Ramon : 01 - Costume Party Cop (M/F)

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Ramon : 01 - Costume Party Cop (M/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ramon's stories
01 - Costume Party Cop
Story index at the bottom

By Ramon

Saturday, November 12th 2005 - 09:20:18 AM

Hi all. The events I'm going to relate occurred a few years ago when I was at University back in Australia. It was near the end of the academic year, and one afternoon I received a call out of the blue from a friend inviting me to a costume party that every evening. I had been out of town and contact, and my friend had almost given up on me. She said that she understood that it was short notice, but cunningly let slip the fact that lots of cute girls were invited and she needed extra guys there. The theme was to be 'Crime'.

There was no way I could get hold of a costume in time. No coming as a convict or Mafia Don for me. Luckily I hit on the idea of going as an 'Undercover Policeman'- all I would need is a suit and a pair of brown shoes. On the way to the party I could buy a fake badge from a local newsagent that sold cheap toys. To make the guise perfect though, I was going to take along my handcuffs, a Smith & Wesson pair that I had great difficulty in obtaining (handcuffs are illegal in Australia for non-law enforcement types).

I drove to the party and walked up the drive, looking a tad odd-one-out in my Boss suit amongst a throng of criminals, thugs, convicts, and gangsters. Most people wondered at what I was supposed to be, but were amused when I opened my jacket flap and flashed my 'badge' at them with a straight face. I met a group of girls who were very popular that evening- dressed as they were as prostitutes. Luckily for me the prettiest one, clad in a tight top, very short skirt, fishnet stockings and black leather knee-boots found my costume hilarious.

We got to talking away from the others, and it just seemed natural to 'stay in character'. I played the deadpan detective, and she the flirtatious vixen- named 'Catherine' (she must have seen 'Belle du Jour'!). We talked for a long time, and later on when I asked her why she was here, she innocently said that she had come to the party looking for 'Johns'. In mock horror she suddenly 'realised' that I was in fact an undercover cop, and whether I was going to arrest her. I opened my jacket wide to show my badge, as well as a glimpse of my handcuffs, held in a belt clip.

I could tell Catherine was intrigued, and dying to ask if they were 'real'. Everyone else had assumed they were as fake as my badge, but she wasn't so sure up close.

I told her that she had admitted to propositioning (in fact prostitution is legal in Australia, but we ignored that small detail!) and she was under arrest. She reacted by looking me straight in the eye and holding out her hands to be cuffed. Trying not to loose my cool, or allow my hands to shake, I locked my handcuffs onto her wrists, and began to escort her towards the door. People were laughing when they saw me lead Catherine away, 'The Cop who caught the 'Pro' but I kept a straight face and led her by the arm all the way to my car. It waw dark outdoors, and we were both breathing harder than was necessary.

At the car she asked me what I was going to do with her. I told her I would take her home for 'questioning'. I was trying my luck, seeing how far I could go in this charade. To my surprise Catherine went right along, holding up her cuffed wrists and saying 'Well, I am your prisoner'. Glad of the darkness that concealed my excitement, I put her in the passenger seat and drove home. And that's a reminiscence for another time! Well, let me know what you think- and any girls who envy Catherine that evening out there, feel free to drop me a line! R.


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