The Film Student (M+/M+) [conclusion added 7/17/20]

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Which character are you most interested in seeing tied up in a later chapter?

The Director
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Oh, man! I really though that we would get some more chapters, I am very sad that the story it's getting to his conclusion! But the story was very amazing and fun to read and all the good works have to come to a end!

I loved the story, was nice to see all boys bound on the first part of the chapter. I am glad that it all kind ended well, I really liked a lot Jared character and I would not like to see him as a villain in the end. You made an excellent choice to finish that say so would not have any kind of hard feelings towards anyone of the characters!

I am happy that the Director could finish his movie and got so many prizes for it! Makes his story get a good conclusion! And I cannot how much satisfying is to see him and Chris being together in the end! I could notice this special feeling that one have to the other during the story and how much they like each other! Simply loved it! Just though it was a little rushed this part because on the first chapter he was kind an straight guy and this last chapter didn't explained much why he changed from girls to guys and not even the Director asked anything. Not saying that was not satisfying to see them together, I just though it would need some more explanations, hehe!

I love the final of it where they are together watching everyone of the bondage scenes there was on the movie they made so far! Was a very nice touch!

I am sad that probably there will be just one more chapter of it! But I will make sure to enjoy it! Really amazing story!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Terrific conclusion for a terrific story.

I'll really miss these characters. Everyone in the story was so memorable and I actually cheered when Chris kissed the Director. They deserve their happy ending.

Looking forward to the final chapter and hopefully your other works in the future.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by cj2125 »

Really enjoyed this story! I loved seeing the guys interact with each other and the changes between "real life" and the movie universe, good way of adding more intense scenes without making them too dark for the tone of the story. Also became a big fan of Chris and the Director, I'm happy they ended together! Am a little sad that this is almost over but I'm grateful for the story! Looking forwards to the last installment!
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Post by wataru14 »


After graduation, I shopped the film around to some independent distributors. As part of the university’s Up-and-Coming Artists program, I owned the distribution rights to my work, as long as the appropriate verbiage thanking the university was added to the credits. It got picked up pretty quickly and I started receiving job offers from other small studios. After some talk with Jahlil, I decided to incorporate and “Brute Squad Productions” became an actual thing! The two of us were partners, but he handled the business side while I took care of the artsy stuff. Match made in heaven.

For my first legit gig I did the romantic drama that I had wanted to originally do for my student project. I used Jared again as the male lead, but it ended up being the last time we worked together. When the film got picked for Sundance and people started to take notice, Jared got offers from all over and decided to move to LA. He landed a recurring role on a soap shortly after and has been doing quite well for himself. Regardless of what Chris thought, he really was a damn good actor and he deserved to be a success.

The rest of the guys all work for me now. Tank is becoming quite the sought-after fight choreographer. He’s in higher demand than I am. I’m only a little salty about that. Only a little. Anyway... Mike and Drew enrolled in actual stunt school after the company formed and are giving Jackie Chan a run for his money. In between gigs they produce Jackass-style videos on Youtube using their “professionally trained” skills and have millions of followers. They’re busy as hell and loving every minute of it.

Chris decided to take a position as a producer with Brute Squad and manages all the stuff Jahlil and I don’t. He said he never really wanted to go into the police academy anyway. This allows me to focus on writing and directing instead of worrying about locations, caterers, and studio execs. He’s an absolute lifesaver and I don’t know what I’d do without him… in more ways than one. He proposed about a year after graduation and I accepted in about 1/8 of a microsecond. I had to do some heavy negotiations to get him to agree to invite Jared to the wedding, but he caved in the end.

Mike sulked for a week because I told him he couldn’t have a sleeveless tuxedo for the ceremony (“how am I supposed to show off the goods if you keep all this hotness covered up? Chicks always go to weddings looking for a hookup!!!!”). But he came around when I finally relented and said the groomsmen could wear their backwards baseball caps. Small concessions for a big victory is how I look at it. Tank was Chris’ Best Man and Shelly was my... Maid of honor? Best Woman? Not sure how it works. We both decided to keep our own last names because neither of us was sure how that worked, either.

The bachelor party was something else. Inspired by European Stag-Do’s, the Squad kidnapped both me and Chris from our apartment (they were getting quite good at it by now), tied us up, and threw us in the limo. Shelly was the driver. Drew and Mike filmed it all for their Youtube channel and Jahlil wrote the whole thing off as a “business expense” for “research.” I had to do a wedding comedy as my next project to make it work, but that was no problem. We stayed tied the whole time at the male strip club, only getting released for the pub crawl afterwards. I woke up the next morning in a holding cell wearing a tutu and a Viking helmet and having no memory of the previous evening after about 10 pm.

The original film is considered a novelty now. It had always been popular with certain niche Internet discussion boards due to the plethora of hot guys tied up (there are some thirsty dudes out there), but it remains largely a footnote on my resume. Oh, and a Jeopardy question, too! Daily Double. I was always proud of that. Downloads of the film from Brute Squad’s website increased big time after I won my first Oscar (people wanted to see my first film when I made it big, I guess), and I’ve gotten approached several times by big studios about remaking it with a big budget and A-list stars. But I always turn them down. Lightning doesn’t strike twice and I’m afraid some of the magic in the original would get lost if I tried to recapture it (bad pun intended).

I owe a lot to that low-budget fly-by-night student film. Besides just launching my career, it gave me the four best friends I’ve ever had and it brought me the love of my life (even if he had been right in front of my nose for two years). Chris and I still snuggle up on cold nights and watch the “Director’s Cut” when we’re feeling frisky. We don’t let the kids watch that version, though.

So that’s my story. Recently I’ve taken a break from movies so I can play Suzie Homemaker and be home with the kids while Chris continues producing. I do some TV projects here and there to stay busy. Might go back to films when the kids are older. Right now I get inundated with questions about when I’m going to direct an episode of Paw Patrol and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

As I write this, Chris is fixing his hair in the bathroom. We just said goodbye to Aunt Shelly, who agreed to watch the kids for the night and gave permission for Uncle Tank to take us to my birthday party (for grownups only). Uncle Mike, Uncle Drew, and Uncle J are meeting us at a local bar for a few drinks. I may or may not have told Uncle Drew to put a few very specific items into a duffel bag in the back of his monster truck. I may or may not be planning to go out for a smoke near the dark alley next to the bar at some point and asking Chris to come along so I can “tell him something important away from all the noise.” He won’t notice that Mike and Drew seem to have been in the bathroom for a long time and that Tank and Jahlil seem to have mysteriously disappeared as well. And he definitely won’t notice the four burly shadows creeping up on us from behind, Drew’s truck innocently parked at the other end of the alley…

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Post by Volobond »

A wonderful conclusion! It's great to see everyone, even Jared, getting their happy endings! And that Chris and the narrator still know how to have their fun! ;)

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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I love happy endings. It was bittersweet in a good way, seeing all the guys grown up and doing great. The wedding scene was as wacky as I hoped, the meta joke about that first film having a cult following and the final part did a perfect job at conveying our main couple is still having fun in their own way.

Thanks again for this story. It was an unforgettable experience.
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by DomTiesMen »

Simply an amazing conclusion for a really entertained story! It's a little rare an story be finished here on the forum unless it is a stand alone story and you acomplished to make such an very well detailed story, with fun characters and amazing tying up situations! One of the best stories that I had the pleasure to read and see to reach his conclusion!

I loved that all characters from the story had a happy ending (who dosen't love happy endings!?) and this last chapter showed the destiny of each one of the characters, giving them the conclusion that a final chapter should have in consideration to the characters and it feels so satisfying to see them happy in the end! What got me interrested most is the YouTube videos that Mike and Drew make together in Jackass-style! I would definitely watch those two buff dorks doing crazy stuffs together, haha! I am also happy that the Director and Chris got kids and family, as well as a good bussines work! Of course, it's also very nice that the boys get together from time to time for make some good and old time tying up adventures they enjoy so much!

Thank you so much for this amazing story! It worth a lot to read it! I will definitely look forward your new works here!
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Post by cj2125 »

I really enjoyed this story and the conclusion was realyl sweet. Good job my friend, it was a well written and compelling tale and by the end I came to enjoy each character (and of course enjoyed seeing them get tied up!)
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Post by Tiedinjordans »

Well that was a Hell of a story. Really nice writing style that was nice to read, and I love the pictures for all the guys. Pics really are genius.

Thanks for posting this, it's appreciated.
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just read this story in one sitting. You are a talented author. Thank you. Hope you write that story of the movie of Chris as a superhero. Superman tied up and gagged with kryptonite! 😍💪🏻🧔🏻💪🏻😍
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