gerberval9 : 03 - My wife's experience with being captured by Pirates (mmm/f)

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gerberval9 : 03 - My wife's experience with being captured by Pirates (mmm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

gerberval9's stories
03 - My wife's experience with being captured by Pirates
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By gerberval9

This story was found on gerberval9 Deviantart's page

This story comes from my wife, who was more than happy to share the details of this experience with me. Names have been changed, and since this happened several years ago, some of the details that my wife forgot about I have filled in.

My wife was twelve at the time. Growing up with three older brothers who were very much like me, she often played the damsel in distress of their games. Sometimes she was kidnapped by Indians who planned to sacrifice her to their heathen gods. Other times she was captured by a warlord who had her locked up in his dungeon. And one of their favorites was her being the woman captured by robbers. But this story is when they decided something new for a change.

My wife grew up in a fairly wealthy household. Not super rich, but enough for them to have a decent sized house next to a large pond. Her family owned the surrounding land, so they had it all to themselves. A river runs into the pond, with another leading out, so the water is always clear and inviting. And it isn't super deep, maybe fifteen feet at the center. More than once, me and her brothers have gone fishing off of the little dock.

My wife was in her room, just watching YouTube videos, when Kyle, the youngest of her three older brothers, knocked on her door. She told me it had been during the summer, and she'd been wearing denim shorts and a light pink tank-top.

"Hey Mary!" [Like I said, names have been changed]

"What?" Kyle grinned and motioned for my wife to follow him.

"Come on! Luke and Thomas have a surprise for you!" Luke and Thomas were twins, and at the time, they were almost fifteen. My wife told me that she suspected that she was about to be the victim of another 'game' but by this point in her life, not only did she not mind, my wife had discovered that she rather enjoyed playing the part of the helpless female. Following Kyle downstairs, she found Luke and Thomas waiting in the kitchen, a bulging plastic bag sitting on the counter.

"What's the game this time?" my wife inquired, a fake frown on her face. Thomas grinned as he spoke with an apparently horrible pirate accent, according to my wife.

"Yargh! We be hittin the high seas! And we ain't goin empty handed!" My wife had never been 'kidnapped by pirates' before, and she had a gut feeling that she would end up in the pool. At first nervous, she pushed the fears aside as she raised her hands in surrender, both to my now brother-in-laws and in character.

"Don't hurt me!" she had begged them. Luke opened the bag to reveal the coils of rope that they used for their games.

Sorry, I want to interject real quickly. Similar to me and my wife, Luke and his wife are into bondage as well. This isn't really a well-known thing among our friends and family, but we often get together to just hang. Once or twice, we've even had little tournaments. For me and Luke, it's always been a contest to who can tie up their partner faster, and for our wives, it's been a contest to see who can escape first.

"Turn round lass!" Luke ordered, copying his brother's accent. "If ya don't want to get hurt, do as we tell ya!" My wife obediently did as he said, putting her hands behind her back as well. Luke crossed her wrists and bound them firmly. Using a bandanna, he blindfolded her as well. But to my wife's surprise, that was all he did. According to her, he usually used more ropes, binding her arms, chest, and legs, but he seemed content with just a wrist binding and a blindfold.

"Arggh! Take her to the ship!" My wife felt her brothers take her by the arms and lead her outside into the backyard. She guessed they were headed to the pond, and eventually, she felt the wood under her feet. Her family had one or two canoes and a rowboat, and my wife had assumed that she would be taken onto one of them. However, once they reached the docks, one of her brothers pulled the blindfold off with a flourish.

"The Scurvy Dog!" Kyle announced proudly. Now, I've seen pictures of this thing, and it has blown my mind. Her brothers had constructed a raft using a combination of plywood, plastic barrels, and rope. The fact that three teenage boys had put in the time and effort to build it alone astounds me. My wife told me that it looked to be about 10X20 feet, and it even had a mast in the middle, though without a sail. A railing encircled the entire thing, except for a gap on the port side where it was tied to the dock. While Kyle and Thomas held the thing steady, Luke escorted my wife onto the ship. He untied her hands before pushing her against the mast, pulling her arms behind the pole and retying her wrists again. But this time, he added more ropes, around her waist, arms, legs, until my wife could hardly move a muscle. Finally, he produced a balled up sock and shoved it into my wife's mouth before using the blindfold to gag her.

"Prisoner's secure captain!" he announced as her brothers boarded the raft.

"Set sail!" My wife admitted to me that at first, being out on the water was just a little scary for her. But eventually, she decided she was enjoying the bondage. That is, until Thomas said, "Drop the anchors!" Dumbbells tied to ropes were dropped overboard, and Thomas approached my wife.

"I think it's time we said goodbye to the girly eh?"

This is a warning to those reading this: DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT THE VICTIMS CONSENT!

They untied their sister, only to rebind her wrists and arms. The gag was left in place, and my wife, bless her heart, didn't realize what they were planning until they started to drag her to the edge. She began to fight them frantically, but all three of my brothers had an easy sixty pounds on her. At the edge of the raft, with Kyle and Thomas on the far side to make sure the thing didn't tip, Luke tied my wife's ankles before laughing.

"Farewell lass!" he said before pushing her off the raft. They had sailed close to the center of the pond, so when my wife hit the water, she knew that the bottom of the pond was almost fifteen feet beneath her. And according to her, the shock that her brothers just tossed her into the pond tied up robbed her temporarily of the ability to actually move. So she sank like a rock. Only when her feet touched the muddy bottom did my wife finally take action. With her ankles tied, all she could do was kick them together in a sort of dolphin like kick. She fought her way to the surface, and the moment her head broke the water, several feet away from the raft, her brothers used a hooked pole to pull her back to the boat.

My wife was not extremely happy with her brothers, and once they untied her, she kicked them into the water, though I get the feeling that they let her do so. But once she calmed down and got over the definitely terrifying experience, my wife returned once more to her love of being a damsel in distress.

Like I said before, do not attempt this without the victims consent. That being said, after my wife told me this story, we went up to her house to visit her parents for the weekend. During the visit, both of my in-laws were out of the house, leaving me and my wife to spend several hours alone together. During that time, my wife suggested that we try a little experiment. Going back to the pond, I bound her and set her in the rowboat before heading out into the middle of the pond. There, I dropped the anchor before tying a weight to my wife's ankles. Once she was ready, I carefully pushed her into the water before jumping in myself. Swimming down after her, I found her waiting patiently at the bottom.

And there, I kissed her, giving her my air, just like in one of the romantic novels my wife enjoys so much.


gerberval9's stories