Writer : 04 - Neo Buddies: The New Series (m/m)

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Writer : 04 - Neo Buddies: The New Series (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Writer 's stories
04 - Neo Buddies: The New Series
Story index at the bottom

By [mention]Writer[/mention]

Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:01 am

After Danny and Vince had left for college, games had pretty much ceased to occur between the happy trio of boys (sorry Nate, I'll mention you now). Nate is busy at school and a school job, and is worrying about getting into college. The wonderful games that were shared between the three soon became fond memories of the past. Of course they met up frequently to partake in such activities, but they are no longer the main focus of my interests.

No, this tale returns to the bare basics of a TUG. To the freedom of being just boys having fun. And it all starts with one boy: Nicholas Reyes, or as most people called him, little Nick.

Episode 1: New Beginnings, Old Passions

Nicholas Reyes was about to begin his last year of middle school: 8th grade year, the golden year that he had been waiting for ever since he started middle school. At the height of 5'0, he wasn't the tallest of his group, but with his long spikey black hair and lean body, he was easily a class favorite. However, he had a bit of a mouth, and his arrogance towards teachers clearly made him reknowned throughout the whole school.

The first day of 8th grade was.... nothing spectacular. But the only thing worth noting was that Nick's crush, Winowa Bates, AND his best friend, Peter Hong, were in the same 4 classes as he was.

"Hi Nicholas," Winowa, the raven-haired beauty said to him as she walked by him to sit with her girl friends.

"h-hi," Nick was able to stutter at his shoes before she left, laughing to herself.

Nick stayed in the doorway for several moments before he felt himself being shoved into the room.

"Hello? Earth to Nick?" Peter knocked Nick's head a few times as he said this. Nick smiled embarrassed and Peter responded with a grin. Peter was a handsome boy, already being 5'6 and boasting an incredibly fit physique. He wasn't buff and was actually as skinny as Nick, but his muscles were more toned than Nick's. He had short crewcut black hair and a charming voice and was a secret favorite amongst the girls. He could be seen as a smart aleck, but rarely talked to others besides his best friend Nick.

"Peter! Do you have to be such a stiff? Woah, you grew a bit! I have to tiptoe just to look you eye to eye!" It felt embarrassing for Nick to reach up to Peter and look at his face. Peter gave a small grin and pushed his friend down and aside as he walked to an empty desk. As soon as Peter sat down, he shut his eyes to concentrate but was immediately disturbed by a shifting of desks.

"So!" Nick said, and Peter opened his right eye to see Nick's desk precariously close to his. "How was your summer?"

"Can you move away a bit? " Peter said, trying to shift his desk away from the perky boy. "And YOU should know, we hung out nearly every week."

"But, what about those trips your family takes to Hawaii and stuff?"

"Nothing special... you're still too close!" Peter stood up and physically moved Nick's desk back into line with the column it was originally in. He moved it with relative ease.

"Hey!" Nick said. At that time, Winowa and her friends were overlooking the scene and couldn't help but laugh and giggle at their silliness. "See," Nick whispered, "you're embarrassing us, as usual."

"As usual? How many times hav-"

The bell rang and class began.


After the first week of school, nothing eventful occurred. That very next week, however, Nick was excited to see his cousin, Danny, where the events of Secret Agent took place. (If you haven't read Secret Agent, you may be a bit confused). But, to cut things short: Nick had a newfound love for TUGs....


The lunch bell rang, and Nick ran outside to get the front of the line privileges in the cafeteria. Peter scoffed at his hasty friend's folly. Why can't he just bring lunch to school, he thought to himself. Peter went to the spot he sat at since the beginning of 6th grade, a quiet table under the shade of a lone tree in the large patio area. It was here that Nick and Peter met everyday to eat lunch and talk about Nick's crush on Winowa.
"If Nick likes her so much," Peter said as he walked through the hallway, "why doesn't he invite her over? Or better yet, go sit WITH her?"

"Because then you'd be alone at lunch!" Nick came out from behind Peter, which made Peter jump a bit.

"Don't DO that!"

"Hey, I get lunch quick so you're not by yourself for a long time."

Peter considered his friends words and, i his mind, thanked him. But he wouldn't show in the open how much those words meant to him.

"I don't need a lunch period to mingle with Winowa. And besides, lunch is about hanging out, not making goo-goo eyes at your girlfriend."

"Wow, look at you so confident," Peter joked, "You know, Andrew Summers has a thing for Winowa too."

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter; I'll be the first one to ask her out!" Nick laughed as the two sat down at their usual spot. But as soon as Nick sat his tray down, he immediately ran off. "Be right back!" he yelled, "gotta take a pee!"

And with that he was gone. "He's such a dork," Peter laughed, shaking his head. The good thing about the patio, especially during the first lunch period, was that no one came to eat there, because of the lack of any tables (hey, the school was cheap. what can you do?)

When Peter looked around, he took his backpack and took out his drawing journal. Peter was a skilled artist, especially when it came to drawing manga and anime-styled characters. He was in the middle of a comic strip, where his main hero, Hiro, was captured by an evil organization. He contemplated on how to draw restraints and decided on a chair tie. He had no idea what he was doing, but in the end, it looked sufficient enough: hands tied to the armrests and legs tied to chair legs, with a single strip of tape to serve as a gag.

"You know," and with that Peter shut his journal and looked around to see Nick staring behind him, "it looks like he'll get out..."

"Can you stop that?" Peter said.

"Sorry, but it was a really nice drawing. Can I see?" Nick took the book from Peter and flipped the pages. There were other situations where a lead male was tied up, and at all of them, Nick laughed at.

"What?" Peter asked.

"Even a kindergardner could escape these ties!"

"Well, like you could do any better!" Peter took his book away.

"I can," Nick hesitated, "but in real life..."

"Huh?" Peter looked up at his friend. "What's that mean?"

After a moment of silence, Nick spoke. "I can tie you up WAY better than how you tie up your heroes in your drawings!"

Peter stood up and looked down at little Nick. "Is that a challenge?" Peter smiled; he knew that he and Nick couldn't resist challenging each other to WHATEVER it was, basketball, pingpong, bubble-blowing...

"Ok, fine! I challenge you, to be able to escape out of a tie-up situation by me. If you escape, I'll give you $20. If I win, and you can't break free, then you have to do my homework till Halloween!"

Peter contemplated his chances. He was quite flexible, and Nick wasn't exactly the strongest kid in the world, so... "I accept." They shook hands and a date was placed for that Friday after school. Nick's parents would be leaving for business that weekend so Peter could sleep over as Nick's parents trusted him alone as long as he had someone to keep him company.

The lunch bell rang soon after, and Nick and Peter smiled. "This Friday, you're going to see how helpless you really are," Nick said.


"Race you to English!" Nick bolted, as Peter finished stuffing his books into his bag.

"Wha- HEY!" Peter slung his backpack across his shoulders and ran to catch up.


Thu Aug 26, 2010 12:46 am

ok, this episode will DEFINITELY have TUGs

Episode 2: Competition

Nick and Peter were restlessly tapping their feet as 3:30 slowly crept forward during 8th period, Friday afternoon. Peter had his clothes and sleepover necessities stashed in his locker, so all he had to do was walk with Nick to his house.

Finally, the bell rung, and Nick walked with Peter to his locker to get his things. As they walked down the street, Nick gave a piece of paper to Peter. "What's this?" Peter asked.

"Its the rules of engagement," Nick said, "You're such a stiff, that I pre-made a list of conditions for this and/or future challenges. Just look it over and sign it at my house."

Peter read the terms carefully:

1. The safeword is "petunia". If you say this, or try to say this, you must be either in deep pain or wanting to give up. You will lose the challenge if you utter this word.

2. Anything goes in escape challenges: basically, whatever the tier (that's me) has to tie the tie-ee (that's you, Peter), he is allowed to use whatever he has.

3. After tying the tie-ee, the tier cannot add or modify their restraints after the challenge has begun. Any tampering will result in a default victory for the tie-ee.

4. These challenges must remain a secret from our parents, and other people we know. Anyone else who knows about this must undergo an initiation to earn our acceptance.

Sign here x______________________________

"Initiation?" Peter said. "Like what?"

"I dunno yet," Nick said, "I'm still working that out."

The two got to Nick's medium-sized house and took off their shoes at the front door, as was policy of Nick's household. The house was empty with money left out on the table for food for the next three days. At the table, Peter signed the agreement with a nearby pen.

"Ok, get situated in the guest room quick!" Nick ordered. "And when you get back, only wear your boxer shorts."

"WHAT!?" Peter exclaimed. "Why?"

"Because clothes get in the way of the tying up process."

"No. No way." After arguing for a few seconds, Nick held out the terms of agreement and pointed out rule 2. "Anything goes!" Nick said. He put on a pouty face that Peter could only laugh at.

"Fine!" Peter said finally, "But just remember rule 4! No one knows about this!"

"Sure!" Nick waited in the living room area, where he stashed away the ropes, duct tape and handcuffs that his cousin Danny had given him as a sort of rite of passage gift. After about five minutes, Peter came into the living room, clad only in his black boxers and white no-show socks. He looked quite embarrassed, but Nick noticed his toned abs.

"Why do you get a six-pack? That's not fair!" Nick whined. "And what's with your socks? I said boxers only."

"My socks stay on. I don't really like walking around barefoot." Peter looked down and tried to hide his blushing.

"Hey Peter, you're turning red!" Nick pointed out.

Darn, Peter thought. "Ok," Nick said, "turn around." Peter didn't say anything as he turned his back to Nick. Nick took a couple of ropes and tied Peter's wrists behind his back, in a crossed fashion. Using rope, he also tied down Peter's arms to his chest. "You're too tall!" Nick complained, go on your knees for now." Peter complied, and lightly tested his restraints. They were snug, but not all inescapable. However, when Nick added more ropes to his chest, he found his arms pinned to his sides in two places.

"Now?" Peter asked.

"I'm not done yet!" Nick said. He then pushed Peter's body to the floor.

"Ow! What the heck?" Peter was trying to get up, but Nick sat on his back and tied wrists, which hurt a bit.

"Hold on," Nick said, "gotta tie your legs." Nick crossed Peter's ankles together and tied them tight. He then used duct tape to reinforce Peter's wrists and ankles. As a final touch, Nick used a short rope to tie Peter's wrists to his legs, placing Peter in a tight hogtie.

"Now!?" Peter said, impatient to start, unsure if he could actually escape. He then felt his socks being taken off. "Hey! I said keep my so-aapphhhhhh-" Peter found his mouth stuffed with one of his socks. He tried pushing it out, but Nick held it in place as he took a large roll of duct tape.

"Hey, I told you, just boxers. I gotta put your socks SOMEWHERE" Nick started wrapping Peter's bottom half of his head with duct tape, going all the way behind his head. Despite all of Peter's struggling, he couldn't get the gag off.

"Mpph!" Peter looked at Nick, who was mischievously smiling at his friend.

"Ok, now you can start." And with that, Nick clicked a button on a stopwatch. "Oh, I left a sock on your foot. Lemme make that even." As he used one hand to take off the sock, the hand on Peter's exposed foot slipped, causing his fingers to slide down Peter's sole, slightly. At that moment Peter jerked around a bit. "Oh... Peter..." Nick looked at Peter with a scary smile. "Are you ticklish on your feet?"

Peter was actually extremely ticklish on his feet, but never wanted anyone to know. Peter didn't know what to do, so shook his head. "Well, then," Nick said, holding Peter's feet with his whole arm, "you wouldn't mind if I did... THIS!" And with that Nick started a tickling with five of his fingers eagerly scratching both of Peter's poor feet. Yet no matter how hard he struggled, Peter could not find any loose knots or any space to move. He tried to muffle something to Nick.

"What's that, Peter? You want me to give you a foot massage?" Petter mpphed. "the tickle treatment? Alright!" Peter endured about 20 minutes of torture before Nick got tired and stopped.

Peter was catching his breath when Nick stood up to look at his captive. "well, well, well, Peter. Give up?" Peter shook his head. "Oh well, I'll check up on you every now and then, but I doubt you'll get out! And so, my reward for WINNING the bet is that you'll be my tied up buddy till midnight! AND you'll do my homework till Halloween. But just so we keep that promise..." Nick took out his cell phone and began to take pictures of Peter using his camera. "If you go back on this promise, I'll send these to every person on my contacts." Laughing, Peter took a bandana and wrapped it around Peter's eyes, effectively blinding him.

Peter felt ridiculous and angry. Nick acted as if he had WON before it was over. He was so angry that he ravaged the ground trying to loosen his bindings. After an hour of struggling, he heard snoring coming from the couch near him. Nick had fallen asleep!

So much for checking up on me! Peter thought. When I get out of this, I'm gonna kill him... Peter shook back and forth and maneuvered his arms this way and that way. He tried to slip his wrists out of their bindings, but found it incredibly painful. He groaned into his gag and screamed but Nick couldn't hear it.

But, when Peter had almost given up, after one final pull, his left wrist slipped free from the rope and tape... Nick hadn't won just yet...


Episode 3 coming soon

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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:17 am

Episode 3: Foolish Heart

Peter struggled against his bonds after slipping his hand free. He tried to keep quiet so that he could catch Nick by surprise; thankfully, Nick was a sound sleeper and a loud snore-er. Peter wondered how he could have a best friend so opposite of himself...


It was 4th grade. Peter had just moved from a small town in Northern California to the city he calls home today. As he was new, he wasn't exactly the most talkative person in elementary school. Academically, he was a pleasure to have in class, but his high marks caused jealousy from the other students. No one took the chance and asked him if he wanted to be friends, not even Nick, who was in his class.

Peter back then had the looks of a generic nerd: unkempt hair, polyfiber pants, and shirts that were so old, moths used them as breeding grounds. Peter was used to eating alone at lunch and went straight home to play video games by himself after school or hanging out at the library reading alone in the upper terrace. Although his parents were successful orthodontists, they never knew much about how to make their son presentable to society.

But one day, after school, Peter stayed late to study at the library. No one was there that day, except for a group of 6th grade boys, yet one of them looked really small. It was Nick Reyes, the class clown. The library closed early that day, but since Peter was a local volunteer (having nothing better to do) he was always welcome to stay late as long as he set the security lock system before he left. Peter, that day, noticed the group of boys move to the upper terrace around 5:30 on Friday. At six, he saw the 6th graders walk down, but it seemed they were missing a person. The library closed at six, so the employees left Peter to himself to read. However, Peter had a hard time concentrating on his manga due to a weird noise coming from upstairs. He tried to ignore it for 45 minutes, but got annoyed and assumed that a stray cat had climbed up the stairs to the upper floor.

Peter walked up the stairs with his manga in hand, reading as he walked up the stairs, but he saw nothing at first. But, when he walked through the rows of bookcases, he noticed something interesting: Nicholas Reyes tied to a support beam, hidden by bookcases. Nick was blindfolded with a red bandana and was gagged with a lot of strips of duct tape over his small mouth. His hands were tied behind him and his body was taped to the pole. his feet were tied together and his shoes were missing, showing his grey-heeled white socks. It appeared to Peter that Nick was crying under the blindfold and he was shouting as much as he could into the gag.

Peter took off blindfold so that Nick could see. Nick was indeed tearing up but immediately looked happy to see a savior. Peter removed the tape from Nicks mouth.

"What happened?" Peter asked. As he untied Nick from the pole, Nick told his story to him.

"I was hanging out with my crew, or at least the friends of this one 6th grader that's my mom's friend's son.... I followed them to hang out cuz they were going to the movies to go movie hopping, but they said that I would get in the way since all the movies were PG... so they tied me up and left me here till after they were done with the movies..."

Nick sounded really embarrassed, and Peter felt a bit of sympathy for him. Peter said, "it's ok."

"And they took my shoes too... how am I supposed to explain this to my mom?" Nick was worried.

"Well, I think they're pulling your leg, cause your shoes are over there in the corner." Peter got Nick's black Vans and gave them to him.

Nick beamed with happiness. "Thanks a lot! By the way, I'm Nicholas, but you can call me Nick. What's your name?"

"... Peter." Peter was heading downstairs as Nick put on his shoes. "Hurry up, I'm gonna lock up the library now."

"Ok! Hold on, dude," Nick was laughing as he hopped with one shoe on, trying to put on the other. The two walked side by side out of the library when Peter stopped.

"Where are you going now?" Peter asked the befuddled little boy. Peter was about the same height as Nick, if not a bit taller.

"I dunno... I told my mom I was gonna sleepover with my mom's friend... but..." Nick looked lost.

"You can walk over to my house if you want. You can call your mom and tell her that.... you decided to stay at another friend's house." Peter said that carefully.

"Really!? You'd let me stay at your place tonight? Man, you're awesome!" Nick gave a little hug to his new friend as they walked towards Peter's house. "Mind if I sleep over?" Nick asked, as they walked up Peter's driveway.

"Uh..." Peter was not used to such a carefree and social attitude. He didn't know if he wanted Nick to stay with him, a social outcast. "Ok."

"Awesome!" Nick said. "I got my toothbrush with me in my backpack." Peter opened the door with his house key and invited Nick inside. Peter's house was large, with a large living and dining room along with a TV area. Nick awed in admiration as he looked up the stairwell that led to the upper floor, which had a great view of the ground floor.

"Your house is so cool!" Nick said.

"Thanks," Peter said. "Mom, dad? Are you home?" No one answered. "They must still be at work. Oh right, they're working overtime remodeling the offices," at this point Peter was talking to himself, "I guess I'll just leave a note saying he's staying over..."

"Hello?" Nick stared at Peter, who hadn't noticed him in front of him. "Earth to Peter?"

"Huh? Sorry." Peter and Nick went into the kitchen and heated up a DiGiorno's pizza for dinner. After they ate, Nick asked if they could chill in Peter's room.

"Sure." Peter said. They went upstairs into Peter's large bedroom.

"Wow! You have a PS2? AND Final Fantasy X??" Nick was looking at Peter's extensive PS2 library.

"Yeah, you beat it yet?" Peter asked.

"No... the final bosses are too hard..." Nick turned on the PS2 and put in the game. "Mind if I play?"

"Nah." Peter watched Nick load his file, which just so happened to be at the end of the game.

"Hey! You're at this part too?" Nick asked. And for the next hour, Nick and Peter strategized the last bosses and at the end, watched the final cutscenes.

"Wow, that was a nice ending," Peter said.

"Kinda sad, though..." Nick replied. "I like these games... wow, you actually wear these kind of pants??" Nick held up Peter's red polyfiber pants. "They're so NERDY!" Nick threw them aside.

Peter felt embarrassed. "Sorry, I don't really know much about fashion. I just wear whatever I find in my closet."

"Well, I'm pretty sure you can afford a few new clothes... and JEANS. Here, I'll help you with your style. My mom's a pretty trendy person, so she gives me tips and stuff. Okay?" Looking at Nick, Peter couldn't imagine what he would be getting himself into.

Nick held out his hand to shake. "...Ok," Peter grasped Nick's hand, and from them on, the two became inseparable, helping each other in aspects the other lacked.


Peter was reminiscing about his various shopping sprees with Nick and his mom, as he took off Nick's clothes. Nick dressed nice and he smelled really nice too. Peter stayed calm as he slowly inched Nick's shirt off of his arms. Peter soon had Nick clad only in his red and black boxers and black undershirt. Peter rolled up the undershirt up to his armpits for later access. From there on, Peter placed Nick on the ground, in a position where he was in the middle of the living room table's legs and the peg of a heavy dresser nearby that held weights and bedsheets.

Peter tied Nick's arms together and raised them above his head and tied them to the table legs. He did to same to his legs and the peg of the dresser so that Nick was laid out in a tight line position. To finish off, Peter used the same sock that he had been gagged with and.. threw in aside. He wasn't gonna be that nasty. He took a ping pong ball from inside the drawer that held the weights and sport accessories and washed it before tickling Nick's exposed armpits.

Nick bolted awake. "AHH! What the pphhh--!" Peter was swift in stuffing Nick's mouth with the small white ball. Using leftover duct tape, Peter wrapped the ball in, going around Nick's head several times before he was sure that it wouldn't be coming out. Nick was screaming at Peter, with an angry look in his eyes.

"Payback sucks, doesn't it Nicholas?" Peter stayed crouched down and sat on Nick's thighs and leaned forward, bringing his face close to Nick's. While they looked at each other, Nick didn't notice Peter's hands situate themselves near his armpits. Peter tickled mercilessly at the exposed pits and moved on to Nick's sides and stomach and neck. Nick could only squirm and sweat under Peter's grasp.

Nick felt a bit weird; both of them were in just their boxers while Peter was on top of him. Peter accidentally inched too forward and landed on something hard. "Ouch! Hey... Nick, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" Peter circled Nick's bellybutton as Nick shook his head back and forth.
Nick was embarrassed but he couldn't do anything. Soon, Peter grew tired of tickling and stepped off of Nick. He laid down right next to Nick on his back and looked at him. Nick wanted to strangle him, but his arms wouldn't allow him to.

"Remember when we became friends?" Peter asked. "Remember when I wasn't even popular at school since I dressed like a nerd? Now look at me. It's all thanks to you."

Nick "awww-ed" but it came out muffled.

"Yeah," Peter jabbed his finger into Nick's armpit. "Hey, I'm not letting you go anytime soon, so get comfortable." It was 6:20 when Peter looked at the clock. He decided that he'd order takeout and walk over to pick it up. He wondered if he should bring Nick...

In ten minutes, Peter locked the front door of the house, and walked towards the Chinese restaurant with money in hand. As he closed the door, a newly-blindfolded Nick screamed into nothing as he heard the door creak shut.


Episode 4 coming soon
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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Aug 31, 2010 2:49 am

Thanks guys, btw, Peter DID become quite handsome after being "transformed" by Nick

Episode 4: Love and Loss

Well, all good things had to come to an end, and Nick and Peter's weekend ended on a weak note: aside from the occasional tie-up that weekend, neither boy was tied up for longer than 10 minutes. Back at school, Nick was having a little trouble in romance~


'Nicholas!" the geometry teacher yelled. "The way you came to this proof makes no sense!"

"I'm sorry," Nick said. The whole class was giggling, and while Nick faced the class with his hand scratching the back of his head, he caught a glimpse of Winowa laughing too. "Aw geez..." Nick said aloud.

"Sit down," the teacher said, tiredly. "Peter, would you mind finishing the proof?"

"Yes, Mr. Backet," Peter stood up, where as he stood, the gaze of many of the girls in class fell upon his skinny jean-clad butt. He was wearing an extremely sexy pair of black jeans that day and his hair was slightly gelled, at the suggestion of Nick.

In a few seconds, Peter solved the problem and quickly sat back down. His face was nearly expressionless, with just a smudge of pride. Nick scowled as he nudged Peter's chair. "Hey," he whispered, "why won't you ever help me with my homework??"

"Because," Peter defended, "your idea of 'helping' is playing video games while I do your homework." The bell rang, and as Nick stood in the doorway, waiting for Peter, he noticed Peter talking with Winowa. She was laughing slightly, and Peter even broke out in a slight chuckle. Finally, Winowa walked up to the doorway.

"Oh, excuse me, Nicholas," Winowa hid her face behind her long brown hair. She didn't face him, but she said his full name in an endearing way.

"Uhm... Nick?" Peter was standing right next to Nick, who was day dreaming about him and Winowa.

"Oh! Peter..." Nick stuttered for words, until he realized what Peter was doing a while ago. "Hey!" as they walked towards their last class of Friday, "what were you talking about with Winowa?"

"Oh, she needed help with her homework tonight, so she asked me if I would go to her house today afterschool."

"But, we were supposed to go get frozen yogurt today! I finally filled up my stamp card!" Nick was a little peeved.

"We can go later tonight, if it's still hot," Peter said. "So just wait."

"You're just gonna leave me hanging? Come on, man, and it's Winowa too! You know I like her!" Nick was blushing and perspiring a bit.

"Yeah, I know..." Peter had a bit of a smug on his face....

Nick had some idea of what Peter was thinking, but, being his best friend, he didn't think it was possible. At that point Nick thought quick, "hey, at least drop off your stuff at my house before you go with her..."

"Huh? Yeah, sure. I'm meeting her at her house anyways."

"K. Perfect." Nick smiled a little on the outside, but on the inside, he was grinning cheek to cheek.
During 7th period, Nick sat in the back sending text messages: "Danny, I've got a friend I want u to meet"
Unfortunately, Danny couldn't come over... -__-

But Nick noticed something that he could use to his advantage: Peter gave a yawn during 7th period. School was released and the two friends were walking back to Nick's house. Peter was still yawning, but more deeply. "Dude, wanna crash a bit at my house before you go to your study date?" Nick asked.

"Can I?" Peter asked. "I told Winowa I'd be there at 5:00 (it was 3:45 when school got out)."

"Don't worry, she doesn't live that far from me, so I'll wake you up at 4:50, so you can sleep for an hour... hey, I'll even let you use my bed!"

Peter contemplated the idea and soon found it very accommodating to his all-nighter. "K, thanks. Can you call Winowa and tell her I may be a bit late then?"

"Sure," Nick said.

Nick and Peter got to the house at 3:50, so as soon as they got in, Peter rushed upstairs to Nick's bedroom. He knew the way and kicked off his black slip-on Vans. Nick shut the door and followed straight behind to see Peter lying down on his bed, with one leg hanging off the edge.

Nick took Peter's phone and looked up Winowa. "Hello?" said a female voice, "Peter?"

"Hi, it's Nick."

"Oh... hi Nicholas. Where's Peter?"

"We came over to my house to relax for a bit, but Peter got a bit sleepy, so he's taking a nap. He told me to tell you that he wouldn't be able to come over today, and if you could... reschedule."

"Oh," Winowa sounded a bit sad, "ok. I'll call him later then. Thanks, Nicholas."

"You can just say Nick, Winowa."

"But Nicholas just sounds more,... sweet. Good bye!"

Nick held the phone to his ear and lost himself in Winowa's last words to her. Peter's snoring brought him back to reality. "Oh, right; onto work."

Nick stood silently over Peter, who was sleeping so soundly on his bed. Nick ruffled his friend's hair, and he saw a faint smile form. Nick went under his bed to produce his ropes, tapes, and bandanas. Peter felt very warm as he started stripping him of all of his clothing, starting with his pants. Then he moved onto his shirt and undershirt. But as Nick lifted Peter's black undershirt off of his raised arms, they fell unto Nick, as if Peter was hugging a pillow. Nick's head was then being caressed with Peter's arms and rested upon Peter's warm chest.

Nick blushed a bit as he tried to calmly take his head out of his grip. Peter was strong, but a sound sleeper. Nick was careful in keeping Peter's arms from falling off the bed. Within minutes, Peter was tightly tied spreadeagle on Nick's bed, wearing only a pair of black and red boxers and black lowcut socks.

"Final touches...." Nick took off Peter's socks and used one of his own long soccer socks to blindfold Peter. Using a black marker, Nick started writing "Taken" on Peter's exposed chest. On "a", Peter stirred.

"Hey..." he said drowsily, "what's going O-pphh!" Nick put Peter's socks into his mouth and used duct tape to seal it in. "Whappphh the hepphh!?" Peter started struggling but found no weak spots in Nick's bindings. He then heard a strange clicking sound.

"Sorry, Peter," Nick said, holding a camera. "But I can't have you getting too close with Winowa. If I have to keep you away from your date, then I will. If you don't want Winowa to see these pictures, then never EVER go to her house!"

Peter was showing extreme rage and fury. Unfortunately for Nick, Peter knew something that Nick was completely unaware of.


"Peter," Winowa stood up from her desk to ask Peter a question after geometry.

"Yes?" Peter stood up calmly and walked over.

"I've.. been wondering.." she started off slow and quietly, "would you tell me how to get Nick to like me?"

"Uhm... sure? To be honest, he has a crush on you already, but he's unsure how to get it across." At this point, Winowa laughed, and Peter gave a little smile.

"Would you mind coming over later? Maybe you could help me get to know him better, before I try talking to him myself."

"Sure. 5:00 at your house?"

"Ok. See you there." Winowa moved towards the doorway. "Oh, excuse me, Nicholas....."


Peter wanted to tell his friend everything, and help two people get together, but how could he? When his own friend prevented him from speaking, he was helpless to the unfair wrath of Nick. "Nipph!" Peter tried to tell his friend.

"I'm sorry, Peter, I can't quite understand you. I think I should tire you out a bit, so you won't talk back." Peter wondered what that meant, until he felt sharp sensations in his armpits. A long and tedious tickle torture soon ensued, and Peter was soon gasping for breath.

At this point, Nick took off his shirt, exposing his fresh pits to the air. They weren't exactly horrid, but they were at that prepubescent phase where a bit of a stink could be detected. While Peter was breathing through his nose, Nick shoved his right armpit onto Peter's nostrils. Nick found it just a bit awkward that two boys had their shirts off and were on each other, but Peter was so warm, he didn't care. He was having too much fun.

Peter tried shaking his head to get the stink away, but Nick held still. After letting Peter breathe easily for a while, he switched arms, and got onto the bed. With his free hand, Nick tickled Peter's bare stomach and ribs, making Peter's body arch up.

"I'm pretty sure Winowa won't want to see you so sweaty and gross, Peter!" Nick was relentless. Peter was having a hard time breathing, and when Nick noticed, he stopped, laying down beside Peter, looking up at the ceiling. He looked at the clock: it was 6:24. Then, he felt a vibration in his pocket: it was Peter's cell phone... Winowa was calling.

"Shhhh!" Nick told Peter. "Hello?"

"Peter, I can't anymore. If I'm going to tell Nick I like him, I'll tell him straight to his face. If he really likes me back, I don't have to spend so much time trying to get to know him indirectly."

"Yeah, Winowa... I do like you back..." Nick had a bit of a hard time spitting out the words.

"Oh my... Nicholas! I mean, Nick. How long did you kno- How do you- why do you have Peter's phone?"

"Well, Peter's a bit... tied up at the moment." Peter groaned.

"What was that?" Winowa asked.

"Nothing, just my stomach. Anyways, I'll... talk to you tomorrow?"

"Hehe, I'd like that. Tell Peter I said thanks. Good bye,... Nick." Winowa hung up. Nick was lost again in a sea of happiness, until he was brought back to reality by Peter's grunts and movement.

"Oh! Uhh... hehehe..." Nick quickly had Peter unbound. "No hard feelings buddy?" Peter was taking off his gag and blindfold. As Peter spit out his wet socks, he coughed. He looked at Nick with a malicious gaze.

Before Nick knew it, he was bound and gagged, in a way where his feet were tied to his wrists, so that his back was arched in a hogtie yet he was kneeling on his knees. "Mpph!" Nick pleaded. Peter had stuffed the same socks into Nick's mouth as he applied to last strip of duct tape to Nick's huge mouth. He then sored Nick in his closet and slid the sliding door closed, much to the protest of Nick's muffled pleas and his puppy dog eyes.

"Don't worry, 'Nicholas'," Peter said with a bit of sarcasm, "I'll untie you before school." After that, Peter heard loud muffles and banging on the closet's walls.

Peter called his mom, telling her that he was staying over at Nick's house (but Nick didn't know that). Peter cooked a good meal downstairs, and after 4 hours of captivity, Peter released a grateful Nick, who was at that time only in his boxers and socks.

"Don't do that!" Nick said. "I was really scared..."

"Then don't jump to conclusions," Peter said while eating chicken and rice.

"Well, if I didn't do that," Nick said, "I wouldn't have found out so early that she likes me."

"True... don't do it again, or I'll keep you tied up all night next time."

"Fine! Hahaha..." Nick laughed, and Peter chuckled. And as the night crept up, Nick had no idea, that as his happiness soared, anothers had sunk into the depths of despair. Andrew Summers was not about to go down without a fight.

Episode 5 coming soon.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:58 pm

Episode 5: Prelude

Nick was having the time of his life the following week. Thanks to his "intervention" Nick had finally asked Winowa if she would be his girl. They walked hand in hand down the halls, everywhere. It gave Peter some solace from the wild banterings of his friend, but he couldn't deny that he missed having him there to talk to him. Of course, Peter understood that he and Nick would always be best friends, and no one thought any different of him.

Peter was walking down the hall by himself, looking at the pictures Nick had took of him on his digital camera. He wanted to delete them, but he wanted to store them first. Anyways, he still had some space on it, so he could use it for photography next period.

Peter walked into the classroom, and found the only empty seat was next to Andrew Summers. Andrew and Nick were always on unequal terms, as Andrew would boast his superior size and strength over Nick. However, Peter was neutral with him, both of them being near the same height and same grades. However, he didn't like how he treated Nick so he tended not to talk to him, let alone face him in the eyes.

But Andrew was intent on getting even with Nick, even if it meant taking his girl... and his best friend.

"Peter, buddy!" Andrew threw his arm around Peter. Peter looked at the arm and tried to shrug it off, but found it impossible. "Hey, I just wanna be friendly. How are you?"

"Fine," Peter wasn't in the mood to talk. Peter was looking at the camera, trying to distract himself, but his mind was on ignoring Andrew, not on if he could see what he was viewing.

"Oh my... is that you!?" Andrew was looking over Peter's shoulder. His camera was on the picture of himself tied to Nick's bed with TAKEN written with black letters.

"N-no!" Peter stuttered. "Well, yeah, but, uh..." Peter thought quick, "it was just Nick being a dork. I had him help me with a kidnap picture... yeah..."

"Wow... are you gonna post that on Facebook or something?" Andrew was interested, he HAD to get that picture.

Peter stowed his camera away while he went to the bathroom. At that point, Andrew quickly slid out the SD card and copied the pictures of Peter onto his own camera. Before Peter got back, Andrew had already been writing the first sentence of his letter to Winowa: "From Anonymous,... I think your boyfriend is gay. And here's evidence to prove it. It's Peter, just ask them yourself."

*** This episode is a "trailer" for things to come ***

Episode 6 coming soon.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Aug 31, 2010 8:39 pm

Episode 6: Deception and Lies

The next day, Nick walked to school side-by-side with Peter, who was profoundly disturbed by something.

"Peter? You ok?" Nick looked up at his friend.

"Something's not right..." Peter felt it too, ever since photography class yesterday. The two arrived at school earlier than usual, since they wanted to catch up after not talking for a whole week due to Nick's newfound relationship. They approached the flagpole when suddenly Andrew came out of nowhere and pushed Nick to the ground.

"Sucker!" Andrew whispered, and ran away, leaving Nick on the ground. Peter kneeled down immediately to pick up his friend from the ground. Nick was a little heavy for Peter, so it took him a while for Nick to get up. The two didn't notice it, but Winowa showed up just at the instant Andrew was out of sight. She saw how Peter picked up Nick, how they looked at each other. She held a note in one hand, and her phone in the other with a text telling her that Nick wanted to meet her here early to tell her something.

"Is this... true, then?" She faced both of them. They turned around. Winowa's eyes were lightly tearing, trying to hold it in.

"Hi Winowa,- why are you crying?" Nick asked and went over to her. Winowa took a step back for each step he took forward, until she straight up turned her back to him.

"I guess, it is love. Many people thought you both were... but I always thought we would've had something... special..." Winowa walked away.

"Winowa, wait! What are you talking about?" Nick was confused. Winowa ran away and dropped the photographs in her tearful fury. She cried and wouldn't stop, she ran, right into Andrew's coincidental arms.


Nick picked up the photographs. He recognized them right away and blushed. He picked up the note that lay next to him. He read it aloud to Peter.

"WhAT!?" Peter was furious. He looked at the pictures and realized his mistake. "Nick," he started, "if the whole school finds out about this..."

"I don't CARE what the whole school thinks!" Nick shouted with tears, "I care about Winowa!"

"I didn't know that this would happen," Peter was remorseful, even his eyes showed it.

"You knew about this?" Nick was becooming enraged at his best friend.

"I kept pictures in my camera... and Andrew must have stolen them when I wasn't looking..."

"Andrew... THAT JERK! Well, what can I do now!?"


Throughout the whole day, Nick tried to approach Winowa, but at each turn, he was rejected by her girl friends and Andrew. He couldn't get her alone. Nick couldn't take it... he needed her. He needed... revenge.

The following Friday, he and Peter concocted a plan to get Winowa back. The first step was capturing the bighead himself, Andrew. After soccer practice, Andrew went inside the lockeroom to change. He was the only one left since he was captain, therefore in charge of making sure the lockers were clear and clean. Andrew took off his soccer cleats and was about to take off his shirt, when he was pushed down. With his shirt over his eyes, he couldn't see who assaulted him. He shirt was jerked off of his body and was placed around his eyes. Before he could get a scream in, his mouth was filled with a white ankle sock (his own that he used during school). Someone held him down, but someone else put the sock in his mouth and was now securing it with duct tape.

After that, Andrew was stripped of his socks and shorts, leaving him clad in his orange boxer shorts. Andrew felt his body being ensnared by many ropes and his arms were pulled behind his back and tied crossed as his arms were tied to his chest. His legs were crossed and tied and before he knew it, he was being lifted. Was he being kidnapped? he thought.

Nick and Peter did their best to hold in their laughter as they carried Andrew to the huge recycling bin that they cleaned and got from Peter's house. Peter's parents had left for the weekend on business so Nick had the perfect setting for his revenge.

When the lid was shut, only a few muffles were heard, and the trash can moved slightly. Peter rolled the can down the streets to his house. Once, a neighbor had passed, asking him what was inside.

"Oh," Nick said, "just a school project. Except we think a skunk got in, so we're gonna go release it into the trail near my house." When they got there, Peter opened his garage door and let the trash bin fall to the floor, letting loose a wild and angry Andrew Summers.

"Well, he seems feisty..." Peter carried him upstairs to his bedroom while Nick followed behind. Nick had taken Andrew's phone and found a text from his mom: Dear Andrew, we left for our honeymoon cruise to Hawaii! We'll see you on Tuesday!

"Freakin rich people..." Nick took the phone and put in in his pocket. Peter threw Andrew unceremoniously onto his bed and removed the blindfold, revealing to Andrew his captors.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Wed Sep 01, 2010 5:48 pm

Peter and Nick simultaneously tied Andrew's legs to separate posts on Nick's bed, spreading out his legs, nice and wide. They decided to keep his hands tied behind his back. Andrew was shouting into his gag, but the other two didn't seem to be cared.

"Well, Peter," Nick said, "I guess now comes the fun part." Nick took off his own shirt, very slowly and put his legs onto the side of the bed. Andrew mpphed in confusion. Nick slowly edged his way onto Andrew's body so that his legs were separated by Andrew's waist. Nick was right over the boy looking down at him with lustful eyes. "I can't believe you, Andrew," Nick said, as he stroked his index finger in circles around Andrew's left nipple, and sometimes squishing. He did that with his right nipple to, and then both at the same time, each time moving his bare chest closer to Andrew's own chest. "How did you know about my true nature? How I lust for boys, sexy boys, just like you. Now I have you in my grasp, and I'll show you how much passion a gay boy like me can give to a boy like you!"

Andrew was horrified. He didn't want this, and he didn't want to be violated by this small boy. Andrew couldn't exactly describe how that nipple massage felt, but it was weird for him to be felt on by another guy! He tried getting Nick off of him, but he wouldn't budge. "Ooh, feisty!" Nick said, as he rested his head on Andrew's right pec. At that very instant, Peter took a photo of the two. Andrew couldn't tell because there was no flash, so Nick continued feeling up on Andrew., tickling his neck (making Andrew giggle and jerk around) and massaging his feet, to the point of ending up tickling them.

"Nick," Peter called him away from Andrew's torture of his feet, "come here." Nick went off the bed and out of the room. "These photos won't do... see his face? He's a little tense. No one's going to believe he may be gay unless you make him look... dreamily content."

"'Dreamily content?'" Nick asked. "Hmm... oh!" Nick went inside the room and went under his bed. After rummaging around a few seconds, he took out a box, and inside the box, the vibrator that Danny gave him was stored. "You'll like this, I know I will," Nick jumped on Andrew and dropped the vibrator down his boxers and kept it still with tape. Andrew was getting scared... he did NOT want to lose his virginity now, especially with Nick! He wanted out of the house, and frankly, out of the city. He was thinking about this when the vibrator turned on. At that moment, his eyes went wide and then smaller, like he had taken ecstasy. Again, Nick caressed Andrew's chest, and Peter took another photo.

"Perfect," Peter said. Andrew didn't notice, but he was about to get a taste of his own medicine. "Ok, Nick, let's let him go now."

"Nah," Nick pushed his fingers up Nick's neck, which caused him to elongate his neck. "I wanna 'play' a little bit longer... he's too darn adorable and soo hot!" Nick really knows how to get into character, Peter thought. Andrew was at that point drooling into his gag because of the vibrator, and Nick took that opportunity to go over Andrew's chest, and put his face dangerously close to Andrew's. Their lips would be touching if not for the gag, and Nick pretended to kiss Andrew through his gag, holding his head with his hands, while he himself closed his eyes. Andrew squirmed and jerked but their lips remain "locked" for a good minute and a half before Nick released him. "Next time, I'll take that tape off..." Andrew felt really hot at that point, Nick's skin was surprisingly warm, and his lips were no different. "well, I'll just take a nap next to you for a while... then we'll continue our fun." Nick turned off the vibrator, to Andrew's relief, but stayed next to him on the bed, curling his body to face him, and embraced him as he fell asleep.

In due time, Andrew fell asleep, due to exhaustion. He awoke in a cold place, however, he was fully dressed in his soccer uniform, his cleats were even on his feet. However, he was still tied up with ropes, duct tape, and a pair of hand cuffs. He recognized that he was in his backyard, and his gag remained the same. Andrew struggled to release himself, but the handcuffs made it impossible to get out by himself. He looked around for anything to help him and found himself next to the outdoor table. Dangling from a string was a key, the key to the handcuffs. However, Andrew couldn't see that the string was attached to a candle about a foot long. It was one of those skinny candles that decreased in height over time. The candle looked recently lit, and the table was too sturdy for him to knock they key down, even if he could move with enough maneuverability to knock it off. His legs were tied separately to his thighs. His knees were tied to his thighs, placing him in a frogtie, that allowed very little movement. When the key dropped, it would release him... but how long would that be?

Apparently, three hours. When the candle reached the length, the key fell by gravity's pull and it landed right in front of Andrew's face. In a short while, he was free. But he noticed a note and two photographs on the table.

The photos were of him and Nick in their supposed love session, another showed himself asleep while Nick put his hand down his... or at least it appeared to look like that. Andrew felt a strange feeling around his wee-wee... (well, thanks to the angle, it just LOOKED like it was down there x) ).

The note read: "tell Winowa that you blackmailed me, or this photo will go around the WHOLE school; I don't care if Winowa thinks I'm gay; as long as she's apart from creeps like YOU, that's all I care about. So we'll both be known as the gay boys of middle school. Your choice. -Nick"


Nick and Peter were walking up to the flagpole the following Monday when they spotted Winowa waiting near the front gate. She looked right at Nick and ran down to hug him. She rushed, actually. Her embrace was warm and repentant. "I'm sorry, Nick! Please forgive me. Andrew told me everything."

"It's okay, Winowa, I never was mad at you."

"I should have talked to you first before I assumed the worst." And then, as they embraced, Nick went in close to her face. They kissed for the very first time, not a long one, but a sweet and affectionate sign of affection.

Peter just looked the other way and into the distance. He saw Andrew looking at them, and gave a slight seductive wave of his hand. Andrew started, and walked the other way.

"Wow," Nicks said as they walked up to first period, "my second kiss ever!"

"Second? Who was first?" Winowa asked confused.

"Oh," Peter said, "just a friend that Nick was tied in knots over... but that was a long time ago" Peter added, in time.

He laughed, and Nick laughed, and Winowa laughed too, unsure of what the joke was, but happy that she was together with her boyfriend once again.

End of Chapter 6

Chapter 7(Preview): Brats

"WHY!?" Nick asked his mom on the way home from school.

"Because you're old enough to take care of your cousins. Auntie will pay you, too, so why are you complaining?" his mom wanted Nick to take care of his two cousins, Jerry and Chris. Jerry was a small 9-year old kid Chris was 7, but both of them were mischievous. Also, it didn't help that they were both almost as tall as their 13-year-old cousin.

"Fine," Nick said after a lot of persuasion. "But at least let me bring Peter, so he can keep me company!"

"Peter can come, but he won't be able to get there until Saturday." Nick was babysitting for the weekend plus Friday, as his relatives went away for the weekend. "Remember? He has tutoring on Fridays for school. Why don't you ever help out?"

Nick mumbled, "because I'm stuck babysitting..."

"What, ha?"

"Nothing, mom!"

Friday came, and right after school, Nick took the bart over to San Francisco, where his cousins lived. He didn't know that his cousins would be more than a handful... but just in case, he brought a few rolls of duct tape...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Sep 03, 2010 9:13 pm

Chapter 7: Brats

Nick stepped off the BART and headed towards the nice "clean" side of San Francisco. The suburban area was full of high houses and rich neighborhoods. He walked down the sidewalks to a medium sized house with a sizeable backyard.

Ding-dong! Nick's auntie opened the front door. "Hello Nicholas! Kamusta ka ba?" She hugged Nick to the point of suffocation.

"Ow! ow! Auntie! I can't breath!!" Nick said as his aunt released him.
"Sorry, ha!" she said, "I forgot how small you are!" His aunt led him inside and brought his backpack up the stairs. When she came down, she brought her sons, Jerry and Chris, who were both a few inches short of Nick's height. Both of them were wearing black shorts, a red t-shirt, and white nike crew socks, which they folded to look crumpled near the ankles.

"Hi Kuya Nick!" Jerry said. He and Chris went up to their cousin and gave him a big hug. Nick sighed a bit, as he knew that this was just an act, but he hugged them back anyway. Chris ran to the kitchen all of a sudden and went to watch TV in the dining room.

"Ok, Nick, we were just waiting for you," auntie said, "your uncle went to pick up something, so he'll be back to pick me up- oh! there he is!" she picked up a suitcase and headed out the door. "There's food money in the kitchen cabinet, and I'll call every night to see how you are! Ok, bye!!" and the door was shut. Nick felt as though he was being fed to the lions...


It was just as Nick had predicted: in a short hour, Nick was tired from running up and down the stairs, having to tell the boys to stop running and sliding down the stairs. Even though Nick told them repeatedly, they wouldn't stop till they got tired and went to the living room to watch TV.

At this point, Nick decided that his plan would initiate sooner than planned. "Oh Chris," he called to the younger boy. "Come here, I gotta show you something."

___________________________________________________________________ TBC (i gotta do laundry -__-)
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Post by Canuck100 »

Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:25 pm

In a few short minutes, after an intense struggle, Nick left a struggling Chris on the floor of his bedroom, hogtied with duct tape. A lot of it.

"Chris, I'll be back to finish the job, so just wait," Nick shut the door as the muffles of a distressed 7-year-old cousin faded with its closing. Nick had the roll of duct tape he had used to ensnare Chris, and it wasn't even halfway gone. "I'll have to fix that later," he said to himself. Downstairs, Nick found Jerry asleep on the couch, probably tired from running around so much. It made it that much easier to do something a little different.

Nick used up the rest of the roll, but succeeded in making Jerry into a duct tape mummy, where it started at his shoulers and ended at his ankles, revealing his white socks at the bottom. Nick gave his cousin's feet a little prod and he awoke in an instant.

"Ah!!--phhhh!!!" At the moment he opened his mouth, Nick stuffed a wadded bandana into Jerry's mouth. Using the little tape he had left, he taped Jerry's mouth shut, and wrapped it several times around his head.

"Now, Jerry," Nick said, "I know you guys thought you'd be having a chill weekend with me, but the instant you guys made me slip down the stairs, you gave yourselves a one way ticket to Payback City."

All of a sudden, the front door was knocked on. Crap! Nick thought. Did auntie forget something?? He shoved his mummified cousin under the couch and dashed to the peephole. Relieved, he saw Peter outside, with a suitcase. Nick opened the door. "Peter! I thought you had tutoring..."

Peter walked in. "We had a fire alarm - no fire - so we decided to end it early. Where's your cousins?" At that point Jerry's muffled cries reached him. "you didn't..." he looked at Nick, he was giving him his you-know-I-did smiles. Peter followed the cries to the couch and looked under. There, he saw Jerry's mummified body and beaming eyes, thinking he was about to be rescued.

At that moment, Nick pounced on Peter's bent body. He wrestled Peter to the ground, but then realized that he had no more tape! As soon as he realized this, Peter had turned the tables and used his own sweater to momentarily secure Nick's hands behind his back. "Stand." Peter commanded. Nick stood up and tested his bonds. Tight, but easily escapable. But his hopes sank when Peter opened up his suitcase to reveal foot upon foot of ropes. Peter quickly grabbed some rope and undid Nick's hands, quickly retying them using a ropecuff method. Peter then used a lot of rope to secure Nick's chest, using intricate diamonds and patterns to create a tight crotch rope over his friend's groin. He fastened it to his arms, making it so that if Nick tried moving his arms or hands, the pull would pull on his happy area.

Nick learned this the hard way, when he tried to force his hands out, then deciding to stay perfectly still. Nick's feet were tied together tightly at several junctions, but Peter didn't bother with a hogtie. He did, however, take off one of his black socks and force it inside Nick's mouth, and secured it with his own black duct tape. NIck struggled, but not as much as he wanted to out of fear of hurting himself.

"Now then, Nicholas..." Peter looked down at his struggling friend with no more than a smirk grin on his face. "I'm not going to do anything to you..." Nick sighed, at least he would be able to enjoy his captivity in peace. "No, I'll just let your cousins decide what punishment you deserve, for tying, or attempting to tie, all of us up!" Nick's eyes widened...

Within a few short minutes, Nick was going crazy. His cousins decided not to forgive their older cousin, and resorted to taking his position as the "babysitter" for the night. Jerry took a can of itching powder that he had bought from a joke shop and sprinkled some into Nick's pointy black hair, making his whole body cringe, necessitating a need to itch up there. This impulse made Nick's arms move by themselves, and unfortunately for him, the cousins didn't care for the crotch rope that hindered Nick's movement.

Mercilessly, they took off Nick's socks and tickled the soles of his feet. Using their combined weights, the cousins weighed their cousin down to the ground while they each took charge of a tender, small sole. Peter watched on from a sofa, as he relaxed. Nick looked by time after time to beg for forgiveness, but Peter just pretended to doze off.

Unfortunately, one time, he actually DID doze of, and when he awoke... well... HE was a duct tape mummy. "MPPH!!" said a sock-mouthed Peter.... he saved his friend's cousins! How bad could they harm him?

He was about to find out...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:30 pm

Peter himself was now completely under the control of the cousins. He and Nick were tied back to back, in just their boxer briefs, head to toe in long coils of rope. From what he could tell, they were in a really small closet, with hardly any room to struggle. Nick was sound asleep... well, he was blindfolded, so he couldn't really tell. With an effort, Peter pulled his torso forward, but felt something pull him back. At that instant, Nick jerked forward, and Peter felt an immense pain on his groin.

Jerry had rigged the ropes so that if either boy tried to struggle, they would pull on the opposite's happy area. How in the world, Peter thought, did a little 9-year-old learn to do that? At that moment, it seemed as though Nick was swearing under his gag. The two had no choice but to wait until the little boys were finished playing prisoners with them. Almost as a sort of mocking gift, Chris left a little clock that glowed in the dark hanging in sight of Peter and Nick. The first time they saw it, it read 5:00. Then 6 rolled by... then 6:30... then 7:00... After 7:30, Peter and Nick's stomachs were growling; they were hoping that the cousins' were too.

Just then, the door opened, and a wave of bright light hit both of them. Little Chris was standing outside, and asked, "Can you cook for us, please?"

Nick was about to throw his cousin off a bridge for saying that. But while he was thinking of ways to do away with him, Peter started to mumble in his gag. Chris took it off for him. Peter spit out a long black Nike sock.

"mhm *cough* I can cook you fried rice and chinese sausage, if you want," he said. Truth was, he really meant it. Peter was an excellent cook, after being forced to cook most of his own meals when his parents worked the night shifts.

"Ok, I'll let you go."

In a few slashes of a pair of scissors, Peter was released from his chair. He motioned to untie Nick, but Chris was pulling him away. "I'm hungry now!" Chris dragged him by his boxers (he was so small that he almost pulled them down), so Peter followed him out of the closet, with an angry Nick shouting all the way. Chris led Peter out of the closet near the front door and shut it, even locking the door. Before they went for the kitchen, Peter unlocked it.

Although Peter was only clad in boxers and socks, he didn't ask for his clothes. He cooked a meal for Chris and himself (and a bit more for Nick) but wondered where Jerry was. "Where's your brother?" he asked finally.

"He went to play Final Fantasy upstairs and told me not to let you or Kuya Nick go. But I got hungry..." Chris was eating, when Peter had an idea...

"Do you wanna get back at him, then?" Peter asked, still carrying a few ropes from the closet.

"Can you do it? He always ties me up and hides me under the bunk bed cause I can't win at smash brothers..."

Peter said ok, and told him to wait here. He crept up the stairs and found his clothes near the top. He put his shorts on and heard fighting music in a closeby room. He thrust the door open and rushed in... to an empty room...

He looked behind him and saw Jerry coming out of the bathroom, with his pants still unbuttoned. As soon as he saw Peter, holding rope and duct tape, he started to run. however, he didn't get far til he tripped over his undone pants. Peter squatted over the small boy and quickly took his pants off, revealing blue boxersorts with yugioh designs. He quickly grabbed both hands and taped them quickly behind his back and worked at taping his legs. Jerry was screaming an awful lot, so Peter took off one of his crew socks and cleavegagged Jerry with it to shut him off. When he was done, Jerry was almost a mummy. Peter then took the rope and tied it around Jerry's taped legs and bent them back, tying the rope around his exposed torso, hogtying him. Peter took his other sock and blindfolded the boy, leaving him twisting his head back and forth. Peter picked him up and brought him downstairs, where his brother was lauging at him.

Immediately, Chris's first instinct was to tickle his brother, which he did until Peter decided that he should be tied up too. So Chris and Jerry became mummy buddies, but Peter decided to use tape for their mouths and his socks for his blindfolds instead. He left them squirming in the living room as he went to untie Nick.

The clock read 8:15... Nick was furious when he was released... but decided to sleep it off.

TBC... very soon

Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:22 pm

At midnight, Peter came into the living room to see the two brothers in the same position as he left them. They weren't struggling, but he saw their chests heaving, so Peter assumed that they fell asleep. Nick came downstairs in a pair of shorts and red socks and ripped off the tape off of his cousins' mouths.

"OW!" both of them said, as soon as their mouths were free of their stuffing. Nick then grabbed both of them and sat on them both, holding two pairs of feet as he started tickling them mercilessly. All Jerry and Chris could do was laugh uncontrollably. Peter went upstairs and left the cousins to their own devices. Twenty minutes later, he was ready for bed, and he went downstairs to find the two boys re-gagged and renewing their struggle. Nick was sleeping on the couch and snoring. Loudly. So Peter just slept on the opposite couch, taking one of the blankets that Nick's auntie left for them.

Of course, in the morning Nick had to let them go... but the games had just begun...

CH. 8 coming doon
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Post by Canuck100 »

Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:14 pm

Ch. 8: The Day of Resting

Let's skip over to Sunday morning; the boys were all preparing to go to church at the nearby cathedral, as Nick had promised his aunt and uncle that he would go to church with his cousins, but also because he also had a few life issues that he wished to ponder on. Peter went along too, being agnostic but interested in the catholic faith. While Nick and his cousins dressed in nice polos, black jeans and Vans, Peter overdressed in a nice linen black longsleeved shirt, black dress pants, black dress socks, but white-and-black canvas Nikes.

"Peter, you look like a dork," Nick said. Peter didn't say a word, he didn't care. He liked to dress nice for special occasions. Jerry and Chris sniggered behind as Nick locked the front door. As the three walked down the dirty sidewalks of San Francisco, Nick and Peter walked together, behind the younger cousins to watch their backs.

Nick was lost in the world of imagination, while Peter pondered about life in general. They both wondered how they came to be, and why they are allowed so much, yet so little. They knew so little, yet so much about the lives that they were going to lead. How it led there, was what Peter did not know -and feared - about. Nick knew that whatever happened, he better make it happen right.

The mass lasted an hour and a half (a little long, due to the long homily by the residing priest). Peter felt comforted by the atmospehere of the huge cathedral, and wondered what sort of processes went into creating it. Nick dozed off about thirty minutes in, and the cousins were as attentive as a teacher residing over afterschool detention.

When mass was over, all four of them went for ice cream and pizza by the wharf. By the time they came back, it was a little after 3. Auntie would be back at 8:00 tonight, Nick thought as he opened the door to the house. As Peter took off his shoes, Jerry and Chris ran into him and knocked him to the ground, and sat on him. "Nick! A little hel-phhh!" Nick shoved a wadded bandana into Peter's mouth as he shut the door.

"We've decided to play a little 'secret agent' Peter," Nick said, "you are now my captive, after attempting to recover the lost jewels of Armenia." Peter tried to fight back, but soon Nick was on him as well, and the weight of three was too much for him.

Peter was soon tied to a chair, each arm tied separately to an armrest, and each leg tied to a chair leg with duct tape. His upper body was encassed with rope and tape, and his eyes were covered with another black and red bandana.

"Now, as punishment for intruding upon my personal affairs," Nick concluded, "you will be subjected to torture for two hours." He snapped his fingers, at which point the cousins laid the chair on the ground, exposing Peter's scantily clad feet in the air. His black dress socks were so thin, that his soles were almost visible. Each cousin took a position: the smaller ones took one for each, while nick got the neck and stomach area. Nick had unbuttoned Peter's dress shirt prior to tying his chest, so his bare chest was revealed and vulnerable.

"Let the torture.... begin!" Nick and his cohorts began tickling every exposed part they could put their fingers on. Nick played with Peter's abs as if they were the keys of a piano. He went soft and slow to fast and furious, and poop Peter had to take every second of it. The smaller cousins were no different, they attacked Peter's feet with no mercy, hold each foot still as they made Peter's chest rise with air intake, only to bring it closer to Nick's scratchy touches.

It continued that way for an hour until they heard the sounds of a car door closing.

"Oh crap!" Nick realized that his aunt and uncle had come home early, and so, using his midget strength, he shoved his friend, chair and all, into to small closet that held him and Peter just a few days ago. By the time the door was closed, the front door unlocked and his relatives came in.

"So how was everything?" auntie asked.

"Fine, just fine!" Nick was sweating, he had to act quick...

"So, did your friend leave already?" uncle asked.

"Oh yeah, he left a while ago."

"Oh good, so then come with us right now, we're going out to eat." And before he could say anything, Nick and his cousins were scooted out of the door and sped off to a local Chinese restaurant.

Peter heard the whole conversation and decided that he'd rather get caught than stay tied up in a dark closet for several hours. He scread loudly into his gag and wriggled as much as he could, but to no avail. He was stuck, gagged, and blindfolded in the dark. All he could do was hope for a miracle. Since Nick was too weak to lift the cair up, Peter was still flat on the floor, with his feet suspended in the air. He decided that THIS would be his blessing in disguise.

Using the force of gravity he pulled his legs down, hoping to either break the tape, or slide his feet out. But despite his best struggles, the sheer amount of duct tape used would not break. Peter grunted and laid there in defeat. Collected as he was, Peter could not keep himself from ravaging like a trapped beast in a cage. At that moment, he saw in his mind, a bright light. It was warm, loving, and surprisingly, not a n image of his imagination. At that moment, he pulled... and his left arm slipped out! Peter went on in disbelief, releasing himself. As soon as his arms were free, it took just a quick maneuver to release himself from the chair. He took off the gag and blindfold and threw away the ropes and tape somewhere secret. When he got his stuff together, he put on this shoes and ran out of the house and on the nearest BART home. He texted Nick that he was going home and not to worry about him...

That night, Peter laid on his bed and wondered: what was that bright light? Was it a surge of adrenaline that just happened out of nowhere... or, something else? In the intense darkness, how was he able to imagine such a light? He pondered... but fell asleep. The next morning, he thought nothing of it, and left for school.


Ch. 9 - Revelation: A Bit of Peter's Past

At the young age of 10, Peter wondered to himself, while watching such shows and movies with evil villains, how it would to be in peril. It went up to the point where Peter bought a pair of fake handcuffs with his birthday money, to try it out for himself..

By age 11, he wanted to know what a real "capture" experience would be like. So he asked his dad one day, "Dad, can you tie me up?" He, his father, and mother were at the dinner table eating a healthy serving of... rice... when his dad looked at him.

"Why?" his mother asked. She checked his head, 'are you talking in your sleep?"

"No, I just... wanna know what it feels like..."

"Well, I don't think we should.... Jon, say something!"'

Peter's dad, Jon, stood up and walked out of the room. Later that night, Peter felt a little scared and embarrased that he asked such a question. All of a sudden, his dad came into his room and came up to him. "I talked to mom... she's going to be out of town this weekend. Do you really want to be tied up?"

PEter's eyes widened. "Yeah!" So his dad told him that they would talk about it tomorrow morning (Sunday) when mom went to work.

So the next day, Peter and his dad talked about how they were going to do it. First, they went on a few sites and youtube videos for ideas, and check out tieupgames.net for more personal experiences. Peter wanted to be hogtied... and gagged. Peter's dad said, for an hour?

However, Peter wanted a long experience, to really feel helpless. "What about till the next day?"

"THat's TOO long," Jon said. But after arguing, they said that they would talk about it when the time came. So Jon went to walmart before Saturday and bought duct tape and ropes, as well as three spongy balls.

Saturday came, and mom left for a business trip in Idaho. After lunch, Jon told Peter to get ready and meet him in Peter's room. he told Peter only to wear underwear, so Peter took off his clothes and stayed in his purple boxer briefs.

"Ready?" Peter's dad asked.

"Oh yeah." Peter said. And with that, Jon tied Peter's arms behind his back, crossing his wrists and tying them tight. He then put a rope around his wrist and wrapped it around his body so that his arms wouldn't move up. Using more rope, he tied Peter's chest with more rope to keep his arms from wriggling. Using the two spongy balls, he told Peter told grasp them, as he encased his hands with duct taped as he squeezed tight.

"Anything you wanna say?" Jon asked. Peter replied no so Jon asked him to open his mouth and squeeze on a spongy ball that he placed in his mouth. He then taped his mouth with duct tape a few time, strip by strip, before wrapping his entire lower face with duct tape, all the way around. Then, using a clear plastic bag, Jon placed it over his son's hear, cutting a hole big enough for his nose (he wasn't going to suffocate his only son!) and duct taped his entire head, leaving only little slits for his eyes. After his head was encased, he said, "There, you are now thorougly gagged."

"Mmmm" Peter tried to say 'cool' but it came out wrong. Then Peter's dad put him down and tied his legs at three places. Then, he brought his legs up for the hogtie. Once he was done, Peter could hardly move.

"Ok, son," Jon said, "it's about one o clock now, so I'll talk to you in three hours, since we agreed on that yesterday." Jon left the room and went to work in his own room.

Peter was ecstatic and moved around, feeling trapped and helpless. After what seemed like an hour, he turned to his clock to see that it had only been twenty minutes! After an hour, he felt completely helpless, however, he didn't want to chicken out. His dad came in and said, an hour later, that if he wanted to be released then just say so. He laughed and said he was going to go downstairs and watch a game on TV, but at that moment Peter wanted to say 'release me' or something like that, but he didn't want to look like a wuss. So he roguhed it out for one more hour, and waited patiently for his dad to come in.... but he didn't...

Peter was wallowing on the floor, calling loudly. What if his dad went out to buy food? He did hear the car roll out, but he couldn't tell whose it was. He tried to move but found it completely useless. After ten minutes (4:10) there was still nothing. Then 4:30 came along.... and then 5:00... Peter was starting to feel tired (or was already tired, but didn't admit it) and scared. After 5:30, nothing, and after 6.... then, nothing....

Finally, Peter heard a rustling outside his room and saw that his dad came in. "Sorry! I fell asleep and forgot about you." He cut Peter's hogtied and took off his gag. He led his son to the dining room, where he fed him. "Why didn't you untie me yet?" Peter asked.

"I've decided that I'll let you live a little, so I'm agreeing that I'll keep you tied up till tomorrow." Before Peter could say his utter shock, the spongy ball was shoved back into his mouth and duct tape was reapplied. He helped Peter go to the restroom and then hogtied him on his bed. He turned off the lgihts and told him goodnight.

Peter was struggling and crying behind his gag. It was eight o clock, WAY too early to fall asleep. And his dad said he would untie him till 8 in the morning. After about an hour and a half, Jon came into the room and completely untied his son.

After the gag was off, he asked "Have a nice day?"

"Oh yeah.... I really thought that you would leave me!!"

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that...... Just don't tell your mother." Peter was laughing.

"Can we do this again one day?" Peter asked.

"I don't know... your mom only agreed that I could do this because she thought it would get it out of your system, but... we'll see."

"Thanks dad!" And with that Peter went to sleep.

However... that was Peter's only experience in TUGs.... until he met Nick...

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:08 pm

Ch. 10: Danny Comes For a Visit

The school bell rung, and Nick rushed out of 7th period to head home for Thanksgiving break. He had been waiting for this moment since school began. However, his hopes increased when he heard a week ago that since his parents would be gone till Thanksgiving Thursday, and since his cousin Danny was coming home from college to enjoy the holiday with his family, Danny would babysit him. That meant 6 days with his cool big cousin who, incidentally, introduced him to TUGs just a year ago.

"Nick!" Nick looked around; Peter was running towards him. "Did you forget something?"

"Huh?" Nick looked at his friend. Peter took out a sweater that Nick had left in Peter's locker. "Oh, thanks!"

"Next time, don't keep stuff in my locker." they both walked together and noticed that since they had rushed ahead of the crowd, the streets in the suburban area were quite empty... very empty. Asides from their presence, a strange white van strangely came up near them.

"Nick..." Peter whispered, "let's speed up a bit."

"Don't worry," Nick said, "someone's outside; no one would attempt something like that. It's probably a cleaning truck or something." The two boys walked a bit more quickly however, and the van slowed its approach near them. At the exact point that the two turned the corner to Nick's house, the man outside of his house went back in.

That's when it happened. The large slide door of the van opened up, and two men, garbed in all black hopped out and quickly grabbed one boy each. They quickly handgagged their young captives and picked them up as they struggled. A third man came out and removed their backpacks, throwing them into the back as both Nick and Peter, who were struggling as hard as two 8th graders could, were taken into the van. The third masked man slid the door shut.

Inside, Nick was quickly roped by the third man, while the one who grabbed him kept a hold on his mouth. Peter put up more of a fight however, so the man who held him decided to tie him up all by himself. A quick glance between the third and himself, the man released Peter's mouth.

"Hel-PHHH!!" Peter's mouth was stuffed with a wadded bandana, and tied in with another bandana. At that point, Peter's captive ensnared his amrs with many ropes. He elaborately did it, so that Peter's arms were tied behind his back and pinioned in place. His elbows were tied together an his chest was encased with coil after coil of hemp. While Peter's legs were being tied, Nick was already being finished off. Because of his small size, two men were easily able to overpower him and put him effortlessly into a tight hogtie. Nick's mouth was stuffed with another bandana, and his entire lower face was wrapped with tape. Peter's gag was also changed to tape once he was restrained in a hogtie.

"Ok," the third said. "We're done here, let's go." The other two left the two boys in the back of the van, hogtied and facing each other. The third blindfolded each of them with two long crew socks, that stunk like soccer sweat.

"Poor kid," third said, patting Peter's head, "I didn't mean for you to get caught up in this, but we had no choice. I guess it's what you get for hanging around Nick so much."

Nick was horrified. How did these kidnappers know who he was... unless... He started squirming, not knowing which way he was crawling. Maybe he could get Peter to ungag him.

"Oh! One more thing..." third used duct tape to cocoon Peter's and Nick's fingers, preventing them from interacting with each other's bonds.

"MPPHH!!" Nick said in anger.

"Hey, don't blame me! If I wanted you to escape, I'd have let you know."

Nick knew exactly what was happening now. He stopped squirming and screaming and remained perfectly calm. However, his intial "reaction" hadn't calmed down. Luckily, he was laying on his stomach, so that the cold metal floor suppressed his gender.

Peter wasn't doing so well. He started thrashing around, screaming into his gag and yelling help into his effective gag. The van then sped off, and the van travelled for about an hour and a half, before coming to a stop. All three men got out, and after a while, the boys were picked up and rushed into a building, or at least, that much Nick could figure out. The building smelled oddly familiar.

Then, Nick heard Peter's voice trailing off: he was being taken to another room.

"Alright, Nick," his captive said, "time to see if you're capable." Nick had no iddea what he meant, but before he knew it, he felt his pants unzipping and something going inside his boxers, being taped in place. Nick knew too late what it was, as the vibrator turned on and caused Nick to squirm and moan into his gag. "Oph...oph....mmmmmphhh" Nick tried hard not to let anything happen... so nothing happened. But the vibrations felt so good to him.

Unbeknownst to Nick, Peter was undergoing the same thing. Peter calmed down after his vibrator turned on, and his screams turned into yearns and moans.


The vibrator turned on and off in ten minute intervals, allowing ten minutes of pleasure and ten minutes of rest. After about two hours of this torture, third came into Nick's presence.

"Well, Nick," Nick felt his gag being removed. "What do you want to do?" By the time he spit out the bandana, the vibrator turned on.

"Ahhh...ah,ah, ah, D-Danny! Turn it off!!!" Nick was yelling to his cousin.

"When did you figure out it was me?" Danny said, amazed.

"When you were talking to Peter in the van. Your voice cracked a bit, and I could tell your voice apart."

"Darn," Danny said, "I knew I should've kept my mouth shut.""Yeah... hey, don't go too hard on Peter, he doesn't know like I do, and I think he's really freaked out."

"OH... I wouldn't say that." At that moment, Nick's vibrator turned back on.

"Ngg.... hey! Sto-phh!" Nick felt a scok being jabbed into his mouth. Duct tape was applied and his blindfold was finally removed. When he could see, he saw that he was in his room, Danny was staring at him, and Peter was right there next to him on the floor, holding the remote control for the vibrator.

"Haha! I don't know, Nick, your cousin's pretty cool. I can't believe you told me he's kind of weird." Peter had sealed Nick's fate.

"You think I'm weird??" Danny came up to him and went to his feet. Nick felt his slip-on black Vans being taken off. His feet were in black socks and one by one they were taken off. Nick felt as vulnerable as one could feel.

"Peter," Danny said, "can you get my friends, Nate and Vince? I think they came back with food." Peter left, even though Nick begged him to stay.

"Oh no," Danny said, 'I want to spend some 'quality' time with my little baby cousin." And Nick was tickle tortured for no end. His toes were played with, his soles were scratched, and all Nick could do was take it. Danny knew all of his most ticklish spots and exploited all of them, lifting Nick's shirt up and tickling his ribs.

After about 45 minutes, he stopped, tired and hungry. "Ok Nick," he said, "I'll be back tomorrow morning. It's about 7 right now, so I'll untie you tomorrow." Nick screamed and yelled and struggled, but Danny closed his door. Nick had resigned from struggling half an hour in, until Nate came in and untied him completely.

"Come on," Nate said, "I know it's harsh, but Danny didn't mean it. He was just messing with you." Nate smiled and the two of them went downstairs, where everyone was playing on the PS3. "Go get your food, we got L&L (hawaiian barbecue)." Nick ate as he watched Peter beat Vince in CoD.

"So, how'd you enjoy yourself, Nick?" Danny sat next to him on the couch.

"That was actually fun! But... don't do it again. Someone might have seen you."

Danny and Vince laughed, and Peter laughed too. Nate laughed, but it was more of a chuckle. Danny revealed that he and his friends were going to stay for the whole week, so Nick wasn't going to be as lonely as he thought. Peter also said that he would try to ask if he could sleepover lfor a few days. He checked his phone: 10 missed calls from Mom....

"Let's hope that I can..." Peter said with a disdained look on his face.

Ch. 11 coming soon: TUG the Movie
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Post by Canuck100 »

Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:10 am

Ch. 11 TUG the Movie

Nick and Peter were back to back, tied to two folding chairs that were intertwined with ropes. Their legs were tied to each other and everytime they tried moving their wrists, they pulled on each other's uniquely laced crotchropes. Both of them were gagged with a white nike ankle sock covered with duct tape and were blindfolded with Danny's long black underarmour socks. It was only 9 at night and Danny had prepared his cousin and his friend for a night long TUG session.

"Well boys, that was actually pretty easy..." Danny said, patting them on their twisting heads. They both mpphed into their gags but could not get a word out save for "eff oo". The boys were clad in nightwear: a light tee, fleece sleeping pants and black crew socks.

"We have a bit of a surprise planned tomorrow: you two are going to be the stars of my movie project iin filmmaking class!" Danny seemed excited. The boys grumbled into their gags.

"Oh, it's ok, you don't have many lines to memorize. Well, see you in the morning!"

Nick and Peter were untied early Saturday morning. The plot was revealed to them... or at least the beginning was. Nick and Peter were to play bickering siblings who had an interest in tying each other up; however, each of them always wanted to be tied up. Their fights would anger their father (Vince) who would subsequentially subdue them both by tying them up together on multiple occasions.

The movie started off ok; Nick and Peter were tied up together in multiple situations: hogties, chair-ties, and bed-ties, each sporting a new gag and ropework to make it look more like a montage of moments.


Note from Canuck : that's all I have! I don't know if there were other parts posted. Post them here if ever you saved them!
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