Tom Ford : 14 - The Next Round of Tom vs. Angela (m/m)

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Tom Ford : 14 - The Next Round of Tom vs. Angela (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tom Ford's stories
14 - The Next Round of Tom vs. Angela
Story index at the bottom

By Tom Ford

Friday, June 14th 2002 - 11:56:21 PM

Spring - 1966
The Next Round of Tom vs. Angela

The last time, Angela and I had a tie-up competition to see who was the better escape artist. I thought I would easily win against any girl in a tie-up competition. I thought, since Chester and Jay were terrible at knots at their first tie-up game, and they are boys, how much more if that person was a girl. That was my first tie-up game with Angela, and since she was a mere girl, I thought I would have an easy victory. Angela proved me wrong. In fact, she kept me tied up so long that I didn't have time for my turn that day. So her trussing up would have to wait the next day.

My experience with my friend's sister and my sister's friend is my first time I was tied up by a girl. The fact that I totally miscalculated her knotting abilities added to make it truly memorable. I now know better than to make boasts based on unproved premises. I would not anymore underestimate the knotting ability of a girl, although my brother seems not to have changed his attitude toward girls even after I told him about the story.

Wednesday was not a busy day. I began to think that most of the schoolwork of the week was squeezed on Monday. I felt relieved that I won't have to work as hard as I've worked in the past weeks. So that Wednesday was one of the most pleasant schooldays in that spring. Frank and Donald had forgiven me, I received a string of A's and we were dismissed early because of a school function. But what really made that day pleasant is the anticipation of what I might do to Angela that afternoon. I considered many ways of tying her up, but just settled to tying her in an ordinary way.

I invited Frank and Donald to watch the event. Both declined the offer. They said they have to do something. I then asked David, Chester and Jay. All declined to join me. They said they had some important things to do that afternoon. So I was left with Angela's little brother Henry.

Henry and I immediately went to Henry's house. When we arrived, Henry and Angela's Mom greeted us.

"Hi Henry. Hi Tom." Mrs. Dale said.

We discovered that Angela was not yet home. So we spent the time while waiting preparing the ropes, tapes, cloth, and other materials I would need. When we were done we just watched TV to wait for Angela to come home. Mrs. Dale noticed all the rope and stuff we were going to use.

"What's all these ropes for, boys?" she asked.

"We're going to tie up Angela!" Henry proudly said.

"Okay, just make sure you don't hurt her." Mrs. Dale said.

"We won't, Mrs. Dale. We won't." I answered. To Mrs. Dale, like my parents and Uncle and Aunt, tie-up games are just childhood fun.

We spent the rest of the afternoon while waiting watching TV and eating some of the snacks offered by Angela's mother. We also chatted.

Angela arrived at about four-thirty in the afternoon. With her is her best friend- my sister Betty. Henry and I stood at the door and greeted them, with ropes and cloth in my hand. Angela and Betty were amazed at seeing me at the door. She never expected me to be at her home this early.

"Not that!" she said as she saw the ropes and cloth in my hand.

"Remember, you owe me!" I responded

"Well, you can't tie me up because Mom-", she said.

"Your Mom said that's it's A-okay." I cut her off.

She went on calling her Mom about it but she gave her a stern rebuke.

"Look, if Tom let you tie him up, it's only fair that you let him tie you up. Besides, you had a deal, haven't you?" Mrs. Dale said.

"Yes Mom! Well, let's get started. I'll just go up and change." She then went to her room.

"Are you going to tie-up Angela, Tom?" Betty asked.

"Don't you know what happened yesterday?"

"Well, no. What did happen?" my sister asked.

I told her about the entire event the previous day. I of course, omitted the homework part, but pretty much told everything else. I was surprised that Angela hadn't told her best friend what had transpired, especially since Angela got the most out of it.

By the time I had finished the tale, Angela returned from her room. She was wearing jeans and pink sleeveless shirt.

"You're really in for it Angela! Tom's really good at knots." Betty told Angela.

"I could escape anything he can tie me up with!" was her response.

"We'll see who's gonna escape what!" I replied.

"Hey fellas, stop talking and start tying. I really am getting board listening to all your chatter!" Henry remarked.

"Okay, let's get it over with!" Angela said and then presented her hand in front for me to tie.

"No! Turn around and put your arms behind you back." I ordered her.

She complied. I decided that I would use torn cloth instead of rope for her wrists and ankles. I took a long piece of linen strip from Henry and began wrapping her wrists with it. I soon knotted it off. I took another long piece of linen strip and tied her crossed ankles with it. I took another and tied her knees with it.

"Does it hurt?" I asked.

"No! You finished?" Angela asked.

"Nope!" I replied. Henry just readied the ropes I would use. Betty just watched the tying-up process.

"Are you going to hog-tie her?" Betty asked.

"Nope. This is her first time. I wouldn't want to hurt her, would I?" I responded.

"What's a hog-mmmmmppphhhh?!" Angela apparently didn't know what a hog-tie is, or if she does, did not know that it was called a hog-tie. Apparently, she never finished the question and I never answered her. I just shoved in her mouth a clean handkerchief while she was asking the question. And by this time, the warm cheery expression that accompanied her before I tied her up was replaced by a worried expression. She knew of course, that nothing of harm would come to her. She was just concerned that the more materials I used on her, the less chance of escape she would have. And given my experience with Andrew and the others of tie-ups, I would say she was stuck, and I had won this round.

"Don't spit it out, otherwise I would just shove it back into your mouth." I told Angela.

I then took a cut piece of duct tape (Henry had made himself useful by preparing the needed materials) from Henry and sealed her mouth with it. I took another piece of rope from Henry and tied it around her waist. I am not sure whether or not she could slip her hands underneath her so as to place her hands in front, but I would not take any chances. I tied the ends of the waist-rope at the wrists, making sure the knots are out of reach of her fingers.

Betty seemed amused at seeing her best friend's predicament. She herself, being eight years old, had never been tied-up before. Betty, of course, had become involved in some of our games, but she did not see anybody in the process of being tied-up herself. What she saw was already tied-up boys, and the only thing she did was untie one of them. So, she was quite quiet at the first few moments, preferring to observe, rather than talk. And that suited me just fine.

I then hopped her to a wooden chair with armrests on it. I sat her on it, making sure she was comfortable leaning against the back of the chair. I took a long piece of rope and wrapped it around her and the back of the chair. I knotted it as often as I could to make it more secure. When I was done, she was firmly secured to the chair.

I then took a rope, tied one end of it to her bound ankles, and tied the other end of the rope to the back of the chair, making it impossible for her to touch the ground using her feet, thus making it impossible for her to drag the chair using her feet.

I stepped back and admired my work. Right in front of Henry, Betty and me is a bound and gagged Angela, helpless and unable to get out without help.

"Get out of that!" I then told her.

She began to furiously struggle. She squirmed, tugged, tried as much movement as possible, but could not in any way, free herself from her restraints. Yet as obvious as the fact is, she continued the futile exercise, trying to prove that she was better than me. She failed miserably. We just watched. Betty and Henry tried to tickle her, but I restrained them, saying that we would all tickle her after one hour. They then stopped their attempts.

We then went to the kitchen where we ate some snacks and drinks prepared by Angela and Henry's Mom. We also chatted about just about everything. She also asked questions about her daughter.

"How long do you plan to keep her tied up, Tom?" Mrs. Dale said.

"About a little over an hour. That's the same time as she kept me tied up yesterday!" I answered.

"Is she as comfortable as she could be?" Mrs. Dale asked.

"She's very comfortable." Betty replied.

She then went to the living room to examine her daughter. Henry, Betty and I just remained in the kitchen and continued munching the snacks and drinks. Mrs. Dale returned a few minutes later and complemented us on the good job we did on her daughter.

"Too bad Angela's gonna miss on all these snacks!" Henry said.

"Well, we'll just have to save some for her." Angela's mother asserted

"Maybe not. I have an idea." I said. I then gestured Henry to follow me. We went to the living room and removed all the ropes restraining Angela to the chair. Henry and I then help her stand - we left her feet tied- and hopped her to the kitchen. Henry and I of course, made sure she didn't fall or hurt herself while she was hopping. Angela's mother apparently understood what we were trying to do and prepared a chair. Henry and I then sat Angela on that chair and use tied her to it. I then removed the gag.

"I'll get you for this!" Angela said to me after her gag was removed.

"You can't because you started this, but anyway, let's eat!" I then took a sandwich and fed her. She chewed it and swallowed it, while the rest of us watched. Betty then gave helped her drink.

We then continued what we were doing and discussing before we placed Angela on the kitchen, with the exception of me feeding Angela snacks and Betty giving her drinks. Soon, I got board and Betty did all the feeding. Angela, for her part, acted as if this was not so unusual, and chatted to Betty and her mother about non-tie-up related things when Betty is not feeding her. It's as if she was not tied-up at all. Meanwhile, Henry and I finished our snacks, while the girls finished theirs. We let the girls chat for a while, about 10 minutes after the snack, before I would pull Angela back to reality.

Henry and I then helped Mrs. Dale clean up the kitchen, while Betty and Angela continued their chatter. After helping Mrs. Dale, I then sneaked up behind Angela, Betty of course seeing all these but she just ignored me, then suddenly shoved a clean handkerchief up Angela's mouth.

"Betty, don't you know that mmmmpppphhhh!" She was completely surprised. Betty for her part just continued this one-way conversation as if nothing had happened. I clamped my hand over her mouth so that she would not be able spit the handkerchief out, while Henry prepared the duct tape. I took the cut piece of duct tape, removed my hand from her mouth, and before she could spit out the hankie, sealed her mouth with the tape. Betty just pretended not to notice what happened and continued to talk, ignoring the mmmppphhhhhssss of her best friend.

It was already forty-five minutes since I tied her up, and I was determined to make the most of the remaining time. I remove the ropes lashing her to the chair in the kitchen. Betty, Henry and I then helped Angela to her feet, where we hopped her back to the living room. But instead of tying her to the chair as I originally intended, I sat her on the same sofa I was leashed to, and took a rope, tied one end of it to her feet, and tied the other end to the feet of the bed.

I then began to relentlessly tease her, and Henry and Betty later joined in. Angela apparently responded good-naturedly upon the teases, laughing in her gag, trying to talk through it, although it came out as mmmmmppphhhhhssss. We teased her about it, saying things like, "Say that again, I didn't quite get what mmmppphhhh means!" or things like that. I then began to scare her of the impending tickle torture. I told her that I would tickle her non-stop, and Betty and Henry also would join. I told her that I would tickle her until she cried. I could see from her face and eyes that her expression changed from cheery to angry to gloomy. She was apparently terrified of the tickle torture. We continued to scare her until the one-hour mark.

With the one-hour mark, I removed her shoes and socks and asked the question.

"Are you ticklish?" I asked.

Angela nervously shook her head, and I could see from her expression and her eyes that my scare tactics had worked.

"Let's see!" I said and slightly stroked her bare feet. It instantly made Angela shake and wiggle. Henry, Betty and I then ganged up on Angela, tickling her feet, stomach, sides and ribs. She squirmed, wiggled, struggled, all of which did nothing to relieve her. She laughed and laughed and laughed and screamed and screamed and shouted and shouted but it all came out as mmmppphhhsss. We continued this for ten minutes. I, however, gave her breaks so she can recover.

After the 10 minutes, it was apparent that she had exhausted herself laughing. There were no tears, however, just heavy breathing. Henry and I then untied her. The first thing she said after being untied is that being tied up is fun, as long as you trust the one doing the tying.

"That does not mean that I won't get you back for this, Tom!" Angela said.

"No you won't. You had your turn yesterday." I replied.

Angela apparently ignored me and went straight to her room. She came back and gave me five dollars.

Betty and I remained in Henry and Angela's home until about six. We spent the rest of our visit watching TV and chatting about the game with Mrs. Dale.

"Remember our deal!" Angela said to me when Betty and I are ready to leave.

I just said, "sure" and Betty and I went home. "What deal?" Betty was constantly asking me, "Nothing!" was my reply. I spent the rest of the night doing homework for Betty and John.

I told Andrew what happened after finishing all those homework. He was amused by my tale, and apparently told me that he wished he were present.

I had enjoyed the tie-up games I had so far with Angela. And every indication tells me that Angela also enjoyed our tie-up games.

It was not the last tie-up game we played with Angela that week. What happened next, and who of my old friends got drawn into the Angela games? Read the next part and find out!

Tom Ford

Tom Ford's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section