Paranormal Investigations: Dolls (MF/MF)

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Paranormal Investigations: Dolls (MF/MF)

Post by PaulsPerils »

“Paul, we’re never going to find the right doll for my niece!” Ellen exclaimed.

“You may be right. We’ve hit several department and toy stores and haven’t found anything.” Paul replied.

Ellen and Paul were shopping for a doll for Ellen’s niece for her birthday and having no luck it seemed. But their luck was about to change from bad to worse.

“I’m going to check on Craigslist to see if I can find anything there.” Ellen said, a little bit exasperated.

“Well, we should be careful with Craigslist – you never know who you might meet there.” Paul advised.

Ellen grumbled a bit and started searching. After about 10 minutes, she came across the following ad:

“Doll collection for sale. One-of-a-kind dolls representing all walks of life. Dolls are in mint condition. Contact at (email address).”

Ellen sent off an email and she waited, sipping her green tea, and reading on her phone.

Paul Goddard and Ellen Liu were paranormal investigators working for G&G Inc. Paul, and his business partner Mark Glenwood, owned the business and Ellen had become a key investigator for the group.

Paul was in his mid-fifties, 6 feet tall and fit, with greying brown hair and glasses. He was easy going, and calm under pressure – traits that suited him well in his field. Ellen was in her mid-thirties, 5’5” tall with a good figure. She had shoulder-length black hair, wore dark-framed glasses (and sometimes contacts), had a very upbeat personality, and was of Korean descent.

Over the past year, Ellen and Paul had become a romantic pair. Given their age differences, their current relationship might be best described as a May-September affair. But the two were now head-over-heels for each other. The others working at G&G Inc were genuinely happy for them both and all agreed they did make a cute couple.

About 30 minutes later, Ellen received a reply to her email. In the email, Ellen was provided with an address to meet the sellers and see the dolls. She was also asked to provide, for “security purposes”, a picture of herself and anyone coming with her to see the dolls. She thought that was a little overboard, but she replied with a photo of herself and Paul.

Another email came back rather quickly, asking if she and Paul could come over right now, and since Ellen and Paul had nothing else pressing to do, they agreed.

After a 30-minute drive on this warm, mid-summer Saturday, Paul and Ellen found themselves in an older part of town that had seen better days. Still, the homes had a stately look to them, and the streets were lined with large trees, creating a shaded canopy.

Paul found the home matching the address and parked in front on the street. The home was a two-story Victorian, light grey, with maroon trim, with two large oak trees in the front yard. The home had a large front porch with a swing and rocking chairs.

Just before Ellen knocked on the door, it swung open, and the pair were greeted by a Mr. Landry Hebert and his wife Desiree.

“You must be Ellen and Paul! Please come in, won’t you?” Landry said with a warm voice and a pleasant smile. “My name is Landry, and this is my wife, Desiree.”

Landry and Desiree were in their early 70’s, but still had a youthful manner about them. Landry was about 5’ 10” with a thin build, and thinning white hair with a goatee, and Desiree was about 5’6” with a medium build, and she had shoulder-length white hair which she gathered up in a bun. Both wore glasses as well.

Desiree looked over Landry’s shoulder at their guests and smiled quietly and perhaps knowingly of some secret that soon would be revealed, but Ellen and Paul did not notice as they were spellbound by how grand the home looked on the inside with its beautiful furniture and artwork and the polished oak floors.

“Thank you for inviting us over on such short notice. And your home is so beautiful, I might add.” Ellen said.

“Well, thank you.” Desiree spoke up. “We’ve spent several years here after moving to this area. We’re originally from Louisiana, where we had our own business, a toy store, as a matter of fact.”

“Wow, that’s interesting.” Paul said. “I thought I detected a bit of a Cajun accent from the two of you.”

“Yes, we were born and raised there. It never really leaves you no matter where you go.” Landry replied.

“Why don’t we talk about the doll collection?” Desiree said.

“Yes, good idea!” Ellen replied.

“Very well. Let’s go into the living room or parlor and sit down.” Landry said.

Paul and Ellen sat on a loveseat while Landry and Desiree sat in separate chairs across from them.

“We were just having some iced tea when you arrived. Would you like some?” Desiree offered.

“That would be great!” Ellen said and Paul nodded in agreement. There was a pitcher of iced tea on the coffee table between them and Desiree poured two glasses for their guests.

Both Paul and Ellen took a drink, and thought the iced tea was very refreshing.

“So, when can we look at the dolls?” Ellen asked.

“All in good time.” Desiree and Landry answered in unison and then chuckled.

The two couples engaged in conversation and continued to drink their iced tea for a few minutes more when both Paul and Ellen grew drowsy.

“Paul, I think the heat of the day, or something is getting to me.” Ellen said as she put her hands on the sides of her head.

“I’m feeling a little sleepy myself.” Paul said.

And then there was silence as both Ellen and Paul slumped back on the loveseat.

“The ‘medicine’ seems to have had the desired effect.” Landry said to Desiree.

“Yes, it has. It’s been over a year since we’ve done this spell. Are you sure you remember how?” Desiree asked.

“Yes, yes. I remember. We have about an hour before our guests wake up.” Landry said. “Let’s get them down into the basement.”

Landry first picked up Ellen, the lighter of the two guests, and carried her across the room into the kitchen and from there down the basement stairs. Desiree followed close behind and helped Landry place Ellen on a large wooden table, that was 8 feet by 4 feet, and in the center of the basement. They both went back up to retrieve Paul and the two of them both carried him down and onto the table next to Ellen.

The basement had a concrete floor, and the temperature was cool. In the far corner was a water heater, and on both long walls was the Hebert’s prized collection of dolls, lined up on several rows of shelving. (More on that, later!). Lighting in the room was barely adequate, with strings of bulbs running along the shelving and a single bulb in the center of the room that hung over the middle of the table.

“Let’s get them prepped for the ceremony. First, we must undress them.” Landry said.

“Yes, this will be the fun part, won’t it, Landry.” Desiree replied and chuckled.

Landry smirked and then began to undress Ellen and Paul, first removing Paul and Ellen’s flip-flops. Desiree and Landry unzipped Paul and Ellen’s shorts and pulled them down. Next, Landry removed Paul’s short sleeve knit shirt and Desiree did the same to Ellen.

“They both look very fit, Landry.” Desiree said.

“Indeed, they do. They will both turn out beautifully when we are done with them. I am sure of it.” Landry replied.

Then Desiree removed Ellen’s bra while Landry pulled off her panties and then Paul’s briefs.

Desiree then removed their watches and Ellen’s dark-framed glasses.

Landry and Desiree took in the site of their two guests, now stripped nude.

Ellen had firm breasts and a flat tummy, nice curvy hips, and shapely legs. Her nether region was neatly groomed with only a small square of very short, black hair.

Paul had a lean and toned body for someone his age. His body hair was trimmed short, and his small penis was nestled below a small patch of short, dark brown hair.

“It’s been some time since we’ve had a couple looking as good as these two.” Desiree said.

“I believe you are right. It’s almost a shame to do the spell on them. Almost….” Landry replied and chuckled.

Landry walked over and picked up a pile of ropes that were stacked on a chair in the corner. He handed one to Desiree and set the rest on the table. He then took Paul and rolled him onto one shoulder and pulled his arms behind his back. Then he set about binding Paul’s wrists together, looping a rope around his wrists several times, keeping the rope snug, before looping the rope between his wrists twice, and making a double-knot to finish the binding. He then put Paul onto his back again.

Desiree bound Ellen’s wrists in a similar manner and now their two guests were being turned into their two captives.

Next, Desiree and Landry each took another rope and bound their captives’ ankles together, looping the rope around them a few times, keeping the rope taut, and then making a cinch between the ankles and finishing the binding off with a double knot. Then the pair did the same with their captives’ legs, binding them just above the knee.

Landry then said, “Let’s get them positioned in the very center of the table, with about 6 inches of space between their shoulders.”

They both maneuvered Ellen and Paul towards the center and once that was accomplished, they set about tying them down to the table itself. Sticking out along the two long sides of the table were many small metal hooks. To pin Ellen and Paul down to the table, Landry and Desiree tied ropes to the hooks on one side of the table, pulled them tightly across the table and over Ellen and Paul, and then tied them off to the hooks on the other side. And rather than run the ropes straight across, the ropes were run at different angles, forming a crisscross type of pattern, using a total of about 15 ropes. The ropes crossed over Paul and Ellen from just above their ankles all the way up to the top of their chests.

The two stood back and admired their handiwork with the ropes and their two new captives.

“Let’s get them gagged. They’ll be waking up soon.” Desiree said.

Landry walked back over to the chair and grabbed a stack of white handkerchiefs that he kept for such an occasion. He handed the entire stack to Desiree as over the years she had proven to be the best “gag-er” of the two. Desiree wadded up one handkerchief and pushed it into Ellen’s mouth and then rolled a second handkerchief from opposite corners and tied a knot in the middle. She pushed the knot into Ellen’s mouth and then pulled this cleave gag very tight and tied it off behind her head. Lastly, she used one more handkerchief and tied it tightly over Ellen’s mouth and knotted it off at the nape of her neck. Desiree then straightened the last gag to make it look neat.

Next, she gagged Paul in the exact same manner while Landry looked on pleasingly, knowing that they had their next two victims completely subdued.

Desiree checked the gags one last time and liked what she saw. Two mouths tightly gagged with the entire lower half of Ellen and Paul’s faces completely encased in white, and only the tip of their noses and their eyes showing.

“It’s time we wake up our guests.” Landry said to Desiree.

She nodded and walked over to the table where she gently patted Paul and Ellen’s faces until they started to stir.

Both were still drowsy from the sedative they’d been given, but they were starting to snap out of it. The first to wake was Ellen. Her eyes fluttered at first, but then opened and soon were open wide.

“mmmmmmppphhh!! mmmmmmpphh!!!” she cried out on the table and started to feebly struggle.

“Where am I!? Why am I tied up and gagged on a table!? Where are my clothes!?” Ellen thought frantically to herself. She looked up and saw Desiree and Landry standing over her and looking down with evil smiles on their faces. Then she looked to her left and saw Paul in the same predicament!

The noise and stirring from Ellen were enough to awaken Paul and soon he was wide awake, too.

“mmmmmmmppphhh!!! mmmmmmppphhh!!!” he cried out and started to struggle.

“What’s going on!? Where’s Ellen!? And my clothes!?” Paul thought, panicked with this predicament. He then turned to his right and saw Ellen struggling on the table with him, and he saw Desiree and Landry looking at them both.

“Stop your struggling and quiet down.” Landry said in a calm voice.

Paul and Ellen stopped struggling at this point, though both were still breathing hard.

“I know both of you are wondering what’s going on so let us fill you in.” Landry said.

“We drugged your iced tea so we could get you down into our basement and that’s how you ended up here, but the real question is why, now isn’t it?”

“You see, my wife and I are indeed doll collectors, and if you look to your left and to your right, you can see dozens of them on the shelves. But these are not ordinary dolls. No, not at all. My wife and I made every one of them from actual people.”

But how is that possible, you must think. Well, my wife and I come from a long line of practitioners of the voodoo arts, something more well-known where we are from.

And soon, we will be turning the two of you into very lovely dolls to add to our collection.”

“mmmmmmpppphhh!!!!” both Ellen and Paul cried out into the gags, though their sounds were very well muffled.

“I know this may be hard to believe but let me show you some proof.” Landry said.

He moved over to the shelf and took down two dolls and showed them to the two captives.

“Do these two look familiar?” Landry asked. “They used to be the mayor of our fair city and his wife. The ones who disappeared five years ago under mysterious circumstances. Do you recognize them now!”

Ellen and Paul were both shocked. The dolls were an exact replica of the former mayor and his wife.

“And if you need any more proof, look at this driver’s license from the mayor. I kept it as a little souvenir.” Landry said, holding it up for the pair to see.

Then Desiree added, “Also, there were two things that caught our attention when you responded to our ad. First, when we saw the photo of the two of you and how attractive a couple you were, we knew you were good doll-making material.

Secondly, we recognized your names from seeing a few newspaper articles about your work as paranormal investigators. So, capturing the two of you is quite the coup for us and a bit ironic too since our particular brand of the paranormal will be your ultimate downfall. And it will be so nice to look at you on our shelves as a reminder of how we got the better of you.”

Upon hearing all this, Ellen and Paul renewed their struggles on the table, but all the ropes were holding them firmly in place. The two turned to each other with a look of deep fear on their faces. Ellen and Paul felt both embarrassed and humbled that this elderly couple had managed to capture them, strip them nude, and effectively bind and gag them. And even though they didn’t understand how someone could be turned into a doll, they knew that they were in grave danger.

Landry then asked Desiree, “Dear, could you please gather up our guests’ clothing and belongings. They won’t need them any longer. We can dispose of their things later.”

“mmmmppppphhhh!!!” Paul and Ellen called out and shook their heads no.

Then, Landry walked over to the shelf containing the dolls and found his book of spells, handed down through generations of his family since the early 1800’s. It contained all manner of spells for those who engaged in the voodoo arts. One page in the middle of the book had been dog-eared many times and he turned directly to it.

Landry looked down solemnly at the words on the page and he and Desiree took each other’s hand.

Then he looked at Paul and Ellen and said, “We’ll be starting the ceremony now. You can struggle as much as you want, but you won’t be getting free, and within a few minutes, you both will become dolls forever.”

“mmmmmmpppphhh!!!” Ellen and Paul mewed into their gags. They continued their struggles and began pleading, if only with their eyes, to be set free.

As they did so, Ellen’s breasts and hips jiggled softly, and Paul’s small dick wriggled about while they both struggled, but all the ropes held fast and kept them bound and pinned to the table.

Their captors were too preoccupied with their spell to notice, and they both began to read from their book of voodoo magic.

Things looked grim for the helpless pair as they had no chance of freeing themselves and no one was the wiser as to the imminent peril they were in, in the basement of the home of their captors.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

“Who can that be!” screeched Landry.

“Don’t answer it!” Desiree said. “Maybe they’ll go away.”

The door knock came again.

“Oh, blast it. I’ll get the door.” Landon said with exasperation.

He rushed up the stairs and left Desiree and their two soon-to-be dolls, Paul, and Ellen, in the basement.

Landry answered the door, and it seemed Paul had parked in a place he shouldn’t have. The officer offered to not write a ticket if the owner would please just move the car.

“HHHLLLPPFF!! HHHLLPPFFF!!!” Ellen and Paul cried out as loudly as they could.

And this is when Landry realized he had made a tragic mistake. He failed to close the door to the basement and the officer heard the muffled cries coming from below.

Landry tried to run but the officer restrained him and then made Landry lead him down the basement stairs, where to his shock, he found Ellen and Paul bound and gagged on the table, along with an angry and guilty-looking Desiree.

Soon, Paul and Ellen were freed and dressed again and giving their statements to the police.

As for Landry and Desiree, they were charged with kidnapping and sent to jail to await trial. The D.A. could not charge them with the attempted murder of Ellen and Paul (and who would believe it) but finding the ex-mayor’s driver’s license there caused her to re-open the investigation into his and his wife’s disappearance.

Later, Paul and Ellen sat down with Mark Glenwood, Paul’s business partner, and they retold their story. The three of them wanted to investigate the Hebert’s voodoo claims further, but the police would not allow them back into the home to retrieve any of the dolls for study. It would not be long after that the relatives of the Hebert’s cleaned out the home and sold it, leaving the mystery unsolved.


PS: Ellen sent her niece a very nice present for her birthday, but it was not a doll!
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Post by GreyLord »

What a nice story!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by PaulsPerils »

Thanks! It was fun to write.
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