TiedTight1 : 01 - Happy Anniversary Honey... (f/FFF, F/ff, M/F, F/M, ff/MF)

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TiedTight1 : 01 - Happy Anniversary Honey... (f/FFF, F/ff, M/F, F/M, ff/MF)

Post by Canuck100 »

TiedTight1's stories
01 - Happy Anniversary Honey...
Story index at the bottom

By TiedTight1

Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:17 pm

"Are you sure you're OK with this, Ann?"

"Karen, I've said I am at least three times now!" I replied, laughing at my daughter-in-law's nervous question. "When I agreed to this, I didn't think it would be you who kept trying to get me to chicken out! This was your idea to start with!"

"Well, it's one thing when Kevin and I do this," my daughter-in-law said, "but you're Kevin's mother! It's a little different with you!"

"I raised my son alone from when he was three," I assured my nervous daughter-in-law, "believe me it won't be the first time he's seen me in my undies!"

"Besides," Lisa put in with a giggle, "which is more embarrassing, being seen by your son in a bra and panties, or being seen by your son-in-law that way? If anybody should be nervous here, it's me!"

I smiled at my daughter-in-law's mother, sharing a moment of amusement at Karen's anxiety. The three of us were gathered in the living room of the house Karen and my son Kevin shared, preparing an anniversary surprise for Kevin. It was their 15th anniversary, and Karen had wanted to celebrate it with a very special surprise for Kevin. She had recruited her mother Lisa and myself to help with it, but I will say I was pretty shocked, at first, when she told us what she had in mind!

The more I thought about it, though, the more I liked the idea, and Lisa had been all for it from the word go, she has a wild streak in her that has only gotten worse since she and her husband broke up five years ago. Lisa and I went to high school together and we were friends long before her daughter and my son got together, so I knew all too well how daring she could be!

I mentioned the three of us were in their living room, did I mention that Lisa and I, two quite respectable matrons in our fifties, were both wearing nothing but lacy bras and somewhat skimpy little panties? Mine were in black, Lisa's in white, but otherwise we matched in what little we were wearing. Karen, likewise, was clad only in her undies, but her early-30s body had on an even skimpier set than we did, in candy-red!

The one other person in the room was my granddaughter Ashlee, a perky and sassy 14 year old who looked very much like a younger version of her blonde mother, and of the four of us she was the only one who could be said to be even half-dressed, in tight denim shorts, a halter top, and flip-flops. It was July and it was quite comfortable to be lightly dressed. I wasn't in any way embarrassed to be seen by my best friend, her daughter, or our granddaughter in my undies...but I had a feeling I might be embarrassed enough to make up for it before the celebration ended!

"Yeah, Mom," Ashlee said, rolling her eyes, "it's no worse than Dad seeing any of you in your bikinis!"

"I haven't worn a bikini in years," Karen said, "I'm too fat for it!"

Lisa rolled her eyes, Ashlee smirked, and I said, "Stop fishing for compliments, Karen, you've got a great body and we all know it!"

Which was true, as far as I was concerned. It was true that Karen, and Ashlee for that matter, were not supermodel-thin. Both mother and daughter had naturally curvy frames, and Karen was just a tiny bit overweight, by the standards of the fashion industry, but I would have traded my 56 year old figure for her 35 year old one in a heartbeat. At 5'10", Karen was the tallest of the four of us in the room, and she carried her weight well.

Ashlee was 5'6", the same as me, but otherwise looked much like her mother. Lisa is 5'8" and had been as blonde as her daughter and granddaughter once, but now her hair would have been mostly silver if she didn't color it, which she did. I use a little color on my brown tresses, but I'm not as gray as my best friend, which do I tease her about without mercy.

"Yeah, Honey, it's not becoming to fish for compliments that way!"

"Easy for you to say, Mom," Karen groused. "You're so damned thin it's sickening!"

It was true that Lisa was slender, Karen and Ashlee got their figures from the women on Karen's father's side of the family. Lisa had a pretty damned good figure for a woman 56, I often envied it, and she wasn't about teasing me about that, either.

Karen drew a deep breath, obviously getting her nerve up, and said, "Well, if we're going to do this, I suppose we should get started."

"About time," Ashlee said with a grin. "Now, who wants me to tie her up first?"


Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:35 pm

Lisa, Karen, and I exchanged nervous glances, and then Karen sighed and said, "Do me first, Honey. I'm used to it, your grandmothers aren't, so let 'em see it's no so bad."

I laughed. "I swear, Karen, you act like you roped us into this at gunpoint...no pun intended!"

Karen blushed a little and said, "I know, I know, it's just that I'm always a little nervous when somebody finds out about our family's idea of fun, not everyone would be understanding!"

"I can understand that," Lisa said, "but Ann and I aren't 'everyone'. Ash, you heard your mother, get to work! I want to see this!"

Actually, I did too. In spite of my words to my daughter-in-law, I was a little nervous about this part, though not nearly as much as Karen seemed to expect me to be. Certainly I wasn't as nervous about this part as I was about my trip to the dentist last month for the root canal, now that was nerve-wracking...and had ended up being completely painless, too. Most worry is wasted time, I've found in my 56 years.

"OK," Karen said. "Tie me up, Ash."

"About time," Ashlee groused good-naturedly, as she picked up a long, soft rope from the pile of bondage-related goodies she and her mother had put on the floor before Lisa and I got there. I don't know where they got that rope, it was not ordinary rope but made of some kind of softer fiber, Karen had said to us that it didn't rub the skin as raw, and I assumed, given her experience with such things, that she knew what she was talking about.

"Put your hands behind your back, Mom," Ashlee ordered, and Karen obeyed her daughter. She put her wrists together behind the small of her back, causing her large-C cup breasts to seem even bigger as she did. Her daughter took the rope and made several loops around her mother's wrists, something going around both wrists at once and sometimes in a sort of figure-eight around first one wrist, then the other.

"Is that too tight, Mom?" Ashlee asked, as she tied off the ropes. Her mother tugged at the bonds and her wrists didn't move an inch, though her boobs did sway a bit in her lacy little bra. Even as a straight female I had to admit that was sort of funny and cute.

"No," Karen assured her daughter with smile, "it's just right!"

"Thanks, Mom," Ashlee said.

"You have to admit," Lisa whispered in my ear, "it's interesting to watch! Some families go to the movies or ball games, our kids and grandkids tie each other up for fun!"

I nodded, and whispered back to my best friend, "It really shocked me at first, but it's obvious how much they enjoy it!"

"OK," Ashlee said, taking her underwear-clad mother by the shoulders to help her balance, "let's get you down on your knees, Mom! Careful...Grandma Lisa, why don't you give me a hand?"

Lisa blinked, but stepped forward gamely, and I watched as Karen's own mother and daughter helped her get down safely to her knees, since she could hardly balance herself with her hands tight behind her back!

"I should have had you do this first, Mom," Ashlee said, when they had Karen settled onto her knees. "Sorry about that!"

"I didn't think of it either," she said. "It's OK!"

"Now we need to get her onto her belly," Ashlee said to her grandmother. "Carefully, we don't want to crush her boobs, believe me that hurts if you hit the floor to fast, I know from experience!"

I blinked, this was so surreal! Ashlee and Karen were treating this as perfectly ordinary, and I guess maybe it was for them!

When they had Karen on the floor, lying face-down, Ashlee ordered her, "Raise your legs, Mom, and cross your ankles!"

Karen obeyed, and Lisa stepped back to join me as we watched, fascinated, while our granddaughter snugly tied her mother's crossed ankles together, just the way she had her wrists a few moments earlier. She used a little more rope this time, and when she finished, she again asked her mother if she was OK.

"You're doing great, Ashlee," her mother assured her. "Everything is fine!"

"Good," Ashlee said, and tan the tip of her fingernail along the sole of Karen's bare right foot, which elicited a giggle and a helpless squirm from her bound-up mother.

"Ashlee!" Karen protested, but she didn't sound angry, and she had the oddest smile on her pretty face as her daughter's tickled her feet.

"OK," Ashlee said, leaning over to grab some more rope, "let's get this finished!"

Lisa and I watched as Ashlee drew her mother's feet forward, ran some more rope around her already snugly-tied ankles, and stretched to her mother's wrists, where she tied off the other end.

Her mother was now lying flat on her belly, wrists tied to her ankles above her! There was enough length to keep Karen from having to arch her body uncomfortably, but she wasn't going anywhere any time soon, either!

"Wow," I heard Lisa whisper beside me, "she does look so damned cute that way! I can't believe how pretty my own daughter looks all tied up that way!"

Ashlee sat back, rear end on her heels, and examined her mother with a critical eye.

"I guess you're ready, Mom, once I gag you! What color gag do you want?"

"Give me a red one, Ash, to match my lipstick!"

"Sure thing, Mom!"

Ashlee picked up a cherry-red ball-gag from the pile of 'toys'. It had holes in it to make it easier to breathe, and a strap on it with a buckle.

Ashlee held the red ball in front of her mother, and ordered, "Open your big mouth, Mom!"

Karen looked at us, grinned, and then turned back to face forward, opened her mouth wide, and her daughter inserted the gag in her mouth, and strapped it behind Karen's thick blonde hair.

"Say something, Mom," Ashlee giggled.

"Mmmmpphhh!" Karen managed, and I laughed guiltily at the cute little noise. I didn't feel as guilty once I realized that Karen's own mother and daughter also found it funny, and from the look on her face, Karen did not seem at all unhappy. Granted it was a little hard to read her face
with her lips puckered around that red ball, but her eyes were absolutely shining!

Ashlee got to her feet, rubbed her knees, and said, "Grandma Lisa, Grandma Ann, what do you think? Isn't Mom cute this way?"
Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:51 pm

The truth is, she was! I padded over to look more closely at my daughter-in-law, who followed me with her eyes but could hardly move even if she wanted, and knelt to get a good look.

Clad only in skimpy panties and a wisp of a bra, my daughter-in-law was completely helpless! She was lying on her stomach a few inches in front of me, and it suddenly struck me that I could do whatever I wanted, and Karen couldn't stop me. She couldn't even try to stop me! My right hand reached out, and hesitated, and Ashlee said, "Go ahead, Grandma! It's part of the fun!"

I took a deep breath and ran my fingers down the nearly-bare body of my daughter-in law, poking a bit here and there, using my nails to tickle her ribs, which made her giggle in a frustrated way through her gag. Lisa was kneeling on the other side facing me, and she joined right in with tickling and touching her own daughter, who was squirming and 'mmmphing' in protest, but totally helpless to do anything about it.

There was a definite feeling of power to the whole thing, like nothing I'd ever felt in my life before that moment!

Ashlee was grinning in delight as she watched us toy with her mother, who was twisting and jerking as we 'played' with our human toy. She even joined in a bit, and got more response than we did, apparently she knew where her mother's ticklish and sensitive spots were better than we did!

Finally, though, Ashlee said, "It's getting late, if I'm going to tie you two up I need to get to it! Are you both ready?"

Lisa and I exchanged glances, it was the moment of truth. She nodded first, and with my own courage bucked up I said, "Yeah, let's get it done, Ash. Who do you want to do first?"

"I'm gonna tie you both up together!" our granddaughter told us with happy enthusiasm. "Oh, this is going to be so great!"

Ashlee went into the kitchen and came back with a high-backed, armless wooden chair. Then she said, "Grandma Lisa, come sit in the chair so I can tie you to it!"

Lisa looked at me with a rueful grin, walked over to the chair with as much bravado as she could manage in her underwear and bare feet, and took a seat, trying to seem blase. I wasn't fooled, I could tell she was both nervous and curious, but Ashlee was beside herself with excitement at
the prospect of tying up her grandmothers.

First she ran coils of rope around Lisa's ankles, securing each other to the front legs of the chair, and then she ran another loop around Lisa's waist and the back of the chair, to hold her in place and keep her from leaning forward. Then another loop went around her upper body, and Ashlee
even looped it above and below Lisa's boobs, not tightly but snug enough to hold her in place. It did not appear to embarrass her in the slightest to manhandle, or maybe I should say girlhandle, her own grandmother's half-bare boobs in the process.

I saw a look on Lisa's face of mingled amusement, embarrassment, and shock as our granddaughter unconcernedly handled her tits, she certainly hadn't expected it, but Ashlee made it seem so natural and was so cheerful and eager that it almost seemed ordinary!

Ashlee finished off the chair-tie, stepping back. Lisa's arms were still free, though!

"Ash? Aren't you going to tie my arms?"

"In a minute, Grandma!" Ashlee said. "I can't do your arms until we get Grandma Ann into position."

I wasn't sure what that implied, but Ashlee turned to me and said, "Come sit in her lap, Grandma!"


Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:14 pm

I swallowed a nervous lump and padded over to where Lisa was tied to the chair, goose bumps rising all over my mostly-bare body as I did. Partly that was from sheer nervousness, but partly is was because the room was a tad chilly. It was hot summertime, but the air conditioning was working efficiently away and I was wearing nothing but a bit of lacy underwear, I was only a couple of strips of cotton and silk away from being in my birthday suit!

"Like this?" I asked my granddaughter as I sat down in Lisa's lap, facing away from her.

"No," Ashlee said with a giggle that set her curly blonde locks to bouncing. "Turn around and sit facing her, Grandma!"

I got up and turned around, and obeyed my granddaughter's orders. Of course the only way I could sit in my best friend's lap facing her was to spread my legs wide so they went behind the chair, my toes just barely reached the floor on that side since I was sitting on another woman's lap.

"That's the way, Grandma!" Ashlee said with eager cheer, and she knelt down and proceeded to snugly tie my ankles to the back legs of the chair, just as Lisa's legs were tied to the front. Then she had me wrap my arms around Lisa as if I was hugging her, and where they came together behind the chair Ashlee tied my wrists snugly but not uncomfortably together, and then tied those loops of rope to the rope binding my best friend to the chair back. As you can probably guess, she then had Lisa hug me and tied her arms behind my back in a similar way.

Then she stepped back to examine her handiwork.

She had done a good job on us, neither of us could move very far because we were so securely tied to the chair, and to each other. This last made for an interesting and weird feeling, I was sitting in my best friend's lap, both of us nearly naked, tied to each other so our bare bodies were in fairly close contact! I could feel the warmth of my friend's legs under my own bare legs, her arms were wrapped around my body and snugly tied, as were mine with her, it was lack a hug that we couldn't end, and I was embarrassed (and also a bit amused), at another forced intimacy: given how Ashlee had arranged us, my breasts, covered or actually half-covered in a thin, skimpy bra, were pressed more-or-less into Lisa's face! Every time I took a deep breath, it pressed my tits against Lisa's face, and I found myself doing it just to tease her.

"Not bad," Ashlee said with a giggle. "But we're not quite done. Time for your gags. Mom got the red one, so that leaves a green one and a blue one for you two. Who wants which one?"

I exchanged a nervous glance with Lisa and she said, "Ash, I'll take the green one, it's my favorite color anyway."

"Fine," Ashlee said. She walked over, ordered her other grandmother to open her mouth as wide as she could, and then she pressed the green ball-gag into Lisa's open mouth! Like the one currently in Karen's mouth, it had holes it in to facilitate breathing, but otherwise silenced my talkative friend very effectively as Ashlee tied the strap behind her head, moving her hair aside to get a good fit.

"How's that, Gramma Lisa?"

"MMmmppphh! Mnsh! "

I giggled in spite of my knowledge that I was about to be next, Lisa was so funny making silly noises, unable to talk for the gag in her mouth! I've known Lisa since high school, as I said earlier, and she's always been a chatterbox! I remembered a few times at movies or social occasions when it might have been fun to be able to stuff a gag in her mouth...and now it had happened!

"OK, your turn, Grandma," Ashlee said to me. "Open your mouth so I can shut you up!"

I swallowed, blinked nervously, and said, "Yes, Ma'am," in playful tone that made my granddaughter giggle. Then I opened my mouth wide, and Ashlee stepped forward and inserted that blue ball into my mouth, or tried to.

"Open wide, Grandma!"

I tried, and this time the gag went in, filling my mouth, and I felt her lifting my hair out of the way so she could buckle the strap behind my head to hold it in place.

Experimentally, I tried to talk, and all that I could do was make noises that sounded just as stupid as the ones Lisa had just been making!

"MMmmmphh!! UHH!" I couldn't talk! Not the first time since I was tiny, I just couldn't talk! My mouth felt stuffed, my jaws pressed in around the gag, it didn't hurt or anything, but I felt so helpless, I think losing my power of speech made me feel more vulnerable and helpless than immobility.

"Uhhnn!" Lisa said, an incoherent noise that sounded like satisfaction. Apparently she was enjoying the way I was as silenced as her. In response I leaned forward through my few tiny fractions of an inch of freedom and pushed my boobs against her face to keep her quiet.

Suddenly I felt something on my bare ribs, something gentle but insistent. It was my granddaughter's fingernails, now it was my turn to be a helpless human toy! I couldn't laugh with the gag in my mouth, but the sensations were maddening!


Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:40 pm

Ashlee was good at tickling! She had fingernails, not real long but long enough to be effective at what she was doing, and she was just barely touching me, the tips of her nails running along my bare skin in a way that sent goose-bumps up and down my body on top of my already-chilly reaction, and I wanted to laugh so badly but my gag reduced my laughter to a weird noise!

She ran her fingernails across my exposed back, up and down my spine, and amid my gagged half-laughs I heard her say something like, "Grandma, you're even more ticklish that Mom and Dad!"

I felt a hint of motion from one side, and turned in time to see my granddaughter kneeling beside me. I knew instantly what was coming and tried to protect myself, but I couldn't move a muscle, all I could do was sit there, bound and gagged, knowing my granddaughter was about to really tickle me!

A moment later I felt her fingernails running along the soles of my bare feet, and I threw back my head and made a sound sort of like I imagine a stuffed-up moose might make, as my poor body tried to laugh. I'm super ticklish down there, and Ashlee was driving me almost insane!

Finally, just when I thought the exciting, maddening playful torture was going to drive me to the point of wetting myself, Ashlee stopped. I don't know if she knew how close I was (not that I could actually have peed much, we'd all used the bathroom before we started), or she stopped then by luck, but I was incredibly relieved...and just a tiny bit sad, too, part of me had been loving it!

Now Ashlee began to do the same thing to her other grandmother, apparently trying to be fair to us both, and now as she tickled Lisa's soles the woman in whose lap I sat was jerking and twisting under me, or at least she would have been, except that she was tied to the chair! It was a strange sensation, the bare legs on which my own bare legs rested were barely moving, but I could feel the muscles in them straining as Lisa struggled against her bonds in the grip of the laughter she couldn't express. I felt her nose between my boobs as she tried to stay still and could not, let me tell you that THAT was a strange feeling!

Finally Ash tired of the game, and said, "Well, let's get you too finished so I can get ready for the big party."

With that, Ash went over to the toy pile and removed two black sleep-marks, you know, those things you see people in the movies wear to sleep in a brightly-let room? Now she put first one over Lisa's eyes, and then she slipped another over mine as a blindfold. It was very effective, once Ashlee pulled the mask over my eyes I could not see a thing, and since I couldn't get it off in my current predicament, I had no way to regain my vision until somebody decided to assist me!

I heard a phone ring, and recognized the 'tone' as that of Ashlee's cell. A moment later I heard her saying, "Hi, Rhonda!"

I couldn't hear the other side of the discussion, just Ashlee's voice as she spoke to her twin sister.

"Yeah, they're almost ready," I heard Ash say. "Mom's hogtied on the floor, just as cure as can be, and I've got Grandma Ann and Grandma Lisa in a nice dual chair-tie. I just got through blindfolding and gagging them."

"No, I haven't plugged their ears yet, but I'm about too."

"Remember, you have to make sure Daddy gets here on time. We won't be able to fix it if you mess it up, and it would be a shame for him to miss this!"

"I don't care how you get Dad here, tie him up and wheel him in in the wheelbarrow if you have to! Just make sure he's here! Yeah, yeah, OK, bye!"

A moment later I heard a rustling sound, and then Ashlee was inserting earplugs into my ears, leaving me basically blind and deaf and helpless. As I sat there in my predicament, the only sensation the cool of the air-conditioning and the warmth of Lisa's skin touching mine, I found my thoughts drifting back to the time, a year before, when I first discovered my family's taste for bondage games.


Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:47 pm

As my mind drifted back, leaving my helpless body in the present, I would have giggled if I could have, the memory of my own shock and surprise was funny in retrospect. My gag prevented me from laughing, but I could still enjoy some amusement at the memory even so.

"Hi folks," Ann called as she stepped through the kitchen door into the home of her son and daughter-in-law. "Karen? Ashlee? Rhonda?"

Nobody answered her, the house was quite other than the dim babble of a TV running in another room. Still, the house didn't not feel empty. It was hard to explain exactly what that 'feel' consisted of, but there was no mistaking it.

Ann had come by to drop off some things that her daughter-in-law had left at her own house during a Sunday dinner a week before. She had arrived a few hours ahead of time, though, since her own plans had been changed by the cancellation of a dentist's appointment at the last minute when the dentist had to go out of town. Ann was not sorry to avoid the dental appointment, and it caused her early arrival. She knew Karen and Kevin were busy and always in and out, but the house had been unlocked and the windows open, it felt as if someone were home.

Still, there was no sound of anybody about. It was very odd.

Ann walked around the corner into the living room...and let out a gasp of shock!

There, sitting on the floor, were her granddaughters Ashlee and Rhonda, who had turned 13 not too long before. The girls were identical twins, and looked more-or-less normal with their curly blonde hair and summer shorts and tanks, normal, that is, except for a few unusual accoutrements.

The two girls were sitting back-to-back, very straight. The identical girls were tied together with soft yellow rope, snugly secured and unmoving! One rope went around each girl's waist, forming a snug figure-eight around them, and smaller loops of yellow rope bound their arms together at the
shoulder, at the elbow, and at the wrist. Their arms were held firmly together, and the ropes at their wrists were tied in such a way that they could only move their arms in tandem.

The teenagers were also bound with more of the soft yellow rope around their upper bodies, in an intricate double-bind that wrapped around their nascent breasts and held the two back-to-back. Both girls had the backs of their heads touching, and both were gagged! Each girl had a brightly
colored ball-gag in her mouth, neatly cutting off their ability to speak. After a moment their very startled grandmother realized that the straps that held their ball-gags in place were secured to each other behind their heads, holding even their heads back-to-back and motionless.

Each girl's bare legs were stretched out in front of her, bare feet crossed at the ankle, and more of the soft rope was wrapped in multiple loops around each one's ankles and knees, keeping their legs firmly in place. Each girl was dressed in denim shorts and T-shirts, and for all that they were
sitting in the middle of the living room floor all tied up together, they did not give any sense of being unhappy or worried...at least until Rhonda looked up and saw Ann standing there! Then her eyes widened and she made a frantic little 'oommmphing' sound through her ball-gag!

Her twin made a noise that sound like a muffled question, unaware of Ann's presence since she was sitting facing away, and certainly unable to move to look. Ann looked frantically around, trying to figure out what had happened, and it was then that she heard a sound behind and a bit of a frightened squeak as well.

"ANN!" came the voice of Karen, her daughter-in-law. Ann turned to see Karen, dressed in a pair of summer shorts and an old man's shirt, barefoot and with legs and face dirty. In one hand she held a gardening pail and in it was a pair of shears and some other small hand-held gardening tools, it was obvious that Karen had been outside, working in her flower garden.

While Karen looked normal enough, there was one oddity about her daughter-in-law's appearance, other than her apparent lack of surprise at the tied-up state of her teenage daughters. The oddity of Karen's appearance was that she had a pair of metal leg-shackles on her legs, and was walking with a shuffle, and something like handcuffs on her wrists, except that there were about two feet or so of chain between the 'cuffs'.

"Uh, hi, Ann," Karen said with a deep blush.


Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:39 pm

"Karen?! What in Heaven's name is going on here?!" Ann demanded. "Rhonda and Ashlee are trussed up like Thanksgiving turkeys...and you're wearing some kind of chains!"

Ann was still in shock, and a little numb, so she did not fully recognize the play of emotions over Karen's face, first blushing embarrassment, then nervousness, then worry, a touch of amusement, and finally something like resignation.

"Ann, it's OK," she assured her mother-in-law. "There's nothing wrong, it's not what it looks like!"

"What does it look like?!" Ann asked in confusion. "I have no idea what this looks like! My granddaughters are bound and gagged and you look like an escapee from a women'sprisonandIdon'tknow what'sgoingonand-"

Karen shuffled over, moving remarkably quickly considering she could only walk with short steps due to her ankle-chains, and put her hands soothingly on her mother-in-law's shoulders.


"What?!!" Ann said, then she took a deep breath, and realized she had been starting to sound a bit hysterical. "I'm sorry, Karen, I'm all right. I was just shocked! What's this all about?!"

"Come into the kitchen with me, Ann," Karen said, "and I'll try to explain. Honest, there's nothing wrong at all, nobody's being forced to do anything. Really. It's...I guess you could say it's a game."

"A game?" Ann said doubtfully, trying to wrap her shocked mind around the situation. "What kind of a game?"

"Let's go sit down, and I'll tell you," Karen said gently.

"OK," Ann said, "I guess so."

"Girls," Karen asked her daughters, "do you two want me to untie you?"

Ashlee was facing away from them, but Rhonda made a tiny motion (she could hardly make any other kind of motion in her condition!) and a little gagged noise that sounded negative, and Ashlee made the same noise.

"OK, then I'll let you both out when we agreed," Karen told her children, and then took her stunned and confused mother-in-law by the hand and tugged her toward the kitchen.

Ann followed, still trying to get her mind focused. Every time she almost did, she would look at her lovely daughter-in-law and see the ankle-chains and wrist-chains and her mind would go wobbly again! Karen was walking slowly since she had only a few inches of freedom to move her bare feet, but her hands were much less constrained and she kept a reassuring touch on Ann's arm as the two women went to the kitchen table and sat down, and Karen poured them both a cup of coffee before shuffling over to sit with Ann.

"Ann, are you OK? I know that must have come as a surprise to you!"

"A 'surprise'?!" Ann said, "I guess you could call it that! Who tied them up that way?"

"I did, of course," Karen replied calmly, sipping her coffee. "They asked me to tie them up before I went out to work in my garden."

"You tied up-I mean you tied up your own daughters?! And they wanted you to do it?!"

"Yep," Karen replied, a little smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "They get a big kick out of being helpless, and it keeps them out of my hair while I work."

"And...I mean-what I'm trying to ask is: what about you? What's with the prison escapee getup?"

"My chains? Just for fun, Annie. I love to work in my garden wearing chains."

"Doesn't-I mean doesn't that make it harder?" Ann was getting calmer, Karen's obvious relaxed mood and the fact that she seemed totally at ease was putting the older woman at ease.

"That's the whole point," Karen replied with a smile. "I have to work slower, it's harder to do anything, I drop things more often...and I love it! It's kind of exciting, being so frustrated and restricted."

Ann shook her head in confusion.

"I still don't get it," the older woman replied.


Sat Dec 12, 2009 11:59 pm

"I guess it's something that you either 'get' or you don't," Karen said. "I really can't explain all the hows and the whys, I just like being helpless and tied up, it's fun. Oh, it can be scary and frustrating and uncomfortable sometimes, too, but...in a way that's part of the fun."

"And the girls?" Ann asked. "You got them into this too?"

Karen smirked. "You think I taught them this game? Not a bit of it, Annie!"

"Then what-?"

"The girls started tying each other up on their own," Karen explained. "I guess maybe they come by it naturally, given that they are mine and Kevin's, but I think they were just as shocked as you were the first time they walked in on Kevin and me playing bondage games. They thought it was something they'd come up with on their own... and I must admit I was kind of shocked and weird about them doing it, too, at first."

"Kevin? MY Kevin is part of all this?"

"Your Kevin loves it," Karen smirked. "We were tying each other up before we even got married, heck, I think it's part of what first attracted us to each other."

Ann tried to envision her son tying up her pretty daughter-in-law, and vice versa, and she found a bit to her surprise that the former was easy to picture. Now that she thought about it, Ann remembered several times when her son, as a boy, had played games with the other kids involved somebody getting tied up, usually somebody else. It was harder for her to picture him being tied up!

When she said as much, Karen smiled and nodded. "Up until we started dating, he'd tied up other girls occasionally, when they'd let him, but he'd never dated anyone who really liked the way I did, so I was a whole new experience for him. That made it pretty easy for me to convince him to let me tie him up too. I just told him that if he wanted to keep on binding me, he had to let me do him, too.

"He was pretty reluctant at first, he wasn't used to being the one on the receiving end," Karen went on with an amused smile of recollection. "But once we'd done it a few times he realized it's just as much fun to be on the helpless side as it is to be the one in control. They're both fun...but it's a different kind of feeling in each case, and he was just as much into both as I was after I got him used to the idea!"

"So you...you still tie my son up?"

"All the time," Karen nodded. She got up and shuffled over to the coffee maker and refilled her cup, asking Ann if she wanted some as well. Ann nodded, only half aware of the question, most of her attention fixated on the strangely compelling sight her own daughter-in-law made shuffling back and forth in her leg-chains. The chains kept her feet from moving more than a few inches apart, or a few inches off the ground, so Karen had to go slow. Her hands, with lots of slack in the chain, could move freely, but even so occasionally Karen to pause when she wanted to do something that required more than the two feet of freedom she had in her wrists.

"And he knows you tie up Ashlee and Rhonda?!"

"Oh yeah," Karen laughed. "I think he was even more weirded out at the idea than I was at first, but that was two years ago and he's used to it now. Heck, I think he's really proud of their knot-tying skills, he was a Boy Scout and he taught them all about knots."

Karen had shuffled back over to the table and carefully sat down, handing Ann her coffee, and then she added, mischievously, "And Kevin was so cute the first time Ash and Rhonda tied him up!"

Hearing that, Ann spluttered her coffee just as she was about to take a sip.


Mon Dec 14, 2009 12:05 am

"D-Did I just hear you right?" Ann asked in amazement.

"Given your reaction," Karen replied with a giggle, as she wiped up the spilled coffee with a napkin, "I'd say so."

"You mean that Kevin let the girls tie him up too?!"

"Sure," Karen replied. "Once we started playing these games as a family, they kept pushing to be able to tie us up too. They'd seen Kevin tie me up, and me tie Kevin up, lots of times, and I let them do me when they were eleven, but it took the three of us a while to talk Kevin into letting the girls do him! He felt weird about it at first, but he finally gave in on their 12th birthdays and let them tie him to a chair during their party.

"After that," Karen went on, "it got a lot easier, the first time was the hardest and all that. We've all been tied up at one time or another, Annie."

"This is SO weird," Ann said, shaking her head. "I've heard of strange hobbies, of course, but this one takes the cake!"

My mind returned to the present when I heard voices in the room, it was Ashlee and Rhonda. As identical twins, they sounded quite a bit alike, but those of us who knew them well could tell the difference...even blindfolded and with our ears plugged! Unfortunately, the earplugs were sufficient to muffle their words, I knew my teenage granddaughters were talking up a storm at each other, but I couldn't tell anything else about it, I had no idea what they were saying!

I was sitting in my best friend's lap, both of us clad only in our skimpy undies, I could feel the warmth of her legs under mine, her half-covered boobs against my bare stomach, the tickle of her nose and face in my own tits, which were just as exposed as hers...but we couldn't communicate in any way! Tied helplessly, both of us bound in rather intimate contact, but I had no idea what was going through her head and no way to inquire, and she was just as limited!

My belly was full of butterflies at the whole scary, unnerving situation, but they were not all bad butterflies, there was a definite edge of excitement to the sheer helplessness I was experiencing.

Since I couldn't move, or see, or hear, or talk, I found my mind drifting back again to earlier days...

"Ann," Karen's had said over the phone, "do you think you could do me and Kevin a big favor and watch the girls tonight?"

Ann had not been unwilling, she'd done it many times before, but she was a little curious as to why Rhonda and Ashlee, both thirteen, could not be left alone for a few hours. When she asked, Karen had said, "Oh, Kevin and I will be home, Ann. We just won't be in any position to do anything about anything."

Ann had realized then that this was something to do with her family's odd 'hobby'. It had been about a month since that strange day when she'd dropped by to find her granddaughters bound up and her daughter-in-law in shackles. Since then, her family had not bothered to hide their doings from her, and she'd seen the teenagers in various states of bondage, as well as both parents. She still remembered the weird feeling when she'd come over for a Sunday dinner to find her son and granddaughter Ashlee both chair-tied, being spoon-fed by Rhonda. Her initial confusion had given way to amusement as she had watched, it had been cute to watch!

When Ann arrived her had son's house, she found the girls in an excited state, and Kevin and Karen had been looking both excited and a little nervous.

"We wanted you to come over, since you already know about our games," Karen had explained when she arrived. "You see, Ash and Rhonda have been wanting to tie up their father and me together, at the same time, for years, but we've never let them since we weren't sure they were old enough and something might go wrong. But since you know the truth now anyway, we thought, if you were willing, that we could let them tie us up and you could be here to make sure nothing gets out of hand while they do. If that's OK with you, I mean!"

Ann had still been pretty confused about the whole thing and why her family found it to be fun, but she'd been willing enough to supervise her granddaughters for a few hours while they played their game. So with admonitions to their kids to obey their grandmother, Karen and Kevin had submitted to their daughters' control, and Ann had sat back to watch the game unfold with interest.


Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:25 pm

"Dad, sit down on the floor," Rhonda ordered, a huge smile on her face. Both of the twins were beaming, it was obvious that this was something they'd been wanting to do for a while!

"Like this?" Kevin asked, as the 5'9" man sat down.

"Yeah, but don't fold your legs!" Rhonda answered.

Ann watched in fascination as her own son, at 34 years old as handsome as he had been at 18, or so Ann was convinced, took his position on the floor. He had the same brown hair as Ann, but was built a little more like his long-absent father, slender and more gymnast than football in build.

"Now you, Mom," Ashlee said with the eerily perfect coordination she shared with her identical twin. It had long been a family half-joke that Ashlee and Rhonda were able to read each other's minds, it was mostly a joke but they were able to work together with a remarkable perfection, sometimes even finishing each other's sentences when they were really on a role.

"Get down with your back to Dad," Ashlee said to her mother, as she picked up a coil of the soft yellow rope the family often used in their games.

"Like this?" Karen said as she settled herself on the floor, her back lined up with that of her husband.

"Yeah!" Rhonda said.

Kevin and Karen were both dressed similarly, in blue jeans, sweaters, and bare feet, and they looked completely casual and normal, the all-American parents...who were about to be voluntarily tied up together by their own eager daughters! If Ann was not seeing it with her own eyes, she would never have believed it!

"OK," Ashlee said to Rhonda, "let's get 'em tied together so they can't chicken out!"

Kevin and Karen flashed an amused grin Ann's way, and made no protest as their thirteen year old twins wrapped some of the yellow rope around their abdomens, looping it several times around each one before tying it off, holding husband and wife firmly together. Then the twins took some more rope and wrapped it around the upper arms of mother and father, securing their matching arms together so that any motion in one direction pulled the other arm forward.

Ann mused that this whole game would have been harder if her son had been any taller, but he was only about three inches taller than his wife. That made it easier for the girls to 'match' the ties.

"OK, now let's do their wrists," Ashlee enthused with a huge infectious grin. Even as little as Ann understood the fun of these games for her family, it was hard not to appreciate how happy the twins seemed to be in tying up their parents. But then again, Ann mused, Kevin and Karen were grinning from ear to ear and offering bits of advice and encouragement to their captors!

"If you run the rope around our wrists in a figure eight," Karen advised Ashlee as she worked to secure her father and mother's left wrists (from Ann's vantage) together, "instead of just wrapping both wrists, it'll be a lot harder for us to get out of!"

"Thanks, Mom!" Ashlee said, apparently totally accepting the normality of having one's mother give you advice on how to tie her up! "Good idea!"

"If you'll let your mother sit on a pillow," Kevin was telling the girls, "her head and mine will be at just the same height! That'll make it easier to keep out heads from moving when you get that far!"

"Great thinking, Daddy!" Rhonda said as she fetched a pillow to slide under their mother's bottom. "This is SO great! I've wanted to tie you both up at once since just FOREVER!"

Ann watched in dry-mouthed fascination as the girls finished tying their parents' upper bodies together, and then stood back to assess their work.

"Try to get loose!" Rhonda commanded, and Kevin and Karen made a game try at it, but their daughters' had done their work well. Every time Kevin would try to lean forward, he would pull Karen back, and vice versa. Neither adult was able to move either arm without putting a spousal arm in a painful position, and Karen's recommended bonds held their wrists helplessly!

"No can do, Honey," Kevin said to Rhonda. "You two did a great job!"

"Now let's do their legs, Sis!" Ashlee exclaimed, and the two teens knelt down, each one taking one parent's legs and working to render them motionless.


Tue Dec 15, 2009 10:35 pm

Ann watched in confused interest as the twins began trying to tie their parents' legs, but now Kevin and Karen seemed to want to make it more challenging, because they both began, amid giggles and laughter, to twist and pull and push their legs, trying to keep the girls from being able to get a grip on them.

Kevin was easily strong enough to evade Ashlee's grip, even when she got her arms around her father's legs he could easily break free of her hold. Karen, for her part, was not as strong as her mate but she was having a lot of fun moving her legs back and forth to make it hard for Rhonda to get a hold on them.

The girls were laughing too, though they were protesting as they did.

"Mom!" Rhonda protested, "cut that out! You promised we could tie you and Daddy up!"

"I know," Karen replied with a smirk, "but we didn't say I'd make it easy for you!"

"Grandma! Could you give us a hand?" Rhonda called out.

"Nothing doing!" Ann laughed. "Don't try to get me involved in this, this is your idea of fun! I'm just here to watch the fun!"

"Come on, Rhonnie," Ashlee said, "help me with Daddy and then we can do Mom, she's easier to hold than he is!"

"Them's fightin' words, pardner!" Karen laughed with a horrible John Wayne imitation. "Don't count your ankles before they're tied!"

Her daughters ignored her, and worked together to capture their father's legs. Kevin put up a considerable struggle, but at last the girls managed to get a firm hold, and the combined strength of both girls was enough to hold his legs in place long enough for Ashlee to get a rope around his ankles and draw it tight.

"Make it good and tight, Ash!" Rhonda ordered her sister. "To teach 'em a lesson about fighting back!"

"You got it!" Ashlee replied with a happy giggle, as she tied her father's ankles in an intricate double-loop. "Get some more rope and we'll do his knees!"

Now that they had his legs bound together at the ankles, he was having a hard time putting up much resistance as his daughters secured his knees. It took them only a few moments to have their father totally helpless.

"Your turn, Mom!" Rhonda announced.

As both girls pounced, Karen did indeed put up a considerable, if playful, struggle, but two thirteen year old girls proved much more of a match for her than her spouse, and she was tied to her husband back-to-back anyway. It was the work of only a few minutes for Ashlee and Rhonda to secure her ankles and knees with that soft golden rope that the family seemed to favor for their games.

"OK," Rhonda said, "now it's time to shut them up!"

"Open wide, Daddy!" Ashlee ordered, as she held one of the hollow, easy-breathing red ball-gags in front of his mouth. Kevin clamped his mouth shut, and Ashlee gave a cute little sigh and said, "Rhonnie, make Daddy open his mouth!"

Ann wondered how Rhonda could do that, but as she watched the other teenager went around to her father's bare feet and began to tickle, and after a moment in which he tried hard to keep his mouth shut, he began to laugh.

"Ha ha ha-OMMPH!"

Ashlee slipped the ball into her father's mouth as he laughed, and secured the strap behind his head. Then she picked up a matching red ball-gag and went around to squat down beside her mother.

"Mommy, are you going to make us do this the hard way?"

Karen kept her mouth shut, but a grin played at the corners.

"OK," Ashlee said. "Rhonda, do your stuff!"

Now Rhonda squatted down and began to run her fingernails up and down the soles of her mother's bare feet, and history repeated itself. Karen was no more able to resist the effect of her daughter's fingernails than Kevin had been, and the moment her mouth opened to laugh the gag went in.


Now the twins stood up and stepped back, and surveyed their work. In front of the two teenagers and their grandmother were two thirty-something parents, tied helplessly back-to-back, legs stretched out and tied in front of them, with ball-gags plugging up their mouths neatly.

Even Ann had to admit to herself that they looked quite cute that way!

"OK, let's finish 'em up!" Rhonda said.


Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:16 pm

Ann was curious, what was left? Her son and daughter-in-law were neatly trussed up, neither one was going anywhere anytime soon! They could not even talk! What was left for the girls to do?

Apparently even Kevin and Karen were puzzled, to judge by the looks on their faces. Both parents had what appeared to Ann to be curious looks on their faces, as much as she could tell given the way the ball-gags distorted their features. It was clear they wanted to ask questions, but they were hardly in a position to do anything other than make futile little noises.

"What are you two doing, girls?" Ann asked, figuring she might should if she was supposed to be in charge of keeping things from getting out of hand.

"Don't worry, Grandma!" Ashlee smiled as Rhonda left the room. "This won't hurt them a bit, it's a little extra we planned out, that's all!"

A moment later, Rhonda returned carrying a big bed sheet, king-sized, made out of soft blue cotton, which the girls spread between them, and then draped over their helpless parents, as if putting a cover on a piece of furniture! Kevin and Karen looked as if they were surprised, but Ann could be sure about that since the sheet completely covered the two helpless adults.

As the sheet came to a stop, the only sign of the presence of Kevin and Karen was the sheet itself, which looked like it was lying over some bit of inanimate furniture or other object. It suddenly struck Ann that as far as she and the girls were concerned, Kevin and Karen might as well no longer exist!

She began to smirk, and then to snicker, at the thought of that. It was almost as if her son and daughter-in-law had been transformed, completely with their own consent, into something inanimate.

"So, Grandma," Rhonda asked, as if nothing unusual were happening, "wanna watch some TV?"


Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:38 pm

"How long do you two plan to keep your parents like that?" Ann asked firmly. She figured she'd better make sure things were OK, if she was going to be in charge while Kevin and Karen were...all tied up.

"Oh, just a few hours," Rhonda said.

"Well, OK," Ann replied. "But check on them every few minutes!"

A sound brought me back to the present. Or rather, an echo of a sound, since I could barely hear anything at all with my earplugs! I wondered what could have been so loud that I heard it a little bit even through my blocked ears, and then I heard the faint ghost of a sound again, and again. Then I felt a vibration, a vibration that accompanied that half-perceptible hint of a noise, a vibration that I felt right through the warm bare legs on which I was sitting.

Of course I was acutely aware of my sense of touch just then! I couldn't see, couldn't hear, but I could feel, I could feel the cool air-conditioned air giving me goose bumps as I sat there in my bra and panties. I could feel a whisper of moving air as the breeze from the air conditioner vent blew across my basically bare back. I could feel the intriguing warmth of my best friend's legs under mine, the bare skin of our thighs in direct contact, our bare bellies pressed together, her face in my cleavage and her hair in my face. It was strange, unnerving, and yet also intriguing and oddly exciting! Neither of us could move much, but every slight shift was easily felt and magnified by the other.

Another vibration, another hint of noise, what were my granddaughters doing?!

Oh well, since there was nothing to do about it just then, I was as helpless as I could possibly be, I let my mind drift back again, this time to the first time I allowed myself to be gagged...

Ann walked into her son's house, and the first person she saw was Rhonda, in the combined kitchen/utility area, loading the top-loading washer with a basket of laundry. The thirteen year old looked totally normal in her jeans, tank top and bare feet, a perfectly typical teenager doing a chore on a fall weekend...except of course for the blue ball-gag in her mouth.

"Hi, Rhonda," Ann said. "I see you can't answer me, another of your games?"

Rhonda beamed at her grandmother and nodded. She did not seem upset at all that she couldn't speak!

"Where's the others?"

Rhonda gestured toward the the back yard.

"OK, thanks," Ann said. "I'll let you finish your chores!"

Ann headed for the back yard, where she found her son and daughter-in-law both busily absorbed in painting some wooden lawn furniture. It was a late September Saturday, lazy and warm, and she knew that Kevin and Karen had been planning to send the day catching up some maintenance work. They were going to repaint their patio and lawn furniture, for example.

Ann had come over to pick up the jacket she had left at her son's house after the previous Sunday dinner, it had been chilly and rainy a week before, a nasty day that presaged coming colder weather, and she'd worn her favorite light jacket. Unfortunately she'd managed to leave it there when she left and had not had a chance to come by and pick it up since, until today.

She looked around and took in the sight of her son carefully dipping his paint brush into a bucket of white paint, while her daughter-in-law was sanding the old paint off the chair she was working on. A few yards away, Ashlee was busily snapping green beans, apparently just picked out of the family vegetable garden.
They were all dressed in casual clothes, jeans, cut-offs, T-shirts, the females were barefoot and her son wore deck shoes. It was a perfectly normal, ordinary early-autumn sight.

Except, of course, that all three of them were sporting ball-gags to match Rhonda's! There was only one person besides Ann herself able to speak in that back yard, and that was her best friend, and fellow grandmother, Lisa. Lisa was sitting beside Ashlee helping her with the beans.

"Hi, Ann," Lisa said cheerfully. "Come over here and sit down! I'm afraid none of our relatives here are very good conversationalists today!"


Tue Dec 29, 2009 4:53 pm

Ann laughed and came over to sit down at the picnic table across from where Lisa and Ashlee were working. Karen and Kevin waved at her, but for obvious reasons neither spoke.

"So what's this game all about, Lisa?" Ann asked, as she began to help snap the green beans.

Ann had been surprised to discover that her fellow grandmother, and life-long best friend Lisa had been aware of the family bondage fun even before she herself was, apparently she had found out, like Ann herself, by accident, only it had happened about a year earlier. Lisa had been rather amused by Ann's shock when she first found out about it all, though she admitted that she had been just as stunned when she first discovered it.

"It's a Silent Day," Lisa explained with a smile. "They like to do it when the family is planning to do a lot of work, they wear gags so they can't distract each other, so they'll work instead of wasting time chatting. Or that's the excuse, anyway. Sometimes they just do it for fun, too."

"Is that true, Honey?" Ann asked her son. Kevin looked up from his worked and nodded, since that was the only way he could answer his mother's question.

"I'm here to make sure nothing gets out of hand, since they can't take their gags off."

"Why not?" Ann asked.

"Show her, Ash honey," Lisa directed her thirteen year old granddaughter.

Ashlee made a cute little face around her ball-gag, and Ann had the feeling that she was coming as close to smiling as she could under the circumstances. She turned her head and lifted her long hair aside, revealing that instead of the usual buckle that Ann had gotten used to when her relatives wore their gags, there was a little metal loop with a little padlock! Ann reached out and brushed the lock with her finger, it was small but made of metal and Ann was quite sure it was real!

"They really can't take their gags off," Lisa explained, "that's why I'm here, in case somebody has to say something or make a call or cut the straps or something."

"Where are the keys?" Ann asked.

Lisa stuck her hands inside her pocket and pulled out some little keys.

"They made me give my solemn word to keep them quiet until ALL the chores were done," Lisa said with a giggle. "I told them it would be a difficult challenge but I thought I could do it."

Ann laughed. "I wish I'd known about all this when Kevin was a teenager," she said. "I'd have kept his smart mouth gagged a lot!"

Ashlee and Karen made strange soft noises that sounded like it might be gagged laughter, and Kevin blushed, but he didn't look too upset at his mother's teasing.

"So how long until they can talk again?" Ann asked.

"When all the chores on this list are done," Lisa said, handing her fellow grandmother a piece of lined notebook paper with a long list of tasks on it. "It'll be a few hours yet!"

"I don't suppose any of them happened to mention where my jacket might be before they shut themselves up, did they?" Ann asked.

"I'm afraid not," Lisa replied. "I guess you'll have to wait until I can ungag our relatives to find out."

"Oh well, I've got nothing else to do," Ann commented.

She and Ashlee and Lisa worked on the beans for a while, and the two older women kept up a conversation amid the silence of the others as they did.

"I wonder what it feels like to not be able to talk?" Ann finally asked casually, glancing at her family.

"Only one way to find out," Lisa said with a suggesting smile. "Wanna try out a gag? No need to lock it, after all!"

"I-I mean I couldn't..."

The truth was that Ann was very curious!

"Ashlee," Lisa instructed her granddaughter firmly, "go get a clean ball-gag, one of the white ones with the nice holes in it, Ann here wants to try one!"

"I didn't say that!" Ann protested, but Ashlee had already run into the house.

"Oh relax, Annie," Lisa said. "It's no big deal, I tried one too a while back! It's a weird feeling, but it's not too bad!"

"Really? You tried this?"

"Yep," Lisa said. "I'm not a scaredy-cat like you! I've had one of these things in my mouth several times now!"

"I still don't know..." Ann said uncertainly, torn between curiosity, fear, and a sense of impropriety.

Ashlee came running out with a white ball-gag in her hand, and handed it to Lisa.

"Open up, Annie," Lisa instructed.


Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:35 pm

"Wait a minute," Ann protested, "I didn't say I'd do it!"

"But you know you want to, Annie," Lisa said with a suggestive, teasing little smile. "Don't bother denying it, I can see it in your eyes!"

"You can not," Ann retorted. "You just want to stick that gag in my mouth!"

"And I'm going to do just exactly that in a moment, as soon as you stop pretending you're not dying to find out what it feels like, Annie." Lisa said.

Ashlee was making no pretense of not watching closely, and by now Kevin and Karen were observing as well, and Ann had the distinct feeling that all three were trying to grin through their ball-gags. She was blushing and part of her wanted to strangle her best friend for putting her on the spot this way, and another part, just as Lisa said, was curious to see what it felt like

Ann hesitated, and said, "You've really had one of these things in your mouth? You won't try to lock it on? No kidding, angel promise?"

"Angel promise, I have," Lisa replied. That was an old formula the two women used, going back to high school, to assure each other that they were really on the level. "It's a weird feeling, but not bad, and you can take it out the moment you want to do it."

"Well...all right," Ann said. Taking a deep nervous breath, she opened her mouth.

Lisa leaned in, and carefully worked the white ball into Ann's mouth, settling it past her teeth, making sure the holes in it lined up so that she could breathe easily, and then she gently took the straps behind Ann's head, and while Ashlee lifted her grandmother's hair out of the way, Lisa snapped the buckle, and then Lisa and Ashlee stepped back leaving Ann gagged for the first time in her life.

The gag felt very strange and large in her mouth, but it was not particularly uncomfortable, though she knew if she left it in very long her jaw might start complaining. She wondered if it was something that took a lot of getting used to.

"Hmmpphhh! UNnnnhh!" Ann tried to speak, but discovered that the gag worked as intended, her words were converted from English to gibberish as her tongue and jaw were trapped! She was an intelligent, well educated woman who could no longer communicate any better than a random noise!


"Hmm...I think we've improved your vocabulary, Annie," Lisa teased her, and even through their gags she could see the amusement on the faces of her son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter.


It was indeed a very strange feeling, and Ann had a sudden strange desire to see what she looked like with a ball-gag in her mouth. She got to her feet, trying to explain what she was doing, but all she could get out were stuffed-sounding noises and wheezes, drooling a bit as she did, and she gave up, wiped her chin with her sleeve, and just walked into the house to the bathroom. Ann figured it ought to be obvious where she was going by what she was doing.

She reached the bathroom, stood in front of the medicine cabinet mirror and looked at herself.

In the mirror she saw a woman her fifties, with a face that had some laugh lines, curly-straight brown locks tumbling down on either side, elegantly applied, tasteful makeup...and a big white ball gag in her mouth! Her lips were distorted around it, her jaws sunken just slightly, red lipstick was visible where it had rubbed off on the white of the gag, it was herself but she looked strangely changed with the gag in her mouth.

Changed...and yet for some reason Annie realized she found the image in the mirror oddly enjoyable. Part of her wondered if she was going mad, but another part of her rather liked the idea that she, boring old Ann, had let her family put a ball-gag in her mouth, it was so unlike her, so wild and crazy, and she was...well, Ann couldn't help but think she looked sort of sexy and cute in the mirror with the gag in place!

She went back outside, shaking her head in amazement as she removed the gag, and said, "Wow, that was the strangest feeling! I wasn't anything like what I expected!"

"But it was fun, wasn't it Annie?" Lisa asked, and a little reluctantly, Ann nodded.

"Yeah, it kind of was, don't ask me why."

A sudden sense of motion caught my attention and brought me back to the present, and this time it wasn't just a little subtle vibration, I could feel that I, or we since Lisa and I were tied snugly together, we being moved. It was confusing and crazy, since I could neither see at all nor hear much, but I could feel warm hands on my bare skin (and I was showing a lot of bare skin!) and I knew somebody was doing something with us. I remembered what Karen's plan had been and relaxed, my momentary panic facing, of course we were being moved, my son must be almost home.


Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:26 pm

After a few moments, I felt our motion stop, which was both a relief, because I was being banged about, and also sort of...well, I might as well say it, it felt strangely good to have Lisa bouncing against my, our bare skin rubbing, her nose pressing into my half-bare tits! Part of me was scandalized at how good it felt, her warm and mostly-bare skin pressed against mine, another part was just enjoying it! After we'd been dragged to wherever we were being dragged, all I could feel was her legs under mine and her face in my cleavage, and of course the scent of her strawberry shampoo in my nose where her hair was right under my face.

I was much more aware of things like touch and scent just then than I usually was, since my sight and hearing had been taken away!

For a long time, nothing happened. Lisa and I just sat there, all we could do was sit there! I had no way to know just how long it was, but time seemed to drag after a while...and then suddenly I felt hands touching me again, and then my blindfold came off and my ears were unplugged!

I blinked, the light seemed very bright after so long with the blindfold on, and the sound of the air conditioning and ordinary noises of the room seemed almost like thunder, since I'd gotten used to the silence of the ear plugs. Now that I could see again, I looked around, and if I could have grinned through my gag I would have, because now I could see that my son had indeed arrived...and he looked very cute!

Lying on his belly on the floor, face-to-face with Karen, my son was wearing nothing but a pair of tight white briefs, and he was hogtied and gagged to match his wife. They were both lying on the floor in front of the chair where Lisa and I were tied, facing each other with their ball-gags touching as if they were trying to kiss through their gags. They were both blindfolded and I was sure their ears were plugged, just as mine had been until moments before.

Ashlee was sitting next to her parents, her shorts and halter replaced with a fairly modest red bikini, and her flip-flops were gone. Her ankles were snugly tied, her arms wrapped around her knees and her wrists tied, and she was ball-gagged, blindfolded, and I knew probably ear-plugged like her parents.

"How do you feel, Grandma?" my granddaughter Rhonda, who had just undone my ball-gag and removed it, asked me, sounding a little worried. "You were tied up for a long time, it took longer than we thought it would!"

"I'm fine," I said, though my voice was a little scratchy, I suddenly realized that I was very thirsty. "But I could use something to drink!"

"Just a second, Grandma!" Rhonda said, as she began to remove my best friend's earplugs and blindfold too. "As soon as I get Grandma Lisa's gag out I'll untie you and you can both stretch!"

Rhonda was wearing a red bikini to match her twin's, I noticed as she began to undo Lisa's gag. A moment later Lisa's gag came out and she gasped out, "Ahhhheyaah!"

"Welcome back," I said.

"Thanks, I think," Lisa muttered, her face still more-or-less buried in my cleavage.
"Damn it, when did your tits get so big?"

"They probably grew from being watered so much," I teased her, because she had indeed drooled on my boobs around her gag. My own chin was wet too, but at least I hadn't been drooling onto my best friend's breasts!

"Did it work?" Lisa asked Rhonda as our granddaughter began to undo the ropes on our wrists. "Did you get the picture?"

"We don't know yet, Grandma," Rhonda said as she released my arms, and I stretched them in relief, a delicious pins-and-needles sensation bringing them back to life.

"We won't know if it worked until we try to combine the photos," Rhonda continued as she finished untying us. As we got up, she added, "Ash is better at photo software than I am, so she's the one who'll try to make it work!"

Rhonda poked her bikini-clad twin sister with her bare toe in an affectionate way as she said this, Ashlee, still unable to see or hear, jerked a little in response to this unexpected stimulus.

Lisa and I padded into the kitchen to get some water for our parched throats, and to clean up. By the time we get back to the living room, our throats moistened and the saliva gone, Rhonda had untied her twin and they were releasing their parents.

"I hope this works," Lisa said. "I'd hate to have to try it again!"

I nodded in agreement...but there was a part of me that was of two minds about the 'trying it again' part. One part of me was actually thinking about how warm and secure I had felt, tied to my best friend, our skin pressed together.


Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:50 am

"Well, here's the finished product!" Ashlee said, her pretty teenaged facing beaming. "It took me a couple of hours to get it right so it looked like we were all in it at the same time, but I think I did it!"

Ashlee handed a picture, still warm from her computer printer, to her father, her took one look at broke into a big grin. He handed it to Karen and she smiled as well, and said, "It looks exactly as if it were real!"

"Well, it was real," Rhonda commented. "Just not all real at once!"

The six of us were in my son and daughter-in-law's living room, still dressed (sort of!) as we had been for the earlier picture-taking session. After everything, it seemed a little silly to worry about modesty much, so Lisa, Karen and I still had on our bra and panties, my son his tight briefs, and Rhonda and Ashlee their red bikinis. The girls were actually more covered up than the rest of us, by a little bit!

Karen and Kevin were sitting on the sofa next to each other, while Lisa and the teens and I were packed together, Lisa and me in the middle. That left me pressed up against Lisa on my left...but I found I didn't really mind that so much. Her barely-clad body felt amazingly warm and soft next to mine!

Kevin handed the picture to me, and I took a good look.

For their anniversary, Karen had wanted a picture of the whole family all tied up together! Yeah, I know that sounds weird, but I have a weird family, as I've learned over the last year or so. The trouble was that there was no safe way to do that. That was until Ashlee and Rhonda, my tech-nerd granddaughters, had pointed out that they could use software to combine separate pictures into one. So Karen had asked Lisa and me to join in the family bondage photo shoot!

The girls had tied Lisa and me up in the chair together, and their parents facing each other on the floor in a matching hogtie in front of the chair. Then they'd taken turns being tied up on either side of the four of us, snapping the pictures and making sure nothing got out of hand.
After that, it was just a matter of combining the best pictures so it looked like both the twins were hog-tied, blindfolded, and facing the camera, one on each side of the rest of us.

As I looked at the picture, I really couldn't tell that both twins had not been in it at once! It clearly showed us all, though I was sitting with my back to the camera on Lisa's lap, you couldn't make out either of our faces since I was sitting facing away and Lisa's face was buried in my cleavage. I was a little surprised at how good my nearly-bare back looked, I hadn't realized I still looked that good!

Karen and Kevin looked...well, 'cute', facing each other, noses an inch apart, blindfolded and ball-gagged in their undies. The twins in their bikinis were the only odd note, but somehow it seemed to fit with the scene. They lay facing the camera, the picture captured their blindfolded and ball-gagged faces and the soles of their tied feet perfectly.

The underwear had been Karen's idea too, based on some picture she and Kevin had seen somewhere, the girls, in deference to their age, had worn bikinis instead, though they'd protested that, they wanted to match the rest of us but their parents wouldn't permit it.

(Karen confessed to me later that it was only the age of the girls that had kept her from suggesting we do a nude family shoot, and when they were older she wanted to try that! I wasn't sure I was willing to go that far...but deep down I was pretty sure I could be talked into it!)

The picture went into the private family album, and not long after that Lisa and I got dressed and left for our own homes. That was the first time I was ever tied up with my son and daughter-in-law and my best friend...but it would not the be last, by a long shot!

The END (for now).

Gary's stories
01 - Bound by Charlene
Story index at the bottom

By TiedTight1

TiedTight1's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section