A Halloween to remember F/FFFF

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A Halloween to remember F/FFFF

Post by Kinklander »

A sequel to my previous story. Let me know what you guys think down in the comments!
http://www.tugstories.com/viewtopic.php ... 17#p109811

Delaney was beyond excited to be reconnecting with her three best friends. She hadn't seen them since the end of summer, when their would-be sleepover had turned into a night spent in their underwear, struggling to break free of their bindings and gags.

Delaney felt mildly guilty, having secretly orchestrated the whole thing with her step brother Chris. She hadn't really meant to scare her friends. She had just been feeling certain... desires towards them. Well, towards girls in general. But especially them. All she wanted was a chance to act out some of her fantasies in secret, with no fear of being shamed or shunned.

The girls had all gone off to college a few days after their ordeal. They had all hardly spoken in the few months afterwards. Delaney had begun to worry that maybe they were on to her, hence the reason why she received hardly any texts from them. Not that she had been good about texting them...

All of her fears were put to rest, however, when Quin hit up the old group chat with an invitation to a Halloween party at her house. That had gotten them all talking again.

It turned they had all been equally busy at their new schools. Each girl apologized for not talking in so long, and promised to be better about communicating. Delaney was glad none of them brought up their final night together.

Being at a new school with new friends had given her a chance to explore herself more freely. It hadn't taken long to find other girls with similar interests to her own. Now if she wanted to explore her feelings with the same sex she didn't need to have them bound and gagged first. Though, there were some girls who wanted to be... She would have to see them more often. But at least she no longer needed to use her best friends from home to unwittingly help her to fulfill her fantasies.

Halloween was on a Saturday this year, which was perfect for their school schedules. Each of the girls would return Friday night, giving them plenty of time to prepare on Saturday, and all of Sunday to recover, if need be.

Delaney had no trouble picking out a costume. One of the girls she had been seeing was in the theater department. She liked to roleplay, and often had Delaney dress up in heavily altered theater costumes.

Her favorite 'game' to play was harem slaves. The girls would take turns dressing in revealing harem girl outfits, often having their hands cuffed in front of them with prop handcuffs as they performed hip-swaying belly dances for their 'master.'

There was a particularly revealing pink harem outfit with gold sequined trim that Delaney most enjoyed wearing. The separated top and bottoms showed off her tanned belly nicely, along with the gold dangling belly button ring she had recently acquired.

The top of the outfit formed a nice V, giving a good look into her ample cleavage. The bottom was basically a miniskirt, with short gold tassels falling from the bottom edge to hang over the top of her well shaped thighs.

Once again she found herself on the porch of Quin's family's massive lakeside estate. She had only taken a glance at the Victorian tower jutting up from the front of the house on her way in. A flood of mixed emotions had come over her as she did. Both the good memories of spending the night there with a bunch of tied up girls, and the guilt that kept creeping along with it.

She hesitated to knock. Suddenly she was feeling self conscious about her costume. Was it too much? Or rather, too little? What would her friends think? Surely they weren't dressed nearly as scandalously as she.

She was just contemplating turning back when the oversized front doors were thrown open. "Hey giiiirl!"

Delaney's draw nearly dropped. Standing between the two wooden doors with her arms outstretched in the air, Quin stood beaming brightly at her friend. She was decked out in a pair of mouse ears, that sat perched on top of her blonde bob cut hair. She had on the smallest button up top Delaney had ever seen. It was pink with white polka dots, and seemed to only cover the front of the girl's perky breasts. Her midriff was fully exposed, and ample cleavage was displayed on top. A frilly white miniskirt and a pair of red heels completed her outfit.

Delaney was overjoyed, not only to see her friend, but to see that she wasn't alone with her scandalous outfit choice after all. The tassels on her skirt swirled whimsically around as she rushed to embrace the other scantily clad girl. She made sure to press her breasts firmly up against Quin's as they hugged hello.

"I'm so glad you could make it. Come on in, the others are already here!" Quin led her excitedly into the house.

The cartoon-mouse-dressed-girl hit her with a flurry of questions as they made their way through the miniature mansion. How was school going? Had she met any boys? How was her family? Was she seeing them this weekend too? What was Chris up to these days? How about Little Monster?

Delaney was taken off balance. School was fine, but she wasn't meeting boys there. That was still a secret she was uncomfortable with sharing just now. And Chris? If only Quin knew... She had no idea that it had been Chris, Delaney's own step brother who had tied her up and spanked her only a few short months ago. As for Little Monster...

Little Monster, or Mara, as she was really named, was Delaney's younger sister. She was alright, as far as sisters go, but she was definitely a little strange. Delaney could never put a finger on what kind of subculture her sister was into, but it seemed to be a mix of every dark and disturbing one there was. The girl had had jet black straightened hair and pale makeup with dark eyeliner since the day their mother allowed her to, or in Delaney's mind, given up.

Delaney politely answered the questions the best that she could, brushing over the ones about boys and Chris. She was sure Little Monster was busy all weekend, with Halloween of course being her favorite holiday.

She was relieved when they finally rounded the corner into the oversized living room. The normally brightly lit room sat in the back of the house, with large picture windows overlooking the bay behind it letting in an abundance of natural sunlight. Today, however, the weather was gloomy and ominous. A perfect Autumn day for Halloween to fall on.

Sitting on the dimly lit hardwood floor, Kami and Ruby were in the process of lighting up some pumpkin spice scented candles on a large wooden coffee table. Both girls jumped up to greet their new arrival as Delaney entered the room.

Delaney laughed at herself for her earlier embarrassment. All of her friends were as scantily clad as she was. Kami was dressed as a Halloween themed pirate. Her outfit consisted of a tiny top and short skirt, both black with orange vertical stripes running down them. She wore a pirate captain hat that instead of a skull, featured a Jack-o'-lantern with orange crossbones behind it.

Ruby's tight young body was practically bursting out of her sexy blue and white nurse's costume, which also came in two pieces.

Delaney couldn't help feeling a little aroused as her exposed midriff pressed firmly against her friends'. She would have a hard time not staring tonight.

The next few hours were pure fun. Quin threw a scary movie on the giant tv for some background entertainment while the girls gathered around the candlelit table to drink cider, play games, and catch up on what had been happening in everyone's lives.

Soon it was getting dark for real. The girls had left the lights off in the house, to avoid being bothered by trick or treaters. The doorbell had still rung a few times throughout the night anyways, and they made sure to answer it, and do their civic duty of supplying candy to the city's youngsters. Each child was also given an apple, courtesy of Quin's health-conscious parents.

The girls had just enjoyed a long stretch of uninterrupted time when the doorbell rang again. "Really, they're still at it?" Quin got up, motioning for the other girls to continue with their card game. "It's after 11:00. You girls keep playing. I hope they like apples, because I took the rest of the candy in here, and I'm not giving it up now." The girls laughed and helped themselves to another round of treats as she got up to make the long walk to the front door.

The girls continued their game. "There must have been a line at the door," Kami commented absently, when Quin did not immediately return. They began bypassing her turn in the game when they grew tired of waiting.

They were just getting engrossed into it again when they were interrupted by a faint series of thuds. The noise seemed to be growing louder, and heading their way. The girls turned curiously to the entrance of the massive room as the ominous noise grew closer and closer.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Suddenly there was Quin. She stood in the doorway, leaning precariously as if any false move could send her falling to the ground. She hopped closer into the dim light, landing with a thud each time. When she reached the edge of the candlelight the girls gasped with horror.

The girl was bound hand and foot with coarse brown ropes, forcing her to hop to get around. In her mouth was one of the apples she had been handing out, kept in place by clear packing tape that wound all the way around her head.

In the shadows behind her lurked an odd figure, clad in flowing black robes. Ominously the figure stepped forward into the candlelight, revealing a red devil mask that hid the entirety of their face. A black hood rising from the robes enveloped the back of their head, making it impossible to make out any identifiable factors.

The mysterious captor's hands were full. In the one hand they held a rope. Upon closer investigation, Delaney realized that it ran to a small black collar that was firmly fastened around the trembling Quin's slender neck. In the other hand was a long black leathery object. Delaney recognized it from the horseback lessons she had taken as a kid. A riding crop.

Suddenly the figure swung the crop, striking the captive Quin's booty through her skintight costume. Quin let out a yelp through her apple-gagged lips as she fell forward onto the floor. Only the pull of the leash softened her fall somewhat.

"Now that I have your attention," the figure was speaking to them, "I need you girls to do exactly as I say, unless you want to live out a real life horror movie tonight."

Delaney was surprised to hear it was a girl's voice behind the mask. It made sense, with the short stature of their assailant, but it was surprising nonetheless. An ounce of respect crept into her mind. When she had done her little stunt she had had her step brother do half of the work. This girl was doing it alone.

She quickly pushed those thoughts aside. After all, she didn't really know what this girl was after. This could be an actual psychopath or murderer for all she knew. Not just a girl trying to get a look at her friends in their panties.

"You two," the mysterious girl motioned to Kami and Ruby. "Lay down on your stomachs. The girls were reluctant to obey, but another swift smack of the riding crop on Quin's ass convinced them they had better listen, for her sake. Delaney hated herself for it, but she couldn't help but feel somewhat aroused as she stared into Quin's pleading eyes.

Once the girls had obeyed, the mysterious girl reached into her robes, producing two pairs of rusty handcuffs. She laid them on the hardwood floor, then kicked them past her cowering cartoon mouse dressed captive, right to the edge of Delaney's bare feet.

"Be a dear and put those on your friends there, would you?" Delaney was glad there was nobody behind her as she bent over to pick them up. Her harem skirt was too short for anything but standing or sitting strategically in.

As she held the cuffs in her hand she realized that they were not actually rusty. They were somehow just painted to appear that way. This girl must be really into her horror movies.

Delaney walked gingerly over to her two friends. She arrived at Ruby first. Gingerly she took her sweet friend's hands in hers, pulling them behind her and laying them on the tight blue skirt of her nurse's costume. *Clickclickclick* Delaney felt a rush as she tightened the handcuffs around her friend's wrists. Even if she wasn't technically in control, it was still a rush to be binding such a cute girl. Especially one she had dreamt of doing this to ever since she had realized her same sex attractions.

She felt the same rush with Kami. Even better, somehow in the act of laying down, Kami's skirt had come up. Her orange full bottom panties with white lacy frill around the edges were almost too much for Delaney. Leave it to Kami to be dressed for the occasion even down to her underwear. Delaney made sure to "accidentally" brush her hands over her friend's shapely cheeks as she clicked her hands securely into the cuffs.

Next, as Delaney already expected, it was her turn. The girl captor, after checking that the handcuffs were secure, ordered her to remove the candles from the coffee table, then lay down flat on it. Delaney obeyed.

No sooner had she laid herself down when the room suddenly went completely dark. A smooth sensation running across the top half of her face, past her ears and behind her head told her that she had been blindfolded.

Next she felt the unmistakable cold of metal handcuffs being applied to her wrists. Instead of her hands being cuffed together, however, they were pulled above her head, and attached to something below them. No doubt the legs of the coffee table. Her ankles were quickly given the same treatment.

There was some rustling for the next few minutes. A few muffled 'mmphs' and the sound of tape unwinding told her her friends were probably being bound further. She wished the blindfold wasn't stopping her from enjoying the spectacle.

Eventually there was silence. Then the mmphing took up again, much louder this time, and more frantic. What could that be about. She was just opening her mouth to ask, but all that came out was a scream of terror and pain.

Something red hot had just landed on her midriff. It burned there for just a moment, then seemed to stretch out in a small, sticky circle. A moment later another drop of fire exploded nearby the first one. Then another, and another.

The pain wasn't unbearable, but it was still pain nonetheless. Delaney writhed this way and that against her bonds, shouting obscenities as the fiery drips assaulted her exposed skin. She could feel herself almost wriggling right out of her skimpy costume. The drips moved their way up and down her body, assaulting her exposed legs and even her breasts as they burned her indiscriminately. She could hear her friends muffled pleading to the side of her as her torture continued.

Finally the drips ceased. Delaney breathed deeply as the sticky substances that checkered her body began to cool and harden. Suddenly the blindfold was ripped from her head. The devil mask leered down at her, seeming to mock her with its satanic smile.

Delaney forced her gaze off of it, turning her head to look at her friends. All three of them sat shoulder to shoulder on the couch. Kami and Ruby had been gagged with apples taped into their mouths just like Quin had been. Gobs of what must be drool mixed with tears hung at each of their chins, running down their exposed cleavage and soaking the skimpy tops of their costumes.

Looking down her own body, Delaney saw that she was filled with flecks of red and orange goo. But what was it? Looking back up at her leering captor gave her her answer. In each hand the girl held one of the fall scented candles. The candles had burned down significantly at this point, creating pools of melted wax inside each jar. This little monster had poured the wax up and down her body. This little monster...

Delaney's thoughts were interrupted by the unfastening of the cuffs from her wrists. As she sat up, her hands were forced roughly behind her, and cuffed together this time. The chains were then removed from her feet, and she was escorted to the couch, where she was made to trade places with Ruby.

Delaney opened her mouth reluctantly when the mysterious girl produced an apple and a roll of clear packing tape. She didn't fight as the cold, crispy fruit was shoved forcefully into her mouth. The tape was applied quickly, but her captor made sure it was nice and tight before moving on to her next task.

Delaney watched closely as Ruby took her former place on the table. The girl pleaded and moaned through her apple gag as she was forced to lay on her back. Unlike Delaney, she knew what was about to happen to her, and wanted no part in it.

Delaney moaned along with her friends as they watched the blindfold be applied to Ruby's head, and the candles held above her. It was an effort for Delaney to seem genuine, however. If Ruby squirmed even half as much as she had... Delaney leaned forward in her seat.

One by one the girls each took their turn on the table. Quin got the worst if it. Being the last one to go, their captor had taken an extra long time on her, using up every last ounce of wax from the two candles she had been using.

Delaney could feel her own panties getting wet as she watched her friends squirming in theirs. Their little costume skirts did nothing to hide their underwear as they thrashed beneath the fiery hail of wax.

She was delighted to see that each one's pair seemed to match their costumes. She already knew that Kami's were orange, matching her orange and black Halloween pirate costume. Ruby's were blue and frilly, going nicely with her blue and white nurse outfit. Quin's were a special treat. White and lacy, just like what the cartoon mouse would wear. Also fitting for her more innocent personality. Delaney knew they had seen her hot pink pair as well, and the thought excited her.

Finally the wax torture was over. Quin shook as she was let up from her position on the table. The girls were all ordered up now, then forced to sit on the floor in a wide circle. Their captor produced even more cuffs, and one by one cuffed each girl's ankle to the ankle of the girl next to her. Ruby was between Quin and Kami. Their widened legs gave a clear view up their skirts to each one's panties. Delaney hoped hers were dark enough to cover up the wet stains that were surely there.

To the girl's surprise, their captor joined them on the floor, adding her own legs to the circle. When she cuffed them in, Delaney realized that the shape of the five pairs of spread legs made a giant pentagram on the floor.

Their captor's hands remained uncuffed. Reaching under her robes, she pulled out a long, pink object with a rounded tip. Delaney recognized it instantly, and from the looks on the other girl's faces, they did too. A vibrator.

The robed girl set it down in the middle of the circle, then peered through her mask at each of her victims. "Are you girls ready to play a game?" Without answer, she suddenly spun the vibrator like a bottle. Around and around it went, first quickly, then slowing, slowing, slowing, stopped. The head faced right between Quin's legs.

The mouse costumed girl's innocent eyes widened in terror. The devil masked girl said nothing. Simply leaning forward, she clicked the vibrator on to the lowest setting, and shoved it into the front of Quin's white lacy panties. The girl squirmed as the slowly vibrating tip made contact, mmphing into the apple in her mouth as her most intimate area was filled with sensation.

The session lasted about thirty seconds. Then suddenly the vibrator was back on the floor, spinning, looking for its next victim. Ruby was next. This time it was set to the number two speed. The girl squirmed less than Quin had. Delaney had no doubt that Ruby had a little more experience with these things than she'd care to admit. She always was a little more adventurous.

The spin landed on their captor next. The girl pulled up her robes to reveal a pair of gray cotton panties, adorned with little white skulls. Pulling the vibrator up to her, she clicked it to the number three setting. Her session lasted much longer than the previosely established thirty seconds. She seemed to look at each girl individually as she pleasured herself, barely muffled moans escaping through her mask as she seemed to flaunt her sexuality in front of her literal captive audience. When she was done Delaney could see splotches of moisture on her gray panties.

Next it was Delaney's turn. The number four speed setting hit her like a tidal wave. Sensation poured over her entire body as the machine rubbed her over her increasingly wet pink panties. She closed her eyes and thought of her friends, all tied up and gagged in little more than their underwear. Her toes curled in anticipation of the explosion that was about to come. But it never did. Her thirty seconds were up. The vibrator was back in the middle of the floor now, leaving her panting furiously. Now this really was torture worthy of a horror movie.

In the end each girl had a turn. Just like with the wax, Quin got the last round. She nearly leapt off of the floor when she was hit with the highest setting. Delaney couldn't tell it it was moans of terror or of pleaser that were escaping around the apple in her friend's mouth, but whichever they were she knew one thing; they were loud.

When her thirty seconds were up, one thing was certain. The innocent girl who had dressed as the cartoon mouse had absolutely soaked through her innocent white panties.

Now the game was finally over. Each girl sat in a kind of daze as their captor stood up, releasing herself from her ankle cuffs.

A muffled yelp from Kami shook Delaney back to reality. Looking up, she saw their captor had produced a small knife from beneath her robes. "Relax," the voice behind the mask was calm and soothing. "I just want to see a little more of you."

One by one the robed girl made her way around the circle. Using the knife carefully, she cut off the costumed tops of each girl, revealing bras to the rest of the room. Delaney was delighted to see that each girl matched their costumes up top as well. Ruby's bra was blue and frilly. Kami's was orange with jack o' lantern faces covering each boob. Her own was pink and tassled, matching her skirt. And Quin's was pink with white polka dots. Just like the mouse would wear.

The girls were all stood up now, and brought over to the back of the couch, which they were leaned forward over.

"Before I forget," said their captor, "it is Halloween, so I brought candy of course." Standing in front of them, she produced four ring pops, displaying them so that each girl could get a good look. Suddenly she slid around behind them, and before Delaney knew what was happening, her panties were slid down, and she felt the ring pop slide into the last place it should ever go. The yelps from her friends told her they were experiencing the same thing.

Her panties were pulled back up, and suddenly she was being escorted out of the room and towards the back stairs. She had to walk very awkwardly to avoid the awkward discomfort in her backside. It only grew worse as she found herself making her way up the back stairs. Were they headed to the tower?

"Well, what did you think?" The voice behind the mask seemed suddenly very familiar.

"Mmph?" Delaney turned to face her captor.

"Oh, my mistake. I'm not taking that gag out, that's too much work. Yes or no questions, I guess. Did you like it?"

Delaney stared blankly at the devil masked girl walking beside her.

"Chris told me you were into this type of thing, and, well.. so am I. I figured this would be as good an opportunity as any to try it out."

Chris? Delaney's step brother? The one who had helped her tie up her friends this summer? But who would he tell? She had sworn him to secrecy. Could he have told... "Mphara?"

"Uh, yeah it's me, dummy. You didn't know?" The girl removed her mask. Delaney would have recognized that pale makeup and straight blank hair a mile away. Her little sister Mara. The Little Monster.

Delaney rolled her eyes. She didn't know whether to be furious or relieved. Before she could react further they had reached their destination. The old Victorian tower that loomed above the rest of the house.

"Well, I guess we'll have to finish this conversation later. Up you go." Mara pushed her gently up the stairs. She sat her gently on the wicker couch, then donned her mask and turned to leave. "I'll be right back with your friends." Delaney adjusted herself uncomfortably as the ring pup lodged its way further into the crevice it was never meant to go into.

Soon all four captives were in the tower. Mara produced a backpack from beneath her robes. That must have been where she had been keeping all of her equipment. This time she pulled out four long, rolled up sheets. Unrolling them, she revealed that they each contained a series of glow in the dark body stickers. The stickers were of life sized bones, making up four human skeletons.

She made short work of applying the stickers to each of her captives. She she was finished, four green glowing skeletons stared back up at her.

Delaney felt a sense of deja Vu as they were each led to the tower windows that overlooked the upper class neighborhood. Each girl stood in a different window, their cuffs wrapped around the sturdy curtain rods above their heads. From outside, they would simply look like spooky glowing Halloween decorations.

Mara thanked them for their hospitality, then gave each girl an firm smack on the ass before disappearing into the dark. "What a night," Delaney thought. She didn't know about the other girls, but for her, it had somehow been the best Halloween ever.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That was a Halloween to remember :)
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Post by roguehorseman »

Tremendous stuff, a sequel even better than the first one.
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