Kyle : 01 - Rescuing the Damsel in Distress...With a Twist (M+/FM)

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Kyle : 01 - Rescuing the Damsel in Distress...With a Twist (M+/FM)

Post by Canuck100 »

Kyle's stories
01 - Rescuing the Damsel in Distress...With a Twist
Story index at the bottom

By Kyle

Fictional TUG Story

Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:31 pm

One of the earliest scenarios that I got interested in involving tying someone up was rescuing the damsel in distress. I always wanted to be the hero. This story is kind of living out that fantasy in story format...but with a bit of a twist involved to make it a little more interesting. It isn't the best-written story anyone's ever come up with but I thought some of you might find it interesting.


When I opened the video seeing it was from my girlfriend, Stephanie, I thought it would be something good. But it wasn't. I saw Stephanie tied to a chair, wearing a red knee-length halter dress. Her hands appeared to be tied behind the chair. Rope was wrapped around her arms and chest and the chair, anchoring her to the chair. It appeared her legs were tied together but I couldn't quite seem them all in the view of the video. She had what looked like flammable barrels all around her and a bomb on a table next to her. A few men wearing masks stood behind her.

"Help me" Stephanie said. "They're holding me at the warehouse by the river. If you don't get here in 30 minutes this bomb goes off and..." her voice trailed off. One of the masked men behind her then shoved a cloth in her mouth and another one slapped a piece of duct tape over it to seal it in. Then they started the timer at 30 minutes and the screen went dark.


After a frantic drive to the warehouse I arrived, parked my car nearby, and walked up to the door. Nobody seemed to be around. I opened the door and went inside. The warehouse was full of big stacks of shelves that made it somewhat difficult to find my way around. I walked carefully around every corner expecting to run into someone but didn't. Finally very deep in the warehouse in a small room I saw Stephanie. I could get a better look at her than I could in the video. She was seated in the chair with her hands tied behind the chair. More rope was wrapped around her chest, arms, and the chair. Her knees were bound together at the hemline of her dress and her ankles were as well, but neither were tied to the chair. A strip of black duct tape covered her mouth. There were flammable barrels and explosives all around her. Not a good situation.

I entered the room. Stephanie was mumbling pretty frantically into her gag. I reached out and pulled the tape off her mouth.

"Ow!" she said after spitting out the cloth that had been jammed in her mouth.

"Sorry" I replied. I started trying to work on untying the ropes binding her to the chair.

"Stop, get out! It's a trap!" she said.

"Huh?" I said.

At that moment I suddenly realized we weren't alone in the room. I looked up and saw 5 men dressed in black with masks over their faces, each of them armed.

I knew I was in trouble now.


Ten minutes later I was in a seat next to Stephanie, tied up more or less like she was, except my ankles were tied to the chair legs rather than together like hers were and rope was wound around my thighs and the chair instead of simply around my knees. The men had set the bomb's timer for 20 minutes and left us there bound and gagged in the warehouse with explosives wired all around us but the timer in view in front of us. They'd put more tape over her mouth and also on my mouth so no one would hear us shouting from inside there.

Stephanie started furiously struggling almost immediately after the men had left us, writhing around trying to find a way to free herself. I started looking for something to cut the ropes free. The timer ticked down...19 minutes...18...17...16...finally after a few minutes as Stephanie struggled I looked at her and realized we could do it together, if we could get our backs lined up. But I had to get her attention to calm down.

I rocked the chair back and forth as best I could and finally managed to tilt it far enough to bump into her. I could hear her mumble in surprise behind the tape. I pushed myself off her and righted the chair. She looked at me quizzically over the tape.

I tried pushing myself to turn the chair but with my ankles tied to the chair legs it was difficult to do. Stephanie would have an easier time with her ankles tied together but with the tape over my mouth I couldn't tell her this in words. I used my eyes to motion towards my hands as best as I could. Stephanie didn't seem to understand at first. She started frantically struggling and screaming into the tape again. I shook my head no and got her attention to calm down. I motioned towards my hands with my eyes again and then started pushing with my feet as best as I could. After a few seconds her eyes lit up and she started pushing with her feet to slide her chair behind mine. I guess she finally understood.

I looked at the timer as it ticked down. Thirteen minutes...12...11...10...finally with 9:36 remaining she had gotten her chair behind mine pretty good. I started reaching back trying to feel for her knots, but then could feel her fingers. With her long fingernails she had a better chance of untying me than I did her. I let her work at picking the knots with those long fingernails. With 6:14 left on the timer I felt the rope slide away from my wrists. I immediately started working on the rest of the rope. I was able to slide the rope binding my arms and torso to the chair over my head after just a little bit of loosening which helped speed things up. I untied the rope around my upper legs and finally untied my ankles. I looked at the timer. Only 4:07 left. We had to hurry.

I ripped the tape from my mouth, ignoring the pain of it pulling off some of my facial hair. "Okay Stephanie, I'm free" I said. I could hear her mumble with excitement. I reached up and pulled the tape off her mouth.

"Ow! You really could learn to do that easier!" she said as I started untying her wrists.

"We're not really in a position to worry about comfort right now" I said as I pulled the rope from her wrists. Only 3:23 left. "You work on your upper body, I'll get your legs" I said. I knelt down in front of her and started working on the rope around her knees while she worked on freeing her upper body. I pulled the rope away from her knees as she slid the rope above her shoulders. I untied her ankles and finally she stood up. The timer read 1:21.

"Let's get out of here!" Stephanie said, running, leaving her heels behind. I took off with her. I led the way towards the exit. I reached it first, pulling the door open and pulling Stephanie out the door with me. We took off running from the building. Maybe 10 seconds after leaving the building we heard the explosion. We dove to the ground and covered our heads until the debris quit falling, but luckily we'd just made it out of the range of the dangerous debris. I looked back to the warehouse. It was still standing but the explosion had basically fried the entire interior of the warehouse.

I looked down at Stephanie, who was still on the ground.

"Thanks for coming to rescue me" she said, smiling.

"It didn't exactly work out as planned" I replied.

"But we made it out. I never would've escaped without you." With that she reached up and gave me a big kiss.

"Come on, let's get out of here" she said.

With that, we headed back to my car and I drove off.


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