The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago
And, @Caesar73, I have every confidence in the world that the climax will be epic, indeed!

Your confidence honours me @GreyLord You can expect the next update on Sunday at the latest :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Dear Friends, Followers, and Readers - this will be the last Update in 2023. Thank you for your Support along the way. Step by Step this Tale of Love and War is nearing it´s Climax - there are a few Chapters to go till the final Battle begins.

Chapter 101

“A Rendezvous and a Duel”

The Western Desert: The Palace, Anna´s quarters:

Merit brushed Anna´s long dark tresses till they shimmered, and braided them into an artfully woven braid, which fell between her shoulder blades. Her Lady in Waiting had outdone herself: The make-up was Egyptian; the heavy eye make-up made her look mysterious.

The silken dark blue gown accentuated her cleavage nicely. Her décolleté was adorned by a scarab, made of lapis lazuli – on a golden template with the wings of Horus. It had been another gift Pharaoh had her showered with in the last days.

The golden bracelets which adorned her wrists were antique: Gold with inlays of lapis lazuli. Similar bracelets adorned her ankles. The blue Aquazura Platform Sandals matched the colour of the gown perfectly. Gently Merit put the golden Diadem on her head.

“Merit you have outdone yourself!” Anna complimented her Lady-in-Waiting The young Egyptian blushed slightly “You were quite the talk among the courtiers Anna today – what you did at the shooting range impressed the people very much – they have never seen anything like this!”

“I was lucky” Anna demurred modestly but smiled “No, it was no luck” she shrugged “I am even better with a gun – but I shoot regularly with a bow” Merit gaped in awe at her “Like Robin Hood?” The Russian smiled “Something like that” She paused “Wait, you do know Robin Hood?”

Merit grinned “I do – and I adore Kevin Costner!”

Her Lady-in-Waiting smiled mischievously “Pharaoh must really love you Anna – he sends his Chariot over to bring you to Pharaoh´s Quarters”.

Anna returned the smile “Somehow, I think I have deserved that”.

In fact, the Russian enjoyed the drive in the cool evening breeze “Al Mansour´s driver is really good” Anna smiled.

By a detail of Pharaoh´s Guards under Seth-Nacht´s personal command Anna was escorted to Pharaoh´s personal quarters, which considered Anna as gesture of respect. The gates swung wide open, and Anna strode through – in the centre of the room Al Mansour was waiting. In one fluid motion the Russian bowed and curtsied before the Egyptian “My King” she greeted him referentially “You may rise my bride” “You are to gracious oh Son of Horus!” Anna purred and rose to her feet.

Al Mansour´s eyes rested on Anna´s Décolleté “You wear the Scarab Anna” The Russian graced him with a warm smile “It matches the gown perfectly, don´t you think?” she smiled coyly “Come” Al Mansour said and bade her his arm and led Anna to the balcony again. It was a beautiful evening.

The sky above the desert showed all pastel colours of gold and red and blue – and Anna could not help to enjoy the sight. Again, they were served by the two personal maids – which were not restrained this evening:

The Russian had decided to enjoy this evening. And Al Mansour was a gifted conversationalist – she would not trust him, never. But that did not rule out that she could have some fun.

The next days would be a challenge, and to forget the perils she would be facing would not hurt. Anna was still resolved to end Al Mansur´s reign – even if she had no idea how to accomplish this. If that meant marrying the Egyptian even to have sex with him – so, be it.

She just had to survive – till Chris came to rescue her. That Chris would come? Of that she was certain. That firm belief was the anchor that allowed her to continue this path. Chris was the beacon of hope that guided her.

Till then? She would swallow her pride. She would be Judith and he would be Holofernes. Anna had to smile: The Russian had always loved Caravaggio. The Painter had captured that Scene of the Old Testament so vividly: in which the widow Judith stayed with the Assyrian general Holofernes in his tent after a banquet then decapitated him after he passed out drunk:


Anna would never submit to him, neither in body nor in spirit. But this was a battle for another day.

In 24 hours at dawn, she had to face Anck-Sun-Amun. Anna was not afraid. For that moment she had trained for the last eight months. A lot of things had changed since then. But that was tomorrow. Today was – today.

And so, Anna made small talk, enjoyed the fabulous meal, the beautiful sight, it helped her to forget the dire situation for a few hours. To forget, she was a beautiful bird in a gilded cage.

She smiled at Al Mansour “I will be a very unusual Queen Hiram” Her host smiled too “probably” he said, “A Queen who fights better like many men and who captures the hearts of my People with her violin”.

“Flatterer” Anna chuckled “Why don´t you refill my Glass?”

The Western Desert, the Stronghold:

Dark had fallen over the desert. Chris knelt in her quarters; her eyes fixated on the large candle before her. She had meditated for an hour. Now she was calm and collected. She had thought about that conversation she had had with Sarah.

The Canadian had been right Chris thought “I am driven by the desire for revenge I want to get back at those who killed Anna, and Shana is one of them. She is here. She has sent me and Anna to that meeting” A small voice in her head told her “But it was your decision to go there….”

A respectful knock at the door of her quarters interrupted her “It is time princess” a voice outside spoke respectfully “I will come” she said firmly, loud, and clear, “Just one moment”.

Chris bowed till her forehead touched the tatami she was kneeling on “Revered father in your hands I recommend my Spirit” she spoke softly.

Chris rose and stood “I am coming”.

Sophie watched the large inner courtyard of the strong hold: The sky above them was filled with stars. The courtyard was packed with people. The silence was eerie. Ardeth Bey had been surprised as Chris had told him she would duel Shana Al Amari.

But for him this was just as right: The Medjai would watch the Warrior Princess of the North in Action. And that was all he needed to convince his men to follow that tall blonde with the green eyes – he had sensed the darkness which engulfed the pianist like a veil at times. She was grieving – Ardeth Bey knew the signs too well.

Sophie wondered ….

The lawyer had sensed Chris´ resolve to do this. The death of Anna had changed the pianist. She kept her emotions under control mostly – but now and then her dark side asserted itself. A side, Chris kept normally firmly in check.

But Sophie had watched Chris during the last seven days. She hurt, she hurt much. Anna´s death was a still open wound. Raw, not healed - not closely. Sophie could only try to imagine what Chris was going through.

She never had had a friend so close, but she knew that Anna had been a part of Chris´ soul: There had been dozens of occasions when that close bond had shown. And now? That unbreakable bond? That bond had been severed by Shana Al Amari and her Master. Anna was gone.

Would Chris recover? Sophie watched:

Drums began to beat in a slow rhythm and interrupted Sophie´s musings: In the centre of the inner courtyard was a cordoned area, a square, elevated on a podium, surrounded by torches. Next to the Square stood another Podium, there sat five Elders of the Medjai and Ardeth Bey.

Sophie watched as Chris stepped into the yard.

The blonde wore her black trousers – Sophie did not remember the name – and her white blouse. At her waist she wore the daisho of a Samurai. She slipped off her sandals and stepped into the square. Sophie could not make out her features, but to her, her features seemed clear. Still like a statue she stood there.

“How calm she looks” Evie wondered. Sarah, Hayley, Kirsty, Kate and Birte had joined them “Yes” the Briton nodded “Like a statue” “I don´t get why she does it? Birte said to no one in particular “Shana belongs in Prison”.

“I hear you” Kate nodded “The Detective in me says that too – but as a friend I understand her. From her point of view this is justice and a form of closure. What do you think Sarah, you talked to her about it?”

The thief nodded “I asked her if she was sure about her motives. Basically, it is like Kate said: For her this is justice – Chris did not even deny it – and revenge. From her point Shana is responsible for Anna´s death”

“Chris is normally guided by firm principles and lives by the code of Bushido” Sophie added thoughtfully “To me it seems as if Anna´s death has opened a door to Chris´ darker side – a door she keeps normally firmly closed”.

Silence greeted those words.

“There comes Shana!” Hayley pointed down on the square. Escorted by two Medjai the Egyptian entered the Square too. She wore the traditional black garb of the Medjai and had her long brown curly hair braided in a ponytail too. Al Amari had been provided with a gleaming Khopesh.

The Drums fell silent. There was only the cackling of the torches. The two guards left the Square. Both women faced each other. Chris stood still like a statue. Ardeth Bey rose – and spoke in Arabic. His resonating voice filled the courtyard easily. Evie listened intently.

“He is announcing a trial by combat between the Warrior Princess of the North and the Daughter of Isis” the Egyptologist translated “That Chris accuses Shana of Murder and demands Satisfaction”.

The Leader of the Medjai ended with something that sounded like a solemn Declaration “Ardeth Bey says it is the will of the Gods that this duel will be fought to the death and only ends with the death of one of the Combatants”.

“Like in a god damned Greek Tragedy” Kirsty said admiringly.

The assembled crowd greeted Ardeth Beth´s proclamation with three resounding cheers. The Black Lady had had a keen eye on Chris “She really seems totally unmoved” She watched as the blonde removed the shorter Wakizashi from her girdle and laid it on the ground. With a fluent movement the pianist unsheathed her blade.

The blonde presented her blade to her opponent and bowed. The Egyptian returned the gesture in equal fashion. Time came to a standstill. To Hayley it felt like the air cackled with electricity.

Shana looked at her adversary and searched for any emotion in the beautiful stony face. There was none. Chris face now more than ever resembled that of one those Greek Marble Sculptures. Her classical features were devoid of any emotion. There were those emerald-green eyes though.

They did not look dull as they had after Anna´s death. They radiated an icy coldness. If she was honest to herself, it was that silence, that coldness that got under Shana´s skin. The Egyptian had expected some taunting, some trash talk – but nothing.

The blonde had gripped the glistening Katana with both hands and assumed the traditional fighting stance of the Samurai. Shana waited for the smallest sign which would signal an attack “Like Cobra poised to strike”.

The two women began encircling each other. To the outside observer it looked like a carefully scripted dance: Almost no sound except the cackling of the torches and shuffling of Chris´ bare feet on the red sand.

Suddenly the blonde exploded into action. A lightning quick combination of strokes, which ended with a swift backhand stroke aimed at her opponent´s throat. The two blades collided. Sparks buzzed through the air.

Shana and Chris stepped back. Then it was Shana´s turn. But Chris parried the attack with ease. Sarah followed the exchange with professional interest: They were still in the opening stages of the fight. Both combatants seemed to be evenly matched. Appearances were deceiving though. Chris was holding back for a reason. Luring her enemy into safety?

Several more exchanges followed. Chris carefully avoided her blade being entangled with the Khopesh. She had some routine now fighting opponents wielding that ancient weapon – and knew the risks. Shana was good, the thief had to admit:

With a lightning quick combination, the Egyptian charged, forcing Chris´ on the defensive – the finishing overhand stroke was so powerful, its energy sent shock waves through her arms. The blonde did not register the superficial cut at her left shoulder: the white cloth turned red. Shana´s Khopesh had left a shallow gash.

And for the first time the Egyptian spotted a reaction by Chris: A small smile curled her lips and the curtest of nods. Like some sort of professional acknowledgement. Sarah McKenzie was impressed: Shana Al Amari was good, really, really good.

The Canadian had noticed the curt nod by Chris. What happened next went so incredibly fast that even her trained eye had difficulties to follow. Chris charged with a combination of strokes, so powerful and precise she forced her opponent back to the other end of western end of the square. Blows rained down on the Egyptian; Powerful, hard, relentless, accurate.

Only to the untrained eye, this rain of steel seemed erratic. It was anything but that. Sarah McKenzie was impressed. By now she had seen Chris training frequently and fighting several times – but, if possible, the blonde was even faster than usual. And there was a method behind these relentless attacks.

Shana could only parry and only with difficulty. She deflected most of the blows except one swift vicious backhand stroke which cut deep in her right upper arm. The Egyptian felt no pain, but the cut was deep, and the blood seeped through torn cloth. But Shana had barely time to regroup: Chris attacked again with another barrage of strokes.

To The Black Lady it looked like the superficial hit Shana had achieved had worked like a switch. It was like a beast had been unleashed: A deafening crash as the blades collided with tremendous force again. Both combatants stepped back – both women used the pause to regroup. “We can continue – if you are rested” Chris smile was cold, “Ready when you are” Shanna nodded – equally coolly.

“So be it then” Chris nodded – and smiled. Cold. Hard – and merciless.

The blonde presented the gleaming Katana and stormed forward, a clash, a scream- suddenly the Khopesh whirled through the air, a sharp cry of pain. Shana lay on her back, her right hand pressed on her chest, blood soaked through her fingers. Chris towered over her, the tip of her Katana pressed against her opponent’s throat, unwavering.

Then something strange happened, Chris let her blade go and knelt next to her fallen enemy and pressed her ear against the Egyptian´s mouth. Shana was coughing blood. The Onlookers watched Chris nodding sincerely She twitched a final time, and her body became limb. No sound broke the silence.

Shana Al Amari´s last Words Chris would keep in her heart.

With Astonishment Birte Ricciarelli watched as the blonde touched the face of her fallen enemy gently, like a soft caress “She closes her eyes” the Detective concluded. Chris took her Katana – and presented it to Shana Al Amari.

Hayley watched fascinated as the blonde produced a piece of white Cloth from her Girdle and with one elegant move she swiped the blade clean from hilt to tip. The American was on the Verge of speaking as the Black Lady whispered "This is called "Chiburi" - the ritual cleaning of the Sword"

Mesmerized the Audience watched:

With a fluid motion the Pianist sheathed the blade and stuck it in her girdle along with the Wakizashi. The pianist bowed deep before her conquered enemy. She turned West clapped three times in her hands and spoke something in a foreign language, before she bowed deeply.

“What is she doing?” Birte whispered to Sarah. The Detective had the feeling to watch a religious ceremony “She is showing her respect for a fellow brave” the Canadian replied without turning her gaze away from the Square:

Chris bowed to the Podium and stood straight. Ardeth Bey rose, raised his arms, and spoke lout in Arabic “He is announcing that the Gods have spoken and that the Warrior Princess of the North has prevailed, but her enemy fought courageously” Evie supplied.

Ardeth Bey´s words were greeted by three loud cheers.

Chris stood in the centre of the Square; the resounding cheers washed above her like waves. She felt calm. Something had come to a close. This duel had brought closure. She turned east and searched her friends in the crowd. Her eyes met those of The Black Lady – and a small smile crossed her lips.

“I guess my Warriors won´t doubt your leadership anymore” Ardeth Bey´s voice broke Chris out of her reverie. She turned and looked straight at the Medjai “I think so too” she smiled “I want her to be buried with all the honours befitting a fallen hero – I want her to have a tombstone not an unmarked grave” and pointed at Shana Al Amari “It will be done as you wish Christine” Ardeth Bey replied sincerely.

He gestured to some of his Warriors and spoke quickly in Arabic. The Medjai bowed and left. Chris slipped on her Sandals “Don´t think me ungrateful Ardeth Bey” the blonde said sincerely “But I need some-time for me alone – I will join you at the feast later”.

“As you wish” the Medjai bowed deep.

Chris walked to her friends. Kate mustered the blonde keenly “Something has changed” the Detective thought. It was more something Kate´s fine antennas sensed than anything the human eye could see: Later the investigator would describe it as some sort of closure, Chris had found.

The blonde said nothing but hugged each and every one of her friends tightly. Words were not necessary.

At a tower, later:

It was much later in the night when Chris stood on the platform of the southern of the Fortresses two western towers and gazed into the West. There only a few hours away on a Dromedary´s back lay the Palace of the Enemy.

In 24 hours, they would attack. And here on the tower in middle of nowhere, in the heart of the night – Chris felt something she had not felt since she had awoken in Hospital in Luxor: Peace.

And she felt something else: it was as if Anna´s Soul had crossed the River of Death. She heard Anna´s voice as if the Russian was standing next to her on this Tower “Be at peace Chris!”

“I will Anna” the blonde spoke in the Silence “Only a little while now and I will be at Peace. May the Lord bless you and keep you Anna, wherever you are now” Tears rolled down her cheeks, but the blonde did not heed them.

And then she began to sing softly. The Words were Russian, Words Anna had taught her. The Verses were from Rachmaninov’s All Night Vigil. The Composer had wanted them performed at his own funeral:

“Nïne otpushchayeshi.
Kievskago raspeva”

“Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.”

Chris sang not loud but in the silence of the Western Desert the Wind carried the Words, the Melody far into the West.

How long she stood there, she did not know. She did not hear the soft footfalls behind her. She felt a gentle touch on her left shoulder “Come” a Woman´s voice said softly.
Last edited by Caesar73 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

Magnificent as ever. Let's all hope that 2024 is as productive regarding the output of your pen as 2023 has been.

A fine way to end the year.
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Post by Nainur »

Most excellently done! Chris put up a fine display of chivalry, both in her mastery of arms and in her attitude including her being respectful to the fallen! Very impressive. Taking a bow!

But, hey: nobody better as Errol Flynn as Robin Hood! ;)
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Post by GreyLord »

@LunaDog is correct, this was 'magnificent as ever.'
Nainur wrote: 5 months ago Most excellently done! Chris put up a fine display of chivalry, both in her mastery of arms and in her attitude including her being respectful to the fallen! Very impressive. Taking a bow!

But, hey: nobody better as Errol Flynn as Robin Hood! ;)
@Nainur nailed it mentioning excellence, chivalry, mastery, and respect. One slight suggestion would be to add a chiburi movement before sheathing her katana.

I do agree about Errol Flynn as well.

@Caesar73, you have produced so many great chapters lately that it would be impossible for me to say which one is best. But this chapter is certainly in the top few. Kudos, my friend!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 5 months ago @LunaDog is correct, this was 'magnificent as ever.'
@Nainur nailed it mentioning excellence, chivalry, mastery, and respect. One slight suggestion would be to add a chiburi movement before sheathing her katana.

I do agree about Errol Flynn as well.

@Caesar73, you have produced so many great chapters lately that it would be impossible for me to say which one is best. But this chapter is certainly in the top few. Kudos, my friend!
Dear Friends, thank you for your Praise - I see I have to watch Erol Flynn again, that has been Ages ago :) But I challenge each and every one who says, that there is a better Sheriff of Nottingham than Alan Rickman!

@GreyLord You made an excellent suggestion - so I made a few changes to fit "chiburi" in. Thanks for the input!

@Nainur It was important for me to show, that Chris does not loose her humanity in blind hate and thirst for revenge - which could have been happened very well, if we have a look who deep the Wound of Anna´s loss is. Instead losing her humanity, she reclaims it, by treating her fallen enemy with all the respect she deserves.

We will see what happens shortly - but it is save to say, that this Duel might be important, so Chris is ready to lead the Medjai into the final battle with a clear mind, focused and determined.
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Post by Nainur »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago ...
Dear Friends, thank you for your Praise - I see I have to watch Erol Flynn again, that has been Ages ago :) But I challenge each and every one who says, that there is a better Sheriff of Nottingham than Alan Rickman!
Aaawww, in this one I can only support the call: Alan Rickman (RIP) was marvellous as the vile sheriff, and by all accounts a very gentle, friendly, humorous person when he had not to act like "Hans" in "Die Hard" or "Professor Snape" in "Harry Potter".
Loved him as "Dr. Lazarus" in "Galaxy Quest"!
(sorry for being off topic, but >Alan Rickman simply went too early...)

On topic:
The addition of "chiburi" makes very much sense - good counseling, @GreyLord !
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Post by algebrauk »

You get the feeling that the two 'halves' of the tale since the explosion are about to be reunited!

Such descriptive story telling @Caesar73 - bravo!
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Post by Caesar73 »

algebrauk wrote: 5 months ago You get the feeling that the two 'halves' of the tale since the explosion are about to be reunited!

Such descriptive story telling @Caesar73 - bravo!
Thank you @algebrauk ! Indeed the two roads are converging rapidly - and the final Battle is looming at the horizon. And a battle it will be. Several actually. There are few Chapters till then, but not many.

The next chapter is due at the Weekend.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 102

“Under the Stars”

The Western Desert: The Palace, Pharaoh´s Private Chambers, earlier in the evening:

“This is insane: Here I sit dressed up to the nines, enjoying a fabulous Dinner with a crazy psychopath in his Palace in the middle of nowhere” The thought crossed Anna as they were enjoying the final course: A fantastic lemon Sorbet.

“If you don´t know that Al Mansour plans to cleanse the earth with his mysterious Sun-Ray-of-Amon-Ra he is pretty charming – and good looking. Not as ruggedly handsome as James but good looking and charming”

Anna congratulated herself: For almost three hours she had kept her temperament and tongue in check – and avoided any topic any question that would spoil the mood. And even if she hated Al Mansour with her guts: “He is a gifted storyteller and probably as versed as any Egyptologist – Evie would without any doubt found Al Mansur intriguing - on a strictly professional level.

“Where are you just now Anna?” her host interrupted her line of thought “I had to think of a friend of mine, who would find you without any doubt intriguing” the Russian smiled warmly – how she pulled that off she didn´t know.

The truth was simple: Anna did want to escape the reality she was facing, even if was for just a few hours. To pretend that everything was normal. That this evening was just what it seemed: A Dinner at a nice place. A man and a woman having a date, and if she pretended to have just this everything was fine. Anna needed this Illusion of Normality. She knew only too well it was all an Illusion.

So, she had allowed him to take her on a journey back in time: The Age of the Pyramids, the Reign of Hatshepsut, Ramses II. Al Mansour spoke as if he had been present at those events long.

Much later Anna took a sip of her Grappa – which was mild and did not burn her throat – and looked her host keenly in the eye “Why do you allow me to fight Anck-Sun-Amun? I could get hurt or even being killed?”

Al Mansour smiled that dazzling smile of his “You won´t lose this fight. The gods won´t allow it” Anna nodded “But you never know what happens in a fight – the fog of war you know” She did her best to keep her tone light “You should have more trust in the will of the gods and your skills” The Egyptian´s deep baritone was mesmerizing Anna had to admit “I trust my skill but I don´t trust you as far as I could throw you” she thought.

“Anck-Sun-Amun is a liability” her host explained still smiling “She was useful – but she cannot get over her limitations, her obsession with you. You will be both: My Queen and my High Priestess!”

How did Anna manage to keep a straight face she did not know “Her obsession? Who had me kidnapped and spirited into the desert to make me his Queen? Hypocrite!”

She smiled at Al Mansour “I am honoured by your trust my King – but in personal combat there is no guarantee you beat your opponent” Anna paused “Anck-Sun-Amun taught me that lesson in the British Museum” the Russian stroked almost casually above the scar over her left eye, which reminded her always off this fateful encounter.

Al Mansour laid his right hand on her left. It felt dry and warm “It was the will of the gods you survived, and you will win tomorrow, believe me” Anna felt it hard to resist the power of his voice, his will. She held his gaze and did not pull her hand away “Thank you my King!” she said softly.

The King looked long at her “He seems to be somewhere else” Anna mused – and was a bit miffed “I gave you a good show in the last hours – you could at least appreciate that I didn´t rip your head off!”

“As I am not allowed by custom and tradition to touch you till, we are married” Al Mansour continued. The sudden change of tack surprised Anna “My two personal Maids will tend to you now” The Russian made a good imitation of looking crestfallen “But Hiram ….”

The Egyptian put a finger on her lips gently “As a King I have always business to attend to, but Aya and Sachmet will take good care of you, believe me” His dark voice sent shivers of exaltation down Anna´s spine. But inwardly she was relieved “I would sleep with the bastard if I must, but if not? The better!”

Anna pouted “And now you leave me? Just like this?” The Egyptian smiled warmly “Our time will come my love – just enjoy the administrations of my Maids”.

The two maids had hovered in the background – on Al Mansour´s curt nod they entered the balcony “Follow us Your Grace” the taller one smiled at her “We will take good care of you” her companion seconded and curtsied elegantly. Anna looked from them to Al Mansour “Do not fear anything my love” the Egyptian smiled “In a short time I will show you what loving me means”.

The Russian smiled warmly “I am looking forward to the moment of our union which was foretold by the Seers long ago” Anna bowed deeply. Inwardly Anna felt revulsion only. But she smiled nevertheless – never she would allow him to have a glimpse at her true self.

“And so shall it be my love!” Al Mansour smiled “We will see soon again!” Anna watched as he turned and strode to the Doors “Do you really believe this crap?” Anna had judged her Host correctly. The Egyptian’s Ego was as large as the Temple of Karnak, and he was as vain as Snow White´s Stepmother. It costed her much to keep a straight face “Show me the way Ladies!” she smiled at Pharaoh´s two maids.

The Western Desert, the Stronghold, after midnight:

Chris lay on her back and stared at the countless stars at the sky above the desert. Since the fateful moment she had entered the abandoned warehouse together with Anna she had not felt more at peace, than in this moment.

“Isn´t the sky beautiful?” Sarah McKenzie said softly “My grandfather taught me all the names of the stars you know – he was a fisherman” The blonde mumbled something. When they had left the tower, the thief had led her here: A place still inside the encampment but far from the festivities.

Obviously the Canadian had made some preparations. She had kindled eight torches which were flickering and cackling in the weak breeze. On the sand in the middle of the square formed by the torches a beautiful oriental rug had lain – at its corners the thief had driven one stake into the sand – deep enough that Chris could not dislodge them.

There were also two straw baskets. They were covered so Chris could not see what was in them “A surprise” the thief had smiled enigmatically “Stand in the centre of the rug” Chris had slipped off her sandals and complied, a part of her was very curious what the Canadian had planned.

After the duel and the hour on the tower a strange calm filled her “I should be cross with you, you know” the blonde said softly, but there was not the slightest undertone in her voice. It was a mere observation.

“You should” Sarah said gently “I thought much in the last months – I understand now better why you reacted that way” Chris nodded “What now?” The Canadian smiled that enigmatically and sometimes infuriating smile “Now, I want you to close your eyes and let go”.

Chris paused for a moment but then she complied, closed her eyes her arms loosely at her sides, her palms touching her thighs. The Thief slipped her shoes off and stepped on the rug too. It felt soft and lush under her soles.

She stepped behind the blonde. So close, Chris felt the Canadian´s body, its heat “Let yourself fall Chris” The Black Lady whispered huskily into Chris left ear, the hot moist tip of her tongue brushing across the blonde´s earlobe. A shudder ran though her body: From her neck, down her spine, far south.

Softly the thief laid her palms on Chris´ breasts, cupped them gently “Time to get more comfortable” that hypnotical voice whispered and pulled the white Hakama-Shita slowly and gently over Chris´ head and let it fall on the floor.

“I knew it” Sarah McKenzie chuckled amused “You are wearing no bra” Chris felt the light cool breeze on her hot dry skin. Her nipples hardened and not just because the cool air. The Canadian cupped Chris´ breasts again “I forgot how beautiful they are” she said softly, now the blonde felt Sarah´s hard nipples against her back. The Black Lady´s kiss on her neck felt like sacred fire.

Gently the thief placed one Kiss after another down the blonde´s spine – and kneaded her breasts gently. A soft moan escaped Chris´ lips “More” she whispered, “Do not stop” The Thief “I won´t, we have barely begun” and pulled down Chris´ black Hakama “Surprise, surprise” the Canadian whispered “I expected you to go Commando Chris!”

The blonde blushed slightly: Under her Hakama she wore a pair of lacy black panties “I think we leave them on for the moment – we don´t want you catch a cold” The Canadian teased her – and laid her right palm on Chris´ crotch “You are leaking blondie” the thief chuckled “do not go away – and don´t open your eyes, whatever happens”.

Chris felt the Canadian stepping down from the rug and heard her rummaging through one of the baskets. Soft footfalls told the blonde the thief was returning “I asked around for some gifts Chris – and your friends were quite generous, they really love you!”

Chris had a feeling where this was going …. “This one is from Sophie; this one is from Kate, and this is Hayley´s – and the fourth pair is mine” Sarah McKenzie clearly did enjoy herself “Your mouth is pretty big, and you can handle four pairs of panties easily”

In the end it was a tight fit, the last pair, red lacy panties the thief had masturbated on was a challenge: Chris´ jaws stood slightly ajar - playfully the thief pinched her hard nipples. The sound which escaped the blonde´s stuffed mouth was a very low moan.

“I will go easy on you Chris” the thief whispered in her right ear “No extra packing, no socks, just a tight silk scarf!” The pianist steeled herself, if the Canadian said “tight” – it would be tight. Chris was not disappointed. Soon her lower face was covered from chin to nose with heavily scented silk.

The pianist had a pretty shrewd idea what would be next “Why do I have to be correct?” she wondered. But in fact, she enjoyed the feeling of the knotted crotch scarf “My my my” the Canadian whispered “Do you have any idea how wet you are? You are really a woman in need!”

The thief touched her wet crotch panel and let her palm resting on Chris´ nose “Inhale my love!” Her own scent aroused Chris even more “Let me help you lie down – and don´t open your eyes!” “How well she does know me” Chris wondered.

The Canadian knew exactly how difficult it was for the pianist to give up control, to let go “You are a little Miss Controletti” Sarah McKenzie chuckled. The muffled retort was unintelligible but clear – but Chris let herself fall backwards, held by the Canadian´s warm hands - and guided gently down on the Rug.

She felt the soft rug under her skin, caressing it – and let the thief doing whatever she wanted. And so, Chris found herself soon in a tight spread eagle “Under the stars” she giggled into her gag.

What was the Canadian doing? She felt the thief leaving the mattress. Then the thief came back. Chris could not see it, but the black-haired thief knelt between her legs.

“You may open your eyes my love” the Canadian whispered. Chris opened her eyes: The first thing she saw was the beautiful sky with its myriads of stars, the second was the naked Thief kneeling between her legs, a flask in her hand.

“I will take good care of you Chris. No harm will come to you, I promise” Chris felt mesmerized by that dark hypnotic voice which enthralled her “I know I overstepped some bounds and some more, but I will make amends if you let me” Chris knew the Canadian intimately and her absolute pitch registered the slight shiver in her voice “Will you let me?” the Canadian whispered, her voice, her eyes all said the same “Will you let me?”

The answer was simple: The blonde smiled under her gag and nodded - the lyrics of a Song of Kate Rusby going through her head, song by Voces8 – tears flowed freely down Chris´ cheeks:

(8285) VOCES8 - Rusby: Underneath the S ... - YouTube

Underneath the stars I'll meet you
Underneath the stars I'll greet you
There beneath the stars I'll leave you
Before you go of your own free will

Go gently

Underneath the stars you met me
Underneath the stars you left me
I wonder if the stars regret me
At least you'll go of your own free will

Go gently

Here beneath the stars I'm landing
And here beneath the stars not ending
Why on earth am I pretending?
I'm here again, the stars befriending
They come and go of their own free will

Go gently
Go gently

Underneath the stars you met me
And Underneath the stars you left me
I wonder if the stars regret me
I'm sure they'd like me if they only met me
They come and go of their own free will
Go gently
Go gently
Go gently

“Shhh my love, there is no need to cry!” The thief whispered and kissed Chris gently on her forehead “Tonight you will feel no pain, no hurt – you are loved” Sarah looked down in those green pools of light which could speak more eloquently than any human tongue “All the people who love you are there – and I mean all of them, even if our eyes cannot see them. They are there!” Sarah stroked Chris over her forehead gently and kissed her on her gagged mouth fully.

She kissed Chris´ on the tip of her left nipple, then on the right … “Enjoy!” From wide teary eyes the blonde looked up – and the Canadian was sure that Chris smiled under her gag, a sad smile – and a warm smile.

Sarah opened the flask of oil and poured some liquid on her palms. A refreshing, an invigorating scent filled the air, a heavy musky scent: Chris´ nostrils flared “Do you know how much I adore your feet, Chris?” the Canadian whispered … and touched the soft flesh of Chris´ balls under her right big toe – and breathed a kiss on the tip of her big toe. A soft groan of pleasure escaped Chris´ lips.

The blonde looked at the sky above her “Every of those stars tells a story” and let just go …. here in the middle of the Western Desert, in the heart of the night she realized fully that she was not alone, that she had not to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders alone.

Anna was still there – even if she could not see her anymore, but she was not gone: She had left her music to the world she had given herself totally any time when she had stepped on the Podium. Chris let go …

As gentle as possible the thief caressed Chris´ body, massaged her feet with oil, moved gently upwards: Before moving upwards she blew kisses on the blonde´s hot skin.

Chris enjoyed each and every one of them “Underneath the Stars” – slowly and gently the Canadian worked her magic. And Sarah felt the tension leaving Chris´ body, the blonde moved in rhythm with the Canadian touches.

It was a long night underneath the stars – at some point the blonde German and the black haired Canadian cuddled together. Gently the thief stroked above Chris´ forehead. She noticed Chris´ breathing got deeper and more regular ….

Sarah McKenzie had made amends.

The Western Desert: The Palace: Pharaoh´s private Chambers

Chris was not the only one to make love unter the stars. On the large bed in Pharaoh´s bedroom lay a mummy. Covered in white bandages: Only her feet and breasts where uncovered, she was not alone though:

One dark haired naked woman was straddling her upper body, kneading her breasts. Another Woman was kneeling at her bare feet: Using a Wartenberg Wheel to full effect.

Anna´s mind was aflame her body was aflame – there were only moments when she was lucid – was clear enough to grasp fully what was happening to her. How had she ended here? Here on this incredible soft bed?

When Pharaoh had left her Aya and Sachmet had guided her into Pharaoh´s dressing room. Anna had let them. She had decided to enjoy this evening under the stars of the desert. Nothing would happen to her today. Tomorrow and the day after were another matter.

Gently and caring the two maids had undressed her: Removed the diadem of her head, removed the bracelets, Aya knelt down and slipped the platform sandals of her feet “The Floor is warm” Anna mused.

Soon she stood naked into the Dressing Room - the two maids had gently caressed her body while undressing her, touching her.

“Close your eyes” Aya said, Anna felt that a heavily padded eye mask was put over her eyes. Her wrists were shackled – it felt as if the shackles were neoprene lined. Another pair of hands manacled her ankles with another pair of shackles. The large ball gag came not as a surprise.

“Come” Sachmet whispered softly and took Anna by her left wrist – and Anna shuffled along. The tiles felt still warm under her soles – and the floor got warmer. They crossed a threshold – the air was warm and moist now, like in a Spa.

Anna shuffled along “Stop” a soft voice whispered in her left ear. The shove in her back took her totally by surprise. She stumbled, lost her equilibrium, and fell head over heels in a basin “Fuck!!” she mumbled into her gag and struggled to the surface.

Aya had pulled her near, Anna felt her firm breasts pressing against her back – the Egyptian cupped the Russian´s breasts with her hands, kneaded them. Anna moaned. Sachmet pulled at her left ankle. She kissed the violinist on her left heel –which sent showers through Anna´s body. As the Egyptian sucked at toes, bit them Anna sighed and closed her eyes and let go.

“Oh Lord what I have got myself into!” This was one of the last sane thoughts for a while: Aya kneaded her breasts massaged them, while Sachmet dived and touched Anna´s Labia – with her tongue. That magic tongues! Anna did not know if she was in heaven or hell. Maybe Anna decided. That devilish tongue explored Anna´s inner labia deeper ….

The Orgasm was the first of many … Aya continued to squeeze and knead Anna´s breasts, liked her earlobes or bit her playfully. Sachmet took the Russians shackled Ankles in her lap and took her big toes in her mouth and sucked at them and explored the sensitive skin between the toes with her tongue. Anna giggled into the ballgag and moaned: Aya kneaded her breast more firmly and played with her nipples.

The two maids massaged her scalp and washed her hair. Anna enjoyed the sensation. After a while, the Russian did not know how much time had passed, Aya and Sachmet helped her out of the basin, ungagged her and unshackled her, the blue eyed Sachmet gave Anna a golden goblet – filled with a fruity but loaded concoction:

The two Egyptians dried and combed her hair, oiled her body till it glistened. Aya took Anna by the hand “Come!” The Russian felt like in a trance state, as she padded along barefoot behind the brown-haired Aya.

They entered a large room “This is Pharaoh´s personal Bedroom – where you will consummate your marriage after your Coronation!” Sachmet whispered in her left ear. Strangely enough Anna felt not irked by that remark – she felt distanced. It had to be that Potion.

She took in her surroundings: While like Anna´s bedroom in the palace Al Mansour´s bedroom was at last as double as large “Impressive” Anna whispered, “Wait here!” Aya told Anna and left her standing in the middle of the on a lush carpet, who felt soft and warm under her bare soles.

Since the two maids were rummaging through some gilded drawers in her back, the Russian could not see what they were doing. The bed itself was made of gilded wood, with inlays, made of different polished stones and email.

Anna´s keen eyes registered the bed´s four posts were very sturdy and perfect to anchor someone to the bed – there were also several rings in the bedframe … she did not notice that one of two maids had stepped behind her – the heavy blue silk scarf which was tied tightly over her eyes took her by surprise.

“When you cannot see what is coming, it is much more fun” Sachmet chuckled – and kissed Anna in the neck. Soon two more scarves framed her breasts, while the other maid girdled her waist with another scarf.

“One has to be no Genius to fathom the purpose of this one” the violinist mused. But the force with which Aya pulled the knotted scarf through her crotch let her gasp and she breathed in sharply “Enjoy!” the Egyptian whispered huskily.

Anna sensed the presence of the other maid before her “You will be delighted to find out, with what we will gag you! Consider it a special gift” “Sachmet purred “I can hardly wait” the Russian smiled coyly – and opened her mouth. And gagged as a large silky mass was pressed into her mouth “I did my workout in these panties and masturbated three times on it! This is my personal present!” the Egyptian smiled.

Anna mumbled something into her packed mouth “You don´t need to thank me” Sachmet smiled “And Aya has prepared another present!” Another mass of fabric was pressed and prodded into Anna´s oral captivity “These socks I wore, while I jogged three hours through the desert!” Aya explained “and masturbated on them!”

“You are too generous!” Anna mumbled into her packed mouth. The socks had been a tight fit and so her jaws stood wide ajar.

Thanks to her blindfold she could not see, that Aya was holding another silk scarf with a large overhand knot in its centre before her mouth: Sachmet pressed the knot between Anna´s lips while Aya pulled tight with all the force she could muster. Anna gurgled into her gag and shook her head “Hold still!” the brown haired admonished the Russian and slapped her on her butt – not overly hard but it stung. The violinist sighed and complied.

The two Egyptians did stop only, when the knot had vanished behind Anna´s lips. Her face was contorted into an involuntary grin. So long was the scarf that Sachmet could cover Anna´s lower face from chin to nose two times before she knotted it tightly. Anna was panting heavily and fighting her gag reflex.

Suddenly she felt a sharp pain: Aya had pinched both her nipples. Anna´s protest was barely audible “I think we can improve the gag a bit, what do think Aya?” Sachmet smiled deviously “If I think about it, you are right!” Aya made a pretty good show of pondering the question.

Anna found out soon enough, what the Egyptian had meant with “improving” – a thick and heavy pad of gauze was pressed against her lower face. While Aya held it in place, Sachmet tied another shawl around her lower face to keep it in place. This procedure the Egyptians repeated three times.

Aya pinched Anna´s nipples a second time – and was pleased with the result “Perfect! Come to bed now Anna!” and took the Russian by the left hand. 15 Minutes later Anna laid on her back on the incredible comfortable mattress in a tight spread eagle – of course with silk scarves.

“I cannot deny that I am relaxed and comfortable” Anna sighed while she waited for what would happen next – not that she could do anything else. She had not to wait for long: Aya – it had to be Aya – because Anna knew her perfume by now- straddled her upper body and began to fondle her breasts.

Another movement of the Mattress told the Russian that Sachmet was kneeling between her legs. What Anna could not see? The Egyptian held a large Hitachi Wand in her hands – she switched it on.

What began now was a long ride for Anna, a long ride of pleasure and denial. For a long time mostly denial: Anna cursed and pleaded into her gag – as the Vibrations against her crotch scarf stopped again. She had lost count long ago how often the two Egyptians had done this:

Aya played with her breasts, while Sachmet pressed the Vibrator against Anna´s crotch. But each time before Anna could get release – the two Ladies stopped their administrations.

Anna was by now totally frustrated – and immensely horny: She grinded her hips, she groaned and moaned and banged her head against the soft cushion under her head “Thank god she is gagged so tightly” Aya grinned “I bet those Russian curses are pretty colourful” Sachmet grinned “But we should be merciful! What do you think?” “Nah!” Aya demurred “let us wait some more. Anna strained against her bonds and became very vocal despite the heavy gag.

Sachmet switched the Wand on again … and this time she allowed Anna to cum. The Orgasm was soo powerful that it seemed the Russian would rip her bonds apart: Toes pointed. Her body became limb. Anna had blackened out “I bet she is a real screamer in the sack” Aya grinned.

How long she was out Anna did not know. When she was lucid again, she lay unbound and ungagged on the bed, her head resting in Sachmet´s lap, while Aya pressed gently the filled goblet against her lips. The Russian still looked with dreamy eyes at the Egyptian and drank. The concoction made her incredible relaxed.

And then the two maids had begun to mummify Anna ….

The Present:

The relentless Assault on her feet, on her breasts wore Anna down – so she welcomed the sweet and tangy smelling cloth which was pressed on her face – firmly but not brutal. Sachmet held the cloth for a while longer pressed on Anna´s face – just to be sure.

“Tell me that wasn´t fun!” the Egyptian told the unconscious Russian “Let us wrap things up and get sleeping beauty to her quarters” Aya sighed “Pharaoh is a lucky man to have her!”

“Don´t tell me, you are jealous!” Sachmet chuckled.

“Who?” Me?” Aya smiled – and the two Ladies set to work “Wrapping things up” as Sachmet had called it.
Last edited by Caesar73 5 months ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by algebrauk »

Thanks for more great narrative @Caesar73

Fantastic symmetry that Anna & Christine are “enjoying” the same predicaments at the same time.
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Post by Nainur »

Liked - inter alia - the cozy moments between Chris and Sarah MacK. very much! Lovely!
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Post by LunaDog »

algebrauk wrote: 5 months ago Fantastic symmetry that Anna & Christine are “enjoying” the same predicaments at the same time.
Good point. Both of them are in 'other's' hands. And seem to be enjoying it. Sarah continues to greatly intrigue.
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Post by GreyLord »

A pause in the rush to the final confrontations, well done. Aya and Sachmet are such valuable slaves. I'll bet they could be trained to do all sorts of interesting things.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Bandit666 »

So many chapters to catch up on, so many fun and enjoyable scenes to enjoy, but then I’m pleased it’s taken a few days to catch up on this and other titles o enjoy so much before commenting. As it gives me time to savour each and every one. Awesome as always Grand Master and what a conclusion we all have in store when the time arrives
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Post by Caesar73 »

@Bandit666 thank you so much for your most kind words of praise! The Final of the Hunt is not far anymore. The two roads to the crossroads are converging rapidly. When I think about the Final a Song of Roxette comes to mind: "Crash, boom, bang" :)

Stay tuned!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Ah I know that song well, I’m quiet happy to listen to many songs by Roxette
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 5 months ago Ah I know that song well, I’m quiet happy to listen to many songs by Roxette
Alas Marie Federrikson is no longer with us - but Roxette´s Music is and will be.

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 103

“From Dusk till Dawn”

The Western Desert: The Medjai´s Stronghold – at Dawn:

Sleepily Sarah McKenzie padded on the soft rug on her left – the space was empty. Chris was gone. The thief stretched and yawned, and her mind wandered back to the previous night “Underneath the stars” she smiled “I have certainly made amends” – and the blonde had accepted her offerings.

At some point in the heart of night, the pianist and the thief had lain on the rug and watched at the countless stars – which covered the dark sky over the desert – and the Canadian had explained the heavens to the pianist.

Chris had cuddled again Sarah´s warm body – and the thief had gently caressed her back, till the breathing of the blonde had become deep and regular “You look so peacefully now blondie” the thief had kissed Chris´ very gently on her forehead.

For the very first time since The Black Lady had broken through the walls of grief the pianist had erected around her – the blonde had seemed to be really at peace.

The Canadian rose, dressed, gathered her things, and walked to the Courtyard of the ancient Stronghold – she had a pretty good idea, of where she would find Chris. And her instincts did not prove her wrong:

On the platform in the centre of the courtyard Chris was exercising – obviously she had already finished her Tai Chai Exercises and her Martial Arts Kata: The blonde had drawn her two Katana´s – a lot of spectators had assembled and followed Chris´ exercise in respectful silence.

The duel yesterday had undoubtedly deeply impressed the Medjai deeply – so Ardeth Bey had been right: “After this demonstration my Medjai would storm the Gates of Hell itself if you lead them there!”

“You could use a good demolition Expert” the Black Lady grinned at Chris “Storming the Gates of Hell? That would be fun!” and turned to the Chieftain of the Medjai

The thief smiled “And you only have seen a fraction of what Chris is capable” When she would lead the Medjai into battle at dawn tomorrow, they would see the blonde uncloaked.

The thief was pretty sure, that Chris was now ready for the battle, for Armageddon, for the End of all days – and she felt pity for anybody who would try to stand in her way. And a thought crossed the thief´s mind “Would you be ready to take a bullet for Chris – if it was necessary?” “Yes” the thief decided “I will do that”.

The Black Lady knew that Chris had trained for quite the while extensively to emulate the style of Musashi: Fighting with two Katana´s instead of one. Chris started slowly. To any observer it looked like a carefully scripted slow dance, which grew faster and faster – like Ravel´s Bolero. Even the thief had trouble to follow the combinations of strokes was executing.

In February Chris had fought two Daughters of Isis at Highclere Castle. Since then, the blonde seemed to have put some more serious effort in her training: Chris seemed to move more quickly, her strokes even more precise.

Now the pianist seemed to have engulfed her in a bubble of steel: At each side of the square stood a two arms thick trunk. Four sharp cries! Four times the blades struck down like lightning.

As if by magic the Pianist stood exactly in the centre of the square again her blades crossed before her chest. She bowed in all four cardinal directions. All trunks had been cut in half. She sheathed her blades, stepped out of the square, slipped her Sandals on – and went to the Thermae – which had been erected in Roman Times. A smile crossed her lips “Mission accomplished”.

Chris smiled even more as she registered the looks, the hushed whispers of the Medjai.

One hour later the leaders of the Medjai and Chris´ team had assembled in the command centre. In this ancient nobody would have expected a command centre which could have been found at any modern military structure.

On a large digital screen, a map was projected which showed the Palace and its surroundings in graphic detail. Thoughtfully the thief looked at the map “I wonder why only the east side is fortified so massively” Indeed: The Western Side of the compound was not fortified; it was formed by a large and seemingly steep cliff.

“Probably they think nobody will be able to scale down the cliffs without being detected” Kirsty observed.

“Oh, it is not that steep!” All eyes turned on Shahada “My Medjai scouted the Area: The cliff is not guarded well: Give me a 100 Medjai Father and we can attack from the rear!” Ardeth Bey did look anything but pleased – obviously his daughter had acted without his blessing.

Kirsty, Sarah, and Chris exchanged a look – and looked at the map: “It can be done” Kirsty finally spoke “If the enemy is distracted enough by the attack at his front it might actually work. Coordination will be Key though – if not this will be Operation Market Garden in reverse.”
Kirsty referred to the bloody battle of Arnhem in 1944 – the greatest airborne operation till then – which ended in a costly failure for the Allies. In part because credible evidence for the Presence of the 2th SS Panzerkorps was ignored.

Kirsty continued “If we can secure the cliff, we can engage the enemy in the rear. Mortar fire and automatic weapons fire, along with the moment of surprise?”

The Briton smiled “Actually I like that Idea – we did such things back then in Afghanistan. And they were fun!” Hayley smiled: Her lover did seldom talk about her time in the Army – but since her late Royal Majesty had presented her with the Victoria Cross, the highest and most prestigious decoration of the British Honour System – she talked more freely.

Hayley had done some research: “It is awarded for valour "in the presence of the enemy" to members of the British Armed Forces” The American had to smile Kirsty had been hit with total surprise back then at the Concert at Buckingham Palace and the Queen had announced:

“I was told” the Queen continued “that you and your friends did the Crown an invaluable service” and now it was Chris´ friends turn to blush “I was also told, that one member of your group has served three tours honourably in Afghanistan” Queen Elizabeth turned to Kirsty who turned even redder as a beetroot “As Mr. Bond informed me, your services to the country have not been recognized properly, that shall be amended” Kirsty´s face turned even more red now – she looked studiously down on her lap.

Hayley is referring to the Concert at Buckingham Palace nine Months ago.

Hayley concentrated on the present again:

“The final decision rests with you though Ardeth Bey” Chris looked at the Leader of the Medjai who looked long at his daughter who did not break eye contact and then at Chris “You are sure Shahada?” he addressed his daughter “I am father”.

“You have my Permission then Shahada” Her father nodded “I have one request though” Shahada turned to Chris now “I want the German Cop to go with me” The blonde looked at Birte Ricciarelli “Your decision Birte”.

The dark-haired Detective smiled “Sounds like fun, scaling down a cliff under fire in the morning before breakfast – I am all in”. To herself, she had to think of a Visit to the Point du Hoc in Normandy. It had been a beautiful sunny day in July. The Point du Hoc had been a heavily fortified German Battery at the Landing Beaches of Normandy.

In the morning hours of D-Day, American Rangers had scaled the harrowing Cliffs, while the German Defenders fired on them from above. The Courage of these Young American Soldiers had been incredible.

When she visited the site with her then-boyfriend – Birte had watched an American Veteran who explained to his family what had happened decades ago here. Seldomly, she had felt so out of place as a German at this Location, and she had urged her Partner to leave.

The Pianist interrupted her Reverie:

Chris smiled “Good we cleared that up …... so this is what we will do today” the blonde addressed the assembled group and Hayley did notice that for the first time since many days the blonde seemed to be entirely at ease – and not only superficially.

She was fairly certain that a certain Canadian had played a crucial role. The American had watched Chris and Sara disappearing into the night …. what the Thief had done with Natasha remained her secret though.

In fact, the Russian had spent the night tightly tied and gagged. The Canadian had ambushed her. When she came around, she found herself mummified in a cocoon fashion of silky blankets. But before the Canadian had tied her up with silk scarves – she had plugged the dark haired Russian both ways.

The Thief had tied down her cocoon to the bed so that her Prey was stuck. An elaborate gag ensured silence. At least the crotchrope and the smarts eggs entertained her. Natasha had an entertaining night.

Hayley herself had had not much time to think about where Sarah and the Pianist were going to… Kirsty had been very creative, Hayley had to smile: The Shrimp Tie had only been the start. Hayley and Kirsty were not the only ones having fun:

The Commissioner´s Daughter knew for a fact, that Kate had joined Sophie and Evie in the Thermae – what they had done there … it had been obviously relaxing: The American, the German and the Briton looked very relaxed too. Kate´s eyes met hers: Both Women smiled.

Chris addressed the Group again:

“I guess we all used the opportunity to relax and regroup before the final day approaches” Kirsty and Sarah would spend the early morning hours to train the Medjai selected for special tasks. She, Kate, and Sophie would exercise with Birte.

Sarah watched Chris closely as they left the council of war: For the first time in a while Chris was at peace. She would train with the Medjai later: Ardeth Bey had proposed that the blonde might teach some of her skills to some of his most skilled sword fighters – and so it came that the Thief could watch Chris later surrounded by a couple of Medjai, wielding her two Katana´s: The Warriors attacked simultaneously – Chris exploded into action.

The Canadian grinned deviously: “Some peoples pride will probably hurt today …” She heard the clash of metal and a scream of pain “Well probably not only their pride will be hurt”.

The Western Desert: The Palace, Anna´s bedroom:

“Mistress, are you awake?” Merit stumbled back as she stepped over the threshold of Anna´s bedroom: On her Mistress´ bed lay a perfect mummy, wrapped in pristine white linen bandages from the tips of her toes to the crown of her head: Her arms were obviously folded under her chest. Only the dark ponytail betrayed the fact that the mummy had to be Anna.

That her mistress had been heavily gagged was obvious: The large bulge where her mouth would be a giveaway. And there was a bulge also in the groin region: The Mummy obviously wore a diaper. She was held on the bed by a system of straps, which held the feet of the Mummy in the en pointe position.

Her breathing seemed to be deep and regular “Is she asleep?” Merit wondered – and hurried in the Kitchen to get a bandage aid scissor. She had to get Mistress out of this mess! When she returned, the young Egyptian first loosened the straps which held the Mummy fixed on the bed. She could hear a soft groan as she loosened the strap which held the Mummies feet fixed. Merit heard another low soft groan, and the Mummy flexed her wrapped feet.

“Where should I begin?” she mused – and decided to begin at the foot board: As she cut carefully through the bandages her eyes widened: Anna´s feet had not only been wrapped: Each foot and each toe had been wrapped into gauze.

The material was still damp. It had obviously been coated with a substance. The Mummy, which was Anna, flexed her feet and wiggled her toes – and a soft groan could be heard.

Merit cut through the bandages only to discover that not only Anna´s legs had been wrapped together, but each leg before. Anna felt the Scissors on her hot skin – and slowly the pressure of the bandages which had compressed her legs receded. The Russian groaned softly – the fresh air on her hot skin felt refreshing. Anna had awoken from a deep and dreamless sleep only minutes before Merit had entered the bedroom.

“My ears are stuffed” Anna concluded; she could hear nothing. The scissors worked their way slowly and carefully upwards. Merit detected that the Russian had indeed been diapered. As her Lady in Waiting cut through the bandages which covered her breasts Merit detected that Anna´s nipples had been adorned with nasty nipple clamps. As she removed them Anna screamed into her gag and was glad that she was still gagged.

Finally, the only part of Anna´s body wrapped was her head. As Merit found out Anna´s darks eyes had been taped shut. The Russian had to blink after the long time in darkness. Her hair was covered by a silken cap.

Gently the Egyptian removed her ear buds. From still dreamy eyes Anna looked at Merit “Are you well Anna?” the Russian nodded and mumbled something into her gag.

Yes, the gag: As Merit found out Anna´s lower face had been covered by bandages and gauze – several layers. Finally, Merit looked aghast at Anna´s gaping mouth: With trembling fingers she pulled the soggy mass out of Anna´s mouth: A stocking filled with many nerf balls. The Russian worked her jaws to get some feeling into them.

Gently Merit put a finger to Anna´s lips “Don´t say anything – just drink in small sips” and pressed jug filled with cool water against Anna´s lips. The fresh water felt like a soothing balm on her dry throat.

Finally, Anna had recovered enough to croak a hoarse “thank you”. For a spell she just lay there on her bed, wearing only a diaper. Then something changed. Anna pulled herself upright and put her feet on the floor.

She waited for a spell “Merit. I freshen up. You prepare breakfast and then we talk!” Anna waddled not exactly gracefully to the bathroom. As she stepped out on the terrace of her apartment later, she had showered, refreshed, and put on a loose fitting red silken dress. She inhaled deeply the scents of the breakfast Merit had prepared.

The Egyptian knew by now that approaching her Mistress before she had had her first cup of Coffee was not a good idea. So, she waited patiently till Anna laid the cutlery aside and leaned back contently “Now we can talk” she smiled – and Anna told Merit about the last evening. Merit´s eyes grew wide.

As Anna had finished Merit asked her “And what now?” Anna smiled “Now I get ready for the Training Field!”

The Western Desert:

The Palace – the Evening before the Duel

Anna´s Quarters:

Merit watched her Mistress with some concern: The later the hour, the more taciturn the Russian got. Anna had eaten little – which was untypical for the violinist. The Egyptian did not know Anna for long, but she had already learned the Russian had a healthy appetite.

At breakfast she had tucked in – and after the training session midmorning Anna had displayed a ravenous appetite – but during the afternoon the Russian´s mood had changed and slowly turned sour. Anna had not snapped at Merit but retreated to her quarters.

Anna felt restless – and she did not know why. At some point in the late afternoon, she had enough. She had changed into her running gear – and called for the guards “I was told I am allowed to leave the palace grounds under guard!” she addressed the commanding Officer with only the slightest ounce of impatience “Yes you are” the Soldier confirmed “Right then” The Russian nodded “I wear my tracker” she showed the Captain her right wrist. A thin silver bracelet glistened in the light “Select four of your soldiers who will run with me!”

And so, it came, that Anna left the palace grounds for the first time, since she had woken up after the bombing. They passed the main gate, on the left the Arena, which Anna ignored totally, they followed a trail along the Eastern Walls, then a sharp turn to the left. The Guards were fit, but Anna put them through their paces. She had to tire herself out. The trail got steeper, and she noticed that the Western Side of the Palace Compound was not fortified at all: The Western Enclosure was formed by a steep cliff.

Anna accelerated again as they reached the plateau of the Cliff. A part of her enjoyed the exercise and playing with her guards. This was the first time she saw the vast palace compound completely “Truly impressive what you have created here Hiram!” Her feet pounded the stony ground, Anna turned east and followed the trail which led down, along the Northern Walls. As they reached the Main Gate again the Guard greeted her respectfully with a crisp salute.

At the Doors of her Quarters, she turned to her Guard “Thank you Gentlemen” she smiled benevolently “That was most rewarding and entertaining, don´t you think?” The four guards- men were covered in dust and dirt and panting heavily. Anna stepped over the threshold and slipped her running shoes off “That was fun!” she smiled at Merit who brought her a wet towel – the Russian pressed it on her hot face and enjoyed the cool sensation.

The pristine towel was no longer white when she took it away “Merit, please prepare a bath!” The Egyptian smiled “I already did!” Anna´s bare sweaty feet left traces on the floor as she tapped into her bathroom. The exercise had done her good.

Now, after Dinner, Anna was restless again – she had changed into wide cut light black gown, which felt cool on her skin. Anna knew only one cure against that restlessness. She took the violin case, stepped over the threshold, which lead to her small garden – with the fountain in its centre – darkness was already setting in, but the sky shimmered in all different shades of rosy still.

The tiles under her bare soles still radiated the heat of the day – but in a pleasant way. She stepped to the banister and gazed into the east. There stood Anna: A tall figure, dark against the sky. She opened the Violin Case, took the Guarneri, tuned the instrument, and warmed up. These routines helped to calm her.

Anna set the bow on the strings and began to play ….

Shafur, Guardsman of the fifth platoon, second company of Pharaoh´s Sacred Guard made his usual round on his watch, when soft tones were carried by the desert wind to his ears. Soft and serene those tones were.

He looked up to the Quarters of Pharaoh´s feature bride: There at the terrace gardens on the third floor he could make out the outlines of a dark figure: Her dark tresses were bound in a ponytail – and she seemed to move in the rhythm of the music she was playing. The sweet, soft, and dulcet tones of the violin touched his heart. Then the music changed the tone got stern, serene now.

Anna had closed her eyes and played Bach, as she always did before a fight. She did play the Chaconne – and a stream of pictures flooded her mind, which related to this piece of music.

Memories from her early childhood days to the present, but she did not allow the memories to overwhelm her even if there were images she wanted to forget. Anna revisited the Past for a reason: To strengthen her resolve tomorrow.

Anck-Sun-Amun was responsible for much pain and anguish, soo many people had suffered because of the cruelty of that cruel demon turned human:

Among the pictures flooding her mind several stood out: There was the fateful fight in the British Museum, Nofret garrotting her former teacher Tatiana Nikolajeva, the gloating High Priestess as she announced that Anna´s right hand would be smashed, and her Stradivarius destroyed too.

But there were other pictures as well: When she hugged Chris tightly on this day, when Kate had taken care of her at The Three Horseshoes, when Chris, Kate and Anna had clanked glasses, so many months ago at Hall Place Manor, when Kate had recited Shakespeare´s famous speech of Henry V before the battle of Agincourt.

And while she played, she calmed down, and step by step her moodiness was replaced by an iron resolve: An iron resolve not only to end Anck-Sun-Amun tomorrow, but get out of this hellish Place, to destroy the Sun-Ray-of-Amon-Ra. To reclaim her old life!

She, Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova had no intention to end her life as the wife of a power-hungry crazy Psychopath! Never!!
Last edited by Caesar73 5 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Argentum »

The Tension just builds up more and more to the grand finale!
And a thought crossed the thief´s mind “Would you be ready to take a bullet for Chris – if it was necessary?” “Yes” the thief decided “I will do that”.
I have a strange feeling, reading things like this...
There always can be a few more ropes.
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Post by GreyLord »

You display never ceasing but always building tension leading to the climax you have long planned. Just when I think, no, this is too much, you lead further and I find that I can continue with you. Very well done, @Caesar73.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago She, Grand Duchesse Anna Alexandrovna Romanova had no intention to end her life as the wife of a power-hungry crazy Psychopath! Never!!
I should hope NOT, my friend. The very idea!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Great writing in the chapter.

Toward the end my mind went to that speech by Maximus Decimus Meridius in the movie Gladiator.....

I suspect that the ending of the tale will be epic.

And I, for one cannot wait.
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Post by Nainur »

Can only repeat what has been mentioned before: upbuilding tesion in a very masterful, patient way! Excellent job.
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Post by Caesar73 »

mrjones2009 wrote: 5 months ago Great writing in the chapter.

Toward the end my mind went to that speech by Maximus Decimus Meridius in the movie Gladiator.....

I suspect that the ending of the tale will be epic.

And I, for one cannot wait.
That Speech before the Battle against the Barbarians in Germany? Yes, I had that in mind too - I do love the Movie. For the opening battle a whole wood , who would have been hewn down otherwise was incinerated. The Result was spectacular - no doubt.

There will be pep talk in the next chapter. Chris does not like long Speeches :) In that regard Marcus Decimus Meridius are not that different - and both know how to wield a blade to best effect :)

And I can promise the Final will be epic.

Thank you for your support!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just a short heads up my friends! The next chapter is due either today or tomorrow at the latest:

This is its title:

"D-Day - or Apocalypse now"
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