The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 104



“Apocalypse now”

The Western Desert: The Stronghold of the Medjai, one hour after midnight:

“It is in the middle of the night. I take all sensations in: The Sounds – there are not many – the cackling of the flames. Ardeth Bey walks beside me. I feel his presence, his calm authority. I don´t know him for long. But at another place at another time, I would find him attractive. But not now. Not today.

There is no place for tarrying today.

I listen intently. Listen to my heartbeat, my pulse. It is regular. Calm. And I also feel Anna´s Presence. I know, she is gone. But I sense her. In a few hours I will avenge her. I will send Al Mansur to hell. Where he belongs.
Anna´s Soul will be pleased. And I will find peace.”
Ardeth Bey turns to me:”

“And this is really necessary?” Chris asked Ardeth Bey dubiously “I hate to make grandiose speeches in public!” The blonde and the leader of the Medjai, along with his Subcommanders stood on the large podium in the centre of Fortress´ courtyard.

Before them stood in close ranks the Warriors of the Medjai “There have to be hundreds of them” the pianist thought. Only the cackling of the torches could be heard – the air was loaded with suspense and expectation. One part of her believed to be part of Movies like “Gladiator” or “Spartacus”.

One Scene from Gladiator sprung vividly into her mind. The Speech of Maximus Decimus Meridius before the final Battle against the Marcomanni at the beginning of the Movie. It had been short and to the Point – something she liked:

“Fratres! [Brothers!]
Three weeks from now I will be harvesting my crops.
Imagine where you will be, and it will be so.
Hold the line!
Stay with me!
If you find yourself alone,
riding in green fields with the sun on your face,
do not be troubled,
for you are in Elysium,
and you're already dead!!!
What we do in Life echoes in Eternity....”

The Pianist smiled. Especially the last line stroke a Chord in her heart. Chris liked the Idea. Her Music, Anna´s Music would be heard by people around the Globe when they both would be long gone. She corrected herself: Anna was already dead. But to Chris she would be there – always.

The Medjai broke her out of her Reverie.

“Yes, Chris it is necessary” Ardeth Bey returned calmly “You lead the Medjai into battle. They will follow you to hell and back, but it is custom that you hold a speech to spur them on!”

Chris sighed exasperatedly “Right then!” She stepped at the edge of the podium and looked at the assembled warriors let her green eyes wonder above the hundreds black clad desert warriors looking up at her expectantly.

There were old battle-scarred faces and young smooth ones, eager for their first battle. But they all had one thing in common: The steely resolve. Chris saw it in every face. She breathed in deeply, imagined she stood on the Podium of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg before she played the first Note. The blonde waited. Took the Scene in with every fibre of her being. Waited. Listened to the cackling of the Torches.

When Chris finally spoke, her voice rang like a silvery fanfare across the courtyard “Medjai!” She cried “Decedents of Pharaoh´s Sacred Guards! Over hundred years ago your ancestors fought the Army of Anubis and the Undead High Priest Imhotep and were victorious!”

The blonde paused for effect. Looked the Warriors in the eyes. Each and everyone.

“Tomorrow you will fight again against an enemy who poses a grave danger not only to you but to the World! And together we will be victorious again!”

The Medjai clashed their curved sabres against their metal breast plates rhythmically. Chris waited till the noise died down, raised her Arms “It is the will of the gods, foretold by the Seers long ago, that I shall lead you into battle!”

Another rhythmic clanking.

“It is a great honour to me to lead you!” Chris voice rang now even louder across the courtyard “Together we will prevail against the powers of evil! What we do in Life echoes in Eternity!” With a fluid movement she unsheathed one Katana, that of Sengo Murasama, and whirled it above her head. The over hundred times folded Steel glittered in the Torches´ Flames:

“To Victory!” she cried.

“To Victory! To Victory! To Victory!” the assembled Warriors chanted rhythmically – tall and erect motionless like a Marble Sculpture Chris stood there – her blade pointing straight in the West – unwavering.

Her green eyes blazed with an unearthly fire.

“Nicely done!” Sophie smiled to Kate “Short and straight to the point” the detective nodded “Chris always says she hates speeches – but then the occasion calls for it, she is pretty good at it” The American pouted “Castle always says my pep talk is worse than a boring lecture about statistics!” “You are not that bad” Kirsty grinned – and stressed “that” - She had heard Kate holding speeches on several occasions.

“I guess when Al Mansur knew that a storm is brewing, he would wet his pants” Hayley pointed at the assembled Medjai “Those guys are tough! I wouldn´t want to fight against them – that is for sure!”

Sarah shook her head “I don´t think he fears them – I peg that guy too arrogant for that: Think of all the presents he sent Anna – that man likes theatrics. And his security sucks. That we came so far without meeting any meaningful resistance is telling” the Canadian continued “I dare say he does not believe that anyone could discover his secret base. And he still thinks he is only up against us” The Black Lady looked around at Chris´ friends “It will still be no easy task”.

“You are really an optimist Sarah!” Hayley teased the black-haired Master Thief “No I am just realistic Miss Smarty Pants” McKenzie returned dryly “This is a dangerous game – one misstep and we are into trouble”.

“Thank God you are around!” Hayley joked.

“Without me you would be lost completely lost, especially a certain blonde who is inclined to being kidnapped! The Canadian smiled broadly at Hayley. The blonde pouted “Not fair!” “Who said I am fair?” Sarah grinned “I intend to win – I wouldn´t want to miss your wedding for anything in the world!” The Thief smiled even broader and both, Kirsty and Hayley blushed.

“Come let us get ready!” Sarah McKenzie ended the banter, now completely business like. She turned to Natasha who had followed the banter with a broad grin “You are lucky we are on a tight schedule!” The Thief smiled ominously “Or I would spank you here and now” Natasha grinned even broader but bowed her head slightly “Of course – Mistress!”

Kirsty and Hayley exchanged a look “Seems like our Masterthief has a new pet to play with” the Briton chuckled “Better her than me!” Hayley smiled.

Kirsty grew serious: “This reminds me of Afghanistan” – and turned on her heels. Hayley said nothing, her companion spoke still seldom of her times in the Army – and followed the Briton.

One hour later:

Chris turned in her saddle and looked back: A long column of Warrior in double line followed them. On her left side Ardeth Bey. The Leader of the Medjai stood up in his stirrups, raised his right arm – and pointed to the Western Gate:

Like a long line of black clad shadows, the column broke into trot. At the rear of the column the heavy equipment loaded on dromedaries. Silently they rode into the desert, into the night into the West: towards battle.

Chris felt calm and collected as they rode onwards. Behind her rode her friends “What would I do without them? We have gotten this far only because of them!” She thought back to the Moment at Hall Place Manor so many months ago, when Anna had said – only half in jest - “You would go “One for all. All for one” for me?”

“Yes, I would” The blonde had replied simply back then.

“I may have failed you Anna” she mused “But all the others were there for me – rescued me from one of the darkest places of my live. And now we will avenge you Anna – and I will sever this Bastard´s head from his stiff neck personally. There will be no river broad enough, no trench deep enough to hinder me!”

A grim smile curled Chris´ lips. She would teach Al Mansour the errors of his ways with the loving strokes of her Katanas.

“I will be the arrow, Sensei!” she vowed “I will be the arrow which pierces his black heart!”

They rode onward: Onward into the West.

The Vision

“And I saw a burning chariot
And the four horsemen of the apocalypse
Waiting on high
And I heard the thunder rolling in
And behold our leader on a pale horse riding in the sky;

And I saw this land a battlefield
With a hundred thousand men
Fighting hand to hand
And I heard the sounds of victory
And the rivers ran red with the blood of our enemies;”

(“The Vision – lyrics and music by Chris de Burgh)

The Western Desert: Morning, 0500 Hours, the Arena:

Preparation Room

Even here, deep down in the Arena´s catacombs Anna heard the monotonous hypnotic beat of the drums. The Russian stood before the large polished bronze mirror and inspected her mirror image: Merit had done a magnificent job. What had the Egyptian said? When she had d prepared her Mistress for the fight?

“You truly look like an ancient warrior-princess!” And beamed at her “and she is right” Anna had to admit “Merit is right!” After the Egyptian had bathed and washed her, she had brushed her dark tresses till they shimmered and glimmered and oiled them.

On her head the Russian wore a simple golden circlet. Over a simple white tunic which reached till midthigh she wore a sculpted bronze cuirass. On her under arms polished bronze bracelets. The hobnailed Strap-Sandals were held by criss crossing straps which ended under her knees. The bronze greaves fitted perfectly.

Anna suspected they were custom made – like the cuirass. Once more Anna shuddered when she thought about Al Mansour´s obsession with her, his attention to the smallest details. She felt calm the hour she had trained for since many months was not far away now.

Anna felt no fear: She knew she would face a formidable opponent – but she was not the same Anna who had been beaten to pulp eight months ago – and nearly paid the highest price “I will not underestimate Anck-Sun-Amun. She is a wounded beast – but that makes her even more dangerous.”

But there was a dark sense of foreboding, of impending doom. She felt it in the air she felt it in the water. Merit must have sensed something too “What is it, Anna?” The Russian turned around and faced her Lady-in-Waiting “Merit, you have become a friend in the short time I am here. You made my life so much easier. Now I must ask a favour of you” Anna´s expression was grave and sincere “I must know - whatever happens today - you are safe. If anything, unusual happens today seek a safe place, can you do that for me?”

Anna looked her Lady in Waiting straight in the eyes.

“Yes, Mistress I can” Merit looked concerned at Anna “But what should happen today?” “It is just a feeling Merit, call it a hunch – but I can usually rely on my instinct. Something will happen today”.

“You sound awfully certain Anna” her Lady in Waiting frowned – then she grabbed into her purse and took something out “I want to give you something: This is an Udjat-Penchant – it is a family heirloom. It has been passed since generations in my family. It is said it belonged to Queen Hatshepsut once. It shall protect its wearer from any harm. Will you wear it for me?”

Anna was at least one foot taller than the Egyptian so Merit had to look up at her “Will you wear it for me?” she repeated earnestly “I cannot take this” Anna demurred, slightly blushing “This is too great a gift. I cannot take it”.

Sternly the usual so soft-spoken Egyptian looked at the Russian “You will take it Mistress – you need the protection of the gods today!” Now Anna had to smile “I did not know you could be that bossy – I will wear it gladly and take is a good omen” She bowed down so that Merit could close the clasp of the penchant behind her neck.

“Thank you!” Anna smiled as she stood upright again “This means much to me” The Russian looked warmly at Merit “Why don´t you just tell me an old Egyptian Fairy Tale? We have some time before I and the Priestess must enter the Arena. And a Fairy Tale would just be right now” Merit smiled “Then let me tell you the Tale of the Two Brothers” …...

The Western Desert: Close to the Palace:

Chris looked around: The Medjai moved with the precision of trained soldiers to their positions: Sarah led her teams of Javelin –Shooters to their well concealed positions: Taking the Towers out of Commission was a key piece of the plan – and Sarah had drilled their teams relentlessly, till she was satisfied. Chris had to smile:

The Thief could be a real pain in the Ass, when it came to professional standards “Preparation, preparation, preparation” was her Credo. In that regard they were not that different, the Masterthief and the Artist – Chris had recognized during this journey.

Kirsty supervised the build-up of the two mortar batteries. Chris knew from first experience how skilled the Briton was with this weapon. Hayley had told her that Kirsty had spent much time to draw up a fire plan. The Snipers and the MG-Teams of the Medjai were also in position.

The Medjai on Horseback had lined up behind the crest of the Dune “Nervous?” Ardeth Bey had moved noiselessly “No” the blonde returned calmly “Not really, somehow it feels like before I step into the limelight on the Podium” The Medjai smiled enigmatically “You are most strange Christine von der Marwitz – a Warrior an Artist and a Woman” “I am” Chris smiled back – and her smile reached her eyes “I am what I am”.

“Chris” Kate Beckett interrupted them “All Teams are in position; the communications are established “We have to wait only for your signal” Chris nodded “Perfect Kate! We will join you presently” The blonde had never commanded such a large group of fighters, so she was thankful to have her friends at her side.

Never she had expected a scenario like this when they flew from Hamburg to Alexandria “Now we are here in the middle of nowhere about to attack a sociopath who has created his own realm here” Chris pulled herself together and followed Kate to the command post.

From the Crest of the Dune, they had a good look on the vast palace compound – and the Arena. The Arena which looked like the Colosseum in Rome on a smaller scale was – despite the early hour – packed with people. Chris looked at her watch: 0520 in the Morning.

A fanfare blown by silvery trumpets rang through the air.

The Western Desert: The Arena around the same time:

Anna heard the trumpets too “So the Bastard has arrived” Pharaoh and his entourage would now take place at the King´s Box. A knock at the door “Your Grace? It is time!” Merit looked at Anna and threw herself at the Russian “Be careful Mistress!” Anna hugged the Egyptian back “I will Merit, you know me!” She broke the hug, turned on her heels and strode to the door.

Merit looked after her Mistress “Be safe Anna!” she whispered.

Five Minutes later Anna stepped into the morning sun. It was still quite cool. The crowd fell silent as the two Combatants entered the Arena. There was only the hypnotic monotone beating of the drums.

For a moment it felt to Anna that she was leaving her body and watching the Scene before her. A stream of images, of thoughts washed over her.

“I am Anna. Anna Romanova. Grand Duchesse Anna Romanova. Grand Grand Niece of Tsar Nikolas II. I stand here in the Western Desert. I will fight my mortal Enemy. How long have I waited for that moment. I can feel every fibre, any muscle in my body quivering with Energy. I am ready. And I know that the people I love are nearby. Merit, my Lady in Waiting, I am still not used to that title. The Air is cool, but the Sun feels warm on my skin. I digress – and I know I need to focus now. Where was I? Yes, Merit – but I hope, no, I know and feel Chris is not far away. I just know. I must concentrate. I must focus. I am Anna. And this is my story.”

Anna´s gaze rested on her nemesis:

Anck-Sun-Amun seemed cool and collected. Anna had not expected anything less. In step they walked to the King´s box “Did you sleep well bitch?” Anck-Sun-Amun whispered “Like a baby” Anna smiled broadly “And you?” The Egyptian returned nothing. The Egyptian tried to cover it, but she wasn´t as cool as she wanted to be.

From his Box Al Mansour – in full regalia – looked down at them. Anna recognized a few of the courtiers: There was of course the Grand Vizier and his daughter, Seth-Nacht stood right behind Pharaoh´s throne. Their eyes met – and Anna was not sure: Had the Commander of Pharaoh´s Guard just winked at her?

As it was custom Anna and her opponent bowed deeply before Pharaoh “This is the last time I bow before you Al Mansour!” Anna promised herself.

She concentrated: Before them stood the High Priest of Anubis in his traditional garb. He was responsible for the regulations to be adhered to.

He raised his arms to the heavens and recited first a solemn Prayer in the Ancient Egyptian Tongue, invoking Horus – the God of Justice – and Sachmet, the Goddess of War, praying for the favour of the Gods.

The Priest turned to both combatants “Your Grace Anna Alexandrovna Romanova” then he recited all the titles Anna would have possessed if Russia were still a Monarchy, Anna was impressed against her will – “You challenged the High Priestess of Isis because she tried to murder you!”

“I did!” And to everybody´s surprise Anna spoke in the old Egyptian Tongue – she had rehearsed that conversation with Merit yesterday. Her Talent for Languages had helped, but it had been arduous work.

“And you demand satisfaction!” The Priest asked.

“I do” Anna replied firmly.

“You know that this fight will only end when one of you is dead”.

“I do” the Russian confirmed.

“And you are resolved to fight to the death?”

“I am” Anna stated firmly.

“So shall it be written, and so shall it be done” the Priest intoned. He turned to Anck-Sun-Amun:

“You, o High Priestess of Isis, Anck-Sun-Amun stand here as the accused party. By custom and tradition, you are required to accept the challenge!” The priest´s dark baritone reverberated through the Arena.

“I do accept the challenge” the Egyptian stated firmly without any hesitation.

“So let the god´s will be done! Let the fight commence!”

Both women bowed before the priest and Pharaoh as they stood Anna whispered, “For what is worth Anck-Sun-Amun: Our Lord told me that I would win this fight anyway – so be on your guard” “From you?” The Egyptian chuckled “Listen” Anna whispered, “Pharaoh might have taken precautions to end this fight in his favour ….” The High Priestess still stared ahead but whispered back “Why are you telling me this?” “I will win in a fair fight – not in a staged one” The Russian replied firmly.

“These changes nothing between us” the Egyptian hissed “No” Anna agreed “But I would consider it as a stain on my honour not to have warned you.”

“How very noble!” The Egyptian chuckled condescendingly – “I am a Romanov” Anna said simply. Against her will Anck-Sun-Amun was impressed “Thank you” she said.

“Assume your positions!” Anubis´ High Priest commanded.

Anck-Sun-Amun and Anna turned and walked through the Arena to their positions: Anck-Sun-Amun took her stand right under Pharaoh´s Box, next to her a wooden frame with her weapons of choice: A spear, a bow, a sword, and a shield.

Anna took her stand on the opposite site, 20 Yards away. Both women looked at each other. The Russian blended the noises, the chatter, the hoots, the shouts out. There was only her opponent now. Merit looked from her seat down in the Arena – and wrung her hands “O Isis I am so nervous!” As member of the court and Anna´s Lady in Waiting, she sat in Pharaoh´s Box.

To the young Egyptian both Women looked like large predators ready to strike. Each one waited for the slightest sign which would signal an attack. Who would strike first? The tension in the Arena was palpable. The soft morning sun reflected on the two fighters’ armour.

Anna was tense and relaxed at the same time: The moment she had trained for months? It was there. Finally.

It was 0530 PM now. Not that Anna knew that or that it mattered to her. There! Anck-Sun-Amun moved swiftly to her left and grabbed her spear, sprinted a few steps and hurled it at Anna.

The Russian stood stock still, presented her front to her opponent. She felt the spear passing her left ear by an inch. The projectile hit the stonewall behind her with a sharp clank and thudded into the Arena´s sand.

Anna whirled around grabbed the spear, broke into a run, and hurled the spear back at her opponent. It missed the Egyptian barely. The two women starred at each other and sprang into action: Anna turned around and grabbed her spear while Anck-Sun-Amun grabbed her spear from the dust. Both opponents sprinted at each other they kept the weapons in both hands firmly. They clashed together: using their spears as in a stick-fight.

Anna pushed the Egyptian away with decisive strokes. But Anck-Sun-Amun parried each of Anna´s strokes and pushed back. And hit the Russian at the left shoulder, Anna escaped another hit only by a swift dive. But she gave as good as she got. One exchange followed the other.

Then as if on an unspoken agreement both fighters stepped back, breathing heavily “You are good!” the Egyptian admitted “You are not bad either!” Anna conceded “What do you think about a change of weapons?” Anna had spotted something …. “Be my guest Romanova!” the High Priestess smiled condescendingly “The Spear is not yours.”

Anna smiled “How good are you with the bow?” Anck-Sun-Amun grinned “Let´s find out!” she threw her spear in the sand and ran to her weapons. Anna did the same. She was faster. Before the Egyptian had grabbed her bow and some arrows the Russian had already nocked an arrow and wheeled around and shot – but not at her opponent: A piercing scream and an Archer crashed down into the Arena: He had hidden beside Pharaoh´s box.

The Egyptian whirled around and stared at the body on the ground “Down!” Anna shouted, “There is a second shooter!” Why she heeded her enemy’s advice she did not know but the Egyptian threw herself down in the sand and to the left. The arrow missed her barely. Anck-Sun-Amun breathed heavily as she lay in the sand. She heard a piercing scream - and a thud moments later.

Anna had shot another arrow at the second shooter. The black arrow had hit the Assassin squarely into the chest. With so much power, the arrow pierced the body. It crashed first on the banister of the Arena and left a bloody trace of blood and brain before he landed facedown into the Arena. Anna nocked another Arrow as Anck-Sun-Amun scrambled to her feet. And looked at Anna: Both women knew: The Russian had only to let loose and it would be over.

Anna´s right Arm quivered “I only have to let go now and this over” “Why don´t you shoot!” Anck-Sun-Amun challenged her “You are afraid? I knew it! You are too soft!”

“No” Anna said firmly and decided. She put the bow down “I just don´t shoot unarmed enemies” The Egyptian chuckled “Noble to a fault”.

“That´s me” Anna shrugged and stared her opponent down:

“Get your sword then!” Anna challenged her opponent “I will get mine” and strode back to fetch her sword and shield. She knew she would never get as proficient with a blade as Chris, but she had trained hard in the last months with different weapons. Sensei Genda had recommended a Chinese blade: a jian, a double-edged straight sword used during the last 2,500 years in China, a long sword.

That deep in the Egypt Desert such a weapon was available – had surprised her. Though if she was honest to herself? She should not have been surprised. Al Mansours resources were endless it seemed – and the bastard knew her way to well.

Anck-Sun-Amun had chosen a Khopesh. Anna had seen her train with the weapon – the Egyptian was good with that ancient weapon: Incredibly good.

Resolutely the Russian grabbed her sword and shield – the rectangular shields, which where the customary outfit of the Egyptian Rank and File. Though its shape was ancient the material it was made of wasn´t; Kevlar Anna mused? The jian was perfectly balanced and laid good in her hand.

Decisively she stepped forward to face her foe.

Both women measured each other up “This” the Egyptian pointed at the dead body in the Arena´s sand with her Khopesh “changes nothing between us” – “I do not expect anything less from you” Anna smiled “You want to hold a speech, or do you want to fight?” She raised her blade in salute.

The Egyptian returned the gesture. Seconds passed. Who would charge first? It was Anna who attacked with a quick combination: a stab at the centre of her opponent´s shield which almost penetrated it and an overhand stroke aimed at Anck-Sun-Amun´s head which forced the Egyptian to duck to evade the blow. Anna´s blade connected with the shield´s rim. Their shields clashed against each other with a thunder.

Neither woman backed off.

In that moment, several tremendous explosions shock the ground …...
Last edited by Caesar73 4 months ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by wolfman »

Masterfully done. You really capture the sense that the battle between Anna and Amun begins when they both enter the arena and the visceral descriptions of action.

I also really like the way that Anna is true to her noble heritage and beliefs despite every instict telling her not too.

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Post by Nainur »

Most gripping, especially - to me - the first half (might be because Chris is a favourite of mine and her arc, her attitude and her silent passion is never failung to touch me).
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Post by mrjones2009 »


Anna showing that she is worthy of her titles by showing she won't win at any cost.

Let the (larger) battle commence!
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Post by Beaumains »

I can't say that I caught up, 80 or so chapters is quite daunting, but I read the last chapter without much context. It is both clear your style has not changed much as it it is still evidently a Caesar story, but your writing has also evolved and improved. This chapter had quite some flow and good timing. Paragraphs like the following one worked really well:
Caesar73 wrote: 5 months ago There were old battle-scarred faces and young smooth ones, eager for their first battle. But they all had one thing in common: The steely resolve. Chris saw it in every face. She breathed in deeply, imagined she stood on the Podium of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg before she played the first Note. The blonde waited. Took the Scene in with every fibre of her being. Waited. Listened to the cackling of the Torches.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 4 months ago I can't say that I caught up, 80 or so chapters is quite daunting, but I read the last chapter without much context. It is both clear your style has not changed much as it it is still evidently a Caesar story, but your writing has also evolved and improved. This chapter had quite some flow and good timing. Paragraphs like the following one worked really well:
That you did not work yourself through 80 Chapters I understand perfectly - but thank you for spending the time to read the last Chapter. "A Caesar Story"? I take that as a compliment - thank you very much @Beaumains - Your input on the first Hunt and that of others aided much to the development you describe.

If you take the time and follow the upcoming final I would be glad.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 5 months ago
I also really like the way that Anna is true to her noble heritage and beliefs despite every instict telling her not too.

Thank you @wolfman - as Anck-Sun-Amun states Anna "is noble to a fault" but she is also a Romanov. And as you note she is true to noble heritage and beliefs. That captures the essence of her being quite precisely. Anna is many things - but she is definitely one thing: A noble soul. Even it might cost her her live. An Anck-Sun-Amun - begrudingly so - realizes that.

How things will play out remain to be seen ... if Anna prevails, if Chris can rescue her, if the Death Ray of Amon-Ra can be destroyed?

Only future will tell.

As Anna says: This is her story ...
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago As Anna says: This is her story ...
It most certainly is, although Chris is a major part of it too. And a few others.

And, as others have commented, Anna is a true LADY. Living her life to be guided by principle and morals. A real heroine.

Very much looking forward to the battle to follow.
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 4 months ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago As Anna says: This is her story ...
It most certainly is, although Chris is a major part of it too. And a few others.

And, as others have commented, Anna is a true LADY. Living her life to be guided by principle and morals. A real heroine.
Correct Assessment my Friend - and a good characterization of Anna. Keep watch for the next Chapter on Wednesday. The final Battle has barely begun. Both, Anna and Chris went through Darkness in this final quest - but there is always a silver lining at the Horizon.
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 105

The Final Battle I

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;

knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

(Matthew 7:7)

The Western Desert: Outside the Arena behind a dune – minutes before:

Chris looked at her watch: 0543 AM - To her left and her right the Medjai had formed a precise protracted line, several ranks deep. Two minutes left then hell would break lose. A strange calm filled her: Everything was prepared. Everybody knew what they had to do. She could have done no more, no, they could have done no more.

Without the Medjai their endeavour would have been a mission impossible from the start. It was as if a mysterious power had intervened. Chris did not believe in god, at least not in the Christian God.

Not since her parents died a brutal and unnecessary death in a car crash in southern Italy at the Amalfi Coast: a drunken driver had lost control and collided with her parents´ car – but Chris believed that there were more things between heaven and earth than the human brain could fathom.

Meeting Shahada had been one of those moments.

0544 AM:

Kate looked expectantly at Chris. Sophie, Evie, and Hayley stood next to her. “Chris seems very calm” Hayley noticed “Yes” Sophie nodded “Things are coming to a close. Chris knows that. She is entirely focused now”. Birte Ricciarelli had accompanied Shahada and her one hundred Medjai: She was very curious how the attack would unfold.

They watched as Chris unsheathed one of her two blades – the one her Sensei had her presented with - and held it high above her head “It is time” Sophie said “It is time indeed” Kate nodded.

Sarah McKenzie looked through the optics of her CLU, the command launch unit of the Javelin System. She aimed at the left upper hinge of the vast palace’s gates. She knew that to the left and her right other operators targeted the right hinge – and most importantly the three other towers.

In her headset, the countdown came almost to a close: 0544,45 – 0544,46 – 0544, 47 ….

At the same time in a small depression, Kirsty Garrett looked at her watch. To her left and to her right the two mortar batteries were in firing position, six 81 Millimetre Mortars per battery, the American M 252 Model. The Briton had drilled the Medjai relentlessly – but she had been surprised:

Among her men were Medjai who had served in the Armed Forces, some even in the Armed Forces of her late Royal Majesty, which made her work significantly easier. Nevertheless, Kirsty had spent considerable time working out a fire plan. A smile curled her lips. Their enemy would not know what would hit him!

The digits changed from 0544,59 to 0545:

Chris's blade fell like a lightning stroke.

At precisely the same time, Sarah McKenzie and her men fired their Javelins, and Kirsty commanded “Fire!” The first mortar rounds were in the air, with their characteristic screeching sound. Seconds later the second volley. The next rounds glided down the barrels. In perfect synchronicity, the Gun Captains fired the third Salvo.

Kirsty smiled “My drill sergeant would be proud!”

The Arena:

Lady Iput-Nofret sat on the uppermost rank of the Arena. The Noblewoman, who had been one of the Ladies of the Court who had been part of the Procession on the Day Anna had been presented to the Court had followed the fight in the Arena with rapt attention:

Never had she seen something like that: The breathtaking speed, the relentless fury of attack and counterattack. She inhaled sharply. A sharp pain in her lower back made her wince. Those accursed bouts of pain! Sitting made her back pain worse.

She stood, stretched, and turned to the palace. Then it happened. She could not comprehend what she saw: At the same time, the crowns of the towers practically dissolved – the detonations she only registered lately. The Crowns of all three towers and those of the gates were hidden behind clouds of dark oily smoke.

A giant´s fist seemed to have smashed the gates: Its two massive wings hung askew in their hinges like cheap tin foil. And there was that strange screeching sound …. Then a thundering crash as the Gates´ hinges gave way and the two large wings crashed to the ground. A cloud of dust in the air. Another sound: detonations?

In the meantime, a lot of other spectators had joined Iput-Nofret and watched with fascination and horror at what had happened.

Chris listened in her earpiece and looked at Ardeth Bey. The Leader of the Medjai shouted a command and the riders advanced up the Crest of the dune – any Cavalry of the Old World would have been proud: The Bedouins moved upwards with the skill of professional Soldiers.

Chris watched the burning towers, and the destroyed gates with a grim fascination. Their first strike had hit the Enemy where it hurt, had hit hard, had hit accurately. In the Arena, Panic already set in: The Spectators tried desperately to leave the Arena “Perfect” Chris smiled grimly “Open fire!” she commanded in a clear loud voice which carried easily above the noise.

“You fire at everything that moves on the walls! Everything! Even it is a flee only!” Sarah had instructed the MG Teams. And that the desert warriors did now with unerring precision. A storm of machine gun fire hit the Walls Crest. Chris watched the explosions of the mortar rounds on the palace grounds. Slowly and precisely the Mortar barrage moved in the direction of the palace. Slowly but inexorably like a Glacier.

Kirsty knew her job.

The blonde whirled her blade above her head and pointed her blade at the gate. She reigned in her stead sharply. It rose on its hind legs. Its other hooves cut through the air. Chris charged:

“Kiaii!” Her sharp battle cry rang through the air like a trumpet! Like one man the Medjai raised their blades and charged down the dune like a thundering black wave, following the Warrior Princess of the North.

Death had come and hell broke loose.

In the Arena:

After the first detonations, the two combatants resumed their duel. Both seemed oblivious to the ensuing chaos around them. Attack and Counterattack followed in quick succession. Anna and Anck-Sun-Amun were even matched. They knew that. None of them had gained any advantage so far.

And then the sharp battle cry rang through the air as if amplified electronically. In a silent agreement, both women stepped back. Anna smiled and a Tsunami of hot and intense joy flooded her body. But never had she felt more joy than in this moment “I am not alone anymore” she realized.

Something she had felt, she had hoped for. Had become real. Chris had come. And that was all she needed to know. How often had she heard it, that sharp cry – a small smile crossed her lips “You know what that means, right?” she taunted her adversary “Chris has come! And not alone!”

The Egyptian just stared at her “Cat got your tongue, right?” Anna charged with renewed energy, a smile on her lips. Anck-Sun-Amun parried her vicious stroke – but barely. The Egyptian awaited the next attack. She gripped her Khopesh firmly.

The Russian charged again. Their two blades collided with full force. Anna felt the power. But she did not waver. She would never submit. The dark-haired woman inhaled deeply, fixated on her enemy “Come!” she whispered.

Pharaoh´s Box:

With a mixture of fascination and fear the Grand Vizier looked at the Dune as the Medjai charged. A group of them veered to the right and charged at the Arena, the blonde at their head. That had to be von der Marwitz! How could that have happened? The sentries had reported nothing! He looked at his daughter:

Merit-Amun seemed not only perfectly at ease. On the contrary: She smiled – which she did rarely since the High Priestess had abused her - and looked her father straight in the eye “Father, I do wish that Anna strikes down the High Priestess!” Ramose just nodded and turned to look at Pharaoh – and was surprised:

The God King was shocked and enraged “How could that happen? How did those rebels get there!” “My King!” Seth Nacht replied in his deep dark voice “Reinforcements are on their way – and I advise you to relocate through the tunnel to the Palace”.

As if on cue another detonation shook the ground “I doubt the tunnel is not an option any more my king” Seth Nacht stated flatly “But there is still the Emergency Exit” the Grand Vizier counselled.

With grim fascination, the Commander of Pharaoh´s Guard watched as a group of the attackers veered to the right, to the Arena – the blonde at their head. “Your commands Sir?” his second in command addressed him “Tell the Guards at the Entrance to hold” Seth-Nacht commanded “I will send reinforcements!” The Officer delivered a crisp salute, turned on his heels and left.

Seth Nacht bellowed commands. Clear, sharp, and precise.

The Arena:

In the Arena Anna and her opponent continued their battle. Both women registered the sounds of mayhem around them – but they did not matter to them. There was only this private personal battle of Anna Romanova and Anck-Sun-Amun. The Grand Duchesse and the High Priestess. They were both covered in dust – and in blood.

There had been the occasional hit which left a shallow gash. But neither the Violinist nor the High Priestess heeded those scratches: Strike and counterstrike - Attack and parade followed in rapid succession. Their movements had become slower, the long fight was taking its toll. But neither woman gave way.

Both were waiting for an opening.

Outside the Arena:

Captain Sen-Nefer guarded the Entrance to the Arena with his Detachment of 20 Guardsmen. Since the Attack had begun, they were on full alert. Seth-Nacht´s orders had been clear: “Guard the Entrance and let nobody pass. I will send reinforcements as soon as possible!” Sen-Nefer was no coward – far from it.

But as everybody else the attack had caught him by surprise. The situation was still unclear. The thunder of hooves shook the ground as a column of riders came into view, nearing rapidly partly hidden in a cloud of dust. At the head a tall blonde woman, her blond mane flying like a banner in the wind. The riders were coming straight at them.

“Form ranks! Shield wall!” Sen-Nefer commanded. Spears at the ready his men awaited the enemy. The blonde woman shouted a command and a hail of arrows forced his men to take cover. Some found their mark as several piercing screams told the Egyptian.

With a thud one arrow hit his shield. The bowmen continued to fire at them, while a group of riders dismounted and charged at the Egyptians, the blonde woman leading them. With a fluid motion, she drew two curved blades and strode purposefully at them – and broke into a run.

Guardsman first class Montuhotep stood in the centre of the first rank. He gripped his spear more firmly. The blonde woman leading their attackers closed in on him. Montuhotep raised his shield, his spear at the ready …

Below the Plateau above the Temple Complex, earlier:

Shahada peered through her scope: The two Soldiers guarding the entrance to the Plateau were relieved by their replacements. The changing of the guards went smoothly as Shahada could tell. There were no signs of combat readiness.

As they had planned the attack, they had been surprised about the level of security at this place. The complex itself was shielded by thick and high walls, strengthened by several towers and a massive gate. The Cliff that formed the compound's western frontier wasn´t fortified much. Recon had shown that only a small number of guards had been posted there.

Obviously, the builders had thought an attack from this side unlikely “Their fault” Shahada smiled grimly. Ardeth Bey´s daughter looked at her watch: Two minutes to 0545. She signalled her Second in Command to hold fire. The clock ticked down. The two guards seemed to be oblivious to the danger they were in. At precisely 0545 a series of massive detonations interrupted the eerie silence, followed by the sounds of mortar rounds, followed by the unmistakable sounds of heavy machine guns.

To her absolute astonishment, the two guards left their post and ran to the other side of the cliff. Shahada smiled: That made their job significantly easier. She gestured for her men to follow her. At the head of her century, Shahada sprinted forward. They had almost reached the passage to the Plateau as sharp bursts of machine gun fire cut through the silence. Shahada froze as a hail of bullets mowed several of her men down, riddling them with bullets “Down! All Hands down!” the Medjai bellowed and threw herself to the ground.

Another burst of machine gun fire riddled the air where she had just been. Shahada spotted two turrets with two machine guns each, which were covering the entrance to the Plateau. They had been disguised very cleverly. They had not been visible in the aerial pictures they had studied.

They had to disable them to reach their primary objective “The Matadors!” Shahada commanded. The Medjai carrying those weapons knelt – and fired. Both turrets exploded in a myriad of fragments. The Egyptian looked up as the dust had settled. She rose to her feet “After me!” she shouted. At the head of her men, she stormed through the passage.

The ensuing fight on the Plateau was short, it was brutal, and it was bloody. It could have been only minutes, but to Shahada it felt much longer. Finally, the noise died down. Shahada looked around. Several more of her fellow warriors had been cut down, but no enemy had been left alive. She stepped forward to the Cliff´s brink: Below her the Past-Temple Complex and the Oasis.

Oily black columns of smoke belched from what was left of the turrets. Mortar rounds were detonating adding to the devastation on the ground. The enemy tried to bring in reinforcements, but the barrage of mortar fire blocked them. Shahada breathed in deeply and turned around. Her men were expecting her orders. A sense of pride filled her. Her comrades in arms respected her as a fellow warrior.

To them, it did not matter that she was Ardeth Bey´s daughter. To them, she was only Shahada. A Comrade “Forward march!” she commanded and at the head of her fellow warriors, she strode down the path, which led in serpentines to the Temple-Palace-Complex. A grim smile curled her lips. Obviously, the enemy had not noticed that the Medjai had breached the ramparts “They will learn soon enough!” Shahada thought as she followed the serpentines down.

Birte followed the Medjai. Somehow it felt like being in a dream. Had it not been for the stench of cordite and blood and burned flesh.

The Portal of the Arena:

Sen-Nefer´s eyes were wide. How he had managed to parry the vicious and powerful overhead stroke of the blonde woman he didn´t know. Somehow, he had managed. If the stroke had hit its mark, it would have cleaved his head cleanly in two. He was the only man of his command left standing. All others had been cut down by the enemy.

The tall blonde woman had wreaked havoc among them. Like a wolf among sheep. Never had Sen-Nefer seen anything like this. He was a skilled warrior he was no coward. The blonde had cut her way through his men like a farmer mowing down grass. The Medjai he knew, but that Woman with the piercing green eyes was different:

The professional part of him had watched with interest how she wielded her two blades. The Speed, the Power, the Precision. The blades moved faster than the human eye could follow. Relentless the blonde had attacked. No one could withstand her. Sen-Nefer did not know why, but suddenly pictures of his two-year-old daughter and of his wife who was pregnant with their second child sprang into his mind.

Another attack of the blonde brought him back to the present. With his Khopesh he parried another overhead stroke, a jab of the second blade cut through his shield, like a knife through butter. He had to let go or the blade would have severed his shield hand. The blonde did not miss a beat, and attacked again:

Sen-Nefer raised his blade. The enemy's two blades hit, with unerring precision his blade just over the hilt. A sharp pain shot right through his arms. So powerful the stroke had been. His blade just broke above the hilt. Astonished Sen-Nefer stared down at the ruin of a sword in his hand and back at the blonde.

The pair of emerald, green eyes drilled right through him. He resigned to his fate looked back – and smiled “We can do nothing else as smile back at the Grim Reaper when the time comes” his Drill Sergeant had told him once” The hour had come. But he was surprised. The killing stroke did not come.

Instead, the blonde devil smiled at him – and saluted him with her right blade “Go!” she commanded imperiously “Tell your master Chris von der Marwitz is coming for him! There is no place he can hide from me!” Sen-Nefer was frozen, he felt like in a dream. He had been ready to die. He couldn´t fathom what was happening right now “Go!” the melodious alt voice cracked like a whip “Or I will cut your head off!”

And Sen-Nefer, Captain of Pharaoh´s sacred guard did something strange: He delivered a crisp salute to the blonde, turned on his heels and left. Chris stared long after him “Why didn´t you kill him?” Sohrab, her Second-in Command interrupted her “He fought valiantly” Chris replied absentmindedly - “And he is the perfect messenger” she added.

The Pianist looked around: At the cut-down bodies of their enemies and her Soldiers “Come Sohrab!” she said “We have work to do! This is only the beginning!” She turned and strode ahead. Her grim expression would have made a Polar Bear shiver.

And Sohrab looked in awe at the blonde´s back. He would follow the Warrior Princess of the North to the Death without hesitation

The Arena: Pharaoh´s Box:

Hiram Al Mansour looked down at the Arena. Down there two women fought to the death. And only one of them would leave it alive. Both were even matched, but he was certain that Anna Romanova would prevail. His future wife, his Great Royal Wife would prevail. The Gods were on her side – with a little help from him.

She would gift him with many children like Nefertari had given Ramses. He looked forward to the night when he would bed her. He would make her forget her old life, the life she knew. With time she would learn to love him. He did not want to break her, but Anna Romanova had to learn her place at his side. As soon as she had done this, they would rule together as king and queen.

Hiram Al Mansour was not concerned about the attack of the Medjai. His troops would take care of those Infidels who thought they could best him. He, the God King would prevail. He knew that with utter surety.

Sethi turned to Seth-Nacht “Your troops will deal with those vermin!” Seth Nacht bowed slightly “They will my King, but the attack has been well planned and executed” “You don´t fear them, do you?” Pharaoh challenged his Commander “I don´t fear them” Seth Nacht demurred “To underestimate one´s enemy would be foolish though” The commander had spoken calmly and measured. Hiram Al Mansour was about to reply when the sound of hobnailed boots on marble interrupted them.

“Let me pass!” They heard a voice. The man had run because he was breathing heavily “Let him enter!” Seth Nacht commanded; he had recognized Sen-Nefer. The Captain saluted crisply before the King and his Commander. Sen-Nefer was covered in Dust and Blood. His armour was dented deeply in several places. The force behind these hits must have been massive: One stroke must have hit him squarely across the Chest. His sword was broken above the hilt.

“Why are you not at your Post Soldier!” Pharaoh demanded imperiously “I am the only one left alive so I can deliver a message” the Captain replied calmly, he stood tall erect and proud – not remotely intimidated by the Ire of his king “The blonde devil said she would come for you and sever your head from your shoulders my king!” Sen-Nefer bowed. Hiram Al Mansur fumed in impotent rage “You coward!”

Seth Nacht interceded “Captain Sen-Nefer is one of my best Warriors. It would be wise to believe him my King” The Commander spoke calmly with his rich deep resounding baritone “I recommend preparing – surely the Enemy is already on its way”.

He turned to the Captain of Pharaoh´s Personal Guard. It consisted of hand-picked Members of Pharaoh´s Sacred Guard. They formed “The Immortals” “Horemhab!” Seth-Nacht commanded, “Take your Platoon and guard the Entrance to Pharaoh´s Box with your life!” The Soldier saluted and gathered his men.

Not one moment too early.

Chris and her Medjai had reached the Corridor which led to Pharaoh´s Box. Horemhab considered himself a battle-hardened soldier – but as he watched the tall blonde woman striding ahead in front of her Men, he was impressed.

The blonde carried a curved blade in each hand, blood was dripping from their tips to the floor “Now!” he commanded, one of his soldiers let loose. The arrow should have pieced the woman´s heart – her left blade moved incredibly fast – and hit the arrow mid-air. It clattered to the floor. A swift movement of her right wrist. The shooter crashed to the floor. A shuriken embedded between his eyes.

“Who is next?” Chris challenged her opponents smiling ominously “This all you got?” At the head of her men, the blonde artist charged, her blades glistening in the sun.

Down in the Arena:

Anck-Sun-Amun was totally oblivious to what happened around them. Both exchanged strokes. Neither of them had gained an advantage so far. Both fighters were careful now, conserving their strength, waiting for the one decisive moment. To Anna´s surprise, it was the High Priestess who made the gesture which traditionally meant the request for a pause. Anna returned the gesture.

Both breathed heavily “You are not too bad Romanova!” the High Priestess stated, trying to regain her breath “You are not a total loss either” Anna smiled back “You studied Chinese Sword Fighting” the Egyptian added “Yes” the Russian nodded “Is it that obvious?” “With some more training you would make a good Sword Fighter” her opponent teased her “And with some good work at the shooting range, you would be a good shot” the dark-haired Woman smiled.

She straightened herself “I am rested enough! How about you?” Anck-Sun-Amun nodded and raised her blade and shield “Ready when you are!” And charged.

Their blades collided ….
Last edited by Caesar73 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nainur »


An awesome, epic chapter!
Caesar73 wrote: 4 months ago Kirsty smiled “My drill sergeant would be proud!”
well, I'd be proud of all of you women, without a shadow of a doubt, as the author should be proud of a job outstandingly well done...
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Post by GreyLord »

Grand Master @Caesar73, once again, you have outdone yourself. You have polished this chapter to brilliance.

Your descriptions of the attack was as good as any story of battle I have ever read. And I have read a lot. The men who faced this attack well know the outcome.
“I am the only one left alive so I can deliver a message” the Captain replied calmly, he stood tall erect and proud – not remotely intimidated by the Ire of his king “The blonde devil said she would come for you and sever your head from your shoulders my king!” Sen-Nefer bowed.
And, indeed, the blonde devil comes.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by LunaDog »

It's chaos all around, a major battle is in progress. Not that Anna and Anck-Sun-Amun seem to have noticed. They have their own private battle to contend with!
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 4 months ago It's chaos all around, a major battle is in progress. Not that Anna and Anck-Sun-Amun seem to have noticed. They have their own private battle to contend with!
Pretty good assessment. Chaos it is indeed. A major battle is fought. And it is still in its opening stages. The blonde devil has come and death with her. Anna and the High Priestess are fighting their own battle,

But how it will play out?

Who knows?
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

The battle is still raging on the Palace´s Grounds: Anna battles the High Priestess, Chris is about to attack Pharaoh. Who will win?

Chapter 106

The Final Battle II

“David against Goliath”

The Dune´s crest:

“Showtime Ladies!” The Black Lady announced and looked around. They were all looking intently at her: Sophie and Evie, Kate and Natasha, Hayley, and Kirsty “You all know the plan!” Her black eyes blazed. Sternly she looked at Evie “You are sure about this?” The Egyptologist nodded “You will need my expertise to disarm the weapon, when we find the Sun Ray of Amon Ra – and Sophie will be at my side” she looked at her Partner “Always” Sophie said simply. And smiled at the Egyptologist.

Sarah McKenzie – supressed a smile - nodded “Alright. Let´s get this show on the road then Ladies! We will split up!” the thief ordered – and Kirsty had to suppress a smile too – every Soldier in the World would have had recognized this as a command “Natasha and Kate you are with me: We will see if Chris´ needs any help!”

She turned to Evie, Sophie, Kirsty, and Hayley: “You go and search for the Sunray of Amun-Ra and disable it if possible! No? Alright then: Mount up!”

Without any further delay they mounted their Steads. Natasha smiled at the thief “I am so ready for a brawl!” The Canadian gave her the once over and sniffed “There is something in the air – and it is not perfume!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about Mistress!” The Russian smiled coyly – but the sparkle in her eyes betrayed her.

As they rode nearer: The sounds of fighting from inside the Arena and the Temple-Palace complex were unmistakable: The Medjai had not only forced the entry to the Arena but scaled the outer walls too. Thick smoke billowed from the destroyed towers. Obviously Ardeth Bey´s Medjai had stormed the Gates and were now fighting on the Palace´ Grounds.

Inside the Palaces´ Walls:

Ardeth Bey III looked over his troops which had formed a line, three ranks deep. They had stormed the Gates without much resistance of the still confused enemy and quickly cleared the Walls from any enemies.

Under cover of the Mortar Barrage, they had advanced quickly.

But Pharaoh´s Commanders were no fools. They as well had used the mortar fire to their advantage and formed a battle line too. The Chieftain of the Medjai looked at the Cliff which formed the western frontier of the enemy´s stronghold.

He wondered if Shahada had reached her objective and was now on her way down to get in the enemy´s back. As one his warriors drew their sabres – and charged. The clash of the two battle lines drowned out any other sound for a spell. Ardeth Bey cut through a Soldier´s shield and ran him through.

Another Egyptian stormed at him with a battle cry and eyes wide.

Outside Pharaoh´s Box:

The Ranks of the Immortals had held till now but Chris´ Medjai had forced them back: step by step and inch by inch. Hewn down bodies covered the floor. Chris had wreaked havoc among their enemies.

By now none of the Immortals battle hardened Soldiers they were, dared to stand in her way. Her two blades engulfed her like a hurricane of steel leaving death and ruin in their wake. Sensei Nakamura would have been proud of her.

It was as if all her lifelong practise had prepared her for this moment.

This was her hour.

The blonde´s mind was fixated only on goal only: to cut her way through her enemies and get at Al Mansour. She engaged the next Immortal, feigned with her left blade, pushed her opponent´s shield out of the way and rammed her right blade through his scale armour as through butter.

Chris moved with the precision and the speed of a well-honed machine. She faced another opponent obviously the Commanding Officer of the Guards. A grim smile curled her lips, she radiated death and destruction.

Purposefully she strode at her enemy.

Inside Pharaoh´s Box:

Commander Seth-Nacht followed the raging fight outside with the concentration and the eye of the Professional – and he didn´t like what he saw: It was only a matter of time, till the attackers would breach the line of defence.

The Professional in him could not do anything but admire the Kenjitsu of the blonde – Chris von der Marwitz was her name. This was a display of the highest grade of Swordsmanship: And the blonde seemed not to get tired. On the contrary: She seemed to move with even greater speed as she attacked Horemhab.

Pharaoh interrupted his thoughts “Why don´t your Immortals smash von der Marwitz and her rabble of rag tag Desert Warriors!” he scoffed. Slowly Seth Nacht shook his head “I have never seen such Swordsmanship” he replied unmoved. And her example is spurring her men on”.

His Assessment betrayed his Respect for his Opponent. Something Pharaoh did not like. Seth Nacht was absolutely loyal. But he had noticed that his Lord underestimated the blonde Pianist. That the Woman had gotten this far, had organized this surprise attack told a lot. And what he had seen had impressed him.

The Way she handled her Swords told him a lot about Christine von der Marwitz.

He stood tall “My King I would recommend strongly that you relocate through the emergency exit and go for the Helicopter Pad” The two men locked eyes. A crashing sound ended this contest – they whirled around: Chris had cut down Horemhab and broken through the defence and strode at them. Her blades pointing to the floor blood dripping from the gleaming steel on the polished marble.

Her emerald, green eyes were fixated on Al Mansour, her grim smile outright evil. Their Eyes met “You cannot escape me, you bloody coward! Letting your men die for you! Any of them has more courage than you! I will make you pay for all what you did!” Chris voice was cool and dripped of venom. Pharaoh seemed hypnotized by the view. “Go my King!” Seth Nacht urged Al Mansour “I will take it from here!” He stepped into Chris´ Path and drew his twohanded long and heavy broad sword.

On the Palace Grounds:

The battle raged back and forth. The enemy´s line buckled, it bent but did not break “We have to attack immediately! We could have them on the run!” Murad, his second of command urged Ardeth Bey. The Chieftain of the Medjai shook his head “No” he said firmly “We wait! But take your best men and form a wedge and be ready to attack there!” He pointed to a spot in the Egyptian Line “Go!” Murad saluted crisply and turned to gather his men. Minutes passed – In this moment a bright red signal cartridge exploded behind the enemy´s lines high in the sky!

Ardeth Bey gave the Signal: “Charge!”

Behind the Egyptian´s Line Minutes earlier:

Shahada and her Medjai had cleared the Cliff and were now advancing carefully. The Sounds of Battle were unmistakable in the Distance. Smoke and Dust covered the Grounds inside the Walls. Now and then gleaming steel glistened in the Sun. Then Birte spotted something. “Look there!” She pointed to place right behind the middle of the Enemy´s centre:

A group of War Chariots. Runners approached the group and returned only minutes to where they had come from. Birte and Shahada looked at each other “This is” Shahada began “The Enemy´s Command Post” Birte Ricciarelli completed the sentence and smiled wolfishly “If we take them out ….”

The attack from the rear hit the enemy by surprise. Shahada and her men made short work of the Enemy´s command post. At first the Egyptian´s did not realize the danger in their back. As they did it was too late: The Medjai´s attack from the front hit them like an iron fist – the Attack from the back like a Hornet´s sting. The Enemy´s line buckled and bent again – but this time it broke ….

The Amphitheatre:

The Black Lady in the Lead Natasha and Kate hurried through the Corridor which led from the Entrance to the stair well and upstairs. At the Gate they had passed the gory remains of the fight which had taken place here. A giddy smile curled Natasha´s full lips “I hope Chris left someone alive for us – I can hardly wait to kick some serious butt!” “Believe me, there will be enough butts to Kick” Kate Beckett returned flatly.

The Russian was still a mystery to her – though the American had to admit that the dark-haired woman was an asset in a fight. Obviously, she was Sarah McKenzie´s latest pet “Better her than me” the Detective mused as they hurried along. As they run upstairs, they could hear the unmistakable noises of a sword fight: Two blades clashed against each other in quick succession.

“No” Kate Beckett thought “Three blades! Chris´ Katanas and another one …

Pharaoh´s Box:

The Medjai had formed a half circle around the two fighters on one side, while the courtiers had huddled together on the other side – their faces wide with fear. Merit was among them. Anna´s Lady in Waiting had hidden behind a column. She remembered what Anna had said before they entered the Arena:

“Merit, you have become a friend in the short time I am here. You made my life so much easier. I must ask a favour of you” Now Anna´s expression was grave and sincere “I must know - whatever happens today - you are safe. If anything, unusual happens today seek a safe place, can you do that for me?”

The young Egyptian had not believed her Mistress, had convinced herself that those had been Anna´s Nerves speaking, the tension before the fight. Now she realized that her Mistress´ Instincts had not failed her. Something was happening. Merit felt herself in the proverbial spot between a hammer and an anvil:

If she looked to the left, she could see Anna and Anck-Sun-Amun fighting their duel to the death. If she looked to the right, she saw the blonde woman with the emerald, green eyes and the two curved blades battling the Commander of Pharaoh´s troops, Seth-Nacht.

All the Courtiers had taken shelter except one: Merit-Amun, the Grand Viziers Daughter stood, perfectly untroubled by the storm around her, and watched the fight between the blonde woman – Merit had realized by now that this had to be the mysterious Chris, Anna´s best friend – and Seth Nacht. A smile curled Merit-Amun’s lips. Merit had noticed the Change in her behaviour Months ago. From one day to the next it had happened. One day easy going, full of life. The other day moody and aloof – and off balance.

Now Merit-Amun seemed to enjoy the tableau in front of her …

Merit concentrated on the fight again:

Chris focused on her enemy:

The last stroke of Seth Nacht had not only immense power but was precise as well. Chris had been able to parry it, barely, by crossing her two blades. The blow´s Power sent shockwaves of pain through the century’s old blades and Chris´ arms.

She bit her lip and felt blood dripping down her chin. Her enemy was good, very good. A Goliath, but one with brains and skills: Over seven feet tall he wielded a heavy bihänder not only with power but real swordsmanship – Chris had to admit.

As he had barred her way she had cursed: She got a glimpse of Al Mansour vanishing behind a screen of his remaining Immortals. Pharaoh had looked over his left shoulder and smiled briefly. Condescendingly. But Seth-Nacht left her not much time to lament. He attacked at once and the pianist had been able to parry the stroke only barely. A lesser blade than her Katana forged by Sengo Muramasa would have been broken, but not this blade.

Chris knew with utter surety that she could rely on her blades and her skill. But she would have to act carefully. To storm at her enemy like a berserker would be foolish. The Egyptian was taller, surpassed her even in hitting power, but Chris had trained with the blade her whole life. In this moment here in the Western Desert she was the blade as her Sensei had taught her so long ago. Her two Katanas were part of her body. Body and mind were one.

Seth Nacht was impressed: The tall blonde woman had been a worthy opponent so far. Her speed, her precision was impressive. She moved faster than the human eye could fathom. Her next attack was a lightning quick combination – and for the first time in this duel – the Egyptian had to give ground.

But the blonde left him no time to reflect about that.

His adversary attacked again:

Chris knew know what she had to do. Thinking and doing was one. One thought, one voice. She attacked with a powerful overhand stroke, which forced Seth-Nacht to loosen his grip. He held the sword only with his right now.

With a powerful sweep of her right blade, the pianist shoved the weapon of her opponent aside. In the eyes of Seth Nacht, she saw recognition, but he could do nothing as her other Katana cut through skin, muscle, bone, and flesh right through his heart and through his body.

Chris pulled her blade out of the Egyptians body. Seth Nacht´s eyes were wide. He stood stock still, disbelief in his eyes. Then a shudder ran through his body: Like a felled oak trunk he swayed slightly before he crashed to the floor. A human Tower of flesh, muscle, and armour. From lifeless eyes he starred at the sky.

For a long moment there was silence. Then the Medjai clanked her blades against her shields – and Chris could not believe it – shouting her name rhythmically like a battle cry: “Chris! Chris! Chris! Chris! Chris!” Then Chris raised her right hand – and her Warriors fell silent. The blonde sheathed her left blade in a fluent and elegant motion and presented her right blade to her fallen enemy. She went to Seth-Nacht, knelt at his side, and closed his eyes. Chris stood and bowed and said something in Japanese.

“To bad, we missed all the fun!” Chris wheeled around; the adrenalin was still coursing through her veins like a powerful potion. Behind her stood Sarah McKenzie, Kate, and Natasha – and the Russian looked disappointed “You couldn´t have left some leftovers” smiled “Believe me, there are enough enemies to fight” Chris said dryly “Al Mansour is still on the loose!”
Last edited by Caesar73 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

Superb as ever. But what has happened to Anna? She was still engaged with her enemy, does she prevail? Is Chris aware that she's, as far as we know, still alive?
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Post by Nainur »

that read has sent shivers all over me - got to read it again! Outstanding!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 4 months ago that read has sent shivers all over me - got to read it again! Outstanding!
That is the best compliment you can make any writer! Thank you! What I can tell you all: The Duel between Anna and the High Priestess is nearing its Climax and paves the Way for the ultimate Climax: Will Chris and her Friends be able to stop Mansour in Time? Dangers are looming ahead.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Wow! Such great description of this immense battle.

The use of language describing Chris's thoughts and actions was top class.

Our heroines seem to have the upper hand. Hopefully that continues.

Can't wait to catch up with Anna and her duel.

Hayley & Kirsty please..........
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Post by wolfman »

Even after Chris' foes would have heard about her prowess, they still fight as if there is a chance of them winning.

Those she engages are fighters and they serve their masters to fight. Chris is a warrior, she makes war. Her foes never aeem to understand.

Masterfully done as always
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 4 months ago Even after Chris' foes would have heard about her prowess, they still fight as if there is a chance of them winning.

Those she engages are fighters and they serve their masters to fight. Chris is a warrior, she makes war. Her foes never aeem to understand.

Masterfully done as always
To their Credit one has to say: They knew only rumours. Now Pharaoh´s troops face the real Woman, a Warrior - blessed with the Skill of a Hero and driven by the desire to avenge her Friend. Once more we learn that targeting Anna might have not been the smartest of Idea. In some ways this Attack on Anna might have forged the Weapon which might destroy Pharaoh.

"Chris is a Warrior. She makes War" that catches the difference pretty nicely.

Thank you for your most kind Compliment! Chris sends her best too! She says you characterized her most accurately.
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Post by GreyLord »

Nainur wrote: 4 months ago that read has sent shivers all over me - got to read it again! Outstanding!
Indeed, @Caesar73, this must be reread. You, and a few other authors on this site such as @wolfman and @slackywacky, have lifted our humble tug story telling to the realms of high literature and fine art. My hat is off to all of you.

You have pictured Chris perfectly as the green-eyed devil come to bring hell to the phony Pharaoh. Now, will Chris and Anna join to deliver the final coup de grâce?
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

Interesting final, where I still have little idea what is happening. It looks like the good guys are completely winning. I am still waiting on the twist. It cannot be a perfect attack. The Pharao has to have something up his sleeve as this seems almost to much of a walk-over.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 4 months ago Interesting final, where I still have little idea what is happening. It looks like the good guys are completely winning. I am still waiting on the twist. It cannot be a perfect attack. The Pharao has to have something up his sleeve as this seems almost to much of a walk-over.
The initial Attack was successful but the Game is far from played - a long and winding road so to speak. Obstacles have to be cleared by Chris and her Friends. Pharaoh is no fool and his Commanders aren´t either,
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Post by Caesar73 »

@GreyLord @Bandit666 @banshee @Beaumains @Bigballgag1 @Trammel @wolfman @mrjones2009 @slackywacky @Nainur @Shotrow @TightsBound @Pantyhose971 @TayDay95 @NotSeen @Fandango @LunaDog @Argentum @h6hlh6h @algebrauk

Chapter 107

The Final Battle III

“Full Circle”

Pharaohs Box:

“I could help you with both” a rich baritone spoke behind her. The Pianist swiftly turned and faced a man in his early fifties in the traditional garb of the Egyptian Nobles. The man radiated power and his cool dark eyes had a penetrating gaze.

Chris´ fine antennas registered some undercurrents, this man was dangerous. But if that Man tried to double-cross her – he would be in for a rude surprise. The Pianist was absolutely not in the Mood for any Game of Thrones. The Noble was accompanied by a tall Egyptian Woman, probably in her late twenties “Father and Daughter” Chris decided. Her green eyes fixated on the Egyptian, but he did not flinch under the scrutiny of her penetrating gaze and didn´t break eye contact. His daughter mustered Chris keenly. The blonde saw admiration there – and something different, grief? Sorrow?

Chris turned to the Noble, who held her gaze.

“Who are you and what do you mean with “I could help you with both” the blonde fired “I am Ramose, Pharaoh´s Grand Vizier” the man introduced himself, an oily smile curling his lips. “and this is my daughter Merit-Amun” he pointed at the Woman at his side, who bowed slightly “You are a true Mistress with the blades, I have never anything seen like this”.

Chris looked the other Woman up and down who seemed not to be intimidated in the slightest; the blonde´s gaze rested on a golden signet ring at the right hand of the woman. She had seen those rings before “You are a daughter of Isis” she concluded sternly. Kate sensed it. The temperature in the box had fallen several degrees.

But Merit-Amun seemed unmoved “I am” she replied, totally calm.

Chris was impressed against her will “It is not wise for a daughter of Isis to show her face in my presence these days. The list of your sisters I killed in combat is rather long. I harbour no sympathy for members of your club – as Shana Al Amari could attest to” The blonde fixated Merit-Amun coolly.

“They are not my sisters anymore” Merit Amun stated freely – and Kate noticed deep sorrow - “And Shana I couldn´t stand – she is absolutely loyal to Anck-Sun-Amun” Kate Beckett and Chris looked at each other, both had registered the Egyptians bitter, resentful tone. The blonde nodded “We will talk later” and turned to Ramose again – her lips a thin line “Again, how could you help us?”

The blonde´s body language said it all: “Don´t test my patience!”

Ramose looked straight at her “I can tell you, where to find the Sun-Ray of Amon Ra and where Pharaoh is headed to” he smiled slyly “Let me guess” the Dark Lady stated coolly who had followed the conversation attentively “Your help comes with a price tag I guess” Many people would have wetted their pants now, not the Grand Vizier “I am a reasonable man and my price should be worth it, time is of the essence you know …”

The Thief turned to Chris “Break his fingers and he will sing”.

“What do you demand” Chris ignored the Canadian. The man had a point – and if he tried to cross them over, she could rip him apart later “I know you would see sense” Ramose smiled “I want you to leave this Complex intact and let the people who have lived here all their life here be at peace here”.

The pianist nodded “Continue” her face an inscrutable mask.

“The people here need a leader when Pharaoh is gone” the Egyptian stated conversationally, obviously not intimidated by the blonde´s impatience. “You see yourself as that leader” Chris's reply was a statement, not a question “Yes” the Grand Vizier admitted freely, still smiling “People need to be governed and the people here know me” Chris just fixated on him, one second, two seconds, three seconds.

Those incredible bright pools of Green Light fixated on Ramose. And the Egyptians saw a promise in those Eyes, the Promise of Death and Destruction “I will rip off your skull and piss on it if you screw me over”.

Ramose was clever enough to know not to overplay his hand “In return I offer you the knowledge you desire – and a treaty which guarantees the liberty of the Medjai and to forsake any movements to conquer the world. That would be all”.

Chris grew impatient, with every minute Al Mansour was nearer the escape … but she willed herself to think about the offer on the table. She looked at Sarah McKenzie and at Kate Beckett, both women nodded imperceptibly. The pianist turned at Ramose “We have a deal” and added coolly “And now you better tell me, what you promised us in return …. “

A look in that marble-like beautiful face and those incredible emerald, green eyes convinced the Grand Vizier not to push his luck any further … no, to provoke the blonde wielding the two blades would be unwise.

“Listen!” he began …...

The Arena:

Anna didn´t know where the High Priestess took the Energy for that relentless Attack from: Anna staggered under the force of the blows. The High priestess´ last overhead stroke forced the Russian on her left knee. The Sand bit in her Skin. She felt every Grain of Sand. She struggled to stand again. Swayed slightly. Anck-Sun-Amun sensed the apparent weakness of her opponent and charged again with renewed vigour.

“Come on” Anna admonished herself as she parried the next blow with her shield. The shock sent waves of pain from her left wrist to her shoulder. But she felt no fear, somehow, she was certain to prevail in the end. Anna had no idea from where that utter surety came. But it was there. Anna pulled herself together. The Russian had enough to be Anck-Sun-Amun´s punching ball. She pushed back her opponent's shield forcefully with her own.

And got the High Priestess literally on the wrong foot: The Egyptian stumbled. This time it was Anck-Sun-Amun who was forced on the defensive. But something was different – and Anna was sure her opponent had sensed it too: The fighting around them on the Ranks and Pharaohs box had died down.

The clashes of their blades rang eerily loud through the Arena. And Anck-Sun-Amun gave ground – for the first time. Not that back and forth of attack and counterattack – no: Inch by inch, step by step Anna forced her nemesis back. The Egyptian had Pharaoh´s Box in her back.

The Russian just followed her instincts now and opted for a combination of quick overhead strokes, each more powerful than the next. She had trained that combination with Sensei Genda – long. That training had been one of the moments where Anna would have gladly killed her Sensei:

She couldn´t remember how often the lean taciturn Japanese had said “Better Anna San – but do it again” But finally, when she already had waited for his order to begin again, covered in sweat, her shiny hair damp and matted, every muscle in her arms aching.

Then Sensei Genda had surprised her: The stoic Japanese had solemnly saluted her with his blade – they had trained with real blades, no training swords this time – and bowed: “This was very good Anna San” And as Anna knew by now: This was praise of the highest order.

She knew she had only energy for this manoeuvre once – when she had started it, she would have to follow through. At this moment she didn´t feel the pain of her aching muscles or the dozen or so small wounds and scratches. With the soft light of the morning sun on her back Anna charged. She did not think she did only act.

Anck-Sun-Amun staggered under this relentless onslaught. She knew the end of this Combination and wondered where the Russian took the energy from. Blows rained down. Overhand. Backhand. Thrust. Jab. Each one more forceful than the one before: Her shield buckled; she parried another brutal blow with her Khopesh. So powerful it was, Anck-Sun-Amun almost lost her grip.

Anna pressed her attack. Blow, parry, blow, parry. Blow, blow, blow. Blow. Now the final stroke: A precise over-the-head blow which forced the Egyptian to raise her shield high. Otherwise, Anna´s blade would cleave her head in two. Anna hit with all the power she could muster. Only barely the Egyptian could raise her Shield high enough to parry Anna´s stroke. The High Priestess staggered and swayed under the Stroke´s enormous Power.

Anna saw her Advantage. She pushed her shield against the Egyptians and ran her sword through Anck-Sun-Amun´s armour through her breast. Effortlessly the blade pierced through bronze, tissue, and flesh. Anna pulled her blade free and stepped back – Anck Sun Amun staggered on her feet, her eyes wide, blood running out of her mouth, the gruesome wound in her chest …...

A tunnel under the Palace:

Followed by Sarah, Natasha and Kate Chris hurried through the Corridor long rectangular corridor, three Metres wide and three Metres high. Floors, walls, and ceiling were covered with black granite. Highly polished and perfectly caulked. A grim determination filled her. Her mind was fixated only on one point now: To end Al Mansour. That Bastard would not get away!

The Grand Vizier had tested her patience “The Man had no idea how close he was to losing his head” The Masterthief chuckled “I was tempted” the Pianist conceded dryly “But the oily bastard knew we needed him and his knowledge” Chris grumbled. She would have liked to move more speedily through the Tunnel – but the Grand Vizier had warned them about traps.

“What about the traps?” Kate mused; it was as if the American had read the blonde´s mind “We have to be careful” the thief shrugged “This reminds me of von Winterfeldt´s Labyrinth” the Detective shuddered:

None of them had pleasant memories of this place: Kate had almost fallen into a deep trench spiked with poisoned razor-sharp spikes – Sarah McKenzie had saved her. Sarah McKenzie had been attacked by a gigantic automatic Minotaur: No shot had penetrated the beast’s armour. In the last second Chris had been able to kill the beast with her Katana.

An army of fighting droids had attacked them – Anna had cleared the way by taking out the command unit with a precise shot to its head while bullets buzzed around her like a swarm of angry hornets.

Kate had to think back to that scene: Tall and erect the Russian had stood untroubled by the hail of fire and calmly taken out one droid after another till, she had eliminated the command droid. This had been Anna.

Natasha stepped forward, and something clicked under the sole of her right combat boot. Chris reacted the fastest “All hands down, all hands down!” They threw themselves on the stone floor. Not a fraction of a second too late: Hell broke loose as a storm of machine gun fire riddled the air where they had been seconds ago.

The Canadian looked up and searched for the control unit of the machine guns. There had to be something. Ramose had told them what to look for. But locating the control unit was one thing, taking it out without being riddled by bullets was another. “Any Ideas?” Chris whispered “Several” the thief replied, “Care to share?” the pianist sounded impatient – and the thief did not hold that against her. It was a race against time. If Al Mansour reached the Chamber where the Sun Ray of Amon Ra was stowed, they were screwed. They all knew that. If the rumours about this Weapon were true.

“There it is!” The Canadian smiled triumphantly, her dark eyes glittering. Chris knew that smile and that glitter: The Black Lady was up to something “I know what to do, but you have to trust me Chris – do you trust me?” The Pianist did not hesitate one second “I do” she said simply “Right then” McKenzie nodded “This is all I need to know! Whatever happens! You stay down – till you get my signal!” The two women locked eyes.

Chris nodded.

The Thief took something out of the many pockets of her combat gear. It looked like some sort of grenade – but different from anything Chris had seen. With practised motions, the Canadian pressed a button at the top and threw the grenade. It detonated precisely next to the control unit. A thick white smoke filled the corridor. In a fluid motion, the tall black-haired woman rose to her feet, sprinted forward, and vanished into the smoke.

The same second the machine guns opened fire. Chris had to suppress the impulse to sprint after the Canadian …. The gunfire moved up and down the Corridor. And suddenly it stopped. Eerie Silence followed. The stench of cordite hung heavy in the air “Sarah?” Chris called “Sarah!” Chris called the second time. The pianist scrambled to her feet and stared into the fog as if her eyes could penetrate it. Natasha and Kate had risen too. Now they all starred into the fog:

A black shadow stepped out of the mist: Sarah McKenzie. She limped a bit, blood trickled from her left temple – and another shot seemed to have grazed her right shoulder. But the Thief looked immensely pleased with herself “Don´t tell me this wasn´t fun!” Chris knew that lopsided grin only too well. Her icy stare would have frozen a bear on the spot – but then a slight smile curled her lips too “I have only two words for you! Good to have you back!”

“Those were actually five words!” the Canadian teased Chris “You cover it very well mostly – but at times you cannot hide the fact that you are just a blonde” The pianist ignored the barb “Ladies, let´s go! Al Mansour is waiting!” In this moment Chris would have forgiven the Thief anything – almost anything.

Carefully they moved forward. The Thief had insisted on taking the lead. Chris followed right behind her then Kate and Natasha brought up the rear.

The clock was ticking.

The Palace´s Second Courtyard:

Basically, the search party followed the Path the procession had taken on the day of Anna´s presentation to the court. Sophie found the silence disturbing: The vast first courtyard was empty. They had cleared the first Pylon. The German could not hide a smile: If Evie could have had her way, she would have inspected every stone and every statue.

But Kirsty had made very clear that this was no Excursion, this was a deadly business “We have no time to lose, and this is” she fixated on the Egyptologist “a war zone” – she added “There are dozens of possible locations to spring an ambush. The enemy knows them all – we don´t. So be cautious and attentive at every moment!” The Briton had watched everyone in the eye “You will follow every order! Are we clear?”

Hayley had to suppress the urge to deliver a crisp salute. So, commanding had been her Companion´s presence. The American knew that Kirsty had long struggled with being discharged dishonourably, above that she had been bitter. But that had changed since the late Queen had rectified that mistake and rehabilitated Kirsty by awarding her the Victoria Cross. For Kirsty, this had been closure.

And Hayley realized that this recognition of her Service to Queen and Country enabled Kirsty to do what she had to do now. To lead them. Kirsty was a Leader. The wayward Daughter of an abusive farmer from rural Norfolk had embraced that, Role. Hayley smiled. She would follow her Companion to hell and back again. The Detective looked around: All her Friends would –and the Medjai too. Kirsty had earned the respect of the battle-hardened desert warriors in the last days. And that said something.

Before them loomed the massive structure of the second Pylon. Kirsty was tense. Her instincts told her to be aware. So far, their foray into the heart of the Enemy's stronghold had been almost too easy. They stepped through the open Gates. The darkness swallowed them. The Briton held her HK 416 Assault Rifle at the ready. She stepped out of the shadows into the light: The second courtyard.

The Attack came out of nowhere.

Kirsty reacted out of instinct as the rapid fire of automatic guns hammered through the silence. The Medjai next to her screamed as a burst hit him in the chest. Blood splatters hit Kirsty in the face “Back into the doorway!” she shouted and cursed: Evie stood routed on the spot – one short burst had barely missed her.

Sophie rushed forward, grabbed Evie by the neck and dragged her back into the safety of the doorway. The Briton was by now very certain from where the fire had come. In the bright sun lay the bodies of four of the Medjai askew on the limestone plates.

Kirsty looked around: The Medjai were ready as ever. Sophie held Evie in her arms. Their eyes met. In the Lawyer's eyes, Crawford´s former in command saw a steely determination. She nodded subtly. Sophie was ready – whatever may be the cost. Hayley´s piercing blue eyes sent a message: “I am with you always” And that was all Kirsty needed to know.

She looked at her “Company”, she cleared her throat: “This is what we will do” “You Ali!” Kirsty pointed at the leader of the Medjai “Take six of your best shooters and go on the Pylons roof to give us cover. Go!” The Medjai nodded curtly, and took the stairs to the Pylon´s roof…

She turned to the remaining Medjai, Hayley Sophie and Evie – who had regained her composure somewhat. She was still pale and shivered slightly “Evie, you know how to defend yourself right?” The Egyptologist nodded – but said nothing “You will stay here” Evie was about to object, but the Briton cut across her “This is not open to discussion. This is an order” The auburn-haired woman stared Evie down. The Woman who looked so much like Rachel Weisz nodded, her underlip quivered and her eyes were teary. On a certain level, Kirsty felt pity with Evie. But they had simply no time for this. This Business was deadly.

Kirsty faced the rest of her team “This is what we will do …...

The Corridors End:

Pharaoh Seti III aka Hiram Al Mansour fumed. He was in a murderous mood. He would use the Sun Ray of Amon Ra to obliterate those Infidels from the Earth. He still could not fathom how all of this could have happened. His plans had been perfect: His staged abduction in New York had been a brilliant Idea. And he had met his soul mate there: Anna Romanova.

The plan to abduct Anna and stage her demise had worked perfectly. And his future Great Royal Wife loved him – even if she had not realized it yet. He had just to take care of her friends: The blonde pianist, the black-haired thief, Kate Beckett …. and the rest of the rabble.

They had proven much more resourceful than he had anticipated. But they stood no chance against him. The God King. Christine von der Marwitz … he would teach that obnoxious Woman a lesson she would never forget. He would cut her to pieces! Al Mansour trained daily with selected members of his guard “She is no match for me!” he was certain.

Pharaoh and his remaining Immortals had reached the steps which lead up to the ground floor – and the chamber where the Sun Ray of Amon Ra was held. He touched the Amulet around his neck. And a warm feeling flooded his body. This Amulet was the key to unleashing the power of the Sun-Ray-of-Amun-Ra.

A grim smile curled his lips.

The Arena:

Time had frozen: Blood dripped from Anna´s gleaming blade into the sand: Anck-Sun-Amun´s blood. She looked at her Enemy: Anck-Sun-Amun´s eyes were wide – in shock. As if in slow motion her fingers loosened her grip and her Khopesh fell into the sand of the Arena. So sharp were Anna´s senses that she saw every single sand grain clearly as it flew in the air as her Nemesis´ Weapon hit the ground with a thud. With a thunder or so her overloaded Senses told Anna.

Time froze.

Blood trickled from the Egyptian´s mouth and dropped into the sand. Anna saw the gruesome wound in Anck-Sun-Amun´s Chest so sharp, so clear as if through a microscope. Slowly the High Priestess sank to her knees, her eyes still wide, as if she had trouble to comprehend what was happening. The eyes of the two sworn enemies met: And something transpired between them. Anna would never be able to recall what exactly.

Anck-Sun-Amun sank back. With a soft thud, her back hit the sandy floor of the Arena. Anna let her blade fall in the sand. Her body ached. All the small wounds and scratches. She knew she should feel elated: The rational part of her brain told her she had evened the score, she had bested her mortal enemy, she had prevailed. But her heart did not feel that. Instead, she felt a different emotion: Pity. Pity with her sworn Enemy.

Slowly, haltingly she walked to Anck-Sun-Amun. Every step was difficult. After an eternity she stood next to Anck-Sun-Amun, looked down at her Foe: The wide coal-black eyes. The bright red blood dripping out of her mouth. The gaping wound in her chest. She heard the laboured breathing of Anck-Sun-Amun. Anna sank down to her knees, in the bloody sand. Anck-Sun-Amun stared from wide eyes at her arch nemesis. Her lips formed words; Words Anna did not understand.

She brought her left ear down to the Egyptian´s mouth. Her whispers were barely audible. With surprising strength, the dying woman gripped Anna´s right hand and pulled her nearer “Turn me to the east –so I can see the sun!” Between every word ragged breath interrupted her.

Anna did not hesitate. Gently she turned Anck-Sun-Amun´s body so her Enemy could face the Sun in the East. The Russian knelt behind her and her mortal enemy´s upper body and head rested in her lap. Every breath cost the High Priestess an enormous effort.

She grabbed Anna´s right hand and pressed it tightly “Isn´t the sun beautiful?” Anck-Sun-Amun whispered “It is” Anna replied gently “It is” – “Promise me something Romanova” the dark-haired Egyptian pressed her Enemy “Anything” the Russian said, “Take care I will get properly prepared for the Journey into the West” Anck-Sun-Amun demanded “I swear it on my honour as a Romanova” Anna replied serenely “That will suffice” the Egyptian whispered.

Anna felt the Egyptian's body relaxing. Every tension left it. She did not say anything more - just pressed Anna´s hand firmly. One last ragged breath. Then her hand relaxed, got limp. Anck-Sun-Amun, Pharaoh´s High Priestess was dead. Anna felt nothing she just looked in the East and held the Egyptian's upper body and head in her lap. Gently she closed the dark, now unseeing eyes with her hand.

Softly but firmly, she spoke Words in the old Church Slavonic, many centuries old, the Prayer of Saint Simeon, the “Nunc dimittis” from the Gospel of Luke – Anna did not think, the words came automatically to her, they were ingrained deeply in her soul, she did not know that Chris had sung the same Words only a few days ago:

Ны́не отпуща́еши раба́ Твоего́, Влады́ко, по глаго́лу Твоему́ с ми́ром;
я́ко ви́деста о́чи мои́ спасе́ние Твое́,
е́же еси́ угото́вал пред лице́м всех люде́й,
свет во открове́ние язы́ков, и сла́ву люде́й Твои́х Изра́иля.

Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word.
For mine eyes have seen thy salvation,
Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people;
To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel.

(English Translation: Common Prayer Book, 1662)

Anna felt empty, drained. No, she felt nothing. And so, she knelt in the sand Anck-Sun-Amun´s head and upper body in her lap and looked into the East. Two mortal enemies united in the Moment of Death. Even if she didn´t know it: This was closure. The wheels had turned full circle. What had begun in Rachel Weinstein´s Penthouse in New York had now ended in the warm sand of the Western Desert.

What really had transpired here and now?

Anna would comprehend that fully only much later.
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