Tower Defense part 2 posted ( both genders, fantasy/horror, taboo)

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Tower Defense part 2 posted ( both genders, fantasy/horror, taboo)

Post by meinaru »

There's nothing like having some time off and some time to yourself, ideas start coming up on their own... Enjoy the first part.


"Just look at yourself", said Alice, "You're almost twenty and don't have a driving license. Why do I have to do all the driving?"

Brad's barely acknowledged what his mother told him, too preoccupied with his mobile phone to even care.

"I hope you're at least chatting with some girl", she went on, "Not having any girlfriends at your age is a bit alarming".

"No, mom, I'm playing Tower Defense", Brad would never miss an opportunity to disappoint Alice.

Alice shook her head. She couldn't shake off the feeling that at his age her erotic life looked much more interesting - heck, her life was much more interesting. The youth of today was all about technology, never taking their eyes off their mobile devices. She smiled to herself. At forty she was still an attractive woman, with brown, shoulder-length hair she wore in a bob, a prominent bust and hourglass figure. She never missed the opportunity to emphasise it, preferring outfits that bared her midriff and her legs, such as the one she was wearing now.

"I've screwed a dozen of guys when I was his age", she thought, looking at her hunky son, "If he wasn't my son I'd show him - a thing or two."

And then she chastised herself for the thought. But still, she found it amusing. What would he do if she undressed in front of him and stared making advances? Timid boy. She knew he wasn't that sexless, she once found a trace of porn websites in his browser history, when he was taking a bath. He should go to college, she thought, he should start doing something with his life, rather than staying with her and jumping from one part-time job to another.

She decided her new novel will be about an incestuous relationship between mother and son. Why not? Her last piece of literary pornography made her enough money to try a riskier subject. It was her writing, informed by her rather extensive erotic experience, that kept them afloat. If only her son knew what she was really doing... She sighed and shifted her focus back to the road.

They were travelling to distant relatives, and the journey was taking them through almost featureless Colorado desert. The area was almost completely empty, with no human settlements in sight and Alice was already short on cigarettes. Being an avid smoker she'd rather go out of petrol than cigarettes, so when she caught a glimpse of what looked like a station or a roadside dinner she let a sigh of relief.

"How's Tower Defense?", she asked.

"Great, thanks", there was no enthusiasm in Brad's voice.

Such a hunky guy. Twenty years old, not fat, good looking, No girlfriend. Sheesh.

"I'm going to stop by and get some cigarettes", said Alice.

She drove into the lot before the "station", and then she realized it looks a bit strange for a station. Next to the lot stood a pole, and on top of it was a symbol that, to Alice, seemed almost sensual, but she only cast a cursory glance at it. A statue of many-handed female deity stood next to it - it crossed Alice's mind that the place is ran by Eastern Indian immigrants. There were also a few trees planted around the lot, a welcome sight in a parched desert. Other than that, up-close the building looked new and solid, more like a manor or hotel than a gas station. The better a chance they'll have those bloody cigarettes.

"I'll be back in a minute. Don't you drive away when I'm gone", Alice wondered if the irony will be lost on her son.

"Ok", said Brad, still invested in Tower Defense.

"Great", thought Alice as she approached the "hotel".
Last edited by meinaru 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by meinaru »

She wanted to ring the bell, but there wasn't any. She was about to knock when the doors have opened, as if by themselves.

"Motion sensor?", she mused as she went in.

The interior looked like a hotel lobby, only that there was nobody behind the counter. A painting decorated the wall, depicting a man and a woman, both of them very attractive and very naked, tied back to back to a totem-pole in a dark wood. The woman was trying to look behind her shoulder at her companion, who struggled against his bonds.

"Charming place", she thought, "Perhaps it's some kind of S&M hideout."


Her voice echoed in the silent interior. She thought she heard a muffled sound, like someone was trying to desperately call her, but then she thought it must be her imagination.

"I should call Brad over here", she smiled to herself, "I wonder how this timid boy would react to the place."


Muffled sounds again.

To the right of the entrance were doors leading to the salon, with large, glass wall overlooking the parking lot. She cast a glance at the car. Brad was still playing his game.

"Can I help you?", a feminine voice just behind her back startled her.

The woman had long, black hair and dark complexion. Alice thought she was also very beautiful. Was she an Indian? She appeared to be Alice's age.

"I'm so sorry to bother, miss, but..."

"There's no need to apologize", the woman gave her a smile that looked like on the surface, but had some predatory undertones, like a smile of an animal that spotted an ideal prey.

"... but I'm out of cigarettes and I really need a smoke."

"Of course, dear. We all need something, don't we?"

"Please, I'm in a hurry. My son is waiting for me in a car. I can pay for the cigarettes if you..."

"Slow down, my dear. Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Alice Bradshaw. Me and Brad - that is, my son - are going to visit our distant family, and..."

"And you just passed through. What are you doing, Alice?"


"What's your profession?"

"I'm a writer. Look..."

"What kind of stories do you write?"

"Commercial stuff, just some romance and..."

"... erotica.", the woman finished for her.

"Yeah, erotica, mostly. That's what sells."

Alice became silent for a moment. How this woman could have seen though her so easily?

"Wait a second."

The woman left the salon through a door that seemed to lead to deeper parts of the building that Alice was now sure was not a hotel. This was followed with some yelling, and then the woman reappeared. She beamed at Alice.

"I'd like to apologize you. First, I never introduced myself. Maya Pradesh. Pleased to meet you, Alice Bradshaw."

Mrs. Pradesh extended her hand. As Alice shook it she felt a small electric shock pass through her body.

She looked through the window, Brad was still playing his game.

"About the cigarettes..."

Alice noticed that Mrs. Pradesh was looking rather intently at the car. And at Brad.

"Anything wrong?"

"Everything, my dear, everything."

The small door in the salon opened. Two young people entered, also dark-skinned, both in their early twenties, a young man and a young woman. They exhibited the same beauty as Mrs. Pradesh. "Were they a couple?", mused Alice. She was beginning to lose her patience with this place and her hosts, especially given that the second the "couple" entered Mrs. Pradesh seemed to forget about her and engaged in a conversation with the two. Alice noticed how the young man keeps his hand on his companion's buttock. "A couple, without question", she thought.

At first the exchange was tense, then it became relaxed and almost jocular. Mrs. Pradesh's tone became serious as she pointed at the car where Brad, oblivious to the fact his mother is not yet back, was playing Tower Defense. When she looked back at her hosts, the two young people were kissing.

That was too much for Alice.

"I'm terribly sorry I'm bothering, I think I'll be going now."

Mrs. Pradesh gestured for her to stay, and the beckoned the young man. The two exchanged another hearty kiss. "He could be her son", thought Alice.

"Please let me introduce you", she pointed at the young couple, "Lalit Pradesh, my son, and Leela, his girlfriend".

"I'm really sorry, but I have to go, my son is waiting", she said. Her heart was beating fast. Something was very wrong with this place and those people.

"How old is your son? He doesn't look like a baby-boy anymore", said Mrs. Pradesh.

"It's not your business", Alice finally lost it, "I'm leaving you to..."

She cast another glance at the parking lot and this time there was someone there. Just before a window stood slim, long-haired blonde in her early twenties. The moment her eyes met with Alice's she froze in place. The bizarre trio was quick to notice her too, probably cued by Alice's shocked expression. Mrs. Pradesh barked an order, and the couple disappeared.

"I'm terribly sorry, we have an emergency here", she said, "Don't worry about your son, he'll sooner or later come here of his own accord. And don't try to leave. Just - don't."

"Is this a threat?", Alice felt she's sweating.

Instead of answering Mrs. Pradesh went to a phone that only now Alice noticed was hanging from the wall, and called.

"Meredith, come here immediately. And bring Joyce."

Alice realized it's the first time she heard Mrs. Pradesh addressing anyone but for her in English.

"Now!", Mrs. Pradesh hang the phone.

"What is this?", asked Alice, "What the hell is this place? What's going on here? If you won't let me go..."

The small doors opened, and two young brunettes wearing suggestive clothing went in.

"Where's Diana?", Mrs. Pradesh voice was sharp.

"Bianca is punishing her, as you wanted."

"Leave her alone, and let her dress. She was not at fault. This is the cause of disturbance" - she pointed at the car.

"You mean he's..."


"Should we drag him out of the car?"

"NO! You know the rules. He needs to come here of his own accord. And I think I know just a way to make him. These two look like a potential apkamai couple already. "

"What if they aren't..."

"Oh, they are."

"I'm leaving", Alice stood up and went towards the exit.

Mrs. Pradesh snapped her fingers. One of the girls pulled her arm behind her back with surprising strength, immobilizing her. Alice realized that her prominent bust, covered with the t-shirt that exposed her midriff and a black,strapless bra, now protruded towards Mrs. Pradesh.

"Let me go!", she cast a glance at the car. Still playing. What an idiot!

"It's not decent, dressing so provocatively in front of your son. What if he gets dirty thoughts about you?"

Alice recalled having dirty thoughts about her boy earlier this day and regretted. She felt tears flowing into her eyes. She always wanted to be strong, self-reliant and independent, but now she was just...

Mrs. Pradesh reached out and ripped off the sexy t-shirt off the startled Alice.

"Joyce, hold her. Meredith, help me strip her."


"What a silly question! When sonny sees his mother's clothing he'll know she's in our hands, and will come over. And, as our captive, Alice won't need her clothing anymore."

Meredith reached out and unclasped Alice's bra, freeing her large and shapely breasts.

"Stop it, you bitches!", yelled Alice.

"Natural", smiled Meredith, "I'd kill to have such a body."

"Serve us well and you'll get what you want. Now, hasten up!"

Alice realized she was still standing before the window where her son could see her being undressed. That is, if he weren't playing Tower Defense.
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Post by MaxRoper »

I usually pass by game-based stories but this one caught my attention. It's well written and I'm curious where it's headed.

More please.
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