A Bind of My Own Making: The Next Generation! (M/F) New Chapter--The Creature (Conclusion)

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A Bind of My Own Making: The Next Generation! (M/F) New Chapter--The Creature (Conclusion)

Post by MisterMistoffelees »

To christen the new group, I'm starting a new story in the old Bind of My Own Making series from the old forum. Those were the adventures of my adventuresome Snowden Snoop Serenity Mabrey, but since I've been gone for a very long time and this is a new forum, I've got a new Bind of My Own Making tale with the rising generation of Snoops who are coming of age--specifically, Serenity's kid sister Charity! In fact, here she is to start the first part of this Next Generation tale, subtitled "Girls Night In Ropes!"

A Bind of My Own Making: The Next Generation!

Girls’ Night In Ropes


“You guys know we’re going to get kidnapped tonight.”

So like Alyssa. There she was sitting in front of her vanity mirror brushing out her hair for our night out, and just casually announced we were going to get kidnapped in about the same way she might have said that the new Stranger Things season was on Netflix. Then again, that’s Alyssa Anthony for you. Always takes everything calmly and a little bit sarcastically. That’s probably why we get along so well; a Mabrey girl is nothing if not sarcastic!

The thing is, we all knew we were going to get kidnapped. You’ve heard those old jokes about girls not being able to keep a secret? Well, let me tell you, the only people worse at keeping secrets than girls are boys! Even that twenty-year-old pervert Jillian goes out with can’t keep a secret, my boyfriend Clint Maser had already hinted to me what was up, and the only thing Alyssa’s boyfriend Colton Walters likes more than football is tying up girls! When he was a kid, he tied up his kid sister Emma all the time, and ever since he and Alyssa started going out together way back in middle school, he’s tied her up all the time too!

Besides, it’s not as if the three of us haven’t been kidnapped for real, too many times! I was barely in first grade when that kooky earth-worshiping cult kidnapped Aisha Gibson, Taylor Jensen, Merri Howland, and me for human sacrifices. Yes, real human sacrifices! They put us in white robes and tied us to stakes and tried to burn us at the stake, only Jillian figured out what was happening and got the firemen and the cops just in time to put out the fires before we got burned up. She still acts like I owe her for that. It was about then that Alyssa got kidnapped by that freak pervert that took her away and...well, let’s not even bother talking about that. Way too sick! And Jill and I both got kidnapped by those dog fighters we found in the old abandoned school several years ago when we were still in elementary school. Of course, I only realized how Clint felt about me that one year when we were campers at Camp Evergreen when he ran after old Al Watson while he was kidnapping me to sell to somebody along with my sisters Felicity and Serenity. And who can forget the time Tess talked me into trying to steal a Christmas card from her ex Reine DeLar and I ended up her hostage for a night? Plus a few times other than that in high school with the detective club. When you’re as used to getting kidnapped for real as the three of us are, being boyfriend-kidnapped isn’t a particularly scary thing.

Besides, considering all the stuff that has to be planned out to have a really successful girlfriend kidnapping, it was obvious we were going to get kidnapped even without all the hints and clues we had. First of all, Alyssa’s parents were out of town, and hers was the only place we could crash where our boyfriends could actually kidnap us. Remember what I said about that cult human-sacrifice thing I mentioned? Well, they kidnapped me right out of my own bedroom in the middle of the night, so Dad got like the world’s best home-security system for our house, so my place was out. Jillian’s parents and kid brother (that little creep Grayson is barely in sixth grade, and he already undresses us with his eyes!) were all home, and they live in town, which rules them out. Alyssa’s family lives out on the edge of town in a quiet little street with lots of space, and they were out of town on a second honeymoon. This is one of the advantages of having a reputation for being responsible (our S.A.D.D. memberships actually are worth something!); no one worried about the three of us crashing out at Alyssa’s place with no parents around. And Merri and her girlfriend Tess Vandiver were spending the spring holiday at her granddad’s place out by San Francisco (probably doing things to each other I really don’t want to think about!), so they wouldn’t be all up in our hair. If we were ever going to get kidnapped by our boyfriends, this was the weekend it was going to have to happen!

“Yes, Alyssa, I know we’re going to get kidnapped.” Speaking of sarcasm, there was Jillian lounging on Alyssa’s bed with her nose in the newest Fifty Shades series, probably looking for creative ways to spend her kidnapping with that creep pervert boyfriend of hers. Dillan Danielson. Mitchell Danielson, his older brother, is my sister Felicity’s on-again-off-again pervert boyfriend, and Dillan is just the same as his creep brother, only worse. Mitchell’s just a pervert, after all; Dillan is a controlling, jealous little prick I’d run over with my car as soon as look at him, except that I’d get charged with vehicular homicide and have my insurance rates jacked up. Maybe I’ll get lucky and find him walking along the Tunnelville road in the middle of the night and I can say I hit a deer instead of him. Yes, I hate him that much. Jillian ought to be a lock for our class’s valedictorian, but she’s so wrapped around his finger that she’s let her grades go all to heck so that she barely makes honor roll most of the time. Not to mention how much older he is than her. I know he gets her drunk every other weekend (yeah. they’ll take anyone for S.A.D.D. membership at Darius Allen! Actually, Jill’s just gotten good at covering it up), and guilts her into doing stuff I know she doesn’t really want to do. Yeah, I know she’s naturally a little kinky herself, but I’m talking really serious stuff. God, I wish she’d finally get up the nerve to dump him! She’s almost done it about a dozen times, but every time she backs off and goes back with him. The worst thing is that she could have any guy she wanted if she would only get rid of Dillan! She’s a bookworm, yes, but she has grown up really hawt! She’s about 5-8, and has the perfect build for the cheerleader she is! And she throws all that away to go out with that creep Dillan. “I had my nails done so they’re good to get me loose. If I want to.” I seriously don’t get that whole nails thing. I keep mine trim and do a little clear polish on them, except for prom weekend when I had them done in aqua green. My favorite color; it goes with my eyes. “Charity, please tell me you’re not going out in pigtails again!” Jill had her hair—it’s a nice shade of brown, and really thick—up in her usual cheerleader ponytail, and Alyssa was keeping hers down. When you’ve got hair as perfect strawberry-blonde as Alyssa has, you do that sort of thing. “Seriously, someday you’re going to wear it in something other than pigtails!”

“I did for prom!” Which I did—a nice little sort-of french braid Clint seemed to like—but I get so tired of her bugging me about my pigtails. I’ve kept my hair in my pigtails ever since...well, about the time those cultists tried to make me a sacrifice, and I like it that way! Well, and Clint does, too. Back when we were freshmen, Clint talked me into going to our Halloween dance as Penny Gadget because he likes my pigtails so much. You have no idea how hard it is turn turn a girl with black hair into a blonde—NEVER again!—but I did it, and Clint went as Inspector Gadget with me tied and gagged like Penny Gadget was in just about every episode they ever did. Which, if you think about it, is really kind of perverted considering my boyfriend was going out as my character’s uncle! Anyway, that’s me and pigtails. They’re...well, just sort of me, you know. “So who’s driving tonight?” It wouldn’t be Jill—she doesn’t have her own car, and she never gets to use her mom’s on weekends anyway—which meant it would be either Alyssa or me. Alyssa’s dad is really great with cars, and he got her a twenty-some-year-old Honda Civic from a junkyard that looks like it’s literally brand new after he got done with it! Now I got my sister Serenity’s hand-me-down ‘09 Sebring when she and Joey got married (actually, you might say shotgun married when they had their little accident right after she got on at the crime lab down in Center City), which is in pretty nice shape, too. I make sure of that; I may not know as much about cars as Alyssa’s dad, but I know enough!

Alyssa giggled. Even her giggle sounds sarcastic! “Which of us has the bigger trunk? We’ll probably all have to fit inside it, you know!” Which is an issue, especially where Alyssa Anthony is concerned! Jill would fit in either of our trunks—like I just said, she’s about 5-8, and except for certain assets which really set her off in her cheerleader’s outfit, wasn’t particularly huge—but Alyssa and I...well, maybe I would, but Alyssa is different. I’m not only the baby of our family, I’m also the shortest. Okay, in my family, that’s not saying much. Dad’s 6-4, Mom’s 6-2, Felicity is six feet even, and ‘Ren is 6-3 (the better for her baby to fit inside her!); me, I’m only 5-10. I still say it was the fault of the broken ankle I got way back in elementary school during the nature-trail mystery. Anyway, I could probably fit in my trunk if Clint folded me up just right, but there was no way either of us was going to fit in Alyssa’s trunk. Especially Alyssa. All six-foot-four of her! Coach Giles still had to beg her to play on the volleyball team, because Alyssa prefers her music. She and Colton perform in Mysterious Notes, our glee group that helped Cora Peabody get famous, and she’d rather be in the studio than on a volleyball court.
“Dillan might put us all in the back of his pickup.” Yeah, as if I was going to let myself get put in that skeevy old pickup truck of his! The thing is half rust already, and that solid lid he has on it has “death by suffocation” written all over it! But on the other hand, you could fit three kidnapped girlfriends in it. Sometimes you just have to compromise.

“I’d rather it be Colton’s,” said Alyssa. She was finally done brushing her hair—and wow, it was still almost light outside!—and she was up in her closet rooting through her clothes. I preferred Colton’s too; it had a nice cap with tinted windows, and it wasn’t rusty enough that we might fall through the bed onto the road. At least thinking about whose car we would rather be kidnapped in diverted me from the sight of Alyssa prancing around her bedroom in nothing but her underwear and bra! As if she really needs one; for all her six feet four inches, her chest is practically flat as a board! Trust me, Colton didn’t fall in love with her for her boobs! For that matter, neither did Clint fall in love with me for mine, but I’m not like totally flat like Alyssa! At least I can say I don’t wear an A-cup like Alyssa does. Okay, so a 34B isn’t exactly Jill, but at least I don’t look like pedo bait like Alyssa does! At least as much as a girl who’s six-four can be pedo bait. And there was Jill sitting up in the bed jiggling all over the place. Yeah, I’m pretty sure her girls were what got Dillan’s attention. They get most of the other boys’ attention. And a few of the girls’, too. Yep, I’ve caught Merri checking her out, which I haven’t told Tess because Tess has checked out all of us, including our boyfriends! Being a billionaire teenager has its perks, I guess.

Now, Alyssa was staring into her closet. “So what do you wear to your own kidnapping?”

Jillian gave me another of those uppity looks of hers. “At least not what Charity’s wearing.” Yes, there are times I want to slap Jillian silly. I’d brought a choice of outfits, but I wasn’t changing until a little before we were going to go out. For the moment, my Darius Allen soccer hoodie over my Darius Allen softball tee and denim culottes were good enough to hang out in. Of course Jill had no room to talk, because she hadn’t changed either out of her red top and black leggings. The cheerleading has left her with nice trim legs that leggings really work on, and as for the rest of her...no, I’m not jealous. At least she doesn’t wear glasses anymore; she does contacts. And the boots. Uggs. I call them Yukks. Or Ickks. They’re about the stupidest footwear you could possibly get kidnapped in, because for one thing, they fall apart if you look at them wrong, and for another, boots in general don’t let your boyfriend really tie your legs right. Culottes and Vans work better than Uggs, because at least Clinton gets to see my calves tied. The only thing is that with nothing on your ankles, you can get rope burn. Being tied up by your boyfriend can be very romantic, but rope burn can’t! Anyhow, I wasn’t wearing culottes and Vans for my kidnapping!

She bookmarked her place in her book and hopped up, jiggling all the way as usual. That creep Dillan likes her to wear tight tops so she jiggles all over the place. And then gets jealous when guys check her out. Jealous prick. I ever see him raise his hand to her and he’s one dead effing prick! Anyhow, Jill sashayed over to where she had her suitcase. One of those big wheeled travel ones that can carry a week’s worth of clothes, with a little rack beneath for shoes. “I’m thinking of maybe a mini and a button-down blouse.” She tipped her case up on the bed and opened it right to a little stack of miniskirts. All red, which is her color; some of them really short and tight in a way I know her Dad would kill her if he knew she owned them and actually went out in them, some a little lighter and looser, and at least two pleated school-uniform plaid skirts. Well, she does have the legs for them! She looked down inside and picked out a white school-style blouse with a tab collar and long sleeves, and a red dickey sweater vest. Like I said, kinky. And that’s even without that creep Dillan’s input! “Now, hose or socks? I have nude pantyhose, slate, white knee socks, and thigh-high socks. Which ones do you guys think?” She rummaged around a little. “Oh, and cuffed ankle socks. Maybe them?”

Alyssa glanced over her shoulder and smirked at Jill. “If you’re going as pedo bait for Dillan, go with the knee socks or ankle socks. You’ll look like something from St. Swithin’s Academy.” Where the uniforms are pretty much like what Jillian had picked out. “If you ask me, I’d say go with the slate hose and black maryjanes. I know he bought you maryjanes for your birthday.” You could almost hear Alyssa whisper “the pedophile” under her breath.

“You do realize we’re going out to eat first, don’t you, Jill?” I asked as I went over and grabbed my dry-cleaners hanging bag and my overnighter from by the door. “People see you dressed up as a St. Swithin’s girl, they’ll think it’s either Halloween or you’ve gone crazy. I’d say either what Alyssa said or the nude hose and your two-inch heels. You’d be almost as tall as I am, and hose is as good as socks for rope burn!”

Alyssa had said hose and I’d said hose, so I knew Jill would pick socks. Yep—out came the white thigh-high socks with the little red stripe around the tops. She was going Halloween on us. “St. Swithin’s girls don’t wear these!”

I rolled my eyes. “Just...not the maryjanes or the saddle oxfords. If you’re going out like a Japanese bondage model, at least go with the heels!”

“That’s what I was going to do, Charity! So what are you wearing?”

I unzipped my hanger bag. “A choice. Little Black Dress, Little Red Dress, or Little Aqua Dress.” The red one was out because Jillian had gone red. “I think...aqua.”

Alyssa scoffed. “As if we didn’t know.” Yes, aqua is sort of my color. It always has been. I sneaked it off its hanger and smoothed it out. The neck wasn’t cut all that low—B cup, remember?—but it had cute little cap sleeves, the waist was nice and tight, and I liked the way the skirt flared out. It wasn’t as short as Jillian’s schoolgirl number, but it wasn’t long either, about halfway down my thighs, just enough to pass the fingertip test at school. Mrs. Rundren can be a total bitch sometimes about the dress code. Alyssa nodded, and so did Jillian.

“Clint will love you in that,” Alyssa said.

“And out of it, too,” said Jillian with that dirty-minded smile of hers. She hangs around with the cheerleaders way too much! But...yeah, I did sort of check to make sure the zipper worked before I packed it. You never know what’s going to happen when your boyfriend kidnaps you, you know. “Anyway, I get the shower first.” Alyssa had showered as soon as she got home, mostly because it takes her for freakin’ ever to dry her hair. It’s down almost to the small of her back, and she only gets it cut to take care of split ends, so it takes forever to dry her hair. It also explained why she was running around in nothing but her underwear. Seriously, someone her age wearing what amounts to a training bra! But Colton doesn’t seem to mind, as long as she’s a ginger! That’s what he goes for, you know. But on the other hand, she was wearing a pair of orange bikini briefs that didn’t leave much of anything to the imagination, so I knew she was expecting Colton to be seeing them!

Meanwhile, Jill had left her clothes out on the bed when she went out to the bathroom, including her own choice of undies. O. M. G. A little pair of powder-pink briefs with white lace around the legs and a bow on the waist. Uber pedo bait! And yes, it was pretty clear Jillian expected Dillan to see them, too! We both rolled our eyes at them. “All she needs is a lollipop to go full Lolita on him!” And I got out my own stuff from my bag.

“That’s what Dillan goes for, I guess,” said Alyssa, who was finally pulling clothes. She went with a white top, too, loose silk with wide half-sleeves. She had a little black skirt with narrow velvet suspenders to go with it, and she was already kicking out a pair of shiny black flats to go with it all. “Well,” she said, “this way Colton gets to”—then she saw what I’d picked out. “Charity! Where did you get those!” The low-cut aqua bikinis were just high enough to cover what needed covered, but I think what got her attention were the matching aqua thigh-high hose with the lacy cling tops. Yes, I had all of that in black and red, too, just in case! “Oh my god, Clinton will go crazy!”

I grinned. “Well, if I’m going to get kidnapped, I’m gonna look good for it!”

Alyssa laughed as she rummaged in her dresser for some hose. “A sexy dress, sexy hose, and pigtails! Just who’s Lolita around here anyway?”

I gave her a wink. “Well, at least my hair will be out of the way when I get gagged!” ‘Ren freaks out about gags, but me, not so much. Gags are pretty much okay except for the really outrageous ones. Of course, who knew how outrageous our boyfriends were going to get when they kidnapped us?
Last edited by MisterMistoffelees 5 years ago, edited 11 times in total.
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Good to see you writing again. Welcome aboard.
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Reporting for duty, sir! :)
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Prospective kidnap victims need their strength, so the Girls' Night in Ropes begins with a trip to a local eatery, where the conversation is not what one expects at a restaurant. The tale is picked up by...


Charity was right, of course. We all knew we were going to get kidnapped that night, mostly because my house was about the only place we could be kidnapped to and we had to make arrangements ahead of time! Snacks and drinks, of course, and no, nothing alcoholic! Things were going to be out of control enough without any of us getting drunk! It wouldn’t have mattered to Charity in any case, because she never ever drinks. She takes her training seriously!

And the night out to eat was necessary because...well, like I said, we had to make arrangements, or at least Colton and Clinton had to make arrangements to bring us all back there. It’s an old house, but Dad did a whole lot of renovating when we bought it a long time ago, so it’s pretty nice. It’s two floors and a basement, with a big shed out back that’s Dad’s workshop and a sort of man cave where he can hang out, with an old sofa bed we used to have in the house before Dad built his little palace out back. Three bedrooms so one doesn’t get used, a nice TV room out back beside the kitchen where Dad built a little deck facing the woods, and a little basement where Mom keeps our laundry and our deep freeze for all the venison Dad gets every deer season. Colton and I figured that each of the guys would want to have us girls to themselves, at least after a while, so we had to make arrangements. While Jill and Charity got showered and dressed, I got dressed and straightened the room. I didn’t want Colton to take me there, because, well, it’s my bedroom. Charity might have gotten kidnapped out of her bedroom when she was a little kid, but your bedroom isn’t someplace you want to be kidnapped into! Instead, Colton was going to take me somewhere else like Dad’s shed or the basement. He got to pick, of course, because he was the kidnapper! The boys needed time to get everything ready for us, so off we went to eat.

Since we were all dressing for our kidnappings, we didn’t want any place too casual, like Big Mama’s Pizza, but we also didn’t want to spend too much like we would at Pietro’s or the Piccadilly Inn. The Pomme Verte was just plain out of the question, even though that was where we all went for the prom and everything there is so delicious! So we ended up at what used to be the Canton Palace, but is now the Kanto Japanese Steakhouse and Hibachi Grill. It’s not too fancy but not too casual either, and I love their sushi! LOVE it! Do you know how hard it is to get me to love any food?

And you know something? The three of us looked great! How great? Great enough that a bunch of college guys who were there were definitely checking us out! Especially Jillian, of course. Yes, she had on that schoolgirl thing, but she had her ponytail nice and neat, and the thigh-high socks and heels...well, she really rocked them! Even in her pigtails, Charity got a few looks, too, because that little dress was just perfect for her figure! She still does dance classes—she says it’s her one really girly thing—and the flare of that skirt over her bottom...well, plenty of eyes were on her rear end when we walked in there, especially in the one-inch aqua heels she was wearing that really set off her legs! I think I was the only one who didn’t have any guys checking me out, but when you’re six-foot-four and have no chest, you sort of expect that. In any case, Colton would pay me attention when he kidnapped me!

And when you know you’re going to be kidnapped, especially by your boyfriends, what else do you talk about but kidnapping? Lucky for us the waitress seated us away from the bunch of college guys or they would have really wondered about us! You see, there’s no need to be cute about it; the whole point of us getting kidnapped was getting tied up by our boyfriends! You would think after what we’ve been through with actual kidnappings, especially Charity and me, that we would really dislike being tied up, but...well, it’s not really like that. Take the time Charity mentioned about me being kidnapped when I was little; she’s right that he did things to me that just sicken me to think of them, but on the other hand, after those things, I...well, I don’t really know how to put it. After that, there’s sort of nothing that can be taken away from me, and I know Colton wouldn’t do anything I really don’t like, so I really don’t mind him tying me up. Now Charity...well, you know what’s funny? All her talk about not being like her sister Serenity, and she is exactly like her! They might as well be twins, especially when it comes to being tied up! When she was little, Charity would tease Serenity about her games with Joey Housely, but when Clinton wanted to experiment, she got into it pretty quickly too! It’s Jillian I worry about, because I’m pretty sure Dillan is making her do things she doesn’t want. No, not pretty sure, really sure! One night after she was out with him, she came running to my house—all the way to my house from hers in the middle of the night!—completely losing it about what they did that night, or more like what he made her do that night. She was so freaked out bawling and crying about it that Charity came running down, too, all the way from Valleyview Estates, and we almost woke up Mom and Dad to take Jill to the hospital until we were pretty sure Dillan hadn’t torn anything and Jillian was just upset about doing it. It was that night that Charity really started hating on him, and well...yeah, I do, too. Really hate him! Yes, Jill can be a little kinky, but some of the stuff Dillan’s into is like way beyond what she’s comfortable with. Charity and Merri and Tess and I have all tried to get her to lose him, but she won’t. He’s an abusive jerk, and I don’t care who knows it, but Jill won’t leave him, so he was part of the kidnapping night, too. And part of getting ready was Colton and Clinton and Charity all telling him straight to his face that if he did anything to hurt Jillian again, he’d have to deal with all of them. But there she was that night at the Kanto, gabbing about bondage! Like I said, she sure has her kinky side!

“The only thing I really don’t like is having my elbows tied.” See, I was telling you the truth, we were there munching on sushi and hibachi at the Kanto and Jillian was talking about bondage! I think it’s all the Fifty Shades stuff she reads. “It makes my shoulders hurt. It feels like they’re getting pulled right out of their sockets! It’s not like I won’t hold still and let him tie my wrists, but he always insists. It’s those videos he watches online, you know, where the guy ties her elbows so she can’t fight him while he ties her wrists. I wish he wouldn’t.”

“I don’t think Colton likes my elbows tied,” I said. Okay, so I was munching on sushi and talking about bondage too! So was Charity, at least when she wasn’t chowing down. I had California roll and shrimp tempura roll sushi, Jillian was having cucumber roll sushi and miso soup, and there was Charity wolfing down a dinner portion of hibachi chicken, onion soup, and Alaskan snow crab roll. And about a ton of yummy sauce for her hibachi. She can eat like that and stay as skinny as a rail. Maybe I ought to try it sometime, but I just don’t have Charity’s appetite. Anyway… “He likes to watch me squirm, you know. He likes to put me in a loose little hogtie so I can roll around and stuff. He’ll tie my knees, but not my elbows. I’ll kick a little bit, and roll around a few times, and he likes watching that. I hope he lays down a blanket or something where he takes me so I don’t get dirty.”

“If I know Clinton, he’ll probably tie me to a tree or one of your clothesline poles out back.” Charity had finally come up for air! “Probably the post so I can squirm too. They really do like to watch us squirm around, don’t they? It’s almost like a dance to them.” She gobbled down one of her snow crab rolls like it was one little bite. “At least if the tree isn’t too thick. He puts my arms behind the trunk, and if it’s too thick I can barely move at all.”

“That would be a really thick trunk,” said Jillian. “You and Alyssa have such long arms.” She kept nursing her miso soup. “Dillan likes to watch me hop. He’ll tie my ankles and thighs, and make me hop to him. It’s easier if he doesn’t tie my elbows, though; it’s hard for me to keep my balance when my arms are really tied tight. And I’ll have to kick out of my heels, too, if he wants me to do that tonight. I really can’t hop on heels.”

“Colton does that with his sister a lot,” I said. “He puts a knife on one side of the room and tapes her up. She has to hop across the room to get to the knife and cut herself loose. He’s done that to me a couple times, too.” I laughed. “Remember a few years ago when Emma and her buddies Susie Ross and Dessy White grabbed him and put him in the Elsa costume I got them for him? Emma told me they wanted to make him hop then, but he was so strong they had to tie him to a tree! I still have a video of him tied to that tree in the Elsa costume yelling through that gag they put on him!”

Charity scoffed. “Gags. ‘Ren hates those things, you know. Really hates them. She would freak even if it was just a cloth tied over her mouth with no stuffing, or just a strip of tape! They make her completely freak out!”

“Do they make you freak out?” Jill asked.

Charity shrugged. “Not really. But then again, Clint doesn’t really gag me very much, just a hanky or bandanna or something in my mouth so I can make the gag noises he likes. You know, ‘mmph mmph mmph!’ while I wiggle around like he likes. It’s not so bad, at least if he only ties it in with another cloth over my mouth or between my lips. I can always get it out if I want, though. He doesn’t tie it in very tight. I kind of like giving him a little show. It even feels a little sexy sometimes. I know I can trust him not to do anything really sick.”

You could tell Jillian thought she was taking a shot at Dillan with that last, because she got a little red in the face. And Charity would have been right, because we all knew Dillan was making her do things she absolutely hated, like I said before. But there wasn’t any point in arguing about it right then, because Jill would just make excuses for him like she does all the time, even when he’s being really nasty to her. It was supposed to be a fun night of being kidnapped, so I decided not to push it with her. “Colton does the same thing with me, but for him it’s tape, duct tape. He does the same thing with the hankies, but he uses tape over my mouth to keep them in. If only he knew how hard it is to wash the stupid adhesive off afterwards!” He even used it over my eyes once when he took me up on Zed’s. Zed’s Mountain outside of town, and when I said ‘took me’ I didn’t just mean going someplace!

Charity smirked and sort of stuck her tongue out. “Tape for a blindfold? Ick.”

“You don’t like blindfolds?” Jill asked.

“I didn’t say that. I only meant that tape over my eyes is...like you said, Alyssa. It’s almost impossible to wash off that adhesive, especially from your face, not to mention your eyebrows. I actually wouldn’t mind a blindfold, I don’t think. ‘Ren loves them!” She chuckled. “She was probably tied to a bed and blindfolded when Joey got her knocked up!” She shrugged and blushed a little. “I wouldn’t mind them either, but Clinton says he likes to look into my eyes.” Her face went red. “I like that too!”

“He’s such a romantic,” I said. And it’s true, because Clint has had a crush on her ever since he first met her in kindergarten! It would be like him to love looking into her eyes, and anyway, she does have pretty eyes, sea-green.

“Well, maybe we’ll get them tonight,” said Charity, attacking her hibachi chicken again. Food is so not safe around her! “I mean, we’re getting kidnapped, and kidnappers don’t want you to see where they’ve taken you so you can’t lead the cops back to them.” She swallowed and smirked. “Unless they don’t care if you see. That’s when you’re really screwed, because you aren’t going to survive to tell anyone where they are. Those cult freaks didn’t blindfold any of us. We were getting sacrificed, after all. And Al Watson was going to sell me and my sisters to some pervert as slaves or something. We weren’t going to be seeing any cops.” Her face had sort of fallen for a second thinking about it. Then she sort of smiled again. “But it’s just boyfriends tonight, and maybe it’ll be a little sexy. ‘Ren sure thinks so!”

Jillian stared at Charity. “You’ve already asked Clint, haven’t you? You asked him to blindfold you!”

You should have seen Charity’s blush! “I...I’ve dropped some hints a few times.” She could see how funny we thought that was. “Oh, come on! It’s not like I asked him for whips and chains or something! Just...like a game, you know. A kidnapper holding me for ransom or something. Just...just...”

Jillian was grinning so big! “And here I thought I was supposed to be the kinky one! A blindfolded hostage?” An idea seemed to strike her. “I’d bet that’s where they got the idea for this kidnapping thing! You started begging Clint, and he talked the other boys into it!”

“I wasn’t begging! I...well, it was just...well, we’d sort of talk about it, and I just sort of hinted that it might be kind of fun, and maybe sexy and...well...” Whenever Charity Mabrey starts stammering like that, you know you’ve caught her!

“So you’re why we’re all getting kidnapped tonight!” I said. Oh my god, you should have seen how red Charity’s face was! We had so caught her!

Jillian had checked her phone. “Well, if we’re getting kidnapped, they better hurry up! Get a take-out box for your stuff, Charity, so we can get out of here and get kidnapped!” I would seriously bet that no one ever had a conversation like that at the Kanto before or since!
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Why? Didn't you go back?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Well, there is that. :D
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I hope in a good way! ;)
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

While the girls enjoy a dinner at the Kanto before their Night in Ropes, the boys of course are getting ready to make the whole thing happen. And that is enough to let Charity's boyfriend Clinton Maser reminisce about how all this gameplay came about. He, as the others, mentions some of the Snoops' sleuthing adventures, in this episode a particularly harrowing case that came to a deadly conclusion in his very own basement (which if you are interested in, is available on my dA page. Not to mention the Battle for Camp Evergreen in which he won her heart!). But let's hear from Clint, shall we?


Come on, does anybody think I had to talk Colt into arranging a kidnapping date with the girls? I mean, he’s spent his whole life tying up his sister Emma, and when he finally got a girlfriend, you knew he was going to start tying her up the first chance he got!

It’s kind of strange that it was Alyssa Anthony, though. Not that he would go for her; he’s always had a thing for gingers, and Alyssa is seriously ginger! She’s actually pretty cute if you don’t mind chicks who are tall as skyscrapers, and that’s Alyssa! She’s about...six-three or -four, which is weird for a girl. Yeah, I know, Charity’s sisters are both really tall too, and I admit both of them are really cute like Charity is, but six-four? That’s way tall! No, it wasn’t strange about him getting together with Alyssa; what was strange was that she would be so ready to go along with him tying her up so much. Especially as her boyfriend, because she’d been kidnapped when she was a little kid, and the guy did all sorts of sick stuff to her before the cops closed in and he got away. I would think that after that, she really wouldn’t want to get tied up, but she’s not only okay with it, but if Colt isn’t lying his butt off, the two of them get really busy, if you know what I mean, which is something I wouldn’t expect from a chick who’s been through what Alyssa’s been through!

And I was kind of surprised that Charity was kind of getting into it too. See, she always teased her sister Serenity for playing those games with her boyfriend—I mean husband—Joey, my cousin on my mom’s side. I was one of the groomsmen at his wedding, and Charity was one of the bridesmaids. Anyway, Charity always teased Serenity about their tie-up stuff, so I was really kind of amazed when she went along with me when I sort of hinted that I’d like to try it.

I can’t really say what got me interested in it all of a sudden. Maybe some of it is what you see on TV and stuff. Mom and Dad have always been way into the Law and Order show, the one with, I think her name is Mariska Something, and I think she ends up captured and tied up about every third episode. Well, Mom wasn’t as into it for a while after the break-in, but she got kind of over it and would watch those episodes again.

That was something else that I think did it. Back when I was in sixth grade, those two guys Bannock and Treadwell broke into a bunch of houses. They stole a few things to make it look like a burglary, but mostly it was to capture the moms and kids and make them do perverted things to each other. The cops called what they did “psychodramas,” whatever that is, which is why Mrs. Giles called the book she wrote about it Psychodrama. So far, I think it’s the last book she’s written even several years later, but I think that has more to do with what happened to her daughter Penny the next year.

Anyway, about the break in. They tricked Mom into letting them in because Bannock worked with Dad down in the DeRozier Enterprises office, and grabbed my kid sister Ciara the first chance they got. They made us all go down in the basement, and they made us all strip and tied our hands behind our backs so we couldn’t fight them. I tried before they tied us up, but I was only a kid myself and all I got out of it was a concussion and my hands tied anyway. We found out later that they were probably planning to kill us after they got done with us, but that girl Bethany Howland, the veterinarian’s daughter, found them at our house and shot them full of holes! Her kid sister Merri, who’s in my class, was looking for her and found all of us in our basement right after her sister fired her first shot into Bannock, and led us out upstairs and untied us and got clothes for us. I didn’t see what her sister Bethany did after that, but I heard her fire about a hundred shots, and there wasn’t supposed to be much left of them when she got done. See, we were the last family those two guys hit, but the Howlands were the first they hit like about a decade earlier when Bethany was about the age I was when they hit us, and her brother Chris was a year or so younger, and she was still all messed up about it. And I got sort of messed up, too, but I think in a different way. Like I said, they made us strip before they tied us up, and sometimes in my dreams and stuff I would be down in that basement again looking at Mom and Cie stripped and tied, and it would kind of stick in my head, you know. I think maybe it was something about starting puberty about that time.

And it would get all mixed up with the time a couple years before that when I tried to save Charity from that kidnapper Al Watson, the one she told you about who was going to kidnap her and her sisters and sell them all to some creep as his slaves. Even after we figured out that night those kidnappers were all over the girls’ camp, our counselors made us stay in the cabin but I sneaked out. I had a pretty good idea where he might be taking the girls if he’d captured them, and I’d heard like evidence that Charity and her sisters might be the girls they wanted (actually, it turned out they tried to kidnap a whole bunch of girls until Serenity caught up with them and held them off until the cops came), so I went out to try to find her and protect her. I heard her squalling and yelling, and followed the noise to where that Watson creep was carrying her away on his shoulder, and she saw me and screamed that he was kidnapping her, which, well, duh! There she was with her hands tied behind her back being carried away by that creep, so I tried to tackle him and get Charity away from him. All I got out of that was a broken arm, but when the cops really did rescue Charity and her sister Felicity and Alyssa Anthony and her mom Mrs. Anthony in the cave I’d guessed they were using, she came running to find me, and well, that was where we sort of started as a couple. After I got my arm in a cast, she was the first person to write on it, and she made me shut my eyes while she wrote “Charity hearts Clinton” on it. I still get all goofy just thinking about it!

See, I’ve always loved Charity. I mean always, like from the day we met when we started kindergarten! I even remember what she was wearing that day, and guys aren’t supposed to remember stuff like that! She wore a little polka-dot dress with yellow and turquoise or whatever-they-call-it polka dots, but with little ankle socks and sneakers on her feet instead of dress shoes. She didn’t have her hair in pigtails yet, just pinned back with a yellow headband, and shiny black bangs, and I just sort of fell in love with her right there! All those years I tried to tell her or show her how much I adored her, but I would always get tongue-tied or stupid. And after a while we sort of started being friends because we both liked airplanes, and that actually made it worse because I didn’t want to lose her as a friend in case she didn’t love me the way I loved her. It wasn’t until that Camp Evergreen and me taking on Al Watson (and her friends Merri and Jillian and Alyssa telling her how I felt about her) that she realized how I felt, and then she wrote on my cast, and when the doctor took it off I made him leave her writing in one piece so I could save it. I still have it in like a little picture frame in my room! That was sort of when we started being a couple, and we’ve been together ever since, and probably forever!

Okay, so I’m sort of getting away from the point, but Charity does that to me. There’s nobody even a little like Charity anywhere! Anyway, after the break in and Mom and Cie stripped and tied up started getting into my head, I’d also remember Charity tied up when that Watson creep was kidnapping her, and it all sort of got mixed up inside me so that I wanted to see Charity tied up again so I could maybe sort of get Mom and Cie out of my head. And anyway, thinking of Charity tied up started getting me really turned on after a while, so a few years ago when we were in our first year as intermediate counselors at Camp Evergreen, I sort of hinted about it one day supervising the campers on a beach day, telling her that I always remembered how it was when she was being kidnapped and I tried to stop it, and how it was sort of weird and special that we were counselors there. She just looked straight at me with those beautiful green eyes of hers, and said, “You just want to tie me up and gawk at me, don’t you, you pervert?” It sounded to me like she practically yelled it, and I sort of spun around afraid everyone heard her, but it looked like no one did, and when I turned back there she was (in that turquoise or whatever bikini that was just Oh My Freakin’ God on her), with that crooked little grin on her face that says I’m teasing you, you idiot! “Sheesh, guys are all the same!” I must have looked like was about to fall over, because she edged up to me with a different kind of smile on her face, and whispered in my ear. “It’s okay, you know, I’m just teasing you. Guys are just sort of into it, so...well, I think I can trust you after all we’ve been through!” She looked out at the kids running around on the beach of Evergreen Lake like she was actually doing her job instead of talking to me, then whispered in my ear again. “You still have some of the rope from the color war in your cabin, don’t you?” and I nodded, not really believing that she was going for it. The color war is sort of a tradition for the counselors the night before the campers show up; it’s a sort of capture-the-flag thing between the girl counselors and the guy counselors, only in the woods around the camp and the prisoners tied up in the prison camps. You’d think the guys would win all the time, but we’ve only won once or twice! And yeah, we lost that year, too. The losers have to strip down to their bathing suits and spend the night tied up in the prison camp, and Charity took her good sweet time tying my hands and feet with me in nothing but swim trunks! She bought me Speedos for my next birthday, which was probably because I got so turned on when she tied me up you could practically see it under my trunks! That was probably why she also made me hop to my seat on the old maple snag that was their prison camp. But trust me, I wasn’t the only one who was like that! Alyssa did the same thing to Colt, and she was gawking at his junk all the way to his seat! I must have been thinking about it down there on the beach that day, because she said, “I kind of owe you for the color war, you know. You bring the rope, and I’ll bring a few goodies, too. Where are we meeting tonight?”

“I still remember exactly where I caught up to the creep when he was kidnapping you.”

“Okay, there. Text me when you leave, but not before one. Some of our girls have trouble sleeping.” She was a counselor at Bluejay Cabin (she always has been), which is the cabin for the girls with problems who are in their Teddy Bear Club. My cabin, Bear Cabin, is sort of the same for the troubled boys, who have their Order of the North Star which is the boys’ version of the Teddy Bear Club, where we talk about their problems. Yeah, Charity and I both know about problems! So that was our date, one a. m. at the spot. I let Colt, my co-counselor in Bear, know I was meeting Charity, and Charity did the same for Alyssa who was her co-counselor. I was pretty certain I’d hidden the rope I was going to use on her, but just the look Colt gave me when I left made me think he knew.

It was a pretty long walk down to the spot, on the far side of the girls’ camp through the woods in the direction of the cave—okay, not a cave, but a sort of underground bunker where he took Charity after he got her big sister Felicity, and it was a few minutes after one by the time I got there. I thought for a moment either I was too early or late or Charity was ditching me, because she wasn’t there, but I heard a rustling, and out of the dark was Charity in her Camp Evergreen girls’ staff uniform, the green polo shirt and white shorts. Her smile was sort of crooked like it gets when she’s teasing. “I think you’re too eager!” she said, but before she said anything else she wrapped me up in a really deep kiss which got me excited even before I got the rope out of the sack I’d brought! She pulled back a little. “We could just make out, you know. I saw three different couples on the way here, two of them in Deadman’s Cave!” There’s a sort of legend about Deadman’s Cave, but that’s not the point of the story. “A couple in the dugout were right in the middle of it, and neither of them even noticed me!”

I would have gone for that, but thinking about Charity all tied up just was too much for me. Still, I tried to kid back. “Yeah, but I don’t want you to be able to run away from me when we do!”

“Well, if you insist.” So I bent down to get the rope out of the bag, and when I came back up, Charity was out of her polo shirt in nothing but her bikini top! “Come on! It’s hot out tonight, and you can overheat trying to get yourself untied!” Right about then, I was the one overheating just looking at her! Yeah, I know, she’s not got the biggest...well, you-knows in the world, but she’s beautiful even despite that, especially in her bikini top! And it’s not like she doesn’t have any, they’re just not big and huge, and anyway, they’re sort of just the right size for Charity, if you know what I mean. She just looks right with them that size. Next she dropped her shorts to the ground, and she was in her bikini bottoms too. Maybe I shouldn’t say this, but she has the nicest rear end I’ve ever seen! She still does dance class—she jokes that it’s her one really girly thing—and the exercises they do have given her...well, a really nice rear end, really round and kind of high the way she holds herself in her posture. Samantha McBride has a nice bottom too, but not as nice as Charity’s! She stood there for a second in her bikini and her flip-flop sandals, and sort of cocked her head to one side. “Well, are you just gonna drool at me, or are you going to tie me up?” I thought she was teasing, but I happened to touch my chin, and I was really drooling! Well, you would too if Charity was standing there in front of you in nothing but a bikini waiting to be tied up!

The first thing I did was drop the bag! You know, Charity in a bikini in the middle of the night all by ourselves. My head felt kind of hot. “How do you want tied up?”

“Well duh! You’re the kidnapper! You decide how to tie me up!"

All sorts of ideas were going off in my head, but I wanted something that was easy to do but she wouldn’t be able to get out of, and wouldn’t make too much of a mess for her to explain to Alyssa or her junior counselors. Her sister Serenity always complained that my Cousin Joey could never tie her up well enough that she couldn’t escape, and I didn’t want Charity complaining like that. She doesn’t like it, but she’s a whole lot like Serenity, always in charge and kind of sarcastic. That meant her hands had to be behind her back. There’s just something cute about a girl with her hands tied behind her back, but I try not to think about that too much because it reminds me of Mom and Cie down in the basement with the burglars, because their hands were tied behind their backs like mine were. It’s especially weird to think of Cie like that and to think there are probably boys her age who already would like to tie her up the way I was planning on tying Charity up. She’s growing up kind of fast, you know. I couldn’t just keep thinking about it, so I went behind her and grabbed her wrists. I wasn’t sure yet what to do, but I brushed against a little tree trunk, and I sort of realized that I wanted to tie her to that tree. I pulled her backward, then when her back was against the little trunk I got hold of both her wrists and pulled them back around the trunk. I was wondering how I should tie her hands, but having her hands behind the tree trunk too sort of decided it for me. About the only way I could tie her hands and leave her comfortable was to cross her wrists over each other like an X and tie them that way. That was how the burglars tied my hands that night, and yeah, I thought about that for a second before tying her hands with her wrists crossed. Besides, thinking about the burglars and the color war, Charity had tied my hands after the color war with my hands palm to palm, with a little loop of rope cinched between my wrists, and it kind of stressed my shoulders. That was also the way the burglars tied Cie’s hands, palm to palm, and no matter that she was scared and crying at what was happening, you could tell it hurt to have her arms pulled back the way being tied palm to palm does, and I didn’t want to hurt Charity, so it was fairly lucky that the only way I could really tie her hands was with her wrists crossed.

I did a couple loops of rope on each wrist above and below where the other wrist crossed it, and I asked her if it was too tight. “Too tight? This would hold me for maybe ten seconds! You don’t make much of a kidnapper!”
“I didn’t want to hurt you or cut off your circulation.”

“My circulation’s fine, and if it hurts, you’ll be the first to know!” She wasn’t looking at me, so I don’t know how she knew how I felt after that, but she said, “I’m not trying to be a bitch, Clinton, but it’s kind of too loose. And I love that you’re trying to not hurt me, but you don’t have to be so delicate, though. I won’t break, I promise!” For a second, I thought about just pulling the rope tighter, but I realized that would give her rope burn so I didn’t. The last thing she needed to have to explain was rope burn around her wrists!

I thought about it for a second, and then I remembered the cinch between my wrists that Charity had done. I thought the same thing would work on Charity, so I slipped the rope between her wrists, behind the one and in front of the other, and tightened the cinch. “Too tight?”

“Well, I can feel the rope now! Tie it off and let me see.” I did the knot, and she started twisting her wrists to try to get loose, and I was surprised how exciting just watching her twist her wrists was! She started off slow and kind of lazy, but then she started working harder and harder, until she was really pulling on her ropes! That made her arms kind of tug and the muscles pucker, and I couldn’t believe how much just that turned me on! “Okay, so maybe I’m not getting loose in a hurry!” She kept pulling and twisting, and all of a sudden I heard her sigh, so I took a peek at her face. She was blushing, and even smiling! “I really am your prisoner!” But then her smile went crooked again, and I knew she had another idea. “At least until you get close enough for me to kick you in the ‘nads and leave you rolling around on the ground in agony until I get rescued!” That kind of shocked me, but then I saw that crooked smile again, and I knew what she was doing. She was making a suggestion! “One kick and you’d be screaming!”

So she wanted me to tie her legs. And she wasn’t kidding about the kicking, because she can snap your neck with her kicks! Her legs are super long, and while they’re real slim, they’re all muscle! How hard can she kick? Let me tell you about the state championship game in girls’ soccer this year! It went to penalty kicks, and Charity had the last kick for the win. She brought her hand down, two steps, and wham! The goalie had guessed right, but it didn’t matter because the ball was in the net so fast you missed it if you blinked! Her shot was so hard that the ball bounced off the back of the net! And yeah, I really love her legs, too. Dancer’s legs and soccer player’s legs all in one! I knelt down to tie her ankles, but she kind of dodged her legs around until I caught both of them, and I pushed her ankles together. I managed to hold her ankles together with one hand while I got the rope with the other one, and tied them together with about four loops and a cinch between, not too tight because she wasn’t wearing any socks. Her legs are so long that she could squirm them around a lot even with her ankles tied, and then she said, “I can still kick you! Two feet will hurt twice as much as one!” Okay, it took me a second to realize what to do, and I had enough rope left from her ankle tie to wrap the ends around the trunk and tie them off, which left her ankles tied together and tied to the tree trunk. She couldn’t kick me now, but she was still squirming her legs an awful lot. “I can still catch you with a knee, you know!” Okay, I was quicker thinking now, and I knew it meant she wanted me to tie her knees or something. I could tie her legs below her knees, or tie her thighs above her knees. I think you know which I picked! Her thighs are like her calves, long and slim but all muscle, and they are so beautiful! I love touching them! So I picked out another rope, grabbed her knees, and pushed them together long enough to get rope around them about four inches up from her knees, a few loops and a cinch like I did with her ankles. That pressed her thighs tight together, and a couple seconds after I got up, and was squirming again, kind of rubbing her thighs together. Watching her work her thighs was such a turn-on I didn’t even see her face until she sighed, with a sort of whimper in her voice too, and when I looked, her face was so red and her eyes were kind of slack. That’s when I realized she was really turned on too! “Clinton...” she said, almost moaning, and then she sort of caught herself. “Now I’m good and tied up! I might not be able to get loose at all!” Right then, it didn’t look like she even wanted to get loose!

She was tugging against her hands rope, and rubbing her thighs together, and every few seconds she would arch her back against the tree, which made her chest and her rear kind of stand out at the same time, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on as I was then! She was starting to pant a little, she was straining so hard! “I...you know I might scream for help, don’t you? You never know who might come to rescue me from you!” Then her eyes sort of flicked down to the little bag she brought. It was sort of half open, and I saw hankies and, I think they’re called bandannas, inside. “Even in the woods, a scream can carry a long way!”

Oh my god. She wanted me to gag her. That was surprising, because her sister absolutely hates getting gagged. I know Cousin Joey always wanted to put a gag in her mouth, but she wouldn’t let him. And now there was Charity asking for a gag!

“How...how do you want it?”

You’re the kidnapper! And I’m about to scream for help!” So I dove for her bag, and picked out a couple pretty big white hankies. No tape, so I would have to keep the one hanky in her mouth by tying the other one over her mouth. So I crunched one up into a ball, but when I went to put it in her mouth, and closed her lips up tight, but with a smile, like she was challenging me. That’s really Charity! She’s like seriously competitive in everything! The next summer after we got together, we were on different Little League baseball teams, and the first time we played each other, I pitched her an easy pitch that she turned into a home run. I just wanted her to do well, but after the game she told me if I ever did that again she would never speak to me! She said she wanted me to play as hard as I could even if it was against her, and there she was in the woods, tied to her tree, and she was playing hard again. I would have to work to get the gag in her mouth, no matter that she wanted it! So I had to figure out how to get the hanky in her mouth, which meant making her open her mouth. Then I had an idea—pinch her nose shut! So I held her chin and pinched her nose until she opened her mouth to breathe, and in went the hanky! But as soon as I let her chin go to fold the other hanky over to tie over the first one, she spit it right out! “I’m not making it easy for you! You never make things easy for your kidnapper!” I ended up jamming three hankies in her mouth so she couldn’t spit them all out before I got one over her mouth to hold them in, but when she was really gagged, and she started sort of purring and mewing through her gag while she kept wiggling against her tree...well, all I can say is that it was something too exciting for both of us!

Anyway, Colt and I (yeah, Jill’s boyfriend Dillan Danielson got himself mixed up in it, but only because Jill insisted, because he’s an absolute prick) were pretty excited to do our kidnapping date with the girls, but if I knew Charity, it would be like that night at camp trying to gag her. She wanted kidnapped, but she would sure as hell make us work for it!
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Once again, our narrator Charity takes up the narrative, as she pontificates on the irony of the difficulties of getting kidnapped when you really want to be.


No. Duh.

Clinton wasn’t lying; I wasn’t going to make it easy for them to kidnap us—well, at least too easy—because anything’s more worthwhile if you have to work for it. That’s why I got so mad at him about that Little League game back when we were kids; I know he was trying to be nice to his new girlfriend, but getting home runs that way just felt sort of...I guess the right word is cheap. I like scoring, but only against someone doing their best! Otherwise, it’s just cheap.

I figured we were making it easy enough for them to kidnap us just by dressing up for our date, because it’s not easy to run for your life in a dress and nice shoes! The other part of arranging to be kidnapped, of course, is where to do it so that our boyfriends didn’t get arrested for kidnapping! That means somewhere the cops weren’t likely to be. Look, I like Detective Janet a lot, but I really didn’t want her arresting my boyfriend! If she wanted to arrest that creep perv Dillan, of course, she’s always welcome. But anyway, when we were done at the Kanto (and thanks both of you for making me sound like a total pig!), we still had the problem of where to go to get kidnapped.

We decided that right in town was out. Snowden’s not a very big town anyway, and a weekend with all the college students out partying meant that there weren’t many places we could go to get abducted. On the other hand, we didn’t want to go out into the sticks around town, because the last thing we wanted was to get our dresses dirty enough for parents to notice. “What about the reservoir?” asked Jill as we piled into Alyssa’s car. I got the back seat with my take-out box, Jill got the passenger seat up front, and Alyssa was driving. We just didn’t know where to yet. “There’s that parking lot up there, and some woods to hide us.”

“Which is why it’s probably already full, Jill,” said Alyssa. “There’s probably half a dozen couples up there already!

I had an idea. “How about the mall?”

Jill gave me her that’s-so-stupid look. “The mall.” The mall, of course, is the Allen Valley Mall, down the road from Snowden and just outside Center City. It’s not very big, sort of old, and about half of it is empty for all the store closings. Felicity and Serenity both used to work at the Deb there before it closed, along with what feels like half of it. Malls just really aren’t the place to be anymore, you know. “That’s a great place to not get caught.” And people think I’m sarcastic?

“It is on the Sears end.” The old Sears used to be one of the anchor stores when it first opened, but it’s been closed for about a year; the thing is, there’s this dark, sort of abandoned spot in the parking lot where the old automotive department stuck out from the rest of the store where their loading bays or whatever they call them were. If we timed it so they kidnapped us when the mall security car had just passed, it would work.

Jill wasn’t impressed. “I want to get kidnapped for fun, not for real!”

“Says the girl who talked us into investigating the Miller Lake Industrial Park.” Not exactly a highlight of our career in the detective club; we got it in our heads that someone who was fencing stuff stolen from homes from a bunch of local burglaries was working from the old abandoned industrial park, and who but Jill talked us into going down to check it out? Sure enough, we ended up captured and stuffed in an old warehouse office bound and gagged for them to cut our throats, and only the fact that Tess Vandiver’s grandfather had her tracked or chipped or something let his security guys find us and rescue us before we all got killed! And now she was turning chicken about being kidnapped by our own boyfriends at the mall? Seriously? “Do you want kidnapped or don’t you?”

“By Dillan, not some creep!” As if Dillan wasn’t a creep. “How about the student lot at school?”

Alyssa rolled her eyes. “Where the security cameras will record the whole thing.” They got put up after a few idiots egged the school last Halloween. Other than that, it would have been a pretty good choice, though. “At this rate, we might as well just go out to Evergreen Lake!”

“And spend an hour tied up in trunks,” I said. All the times we’d been kidnapped, and now when we wanted to be kidnapped, we couldn’t think of a place!

By now, Alyssa had pulled out, and she was just sort of driving aimlessly. We went down on Main Street, then onto Dryden Street which led to Passmore Street which went one way up the hill toward the reservoir and the other way down toward the university campus past the old abandoned middle school (which was Snowden High before that) where we found the dog fighters back when we were kids. She turned down the side of the school, back around to the old alley where the back entrance to the boiler room was, the big doors where the cops with Detective Janet—well, eventually she became Detective Janet—rescued us in the dog-fighters case.

And she almost ran head-on into a pickup truck parked across the alley! Alyssa might not have the fastest reflexes in the world—that would be me—but she managed to dive into the little spot in front of the big doors and stop her car before she crashed into them. She had just enough time to throw the car in reverse when I recognized the old rust-bucket pickup—and a much newer one pulled in behind her and completely blocked her in place.

Dillan had blocked the alley, and Colton had blocked us into the driveway! We were caught! And right on cue, three guys in hoodies and ski masks jumped out. The medium-height scrawny one who jumped out of the rust bucket could only be Dillan the Perv, and the two who jumped out of the newer pickup could only be Colton and Clinton. No, I had no idea how they knew to find us and set their trap! For a second, Dillan shone a flashlight into the car, and ran straight up to Jill’s door, while Colton went to Alyssa’s and Clint came to mine. About the only thing I could figure was that Colton had somehow followed us and directed Dillan to the alley to block us. Of course, at that moment I wasn’t really thinking about how they’d caught us; I was about to be kidnapped again, and that had me sort of occupied. Well, it had all of us occupied.

There was Alyssa trying to tie back her hair. “I should have put my hair up! Colton’s going to tape my mouth, I just know it! I hate it when he tapes my mouth over my hair!”

“You should have done a ponytail like I did,” said Jill, who had the passenger visor down to check out her face and adjust her ponytail. “It’s easy for him to get it out of his way when he gags me.”

While they were primping themselves, I was getting ready to try my escape. Like I said, I wasn’t going to make it too easy for Clinton to capture me. My low heels were a sort of compromise, because while it wasn’t too easy for me to run in them, it wasn’t so hard that I might have ended up breaking my ankle again. I wasn’t sure where I was going to be spending the weekend, but one place I didn’t want to spend it was in the hospital ER! I’ve done that already with a broken ankle, and I can assure you it really sucks!

Of course, being in town was its own problem. The alley was pretty quiet—the other side of the alley was the back of a few old empty warehouses—but every once in a while the town rental cops would come around just to make sure nobody was causing any trouble, and I didn’t want Clint spending his weekend in the town jail, so I couldn’t fight back too long. Getting kidnapped by your boyfriend can be complicated!

I had one advantage in that I was in the back seat, so I could switch from one side of the car to the other. I put my take-out box on the rear deck and put myself in the middle of the seat while Clint ran up to the right-hand side which was closer for him. I would let him pick a side, then jump to the other side and get out there to make him chase me.

Neither of the others were going to make a fight of it, I knew. They both just sat there while Dillan came up to the passenger door and Colton went to the driver’s side, Alyssa dithering about her hair and Jill checking her makeup and gettiung out of her vest. What fun is it to get kidnapped and not even put up a fight? Clinton knew I wasn’t going to go as easily as either of them, because he sort of stopped in the middle of the car’s rear end, like he was waiting for me to decide which side I was going to try to get out of. He’s the smart one of the bunch! “Charity, just don’t,” said Jill, rolling her eyes at me. “They won’t all leave until Clinton captures you, and we don’t want to be sitting here all night waiting for you to let him catch you! Just give up already!” That’s Jill for you; she was in a huge hurry to have Dillan tie her up!

But, well, that was sort of the thing with me, too, because I was kind of in a hurry to have Clinton tie me up, too, but I wanted to make a good game of it at least. It wasn’t going to be any fun just giving up! Meanwhile, I was trying to keep track of Clinton behind the car, leaning this way and that to be ready to catch me when I jumped out while Dillan and Colton pounded on the doors yelling at Alyssa and Jill to open up. Finally Clint leaned to one side, almost to the passenger-side corner of the car, so I threw the door open on the driver’s side and made a run for the old loading doors.

Right into Colton! As soon as I jumped out and started running, he turned around and put a block on me better than any he threw on the football team this past season! Yeah, our football team really sucked, like always. At least poor Colton’s finally done with them now. He half knocked the wind out of me, mostly because I wasn’t expecting him to block me like that, and before I could get moving again, Clint had me by my arms, pulling them behind me! That was so not fair! They double-teamed me! I felt like an absolute chump! Clint had tricked me into going out the driver’s side! They’d planned it all along! “We knew you’d put up a fight!” said Colton as Clint dragged my arms behind me. “We figured we’d take care of you first and the others would be easy!”

“You cheating bas”—and then all of a sudden it felt like my arms were being wrenched out of their sockets! Rope around my elbows! Clinton was tying my elbows like Jill complains about from Dillan! “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Making sure you can’t fight back while I tie your hands, Charity! I knew you were going to fight back!”

“Ow! Stop it!” My elbows were almost touching behind my back, and yes, it hurt!

“I’ll let your elbows loose when I get your hands tied, so stand still!”

I tried to pull my elbows apart, just as long as it took to feel like my shoulders were breaking, and then I stopped. “You cheated!”

“There’s no cheating in kidnapping, Charity!” Okay, so he sort of had a point there. I just didn’t like being beaten so quickly, I guess. And it didn’t hurt so much when I stood still, so yes, I stood still while he put my palms together and tied my wrists. It felt like about four loops cinched off between them, and I knew I wasn’t getting untied any time soon. My hands are too wide. “There, your hands are tied. Hold still and I’ll loosen your elbows.” And that’s exactly what he meant, it turned out; he loosened the ropes until my elbows were just barely behind me, then he started looping it off around my arms. He was keeping my arms tied! It didn’t hurt, but I was still not really happy with it—until I looked down at myself and saw how having my arms tied behind me sort of pushed out my chest. A Mabrey with actual visible boobs!

“Hurry up, dude!” That was Dillan complaining from the other side of the car, where he was still waiting for Jill to open the door and surrender to him. “You got plenty of time to do her up all fancy when we get out of here!”

Colton wasn’t hurrying him, and that’s when I noticed he too was gawking down at my boobs! He probably hadn’t seen a Mabrey girl with actual boobs either. Finally, “It don’t have to be perfect, Clint. Just get her hands tied and get her gagged so we can take care of Alyssa and Jill.”

“You’re afraid I’m going to scream for help?” I wasn’t just going to give up and not resist at all! “By the way, how did you jerks find us after all?”

“Well, first thing,” said Colton, “putting a gag in your mouth will stop you talking so much! Second thing...”

“I found out how to ping your phone, Charity,” said Clint. “It actually worked! We just followed you around, and here we are! Now hold still for your gag!” Yeah, my boyfriend is a technology geek. He’s already got a job lined up at one of the help desks at Advanced Systems Technology up behind the university campus.

I was standing there with my arms behind my back, in heels and a minidress, so I wasn’t going to be able to run or fight back, but I still wasn’t just going to play all nice with them! “Yeah, so I can choke on my gag in a car trunk!”

But Clinton just chuckled and pulled something out of a pocket of his black hoodie. It was long and dark blue, and I finally recognized it as a bandanna. But there was this great big lump in the middle of it! “I tied a hanky in the middle of it,” he said, all proud of himself. “It’s all one piece, so you can’t choke on it!”

“You have to get it in my mouth first!”

“Do I really have to pinch your nose again?” Okay, so there was that. He’d done it before, and it works. But there was still that whole not wanting to give up thing going, at least until I just happened to look at Alyssa in the car, and she gave me that little look-at-her-watch thing that meant hurry up and let them finish. Okay, so she had a point. Hurry up and get on with it. That was the only reason I stood there like an idiot and opened my mouth for the big lumpy knot in the middle of my gag. And it wasn’t a little knot, either! He had knotted up a whole handkerchief in the middle of that bandanna, so my mouth was pretty filled up by it! Clinton was giggling under his breath while he tied off the ends behind my neck, and with him pressed up against me, I could tell exactly how exciting the whole gagging-me thing was for him!

“Yrr tmm tmmd mmm bmm thhs.” That’s what it sounded like when I said it, but what I was saying was “You’re too turned on by this.” Which he was; like I said, I could tell. Being really turned on is something guys don’t hide very well, after all, especially when he’s pressed up against you like Clinton was. But that was okay, because hearing my voice muffled up by my gag, and feeling the vibration of my voice that the gag caused, had me almost as turned on as he was! See, that’s the thing ‘Ren doesn’t get, how having your voice muffled up and the vibration it causes across your body when you try to talk through a really good gag is such a turn-on! I don’t mean it’s a turn-on when you’re being really kidnapped like...well, all the times I’ve been really captured and in real peril, but when it’s your boyfriend and you really love and trust him, and you know the game you’re playing and know how much it’s turning him on too, it really does arouse you! He really liked my gag talk too, because...well, he’s a boy. You can tell.

“Okay, you got her, now get her in the truck bed,” said Colton, already tugging at Alyssa’s door handle. “We gotta hurry up before somebody comes back here!” So I was going to be taken in Colton’s truck; who was going to take Alyssa’s car? They couldn’t just leave it there, after all!

“Come on, nobody comes back here,” said Clinton. “There’s no hurry! Besides, I have another thing for Charity.” He was still standing behind me with his great big excitement poking against my butt, so I couldn’t see what he was talking about until the very last moment, when I saw this long folded-over dark-blue bandanna just before he covered my eyes with it. O. M. G. A blindfold! He’d never blindfolded me before, and I was really startled at first. All of a sudden you can’t see, but you can hear and you can feel, in my case feeling Clinton getting very hard behind me! And of course you realize that you can’t run away now because you can’t see where you’re running, and the powerlessness started was a really serious turn-on! I guess ‘Ren and I are alike in at least that one thing, because she really gets off on blindfolds too! You’re in your own dark little world, but everything is still going on around you, and...well, it’s hard to describe how that feels, but I found out I liked it!
Clinton took me by an elbow and led me away, and all of a sudden it was harder to walk than I expected! I think you take it for granted that you can see where you’re going when you’re walking, because all the way it was like I was ready to trip or something when I couldn’t see where I was going. But after only a few seconds Clinton stopped me, and I heard him take another step away. I figured he was taking me to the back of Colton’s pickup truck, but it wasn‘t until I heard the pop of the truck’s gate being opened that I knew I was right. Then there was another click and a sort of hiss, which I guessed was him opening the back window to the truck bed cap. So I really was going to be taken away in the back of Colton’s truck! “Okay, here we go,” said Clinton, sort of whispering in my ear, and if you don’t think that’s sexy you really don’t know anything! He moved me again until he sort of turned me around where I stood, and I guessed he was about to sit me down on the truck gate. My butt’s just a little higher than the truck gate, but it was still awkward for Clint to get me maneuvered up onto the gate with my legs hanging down. “Okay, let’s scoot you back.” I heard him jump up into the truck bed and settle down behind me, and all of a sudden his hands were on my waist. Yes, I was really starting to enjoy being kidnapped! “Okay, duck your head.” I did, and he started scooting me backward on my butt into the truck bed, and even with my head ducked down I felt the bottom of the window graze the back of my head and bump into the knot to my blindfold. All of a sudden I didn’t want it to get knocked off, so I ducked a little harder and it missed. I actually remembered from all those kidnap-practice things that we would do with Tess that if you get kidnapped and they blindfold you, never try to take off your blindfold because they don’t want you to see where they’re taking you and would probably kill you if you knew. Well, if you’re being kidnapped by your boyfriend, you do want it to be as realistic as possible, don’t you?

Anyway, he kept scooting me backward into the truck bed, which by the way helped keep my skirt down, until I felt my heels up in the bed. I heard Clint rustling around a little behind me, so I sat still until he put one hand on my back and one on my chest (I know, any excuse to grab at my boobs!). “I’m lowering you down. Slowly, now.” I have to admit he was very gentle, and when I was finally laid back, it was onto something soft, and my head landed on what I was sure was a pillow. How can you not love a kidnapper as considerate as Clinton? He had a pillow there for my head! “Now for your legs.” That wasn’t a surprise, but what was a surprise was that he started by tying my legs together just above my knees, with the knot in front. It was an excuse for him paw at my thighs, of course, but I really didn’t mind. Yeah, that’s another thing ‘Ren and I are alike in. We both love having or thighs tied, just like Clint had guessed that night down at camp. If you wiggle just right, it is just so arousing! What surprised me was that when he finally tied my ankles, he crossed them first and cinched them so they stayed crossed. “Now I’m going to roll you over,” and he took me by my hip and did just that until I was face-down in the pillow. Before anything else, he tugged my skirt back down because it had run up a little; it was a nice gesture, but it also let him get a little touch of my butt! He got to tell himself how considerate he was and cop a feel of my butt at the same time! My boyfriend might be a pervert, but he’s not stupid!

He was still hanging around down at my knees, so I guessed what was coming next. A hogtie. You know, where your feet are tied to your hands. It folds you up nice and tight, and leaves you really immobile. “Can’t let you go kicking the sides trying to get help!” And yep! He grabbed my ankles and pulled them back, and in a second I felt the rope being tied, not to my wrists, but to the rope tying my elbows together! He looped the rope around my elbow rope, and used that as leverage to pull my ankles all the way back over my hands, which had my back like really arched! I really wasn’t going anywhere after that! I must have grunted or something, because all of a sudden there was Clinton whispering in my ear if it was too tight and did I want it looser? I admit that for a second I wanted to nod and tell him yes, but then that whole competitive thing about me kicked in and I shook my head no. I wasn’t going to wuss out on him! And besides, having your legs pulled back that far when they’re tied at the knees presses them together so tight, and I was already starting to, well, you might say entertain myself! “Okay, then. It won’t be too long!” I felt him scoot to the back of the truck—after patting my butt, of course!—and the springs bounced when he jumped out. A couple slams of the gate and the window, and I was alone in the back of the truck, hogtied and gagged and blindfolded, and really having fun! I wasn’t sure how long it really was, but after a while the truck started up, and I was on my way! I wasn’t sure what had been done with the others, but I was having too much fun to be really worried about it anyway!
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Post by Xtc »

I'm glad you're adding the fun cartoons to your tale.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago I'm glad you're adding the fun cartoons to your tale.
Thanks. I really appreciate someone enjoying my really cruddy art. I won't be able to do one for each chapter, but I'll have a few more to post.
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Post by Xtc »

Not cruddy at all! You have a good line and the simplicity reflects the rather "sweet" nature of the tale.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago Not cruddy at all! You have a good line and the simplicity reflects the rather "sweet" nature of the tale.
That sweetness might take on some other flavors before their weekend is done. :shock:
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Yes, the third of our trio of Snoop ladies is chiming in. Say hello to Jillian, and let her tell you about how her part of the night starts. And things just might get a little intense.


I understand exactly what Charity meant by that last remark about not being sure what was being done to Alyssa and me, and to be honest I get tired of it! They all act like Dillan’s some kind of monster, but they just don’t understand him! Yes, he is...well, assertive, but it’s only because he’s more experienced and older and understands things better than I do, so I let him take charge. It’s not like he’s really violent or anything, and if he gets jealous from time to time, it only shows that he cares about me and doesn’t want to lose me! There’s nothing wrong with that!But to get back to their kidnapping, all three of the boys waited for Clinton to get Charity well tied up and put away in Colton’s pickup before they took us. It gave me a few seconds to straighten myself for Dillan, so Charity’s thing about not giving up easily actually worked for me. For one thing, I had a chance to take off my vest, because I knew it would just get in Dillan’s way. I’d had my hair up in my ponytail, and I straightened and tightened it up after I took off my vest so it looked really nice, and I had a chance to pull up my thigh-high socks. Yes, Dillan likes it when I do myself up as the classic schoolgirl, and it does feel very sexy when I do! Yes, it’s something of a cliché, but if Dillan likes it and I like it, I don’t mind that it’s a cliché. By the time Clinton got Charity secured in Colton’s truck, I was nice and ready for Dillan to kidnap me. And see, that’s something else they don’t get about Dillan; they talk about how perverted he is, but it’s mostly what I want to do! To me there’s something very erotic about the things we do—that exciting giving up control to him, submitting to him!—and Dillan enjoys it as much as I do!

All right, I don’t like it all that much when he ties my elbows. I don’t have long thin arms like Alyssa or Charity, so it puts a strain on my shoulders when he ties my elbows. But I understand why he does it, so it’s easier for him to tie my wrists, and it’s only fair that I do things he likes in exchange for him doing things I like. It’s not that big a deal! So I was also kind of shaking my shoulders loose so when he tied them, it wouldn’t be quite as uncomfortable. Soon enough, he was at my door in his ski mask and black hoodie, and it was time to play my part.

I started to open my door, but he took me by my arms and pulled me out of the car as soon as the door was open enough for him to reach me. I stumbled a little coming out of the car, and Alyssa of course gave Dillan a dirty look as if he was mistreating me, but it wasn’t as if he was throwing me down to the ground; in fact, he held me up to make sure I didn’t fall! It was supposed to be a kidnapping, after all! “You just hold still, bitch, if you know what’s good for you!” I knew Alyssa would be giving him another dirty look, but it was only play-acting!
And I was play-acting, too! “Please, sir!” and I held up my hands as if surrendering. “Don’t hurt me! I won’t resist, I promise! Please don’t hurt me!”

“Then you just do what I say, bitch! Shut your mouth and do what I tell you!” He grabbed my elbows and pulled them behind me, and I knew what was coming. He was going to tie my elbows again. No, it’s not my favorite thing, but it’s no big deal, really. I just tried to relax and be loose so it wouldn’t be so uncomfortable. Still, I did gasp a little when he pulled my elbows together behind me, and of course Alyssa gave Dillan that dirty look again when I did. She’s standing there getting tied up by Colton, and she’s giving Dillan dirty looks! It’s actually kind of hypocritical, if you ask me! Colton even ties up his little sister, but no one gives him any trouble about that! I couldn’t see exactly how Dillan was tying my elbows, but I felt the loops of rope around my arms, and it rather felt like they were being looped in a sort of figure 8 with some rope tied between my elbows. See, he didn’t tie my elbows all the way together, but maybe an inch or two apart, probably because of the dirty looks Alyssa and even Colton were giving him. As if Colton Walters has any right to get judgmental of Dillan tying me up!

Next would be my wrists, as always. I held still, and he crossed my wrists instead of putting them palm-to-palm. When he had finished with that, he took the ends of the rope and tied them around my body, knotting them in front of me where I could not reach it. I literally could not move my arms, but every attempt I made to do it jiggled my chest, something which always fascinates Dillan. I had made sure my blouse was nice and tight so he could see every jiggle, because I knew he would tie my arms tightly. I tried to loosen my shoulders as much as I could, and it got less uncomfortable as I got used to how my arms were tied. I could tell in his eyes that he was pleased with how I looked, and he cupped one of my breasts in his hand for a second with his thumb poking lightly at my nipple. Now, he pulled a great big white handkerchief out of his pocket, and I knew what that meant; that I was going to be gagged. I expected that, and when he rolled it up into a ball, I opened my mouth wide and let him put it in. From his other pocket came a roll of duct tape, which meant he was going to tape my mouth. It’s not my favorite gag, but it pleases him so it’s no real problem. It’s just inconvenient to clean up after, and it stings when the tape comes off my face. He put a finger under my chin to make me close my mouth as far as I could, and in a second he had a strip laid from ear to ear and between my lips to seal the cloth inside. He wasn’t done, of course; he laid three more strips; one just under my nose, one just at my chin, and one last one over my lips to make sure the cloth couldn’t come loose. I hoped he was done, but he wasn’t; then, he wrapped the tape all the way around my head three times, so none of the tape would come loose. I don’t like that because it tugs at the loose hairs at the base of my neck and stings even worse when it comes off. At least he brushed my ponytail out of the way when he did it. It’s not that big a deal, I guess. Now, after he finished tearing off the strip of tape from the roll, he gave my derriere a little pinch and whispered in my ear. “Got a special surprise for ya, honey, when we get you to our hideout!” He squeezed one of my breasts again when he said it, then “Now hold still.”

I certainly would hold still for him, and the next thing I knew, he was tying my ankles together from behind. Five tight loops, and two cinches between them so I could never free my feet. I tried to ask him to let me kick off my shoes, but he must have misunderstood me for my gag, which was very filling, because he kept my shoes on while he tied my ankles. That would make hopping very difficult. “You’re coming with me now, bitch,” he said, and he swatted me on my bottom again before taking my elbow. “Get moving.”
I had to hop to his truck. I kept to the paved driveway and the road, but it was still very hard to hop in my heels! I had to concentrate on staying on my toes so my heels couldn’t trip me, and Dillan helped me keep my balance by keeping hold of my elbow. He opened his passenger door, which I was glad of because his truck bed is so rusty. I’m always afraid I’ll fall through it, and at the very least it gets my clothes dirty and rusty. The problem with his cab is that he has his truck jacked up a little, so it would be a high jump to at least get up on his running board. He must have known it, for he boosted me up with a hand on my bottom when I jumped, and I barely made it to the running board. With his hand still on my derriere, he steered me into my seat and strapped on my seat belt with another little tease of my breast. “Now we’re ready to haul it out of here, bitch. You just keep quiet and don’t give me any trouble!” He ran around to his side of the cab and hopped in to start up. “You ready? Ya enjoy your kidnapping?” I nodded, making a few noises through my gag. He likes my gag-talk. “Well, it’s just getting started, and like I said, I have a few surprises for you. You excited?” I nodded while he put the truck in gear and drove out toward the back road to the campus. It would have been inconvenient to have to explain me there bound and gagged in his truck if he got pulled over, so he stayed on the back streets until the edge of town where Alyssa’s house is. It’s also why he drove slowly, just to not draw attention to us. I wasn’t lying that I was excited about the surprises he had for me, but also a little apprehensive because sometimes his surprises don’t turn out well. Charity and Alyssa get all bothered about that one time, the one where I ran down to Alyssa’s afterward, but they don’t understand that it was only because I was unused to it. Once Dillan explained a few things to me, it didn’t bother me at all, and once I learned a few things I actually learned to like it! In fact, I was hoping he would want it again some time during the kidnapping! It’s just that sometimes he doesn’t quite know how to pull off his surprises.

In a few minutes, there we were at Alyssa’s place ahead of everyone else, and we sat down to wait for the rest of them. We spent the time making out a little, at least as much as I could while bound and gagged. We couldn’t kiss, of course, but he nuzzled at my neck while he straddled me and caressed my body, especially my breasts and my bottom, and teased a little bit between my thighs before the others showed up. I was rather sorry they did!
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No sense of timing, some people.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

xtc, indeed. And some of their timing is worse than others!

Meanwhile, Charity's been packed up hogtied in Colton's truck by her boyfriend Clinton, and Jillian has been taken away os Dillan's "hostage" in his own truck, so it's Alyssa's turn again to takle up the tale of how she made it home that night with her kidnapper, Colton. Enjoy!


Isn’t it just like Jill to excuse everything Dillan does to her! It made me almost sick watching the way Dillan tied her up back at the old loading dock, the way he kept calling her “bitch” and tying her in ways I knew she didn’t like! I know she doesn’t like having her elbows tied, and he did it anyway. She doesn’t like hopping in heels, and he made her hop in heels anyway! It’s like nothing she likes or doesn’t like makes any difference to him, he just does what he wants with no consideration for what she might like! I so wish she would finally just dump him and get a boyfriend who actually respects her!
Like Colton does. He knows I like having my hands tied with my wrists crossed, which he did as soon as I came out of the car after Clinton Maser got done with Charity. He tied loops above and below both of my wrists, then cinched them the way Charity described that one time Clinton tied her hands out on the trail at camp. That way, I can move my arms a little, but my wrists are still secure. He knows I prefer knotted cleave gags to be gagged with, so he did one for me that way, with a big, clean white handkerchief, which lets me chew a little on the knot. He walked me to the trunk of my car, which he’d already opened, and sat me down on the edge in so gently! He blindfolded me like Clinton did for Charity, only with another big white handkerchief. I like that kind of blindfold, because it lets some light through while keeping you from seeing anything. It’s actually kind of sexy to know you’re under light but unable to see anything, and to know that you’re there lit up and helpless! Not so much in the dark, of course, because, well, it’s dark, but I was looking forward to being taken back to the house and Colton taking me in the light. For that, he would have to drive me home in my own car, so he lowered me into the trunk as gently as he could. He must have taken off his hoodie, because my head came down on something soft and rolled-up that sort of smelled like Colton. That was so considerate of him! I agree with Charity that a good boyfriend always makes sure you’re comfortable when he’s stuffing you into your car trunk! He took care to not slam the trunk down when he finished getting me inside and curling me up, which is another hint at just how considerate of me he is!

He didn’t tie my legs because he knew we would be going back to my place and I would have to walk to wherever he was going to take me. I figured Clinton would untie Charity’s legs, but I was pretty sure that perv Dillan was going to make Jillian hop all the way inside, just so he could watch her boobs and butt jiggling while she hopped. At least if he wasn’t pawing them both while she hopped!

Colton could have put his own tunes on when he drove my car, but he was nice again and just kept playing my own tunes. I don’t care, I still like Taylor Swift! Anyway, it felt like he took a sort of detour, at least as far as I could tell lying bound and blindfolded in my own car trunk! In any case, pretty soon he slowed and stopped and turned off my car, and from the last couple turns I guessed we were back at my place. I’d spent the ride trying to get my hands untied, but not too hard. Colton’s had lots of practice on his sister Emma. Yes, I know Jillian thinks that’s creepy, but you have to understand that Colton’s been tying up Emma for years, before it could mean anything really perverted. It was just a brother thing. And it made him very good at tying, because Emma is so ADHD that it’s hard to keep her tied! So I just sort of twisted at my ropes during the trip and listened to my Taylor Swift until we got to my place. Or at least I hoped it was my place and Colton hadn’t gone and taken me somewhere else. It’s not that I don’t trust Charity or Jillian—they would be tied up most of the time anyway—or Clinton, but there was no way I would trust Dillan Danielson at my place without me there! Okay, so I was going to be tied up for most of the weekend too, I still wanted to be there just in case.

Anyway, the car stopped, and we were...well, where we were. It was quiet for a while, so I just lay there and twisted at my ropes for a while and chewed on the knot in my mouth until Colton opened the trunk. My car was one of the first to have what some people call the “hostage handle,” the handle you can pull to open the trunk from the inside, but it wouldn’t have helped me even if I wanted to use it because Colton had put me in the trunk facing the lid so I couldn’t reach the handle anyway. It was tight in there anyhow, and I don’t think I could have gotten myself turned around so I could get at it. Yes, Tess practices this for her kidnap practice! She’s actually pretty good at getting to it! Then again, popping the trunk on a moving car doesn’t do you much good unless you want to be smeared all over the road, as Colton has said. You would have to time it just right so you could run away before the kidnappers got out of the car, and that only if you don’t have your legs tied and aren’t blindfolded like I was. I would just have to wait for my kidnapper! Lucky I’m so in love with him!

Well, then the trunk popped, and I got some fresh air. “You okay?” It was sweet of him to be worried about me, but I was chewing on my gag when he was looking down at me, so he knew I was okay!

“Mm-hmm.” Gag talk doesn’t do as much for me as it does for Charity, but he likes to listen to me try to talk through a gag, and it’s no problem. I wiggled a little too, just to give him a little extra show.

“Good. Let me help you out of there.” Like I said, considerate kidnappers are the best! I tried to scoot up close to the front of the trunk, but it was kind of cramped and I couldn’t get very far. So he grabbed me by my ankles and started scooting them out of the trunk, which let him move his hands up my calves as he got my legs more and more out of the trunk. When he got my legs out up to my knees, he reached his hand under my back and sat me up slowly, with a hand on my head to make sure I didn’t hit it on the top of the trunk, until I was sitting up with my calves hanging over the back bumper. Now I could scoot myself forward, but my feet still didn’t touch the ground, so he reached under my rear and scooped me out onto my feet. Needless to say, my skirt had ridden up during all this, so he also got a nice feel of my ass out of it, too! I didn’t complain, because he was going to get a lot more than that over the weekend! At least we both hoped.

Now the thing about being blindfolded is that you can’t see where you’re going, so Colton had to guide me along. Which he did with his hand on my ass, of course, because why not. If my hands were untied, I would have had my hand on his ass, so turnabout is fair play! He has a really cute ass! “Now that’s sick!” he said.

“Wmmt?” I couldn’t see anything, of course, and I couldn’t really talk for my gag, but he understood.

“Jee-zus Christ, Danielson’s practically on top of Jillian in that truck cab! Damn! Is he boinking her right there?” Okay, so he didn’t actually use the word “boinking,” but he uses it sometimes so I used it to replace the word he really used. The one that begins with F that I really don’t like. I’m kind of picky that way. So anyway, I sort of huffed through my gag just thinking about it. I’m sure Dillan was capable of doing that to her in the most humiliating way possible! “I mean, day-um! Right out there in front of”—but the rumble of a pickup-truck engine stopped him. It was his own pickup, driven by Clint Maser. The one with Charity tied up in the back. It sounded like he put it right in our parking area (you can’t really call it a driveway, just a gravel patch out front where Mom and Dad park their cars when Dad’s not working on them), then shut off. “Look who finally showed up!” Colton yelled, and I sort of cringed because while the houses are kind of far apart in our old neighborhood, I was still afraid people would hear the guys and get suspicious. “You take the scenic route, dude?”

“Just wanted to take Charity on a ride!” Clinton slammed the driver’s door shut. It was like they were trying to get the neighbors to hear! “You know, like a false trail or something!” I heard him pop the gate on Colton’s pickup, so he was getting Charity out. “Seriously, dude, is he doing Jill right there in his truck?” It must have been some really perverted action! I almost wanted to see! “Hey Danielson! We’re all here! Come up for air a minute!” We were seriously going to get busted if the guys didn’t quiet down!

“Damn but I think he was,” said Colton, fortunately not yelling it out for once. “Her top’s all unbuttoned!” Great. He was gawking at Jillian and her XXL boobs! “Well anyway, let’s get inside,” and he started walking me down the front walk again. Hand on my ass, of course. “I’d rather have your ass than her tits!” Sometimes it’s like he reads my mind! Up the stairs onto the front porch, then Colton unlocked the door and walked me in. “This’ll do. You just kneel down right here.” So onto my knees I went, wondering what was going on outside.
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Post by Xtc »

Seems things are livening up a bit.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

Things might be livening up a bit, but now a short interlude for some more bondage performance art...

And while I'm here, any comments are welcome, even if they're to tell me how bad I suck at telling a story!

Sorry for no illustration for this chapter. Maybe later.


Well, one thing that was going on was that I really needed a change of underwear! It felt in the truck bed like Clint was driving me on some of the back roads around Snowden, and I had nothing to do the whole time but work myself up in my hogtie! He had laid down a blanket along with my pillow, so I was nice and comfortable while I spent my road trip grinding my thighs until I was so hot and wet I would have been just as happy to have him take me right there! For a while I tried to get my hands untied, but the ropes were too tight, and anyway, with my elbows tied I couldn’t get enough leverage to loosen my wrists even if they weren’t! My knees were tied, I was hogtied, so there really wasn’t anything else to do but enjoy myself as best I could until the truck slowed and sort of bounced to a stop and Clint shut the engine off.

It was all silent inside for a moment, because, well, it’s a capped pickup truck, and about the only thing I could hear was my own breathing. And yes, my whimpering through my gag! I’d almost brought myself off just from squirming in my hogtie, and then I heard the click and the thump of the hatch as Clinton lowered it, and another click and a little hiss, which I was pretty sure was the back of the truck cap being opened up. We were home! A little rattle of feet and a little grunt, and hands were on my butt again! “Looks like you had fun!” I was pretty sure just from his scent that it was Clinton, and his voice told me I was right.

“Wmmks wmmk ooo hvv fmm pwmmnmmg wvvm mm bmmt!” What I said was, “Looks like you have fun playing with my butt!” but that was how it came out. Not that I minded, either my gag talk or the fact he was having fun playing with my butt. I know if I really wanted him to stop, he would. The only reason I had for wanting him to stop was to get on with my kidnapping!

“Hold still. Let me get your feet loose.” So I held still—well, mostly still, except for still grinding my thighs a little—while he loosened my feet from my hands and untied my ankles. I heard him giggle a little. “That should be enough. You can walk with your knees tied.” I could hear a weird little note in his voice, and I knew he was keeping my knees tied so I could keep working my thighs. He is so considerate of me! “Now let me scoot you out of here.” A hand on my back, and another on my butt of course, and with a little squirming I was sitting on the back of the truck bed with my feet dangling down. I heard Clinton hop down beside me, and then he was lifting me with his hands on my waist to lower me to my feet. All of a sudden his lips were on mine, and even with the gag between them, I loved it! Now his arms were around me, holding me close, and wouldn’t you know he took a little nibble from the side of my neck before he let me go and I felt his hand on my elbow.

Things were quiet again, and I heard Jill’s voice whimpering nearby, short and choppy as if she was hopping close to me. I know Dillan likes to make her hop, and I only hoped he had let her kick her shoes off before he made her hop. As if he really cared about whether she broke an ankle for him! Like Clint had told me, I could walk, but only very slowly, and I would never have kept my balance if it hadn’t been for him holding my arm while I walked. I was fairly sure Dillan wasn’t helping Jill at all! I didn’t hear Alyssa, so I was also fairly sure Colton already had her inside. “How ya gonna get her up the steps?” It was Dillan, obviously talking to Clint, and he actually had a point. There were these stone steps up to Alyssa’s front porch, and I couldn’t pick my feet up enough to climb them. I guess even Dillan can be right once in a while.

“Like this,” said Clinton, and I felt him let go my elbow and move low in front of me. His arms wrapped around my thighs, and all of a sudden I was being lifted up in the air! I understood what he wanted, and I held still as I could while he lowered me over his shoulder with one hand on the small of my back. Of course he put that hand on my butt while he walked me away, and I could feel each step beneath his feet as he climbed up to the porch. I held totally still, because the last thing I wanted was for him to slip and fall with me on his shoulder! We made it to the top, because he dropped down and lowered me back to my feet. There was Jill beside me whimpering, with that bounce in her voice that told me Dillan made her hop up each step. What a prick! I heard the doors open, first the screen door and then the big one, and Clinton held my arm tight as he guided me over the stoop into their front hall. I would have liked it if he had carried me in, because I almost imagined that being the way he would carry me over the threshold after our wedding! Yes, I could imagine him kidnapping me to our honeymoon!

“So what took you dudes so long?” It was Colton, and I knew I’d been right about him and Alyssa going in first. I figured she was somewhere close. “Put ‘em down over here and we can get some video. Hostage pics, you know. Kneel ‘em down here beside Alyssa.” It wasn’t any kind of surprise that they were going to take pictures, and I actually wanted a few of me to keep, so I didn’t mind. Any kidnapping has to have hostage pictures! Clinton took my elbow again, but it was only a couple steps before he stopped me, turned me around a little, then helped me onto my knees, where I sort of sat down on my haunches. Walking with tied knees sort of tires you out! Anyway, I could smell the strawberry shampoo and conditioner Alyssa uses, so I knew I was kneeling beside her to her right. A few more of those choppy little whimpers from Jill, and I heard her plop down to her knees on Alyssa’s other side. All three of us lined up on our knees for a hostage video! Yes, I was enjoying it!

“Take their blindfolds off,” I heard Dillan say, so I guessed that Alyssa was blindfolded too, like I was. “Let’s see their eyes while they beg for their ransom!”

“I want some with it on,” said Colton. She looks sexy in one!” I could believe that from Colton.

“Me too,” said Clinton from near where Colton had spoken. “Some with the blindfolds, then the rest without.”

“Well, hurry up,” said Dillan. “I want to get alone with Jill!” Yeah, I was sure of that, the sick pervert!

I heard feet shuffle around a little, then Clinton said, “Look toward my voice. Yeah, that’s right, look up to where I’m talking.”

“Now beg for your ransom,” said Colton, and I knew they had their cameras on us. I started wiggling a little, arching my back and jiggling side to side a little while I did some gag talk for Clint, and I felt Alyssa beside me doing the same thing. I heard Jill, too, squealing a little with her gag talk, and I was a little reassured because she sounded like she was enjoying herself too.

“Okay, that should be enough, shouldn’t it?” It was Dillan, impatient to get Jill alone to have his way with her. Prick.

“What’s the fuckin’ rush?” and I could feel some heat in Colton’s voice. “We got all weekend! Let the girls play around a while if they want!” Yes, I was enjoying being the hostage for Clinton, but I understood Dillan’s point, too. I wanted some alone time with Clint! “You chicks in any hurry?”

“Mm-mm,” I heard Alyssa through her gag, and I shook my head. A few minutes more wouldn’t hurt, and I knew Clinton was enjoying watching me.

“See what I mean? Let ‘em play a little!”

“But let’s uncover their eyes, now,” said Clinton. “A few minutes looking up into the camera.” I felt him in front of me, and in a second he had my blindfold off. I was right about where we were; it was what they call the “front hall,” but it really is a small room with their living room off to our right and the front stairs behind us. It was mostly dark except for the stand lamp just inside the door, and there was Alyssa beside me, and her face was so red! I wasn’t the only one having fun! And there was Jill, blushing a little herself, and I told myself we must have been some really perverted hostages to be blushing for our kidnappers! But we did what Clinton wanted, looked up into the camera with big pleading eyes while we all gag-talked for them. Stuff like “please Daddy, send them the ransom!” and “please, I wanna come home!” Not that you could actually tell exactly what we were saying for our gags, but it sounded nice and sexy for the boys! And of course we squirmed and wiggled around, because come on, that’s what they like, us squirming on our knees all bound and gagged for them! And not just them; I felt like I was squishing around in a great big puddle, I was so wet! And of course there was Jill with her blouse all undone, with her boobs spilling all out of her bra for everyone to see!

“But come on, now,” said Dillan. “Ain’t that enough hostage video? Let’s go!” I was actually agreeing with the prick, although considering how Jill was already half naked, I knew why he wanted to get her alone. Prick.

“Who’s going where?” asked Clinton.

“You wanted the basement, right?” Colton asked Dillan, who nodded. “Okay, then go ahead.” He got out Alyssa’s blindfold again, and so did Clinton get out mine. We weren’t going to be allowed to see where we were being taken! We held still, and in a minute my eyes were covered again and Clinton had me on my feet, walking somewhere I didn’t know. I had a good idea, though, especially since Alyssa didn’t want put in her bedroom. I heard Dillan hopping Jill down the stairs to the basement.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

A beautiful series so far old chap. :)
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by Xtc »

Such language for a young lady!
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by MisterMistoffelees »

NOTE: This chapter is very NSFW, particularly involving language and erotic action. Be advised. If such things are offensive to you, you might want to skip this chapter

Jay, the beauty might turn a bit ugly in this chapter.

Xtc, blame it on Dillan. He really gets on Charity's nerves. This chapter might explain why.

Meanwhile, down in the basement, a game is playing out that might not entirely be a game.

Charity and Alyssa act so surprised that I was enjoying myself! That’s what they don’t get, that I do enjoy Dillan playing a little rough with me. And to be honest, I wanted to be in the basement, and I did want to hop down the stairs! Yes, my top was undone, and that was part of why I wanted to hop, because I knew Dillan liked to see the way my breasts bounce when I hop. It’s only a little uncomfortable, and that only when the hops are long and hard, but that’s all right because I know how much Dillan enjoys it.

When I get to the bottom, I can see that Dillan has fixed up a little place where Mr. Anthony had his workshop before he built his work shed out back. There are blankets and pillows, even a bedsheet, and I see that he has blown up an air mattress where we can lie down. I see his old backpack nearby, with ropes and bandannas spilling a little out of it, so I know he has many things planned for me during my captivity. I just don’t know exactly what.

“Over there, bitch. Get going!” and he swats my rear again to start me hopping to the mattress on the floor. My legs are getting tired, so my hops are short and low, easier on my breasts, and pretty soon I am standing over the air mattress. I wiggle a little as Dillan comes up to me very slowly, his eyes devouring me as he does. “You’re way overdressed, you little whore!” That’s just the way he talks when he’s aroused, and to be honest, it was the effect I had been going for with my outfit anyway. “Hold still!” I do, and he pushes my blouse—he had unbuttoned it in the truck cab and pulled out the tail—down to my tied elbows. I had picked out my front-clasp bra just for that night, and of course he has undone that as well, and now he pushes that too down to my elbows. I know what he will do next, because he does it very often; he unties my elbows, which lets my clothes fall down to my wrists, and ties my elbows together again, not so tight this time with a couple inches between them taken up by the cinch. With that done, he unties my wrists and pulls my blouse and bra off before he ties them again, crossed this time, and then unties my elbows. He does that so I can lie more comfortably on my back with my hands behind me. But for the moment, he satisfies himself with playing a little with my bare breasts, prodding at my nipples with his thumbs while I arch my back toward him a little like he enjoys, and whimper through my tape gag. He likes to hear me whimper through a gag. A few minutes of it, and he holds me close, with his hands going down to my derriere beneath my skirt. “Lacy panties!” he says, and I nod. “Nice! Lemme see ‘em!” and he has the skirt zipper down, then the button undone, and I wiggle my hips a little to help him drop my skirt down to the floor. One advantage to wearing a skirt, especially a nice mini like I have on, is that it’s easy to get off with my feet and legs tied!

The air is cool down in the basement, and it is enough to make my nipples stand up a little as Dillan steps back a little to take more video of me wiggling in nothing but my ropes and thigh-highs and heels and panties. I feel so sexy! “I fuckin’ love those panties.” I knew he would, which was why I got them! My wriggling seems to energize him after a few minutes. “Bet you’d like that gag out, wouldn’t you, bitch?” This is another part of our game, and I know to expect it. I nod and gave him a “mm-hmm” in gag talk, making big pleading eyes at him; innocent eyes like a girl who doesn’t know what kind of a deal she’s making with her kidnapper. “You promise to do whatever I tell you if I take out your gag?”

“Mm-hmm.” I am still playing the part of the innocent girl trying to placate her abductor. He grins, for he knows what he is going to get out of the deal he has made with his victim.

“Then hold still. And you don’t even make one fucking sound until I say you can, you got it?” I nod with an eager little mewl and stand still as best I can, for my ankles are still tied and I am still in my heels. If I’d known he wanted me to stay in my shoes, I would have done what Charity and Alyssa suggested and worn my saddle oxfords or my low-heel black maryjanes. They would have made me look even more innocent, and I would have balanced better on them. But I stand still as best I can, and after teasing my breasts again, he takes the edge of the tape and rips it off my mouth to let me spit out the wad. I lick my lips to moisten them after the tape dried them out, but make no other sound, just stand and watch him with my innocent, obedient eyes. He wastes no time, kissing me in his forceful way which impales my mouth open, and his hands yank my panties down as he kisses me. I am becoming aroused, and I wiggle my hips again as he kisses me to help them fall to my ankles. Except for my thigh-highs and my shoes, I am naked. One thing that’s remarkable is that a really strong, forceful kiss is as good as a gag to silence me, and my bound limbs and silenced tongue have me terribly aroused by the time he finally pulls away from my lips! “You promised me, bitch, that you would do anything I told you to do.” I nod, because I have promised him I would not say anything. “And you got yourself a nice hot little mouth, too.” I lower my eyes as if accepting his compliment. “You’re supposed to thank me, you fuckin’ cunt.”

“Thank you, sir,” I say, as demure and innocent as I can be.

“That’s better, bitch,” and he cups my bottom in his hands and presses me to him for another kiss, which starts to raise his tumescence against my belly. “Now hold still again.” I do so, and he kneels down in front of me to untie my feet. It certainly helps my balance, so I step out of my panties when my feet are finally free. For the moment, my only bonds are on my wrists, still tied crossed behind my back. He teases a little at my vulva for a second before he rises again, teasing at my clitoris a little. I am already thoroughly aroused and moist by the time he finishes and rises in front of me. “Okay, then. On your knees, bitch.” Still I play the innocent victim and gasp with my lip fallen, nude as I am. This is to be her first shock, her first horrified guess of what he intends her to do for him, which he accentuates by starting to unhook and unzip his jeans. “You heard me, you little cunt. Down on your knees.” I stay silent, but he seems to want me to speak. “Whatsamatter, bitch? Ain’t you ever sucked cock before?”

My opening to speak. I still play the innocent victim. “N—no, sir! I...I’ve never been with a boy before, sir! Please don’t make me! Please! I...I’m a virgin!” No, in reality I’m not, but playing one always pleases him.
“Do what I tell you and you might stay a virgin, cunt!” He giggles a little as if he’s made a bad pun. Virgin cunt. He likes that. “Get down on your fuckin’ knees!” He plays angry now, so I gasp again and fall immediately to my knees, looking up at him piteously as the victim’s realizations take a frightening form.

He’s opened the door for me to speak, so I begin to plead with him. “Please, sir, I’ve never done anything like this before! Please don’t make me! I’ll do anything else, really I will, but I’m a virgin, so please don’t make me”—but he stops me with a hand on my mouth. He has already undone his jeans, and his half-erect member is poking out of them straight at me! I have to say now that I’ve not only ‘done this’ before, I’m actually fairly good at it, and even like it if Dillan has taken care to keep himself clean. He is this evening, particularly because he is on this kidnapping with Clinton and Colton.

“I didn’t say you could talk, you stupid cunt. You said you would do anything to get that gag out, didn’t you? Well, this is what anything is right now, cunt. Get me nice and hard, and don’t try any stupid shit with me!” Yes, it seems as if it should be degrading to me, but it’s actually a very simple thing called erotic power exchange. E. L. James plays on that sort of relationship between Alexandra Steele and Christopher Grey in Fifty Shades, and that is what we are doing too. I’m sure Dillan will never treat me like that in real life!

“I will, sir! Please don’t hurt me! Please!” Now the victim, knowing she can get hurt, eagerly leans forward, balanced by her hands bound behind her back, and takes him in her mouth, plunging down on him and sucking hard in a fever to please him and keep him from hurting her. She’s inexpert and clumsy about it, of course, because she truly is a virgin and terribly inexperienced at pleasing boys, so he stops her with a grip of her ponytail.

“Settle your ass a little, cunt. Take your time. Ain’t nobody comin’ to save you. Take your fuckin’ time and do it right!”

My lips are still on him, so all I can do is look up at him with frightened eyes and murmur a mm-hmm to him. “You better, bitch. Do it right!” Now I go slower, performing the act seriously now. A few moments more, and I’m no longer playing the innocent victim anymore, but myself pleasing him the best my lips and tongue can. He’s circumcised, and the tip of him, the taut little flange at the base of his tip, is very sensitive, so I let my tongue play a little around that hot taut ledge of flesh with each stroke on him. Then I dance the tip of my tongue on they very tip of him before plunging back down, and with each stroke he is tauter and harder, and soon he is whimpering, then moaning as I perform upon him.

But too soon, he takes my ponytail in his grip again. “Do it, cunt. Bring me the fuck off!” I don’t really like when he does this; it’s too rough and too brutal, but he enjoys plying his strength and force on me, so I don’t complain, just do as he says and stroke him hard and fast, in time with his grip forcing me down and up on him. Soon enough he gets what he wanted, fortunately for me at the bottom of a stroke so that his liquid shoots easily down my gullet and leaves very little on my lips with my last strokes. It’s happened before, so it isn’t too bad. I just wish he wouldn’t be so rough with it. “Nice, bitch. But I still don’t trust you to be quiet, so you’re still getting a gag.” He hikes up his jeans and goes to his backpack to get the folded dark bandanna I’d already seen. I expected he would gag me again.

But then he picks up the panties I’d worn, the ones he’d just taken off me, and wads them up. He is going to gag me with my panties! He’s never done that before, and my stomach flips over at the thought of having my underwear in my mouth. All of a sudden we we’re not playing a game!

“Not my panties, Dillan. Please. Something else, just not my panties.”

And then he expression grows angry. He glares into my eyes. I twist my wrists in my bonds, but my hands are still tied. I suddenly am desperate to get away.

“It’s ain’t your fuckin’ choice. Open up!”

I have no way to escape, so I open up, and he rams my wadded-up panties into my mouth. At least I don’t throw up.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Mr M, even though you did say it was NSFW I would myself recommend adding 'I do not condone this in real life.' Am referring to the bondage forced blowjob obviously. Otherwise other then all the swearing I have no complaints on this chapter.'
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by Xtc »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Mr M, even though you did say it was NSFW I would myself recommend adding 'I do not condone this in real life.' Am referring to the bondage forced blowjob obviously. Otherwise other then all the swearing I have no complaints on this chapter.'
Sorry, mate, I don't really think that's necessary. I have been known to write about kidnapping and slavery (just occsionally!), surely no one belives that I condone such actions or situations? Although . . . . :twisted:
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Post by Emma »

Very good story, what I've read so far!
Don's Stories, Posted by Emma, Are Here!:https://tugstories.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5915
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