You can call him Mr Teddy Wizard (teddy/M+F+)

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You can call him Mr Teddy Wizard (teddy/M+F+)

Post by RopeBunny »

Introduction, brief background.

Teddy Wizards were a mass produced toy. Each one had dirty grey, almost black fur, with white sewn in glass eyes and a stitched white inverted y mouth, to contrast the black. Each bear was almost a foot in length, and like most teddies could only stand if leaned against something, or if kept in its box. They all came with sewn on wizards clothing, a deep ocean blue pointed hat and sleeved robe that was belted at the waist, but open above and below, so it resembled a trench coat. Both robe and hat were decorated with a scattering of yellow stars and crescent moons. A brown felt wand, reinforced with plastic inside to add rigidity, could be stuck onto a small velcro pad on the right hand, or tucked away inside teddy's robes.

At some stage, the production line machines spat out a single teddy whose eyes were blood red, with an ocean blue hat and robes untouched by decoration. This teddy had no velcro pad, and his wand, had anyone bothered to look, was real wood. But nobody in quality control picked up on this mistake, and so the rouge Teddy Wizard was boxed, and shipped off with his brothers.

And that is where our tale properly begins....
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Post by RopeBunny »

Jodie and Melissa.

They've been friends for over two years now. Melissa, happy to wake early since it coincides with her boyfriend coming off his night shift unloading containers at the docks, giving them both an hour together as dawn breaks, always takes the keyholder shift at Fluffys Toy Warehouse, restocking any empty shelves and generally tidying up before the store opens to the public at nine. By the time she's turned on just enough lights to see, and brewed a pot of strong coffee in the staff room out back, Jodie is usually reversing her truck up to the loading bay doors. Jodie drives deliveries for Fluffys, dropping off stock throughout the night, usually working alone, but she always times her arrival here to meet Melissa. It's her last stop before home, so she can take her time, chatting with Melissa whilst they unload the pallets and boxes of toys.

Both girls look very different, even in the company uniform of black combat trousers and a bright red tee. On the front of the tee is a brown teddy bear, complete with top hat and cane. A speech bubble proclaims 'I'm Fluffy, I stand for fun!' The teddy is actually standing up too. Melissa is short, barely over five foot, and very slim, a waif. She makes up for it in the bust though, sometimes joking that it's the only place she can put weight on. She has D cups, looking huge on her tiny figure. Her straight hair is dyed blue, and she has a nose ring on the left side. Jodie is taller by almost a foot, with a well muscled frame built up from almost five years of shifting heavy loads. She looks like a Viking, with blonde hair side plaited over one shoulder. Despite having a bigger frame she has almost no bust. Jodie is older by six years, in her late twenties.

This morning, the main bulk of the delivery, as it was for all the stores, consists of a new teddy. Three pallets worth, almost two hundred bears all individually boxed.

The girls unload the truck, then Jodie pops to the loo, and grabs coffee for them both on her way back through to the stockroom. Returning, she finds Melissa has cut the wrapping off one of the pallets, freeing up all the boxed teddies, and is giving one of them a closer inspection. "What are they then?" Jodie asks, putting the two steaming cups down on a small table in one corner. "Here." Replies Melissa, tossing a box over, which Jodie easily catches. The box is just over a foot tall, and white, covered in stars of all different colours, all with whizzing comet tails. At the top of the box, in ocean blue flowing script, is written Teddy Wizard, and on the back is a made up origin story, some twist on the Merlin legend, with a teddy Arthur. Through the clear plastic front panel the teddy can be seen, dark grey with blue wizard clothes, and a brown wand wrap tied to the box floor beside him. Melissa nods her approval. "Cute."
"Yes." Agrees Jodie. "I know a couple of guy friends, role players, who'd go nuts to have this guy as their little Dungeon Master mascot." Both girls grin, and Melissa fetches the trolley, loading it up with thirty of the boxed wizards. "That should do for a start." Melissa says, stretching and grabbing a sip of coffee. "There's space over by the Legos."
"They're not all the same." Exclaims Jodie, bent over one of the still sealed up pallets. "Look."

Melissa comes over, putting down her cup first, and looks where her friend is pointing. It's true, one of the boxed bears has undecorated blue robes, and red eyes in place of white. "Creepy." Says Melissa, shivering slightly. "Do you suppose there's anymore?"
"You mean like this guy?"
"Sure. Or different again. Makes sense to have some variety in the line right, like if a Mum has two sons."
"Why don't we take a look?"
"You don't want to get going? Not feeling tired?"
"Not yet. Besides, I'm curious now."
"Okay." Melissa takes out a small safety knife from one of her leg pockets, and cuts through the wrapping on the remaining two pallets, freeing up all the boxed toys. The girls take a pallet each, placing the red eyed teddy off to one side first, on the table with the coffee cups, to avoid confusion. Ten minutes later, surrounded by piles of boxed Teddy Wizards, they have their answer. "Nope." Says Jodie, shaking her head. "You? Any luck?"
"No, they're all the same. It's just that guy." She gestures at the table without actually looking up. "Either he's a one off, which I doubt, or most likely we only got sent one of the second design."
"Hmm." Jodie is thinking, as she gets up off the floor, brushing the dust from her knees. She happens to glance over at the table. "What the fuck?"
"What?" Melissa is getting up too, stretching. "Something wrong?"
"At what?"
"Not at me girl." Smiling, shaking her head. "At the table." So Melissa looks, following her friends pointed finger, and she sees. "Oh. How did....?"

The box is open, and empty, with no sign of the teddy. Both girls approach the table, looking around. "Anyone else here with you today?" Melissa shakes her head. "No. Nobody ever comes in before half eight." She checks her phone, it's ten past seven. "It's just you and me."
"And the teddy." Jodie giggles, nervous. "Where are you little Wizard?"
"Cut it out." Melissa rubs at her bare arms. "You're giving me goose bumps."
"It's just a teddy. A toy."
"A wizard teddy."
"That's not helping." Melissa scowls at her friend. "There's a simple explanation here."
"Sure there is." Jodie is close to giggling. "The teddy did a spell to free himself."
"Come on out Mr Teddy. Come and say hello."
"Stop it." Melissa swats at Jodie, who dances aside, clearly enjoying the game. "It's too dark in here." Melissa declares. "I'm going to turn on the rest of the lights." She turns around, and stops, a small yelp of surprise escaping her lips. "What is it? Did you find him?" Jodie is still smiling, until Melissa grabs her arm, yanking her around. "Oh." Is all Jodie can think of to say.

Teddy Wizard is stood about ten feet away, facing them both, wand gripped in his right hand. Both girls can see his paw bent around the small wooden shaft. His head is tilted upwards slightly, his gaze directly on them, red eyes glowing slightly in the semi darkness of the stockroom. "Um." Begins Jodie. "His eyes are glowing."
"Yes." Whispers Melissa, unable to look away from the teddy. "How is he out of his box?"
"Ask him." Jodie points, Melissa slaps her, not amused, but Jodie asks anyway. "Excuse us, Teddy...."
"Teddy Wizard."
"Right. Oops. Sorry. Excuse us, Teddy Wizard. Why are you out of your box?" In response, the teddy begins to walk towards them, it's small feet making a shuffling sound on the slightly dusty floor. "Fuck." Jodie, not laughing anymore, jumps. Melissa yelps, again, and both girls back up, trying to keep some distance between themselves and the advancing teddy.

They hit the post, one of two holding up a smaller second level, where the books are stored, and in their confusion and panic both girls believe they've backed into the wall, and have nowhere else to go, and so they stop trying to retreat, instead watching in mounting horror as Teddy Wizard continues his silent advance. "Fuck. Fuck." Shouts Melissa, pressing herself further into the wall, as though attempting to melt into it. "What the fuck is going on?" Echoes Jodie, confused, looking around for something, anything, to throw, but there's nothing even close. Then, as suddenly as his advance began, Teddy Wizard stops moving. "What now?" Whispers Jodie. "Did his batteries run out?"
"It doesn't take batteries. Oh crap it." Melissa curses, as the teddy raises it's wand, and with a little flourish points it at the girls. Twirling it in complex circles through the air, the wand spits a stream of white and red lightning, which strikes at Jodie and Melissa, fizzing as it does.

The two girls are pushed and forced onto opposite sides of the post, and bound in place with thin black ropes that knit themselves out of the air. Their ankles and knees are tied together, then wrapped securely to the post. Rope wraps above and below each girls chest, forcing Jodies tee against her flat chest, revealing her lack of bra, pushing her nipples up tight against the red fabric. For Melissa, the chest ropes squeeze her ample assets, making them appear even bigger if such a thing is possible. The chest ropes are also wrapped around the post. Each girls arms have been pulled behind them, either side of the post, and further back still, until they're tied off at the wrists against the belly of the other girl. The wrists, for good measure perhaps, have then been tied around the waist of the girl they're pressed up against. His spell complete, Teddy Wizard lowers his wand, and the lightning ceases. Both girls immediately begin to struggle, pulling at their bonds, wriggling breasts both large and small as they seek out any slack. Suddenly Jodie goes still. "What?" Whispers Melissa. "He's climbing up my leg. I can feel him."
"Oh God. Why?"
"I don't know, but I'm scared." To which Melissa has no answer. Jodie can indeed feel him, and soon see him, as Teddy Wizard, his wand now tucked into his belted waist, slowly scales up first her leg, and then her chest. He stops at her shoulder, and pulling out his wand he again gestures at the girls, there's more lightning, which this time results in thick black tape appearing, wrapped around each girls head, pinning hair to faces, and completely covering their mouths. Both girls begin to struggle again, now moaning too as they continue to ineffectively fight for freedom. Teddy Wizard seems not to notice though, as he first taps Jodie on the forehead, before climbing across to Melissa and tapping her too, just the once.

As each girl is tapped, she goes still, almost as though she's calm now, and has at least temporarily forgotten her predicament. Teddy Wizard climbs down Melissa, stopping when he reaches her breasts, like an explorer stood atop a plateau. A small claw extends out from his left paw as he bends down, raking it across Melissa's chest, where the pulled tight tee simply splits open, revealing a good amount of pale skinned cleavage almost spilling out of a white lace bra. Teddy Wizard prods at the fabric of the bra, lightly scratching at it, causing the nipple underneath to harden and press against the fabric, answering his summons. He nods once, satisfied, and continues his descent to the floor.

At eight fourty Melissa and Jodie are discovered by Eddie, the next worker to arrive. Both girls are still tightly trussed and gagged, neither is moving, appearing defeated, although Eddies appearance in the stockroom sets them off on another furious tugging and wriggling episode. The store stays closed for the morning, as the police are called, and both freed girls give statements. Neither can recall much about their ordeal, only that it was dark, and each remembers the colour red, though are unsure of its significance. A full stock and cash check reveals nothing missing, even Jodies truck is still intact, so with no visible crime aside from the tying up, which could be anything from attempted kidnapping to a game gone too far, the police have no leads, and there's no reason not to open Fluffys for the afternoon.

As the first customers walk in through the doors, as both Melissa and Jodie head home to start a weeks leave at full pay, one of the many items on the shelves at Fluffys Toy Warehouse is a brand new Teddy Wizard, standing in its box amongst a display of twenty nine others, with plain ocean blue clothes and blood red eyes.
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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic story. Please keep going
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Post by Solarbeast »

I am glad to see this direction you have decided to take with this amazing idea you came up with from the start. The start to what I assume will be an amazing story is so far amazing in of itself and I hope you decide to continue it when you can.
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Post by RopeBunny »


It's younger sister Ellie's birthday today, she'll be ten, so after finishing college Hayley drives her scuffed and scratched Saxo to Fluffys for a last minute present.

Walking the aisles she's not really paying attention, is instead daydreaming about her boyfriend Roman, as usual. At twenty four he's five years her senior. Roman plays midfield for the local league topping football team, the star multi million pound summer transfer from Europe. She's smitten, in love, as is just about every girl in the city. But it's Hayley Roman chose to court, it's her he drives to five star restaurants in his Lamborghini. He's coming to the party later, sensible food for the adults, party snacks and cans of pop for Ellie and her seven closest friends. It will only be the second time Roman has been to her house. Her parents are welcoming enough, but wary, no doubt waiting for what they believe to be the inevitable end once Romans head gets turned by any one of the hundreds of other girls literally flinging themselves at him daily. Hayley isn't stupid, she knows how slim the chances of this going the distance are, but whilst it lasts she's content to enjoy herself. To hang on and ride the whirlwind.

She picks up a Barbie mermaid playset, Ellie loves her dolls, hosting regular teaparties, but her mind is still wandering, trying to decide on the best outfit for later. Does she have time for a longer shower, to shave so she can wear a dress? She smiles, decided, and sets off back through the shop, towards the tills. Suddenly though, she stops, the lady following possibly too closely behind almost rear ends Hayley with her My Little Pony filled trolley. She curses under her breath, going around, but Hayley doesn't hear. Her eyes, usually a pale sky blue, have gone blood red. Letting go of Barbie, who clatters noisily to the floor, Hayley reaches forwards and down, with almost robot like movements, like a toy whose child is still learning to use the remote, and plucks a Teddy Wizard box from amongst the display. Turning, she resumes walking towards the till. She pays, handing over far too much money, then standing silently as the baffled shop assistant first tries to explain her error, before simply shaking his head and handing most of the wad of notes back to her as 'change'. Outside the store, stood in the car park, Hayleys eyes revert to normal. She looks around, unsure for a moment, feeling as though she's just lost a small chunk of time, but unable to explain the how or why. She looks down, surprised to find a red eyed blue robed teddy in her shopping bag. She looks over her shoulder, at the store, should she go back in and change it? "Nope." Hayley shakes her head. "It's time Barbie had some different company for tea." She continues towards her car.

Ellie loves it. Her parents hate it. Roman frowns, but passes no other comment, having bought his own modest gift. He cuts a fine figure, his dark skin and close cropped black hair, complete with trimmed beard, contrasting well with his choice of pale blue jeans and a fitted white shirt, worn untucked with the sleeves rolled up. Hayley, although it made her fashionably late arriving downstairs, leaving Roman to face her parents alone for a half hour, a task he handled well with his usual easy going nature, managed to squeeze in a proper shower, and grins at Romans appreciative nod as she enters the room. She's curvy, as is her Mum, as will Ellie be one day, but plenty of exercise helps her maintain the right kind of curves. She's kept the natural curls in her shoulder length brown hair today, and kept her outfit relatively simple. The dress is grey, like a Royal Navy battleship, with light and dark patches all over it in a camouflage pattern. A deep V in the front shows off plenty of cleavage, and the leg is diagonally slashed, coming down well below her knee on the left side, but sat daringly high up on the right. She kisses Roman, just a peck, and hugs Ellie, who huffs. "Finally. Can I open my presents now Mum?"
"Of course." Shaking her head, at both Ellies eagerness and Hayleys choice of outfit. "Come on."

Afterwards, for the next month, life continues as normal. Which means school, or college, or work. Hayley continues to date Roman, rumours and gossip linking him to just about every half famous girl in a hundred mile radius continue to swirl. Teddy Wizard becomes Ellies newest favourite toy, and is a regular inclusion to all her made up games. Sometimes as the evil villain, holding Barbie hostage in the top bedroom of her doll house, sometimes as the hero, casting spells to ward off some of Ellies other, more angry looking, cuddly toys. Life is good, until the day Ellies friend Zara shows her the picture.

It's on her phone, an across the street photo of a smiling Roman, with not Haley cuddled into him. The two of them are leaving a restaurant. It was taken yesterday, Zara tells Ellie, and the pretty girl on Romans arm is the pop star Carley Ray. Zara knows this for certain as only an hour before this she'd spotted Carley, not a local girl, out shopping, and had wandered over to politely ask if she could take a selfie with one of her favourite singers. Zara has the selfie, and shows it to Ellie. Having declared this news, Zara leaves, to go looking for other girls she can impress with her selfie.

Back home from school that evening, Ellie worries over what to do. Haley hasn't seen Roman for almost a week, but she's unsure why. She does know they haven't broken up though, as Haley is seeing him tomorrow, since Tuesday is no college day for her. But now, based on what she knows, it seems certain that Roman will break up with her sister tomorrow, leaving her upset, which Ellie doesn't want to happen. So what should she do? She calls a council meeting, arranging all of her teddies and animals, all of her dolls, into a big huddle on her floor. Then she sits down and tells them all about the problem, listening as her imagination conjures up questions and comments fired at her from various toys. She nods along to the more sensible ideas, and shakes her head at the suggestion she simply tell Hayley what she knows. She can't do that, she wouldn't know how. The only toy not to offer any opinion is Teddy Wizard. He sits silently throughout, near the back, his red eyes fixed forward, looking very thoughtful she thinks. Eventually, with no resolution in sight, her parents come to put her to bed, laughing when they see what she's done. They allow her to leave everything as it is, and with a kiss from each of them Ellie falls asleep.

She wakes up, still with no ideas, and worries her way through breakfast. She knows by the time she gets home from school Hayley will already be with Roman, being given the bad news, being cast aside for Carley Ray. She heads upstairs to fetch her bag. Hayleys door is still closed, her sister likely won't wake up until ten, so even if Ellie wanted to tell her she's lost that chance. In her room, she grabs her bag, and takes one final look around at the meeting she called last night, still in session. "Any solution yet?" She listens, but is met by only a silence both real and imagined. She shakes her head, then stops, suddenly looking back, did Teddy Wizards eyes just flash? Ellie stares at him, but nothing happens. She checks her phone, she'll be late if she doesn't get a move on.

The house falls silent, only a sleeping Haley left now. Only her, and the toys. In Ellies room, Teddy Wizard stands up, and stretches. Pulling his wand out, he looks at it, then tucks it back into his robes. He looks around at the assembled silent masses of Ellies toys, appearing to listen. He nods once, and walks out of the room.

Haley stretches a hand out from under the covers, shutting off her alarm, and opens one eye to peek at the clock, confirming it is indeed ten, which makes it less then two hours before she sees Roman. She retrieves her hand, and snuggles deeper into both the covers and her pillow, just five more minutes. She's looking forward to seeing him. It's been a week now, not her fault, or his really, football training has to take priority, she understands. He said yesterday, when he rang, that he'd take her out to lunch, then maybe for a drive to the coast, about an hour away, after. She stretches one more time, laid on her back, pointing her toes, wiggling all ten fingers. "Okay." She says aloud. "Enough." She tosses back the covers and climbs naked out of bed. It feels very liberating, to sleep with nothing on, and even after a couple of years it still feels slightly naughty. Hayley giggles, looking down at herself, and wanders out of her room, heading towards the shower.

Had she bothered to look left, or left and down to be specific, walking out of her room, instead of right, towards the bathroom, she'd of seen Teddy Wizard, stood in the corridor, wand in hand. Teddy watches her, from under the brim of his pointy blue hat, and once she's in the bathroom he walks into her room, to wait.

Hayley walks back into her room fifteen minutes later, teeth all brushed, hair combed through, smelling and feeling fresh. She tosses her damp towel onto the bed, and turns to her wall mounted full body mirror, something she always does before dressing for a special occasion, trying to picture what would look best rather then turf out her wardrobe and make a mess she'll be forced to tidy up afterwards. She twists slightly, then back, and stops. Wasn't there something just then, behind her on the floor? Hayley twists again, turning her body to the side, and sees it. Ellies new teddy, the wizard, is stood behind her, facing her, wand in hand, red eyes glowing dimly. "Well hello. How did you...." Hayley begins, turning fully around, before Teddy Wizard loops his wand around, drawing a circle in the air, then pointing it at her. "You can move?" Hayley asks, confused. Teddy tilts his head back, meeting her gaze, before pointing again with his wand, which this time emits a stream of lightning that fizzles and hisses with raw power as it snakes through the air between them.

Before she can react Hayley is struck in the waist by the wands glowing white discharge, which dances over her naked body, even as it forces her arms around behind her. Rope as black as night knits itself out of the lightning, around Hayleys wrists and elbows, binding them together in such a way that her elbows are stuck out away from her body, with her palms flat against her back, and her arms bent like wings. The rope also binds her wrists to her waist, holding her arms in place. "What the?" Hayley exclaims, twisting her head around, trying to see what's been done to her. But Teddy Wizard isn't finished yet. Pointing his wand down, he turns his attention to her legs. Out of the lightning comes more black rope, binding both her ankles and knees, hobbling her to the point that with a cursed "Oh crap." Hayley loses her balance, and falls over. Landing on her knees first, she manages to pivot to the side, and so avoids smacking her head on the floor, though the force of the impact still winds her. Recovering her breath Hayley feels her legs being bent up and around behind her, to a degree that her back is arching, thrusting her chest out as she lays helplessly. But instead of slackening off, her legs reach a point, and then stay there, as though tied in place behind her.

The lightning stops, and Hayley experimentally wriggles her bound body, seeking out some slack, but she can't find any. She shakes her head. "Did I really just get tied up naked by a teddy?" As if in answer, Teddy Wizard strolls into view, coming around from behind her. He stops, about a metre away, and it seems to Hayley as though he regards her, like a problem you're trying to figure out, head cocked to the side. "Well?" She finally asks, the whole weirdness of the situation is just too much for her to stay silent too. "What now?" In response, the teddy bends down, and picks up some black rope. Hayley hadn't noticed before, but this piece that her sisters teddy is currently wrapping around his paw runs back towards her, where it's tied around her neck in a noose. Without a word, Teddy Wizard turns his back to her, and sets off towards Ellies room, and after a moment Hayley feels the jerk at her neck as the noose tightens slightly when the slack runs out. Seeing what she has to do to avoid being choked Hayley sets off after Teddy Wizard, struggling and wriggling her hogtied way down the corridor, on both her side and back, she puffs and strains to keep up, rubbing her breasts across the carpet multiple times in her efforts to move her tightly bound body.

Into Ellies room the teddy leads her, and over to a huge gathering of toys, all arranged in a roughly circular huddle. The teddy keeps up his tugging of her lead, until she's struggled and slithered her way into the centre. Hayley stops, out of breath, panting, and watches as her noose rope simply vanishes, fading out of being as Teddy Wizard drops his end on the floor. She nods. "Cute trick. How about doing that with the rest of these?" She wriggles her bound body at him, for emphasis. But he shakes his head, and instead retrieves his wand from his robes. "Crap. What now little wizard? What more can you possibly need to do to me?" She struggles as she says this, pointlessly she knows, if all that wriggling along the corridor didn't loosen her ropes then nothing will, but Hayley is starting to feel slightly scared now. She feels very vulnerable, being completely naked and trussed up helplessly. And she has no clue what Teddy Wizards intentions are with her. But the teddy doesn't reply, only points his wand, and with a flourish he both blinds and gags her.

A thick black rubber like material grows quickly over Hayleys face, covering it completely. No eye or mouth holes, not even a zip, just two small circles for her nostrils, along with some very tightly crisscrossed and tied laces at the back, which seal her in. The mask is skintight, preventing Hayley from talking.

Far from making her panic more, the mask calms Hayley, almost like magic. She relaxes, going still, laying hogtied and naked surrounded by Ellies toys. Teddy Wizard watches her for a minute, to be certain all is as it should be, before making his way back to Hayleys room. He finds her phone, up on her dresser, and using his wand, proding and swiping at the screen carefully, he types out a message to Roman:
Know all about you and Carley. Don't come see me again. We're done.
He hits send, and then deletes Romans number from Hayleys phone, before returning to Ellies room, to wait.

Ellie comes home with her Mum, who finishes work and picks her up every day after school. Her Mum goes into the kitchen, and Ellie heads straight upstairs, as she always does. Walking into her room, she gasps at the sight awaiting her. Laying in the middle of her room is her sister Hayley, completely naked, and surrounded by all of her toys. It looks like she's sleeping, as she's laying slightly curled up on her side, hand tucked under her head. She looks over all of her toys, still arranged for the meeting she called last night. "You did it." Ellie beams at them all, before her smile falters briefly, sure she just saw Teddy Wizard give a brief nod, out the corner of her eye. Hayley stirs, waking up, looking at her sister. "Ellie?"
"Hi sis." They smile at each other. "You okay?"
"I guess." Hayley stretches, sitting up. "What time is it?"
"How did you get in my room?" Ellie, like all children, firmly believes in magic and wonder, and is therefore convinced her toys came through for her. But she asks anyway, curious. Hayley looks puzzled, then thoughtful, before shaking her head. "I don't know. Better get dressed though huh, before Mum sees me naked in your room and freaks." Both girls giggle.

Back in her room, getting dressed in a pair of loose grey drawstring trousers and an oversize black horror themed tee, Hayley puzzles over several scratches she finds on her left breast. On closer inspection a chill sweat breaks out all over her, as she realises the scratches are in the formation of a completed game of tic tac toe, with a line through the winning three X's.
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Post by Solarbeast »

That was a great chapter and interesting to read about how Hayley wasn't as mad or bothered about the situation as I thought she would be before Teddy Wizard did his magic hypnosis/ calm down spell on her. I wonder what will happen in the next chapters of the amazing stories of Teddy Wizard.
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Post by RopeBunny »

A Nighttime Walk.

During the school week Ellie has to be in bed by nine, no exceptions. In the quiet of her room Teddy Wizard stirs, his eyes beginning to glow faintly red. He looks over, from his place on the floor in amongst a roughly made pile of other cuddly toys, and nods once upon seeing Ellie asleep. Satisfied. He stands up, causing a partial landslide, and walks forwards, pushing his way past a small pink rabbit, then between a green diplodocus and a black orca, and is free. At the door, luckily left slightly open, Ellies parents will close it when they come up later but until then the soft light and muted noises from below calm her, Teddy Wizard takes a look around the room, like saying goodbye, before slipping out into the corridor.

The house is silent too, and dark, in echo of Ellies room, with only the faint murmor of the downstairs television providing any signs of life. Hayley and her Mum are out for the evening, having some mother daughter girl bonding time at the local cinema, with a pub dinner beforehand.

At the top of the stairs, looking down, Teddy Wizard senses movement off to the side. He turns, and looks, to find the family cat, a sleek Siamese with brown ears called Major Major, a joke from one of Dads favourite books apparently, approaching. Major Major sniffs at Teddy Wizard, making purring noises deep in his throat, but Teddy pushes him gently yet firmly back, needing to keep moving. The purr turns into a low growl. Teddy locks eyes with the cat, staring deeply, his red glow briefly intensifying. Major Major gives a sudden yelp, followed by a hiss, as he bolts back down the corridor and into the safety of Hayleys room, clearly spooked by whatever he saw waiting for him in Teddys blank gaze.

Hopping carefully down the stairs, one at a time, making no sound as his light frame hits each carpeted step, Teddy is soon at the bottom, with the kitchen to his left and the television lit lounge to his right. He has only to turn left, then left again, and the front door will be before him, and with it his escape. Unfortunately for Teddy though at that point an advert break starts, which Ellies Dad decides is the perfect time for a snack run.

Dressed casually in knee length blue football shorts and a white tee he comes around the corner, close cropped blonde hair and clean shaven, a skinny well muscled frame. He surely would've kicked Teddy, save for his cat honed spacial awareness of objects on the floor in his path, instead he stops, and seeing his daughters toy wizard on the floor he bends down, picking it up with the intention of placing it on the table to return to her later or tomorrow. "What are you doing here?" He remarks to himself, scratching his chin. "Let's put you someplace safe little wizard." At which point Teddy Wizard shakes his head, his eyes returning to glowing red having almost completely dimmed when the Dad came into view. "Shit." Exclaims the Dad, almost dropping Teddy on the floor. "How do you turn this thing off?" He lifts Teddy up, turning him to peer at his robed back, looking for the battery compartment or a switch, but finding neither he turns Teddy back around to face him, only to find Teddy has pulled out his wand, and is now pointing it in the Dads face. Teddy Wizard shakes his small wooden wand, causing white and pink lighting to cascade out, hissing and spitting all over the Dad, who suddenly finds himself being covered in a thick tape like cocoon. He lets go of Teddy as his arms are forced to his sides by the wrapping and constricting substance appearing from the lightning to bind him, but instead of falling Teddy Wizard seems to hang in the air, before floating slowly to the ground just as the Dad collapses backwards, ending up halfway into the lounge. He's now covered in the tape cocoon, like a living mummy, arms by his sides and legs together. The only parts of him left uncovered are his eyes and nose. The wrapping is tight, pressing into every part of him, with little or no give. Immediately he starts struggling, wriggling around, trying as much as anything to get a good look at his daughters teddy, trying to understand what just happened. But by the time he manoeuvres himself around, Teddy Wizard is gone.

An hour later, about twenty minutes before Hayley and his wife are due home, the tape simply crumbles into dust, falling off him and vanishing, as though it was never there.

Teddy only has little legs, so walking long distances is hard. Two streets away from Ellies house though, stood in the shadow of a beech hedge, he spies a double decker bus approaching up the deserted road. The buses turn signal flicks on, blinking orange, and it starts to slow. Teddy Wizard looks right, discovering an empty bus stop close by. As the bus pulls to a stop at the curb he makes a break for it, running out from cover. His boarding at the open door is camouflaged by a half dozen teenage boys disembarking, talking loudly amongst themselves about the video game all nighter they're about to pull. He finds the stairs, and pulls himself up them as the buses engine roars back into life, continuing along it's circular route.

The top deck appears deserted, so Teddy Wizard climbs up onto one of the metal framed fabric seats. Standing, perched on a raised seat back, he can just about see through one of the side windows. He does this for awhile, watching the flow of traffic and people go by, possibly considering his next move. Then, at one stop, the sudden heavy clomp of booted feet on the buses narrow stairs sounds. Someone is coming.

It's a girl Teddy sees, having dropped quickly down off the seat, to hide underneath and observe. Pale skinned, in her early twenties, a slim girl but with a slight belly from one too many chocolate bars and pizzas. Her blonde hair is streaked through with pink and blue, and piled on top of her head before tumbling down one side. She's wearing an unzipped black hoodie, with a tight fitting strappy black top on underneath that her large bust is nearly spilling out of. A tiny red and green tartan skirt sits on her waist, barely covering a mostly exposed butt, with just a tiny red thong for modesty. Thigh high black and white striped socks are tucked into chunky knee high black gothic boots, the kind with thick straps and laces all the way up the leg and huge soles. Her ears are pierced with huge silver hoops, and a pirate flag tattoo covers her right shoulder. At the top of the stairs she looks around drunkenly, fails to spot Teddy Wizard, and clomps her way to the back seat. Dropping down, legs spread wide open in what must be a defiant two fingered gesture to modesty, she tips her head back against the rear window, and closes her eyes. Within two minutes she's begun snoring.

Teddy approaches her slowly, moving from the cover provided underneath one seat to the next, watching the sleeping girl for any change as he does. But she continues snoring, her only movement being a brief spasm in her left leg, which jiggles up and down for a moment, and slaps closed against the right, before falling back open again. Finally, stood at her feet, he looks up, climbs onto her right boot, then uses the numerous buckles to hoist himself onto the seat, ending up stood between her spread legs.

Her legs are wide enough apart, and her skirt short enough, that it's rode all the way up to her waist, leaving her tiny thong completely on display. Teddy walks forward a couple of paces, and taking out his wand he prods at her, poking at the slit made clearly visible by her tight underwear. The sleeping girl moans, not unhappily, and shifts slightly, if anything spreading herself wider still. Teddy pokes again, and receives the same response. He shakes his head, and draws an X in the air over the front of her thong, before stabbing his wand forwards, once more into the slit. The result is instant. His wand emits a puff of pink smoke, which temporarily covers her crotch area. The smoke clears itself away within seconds, almost as though it's sucked back into itself, and in its place is a tight crotch rope, tied in hot pink rope. Only one rope runs between her legs, in the centre, with a small knot pressed firmly into her slit and then disappearing up behind her, wedged into her butt crack. The waist part sits high, squeezing at her stomach, over the top of her small skirt. All of this, and still the sleeping girl doesnt stir. Teddy Wizard shakes his head again, despairing of her perhaps, before continuing.

Clambering over her right leg, he takes hold of her hand, and drags her down so she slumps onto the seat. With a surprising display of strength Teddy manhandles the sleeping girl, so that she ends up laying down, on her back, across the five joined together back seats of the buses top deck. He positions her arms above her, reaching towards the wall on one side, with her legs pointed straight towards the other wall. Hopping down onto the floor, standing underneath the back seats, Teddy Wizard again takes hold of his wand. Starting at one end, pointing up towards her wrists, he runs the length of her, twirling his wand as he does, finishing under her ankles. As he runs, his wand spews out more hot pink coloured rope, looking almost like a streamer. The rope pushes through the gap between seat and bus, and wraps itself around her wrists, pulling them tightly together, at the other end it does the same, securing her ankles. The single piece of rope then appears to constrict, taking up it's own slack, pulling the still sleeping girl taught almost as though she were a torture victim on a medieval rack. Teddy climbs back onto the seat again, to check his work, his eye catching on something as he looks the girl over.

He wanders up onto her stomach, pulling her top down for a better look, and as both her breasts pop free, bouncing slightly as they do, Teddy spies what he only caught the hinted at shape of a moment ago. Both of her nipples are pierced, a silver hoop in each one. Taking out his wand, one last time, he gestures at each, before drawing a big floor to ceiling circle. There's a flash of light, bright enough to make a late night dog walker briefly look up from the poop he's bagging, and a small popping sound. A dull silver chain now joins the nipple rings together, except it runs from one ring upwards, looping through a ceiling handhold directly above, before returning down to the other nipple. The chain is pulled tight, enough that each large breast is now tugged and stretched, with no more give. And still the girl sleeps, snoring gently. As a final punishment, as the bus comes to what must be it's final stop at the station, confirmed when with a bus shaking judder the engine stops, followed by the jangle and hiss sound of the driver collecting up his money and then leaving, Teddy points the wand at her mouth, and with a stabbing motion he gags her. A large black ball, fitting given how much black she already has on, appears, tightly strapped in place. He prods at her one final time, at one stretched tight breast, perhaps daring her to wake up now and see who has placed her in such a state, but instead she only moans, again, staying in dreamland. She almost appears to be into the pain, maybe enjoying the tight rope pushing into her crotch, liking the feel of her taut nipples.

Teddy Wizard leaves her there, abandoning her for the night cleaners to find, or the next driver, or even a passenger at some point on the buses next route. Regardless, she's someone else's concern now, to either rescue or enjoy, depending on how chivalrous or naughty they feel. He jumps off the bus, down onto the curb. Looks left and right, spots something of interest, and walks off left.

The bus station is situated on one corner of the central shopping centre, with a scattering of late night pubs and clubs branching off up one of the roads leading away from both. It's the noise and lights spilling from one particular building that has attracted Teddys attention. Called Utopia, the resident DJ at this particular club, Big Chris, leans towards the harder faster side of the scene, it isn't a place for slow dancing or being heard at anything below a scream. It's kicking out time, with a steady flow of people walking out of the open double doors accompanied by the sounds of the final few night ending finale tunes. Teddy stands under a nearby tree, watching, unnoticed, until a group of four girls happens to pass closer to his spot then anyone else, and one of them, slightly drunk, spots him.

"Look at the little wizard teddy." She exclaims, doing little jumps, and pointing at him, clearly happy. "What?" One of the others, clearly in a worse state, looking everywhere but under the tree. "Right there." Still pointing. She squats down, in her little black dress with its plunging neckline, giving Teddy an eyeful of cleavage, and her heels, a variation of which is the outfit of choice all four girls are wearing tonight, and gestures at Teddy, beckoning. "Come on out little Teddy Wizard."
"Come on Kayleigh." Pleads one of her friends. "I'm hungry. Let's go get a kebab before the night bus leaves."
"Come on." One of the others, the one not completely wasted, joins in. "It's not a dog. It won't come to you."
"Shh." Kayleigh, waves a hand back at them. "Just hold on." Then, returning her attention to Teddy. "Come on out little man. Want to be friends?"
"Just...." But whatever her friend was about to say dies on her lips, as Teddy Wizard wanders out from under the tree. Kayleigh grins. "Hello there." And whilst her friends all stare open mouthed she extends a hand, which Teddy Wizard shakes.

"Can we go home now then? Come on." Kayleigh turns, to find one of her friends stamping their feet, impatient. She shakes her head, grimacing. "Just go already Gemma." She stops, thinks. "Better yet, go find Charlie, back in the club. Get laid. You're always less of a bitch when you're getting some." Gemmas mouth drops open, again, whilst the other two girls break out in a fit of giggles. One of them pipes up. "Kayleighs right Gem, don't scowl, you're always wound too tight. Go find Charlie, she's over there somewhere." Gesturing back at the doors. "Go get yourself seen to."
"No." Gemma, getting mad now as all three of the other girls are either smiling or full on giggling, whilst Teddy looks on impassively. "I've only just gotten her to leave me alone, she's obsessed, you know that. Just. Can we go. Please?"
"Sorry Mr Teddy." Kayleigh, still hunkered down. "Guess it's time to go." But Teddy Wizard holds up a hand, just as she's rising, so she stops, looks at him again. "What's up Teddy, can you help me?" Teddy nods, and walks around her, to confront Gemma, pulling out his wand as he does.

"What's this then?" Gemma, taking a step back, unsure now. Teddy waves his wand, gesturing first at Gemma, and then at the tree all five of them are still stood beside and around. White lightning fizzles from his wand, temporarily lighting up the night, causing at least some of the departing clubbers to stop and stare. The lightning engulfs Gemma, seeming to wrap around her arms and neck. Then, just as suddenly as it began, it's all over, and Teddy stows his wand. The girls stare. Kayleigh laughs, the other two put hands to mouths in shock. Dirty white rope has appeared, binding Gemmas wrists and elbows tightly behind her. Whilst more rope forms a noose around her neck, the other end of which is tied around the tree trunk, at a height easy enough for anyone to reach, but impossible to grasp or undo for Gemma. A bright pink scarf completes her look, knotted and tied over her mouth, gagging her. As the girls watch, Gemma begins to struggle, wriggling her arms, trying to find some slack, and tugging experimentally at her neck rope. She seems to be stuck though. She turns around, turning pleading eyes on the other three, moaning as best she can. It sounds as though she's begging them to free her. But Kayleigh shakes her head. "Not tonight Gemma. You were rude to Teddy Wizard, so you can stay there."
"Goodnight Gemma." Says the other, semi sober, girl. "I'll ring you tomorrow." The drunk one of their group simply waves, smiling. Gemma looks at Kayleigh still, as she picks up Teddy, placing him on her shoulder. She's shaking her head, still moaning, still begging. Kayleigh looks up, looks over Gemmas shoulder, back towards the club. Her face brightens. " It's okay Gem, I can see Charlie." Kayleigh waves, and Gemma turns around to see that, yes, it is Charlie. A big girl, squeezed into tight white jeans and black boots, with a dark blue top hugging her huge breasts. Charlie waves back, heading over. "Okay then Gem." Says Kayleigh. "I'm sure Charlie will take good care of you. She likes you all tied up, right, you told us that once?" She smiles, as Gemma huffs, finally admitting defeat, accepting her fate as Charlie's bound plaything. The three girls, plus Teddy Wizard, wander off in search of that kebab.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayleigh. The morning after.

Kayleigh wakes up with a groan, throwing up a hand to cover her face. But it's no good. Having been too drunk last night, not only has she fallen asleep still in her clubbing dress, but she forgot to close the curtains, and morning light is now spilling through into her room. She groans again. "Okay, okay. I'm up. Happy now." Sitting up, opening her eyes, she looks down beside her, finding Teddy Wizard leaning against a pillow on the other side of the bed.

She gives a start, as memory comes suddenly flooding in, and almost throws herself out of the bed. But looking at him, just sat there, was it even all true? "Are you real?" She asks, bending forwards to peer closer. Teddy doesn't move, or answer her back, so she shrugs. "Fair enough. Well, Mr Teddy Wizard, you're welcome to stay anyway." She gets up, having just smelt the toast and bacon wafting it's way up from the kitchen, continuing to talk to the teddy, mock seriously, as she gets changed. "Just remember Mr Wizard, rent is due on the tenth, and no female overnight visitors without prior agreement from me, or males if that's your thing?" She giggles, shaking her head. Dressed in loose pale red drawstring trousers and a faded white baggy Super Mario tee, with no underwear and her hair tied loosely back, she goes in search of breakfast, and the other girls.

She lives in a two bed rental, close to town. Alison, Gemma and Lucy, her usual clubbing buddies, who all live several miles away, usually crash at hers, in the spare room or on the sofa, after a night out.

She walks to the bathroom first, needing to splash some water on her face, and brush her teeth. Coming out, heading for the stairs, she finds the spare room door standing open, and can't stop herself from having a curious peek around the frame, having remembered the state Gemma ended up in last night, though still unsure exactly how it happened. She looks in, finding the room still dark, with only a dim light spilling around the edges of still closed curtains. Sure enough, it appears as though Charlie came back here too, and hasn't left yet. Gemma is laid out on the metal framed double bed she keeps in there, her skinny small breasted naked body stretched out tight in an X shape on the thin mattress. Kayleigh can see the taughtness in Gemmas arm and leg muscles, can just about make out how tight her stomach has been pulled. A pillowcase has been pulled loosely over Gemmas head, to blind her, but Kayleigh knows from a past conversation with Charlie, the bigger girl for reasons unknown at the time enjoying talking Kayleigh through how exactly she chooses to bind Gemma up, that some form of mouth filling gag will be underneath that improvised hood, stuffed and sealed in tight. Squinting, Kayleigh can just about make out the rest of the detail. Wooden clothes pegs pinch Gemmas nipples, and some kind of vibrator sits between her legs, shaped like a long cylinder with a bulbous head it looks to be strapped to one of Gemmas legs, held up against her. Kayleigh can't hear the telltale buzz, so it must currently be off, only the feel of it pressed into her slit to tease.

"Morning Kayleigh, see anything you like?" The voice, coming from directly behind, startles Kayleigh, and she jumps, stepping back and turning, finding Charlie standing in the corridor, an evil grin on her face. The bigger girl still has her white jeans on from last night, stomach spilling slightly over the waist, but up top she's wearing only Gemmas grey hoodie. With no chance of ever being able to zip it closed over her larger and much bustier frame Charlie has left it open, leaving her big breasts clearly visible in the gap. "Morning Charlie." Kayleigh recovers herself. "You know you can't stay here all day right?"
"Sure." Charlie waves her comment away, like an annoying fly. "But you didn't answer my question."
"What question?"
"Do you see anything you like?" Charlie jerks her head into the room, at Gemmas spread and trussed form, still smiling. Kayleigh shakes her head. "You know I'm not into all that tie up stuff."
"Is Gemma even into it?" Kayleigh asks, gesturing at her friends hooded face. "Did you even ask her first?"
"She's happy. Trust me."
"Sure." Charlie looks Kayleigh up and down, then, taking one of her hands, her smile widening like a shark scenting easy prey, Charlie steps to the door, tugging Kayleigh with her. Her voice drops, becoming sweeter. "Want me to show you?"
"Show me?" Charlies voice is almost trance like, as Kayleigh steps into the room, over the threshold. "I've still got some cuffs left in my bag." Says Charlie, her voice hardening. "You just wait here pretty Kayleigh, and I'll make some room for you on the bed next to Gemma." But as she lets go, it's as though the spell is broken. Kayleigh shakes herself, and looks around, stepping back when she realises she's in the room. "No." She says, shaking her head. "Not today Charlie."
"Not today?" Charlie is still grinning her sharks grin. "Not any day." Kayleigh tells her. "You can't force me."
"No. There are rules."
"Are there? Maybe one day I'll just take you by force, and we'll see how those rules hold up then shall we?" Kayleigh looks at Charlie, taking in the other girls bulk, knowing some of it to be muscle, Charlie has been a regular at the local martial arts centre since she was thirteen, and despite her bulk she trains just as hard as any of the male members. She shivers. "Just remember you can't stay here. Okay."
"Okay." But as Kayleigh turns to leave, she can see Charlie still smiling, eyeing her up like an easy meal, before returning her attention to Gemma.

She eats breakfast with the other two girls, talking girl stuff mostly, with kids cartoons on Kayleighs large flatscreen to drown out the noise from upstairs. An hour later Charlie leaves, clomping down the stairs fully dressed, she eyes up Kayleigh one final time, stood wordlessly in the doorway. Charlie smiles, Kayleigh shakes her head silently back, a denial that she'll ever be the bigger girls plaything. Charlie's smile stretches wider, sensing the hunt beginning, and she waves, before leaving. A half hour later Gemma appears, also dressed, to much teasing from Lucy and Alison, who unlike Kayleigh didn't see exactly what state Charlie was keeping her, about what she's been up to all morning. Gemma smiles, brushing the harmless comments away, and all four girls chat for an hour more, before Alison drives Lucy and Gemma home. Leaving Kayleigh in peace.

A half hour later, with the spare room bed stripped of its sheet, and the house mostly cleaned, Kayleigh turns around from the last of the washing up to find Teddy Wizard standing in the doorway, looking up at her. She smiles down at him. "Well hello there. I knew I wasn't crazy, last night was real after all right?" Teddy nods. "So why were you pretending earlier?" She thinks. "Didn't you want the other girls to know about you?" Teddy nods again. "Okay. Well, that's fine. Come and sit with me?" Kayleigh is walking through to the lounge as she says this. She looks back, seeing Teddy Wizard following, his little legs shuffling on her tiled kitchen floor. She sits down on the armchair, and waits for Teddy to haul himself up onto the three seater sofa. "So." Looking at him. "Can you talk?" He stares back at her. "Okay, maybe not then. That's fine. Is there someplace you need to be? I don't drive, but I can help you take the bus, or a train, or whatever." Teddy shakes his head. Kayleigh thinks. "Do you want to stay here, with me?" There's a pause, and then Teddy nods. Kayleigh smiles. "Great. Well, do you sleep? Doesn't matter. Anything you need, at any point, just come wave in my face, and we'll figure it out. Right?" Teddy nods again, and points at the dark television screen. "Sure, why not." Says Kayleigh. She sits back, turning her flat screen back on, catching the end of the weather.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayleigh. The boss.

For awhile, things run smoothly. Kayleigh works between four and six days a week as a writer for a magazine aimed at fans of the horror and sci-fi genres, chasing stories, writing up articles and researching features for the new issue each month. Teddy Wizard, for the most part, is like a lodger who lives rent free but also doesn't eat. He sleeps, she thinks, in the spare room. If not actual sleep then it's the spare room he retires to every night, and the spare room is where he emerges from each morning, usually whilst she's eating breakfast. He goes out, though Kayleigh never knows exactly where, and despite her attempts Teddy Wizard has still to say a single word to her. But she knows he doesn't stay indoors, as one wet Thursday she found him walking rain soaked and dripping back up her garden path as she returned from work. They binge watch lots of boxsets together, and she's taught him poker, giggling as she explained the strip variation, trying to imagine playing that against a teddy, and one who can't strip too.

For a month things run smoothly, maybe fourty days, and then Kayleigh gets sacked.

The latest issue of the magazine is released, with one rather unfortunate problem. Kayleighs boss, a cocky loud spoken teenager called Laura, gifted the editors job by her publishing house owner Daddy, always writes a forward on the first page, something short but relevant. This time though, her couple of paragraphs on the history of the Phantom of the Paris opera are proved to be so much unresearched rubbish by Kayleighs far more in depth article on pages sixty to sixty eight, in which she delves into the complete timeline of this horror classic and the famous building it's so closely tied to. It's Laura who signs issues off as complete, mostly without fully checking for such rookie errors, but until now she's been lucky.

So the magazine hits the shelves. Daddy receives a call from an upset advertiser, threatening to pull his companies rather lucrative exclusive contract with the magazine. So Daddy shouts down the phone at Laura. And Laura, passing the buck, shouts at and sacks Kayleigh. No doubt such a thing could be overturned, especially given it's not even her fault, and Kayleigh is very well liked among the readers. But events soon to play out will prevent any chance of this.

Kayleigh slams the door, halfway between upset and mad, and stalks to her room, where she proceeds to spend ten minutes screaming and throwing her stuff around, letting off steam. By the time Teddy Wizard has climbed off the sofa and shuffled to her room, hoisted himself up on the bed and sat down beside her head, she's worn herself out, and is flopped face down on the bed, now mostly just upset. Teddy leans over, stroking her hair gently. "Thanks." Says Kayleigh, turning on her side to face him. "I'm sorry Mr Teddy, something bad happened today, and now I don't know what to do." Teddy only looks at her, silent as always. So Kayleigh sniffs, and tells him everything that happened. Finishing her tale she's exhausted, so with Teddy still on the pillow she strips off and gets under the covers, falling asleep within minutes.

In the darkness of Kayleigh room, Teddy sits, his face turned to the sleeping girl who gives him shelter without asking for anything in return. His eyes come alight, a dull red glow lighting the area around him. He stands, and nods once to her sleeping back, before walking to the edge of the bed and jumping down. Ten minutes later the sound of the front door closing can be dimly heard, but Kayleigh never stirs.

Blinding light wakes Kayleigh, like a silent indoor thunderstorm localised in her bedroom. The glow of her alarm clock says it's just after midnight. She sits up in bed, the thin sheet falling off her naked body as she does, and stares at the corner, where a white ball is starting to form. It's glowing softly, but pulsing blinding white light at intervals that are steadily increasing. White and pink lightning snakes and climbs all over this ball. As Kayleigh looks on, the pulsing intensifies, until for one brief moment the whole ball is nothing except white, forcing her to shut her eyes. Through her lids she sees her room dim, so taking the risk Kayleigh looks, and discovers she has a visitor.

Where the ball was moments ago Kayleighs boss now lays on the floor, in probably the most severe piece of ropework Kayleigh could imagine, were she asked. Her boss, blonde like Kayleigh, but dyed that way, with streaks of white added at the front. She's slim too, and toned, with perfectly proportioned breasts that always seem to be pointing right at you when you talk to her. She still has her white long sleeved shirt on, with the sleeves rolled up, and her black tie loosely tied. It's the top half of the outfit she wore into work today, trying to look professional whilst she sacked Kayleigh. The bottom half is gone though, somewhere, and Laura is naked. She's been tied with dirty white rope. Quite tightly too. Her wrists and elbows are tied behind her, with her wrists tied to a crotch rope that digs deep between Lauras legs. Her breasts, pulled free of her bra and exposed because her shirt has been undone most of the way, only the tie at the neck and the last two buttons to keep it on, have been wrapped top bottom and around in a tight squeezing harness. Lauras legs have been tied up seperately, bent like a frogs, causing them to spread wide apart, and giving anyone who cared to look a perfect view of her exposed pussy. A large black ball gag harness is strapped onto her face, the black leather crisscrossing her tanned skin, the black ball at odds to the hot pink coated lips that frame it. Over her eyes a scarf has been tied, something thick and wool, and grey. As Kayleigh watches, Laura begins to squirm, crying out what might be a plea for release, or just trying to voice her discomfort, the gag makes it hard to tell.

Kayleigh is still staring, a moment later, trying to take it all in, when around from behind Laura Teddy Wizard shuffles. He stops, and after patting Laura's naked butt, which sends her into fresh spasms of activity, Teddy looks up at Kayleigh.

Laura's ears are uncovered, so she'll hear things, things she could possibly use to pinpoint her location, and land Kayleigh in even deeper trouble. So she gets up off the bed, and steps quietly out of her room, gesturing Teddy to follow, which he does. She goes to his room, and sitting down on the bed waits for him to climb up beside her before speaking in a whisper. "Well. I certainly wasn't expecting that. I know you can't talk, so I'll try to make this work. Did you bring my boss here for me?"
A nod.
"Right. Well. Thank you I guess. But. I'm afraid tying her up and offering her up to me won't get me my job back. You know that, right?"
A shake.
"No. Of course you don't. You're only a teddy."
A nod. Kayleigh laughs despite herself. "That wasn't a question, silly Mr Wizard." She smiles as she says this, to take the sting from the words. "You've got to take her back, and untie her. Can you do that?"
A pause, and then a nod.
"Good." She bends down, kissing Teddy Wizard on the nose. "I really am grateful that you tried. And it was a very thoughtful gift, which I'd love to enjoy given what she did to me earlier. But we have laws, and I don't fancy going to prison just yet. So. You go take her home for me, and when you come back we'll watch a movie. Your choice." She smiles again, happier. "Okay?"
A nod. And then Teddy Wizard climbs back down, and shuffles from the room. Kayleigh watches him go, seeing the corridor light up like a storm all over again moments later, as Teddy and Laura leave. She gets up off the bed, and heads still naked to the bathroom for a shower, before he returns.
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Post by Solarbeast »

This continues to be another one of my favorites on this site. I can't wait to read about the continued adventures of Mr. Teddy Wzard.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayleigh and Charlie, part 1.

It's a week later, and Kayleigh is still depressed, down, moping about, making almost zero effort at life. Another day, even just a couple more hours, and things about to happen would've played out differently. Unfortunately for her though, Charlie chose today, now, to make her move.

It's around ten on a Tuesday morning. Kayleigh, groggy from staying up far too late the night before watching live WWE, is just waking up. She fell asleep in the most unladylike of poses, sprawled on the centre of her sofa, legs spread wide, arms resting on cushions out to either side of her, head fallen back onto the padded back, dressing gown hanging open over nothing else, everything on display. She sits up now, giving her head a little shake, and running fingers through her slightly greasy blonde hair, must shower today, trying to place what woke her, aside from possibly hunger. "Mr Wizard?" She calls out, listening, but no sound comes back, he's likely already out for the day. So what was it? As if on cue, her doorbell sounds, three times in quick, almost impatient, succession. Kayleigh looks towards her door, huffs, and gets up. She takes one step towards the door, then stops, aware of how she looks. "One moment please." She shouts, heading instead for the bathroom.

She runs the tap, quickly brushing teeth and tying her hair back, aiming to look at least halfway presentable, and not like the smelly girl she suddenly feels like. Splashing water on her face Kayleigh resolves to make an effort, to shower and dress, to eat a good healthy meal, to actually leave the house in search of work. Just as soon as she's dealt with whoever's at the door. She smiles at her reflection, decided, and goes to find out who it is, completely forgetting to tie her robe closed first.

She opens the door with a smile. "Hi, can I he...." the rest of the sentence drys up in her throat, her mouth closes, setting into a puzzled slight frown. Charlie is there, stood on the step, a mere couple of feet away, a small dangerous smile on her black painted lips. She's wearing a long light blue fur lined coat, hood up, and open to reveal the quite scary outfit beneath. She's dressed completely in shiny black tight latex, her whole outfit hugging her large very chubby yet very muscular frame. Thigh high boots, with no heel but big goth style chunky soles, are laced up all down the front. Black gloves cover each hand. A black under bust corset, belted in four places at the front, does it's best to cinch in her belly fat, giving her a curvy profile. Above this her cat suit is unzipped very low, showing off cleavage for days as her large breasts attempt to spill out and over the top of the corset. "Kayleigh." Says Charlie, her smile widening as she takes in Kayleighs open robe. "What a nice welcome."
"Charlie." Kayleigh takes a step back, almost in shock. "What are you doing here? What are you wearing?"
"I'm here to collect you." Charlie steps forwards, in time with Kayleighs backstep, entering the house. Kayleigh backs up again, unsure of herself, slightly scared, and again Charlie matches her, now all the way inside, reaching backwards with one foot to push the door closed behind her. "I told you one day I'd simply take you by force. Didn't I."
"Did you?" Confused, only just now realising her robe is unbelted, Kayleigh flushes with embarrassment, reaching down to close it. But Charlie is fast. "No." She barks, almost a command, and reaching forwards Charlie grabs Kayleighs robe by the collar and yanks, pulling it off her in several jerking movements, leaving Kayleigh stood naked, mouth open in shock.

"What are you?.... Give that back." Kayleigh tries to sound angry, but instead comes across as worried, almost frightened, her voice small. Charlie only shakes her head, still smiling. "I don't think so. No clothes for you girl. Now. Stand still." This last, almost shouted, another command. And stunned, Kayleighs body and mind obeys, pinning her to the spot as Charlie reaches into her coat, pulling a pair of heavy metal cuffs from a hidden pocket, before clicking them shut around Kaylieghs wrists. Kayleigh looks down, still not really comprehending, her mind still trailing three steps behind in the game Charlie's playing. She looks up, just in time to receive the harness Charlie shoves onto her face.

The ball is large, and red, it fills Kayleighs mouth, cutting off whatever half formed protest she'd been forming. Wide black leather straps, with full silver buckles, attach the gag to her head from several angles. Charlie works fast, with little regard to how much she's jerking Kayleighs head around as she fastens her in, pulling everything tight.

Whilst Kayleigh begins to moan, holding her cuffed hands up to her face, turning them around, trying to make sense of things, Charlie takes the opportunity to attach a second pair of heavy cuffs to Kayleighs ankles. Finished, she stands back up, putting herself inches away from Kayleigh, right in her face. "You're mine now." Charlie says, grinning, grabbing one of Kayleighs nipples and twisting it hard, making her point. Kayleigh screams through the gag, trying to pull away, but Charlie holds tight, yanking harder, forcing Kayleigh to stop attempting to pull away. "Good girl." She says, as Kayleigh stands whimpering, having mostly surrendered now to her apparent new Mistress.

Five minutes later, having led Kayleigh on a hopping tour of her house, to collect keys and her phone, Charlie opens the front door. She looks left, and right, nodding to herself as she sees nobody. "Come on then." She says over her shoulder, tugging on the black dog lead she holds for emphasis. Kayleigh hops out of the front door behind her, looking almost comical, and certainly not normal. She has to hop, as her cuffed ankles prevent her walking. Her cuffed wrists are held down at her waist, and her tied back hair has come slightly apart, spilling and falling through all of the gaps in her gag harness. The leash is attached to a black collar, with 'bitch #2' engraved onto a metal plate attached to the leather. Her large bust bounces with each jump. But she's silent, mostly, beaten and subdued, humiliated and overpowered. Seeing no easy way out. Charlie pulls the door closed, and then, setting a brisk pace, leads Kayleigh down across the front lawn to her waiting van.

It's a large white Transit, Charlie is a freelance courier driver, with black flames airbrushed down each side and chunky fat tyres on the back. Opening the back doors Charlie picks her captive up, dumping her onto the slightly dirty carpeted floor, before climbing in herself, shutting and locking the doors from the inside. She pulls Kayleigh into the middle of the van, positioning her so she lays lengthways, her head towards the vans front seats. Because this van is Charlies own, she's had the interior modified, to aid her in moments such as these. Gemma would know what's coming next, having spent a whole day in the van, in a similar state before, whilst Charlie drove around, delivering packages. Several hanging eyes protrude from the ceiling, chains are hanging from two of them, attached to pulley systems. Charlie uses padlocks to secure both Kayleighs wrists and ankles to these chains, then pulls, hoisting her up off the floor, suspending her stretched out down the middle of the van, her limbs pulled tight by the weight of her body. Still holding the chains, her muscles flexing with the effort, Charlie lays herself down directly under a gently swaying Kayleigh, before lowering her down so only a handful inches separates victim from kidnapper. She flicks each chain sideways, locking it off, then relaxes, gazing up at her naked prize, waiting and watching, looking Kayleigh in the eye, making sure her suspended captive knows who's in charge.

Kayleigh hangs down, her breasts, themselves hanging off her slim frame, are almost touching the shiny black of Charlies cat suit. She stares at the other girl beneath her, seeing her smile, knowing it for the victory grin it is. Drool is forming around her gag, and, helpless to stop herself, a piece escapes, dribbling down into Charlie's cleavage. Kayleigh moans, humiliated, defeated, helpless, but Charlie only laughs. Seeing her discomfort she lifts up off the floor, reaching out with her tongue to lick up the drool from around Kayleighs gag. Then, with a finger she collects the spillage from her breasts, before reaching down, still grinning. Kayleigh feels a sudden pressure between her legs, as Charlie begins to push her drool lubed finger up against her pussy lips. She moans, unable to help herself, as Charlies rhythm builds inside, teasing at her sweet spot, working her towards and then pushing her tumbling through her orgasm. Panting. Moaning. Kayleigh looks down, as her body shivers in the comedown. Charlie is licking her fingers, tasting Kayleigh, making her flush further in embarrassment at her helplessness. She's at Charlie's mercy to the extent that the other girl can simply take whatever she wants.

Charlie takes hold of the chains again, hoisting Kayleigh up, raising her so she's halfway between the floor and ceiling, with a view out of the front window now and in an easier position for Charlie to monitor whilst driving. Charlie locks her at that height, using more padlocks on the pulleys, to make sure, before she climbs forward into the front seat. She turns, blowing Kayleigh a kiss. "Let's go home and play with our new toy." She says cheerfully, to which Kayleigh can only moan and whimper some more, already beginning to swing about from her hung restraints. Charlie fires up the Transits V6, drops it into first, and pulls away.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Yet another interesting addition to the overall story. I can't wait to see what Mr. Teddy Wizard does if anything when he finds out what happened to Kayleigh.
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Post by ropegagged »

Patiently waiting for an addition to this well-written, very creative story with incredibly lovely tie-ups. Keep up the good work!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayleigh and Charlie, part 2.

It doesn't take long to reach Charlie's house, certainly not at the speed she drives anyway. She hunches over the wheel, punching the big van up through the gears, weaving aggressively in and out of traffic. Suspended from the ceiling, being almost constantly rocked in one direction or another, it's almost enough to make Kayleigh feel sick.

Charlie's house is a small brick built end terrace, with a tiny front garden, located halfway up a narrow road in the old part of town. She's built a simple wooden framed lean to at the side, above the back door that's actually on the side of the house, and it's this she pulls the transit under, killing the engine. Climbing between the seats, she grins at Kayleigh, reaching out to stroke one of the captive girls breasts. Kayleigh whimpers, which if anything only makes Charlie's grin widen. "Right then number two." Charlie begins. The number sets off a bell in Kayleighs head, it should mean something, but in her current state she can't make her brain work well enough to figure it out. Charlie is still talking, as she unlocks padlocks, lowering Kayleigh onto the vans carpeted floor. "It's time to go inside now, and I don't want any fucking about. You be good, and I won't have to get cross." She yanks Kayleighs head up by her still loosely tied hair, making a point. "Understand?" Kayleigh squeals at the sudden pain, but nods. "Good." Charlie sets her back down, patting her bare butt. "Good girl. You be good, and we'll get along just fine." Kayleigh feels her cuffs unlocked, and removed. A chance to bolt. But, even if she weren't scared of the consequences should she be caught, she aches all over from the suspension, none of her limbs feel ready for anything like an escape attempt right now. "Right then." Says Charlie, reattaching the leash to Kayleighs collar. "Inside we go. Up." She stands as she finishes talking, yanking on the short leash for emphasis. Kayleigh stands. Still naked, still gagged, but free of any cuffs for now at least.

Opening the vans rear doors and jumping down, pausing impatiently as Kayleigh follows her, Charlie never notices the small teddy stood on the roof of the lean to, looking down.

Teddy Wizard, luckily, was just returning to the house, was actually just rounding the corner several streets down when Charlie led a hopping Kayleigh to her van. Teddy paused, but only for a moment, before running on little legs directly towards the white van parked at the curb. Reaching the van without slowing, he pulls out his small wooden wand, points it at the floor, and jumps. His wand functions like a miniature jet pack, propelling him up onto the vans roof. He lands just as Charlie fires up the engine, that louder sound muffling his soft thump, and besides which Charlie is far too distracted by all the tied naked flesh on display behind her to notice. As the van pulls away Teddy lays down on his belly, using his small claws to dig into the metal roof.

Reaching the house, as the van drives under the lean to, Teddy jumps again, without the need of the wand this time, landing safely on the roof directly above the vehicles rear doors. He stands on the edge, watching the van, waiting for an opportunity to rescue his friend.

In the house, Charlie leads Kayleigh through a small kitchen and into the lounge. A single small sofa sits against one wall, with a reasonable sized flat screen opposite hooked up to a Playstation. Next to this a large wooden X frame is bolted to the wall, dominating the room. Metal eyelets to run and tie rope off sit at the ends of each branch, and a pile of rope sits on the floor beside the frame. "Be good." Warns Charlie, stopping at the frame, removing Kayleighs collar, and with it the leash too. Still feeling a combination of weak and scared Kayleigh does what she knows is expected of her, taking the last step and turning around, putting her back against the cold wood. Charlie, grinning, moves in to secure her. Rope is fed through an eyelet to its halfway point, then both trailing ends are wrapped around one of Kayleighs limbs, with the rope being pulled tight before it's tied off. This same process is repeated at all four corners, making sure all four limbs are nice and tight, that the arms are stretching for the ceiling, that the legs are spread nice and wide.

Standing up, having tied the right leg, the final limb, Charlie runs a finger up the leg as she does. "Well then." She says, grinning, reaching the top and using the same finger to rub back and forth across Kayleighs pussy lips, making the tied girl whimper. "Let's see what we have here." Reaching out with her other hand Charlie begins to draw a slow circle around Kayleighs left nipple, never touching it, being a tease. Kayleigh whimpers again, unable to control the sensations Charlie's touches are causing inside her. Bending forwards Charlie takes hold of the left breast, squeezing it slightly as she kisses the nipple. She squeezes harder, suddenly biting down. But instead of a yelp all Kayleigh does is moan through her gag, becoming more lost in the pleasure, almost forgetting her predicament. Charlie licks again, before moving across to the right breast, taking that nipple into her mouth. She grins around it, looking up to see Kaylieghs eyes closed, feeling the wetness of her arousal on the finger she's probing with down below. And then Charlie's phone rings.

"Shit." Exclaims Charlie, stepping back, releasing Kayliegh, who whimpers at the sudden denial of her pleasure. It's work. Charlie has special ringtones set for several of her contacts, so she can choose who to ignore. And this particular song is paired to the boss of a courier company who only ever comes to her when he's desperate, and desperate means a good paycheck, so she needs to answer. Grabbing up her phone Charlie crosses to the sofa, unbuckling her corset as she does, letting it fall on the floor. Sitting down, facing Kayleigh, she unzips her latex one piece, which pops open to show off both her large breasts hanging free and her shaved pussy. Seeing Kayliegh watching her she grins, slipping a finger inside herself as she pushes the green call accept icon, bringing the phone to her ear with her free hand. "Yes?"
"Charlie. It's Mark. I was wondering...."
"It's my day off Mark." She cuts him off mid sentence, spreading her legs wider as she does, slowly building a rhythm. "Yes I'm sorry. But...." He tries again, and again she cuts him off, enjoying being the boss of this boss. Knowing he must really need her or he wouldn't of called. Enjoying toying with him, like a large cat with a small and meek mouse. "It's my day off Mark."
"Yes. Sorry."
"Good." She pauses, across the room, Kayleigh whimpers, a line of drool falling onto her left breast. Charlie licks her lips, before asking. "Well?"
"Oh. Right. Sorry."
"Come on Mark. Out with it."
"I've got a delivery order. Just came in. Ten boxes for some new start up in Aberdeen. They want it by start of business tomorrow."
"Aberdeen huh. That's a long way north."
"I know Charlie."
"And that's why you're calling me." Charlie gets up, removing her finger from down below. Walking over to the frame she smears her juices in a circle around Kayleighs ball gag as Mark replies. "Yes. None of my drivers will drive that far in that timeframe. They won't drive overnight."
"Fucking union pussies." Charlie bends down, licking at Kayleighs pussy, which sets the tied girl off moaning and squirming. Charlie laughs. "Okay then Mark. I'll take care of it."
"Thanks Charlie."
"I'll want half of whatever profit you're making on this though."
"Yes Mark." Rubbing one of her breasts against one of Kayleighs. "Half. Or I stay home and play." Kayleigh moans, and Charlie grabs hold of a nipple, twisting. The moan turns into a yelp. Charlie laughs, and reaches down, sliding a finger back inside Kayleigh even as she rubs her body, her large breasts, up and down against Kayleighs bound and helpless body. Kayleigh moans again. "Well Mark," looking Kayleigh in the eye "what's it going to be? Work? Or playtime?"
"Okay." Mark sighs, resigned. "Drive over as soon as you can. Half now. Half when you get back, same as normal."
"Fine by me." Charlie steps back, Kayleigh, who can't move, strains anyway as Charlie's finger and body slide out and away. Charlie laughs. "I'll be there soon." She tells Mark, before hanging up, not waiting for a reply.

"Well." Trying to sound sad, failing, mostly laughing. "Guess I've got to go out. Don't worry though. I'll get you a pee break first, then you can spend tonight tied to my bed waiting for me to come home." She laughs. "Just like a good little wifey." Kayleigh, who had been looking at Charlie, suddenly tilts her head, looking at something behind the black latex clad girl. Charlie turns. "What the fuck is that?" She asks. Pointing at the small blue robed grey and black teddy, stood in the doorway to her lounge.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Behold! Teddy Wizard is back!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Kayleigh and Charlie, part 3.

They stand regarding each other for a few moments. Charlie, dressed in skintight black, her scary appearance now slightly spoiled by an open zip which exposes her whole front, breasts and shaved pussy included. Teddy, red eyes glowing faintly, arms by his sides like an old west gun slinger. Then, with a flourish, Teddy reaches into his waistband, removing his wand, which he points at Charlie.

"What the fuck?" Charlie cocks her head, fascinated. "It moves." She turns her head, looking at a still trussed Kayleigh, her brain seeking out the most obvious explanation for the teddy's appearance. "Is it yours?" Kayleigh, unable to talk with a mouth full of ball gag, has more of a clue then Charlie what's coming next, or so she hopes. Charlie returns her attention to the teddy in her doorway, who has begun to wave his small wooden wand, making larger and larger circles in the air.

Charlie doesn't move, not that there's anything she could've done at this stage to change or prevent the eventual outcome anyway, because moments later she's struck by a bolt of energy. The bolt, one of two which streams from the end of Teddys wand, resembles forked lightning. The other bolt snakes across the room, striking Kayleigh. Neither bolt hurts, perhaps they tingle slightly on exposed flesh, as they dance all over both girls, the shape of the forks forever changing even as they change colour, from white to pink to deepest purple. His spell complete, Teddy's eyes flare briefly as he points his wand at a spot between the two girls. The lightning ceases, vanishing as suddenly as it first appeared. As it vanishes, so too briefly do both girls.

The magic swaps the girls around.

Kayleigh, still naked, but free of any ropes or gags, appears standing roughly in the middle of the room, near to the small table where Charlie put her phone down. She stumbles slightly, having had her legs forcibly held apart only moments ago, before putting out both arms to steady herself, and grinning down at Teddy. "Thanks Mr Wizard." She says, bounding over to him, her bouncing breasts a captivating sight, so much so that though Teddy is unable to smile he does angle his head upwards slightly, taking in the show as Kayleigh first reaches him then drops to her knees, before scooping him up. She hugs him tightly, squashing his face into her ample cleavage as she does. Teddy endures this display of affection for a moment, before reaching out a small hand, using his tiny claws to gently tap at one of Kayleighs nipples. "Ouch." She exclaims, looking down. She smiles, putting him back down, before wagging a finger mock seriously in Teddys face. "Naughty Mr Wizard." She scolds, spoiling the reprimand by giggling and bending down briefly to kiss him on the top of his pointy hat. "Thank you for rescuing me." She says, still kneeling, bending forwards slightly with her hands on her upper legs, unintentionally thrusting her breasts at Teddys face. "Where's Charlie though?" Teddy points behind her. "Oh." Kayleigh says, turning, seeing.

Charlie is pinned up against her own wooden frame, mirroring Kayleighs pose of only moments ago. She's wearing Kayleighs harness ball gag, which still has some of her own juices smeared around the ball that now fills her mouth. Her blonde hair sticks out in tufts from under the leather straps running across her head. Each of her limbs is stretched out tightly, tied with rope pulled through the corner eyelets. She's still dressed, boots and gloves, her one piece, which is still unzipped, no longer stretched tight over her chubby belly, no longer straining to contain her large breasts, which now hang free. Charlie looks mad. No moans escape from behind her gag, only a stream of what must be curses and attempted orders that she be freed at once. Even as Kayliegh stands up, taking a couple of steps closer for a better look at her one time captor, Charlie tugs again and again at her bonds, trying to slip free, trying to escape. "Probably never been on the other end of your little games huh?" Kayleigh muses, cocking her head at Charlie, who stares daggers back at her, even whilst tugging again at her wrist ropes.

But both girls can see Charlie isn't going anywhere, because each time she pulls at a limb the spell Teddy cast causes that particular rope to tighten up whatever slack Charlie might of just gained, pulling her back into the same if not an even more stretched out state.

Kayleigh turns back to Teddy, still waiting patiently by the lounge door. "Do you think you could search for some cash please Mr Wizard? Just a twenty would do." She smiles. "I think Charlie can pay for our cab fare home. Seems only fair right?" Teddy nods, once, and gives a brief salute before wandering off into the house.

"Well then." Kayleigh says aloud, returning her attention to Charlie. "What now?" Charlie rages some more behind her gag, still pulling at her ropes, despite the fact they've tightened and reeled in to the point that all of her arm muscles, along with her chubby stomach, are now pulled taut. "No." Kayleigh shakes her head. "I don't think we'll be letting you go. I think a lesson needs to be learned here." She suddenly giggles, remembering something. "What was that Family guy Bond quote? 'Fifty no's and a yes means yes.' Or something. Well. I hope a little time tied to your own torture slash play whatever frame thingy will teach you." She looks at a still angry Charlie, shaking her head. "Or maybe not. Just don't show up on my doorstep again. Okay?" Charlie finally stops her hopeless fight, instead only glaring at Kayleigh. Which in itself is pretty scary, because behind the glare is an unspoken promise to see revenge done, to see their roles again switched once Charlie gains her freedom. Kayleigh shivers, despite the warm day outside, and picks up a white woollen blanket covered in rainbow stripes that had been folded on one arm of the sofa. She wraps herself up, the blanket falling down to just above her knees, hiding her nakedness, then reaches down to pluck Charlie's phone off of the table.

Kayleigh calls a taxi first, which according to the dispatcher will arrive in around ten minutes, then she looks thoughtfully at Charlie. "What to do?" She asks aloud, tapping Charlie's phone gently against her face. "Can't leave you tied up alone, but I'm not untying you myself. So." She starts tapping at the phone screen, selecting the phone book. "I need someone else to come over and take care of you. But who?" Scrolling down Kayleigh comes across a listing labelled as bitch#1, with a number that she recognizes as Gemmas. She puts a hand to her throat, remembering the collar. "Well well." She smiles. "Yes, that could work. I think we have a winner."

On a shelf hanging under the table Kayleigh finds a black marker pen, which she uses to write 'Gemmas Bitch' in large letters across Charlie's exposed stomach. Then, stepping back, she takes a photo on Charlie's phone, even as the trussed up girl curses at her, beginning to fight her restraints all over again. This time, as the ropes constrict and shorten, Charlie is stretched so tightly that her latex one piece begins to rip at the seams, both under her right arm, from elbow to armpit, and her crotch area where the zip runs underneath and back up her butt, it splits here not only along the zip line but part way down her right leg too. She sends a message to Gemma, with the photo attached. Deciding that the truth would be far too long winded Kayliegh instead pretends to be Charlie, insisting that she tied herself up, and that she wants to be Gemmas toy for a change. Despite the glaring holes in this story: how did Charlie photograph herself tied up and then send a text in that state, Gemma responds almost immediately, promising to 'Do her worst' with a wink emoji. Kayleigh, smiling, sends a final text to say the door is unlocked, and that she'll (Charlie) see her soon.

She has a brief moment of worry, much the same as earlier, about what might happen to Gemma, and indeed herself, once Charlie is free, but then she turns to find Teddy Wizard waiting for her in the doorway, a twenty in one hand, her house keys and phone gripped tightly in the other, looking up at her expectantly.

"Well done Mr Wizard." She grins, bending to kiss him on the hat again. A car horn sounds outside. "Well." Straightening up, turning to face Charlie. "Its time to leave now. Don't worry though, Gemma's coming over to take care of you. And I'm sure if you're a good girl she'll untie you afterwards." Charlie spits some more curses at her. Kayleigh shrugs. "Fair enough. Just remember, you show up at my door again and it won't end how you want it too." Charlie only glares, and Kayleigh realises she's not entirely sure how she'll back that statement up, so she shuts up, nods once at Charlie, and leaves.

The taxi driver, to his credit, doesn't pass a single comment regarding the nature of his passengers. His eyes do briefly widen at the sight of a clearly naked under a blanket girl being followed by a walking teddy in wizards robes. But he nods when Kayleigh gives him her address, and smiles when she hands over the twenty on the curb outside her house. "Keep the change." She tells him. He tips an imaginary hat in reply, and drives off.

At her front door Kayleigh turns, finding Teddy Wizard hasn't come any closer then the entrance to her garden. "Come on then Mr Wizard." She smiles, swinging her door open. "A shower for me, then some food and we can play poker again. If you'd like?" But Teddy doesn't move. "What's up?" She asks, returning down her garden path, stopping and kneeling in front of him. Then she realises. "It's time for you to go, isn't it?" Teddy nods. "Okay." Kayleigh nods back. "I'll miss you little Wizard." Teddy reaches forward, patting her knee. Kayleigh wipes a stray tear from her eye. "I hate to ask, Mr Wizard, but maybe there's one last thing you can do for me?" Teddy looks up at her, expectantly, so she goes on. "Well. The thing is, Mr Wizard, I'm kinda worried about Charlie. She can be mad, and angry, and I'm just not sure what she'll do when she gets untied from that cross. I'm glad we left her there, she deserves it, but she won't see it that way. I'm kinda scared she'll come back here, and I really really don't want to wind up back on that cross myself." She shivers. "Or worse." She looks down at Teddy. "So. I don't want to beg. I'm not asking you to stay, go explore some more, be happy. But. Is there anything you can do to help?" Teddy looks up at her silently for a moment, and then takes out his wand. Pointing it at the floor between them he twirls it in several tight circles, before lifting it into the air, as though pulling something up, and a dozen small black spheres rise up out of the ground.

Each one is about the size of a ping pong ball. "Wow." Exclaims Kayleigh, picking one from the top of the little pyramid, looking it over. It's heavier then she expected, and a uniform matt black all over, with no shine or reflection. It moves slightly on her palm, almost as though taking a breath, or stretching, before becoming still again. "Thanks Mr Wizard. But what do I do with them?" Teddy mimes throwing one of the balls. "Oh. Okay." She puts the ball back onto the pile, and leaning down gives Teddy Wizard a hug. "Thanks Mr Wizard. For everything." Teddy hugs her back, his small arms patting her chest, before she releases him.

Picking up the balls, using part of the blanket to wrap them up, Kayleigh walks to her still open front door. Turning before going in she discovers Teddy Wizard has already left, headed one way or the other to who knows where. She blows him a kiss anyway, and smiles, before heading indoors to take that shower.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Leaving Teddy Wizard for a chapter.
Unfinished business.
I assume at least some of you will appreciate my telling the rest of this story.

Almost an hour passes between Kayleigh leaving and Gemma arriving. Gemma isn't late on purpose, she was working, and on receiving the text, an opportunity so good she didn't even stop at the time to consider how it had come about, she first had to come up with a good enough excuse to leave early. She works the checkout at Tesco, and luckily for her the distraction of thinking about Charlie all trussed up, she can't stop looking at that photo between customers, has infact got her phone open on a shelf underneath the cash draw so the photo is permanently displayed. Luckily the distraction provides her with an early finish. She's paying so little attention to the job that five customers in a row end up with unscanned products or way too much change, something which quickly comes to the attention of the on duty manager. The manager, an older gentleman, likes to take a very kind grandfather approach to all his charges, and so instead of reprimanding Gemma he simply let's her go home. She has two days off after this shift anyway.

Leaving the store Gemma is already working out which bus route will get her to Charlie's quickest.

Charlie spends the hour mostly cursing Kayleigh. She's still unsure exactly how it happened, how she came to be tied up and Kayleigh free. As a non believer in magic and all things supernatural her brain completely rejects the truth of the spell, and instead she remembers only that somehow Kayleigh tricked her. So she waits, knowing Gemma is on her way. She waits in her uncomfortable splayed out trussed up exposed state.

Gemma bounds through the door, kicking it closed behind her, before stripping off her sensible black trousers and blue polo shirt uniform, leaving her in just a small lacey white bra, perfect for her small breasts, and a pair of sky blue hipster boy pants with an inverted white y down the middle on the front in raised fabric. These hug her small waist, and are a tight enough fit to show the subtle bump between her legs. Feeling sexier, wanting to show off herself to tease Charlie, she walks through to the lounge, knowing from the photo that this is where she'll be. Gemma has been tied to that cross several times, once for a whole day, so she knows its location well.

She isn't disappointed, entering the lounge she grins, Charlie looks even better in person. A vision in black stretched out, pinned like an insect ready for examining, with her exposed breasts just asking to be touched. Gemma can't resist, and without even looking at Charlies face she crosses the room, grabbing at both breasts, taking one in each of her hands and squeezing, before bending down to lick at each nipple in turn. She does this for almost ten minutes, which feels to her more like a lifetime, kissing and licking, squeezing, pushing her body against Charlie's as she looks down to see the contact for herself, delighting in seeing the tied girls larger stomach and breasts squashing into her far skinnier frame. Finally, wanting more, she steps back slightly, and letting go of Charlie's breasts Gemma reaches a hand down, wanting to feel between those invitingly wide open legs. But, as she reaches, she looks up, and finds Charlie staring right at her.

Gemma pauses under the intense glare. She can't help herself. She's been Charlie's bitch too many times, at some level her brain is programmed to obey a look, or a word, from the larger girl. And as Charlie's eyes bore into her she's already reaching up, instead of down, is already working on the straps for the harness gag.

"About time."
"Sorry." The apology is automatic, as with unbuckling the gag, Gemma couldn't of stopped herself. "Right." Charlie grimaces against the pain from her taut limbs. "Now you can untie me."
"But I thought..."
"No." Charlie shakes her head, looking down at the writing on her chest, grimacing again. "No Gemma. Just untie me."
"But." Gemma tentatively reaches down, running a finger between Charlie's legs. "I thought it would be my turn to play."
"No." Shaking her head, before glaring at Gemma, putting as much mental force as she can behind the words, summoning all the authority she's mustered over the skinny girl from over a year of tying and dominating her. "Untie me. Right now. And you can leave." Gemma opens her mouth, but Charlie continues, still glaring. "But. Gemma. If you wait even one more minute before doing what I've told you to, then I'll see you bound on this cross for a week." Gemma hangs her head, defeated, and moves to comply. Going to the kitchen she returns with one of Charlie's larger and sharper knives, which she uses to cut each limb free in turn. With the last rope cut Gemma steps back, giving Charlie room. Charlie steps off the cross, and falls to the floor as her legs buckle underneath her.

"I'm fine." Charlie says, waving Gemma off as she gets one hand on the small table, using it to push herself up, managing to stumble a couple of steps to the sofa, which she drops down onto. "Just go home already, before I change my mind." Gemma, pouting, and now quite miserable at the nosedive such a promising afternoon has taken, nonetheless takes her cue and leaves, hurriedly dressing in the kitchen before quietly leaving, closing the door behind her.

Charlie spends an hour just sat on the sofa, staring at the cross, stewing. Luckily for Gemma her little play session has already been forgotten, instead all Charlie can think of is revenge against Kayleigh for the trick that saw her trussed up to her own cross.

It's Charlie's phone that gets her moving again. It rings, vibrating it's way across the table towards her. Work calling, no doubt to see what the delay is. Charlie considers ignoring it, considers in fact throwing it against the nearest wall to shut it up, but the job she was offered will pay well, well enough for a month off. She smiles at the thought, a month to plan and execute the perfect revenge against that bitch Kayleigh. She looks at the cross as she speaks to Mark, picturing Kayleigh trussed up super tightly day after day, butt naked, those breasts of hers hanging like ripe fruit, for Charlie to enjoy at her leisure. Hanging up, she strips off her ruined latex one piece, and quickly showers before dressing in a blue tee and black jeans with white Nike trainers. Then she scoops up her phone and keys, along with her purse, before heading out to her van, whistling as she does, already feeling better.

She spends five days shadowing Kayleigh, watching from behind the wheel of a non descript blue Fiesta she rented, something low key, something that will blend in. For sixteen hours every day she lives in that car, eating nothing but chocolate, crisps and take out, drinking from an endless supply of coke cans that she lifts out of a multipack dumped on the back seat. Kayleigh has a new job, and a new routine. She leaves around seven every morning, dressed in a sports bra and tight leggings, spending up to an hour jogging to and then around the local park before returning. Then, around half eight, she leaves again, this time smartly dressed in a skirt or jeans, with a white shirt or a plain top, or sometimes a dress. She walks to the bus stop, catching the twenty to bus towards the group of office blocks known locally as Workers View, because all the buildings are perched on a small hill. She arrives and walks the short distance from bus stop to one of the buildings, a shared one with about a dozen different company names written on the sign outside, each one with a different floor, and goes inside at around nine to do Charlie doesn't really care what kind of job. She comes out for lunch at around one, eating sandwiches or a salad on a bench nearby, mostly with one or two other girls, for an hour, and then at anywhere between three and seven she leaves for good, doing the reverse bus journey to get back home.

Charlie spends the weekend at home, thinking. Workers View is just too busy, but Kayleighs finishing time, and therefore her bus schedule, are too unpredictable to plan any kind of ambush. And the mornings, the jog and her trip to work, are just too full of other people all doing the same thing, she needs Kayeligh stationary, without a crowd right there next to her. Which means her lunch, which is also one part of her day with a set in stone time, which means Workers View after all. But how? Charlie thinks some more, staying up late into Saturday night, watching endless cartoons on the kids channels as she downs can after can of beer. Until finally, at around four, just as she's nodding off infront of another Fairly Odd Parents, she has her plan.

Preparation takes another four days, which grates against her, but is unavoidable. She strips the back of her van, removing all of the winches and pulleys, leaving just a half dozen eyelets welded into the roof. Then she custom builds a huge wooden box, the length of a person, but almost twice as wide. Bolting its base to her vans metal floor before lining the inside with carpet. Looking at it, secured in place and held closed with a chunky padlock, she grins at its size. Kayleigh always has company for lunch, so maybe Kayleigh can have company in the box, and back at Charlie's house too. Finally she sends the van off to a body shop, maxing out her credit card to get the flames removed, so now it looks just like all the other white vans she saw around Workers View, now Charlie can blend in.

Thursday. One last scout, one last check. Kayleighs lunch is dead on schedule. Charlie grins at her from across the road, where she's sat on a bench wearing a cap and dark glasses, with a huge grey hoodie to hide her large frame. Kayleigh is sharing the bench with a slim flat chested dark skinned girl today, black hair tumbling down her back, white shirt hanging open. "Very nice." Mutters Charlie, enjoying the view. "You'll make quite the pair tied out on my bed tomorrow." She tips her cap to the both of them, then leaves.

Friday dawns sunny. The morning drags, Charlie finds herself parked up in Workers View by eleven, two hours early, far too excited and keen to stay away any longer. At twelve she forces herself to drive to the local Dominos for a large pepperoni stuffed crust and a garlic bread. She eats in a nearby car park, washing it down with a large coke. Then, after a quick stop at a nearby gas station, with the clock on her transits dashboard reading five past one, she sets her plan in motion.

Charlie slows down as she approaches the bench, indicating, pulling the van over to the curb side. Her luck is holding, not only is Kayleigh sat in her usual spot, but the stunning dark skinned girl is back today too. Charlie grins, looking them both over as she brings her van to a stop level with the bench. Kayleighs new friend is wearing a pair of tight faded black jeans, with a blood red top, tight fitted enough to show off her lack of bra, and with a diagonal slash cut bottom. The girl herself is wearing a long green dress, with a yellow and white flower silhouette pattern. The neckline is a deep v, with the tight top part hugging her chest whilst the bottom half flares slightly, giving her legs plenty of room. The van blocks the sunlight from the girls as it stops, causing Kayliegh to glance at it over the tops of her sunglasses, her brow creasing in a slight frown, before her friend says something to her, which makes her giggle, returning her attention to her lunch. She doesn't even look up as Charlie opens her door, leaving her van running, stepping out and walking around the front, wearing tight dark jeans and a white tee, grinning like a shark closing in on its kill.

"Hi Kayleigh. How's lunch?"
"Hello Charlie." Kayleigh doesn't look up, doesn't even seem bothered by Charlie's unexpected appearance. She takes another bite of the chicken baguette she'd been eating. "It's good." She comments, around a mouthful of food, making her friend giggle. Charlie scowls, which makes the dark skinned girl giggle again. This isn't going to plan. "Whose your friend?"
"This is B." Kayliegh gestures at her friend, taking another bite of her food. "B. This is Charlie."
"B?" Charlie asks, as B waves at her. "Yeah." Kayleigh nods. "It's short for B Quiet." She giggles, as B gasps. "It is not." She says, speaking in a thick Welsh accent totally at odds with her skin colour. "At work" Kayleigh goes on, now looking at Charlie quite calmly, as though the three of them are having a normal conversation, as though Charlie had never kidnapped her. As though, Charlie realises, getting mad, as though she weren't even afraid. Kayleigh continues "B here won't stop talking. We're always having to shut her up." She smiles at Charlie. "Maybe I could borrow one of your gags? That is your van right? Do you have a gag in there for me?"
"I do." Agrees Charlie, now feeling in part at least back on script. "And I've got one for your friend too." She stands directly infront of the two of them, making it so she can look down at them, displaying a position of power. "I've come to take you back."

Charlie is put off slightly, by the flat and final tone of Kayleighs dismissal of her statement, but only for a moment. "No?" She asks. "No." Agrees Kayleigh, shaking her head. "And what if I just take you?" Charlie challenges, looking from one girl to the other, her adrenaline rising as she does, readying her for the coming attack. She points at B. "What if I just take both of you?"
"You'll do what now?" B almost shouts, half rising up off the bench to meet Charlies challenge. But Kayleigh puts a hand out, touching the other girls leg, sitting her back down. Then she turns her attention to Charlie. "I knew you'd come back for me."
"Yes." Kayleigh nods. "I knew you wouldn't take losing well, that you'd want a second shot. A do over. I was scared of that. Of you." Kayleigh reaches into the pocket of her black hoodie, folded over the benches back rest between the two girls along with B's, she pulls two small black balls out, holding them up. "I'm not scared anymore." She looks Charlie in the eyes, and says, deadpan serious, causing a small tingle to race up and back down Charlie's spine. "Leave Charlie, and don't come looking for me anymore. First and last warning."
"Or you'll what?" But Charlie takes a step back as she says this, no longer so sure of the situation. "Five." Says Kayleigh. "Huh?" Charlie looks at her, confused. Kayleigh only looks at her. "Four." B seems to get it, and claps her hands, joining in. "Three." Both girls say together. "Now hold on." Charlie takes a step towards the two girls. "Two." They both say, with Kayleigh adding. "No." Even as B giggles. "Fuck you." Charlies anger bubbles to the surface, that her whole well researched plan is being undone by some kind of empty threat involving two ping pong balls, that Kayleigh isn't even scared of her, isn't already tied up in the box. Charlie takes another step forwards. "One." Kayleigh shrugs, and tosses both balls one handed at Charlie.

"Hah." Charlie catches them both with her left hand, grinning. A grin which fades when she feels one of the balls wriggle in her tight grip. She opens her hand, staring down, Kayleigh and B forgotten. One of the balls expands slightly in her palm, as though it were taking a breath, turning slightly red as it does. "What the fuck?" Charlie asks, reaching out to prod at it.

Both balls explode.

It's like two large living nets, but part tentacles and part tightly woven crisscrossing strands, matt black in colour, which were at rest, now spring awake from their compact sphere shapes, reaching out to envelop Charlie completely in a matter of seconds. Her arms are forced behind her even as her legs are being pulled tightly together. She pitches over onto her side, even as the living nets finish covering her large frame, constricting as they do so that her every curve is hugged like the tightest gym outfit. Only her eyes are left uncovered, with a tentacle having squirmed it's way into her mouth, pushing itself in deep, before expanding even whilst the net covered her spread wide jaws. She lays on the ground, between her van and the bench, wriggling like a caterpillar, no sound escaping through the nets mesh.

Kayleigh nods, impressed, having not known exactly what Teddy Wizards protection would do, but trusting him to see her safe. B claps, grinning and laughing beside her. Downing the last of her water, Kayleigh stands and walks the three paces to where Charlie is still wriggling on the floor. She stoops down, putting herself right in the mummified girls face. "No more." She whispers, glaring at Charlie. "I've more of those balls at home, and next time I won't hesitate to use them." She grins. "And then you'll be my bitch." Kayliegh locks eyes with her. "After all, evil little brat bully like you, if you went missing, would you even be missed?" Kayleigh sees the first hint of fear in Charlie's eyes, and nods, knowing her message has hit home, that this is the end. "First and last warning." She tells her, speaking in a more normal tone, standing up. "I see you again...." She leaves the rest unsaid, but draws a finger across her neck, throat cutting style.

"Oh wow. What happened to her?" Kayleigh glances beside her, to see a young guy in a pale blue shirt and black tie, with black pinstripe trousers, has walked over. She shrugs, just as B breaks out in a first of giggles. "No idea." She looks at him, smiling, he smiles back. "I guess she needs help though huh?"
"Aren't you going to help her?" He asks. "Nah." Kayleigh shakes her head, checking her phones display. "My breaks over, time to get back. Come on." She gestures to B, who stands. "Oh." The guy says, looking from Kayleigh to Charlie, sure there's some connection he's missing, but unsure what it is. "Wait." He calls out, as Kayleigh turns, taking a step away. "Yes?" She stops, turning to face him again. "You're just going to leave her there?"
"She isn't my problem." Kayleigh shrugs. "Not anymore anyway."
"Nothing." She waves her errant comment away. "I'm sure some good citizen will rescue this poor damsel." She shrugs again. "Soon. Or tomorrow." She turns back around. "Or whenever." She walks away, her arm linked with a still giggling B, leaving the bemused looking guy behind.

In the end, the police are called. They can't free Charlie, so they set up a cordon, and call the fire service. They also can't free her. So, two hours later a still mummified Charlie is loaded into an ambulance, and driven over an hour to a specialist hospital, where she's finally cut free. No witnesses come forward regarding how she ended up in that state, and Charlie herself remains silent during interviews. Nobody actually saw Kayleigh throw the balls, or the balls themselves, and after being cut open the living nets withered and died back to nothing inside of ten minutes, leaving no evidence. So the police have nobody to charge, and no case, so everything is forgotten. A week after the incident Charlie moves away, wanting, for reasons she's unwilling to explore or probe at too deeply, to put some distance between herself and Kayleigh.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. I finally got time to reread and continue reading this continuously amazing story. I am glad you decided to continue it’s journey, and I can’t wait to read where it ends.
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Post by RopeBunny »

All aboard the TUGs train.

Two days after leaving Kayleigh, as evening begins to draw towards midnight, Teddy Wizard wanders up the stairs from the underground, and into London Paddington station. His journey up to this point has been long, but uneventful.

The main concourse is empty by rush hour standards, just three or four dozen people scattered around underneath the high glass and metal arched roof. Nobody, not even the handful of staff present, pays any attention to Teddy as he stands looking around, trying to decide on his next move. Just then, over the tannoy, an automated male voice announces the Night Riviera sleeper train is now ready for boarding, over on platform one. Teddy looks left, watching as a dozen people wheel suitcases, and in one case a pushchair, towards the furthest of the platforms. He nods to himself, once, decision made, and joins them, his little legs carrying him across the tiled floor towards the sound of a big locomotive rumbling away at idle.

Teddy boards the train, a single dark green locomotive pulling seven green carriages, at the rear most door, since the guard is up near the middle of the train, allowing him to climb aboard unnoticed. Making his way down a narrow corridor he passes several closed doors before finding an open one, Teddy slips inside.

It's a small bedroom, really not much larger then a prison cell, with a narrow bed taking up the whole length of one wall, and a small desk with a mirror sitting opposite, along with space to stow a suitcase. Teddy climbs up onto the bed, having a couple of experimental bounces, which he's just finished doing when a lady walks into the room.

She's young, and very dark skinned, with long curling hair dyed blonde and hanging halfway down her back. A white shirt and dark blue business skirt cover her slim frame, the shirt hanging open low enough to show off the white lace bra that covers her small bust. On her feet are black heels, the kind where the straps wrap criss cross style up her lower legs. The lady turns around, totally missing Teddy, who climbs down off of the bed as she drags a small black suitcase into the room behind her, before shutting the door. Then, turning back around, she sees Teddy, stood with hands on hips, looking up at her.

"Oh." She remarks. "Well hello there Mr Teddy. I didn't know I was sharing." Teddy shakes his head. "I'm not?" She asks, to which he shakes again. "Right. I see." She frowns. "Well then, Mr Teddy, I'm afraid you'll have to leave, because, you see," She reaches into the front pocket of the small brown handbag that rests atop her suitcase, producing a ticket, "this cabin is mine." She shrugs. "Sorry." Teddy only stares at her. She shakes her head, blowing a stray strand of hair away, and tries again. "Time to leave Mr Teddy." She opens the door, stepping back, which causes her to bump against the bed, making her lose her balance and sit down. She shakes her head again. "Out you go then." Teddy looks from her to the open door, and then shakes his head, pulling his wand from his belt as he does. "Oh." Says the girl, again. "You can move huh. I was just kind of joking before." She bends forwards, giving Teddy an excellent view down her top as she looks at him more closely. "What are you anyway?" She asks. "Some kind of wizard?" Teddy nods, his red eyes flaring, and waves his wand at the door, which slams shut.

"Fuck." The lady yelps. Teddy turns towards her, his eyes still flaring, raising his wand. "Okay." She semi jokes, raising her hands above her head. "I surrender." But it's too late, as Teddy Wizard begins his spell.

Lightning flickers out from Teddys wand as he waves it back and forth, pink and green forks climb and lick over both the lady and the small bed she's still sat on. "What the....?" She exclaims, holding a hand up to her face, fascinated as a band of flickering colour climbs up her arm, encircling her wrist. She goes to stand up, but Teddy jabs the wand at her, and suddenly the lightning takes hold, pulling her down onto the bed, yanking her wrists together above her head even as it tugs her into position. She struggles, becoming a seething mass of colour, almost too bright to look at, as she fights a losing battle against the magic. As the lightning fizzles out, almost seeming to climb off her as it slinks down off the bed and onto the floor, there to die out, her fate is revealed. She's been left naked, every item of clothing, even the trace of it, gone, the only thing she does now wear, aside from a silver hoop through each nipple, is a mask. The matt black thin material has formed over her face, a skintight fit with the addition of a long thick inner bulbous growth that forces her jaws apart as it invades down into her mouth, unseen from the outside it serves to keep her quiet. The mask has no zip, no laces running up the back, it covers her whole face, with blonde hair escaping in a riot from underneath at the back as the mask ends halfway down her neck. The only holes in it are two tiny circles, one per nostril, allowing her to breathe. Thick black rope, the same colour as the mask, attaches her to the bed. Her wrists and ankles are each joined together, side by side, with the rope then plunging down under the head and foot end of the bed to meet and join in the middle underneath, there it performs an act not unlike a snake eating it's own tail, growing smaller as it shrinks its length, causing both arms and legs to become stretched out tight, making the bound lady squeal as she feels her stomach and limb muscles being pulled taut.

Just then, the trian gives a lurch, beginning its journey West out of the station.

Teddy climbs up onto the bed, eager to inspect his work. The lady stiffens as she feels his little feet walk up onto her upper leg, before jerking slightly, and squealing, as Teddy uses his wand to prod at her exposed pussy where it sits clean shaven between her legs. He wanders up onto her stomach, where he spends almost twenty minutes playing with her nipple rings, flicking first one and then the other with his small claws, or tugging on them, perhaps giving each a little twist, watching as his attentions cause her dark nipples to harden, even as she whimpers. Finally, he climbs off her, sitting himself on the bed, his near complete lack of weight meaning she has no idea how close he still is, settling in for the journey.

About two hours later, just West of Bristol, Teddy sits up with a start, his eyes flaring as they shoot to the window. He jumps off the bed, which makes the lady, who had been dozing, spasm awake and start to struggle again, moaning around the thick intruder thrust down her throat. Jumping, Teddy grabs hold of the desk, hoisting himself up to stand on it, with a now perfect view out of the window at the dark countryside rushing passed. The train is slowing, giving a small lurch as the brakes are applied. Teddy looks out of the window, staring. He can feel something out there, getting closer, something like him when he believed himself to be the only one with power.

The train is down to almost walking pace now, it lurches first left then right, passing through points, changing tracks to avoid a late night track repair work site ahead. The feeling of power is so close now, Teddy feels as though he could almost reach out and touch it, if he could only see it, only locate who or what out in the darkness is his potential rival, a rival he cannot allow, for Teddy Wizard has a Highlander philosophy when it comes to power: 'There can be only one' he would say, were he to speak of such things, or at all.

He cranes forwards, face smashed against the glass. Looking. Searching. And then. There. A group of people in orange, a dozen or more. All sheep. Except. There, in the middle. The wolf. She wears orange, like the others, with an identical white hard hat, red hair spilling out from underneath pulled and tied in a loose tail. She looks up as the train trundles slowly past, and for the briefest of moments her eyes lock with Teddy Wizards. Hers, black as night, flare briefly pink, and then she's gone, just as a knock sounds from the door behind Teddy.

It's the gaurd, who opens the door, taking a step in even as she calls out in a voice far too cheery for a night train . "Hello. You asked for a check after Bristol." Teddy, now quite mad, and growing madder with every second as his, now definitely real, rival disappears from view, doesn't even turn first. He yanks out his wand and jabs it behind him in the guards direction. The wand spews forth a stream of lightning, which the clueless guard doesn't even see, until it's too late.

An older lady, in her mid forties, the guard is carrying a few extra pounds, mostly in her belly and breasts, but is otherwise fairly in shape. She has short cropped brown hair, and is as pale skinned as the already bed tied younger girl is dark. Teddys magic lifts her clear off the floor, somehow causing all of her clothes, along with her money pouch and ticket machine, to be left behind her all bundled up, as though she shed them quickly, and they landed where they fell. The now naked lady is virtually thrown onto the bed, landing on the younger tied lady, at which point all of the black bindings come to life, reaching out hungrily for their new victim. The guard screams, trying to struggle off of the younger girl, who is also now struggling at the sudden weight ontop of her, but it's hopeless for both of them, as the bindings take hold of the guard, and truss her up. She ends up in exactly the same pose as the younger lady, laid ontop of her, belly pressed into belly. Her wrists and ankles have been wrapped and stretched tightly out, holding her in place. Whilst the mask covering the younger ladys face flowed up and out, grasping and clawing it's way over the guards face, sealing her in, even whilst a similar gag grew and forced it's way down her throat. Both of them are now helplessly joined together on the bed as Teddy looks at them, shaking his head as he hops over onto the bed to inspect this new lady who barged in just when he needed to concentrate.

Interestingly, as Teddy prods and pokes at the two captives, making them moan and jerk against both each other and their bindings, he discovers that the older ladys nipples are also pierced. As a final gift, unwanted by either lady as it might be, he uses a small amount of magic to cause the two sets of nipple rings to join together, almost like two rings on a bunch of keys. Now the two cannot be easily separated, even once the black material that binds them has been cut off. An automated voice announces the next station, Teddy nods, it's time to leave.

He closes the room door behind him, the lock clicking, creating yet another obstacle to the two ladies freedom, and makes his way off of the train onto the empty but well lit night time platform. Thankfully nobody notices him, the few staff on duty all being too busy wandering up and down, trying to find the guard so they can dispatch the train, to spot a small Teddy in wizards robes walking towards the stairs.

As he leaves the station, walking through the car park, passed a small scattering of cars, including a heavily modified Nissan 350Z, left outside the Network Rail compound, Teddy can only hope that this newly discovered yet clearly powerful lady lives close by. Because now he's discovered her, he needs to find her, to meet her, so that he can fight her and win, and take her power as his own.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Not forgotten.
Not abandoned.
Not finished.

To those who are reading Mr Teddy Wizards adventures this post is just to say I'm taking a short break from this story. But I shall be back, now that Teddy and Scarlet have had that first brief encounter, to finish this off.
Last edited by RopeBunny 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Good news :)
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Old Soldier.

Teddy doesn't make it far before running into more drama.

Just down the road from the train station, on the corner, stands The Old Soldier. It's a pub, now boarded up and empty, and it's here, in the pubs small car park, that Teddy finds two female Police Officers engaged in arresting a young lady.

The officers are clearly part of some undercover unit, with neither wearing a uniform. Both are young, late twenties, both are slim and in shape. The bustier of the two, her dyed white hair cut short so it doesn't quite reach her shoulders, is wearing faded blue jeans and Nikes. A black hoodie, unzipped halfway, a tight enough fit that it appears her bust won't allow it to be zipped any higher, is worn over a tight white tee. Her partner, her more reasonably proportioned bust also covered by a white tee, over which she has an unzipped red lightweight outdoors waterproof coat, wears black combat trousers and Adidas. Her hair is brown, and longer, tied into a loose plait that hangs over one shoulder. Their car is a black BMW sports saloon, nondescript aside from the red and blue strobes pulsing behind the front grill, lighting up the night.

The girl between the two of them, who the brown haired cop has just finished cuffing, her wrists now secured behind her, is several years younger, possibly only a year or two out of college. She too is skinny, but without any muscle tone, the skinny of someone who prefers drink and drugs to food, of someone who simply forgets to eat a couple of times a week. Small breasts poke at a faded yellow vest top, her nipples small bumps pushing at the thin tight fabric. Black jeans hang off her waist, sitting low on her hips, revealing the side bands of a red thong. Her hair is brown, and cut short, with spikes on top.

As Teddy approaches, wandering across the dark tarmac, the white haired cop returns to the BMW, opening the passenger door and sitting down, picking up the mike to radio in their arrest. Her colleague stays with the girl, stood beside her with one hand holding onto an arm at bicep level. The girl, swaying slightly on her feet, her eyes semi glazed, clearly either still drunk or most likely under the influence of some strong drug, sees Teddy coming.

She blinks, but he's still there, shuffling out of the darkness, into the flashing blue and red area of light immediately around the police car. She shakes her head, licking her lips, trying to clear her head of whatever fog has conjured up this strange vision. But he's still there. Finally, she stares hard at him, willing him to vanish. But he's still there, getting close now. She knows the Teddy can't be real, that the small furry wizard must be yet another hallucination, fuck knows she's seen some messed up and scary shit in her short life, but all of her normal tricks for returning herself to the here and now don't seem to be working. She stares, fascinated now, wondering what her brain will make the pretend teddy do next.

Teddy stops a couple of metres away, and looks the two of them up and down. It's at this point that the cop notices him. She frowns, trying to remember whether there was a teddy in wizards robes stood there before. "Hey." She gives the girl a small shake, pointing. "That your teddy?"
"Yes." The girl nods, slightly misunderstanding the question, it's the teddy her drugged filled mind has created. "Right." The cop nods. "Well then, we'd better take it in too."
"Huh?" The girl looks from the cop to the teddy, still not getting it. "Never mind." The cop shakes her head, letting go of the girl and taking a step towards Teddy Wizard. Teddy takes a step forward too, perfectly in time with her. "What the hell?" The cop pauses, looking over her shoulder at her partner, still on the radio. When she looks back Teddy has taken yet another step, and as she watches, still not really comprehending how bad things are about to get for her, he takes another. His third. "Is it on a remote?" The cop asks, turning to the girl. "Huh?" She responds again, so the cop points at Teddy. The girl focuses, taking her time, as the cop shakes her head dispairingly, to sight along the cops arm, to follow the direction all the way to Teddy, just in time to see him take a forth step. "You mean." She turns to the cop. "You can see him too?"
"Oh." The girl cocks her head, clearly thinking. She turns to Teddy. "Help me Mr Wizard." She pleads. "Save me please, and I'll give you a kiss."
"Okay." The cop has clearly had enough, she grabs hold of the girls arm again, pulling her backwards towards the car. "Come on."

Teddy pulls out his wand.

He points it at the two of them, cop and prisoner, almost like a gun. The cop blinks, trying to make sense of what she's seeing, trying to figure out how her prisoner could be controlling this toy. She opens her mouth, to ask, or question, we'll never know which, because as she does a small globe of darkness is spat out of Teddys wand. It travels quickly through the air, absolute darkness that completely envelopes the two females when it reaches them having grown to over two metres wide by that point. The cop screams briefly, before disappearing into the globe, which alerts her partner. The white haired cop looks up, then left and right, frowning, not really understanding. The dark globe, which stopped once it swallowed her partner and the girl, blends in almost perfectly with the dark night around it. And since he's stood behind it Teddy Wizard is invisible to the white haired cop. Replacing the radio mike, the cop gets out of the car. She again looks left and right. "Tibbs?" She calls out. "Where you at girl?" And then she gasps as the globe vanishes with a small pop, revealing Tibbs, and the girl.

The girl, a slightly dazed expression on her face, swaying left then right as though stood on deck in rough seas, is looking down at her uncuffed wrists, which are held up infront of her. She's smiling. Tibbs is laying on the ground at her feet. The globe has somehow transferred the metal cuffs from prisoner to cop, changing them as it did. The cops arms have been pinned behind her by thick metal bands about her wrists, with no chain between them these bands appear to be welded together, so that the wrists are almost touching. A short, solid looking metal pole connects these bands to a similar pair wrapped around the ankles, which are causing Tibbs'es legs to be bent double at the knee, holding her in a tight hogtie like position. Going in the other direction, back up the body, the same pole runs up between Tibbs'es arms, with a third thick band at her elbows. Finally, at the very top, a final band encircles her head at mouth level, forming a solid gag and keeping her head up off the floor. The metal is shiny, just like the cuffs that Tibbs used on the girl, cuffs her partner still wears on her belt.

"Tibbs!" Exclaims the cop. "What the fuck?"
"Oh wow." Says the girl, looking down. She gently nudges Tibbs with a foot, making the metal tied cop moan and wriggle. "Step back." Shouts the white haired cop, drawing a taser from her belt, pointing it at the still swaying girl. "Step away from her."
"Okay." The girl puts up her hands, but only halfway, dropping her right almost immediately as she shuffles a half step to the left. "It wasn't me."
"What?" Asks the cop, unable to take her eyes off her partner, still wriggling and moaning on the floor. It looks as though she's slowly trying to make it back to the BMW, as though she's forgotten all about her partner, who having moved away from the car a moment ago is now currently stood to Tibbs'es right. "What?" Asks the cop again, trying to focus on the suspect her and Tibbs were arresting. "What happened to her?"
"I don't know." The girl shakes her head, pointing to the side. "The Teddy did it."
"Huh?" The white haired cop instinctively tracks her taser as she turns her head, spotting Teddy Wizard. He hasn't moved, is still stood close to the swaying girl, still with his wand out. He sees this other cop, sees her pointing a weapon at him, and his eyes flare red. Even as the cop registers this, on some level recognizing the danger Teddy presents. Even as her finger is squeezing the trigger on her taser, she's already too late, as a second globe of darkness is spat out of Teddys wand, headed straight toward her.

The globe vanishes, having swallowed the white haired cop just as it did her partner, leaving her in exactly the same state as her brown haired friend. The cuffs, from her belt this time, have again been somehow changed and stretched to place her into a tight rigid metal hogtie. She half moans half screams though her new metal gag, and falls over onto her side, before beginning to struggle around on the floor, trying to spot her partner. Tibbs has by now almost made it to the BMW, still sat with it's engine running a gently purring idle in the quiet car park, its red and blue strobes still lighting up the dark night.

The girl looks from one cop to the other, and claps. "Wow Mr Teddy." She beams down at him as Teddy replaces his wand. "How can I repay you?" She asks. "Those two would've taken me in for sure this time. You did me a real solid and no mistake Mr Teddy. I just wish I could do you a solid too." She looks down at him, as Teddy looks back up. You can almost hear the gears in her brain turning in the quiet, as her drunk and stoned mind replays the last ten minutes. You can almost see the lightbulb as she remembers her promise to Teddy Wizard. "Oh." She says, before giggling. Teddy nods once, as though agreeing. "Sure thing Mr Teddy. Anything for my hero." She leans down, planting a kiss on Teddys cheek, before skipping off out of the car park, leaving Teddy alone with the two captured cops.

Teddy wanders over to the white haired cop first. Still laid on her side, more concerned with trying to free herself then with her current surroundings, she has quite a fright as Teddy appears from behind her, coming to stand just infront of her face. She squeals, wriggling backwards as fast as she can. Teddy ignores her though, continuing towards the car, having only wanted to check on her bonds. He hops onto Tibbs'es butt, which makes her squeal too, then jumps up into the car, through the open passenger door, which swings shut behind him, as though pulled by an invisible string.

A couple of minutes later, just as the two cops have finally managed to reach each other, having struggled and wriggled across the weed filled car park, the BMW's strobes cut off. The engine revs once, briefly, and then the car moves, pulling smoothly away across the tarmac, pausing at the exit, before accelerating up the road, leaving the hogtied cops to whatever fate the now still night chooses to deliver.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Again, a great continuation of this amazing story. I'm glad we are starting to see the combination of the two stories and I can't wait to find out what happens when the two powers collide.
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Post by RopeBunny »

Interlude. Pizza.

(This chapter directly follows on from the final chapter of my story 'The Grey Lady', which in itself ties into 'They Made Two....A New Wishing Story.' I'm in no way trying to say "Go and read everything I've ever written on the site" but, fair warning, without at least some knowledge of those two stories, the following buildup and eventual conclusion to Teddy Wizard will at times not make complete sense.
Louise x)

The basement door opens, and Drusila steps through first. She's still naked, but doesn't care, is for now happy to be free. Scarlet follows her through, trying hard not to stare at the younger naked girl, mostly failing.

Drusila wanders through the house, taking everything in, whilst Scarlet, having seen it all on her way in, heads for the lounge and drops down into an armchair to wait. There's only the one large floor above ground, with the main bedroom at the back, taking up most of one outer wall along with it's ensuite. A second bedroom, smaller and currently bare, is at the front. The kitchen and main bathroom take up the cabins middle, running off the short hallway, with the lounge at the front, it's the room you step into from the front porch. In the main bedroom, tucked behind a folded hoodie at the back of the wardrobe, Drusila finds several stacks of cash, close to twenty thousand she guesses in twenties and tens, all bound in neatly matching piles. She stuffs most of it into a Tesco carrier bag, then looks down at the few piles left, shrugs, and stuffs the rest in too. She also swipes a pair of aviator sunglasses from the bedside table, very similar to what Scarlet's currently wearing, which should help hide her own all black eyes. In the kitchen she finds new Dru.

There's blood everywhere, new Dru didn't die easily. Her body is in several pieces, as though torn apart by a whole pride of angry lions. It's clearly Scarlets work, which is impressive Dru thinks raising an eyebrow, considering that her rescuer doesn't have a single drop of blood on her. She stands for a good five minutes, looking down at the old Demon who stole her body, and tried to live her life, trying to feel something, trying to be angry, or upset. But nothing comes. Too much has happened, too many twists. In the end she simply nods once, tipping a salute in recognition of a game well played, then she goes to find Scarlet.

Scarlet tenses slightly as Dru enters the room, whilst it's true she just rescued the girl turned Demon, they're far from friends yet. She feels the Dark God inside her uncoil slightly, preparing for a fight. She needn't of worried. "Found the dead girl." Dru smiles, dropping into the sofa opposite. "Was that you?"
"It was." Scarlet nods, Dru nods back, saying. "A hell of a mess."
"She didn't give me a choice." Scarlet grimaces, remembering. "She ran for the kitchen when I blew the door, by the time I reached her she had some old scroll in her hand. Power coming off it like you wouldn't believe. Before I could even think the God inside had stepped forwards, split her in two and then just kept tearing." She shakes her head. "If she meant anything to you then I'm sorry."
"She didn't." Dru gets up, coming across the room to hug Scarlet, who hugs her back awkwardly, before coughing. Dru steps back, smiling. "So what now?"
"Clothes." Scarlet smiles. "Definately clothes for you."
"Oh. Right." Dru looks down at herself, then blushes realising she just hugged Scarlet whilst naked. "Sorry."
"S'alright." Scarlet reaches forwards, tapping the sunglasses perched on Dru's nose. "It's a good look for you." Dru blushes again, which makes Scarlet giggle. "Come on." She says, heading for the door. "Clothes are in my car." Dru grabs up the Tesco's bag, following.

Clothes turns out to be a pair of maroon drawstring trousers with a black stripe down the outside of each leg, a slightly baggy white tee with the green mushroom from Super Mario on the front, and some black flip flops. "They fit." Scarlet nods, as Dru does a small twirl. "They do." She nods back, as both girls climb into Scarlets 350Z. "I had to hope you were my size or close." Scarlet continues. "Those are my lazy day clothes, we'll buy you more tomorrow." She looks sideways at Dru as she shifts the car up into third, pulling easily out onto a roundabout devoid of traffic at such a late hour. Dru is fanning herself with one of the money piles. Scarlet grins. "Okay. You can buy more clothes. You hungry?"
"Starving." Dru thinks. "Feels like I haven't eaten in days."
"Okay then. You can buy food too."

An hour later the girls are sat on a park bench, with a large Dominos pizza and garlic bread open between them, a bottle of diet coke sits on the floor half drunk. Both girls are wearing hoodies against the slight nightime chill. "Well then." Scarlet starts, taking a slice. "I guess it's story time?"
"Okay." Dru nods. "I mean." Taking a slice herself, gesturing with it. "I'll help you with this Teddy, however bizarre a thing it already sounds, there's fuck all else I have going on. But please. Fill me in."
"Right." Scarlet pauses, taking a bite whilst she figures out how best to tell her tale. "Well...."
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Post by RopeBunny »

Scarlets tale, part 01.

I finished work as the sun was coming up, ran through a checklist with the signaller so he could reopen the line, helped my team pack away the equipment, and then drove home almost on autopilot. I got into bed, but couldn't sleep. Those eyes were waiting for me, small and red, whenever I closed mine.

I live alone now, Akira has been gone almost two years. We parted amicably, nobody cheated, nobody lied. In the end it came down to the simple fact of her increasing desire to be a Mum, to have children in some way, to be part of a proper family. It wasn't that she suddenly wanted a man, though both of us counted ourselves bi, if I'd wanted kids too then we'd still be together. But I don't. Everything that has and is still happening to me - the Dark God inside of me - I'm just not sure enough of my future to want that extra responsibility. So she left, with a hug. We still write. She lives up north now, dating a tug boat captain of all things. Thier first child is due in six weeks.

I settled down on the sofa, in the dark, with a hot mug of coffee. It was the Dark God I needed to talk with now, that whispering voice that constantly prowls around the back of my head, that being of immense power I can sometimes almost feel crawling up and down my spine, but on the inside. I needed it's knowledge. I needed advice.

To cut a long, and at times frustrating, to the point where more then once I found myself on my feet pacing up and down the room, gesturing and shouting, conversation short, the God didn't know. Or at least, it didn't know anything specific relating to those eyes. But it did at least know some things. It isn't a Dark God because it's evil, but instead because it calls the darkness home. As I found after I was shot. But there are evil beings out there, with a roughly equal number hailing from the light. Coming and going from various other planes. All engaged in the old war. Some, a handful from each side, are more permanent residents on Earth. Alongside these lesser beings is the occasional other, perhaps the scariest sounding of which is the Great Shark, as old as the dinosaurs, and about the size of most battleships. Power calls to power, and so all these magical beings are aware of each other, but not in any specific way. There's no exact locational knowledge, until you get close. But even then, unless two actually meet you'd never know just what form and powers were out there. There's no reference book to consult. And with only a small pair of red eyes glimpsed briefly in a passing train carriage to go by, the God has no clue what we could be dealing with. Friend or foe?

It's troubled though. I can feel the restlessness of the Gods thoughts, the dislike of the unknown. It doesn't want to be snuck up on, and nor do I. So we agree that this potential threat needs to be sought out, and further investigated.

I ring up work, requesting and getting approval to take two weeks short notice leave from my boss.

Approaching the problem logically, whatever being the eyes belong to must've sensed me, it was looking right at me as we passed each other. So, now knowing I'm here, chances are it's coming to find me, unless of course it was on the train because it was already coming to find me? I shiver slightly. Logically then, if I head out to find it too, then before too long we should bump into each other, which will force a confrontation, which will at least provide some answers. Satisfied, I wash and dress, before grabbing my keys and cards off the table and heading out to begin my search.

It takes four days, and then it finds me.

On Friday night the girls drag me into town, to do a lap of the clubs. They usually manage to do this about once a month, on either a Friday or Saturday when I'm not working, and can't come up with any other believable excuse quickly enough. At around two, in the very early hours of Saturday morning with all the clubs now shut, Sophie, Ruth, and me, are in one of the towns late night takeaways with a craving for something greasy before we all share a cab home. Sophie and me are queuing. Ruth, the smoker in our group, is outside chain smoking her way through a pack of Superkings. She always smokes twice as much when she's drunk. I'm trying to focus on the lit up menu hanging above the counter, trying to decide if I'm actually hungry enough for a whole triple cheese pizza or if I should just stick to a cheeseburger, all whilst Sophie talks my ear off about the gym trainer with the criminally tight jeans she spent half the night grinding up against. Christian. Whose number is still written in pink lipstick, Sophies shade, down her right inner arm. As Sophie pauses to take a breath we hear Ruth call out. "Hey girls look, a cute little wizard teddy." As if on cue I feel my blood turn to ice as I sense it, the sudden spike in power, magic not of this Earth in close proximity. I turn to Sophie, to warn her, not that I'd know the right words without sounding crazy, but she's already halfway out the door, homing in on Ruths giggling. "Shit." I exclaim, throwing my sunglasses down on the counter. The shopkeeper, a middle aged Indian man with a slight belly and an impressive beard, gasps as he sees my eyes, which I know from experience will be flaring up due to my agitation. "Fuck." I grab a couple of notes at random from the front pocket of my tight black jeans, slamming them down on the counter. "Large triple cheese pizza, mixed kebab with everything, chips, cheeseburger, and three diet pepsi." I near shout at him. He nods, almost cowering back away from me. "I'll be back." I tell him. "Have our food ready. Yes?" He nods again, practically running away to the kitchen. I shake my head, following Sophie outside.

The bench is only a dozen metres away from the shop, in the middle of a wide, and at this hour deserted, paved shopping area, one of four loosely surrounding a small group of trees. I spot Ruth, still sat down, too wasted to notice or care that her spread legs are giving me an excellent view right up her short blood red dress, a nearby streetlight is causing her silver thong to glitter slightly. Sophie is stood beside the bench, the same streetlight is giving her wet look tight black leggings their trademark shiny sheen as they hug her skinny legs. Both girls are bent forwards, staring at a small grey teddy in blue wizards robes, complete with pointy hat. "Scarlet." Ruth looks up, smiling. "Come see." At the mention of my name the teddys head jerks around to face me, and as we lock gazes its dull red eyes flare in echo of my own. "Girls." I call out. "Go on inside."
"What?" Ruth looks at me, confused. "But." She gestures. "It's an actual teddy. And it's actually walking and everything."
"Go on inside." I repeat, my eyes not leaving the teddys. "Food will be ready soon." The little teddy, it can't be more then knee height, looks from me to Ruth and back, as though assessing the situation, then it reaches into its robe, pulling out a small wooden wand.

It points the wand at Ruth, with almost instant results. Sparks fly from the end, all the colours of the rainbow, showering down all around and on her, and before I've had a chance to react Ruth has been tightly tied to the bench. She's still sat in the centre, but has been pushed back against the wooden slats. Her legs are spread at right angles to her body, forcing her to do the splits, with each ankle lashed by dirty white rope to separate ends of the wooden seat beams and black iron legs. Her spread wide legs have caused her dress to ride all the way up, completely exposing her thong. Her arms are behind her, bound together, pulled over the back of the bench at such an angle that her chest is thrust out, making her small breasts push up against the dresses thin fabric. More rope is around her neck, holding that too tightly against the bench. A large red ball, almost the same shade as her dress, is tightly strapped into her mouth by thick black leather straps, which her blonde hair is caught underneath, causing it to look even crazier then normal. Sophie yelps and falls over backwards, landing on her butt, staring wide eyed at Ruth, who begins to struggle almost immediately, accompanied by loud moans from behind her gag.

The teddy turns towards me and nods, my move.
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