T&R : 02 - Sarah's revenge (f/m)

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T&R : 02 - Sarah's revenge (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

T&R's stories
02 - Sarah's revenge
Story index at the bottom

By T&R

Tuesday, March 1st 2005 - 09:57:41 AM

Sarah's revenge

Hi, T&R here. If you read my last story you'll remember that I won a bet with my Gf, Sarah and got to tie her up. Now she returns the sentiment.

Part 1

About a month after the previous time, both our parents would be gone for the weekend. We had planned to spend it together but little did I know she had something planned for me.

I started up the walk to her house thinking about how I was going to tie her up. When I got to the door I tried it and it was unlocked. The second I closed the door she grabbed me from behind and slipped a loop around my wrists.

I gave her a good fight and probably would have won except...

"Alex!", she began. "Stop fighting!"

"Why should I?!"

"Because, since you got to tie me up, it's only fair that I get to do the same. So will please you stop fighting?!"

At this I stopped struggling. She untied my wrists and led me into her bedroom.

"Okay", she said. "Lets get started!"

First she blindfolded me with a strip of duct tape and made me take off my clothes. Then I felt her put a bottom and a top of some sort on me.
Then the tieing began.

She wrapped duct tape around my wrists and ankles six times each, then she went around my shoulders and chest the same amount of times. Next she went around eight times each my thighs, above my knees, below my knees, my shins and my ankles. Then she took some rubber bands and tied my fingers together lobster-style, before wrapping duct tape around them six times.

She disappeared for a few minutes while I tried out my bonds and knew I was screwed, because I couldn't move an inch.

Then she came back and spoke:

"I blindfolded you first so that your clothes would be a surprise."

"Sarah", I replied. " I think I know what you made me wear and I don't think I like it."

"Well its time for the blindfold to come off so you can see what it is."

She took off the tape and saw her wearing the bathing suit I tied her up in explaining where she had been those few minutes. It pissed me off, her taunting me like that.

"Time to see the new you", she said with a smile, and stepped back revealing her mirror.

I gasped in horror.

She had dressed me in a pair of her bra and panties. I was unable to speak so she did instead, beginning a llllooonngg weekend of taunting.

"What's wrong? You look shocked. Oh! I know! You're horrified you don't have breasts!". She then took four of her socks and stuck two in each cup and played with them until they looked like breasts.

I opened my mouth to scream bloody murder but I wouldn't scream, let alone say anything, for a long time.

Before I could utter a peep she took another pair of her panties and shoved them into my mouth. Then she took an eight inch strip of duct tape and smoothed it over my mouth. All I could do was grunt and mmpphh very softly. Screaming at the top of my lungs wouldn't even penetrate the walls of the room if the door was closed.

While I futily tried to scream for her to untie me, Sarah started to taunt me again.

"Poor baby can only grunt. You're mine for the weekend Alex. I'm in control this time, so if I ask you to grab me a drink while you are bound and gagged, I want you to ask me vocally and in writing, what flavor,hot or cold and from the can or in a glass. Got it?"

I answered best I could considering my fruit of the loom panties and duck tape speech impediment.

"I'll take that as a yes. Now I'm going to leave you here for a few hours by yourself, so you can get used to being tied and being in my clothes,k? Then after that I'll come back and we can have some fun okay Al-. Wait I can't call you Alex anymore considering your manner of dress can I?"

I mmpphhed indignantly at this, knowing what was coming.

"I'll call you Ally. See you later Ally. Call if you need anything. Oh wait. That's right. You can't. Oh well. Bye."

With that she blew me a kiss, closed the door and left, laughing her head off.
I could tell it was going to be a long weekend.

To be continued.



Thursday, March 10th 2005 - 04:28:57 PM

Sarah's Revenge Part 3: Girlification

I struggled and MMppphhhed as hard as I could against my duck tape bonds and gag and panty stuffing, for ten or so minutes before I gave up and sat there, my cheeks red with effort and humiliation. True to her word, she left me there from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and she had several things with her when she came back.

"Alright then Ally," she started.

"You're not a complete girl, so the first thing we are going to do is to fix that."

This sent me into a fit of rage filled Mmmpphhs and frantic squirms, which did not subside until she threatened to gag me with her dirty socks instead of the clean panties.

"O.k. Now that you're settled down let's get to work."

First, she placed a shoulder length blonde wig on my head. Then, she put some eyeshadow and mascara on me and put some lipstick on my gag "viva la Charlie's Angels".

But she wasn't finished.

"I'd like to put a crotchrope on you like you did me. But that would hurt you. Fourtunately for me, I found a substitute."

Then, she took the roll of duck tape and wrapped it along the left panty legband, under my crotch, up behind me, and along the right legband. She did this about four or six times, forming a V-shape in front and back of me. When she was done, the "body part" that was the reason she didn't use rope didn't hurt, but everything else was tight and uncomfortable.

"Its not hurting you, is it?" she asked concernedly.

I Mmpphhed the gag-speak equivalent of a no.

"That's good. I want to torture you, but I don't want to hurt you either."

Then she grinned and said, "At least not physically. I'm all for humiliating you."

This made my indignance rush back, and I struggled once more until she came over, with a bit of effort, picked me up, slung me over her shoulder, carried me across the room, and sat me in the same chair I had tied her to.

She wrapped tape above and below my "breasts", around my waist, across my lap, and around my shins and ankles.

She did this without a struggle from me, since I still couldn't believe she had lifted me like that. To further increase my already inescapable bondage, she took a sock, and put it around my bound hands, and tied it loosely in place with a shoe string. She had turned her back to me and was fiddling around with something. I wondered if things could get any worse when she spoke to me.

"Alright, one final touch and my creation shall be complete," she joked.

I groaned from behind my gag, but when she turned around I started to make panicky Mmpphhs. She had put some eyeshadow on a strip of duck tape just long enough to be a blindfold.

"Relax. It'll come off in an hour, tops."

Then, she stretched it over my eyes, and darkness was the only thing I saw.

"Congratulations! You are now a girl. I'll be back soon, Ally. Until then, sit tight. Well, that is, if you can sit any tighter than you are now," she giggled.

As I groaned at yet another bad pun, she kissed me on the cheek, and left.

To be continued.

Please forgive me if the crotch-taping was too explicit.



Tuesday, March 22nd 2005 - 05:12:45 PM

Sarah's Revenge Part 4: Feeding Time

After Mmmppphhhing a few times for her to come back and take off the blindfold I sat back, resigned to my inescapable fate. About ten minutes later I heard clicking noises for a few minutes and then they stopped. In another ten minutes she came back and dragged my chair into a different room. When she was finished she took off the blindfold and I saw I was pushed into her Dining room table. There were two placemats and all the windows blinds were shut.

"So Ally",she inquired.

"Did you here any noises while you were tied up. I hope you did because, the source of those noises is very important to our little weekend here."

I answered the only way I could.


She then took out some pictures she had printed off the computer. Of ME.


"Yep. And I've got a whole other memory chip filled with pictures like these." she said.

"If you try to escape or do anything else I wouldn't like, these go all throughout school and all over the Internet!"

"MMpphh! MMpphh! Mmmmpphhh!"

*No! Please! Don't!* I Mmpphhed desperately.

"So, you'll cooperate then, right?"

"Mph-mph," I agreed rather hastily.

"Good. Now then I'll bet you are hungry from all this excitement of changing you sex. I'll go make some lunch."

Had it not been for the pictures, I would have done everything in my power (which was not much) to put her in a bind ten times worse than I was in at the time.

A few minutes later she came back with some sandwiches, two sodas and something else behind her back that I did not see, but could guess very well as to what it was.

She ungagged me, and I was about to speak to protest her taking and printing pictures of me, when she shoved the first bite of food in my mouth. As the meal went on, she would wait for me to finish, but if I tried to speak she would put food or drink in my mouth.

"Great," I thought to myself.

"I'm ungagged, but I still can't speak."

After we were finished she regagged me with the panties and some more duck tape she had brought with her, and reapplied the lipstick.

Then she dragged my chair into the living room, and left me there.

"Ally," she started.

"I need to get some things from the store, so you'll be good by your self, right?"

"Mph! Mmpph Mph Mphmph Mmpphh Mmpphhh Mph Mph?!"

*No! What if someone finds me like this?!*

Almost as if she read my mind or understood gag talk, the next thing she said was,

"Calm down. The curtains on all the windows are closed, and no one except me and my parents have a key. And they are away, so no one will find you here.K?"

This did not decrease my anxiety.

I had apparently annoyed her with my frantic Mmpphhs ,so, she did the thing with the eyeshadow and duck tape again to blindfold me.

"MMMPPHH! Mpphh Mph Mph Mph Mphmph! Mmphh Mmmpphhhh."
*NO! Don't leave me here alone! Come baaaccckk.*

"Awwww! I know you'll miss me baby," she said mock sympathetically.

She kissed my cheek again and patted my head affectionately.

"But I'll be back in an hour. See you then Ally. My sweet, sweet, little girl."

And with that she closed the door to my angry, frightened, and sad Mmphing, silencing it from her ears.

To be continued.

I plan to finish my story in another 2 or three parts.



Wednesday, March 23rd 2005 - 04:07:34 PM

Sarah's Revenge Part 5: Toilet Tied

Whoo! Am I on a roll or what?! Two posts in two days!
Anyway, time for the story.

When I left off, Sarah had left me bound, gagged, blindfolded, and crossdressed in the middle of her living room.

I had stopped struggling and Mmpphhing, knowing that it was not going to be any easier, then when I had started, to escape(which was pretty much impossible).

All this time alone in silence could have given me time to think to myself about any number of things.

Unfortunately all this had accomplished was to make me need to pee EXTREMELY desperately (If you read my story from the beginning you would know I had been tied up since 8 a.m., and it was now sometime after lunch).

I started to moan and struggle again, trying to futily escape.

When she got back, she saw me acting up and removed my blindfold to see what was wrong. When I caught a glimpse of the clock, I saw it was 3 p.m. It had taken her 2 hours before she had gotten back.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"D'you need to go pee?"

"Mmph-Mmphh," I answered back.

I gave her the best pitiful look my eyes could muster, wrongly thinking that she wouldn't untie me.

"You don't need to do that," she said, much to my relief.

"I'm not that cruel. Besides, I don't want you to stain my panties or my rug."

I gave her the best thank you look that I could, as she dragged my chair down the hall, towards her bathroom.

When we got there she cut the tape that bound me to her chair, and the crotch tape as well, but left the tape she had applied, before I was tied to the chair, and sat me down on the toilet seat.

I wondered why she didn't untie me all the way when she said,

"Wait here while I get some stuff for the bathroom,okay?" Then she playfully slapped me on the butt, and left me wondering why she just didn't untie me all the way.

She came back with some rope, and tied me to the toilet tank with some rope around my waist. She then secured my already tape bound ankles to the base of the toilet and tied rope my over my lap and under the bowl.

"This is part of teaching you to act feminine Ally," she said, with her now constant smirk. "You need to learn to use the toilet like a girl."

At this point the taunts did nothing, as I was preoccupied with holding it in, knowing that she probably would not let me shower, should I wet my panties.

I frantically Mmpphhed again (I seem to have gotten good at that.) to reinforce the urgency of the situation, which she seemed to have forgotten.

"Alright!" she said.

"Don't get your panties in a knot! After all, I'M the one stuck cleaning up the mess if you have an accident."

She then cut the tape binding my thighs together, and slipped my panties down to my knees.

"I'll give you ten minutes if you need to do anything else aside from pee."

Then she closed the door and left.

A wave of ectasy swept over me, as I relieved myself. I hadn't used the bathroom for SEVEN HOURS! After that, I waited the remainder of the ten minutes for her to come back. I heard a knock and then Sarah's voice inquired.

"Are you finished yet?"

I answered with a loud Mmph-Mmphh, so she could hear me through the door.

She came back in, pulled my panties back up, flushed me, redid my crotch and my thigh taping, and laid me on the floor.

Then, she took out a roll of duck tape and pulled my ankles back to reach my wrists, despite my Mmphs of protest(Like that was a surprise). I knew what was coming next. She then wrapped tape around my wrists and ankles 10 times to form a hogtie.

"Well, looks like we're all finished," she said, with some triumph.

She went to get her digital camera and took some pictures of me like this.

"I'm gonna go into the other room and get things ready for your next tie. I only hogtied you so you wouldn't crawl away, so if it's uncomfortable you won't have to spend long like this."

I Mmphed my usual resigned and resentful Mmph, and wondered what she would do next as she walked out of the door, to prepare her dunge-I mean, room, for my next confining tie.

To be continued.


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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Thursday, April 21st 2005 - 03:06:41 PM

Sarah's Revenge Part 6: Fashion show

I hope to finish my story if not in this part, the next.
It wasn't long before she came back from her room.

"Alright. Let's go!" she said.

She undid my hogtie and dragged me into the other room, while I wondered what else she could do to me.

There was a pile of clothes on her bed, and her digital camera on a tripod. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was going to do now.

"I figured that I'd take advantage of you- I mean this situation, and put on a little fashion show."

The next thing she did was make a loop with a slipknot and cut the tape binding my ankles, shins, and thighs.
Then, she stood me up and tied my wrists with the slipknot loop, and removed all the rest of the tape except, my gag, and my crotchtape.

Then she started the show.

She first had me step in some blue short shorts and undid my wrists long enough for her to pull a tight fitting pink t-shirt over my head and tuck it into the shorts.

After she retied my wrists she forced me to walk around like a model on a catwalk.
When she decided she had enough pictures, she took off the shirt and shorts and started the process all over again with a short, red, one piece dress.

She did this with me in a navy blue evening dress, a white tube top and black pleather miniskirt,a red china dress, and just in a sleeveless pink shirt and the panties.

The last thing she dressed me in was a black Independent t-shirt and a denim miniskirt.

At this point she took off the wrist loop and re-taped everything she had undone, except my legs.
When she re-taped my arms, she taped them one on top of the other, so I would fit better in the chair. This also made it impossible to get out by myself.

Then she sat me down in the chair and secured me above and below my "breasts" and around my stomach.

When I couldn't move my upper torso anymore, she went to work on my legs.

She took each leg separately and wrapped tape to the chair leg, covering everything between my knees and ankles. I glared at her because, A: I couldn't make any threatening sounding noise orally. B: Because it was going to hurt alot when it came off. And to a lesser extent, C: Because spreading out my legs in this position, let anyone who looked have a panty peek, which I knew she was going to take some pictures of.

Then she tied a rope over my lap, because as she explained to me, you'd still struggle if you had tape, but with rope you won't because, I know you don't want your panties showing any more than they already are.

After taking some pictures she put a sleep mask over my face.

It was dark now and my parents, like her's, wouldn't be back for a few days.

"Sweet dreams," she giggled.
And then I fell asleep.

I woke up hot from the clothes I was wearing and tried to remove the mask, when it was removed for me.

I saw the clock and I had only been asleep for an hour.

"I watched you because I didn't think this would work. It didn't right?"

I nodded my head at her.

"Well then, let's get you ready for bed."

She untied me from the chair and took off everything except the wig, bra, and panties.

She then pulled a nightgown over my head and re-taped my wrists behind my back.
Then, she sat me on her bed and taped my ankles, above and below my knees, on top of the sleeping gown over my thighs, and where my legs conected to my torso.

She asked if the wig bothered me and when I nodded my head she did it into a ponytail.

She then ungagged me, brushed my teeth, and regagged with another strip of duct tape, only without any packing.

Then she put the sleep mask back on, kissed me goodnight on my lips, and pulled a light sheet over me.

Then, I slowly fell asleep.

To be continued.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday, May 23rd 2005 - 01:23:14 PM

Sarah's Revenge Part 7: Fin

I slowly woke up and stretched. I started to yawn when I found I couldn't open my mouth. Then the events from the previous day and night came rushing back to me. I mmpphhed to get Sarah's attention.

She came into the room removed my nightgown and helped me use the bathroom, before tieing me to a chair in the kitchen.

"Alright Ally," she said.

"Hold still."

She came with a penknife and very carefully cut a small hole in my tape gag. She stuck a straw through it and put the straw in some apple sauce.

After I was finished with breakfast She took a 5 inch strip of tape off the roll, cut a hole the same size as the one in my current gag in the strip, and removed my current gag. The next thing she did was stick my good old oral panties back in my mouth, take the old strip off, put the new strip of tape on, and then put an 8 inch strip with lipstick on it over my new gag.

She untied me from the chair and cut my ankle taping so I could walk. Before she continued, she pulled my panties down, put a period pad in the panties, and pulled them back up. "Now I don't need to untie you, when you need to go to the bathroom," said Sarah.

She led me to her room and tied tape over and under my "breasts" and sat me in the chair. She taped my shoulders and stomach to the back of the chair. My lap was taped as well. She took tape and wrapped everything between my knee and ankle to the left chair leg, before doing the same thing with my right leg to the chair's right leg. Then she taped my eyes shut and put eyeshadow on the tape.

She left me to struggle, and did things around the house until lunch time. At that time the top layer of tape was removed and I was given a straw and a glass of water.

When I was finished, she redid my upper layer of tape and lipstick. She took off my blindfold, and spent the rest of the day forcing me to watch chick flicks with her. The last movie, happened to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen, but was ironically funny under the circumstances. The movie was sorority boys.

After the movie-thon it was about 10 o'clock at night.

She untied me from the chair, and brought me to the bathroom where she removed my used pad and had me use the bathroom before bed.

She brought me back to the bed I had slept in the night before where she tied my ankles, knees, and thighs.
She left the room and said she would be back in a minute.

I was left tied up wondering what would happen next, when she came into the room. This almost made up for the entire weekend.

She came in dressed exactly as I was, nothing but white panties and white bra.

She came over sat down on the other side of the bed.

"I hope you had a good day," said Sarah.
"I know I did. Well, goodnight."

Then she pulled the sheets over us both and we both fell asleep.


The next morning she sat me up on the side of the bed.
She picked up a pair of scissors and said, "It's time to free you my crossdressed inmate!"

Then I was loosed as it was off with the bindings of legs, wrist and arms! Off with the the wig! And finally, off with the gag and out with the panties!

I went to dress myself in my own clothes, and wash off any makeup that was left on.

After I was finished, she asked me," Well, did my attempt to transform you into a girl work? You're not to angry are you?"

I replied, saying, "Of course I'm angry. But maybe I could tie you up again some time?"

"Sure. As long as you let me tie you up again as well."

"Yeah, I guess. But no more crossdressing!"

"Then you don't get to tie me up in my bikini."

"Okay, fine." She had me there.

"Good. Well, I guess until next time. Bye."


And with that, I left.


I have more stories if anyone wants to hear them.

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