Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 20: "That Was An Awesome Saxophone Solo, Girl" (FFF/FF, M/FFFFF, MF/FFFF, MFF/FFF, MFFF/FF, MFFFF/F) [Part 4 of 8]

I eyed the first card carefully. It had fully been my intention to start with a challenging one.

Me: Never Have I Ever…Been to California.

The room went quiet. I don’t think anybody knew the answer for certain…aside from me and the person who had never been. They were thinking about it. It’s easy to know if somebody HAS been somewhere if they discuss it. It’s a little harder to know for a fact that somebody has NEVER been somewhere. Elisa moved first. She clearly decided that she thought that Abbie had never made it out to California and began to squirm across the circle directly through the center and over my shoes in a beeline towards Abbie. She worked her shoulders and hips in rhythm as she crawled along in her tightly trussed state. Courtney and Erica apparently thought that she might be onto something because they in turn wiggled their way towards Abbie. Abbie looked spooked as the other three girls descended upon her. She was hit with a barrage of playful kicks from Elisa and Erica and a headbutt to the calf by Courtney who had slithered over to her headfirst. She squealed indignantly even though I was pretty sure none of it hurt. The girls were all being very playful.

Abbie: Mmmmmppppphhhhrrrmmmmpppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!

However, now Abbie was thinking that since the other girls all seemed to think that it was her…it had to be me or Jackie. She had 12 seconds left to make a guess. She swung herself in my direction and tried to scooch her butt back and forth to get to me in time.

Me: Five…four… three…

She managed to kick me in the ankle with her bare foot.

Me: Alright. Guesses are in. The correct answer is…Courtney!

Elisa: Hhhhhmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!

Courtney beamed conspiratorially. I’d put this question early because it was ridiculous. She’s from Phoenix, Arizona. How could she have never simply driven west into California? I have no clue. But she hadn’t.

Me: That’s right. Erica’s parents loved her enough as a child to take her to Disneyland. Abbie’s aunt lives in San Francisco. Elisa and Jackie attended a club volleyball tournament in Redondo Beach. And my family has vacationed in Yosemite and San Diego growing up. But somehow Courtney has never been to California even though you can throw a football into it from her front yard. That pulls Courtney into the lead with 0 points. Everybody else has -1/2 point.

Abbie: Ggggrrrrrmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!

Jackie: How? How do you live in Arizona and never go to California?

There were a collection of disappointed sighs and grumbles from the people who got the question wrong.

Me: Next question. Never have I ever…skipped a class in college. Who has never missed a class in more than three semesters?

Again a period of thoughtfulness descended upon the girls. Once again Elisa acted first and just decided to poke Abbie in the ribs with her bare feet again. It would have to be Abbie eventually. Abbie was a pretty upstanding student. Courtney was shuffling towards Jackie who was standing off to the side and made no move to either help Courney out by coming closer or evading her. But eventually Courtney got there by pushing off on the carpet with her bound hands and poked Jackie in the shin with her feet. Erica meanwhile had turned towards the center of the circle and gave me an unceremonious headbutt in the calf. Forty seconds had elapsed. Abbie had not made a move at all. I stared at her and she just shrugged at me. This one was a crapshoot for her and she was apparently satisfied to not make a guess when she had no clue. Eventually the minute was up.

Me: Not to brag, but the answer is ME. I’ve never missed a class.

I did mean to brag. I was proud of it. My parents were both professors and instilled in me a value for education and the tuition that some of their dollars were assisting me in purchasing. It didn’t surprise me that Erica knew it was me. I think when she told me she was skipping a class once I shamed her for “throwing money away”. Clearly it had stuck with her and now she was in the lead.

Me: Erica now leads with ½ a point. Elisa has dropped to -1. Courtney and Abbie are both at -1/2. Next card. Never have I ever…Owned a Pet.

Once again the wheels started turning for the girls. This time Erica moved first. Emboldened by her lead, she wiggled her way towards Courtney. Elisa appeared to be doing the same. Erica got there first and poked Courtney with her bound feet. Much to Courtney’s surprise. Her family owned a Cavalier King Charles Spaniard named Porthos. I knew that Elisa was, in fact, not moving towards Courtney. Jackie was standing right near Courtney. She’d grown up with Jackie since they were kids and clearly knew that Jackie’s parents were not the type of people to keep pets. My parents were similar in that regard, but my younger brother had won a bunny rabbit using tickets in an Easter raffle and my mom just can’t say No to him. So I was not the answer. Elisa was almost to Jackie and swung her bound ankles at Jackie’s leg when Jackie suddenly hopped over Elisa’s lunge, landed on the other side of her and started walking towards the center of the circle.

Elisa: Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!?!!? Nnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!!!

Elisa glared at Jackie and looked at me as though I was going to mediate in her favor.

Me: What are you looking at me for?

Courtney: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhh.

Abbie: Mmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh.

Courtney and Abbie both grunted into their gags to regain my attention because they clearly wanted credit for the fact that they were in fact touching Jackie with the crown of their head and soles of their feet respectively. Clearly having divined the correct answer through Elisa’s attempt and Jackie’s treachery.

Me: Yeah. I see you both.

Elisa: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhrrrrrmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

Elisa growled at me. She’d been the only person that really KNEW the answer and yet she wasn’t going to score any points for it.

Me: I’m pretty sure that I mentioned that I have very little control over your fellow contestants once they’ve been freed. Jackie Garrett gets to do what she wants. Perks of being a free woman, E. You really should try it.

I grinned at Elisa and she gave me a glare that really should have been withering had I not been towering over her tightly trussed and gagged form.

Elisa: Nnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Jackie: This is all your doing, Elisa. You said so yourself. You’re the mastermind. You can do to stew for a little bit longer as far as I’m concerned. You’re right where I want you.

Elisa shot her daggers and grumbled lightly but relaxed her posture and seemed to accept that she was going to have to take an L for that question.

Me: Time’s up. The answer IS Jackie. We’re now at Abbie and Courtney with a ½ point each. Erica is back to 0 with her incorrect answer. And Elisa is still at -1, having failed to register a guess in that round.

Elisa was not amused. I could hear Abbie giggling a little bit behind the tape over her mouth and Courtney appeared to be smiling also.

Me: Next question. Never have I ever… Broken a Bone.

I could see all of the girls stop and let the wheels spin for a second before jumping into action. It appeared as though none of them KNEW the answer. But given general lifestyle stereotypes it was thought that they’d lean into it either being Erica or Abbie. Erica because she was probably the most traditionally dainty of the lot and Abbie because she probably seemed to be the most fragile. After a moment’s consideration, Elisa and Courtney both swung towards Erica and started hitting her with their feet. Both kicking her harder than they needed to as Erica grunted indignantly.

Erica: Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

Erica winced as Elisa’s feet hit her in the upper chest and Courtney’s hit her in the small of her back. She knew that it wasn’t her. I’d found out that she’d broken her nose running into a mirror in a haunted house in the fifth grade. We’d had a good laugh about it when she’d shared the story… probably not realizing it would be used in this context. I really did like getting to know Erica better.

Erica now had to consider who the actual culprit might be. Abbie seemed the next most obvious choice so she squirmed in Abbie’s direction and swung around to tag Abbie who was inching away. The fact that Abbie was fleeing probably made Erica feel good about her decision. But Abbie wasn’t the right answer either. Abbie had broken her leg as a toddler jumping off a couch and landing wrong.

Abbie’s brain had been turning as to whom it could be. Both Elisa and Courtney had guessed Erica but Erica’s frustration appeared to belie the fact that it was not her. Was she that good of an actress? That’s what Abbie had to be thinking. Abbie probably knew Jackie well enough to know that Jackie had broken several bones in her childhood. She had shared with mild embarrassment that during her freshman year of high school she’d had to go to the ER three times in the span of four months and the doctors had to ask her parents to leave the room to ask her if she was being abused. She had been mortified. Jackie’s youth had just spent in a very rough and tumble manner. I also had broken a slew of bones in my day. Street hockey, mountain biking, football. Abbie also knew this as we’d swapped some tales when I’d been plying her for information. So that left either Elisa, Erica, or Courtney.

Elisa was the only one who had broken a bone since we’d been in college. It had happened freshman year two weekends after she’d quit the club volleyball team. She didn’t know how it happened. Or so she claimed. She just woke up with a fractured hand after a night of drunken revelry. Could have been anything from punching a wall to a bad fall. Abbie had to have remembered this. It was close to the end of freshman year and she and Elisa would definitely have been acquainted. I could see Abbie’s wheels turning.

Abbie: Mmmmmmpphhhhhhh mmmmppphhhhh mmmppphhhhhhhhhh.

Abbie was running out of time but she grunted and squirmed her way towards Courtney who was now desperately trying to maneuver away from her. Abbie had cracked the code. I eyed the timer and Abbie managed to give Courtney a little head butt right at about the one minute mark. There was no real reason to split hairs. I was kind of rooting for Abbie so I was definitely going to count the point. I like to think that I’d have counted it if it had been a wrong guess… but I wasn’t above playing favorites.

Me: Alright. The correct answer was… Courtney.

Elisa: Gggrrrrrrrmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!

Abbie: Mmmmpphhhh mmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmmm.

Me: That’s -1 ½ points for Elisa. Pull your shit together, E. -1 point for Erica. Positive ½ point for Courtney. Obviously there is no penalty for bluffing a wrong answer when it’s you on the card. And Abbie is starting to pull away with 1 ½ points. But there are still AT LEAST two questions left.

I thumbed to the next card. Looks like there were going to be THREE more questions. Abbie wouldn’t be scoring any points on this one.

Me: Never Have I Ever… Smoked Pot.

I had on camping trips with friends. It’s not something I did with any regularity. But I’d certainly tried it. I was wondering how the girls would think about this one. I didn’t have to wait long to find out. Abbie was getting hit with a flurry of feet from all of the other three girls. She groaned and moaned as three pairs of feet stamped and prodded her. All of the other girls doing so multiple times as Abbie voiced her indignation at the overkill.

Abbie: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Me: OK. That was quick. Apparently everybody knows that Abbie is a square.

Abbie: Hhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!

Me: Sorry. I mean that Abbie is a responsible member of society. Points for all three of you. That brings Elisa up to -1/2 points. Erica is back to nil. And Courtney has tied the ball game at 1 ½ points. Things are getting interesting.

I flipped to the next card.

Me: Never Have I Ever… Drank Coffee.

The girls seemed legitimately puzzled by this one. Who didn’t drink coffee? We were all college students that kept garbage sleeping hours. It would seem like it was almost a necessity. Erica and Elisa got coffee every morning and knew each other’s drink orders. But this was a question that you could probably use a memory hack for. Who had you never SEEN drinking coffee? You probably saw almost everybody with a cup at some point or another in passing. Elisa and Erica both went to guess first. They guessed Abbie. Erica giving her a little kick and Elisa squirming counter-clockwise around and head butting her for good measure. Courtney and Abbie were taking a little longer to consider. They were leading the game. This was an important decision.

The seconds ticked by and Courtney appeared to have made her decision first. That decision was me. Abbie appeared to be playing this in a very reactionary manner and was following Courtney’s lead. She knew that she hadn’t been the correct answer, so Erica and Elisa were not scoring points. So the worst case scenario for her was that she remained tied for the lead. They both made it over to me with a moderate amount of effort and tapped me on the shins to submit their guess. They were correct. I’d never tried it. I’d never been interested in trying it. I’d seen how addictive it was for people and knew how expensive it could be and had just decided that I didn’t want to tempt fate. So coffee had never passed my lips. I’d probably end up hopping on the train at some point. But the last thing I needed presently was ANOTHER thing that held control over me.

Me: Alright. The answer was… ME.

Elisa: Hhhhhhmmmppppppphhhhhhh?!?!? Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!

Elisa was clearly asking me what the hell was wrong with me. I just gave her a sly grin and proceeded to the next question.

Me: Elisa and Erica are still in the red. Abbie and Courtney are each one answer from victory. It could all be over here. Never Have I Ever… Read Of Mice and Men.

Sort of a weird question. But I thought it was odd that somebody hadn’t read it. Thanks to muddled curriculum of the Cincinnati Catholic educational system, I’d ended up reading it for three different classes between eighth grade and junior year of high school.

Elisa acted first. She turned and tapped Erica. Erica was very clearly doing nothing. Not a great bluff on her part since she was in fact the right answer. But this was the first question this game that had applied to her. She probably hadn’t given much thought to what she’d do when the subject of the question was her. Abbie and Courtney appeared to be thinking and were probably doing the mathematics in their heads. Each player had three cards pertaining to them. Two of Courtney’s had been used. Two of mine had been used. Erica and Elisa hadn’t had any about them yet. The statistical odds said that it was one of them.

They turned towards the two helplessly bound roommates. Elisa to her part faked like she was desperately trying to squirm away from them… implying that SHE was the correct answer. It was an impressive bluff on her part since Erica wasn’t helping much keeping their hopes alive. If one of the girls guessed Erica then the game would be over for Elisa. However, both Courtney and Abbie appeared to see through this gamesmanship on Elisa’s part and both made their way to Erica. Elisa now desperately squirmed back on her butt like she was going to try and physically block them. I don’t know if she was planning on forming a wall between the two girls and Erica but her momentum had been going away from the girls and she didn’t even come close to getting back to Erica in time. Both Courtney and Abbie tapped Erica with the top of their heads for the point.

Me: Alright. The answer WAS Erica. And that means that we have TWO players who have crossed the three point threshold. Sorry Elisa and Erica. You two are eliminated from competition. But we have a tie that we need to settle. Abbie and Courtney each have 3 ½ points. This will bring us to… ALMOST SUDDEN DEATH. The first player to go up by a full point wins. If a player goes back under three points… they lose. So one wrong answer won’t kill you. Two might. To stop players from hedging their bets and copying their opponent until they know one… points will be assigned as they happen. So the FIRST person to guess correctly will win if both players are tied. Do you understand?

Both Abbie and Courtney nodded at me.

Me: One grunt for Yes. Two grunts for No, please.

They both rolled their eyes at me. They knew that I was just looking for some gag talk. They’d grown a little quiet and I had a quota of mmmppppppphhhhhhhs and hhhhhhrrrmmmmpppphhhhhhhs that I was trying to meet.

Abbie: Mmmmppppphhhhh.

Courtney: Mmmmmmpppppphhhh.

Me: Excellent. Here goes.

I went back to my cards and saw something interesting. Courtney had already had two of her cards used. But I saw that her third card was the last one in the deck based on the shuffle. I knew right where it was… but it wasn’t next. If I pulled it then Abbie would have a free question to try and win while Courtney couldn’t score points. That was obviously deceitful and cheating. But I wasn’t quite ready for Courtney to be free yet. I BADLY wanted Abbie to win and have Courtney as my captive for at least another round. I also thought that it would throw a healthy dose of humility on Elisa and Courtney for them to be in the Bottom Three. I didn’t feel great about what I was about to do, but I took the card from the bottom of the deck. It didn’t appear as though anybody noticed. The only person who would know of my guilt would be me. But maybe that was enough.

Me: Never Have I Ever… Sang Karaoke.

Another odd question. I obviously knew that the answer was Courtney. But it probably wasn’t something that people talked about all that regularly. Courtney made no real move. She just appeared to contemplate the answer and see what Abbie was thinking. Abbie’s mind appeared to be in overdrive but she didn’t appear to want to venture a guess. She was content to burn the whole minute and wait for one that she knew. Courtney saw this and sat pat. I looked down at the timer and when it passed the time I announced the answer. My ploy had been for naught. Both of the girls just sat out the question, resting in their bonds.

Me: That would be Courtney. Next question. Never Have I Ever… Gotten a Traffic Ticket.

As soon as I’d given voice to the information. Both Courtney and Abbie started looking around at all of their options. They were both desperate for any sort of context with which to venture a guess. I instinctively looked around also to see if there were any context clues to be gleaned from the way that any of the other players were acting. Courtney appeared to be deep in thought trying to rack her brain for any ideas as to how she could divine who had never gotten a traffic ticket. Abbie on the other hand, was staring directly past me at Jackie. I knew that the answer wasn’t Jackie. Jackie had definitely fallen victim to a speed trap before. But did Abbie know that? Then I saw out of the periphery of my vision why Abbie was staring at Jackie. Jackie had locked into eye contact with Abbie and was discreetly directing her behind her back that the answer to this particular question was Elisa. Elisa was in fact the correct answer and leave to Jackie Garrett to know that. It’s not that Elisa had never been PULLED OVER. It's just that Elisa has on multiple occasions successfully talked herself out of traffic tickets. For all of her sass and occasional abrasiveness… Elisa is still absolutely very charismatic and persuasive. She could sell you a Christmas tree in January.

I had not directed Jackie to assist Abbie. Jackie was good friends with both Courtney and Abbie, but she was clearly taking it upon herself to look after her roommate’s best interests. Because she was screening her hand signals in a way that Courtney was unable to see them. I didn’t even have to cheat on this one. Jackie was doing it for me. Abbie started to make a couple scoots on her bottom out in the general direction of Elisa. But she could have just as easily be heading for Erica or myself given her relative hesitation. She was clearly just trying to not let Courtney know where she was going. Regardless, Courtney was watching her like a hawk. Abbie took a couple more tentative scoots away from Courtney as Courtney began to stir forward also, rocking her shoulders to create momentum. Then, when Abbie clearly felt that she had enough of a head start to close the gap to Elisa over the rangier and more athletic Courtney. She made a break for it. Courtney reacted and tried to buck and squirm her way in Elisa’s direction. However, it appeared as though Abbie had maneuvered into a position where Courtney’s more proficient wriggling wasn’t going to be able to be enough. She had taken a portion of the clock to get started, so there was the question of whether she’d get there in time. But there was also the question of whether I’d bother to call time on her if she was close. In the end I didn’t have to aid her. She rocked her shoulders back and forward and slid her body forward into range. She grunted loudly as she swung her legs around and tapped Elisa on the knee. Courtney groaned in frustration behind her. It was over. Abbie had won the game “Never Have I Ever”.

Me: Abbie has guessed Elisa. Elisa IS the correct answer. Therefore, the game is over. Abbie Wolfe is the winner.

Abbie: Mmmmmmmmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmppppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.

Abbie squealed delightedly and rocked back and forth. She was about to be a free woman. And she had avoided the first round of torture. She was beaming with elation. The other three girls did not look excited at all. They were clearly apprehensive about what they’re torture might be. The first round wouldn’t be that bad. But they didn’t know that.

Me: Jackie, would you mind untying our friend Abbie. I have a few hogties that need to be administered.

Erica: Nnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!

Erica was voicing her dissent as this was likely a rules violation. And she had a legitimate gripe. There was no “re-tying” a captive once the session had started. But I’m not sure how many of the others understood her and those that might were not in a position to assist her. I hadn’t been granted any “special rules” for this Olympiad. But I was going to take a few liberties. So I just summarily ignored her angry grunts as I picked up a rope and walked over towards a wide-eyed Elisa.
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Post by algebrauk »

Brilliant. Love the interaction between everyone.

Fab stuff @Fandango
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Post by charliesmith »

Amazing update as always!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by S-BabyO »

hey just wanted to let u know im sure its a great chapter, im personally waiting till all parts are out :) but im very excited to see it has more updates, and to see what trouble Trent makes for the ladies.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Lovely update, it's very entertaining to see how differently each of the characters are treating these games to one another, especially Trent and his subtle rigging of the game. I also really liked the little snippets of information we learned with each round of the game, it was a nice way to continue developing these characters into fully rounded people. Great job!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by GreyLord »

This was a lot of fun to read, @Fandango. There is no doubt that Trent is having the time of his life. But I also think that the girls are having a good time as well. And that is the making of a great posting.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 20: "That Was An Awesome Saxophone Solo, Girl" (FFF/FF, M/FFFFF, MF/FFFF, MFF/FFF, MFFF/FF, MFFFF/F) [Part 5 of 9]

Elisa groaned as I began to pull her hogtie rope taut. I wanted to make sure that my remaining captives were extra restrained for their first punishment. Re-tying captives might not be an acceptable practice, but I figured that I’d laid out that the circumstances might dictate it. If they wanted to be poor sports about it then they could take it up with me when they were free women.

Me: Abbie, by the time we get started on the third game some captives will have half of their timers elapsed so I’m looking to save a little time. Would you mind hogtying Erica so we can get this show on the road?

Abbie: Gladly.

A look of elation passed over Abbie’s face as she went to my stash of ropes and picked out an appropriately lengthed one for a hogtie. I liked seeing Abbie in her element. As the most petite and physically weakest member of the group, she had the look of a helpless captive. But our little game wasn’t designed for physical strength. And now that she had some rope skills to go with her cunning, she was finally really starting to come into her own. She still made for a miserable captive (which I secretly enjoyed), but I also liked seeing her really get to enjoy herself as a domineering presence from time to time.

Me: Has Erica experienced your recently acquired skills yet?

Abbie: She has. I stopped by last week to introduce her to her future competition. I have to show these girls that I’m not a quote, unquote, “easy mark” anymore.

Erica: Mmmmmppppppphhhhhhrrrrrmmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmmppphhhhhhhhh.

Abbie: Oh come on, Erica. I heard you call me that to my face on multiple occasions.

Erica: Mmmmpppppphhhhhhhh….

Erica grumbled a little bit but didn’t push the issue. Abbie put a bight in her rope and began to loop the hogtie rope around Erica’s prone ankles. Erica had stopped her whining about rules violations and was going to let this happen. I finished knotting Elisa’s hogtie tether and decided to move on to Courtney as Elisa rocked back and forth testing the new tie.

Me: Your turn, Court.

Courtney just rolled her eyes at me, but apparently decided that she wasn’t going to fight me either as I pulled her bare legs into me and braced them as I put a bight in my own rope.

Jackie: So… what devious torment do these three losers get to endure?

Erica and Elisa shifted their eyes towards me as I prepared to reveal their fate. Courtney’s might have also, but she was in absolutely no position to turn and look at me as I had hold of her legs from behind her and was actively stopping her from turning.

Me: Nothing too harsh for the first go around. I figured we’d give them a tickle torture session.

Erica: Nnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!

Erica was the only one who gave a grunt of disapproval as Elisa appeared to look relieved that that was all that was coming to them.

Jackie: Just tickling?!?! Come on!! That’s hardly a punishment.

I felt a little sheepish. I agreed. But I’m not really big on “punishing” people. And I didn’t have a whole lot of ideas or options within the rules.

Me: It’s only the first round.

Jackie: I think you just don’t know what else you’re allowed to do. You haven’t cut enough deals to circumvent the rules.

Me: When did you become so cutthroat? You’re normally a super Kumbaya softie.

Jackie: I can be vicious.

Abbie: Jackie, you once tricked me into one of Dale’s trap and then you felt so guilty that you baked me brownies and did my laundry for two weeks.

Jackie: OK. Fair enough. I have an unhealthy need to be liked by everybody. But I’m not in charge. So nobody will blame me for the tortures. Therefore, momma can let her bloodlust show a little bit.

Me: Well I’m sorry to disappoint “Mama”, but you’ll have to settle for tame old tickling for this round. We’ll each take a victim and you get seven full minutes to let them have it.

Jackie: OK. You’re the boss.

Me: Abbie, can I assume that you want Elisa? Do you still have a score or two to settle?

Abbie: No. I want Erica.

Erica: Hhhhhmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh??

Abbie: You’ve never really lived until you’ve gotten to tickle Erica Callahan. My grandpa used to take me to the supermarket when I was a little girl and there was a little mechanical horse out front that you could put a coin in and ride. Nothing impressive when you look at it as an adult, but as a three year old it’s quite a thrill ride. Sitting on top of Erica while you tickle her takes me back to that time in my life. It’s like riding a mechanical bull.

Erica: Gggrrrrrmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!

Abbie: Watch the language, sweetheart. If you want to get any semblance of mercy out of me.

Erica glared at Abbie but she promptly quit complaining. She was going to squeal and thrash and beg for mercy and we all knew it. She’d need all the mercy she could get.

Me: And which victim would you like Jackie?

Jackie: I’ll take Elisa. I would never dream of denying you your ultimate prize, Ms. Courtney Branch.

Courtney: Nnnnnnnmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmppphhhhrrrmmmmppphhhhhhh.

Courtney groaned and I think I might have audibly groaned as well. Was Courtney hot? Yes. Did I absolutely have a thing for her? Definitely. Did she dance through my dreams like she paid rent to live in my head? Perhaps. Did I like that being the narrative when people contextualized me and her? Not in the slightest.

Me: I didn’t ask who you thought I wanted to tickle. I asked who you wanted to tickle.

Jackie: I just think that it’s YOUR big day, Trent. I think that you should take your prize, lover boy. You know you want to tickle Courtney. Look at those cute little pedicured toes just waiting for you to tickle them.

Courtney: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhrrrrrmmmmppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhh nnnnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!

Apparently I wasn’t the only one who was indignant about the characterization now.

Me: Alright. It’s settled then. I’ll be torturing Elisa and Jackie will be torturing Courtney. Let’s get ready, ladies.

Jackie: Hey! That’s not what I said.

Me: No. I gave you a chance to choose and you wanted to tease me. I think if you like her pedicure so damn much, then as the winner you should have the pleasure of tickling her. If you view it as such a treat.

Jackie: Oh. Is somebody getting a little testy?

I smiled at her.

Me: Maybe a touch. But that accusation is coming from somebody who gets way too cheeky and rambunctious after she wins anything.

She smiled back at me. We both knew it was true. Jackie was a born sweetheart but competition made her a little smarmy.

Jackie: Touché. Can I please have Elisa?

Me: Is that what YOU want? For YOU?

Jackie: Yes, sir. I would LIKE to tickle Elisa. For me. I’m tired of all of you noobs thinking that she’s not ticklish. You just haven’t known her long enough. She CAN be soooo ticklish if you know the right spots. I want to see if I can make her wet herself.

I looked over at Elisa. I was expecting her to roll her eyes or give some sort of feisty response to her hopped-up, slap happy friend. Instead I saw what looked like a wide-eyed look of fear and could almost swear that I heard a panicked whimper. Though I wasn’t sure that I’d heard anything at all.

Me: Alright. Best of luck to you. I’ll stay right here then.

I said this right as I finished tying Courtney’s hogtie with a flourish, making her into a tight squirming package that was going to be unable to escape from whatever misery I was going to be able to inflict over the next several minutes.

Me: Abbie, are you ready?

Abbie: I most certainly am.

I looked over to see that Abbie had already finished hogtying Erica and had settled down into a reclined position on the floor with her head resting against Erica’s butt. Using it as a pillow of sorts. I admired her work. The hogtie was not cruelly tight. It was probably more relaxed than the two that I tied. But Erica was also probably a little less limber than Courtney and Elisa. The fundamentals of a good hogtie were all there and I was confident that she’d be able to torment Erica without giving Erica much wiggle room at all to evade her onslaught.

Me: Alright. I’ve set the timer for seven minutes. You can begin… Now!

Each of us dug in with vigor to our respective victim. At first I was solely focused on my own task at hand. How could I not be? I had a gorgeous, tall, toned girl who was entirely helpless and vulnerable to my every whim hogtied in front of me. Is it something I had experienced before? Sure. Was it something that was ever going to get old? Absolutely not. And may God strike me down if it did. I dug in on Courtney’s bare skin, constantly adjusting my pace and positioning. I loved the way she kicked and knocked herself into my chest, the tight constraints of the hogtie and limited wiggle room ensuring that her soft, frantic kicks did absolutely no damage. She tensed and squirmed and flopped and squeaked belligerent nonsense into her gag. It was absolutely heavenly.

But my attention was torn aside after a minute or two. You can have your own gorgeous captive to tickle and still can’t maintain perfect tunnel vision when you hear somebody making quite as much noise in the manner that Erica was making. I couldn’t help but look over at the scene that was unfolding to my left.

Erica: Mmmmmmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppphhhhh!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhh!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhh!!!!!

Erica was absolutely cackling and grunting into her gag and begging for mercy. Any sort of reprieve as Abbie was attacking her feet with a wild vigor. Abbie had positioned herself on top of Erica, sitting atop her butt with her feet straddling her sides. I said that Abbie had tied a nice, tight hogtie but it certainly wasn’t as good as mine. Maybe she still had a little ways to go. Because Erica was thrashing around in her bonds and was making way more of an effective struggle than Courtney. She was bucking and grunting and flopping around and taking Abbie for a ride. This was nothing like the little mechanical horse in front of the grocery store that Abbie’s grandpa had treated her to. This was much more like a bucking bronco at a rodeo. Erica is not a big girl. She and Jackie are approximately the same size (but with very different bust measurements). But Abbie is small enough to make anybody look imposing. And Erica was using every ounce of stamina that she had to try and get Abbie to stop doing what she was doing. I grinned and turned back to my own captive but shortly thereafter Erica made her problems my problem. She managed to rock to her side and then used momentum to rock viciously back and managed to fling Abbie off balance and she toppled into me. Abbie is not a big enough body to topple me under normal circumstances, but I was already hunched over at an angle trying to get at Courtney’s ribs as she tensed and contracted her body in defense. So I was already off balance when Abbie struck me and we both fell over. Abbie was laughing. I was laughing. Erica was desperately grunting and slurping in air greedily through her nose, fearful that Abbie would be back to take it all away again. I legitimately did worry about Erica sometimes while she was being tickled. She was so ticklish that it did seem legitimately torturous at times. I had a notion that Abbie might want to stop. And thankfully, I didn’t have to say anything. Abbie had already agreed.

Abbie: You got me good, Erica. Woah boy! That was a ride. I think you’ve earned yourself your reprieve. I’m spent and I’m not even the one getting tickled.

She gave Erica a condescending little pat on the cheek before collapsing her head onto Erica’s back. But Erica was too exhausted to care about the pithy insult and was still in full recovery mode. Breathing heavily and thanking God that she wasn’t being tickled anymore. I made up my mind to get back to work on Courtney. However, the lack of noise coming from Courtney and Erica left a void that highlighted just how LOUD Elisa was screaming into her gag. I’d never heard such noise from her. She was usually defiant and stalwart in her lack of reaction to torments. But I looked over and saw that she was literally crying with laughter. She was bleating into her gag like a stuck pig.

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhh!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhh!!!! Mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!! Mmmmmmppphhhh!!!!!

The position that she and Jackie were in had an oddly grotesque nature to it. It was impossible to look away. Elisa was facing me, still tightly hogtied. Her heavily gagged face facing me but her eyes closed in concentration as tears of laughter squeezed out the corners of her tear ducts. Jackie was on top of her facing the other direction. Her heels were dug in towards Elisa’s armpits, grinding back and forth while Jackie’s butt was up in the air and her body was straddling Elisa with her fingers digging violently into the area around her midriff. It was hypnotic. I had a very fetching girl dreading the return of my tickling fingers. But it was nearly impossible to look away from this sight. Elisa appeared to be in anguish. She was being dominated in a way that I’d never seen before.

Jackie: You ready to tap out, E!

Elisa: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Hhhhhhmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Elisa was nodding vigorously. Beseeching her friend for mercy.

Jackie: Are you going to do my laundry on Sunday?

Elisa: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Hhhhhhmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Elisa again nodded furiously. Jackie turned her head around to confirm Elisa’s affirmation and then abruptly stopped her tickling, before swinging off her friend and removing her feet from Elisa’s armpits. She crawled around on her elbows towards Elisa’s head. Elisa had opened her eyes now and could see me staring at her. Her face was beet red. It was already beet red from the tickling, but I think that it had gone up a shade or so from the embarrassment of realizing that she had an audience. Jackie gave her defeated friend a chaste little kiss on the forehead as Elisa panted heavily.

Jackie: OK. Thanks, sweetie. We’re done here.

She then gave Elisa a light double tap on the nose with her finger just to really drive home the condescension. Elisa scowled at her angrily.

Me: What the hell was that?

Jackie: That’s how you tickle Elisa until her bladder almost gives out on her. I hope you were watching and learning.

Me: Yeah. I’m pretty sure that I’m not allowed to do that. I’ve seen pornography less vulgar than whatever that was.

Jackie: I’ll bet you have. Not my problem that your rules are still the base rules. Take the training wheels off, my man.

Abbie: He is right. You get a lot more cocksure and feisty during a competition.

Jackie grinned a little bit.

Jackie: I know. I call it a "winner’s high". Don’t worry. It’ll wear off. Are we done?

Me: There’s still two minutes on the timer.

Jackie: Do you need some help with Courtney? I don’t know if she’s gotten her just desserts yet. I’m sure Abbie and I would be happy to help.

Me: Sure. Why not? I could use the helping hands.

Courtney: Nnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpppphhhhh nnnnnnmmmpppphhhh hhhmmmppphhhh mmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!

Courtney gave a couple panicked grunts and started to squirm away from us as best she could. The hogtie was pretty rigid. She had no chance of getting far. Jackie was upon her already and flipped her tightly trussed friend over on her side.

Courtney: Mmmppphhhh!!! Nnnnnmmmpppphhhh!!!! Mmmmmmppphhhh!!!! Hhhhhmmmpppphhhh!!!!

Courtney’s belligerent protests went unheeded as Jackie simply slipped her arms around Courtney and pulled her into a chest to chest hug with her arms wrapped and positioned near Courtney’s armpits and upper ribs. Their noses were almost touching. There was no way that I’d be able to do that to Courtney without her smacking the shit out of me after she’d been freed. This was a position that only Jackie Garrett was going to get away with. Courtney’s nostrils flared in alarm as Abbie grabbed her bare feet and I slid into position along her back to her lower sides and ribs. There was no countdown. We just all started letting her have it at once.

Courtney: Hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmppphhhhhhhmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtney started shrieking and wailing like she had been set on fire. She was bucking and thrashing around as much as her bonds allowed. Which was not much. Her body was racking back and forth like she was trying to swim the butterfly stroke. Her desperate complaints turned more and more pleading until they came in spurts as she was sucking in breaths desperately through her nose as her quivering body spasmed under our three pronged assault. Eventually, mercifully, the chime on my phone beeped letting us know that her torment was up and we stopped our coordinated strike as Courtney collapsed before us into a heaving, sweaty puddle.

Jackie: There we go. I guess we’ve found Courtney’s weakness. You just need to get three captors on her.

Courtney: Mmmpphhh… mmmmmmm…. Hhhhmmmmmrrmmmmmmm.

Courtney moaned and whimpered a shallow reply through deep inhales, but none of us had any clue what she was trying to counter with.

Jackie: Alright. Well, that was fun. Any more fun games in store for us? And more importantly, will there be audience participation?

Me: Hold your horses, quick draw. Let’s give Court a chance to catch her breath. I want her fully cognizant during the rules explanation. This next one’s a controversial one and I don’t want to be accused of bamboozling anybody.

Jackie: Oooohhhhhh. Controversial! How interesting.

Abbie: Controversial in what way?

Me: It might involve a little rule-breaking.

Erica: Mmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Me: Don’t worry, Erica. I said at the beginning that anybody will be allowed to opt out of any games they don’t want to play. Nobody is going to break any rules without your express consent. Now you had your chance to catch your breath over the last couple minutes. Give Courtney 2-3 minutes and then we’ll see who wants to play and who wants to sit out.

Erica had no further muffled rebuttal. She and Elisa were eyeing me wearily. Even though Courtney was still in recover mode from her tickle session, I could see that her eyes were also fixed squarely on me. Clearly she wanted to know what this rule breaking was all about also. We waited in relative silence for the next couple of minutes while Courtney caught back up. Finally I stood up to address the room. Five sets of eyes followed me as I rose.

Me: Alright. As I stated, this next game… like all of the games, is opt in or opt out. But there will be some rule breaking involved in this game. Something that we don’t normally permit in Capture Club.

I paused for effect. The gazes on me fixed intently. I let the silence hang for an obnoxiously long time just to see what would happen. Eventually Elisa broke it.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhhhrrrrmmmppppphhhhhhhhh….

Me: I’m glad you asked, Elisa.

Elisa rolled her eyes at me as I was hamming it up.

Me: This game is going to involve some…. Spanking!

Erica: Nnnnnnnmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Courtney and Elisa were also offering mild indignation and light protests but those were drowned out by how loudly Erica was stone walling this turn of events.

Me: You’re welcome to not play, Erica. Anybody is welcome to not play. You simply let me know and you’ll sit the game out. The game will go on without you and you’ll be re-inserted in the next round.

Courtney: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhrrrrrrmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh mmmmmmppphhhhhhhmmmmmmm mmmmmrrrrmmmmppppphhhh????

Me: I’m sorry, Court. I really can’t understand you. Your mouth appears quite stuffed.

Jackie: If I might be so helpful, I think she was asking whether players will still get tortured if they sit out the round.

Me: No. Courtney would never ask such a silly question. Of course players who sit out the round are eligible for the next round of punishments. You’re forfeiting. You don’t have to play the demeaning game. You don’t get spanked. But the competition goes on. You don’t win your freedom and will automatically move on to the next punitive session. Courtney knows that. Basic logic.

Courtney glowered at me from her position on the floor.

Me: Any other questions? Nope. Good. So who will be opting out of this game?

Erica: Nnnnnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppprrrrrmmmmmpppphhhhh!!!

Me: Erica, you want out?

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh!!

Erica nodded definitively. I knew that she probably would. Erica was sensitive about certain things and I was pretty sure that getting spanked was not going to be on the acceptable list of options for me for as long as we both were friends.

Me: Alright. Abbie, can you help Erica to your bed? She’ll be a spectator for this game. You can remove the hogtie.

Abbie: Sure.

Abbie went over to Erica and began to undo the hogtie know that she had tied.

Me: How about you two? In or Out?

I stared down at Elisa and Courtney. Their indignation was readily apparent on their faces. My guess was that part of this indignation was for me for throwing them this curve ball, but I knew them well enough by now to know that they were both mad that they were still in this predicament. They were exceedingly competitive and definitely expected that they’d be helping me out with the rest of the losers by now, instead of Jackie or Abbie. I was playing different angles of their pride off against each other. I knew that neither of them felt great about the indignity of being spanked. But I also knew that forfeiting the next game and sinking further into loserdom was it’s own consequence that neither of them was likely to accept. They’d both had their turns spanking me this week. I think they just figured that the shoe wouldn’t be on the other foot. I watched as they eyed me cautiously and then eyed each other. Wanting to see if the other girl was going to back out. What if they did? Would they advance automatically? What if they both did? What would I do then? These were the questions I imagined that they were asking themselves. A fully 15-20 seconds of silence passed before it was broken by Jackie.

Jackie: Come on, you two. We all know that neither of you is opting out of this game. Quitting would hurt your pride more than a little spanking would. Just tell him you’re in and let’s get on with it. Daylight is burning.

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhhhrrrmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Courtney: Hhhhhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhh nnnnnnnmmmppppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Me: So are you both in? Grunt once for Yes. Twice for No.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhh.

Courtney: Mmmmmpppphhhh.

They both begrudgingly consented. Their scowls letting me know that they were none to pleased about my dirty little tricks though.

Me: Great. Jackie, could you remove their hogties? I’ll get the supplies and we can get on with the next round.

Jackie: Ooooohhhhhh. What’s the next game and who are you going to be spanking first?

Me: I’ll explain momentarily. And I’m not going to be spanking anybody?

Courtney: Hhhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh????

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhhmmpppphhhh????

Me: I can’t be spanking anybody. What would Father Hargrave think if he walked in here?

Father Hargrave was the chaplain that lived on our first floor. We were a Christian University after all. He was a good natured man in his 60s who had an advanced degree in math and doubled as a statistics professor. The students all really liked him.

Jackie: I think he’d think… “Trent is finally touching a girl’s butt. Good for him. I thought I’d never see the day.”

Me: OK. I guess I was asking for that. Walked right into it. But I have two perfectly good spankers right in front of me.

Sure, I’d love to spank Elisa and Courtney. For a variety of reasons. But sometimes it’s best to play the long game and not indulge yourself. It sends a message.

Jackie: You’re ceding spanking duties to me and Abbie?

Me: Yeah. I can’t be a certified spankhand. I know the game. It would be an unfair advantage.

Jackie: I’m assuming that it’s one spanker to a contestant. What were we going to do if Erica had opted in?

Me: Then I’d be spanking somebody.

I grinned at her sheepishly.

Jackie: I knew it!

Me: Out of necessity!

Jackie: Sure, sure. Whatever you say, boss? So it IS one spanker per contestant?

Me: Yes. You are correct on that front. Abbie, would you like to spank Elisa?

Abbie had just finished hopping over a beleaguered Erica to her bed. She deposited her in a prime position to watch the action and turned to face me. She turned to look at me and then looked down at Elisa. Elisa was looking apprehensively up at Abbie. She had been an intimidating force in Abbie's life for a while. But Elisa didn't look intimidating in her currently tightly trussed state. With bands of tape pressing into her bulging cheeks and her blonde hair matted to her forehead with sweat. Abbie definitely was drinking in the power a little bit. Though she had declined to tickle Elisa previously… this was an opportunity that I thought she’d want to pounce on if she had the courage in her. Elisa had been pretty good about laying off of Abbie after months of perceived bullying within the game. But I knew that Abbie still had some pent up issues over Elisa’s treatment of her from January of the previous year all the way until November of the first semester. Spanking some sense into her tormentor seemed like it could be quite cathartic for her. I could see the mischievous grin forming on her wholesome little face.

Abbie: I’d love to.

Abbie almost cooed the words with a cool calm. I wasn’t sure if she feared Elisa’s potential reprisal or if her newfound rope skills had imbued her with a more permanent confidence. But she certainly seemed confident in herself.

Me: Excellent. Then take her over to the other side of the room. Just past the end of your desk. Jackie, that means you’ve got Courtney.

Jackie: Roger that. Don’t worry. I’ll spank her real good. You’ll be super proud of me. You can just call her my little Louboutain... Because I’m going to make her bottom red.

Abbie (laughing): Hahaha. That’s brilliant.

Courtney: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhrrrrrmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Me: Yeah. Courtney already used that one yesterday. Not exactly an original joke.

Jackie: Thanks, buzzkill. She told me. Her mouth was too stopped up to take credit for it, so I figured I’d try and convince Abbie and Erica that I was a regular Taylor Tomlinson.

Me: Not on my watch. Can’t be encouraging joke theft around here.

Jackie stuck her tongue out at me, but finished untying Courtney’s hogtie and began to drag her back towards the area of the room where Abbie was slowly dragging Elisa.

Me: Alright. Let me get some props from under the bed and then I’ll explain the next game.

Elisa: Hhhhmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh????

Courtney: Hhhhhhmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh????

Me: Yes. Props. Don’t worry, ladies. All will be revealed shortly.

[NOTE: I've made the official decision that this chapter will be nine parts, instead of eight. That's the way I've chosen to divide it.]
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Post by Caesar73 »

Lovely chapter! Exquisite Tickle Torture and excellent Dialogues as usual @Fandango
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Post by charliesmith »

That was fun! @Fandango

Can’t wait for all the possible spankings in the next update. Also the looming second punishment :D
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Yay! Love the tickle torture 😊
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Rtj65 »

Excellent update, vividly described as always. The different personalities really shine through in situations like this, and what I really like about this is that everybody's ego is tested at some point. I'm looking forward to seeing how the next round plays out, and whether Trent will continue to rig the game as he sees fit.

Also, while we only see Trent's perspective, I appreciate the mention of/hinting towards events within the club that don't involve him (e.g. Jackie's 'training wheels' comment). It's a reminder that this club goes beyond the captures involving Trent, and I think the story is richer for it. On the subject of rule breaking, it does feel like we've reached a point in the story where deals involving the rules are going to be more commonplace, and I'm intrigued to see how each character approaches that (especially Trent, given that he is self-admittedly playing the 'long game').
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by GreyLord »

As others are also saying, wonderful fun, @Fandango. One small bone to pick.
Abbie had positioned herself on top of Erica, sitting atop her butt with her feet straddling her sides.
It must have been a sloppy hogtie if Abbie could sit on Erica's butt. But that does not detract from the overall wonderfulness of this episode. Or, it could be that I am missing something basic here.
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Post by Fandango »

GreyLord wrote: 4 months ago It must have been a sloppy hogtie if Abbie could sit on Erica's butt. But that does not detract from the overall wonderfulness of this episode. Or, it could be that I am missing something basic here.
That's fair. Trent mentions that it's not as tight as his. Her feet are not pulled down over her butt. I also almost never connect the feet to the hands in a hogtie. I tie the rope into the chest harness. Her feet are relaxed back a little bit. Since Erica is not box tied or captive tied or reverse prayer tied, her hands will be covering her butt. So, yes, Abbie is sitting on Erica's hands... not directly on her butt. I mention that she's sitting on her butt more so that the reader can picture where along her body Abbie is sitting. Erica's hands are not involved in the hogtie and are resting on her butt and Abbie sitting on them is pressing the tether rope down (which does have a little slack) and is pulling Erica's feet closer to her. I usually use reference photos when I'm writing and I've gotten some art done for these stories. I can show you an artist's rendering of what the hogtie looks like if you want. But you're correct, it's probably not as strict of a hogtie as some people are hoping.
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Post by GreyLord »

Thank you, @Fandango. Looking forward to the next episode.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 20: "That Was An Awesome Saxophone Solo, Girl" (FFF/FF, M/FFFFF, MF/FFFF, MFF/FFF, MFFF/FF, MFFFF/F) [Part 6 of 9]

I made my way over to Jackie’s bed and knelt down next to it. Jackie was in on this plan from the start and had allowed me to store some of my more cumbersome necessities in her room ahead of time. One of these cumbersome necessities was what I was currently retrieving: a box of 47 compact discs. I pulled it out and began to lay the various CDs out on the floor in front of the girls’ beds.

Jackie: What are you doing?

Me: What does it look like? I’m arranging some music for our two lovely contestants.

Jackie: I hope that you don’t expect to play any of those. Vinyl is one thing, but those are another matter. How the hell do you expect me to have a CD player. My laptop doesn’t even have a disc drive. Abbie, does yours?

Abbie: Ummm…. no.

Me: Don’t worry. We’re not going to need to play them?

Jackie: Why do you even have CDs? Ever heard of Spotify?

Me: Did you honestly not look under your bed? You knew they were there.

Jackie: No. I respect your privacy.

Me: OK. Good to know.

I wasn’t entirely sure that I believed her. Jackie certainly had a curiosity to her, but she genuinely appeared to not know that this is what I was storing.

Jackie: So… WHY do you have CDs? And so many of them?

Me: They’re not mine. They’re Jeremy’s.

Jackie: OK. Why does Jeremy have CDs?

Me: I don’t know. I didn’t ask. I just asked if I could borrow them.

Jackie: Something’s not right with that kid. Why do you have them if you’re not going to play them?

Me: I don’t need to play them… because YOU’RE going to play them.

Jackie: I just told you that I have no way of playing them.

Me: I mean… you’re going to play the music. On your musical instrument. This game is called “Bum Drummer”.

Elisa: Hhhmmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh?!?! Nnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Courtney: Nnnnnmmmppphhhh mmmmppppppphhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmm hhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!

I think the girls were getting the gist of what this game was going to entail.

Abbie: Ooooohhhhhh. I like it.

Me: Well, I’m glad somebody appreciates it.

Abbie lifted her hand and smacked Elisa HARD across her ass. The sound reverberating loudly as her hand contacted Elisa’s helpless behind.

Elisa: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Abbie: Sorry. I’m just tuning my instrument.

Jackie burst into laughter. Courtney and Erica were also laughing behind their gags as Elisa turned her head and just glowered at Abbie. She stretched her bound hands down to rub her smarting butt.

Abbie grinned mischievously at her.

Abbie: OK. OK. That will conclude my sound check. So how does this work?

Me: I’ve laid out a few dozen CDs across the room from our contestants. Their partners, the drummers, are going to have cards with a popular song on them. The drummer may not say the name of the song aloud. They may not hum it or sing it. They may not show it to their captive. They may only play it using their advanced percussion skills upon their partner’s gluteus maximus. Once the contestant thinks they know the song, they must commence squirming, wriggling, and flopping their way over to the CDs, find the CD that contains the song, and then return to their partner. This will be a best of five series. The first girl to get three correct will have won her freedom. The other will get to join Erica in the final.

Erica: Mmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmmpppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!

Erica knew the rub. But she looked and sounded none too pleased to be advancing to the final. Even if it meant that her bottom was safe from slap happy hands for this game.

Me: Any questions?

Abbie: Yeah. How old is this music? They’re CDs. Has anybody even put out a CD since we were in kindergarten?

Me: The songs selected range from 1981 to 2007.

Abbie: So they’re all “Oldies”?

Me: Ostensibly… yes.

Abbie: What if we don’t know the song?

Me: I’m glad you asked. Almost all of the songs on the cards were #1 Billboard hits. Very popular songs. But since Erica isn’t playing, I’ll have several extra cards. If you don’t recognize any of your songs, just let me know and you can trade it in for another card. If your partner doesn’t know the song… tough. That’s on them. But I don’t want somebody losing because their drummer doesn’t know the song.

Abbie: Well then I hope Elisa knows her stuff.

Me: Now, Abbie. I’m telling you that you do have a fiduciary responsibility to your partner. You do get to paddle Elisa’s deserving booty. But you owe it to her to try and win. The better you spank, the better her chances of freedom. That goes for you too, Jackie.

Abbie: I do solemnly swear. I’m going to give her my best effort. Travis Barker has nothing on me.

Me: I’m surprised you know who that is.

Abbie: He started dating Kourtney Kardashian a couple months ago. Catch up, Trent.

I ignored that comment and took a stack of notecards from my bag. I shuffled them evenly and passed out five to Abbie and five to Jackie. And I really shuffled them this time. I had no real rooting interest in this game. If Erica was playing, I’d probably try and help the poor sap out. But I was equally interested in seeing Elisa and Courtney sink further into failure. One of the self-proclaimed Queens of the game was going to be further humbled. The girls thumbed through the cards.

Jackie handed me back two of her note cards. I looked at them. They were “Rock Me Amadeus” by Falco and “I’ll Make Love to You” by Boyz II Men. Neither really surprised me that she might not know them. They were both way before our time. But they were big enough songs that I just checked anyway.

Me: You don’t know these?

Jackie: I don’t know one of them. And one of them makes me uncomfortable. Friends don’t play “I’ll Make Love to You” on other friend’s butts. It could send the wrong message.

Courtney: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!?!

Courtney let you an indignant grunt / groan at being mocked while Jackie shot me a shit eating grin and gave Courtney a swift smack on her left butt cheek, drawing an angry glare from the bound and gagged beauty.

Me: Fair enough.

I handed her back two new cards. She looked at them and nodded.

Me: Do those work?

Jackie: Yep. One of these is PERFECT.

Me: No hints, Ms. Garrett.

Jackie: That was hardly a hint.

I’d seen the cards that I’d given her. I was guessing that she was talking about “Shake Ya Tailfeather” by Nelly, P. Diddy, and Murphy Lee. I’m kind of surprised that she knew that one. I then turned to Abbie who was awaiting my attention. She also handed me two of her five cards. I looked them over. “Smooth” by Carlos Santana ft. Rob Thomas and “Wannabe” by The Spice Girls. That second one did surprise me. I eyed her suspiciously.

Me: Really?

She smiled impishly at me.

Abbie: Yes. Really. I don’t know those songs. Are you shaming me? I’m not up on my oldies.

I thought Jackie might get a kick out of it, so I showed her the “Wannabe” card. Her eyes went wide in a sort of comical horror.

Jackie: Abbie, are you being serious right now?!?!

Abbie: Ummm… yes. Why?

Jackie: You’ve never heard of “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls?!?!

Abbie: No.

Jackie: Really?!?!

Abbie: Yes. Really. I barely know who the Spice Girls are. The name rings a bell. Aren’t they like four European girls from the late 80s or something?

Jackie: Where do I begin starting to correct that sentence? “Wannabe” is their most famous song!! If you only know one song… you know “Wannabe”.

Abbie: I thought their most famous song was “If You Like It Then You Should Have Put a Ring On It”.

Jackie: Abbie?!?!? What?!?!? What in God’s sweet, sweet name?!?!

Abbie (singing): If you like it then you should have put a ring on it… If you like it then you…

Jackie: That’s not the Spice Girls!! Please tell me you know that! Please, please tell me that that is something that you know!!

Abbie’s face looked concerned. But her face gave no signs that she was joking or putting Jackie on or yanking her chain.

Jackie: This is scary? How do we live together? I think I might have to move out? I can’t trust somebody who thinks that the Spice Girls sing “Single Ladies”!!

Finally Abbie’s face cracked a smile and she grinned a knowing grin at Jackie. She leaned over and gave Jackie a big bear hug as Jackie feigned pouty disinterest in her display of affection.

Abbie: I’m just playing. I know that one’s Beyonce. Didn’t know that was the name of the song though.

Jackie: Oh thank God.

Jackie now relaxed into the hug.

Abbie: I still don’t know any Spice Girls songs though. Sorry. Not sorry.

Jackie (singing): If you wanna be my lover, you've got to get with my friends. Make it last forever, friendship never ends.

Abbie: OK. That sounds vaguely familiar.

Me: The person who looks the most scared right now is Elisa.

Both of the freed women looked down towards Elisa. She did look thoroughly non-plussed that her fate was in the hands of somebody that thought that the Spice Girls were “four European girls from the 1980s”. Her eyes were despondent and she looked to be accepting a fate of slipping further down in this game.

Abbie: Don’t worry, girl. I got you. I know these three.

Abbie flicked the cards remaining in her hand.

Me: How about these two?

I handed her two fresh cards. Abbie looked them over and nodded affirmatively.

Abbie: Yep. We’re good to go.

She gave Elisa a maniacal grin. It did not seem to assuage Elisa’s trepidation. As well it shouldn’t.

Jackie: You really can’t name any Spice Girls?

Abbie: Ugh. This is a real hangup for you, isn’t it? I think there’s a Posh Spice. There’s a Sexy Spice. There’s Sweet Spice. And there’s a fourth one I don’t know. Ummm…. maybe Absurd Spice.

Jackie exhaled loudly and dramatically.

Jackie: Oh boy. I’m going to assume that Sexy Spice is Ginger Spice.

Abbie: Probably.

Jackie: Sweet Spice is probably Baby Spice.

Abbie: You’d know better than me.

Jackie: I can only guess that Absurd Spice MIGHT be Scary Spice.

Abbie: Yep. That’s the Spice Girls.

Jackie: There are five of them.

Abbie: Oh. I see. Didn’t know you were such a big fan.

Jackie: I wouldn’t say that I’m a HUGE fan. But… I was kind of hoping that maybe us five ladies could go as them for that costume party on Wedgewood next month. What do you say?

Jackie batted her eyes at Abbie and gave her roommate her best “Pretty Please” smile.

Jackie: I think you’d make a great Baby Spice. We’d be a total hit.

Abbie: We’ll see. Maybe if you’re really nice to me in the next couple weeks.

Jackie took on a confrontational, perturbed stance.

Jackie: Of course. I’ll be really nice to you. I can’t think of ANY reason why you might be indebted to me in any way.

She gave Abbie a sulking glare followed by a little wink. Clearly she was referring to the big assist that she gave Abbie during the Never Have I Ever Game. If not for her, it would likely be Abbie who was tightly trussed with her mouth still stuffed and taped being draped over Jackie’s knee with her pert little bottom awaiting a musically melodious paddling.

Abbie: OK. OK. I get it. I’m in. Baby Spice isn’t like super slutty, is she?

Jackie: No. Not at all. She’s adorable. And chic. Slip dress. Knee high socks. Platform sneakers. I’ll show you how we can do your hair. It will be a total hit.

Abbie let out a sigh and shook her head passively.

Me: Let me guess. You want to be Sporty Spice.

Jackie: Naturally. How did you know?

Me: I think you want an excuse to wear sneakers and track pants out and have people tell you that it’s a great costume while the other girls do the heavy lifting.

Jackie: First off… how dare you. Second off… you know me so well.

Me: Now can we quit this little Spice Side Convo and get back to the game? Time is a tickin’.

Jackie: Of course. Of course. Do we just start with whichever card we want?

Me: Sure. Select a card and begin drumming on my count.

The girls each pulled a card from their stack and put the others face down next to them. They each had their assigned captive pulled onto their lap and had a hand positioned ready to start striking each of the restrained former volleyball studs on the posterior.

Me: A one. A one and a two and a one, two, three, four! Go!

The girls started drumming erratically as their captives squealed indignantly.

Elisa: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhhh hhhhhmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

Courtney: Nnnnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhh nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhh mmmpppphhhhh nnnnmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Both Abbie and Jackie were cackling with laughter as they rhythmically swatted the vulnerable rears of the two girls. Since Courtney and Elisa had changed out of their jeans prior to the games, unlike Abbie and Erica, they had much less protection on their butts. The thin basketball shorts did little to pad their behinds from the intense swats of their partners. The smack of palm on rear reverberated louder than I was expecting. Jackie’s spanks were somewhat lighter but more rapid in succession. I was having trouble figuring out what she was playing and I’d seen her five cards. Courtney appeared to have no idea whatsoever. It had taken me a second to realize what Abbie was playing. But eventually I got it. She was playing it well. This would come down to whether Elisa was familiar with the song or not. But Abbie hadn’t started the song from the open… she’d jumped in a little before the refrain and had built up the intensity of her strikes to match the building crescendo of the song into said refrain. This was probably the song that required the firmest spankings and Elisa appeared to be feeling it a little bit. This game was meant to be more humiliating than painful, but her bum was going to be sore if she didn’t get this one soon.

Finally I saw Elisa flex her hands down to stop Abbie and she started kicking her feet and wiggling them. This was apparently a dramatic, improvised way of saying “I think I’ve got it”. Abbie stopped her assault on Elisa’s rump and helped Elisa off her lap as Elisa began to squirm her way towards the array of CDs near the beds.

Elisa shifted herself around as she wriggled in the direction of the discs. I had positioned myself at Jackie’s desk. Halfway between the spankings and the minefield of CDs so that I had a great view of all of the action. It took about a minute and a half for Elisa to twist and pull her way over to the CDs. Courtney still appeared to have no clue what song Jackie was trying to paddle into her hindquarters. I was only just starting to figure it out. But Courtney gave Jackie a STOP motion and appeared to just want to have a go at the CDs and hope for the best. Perhaps to stop the cacophonous assault on her backside, since clearly it wasn’t helping.

Elisa floundered around on the CDs. Flopping and rocking and trying to find the one that she was looking for. There were just under four dozen of them, so finding the right one wasn’t exactly a needle in a haystack but you were unlikely to just guess the correct one. However, as Elisa bucked and swayed her body towards the right side of the array… I could tell that she’d spotted the correct one. Courtney had not even made it over the pile yet when Elisa finally managed to grasp her bound hands around and picked up Faster Than the Speed of Night by Bonnie Tyler. Abbie had in fact been pounding “Total Eclipse of the Heart” into Elisa’s derriere and her exuberance had gotten the message across. Elisa clutched the CD in her bound hand, dug her shoulder into the ground and tried to flop her way back across the carpet to Abbie, grunting and groaning from the exertion. It was quite a sight. As I had hoped.

Courtney: Nnnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!

Courtney looked agonizingly at her rival making her way across the room, but she was out of position to do anything about it. It took Elisa less than two minutes to traverse the diagonal distance back to Abbie but eventually she squirmed up to her and made contact.

Me: Abbie, may I see your notecard?

Abbie showed me the card, which did in fact read “Total Eclipse of the Heart” by Bonnie Tyler. Elisa was correct. There had only been one Bonnie Tyler album. Jeremy had two Bon Jovi albums and two U2 albums in the collection, but I took the extras out so that there was only one album per artist. I didn’t want to be a total dick.

Me: Alright. That’s one point for Elisa. Jackie, do you want to assist your player back to home base to help her conserve her energy.
Jackie: Sure.

Jackie slid over towards Courtney, hooked her arms around the poor girl, and began to drag her back towards the starting line.

Courtney: Mmmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhh!!!!

Me: Just out of curiosity, Jackie. What were you trying to play on Courtney’s caboose?

Jackie: You didn’t recognize it? It’s a song that was written about YOU!

Me: No. I’m pretty sure that “Smooth” was given back to me by Abbie.

Jackie: Nice try, Chumpasaurus Rex. That was “No Scrubs” by TLC.

Courtney: Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhh?!?!? Mmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmpppphhhhhh mmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Now it was Courtney’s turn to be despondent by her partner’s shortcomings. Elisa on the other hand seemed to be grinning like a loon beneath her gag. The fact that Abbie didn’t know “Wannabe” by The Spice Girls appeared to be less of a concern at present. Eventually Jackie had Courtney back in position draped over her lap and I addressed the contestants.

Me: Drummers, are you ready?

Jackie: Yep.

Abbie: Definitely.

Me: Drums, are you ready?

Courtney: Nnnnmmmpppppphhhhh.

Me: Too bad. As long as the drummers are ready. Your seats are their snares. Your keisters are their kettles. Your bums are their bongos. Commence song #2.

Abbie and Jackie got back into the rhythm. And this time it actually was some semblance of a rhythm. I could tell what they’re songs were almost immediately. Though admittedly it’s a lot easier knowing what cards they had. It took the captives a little longer. Thankfully, both of these songs required a little more rhythm. They weren’t exactly power ballads and the spankings were a lot lighter. Jackie’s going from well timed smacks to start into very light rhythmic taps, while Abbie was playing an absolute masterpiece on Elisa’s tush, if I do say so myself. I was impressed. But Elisa still appeared not to be getting it. It was actually Courtney who appeared to understand what her song was first this time. She shot her hands back and stopped Jackie, as Jackie pushed her off of her lap and onto the carpet.

Elisa was still not grasping what Abbie was putting down, even though I thought that Abbie was doing about as good of a job as one could possibly do. There was a decent chance that Elisa just might not know the song. Abbie was through the chorus and going into the next verse and was really just rocking out. She was swaying with the music as her nimble hands bounced off Elisa’s vibrating butt cheeks. Elisa seemed to have resigned herself to this supreme indignity as her face relaxed and she let out a disgruntled snort as Courtney squirmed her way across the floor. She had a one point lead and Abbie’s hits were light and playful, so she appeared to have just decided that she was going to save her energy while Courtney shuffled through the CDs. That was fine by me. Maybe Abbie would get to finish the song.

Eventually I saw Courtney grab the correct CD and head back towards Jackie.

Abbie: Still nothing, E?

Elisa: Nnnnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!

Elisa let out an exasperated grunt as though to tell Abbie that “No. I don’t know what you’re playing!”

Jackie: You’re doing a great job, Abbie. This is entirely on her.

Abbie: So you know what I’m playing, right?

Jackie: Definitely. And you’re crushing it. That was an awesome saxophone solo, girl.

Me: I said... No hints, Ms. Garrett.

Jackie: Oh, come on. Courtney’s almost back and Elisa has conceded.

Me: What if Courtney has the wrong CD?

Jackie: I can see the CD in her hand. It’s the right CD.

Me: Alright. Fair enough.

Twenty seconds later Courtney had touched Jackie and she did indeed have the correct CD with her.

Me: Jackie, can I see your card?

Jackie proudly showed me the card that read “Kiss from a Rose” by Seal.

Me: The score is now 1 point apiece. And for what it’s worth… I agree with Jackie. That was one of the best renditions of “Careless Whisper” I’ve ever heard, Abbie.

Elisa: Mmmmmmpppppphhhhh?????? Hhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnmmmppppppphhhhhhh.

Elisa shrugged her shoulders as though she was unfamiliar with the song. Her loss.

Me: Thirty seconds and we’ll start again. Get your next card ready, ladies.

Courtney huffed as Jackie slid her bound form back over her knee. Elisa was using her bound hands to massage her sore rump which had just had a full song played on it. Abbie was already rubbing her hands together excitedly, ready to get right back at it. After the time had elapsed, I began the next round.

Me: Alright. Begin!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I do love that game! Elisa and Courtney probably not that much. Excellent @Fandango ! Full Points on Creativity - the Dialogues and Descriptions are great as usual!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Such a fun read. Glad to see that’s you’re continuing it.

Now, Trent is surely in for quite a revenge tie up when this game is over….
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Post by GreyLord »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 months ago I do love that game! Elisa and Courtney probably not that much. Excellent @Fandango ! Full Points on Creativity - the Dialogues and Descriptions are great as usual!
I do agree with @Caesar73, @Fandango. But would add, Full Points on Fun!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Your brand of dialogue and storytelling really shone in this part, it really brought the scene vividly to life. Trent is obviously trying to make the most of the opportunity has been given here, but I don't think that either Elisa or Courtney are the type to just call it even when this is done, even though they agreed to it. They'll want to reassert themselves once this is over, so I think Trent will have to be on his guard from now on, no matter who 'wins' this game.

Super entertaining part, as always. Keep up the good work!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by lauragagged »

When is the next update? @Fandango Waiting eagerly :D
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Post by Wodeik »

This has been such a great story Fandango. What happens next?! Really looking forward to finding out who looses this overall game, and how they (assuming it's Courtney or Elisa) deal with it in the aftermath.
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