OGgrl93 : 01 - Taken Into Their Own Hands (mm/f, mm/m)

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OGgrl93 : 01 - Taken Into Their Own Hands (mm/f, mm/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

OGgrl93's stories
01 - Taken Into Their Own Hands
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By OGgrl93

Mon Sep 28, 2009 9:17 pm

I already posted this, and i didn't really liked it. So i cleaned it up, renamed it, and reposted it. Hope you like it and please feel free to leave comments and tell me what you think and if I should continue or not.

The gang:
  • Jamie-16, about 5'10, blue eyes, dirty blond bushy hair, wearing jeans with a sarcasm shirt, kinda skinny and not very strong
  • Jeff-15, about 5'9, brown eyes, light brown short hair, wearing jeans with a black t-shirt, really muscular
  • Skyler-16, about 5'11, green eyes, brownish-black long hair, wearing jeans, a red NEBRASKA t-shirt and a black baseball cap backwards, not muscular but not skinny either, so somewhere in between
  • Stephanie(my charter)-15, about 5'9, greenish-blue eyes, brown with blond highlighted hair thats down to upper back, wearing jeans with a tunic t-shirt, not fat but, not skinny and I am pretty strong too
It was the end of summer and we were me and my friends were going to have a summer movie party before we had to go back to school. I was super siked because one of my friends named Skyler was going to be there. I've been crushing on Sky for over a year now and we've gotten really close, he was alway there for me when I had problems at school, and i was there for him too. He's always defending me like it's his duty, like a guardian angel.

So I get over to Jamie's house around 6:oo-ish, and ring the doorbell, and Jamie answers it.

"Hey Steph! you made it!" He said with a big smile on his face.

I stepped into the house and threw off my shoes revealing my bare feet.

"Why wouldn't I have made it? I wasn't gonna miss this, last few days of freedom before we have to go back to school."

"Amen to that, can you believe we're going to be sophomores?" Jamie replied

"I know. So who's all here right now?" I asked.

He said "Well there's me, you, Jeff, and Skyler's running late, so he'll be here in a half hour or so."

"O-oh, I-I didn't know that Sky was coming." It felt like all the air in my lungs left at the same time.

"Really? I could have sworn that i told you, huh? must have forgot, oh-well! Sorry." Jamie just seemed to brush the thought away.

"Oh It's fine, I-I don't mind." Of course I minded. DUH! I was going to spend an entire evening with the guy I liked-a lot. "This isn't going to end well." I thought to myself.

"Why don't you go on down stairs and pick a movie and get it ready to go, and send Jeff upstairs to help me with the pop and popcorn, k?"

"Why doesn't he do the movie, and I help you with the pop and popcorn?"I asked.

"Steph, Do you really trust Jeff with the DVD player?" He said with a smart grin.

"....Okay, yeah, you got a good point, see ya then." I smiled and laughed, and headed down stairs.

When I got down stairs Jeff was laying upside-down on the couch chucking pillows around the room for some strange reason. It was actually pretty funny. Jeff saw me and got this weird smile on his face.

"Well look who's here!"

"Yep, ta-da!" He asked, "Whatcha need?" I said, "Jamie needs you upstairs to help with the pop and popcorn because he doesn't trust you with the DVD player." I said with a sly smile. "Oh ha ha, smart ass." Giving me a sarcastic smirk. I snapped, "Hey, don't goo calling me a smart ass, Jamie's the one who said that. I'm just the messenger." Jeff shot back, "Yeah, but you did agree with him about not trusting him with the DVD player thing right?" "Well yeah...." "...So your a smart ass then." He said with a big grin, acting like he'd accomplished something. "Just get up stairs will you?" I said with a almost annoyed tone in my voice. "I'm going, I'm going. See ya later smart ass!""Bite me!!" I yelled back at him at he ran up th stairs. So I got a movie picked out and ready to go, and I also fixed Jeff's mess with the pillows. I plopped on the couch and waited, and waited, and waited. finally after like 15 minuets or so I was really pissed off so I headed upstairs to see what the hell was taking them so long.

I got up stairs and started walking down the main hallway. "Guys, what the hell is taking so-mmpphhh!!!" I didn't even take 5 steps when someone came out of a hiding spot and wrapped one arm around my lower torso, pinning my arms to my side, and hand gagged me with the other. When the person holding me hollered "got her!". I could tell it was Jamie right away because well A.) I recognized his voice and B.) He didn't feel very strong and lets be honest, Jamie is a weakling. Luckily this gave me an advantage. I worked my left arm out of his hold and elbowed him in the side, and right away he let go I kicked him in the shin right leg (double hitter). I felt kinda bad I did that but I didn't want to know what would have happened if i didn't. I turned and ran down the hallway thinking I could find and escape rout. I turned my head when I heard Jamie yell "Jeff get her!" and when my head was turned one way Jeff plowed me over in the opposite direction. Jeff tackled me in the stomach and I fell to the wood floor, knocked the wind right out of me. I was in a lot of pain because of that, it was easy to overpower me,(actually I gave up because I knew I couldn't win in the condition I was in.) So It ended up with me on my stomach and Jeff sitting on top of me. Jamie went to his room for a minuet while Jeff kept a tight hold on me. I was trying to talk Jeff into letting me go when Jamie came back carrying rope and four bandannas. Still a little woozy from the tackle all I could do was try to wriggler out of his grip, you probable guessed how that went.

Jeff started tying my hands in an X behind my back with one of the pieces of rope. For my sake it didn't hurt much, but it was really tight. He then took some more rope and tied my ankles together. He did the same above and below my knees with more rope also. He grabbed the four bandannas and put two of them in his pocket and laid one by my head and was working with the other one in his hands. "What are you going to do with those?" I asked cautiously. Then Jamie said, "To shut you up of course. We were just going to put a few strips of tape over your mouth, but since you elbowed and kicked me you get the bandannas instead." He wadded one of the bandannas up and was going to put it in my mouth, but I wasn't about to let him do that so I clamped my mouth shut. He pinched my nose and I tried to hold my breath but I couldn't hold it any longer. So I gave in and when I went to gasp for breath Jeff shoved it in my mouth. Then he quickly tied the other one around my head securing the other one in my mouth and double knotting it in the back. Now all I could do was make mmpphhing noises. I calmed down and just thought to myself "okay just let them have their fun and you'll be out of this."

Jamie grabbed some more rope and they both picked me up, and took me down stairs. They took me into the laundry room where there was this strange pipe that came out of the floor that looked almost like an C turned sideway so the arch is coming out of the floor that was about Two feet high and a yard long. They set me by it and put my arms over it so my body was on one side and my arms were on the other side and tied a rope to my tied wrists and went under the pipe and tied it to my waist. So in the end I was stuck not able to stand up let alone try and get away. "Look, we're not trying to be mean but, okay well this is sorta kinda mean but you forced us to do this to you." Jamie said. I gave them this look like "you gotta be kidding me? right?" Jeff said "What he means is we know you've liked Skyler for a pretty long time now and we're tired of you never telling him how you really feel, so were taking you matter into our own hands now." Jamie then pulled out one of the two bandannas that he stowed in his pocket earlier and tightly tied it around my eyes and I couldn't see anything. Jamie then said "Don't worry about getting lonely, Sky's going to be in this position with you soon enough." Then with that said they both left the room and shut the door. My heart sank thinking that they were going to do this to Sky too. I was struggling my best, but I couldn't find any knots. It seemed hopeless getting out of this by myself, and I was worried about what they would do to Sky.

Ding-Dong i heard the doorbell ring and i thought to myself "oh crap, let the fun begin." I heard running and the sound of the door opening. "Hey guys what's up?" Skyler said. "Hey cool dude ya made it, we're just waiting on Steph, she'll be here any minute eand then everyone's here." Jeff said casually. "Oh, I didn't know Stephanie was going to come..." Skyler just trailed off and snapped back to reality when Jamie said "Really? Huh thought I told you. Oh well, hey you can go ahead and go down to the basement, we just need to get the pop and popcorn and then we'll be right down." "Fine by Me." I just wanted to yell out to him and tell him to run before the guys could ambush him like they did to me.

I heard Skyler come down the stairs, so I tried calling out his name. Didn't sound like his name but I was making a lot of noise, so I continued hoping he would find me and I could warn him.

"Hello? is anyone down here?" He said very cautiously.

I kept on mmpphhing and then I the door swing open.

"Oh..my..god.., Steph what happened, are you even okay?!?!?"

He came over and untied the bandanna that was used as my blindfold. Our eyes me and we both lost our train of thought. He quickly snapped out of it and so did I. He then pulled down the bandanna the was holding my gag and gently pulled the other wadded up one in my mouth.

"I'm fine really I am, thanks but those two bastards tied me up and brought me in here and they're going to try and get you too. you need to stay quiet and get out of here, I'll be fine." I said gently.

"Are you kidding?!? I'm not going to leave you here." So he started to try and untie the ropes but he couldn't get the knots undone, and he wasn't making any progress at all. "Let me get something to cut with, it'll go a lot faster."

"Sky...? Thank You. If it was one of those bimbos that found me they would've just split but you stayed."

"Don't thank me just yet." He said while looking around the room for something sharp to cut with.

Without a sound Jamie and Jeff came into the room. Jeff yelled "SURPRISE!!!!" And the two jumped Skyler. The three of them had quite the wrestling match before Jamie and Jeff managed to pinned both of Skyler's arms down on the ground while he was face down. They pushed his hat down over his eyes and taped it there. They then started tying him the same fashion at they did me and tied him to the opposite side of the pipe just like they did to me. Jamie Then pulled out the last bandanna out of his pocked and with a swift movement he pulled off one of Sky's ankle sock and stuffed it into his mouth tying the other bandanna around his head double knotting it like they did to me. They then reapplied my gag and blindfold. We were screwed now...

To Be Continued.....

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