Phaser : 01 - A Christmas tie up (ffm/f)

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Phaser : 01 - A Christmas tie up (ffm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Phaser's stories
01 - A Christmas tie up
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By Phaser

Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:51 am

A Christmas tie up

With this being the festive season I thought I would share with you one of my stories. It takes place on Christmas Eve some years ago.

Me (16) and my step sisters Gemma (12) and Laura (16) were looking for something to do on Christmas Eve.

“I know” said Gemma. “Lets play Monopoly!”

It's not the most Christmassy of games, but we decided to play it anyway.

“One last thing before we start” said Laura. “How about, however wins gets to decide what channel we watch on the TV all tomorrow. But the one who looses gets wrapped up and put under the Christmas tree all night!”

We reluctantly agreed and so the game went on. Laura somehow became the super tactician and as much as she payed out, she still seemed to have a lot of money. While I got on OK, before long poor little Gemma had gone bankrupt. So it was decided Laura was the winner, and Gemma the loose.

A while before we were supposed to go to bed we did the wrapping. We had Gemma lie on her back on a huge unrolled sheet of wrapping paper.

“No this isn’t good enough,” said Laura. “She will be able to get out; we need to tie her limbs together as well!”

Reluctantly, but to Laura’s glee, we got some old shoe lace to tie Gemma’s hands in front of her at the wrists and her ankles together. When the bonds were secure we wrapped her up and taped it all together. Though we put in a small hole for her to breathe through, she looked a very convincing present.

We both went upstairs; however being a little suspicious of Laura’s good fortune I did a little investigating. I slowly tiptoed up to her room and looked through the gap of the ajar door. And there I saw it, a semi opened monopoly set, she had taken extra money from upstairs and had been using it to cheat in the game!

I went to bed but didn’t go to sleep. I waited about an hour until I though it was safe to carry out my plan. I checked on Laura’s room and luckily she was already asleep. I quietly went downstairs and took the wrapping of Gemma.

“Laura cheated in the game,” I said. “Lets get her and tie her up instead.”

We went upstairs and crept into Laura’s room. Gemma grabbed her mouth while I turned her onto her front and put her into a hogtie using a length of ribbon I had lying around in my room.

“Don’t open your mouth,” I sternly told her. “If you do I will tell your mom it was your idea to tie Gemma up and that you cheated at that game.”

We managed to drag her downstairs and wrap her up. Luckily we had quite a big tree so we hid her right around the back next to the wall. To anyone looking at the tree they would see a pile of presents and one rather large present at the back. Now it was time for the final part of my plan.

I turned round to look at Gemma and before she could react I leapt on her and pinned her to the ground.

“Hey!” she said. “You can't tie me up as well! I didn’t loose!”

“Yeh, but that wouldn’t me much fun would it?” I said. “You may as well just give up I'm much stronger than you.”

“No!” she said and continued to struggle.

“Fine then I will have to tickle you.” I said as I went about tickling her writhing belly and sides.

“OK, OK,” She said. “Just tie me up again if your that bothered.”

I tied the resigned looking Gemma just how she had been in the wrapping paper before hand. Early the next morning I got up before my dad and step-mom to unwrap them both. They were both asleep but glad to get a couple more hours sleep in their bed before the big day started.

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