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Duct tape
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Post by bondagefreak »

Great to see the banner is doing its job! And also very happy to hear you're enjoying the sleepsack + the Nick-Zack duo.
I'm not one to provide spoilers, but I think it's safe to say you'll be enjoying the story's future developments quite a bit 8-)

Anxious for your next update, my friend.
Keep us posted on your progress! ;)

[mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention]

Thanks for all the great comments, guys!
Some very astute observations were made and I'm very glad the latest chapter was well received even though there's a divergence of opinions regarding the potential comeback of a certain *ahem* piece of leather 8-)

Chapter 267 is right around the corner!
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

So, now I've read up to chapter 201. Maybe I should slow down a bit, otherwise I've reached the latest chapter in a couple of days. :oops: But I want to know where it's going!

The chapter that introduced Steven's very own sleepsack almost got me to cum, it was so good. Forced to sleep every night in the sack, gagged and all? Amazing! Being forced to go to bed that early would annoy me to no end, being very much a night owl, but that also makes the whole situation even more hot. Somebody said that most people would find it quite hot for a week, and then it would get annoying quite fast. I could see that happening for me too, I could also see the opposite, but the fact that you cannot do anything about it, not even complain, adds to the package for me. Hm, maybe I should look for a sleepsack for myself.

I did share Steven's annoyace when Jeremy showed up, I was really looking forwards to that Nick/Zack-duo in action. More to keep imaginging in my head I guess, and hopefully look forwards to.

The more self-assured confidant dominance of Nick and Zack now makes way for a more cocky type of dominance, which is less healthy for a long-term relationship, but in this temporary way very hot. Some new additions to the cast make the story way more dynamic instantly. I'm not a big fan of Shawn, especially after his stunts, but somewhere his try-hard way of dominating Steven is also a bit endearing to me. But maybe I'm strange.

Joshua also made his way up my list very quickly, but that is mainly due to the fact that I think he's really hot, has a bit of playful arrogance so far, and is younger than Steven. That makes it way more hot for some reason. I'm totally on the same page as Steven regarding Phil, doesn't do anything for me. The rest is also attractive, but I have to see where the story goes to get a feel for them. Still awesome stuff though!

One thing I found very funny is that Steven keeps complaining that Shawn is so much less mature than Nick is, being only 21. Completely ignoring the fact that he is only 2 years older, and not much more mature himself! :lol:

In between the chapters you asked many questions (which maybe I should answer too), which prompted a question for you, if you don't mind of course. I don't know if you answered this somewhere before, I'm still new here, but as the writer, with which character do you identify the most? Is there a character who is closest to you, which shares most of your personality, or is it split more evenly between the characters? Sorry if that is too personal, I'm just curious.
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Sunday, May 24 (12:30 PM)

Jeremy was less than thrilled when the overly padded, bright orange life jackets Nick had bought us were pulled out. From the look on his face, it was clear to me that the young man wasn't particularly enthused about having to wear the preposterously bloated, sleeveless safety vest. The boi kept his mouthy protests to himself of course, but he still couldn't stop a noticeably dour expression from lining his face as the bulbous thing was zipped up from his waist, all the way up to his collar.

The lad stood somewhat idly as Nick and Zack went about tightening the vest; buckling the numerous security straps adorning its bulky frame and cinching them real tight around the diminutive nineteen-year-old's scrawny torso.

A heavy-duty flap collar rose up behind Jeremy's head, and a look of utter embarrassment washed over his face as two pairs of gloved hands eagerly reached for the pair of crotch straps dangling down between his legs and buckled them up real nice and snug.

My cherry-cheeked friend looked like a little kid at that point, but I guess the sight of me donning an identical vest made his flotation outfit a little less embarrassing. After all, I was a decorated swimmer, and yet here I was, voluntarily putting on this abomination-of-a-life-jacket in the hopes that I'd be spared the humiliating spectacle of having it semi-forcefully thrust upon me.

To my own credit, I'd managed to zip the thing up all the way and was even in the process of buckling down the mind-boggling number of thick security straps by the time Nick made his way over to me and slapped my hands away to take over.

Keeping me safe was his duty.
And it was one that he took mighty seriously.

The straps I had fastened were re-festered and the ones I had buckled up were all tightened off. Crotch straps dug into both sides of my package, and even though the entire process lasted no more than thirty seconds, I too came out of it feeling the familiar tingling of embarrassment on my cheeks.

Nick completed his over-the-top safety check by placing a gloved hand behind the back of my head and raising a disciplinary finger right up to my face. Any and all attempts at tampering with the vest would result in it doubling as a restraint jacket. The same warning was issued to Jeremy, and the jumbo-thighed hockey player lost no time in signalling his support. The two men were unanimous.

Our boyish attire was completed when Zack cheerfully pulled out a pair of dark green Tilley fishing hats and plopped them onto our heads, flashing us both a toothy grin and laughing at how utterly precious the two of us apparently looked.

"Look at these little cuties!" he told Nick, whilst at the same time squeezing our flushed cheeks together and teasingly trapping our noses in between his incredibly strong-smelling, leather-clad hands.

Aside from that embarrassing little episode, my freckle-faced friend and I ended up having a ton of fun that day.

The smallish boat was equipped with three full-width benches going from the left side of the hull all the way to the right side of it. Nick sat at the front, Zack sat at the rear and Jeremy and I sat in between the two of them; where we could enjoy each other's company and be kept under closer supervision at all times.

We spent the next half-hour touring the lake, laughing hysterically as Zack used the motor to occasionally spin us around full circle, causing the front of the boat to crash into the waves we'd just made.

This was Jeremy's first time on a boat, and although he appeared a little nervous at first, I could literally see the amazement on his face as he tentatively lowered his hands into the water, creating a sizeable splash as we zipped across the lake at great speeds.

It must've been around 1 PM when our fishing-savvy boyfriends finally settled on a spot they thought would be productive.

The motor was powered down, bathing the area in the silence its wildlife was accustomed to. And then our boat finally came to a slow halt, causing the mirror-like water to become perfectly tranquil once more.

Aside from the chirping of birds, the occasional call of the loons and the distant sound of splashing water, everything was peaceful and quiet.


I looked at my green-eyed friend and he was smiling almost excitedly.
I had never seen him like this, and it warmed my heart beyond words to know that he was now in a good place.

Had it not been for Nick's rather brutal and very forceful intervention in removing him from Brad's care barely four weeks ago, the lad would've still been slaving around and toiling in misery instead of being here with us now.

I guess the end sometimes does justify the means.

With our boat now having come to a full halt, my friend and I lost no time in getting up and parting ways towards our respective Masters.

Zack turned his attention towards the fishing gear, and my heart practically melted when the brown-haired muscleman spread his gargantuan thighs apart and had Jeremy sit right in between them.

Nick did the same for me, protectively placing one hand on my thigh and one hand over my abdomen as my dextrous fingers worked to assemble the blue fishing rod he'd bought me.

Even as I looked down into the multi-tiered tackle box and attempted to make my mind up on what sort of lures I wanted to use, I felt the beastly blond brute's warm breath atop me and felt the heat of his cotton-lined pectoral across the back of my head. His sleeveless muscle-shirt clad torso was burning up like a furnace, and that insanely fat puffer jacket of his broadened his already-enormous frame so much that it dwarfed me to the point of making me look like his child!

"What are you gonna be fishing for in this lake, babe?" came the gruff sound of my lover's unmistakably masculine voice.

I thought about his question for a bit and then realised it was probably a test to see if I'd learned anything from the illustrated fishing guide he'd procured me.

I looked up from the tackle box, observed my surroundings, noticed the absence of water reeds and lilypads and took note of the fact that we were high up in elevation. This was a mountain lake, I realised. A somewhat unlikely place for species that preferred warmer temperatures and shallower water.

"Lake trout?" I stammered, feeling fairly certain about my answer but managing not to sound overly convinced about it.

"That's right, babe." Nick answered, the tone of his voice betraying the fact that he was pleased with my somewhat perceptive, albeit lucky answer.

I smiled boyishly.

"What are you gonna be using then?" he asked, spurring me one with a second question.

I looked at the tackle box again, grabbed the bag of artificial earthworms and told him I was going to hook one of those squishy critters onto a spinning trout spoon, which was basically a sharp hook mounted beneath a spoon-shaped piece of metal.

Nick seemed pleased with my second answer, but intervened in a slightly rebuking manner when he saw me grabbing the most colourful of the trout lures: a bright orange spinner spoon.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked, instantly causing me to pause and second guess myself.

I hesitated for a moment, but when my indecision failed to dissipate, my fatherly boyfriend wrapped his crazy thick, puffer-clad arms around my waist and explained to me the logic behind choosing the appropriate lure.

"Look at the water." he told me. "It is clear or murky?"

"Clear." I answered, noting the fact that you could see several meters down into the lake's somewhat emerald-coloured depths.

"Now look up at the sky." he continued. "Is it sunny or is it cloudy right now?"

"Sunny." came my immediate and very sure-handed reply.

"That's right. Now that flashy orange spoon you picked up would be great if the water was murky or if the sky was overcast. But with the water being this clear and with the sun being this bright today, there's something else in my tackle box that might just get you more attention than the spoon currently in your hands." he explained.

I slowly placed the colourful spoon back down into the mix of assorted lures and desperately tried searching for whatever it was he was talking about.

Another moment of hesitation passed, until finally, Nick resolved the riddle for me by reaching in with his giant fingers and pulling out a shiny spinner spoon made of polished stainless steel. The instant the silvery spoon caught a glimmer of sunlight, I understood the logic behind his choice.

"Here, babe. Try this." the man purred, handing me the lure and watching attentively as I worked my nimble fingers to try and attach it to the line like he'd shown me back at camp.

The blond warrior watched as I successfully completed my first fisherman's knot and then watched as I hooked one of the soft plastic earthworms onto the sharpened hook that hung below the silver spinning spoon.

I twisted my head up and smiled expectantly, hoping to catch a glimpse of my man's approval.
My eyes looked up just in time to note the proud smile on his handsome face.
He said nothing to congratulate me, but the puckering of his lips against the top of my head and the tightening of his arms and legs around my seated form was all the approval I needed. I was more content than I'd ever been.

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Post by blackbound »

Well, I learned more about fishing than I ever knew. Who says kink can't be instructive? I'd like to hear more, even!

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Post by Volobond »

Cute! Glad to see some relaxed and happy rest for both couples!

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Post by GoBucks »

Come for the kink and stay to get educated by daddy Nick on fishing :P
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Post by gaggedfeety »

The little thing with Steven's vest was a bit irritating, especially since Steven is a swimmer. I know Nick is protective, but still...

That being said, I'm glad that everyone had a good time, and it was nice seeing Nick being sweet and helping Steven with fishing. I'm still not really a fan of their relationship, but I can't deny that they can be adorable together lol
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Daddy Nick educating us all twinks here, who says that this website can't be usefull? :lol:
Glad to see that Zack and Nick are working togeter yet again to secure the little twinks, though, they are a little but too protective... :lol:
But I find nothing wrong in an overprotective daddy, as they are usually the ones that can keep you restrained and secured under many layers of rope!
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Post by blackbound »

You can never be too protective, what if someone "accidentally" falls overboard with their hands tied?

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

What a great chapter! A very sensible choice of head gear for the two boys providing great all round protection and a striking silhouette. I'm not so sure about the over-the-top life jackets but the colour definitely helps. I'm sure the two of them look adorable together - one for the album!

And I don't care what Nick thinks - it should be the orange lure all the way regardless of weather/water conditions. Stick to your guns Steven!

Anyway, great to see Nick in full Daddy mode looking after and teaching Steven and nice to see Jeremy enjoying himself. The lack of conflict is worrying though, there must be some drama ahead!

Welcome to the book club [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention]. [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]'s stories do have a way of drawing you in and it's great to read your comments as you move through the story. It always brings back memories of old scenes. I think the most important question to answer is the classic Nick vs Zack showdown. Which side do you fall?
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by bondagefreak »

I have to agree with [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]. It's always a thrill when a new reader catches up and takes the time to share his input and thought process with us.

I'm glad to see you're enjoying the sleepsack's nightly use and the imposed early curfew Steven has to deal with.
Also not surprised to see you enjoying Joshua's brashness whilst also loathing Phil somewhat. Those two never fail to elicit some rather strong reactions from the audience 8-)

As for Shawn, he's definitely mixed baggage. So your ambiguity towards him makes total sense.
I am fairly certain that most of the readers share a certain level of ambivalence in regards to Shawn. Then again, so does Steven.

LockedCheeseBird wrote: 3 years ago In between the chapters you asked many questions (which maybe I should answer too), which prompted a question for you, if you don't mind of course. I don't know if you answered this somewhere before, I'm still new here, but as the writer, with which character do you identify the most? Is there a character who is closest to you, which shares most of your personality, or is it split more evenly between the characters?
Not at all, my friend.
I'm a split between the two main Doms. Personality-wise, I identity a lot with Zack. I'm very handsy, I like to tease and have fun, and I like to think of myself as fairly courteous and gentlemanly. But as far as physique, treatment of subs, clothing and all the rest goes, Nick (in his present state of maturity) is my mirror image.

In any case, you're almost fully caught up now!
Very much looking forward to hearing your final verdict on the NICK VS ZACK DEBATE which [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] mentioned a few hours ago.

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Post by Msueta@2 »

Msueta@2 top ten chapter
1. Chapter 164 a mouthful of love

2. Chapter 140 the Initation

3. Chapter 141 role play

4. Chapter 142 boys will be boys

5 chapter 143 the release
6. Chapter 144 Brad's far reaching grasp
7 chapter 224 a gag to fit the crime
8 chapter 213 bed room boy
9 chapter 217 the silenced prisoner
10. Chapter 258 The gift
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago Very much looking forward to hearing your final verdict on the NICK VS ZACK DEBATE which @Pup Wingletang mentioned a few hours ago.
Yes, the big Nick vs Zack debate. I have been thinking about this for the last few days. I was seriously stumped. Both Masters seemed equally good choices. But while deeper venturing inside my own mind, helped by the absence of both Masters in the chapters I was reading, I think I found my answer. It even proved quite informative for myself. And sorry, I hope you know what you've asked for, I've used all my overthinking skills on this one ;) :lol:

The difficult choice for me stemmed from 2 areas: control and communication. For what I’ve seen so far, one Master is better (for me) in one area, the other one is better in the other area. That made it difficult to choose, I had to weigh which of those aspects is more important than the other.
As I’m not actually engaging with these aspects in my life for that long, and yet already have discovered that these things like submission and bondage are quite fundamental in the way I work, answering this question was quite an informing process.

I have said it before, I can identify a lot with Steven. Our thought processes are quite similar, we both overthink everything and that can result often in self-sabotage. The ‘grass is always greener’ syndrome. I think for Steven that is also applicable to his views of Zack, which in turn do influence me. Finding the flaws in your current situation is easy, being ok with those being there is a different story.

I’ve discovered that when I’m tied up my mind will calm down. This is almost the only time it actually does that. If I cannot get out of a situation, I will just have to endure, and so my mind stops seeking solutions. There is nothing to solve, no expectations to anticipate, nothing that I should be doing and nothing I can do wrong. Nick’s strictness and desire for control does create the same thing. Minimal thinking required, there is the event (for example Nick comes home), and the expected reaction (Steven takes Nicks shoes off). Failing to react will lead to major consequences, so that is not an option.

Zack’s absolute strengths, as far as I’ve seen, are his charisma and his communication skills, backed up by quite some empathic insight. Zack has been able to interrupt Stevens thought spirals and give reassurance on those moments. He can explain what is happening, and give Steven the feeling it is not weird, that he is doing the right thing, and that Nick loves him. Nick lacks the vocabulary to do this. That invokes insecurities with Steven, who wonders if he is doing the right thing, and it would have the same reaction on me. Zack would offer me guidance, which would lead to less overthinking in some areas, but a bigger will to please in others, and so also more internal pressure to live up to his expectations.

So, how do I choose now? In an ideal world, there would be the perfect option which would lie somewhere in the middle. Nick’s unchallengeable dominance combined with Zacks empathic communication skills. But that is not an option here, that would lead to the Voltron of Masters, so I must make a choice.

Ultimately, I choose Nick. Two things won me over. One, the fact that I’m emotionally a bit more mature than Steven is. I know how to calm myself down, how to interrupt my own spirals, and while I would still experience the same feelings that Steven does, I would understand them better and know I need to give it time. And I would be able to explain to myself that the fact that I’m not hearing complaints or getting punished also means I’m doing at least good enough. Communication skills are also teachable. We are seeing a very new relationship in the story, when the dust settles, I think a lot of these insecurities also can slowly disappear. And at least I would not have to think about what Nicks wants and needs are, he would make those quite clear.

The other point is that I can be just as manipulative as Steven is. If something is hard, I will always look for the easy way out, even if it is better if I don’t. I think quite quickly, and with that I have always been able to convince most people that something else would be better, that I did try but it wasn’t for me, that I did do it but there were other external problems, etc. I can weasel myself out of too many situations, and that does lead to less growth on my end. Nick won’t give that opportunity. He demands obedience and punishes if he doesn’t get it. He takes away that ability to put my own discomfort before anything else and forces me to work and grow. With Zack I would have the feeling I can talk back about a lot of stuff, and so have wiggle room. He would be able to convince me to serve him, but that also means the situation gives less pressure to do it, I have to do that myself.

So, Nick it is. It was a hard choice, but an informative one. There are a couple of big things I haven’t factored in while making this choice. The fact that I find the image of Nick to be more handsome, for one, but also the combo deal I would be getting with his feet, socks, and shoes. I have no idea how I would handle those (in fact, before reading this story I had no idea that stinky socks and shoes did do something sexually for me, even if I always have sniffed my own socks and shoes). Maybe that would make me want to reconsider, but the post made it quite clear that there is no going back. So, we’ll have to see. And yes, I know I probably took this question way too seriously, but I said something about overthinking, alright? ;) :lol:
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Post by bondagefreak »

Thanks a ton for all the great comments on the latest chapter, guys!
I'm glad so many of you got an education out of this ;)

[mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]Volobond[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention]

Just in case anyone's wondering, Steven and Jeremy are currently wearing the same Tilley hats as seen on [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]'s head.
Striking silouhettes indeed 8-)

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] That's a great list, buddy!
Seems you've got an eye for the kinkier stuff.

I'm very glad to hear the debate had you stumped. That means it wasn't an easy choice for you.
Zack is definitely the more popular of the two, so I'm always happy when Nick gets a bit of love.
Only a small portion of the readers voted on the debate (27 to be exact) but so far 11 of you voted for Nick vs 16 for Zack.

I'm sure Nick would be flattered to know you find him more handsome than his jumbo-thighed hockey-playing friend ;)

On a more serious note, I'm glad the debate provoked this much introspection and that you can relate to Steven on so many levels.
It pleases me to no end every time I receive a comment or a private message letting me know that the themes addressed in this novel are causing some level of soul searching and introspection. Really happy you decided to join us and hope you'll be staying on board and taking your place as a community regular.

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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

So, read up to 249 now, almost catched up! Which is both a great and a sad thing, because then I would have to wait for more :(

The college-saga was really nice, quite hot, and you found a great way in which you could have these excapades of which a lot of people have fantasized (I know I have!), these more prank/hazing sort of experiences, and still fit those in the story and journey of Steven. Really enjoyed the mummification scenes, seeing only those noses peek out was very hot. And Steven was, if I'm not mistaken, in his sleepsack for more than 24 hours straight? Put in by Joshua for his rimming lesson, then the tickle torture session by Josh and nasty Phil, sleeping with Joshua, Shawn taking Steven back to the other apartment, and ultimately his own mummification. That's a long time! Especially if you have to endure nasty Phil for quite some time during those hours.

The moment Nick came back on the scene I melted. I really enjoyed the primal nature of the college jocks, but daddy Nick feels like a warm hug, it just wraps around like a blanket and keep you safe. (And kinda isolated too, I am agreeing with those comments. Being a houseboi is fine, but I do think Steven needs to get some contacts just for him. A fund for rainy days if something goes sour would also be a healthy addition I think, or even an agreement from Zack that if things don't work out he can temporarily stay there until he gets his affairs in order. Just a safety net of some kind.)

Chapter 242 is one of my new favorite chapters. The slow groundedness and these day-to-day scenes are really nice, and damn, Nick in a jockstrap. Did someone turn the heat up in here? I need to open a window and get some fresh air, I think. :P

The next chapters were almost as hot, this whole sequence of chapters is quite nice. I'm not jealous at all, nope. And these chapters really solidify my feeling that I've made the right choice, going with Master Nick. (Conformation bias? Never heard of it).
Seeing the paternalistic side come out in him really melts my heart. I can understand Steven's reluctance though. I'm happy Nick finally said that he loves Steven, I do really hope he can make Steven see his value in this relationship. In my mind this is an equal but unequal relationship, indeed mirroring those older-style marriages. But in those marriages, the woman did just as much heavy lifting in the relationship as the man did, and I think Steven does as well. He has it easier, of course, as there are modern appliances now and no kids, but still, he does give Nick complete free time when he is not at work. That is worth a lot.

Although it is not my style, I can understand Steven's choice of outerwear. I would have chosen the leather jacket, I am really curious how that would look on that handsome body, but this is still nice. I wonder, I know Nick bought new clothes for Steven a while back, did he buy him the same sort of clothes he already had or did he make changes? And what was/is Stevens clothing style? I can't recall you writing about it, but maybe I forgot.

Seeing the familiar faces of Nick, Zack and Jeremy was really nice, I had really missed them. And awesome that Jeremy has calmed down and come out of his shell more, I'm curious to see where that will go next!
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago I'm a split between the two main Doms. Personality-wise, I identity a lot with Zack. I'm very handsy, I like to tease and have fun, and I like to think of myself as fairly courteous and gentlemanly. But as far as physique, treatment of subs, clothing and all the rest goes, Nick (in his present state of maturity) is my mirror image.
And thank you for your answer! It's quite rare to find a story like this written by a Dom, and I think that is a major factor in the popularity of this story. There is personality behind the domination and control, and different types are being shown next to each other. The layers and depth really add to the story, and provoke all those in depth reactions. And I am really impressed how you write Steven, being a Dom yourself. The way of thinking is spot on! Thank you for allowing me (and many others here, if I read the comments) to learn more about ourselves, it seriously helps with coming to terms with all this stuff, and to feel like I'm not the only one and that it is not (that) weird to want something that looks more like the relationship Nick and Steven have than normal relationships. It really makes a difference. So I hope you will be continuing this for quite a while :D
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] I'm so glad you enjoyed Book VI and the whole college-saga adventure 8-)
From having spoken to a lot of readers about this, it seems to have left few people indifferent. For many (ex: [mention]chadmc90[/mention] [mention]CorbD91[/mention]) it was their least favourite book of the saga, while for others (ex: [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] [mention]Msueta@2[/mention]) it was their favourite by far.

I think everyone was very happy to see Nick walk in at the end of that book though. Even those of us who have serious reservations about Nick were relieved and happy to see him again 8-)
The moment Nick came back on the scene I melted. I really enjoyed the primal nature of the college jocks, but daddy Nick feels like a warm hug, it just wraps around like a blanket and keep you safe. (And kinda isolated too, I am agreeing with those comments. Being a houseboi is fine, but I do think Steven needs to get some contacts just for him. A fund for rainy days if something goes sour would also be a healthy addition I think, or even an agreement from Zack that if things don't work out he can temporarily stay there until he gets his affairs in order. Just a safety net of some kind.)
You make an excellent point. I think Nick realises that too.
I assume you've completely caught up to the most recent chapters over the last 48 hours, but if you haven't, you'll be glad to know that he's already been working stuff out with Zack in terms of expanding Steven's social circle and letting him earn money. Naturally, Steven is the last person to be made aware of these things and is only alerted of these plans after the agreement's been hammered out and cemented :lol:

All that to say that Nick has a lot of flaws (as much as the next person) but that his intelligence and forward-thinking habits are consistently underestimated by both Steven and the readership audience. A product of Steven's narration and the rather narrow bias it provides, no doubt ;) Nick's communications skills (or rather, his willingness to use them) are less than ideal. But then again, that's often the case with guys who pride themselves on being "men of action".

I'm pretty sure that Zack's balance in that regard (along with his more traditionally handsome face) is what gives him a slight edge over Nick in terms of desirability.

Chapter 242 is one of my new favourite chapters. The slow groundedness and these day-to-day scenes are really nice, and damn, Nick in a jockstrap. Did someone turn the heat up in here? I need to open a window and get some fresh air, I think. :P
While Chapter 242 - Hidden Treasures didn't make it into anyone's Top 10 Moments list yet, it definitely was one of my favourite chapters to write, while also being one of the most commented chapters so far.

The next chapters were almost as hot, this whole sequence of chapters is quite nice. I'm not jealous at all, nope. And these chapters really solidify my feeling that I've made the right choice, going with Master Nick. (Confirmation bias? Never heard of it).
Seeing the paternalistic side come out in him really melts my heart. I can understand Steven's reluctance though. I'm happy Nick finally said that he loves Steven, I do really hope he can make Steven see his value in this relationship. In my mind this is an equal but unequal relationship, indeed mirroring those older-style marriages. But in those marriages, the woman did just as much heavy lifting in the relationship as the man did, and I think Steven does as well. He has it easier, of course, as there are modern appliances now and no kids, but still, he does give Nick complete free time when he is not at work. That is worth a lot.
Indeed, it is worth a lot!
Nick obviously realises that, while Steven has yet to understand his own worth.
Both of them are privileged to have each other, even though Steven insists that he is the privileged/lucky one.

You're also completely right in the equal, yet unequal quality of the relationship.
Contrary to the 50/50 relationships that most people want nowadays, this one is more along the lines of 90/10.
What makes this inequality "equal" is the fact that the power exchange is consensual and that the one giving up all the control genuinely wants/desires/needs that. Even before the two of them were romantically involved, Steven's friendship with Nick had always been one of deference and submissiveness. He's a follower by nature, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

This is where things get tricky. And that also brings us to your final point, about your surprise at me being able to write Steven so realistically.

In short, as a "Daddy" type Dom, it's my duty to understand the psychology behind the sub-subtype that's best aligned with what I am. Daddy-type Doms are made for Boi-type subs, there's simply no way around it.

The lack of understanding of what they are, and also of what sub-subtype is best suited to them is the reason why Doms often make very poor long term lovers. A good Dom will understand his matching sub-type. In other words, a Daddy-Dom cannot be a good Dom without understanding the motivations and needs of Boi-subs.

Having said that, the relationship between Nick/Steven will speak a different language to different readers, depending on where they are on the BDSM power spectrum.

Upper-tier subs (Power Bottoms, Bedroom Bottoms, etc) will tend to look very unfavourably on it, whilst those on the very bottom (Slaves, Objects, Gimps) will not find Nick cruel/harsh/severe enough.

Most of the subs reading this (and most subs outside the forum) fall into the Bedroom Bottom category.
Their outlook on the Nick/Steven relationship will automatically carry a certain negativity, simply because it doesn't align with what their inner subtype wants or can handle.

One example that comes to mind would be that of [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] and [mention]Socksbound[/mention].

Both are subs, through and through. Both of them signed on within a few days of each other and both of them are good friends on here.
[mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] is a Bedroom Bottom and unless I'm mistaken, I believe [mention]ShadowHusky[/mention] and [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] are as well.

For someone like [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] to be happy in a relationship with a Daddy-type Dom like Nick would not be impossible per se. But it wouldn't be an ideal matchup either. [mention]gaggedfeety[/mention] would most likely find Nick too overbearing, too overprotective, too strict. (Correct me if I'm wrong Feety) but in general, Bedroom Bottoms are FAR happier in 60/40 or 55/45 type relationships. They like and need some level of domination and genuinely enjoy being protected and cared for. But they'll also want a greater level of control than what guys like Nick would be willing to grant them.

By contrast, [mention]Socksbound[/mention] is very much a boi-type sub. The relationship dynamic he values is far closer to what's portrayed between Nick and Steven (90/10). As such, he has a more favourable view of the storyline's main relationship than his Bedroom Bottom friend ([mention]gaggedfeety[/mention]) does.

The Bedroom Bottom is substantially higher on the power scale than the Boi, making him a much better match for more passive Doms and Doms who keep domination mostly for the bedroom. Boi-subs, on the other hand, would feel unfulfilled/unhappy in those mostly equalitarian relationships. They prefer and need to have less control.

Subs who are higher up on the hierarchy scale and Doms who are lower than Daddies on that same scale will tend to look somewhat unfavourably on the Nick/Steven relationship, while Boi-type subs (such as [mention]Socksbound[/mention], [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention] [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention], yourself and possibly [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]) will tend to see it in a far more favourable light.

The difference in outlook is even greater between Boi-subs and vanilla people/non-BDSM fans who will look upon this relationship even more unfavourably...even going so far as labelling the Dom an abuser and the sub as being mentally ill.

All things considered, given the hints you've left us this past week and the fact that I'm almost certain you have a lot of "Boi" in you, I'm not at all surprised to feel an affinity for Nick and the relationship he and Steven are currently engaged in.

Thank you for allowing me (and many others here, if I read the comments) to learn more about ourselves, it seriously helps with coming to terms with all this stuff, and to feel like I'm not the only one and that it is not (that) weird to want something that looks more like the relationship Nick and Steven have than normal relationships. It really makes a difference.
That's precisely why I'm writing this tale, boi ;)
There are LOTS of fantastic romance novels ([mention]gag1195[/mention]'s BONDAGE WEEKEND (M/M) is a brilliant one that's recently popped up) that feature equalitarian 50/50 relationships. But almost no material that explores consensual and wholesome NON-equalitarian relationships where the power dynamics are heavily skewed in favour of one person.

This story fills a serious gap in BDSM literature and its main purpose has always been to show Boys like you that you're not the only ones and that such relationships can work and can be healthy. Obviously, it takes a lot of work (just like most vanilla 50/50 relationships) but it can be hugely fulfilling for both partners when the right balance is found. Steven's tale is all about the journey getting there!

You're not the first one to tell us that Steven's journey makes you feel more normal.
I'm sure there are quite a few silent readers out there who feel exactly the same way you do.
Knowing that it's helping some of you feel better about yourselves makes this whole endeavour entirely worth it.
Thank you, my friend 8-)

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Post by gaggedfeety »

For someone like @gaggedfeety to be happy in a relationship with a Daddy-type Dom like Nick would not be impossible per se. But it wouldn't be an ideal matchup either. @gaggedfeety would most likely find Nick too overbearing, too overprotective, too strict. (Correct me if I'm wrong Feety) but in general, Bedroom Bottoms are FAR happier in 60/40 or 55/45 type relationships. They like and need some level of domination and genuinely enjoy being protected and cared for. But they'll also want a greater level of control than what guys like Nick would be willing to grant them.
[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] I don't disagree! Honestly, I think I started reading this story as more of a boi-type and came out a Bedroom Bottom :lol:. I don't know when the switch was, but at some point I just wasn't necessarily as into having Nick as my dom as I used to be...maybe control will be relinquished over time.
The difference in outlook is even greater between Boi-subs and vanilla people/non-BDSM fans who will look upon this relationship even more unfavourably...even going so far as to labelling the Dom an abuser and the sub as being mentally ill.
I will say that while I don't think that Nick is an abuser (that would be Brad) and Steven is mentally ill, their relationship didn't have a healthy foundation, but that's a whole other thing...

Again I don't know why my feelings toward Nick changed. Like what Steven went through at the hands of Nick and Brad infuriated me when I initially read it, but I think like Steven, I couldn't help but also vicariously enjoy it. So throughout the story, I was just so torn between liking and "hating" him, but I guess when Steven kinda went all in with him, I went the other way...

Anyways, always enjoying these in-depth conversations!
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Post by sniffingyoursocks »

You're not the first one to tell us that Steven's journey makes you feel more normal.
I'm sure there are quite a few silent readers out there who feel exactly the same way you do.
Knowing that it's helping some of you feel better about yourselves makes this whole endeavour entirely worth it.
Thank you, my friend 8-)
I couldn't agree more.

I'm not caught up to the latest development at all, but I for sure can relate to what [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] wrote.
When I first started reading this Saga (still on the old board) I was feeling so much like you do. I realized that I'm probably not alone and that there are other people liking that stuff and especially looking for a NON-50/50 relationship.

Generally Master [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] understands it like nobody else I know, to pack up those feelings and special needs into words.
And that's what I think for what not only I, but a massive amount of readers, even those who are not exactly searching for that kind of relationship, are VERY thankful for. In that sense - thank you, Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] !
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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

Oh wow, what a reply! Thank you Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention]! I've almost caught up now, just 1 chapter left. I saved that for tomorrow :D

And in reading my quoted bits back I noticed I have another bit in common with Steven: we both use titles sometimes without realizing it, our choice of words can be ahead of our own mind. In my case: this was the first time I actually used 'daddy' to describe someone without realizing it and it feeling weird. I didn't even realize I had done it before I read it back :lol:
bondagefreak wrote: 3 years ago You make an excellent point. I think Nick realises that too.
I assume you've completely caught up to the most recent chapters over the last 48 hours, but if you haven't, you'll be glad to know that he's already been working stuff out with Zack in terms of expanding Steven's social circle and letting him earn money. Naturally, Steven is the last person to be made aware of these things and is only alerted of these plans after the agreement's been hammered out and cemented :lol:

All that to say that Nick has a lot of flaws (as much as the next person) but that his intelligence and forward-thinking habits are consistently underestimated by both Steven and the readership audience. A product of Steven's narration and the rather narrow bias it provides, no doubt ;) Nick's communications skills (or rather, his willingness to use them) are less than ideal. But then again, that's often the case with guys who pride themselves on being "men of action".

I'm pretty sure that Zack's balance in that regard (along with his more traditionally handsome face) is what gives him a slight edge over Nick in terms of desirability.
I am happy Nick actively works on Stevens wellbeing too. The garden was already a big sign that he was thinking about that and putting those thoughts into motion, and now he adds to that with Jeremy's cooking lessons. Curious to see where that will lead. I'm assuming that Joshua fits in the 'Steven's social circle' bit, with the hints you've been dropping. Can't say I'm not looking forward to that ;)

When I've catched up I will make my own Top 10 list, I'm curious as well. One chapter is already chosen now :D

And thank you from the bottom of my heart for your expansive explanation of the types of subs, the hierarchym and how the relationships of both Nick/Steven and Zack/Jeremy fit into this. I had a vague feeling of where I fit within that spectrum, but this really clarifies it. And you were spot on, of course, categorizing me as a boi. Luckily I'm in great company (waves at [mention]Socksbound[/mention], [mention]sniffingyoursocks[/mention], [mention]Tsuhaya[/mention], [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] just to be sure(?), and everyone else who feels at home in this category too)

I think I've known this a while already, but pushed it aside because it doesn't exactly make it easier to find someone to have a relationship with. But pushing it away doesn't make it go away, and is maybe an even bigger obstacle for finding someone, and also for my own mental health. You all (not only Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention], also all the commenters here) have shown me what I'm looking for, that it exists, and that it isn't weird at all. The only people who find it weird/unhealty (barring actual abusive relationships, etc of course) are people who don't understand it. That's their loss, not mine.

I really love this story, but maybe I love the reactions and thoughtprovoking discussions here even more. They really add to the story, it gives it so much more depth. Thank you all here, and also a great compliment to Sir [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for nurturing it. You have got us by the balls with this great, captivating story, and you are not afraid to use your power for the good of us all, to get us to react and discuss ;)
sniffingyoursocks wrote: 3 years ago I'm not caught up to the latest development at all, but I for sure can relate to what [mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] wrote.
When I first started reading this Saga (still on the old board) I was feeling so much like you do. I realized that I'm probably not alone and that there are other people liking that stuff and especially looking for a NON-50/50 relationship.
Nice to see someone that's a couple of years ahead of me :D With results, no less, looking at the banner in your signature. I'm happy I found a place where these thinks can be discussed. Shame only festers in the dark, it cannot survive openness and light, so it is time to open my shutters and let it in. Thank you all for creating a safe space to do that in, that is quite a feat nowadays!
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Post by bondagefreak »


Sunday, May 24 (1:00 PM)

Zack was still getting his gear ready and showing Jeremy the basics of using a fishing rod by the time I was fully set up and casting my lure into the water.

The two lovebirds were quite endearing to watch, namely because my friend was sitting in between his beefy man's thighs while visibly itching to try the carbon fibre rod out.

As soon as the freckle-faced lad got the hang of it and as soon as he was able to cast his line out and reel it in all on his own, Zack relaxed his leathery grip on the delicate fishing pole and allowed his happy ward to come and join me in the centre of the boat.

Jeremy and I sat together; our heavily padded, safety-vest-clad backs brushing against each other as we fished our respective sides of the small watercraft.

I was a little surprised that our two Masters weren't fishing with us, but as the minutes went by, it became more and more obvious that they were merely out here to enjoy each other's company and sip on their beers while my friend and I fished. The two of them lost no time engaging in idle banter and spent most of the afternoon chatting about sports and reminiscing about old times and whatnot.

All in all, Zack, Jeremy, Nick and I were set for a very lazy Sunday afternoon.

It took almost a full hour of chatting for my puffer-wearing boyfriend to reach into his packsack and hand his buddy a medium-sized, red and brown container.

"Here, buddy. Happy thirtieth." he told Zack, causing the jumbo-thighed hockey player to chuckle in surprise and inspect the fancy packet he'd been given.

"Oh sweet! I haven't had one of these in a long time!" the brown-haired hunk excitedly exclaimed, revealing to us the set of very expensive-looking cigars contained in the wooden box.

Nick chuckled and said it was nothing, but from the way the discussion ensued, it became clear that Jeremy's man really enjoyed smoking fat stogies even though he only did so on special occasions. A thirtieth birthday - even if a few days late - certainly qualified.

My man was rather quick in turning down Zack's invitation to join him for a round of cigar smoking.
"Nah, man. They're yours. Enjoy them." he spoke, obviously feeling discomfort at partaking in the gift he'd just offered his friend.

Zack was very insistent though and quickly convinced his blond counterpart to acquiesce.

And so, much of my afternoon was spent eating snacks, chatting and fishing with Jeremy whilst the two much beefier men sat on their respective ends of the boat, sipping their beers, smoking their fat stogies and talking about guy stuff.

The air was warm, the sun was bright and the potent stench of cigar smoke rapidly began filling our nostrils.
It bothered me quite a bit at first, but when I turned my head towards my Master and saw him sitting there, calmly smoking that stogie, I practically melted.

The smell was powerful and highly unpleasant.
Yet the visual and olfactory spectacle playing out before me was unexpectedly arousing.


With his beer in one hand and his cigar in the other, Zack's thick leather jacket creaked and groaned rather angrily each time he moved the contents of his fingers up to his lips. The black pig hide leather strained to accommodate its wearer's superbly thick arms, and the incredibly sexy gauntlet gloves adorning his hands and fingers radiated an aura of severity that contrasted rather vividly with the muscleman's warm face and smile.

Zack's superbly handsome face combined with those gloves and that awesome leather jacket of his would've been enough to make any girl or gay guy swoon...which is why everyone on the boat was equally astounded that Nick was the one currently stealing the show away from his more traditionally handsome counterpart.

You should've seen my man.
You should've seen him just sitting there, smoking that stogie with one hand and sipping his beer bottle with the other.

The black sports cap and dark aviator glasses gave the ruggedly handsome construction worker an undeniably alluring look. And while Nick's short, skintight police gloves creaked as noisily as the thick leather adorning his friend's upper body, the mind-blowingly FAT puffer jacket currently clad over his excessively buff torso is what really gave the brute an air of power and hypermasculinity.

Zack snorted, suddenly breaking the silence with a somewhat poorly suppressed chuckle.

"What?" Nick asked, sounding unamused, as though he'd seen the brown-haired hunk eyeing him up and expected to be the target of wanton ridicule. Not an unreasonable hypothesis considering the thirty-year-old hockey player liked to tease him every now and then.

Zack laughed again before eyeing his stoic friend up a second time and flashing him a smirk.

"Aww, it's nothing. Just that when I saw you wearing that thing yesterday, I thought you looked fuckin' ridiculous." he chuckled, referring to the stupidly overfilled puffer my man was wearing over his torso. "But yeah, I think I'm starting to get why Steevie-boi digs that look so much." he added, casting me an amused wink whilst taking another puff of his oversized stogie.

Nick's face remained as serious as ever, but the coking of his left eyebrow left little doubt as to him being curious about his charismatic companion's spoken verdict. Zack's compliment did not disappoint.

"I'm just sittin' here lookin' at you and I gotta tell you, look fuckin' BOSS." the beefy leatherman grinned, emphasizing that last word and causing the blond man's otherwise stony face to crack a cocky smirk.

I saw Jeremy's head turn and discreetly steal a glance at Nick upon hearing his Alpha's compliment.

The freckle-faced twink had not once betrayed any hint of attraction for my Master.
Even when Zack had first been introduced, Jeremy had been very careful in not allowing me to see his eye wander around. Whereas someone like Josh would've been all over the astoundingly attractive hockey player, my much shier, much more introverted friend had made himself far more reserved and discreet.

I too ended up looking at my man, not only to take in his awesome sight but also to take note of what my bashful friend had just eyed up.

The prominent pecs and massive torso that seemed to wanna tear out of the blond beast's sleeveless muscle-shirt were on full display. And although the hunk's legs were clad in loose-fitting cotton sweatpants, the sheer size and girth of them was quite obvious. Above all else though - with the possible exception of his oversized cock and bums - Nick's colossal arms and shoulders were his most impressive features. I mean his biceps were just terrifying! There's no way on earth Jeremy hadn't noticed them. And knowing that he also liked his men big, there was absolutely no doubt in my mind that the size of my boyfriend's freakishly thick arms caused some level of yearning in the little twerp.

Much like Zack's incredibly thick biceps, Nick's upper arms would've been way too big for Jeremy's hands to encircle.
And as if that wasn't enough, the monstrously bloated puffer jacket currently clad around them made it so that those gargantuan arms of his looked almost twice as thick as they actually were.

Zack may have been the more traditionally attractive one. But Nick was quite literally the epitome of manliness.
He was the manly man. He was the boss. I was in awe of him, and for the briefest of moments there, I'm pretty sure Jeremy was as well.


I don't know why exactly, but the thought of Jeremy secretly lusting after my incredibly handsome man excited me more than it probably should have.

'Yeah, look at him! Look at that fuckin' beefy, manly muscle-god.' I thought to myself, suddenly feeling enormous pride at the fact that this overly masculine, puffer-wearing beast was the one boning me and filling me with fertile seed almost every night.

The pride I felt quickly melted away and was suddenly replaced with an unmistakable longing to be collared the same way Jeremy was.

I felt bad for Nick. From the slight, but noticeable perspiration coating his temples and forehead, it was obvious that he was pretty much roasting alive inside that swooshing, squishy black furnace of his. It was a good thing he'd slapped deodorant under his arms a few hours earlier, 'cause his bushy pits must've been soaking wet by that point!

Still, the sight of him chugging his beer and puffing out that gross cigar smoke really turned me on.

He just sat there, huge leathery fingers wrapped around his stubby stogie. The darkness of his shades contrasting quite sharply with the glistening, sunlit blond stubble that lined his powerful chin and jawline.

I don't know if his gloved and booted attire had anything to do with it, but I was quite literally fighting the urge to drop my fishing rod and crawl down to his feet just then.

Yes, I was certain about this. More certain than I'd been about a lot of other things recently.
I wanted to be collared by this man and I wanted to be leashed.

I'd never been one for puppy play. I mean, even now, the thought of walking on my hands and knees and wagging a tail-shaped buttplug in the air didn't particularly enthuse me. Puppy play aside though, I was more than ready to have my neck tightly collared. I absolutely relished the thought of being kept on a tight leash and could already visualise Nick keeping my collar under lock and stashing the key away inside that uber fat jacket of his.

Fuck. I wanted to be collared so bad!

The two men kept on chatting and my mind kept on racing. That is...until my fishing rod suddenly started rattling and the tip of it started vigorously jerking downwards toward the waterline.

I ended up getting the first catch that day. And much to everyone's great satisfaction, Jeremy ended up catching the next three trouts in the hours that followed! This was his first time on a lake and his very first fishing experience. All in all, it was a very memorable afternoon considering the fine company we were keeping and the tasty snacks and beverages we'd brought along.

One of the fish we caught was substantially larger and heavier than the other three, something with overjoyed Jeremy but which caused him to object a little when his man moved to put that one back in the water.

It took Master Zack a few attempts to make his boy understand that the female he'd just caught was full of eggs and that she needed to be set free so that she could spawn and proliferate the species. The freckle-faced lad was being a tad bit sulky at first, but I guess he eventually came to the conclusion that his man was right, 'cause he was back to smiling and fishing just a few minutes later.

The three unlucky males we caught were only around 10 inches in length, but they would serve to supplement our supper...something Nick took care of by unceremoniously slapping each of our catches against the side of the boat, instantly dealing a severing blow to their fragile spines. A somewhat brutish, if effective method of rapidly putting the doomed creatures out of their misery.

The far more common practice of allowing those fish to linger in stagnant water and slowly suffocate didn't require any killing blow per se.
But it didn't take a particularly astute mind to understand that it was unnecessarily cruel and unjust.

Nick took no pleasure in doing what he did. But as far as he was concerned, if you're going to take a fish out of the water and consume it, the least you could do was to go for a clean kill and end its suffering as quickly as possible.

I always felt bad for the fish we kept. But after having seen so many reports and documentaries about the heart-wrenching and downright hellish conditions endured by animals that provided us with beef, pork and poultry, I was convinced that fishing and consuming like this was far more ethical and eco-friendly than what most urban folks made it out to be.


In any case, Nick and Zack didn't fish at all that day.
They seemed content just to sit there and chat as they usually did.

Zack brought us around the lake a few times, but after nearly four hours of fishing non-stop, my arms were beginning to tire and my wrists were starting to feel sore. The men tried reminding us that supper time was the best time to get those lures back in the water, but I was more interested in drinking my soda pop and munching on the snacks we'd brought.

It must've been closing in on five o'clock when the urge to make myself the centre of attention suddenly came to the fore and made itself manifest.

I put my fishing rod down on the floor of the boot, gave my huge, puffer-wearing boyfriend a somewhat mischievous smile, and slowly placed my fingers on one of the buckles holding my safety vest in place.

Nick looked at me through those dark shades of his and narrowed his eyes down.
He was giving me that "don't you dare" look.

My teasing expression grew into a bashful smile.
My fingers pressed down against the buckle.
And then *CLICK*. The first security strap came loose.

Last edited by bondagefreak 3 years ago, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by gaggedfeety »

I still really can't really appreciate/enjoy these chapters as much because of my feelings towards Nick (and Steven wanting to be collared and leashed certainly didn't help). That being said, I can at least acknowledge that this was a pretty sweet chapter.Steven and Jeremy fishing while Nick and Zack sit back and relax. And it was entertaining how Jeremy was in awe of Nick's manliness...I get why Steven is so proud lol.

I'm also enjoying this cheekiness from Steven with the jacket...I can't say that I'll be too crazy about the potential consequence but bondage, socks, and gags could be a good distraction ;) ;)
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

There's definitely some Wolverine vibes in this chapter! It is a bit of a shame though that they had to pollute such a beautiful natural environment with their cigar smoke! I suppose I can forgive Nick and Zack as it was a special occasion and I suppose it does give me the chance to say they are both smoking hot!

I'm all for Steven's desire to be collared and leashed although I think he needs to broaden his horizons with regards to pup play - don't knock it until you've tried it!

I'm enjoying Steven's mischievous streak at the end of the chapter and I'm interested as to how Nick is going to respond and what effect the presence of Zack and Jeremy will have...

[mention]LockedCheeseBird[/mention] - great to see another vote for Daddy Nick! I think we are all guilty of underestimating and over judging him at times but he is just as much on a journey of discovery as Steven is. It's easy to forget just how close to the beginning of that journey they still are.

Thanks for having the courage to share some quite personal thoughts with us - you are definitely not alone!

And thanks to [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] for writing so an amazing, epic and thought provoking tale.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Volobond »

Well, well, well, so Zack's a smoker, eh? - my first and only tick against Zack in the consideration of the Nick versus Zack debate - he's human after all, gentlemen! :cry: I suppose the fishing was cute, and Steven's introspection is always interesting, especially his growing interest in being collared - full circle from earlier chapters. I'm interested in seeing how this willful disobedience plays out!

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Post by LockedCheeseBird »

My first chapter that I've caught ( 8-) ) live :D And a nice, mellow one as well. The relaxing, calm vibe radiates through and if I close my eyes, it's almost as if I'm there. I've spent numerous afternoons fishing, and I've always wanted a boat, so I can go out and enjoy the water life (while at the same time hating swimming). That smell of being on the water is one of the most pleasant smells I can imagine. Great chapter!

I'm less bothered by Zacks smoking because it doesn't seem to be a habit, a compulsion like smoking normally is, but more in the same vein of drinking a glass of whisky. Not the best thing to do, but if you can savour it. Zack seems to have that self-control. And I agree with Steven, it's quite hot!
Pup Wingletang wrote: 3 years ago There's definitely some Wolverine vibes in this chapter!
Oh, definitely! Those damn Canadians and their rugged wildlife and plenty of outdoor space! Here in the Netherlands we only have busy, man-made nature, which is still nice, but not the same. I've enjoyed the space that Canada does have while I stayed there for four months a couple of years ago. (And I know the story is not set in a specific place and country, and this situation can also take place in the US)

And thank you [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention]! Your long, analytical reactions were really nice to read, and made it also easier to post something myself. I'm in great company here :D
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Post by squirrel »

WOW, that was one hot chapter! The scenery is just perfect... And the cigar smoking is fantastic; it suits a masculine guy to smoke a big, fat stogie from time to time :twisted:

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