Taped_Up_David : 01 - Held Captive in Dorm Room (F+/M)

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Taped_Up_David : 01 - Held Captive in Dorm Room (F+/M)

Post by Canuck100 »

Taped_Up_David's stories
01 - Held Captive in Dorm Room
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By Taped_Up_David

Saturday, July 2nd 2005 - 03:43:48 PM

The following story is a little long, but I have left it in one piece because I think you will like it enough to spend the time scrolling through. The story is 100 percent true. Some details have been left out to keep it clean enough to post here. I have many more true stories if you like this one. I have been tied up by dozens of women on several hundred occasions, but this was the first.

I was a freshman at Indiana University, and living in a 10 story dorm that was co-ed by floor. I lived on the 4th floor, which was a men’s floor. I had made friends with a girl named Jenna who lived on the all-girl 8th floor. I often would hang out with Jenna in her room and help her with her studies or just watch television. One Friday night, I was in Jenna’s room watching television with her and her three friends – Marcia, Lisa, and Doris. All four of these girls were very attractive. Jenna was a blond, athletic beauty who was captain of the tennis team. Lisa was a tall, slender Hispanic girl with long black hair. Marcia and Doris were both very attractive, and both had nice bodies, good tans, and light brown hair. I always felt very lucky to be hanging out with them, and secretly hoped that I would someday become more than friends with at least one of them.

Anyway, we were watching an episode of Hawaii Five-O on television in which a blond, female detective was being held captive in a boat. She was bound and gagged, and putting up a struggle. I was quite aroused by this bondage scene, and since I was wearing a pair of shorts, I was unable to hide my state of arousal. The girl named Lisa pointed at my erection and asked in a shocked voice “what is that? Are you turned on by this?” I was stumbling for an answer, when she asked another question. “Do you think it’s funny that that lady is all tied up?” In one of the dumbest moments of my life, I said “yeah, she looks pretty funny to me.” With that, Lisa said, “well, let’s see how funny it is if you’re the one tied up.” She proceeded to grab a pair of panty hose that were lying on a nearby chair, and tied my hands in front of me. I was so surprised that I didn’t really put up a fight. She told the other girls, “come on, let’s tie him up some more. They all quickly agreed and grabbed another pair of panty hose out of the closet. Doris used them to tie my feet together They left me tied up like that while we continued to watch the lady detective’s predicament on television. This was the first time I had been tied up, and somehow, the excitement of being bound myself, and seeing the blond on t.v. struggling to get free made me so excited I thought I would explode. I just sat and enjoyed it till the lady detective was rescued at the end of the show.

When the television show ended, I figured the fun was over, so I started to slip my hands out of the bonds on my wrists. They had tied the panty hose pretty tight, so I did have to struggle, but there was enough give in them that I knew I could get loose in just a minute or so. Marcia had a different idea. She yelled, “hey, where do you think you’re going? This isn’t some t.v. show, and we’re not done with you.” I got a sudden jolt of fear at the sound of that, so I yanked my hands free and thought I would run for the door. I forgot, though, that my ankles were still tied, so I did not get a chance to run for it before they all four jumped on top of me and grabbed my arms. We fell onto one of the beds in the room, and they pulled my arms behind me and tied my wrists again with the panty hose. This time, though, they tied them much tighter. Jenna said, “he got his hands loose pretty easy, so let’s make it harder this time.” With that, she took a roll of white athletic tape out of her closet and taped my wrists together over the panty hose. She used the whole roll, and wrapped it around my wrists, then between them, to cinch the whole thing together. There was no way I could get my hands loose now. Next, they untied the panty hose from my ankles, and retied them much tighter, but first they took off my shorts. After they retied my ankles with the panty hose, they used another roll of the athletic tape to make sure the job was done right. Again they used the whole roll of tape, and wrapped it around my ankles over the panty hose, then between my ankles to cinch it all together in a very tight and secure bond. I have to admit, I was starting to get a little bit afraid. I knew that I was now at their mercy.

Laying on the bed, bound hand and foot, with four athletic women standing over me and scowling down at me was a little scary, but what really had me sweating was the fact that I was now naked. This was both scary and thrilling at the same time. I didn’t really know if I wanted to struggle to get free, not that I could with the way they had me trussed up. Lisa was the first to speak. “So, why do you think you got so excited by seeing that women tied up?” Like an idiot, I said the first thing that came to my mind. “I guess because I liked the idea of her being tied up so I could fantasize about what I would do to her while she was tied up if I was the one that tied her.” “Oh yeah”, said Lisa, “and just what would you have done to her?” I realized at that point that I had made another tactical error in telling them this, because now I would only be giving them ideas that I didn’t want them to have while they had me tied up like this. So, I just said “oh, nothing really.” “Liar”, said Lisa, “you had some pretty good ideas about what you would do, didn’t you? Well, I have some pretty good ideas too, and we’re going to try them all out on you before you get out of here.”


The girls all took turns teasing me, tickling me, taunting me, and telling me what more they were going to do to me next. I’m not going to go into a lot of the details of this now, but ask me, and I’ll give you details later. After about 3 hours of this, there was a knock on the door. It was the Resident Assistant (like a floor monitor or house mother). “Open up”, she said, “ I’ve had a report that there are some strange noises coming from your room.” “Oh, crap!” said Brenna, “What do we do now?” I could have told them, but Doris was holding my mouth shut with a very tight hand-gag. “I’m sorry”, said Brenna through the door, “we were just listening to a show on television, and maybe we had it turned up too loud.” “Well, make sure you turn it down” said the R.A. “Open the door, so I can check out your room. You don’t have any liquor in there, do you?” Brenna opened the door just a crack, and said “no, we don’t have any liquor in here, and I can’t let you in right now, because I’m not dressed” (It was true, but that is part of the story that can’t be told here). “O.K., said the R.A., but if I hear anything unusual coming from in there the rest of the night, I’ll come back and you’re going to have to let me in.” “Oh, you won’t hear a thing”, said Brenna as she closed the door and turned to me with an evil smile on her face.

“You heard the woman”, said Brenna, “She doesn’t want to hear anything, so we’re going to have to make sure she doesn’t. With that, she picked up her panties, which were lying on the floor, and walked over to where I was laying on the bed. “Doris is going to take her hand off of your mouth, and when she does, I want you to open your mouth wide, but you had better not make a sound, or you will be very, very sorry!” I didn’t want to find out what she meant by very, very sorry, so I did as I was told, and Brenna stuffed the panties into my mouth. Next, she got a silk belt off of a bath robe, and stuck it between my teeth, then tied it behind my head, forming a very tight cleave gag over the panties. But she didn’t stop there. She got yet another roll of the white athletic tape (she had a whole box of it, because she had to tape a knee injury for tennis) and proceeded to wrap it around my head till the whole thing was gone. I could hardly breathe, yet alone make a sound. I was beginning to understand that I was in some serious trouble here.

I was now completely bound, and gagged so that I couldn’t make a sound, and remained this way for another 3 hours, during which all 4 girls sat on me and tickled my feet, teased me by rubbing areas of my body to excite me, and lightly spanked me, all the while teasing me and asking if that is what I would have done to that lady on t.v. if I had her tied up. Of course, I couldn’t answer them through the gag, but they didn’t care.

It was now getting pretty late. I had been tied up all told for about 7 hours. I had been thoroughly humiliated by the girls, and they were getting tired. Lisa said she was going to bed, and Marcia said she would be leaving too. Brenna and Doris shared the room we were in, and they said they were getting tired too, and would be going to bed soon. Great, I thought, now they’ll finally let me go. I made some muffled sounds through my gag, that they somehow must have figured out meant “what about me?” Lisa just laughed and said “you’re not getting out yet. We’re going to keep you like that all night, so that you have a lot of time to think about how insensitive you are, thinking that it’s funny for a woman to be tied up.” Then Brenna asked “But what are we going to do with him? We can’t leave him here because the Resident Assistant might come back and want to check the room out, and we can’t have her find him here like that.” What they came up with sent chill’s down my spine.

Brenna’s room was directly across the hall from the one restroom on the floor. The girls agreed that they were going to leave me there for the night so that none of them would get caught with me in their room. They made me hop across the hall to the restroom while they held me up to keep me from falling over. I tried to keep from moving, because I did not like this plan at all, but they pushed me when I stood still, and I was afraid I would fall over and hurt myself. Finally, they got me to the restroom. There were four toilet stalls on one wall, with two shower stalls at the far end. On the other side of the room was a small, separate room with a bathtub. The room had a door like a shower stall, open at the top and bottom. The girls forced me into that room as I tried to put up more of a struggle. They laid me down in the bathtub. Lisa said that I might be able to get out of the tub and hop away if I could stand up. She instructed Brenna to get another pair of panty hose and another roll of tape. Brenna was only too pleased to help out, and returned in no time with the necessary supplies. Lisa used the pair of panty hose to tie my hands to my feet in a very, very tight hogtie. Next, she wrapped the tape numerous times between my wrists and ankle, over the panty hose, and then wrapped it yet again around my wrists so that I could not get to the end of it to get loose.

I felt like I was going to die! I was completely bound and gagged. Laying in a bathtub in a girls restroom. Hogtied so that I couldn’t possibly get up. Tied with panty hose, then taped over that so that there was no way I was going to get loose, and with that the girls said good by and left. They latched the door from the inside, then crawled under the door and disappeared. I was all alone and utterly helpless.

A short time later someone came in the restroom and went to a toilet stall. I could hear her as she peed, and then she came out and went to a sink to wash her hands. I couldn’t think straight. Did I want to make a noise and hope that she would find me to set me free, or was I too ashamed of the way I was, still naked, to let her see me. I felt a genuine flush of panic as I pondered the dilemma. I opted to stay quite, and tried to work on the bonds at my wrists and ankles in order to get myself free before anyone found me like this. I tried to get the gag off my mouth so that I could at least talk to someone and let them know of my predicament and warn them to get something to cover me before they let me loose. Try as I might, however, I could not make any progress in getting the tape loose. The bonds were so tight that I couldn’t slip my hands or feet out of them. The combination of the panty hose and tape was so strong that I couldn’t break them. I was definitely stuck. Several more women came and went during the night, and used the toilet and sink. I stayed quiet so that I wouldn’t be found in this condition. I just hoped that the Brenna would come in first and let me loose. No such luck.

I drifted off into a light sleep a couple times, but only for a moment, because I was very uncomfortable, and was afraid I would suffocate if I slept with the gag in my mouth. After what seemed like many hours, the traffic into the restroom picked up significantly. I realized it was now morning, and many of the 50 girls on the floor were coming in to take their showers. Still no Brenna. A couple of times, someone would knock on the door to the room I was in. They wanted to use the bathtub, and couldn’t tell if anyone was in there because they didn’t hear any water splashing around. I was terrified! I just knew that I was going to be found like this before Brenna or Lisa came to let me go. At one point, a girl knocked on the door several times with no answer and said she thought the door had been latched accidentally, and that she was going crawl under the door to open it. This was it! Now I was going to be found naked, bound and gagged. Thoughts went through my mind like would they let me go, or would they keep me here themselves? Would they call the police? Would the story be in the newspaper? All I could think of was to stop the girl from coming into the room. At that moment, I felt the water faucet with my feet, and without really thinking, I turned the water on. The girl stopped, and said something rude about not answering, but she left to use the shower. Just as I felt relief at not being found like this, I realized with sudden panic that I had another problem. The water was running, and I had no idea if the tub would fill up, or if the water was hot or cold. Fortunately it was room temp, and the drain was open, so the tub did not fill up. I left the water running so that nobody else would try to crawl under the door. All morning long, the restroom was filled with women taking showers and going to the bathroom. They talked and giggled, and never knew what was tucked away in the bathtub. What would they have done if they had? I didn’t want to find out. It was a Saturday now, and there was a home football game. Everybody was talking about going. I heard someone mention that it was 1:00 and time to get to the game. 1:00!!! I had been here bound and gagged, struggling to get free, yet trying to stay quiet to avoid detection for over 12 hours. With the 7 hours in Brenna’s room, I had been trussed up in one form or another for over 20 hours. How was I going to get out of here?

Let me know if you want to hear about how I got out, and how I got revenge.


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Post by Canuck100 »

Sunday, July 3rd 2005 - 05:18:46 PM

This is the story of how I got out of the girls restroom on an all-girl floor in my college dorm, where I had been left all night in a very tight and secure hogtie, in a bathtub, and gagged so that I could not make a sound. To see how I got into that predicament, see the story “College Bound” above.

First, one quick note on the original story above – the ringleader of the girls who tied me up and gagged me, teased me for 7 hours, then put me in the restroom, was named Brenna. For some reason, when I uploaded the story, the name was changed to Jenna in some places, but not in others. Must have been some rogue spell-checker. Just wanted to make sure to protect the integrity of the story for those of you who may have caught the discrepancy.

Anyhow, it was a Saturday afternoon in Bloomington, and a football game was underway on campus. That meant that the dorm was fairly well emptied out, as the students were all at the game. I had overheard someone mention that it was now after 1:00 in the afternoon. I had been tied up for over 20 hours. My jaw ached. My legs were cramped up. My arms were so tired that they ached. I was really beginning to think that I should just make whatever noises I could, and let someone find me like this (tied up and naked), so that I could be let go. I had to get out of here! So what if they saw me naked, or asked questions about how I got there. I would have to face that humiliation if I was to get loose. I had proved with hours of struggling at my bonds that I wasn’t going to do it myself.

The problem now was that nobody was coming into the restroom, because they had all gone to the game. Finally, after what seemed like a couple more hours, two girls came into the restroom. They were talking to each other and laughing. I screamed as loud as I could, but it came out only as a slight mumble with the gag in my mouth. I tried to kick at the bathtub, but I was barefoot, so it didn’t make much noise. I couldn’t kick very hard anyway, because I was in a tight hogtie that didn’t give me any leverage. They both went into toilet stalls, and continued to talk and laugh as they did their thing. I was trying everything I could to make a noise so that they would hear me, but they evidently didn’t hear a thing over their talking. After they washed their hands at the sink, they left.

After what seemed like another hour or so, I started to hear a lot of noise out in the hallway. There was loud talking and laughter. It was obvious that everyone had returned from the football game. Soon, the door started opening every few second as girls came in to use the toilets after a long day at the football game. They all laughed and giggled, and seemed to be having a good time. The problem was that they were making so much noise in all of their fun that they couldn’t hear me screaming into the gag. Brenna’s panties in my mouth, and the roll of athletic tape over them, muffled any sounds I tried to make to get their attention. Since it was late afternoon, nobody was interested in using the bathtub, so nobody was going to stumble on to me that way. Oh crap, I thought, am I going to spend another whole night here? I tried to scream louder as I felt a panic coming up in me, but no matter how loud I screamed, it didn’t penetrate the conversations of the girls that came and went the rest of the afternoon and into the evening.

By the conversation that the girls coming into the restroom were having, I gathered that it was now fairly late into the evening, as they talked about getting ready to go out for the late night partying that goes on over the weekend at a college campus. I was going out of my mind thinking about how I was going to get out of here. At one point, I was able to turn the water on in the bathtub, as I had earlier in my confinement to avoid detection. Now my point in doing so, however, was to draw attention to myself. Forget about the consequences, I needed somebody, anybody to find me and let me go. At one point, while the restroom was empty (except for me), I heard a knock on the outer door to the restroom, and a man yelled, “anybody in here?” There was no answer, except for the barely audible moans coming through my gag. I could hear him prop the door open with something, and he came in and started cleaning. I didn’t even care that it was a guy at this point that would find me here tied up and naked, I had to get out, so I left the water running in the bathtub. It only took a minute or so before he knocked on the door to the bathtub area and yelled, “is somebody in there?” I prepared for the most humiliating moment of my life as I waited for him to crawl under the doorway to find out why the water was running in the bathtub. I have to admit, that as panicked as I was at the thought of being found like this by a girl, a small part of me thought that it would actually be a turn on. I even let a very small part of me fantasize that she might like what she saw, and “play with me” a little before she let me go. But this was different! Having another man see me naked like this, all tied up was just plain creepy. But I had to get out, so I prepared for the worst.

Just at that moment I heard a girl’s voice yell out, “just a minute, that’s my bathwater I’m running. Here, let me get it. Oops, how did that door get latched behind me? I’ll just crawl under and open it.” I watched as Brenna crawled under the door and turned off the water in the bathtub. She gave me a very menacing look as she said to the janitor, “I’ll just stay in here and take my bath when you’re done.” I was done anyway,” said the janitor, “this place is clean enough.” With that, he left, closing the outer door behind him. “Boy was that close!” said Brenna. “I got here just in time. And you, you’ve been a bad boy, turning that water on to draw attention to yourself. What’s the matter with you? Are you tired of all the fun we’re having? I thought you said it was funny to be tied up? Did you change you’re mind so soon?” Obviously, Brenna couldn’t understand what I was saying with the gag in my mouth, and I’m sure she would not have wanted to hear it anyhow. It was not very nice, and would probably just gotten me into more trouble.

Brenna turned and left, leaving the door to the bathtub area open. She returned in just one minute, though, with Lisa by her side, and a pair of scissors in her hand. Finally, I thought, she’s come to her senses, and is going to cut me loose. She started by cutting the tape and panty hose that held me in the hogtie. She and Lisa helped me to stand up in the bathtub. They seemed to be able to tell by my groans that it was somewhat painful to stand up after being in a hogtie so long, so they let me stand that way for a minute. I turned around and held my hands out behind me as far as I could so that they could cut them loose. My heart absolutely sank to the floor as Lisa said “what, are you crazy?, we’re not letting you go, we’re just moving you back to our room so we can have some more fun with you. Everybody else is out partying, but we’re going to have our own party, and you are the special guest of honor.”

“Let’s hurry,” said Brenna, “before someone comes along and sees him.” With that, they hoisted me out of the tub and practically dragged me back to Brenna’s room across the hallway. They threw me onto one of the beds, and used a pair of panty hose and another roll of tape to put me back in a hogtie. “Let the party begin,” said Lisa. “Lets keep the noise down, though, we don’t want that nosy Resident Assistant coming back to check up on things.” “Let her come,” said Brenna. “If she does, we’ll just have to make her join the party too.” I didn’t like the sound of that. These girls now appeared to be true psycho babes from hell, and I didn’t know how much more of their teasing, tickling, and trash talk I could endure in this position. This was no rescue, as I had hoped for while in the restroom. I had been taken out of the tub, and placed right back into the room of doom, with no way out. I was bound and gagged, hogtied, naked and helpless, and at the total mercy of these two amazons. I did have one pleasant thought, though. They were sexy and pleasant to look at, and the attention they had given me last night had not been all bad. Thinking back, it had actually been pretty darned exciting. At least this was better than being found by the janitor. I hoped that what they had in store for me before they let me go didn’t make me change my mind about that.

For those that asked me to share the details of the previous story that couldn’t be posted here, I will get back to you, but it will take me a few days. Please be patient. For those that wanted to hear the story of how I got revenge on these girls, I ask that you be patient as well. In a few days, I will first tell the rest of this story, and how they had their “party” with me before I tricked them into letting me go, and then I will tell the sweet story of my revenge. It is well worth the wait, I promise.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tuesday, July 5th 2005 - 06:07:58 PM

College Bound, Part 3

Brenna and Lisa had me back in their room, hogtied, gagged, naked and completely at their mercy. I had been tied up by them and two of their friends the night before while they teased and “tortured” me for hours. Then, to my despair, they had left me all night and the next day in the bathtub across the hall in the restroom on an all girls dorm floor.

I wasn’t completely thrilled with my current predicament, but at least it was better than the cold bathtub, where I had no idea who might find me.

I had had Brenna’s panties in my mouth now for over 24 hours. They had become so soaked with saliva, mixed with whatever had been on them when she stuck them in my mouth, that every time I tried to move my jaw, I swallowed a mouthful. Speaking of my jaw, it hurt from being wrapped in a roll of white athletic tape for a full day and night. My arms and legs ached from being tied up, and I hadn’t eaten in more than a day. To make a long story short, I was uncomfortable, and wanted to get loose.

I came up with a plan. I started to act like I was choking on the gag. I just made any terrible sound I could, and got a desperate look on my face. The problem was that the more I acted, the more I felt like I would actually choke. The plan worked, though, because Lisa believed my antics and said she didn’t want me to die, so she started ripping the tape off my face. When she cut the panty hose with a pair of scissors, and plucked the panties out of my mouth with her fingers, I just let out a sigh and laid there. “What’s the matter?” yelled Brenna. I continued with the charade and said “I was choking on the panties in my mouth. By the way, I really need to go to the bathroom.” They thought about that for awhile. “Which one?” asked Lisa. “Number 1” I replied “Will you let me go now so I can go to the bathroom and then get something to eat? Come on, I’m sorry for the comment I made about the lady on t.v. It wasn’t funny at all for her to be tied up. I realize now it’s a very serious matter (remember that they had originally tied me up because I had made a comment about a lady on television being tied up and how I had found it funny).

They discussed the pros and cons for a few minutes. Brenna wanted to let me go, and Lisa wanted to keep me like this. “While you discuss it,” I said, “could you please untie my hands from my feet (the hogtie) so that I can stretch my arms and legs for a minute. Brenna agreed, and cut the tape and panty hose that held me in the hogtie. In the biggest break I had had yet, she set the scissors down right next to me on the bed, and turned to discuss the matter of letting me go completely with Lisa. I thought about grabbing the scissors and cutting myself loose, but I was afraid that I wouldn’t get it done before they noticed me, so I just managed to slip the scissors inside the pillow that happened to be right behind my hands.

Lisa finally announced that they would not let me go, but would let me pee in a bottle, and then they would give me a cookie to eat, and a glass of water to drink. “After that, we’re going to continue with our party,” said Lisa. I was glad when they let me pee, especially since Lisa had to “hold me” while I did it. With my new secret stash of scissors, I was actually beginning to look forward to the party that they had planned. I’d get all the attention they could think up, then when they went to sleep I’d finally let myself loose. I had never before found a cookie and glass of water to taste so good. I took my time eating the cookie that Brenna fed to me, then I slowly sipped the water. I was actually beginning to enjoy this, and it was quite clear by the state of arousal the girls both noticed at that moment. “Looks like he’s ready for some party action” said Lisa. “Let’s get him ready.” To my surprise, Lisa went to the closet and got another pair of scissors and cut my feet loose. Neither girl ever said a word about the pair that I had hidden. The girls had obviously thought about this because they now had several coils of quarter inch nylon rope, one of which they now used to tie my feet to the bottom of the bed after they spread my legs apart. Next they had me sit up and they cut my hands loose. They had me lay back down on the bed and put my hands above my head, and tied them to the top of the bed with more of the rope. They were very thorough in the tying, and used a lot of rope, which they tied very tightly. I was now spread eagled on the bed, and knew with just a brief amount of pulling at the bonds that I would not get loose without my hidden scissors. The pillow was down by my side, and I could not reach it with my hands tied above my head. I had to take a chance, so I asked them to move it under my head. They did, and I was very happy to see that they did not notice the scissors when they moved the pillow. This was perfect. I knew that the pillow was now close enough to my hands that I stood a fighting chance of getting to the scissors. I settled back and decided to enjoy the “show”. “One last thing,” said Lisa. “We need to make sure he stays quiet so that R.A. doesn’t check up on us again like last night.” She went to the closet and took out a pair belt from a bathrobe, and a kotex and brought them over to me. “Open up,” she said as she unwrapped the kotex and folded it in half once, then in half again. “Whoa, you’re not going to put that thing in my mouth, are you?” I asked as my eyes grew wide. This was some kind of huge “overnight” thing, and with it folded up, it didn’t look like it would even fit in my mouth. She put the belt in the middle of the folded kotex and held the gag up to my mouth. I kept my mouth closed, but Brenna came over and held my nose shut, and I eventually had to open my mouth to breathe. When I did, Lisa stuffed the kotex into my mouth and tied the belt behind my head to hold it in place. Next they wrapped a bunch of the white athletic tape around my face to make sure I couldn’t push the gag out with my tongue.

The night before, I had been terrified at the thought of being tied up for a long time, but by now I was getting used to the bondage, and actually looked forward to the plans they had to tease me, especially when both Lisa and Brenna stripped down to their bra and panties. They proceeded to rub themselves up against me in various ways. They tickled me, and teased me in so many more ways that I’ll get this story deleted from here if I tell them all. After about 2 hours of this, all of which I thoroughly enjoyed, there was a knock at the door. It was Marcia, who had helped to tie me up and tease me the night before. “Hey guys, there’s a really great party going on over at another dorm. Would you like to go?” said Marcia. “Can’t you see we have our own party here?” said Lisa. “Well, you can go to the other party for now, and pick this one back up later,” said Marcia. With that, they agreed that they would leave me bound and gagged like this while they went out for the night, then tease me some more when they returned. My only fear was that I might not be able to reach the scissors that I had hidden in the pillow. What if I couldn’t reach them after all? What if they fell when I tried to grab them? What if I couldn’t hold them right to cut the ropes on my hands? I was starting to get a sinking feeling in my stomach again. If this didn’t work, I would be left like this another night, and I’d already been here quite long enough. I would know soon, though.

The girls got ready quickly. Lisa came up to me and checked the ropes that held my wrists and ankles to the bed. She checked the gag to make sure I couldn’t get it loose, then she said in a mocking tone, “you behave while we’re gone. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Brenna came over too. She leaned over me and nearly smothered me with her breasts. “Are you going to miss me while I’m gone? she joked. She too checked my bonds. “We can’t risk having him get loose while we’re gone,” she said. “Hey wait!” she exclaimed. “What happened to the scissors I left here?” Oh crap! Were they going to find the scissors I had hidden just when I was sure they were going to leave me here with a hope of getting loose? What would they do to punish me for the attempt to trick them? I was getting that sinking feeling again. I think I actually started to cry. Just then Lisa said “Here they are” and showed Brenna the pair that she had used. To my surprise, Brenna was stupid enough to believe it. What a stroke of luck! With that, the girls all left, locking the door behind them with a laugh.

Immediately, I started reaching for the scissors. I grabbed the corner of the pillow, and pulled it closer to my left hand. I was able to feel the handle of the scissors, and got my fingers around them. Carefully, so that I wouldn’t drop them, I managed to turn the scissors around in my hand so that I was holding them in the proper manner to cut the rope on that wrist. It was not easy. The ropes were so tight that it was difficult to get the blades of the scissors around them to cut. I was afraid that I might cut my wrist instead of the rope. Eventually I managed to cut the rope on that wrist. With a lot of planning, I figured out that I would have to transfer the scissors to my other hand with my mouth. I had to be careful not to drop them. I didn’t think I could get the knots loose fast enough with my free hand, so I had to get the scissors over to the still-tied wrist. Eventually I did, and my hands were now free. I just laid like that for awhile, too tired to work on my legs. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. With my hands free, I had felt so much stress go out of me that I just fell asleep from exhaustion. When I woke up, it was late, and I heard noises coming down the hall. My legs were still tied to the bed, and the kotex gag was still in my mouth. I was not going to get caught like this and spend another night tied up! I quickly sat up and reached out with the scissors to cut the ropes that held my feet to the bed. I had to get loose before the girls came in and got the better of me again. I heard voices talking right outside the door. What would I do if I got loose just as they came in? Would I run? Would I jump them and tie them up? I didn’t know. I just knew I had to get loose now! I got my legs free, and jumped up off the bed. I started to run over to the door, so I could hide behind it if they came in, but I found that my legs didn’t work so well after being tied up so long. Just then, I heard the girls in the hall open the door to the room next door, and go inside. What luck! I got up and looked for my shorts that the girls had taken off of me the night before. I couldn’t find them. I did find the key to my room, however, which I had left on a desk the night before when I came in. I grabbed a towel that was draped over a chair, and wrapped it around my waist, I went to the door and opened it. I looked down the hall, and nobody was around. I hadn’t even taken the gag out of my mouth in my rush to get free. I just left it in and ran for the end of the hall, trying to rip the gag off as I ran. I used the stairs to go down 4 flights to my floor and got to my room without being seen. I went inside and collapsed on my own bed. Safe at last. I was too numb to go over all the details of the past day and a half, but one thought did stick out in my mind – I would get revenge!

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Post by Canuck100 »

Tuesday, July 5th 2005 - 06:16:48 PM

I'm glad that some of you liked this story. It was a pretty wild start to my bondage life, but I assure you that I survived unharmed, and learned much from it. Since then, I have been involved in hundreds more situations where I was left for hours on end. I have had a standing challenge with five different women that involved a dream vacation for them if they could leave me tied up for 24 hours, but after this first experience, none has succeeded. The attempts have been quite wild, though, and I will relate them later on the appropriate boards. Sometimes I was able to get loose because I hid a knife or scissors, or handcuff key. Sometimes I was able to trick my captor into letting me go early. Sometimes it took a lot of hard work to free myself without tools. The fear of not knowing when or how I will get out is what makes this so exciting for me. No safe words or safe practices. Just my craftiness against the skills of my captor. I have always won, but the fear has been real as I have come close to real peril.

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