress code that probably gave our Headmaster nightmares. All told there were about 1300 children from 11 to 18, bouncing around a series of prefabricated buildings that had gone up in the 1960s but already seemed on their last legs by the winter of 1979. The cold icy wind off the Pennines rattled the windows, and the building creaked every time another gust rolled across this forlorn part of East Lancashire. <br/>
My bag bounced off some idiot Fourth Former as I struggled upstairs to my last lesson of the day, Geography with Mrs. Grey. I liked Geography but unfortunately Mrs. Grey was an older lady and as such my fellow First Years had very little respect for her. Which was a shame, because despite her age I quite liked her. I thought she wasn't a bad teacher and she had one great thing going for her in my book; I had discovered to my delight she wore black leather gloves. <br/>
Now, she wasn't Miss. Scarlet who wore an exotic pair of driving gloves and had a soft vibrato voice. Or Mrs. Black who who had a tight fitting pair that disappeared up her wrists when she did playground duty. Mrs. Grey just wore a standard pair that any woman of her age wore. But she was a lovely kind teacher, so despite my classmates disrespecting her every lesson, I looked forward to my end of day lesson with her each week. <br/>
Today, we were studying Australia. A part of the world that seemed as exotic and remote as Mars when compared to our ice blasted mill town. As I made notes about the Great Barrier Reef I noticed Mrs, Grey's gloves on her desk and I began to wonder if there was some way to see her wearing them... <br/>
My reverie was broken by the bell, immediately Beverley my classmate next to me closed her pencil case and started to gather her belongings. I started to slowky do the same as Mrs, Grey attempted to shout out the details of our homework over the ensuing din. An idea quickly formed...<br/>
As Beverley gave me a quick wave and smile of farewell, my mind was on other things. My excitement was mixed. I knew I liked seeing women gloved and I also liked other things, normally associated with scenes I'd watch on The Professionals, Hawaii 5-0, Doctor Who and Z Cars. I couldn't quite describe it, but I knew it made me feel a certain way...<br/>
I slowly walked to the front of the classroom and as the last of my mates disappeared off home, I cleared my throat. <br/>
Mrs. Grey looked up and smiled, looking slightly quizzical but also something else passed across her face or did I imagine it?<br/>
"I'm sorry Mrs. Grey, I didn't hear the homework. What was it again?"<br/>
I was sure I was blushing and something was going on elsewhere but I tried to focus on my plan. <br/>
"Sydney Harbour Bridge, you need to do some research in to that". <br/>
First step complete, I made a show of asking if I could help Mrs. Grey get to her car...<br/>
Again that look that I couldn't identify, but she agreed and off we went; woman in late 50s holding gloves in one hand and frustrated prubescent 12 year old. <br/>
As we got to her car, I had almost given up hope of seeing her gloved when Mrs. Grey turned towards me and very slowly and deliberately pulled them on. <br/>
I was in a state of bliss, so much so I didn't spot that look on Mrs. Grey's face again. My jaw must have dropped because I was snapped back to reality when a leather gloved hand gently closed my open mouth. <br/>
"Why John, whatever is the matter with you?" A mischievous smile flitted across Mrs. Grey's mouth and it was almost as if my secret plan was exposed. <br/>
Desperate now to make my escape, I was about to make my excuses when the heavens opened.<br/>
Rain, Lancashire's biggest export or so it seemed! Quickly, Mrs. Grey manoeuvred me in to her car out of the rain and jumped in to the driver's seat.
"That was close", she laughed and pulled a scarf out of her bag. She gently wiped the rain from my face and hair. I was by this stage in rapture and not quite sure I wanted this little adventutre to end. Slowly the wiping with the scarf stopped and as the rain continued to lash down Mrs. Grey wound it round it a long strip. Without saying anything she gently tied it around my wrists. Silence. Neither one of us said anything.
She leaned over and fastened my seatbelt in place and turned to start the ignition.
If I was being kidnapped this was the strangest one ever I thought, nothing like the ones on Charlie's Angels or Macmillan & Wife. This was altogether different...
The car started and off we went in to the rainstorm, Mrs. Grey saying nothing and me with my wrists tied by a rain soaked scarf...

It's been a while since I've written any fiction, so apologies of it's a bit stilted. I'm out of practice and I need to warm up the old grey cells.
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Post by radarlove67 »

The windscreen wipers thumped back and forth, but even the rhythmic sweep couldn't distract me and lessen the swelling I felt in my trousers. As I sat wondering what was going to happen, I was also enjoying the sight of Mrs. Grey gripping the steering wheel with her gloved hands, as she negotiated the narrow rain lashed streets. After about 20 minutes we pulled in to a quiet street at the edge of town, on a clear day the hills would have been visible but the rain was coming down so hard even the neighbouring houses were barely visible. The car drew up outside a house, ,y Aunt's house... the plot thickened.
"Right, I'm going to untie your wrists and I'm going to give two choices. You can be dropped off with your Aunt, or you can to my house for extra tuition".
If it was possible to describe the euphoria, it was close to me seeing Manchester City winning the FA Cup or being bought all the Action Men figures at the same time. Close, but probably a bit better. Who was I kidding, this was brilliant. Was there a catch?
That look again on Mrs. Grey's face again. I was beginning to recognise it but I was no closer to knowing what it meant.
"Yes." She untied my wrists and together we went in to see my Aunt Mary. Another member of my 'Ladies Who Go Gloved' mental scrapbook, Aunt Mary had a wicked sense of humour was related to me by marriage not blood. That made her place in my scrapbook ok, at least that was I reconciled it in my head. My Aunt might have a different view...
Strangely, I didn't mention the scarf to my Aunt or my cheeky cousin Louise who was eavesdropping from the stairs. We just quickly explained that I was going to Mrs. Grey's for some extra help. And then it was back to the car to resume our journey. 10 minutes later we entered the hills and a small village. The car pulled up to a cottage with an adjoining garage. The rain had eased, so at Mrs. Grey's request I unlocked the door and in went the car. I pulled the door closed. The engine stopped and out stepped Mrs. Grey. A vision of loveliness and rapidly becoming the object of all my fantasies. Well, at least the ones I had conjured up during the journey.
She stood in front of me, with a slightly serious look.
"Before we go inside, we need to get some things straight. I tied your wrists as a test to see how you would react. You did well John, but before we go further you need to be on your best behaviour".
With that she gently turned me around and tied my hands with the scarf behind my back. She turned me back and she had a large white handkerchief ready, with which she proceeded to gag me.
"Now, if you do what I want John and listen to my lessons then I will reward you. Misbehave and not pay attention then I will punish you. It's quite simple. So no noise, no fuss and we will get along fine".
With that she brushed my hair with a gloved hand and took me inside the house, wrists tied securely and a cleave gag to keep me quiet.
Once inside she gently guided me in to the living room, where the curtains were swiftly closed and I was deposited in a chair.
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Post by Londit »

Very good story so far, thanks for sharing and I would love to read the next parts :)
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Post by MaxRoper »

Well told. Gloves are an under-utilized fetish item here and it's good to see them featured in a story.

This would be much easier on my old eyes with more paragraph breaks.

Thanks for posting!
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Post by radarlove67 »

I'll see what I can do next time. Thanks for the feedback.
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Post by Glovedgirllover »

Good story! But what happened next? :)
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

This has always been a teacher/student fantasy of mine. My teachers seem to alway wear gloves and I couldn't resist looking!
Well written story @radarlove67!
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Post by aa81 »

please make part 2 ;) ;)
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Post by rohan@babu »

Will we have it sequel
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Post by Ak610 »

Part 2 please
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Post by Newrider »

Definitely interested in a part 2
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]rohan@babu[/mention] [mention]Ak610[/mention] [mention]Newrider[/mention]

Hello guys,
Welcome aboard.

I realise all of you are new to posting on the forum, but if you scroll up to the first post and then visit the author's profile, you'll see that this story was released almost three years ago and that the author is no longer active on here.
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Post by radarlove67 »

I've had a request from someone to write a new chapter to this. I shall give it some thought and add some more to it.
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

So happy to hear of your return and possible new chapter to this fun story!
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Post by harveygasson »

Welcome back, I hope you decide to keep going with this
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Post by radarlove67 »

Thanks for the kind welcome, naughty boys and girls should form an orderly queue and I'll tie them up shortly...
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Post by Gluba »

Please update, so sexy!
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Oh please do an update! We need more From Mrs Grey....

And how about a side story about your Aunt Mary? Or both teaching you together?
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