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Evening Entertainments

Big Steve, even though he was chained to the concrete block, at least saw people coming and going occasionally even if they did sometimes give his nose and ears a flick or even tweak his nipples in passing. Joe was just abandoned in the store and lying on the corrugated grille that formed the cage. Not the most comfortable bed he’d ever had.

Both boys were getting desperate to relieve themselves. Steve considered taking a surreptitious pee against the concrete block but he was far from sure about what the Sailor Boys would do to him if he was discovered doing so. He had another hour and a half of metaphorically crossing his legs. Joe didn’t dare urinate on the floor of the store, he could make a good guess what would happen to him if he did.

T-Boy wasn’t around to prepare dinner so the plan was that they’d send out for a take-away. They knew that, if they gave a code-word down the phone, the nearest kebab shop would deliver to a car-park not much more than two kilometres from the Log Cabin. To call that particular take-away a kebab shop is an under statement: they do pizzas, pies, chips, huge rounds of garlic bread, fish, chicken . . . need I go on? They are also generous with the extra free portions of chips and huge bottles of coke. Oh, and the curry sauce is superb!

Alex took the opportunity for some exercise. He said that living in the country some distance from the nearest bus stop was what kept him so fit. The fact that he swam regularly and worked out might also have helped. He could run. He could run fast. In spite of being built more like a sprinter, he could run fast over quite long distances. He volunteered to go and collect dinner from the car park.

Alex would be going alone as not even Action Man could keep up with him over that distance and the quicker the food could be got to the Cabin, the hotter it would be. Keeping a lookout might have given the Scouts a hostage for exchange (and a free dinner) but they hadn’t. Bad move. Alex changed into the athletics shorts and the old running shoes that he kept at the Cabin. He removed his favourite old blue t-shirt which, by now, had seen better days but Alex liked the way its tightness showed off his muscles. No, he wasn’t really vain!

The take-away rang to say their driver was on the way. Slipping a suitable rucksack over his bare torso, Alex was gone.

The next item on the Twins’ programme was deciding how they were going to eat their dinner. They had been offered nothing to eat all day and it must have been nearing seven in the evening.

Action Man and Evan went out to Joe and explained what would happen if he was “good”. He was left to guess what would happen if he wasn’t. Evan unlocked the two padlocks holding the lid of the cage down and Action Man hobbled Joe’s feet using the padlocks and a length of chain. Joe needed some assistance climbing out of the cage having not been able to straighten out for the last 90 minutes and having had the cage digging into whichever parts of his body were being laid on. With a reminder about not speaking to his brother, Joe was helped to the toilet. Not a moment too soon.

As usual the prisoner was locked in and afforded five minutes privacy to relieve himself and clean off. Evan and Action Man returned and removed Joe from the toilet where he was quickly replaced by his twin. Action Man tied a figure eight near the middle of a soft rope. Like Sam, he was a climber and used a figure eight follow through to secure the rope round Joe’s neck. Alex still had to learn that one: he normally tied a blood bite, slipped it over his victim’s neck then adjusted it. Two: the end result is exactly the same, a very secure non-slip knot that unties easily later on; but Action Man’s is the flashier way of tying it.

Joe’s wrists were then tied into the rope leaving his forearms lifted above the horizontal. That left a lot of rope for later. By now the balls that were used to gag prisoners had been cleaned. One was produced and offered to Joe’s mouth. He resisted but as Evan moved his hand towards his red boxer briefs, he changed his mind. It should never be said that Action Man was above learning from others: he got a belt and held the ball into place in the same way that Alex had gagged him. He knew how uncomfortable that was.

Joe was led into the cabin where he was forced to kneel before his ankles were tied into the rope holding his arms in place. Kneeling there with his ankles crossed and unable to raise himself from a sitting position, he wasn’t much more comfortable than he had been in the cage. He wondered why he hadn’t been blindfolded.

While action Man and Evan were securing Joe, Den and GP dealt with Steve.

When Steve saw his brother staggering out of the store he had an unaccustomed feeling of sympathy towards him. The way he was moving demonstrated that Joe had had a far worse time than he had chained to the block. He hoped he wouldn’t find out about the paddle cage until Joe told him about it later.

His chain was detached from the metal eye and Steve was forced to his knees while the other end was used to hobble him. Once his neck was free, Steve was helped to his feet and then he replaced his brother in the toilet.

Except that he had a split tennis ball forced into his mouth rather than the more merciful rubber ball that had been used on Joe, Steve was tied the same way and forced to kneel facing his brother.

Right on queue, Alex arrived with dinner. The rucksack was emptied onto the refectory table and Alex called out what was written on the paper wrappings. Tarzan was asked to put some plastic beakers on the table, Luke got the condiments and Budgie got the cutlery for those who didn’t want to use their fingers. Not many takers there. Who eats burger, kebabs and fish & chips with cutlery unless granny’s at the table?

Three kebabs, two mega-burgers with chips, two fish and chips and one each of chicken and pie with chips, two extra portions of chips, two curry sauces, one extra portion of fish and four litres of complimentary coke (oh, and two enormous rounds of free garlic bread) later, the Sea Scouts expressed themselves satisfied with their health-food feast. Several of them then demonstrated that there was no danger of their insulting any Arabic host that they may encounter in the future.

“More tea, Vicar?” “Excuse my pig, he’s a friend.” “It’s polite in some countries.” etc.

Throughout the feast the twins had to watch. That might have been the worst torture so far, especially as there didn’t seem to be anything left as their captors belched and discarded the wrappings into a black bag.

Just as Joe and Big Steve thought that it couldn’t get any worse, the fruit pies and squirty cream came out and they had more gourmandising to witness.

GP told the Twins that they were going to get some dinner but that they had another game to play first. Looking at Joe, it was obvious that a fair contest involving combat would not be possible so GP picked something else off the suggestion board. Looking at the board, neither twin liked what he was seeing. Even the bits they could understand didn’t seem that friendly.

“That one!” said GP dramatically pointing to the words “Nip clips” on the whiteboard.

Everyone arranged themselves where they could see. Alex got the jar of vicious little bulldog clips and placed it between the Twins. GP explained the rules.

“You will each have clips put on your tits and, perhaps, other places. The first one to submit loses. As soon as you want to give in, touch your nose on the floor and stay there; someone will quickly remove the clips. Winner gets fed his dinner, looser has to lie on his belly and eat out of a bowl like a little doggie.

Although Joe wasn’t looking forward to the “game”, he was glad he didn’t have to physically fight his brother this time. Both twins were turned to face their audience. GP gave their chests a quick fondling to prepare their nipples and Action Man restrained Steve while Alex held Joe. Evan & GP grabbed a clip each and waited for Sam’s call, “Right nipple, one, two, three.” As the bulldog clips were applied, Sam started the clock. Even gagged, the Twins’ squeals were far from quiet. After two minutes Sam called for clips to be added to the other nipples. Action Man and Alex stayed on station to prevent any attempts to rub the bulldog clips out of place. In spite of some spectacular writhings, the Twins didn’t even attempt the feat.

After a further two minutes neither boy had given in so GP gave each clip a flick when Sam counted down for another to be clipped onto the left ears. Still no result. These two were tougher than the Sea Scouts had expected. One more minute and clips went on to the Twins’ right ears. By this stage it was starting to look as though there would soon be a result.

After another two minutes Sam was becoming impatient and asked how many crocodile clips they had. Upon being told there were two he said that he would count down and then they were to be clipped onto the victims’ septums.

There was an almost instant reaction; Big Steve slumped forwards. The hog-tie forced his feet into the air. Action Man didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry to free him from his torment. He did lift Steve up in a leisurely manner and roughly pulled all the clips from his person while Alex was rather gentler with Joe. That was probably the nearest Joe was likely to approach to a smile for quite some time.

Luke brought in the food that Alex had left outside in a hay box and put it on the table. It wasn’t particularly hot by now but both of the Twins could have eaten a poorly monkey by that stage. Joe was told to crawl over to the table, not an easy feat tied as he was but he did mange it and Luke removed his gag and fed him a portion of chips, swimming in tomato ketchup and a still not too cold piece of fish. Poor Steve was left looking on. Surprisingly, Joe was offered a fruit pie. Less surprisingly, all he was offered to drink was water. He was then gagged again and ordered to return to his place.

By this stage Den had to go home and babysit his little sister while his parents went to a party. Den’s parents knew how to party and he only hoped that they would come home in time to enable him to return early next morning. Sam promised him that he’d video the bits he was missing out on.

Talking of which: it was Steve’s turn to eat. He was led over to the table, still on his knees, using the rope round his neck and Alex and Action Man lifted him onto the table. Everyone could get a better view of him there. He was tipped over onto his belly with his feet in the air and a metal dish of food was placed near his mouth. Even once his gag had been removed he found eating difficult but he was so hungry he tried not to waste anything. Obviously he spilt a fair bit out of the dish but GP made him wriggle round and eat it off the table. Steve was offered the camel pack but no pudding.

Alex got the tennis ball and the belt and Steve asked, “Permission to speak, Sir?” This was not the first time he’d been on the losing end of a game. He begged to be spared the tennis ball and asked for a smaller ball, like Joe’s, instead.” He then had to kiss Alex’s hand and the boon was granted.

Alex and Action Man lifted Steve down and forced him to return to kneel beside his twin.

The Sea Scouts had a post prandial relaxation break. Card games started, some boys went to use the fitness circuit. One or two even washed! The boiler was topped up. The fire was fuelled and the Twins’ noses and ears were periodically flicked.

At about nine o’clock GP said he had an entertainment to offer and that, after that, Budgie and Tarzan would have to go home. They asked if they could come back in the morning and were reminded about the need for parental permission. Luke, of course, already had this sorted out.

GP asked Evan to untie the prisoners’ ankles while he blindfolded them comprehensively with gaffer tape. He announced that he could tie up their legs without ropes, chains or tape. The others considered this, trying to find the snag. The others knew GP of old and no one would bet him that he couldn’t do it. He went ahead nevertheless.

The twins were marched out to the two cylindrical posts that supported the chinning bar, laid on their faces and told to raise their feet and cross their ankles. GP jumped up to grab the cross bar and demonstrated a manoeuvre that he wanted the others to force the Twins to copy. He wrapped his left leg round an upright, clamped his left foot behind his right knee and indicated that the next move would be to force his right foot behind the upright thus locking his left leg into place.

“Oh, whoopee. doop! So what?”

“Just do it and then lower the Twins to the ground and watch what happens. Trust me.” There was always something suspicious about how GP said that.

“OK, I’ll give it a go, come on, Alex.” offered Action Man.

“No, they both have to be done at once.”

“Come on, Sam, there’s no bet on this.” said Evan moving towards Joe.

Action Man lifted Steve and Alex twined his legs in the way GP had demonstrated. Evan and Sam did the same with Joe. On GP’s order Action Man an Evan lowered the Twins to the ground. The result was spectacular: there was no possibility of escape unless the captive could lift himself off the ground.

GP knew the really unpleasant aspect of the posture: in about ten minutes, the Twins’ legs would start to cramp. He announced that the loser would be the one to submit first. He’d think of the consequences later. The Twins were frequently asked whether they wanted to submit. They could shake or nod their heads in response. For the first few minutes they were wondering what the fuss was about. They soon found out. Steve was the stronger of the Twins but Joe was the more supple and, in certain aspects, the tougher and more determined.

After about eight minutes, Steve was begging for release.

Evan lifted Joe and Sam helped to free him then Action Man and Alex did the same for Steve.

Sam suggested that the forfeit should be a version of this afternoon’s event. The others thought that was a good idea and Joe was tied to the eye in the concrete block. After all, he was trailing plenty of spare rope. Steve was taken to the paddle cage and locked into it. It was a considerately tighter fit for him than it was for his brother. This time, however, neither boy was untied and it was starting to get a bit cool.

Sam reminded Budgie and Tarzan that their parents would be expecting them and they went for their bikes. Alex beckoned Budgie over as he was just leaving.

“Hand over the phone, Budgie.”


“I’m not as green as I’m cabbage looking. Let’s see the photos.”

Budgie looked at Luke. Luke’s last chance of blackmail photos to hold against his brother was evaporating in front of his eyes.

“Good try, Luke. OK, Budgie, delete them.” He didn’t manage to save even one embarrassing photo. “Ok, guys, see you later. Goodnight.”

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by Xtc »

Quite a long update coming up but it would be rude to leave The Twins in suspense for much longer, wouldn't it?
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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And So To Bed

“The art of good torment”, lectured GP, “is making the victim imagine what is going to happen to him in the future and leaving him to worry about it. At the minute those two are probably wondering if they’re going to be left like that all night. I MIGHT just have been encouraging them to think so.”

While the Sea Scouts just idled away the time before bedtime, they debated whether the Twins should be made to sleep outside, how they should be bound, whether they should both be tied in the same way and various other aspects of the situation. It was suggested that the remaining six Sea Scouts should share an Icelandic and that each of them would have to take turns guarding the Twins. Alex just saw that as waking everyone up at change of shift and offered to sleep in the Log Cabin so that he could hear if there was anything wrong. Luke offered to stay with him. Their offers were accepted and any bedding that needed moving was moved.

Eventually it was time to put the Twins to bed. Big Steve was unravelled from his cage. GP made suggestions that perhaps both he and his brother might spend some time together in there tomorrow (just to give them some company). It never hurt to give a captive something to worry about! That didn’t exactly comfort Steve as he staggered rather uncertainly into the Log cabin led by the rope round his neck. Now he knew how Joe felt after his confinement.

Other than the fact that he was feeling a bit chilly, Joe had had it comparatively easy. He was taken to join his brother in front of the fire. Action Man crossed their ankles and tied them while they knelt on the floor.

Alex asked if either of the Twins needed the toilet and they both nodded expecting their arms and legs to be released, instead of which Alex instructed his apprentice to get a jar. Joe had his hands released, was given the jar and told to use it. Even under those circumstances, Joe needed to go. Steve had, not surprisingly, changed his mind. Both boys were warned that, if they wet themselves overnight, they’d be gagged with their boxers in the morning. Steve was given another chance to change his mind but turned it down.

Joe, who still had his arms free handed the Jar to Sam who disposed of it while Joe was dragged over to the table and lifted up onto it. A stave was held against his back and his arms were clamped around it leaving it in the crooks of his elbows prior to his wrists being bound with a rope across his front leaving Joe sitting on the table.

Steve was dragged over to join his brother and the rope was removed from his wrists and neck. He was forced to sit back to back with Joe and his arms were pulled into place round the stave at Joe’s back. Once Steve’s wrists had been bound there was no way the Twins were going anywhere fast. Sam decided that, even for those two, staying gagged as they were overnight was unreasonable so he undid the belts and let them expel the balls from their mouths. They were given a couple of minutes to work their aching jaws before being instructed to close their mouths so that GP could wrap sufficient Gaffer tape round their heads to prevent their either speaking or seeing.

Sam, Action Man, GP and Evan departed for the tent and Alex wished his “guests” goodnight with an offer of re-fitting the rubber balls if there was any sign of noise. Joe and Steve were not going to get much sleep that night.

Luke put a few more logs on the fire, then Alex and he stripped down to their boxers, lay down on top of their sleeping bags and were soon asleep.

Hospitality Extended

T-Boy arrived early next morning to get breakfast ready. He woke Alex as he arrived but Luke, as usual, slept on. Alex put on his athletics shorts and running shoes and went for a morning run leaving T-Boy to guard the prisoners. T-Boy saw the Twins tied together on the table and sagging quite badly having had no sleep. He shook Luke and let him come round for a few minutes and get dressed while he dealt with the “guests”.

Taking out his knife T-Boy approached the Twins and cut the tape that blindfolded Joe. Every movement was, by now, agony to Big Steve who was very close to wetting himself. Even the offer of being gagged with his contaminated underpants wouldn’t be able to make him hold on for much longer but his gagged attempt to beg T-Boy to be allowed to go to the toilet was met with a simple, “Shut up!” and a sharp slap on the head. That nearly did it!

Joe found himself (and his brother) being turned round. His feet were left dangling over the edge of the table. T-Boy untied his ankles. He then pulled the Twins off the table; Joe was standing and leaning forwards but his brother’s feet, being crossed, couldn’t quite touch the floor.

“OK Luke, take these two out the front and keep an eye on them.” Luke put a belt round Joe’s neck, held on to the other end and led him out of the Log Cabin. He was forced to carry his brother on his back. Once outside, Joe collapsed leaving the Twins sitting on the floor. Steve could wait no longer.

The embarrassing dark stain spread across Steve’s by now rather baggy grey boxers and he wet his left leg quite comprehensively. He came very close to crying.

T-Boy cleaned the table and continued preparing breakfast. Luke guarded the crestfallen Steve and his smaller twin, who must have been able to guess what had happened. Even if he couldn’t, by the time Luke started goading Steve about last night’s threat, he would certainly have known.

The other Sea Scouts began to surface and took cold water washes under the outside tap before going inside for their early morning tea and biscuits. It was good to have T-Boy back again. No one bothered even to acknowledge the presence of the Twins, never mind started to torment them. They were left sitting in what Steve had just discharged. And, as far as the Sea Scouts were concerned, they could stay like that while they dealt with more important matters.

T-Boy announced that the “more important matters” were served and, with so few people to serve this morning, it was back to the full fry up with a fluffy mass of scrambled egg included. T-Boy even managed to produce toast on their gas grill.

Alex returned sweating profusely and pulled on his favourite old t-shirt. He told Luke to go and get his breakfast because the prisoners wouldn’t be going anywhere. He also told him to be prepared to negotiate his 24-hours imprisonment after breakfast. Action Man appeared at table bare-chested, shoeless and wearing his horrible old holey shorts. Sam, Evan and GP were fully dressed except for Sam’s bare feet and Alex had replaced his running shoes with flip-flops.

While breakfast was being taken, Joe made desperate attempts to manoeuvre himself and his brother out of the damp area on which they were sitting. Their “hosts” noticed but did nothing about it because they found his determined struggle quite entertaining.

Sam made the promised video for Den and before long Tarzan and Budgie arrived amidst a shower of gavel as their bicycles came to abrupt halts. They announced that they were allowed to stay overnight if anything was going on and that Tarzan’s mum had given them some cash for T-Boy to buy supplies.

Sam gave Den a ring to see whether he’d be able to arrive soon but there was no sign of his parents yet and he couldn’t leave his little sister.

“In that case, our guests are waiting.” announced GP. Sam over-ruled him and asked T-Boy if there was any breakfast for the Twins. He cut the remaining tape from Joe’s face and fed him a couple of sausages and a good helping of Cocoa-Pops and milk followed by a pull on the camel pack. Yesterday’s ball was replaced in Joe’s mouth and taped efficiently into place. Joe gave silent thanks that at least it wasn’t the strap this morning.

Having finished with Joe, T-Boy cut the gag from Steve who desperately pleaded not to be gagged with his wet underwear. “Anything you say but, please not that!” Having received no reply, he couldn’t be persuaded to eat so T-Boy gave him water and replaced the ball that had gagged him the previous day.

“Did you know that this hotel has a sun bed?” asked GP. “I wonder who’s going to use it? I think it’s . . . Joe! Upon this announcement he pulled the stave that was holding the Twins together roughly from between their elbows. Sam gave Joe a bottle of sun-block and told him to apply it generously. With his hands still cuffed he did mange to do so but with considerable difficulty. Evan and GP took him round to the back of the Cabin and allowed him a few minutes privacy in the toilet.

Once Joe was taken out of the toilet, he was laid out between the marquee stakes that Scott had hammered into the ground. GP tied a rope round each of Joe’s ankles and tied them through the metal rings near the tops of the stakes. This left Joe’s feet off the ground. The rope joining his wrists was untied and Evan used it to fasten his right wrist to another ring. GP tied his left wrist. Joe was now stretched quite tightly with feet and hands off the ground. A strip of Elastoplast stuck over Joe’s eyes completed his bondage for the morning.

Sam’s phone rang. Den was on his way.

While Joe was being “accommodated”, Action Man and Alex turned their attention to Steve. Wetting himself so publically had quite knocked the stuffing out of him. “Still need the bog, Steve?” Steve nodded. Alex freed his ankles and led him round to the toilet. After the customary five minutes of privacy Steve re-appeared having replaced his unsavoury grey boxers. “Get ‘em off Steve. You stink! You can’t stay in them.” If Steve’s face was not largely obscured by gaffer tape, genuine terror would have been witnessed spread across it. “It’s alright; we won’t gag you with them. Word of honour.” When any of the youngsters said that, it was absolutely binding so, in spite of being left naked, Steve removed his soggy boxers and his hands fled to hide his privates.

Sam asked, “Anyone got a spare t-shirt so we can make Steve a loin cloth?”

“Yes, use this smelly old rag.” answered Action Man, tugging on Alex’s precious, superannuated old garment.

“Piss off. Use a belt and a tea towel.”

“Or Tarzan’s Pompey scarf.”

“’Koff! Let him stick a bit of gaffer tape over his dick.”

After considerably more of such adult debating, it was decided to use a skipping rope and an old football scarf from the “toy box”.

The rope was doubled and tied tightly enough so that it wouldn’t fall down past Steve’s bum but not so tightly that it stayed above his hips. He was then given the scarf and he threaded it so that it hung down in front of him, and spread it out as well as he could without being able to see. That left his arse hanging out but at least it afforded him some privacy.

“OK, Steve, you won’t need sun-block; you’re going to be resting in the shade.”

That statement from GP was not quite the whole truth: The shear leg was in the shade but Big Steve would not be doing much resting. He was every bit as tall as Scott, who had built the thing and who had spent a fair bit of his own time tied to it, but he was built for stamina, not for strength. The Twins had been brought up as hill walkers since they were young. Most holidays would be spent in the hills or mountains. Their aerobic fitness was unquestioned and there was some doubt whether even Alex could outpace Joe over more than 5000 metres, especially if the terrain was not flat.

However, the mechanics of fastening Steve to the shear leg had to be considered. It was a good time for Den to arrive. Even at this time of the morning, his brain was working. He got Action Man to take a sledgehammer to the marquee stakes and, once they were loosened a bit, to remove them from their holes. The frame could then be lowered onto the ground.

Steve was forced to lie down on his back with his hands above his head. As his hands were still cuffed, the rope was passed backwards over the crossed beams at the top of the shear leg. After that, it was “all hands to the pumps” as the wooden frame was stood upright again. As he was lifted off the ground Steve’s arms slid apart and somewhat down the side beams. He was hanging by his wrists until the shear leg reached the upright when Tarzan helped his feet onto the cross bar. A few hefty blows from the sledgehammer pushed the triangular device into its final position and the metal stakes were replaced in their holes, hammered in a bit more and wedged into place using wooden tent pegs. Steve was left in a not too tight narrow “Y” shape. Sam thought, with the way he’d suffered already, that they shouldn’t bother to stretch his legs apart. The others disagreed. A game was called for.

Steve was reminded about the consequences of not playing and was told that on Den’s count of three he was to extend either one or two fingers of his right hand. Sam would do the same and, if he matched with Steve, Steve would be spared having his legs spread.

“One, two, three. Oaah! Hard luck, Mush!” GP got a rope and before long Steve had been drawn into a less comfortable “X” shape. But even GP didn’t pull his victim as tight as he could have done.

After about an hour someone suggested that their guests looked too comfortable and could both really do with a bath. So Den, Alex, Action Man and GP got a bucket each and went over to the trough. Joe couldn’t see it coming. First Action Man poured his bucket slowly and annoyingly over his torso followed by a breathtaking onslaught by the other three. Steve had no idea what had happened to his twin and received his surprise delivery very soon afterwards.

“Time for a rinse-off.” announced GP. The four boys got four more buckets of water but this time from the tap. Joe and Steve copped two bucketsful each. That was cold! With gags firmly in place, breathing was not easy for a minute or so.

The Twins were left more or less unmolested for the next hour while the Sea Scouts went about their own business. Luke managed to persuade Alex not to imprison him at least until the Twins had been released but, as both boys had made arrangements to stay, he agreed to surrender immediately afterwards.

At about one o’clock T-Boy laid out a light lunch. Alex made Sure Steve got something to eat and water to drink before taping his mouth shut without stuffing it first. Budgie did the same for Joe, who ended up surrounded by a fair bit of his lunch.

They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Lunch Is Over All Too Soon

After lunch Sam outlined some of the possibilities for the afternoon’s entertainment. The Twins could be ducked in the trough, they could have bulldog clips put on their bodies again, they could be covered in cow-pats (there were plenty of them in the Forest just outside the log Cabin) they could be staked out and have jam pasted all over their bodies to attract wasps, oh there were lots of ways they could suffer. They could even be used for target practice; fir cones and catapults and even Alex’s paintball gun were among the things mentioned.

It was a pretty good guess that the Land Farmers would send someone with clothes for the Twins in the evening and that would spoil the fun so the Sea Scouts had already decided not to prolong their suffering beyond the afternoon but the Twins were unaware of that. It had been decided already that both prisoners would suffer the cow-pat torture but not until later and it would be more fun to make the Twins fight to avoid some of the other torments.

Den wanted to know whether he could deal with the handicapping system this time due to Joe being smaller than Steve. It was decided, however, that Joe had been left better off than his brother over the morning and that should have evened things out a bit.

Joe’s hands were untied from the stakes, he was sat up, not easy with his feet off the ground, and they were very securely cross-lashed behind him and tied very tightly to his waist. The end of the rope was passed between his legs, pulled tight and fastened off at the front so that he could hardly move his wrists at all. He was only glad the rope had missed his most sensitive area. Joe’s feet were detached from the stakes and he was stood up and taken to the front of the Log cabin.

Steve’s release was also arranged but the loincloth he was wearing would have left him very exposed if he was tied in exactly the same way as his twin. Action man passed two crutch ropes under his arse, knotted them and attached them to either side of the hanging football scarf which he adjusted for Steve.

Following their recent soaking neither boy was particularly decent at this stage but the Sea Scouts couldn’t really care much, they just wanted to see suffering. Joe and Steve were made to stand face to face and their feet were hobbled to allow them no more than about sixty centimetres of separation. Their blindfolds were removed and the “rules” explained to them.

There was a circle that the Sea Scouts used as a wrestling ring marked out on the grass in front of the cabin. The Twins were standing in the centre of it, about a metre apart. The object was to push the other boy out of the ring or force him to have more than just the soles of his feet on the ground. They would not be untied. It would be the best of three. Loser gets a ducking in the trough. If either contestant refused to wrestle, or who looked as though he wasn’t really trying, would get ducked in any case but only after he’d been rolled in the patch of stinging nettles just inside the gate for two minutes.

On Sam’s call of “wrestle” the twins barged into one another. Normally Steve’s weight advantage would have shoved Joe most of the way out of the ring straight away but his recent treatment had, as the others assumed, somewhat sapped his strength and impaired his agility. His current attire also left him feeling somewhat vulnerable. The boys stayed chest to chest pushing against one another for some time until Joe managed to slip round to one side leaving his opponent lurching forwards. Being hobbled, Steve was unable to recover and fell uncomfortably to the ground.

Joe was made to kneel at the edge of the ring facing outwards as far away from his fallen twin as possible while he recovered. Steve had managed not to injure his head but the fall jarred him badly because he was unable to use his arms to break his fall. After about a minute Steve managed to stagger to his feet and return to the centre of the ring. Sam allowed him another minute to recover before calling Joe up to scratch.

Steve was obviously hurt but there was no way Joe was going to show any mercy. If anyone was going to be ducked, it wasn’t going to be him; neither did he want a visit to the nettle patch. The boys circled one another unsteadily waiting to catch the other off guard or off balance. Joe went for it. Steve dodged and Joe staggered forwards unable to stop himself and overstepped the circle. One fall each.

Joe quickly came up to scratch once more and the two boys faced off again. They took some time circling before Steve made his play. He lunged forwards, Joe tripped him and he managed to land on his arms. That wasn’t exactly comfortable but he did manage to protect his head.

Joe was immediately blindfolded with a neckerchief and laid face down prior to having his toes cable tied. That wasn’t something the Sea Scouts normally did but it was easy and was not supposed to last more than a short time. Another cable tie attached his ankle cuffs together. Joe was then threatened that, if he didn’t keep his feet in the air, he would “take a bath” alongside his brother.

Steve was forced to his feet and taken over to the trough. He was given the choice of having his gag removed but also his loincloth or of retaining both of them. Steve decided that he’d rather sacrifice what was left of his dignity than his ability to breathe deeply and nodded to indicate his choice as Sam repeated his options. The scarf was slipped out of the skipping rope which remained in place and the rubber ball was untapped from Steve’s mouth. He was left in no doubt that if he spoke even so much as a single word, the gag would go back in and he would remain naked until the Sea Scouts decided to let him go.

There was little fight left in Steve and he knew that resisting would prolong whatever ducking he was due to receive. Then they made Joe an offer: his brother was due to be ducked three times (a sort of tradition) for ten seconds a time unless Joe was prepared to take half the punishment. Blood may be thicker than water but Joe declined the offer. At least Steve knew what he had to prepare himself for and he could make sure Joe paid for his disloyalty later. Looking into the scummy water didn’t fill Steve with much joy but he knew it would soon be over and at least Alex had decided to relieve him of the crutch ropes even though his wrists were still tightly clamped to his back.

Sam and Den lifted Steve into the trough by taking his feet and shoulders and leaving him sitting with his head and neck clear of the water whose level had been depleted by the addition to it, and the later removal from it, of the Novices and by the bucketsful that were used to soak him and his brother earlier.

It wasn’t the first time that Steve had been ducked by the Sea Scouts and even by his alleged mates but he was glad that he wasn’t blindfolded this time; that was a bit more than frightening the last time he had suffered it. He couldn’t help thinking that he was getting the worse of the treatment and, in his current distress, it comforted him to a certain extent to think about how he was going to make Joe suffer once they were free.

Even some of his gaolers were starting to feel sorry for Steve.

“Ready, Farmer Boy?” Steve looked at Sam and nodded once. Den and T-Boy took Steve by the shoulders and pulled them backwards lowering his head below the surface. Sam’s ten seconds was counted quite quickly and Steve was brought back up again. He was allowed some gasping, coughing and spluttering time and asked again whether he was ready. When he indicated that he was ready, he was lowered again and Sam counted noticeably more slowly than he had done previously. Steve’s recovery was even noisier the second time but he still didn’t say a word. When Sam decided that Steve had recovered, he just said, “OK” and Den and T-Boy went ahead without warning but only for a very quick count of ten.

Den and T-Boy went to get the scum cleaned off their arms and Action Man said, “Well done, Mush.” while he and Tarzan, who was also bare-chested by now, lifted Steve out of the trough. And knelt him down. “Want a shower before anything else?” Steve was suspicious, what could that mean?

He was assured on Action Man’s word of honour that it just meant a coldish shower under the water tower followed by a drip dry. He accepted. He still hadn’t spoken. GP felt robbed.

After the initial shock, Steve sighed with relief as he took his shower. After about three minutes he was taken out and blindfolded with a neckerchief. He felt his lower face being towelled off roughly and then shrouded in the inevitable gaffer tape. Alex explained that he would replace his loincloth and Steve nodded to indicate his understanding. Once “dressed” again, he was returned to the usual kneeling position with his ankles crossed and bound.

By then, Joe had forgotten about keeping his feet off the ground. He’d have to suffer for that.

Budgie was sent to get a belt and fasten it tightly around Joe’s thighs and a large cable tie which he used to draw Joe’s feet towards the belt. By the time he had finished, they couldn’t have been any closer. Joe was then exposed to a “free tickling” session from anyone who wanted a go. There was no shortage of takers who kept him occupied for a good hour. Gagged as he was, gathering breath wasn’t easy and most sounds resembled snorting. Once more it was surprising how much writhing such a tightly bound boy was capable of. Joe thought he should have taken up the initial offer of a ducking.

Steve felt better for that!

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Well! Sometimes what goes around comes around more quickly than anyone might expect.

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Between these two groups, tihngs come round with remarkable frequency.
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Post by Werdify »

About every other chapter, you seem to introduce me to a completely new concept! I don't know if it's the British or my ignorance - probably a mix! Either way, I love it! Lucky guys!
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They are an inventive lot who have developed their techinques and honed their skills over successive "generations".

Thanks for the appreciation.
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What follows is the penultimate episode of tihs story.
Any responses would be welcomed.
OK back to the polite local customs . . .
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The Final Games.

It was time for a final game. Sam announced that it would be an educational one. It would involve what he described as inter-disciplinary enquiry. He was probably the best bullshitter in the Troop. One of the recent official activities involved each patrol making a working model of a medieval siege catapult and testing it using pebbles, fir cones, marbles, other people’s shoes, etc. GP wondered if they’d be able to use diseased bodies like the real crusaders did. They were certainly big enough to launch small mammals into the air. The leaders vetoed the idea!

If only the Twins could see. The sight of Evan and GP in their rubber gloves and taking wheelbarrows and shovels off the site would have caused considerable alarm. They were searching for ammunition. While they were gone, no fewer than three of the siege engines were assembled and lined up on the path. Each one would have its crew of three but, because of the nature of the ammunition, the lads decided that it would be better if T-Boy, as the chef, did not participate.

Each catapult had its springs tested and experiments were made with the range and each one had a small plastic bowl and a pair of rubber gloves placed by it. Once GP and Evan returned, all that was needed was a target.

Whilst the ammo was being collected and the devices equipped and tested, Alex and Action Man retrieved the stakes that had formed the “sun-bed”. They hammered them into the ground in a rectangle measuring about a metre by two metres quite close to the side hedge. Sam and Den got three old sheets of corrugated iron that were kept leaning against the store and propped them against the hedge behind the rectangle of stakes. A few wooden tent pegs held them in place.

Den and Sam went to collect the targets. Den untied Steve’s ankles and led him round to where the shooting galley had been set up where he hobbled him again leaving about forty-five centimetres between his ankles. Sam relieved Joe of the painful tie that he had been enduring for over an hour. He cut the cable ties and lengthened the hobble. Joe took the opportunity of lying straight for a while. Sam turned Joe over and untied his crutch rope. He was almost starting to be grateful. He was then marched to stand next to his brother. Den tied a loose loop between Joe’s left elbow and Steve’s right one. The boys could move only about thirty centimetres apart at their nearest point.

Alex tied a loop of rope that went through the rings in two of the stakes and between Joe’s legs in a loose triangle. Once Action Man had done the same to Steve, the Twins were capable of a small amount of lateral movement. They were left trying to figure out what was happening while their hosts awaited the return of GP and Evan.

They soon arrived triumphant. “Sorry, Lads, it’s got a bit dried out on the surface but the middle’s still good and squidgy.”

“That’s OK, if it dries out we can always slosh a bucket of water in.”

Steve wasn’t sure but he thought he had detected what Evan and GP had brought back; perhaps the deprivation of his sight had made his nose more sensitive. Budgie removed his blindfold. He was right! He removed Joe’s blindfold as well. That was just to rescue the neckerchiefs. Tarzan removed Joe’s gag to rescue the ball. But Luke immediately taped his mouth again.

The Twins could now appreciate the full horror of their predicament. Although they could move, they could hardly avoid the trajectories of the missiles launched by the siege engines.

Each machine had a generous bowl of quite loose cattle dung loaded into its bucket and was put under tension. Each one of the Twins tried to move when he noticed that he was in line for a faceful but that usually pulled his brother into range of one of the other catapults. The resultant struggle was in the words of the old saying, “better than a show”.

Before anyone fired, T-Boy arrived with some goggles that seemed to have been “borrowed” from a school lab. He put them on the Twins, asked, “Any last requests?” and retired quickly before he got caught up in any “accidental” discharge from the catapults. “OK Boys, fire at will!”

The machines were fired repeatedly for about a quarter of an hour. Ranges were adjusted, the charges in the buckets were adjusted the angles of attack were adjusted until the “gunnery crews” were happy. And the targets weren’t.

The Sea Scouts examined their work admiringly. There was cow shit all over the corrugated iron but that could be hosed off afterwards outside the hedge. There was cattle dung all over the ground between the twins and the iron sheets but that was alright too because the dung beetles would see to that when it had dried out a bit. But, best of all, there was plenty of bovine crap all over their moving targets.

The crews took a well-deserved rest from their labours. The Twins struggled mightily to escape. And T-Boy brought out refreshments – but not for the Twins.

Before the next round of artillery practice, Alex and Action Man released the Twins’ wrists from their waists. This allowed them a slightly increased range of movement but, even better: every time Joe moved as far as he could to the right or Steve to his left, they wrenched each others’ arms where they were no longer so firmly tied in place. The term “brotherly love” didn’t quite describe the terms that they were desperately trying to use in respect of each other.

“Gentlemen, are you refreshed?” asked T-Boy. Upon receiving the affirmative, he repeated, “Fire at will”. And they did!

A further fifteen-minute onslaught ensued after which there was hardly any unadorned flesh visible on the front of the twins’ torsos and precious little elsewhere.

Once the ammunition had run out, the Sea Scouts recognised that there was always a price to be paid for having fun and set about clearing up. The twins were left to dry for a while.

The iron sheets were carried off the premises, hosed down and disinfected prior to being propped against the store again as though nothing had happened. The wheelbarrows and shovels were treated similarly as were the plastic bowls. The catapults were dismantled and the various bits cleaned and stored. Care was taken to avoid “that” side of the grounds for a few days but nature didn’t take long to clear it.

The Sea Scouts didn’t seem to be in any hurry and Steve and Joe were ignored, simply being left to experience the odd sensation of dung drying on their persons.

For the next part of the plan to work, someone had to attend to the twins. No one was too keen to approach them. However, someone had to do it. Sam has many admirable characteristics and one of them is that, when the chips are down, he won’t ask other people to do anything he’s not prepared to do himself. What a good thing that he’d already decided to put his boots on! Sam waded through the accumulated dung, went behind the Twins and tied their “inside” elbows closer together. After removing the goggles and throwing them into a bucket, he took a generous amount of gaffer tape and blindfolded Joe once more but not Steve.

Seeing Sam getting on with it, Action Man signalled Tarzan to come with him and help remove the ropes attaching the Twins to the stakes. The ropes were quickly dumped into the bucket of water and disinfectant. Cleaning them off would be a nice job for someone later.

Sam called the prisoners to move forward out of the “contaminated” zone. It was, of course, almost impossible for them not to tread in something, especially Joe. But, by then, they were more or less past caring. When the duo was clear of the path, Sam tied Joe’s left ankle to Steve’s right, just like a three-legged race. There was some discussion as to whether the Twins’ wrists should be re-attached to their waists but no one wanted to get that close so they were left as they were.

So, to recap: the twins were attached by their inside ankles and elbows, Steve was gagged, Joe was blindfolded and they were both covered head to toe in dried cow shit. Oh yes, and Action Man had tied their wrists so there was no chance of working them lose unless the knots could be undone.

Sam made his surprise announcement: that the Twins were free to go. Joe and Steve didn’t understand.

“And just to make sure you go quickly, Tarzan and Budgie have brought their catapults with them.” The two boys were both keen anglers and, when they went home overnight, they collected the catapults that they used for scattering ground-bait. In the meantime they had also amassed a large number of fallen fir cones. They were braced and ready to fire!

“No!, No, you can’t do that!” The first volley proved Joe wrong.

He tried again, “Please!!”

Steve’s muffled swearing as both fir cones hit him wasn’t of much use as a plea.

“That’s not the way a prisoner pleads, Joe! If you’ve got something to say, you know what to do. Load up, you two but hold your fire.”

The Twins had expected to be released later when their fellow Scouts could bring clothing for them. They didn’t want to have to walk five kilometres through the Forest as they were, nearly naked, tied together and covered in faeces. The Log Cabin was fairly remote but “their” home section of the Forest was often frequented by walkers and cyclists, especially in school half-terms and holidays. Even if they could untie each other, the other considerations could not easily be moderated.

Steve knew that they’d both have to get into the begging position and started struggling to his knees drawing Joe down with him. If the Twins had to choose which of them would enter into negotiations with the Sailor Boys, it would not have been Joe; the Sea Scouts knew that.

“Permission to speak, Sirs?”

“Not good enough. Open fire!” By the time Sam said that, the two “marksmen” had positioned themselves and took aim at the twin’s backsides. Direct hits!

“P – p - permission to speak, Masters?” Steve then drew Joe down so that they both had their noses on the ground. One more volley hit the supplicants directly on their very exposed, especially in Steve’s case, arses

“Permission granted. Don’t get up. Say what you want to stay.”

Joe had to think. How was he going to do this? He wished that it was his brother’s gag that had been removed. Both Twins were inhaling a fair bit of dust.

“Mercy, please.” was Joe’s first offer.

“More specifically?”

“Don’t make us walk home like this, please.”

“Manners! Open fire!” Two more fir cones were launched but only one hit the target: Joe. “What do you mean?”

“Please, Masters, don’t leave us covered in cow dung, please don’t make us walk home nearly naked. Please untie us before we go. I beg you!!

Sam seemed happier with this request. “Wait there. We’ll make our decision.” Leaving Tarzan and Budgie armed and dangerous, the others went into the Log cabin to discuss the situation. They had already guessed that the Twins could be persuaded to beg. All they had to do now was decide how nasty their final offer was going to be.

Tarzan and Budgie entered into a bet (usual stakes, they were really getting into the TUGs club culture) and took it in turns to nominate a backside to hit. Every time the fir cone went on target, they had to take a step backwards. The loser was to be the first one to miss. After five hits, Budgie missed and the Twins were spared any future target practice.

Tarzan made his demand, “As soon as the Twins leave, you’re mine!”

“I submit.” And the boys used “that” handshake.

The rest of the Troop appeared and made their offer: the twins had to apologise, very humbly, to the flag they stole because it had felt very sad hanging on their wall.

“And it had better be a VERY humble apology or there’s plenty more fir-cones in the Forest.” Steve hoped that he could go first; he was prepared to say ANYTHING so that he didn’t have to walk through the Forest in a loincloth. He also knew that he had more of the gift of the gab than his normally monosyllabic twin.

Sam explained that the twins were going to have to kneel down, kiss the flag and apologise to it. They couldn’t have people covered in cow shit kissing their flag so they’d have to shower first. After a successful apology, Sam would call Vic (another chance to humiliate his brother!) and get him to bring some clothes.

“Do you think you can do that?” asked Sam offering his foot to Steve who nuzzled it and the other one once it had been offered and tried to answer.

Joe couldn’t see but, having Sam’s foot forced under his nose, he soon got the idea. He kissed both Sam’s feet and answered, “Yes, Sir”. Sam let it go.

“OK. You can lift your heads.” The Twins, still being attached, struggled to kneel upright. It all added to the gaiety of the Sea Scouts. “Stand up.” Even more struggling ensued while Sam complained about having cow crap on his boots.

Joe and Big Steve were ordered across to the contaminated side of the path again where Den hosed them down thoroughly. Even on a warm spring day, the shock of the cold mains water made the Twins gasp and writhe, unsettling one another in a manner very pleasing to their captors. They were then ordered to the shower.

Once in place the Twins had a chain fastened between their necks and attached to opposite supports of the water tower. They had been allowed quite a bit of slack. Sam told them to untie themselves. They manoeuvred a bit; Steve could see but couldn’t help Joe know what to do and Joe could speak but couldn’t see the situation in which they found themselves. There was not enough slack to allow Joe to remove Steve’s gag or Steve to allow his brother to see. They would have to start by untying their wrists.

Steve moved to be back to back with Joe and Joe told his brother to try to untie him. After some fumbling and stumbling, Steve found the final knots and, eventually, untied them. That enabled the tightening turns to be unwrapped. Untying the next knot took longer but, once Steve had done so, the rope was easy to loosen until the final clove hitch was located and removed. The rope fell to the floor and Joe’s arms were free.

Joe quickly removed his, by now, very sweaty blindfold and, with some difficulty, the rope connecting his elbow to his brother’s. The chain would not let him bend down far enough to separate their ankles so he turned so that he could get a better sight of his brother’s wrists. It only took about five minutes to free Steve’s wrists and not long to remove his gag.

Perhaps the most amusing part came next: watching the twins staggering round on one foot each whist trying to free their ankles.

Sam looked at his watch. “Who had 35 minutes and 42 seconds?” Tarzan was nearest, Action Man was furthest away; he thought he’d made a better job of it than that. They agreed that the result would reduce Tarzan’s sponsorship debt to Action Man to twelve hours.

“OK Guys, you’re screened off. Strip.” The Twins were only too pleased to do so. They quickly found the levers that opened the valves and almost relished the chance to rub their fingers through their matted hair removing great chunks of cow-pancake as they did so. T-Boy threw them a couple of tea towels to sponge themselves down with once they had removed all the shit. The day was now hot and the prolonged cold shower was the highlight of their past two days.

Joe’s Pierre Cardins had been consigned to a plastic carrier bag along with Steve’s wet boxers and thrown towards the gate and the skipping rope and scarf that Steve was wearing got dumped on the, as yet unlit, camp-fire. The twins were left to drip dry.

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Post by Xtc »

At last!
What follows is the final part of the story.
The feud, however is not over.
After all, it keeps them out of trouble.
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A Fond Farewell

The flag was lowered but not, of course, to the ground and removed to the Log Cabin where it was laid out on the table.

Once the Twins had had about an hour to dry off they were offered two large triangular bandages and a roll of gaffer tape and told to do their best as far as clothing was concerned. Steve tied his round his waist, square point downwards. He held it into place with several rounds of tape around both his waist and the bandage. He then pulled the point between his legs and up to his waist at the back and, with some difficulty, taped it into place with several more layers. Not being content, Steve then put more tape over the bandage until the gaffer tape resembled a black jockstrap holding a nappy in place.

Joe just folded his bandage several times, used it to protect his manhood from the gaffer tape and taped it comprehensively into place. His garment resembled a padded thong.

Once “dressed” Steve and Joe had their hands taped behind them, palm to palm. Their elbows were then taped closely together and their arms taped to their torsos. The sticks that gagged them originally were placed in their mouths and pulled very firmly into place and their eyes covered with the neckerchiefs that had been “rescued” before the medieval catapult torture.

Alex and Luke unlocked the ends of the chain from the support pillars and led the Twins into the Cabin where they were made to kneel in the customary manner.

Was there time for one more game? Yes, there must have been to decide who would go first. The Twins were separated and each one had his lower legs taped together from his ankles to his knees. The contest was to be to get to the far wall before the other contestant. Any way they could. After an initial pathetic attempt at crawling, Joe gave up and rolled but, unfortunately, by the time he lay down he was out of line and started heading on the diagonal, a much longer distance. Steve was more analytical; he turned sideways and flattened himself straight away. He quickly rolled to the far wall.

“OK Steve,” said Evan, “first or second? First? Steve nodded. At least he could give Joe some idea of what to say.

Joe was ignored as he was lying in the corner and Steve was hauled up onto the table. His blindfold was removed and the tape cut from the back of his head allowing him to spit out the stick on which he was biting.

“Kneel down. Get your nose onto that flag and apologise humbly and sincerely. And kiss it better.”

Following GP’s instructions, Steve complied. After all he had been through, he didn’t have much dignity left to worry about, but his time would come! The way Steve spoke, you could almost have believed that he meant it. It was skilfully judged, effusive but not too obviously taking the piss. He then kissed the flag many times until he was told he could stop.

Steve was helped to the ground and blindfolded and gagged again. He was replaced by Joe, who, once he had started, was warned to make it more detailed. He did his best and the Sea Scouts knew that. It wasn’t the first time the Twins had been on the other side in the inter-Troop feuds. He was made to spend more time kissing the flag and fell onto his belly whist he did so.

Once GP had declared himself satisfied, Joe was blindfolded and placed alongside his brother.

Sam got his phone out and dialled Vic’s number.

“Joe wants to speak to you. Shut up and listen, he hasn’t got long.” That took Joe by surprise. Sam placed the phone by his mouth. “You’ve got ten seconds. Talk.”

Joe quickly had to think what to say. “Vic, please, bring our clothes, we need new underwear too. Please be . . .”

“Time’s up.” and Sam removed the phone from Joe while GP gagged him again. “Sorry, he can’t speak now. ‘Bye!”

Sam’s phone went, “Talk to me, you scrawny git.”

“No, sorry, no time. Don’t be long.” And Sam hung up.


The Scouts were already gathered at the Cottage. Now they had to decide what to do. Perhaps the Twins were about to be released. It could be a trap. Should they go mob-handed?

Jamie said that he’d go but Vic knew that the only way Jamie would get onto the premises was as the Sailor Boys’ prisoner. He knew that he could get safe conduct as long as he was prepared to humiliate himself. Scott offered to go too. Was that predictable?

It was eventually decided that Scott and Vic would take the Twins’ rucksacks so that Jamie could stay behind with Long Tom and the others to plot the Scouts’ revenge.

Vic had already prepared himself for his brother’s demands and was wearing white Speedos under his clothes. Scott was quite prepared to strip down to his black Calvin Kleins if necessary.

Vic rang Sam, “We’re on our way.”

“I don’t care, Shorthouse, but be quick.”

Scott and Vic ran to the Log Cabin as quickly as they could. Scott paced it to suit Vic who wasn’t as fit as he was. He encouraged his partner all the way.


When they came to the gate, Scott called out while Vic started stripping off.

They saw the Twins kneeling in the customary position facing the gate. They looked exhausted and presented a very bizarre appearance, especially with the words “Thieving Farmer Boy” inscribed on their fronts in waterproof marker. At least their legs weren’t taped in any way. GP had been out-voted on that!

“Say nothing. One word and they stay.” instructed Sam. “Just Vic, nice to see you’re dressed for it, Little Brother, come and get these two off our premises. They can dress outside the gate.

As Vic approached, Budgie and Tarzan prepared to fire in case the process took too long. Vic took one boy in each hand, helped them both to their feet and rushed them out of the gate as Budgie and Tarzan took pot-shots. Scott led the Twins out of sight of the Sea Scouts and out of catapult range while Vic collected his clothing. About ten minutes later Steve and Joe were tape free and dressed and heading for the Cottage to start planning their revenge. The four Scouts didn’t even wait for the customary exchange of threats and insults. Neither did they take the bag of contaminated underpants!

The lookouts returned to the Log Cabin and the Sea Scouts ate their Victory Dinner.

The flag was flying again.

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Post by blackbound »

Bravo, Sir. Bravo!

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Thanks you, I'm glad you still approve.
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Post by blackbound »

Yes, I really liked it. Inventive and non-repetitive. Just the right length, too, and ripe for sequels.

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Thank you. There are sequels and I'm thinking about whether it's worth revising them.
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Thanks for the encouragement [mention]blackbound[/mention] .
Here's the next in the "TROOP v TROOP" series.:
It's just a quickie.
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A Question
What should I post next?
1) a short side-story involving Scott, Action Man, Evan, and GP from the "Land Farmers and the Sailor Boys"
2) the next short tale involving the St. Luke's TUGs club

All responses would be valued

(My apologies to those who have already responded on the "Games on Henshade Hill", but I wanted to catch the attention of the fans of this story too.)
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Post by Killua »

So, I finally started reading your story again. I already started reading it some time ago but I had not the time to finish it. Originally I just reached the "Sacrifice". Now I decided to start from the beginning again because I forgot some of the important parts. Anyway, I haven't commented yet and found out that it's quite hard to comment on the whole story in one comment because it's a long story and I wouldn't catch the earlier parts with that.

So, I want to comment on your parts while I'm reading them, so I won't have the problem again to be not able to say something about the earlier parts because I already forgot the details. I hope it won't be too anoying for you.

I just finished the first 3 chapters/parts ("At the cottage")
I still love the way you describe everything. Your story is really comfortable to read because you described it that well. I like the ideas how they are tied in such different positions, especially Scott's hanging. Poor Jamie, 5 km walk through the forest tied with the arms far up between his shoulder blades is surely uncomfortable and getting seen like that by strangers on their way and telling them it's just a game is surely embarrassing as hell. But I guess it's a well deserved punishment for stealing their flag. I like how you always describe exactly how they are tied because I don't want to imagine it all by myself only to discover that the way I imagined something was completely wrong.

This time I'll surely finish reading your story.
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Post by Xtc »

I'd be delighted if you would provide a "running commentary". I'm happy that you have chosen to re-read the tale, [mention]Killua[/mention] .

I enjoying describing the ties - after all the clue is in the name of the site! Don't worry too much about the lads: Scott asks for it and Jamie is tough. Not one of them has been forced to take part in the feud; it's all a matter of honour and it keeps them off the streets.

I wonder if you should not be allowed to imagine the situations for yourself; I am aware that I am a control freak. I wrote a very different style of tale on DA ( ... ess-and-me) and asked people to tell me how they imagined the protagonist. They all got it wrong! No, but seriously, they had all created an image that suited themselves. Your imagination is not necessarily wrong; just a piece of creativity on your own part.

I have some bad news: an upcoming story is another long one!

Thank you for taking the time to comment.
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Post by StephenMOR »

Post writing is also a fun, if you be acquainted with after that you can write otherwise it is difficult to write.
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Post by Xtc »

Probably not as difficult as proof-reading one's own work. Now THAT'S what I find difficult.
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Post by Killua »

In the meantime I reached "The Exchange" and thought it would be a good time for another short comment.

I really love the gag used on little Steve. I guess biting down on a stick for a long time might be uncomfortable after some time but way better than using tape on his precious hair... even though this hope was completely destroyed by the tape blindfold. I always liked this kind of gag. Also the tying of their arms is interesting. Making them kneel all blindfolded and gagged outside in only their underwear is surely making them feel really vulnerable. It's cute how they tried to go a little more easy on little Steve, they are surely good friends.

You described everything perfectly detailed so it's easy to imagine what happened. The way the Scouts transported the two boys was way better planned than what the Sea Scouts did. The farmer boys could, if somebody would've appeared, hide because of the use of walkie talkies... back when the Sailor boys kidnapped Jamie he even had to explain strangers that everything was ok. So I would say the farmer boys are doing a way better job here.

There are a lot of characters involved in this story but as far as I remember and what I read here now again, it's still a really good job how you give us the time to get used to the characters and connect something to their names. For me that's important because I still have some troubles remembering characters.
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Post by Xtc »

Thanks for the "connecting something to their names" part.
When this tale was first written, walkie-talkies were more reliable in areas of the Forest than mobile phones. The real lads upon whom the characters are based actually used radios to cheat in a wide game.
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Post by Killua »

Well, walkie talkies suit the story way better than any smartphones could. A scout should rely more on his knowledge and low tier tech than relying completely on their smartphones/mobile phones. In my opinion it's also a lot more useful than writing in a group chat or starting a phone call with single members during a scout war, a walkie talkie is just a quicker way... and honestly has just more style ;) Even though their mobile phones were useful during the negotiation for sending pictures and long distance talk.
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