Tonya : 01 - The Bus Trip (MF/F, F/M)

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Tonya : 01 - The Bus Trip (MF/F, F/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Tonya's stories
01 - The Bus Trip
Story index at the bottom

By Tonya

Saturday, September 3rd 2005 - 06:57:58 AM

The Bus Trip
Girls Like To Be Hangagged Too...........

Noticed several handgag stories here apparently written by a guy indicating a passion for girls putting their soft hands over a mans mouth. Also noted some stories by gals indicating that they like their guys doing this to them as well.

I have been on both sides and I can tell you that it is fun for us gals either way! Yes we like being hangagged and yes we like hangagging our guys. Sort of gives us a sense of power over the men and what man ever fights us off? None. You guys love it too.

Reminds me of a story that happened to me, actually my first major handgagging experience. I was part of a group that was on a bus trip going from Wheeling West Va. to Sharon, Pa. This happened many years ago.

I was dating a guy named Sal and our closest friends were Tammy and Eugene. They sat right close to us on the bus.

Back in those days I was know to be more than a little rowdy and outspoken and would speak my mind on anything and any subject whether I was invited to or not. Sal used to get mad at me sometimes, as did some of the people we hung around. Fortunately, I had a strong personality and was well liked, except in this one area. People knew that I was always the first to volunteer and would help anybody out on a moments notice.

Well back to the bus trip trip. One of the guys named Jack got talking about a very controversial subject and one that is close to my heart. Sal knew it. So did Tammy and Eugene. As soon as Jack started, Tammy who was sitting behind me reached around my should and clamped her hand over my mouth and then whispered; "Stay out of it. Please for the love of God, stay out of it."

It would be a long ride to Sharon, Pa., about 2 1/2 hours. Tammy as my best friend and didn't want to have a shouting match between myself and Jack.

Sal looked, smiled and then looked over at Tammy and commented that he liked me this way and could he borrow Tammy to come home and do this to me at our place. The nerve of this guy!

Tammy just smiled and laughed.

I wasn't laughing. I pulled Tammy's hand away and assured her that I would behave myself, but I had my fingers crossed.

Jack went on and on. He had noticed what Tammy had done to me and felt that I wouldn't intrude as I normally do so he went even deeper into his nonsense. Jack was a colorful guy. He was tall, brown hair and good looking. He talked loud and all the girls liked this guy. I have to admit he was very attractive, dynamic and I had a crush on him too. Although I never let Sal know that.

He finally got to me and just as I finished with my OOOOOOOOO, Sal grabbed my mouth, thumbs down and with his other hand, put his finger up and whispered SHHHHHHHH!

Well I didn't want to be SHHHHHHHHHHHH'ed so I pulled Sals hand away and started into Jack and gave this guy a piece of my mind. I pointed out where he was wrong on this and that. He was way off base. As I continued to speak my words turned into a mmmmppphhhh as Tammy had once again intervened and grabbed me with not one, but both hands, from behind with a tight firm grip.

I tugged at Tammy's hands but to no avail. I was so pissed off. I wanted to give this Jack a piece of my mind. I started swinging my hands up and reaching for Tammy but Sal and Eugene clamped my hands down.

Then Eugene came up with an idea.

"Let's tie and gag her."

"Here on the bus." was Sal's reply.

And before Eugene could answer, Sal said "why not". Much to my surprise, others around me, who I though were friends, people I had helped out, said "YEAHHHH. DO IT!!!"

I was stunned.

Next thing I knew one of the ladies sitting in the row in from of me, a lady named Joice who I helped many times instructed Sal and Eugene to put my hands in front of me where Joice rejoiced in tying my hands with her bandana.

All this time, Tammy kept her firm grip on her handgag.

Sal pointed out that at least now I couldn't use my hands. By this time I heard the Bus Driver, who was watching this whole thing from his mirror say that we had just reached Washington, Pa. and Sharon was a distance away.

I thought surely they were not going to keep me this way all the way to Sharon, Pa.

Sal must have been reading my thoughts. He said "You are probably thinking that we are not going to keep you this way all the way to Sharon, Pa. right?" I mmmppped and shook my head yes.

Sal instructed Tammy to remove her hands. I took a few breathes but before I could say anything, Sal applied a handgag thumbs down, palms front.

I turned my head towards him with my eyes open wide and a look that indicated that I was getting even more pissed off.

Sal looked at me and said; "I bet we are really pissing you off aren't we?" This guy knew me all too well. "Well I told you to keep out of it so now you are going to have to learn the hard way."

Sal looked behind me, smiled and said that he was going to take his hand away. And he did. But before I could say a word, Tammy had placed a bandana OTM Gag on me. The bandana was not as firm as the handgag and I was able to mummble some words out. But alas, the guys were ready and another bandana was placed over the first one and one more over that one.

Sal playing around with me asked : "What were you saying honey?"

All I could get out was mmmmppph. I also had just noticed that the guys had firmly placed the seat belt over my arms, strapping me in securely. It was snug. I was at their mercy.

Sal yelled to the bus driver, "How long until we get to Sharon, Pa.??" The bus driven said; "About 45 minutes."

Sal looked at Tammy and Eugene and said that he couldn't keep me like this for 45 minutes. At which poing many people in the bus said, "Yes you can and please do!"

In the fuss I had hardly noticed that Jack was still rattling off his opinions. Now I was really getting mad. This guy was so full of it and I couldn't even respond to his crap. Jack loved it too and would occasionally come over to me, make a point and ask me to answer knowing full well that I couldn't. When I mmmmpppped. He would just mock me. How humiliating!

I remember how Sal always told me that a certain look with my eyes turned him into a puppy and I could get anything I wanted. The look usually included a smile which obviously I couldn't perform so I just used my eyes. Sal saw it coming so blindfolded me.

Sal then asked the others how long he should keep me this way. They all responded, "All the way down and all the way back."

Wow was I surprised.

Well, everyone else continued with what they were doing. I heard various conversations. It's amazing how much you hear when you can't talk and can't see. Your hearing senses really are accented because that is all you have to work with other than smell. Which buy the way I noticed that someone had a ham and cheese sandwich.

Sal would occasionally ask me if I was okay. Could he get me anything. Of course all I could get out was a mmmppphhh.

Then I heard Jack again with his crap. Oh, I wanted sooooo bad to intervene and tell this jerk off. He was clueless, but then I noticed something else I had never noticed before, no one seemed to be paying attention to him. In fact, when I used to speak back, it seemed to draw more attention. Perhaps that was what this was all about. Sal, Tammy and Eugene wanted me to realize that Jack was a Jack Butt and by silencing me, I would pick up on it. I did.

With my head I bumped over to Sal's shoulder and try to say take my gag off but off course all that came out was mmmppphhh. Sal simply said that this would be a lesson for me and to really appreciate the lesson, I would have to stay this way all the way to Sharon.

I had learned my lesson. I had gotten the point. If only I could tell Sal this. I tried to work the gags off, all to no avail. So it looked like I was stuck like this all the way to Sharon which would be at least another 45 minutes or so.

Sal whispered over tome that this would be a lesson but wait until we got home. Yeah, I had been tied by him before and it was exciting. But then Sal added, there would be another test on the way back to Wheeling as well as during the day.

I thought to myself, I am no kid. I don't need this treatment. But then I was at here mercy and there was nothing I could do about it. I tugged at my bonds and tried to push up against the seat belt. I tried to work my gags off again by rubbing my face against the seat and even against Sal. I heard Sal tell meto behave myself or he would really have to restrain me.

So in frustration, I let up, at least for the time being. I thought even if I could break free, what was to stop them from tying me up all over again? There were three of them and a whole bus load who were in full agreement of this treatment including the bus driver.

I have to admit that it was frustrating and embarrassing to me, an outspoken person to be silenced like this, but especially in this way and in front of all these people.

To add insult to injury, Jack would come over from time to time to ask me to respond to a point he had just made. I would mmmppphhh and he would mock me again, laugh and mock me over and over.

What an experience!


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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Monday, October 3rd 2005 - 03:07:29 AM

Tied Up on a Bus Trip Part II

I know I promised to finish this story awhile back, but alas I have been very busy lately. Just for the record this was a bus trip from Wheeling, W. Va to Sharon, Pa. where we now live.

I also want to compliment the other contributors here for a really neat and clean website.

Well anyway, when I left off, I was tied, hands in front with a bandana, triple gagged and blindfolded and forced to listen to all of Jack Butt's crazy comments and obviously unable to respond as I would have liked to. We were 45 minutes from Sharon, Pa. and I had already been tied for what seemed like hours.

Sal looked over to and whispered how much he liked me like this. Wait until I get you home! I turned my head to him, but unable to speak or even make looks with my eyes, was unable to communicate anything to him, although I nodded my head.

Sal knows how to read me and said he knew that I was smiling underneath and that he would release me soon as long as I promised not to chime in on Jack Butt's crazy comments. I nodded.

Nonetheless, I couldn't help but think how embarrassing this was to be tied up like this in front of all these people. Would they ever let me live it down.

Soon, Eugene comes over and whispers something to Jack. Now what I thought.

Sal informs me that he is going to take the blindfold off and I was to look forward, straight ahead of me and not move.

Okay, so now at least I would be able to see. That would be an improvement.

Off comes the blindfold and as I was blinking my eyes after having been in darkness suddenly I hear a click and it was Tammy with her camera. She took a picture of me! Damn her! Now I knew I would never hear the end of this.

I started yaking like crazy in protest looking first at Tammy then at Sal. Everyone was laughing and Sal yells out asking if anyone knows what the heck I was saying. They all laughed and were enjoying this at my expense.

Bus driver shouts 30 minutes to Sharon, Pa.

Another 30 minutes I thought. Seemed like an eternity.

To break up the time, Sal askes me (like I could answer) if I remembered how we first met in college and what I did to him as a form of initiation to make it in the sorority. I immediately nodded and smiled with my eyes in full delight which was premature and foolish as I was still strongly restrained.

Well Sal looks at me and said it's payback time. So I'm mumbling although my every word was stifled that he had this planned all along! Well Duh, they were prepared. But little did I know how well prepared and what else was to come.

Bus driver says 15 minutes to Sharon. Sal looks over at me and tells me that we (obviously meaning him and the rest of the group) are going to have a great time.

Bus driver shouts. 5 minutes to Sharon. So I am thinking that they will cut me loose and it started to appear that way as Sal removed the seat belts. Jack comes over and says not to release me. Little did I know that this butthead was in on this thing too.

Tammy and Eugene come over as Sal unties my hands. I immediately reach towards my mouth to remove the gags but Jack and Eugene quickly pulled my hands down to my sides and then behind my back when Sal started tying me up. Now I'm thinking, NOW WHAT?

Jack pulled a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket while Tammy put a hat on my head and Eugene wrapped a scarf covering my mouth and nose, covering the gags. Now Sal put a coat over me, right over my shoulders and unbeknownst to be untill this moment, he had a pair of gloves attached to the bottom of the coat sleeves so it appeared as though my hands were there. Obviously they did this to my coat while I was blindfolded. Those dirty rats.

So now they were going to take me outside, bound and gagged and nobody would know the difference. Well I started to really mmmmppph in protest when that idiot butthead Jack suggests that they should gag me even more!

So off comes the scarf, off comes gag #1, #2 and #3. So for the first time in over an hour I can speak but before I could mutter a sound that darn Tammy gives me a quick hand over the mouth.

Sal looks at me and says we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is that we can really gag you so you can't speak at all or we can take you in ungagged as long as you are a good girl. Tammy still had her hand clamped over my mouth. But be advised, that if you misbehave, you will be heavily gagged later.

Misbehave, he was talking to me like I was a kid. But then I remembered the college incident. So I nodded while Tammy still had her hand over my mouth.

Tammy slowly removed her hand. I rolled my jaw around and then politely told Sal that I would be nice and asked if he could untie me as well.

Not yet was the reply. I started to protest but darn if Tammy wasn't ready for me with yet another handgag. This was getting old fast.

I sighed through my nose and nodded yes.

Okay Sal says. Lets go.

Jack just looked over at me and started to spread his b.s. again. I was about to say something, but caught myself as this time Sal was raising his hand to put over my mouth.

So I held back, but it was hard. This was killing me.

So we walked around acting like a bunch of normal people. Little did the people who saw us realize that I was tied up. I just smiled and said hello to everybody. I looked over at Sal and told him that I was surprised that he never forget about that college sorority thing. The he reminded me that he would get even when I least expected it. Certaintly I never expected it many years later after we married and where on a bus trip.

Sal reminded me of how he liked seeing me this way and totally restrained the way I was in the bus. He said that when we got home, he had a special treat for me.

Well, after the long bus trip, most of us were hungry and I was needy to go to the ladies room. The combination of the bus trip and being teased, tied and gagged had really stimulated me.

I told Sal and he arranged for Tammy to go with me, to help me but assured me that I would not get untied! I told Sal that I couldn't go like that! He said it was either that or hold it. So I went with Tammy's help. What an experience!

We sat down to eat and I was wondering how Sal was going to pull this off. Surely he would have to untie me so I can eat. Not so. He ordered a cheeseburger and a shake. He made it look like I was feeding myself my occasionally moving the sleeve of my coat with his hand and positioning the cheeseburger in my glove. The shake was a lot easier. Still I felt humiliated. Couldn't even feed myself.

We went to the theatre to see the show. Sal of course was walking right beside me with his arm around me. Tammy was on my right with Eugene right next to her. Jack was behind us but I could still hear this butthead.

As we entered the theatre to go to our seats, the usher suggested that I could take my coat off and have it checked it. Before I could respond, and boy I wanted to, Sal says that is no problem, I could wear it and take it off inside and that I was just getting over a bad flu. Then he hustled me in but the usher, I think knew something was up.

So we got to our seats, the usher told us to enjoy the show as I sat there sneering at Sal. But then I remembered what I did to him in college and what a good sport he had been about that, until now.

The show was excellent. It was time to leave, head back to the bus and then back to Wheeling W. Va. for a long drive.

So I now I wondered what Sal and the gang would do to me. I had been tied up for hours. My hands were getting numb. So cautiously I told SAL. Didn't want to upset him and get triples gagged again.

Sal said he figured as much and had planned to temporarily untie me to give me a break. Temporarily! Hadn't I been tied enough. I mean it was all day.

Sal surmising my thoughts told me that maybe, I can get a longer break but reminded me of what I did to him in college. I smiled and said that I would do it to him again when I got the chance, which was a big mistake and bad timing.

Nonetheless, Sal briefly untied me and politely rubbed my hands with his. He told me that he had been a little rough on me and this was only a game. He asked how I felt. We spoke for awhile and finally I was untied and able to move. What a relief!

Bus driver calls out and informs us that it is time to leave, all aboard.

I started to walk like everything was back to normal, but soon Eugene and Tammy caught up with us. And they remind Sal about how this is supposed to end, not that Sal forgot.

So Sal informs me that it is time to get tied up again. Since we were going on the bus, he would tie my hands in front. He pulled out a bandana, same one as before and gently tied my hands. As we entered the bus, Sal removed my coat and had me sit in the same seat as before. He then strapped me in like before. But much to my delight, he didn't gag me this time.

I was fine about this and figured what's the use of fighting it. Then Jack comes in smiles at me and asks me how it felt to have mouth shut for so long. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when Sal covers my mouth and all that came out was a meeewwww. Jack laughed and moved on. Sal told me how much he liked doing this to me and indicated that it had been along time since he had. And I had to admit, despite Jack The Butthead, I rather enjoyed Sal's manly hand covering my mouth. It really stimulated me.

So guys, girls loved to be handgagged, tied up, teased and gagged too. Try it on your lady. Just make it FUN!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tuesday, October 4th 2005 - 02:45:13 PM

The Bus Trip
Part III

So finally we were back in the bus and I had just been handgagged one more time, this time by Sal preventing me from making wise cracks in response to Jack The Butthead wise cracks. Jack loved it. And I h ad to admit, I rather enjoyed Sal's affectionate hand over my mouth. It was stimulating.

Seeing what Sal did to me, Jack suggests that may be I should be gagged again. I first looked over at Jack sneering and then at Sal who still had his hand over my mouth with a please no look on my face. I hated the thought of having all of those wraps on again. How uncomfortable not to mention embarrassing in front of all these people.

Sal took his hand away and asked me if I was going to be a good girl. I nodded and said yes.

So we proceeded to take off. The bus driver had occasionally looked over at us and just shook his head, but he seemed to be enjoying this as well.

As we traveled the long and windy road back to W. Virginia from Sharon, Pa. occasionally we would see one of those signs familiar in the northeast that said "stop ahead" indicating that as we turned around the mountainous road, a stop was just ahead usually less than 500 feet away.

When this happened, Sal would do what he typically does to me when we are in the car alone. He would grab my head with his hand and say he stopped a head. Then we would let my head alone, brush my hair with his hand as he moved his hand in front of face, grazing my nose and clamp his hand over my mouth and then say that he stopped a mouth too. Everyone laughed, except me.

Eugene and Tammy, Sal and I would talk about the trip as were the others on the bus. Now it was getting like a normal bus trip except that my hands were still tied. But I was getting over confident.

Jack comes over to us and starts with his nonsense getting right in my face. Immediately Sal covers my mouth while Jack is yakking all this garbage. I looked over at Sal and mmmppphhed c'mon, I'll be all right. But either Sal couldn't understand my muffled words or did and was just fooling around again and again at my expense and to Jack's delight.

Jack carried on for at least 15 minutes and Sal maintained his grip on my mouth for at least 15 minutes.

Jack left and Sal let go. I looked over and told him that he was really enjoying this. He nodded and said of course and reminded me of what I did to him in college. But I reminded him of what I had to go through in college as well. He smiled and said that didn't matter.

So what did happen? Here is how it all started folks. I was the new kid in college at the time and had just met Sal. Sal was the academic genius and made a habit of bragging about his grades and everyday boasted how easy learning was for him and scoring 100% on nearly every test. Occasionally, he missed and only got a 99. He was also somewhat abusive to the ladies, although in a somewhat polite way. But the girls were getting tired of it.

Sal and I were attracted to each other right from the beginning except that like the other girls, I was turned off by his bragging and that in a kidding way, he would make wise cracks to the gals.

So some of the girls came over to me and suggested something that would make me the sorority queen, if I could pull it off. They noticed that Sal was interested in me and I had to admit, I liked him too.

One of the girl's father owned a rental home in which he turned into mini apartments near the college. She agreed to give me a key to an apartment that was empty at the time. The goal was to get Sal over there ostensibly for some fun, but the real fun would be on him.

So when Sal and I met the next day, I played on to him and more or less let him know that I was really interested in him (boy was I ever!) and that it would be neat to have some private time together. Sal agreed to a movie later that week, but I suggested getting together much sooner. I told Sal that I had an apartment and that we could spend some time there, privately and just talk.

Sal's eyes got like saucers! He liked the idea but was a little uncertain. I told him we could study together and then grab a bite and just hangout at my apartment, He agreed.

June, the girl whose father owned the house, told me where everything would be. Told me what I needed to do and that when I was ready, to call her.

Sal and I went into the house. While Sal was admiring the home, I just looked at those big brown eyes of his and told him that we had some studying to do and then would relax.

A short while later, study time was minimal so it was time.

I went to where June told me the stuff would be and walked out to the room. Sal was on the couch and saw me coming with a brand new clothesline, still wrapped up. Sal asked me what the heck that was for as I unwrapped it, just told him that there was something I needed to do to him, that I was feeling a little kinky and just looking to have some fun that he would have fun with too.

Sal looked perplexed but smiled. I told him to stand up and when he did I grabbed his hands, pulled them behind his back and started tying them.

Sal started laughing and said he never expected this. I continued tying wrapping the rope around his chest and with the remaining rope, tied his feet.

Then I asked Sal how that felt. He just replied "tight, can't move." I just told him that that was the whole idea.

Sal getting a little suspicious now asked me what I was going to do and why I did this to him.

I asked him if he thought that this would be the game where I tie him up and then he has to guess when I am going to untie him. He said "Yeahhhh." I responded "Noooooo." I then told him that the girls, me included were upset with his wise cracks and bragging and that he needed to be taught a lesson. I turned the tv and the radio on loud enough to drown his mouth out if he started to call out but no so loud as to arouse the neighbors.

Sal wanted to know how long I was going to keep him like this as he needed to finish studying for a major test the next day. I told him that this was the whole idea, to keep him tied up so he couldn't study unless he stayed up into the wee hours in the morning. Sal was always early to bed, early to rise. He was fuming!

He started to shout, so I just turned the tv up a little louder drowning out his big mouth and told him that I would be back in a few hours, maybe. You should have seen the look on his face! WOW!

I went outside and watched from the window. It was hilarious watching this egghead (I don't call him that anymore but did then) struggle against the ropes, frantically trying to break loose. He was able to wiggle his way near the telephone. I figured, no problem, how is he going to dial or do anything with the phone tied up like that. To my surprise, Sal picked the phone up with his mouth, dropped it and started dialing with his nose and chin!

So I ran back in just as Sal was about to talk to someone, pushed the button down and moved the phone away. I promptly told Sal "No phone calls" BUT I HAD TO ADMIRE HIS SPUNK AND DEXTERITY. I don't think that I could have done that.

So I told Sal that I would be back and if he didn't behave, I would have to get more rope out and would have to gag him as well. The look on Sal's face was one of pure astonishment. He agreed to comply.

Then there was a knock on the door. Someone, a nosey neighbor was complaining about the tv being too loud. I put my hand over Sal's mouth until this nosey guy left and said sorry Sal, I guess I'll have to gag you! HIS EYES BULGED.

So with one hand still over his mouth, I reached into my bag and pulled out a roll of duct tape that June had conveniently left for me and I picked up when I grabbed the ropes. I used my mouth to rip a piece off and then applied one piece over Sal's mouth, after quickly removing my hand. I then applied another piece a little higher just under Sal's big Italian nose and one more piece just under that one. This was the birth of the triple gag (for us anyway)

Then I had more rope and started tying Sal, interlooping the rope between his arms, around his shoulders and then used the rest for his legs. Then I got MORE rope and tied him from chest to his feet. He looked like a spool of thread.

I started teasing Sal. "Ah, poor Sal. So helpless. What's the matter Sal, you can't use your algebra or calculus to calculate an escape? How about your philosophy? What you have to say now big guy? You always like making wise cracks to we girls. Look what this girl has done to you. C'mon Sal, get out! Wise crack your way out. Oh, I forgot, you can't wise crack your way out because your mouth is taped shut. Maybe we should keep you this way permanently."

"We, you are thinking? Oh are we?

I then got on the phone and told the girls that job was done. Within minutes, June and the rest of the girls were over admiring my work and complimenting me on being the new sorority queen. But the best was yet to come for Sal. He had no idea what the girls had planned for him.

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