A Birthday present For Horace m/m 1 part complete

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A Birthday present For Horace m/m 1 part complete

Post by Jason Toddman »


Daryl was the most popular boy at Riverview High School. At 16, the sophomore was the person most girls (and secretly more than a few guys) day-dreamed about; not just those in his own grade-level but the junior and senior girls as well. He was incredibly handsome (perfect teeth, no pimples [ever!], dreamy blue eyes, the whole enchilada), athletic (being the star player and captain of his soccer team who never seemed to miss a goal), smart (consistently pulling in straight A’s), and charming (never letting his other good points give him a superiority complex).

Despite his good manners however, many of the older boys resented him greatly. It was one thing to be less than number one in your own class; but to be so badly outmatched by a mere sophomore wound up many of them no end! And when it became obvious that many of their dates (and even mere friends) would have preferred to be with Daryl than with them, well… it definitely became a case of you either loved Daryl or you hated his guts! And though most of the students loved Daryl, a sizable minority of the junior and senior boys – eaten up with jealousy - despised him completely.

When Daryl was asked by the captain of the cheerleader squad (one of the most gorgeous girls in the senior class) to be her date at the senior prom, a good many seniors immediately decided that they wanted Daryl out of the way! They didn’t want to kill him of course (they were jealous, but they weren’t murderers; it’s lucky for Daryl though that this wasn’t Smallville!); they just wanted him out of the way! Permanently if possible, sure; but not dead!

They were at a loss to think of a suitable way to get Daryl out of the picture however, until another boy named Horace entered the picture. Horace was – to put it gently – a total geek. A freshman a year younger than Daryl, he was in many ways the total opposite of Daryl. He was short for his age (less than five feet – 150 cm – in height). He was so skinny that he looked malnourished and literally was a 98-pound (44 kg) weakling. His face was somewhat reminiscent of a horse (buck teeth and all) and so liberally peppered with freckles that he was sometimes unflatteringly (and exaggeratedly) compared to the kid on the cover of Mad magazine. He was smart though; almost as bright a student as Daryl – but whereas smarts made Daryl more appealing to some, for Horace it only added to peoples’ perceptions that he was a nerd as well as a geek. Life is unfair when smart people don’t have movie star looks.

Horace wasn’t insanely jealous of Daryl however. In fact, he absolutely adored Daryl. Fortunately for Horace, Daryl was the generous sort of fellow who didn’t judge people by their looks and so let Horace he his friend. Horace was great at games like chess and they shared many intellectual interests in common, and so they spent quite a bit of time together. More than once Daryl even stuck up for Horace when bullies picked on the smaller boy; threatening to pound them to a pulp if they ever picked on Horace again.

All his made Horace one of Daryl’s most devoted fans. He even took to taking clippings of pictures of Daryl that appeared in the sports section of the town’s local newspaper and pinning them up on the wall of his bedroom. Within a year, one wall was almost completely covered with newspaper photos of Daryl; usually in his soccer outfit as he posed with teammates or was in the middle of a game kicking the ball.

Deep down inside, perhaps there was a thread of jealousy and envy nibbling away at Horace’s heart… but mostly what he felt was an intense wish to have Daryl all to himself, without any of the other boys (and especially those girls!) getting in the way.

Horace was basically gay, and wished to do many of the things boys generally feel right doing only with girls; not other boys. But Horace knew that Daryl was 100% straight and - while no homophobe thank goodness! – would never willingly accept or reciprocate the kind of feelings that Horace had for him deep down inside.

As it turned out, Horace had an older brother named Pete. Pete was a senior, and one of the boys who were most jealous of Daryl. This was partly because Daryl acted more like an older brother to Horace than he himself did. Pete liked Horace well enough; his younger brother’s gayness didn’t bother him all that much even if he didn’t share it, and he never picked on him on account of it. But Pete was athletic whereas Horace was not, they had no intellectual interests in common, and what 17-year-old boy wanted his pesky awkward kid brother hanging around anyway? But though he spent little enough time with Horace, Pete felt bad when Daryl (only a year older than Horace) showed Horace the kind of brotherly attention he himself didn’t. And rather than try to spend more time with Horace himself, Pete got ever more jealous of Daryl instead.

Then one day, it occurred to Pete how he could kill two birds with one stone. He could make his little brother’s wish come true and get Daryl out of his hair at the same time!

Daryl’s soccer team (the Mules; so-called because mules were stubborn and could kick hard) was playing their biggest rivals (the Bulldogs, which also were stubborn and once they had a hold of something never let go). Pete was also playing for the Mules (and the fact that a younger boy like Daryl was his team captain added to Pete’s resentment a great deal), while Horace (along with numerous other students) watched the game from the stands. More eyes were on Daryl than on everyone else in both teams combined – and not just because Daryl scored a lot of goals either. He had that kind of athletic grace that was easy on the eyes whether you were attracted to boys or not!

It wasn’t long before Pete noticed that Horace was watching Daryl as avidly as anyone else in the audience. In fact, it soon became clear to Pete that Horace was watching every move that Daryl made! Even most of the girls occasionally looked away or watched a different player for a while… but not Horace! It didn’t matter if Daryl was doing anything particularly interesting at the moment or not. He could be taking a drink of water from a small paper cup during a break or chatting with a team-mate, and Horace would watch him as intently as a hawk. And the expression on his face and the gleam in his eyes spoke of his intense admiration to anyone who bothered to look at him for a moment.

But Pete was the only one there who bothered to look at Horace. And he knew his kid brother well enough to realize that there was more than admiration in that gaze; it was the intense kind of yearning that Pete had only ever seen on the faces of other boys who had gone gaga over some pretty girl or girls who were swooning over a handsome boy. He had never seen a boy look at another boy that way before, but Horace’s feelings for Daryl were as obvious to Pete as if Horace had told him straight out.

Pete loved his brother in his own way, and the fact that his brother was gay didn’t bother Pete directly at all; in fact, he’d beat to a pulp anyone who ever gave Horace a hard time about it. However, Pete *did* feel a surge of jealousy that eclipsed anything he’d ever felt before as he realized that Horace loved Daryl more than he loved Pete (in a different way, of course), his very own brother.

But the look of jealousy that had momentarily surged into his face slowly gave way to a smirk of devious satisfaction as a wicked idea slowly developed inside his brain. If anyone had glanced at Pete then, they would have immediately been reminded of the expression on the Grinch’s face from the old cartoon TV special as he suddenly had his “wonderful, awful idea.”

After the game was over, Pete got together with several of his closest friends (some of whom were also on the soccer team) and proposed his idea to them. As most of them had their own beefs with Daryl (jealousy invariably being the prime motivator), it took very little convincing to get them all to agree to help carry out his plan, and some even added a few embellishments of their own.

And so it happened that when most of the rest of the soccer team had gone home, Daryl remained behind to carry out his self-appointment duty of putting all the soccer equipment away in the locker room before having his shower and going home. This was his regular habit, and this was perfectly well known to Pete and the others. So when Daryl entered the locker room (usually deserted by then) and began to change out of his sweaty soccer uniform, Pete and five of his friends were hidden nearby and ready to ambush him.

Daryl had just kicked off his soccer cleats and was pulling off his shirt (which simultaneously blinded him and left his arms too occupied for effective resistance) when he was jumped from behind and pulled backward off the bench he’d been seated on. Before he could do more than yelp in surprise, he was flat on his back on the hard, cold tiled floor with three boys holding him down and three others proceeding to restrain him. His wrists were held behind his back and trapped in handcuffs before he was fully aware of what was happening, and after that escape (let alone any effective resistance) was out of the question.

Daryl tried to struggle and look around at his assailants, but his shirt was still pulled up over his head and served as a semi-effective hood; especially as it was semi-dark at this time of day and the lights had been left off. The shirt was left in place and a towel wrapped around his upper head to reinforce it as a blindfold, while another towel wrapped even more tightly lower down served as a semi-effective gag. Not wanting their captive to suffocate however, one of the boys had previously pulled the shirt up over his face before gagging him so that his nose was not blocked. Daryl’s hard, panicky breathing as he futilely continued struggling indicated that he was in no danger of suffocation, and so they proceeded to further secure him.

A length of rope was tied around Daryl’s ankles. Another was wrapped around his body and secured his trapped wrists firmly to his torso. Others were wrapped above and below his knees to further immobilize his legs.

Despite this, Daryl kept struggling, and made incoherent sounds that were likely combined insults and threats about what he’d do to his captors when he got free.

“Knock it off,” Pete growled to Daryl in a disguised voice as he slapped his prisoner once in the head. “Calm down right now, or we’ll post the video of this on YouTube before you can even blink! We might even make this a bit racy!” he added as he lightly pulled downward on Daryl’s shorts in a manner that was unmistakably suggestive of dire consequences.

This was partially a bluff, as no one had thought of using their cameras to document the event until it was already done, but it wasn’t too late to rectify this matter if they chose and Daryl knew it. His struggles – already weakening from exhaustion – quickly subsided.

“Now then, we’re going for a little ride,” Pete told Daryl. “Make it easier on yourself and just enjoy the ride, and no one will hurt you.”

Which promise was sincere enough, as far as it went.

With six people to carry him along, transporting Daryl of the locker room and out the nearest exit was a brisk and efficient process. Pete had parked his station wagon right next to the door leading directly outside from the gymnasium, eliminating any chance of anyone else seeing Daryl in the very brief interval of time between hustled outside of the gym and into the large back compartment of the car. In addition, it was getting dark and there were no lights on nearby. The entire operation went off without a hitch and with no witnesses to the kidnapping.

Several of Pete’s friends rode in the back of the station wagon along with (or right on top of) Daryl to ensure his continued passiveness during the trip from the school to Pete’s house. The timing was perfect; Pete’s parents were away for the evening, the farmhouse was isolated, and there was an unused old (but sturdy) shed in the back of the property that was out of sight and earshot of anywhere else anyone might be – even from Pete’s house. Once Daryl was taken out of the car and hustled inside that shed, it was as if he had dropped off the face of the earth as far as anyone else was concerned!

Once there, Daryl was laid down on top of a pair of sturdy wooden pallets placed together and tied down to them with more coils of ropes that had previously been stored there. Ropes were liberally wound around his arms, legs, and torso and the wooden slats underneath them - soon rendering him completely unable to move except to wiggle his hands and feet slightly.

He was then covered up with some old blankets that had been left inside the shed previously, so that no one else could tell that a live human being lay upon the pallets. The blankets were thick enough so that even what slight movements or sounds Daryl could still make were completely obscured.

“Make yourself comfortable, Daryl,” Pete said with a smirk as he and his friends proceeded to leave the unlighted shed. “We’ll send someone to keep you company before very long.”

Daryl tried to plead for help, but his feeble cries and struggles went completely unnoticed as his captors left the shed and closed the door. With a sinking feeling of despair, Daryl could hear a padlock inserted into the hasp by the door and clicked shut into place; locking him inside.

For what seemed like an eternity, Daryl sought to free himself from his captivity. All he succeeded in doing was tiring himself out even further until he fell asleep.

An unknown amount of time later, Daryl slowly and groggily came awake. Someone was inside the shed with him and pulling the blankets off of him again. Daryl was unsure whether to feel relieved or further alarmed. He was certain it must be Pete and/or one or more of his cronies who’d put him into this fix in the first place… but did they intend to torment him further or simply let him go free?

An unseen set of hands pulled off the blindfold that literally covered Daryl’s face, and he flinched as a bright flashlight was shone into his eyes from only a couple of feet away. Daryl heard a startled gasp as his eyes adjusted to the unexpected light, and after a few seconds he realized it was Horace looking down at his bound and half-naked body in sheer amazement.

“What the…” Horace exclaimed in surprise. “Daryl! What are YOU doing here?”

Daryl tried to answer, but his gag made his reply too difficult to decipher.

Somewhat chagrined at his thoughtlessness, Horace removed Daryl’s gag and repeated his question.

“Some goons grabbed me in the locker room and brought me here,” Daryl replied somewhat angrily. “Considering who found me, I guess it must’ve been Pete who brought me here. How did you find me, anyway?”

“Pete told me he left me a birthday present in here,” Horace replied as he sat down on the pallet beside Daryl. “He’d even put this bow and this note on top of you.” He held a bright pink bow in one hand and a small hand-written note close to Daryl’s head with the other. The note read:

Happy B-Day Horace:
Enjoy your new toy. Try not to break it.

“Very funny, I’m sure!” Daryl said dryly. “Now let me go, willya? I want to go home.”

But Horace made no move to do as Daryl asked. Instead, a strange grin lit up his face.

“Actually, I think I’d like to keep you for a while,” Horace replied happily. “After all, I’ve wanted to have you tied up and at my mercy for years now!”

“Huh?” Daryl asked faintly as his eyes widened in sudden dismay. “You’re kidding… right?”

“Nuh unh, I’m not kidding,” Horace replied as he stuck out a forefinger and began to trace circles around Daryl’s well-developed pecs. “I’ve liked tying up other boys my age ever since I was nine years old. Unfortunately, I’ve rarely gotten a chance to actually do it to anyone ‘cause I’m smaller than anyone else my age, and Pete of course never let me do it to him. But he knows I like it, and I’ll bet that’s why he brought you here to me. So now I’m gonna make up for lost time. Say, are you ticklish?”

Before Daryl could answer, Horace decided to experiment for himself. It wasn’t long before he discovered that Daryl’s underarms were very, VERY ticklish!

“Oh no! Don’t! Wahh-hahahahahahaha!” Daryl cried out. “Stop! Please! Wahh-hahahahaha!”

But Horace simply grinned and continued to make his helpless friend laugh long and hard.
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Post by harveygasson »

Nice story
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for posting this.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Volobond »

Awesome story! Man, I wish I was Horace...

You can find my M/M stories here: https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?p=38809#p38809
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Volobond wrote: 3 years ago Awesome story! Man, I wish I was Horace...
I'd rather be Daryl, myself. :D
Xtc wrote: 3 years ago Thanks for posting this.
harveygasson wrote: 3 years agoNice story
Thanks guy. :mrgreen:
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Post by Johnsnow »

I remember this story from somewhere... either DA or the old board, definitely a good story and im glad to see it up here!
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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Johnsnow wrote: 3 years ago I remember this story from somewhere... either DA or the old board, definitely a good story and im glad to see it up here!
I posted it in both places so it could have been either or both, but this is the only place where it can be seen now. ;)
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