The Taming of the Roommate (M/M) Complete!

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Post by tugfan »

Awesome story loved so much...
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks for the coments! I really love how their relationship has turned out to be. When I first started writting the story they weren't meant to become a couple but I just loved their chemistry that much! Anyway, there's a couple chapters left so I hope you enjoy!

Part 9: Trust

Adam wanted nothing more than to spend all the time with his boyfriend, lay down in bed cuddling, have breakfast together, tie him up, make out with him, go to the movies, tie him up, study together, edge him until he begged, go to a bar together and tie him up. That would made him happy! But unfortunately, life had other plans for him, their final exams arrived faster than he expected and soon he was flooded with schoolwork which left him little time to focus on his new boyfriend.

Surprisingly, Kevin seemed to have a significant amount of workload too and for the first time since he met him, Adam didn’t see Kevin attend any party for three full weeks. Instead their weekends were spent in the library, silently studying together while occasionally complaining of their workload and shooting lovingly looks at each other. But unlike Kevin who, as soon as he was done with his exams, headed for the first party he could find, Adam still had a final project to deliver which meant him one more weekend away from his boyfriend.

“And… sent!” the blonde guy smiled as his project was uploaded to the class cloud. He smiled with satisfaction, took one last sip of his now cold coffee and leaned back on his chair, stretching his arms above his head, glad to finally have a weight off his shoulders. “Time to take care of the other job”

Said other job happened to be sitting in the closet, when Adam opened the door, Kevin gave him an unamused look. In Adam’s opinion, Kevin looked cute when grumpy. Specially with those socks tied over his mouth, the knot being stuffed inside it. His hands were tied above his head, to the rack near the ceiling and his ankles were tied together with a belt. Not Adam’s fanciest tie but he liked the amateurish appeal of it, it reminded him of the first time he tied Kevin up. He hadn’t even removed his clothes! Why would he? Kevin looked nice in that tight white t-shirt and those black shorts!

“Missed me?” Kevin rolled his eyes and nodded, remaining still while Adam pulled down the gag

“That wasn’t necessary!”

“I told you to stop pestering me!”

“I meant the closet! You didn’t have to lock me in there!” Kevin sighed while Adam untied his hands from the rack

“Well, you are quite distracting” Adam blushed “specially while tied up!”

“Being hot is a curse” Kevin smirked cockily and swung forwards, getting up on his feet in a single motion “but I guess you’re done now? Awesome! Does that mean we can get wasted?”

“We could or…” Adam pulled Kevin’s collar locking their lips together for a long kiss “you can be a good boy and get on the bed”

Kevin pulled away from him and seemed to be hesitating about it, something odd since he never hesitated at the possibility of getting a hand job “Actually… I have a better idea” he finally spoke sheepishly “I want to tie you up”

Adam laughed loudly and ruffled Kevin’s hair “that was funny! Okay Kevin, get on the bed”

“I’m serious” Kevin looked up “Adam, I want to tie you up” Adam’s smile faltered

“Do you want to get punished again?” he frowned and grasped his hair, making Kevin flinch

“Maybe” he said blushing “but first I want to tie you up Adam”

Adam had no idea what Kevin was playing at and in fact, all his instincts told him to just gag him again and remind him of his place but before he could pull the gag back in his mouth, Kevin completely disarmed him with a single question “Adam, don’t you trust me?”


Adam knew he was defeated, Kevin had a point, by letting Adam tie him up all the time he was putting a lot of trust in him so why Adam couldn’t do the same? “I… don’t like being tied up”

“I know you don’t, but I need to do this. You can punish me whatever you want later, don’t you trust me?”

“I should have kept the gag on” Adam sighed defeated and begun untying Kevin’s hands. His partner’s smile grew wider as more restrains were removed until he was practically beaming at him. As soon as he was free, Kevin threw his arms around Adam, pulling him in for another kiss

“Thanks for trusting me, Farmer Boy” he smiled tenderly and kissed Adam again, when he pulled back though, that loving smiled had turned into a mischievous grin “Now, strip down and take a seat!”

“You know… I-I still c-can get back at you w-when this is o-over” Adam stammered, he was already sitting on his chair, already stripped to his green boxer shorts “so d-don’t try a-anything f-funny”

Kevin chuckled and ruffled his blonde hair “You’re so cute when scared!”

“I’m not scared!” Adam’s cheeks turned bright red even though he was quite nervous. Last time Kevin tied him up wasn’t really much fun for him but at least he had the comfort of being able to escape and beat the crap out of him in retaliation. This time he was willingly submitting to him and that was even more terrifying.

He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself as he felt Kevin pulling his hands behind his back and wrapping the ropes around his wrists a few times, then he started unwrapping them and wrapping them again “Too tight…” Adam grunted, feeling the blood being cut off his hands

“Crap!” Kevin undid the ropes and retied them again only to curse once more and undid them

“You have no idea what you’re doing right?”

“A little help?” in what had to be his most bizarre tie up experience, Adam had to figuratively hold Kevin’s hand during the whole process, giving him instructions of how to tie him to the chair. By the end though, Kevin had done a pretty decent job. Adam’s wrists were crossed and tied together behind his back, more ropes went above and below his chest and around his waist and his ankles were tied to each of the front legs of the chair. Overall, the knots were quite decent, some were a little bit tight for Adam’s taste and some were a little bit lose but all were bearable

“You look really hot tied up” Kevin grinned while rummaging through their laundry basket

Adam tested his restrains to confirm that he was stuck there “I also look hot when not tied up” Kevin chuckled and turned to him, showing the pair of dirty boxers he was holding “Come on! That’s uncalled for!” Kevin raised an eyebrow which made Adam reconsider his statement “Okay, that’s actually called for… but can you show mercy to your helpless, loving boyfriend… why am I bothering?” he hanged his head in defeat and opened his mouth, letting Kevin stuffed the underwear in his mouth and tying the ends behind his head

“Look at the bright side!” Kevin teased him and walked behind him “this could be practice for when you actually have my dick in your mouth!”

“MMhnph?” Adam felt the blood back to his cheeks. Despite their time together, they really hadn’t gotten farther than handjobs and occasional grinding, he had considered going farther with Kevin but his own insecurities held him back. Leave it to Kevin to loudly point the elephant in the room!

He tried to crane his neck backwards, only to find his vision obstructed by a cloth being tied over his eyes. Being blind, tied and gagged, Adam could feel himself being more helpless under Kevin’s mercy; he could feel Kevin’s hands going down his chest, gently massaging his muscles, he felt his lips kissing his neck, softly moaning behind him. Perhaps this wasn’t that bad, perhaps he just needed to relax and-

“HMMPPP! NHHHH!” he screamed when Kevin’s fingers dug into his stomach, cursing and grunting, Adam struggled and writhed, desperately trying to get away from Kevin’s fingers; his face turned red, his eyes became teary yet there was nothing he could do until, finally, Kevin stopped and he slumped against the ropes, heavily panting. “MMHNPH MMNPH PHHNPH FNR?” he yelled at where he thought Kevin was, getting a chuckle in return

“I mean, how couldn’t I? You just make it too easy for me!” Kevin ruffled his lightly damp hair and placed his hands on his shoulders “I’m really glad you agreed to this” he leaned closer and kissed Adam’s cheek “I know you’d rather be the one in charge” Adam nodded in agreement “and I love when you make me your bitch” he chuckled “but, I really needed to do this Adam”

Adam once more nodded and tried to relax, he wasn’t sure why Kevin needed this but he wanted to make him happy and if this was what he asked of him, Adam would follow through. He lowered his head and focused on the ropes, feeling them around his body, trying to imagine Kevin in his place “Mphh… HMPPHHHHHH!” suddenly Kevin yanked him backwards, the chair tripped over and Adam fell down but just before he hit the floor, Kevin caught him

“Thought I’d let you fall?” Kevin chuckled, ignoring the angry grunts coming from Adam’s mouth “come on Farmer Boy! I thought you trusted me!” he teased him, pulling the chair back up “I’ll always catch you!” he yanked it backwards once more and once more Adam had a mini-heart attack before Kevin caught him “See?”

Adam was going to kill him when he got out, but in a way, it was sort of fun, not enough for him to agree to do this regularly, but something had changed since the last time they did something like this, this time, him being in Kevin’s care made him feel safe, he did trust him!

“Do you trust me?” he let out an annoyed grunt, he trusted him indeed, but every time Kevin asked that question something bad happened to Adam, still he nodded, hoping he’d go easy on him this time. He tried to hear what Kevin was up to, listening to him walk around the room until he heard the unmistakably sound of duct tape being ripped off. Adam raised his head just in time for a strip of tape to be smoothed over his lips, pulled back and wrapped around his head several times until his mouth was sealed.

“Just relax…” Kevin whispered in his ear, Adam had not time to ponder what he meant when another strip of tape was pressed over his nose, covering his nostrils.

“Mphhh! Mpphhhh!” he gasped for air, shaking his head in a futile effort to get rid of the tape. What was Kevin playing at? He madly struggled, feeling his lung shrink and his head get lightheaded, finally Kevin peeled off the tape allowing Adam to take huge amounts of air in

“Told you to relax…” Kevin hummed caressing his chest

“NNPHNM MM NNMM NNN N'MM PHHNMM MNN HNMM PHN RMMNGH!” Adam yelled, trying to glare at Kevin

“You’re cute when you get mad” Adam let out a loud roar and started to madly struggle on the chair, trying to flex his muscles, jerk his body and even make the chair tremble but his fight was cut short when the tape went back to cover his nose

“MPHHHHHH!” he yelled and tried to calm down, once more panic set in as he felt the air in his lungs running out until Kevin pulled the tape off

“I know that when you get out, I’m going to pay for it” Adam nodded “so let’s milk this for all its worth” as he spoke, Adam could feel Kevin’s hand slowly going down his stomach, his other hand lightly pinched his nipples, playing with them. In a weird way, it felt good, specially when Kevin pulled his waistband down and started to pump his hard member; that felt really good and soon Adam was resting on the chair, moaning and thrusting his hips. Kevin kept jerking him off, playing with his nipples and even pinching his nose to block the air, though that no longer seemed to bother Adam, in fact it was getting him even more aroused.

Then Kevin stopped

Adam started to throw every curse in the book at him but he quickly cut himself as he realized how hypocritical it would be since he had done the same to Kevin many, many, many times before. That didn’t take away the fact he still was horny and desperately wanted some release, so he calmed down yet remained grunting and thrusting his hips in the air

“Sucks isn’t it? Bet you want to cum?” Kevin grinned watching Adam nod. He still loved being Adam’s bitch (as his boyfriend had so eloquently put) but he had some pleasure watching the tables turn, even though Adam didn’t seem to slide into the submissive role as easily as Kevin did “I was thinking of pulling out the wand and leaving you like this all night” Adam gulped nervously at the thought though he tried to remain stoic, it didn’t help that Kevin seemed to be wrapping a cord around his dick, the feeling of the rope tightening against his flesh made him even more scared and frustratingly aroused

“Come on, beg!”

That bastard! Adam was going to kill him! He bit down on his gag and shook his head; he might be incredibly horny but he still had some sense of dignity! And he was definitely going to make Kevin pull out another all-nighter after this! Kevin might have submitted by this point but it wasn’t in Adam’s nature to do so, the blonde boy straightened his back trying to pull out his most stern expression and calmly demanded to be let out

“Nnphnm mm nnn nmrh mm nff!”

“Sorry, didn’t understand you” Kevin playfully pinched Adam’s cheek, he had no idea what he had said but it was clear begging wasn’t involved. “Guess you want to stay like that all night?” despite dreading that fate, Adam stuck to his role, determined to wait for Kevin to make his move. The two men remained in silence, waiting for each other to give up; suddenly, Kevin let out a sigh and started undoing Adam’s blindfold.

“Guess I’m a softie” as light poured into Adam’s eyes, he blinked for a few moments until his sight returned and he could see Kevin giving him a sheepish smile “I wanted to keep you all night! I don’t think I can bring myself to do it” Kevin admitted, gently caressing Adam’s har, he loved seeing his boyfriend relax and close his eyes, softly rubbing his head against his hand

“You’re hot when you get all grumpy and try to break free, but I prefer you like this” Adam opened his eyes and looked at him confused “Thanks for letting me do this” he added, gently cupping Adam’s chin “I needed to know that this wasn’t just a one-way road, that you were wiling to give up all the power to me”

“Hmfnn, N-”

“I know what you’re going to say” Kevin smirked and spoke in an overly exaggerated southern accent “Kevin, Ah tode yawl thet Ahd give anythin' tuh yawl, Ah’m churs as much as yawl’re mine!” Adam knew he should be upset but couldn’t help laughing at Kevin’s imitation “Thayure’s thuh smahl Ah luv, Farmer Boy!” Kevin chuckled and peeled the tape off Adam’s mouth, finally pulling the boxers down

“Stop calling me that!” Adam chuckled and let Kevin kiss his lips “You’re right, I’m yours as much as you’re mine! If you want to tie me up and drive me insane you can do it whenever you want, I trust you with my life. Just keep in mind I’m going to kill you when I get out” he smiled at his boyfriend “And fucking jerk me off! I’m still horny!” he looked up at Kevin only to see him grin deviously

“I mean, you still haven’t begged” he hummed, this time Adam was ready to reclaim his place in their relationship though.

He looked up at Kevin and spoke in a clear and decided tone “Get on your knees, now!”

To be continued...
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Post by socjuc »

Awwwwh so cute to see Kevin take the reigns....though short lived. Adam is going to punish him in total retaliation :lol:
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Socksbound »

These guys are so adorable, I love there relationship. Kevin controlling Adam was great. Adam is going to really give it to Kevin now can wait to see that unfold
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Post by Volobond »

Awww, cute role reversal, and sweet to see the trust between them!

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Post by cj2125 »

Well, finally the story is over. Thanks a lot for all of you who read it through, this is one of the stories I've had more fun writting in a while! When I started writtitng this story, Adam and Kevin's relationship was going to be a little more serious and less intimate but I liked their chemistry so much I coudln't keep that tone. Thanks for all your coments, it has kept me motivated to go on!

Now, this is the last chapter but there's still a short epilogue comming up. And I have a few ideas for Adam and Kevin that I might write in the future.

Part 10: The Tamed Roommate

Kevin knew this was stupid. Adam was tied up and helpless, all he had to do was gag him again and keep messing with him for as long as he wished. He looked up at his bound boyfriend, sitting on a chair, ropes tightly wrapped around his body, light red marks over his skin where the bonds were digging into his flesh, Adam’s physique had never been impressive, it could be described as average, some muscles and a flat stomach but no six pack or massive pectorals, yet with the ropes constraining him, his pecs seemed to bulge between them and his biceps and thighs were strained, showing off the outline of the muscles, even his stomach was flexed forwards, revealing a hint of abdominals. His white skin had acquired a reddish tint, product of the exertion and arousal, his blonde hair was tussled and wet with sweat and his member… it was still hard, tightly bound by the cord, a drop of pre-cum had formed on top, running down its full length.

Adam was helpless, he should be begging him for release, yet somehow, despite being exposed, bound and tired, Adam had managed to keep his power over him, he had to just look at him firmly and order him what to do for Kevin to fall on his knees, looking up at his master. He realized that despite his little adventure into dominant territory, Kevin was still under Adam’s thumb through and through. And despite knowing full well what that meant, he didn’t mind it at all, he was excited!

“Untie my cock!” Adam ordered; Kevin tried to reach for the knot but Adam added something else “without using your hands!” Kevin’s eyes opened wide as he realized what Adam wanted him to do, despite being dating for almost three months, they haven’t really go farther than hand jobs, he had entertained the possibility of going further but he had always been on the fence about that, now that his master was ordering him though, he realized that he didn’t want to disobey

“Yes sir” he said and leaned closer, using his teeth to pick up the knot. He hadn’t made it that tight so it was relatively easy to undo it though he accidentally bit Adam’s skin a couple times getting winces from his boyfriend

Adam looked down and smiled despite the pain, in fact it seemed to be arousing him even more. He never had any masochistic inclinations but seeing Kevin on his knees, submitting to himself even though he really didn’t have to was an entirely new and fantastic experience to him. The ropes fell down his hard shaft and Kevin stepped back, looking at it rather nervously “Well, what are you waiting? Start sucking!”

Kevin frowned and glanced at Adam’s cock, seemingly undecided if he should go for it, in fact it seemed as if there was a whole debate of whether he was ready for that in his head; despite his own needs, Adam couldn’t help but feel guilty pressuring Kevin like that, he had become aware of the power he had over him and though he enjoyed exercising it, he didn’t want to force him to something he’d regret, he cared too much to let that happened “Kevin… you don’t have to if you’re not ready, you can just jerk me-”

“No!” Kevin interrupted looking up at Adam “I-I want to do this, I want to make you happy and if this makes you happy, I’m ready to do it”
“Kevin, you don’t have- wait! I didn’t mphhh!” Adam was surprised when Kevin pulled the gag back in his mouth and gave him a confused look, the red-haired boy grinned awkwardly and kissed the tip of his nose

“But I want to do it my way”

“Whnng?” Adam cocked his head, watching Kevin step back with a mischievous grin

“I love when you’re in charge Farmer Boy, but seeing you like this isn’t that bad either” he spoked, grabbing the lower end of his t-shirt and slowly raising it, Adam’s eyes followed him, admiring his six pack, moving up looking at his pecs, his pink nipples, his hairy armpits, his flexed biceps as Kevin got rid of his shirt and tossed it aside and of course, the dog tag Adam had given him, Kevin never took it off and it always drove Adam wild seeing it. To him, Kevin was the most attractive guy in the world; he tried to move his arms, lightly struggling against the ropes, he wanted to grab Kevin, embrace him, worship his body. In a way, Adam was under Kevin’s thumb too

“Want to get some of this?” Kevin smirked cockily, his confidence rapidly returning, and slowly pulled his shorts, tossing them at Adams’ lap which only made his boyfriend go wilder. Kevin slid hi thumbs down the waistband of his blue boxer briefs and slowly pulled it down, watching as Adam enthusiastically nodded only for stop after just an inch “I think this can wait” he winked, enjoying Adam’s disappointed grunts

“You really sound cute when angry” he teased him and sat on his lap, kissing his lips over the gag. Adam closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the attention Kevin was giving him, feeling his lips over his neck, down his chest, enjoying the feeling of him playfully biting his nipples. Adam’s body was reacting once more, grinding against Kevin, thrusting his hips and and writhing his wrists. Finally, Kevin got on his knees, looking at Adam’s hard member “Should I suck you up sir?” Adam wasted no time nodding and trying to shove his crotch on Kevin’s face.

The red-haired boy looked down at the cock and his smile faltered, once more looking hesitant, but he only needed to take one more look at his master for him to settle on his decision and open his mouth, taking in Adam’s shaft.

It became clear that this was Kevin’s first time doing something like this, it felt sloppy and his tongue seemed to be all over the place but it wasn’t bad by any means; Adam started thrusting his hips and trying to flex his muscles against the ropes holding him down. Kevin pulled his hands behind his back and increase the speed in which he bobbed his head, letting out his own moans that started driving Adam crazy.

“Nh mmnh... nnn'ph phphnp, hmmp gnnng Hmfnn! Nnn'ph phphnp! Hmmm mmnh! Fnch! Nhhhh!” Adam moaned loudly, the chair creaking beneath him, his hips thrusting as far as the ropes allowed. He could already feel the knot below his stomach tightening as the pleasure mounted up; Kevin seemed to have gotten a deal of the job as he started to pace himself, slowing down whenever he felt Adam was getting close in order to prolong it as much as he could

Adam was loving the feeling and soon was letting out muffled orders for Kevin to go faster, the red-haired boy looked up at him with a smile and started moving his head faster. Soon, Adam moaned loudly, straining his whole body as he shot thick threads of cum in Kevin’s mouth

“That… tasted weird” Kevin wiped his mouth clean and looked up at Adam hopefully “Was… it good?” he smiled, pulling Adam’s boxers back up

Adam was panting heavily, his whole body slumped on the chair, he could only look down on Kevin and nod. His boyfriend let out a laugh of joy and jumped on Adam’s lap, playfully kissing his cheek and neck “I’m glad you liked it! I really am! You may not have noticed it but… this was my first time doing it!” he chuckled, gently caressing Adam’s hair. For his part, the blonde guy closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying the attention Kevin was giving him and weakly nodding at his words, wondering why could he be so lucky to find someone as Kevin?

“Sir…” Kevin pulled Adam out of his thoughts “You’re amazing, you know that?” he grinned looking down at his boyfriend’s gagged face “I know you like to pretend you’re this big mean master but I know you’re a big softy inside. No matter how much how much of a brat I am, you never can bring yourself to make me suffer… that much!”

“N'm n hng mmnn nnm!” Adam tried to disprove him but it was hard for him to keep a frown with his boyfriend so close to him, Kevin was right, he could never bring himself to punish him.

“You said it yourself, you’d do anything I ask you. It’s almost as if I tamed you!” he chuckled getting an indignant grunt from Adam followed by some vigorously head shaking, but when Kevin kissed his lips, Adam found himself melting under him “don’t you agree sir?” Kevin asked softly, Adam reluctantly nodded, he might not want to admit it but he was as much as Kevin’s little pet as Kevin was Adam’s, he never felt this way for another guy before but with Kevin, it felt right.

“We are a pair of softies” Kevin smiled tenderly and closed his eyes, seemingly debating whether to spoke the next lines “Adam, I think I… I…” suddenly he cut himself short and looked at his boyfriend’s eyes, Adam could see a spark of mischief on Kevin’s eyes, the spark he got whenever he was about to do something silly “You trust me right?”

Adam gulped and carefully nodded, while his fingers frantically tried to pick at the knots. Kevin jumped off him and hurried to the gym bag, pulling out a couple more bundles of rope and a pair of handcuffs; that picked up Adam’s interest and he watched as Kevin uncoiled the ropes and sat back on his lap, facing him. He watched in fascination as Kevin awkwardly leaned next to him in order to reach his own ankles, tying each of them to the rear legs of the chair.

Adam realized what he was planning to do and though he had to admit the idea intrigued him, there was a major flaw in the plan that he wasn’t sure Kevin had thought through. Too bad he was still gagged so his orders and questions when unnoticed by Kevin

“Oh, don’t worry! You’re going to like it!” Kevin smiled wrapping the rope around their torsos, pressing them together

“Hnmm nrm mmm gnnng phn gmph nnph?” Adam loved it and the fact that his buddy down his boxers was starting to wake up again prove it but that didn’t take away from his concerns. Kevin didn’t seem interested in whatever Adam had to say and focused on wrapping his arms around Adam’s body, cuffing his hands behind him.

“Ta daa!” He smiled proudly; Adam tried to push his gag out with his tongue only for Kevin to stop him by planting a kiss over his lips “I know this must be weird” he spoke resting his forehead against Adam’s “But think of it as the best of both worlds! You love seeing me tied up and I know you like how I tied you up so it’s a win-win right?” he chuckled and kissed his lips again, lightly rubbing his underwear-clad butt against his hardening crotch; Adam decided that if he wasn’t tied up he’d be ripping those boxers off Kevin.

“Adam… this year with you has been amazing! I’m going to miss you so much this summer”

“MMm nrm mmmphnng nn phhrmm mmmmhph” Adam grunted looking at Kevin unimpressed

“Oh right… maybe I should…” Kevin leaned closer and used his teeth to pull the gag back down

“Aghhh… don’t gag me again!”

“Yes sir!” Kevin chuckled; Adam had to admit it was really hard staying mad at him

“And you’re coming to my place for a couple weeks, it’s not that we are not going to see each other ever again” he pointed only for Kevin to abruptly lean his chin on his shoulder

“But I’m still going to miss you! It’s going to be the longest month in my life!” he whined and looked up at Adam, pouting and making puppy eyes “you’re going to miss me, too right?”

Despite his impulse to feign aloofness, Adam knew he couldn’t lie to Kevin “Of course I will, silly, I love being close to you…” he looked down at their bound bodies and tried to jerk his body “though this isn’t what I had in mind. Which reminds me, how do you-” he was abruptly silenced by another long kiss from Kevin, he had a way of making Adam melt and forget his troubles, enjoying his time with his boyfriend. Kevin finally pulled back with a tender smile, a red tint over his cheeks as he stammered his next words

“Adam… I think… I think I love you” he lowered his head and buried his face on Adam’s shoulder.

Adam froze for just a moment before gently nuzzling against Kevin’s hair “I… love you too Kevin” he looked up at him with a broad smile and went for another kiss. Both men let out soft moans, slightly grinding against each other, ropes weren’t necessary to keep them that close. If someone would have told Adam that he would be tied to and making out with that attractive but wild and somewhat annoying red-haired guy he met in his room that Saturday of August, he would have laughed but right now, it felt completely right. He wanted to spend all his free time with him! But there was something still bothering him


“Yes Farmer Boy?”

“How are we going to get out of this?”

“That’s easy! We just have to use the keys that…I left… on the…” he turned his head around looking at the keys laying on the bed as it dawned of him the little caveat with his plan. He turned back to Adam with apologetic eyes and a nervous smile “Have I say that I love you?”

No matter how much he should freak out at that moment, just a look at Kevin’s eyes was enough to make Adam feel relaxed, even though he shouldn’t. Being with him seemed to be the only thing that mattered in the world. “And I love you too. Otherwise I’d be biting your face off right now”

“So… should we have an I’m-sorry-make-out-session?” Kevin asked sheepishly

“Yeah, Id’ like that” Adam smiled and leaned forward. There will be time to figure how to get out and murder Kevin later, for now he just wanted to enjoy his time with the most amazing boy in the world. Right now, he just wanted to enjoy being Kevin's pet.

The End
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Post by Socksbound »

Absolutely amazing ending. Have loved this story from the start. Every chapter had that cute adorable banter which really made the story. The playfulness of both Kevin and Adam was so fun to read. It’s a shame it has to end, it’s one of my favourite stories on here.
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Post by Volobond »

Absolutely adorable! I love this story, I love the budding relationship between Adam and Kevin, and I love the ending! Yaaaaay!

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Post by gaggedfeety »

Definitely one of my favorite stories on here! It was amazing to see their friendship evolve, I don't think I expected them to end up together when I first read it, but I'm so happy with how it ended!

Look forward to seeing other works with them, but this was also such a satisfying ending!!!
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Post by socjuc »

Great ending and story overall. I enjoyed the banter and playfulness already mentioned by others. Looking forward to other of your works! :)
This story can be found HERE.
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Post by Kratos »

Amazing ending for an amazing story :D
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Post by cj2125 »

Thanks all! I'm glad you liked this and I'm thinking of future stories with this guys, just want to focus on different story right now. But here's a little epilogue I wrote just to tie a knot or two!


“Come on asshole! Answer your phone!” Dominic sighed, off all the times he called him, Kevin had to choose this time to not answer his phone! He normally wouldn’t mind it but he was leaving tomorrow and he needed Kevin to return him his boombox; he probably was snuggling with his boyfriend right now anyway. Well, sucks for him because Dom was getting it back one way or another!

He made his way down the corridor until he reached Kevin’s and Adam’s room, but before he could even knock on it, he heard some frantic voices coming from inside

“This is not working!”

“Don’t give up, I’m sure if we shuffle to the left…”

“How are we even going to reach the bed?”

“One thing at the time! Uh… you have to admit this is hot?”


“Ow! Drop the aggression! It’s not that it’s my fault-”


“OW! Not the face! That’s my moneymaker!”

Unable to control his curiosity, Dom grabbed the handle and finding it unlocked, he pushed the door open and barged inside “What are you two- WHAT THE HELL?”

Adam was sitting on a chair with Kevin sitting on top, both men were tied together and judging by their sweaty and disheveled appearances and the red marks under the ropes, they had been struggling for quite a while. Both men froze when they saw Dom, their faces turning a deep scarlet

“Dom! This is not what it looks like” Adam muttered

“I’m not even sure what this looks like” Kevin looked down

Dom’s eyes scanned the whole room, noticing their discarded clothes on the floor and more important, the gym bag full of ropes, duct tape and other gear; it didn’t take much for him to put two and two together about what had happened and burst out laughing, much to the couple’s embarrassment

“Yeah! yeah… it’s pretty funny!” Adam grunted “can you get us out? We’ve been here for a few hours! Or at least untie me! You can leave Kevin handcuffed!”

“Hey! Why so mean to me?”


“Oh! You weren’t complaining when I was grinding my butt against your-”

“Dom doesn’t need to hear that!”

“Oh god! You guys are killing me!” Dom laughed, wiping a tear from his eyes “I could watch your little routine all day!”

“Yeah, yeah! We are hilarious! Can you PLEASE help us out?” Adam begged

“Yeah man, we really could use some help!” Kevin added

“Fine, but only because you asked for it nicely” Dom sighed and turned his attention to the gym bag, his eyes examining its contents until they landed on the roll of duct tape “Although… you look cute together” he grinned picking up the roll of tape

Both men noticed the tape in his hands and they realized what he was planning on doing and how helpless they were to stop him “Dude! Please! We’ve been tied up all afternoon! Just let us go! I’ll even pay mphhhh!” Adam whimpered as his lower face was wrapped in duct tape

Kevin opted for a more defiant stance, glaring at Dom as his boyfriend was mercilessly gagged “Come on dude! Don’t you dare! I swear I’m going to kill you when we mphhhh!” he grunted and tried to shake his head.

“What? I thought you’d like to spend some more time together!” Dom stepped back watching both men bound and gagged. Kevin kept grunting and glaring at him, angrily struggling against his bindings, Adam on the other side was bright red, quietly whimpering and making puppy eyes to Dom. It was weird, he always thought Adam was the one in charge in that relationship, perhaps he had been wrong!

“Don’t worry guys, I’ll come back to free you… before midnight!” Kevin’s grunts and Adam’s whimpers intensified “oh! But let me leave you something to keep you entertained!” he picked up the magic wand, getting frantic moans and struggles from both guys. There was nothing they could do to stop him from sliding it between their bodies, until it was lodged near their crotches, making sure the round tip touched both hard members. He ignored their struggles and plugged it on, hearing the pleasure grow in their moans.

Before leaving, he picked up his boombox “This is what I was looking for! Well, see you later guys!” he waved at them and step through the door


“Pmmnphm nnn'ph mmnfm!” Adam moaned

Dom gave them one last glance and closed the door, their moans soon faded out as he walked down the hallway

“So… Adam and Kevin?” he smiled picking up his phone and looking through his contacts until he found the number:

“Hey! Rowan? How are you and Jason doing? Anyway, you’ll never guess who is also into bondage!”
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Post by Socksbound »

Oh nice some more bondage friends for Kevin and Adam. Will they be making an appearance? Nice little epilogue as per usual the boys banter is hilarious.
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Post by Volobond »

Haha nice cameo, I love it! Thank you for this wonderful story!

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Post by cj2125 »

[mention]Socksbound[/mention] let's say that they have already made an appereance ( a better question will be if we'll see them meet each other ;)
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Post by Socksbound »

cj2125 wrote: 3 years ago @Socksbound let's say that they have already made an appereance ( a better question will be if we'll see them meet each other ;)
Ok ok will they be making another appearance? the first one was amazing adding Kevin and Adam to that would be seriously hot. These two got off lightly Dom could have really done a number in them m. Wouldn’t complain if he did he put Rowan and Jason through their paces pretty effectively after all
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Post by gaggedfeety »

I stand corrected, this was a satisfying ending, and what a tease of what may come!!!
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Post by szlm1515 »

Pretty sweat and nice and kinky story <3
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Post by cdpattycd »

Awesome story, I loved it.
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Post by dwild »


This has been a highlight amongst some amazing stories on this site, this is a masterclass in story writing. The relationship between the 2 characters is so unique, and works so well. The progress in the relationship has been exciting to follow. Then, just as I thought the story had been such a joy to read, the epilogue brings more intrigue, twists & turns to the story. I hope this is not the last we see of these characters - the introduction of Dom brings so many possibilities.

Once again, a STUNNING story.
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Post by ExcessivelyCurious »

Yeah, just saw this myself and this is a great story. I love the dynamic they have.
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Post by MountainMan_91 »

hey [mention]cj2125[/mention] ...

I think this is my favorite story on the site.

Loved every moment of it, even after reading it twice or is it three times? I don't know :lol:
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Post by tugfan »

@cj2125 really good story have read it many times...not boring ever

you do have nice touch to your stories.
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Post by VoidEmperor224 »

Thanks for the story
And that my friends, is why you should always have an escape plan and back ups when doing self bondage
Haha, that ending though, wonder how long it'll take for them to escape,
And I wonder how Kevin is getting punished for messing up
Both, both is good
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