Hitchhiker (M/F, some F/F)

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Post by slackywacky »

@FabianStr2016, @Caesar73, @GreyLord, @The G-Man, @tickletied84, @Beaumains, @DIRK, @Trammel, @Bandit666, @wolfman, @TiedupNick @tiedpgirl, @TightsBound @dogrednuht123 @charliesmith @Bondagelover94 @Argentum

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Chapter 111

The Serra Cross, sometimes also known as the Cross on the Hill or the Grant Park Cross, is a Christian cross on a hill known as "La Loma de la Cruz" in Ventura, California. The site is in Serra Cross Park, a one-acre parcel within the larger Grant Park that overlooks downtown Ventura, the Santa Barbara Channel, and Anacapa and Santa Cruz Islands. After dinner we walked up to the cross. We could not go straight up from the house, so we walked to Ferro Drive, which I passed on the way in earlier that day, following the trails from there going up to the cross. You could drive up, but Matt and Dana lived so close it was not worth it.

“The views are spectacular.” Elsa said once we were at the cross.

She and I were standing near the cross hand in hand. The sun was setting, a light sea breeze brought some relief from the heat. Several cars were parked at the cross, more people enjoying the sunset. It was worthwhile walking up to the cross. Matt pointed out where the house was, although it was easy to find with my truck parked in front of it. We waited till the sun completely set and walked back to the house. Beth and Sammy seemed to get more anxious the closer we got to their home.

“What’s up with the two of you?” Matt asked his daughters.

“We are going to tie up mom, so she won’t escape.” Sammy grinned.

Matt laughed. Dana sighed.

“I hoped they would have forgotten about it.” She said to Elsa.

Elsa just grinned. We reached the house, and while the kids, Dana and Elsa went into the yard, I did a quick check of the truck and trailer, but everything looked good.

“I informed the local cops about the fact your truck is parked here. They know me from the base. I don’t expect any issues.” Matt stated, while waiting for me.

“Thank you.”

We walked towards the patio. The kids stood waiting for us, or probably me, next to the plastic box.

“Mom said we could not rummage through the box.” Sammy said.

“Which is probably good advice.” I thought.

The ropes we used earlier were on top in the box, so while Matt sat down in one of the garden chairs, I gave Sammy and Beth each several ropes.

“Any objections to doing this here on the patio? I asked Matt.

“No, it is secluded. You would be able to see it from up at the cross, but nobody goes there after dark, and you would need binoculars or a camera with a long zoom lens to get any details.”

“You know what to do.” I grinned, telling the girls to go ahead.

Elsa and Dana had been sitting next to each other, but when the girls got the ropes, they both got up. The patio was secluded, so we did not have to worry about people walking in on us, unless they came up on the driveway, which the end of my trailer blocked. I could tell Beth and Sammy had learned from the earlier experience, as they expertly tied both Dana’s and Elsa’s wrists.

“Hmm, looks like some people are getting better at tying.” Matt grinned.

“Dad, don’t interfere.” Sammy said.

Matt laughed.

“Okay, daughter. I will leave you to it.”

Tying the elbows was a little harder and I helped again, this time not asking for permission from Dana to push her elbows together. Elsa sat down, with Dana still standing, moving her arms, trying to get to a knot.

“You might as well give it up.” Elsa grinned, seeing Dana’s struggles. “This time we will not escape.”

Dana sat down, a chair away from Elsa, giving their daughters a little space. Beth and Sammy worked on tying their mothers and Elsa’s legs.

“Make sure to not tie the rope around their knees too tightly.” I instructed them.

“Why is that?” Matt asked.

“If it is too tight, they can’t bend their knees.” I replied.

“As predicted, we are getting hogtied.” Elsa laughed.

Dana looked with some anticipation at me. With her arms pulled behind her back, her dress was once again straining to contain her shapely forms.

“Like it?” Elsa asked, shaking her torso, which made her breasts shake.

We both knew that if Sammy and Beth were around, we would not do anything that would cause Matt and Dana issues. But it was clear that Elsa was teasing us. And looking at Matt, I could tell he was enjoying the show.

“Now what? Dana asked, looking at me.

“Matt, if you help Dana to the floor, I will do the same to Elsa.”

He nodded and got up.

“Grab some yoga mats from the garage.” Dana said. “I don’t want to be lying down on the stones.”

“Good idea. Matt said and he told Sammy to get two out of the garage.

I moved some chairs out of the way, to give us some space, and after the girls put the mats down, we gently put the women on their fronts on the mats. I handed Beth and Sammy another rope and told them what to do. Sammy was tying Elsa, while Beth was tying her mother. Making it easy for the young girl, Elsa moved her ankles up to her wrists. It was easy for Sammy to tie her that way in a snug hogtie. Dana was looking away, so she did not see what Elsa did, and Beth had to guide the rope from the wrists to the ankles. When she started pulling, Dana resisted.

“Come on, mom, relax.” Beth stated.

“Okay, Beth. Sorry.”

With Dana relaxing, Beth was able to fold her mother’s legs and tie it off. The hogtie was not as tight as Elsa’s, but nobody complained.

“And this is what we called being hogtied.” Elsa said to no one in particular.

“This sure is restrictive.” Dana said, trying to find a knot.

“Good job.” Matt said to his daughters, high fiving them both. “Now, I think it is bedtime for you two.”

“Do we have to?” Beth asked. “This was fun.”

“You heard your dad.” Dana said from her position on the floor.

“Can we do this again someday?” The girls asked.

“If you go to bed now, yes.” Dana answered.

“Thanks mom, you are the best.”

Both girls kissed their mother, before going into the house with their father.

“How are you feeling?” I asked Dana.

“Irritated.” She said, grinning.

“Why?” Elsa asked.

“Because I cannot move. I can’t find any knots, and I cannot escape. It is sort of frustrating.”

“It can also be relaxing, depending on the tie you are in. This is one of them, as I’m not tied that tight. It could be a lot worse.” Elsa remarked.

“I think this is pretty tight.” Dana commented.

“When the girls are in bed, Jack can show you what ‘tight’ means.” Elsa grinned.

While Elsa relaxed, Dana kept trying to escape, but even with this, what Elsa called, simple position, she could not get out. It did not take long for Matt to come back from the house.

“The girls wanted to say thank you for helping them.” He told me.

“My pleasure.” I said. “We were just talking about the fact that this was a fairly simple tie.”

“It looks impressive enough.” Matt said, looking at the helpless women on the floor.

When Matt saw me looking back towards the house, he told us that the girls never come out of their beds, they were quick sleepers. It was sort of the statement I was looking for, as I did not want to do more to the women if the chance was there that the kids would see it.

“How do we get out?” Dana asked.

“We don’t.” Elsa laughed.

I bet she suspected we were not done yet with them.

“We don’t?” Dana asked, wondering what Elsa meant.

“It means we will probably get tied up some more and we will probably be gagged.”

“More? Gagged?” Dana sounded anxious again.

“If there is one thing, I learned from my travels with Jack is that once I am tied, it might take a while to get released.” Elsa said.

“Oh.” Dana said, biting her lip. “Euh, okay, I think. Not that I can get out anyway.”

I walked over to Dana and released the rope that kept her in a hogtie. I picked her up and sat her down on the garden chair.

“If you want out, you tell me or Matt, okay?” I told her.

“Thank you. I will, but I want to see what else you can do.”

“Okay, but I need you to know that things could get more intimate. If you are not okay with that you tell us. I will demonstrate some thing on Elsa and Matt can do the same things afterwards to you. Okay?”

“Euh, sure.” Dana said, looking at Matt.

He was looking at us with enthusiasm.

“We have never done things like this.” He said. “We’re not a boring couple in bed, we’re not swingers, but this is something new for us. Although we did see 50 shades of grey.”

Elsa grinned.

“That movie is not what this is about.” She grinned.

I released Elsa’s hogtie rope too and sat her up on a garden chair.

“Anytime you feel uncomfortable, you let us know.” I said, before grabbing a long rope from the box.

The rope was used to tie Elsa’s upper body, wrapping it around her torso, above and below her breasts, which made them stand out even more. Matt did the same to Dana with another long rope, touching Dana’s breasts several times during the tying. I noticed her breathing had changed a bit.

“A little tighter won’t hurt Dana.” I said.

Pulling the rope tighter, Matt did a pretty good job. Dana once again tried to shake the ropes off, but nothing moved.

“This next one is more fun.” I grinned.

Dana’s eyes went wide when I tied a rope around Elsa’s waist, incorporating her bound wrists, before pulling the rope between her legs and wrapping it around the waist rope, giving Elsa a nice tight crotch rope. Matt gave Dana a quick look and lifted her dress, before tying the waist rope. She did not complain, but her breathing changed a little again, especially when Matt pulled the rope tight through her crotch.

“Hmmmmmmm.” Dana grunted. “That is something I did not expect. It kind of feels good…”

Elsa grinned as she noticed how Dana was moving her hips. Gently I helped Elsa onto the yoga mat she had been on before. It did not take long for Matt to do the same with Dana.

“Now we can hogtie them.” I grinned.

“What do you mean? We were hogtied before.” Dana asked.

“Yes, but now we do it for real.”

Grabbing another long rope, I started at the shoulders and tied the rope off, leaving a loop. I threaded the rope around Elsa’s ankles, before guiding it back to the loop I created. From there it went back to her ankles. Now I started to pull. Dana was watching me intently, wanting to know what I was going to do to Elsa.

“Can you help me?” I asked Matt.

While I was pulling, I indicated to him to lift Elsa’s shoulders off the ground. I had already pulled her knees up, so that only her waist and stomach were touching the yoga mat.

“That looks tight.” Matt said, holding on to Elsa while I pulled the hogtie rope tight.”

Elsa did not say a word.

“I know she can handle it; she has been tied like this before. We’ll be gentler with Dana, I suggest, as she is new to this.”

“I can handle that.” Dana interjected, not wanting to be described as weaker than Elsa.

“We’ll see.” Matt said.

After tying off the end of the rope at her shoulders, I indicated to Matt to let her shoulders go. Elsa only moved a little bit. I had pulled the rope as tight as I could, and Elsa was arched a lot. Her wrists were between her ankles and knee bonds, her lower legs pulled tight against her thighs. We were able to rock her a little.

“Okay?” I asked Elsa.

She just nodded. I could see it was tight and she probably did not want to stay tight like this for extended periods of time. She was controlling her breathing, which was probably impeded by the tight ropes.

“Ready?” I asked Dana after grabbing another rope from the box.

She looked uncertain.

“Don’t feel like you must do this. There are very few people who can take something like Elsa is experiencing for even a short period.

“No, I want to try. Go ahead, make it as tight as Elsa.”

I was not planning on making it that tight, but I would find something that she could handle, and not feel like she chickened out.

“Tell us when it gets to tight.” Matt said, as he tied the rope to her shoulder rope harness, just as I had done.

After guiding the rope around her ankles and to the loop, back to her ankles, he started to pull. He did the same as I had done, putting his legs under Dana’s tied legs, so her knees were lifted. I went to her shoulders and lifted them, arching her body. The yoga classes must have been pretty good, as I was impressed by how she flexed. Matt kept pulling, both of us keeping an eye out for a reaction from Dana, but all I could see was she was biting her lip.

“Still good?” I asked.

She nodded. Her breathing was increasing, probably because tied as she was, it was hard to breath. The rope on her bound wrists was now level with the rope on her ankles, which was not as tight as Elsa, but still tight. Matt tied off the rope, before we both let go of Dana’s legs and shoulders. She did not arc as much as Elsa, but the difference was not big.

“This… is… tight…” Dana sighed.

Elsa looked impressed at the mother of 2.

“Wow, that looks great.” She said, sounding sincere.

“Only a few more things to do.” I said.

“There is more?” Matt asked.

I grabbed two ballgags from the box. The yellow 2-inch one was the one I used on Elsa a lot; she could wear it for extended periods. The black one was slightly bigger, at 2.25-inch.

“Are we going to be gagged?” Dana asked.

If you want the full package, this is part of it.” Elsa answered.

“Euh… Okay.” Dana said.

I decided to first gag Dana, as I was not sure she could handle the bigger gag. If not, I would use the yellow one on her and the black one on Elsa.

“Open up.” I told Dana.

She grinned but refused, keeping her lips tight together.”

Elsa grinned. She knew what was coming.

“You ticklish?” I asked, poking her side.

Dana let go of a scream. As she opened her mouth, I stuffed the black ballgag in her mouth. It barely fit, I don’t think I could have used a bigger ball.

“Hmmpppffffffff.” Dana mumbled, shaking her head, trying to dislodge the ball.

I pulled the strap tight, which meant she could not spit out the ball. Giving the yellow ball to Matt, I indicated he could gag Elsa. She did not resist and opened her mouth. Matt pulled it tight behind her head.

“If you are in trouble, hum a song.” I told Dana.

I could not resist poking her side again, creating a similar reaction as before.

“Ticklish, is she?” I asked.

“Oh yeah.” Matt grinned. “She probably did not think this one through. Her feet are sides are all available.”

Dana grunted something in her gag, shaking her head.

“At this point, we could blindfold them, or add earplugs, or a hood, but I think we just use their hair.” I said to Matt.

He looked at me not knowing what I meant. Grabbing a shorter and thinner rope, I walked over to Elsa and undid her ponytail. Expertly, as I had done this many times before, I weaved the rope through her hair. Satisfied it would not slip, I pulled her head up, forcing her to look ahead. Tying off the rope at her shoulders, she was now forced to look straight ahead.

“I see what you mean.” Matt said.

“Hmmppfffff.” Dana mumbled, but she did not hum a song.

After loosening up Dana’s ponytail, Matt weaved the rope in the red hair of his wife. When he started to pull, the rope let go of the hair and Dana had to laugh.

“Try again. Wrap it this way and that way.” I said, showing Matt.

This time the rope held, and Matt pulled on it. Dana was resisting, but a poke to her side, which resulted in a muffled scream due to the gag, she stopped resisting, and Matt could tie the rope off.

“Well done.” I said looking at the tightly tied women on the floor.

“Wow, that looks impressive. Thank you for showing us.” Matt said, looking at his wife. “Now what?”

“Now you can do whatever you like.” I grinned.
Last edited by slackywacky 2 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by laz »

great chapter
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Post by f106mec »

Nice story!!!! :D
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Post by TightsBound »

slackywacky wrote: 2 months ago
TightsBound wrote: 3 months ago Every chapter is a frequent reminder that I should’ve been a truck driver
I bet you could have driven a truck for 50 years and never met Elsa. :lol:
So you’re saying there’s a chance. 😂 Great chapter as always!
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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Amazing chapter. Love how the daughters have started to become rope experts themselves and then after they went to bed, how the talk and action intensified. Elsa and Dana got tight breast bondage, crotch roped and then tighter hogties. Real hot stuff. Also loved the side comments from Matt that they are not boring in bed and are not swingers but willing to try something new. I can't wait until Elsa and Jack do find bondage swingers or if you take that direction with this chapter. Also loved the side comment of adding more to the bondage like ear plugs, blindfolds or hoods. I would love the daughters doing some kind of sensory deprivation to Elsa and Dana or dressing them up in a costume like Pretty Pretty Princess. Ha. Regardless of how you take the next chapter, I know you will make it exciting. Can't wait.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well it must be my lucky day I arrive earlier to find updates on all your awesome stories oh Grand Master and every one is simply fantastic. I especially love the whole fake kidnapping for the sake of ice cream and then the two daughters learning the ropes. And yet I get the feeling there’s much more fun to come in up coming chapters
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Nice continuation!
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Post by GreyLord »

Wonderful, @slackywacky. You wrote
“Okay, but I need you to know that things could get more intimate. If you are not okay with that you tell us. I will demonstrate some thing on Elsa and Matt can do the same things afterwards to you. Okay?”

“Euh, sure.” Dana said, looking at Matt.

He was looking at us with enthusiasm.

“We have never done things like this.” He said. “We’re not a boring couple in bed, we’re not swingers, but this is something new for us. Although we did see 50 shades of grey.”

Elsa grinned.

“That movie is not what this is about.” She grinned.
Excellent point that 50 shades is not what we are about.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Beaumains »

I have little to add to rhe previous comments. Jack culturing all corners of the states will never stop to entertain
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Post by TheDapperKing »

Oh my word, this story is STILL going?

Slacky, I am impressed. To still be adding to the story three years later, damn.

Well done sir.
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Post by slackywacky »

TheDapperKing wrote: 2 months ago Oh my word, this story is STILL going?
Yep, have not gotten bored with it yet (although people commenting on my stories certainly helps staying actively updating them).
Thank you for commenting.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TheDapperKing »

slackywacky wrote: 2 months ago
TheDapperKing wrote: 2 months ago Oh my word, this story is STILL going?
Yep, have not gotten bored with it yet (although people commenting on my stories certainly helps staying actively updating them).
Thank you for commenting.
I used to write on here and chat with you regularly haha I've been told my writing is uniquely styled, if you have a second some time check out my current story on this account, I'm curious if you recognise the pen as it were lol
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Post by slackywacky »

@FabianStr2016, @Caesar73, @GreyLord, @The G-Man, @tickletied84, @Beaumains, @DIRK, @Trammel, @Bandit666, @wolfman, @TiedupNick @tiedpgirl, @TightsBound @dogrednuht123 @charliesmith @Bondagelover94 @Argentum

If you like to be added/removed from the above list, contact me.
Chapter 112

The night temperature, my phone showed it was 1 AM, was very nice, the breeze coming in from the water helped relieve the oppressive temperatures of the day. A light cloud cover blocked seeing the stars, although the light pollution from Ventura was not helping stargazers anyway. Not that Matt and I were looking at the stars, at least not those in the sky. Our focus was mostly on the 2 helpless women on the yoga mats. They had been tied for 30 minutes, but with the tight ropes they were in, they were probably suffering. Their bondage was tight, and it was clear from the little movement we saw from both ladies that they were just waiting to get untied.

“I think we should release our ladies.” I said.

“Yes, it looks like they could do with a break.”

Matt got up and walked over to Dana, who was closest to where we sat. I waited, giving him more space to move around, while he untied Dana.

“Fucking hell.” She said after Matt released the ballgag and the rope that held her head pulled back.

A big blob of drool ran from her mouth to the yoga mat. She looked relieved, even when she was still tied.

“I hate that gag.” Dana said.

Elsa grinned, although it sounded more like snorting due to her gag. The sound made Dana laugh. Elsa had experience with the larger gag, and she knew it made the person who was wearing it drool.

“The things we let you men do to us.” Dana said while Matt worked on the ropes.

“I know, don’t you just love it.” I replied.

“Love it… Yeah, that is one way of saying it.” She answered. “Remind me to not let the kids tie me up, Matt.”

“Good luck with that.” He laughed.

“Oh, fuck, that hurts.”

“Blood flowing again? Nice tingling feeling? Pins and needles?” I asked, knowing exactly what was happening.

“Yeah…” Dana confirmed, not finishing her sentence.

She rubbed her arms.

“Remind me, why did I agree to this?” She asked Matt.

“Because you want to be a great mom for our kids.” He replied.

“I am a great mom for my kids.” She grinned. “That thing in your pants has nothing to do with it?”

I laughed. My member was also standing at attention, within the confines of my pants. Having two tightly bound ladies to look at was something that stirred the pot. Nobody would hear me deny that. Especially looking at two hot women like Elsa and Dana. Rubbing her arms, Dana looked at the still tied up woman next to her.

“And you do this often?” She asked, forgetting Elsa was still gagged.

Elsa was not able to even look at Dana, due to her head still pulled back by her hair.

“Hmpf.” Elsa just grunted.

“I will have to consider what I should wear when the girls want to tie me up. You can’t really control how far your dress will ride up.” Dana stated.

Her dress had moved far enough that I was able to see her panties. It did not look like she had an issue with it in our company, but with the kids it might be something else.

“I suspect some of your yoga outfits will work fine.” Matt said to his wife.

“Probably. Although I suspect you just want to see me naked.” She grinned in reply, looking at her husband.

Personally, I would not mind seeing her naked, but we had only met a few hours ago. I remember the statement that they were not boring in bed, but also that they were not swingers. However, that left a lot of ground uncovered and that made it hard to decide how far somebody could go.

“You know I do.” Matt stated. “I make no secret of the fact you have a great body and I love looking at it.”

“Not just looking at it.” Dana laughed, kissing Matt. “And I bet you would not mind seeing Elsa naked.”

The last rope, from around her ankles was finally undone and Dana was free of ropes. Matt rubbed her legs to help the flow of blood. It helped get rid of the pin and needles feeling.

“That was the tightest I have ever been tied; I can tell you. Not that I have been tied often.” Dana admitted.

“This was a pretty extreme tie.” I said. “Not many people can stand this for a longer period of time.”

While I said it, I looked over at Elsa who was still in that same tight bondage.

“Can I do Elsa?” Dana asked, looking at me.

Her red hair was a mess, she ran her fingers through her hair to make it look somewhat orderly while she looked at me. It reached her shoulder blades, it being slightly longer than Elsa’s blond manes.

“Sure. Although I bet, she would not mind being untied either.” I replied, grinning.

“Hmmm, yeah, I will get to that, eventually.” She said, also grinning.

Wondering what she meant by that statement, I just watched as Dana moved over to Elsa. Matt had gotten up and sat down in the chair he had been sitting in before.

“Hmmppfff?” Elsa grunted in her gag.

Dana worked on the knot of the rope that held Elsa’s head pulled back. A sigh escaped the lips of the bound women when her head was no longer pulled back.


“I figured you would not mind having to just stare in one direction.” Dana said.

Elsa nodded.

“Let’s look at you.” Dana grinned. “I never had the chance to play with a bound woman. Sounds like fun.”

Bound as she was, Elsa could do very little. She had rolled back onto her stomach when Dana was being released, thinking she would also be released, but it seemed that somebody had other plans. The statement Dana gave left some things open for interpretation, but I did not ask. I did not want to break up the dynamic that seemed to go around between the two women.

“Let’s see.” Dana said, before pushing Elsa onto her side away from her.

The ropes were tight, but the little triangles from Elsa’s bikini top were easily moved aside by Dana. Elsa let out a low grunt.

“What? You don’t want me to look at them?”

Elsa did not answer. It looked like she was just waiting for things to come, although her nipples, as so often, told a different story.

“Look at these mounds. Almost as nice as my own.” Dana grinned.

To my surprise, Dana pulled the summer dress over her head, leaving her dressed in only her panties as she was not wearing a bra. I looked at Matt to see his reaction.

“She is more adventures than me, although this is a first as far as I know.” He said to me in a soft voice.

It was clear that Dana was not prudent, her focus was on Elsa, who gave me a glance, looking at me with what I thought was a smile on her still gagged face. Dana, sitting right in front of Elsa now, rubbed one hand on Elsa’s breasts and her other hand on her own.

“I like your tits.” She said.

I grinned; it was not the first time that was being said about Elsa’s breasts. It was also not the first time since we met that Elsa was the subject of another woman playing with her. I had never asked her about her sexual experiences before coming to the US, but I remembered her saying that she was an adult and that she had sex before.

“Hhhhmmmmpppppppfffffffff.” Elsa moaned while Dana’s hands massaged her breasts.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Dana asked, playing with Elsa’s erect nipples.


“Enjoyment and pain.” Dana said and to my surprise she twisted Elsa’s nipples.

“HMMMPPPFFFFF.” Elsa screamed.

“See, enjoyment and pain.”

Leaving Elsa’s nipples alone, Dana was back to rubbing her own breasts and those of Elsa. Both women were reacting to the stimulants, their breathing changing. Dana brought one hand to her crotch and played with herself, while the other hand kept playing with Elsa’s breasts. Due to the tight crotch rope I had given Elsa, it was difficult for Dana to get to Elsa’s crotch. That did not seem to be a problem for Dana as she kept fingering herself and from the deep moan that escaped her lips, it was clear she had an orgasm.

“Hmmppffff.” Elsa moaned, it sounded in frustration, as she saw it happen.

I could tell Elsa did not get that far yet, which probably explained the moan. Matt was looking at his wife, his pants clearly showing he was exited.

“Oh, fuck, that was fun.” Dana said after a few moments recovering from the orgasm.

She looked at Matt, seeing his pants and grinned.

“Stand up.” She told him, crawling over to where he was sitting, leaving Elsa alone for the moment.

It was not hard to guess what was going to happen, but I was looking at Elsa, who was now lying alone on the floor.

“Hmmpppfff.” She grunted, pointing with her head to the table next to us.

I might not always be the smartest kid on the block, but this one I got straight away. Standing up, I walked over to Elsa, lifted her bound body up, holding her elbows and ankle bonds, and placed her on the table, her head near the edge. Looking at Dana and Matt, I could see Dana giving him head. The two sorts of seemed to have forgotten about Elsa and me, which was fine, I did not really need spectators. Removing the gag from Elsa and dropping my pants only took seconds.

“Now!” Elsa said, sounding impatient.

She took my member in her mouth and teased me, until I could not hold it anymore and I came into her mouth. I would love to have said I held out for minutes while Elsa played with me before I came, but that would have been a lie. It took her less time than Dana and Matt needed, it was obvious they were extending the playing, which made me believe they had done this before.

“I’ll untie you know, okay?” I asked Elsa after pulling my pants back up.

“That would be appreciated.” She replied.

Lifting her off the table onto the yoga mat, I started on the ropes holding her in the hogtie.

“Sorry about that.” Dana said behind me while I untied Elsa.

“What for?” Elsa asked. “For the fact my guy could not hold out as long as your man. I think they both enjoyed it.”

Being smart for a change, neither of us replied.

“Would you mind not releasing her yet?” Dana asked me.

So far, I had only removed the hogtie rope, so Elsa was still helpless.


“She is the only one that did not get an orgasm. I think she deserves one too.”

“I am good.” Elsa said.

“Nope, not happening.” Dana said. “Matt, get the wand out of my cupboard.”

It was fun to see Elsa’s reaction. She was probably good with not having an orgasm, but Dana was not giving her an option and since she was still tied, she did not even try to reason. Dana, who was still naked except for her now stained panties, sat down next to Elsa, waiting for Matt to come with the wand.

“Can you hand me that gag.” Dana asked me, pointing at the gag that had been in her mouth.

I handed her the ballgag and Dana gagged Elsa with it. It was the bigger of the two ballgags, the one Dana had in her mouth. It was an interesting choice, forcing Elsa to have a ball in her mouth that had been in Dana’s mouth before.

“Hmmppfffff.” Elsa grunted now that she was gagged again.

She did still seem to smile, so I let this scene just play out.

“Here you are love.” Matt said as he handed Dana a battery powered Chinese knock off brand wand.

“Now let’s take care of you, shall we.” Dana said to Elsa.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Super hot update. Love the Dana character and the direction this chapter took. Glad someone is getting Elsa off for once. Can't wait for the next exciting installment.
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Post by laz »

good chapter
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Post by charliesmith »

Super hot chapter! Loved the scenes where Dana plays with Elsa and also ends up using the gag she had in her mouth for her! Very sexy!
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Post by GreyLord »

It is nice to see Jack treating Elsa better. Then is is super nice to see Dana being even more considerate. Good show, @slackywacky!
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Post by Beaumains »

slackywacky wrote: 2 months ago Personally, I would not mind seeing her naked, but we had only met a few hours ago.
The most Jack sentence ever. He has not learned, has he? If Matt was there, he surely would have had sex with Dana in front of Elsa. Great chapter as always.
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Post by slackywacky »

dogrednuht123 wrote: 2 months ago Glad someone is getting Elsa off for once.
To be honest, I think she gets her fair share in this story. Most people they meet want to take care of Elsa. :D
laz wrote: 2 months agogood chapter
Thanks, I try. Somehow this chapter caused me to rewrite several times.
charliesmith wrote: 2 months ago Super hot chapter
It worked out well enough I think :lol:
GreyLord wrote: 2 months ago It is nice to see Jack treating Elsa better.
The first editions of this chapter were more XXX than the end product, but somehow none of those editions worked out in such a way that I liked it. I did not want to over sex the chapter, as basically they only knew each other for a few hours. I think the end product was adult enough to counteract the chapter with the kids.
Beaumains wrote: 2 months ago The most Jack sentence ever. He has not learned, has he?
I hope to think he has at least a bit. I think he behaved gentlemen like in this chapter.

Thank you all for commenting. Fun to read the comments (here and on DA).
Working on updating "It is still just a game" now.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Very hot chapter! I really enjoyed a more sexual chapter, let’s see what future adventures Elsa avaits!
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Post by slackywacky »

FabianStr2016 wrote: 2 months ago Very hot chapter! I really enjoyed a more sexual chapter, let’s see what future adventures Elsa avaits!
I try to cover a lot of bases, without trying to make it overly sexual or unrealistic.
Thanks for reading.
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Post by slackywacky »

@FabianStr2016, @Caesar73, @GreyLord, @The G-Man, @tickletied84, @Beaumains, @DIRK, @Trammel, @Bandit666, @wolfman, @TiedupNick @tiedpgirl, @TightsBound @dogrednuht123 @charliesmith @Bondagelover94 @Argentum

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Chapter 113

When I woke up, light filtered through a ventilation hole in the roof, allowing me to look around. It was warm, which probably meant it was later in the day. I looked at my phone and saw it was just past 1 PM. Elsa was cuddled up against me, one arm across my chest, her head on my shoulder. The king-sized bed was in a mostly unfurnished room above the garages, the bed and a chair being the only thing in the room. The attic above the garage was limited in space, due to the roof, but a bed was all we needed. It had been 3 AM by the time Dana showed us the bed we could use. We used the toilet in the house before we went up, as the garage did not have any facilities. It was warm, so we did not need a sheet, we just cuddled up and fell asleep.

“Morning love.” Elsa said, lifting her head, looking at me.

She probably got woken up by me moving.

“It’s afternoon.” I grinned.

“Oh, we slept long, did we?”

“Not that long, it was just late when we went to bed.”

“I must have been tired; I can’t remember being awake very long.”

“I suspect those orgasms Dana gave you might have something to do with that.” I grinned.

“I suspect so.” Elsa grinned.

She turned onto her back, looking at the ceiling.

“How come we meet all these people that are, or are introduced by us, into bondage?” She asked.

It was a question I had been debating about myself. It was not like we searched for them; it all seemed to just happen.

“I would not know. Maybe it is my great personality.”

Elsa laughed at my answer.

“Yeah, right.” She said, smiling.

“What? You want to say I do not have a great personality?”

“Yes, you do.”

She turned towards me and kissed me. Our tongues played for a few short moments with each other.

“You want to see if we can make use of the facilities?” Elsa asked me, after the kiss finished.


I sat up and grabbed the rest of my clothes, as I had been sleeping in my underwear, since the room was warm. Elsa did the same, she had been nude when we got into the room earlier that day.

“Ladies first.” I said, as we headed for the narrow stairs.

The daylight was bright when I opened the door of the garage, even when there was a thin cloud cover. A sea breeze cooled things down nicely, but it was still around 90.

“Good afternoon.”

I looked at the house and saw Matt on the veranda.

“Afternoon.” I replied.

“Feel free to use the washroom. Dana left some towels ready for you in case you want to shower. We have food ready in the kitchen.”

The door from the kitchen opened and two whirlwinds came running out.

“Slow down.” Matt laughed as he saw his daughters, Sammy, and Beth, come outside.

“Sorry daddy.” Beth said, slowing down.

“We’re a little exited.” Sammy added.

“And why are you exited?” Elsa asked.

“We tied mum up.” Sammy matter of fact stated.

“You did, did you?” I laughed.

“She did not want to at first, but she gave in when we did our chores.” Beth stated.

“One way of getting their chores done.” Matt grinned, sipping a coffee.

The smell of coffee reminded me of what we came to do, but when I went for the washroom, Elsa had beaten me to it.

“You can wait.” She laughed before closing the door.

“Here, take this.” Matt said, handing me a cup of coffee from the thermos can.

It smelled good and tasted even better.

“Hmm, that is good coffee.” I said.

“I buy it from a small store downtown, it is a secret recipe. It is more expensive, but I like it. Better than the coffee at base.”

“I bet.” I said.

“Where are you heading off to?” Matt asked.

“My first drop-off is at US Coast Guard station Golden Gate. Just across the bay.”

“I know where that is. Are you planning on visiting some of the sites?”

“I have not thought about it yet, but I bet Elsa would like to see some.”

“I can get you a free tour of Alcatraz if you want. My brother is running security on the island.”

I had never been to Alcatraz myself, so I would not mind going on a tour of the famous jail.

“I don’t mind paying for the tour.”

“Oh, he can provide you with a tour that not many people get, as he has access to the whole island. Maybe we can make it more interesting. The night tour is great, seeing the sun set over the Golden Gate bridge is something you should really see.”

“What should we see?” Elsa asked, walking onto the veranda.

Matt told her about Alcatraz, while I used the facilities. I had to grin when I glanced into the kitchen, as a helpless Dana was sitting on a straight back kitchen chair, tied up with lots of rope and gagged and blindfolded. For now, I ignored her, as I had more pressing matters to attend to. I could hear Matt tell Elsa about Alcatraz. After taking a quick shower, which felt good, and doing whatever else needed doing, I walked back out onto the veranda. Beth and Sammy were sitting next to Elsa. I could just here the last bit of the question Beth asked.

“Why do you get tied up?”

Elsa grinned.

“Why do I get tied up? Because this guy ties me up.” She replied, laughing, pointing at me. “Until I came to America, in Sweden I had only been tied up as a kid, playing cowboy and Indian. When Jack picked me up on the side of the road, I found a magazine and that started it all. I read the magazine, he tied me up by my request, and I found I enjoyed being tied up. There are times he keeps me tied up longer than I might want, but for me, that is one of the things that make it special. Not knowing when you get released is a rush.”

“But does it not hurt?” Sammy asked.

“It can, if done wrong. It is easy to pinch the skin. But luckily this guy knows what he is doing.”

I sat down and finished my coffee.

“But to be honest.” Elsa continued. “I have no idea why I like being tied up. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I don’t want to get tied up, or there are times I want out, but somehow, I still enjoy it. Just don’t tell Jack, otherwise I might not get untied at all.”

Both Sammy and Beth looked at me. I just shrugged, laughing.

“I would not mind keeping her tied all the time, she looks good in bondage. But it must be fun for both parties. I like tying her, she likes being tied.”

“I missed most of three states while we traveled, because he would not untie me.” Elsa said, reminding me of our trip from Florida to Dallas.

Something beeped in the house.

“Oh, time to empty out the dishwasher.” Beth said, getting up.

Sammy followed her.

“Better check on your mother too.” Matt told them.

“I noticed her sitting on a kitchen chair.” I said.

Matt grinned.

“The moment she came down, the girls started to ask if they could tie her up. At first, she was not willing, but the girls told her they would do all their chores, without having to be asked, and Dana gave in. I suspect she already thought it would happen, as she dressed in her yoga clothes.”

“I had a quick look. Looks like she is not going anywhere. And she was blindfolded and gagged.” I said to Matt.

“Seems the girls did that by themselves. I had nothing to do with it. When I came down, Dana was already tied to the chair.”

“They look like quick learners.” Elsa grinned.

“They are smart girls.” Matt said, looking proud.

“Let’s have a look at Dana, shall we.” I suggested.

We got up and walked into the kitchen, which was part of an open layout for the kitchen, dining table and living room. Dana turned her head towards us, but with the blindfold on, she could not see who entered.

“Hmmppffff.” She mumbled in her gag.

The gag consisted of a tea towel tied between her lips and tied at the back of her neck.

“Stuck, are we?” Elsa asked Dana, while removing the blindfold.

Dana blinked, grinned and nodded. She moved around a bit, trying to fight the ropes, but the girls had done a good job tying their mom. Dana’s arms were tied at wrists and elbows, the same way as I had taught the girls yesterday. Her elbows touched, pushing her chest out. The yoga clothing might have stopped from riding up like a dress, but the material left little to the imagination. The spandex material clung to her every curve. Her long red hair was done up in a ponytail.

“Looks like you are going nowhere any time soon, luv.” Matt grinned.

Dana gave him a look and fought her bonds once more.

“Mommy said we did a good job.” Sammy said while fishing cleaning out the dishwasher.

“That was before we gagged her.” Beth grinned.

With her legs tied at knees and ankles, the last one also tied to the chair leg, and more rope all over their mother’s upper body and hips, Dana was truly stuck. I looked at the knot placing, and the girls had done a wonderful job, they were out of reach of Dana’s fingers.

“Hmmppffff.” Dana grinned.

The gag was probably the least tight thing of the bondage, and by the looks of it there was no mouth stuffing, just a cleave gag. But Dana acted as if she could not speak, but experience told me that a cleave gag without stuffing is hardly ever good enough to keep somebody from talking.

“Are these clean?” I asked, as I grabbed a clean washcloth of the kitchen counter.

“Yes, they are.” Matt replied.

I walked over to the chair with Dana, who was looking at me nervously. I untied the knot of the tea towel and pulled it from between her teeth.

“Why do I have the feeling I will not be released yet?” Dana asked.

I grinned.

“Girls, a gag should keep somebody from speaking clearly. And although your mom acted like it, she was not really gagged.”

“Oh?” Sammy asked.

“Use a washcloth as mouth stuffing, before tying the tea towel over the mouth filling, okay?”

Both girls looked at what I was doing. Dana opened her mouth and let me stuff the cloth in her mouth. Using the tea towel, folding it between her teeth, I made sure it would not come out.

“Make sure the knot is nice and tight. Okay?” I said as I finished gagging Dana.

I poked Dana’s side and she screamed, but the sound was softened by the gag.

“See, now she is gagged.” I laughed.

Dana gave me a look now and mumbled in her gag. Probably a good thing she was gagged.

“Thank you, we will remember that.” Beth said, which made her mother sigh.

“Okay, time for some food, before it all gets cold.” Matt stated.

To Dana’s surprise he blindfolded his wife again.

“Have fun dear.” He said, before kissing her on the gag.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by dogrednuht123 »

Great chapter and update. Love the daughters working together to tie mom up early and often. Can't wait for the Alcatraz trip and the night tour of the whole complex. Elsa is going to be in for it. Public Enemy #1. I hope they put her in prisoner clothes or a strait jacket and transport her around the island and put in ridiculous over the top solitary confinement predicaments. Maybe the Swedish speaking guard from the prior Coast Guard battleship tour gets relocated to Alcatraz and becomes Elsa's gagged interpreter. Ha. Just throwing out fun ideas. Whatever you come up will be golden regardless.
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Post by GreyLord »

Elsa in Alcatraz. Too much to think about. It's a good thing Dana is a sub. She is in for a lot of bondage from now on with that husband and the two bratlings. Another great addition @slackywack.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Simply wonderful :) Beginning with the Entry. The Intimacy, the simple Conversation between Elsa and Jack. Alcatraz sounds like a fantastic Idea!. The Children did a really good job on Dana. Very nice of Jack showing them how someone is gagged properly!
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