Wrong House, Right Time (F/M) (Completed - 5/16/2018)

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Wrong House, Right Time (F/M) (Completed - 5/16/2018)

Post by volatiledesire »

Something shorter, something more explicit, a bit different from my usual fare. I needed a change of pace as I am kind of hitting a wall with Jack's Story . It's not an insurmountable obstacle just needed a change of pace.

Here we go.
Last edited by volatiledesire 6 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Wrong House, Right time
Chapter 1 - Wrong House

To quote Ferris Bueller, "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it." I am a 34 year old writer and life does not move fast, so taking the time to look around has never been high on my priority list. This is likely why I never heard them enter, or perhaps it was the headphones I wore that filled my ears with the strains of Bach and Beethoven to keep out such distractions. Distractions like the two intruders who had entered my house. If I had taken Ferris Bueller's advice and looked around once in a while I would not have been surprised by the tap on my shoulder.

The tap had not been harsh but when you spend your days alone any touch on the shoulder no matter how softly delivered can be extremely jarring. I whipped my head around expecting to see water dripping from the ceiling but instead I stared into the frightening barrel of a handgun. When I write I keep the room dark the main source of illumination being the computer monitor and a small desk lamp. In this dim light I could only make out the feminine eyes behind the weapon. The first measure of Beethoven's 5th filling my ears at that moment could not have been more appropriate if written by a movie producer. I raised my hands into the air and slowly turned around. Beethoven's 5th Symphony

The woman, for it could not be any other gender, stood before me in an all black ensemble of the stereotypical burglar. Tight black leggings tucked beneath a long sleeve athletic shirt that showed the outlines of a bra even in the mediocre lighting. Intense eyes stared out from the balaclava that covered her head. Her eye makeup, a unique blend of colors that made me think of a sunset were so vivid and exotic that in a moment my writer's mind gave her the name Sunset. Sunset

Sunset tapped her head and I slowly pulled the headphones from my ears. She bobbed the muzzle of the gun and I stood slowly to my feet. Sweat beaded on my clean shaven face and I licked my lips in vain as all moisture fled my mouth. "What do you want?" I croaked in a hoarse whisper.

"You're not supposed to be here." Sunset's feminine contralto said.

"I...I live here."

A brief narrowing of her eyes suggested something had gone wrong. "Walk," Sunset ordered. "I'm right behind you, head down the stairs to the kitchen."

With my hands in the air I did as ordered. Halfway down the stairs Sunset's raised voice nearly made me stumble. "We have a problem, dear sister."

I turned toward the kitchen after clearing the bottom step and was greeted by a second intruder garbed exactly as the first except once again for the unique eye makeup that seemed all the more vivid for being surrounded by the blackness of the balaclava. The colors immediately reminded me of the ocean and I imagined it as the color on the scales of a mermaid, deep purples and iridescent blues. Mermaid.

"You told me the house was empty during the day." Mermaid said.

"It is," Sunset answered. "Are you sure this is the right house, they all look the same in this neighborhood."

Mermaid ignored her sister and turned her eyes to me. "What's your name?"


"What do you do, Arthur?"

"I'm an author."

Sunset giggled. "Arthur the author."

The beautiful but annoyed eyes of Mermaid flashed over my shoulder to her gun-wielding sister. "So Arthur, I'm going to say a name and you are going to tell me the first thing that pops into your head."

"O...Ok." I responded.

"Prudenzio Bulgarelli."

"Pizza." I said immediately.

Mermaid shook her head. "Give me the gun. Do a search, but I think we're in the wrong house."

Sunset stepped beneath my raised arms and handed the gun to Mermaid. "I doubt it will take long."

"Have a seat, Arthur."

I sat down in the living room as Mermaid casually walked around looking at the various pictures and artworks my wife had lovingly selected to adorn our walls. She picked up a framed picture of the two of us from a few years ago off the mantelpiece. "Is this your wife?"


"What's her name?"


Mermaid nodded. "Lovely name and she is quite beautiful."

I said nothing hoping against hope this whole thing would end with all the blood still within my own veins.

"Have you been married long?"

"Seven years."

"No kids?" Mermaid asked.


"Everything alright between you?" Mermaid pressed.

I cocked my head at the odd question and did not respond immediately.

"I mean how is your sex life?" Mermaid clarified.

"Uh... I don't...what?" I stuttered.

Mermaid raised the gun. "I'm holding you at gunpoint, you should just answer the question."

"It's fine." I responded.

"Arthur, don't lie to me, I don't want to shoot you. When was the last time you had sex with Kierra?"

My hesitation was likely all the response she needed. "She is very busy, a partner in a law firm."

Mermaid raised the gun. "How long ago?"

"Two weeks, give or take a day." I blurted

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Mermaid shook her head. "That's too bad. She has lovely hair and full breasts, do you not find her attractive?"

"Of course I do, she is just so busy. I don't want to be another task on her to-do list." I said with my eyes falling to the floor.

"You want her to want you. Is that it?" Mermaid said taking a seat on the edge of the coffee table.

"I suppose so. Do you always talk to your victims this way?" I dared to ask.

"Only when things go wrong." Mermaid looked toward the steps as Sunset entered.

"Definitely the wrong house. Now what?" Sunset asked.

"It's too late to find the right house." Mermaid answered.

"Forget it then, Arthur the author here will tell the police the name you mentioned and the piece will be moved."

Mermaid scratched her cheek through the woolen balaclava. "Maybe, maybe not, let's have some fun with Arthur and see what happens."

"Oh god, please just leave me alone." I begged with a bit of whine in my voice.

"But your honesty about your marriage has touched me deeply and I want to help." Mermaid said

"How...how can you help? Please don't hurt us." I said.

"Hurt you? I said I want to help." A hint of mocking touched her voice.

I looked at Sunset who whose smile touched her eyes. "This should be interesting."

"Take off your clothes." Mermaid ordered.

Sunset barked a short laugh. "Definitely interesting."

"My... clothes?"

"Yes, strip naked." Mermaid said while standing up.

"No. I won't be humiliated by you." I said with only the slightest quiver in my voice.

"I don't want to kill you, but I also want the Bulgarelli. I think there is a chance we both get what we want, but only if you do what I ask. Now strip." Mermaid said and raised the gun toward my face.

I have always heard that gun shots are painful, I never enjoyed pain. I stood up and slowly removed my clothes, it was quick, I normally wore T-shirts and shorts when at home alone. I removed everything but my boxer shorts but when Mermaid cocked her head in irritation I added those to the pile as well.

"Not bad," Sunset said. "It's always the ones you least expect."

I turned a bright red at the comment causing Sunset to laugh. "Modest too, can we keep him, sis?"

"You have enough pets, dear sister. Now Arthur, if you would be so kind as to lead us to the bedroom you share with your dear wife Kierra."

I turned around with my hands raised and walked up the stair keenly aware of my nudity. I went to the room at the end of the hall and walked inside. This was Kierra's room I just got to sleep there. She decorated mostly in white with splashes of color for accent. Our king size bed had tall posts anchoring the corners with colorful pillows atop a white fluffy bedspread. "Oh such a beautiful room."

"Dear sister, would you be so kind as to pull away that lovely bedspread." I watched as Sunset folded the bed spread revealing the ivory silk sheets beneath. "Now Arthur please lie down in the center of the bed."

I hesitated. "What are you going to do to me?"

Mermaid chuckled. "Fear not, I'm not interested in your charms."

I crawled onto the bed and laid down with my hands covering my privates. "Search that massive closet and see if you can find something to bind him to the bed."

"Oh goody." Sunset said.

Mermaid rolled her eyes. "She so loves the dominant role."

I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breathing, hoping against hope that Sunset would fail at her task. My hopes were quickly dashed as she returned holding several colorful scarves. "These will work."

"Excellent, now bind his arms to the corner posts."

Sunset let me keep my hands in place over my groin as she wrapped a scarf around my wrist. Then she used the long tail to easily pull my hand away until it was stretched perpendicular to my body to the corner post. She repeated this with my other hand so I was tied with my arms spread wide. "Sister, did you ever find time to buy bullets for this gun." Mermaid asked after I was helplessly bound.

Sunset giggled. "I'm afraid not."

Mermaid dropped the magazine from the grip of the gun and then pulled back the slide. "Sure enough, no bullets."

I groaned in frustration causing more giggles to erupt from beneath Sunset's mask. "Now what?"

"Let's snoop around a bit, see what we can find." Mermaid said.

Drawers were rummaged, closets were entered, and the two girls had whispered conversations interrupted only the continued giggles of Sunset. After several minutes the two women returned their arms laden with various items that looked to be from Kierra's intimates drawer. "Look what we found." Mermaid said and she held up a bright purple phallic object probably 7 or eight inches in length. "I wonder how often it gets used. Do you know?"

"I don't snoop in my wife's things." I answered not really bothered by the existence of the dildo. After all I had seen my fair share of porn in the last seven years.

"How very noble of you." Mermaid answered. "But boring. Sis, get the duct tape."

Mermaid stepped toward the bed while Sunset darted from the room. She placed two pairs of Kierra's silk underwear on my chest and began to carefully fold them into small squares as I watched. "Such lovely delicates your wife wears, I'm really hoping to meet her someday."

Sunset ran in at that moment slightly out of breath. "Got it."

"Great, go to the other side and help me. Now Arthur open your mouth." Mermaid ordered.

I gritted my teeth and pulled at the unyielding scarves that kept my arms stretched wide. Mermaid placed her gloved hand across my mouth and nose blocking the air. "You know how this ends, stop being a brat." Mermaid chided.

I finally opened my mouth for a quick breath and Mermaid's fingers rammed toward the back of my jaw. I tried to clamp down but the neatly folded panties quickly filled the space and my efforts caused little discomfort to Mermaid's hand. After both pairs of my wife's underwear were stuffed into my mouth Sunset slapped the end of the tape across my mouth as Mermaid lifted my head allowing her to wrap the tape several times around my head. "There now, no more talking."

"Now what, sis?" Sunset asked.

"I think we better cover his eyes for this next part."

"Sure thing." Sunset picked up a scarf and quickly tied it firmly across my eyes so that I not only could light not penetrate the fabric but I also could not raise my eyelids due to the tightness of the scarf. I grunted in protest.

"It's only temporary." Mermaid said. "Help me with these, Sis."

I felt the bed move near my legs and then gloved hands lifted one foot and then the other. The two women were sliding some type of garment up my legs. "Lift your butt, Arthur the author." Sunset said with a playful slap to my hip. I did as requested since I did not want to contemplate the ways they could compel my obedience in such a helpless state. Whatever they were putting on me was cool and soft and thankfully covered my nakedness.

The two sisters were not finished as I felt something tight like a sock being pulled up one leg and then the other until it was gripping the tops of my thighs just below my groin. "Now you can finish tying his legs." Mermaid said.

I felt more scarves wrapping around my ankles pulling them wide apart to the lower corners of the bed and increasing the tension on my arms. The scarf binding my eyes were removed and I looked down over my body and growled into the gag chewing the silk in anger. I was wearing a pair of white silk panties and matching white thigh-high stockings. What were they doing to me?

"I believe I saw a rose bush in the backyard, why don’t you make a trail of rose petals from the front door to our friend Arthur for his wife to follow.” Mermaid said.

My eyes must have widened to twice their normal diameter at the words. What would Kierra do when she saw me like this? Nothing good I was sure. Scenarios rolled through my thoughts each one more humiliating than the one before. I shook my head from side to side furiously hoping this was not Mermaid’s intention.

Her brilliant eyes smiled at my movements. “Nothing changes if you are too afraid to try something new. I know you are expecting her to take one look at you and run out in disgust, but I think a woman who owns one of these,” Mermaid held up the purple dildo. “Will realize that your current predicament has many possibilities. Besides, you are going to leave her a lovely note to explain this whole thing.”

I squinted in confusion. How was I to write a note while tied spreadeagle to the bed. Mermaid walked from the room leaving me to my worries.

Many minutes passed before either woman returned and I was beginning to think they had simply abandoned me to my soon-to-be wrecked marriage. Sunset entered first holding a paper sack from which she drew out pale pink rose petals. She sprinkled them across the floor from the door to the bed and placed a few atop my new white stockings.

Mermaid entered next with a folded piece of paper. “We have to leave soon my dear Arthur, it is almost five o’clock and I have no doubt your darling Kierra will return soon. Here is the note you wrote for her. Shall I read a bit?”

I nodded as a scared chill ran across my mostly naked body.

Mermaid cleared her throat.
Mermaid wrote: My Dearest Kierra,

Through insight that could only be inspired by the heavens, I have come to realize that we have started to drift apart. I cannot bare to be separated in anyway from your beautiful body so I have decided to place myself fully at your disposal. Take advantage of the hopelessly love sick man you see before you. Use me for your pleasure. The bonds that hold me and the clothes that decorate my body hopefully prove that my desires for you are not constrained by my ego.
Mermaid lowered the paper. “That is the first paragraph, the remainder consists largely of suggestions.” Mermaid folded the paper and used a bit of duct tape to attach it to my bare chest. She then stepped over to her sister and grasped her hand. “Goodbye, I doubt I will ever see you again, and I know you will not see me.”

Sunset waved. “Bye bye, Arthur the author.”

For the next few minutes I pulled at the scarves but the knots were placed well out of reach and there was nothing for me to do. I eventually relaxed onto the bed and did my best to control my breathing. When I heard sounds coming from the lower floors of the house, I nearly vomited in fear. My breathing whistled through my nose and I could feel the blood pounding in my ears as Kierra stepped into the bedroom.
Last edited by volatiledesire 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent! Short, somewhat humorous, well-written. A Part 2 would be fun but is certainly not necessary. I like this just as it is.
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Post by Mister The Edge »

I wouldn't mind seeing Kierra's reaction.
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Post by Scottstud94 »

Like it!
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Post by TapeBondage123 »

Great story!
Duct tape will fix that cut under your nose.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thanks all for the comments. Really helps to get my gumption up to write more.

Here's the next, and final, part.

All the best.
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Chapter 2 - Right Time

Kierra slowly walked into the room the smile on her face falling along with the handful of rose petals she collected along the way. Her briefcase and handbag slid to the floor and she brought both her hands to her face covering her mouth and nose. She said nothing just inched closer. Her white blouse and tan blazer complemented the form-fitting leather pencil skirt, the whole ensemble beautifully highlighting her curvy figure. I tried to read her thoughts by watching her expression but with her hands covering much of her face only her eyes wide in shock and surprise provided any clues.

She took two steps closer. I could smell her perfume. Still no words. Why was she not saying anything? Was it only shock? Was it horror? Finally she reached out and plucked the letter from my chest and slowly opened it. I watched her eyes scan the paper and her wide eyes blossomed even wider. Folding the letter she scanned my body until our eyes met. I studied her seeing nothing but a maelstrom behind her intense gaze. She read the note a second time, tucked a loose blond hair that had fallen in front of her face behind one ear, and took a step backward.

I dared not move as the awkward moment lingered. Finally she turned on one heel and entered the walk-in closet. I closed my eyes in fear knowing that we kept the suitcases in there. She left the closet moments later holding a towel and a few clothes walking briskly into the attached bathroom. I could not see her from my vantage point but the shower turned on which I took as a good sign. She still had yet to utter a single word. Kierra had never been one to speak only to hear her own voice, but this level of silence was unnerving. Of course what did I expect given the circumstances. Had she already deduced it would have been impossible to do this to myself?

Minutes later, the shower stopped and my eyes fixed on the entrance to the bathroom. My heart rate slowed during short wait but it redoubled as the water ceased. I shivered from the sheen of sweat covering my body. The light in the bathroom switched off and Kierra appeared. A well put together attorney had entered the bathroom but someone else entirely had exited. The woman's blond hair flowed down her face in a golden waterfall of loose curls that danced across her shoulders and collarbone. With her hands placed purposefully on her hips and the added height of a few inches suggesting the existence of high heels, she walked closer. As she moved from behind the bed I saw legs covered shiny black hosiery, crowned by a stunning, figure-hugging black mini dress that displayed all of Kierra's curves and sparkled in the dim afternoon light. Kierra's Dress

My eyes popped at the sight of her and her freshly painted, ruby lips parted in a smile at the obvious effect she was having on me. She walked slowly to the edge of the bed and picked up the purple dildo from the floor and raised it before my eyes. "You should be punished for snooping through my drawers." Kierra purred.

I was frozen in shock, the white panties no longer the source of my arousal but now an instrument of confinement as I stared at the dark vision of sexual beauty standing over me. "And..." Kierra let her eyes travel down my body. "It looks like you agree."

Kierra sat on the edge of the bed and angled one knee to reveal the lace band of her stocking tops that looked to be copies of the ones decorating my own legs except for the color. She traced small circles around my nipples and continued the one-sided conversation. "Your timing is perfect. I almost wonder if you’ve been spying on me."

I shook my head.

"Fortuitous." She raised the purple phallus and slid it along my neck and stuffed cheeks. "How many times have I ridden this thing dreaming of you in this exact position. Are you a mind-reader? I always felt so guilty, but I never had the courage to admit what I wanted. Now here you are, begging me to make you my toy." Kierra laughed suddenly. "You know, I just had a thought, maybe I should give you a chance to see what you missed out on."

Kierra knelt down and retrieved a roll of tape from the floor. "You don't seem to mind tape on your mouth." Kierra placed the flared base of the purple dildo across my taped lips and secured it there with a few more wraps of tape behind my head. A drawer opened to my left and as I turned my head the purple dildo turned with me the silicone quivering obscenely before my eyes with every movement.

Kierra crawled further onto the bed and straddled my body. I knew for certain she wore no panties beneath that amazing dress, her arousal obvious. In her hand was a bottle which she held over my face. "Hold still please." Clear liquid dripped from the end and ran down the length of the phallus. Kierra seemed pleased while watching the lubricant run down the purple ridges, across the secured base, and down on to my chin. "Now for the fun part." She moved forward until my whole world was filled by her body, grasping the head board she knelt above my face and slowly lowered herself onto the long dildo. The hem of the tight dress rolled up her stomach and my vision was filled with nothing but soft female flesh. Kierra let out a loan moan of pleasure as my nostrils filled with the smell of her arousal combined with the flowery scent of perfume.

Kierra then rode my face, her head back and hair dancing around. Soon her fingers snaked down to tease the nubbin of flesh that pressed into my nose with every one of her wild plunges. On and on she went slowing down only briefly to let the moments linger. Her thighs gripped my face and I longed to be released so I could better match her frantic movements.

"Oh that's good, let me give you a different view." Kierra said her voice thick from her exertions. She rotated around, so now she faced the opposite direction, before again impaling herself on the slippery dildo rising from my gagged face. My vision now completely obscured by her beautiful buttocks, the erotic intimacy was almost too much to handle. Air whistled through my nose when Kierra relaxed enough to allow me such breath, and in her new position Kierra began to tickle and tease my trapped erection.

My mind became lost not knowing whether to focus on carefully timed breaths or the amazing touches Kierra was now sending through my loins. Her fingernails gently raking the silk panties as she moaned with every one of my futile lunges. "Oh, I think I found the switch to my new vibrator." Kierra laughed, a husky, deep sound I had never heard from her before.

She kept up the torture and finally when the blissful raking of her fingernails did not get the response she desired she flipped the waistband over the tip of my engorged manhood and began to trace circles around the tip. Now I could care less whether I could breathe. I bucked wildly, the incredibly intense sensations driving all thought from my mind. "There we go, turn it up to high." Kierra growled.

Moments or hours or days later, I know not, Kierra arched her back and pressed down hard onto my face pushing my head deep into the mattress. I strange mix between a groan and scream issued from her lips and her hands clenched into fists which she pounded onto her thighs. "Oh god, oh god, oh god." I could feel the contractions of her orgasm through my head as it rolled on and on. I could not breathe, and I knew Kierra could not help me at the height of her pleasure. I could see only blackness, feel nothing but pressure, I strained to find some gap through which air might pass. I jerked wildly and bucked hoping to throw her off and she startled from her reverie. Her thigh muscles flexed and she fell forward across my body her hair tickling my throbbing manhood still desperate for a release just as she had received. I sucked in great lungfuls of fresh air as Kierra too breathed heavily, the warm air flowing over my thighs.

It took quite a while for Kierra to recover. My erection had receded back with the confines of the silk before she finally rolled away and stood up beside the bed. She took a few minutes to pull one stocking back into its proper place, lower her dress back over her nakedness, and pull her hair over one shoulder. "I don't know if that is what you had in mind, but I quite enjoyed it."

I nodded and then looked pointedly down at my own body.

"Oh, do you want something?" Kierra said with mocking surprise in her voice.

I nodded again.

"I just did all the work for my pleasure, maybe you should too?" Kierra continued.

I turned my head and looked at my bound hands.

"Oh right, you are all tied down." Kierra tapped a finger against her lips. "What shall we do?"

A whine managed to penetrate the gag and tape.

Kierra smiled and sat back on the bed. "There are a few things I need." She began again to trace lazy circles across the silk of the panties. I arched my back in response. "Do you think you can do a few things for me?"

I nodded my head vigorously and squeezed my eyes shut.

Kierra laid down so her head was on my thigh, her mouth inches from my newly engorged sex. "How about you come to my office some time, crawl beneath my desk, and show me a good time?" Kierra smiled evilly.

My eyes went wide, but she pulled away the silk waistband and for the first time allowed my cock complete freedom. I nodded my head vigorously.

She shifted a bit so every time she breathed I could feel the warmth spread across my groin and stomach. If she licked her lips they would touch my now completely vertical shaft. "And what if I liked you in these?" Kierra snapped the waistband of the panties across my thigh. "Would you wear them whenever I wanted?" Her tongue flicked out and I slid across the hard flesh.

I again nodded not wanting her to stop.

"One last thing, I kind of like that you are all tied down. It is so much easier to talk to you. I want to see you like this more often, any objections?" At the utterance of the last word, her mouth opened and slowly slid down my throbbing flesh.

I would have agreed to anything at that moment. I am lucky she did not ask for a limb, I would have thought it a fair trade. Seconds later I reached my own back-arching, toe-pointing, white-knuckled climax, the end of which sent me crashing down onto the soft mattress. I did not notice Kierra stand to leave. I felt nothing for many minutes until the muscles in my shoulders started to tell me they had been stretched wide for hours.

I nearly yelled out for Kierra's attention when she stepped back into the room still wearing the dress but without heels and stockings and now covered with her usual fluffy cotton robe. Gone was the fierce eyed woman who had ridden me to ecstasy, replaced with a nervous even scared version of herself.

"Did you enjoy it?"

I nodded.


I nodded again but it was followed by a grimace as my shoulders continued their protests.

Kierra noticed the look and began to remove the bonds holding my arms to the bed. I sighed in relief and slowly moved my hands to my side. "Did you really mean the things you said in the letter?" Kierra asked.

I nodded hoping to someday read the whole letter that Mermaid had written for me. With my arms now functional I clawed at the tape and managed to pull it down from my mouth so it rested around my neck. I pulled out the panties and dropped them to the floor. Kierra's eyes went wide at that.

"Why? How did you do this?" Kierra asked.

I thought about telling her of Mermaid and Sunset but then she would think it was not something I wanted or enjoyed which was definitely not the case. Furthermore, she might insist on calling the police, and that would be a poor way to thank the women, even if Kierra and I never had such fun again. In sudden inspiration, I reached for the purple dildo and held it up. "I wanted to be your toy."

Kierra smiled at that and began to release my ankles. "You look better in my panties than it does."

I laughed at the clever joke and soon Kierra joined me. The laughter drained all tension from the room. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sounds good," Kierra said.

"I'll order pizza."

"Which movie do you want to watch?"

"How about Ferris Bueller?"
Last edited by volatiledesire 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »


I cursed while pushing the cart through the aisle of the supermarket, somehow I'd managed to find the one cart with a broken wheel and every left turn caused a mind jarring squeal to echo through the store. I did not have the patience to get another cart so I gritted my teeth and tried to plan a route through the aisle with as few left turns as possible.

As I reached the dairy case and bent over to retrieve some butter I felt someone approach but thought nothing of it until I heard a woman’s voice. "Hello Arthur the author." It had been a few weeks but I instantly knew the voice to be that of Sunset. I whipped my head around to see two women also pushing a shopping cart half full of various items. I stared at them, gone was the elaborate eye makeup but their actual faces were quite beautiful, they each had long dark hair pulled into functional ponytails. I instantly knew Sunset as she still held herself in a playful way while Mermaid stood back with a knowing smile on her lips.

"Things must have worked out for you and your lady, eh?" Mermaid said.

I shifted from foot to foot hoping they did not notice what I was wearing beneath my khaki shorts. "Yes, things are great. I guess I should say thank you but I feel I already did by keeping quiet."

Sunset giggled and Mermaid shrugged and stepped closer. "Are you trying to say, that if I want proper gratitude I should tie to your bed again?"

I cleared my throat and looked around the supermarket, no one was near by. I decided to regain some of my lost stature with the two aggressive women. "Yes, I think you'll have to. Goodbye ladies."

I pushed my cart forward nudging them aside. Sunset doubled over in a fit of giggles and Mermaid called after me. "I may take you up on that, Arthur."

I smiled and rushed to the checkout.
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Post by harveygasson »

Loved this story! You are a true talent
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Post by dezz »

Excellent... Mysteries of the female soul
Thank you.
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