How to deal with an annoying brother (m/m)

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How to deal with an annoying brother (m/m)

Post by FelixSH »

How to deal with an annoying brother

I listened to the sound of children and of talking friends, as I was sitting on a park bench. My eyes were closed, and I felt calm and sleepy, due to the sunny weather. It was one of the first warm days of the year, and everyone was outside, enjoying the beautiful day.

But I had another reason for being here. An old friend had moved back to both our hometown, and we wanted to meet here.

I arrived pretty early, as I couldn't wait for being outside, in the sun. So I didn't mind the wait. If I had thought about it, instead of losing all sense of time, I would have probably realized that Tom, my friend, was surprisingly late.

But as it was, I was only woken out of my half-sleep, as I heard a loud, cheerful voice calling my name. “Mike! Wake up!” I opened my eyes, slowly, to adjust to the bright sunlight, only to be surprise-hugged. “It's so good to see you again, buddy. I missed you so much!”

The voice alone made me return the hug, and we stood there for more than a minute, just enjoying each others presence. But the surprise still caught up. Was this seriously Tom?

We finally let go of each other, and I took some time to look at the shining presence in front of me. There was still the shaggy, blond hair, but I never had seen a smile so bright on this face. But not only that, everything looked different. Where Tom used to stand slightly hunched over, he now stood proud and tall. His eyes looked straight into mine, instead of darting nervously around. And the inconspicuous, random clothes had been replaced by a bright-blue dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves, the top button undone, a loose bright-yellow tie, and a pair of dark blue chinos.

I probably stared at Tom for a long time, as he started to laugh. “What's up? Don't you recognize me?” A sheepish look appeared on his face. “You are Mike, aren't you? I hope my memory hasn't fallen that much apart.”

I shook my head, finally getting over my surprise. “No, no, it's totally me. I'm just...” I let my eyes glide over this strange guy, who resembled my friend a lot, but also seemed like a completely different person. “Don't take this the wrong way, but you look so...” A smile crept over my face. “happy.”

A giant grin appeared on his face. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. So much joy. “Let's just say I worked a bit on myself. You know that it wasn't particularly fun, being me.”

I nodded. There was a reason, why Tom had spent the last year with some relatives.

But this wasn't the time to dwell on the awful parts of our pasts, it was the time to be cheerful about the positive change it had brought.

“I'm so glad you feel better now. Tell me, how was the year? I mean, I know some stuff, but I really need more detail.”

Tom let himself sink on the bench, grabbing a bag of candy from his bag. “Want some?” I nodded. Of course I did.

We spent a few hours that way, just enjoying the beautiful day and talking about how we both had spent the last year. It just felt so good, to be able to spend time with Tom again. And considering how happy he seemed, I assumed the same was true for him.

At some point, we realized that it had grown dark, without us noticing. “How about we go to your place? Maybe we could watch a movie?”, Tom asked.

I started to frown. That wasn't necessarily what I had in mind. “Maybe we could go to your place? Danny is home.”

Tom started to laugh heartily. “Do you still not have your younger brother under control? I don't mind, really. I can take it now. Come on.”

That was the last thing I had expected. My relationship to my brother was ok, but something about Tom really rubbed him the wrong way, and he became pretty obnoxious when Tom was over. We mainly spent time at Toms place, to avoid the annoyance.

But considering that my friend now just oozed self-confidence made me ignore my nervousness. He was a different person now. I should trust his word.

When we got to my place, my brother was in the kitchen, making himself a sandwich. He only grunted a barely audible “Hey”, as always, which I answered in a similar way. I hadn't planned to tell him that Tom was back, but the decision was taken out of my hand.

“Hi, Danny. How are you doing?”

My brother turned around in confusion. He needed some time, to understand who he was looking at. “Oh, nice, the dork is back. And he looks even dorkier than before.”

It might be surprising to learn that Tom, one year ago, would have reacted badly to something like this. It was just silly, childish nonsense, but his situation made him very sensitive to most comments.

But now, he just grinned. “Your insults still suck. You really need to up your game.” Then he turned to me, not even waiting for an answer. “Want to go to you room?”

I shot my brother a look, who seemed as surprised as I was, but only grabbed a bottle of soda before leaving the room.

But my brother had his ways of being the most obnoxious person imaginable. His room was directly next to mine. While we tried to watch a movie, he stomped against the connecting wall of both rooms, again and again.

We tried to ignore it. I knew that I should have done something, but despite being the older brother, I was neither bigger nor stronger. And normally, the worst that happened was a bit of ribbing. Nothing out of the ordinary for brothers. I just didn't really know how to deal with this stupid behaviour, as talking hadn't worked much either, in the past.

After some more minutes, I sighed, and got up. “Wait a second, I will talk to him. This is way too obnoxious.” But before I could move, Tom was already up himself.

“Wait, let me handle this.” He grabbed his bag, and started to go. I must have looked really dumb, as Tom seemingly couldn't help himself, but laugh, when he saw my face. “What? I hoped your brother would give me the chance to get a little payback.” And before I could act, he was out of the room.

I soon heard fighting noises from the other side of the wall. As I wasn't too motivated to get involved in something like this, I just waited for it to die down, which it finally did after a few minutes. I waited some more minutes, without anything happening, before turning back to my laptop. Whatever they were doing, I would hear about it soon.

For the next few minutes, all I could hear from the other side was laughter. It took a surprisingly long time, before the door to my room opened again. To my even bigger surprise, it was my brother who stood outside. I waited, confused about him being here. He seemed to choose his words carefully.

“We, uh, had a little talk, Tom and I. Would you mind coming to my room? We thought you should be there too, so we can, maybe, watch something together?”

So, it had actually worked out? Tom was a different person, after all, so it might have been possible that he made Danny come around on him.

He let me walk first, which, maybe, should have rang some alarm bells. But I didn't know at all what to expect, until I finally opened the door. And then, everything happened very fast.

I soon saw my friend, the cheerful, confident Tom, tied and gagged with duct tape, lying on the floor. He looked exhausted and sweaty. But I had no time to think about what that meant, as I felt the back of my t-shirt being pulled over my head. Danny used my sudden confusion to jump me.

The fall was unpleasant, and made me somewhat dizzy. It wasn't long, but more then enough time for Danny, to use some duct tape to tie my hands behind my back. And then, it was already too late.

“What the hell? Let me go!”, I demanded, but Danny just giggled. He continued to tie my legs and my upper body up, while he talked. “Don't blame me. Your stupid friend came in and threatened to tie me up. Something about showing respect to your older brother, or something. He shouldn't be so confident, considering how he is still such a weakling.”

I rolled my eyes about this, while looking at my friend. Who, despite being exhausted, didn't look that bad. He didn't seem to mind too much that we were now both Dannys prisoners. “Come on, stop being silly, let us go. What are you even planning to do with us?”

My brother looked me in the eye, grinning. “I know how ticklish you are, Mike. Probably even more than Danny here. Don't worry, I will have some fun with you.”

And before I could say anything else, a sock was put into my mouth and a bunch of tape was applied to keep it inside. I tried to struggle, panicking, but there was nothing to be done. My younger brother was in control, and would stay in that position for some time.

I looked a last time at Tom, before trying uselessly to defend myself against the following tickle attacks. He seemed calm, maybe even enjoying himself.

And while I know that he felt as tortured by my brother as I did, he seemed to have some fun with it. As did I. These things happened between brothers. No one would be hurt. It was just a game.

I was really glad that Tom was now so much at peace with himself, that he could find the fun in games like this.

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