The Grey Lady (F/F+)

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The Grey Lady (F/F+)

Post by RopeBunny »


Because I'm paying the largest share each month, Addison and Lucy insist I have the largest bedroom in our new three bed rental. The actic room. Then, after, once I've found the ghost, they insist all over again.

I'm the bridge between them. Lucy the bookworm nerd, and Addison the stunningly beautiful party girl. Which isn't to imply Lucy is ugly, she's not, she just hides it behind thick glasses and baggy superhero tees. I too love superheroes, and dancing to pounding bass as the sun first sets then rises again, and I've been complimented more then once on my great rack and cute bum. The two of them might not be best friends, but they make the effort for my sake.

We've all hit twenty now, we're all working, so independence beckons. Sharing helps keep the cost down, and together we can rent something far better then any of us could manage solo.

Our three bed detached isn't a new build. It's an old three story from before the war, with the top floor being in the roof. It has a garage, which Addison, the only one of us who can drive yet, has claimed for her ten year old Fiesta. We call it the white brick, because it's white, and she drives slower then anyone else in the world. She takes our teasing well. The back garden is big enough for sunbathing or a small party, with a built in BBQ on the patio. The views aren't the best, but it's a rental, so what does it matter.

The ghost shows up about a week after we move in. I assume she's a ghost anyway. A flight of stairs leads from the first floor up to my bedroom door. The ghost appears on the top step, always the top one. I've no idea why. The first time, I only just see her, climbing the stairs reading my mail I look up as she vanishes, the change from ghost to no ghost catching my eye at the last moment. I stop, and frown, and look around, before shrugging and continuing to my room. After that I do see her properly, getting to know both her appearance and her pattern. What I can see of her skin is white, actual white not the white box you tick for ethnicity, and her hair is black as night, and long, cascading halfway down her back in curls and waves. Her eyes too are twin pools of darkness, making it impossible to tell whether she's looking at me, or something behind me, or even at a random spider crouched in a corner on the ceiling. She's dressed in sleeveless dirty grey robes, parted down the middle, which does mean that not only can I see a hint of her surprisingly pert breasts, but I can also rather disturbingly see the tuft of black hair between her legs. The robes puddle around her on the floor, occasionally stirring as though toyed with by a brief puff of wind. She's slim. Bizarrely, she's gagged. A dark green cloth, also dirty, has been placed over her mouth, then wrapped around her head, over her hair, and tied at the back. She doesn't appear everytime I climb up the stairs, and never if I'm going down. But when I do see her, always on that top step, never moving, never talking or even gesturing, she always fades away as I climb towards her, vanishing completely by the time I'm halfway up.

I'm not an easy girl to scare, so I take having a ghost sort of guarding my room in my stride. I don't tell the others, because I know they'll freak out. Which Addison does, when she comes looking for me one Sunday morning after I've already left, and instead finds the ghost. I return home to find her and Lucy at the kitchen table, Addison halfway drunk, to calm her down Lucy tells me, both of them already looking online for a new place to rent. I take care of things. I like this house, I tell them, and don't want to move. Sure, there's a ghost, but only outside my bedroom, a place neither of them ever has to venture, and if I can live with her, so can they. In the end, I talk them both round, after a couple more drinks, and we agree to stay.

In hindsight, given what happens, perhaps I should've agreed to move.

Time passes, several months, with life proceeding normally for all three of us. And then.

On a Thursday, after work, home to change before heading back out, for drinks with a cute guy I met at last weekends record fair. I'm a sucker for mid nineties happy hardcore vinyl, but it's so damn rare. Climbing the stairs, and there she is. I smile, and tip her a salute as I climb, something which has become my habit of late whenever I see her. This time though, reaching the midway point of my climb, the ghost is still there. I tilt my head to the side, frowning at her, but continue to climb. I'm not afraid. Reaching the top step, she's still there, and we're now stood toe to toe, sharing the small landing, my closed door behind her. I stop, unwilling to attempt walking through her, if that's even a thing, and instead I spread my arms in a questioning shrug. "Well?" I ask. And in response, she moves. Her head does anyway. She looks me up and down, slowly, and then she winks at me. My mouth drops open, in surprise, and I watch as now she fades away. Slightly shaken, not scared but unable to stop picturing that apparently meaningful wink. I don't enjoy my date, instead I leave early, promising to call him this weekend.

Then comes Friday. I really should've moved.

I finish early on a Friday, at three, earlier then either Lucy or Addison. Normally I can be home before four, which gives me an empty house for over an hour. If I'm in the mood, in need of a relaxing wind down, which I am today, I'll use that hour to treat myself to a bath. Lots of bubbles, scented candles, quiet music. I've no plans for Friday night, but Addison may change that. I think Lucy is hosting a Dungeons and Dragons game tonight, takeaway pizza and beers whilst they all roll dice to save versus magic, or whatever. I know the roleplay stuff drives Addison nuts, so she'll probably want to go out clubbing. I do actually have a character of my own, a low level mage, but I don't feel up to all the obscure movie quoting banter right now. I'll go with Addison, Lucy will be downstairs, so I've no chance of watching a movie, and I don't feel like staying in my room. So a bath, and then out in the brick to wherever for food and dancing.

Arriving home the house is indeed quiet. I pick up the mail, nothing for me so I dump it all on the counter. I grab a quick glass of water, and down it over the sink, rinsing the glass and putting it on the rack when I'm done, then I head upstairs.

Climbing up to my room, looking at my closed door, but not really looking, my mind instead thinking about that guy, Mike, from the record fair, I'll ring him tomorrow, unless I meet someone cute tonight, I'm almost at the top, when I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I stop, and turn around, and there, stood at the bottom of the stairs, is the ghost.

"What?" I say, stupidly, because none of it makes sense. Why is she at the bottom? Did she just tap me, and if so how? She doesn't speak, but responds instead by beginning to climb slowly up towards me. I stand, frozen in place, though still not afraid, more puzzled, watching her come. Each step, each movement of her legs, causes her robe to part wider, exposing her breasts to me, each one topped by a small dark red grey nipple. Her breasts aren't huge, but nor is she flat chested, they're nicely rounded, sitting high up, jiggling slightly with each step. And then her robe will fall mostly closed, only to reopen wide as she moves again, taking another step. She gets two steps away before anything close to worry sets in, as I realise she might not actually stop, that she might simply walk through me, something I suddenly decide I very much don't want to experience. And just like that, as she moves one step away, panic seizes me, and I hurriedly back away, up one step, then another. I take a third step back, the ghost is still close, having been matching me step for step, only to collide into my closed bedroom door. I reach down, not wanting to actually turn and look, trying to feel for the handle, but it isn't there. Breath catches in my throat, she's now right here, close enough for a hug, and I realise, silly Drusila, that my handle is on the other side of me, but it's too late now. Again I'm frozen in place, though this time I am beginning to feel afraid, waiting to see what the ghost does next.

She looks me up and down, in echo of yesterday, but doesn't wink, instead she nods, as though confirming something to herself. I look up, my brain perhaps searching for an escape route, and of all the unexpected things to spot, what I see beyond the ghost, down at the bottom of the stairs, is Addison and Lucy.

They shouldn't be here, not this early, but suddenly I'm glad to see them, suddenly I'm less afraid because three against one ghost acting creepily sounds like better odds. "Girls." I call out. Lucy flinches at my shout, and if anything ducks further around the corner, as though she's trying to hide from me. But Addison, she just stands there, at the bottom of the stairs, in full view of me. Legs slightly apart, back straight, standing like a proud winner. She smirks up at me, and gives a sarcastic little wave with one hand, before using that same hand to show me the finger. "Girls?" I say again, less sure. And then I gasp, as Addison turns and leaves, and I realise she's won, and I've lost, though I don't yet know what I've lost.

Helpfully, the ghost chooses this moment to show me, to answer my unvoiced question. From around behind her, but also from out of nowhere, thick dark metallic chains come rattling towards me, like something out of a horror movie. Tearing through the air they make a sound like an angry freight train at full speed. And they're fast. I'm struck by all four at once, the combined impact knocking me back against the door. The chains instantly begin burrowing into my clothes, through my white v necked top and black jeans, seeking out my skin. Once contact has been made they begin to wrap themselves around me, from my ankles to my neck, pinning my legs together, forcing my arms to my sides, mummifying me in metal. As they move around me my clothes are shredded, torn apart by the chains, landing in scraps on the floor, leaving me naked, but still covered up. Fully wrapped now, I feel them tighten around me, squeezing like a snake. "Please." I manage to gasp out. The ghost makes a gesture, a one handed dismissal, and the chains relent, tightening no further, but not slackening either. I look at her, and she reaches up, unknotting her gag, before, with her newly revealed mouth smiling, she uses the cloth to gag me, exactly as she just was. I can see her taking pleasure in yanking it tight, forcing it against and slightly into my mouth.

On some level I think I knew what was coming next, but to see it happen is still a shock. The grey robe falls off her, revealing skin already darkening, already taking on a more normal pink colour. Her hair too is changing, shortening, turning light brown, her fringe styling itself just so. Her breasts grow fuller, becoming slightly less pert as gravity takes hold. Not needing the final confirmation I look down anyway, watching fascinated, despite everything, as an old appendix scar stitches itself into being across her pelvis. And with that the transformation is complete, I'm looking at an exact copy of myself.

The ghost, doppelganger Dru, looks herself over. "Nice." She comments, having stolen my voice along with my body. Then she looks up, choosing to notice me again, raging at her as best I can through my chain and cloth gag prison. She smiles at me, and shrugs. "Dont worry, I'll make sure you're friends treat me better then they just treated you." Still raging, wriggling, cursing, but unable to find any escape, I watch helplessly as she puts a hand under her mouth and blows at me, not in the least shocked when her small gesture conjures up a fierce wind. "Goodbye." She says, as the storm she magically created pushes me backwards, and I fall, through the hole in reality where my bedroom door used to be.

I tumble, a wrapped mummy, end over end through the darkness. With each tumble I can just make out, for a brief instant, the thin strip of light I fell through. Until, looking up, I see my own face staring down at me. She waves, new Drusilla, and pushes something, her robe I assume, through the hole, where it begins a slow tumble down towards me, then she ducks back inside my house, where my friends are. Are they still friends if they sell you to a demon ghost? On my next swing around, the light is gone. I'm trapped in chains, naked, in the darkness.
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Post by Macher »

Good setup. Hope we get more insight into the reasons behind why Lucy and Addison sold her.
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Post by Trickster »

Very eerie and very well-written!
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Post by RopeBunny »


I fall, tumbling through the near complete darkness. It feels like days, or forever, but how would I know which. I've no way of marking times passage here, even my endless turning isn't constant, a sudden gust of wind might speed me up, or push me into a new type of spin based on a different axis. For all the time I'm falling, the chains remain as tight as ever, squeezing the length of my naked body, squashing my breasts painfully into my chest. Even worse is the occasional itch. My left foot, above my left eyebrow. I can't do a thing about any of them, which is torture. All of that, on top of the darkness, the wind, the cold, the betrayal by people I thought were my friends. Everything I don't understand. It's enough to drive a girl mad.

Instead. I get lucky. I find the ground, or it finds me.

Despite how long I've been falling for, somehow I haven't built up enough speed for the impact to simply kill me, turning my bones to dust even as my body explodes like a water balloon. No. The ground is solid, if slightly uneven, and I do hit it quite hard, but all I get is winded, as the impact pushes the chain into me, jarring my ribs. I land on my back, and roll onto my front, which actually stops my head from hitting the ground too. I cough, through the gag, shocked and disoriented, it still feels like I'm falling.

After a short while the sensation passes, and I take in my surroundings as best I can. I'm lying on stone, dark grey almost black uneven slabs, like some form of naturally occurring crazy paving. There's no sun here, no moon or stars, nothing overhead but darkness, but I can still see. Just not very far. I can see the stone floor around me, perhaps out to a distance of ten metres, and that's it. So what am I supposed to do now? Where am I supposed to go? Bizarrely, despite how long I've spent falling, I dont feel hungry, or thirsty, or tired. And I don't feel even the slightest need to pee, which under normal circumstances would be a huge problem right about now, given the chains. I roll over again, onto my back, and try to look down at myself, to see what I'm wrapped and cocooned in. I can't see much, the angle is terrible, but my chain prison looks thick, and strong, and I honestly can't see any weakness. But, now that I'm on solid ground I should have another go at freeing myself, because remaining in this state until someone comes to help me is not an option, especially since, and I shiver to even contemplate it, whoever, or whatever, finds me out here might not actually want to help. Suddenly my mind can't picture anything except huge white teeth in a dark mouth, darker then the darkness all around me, stretching wide. I start struggling.

I get nowhere. I move, managing to roll several metres first one way, then the other. I wriggle myself around so my feet are where my head started off. But I get nowhere on the problem of my being wrapped up in thick heavy chains. After a half hour, maybe more, time is hard to keep track of, I'm exhausted, worn out, and possibly defeated. I might even welcome the gaping tooth filled mouth, at least it would be something other then my being a naked helpless girl, all alone in a strange place.

But, instead, no teeth. Instead I get lucky. Again.

I'm on my front at the time, wriggling, convinced my right arm can now move a couple more inches then it could ten minutes ago. But even had I been looking up it's doubtful I would've seen it coming. Something lands on me, something big. Whatever it is covers me completely. It sets off a tingling feeling, all over my body. Not like an itch though, I feel warm, relaxed, as though everything's going to be okay. With a small smile beneath the gag I seem to of forgotten I'm wearing, I drift off to sleep.

Waking up, I stretch, flexing all four of my limbs out into points as I roll out from under the covers on my bed. And then I stop, and my eyes fly open, as I remember where I am. The stone is cold beneath my bare back. I look around me, where did the chains go? And as I look I realise my eyesight has somehow improved. I still can't see much, the darkness is still all around, but I can see further into it, and those things I can see are clearer, the detail is better. Just beside me are the ghosts dirty grey robes, which must've been what landed on me, what caused me to fall asleep. Was it the robes that vanished the chains? That improved my eyesight? Standing, I reach up, remembering, and unknot the gag, tossing it to the floor. As I do, a flash of white on my arm catches my eye. I look down at myself, for the first time since I was wrapped in chains and pushed in here. My skin is white, pure white. I reach up again, and pull a handful of hair around into view. My hair is black. And, I check, reaching behind me, it falls over halfway down my back, further then my own hair did before.... I sit down, hard, falling down more then sitting as the realisation hits me. I can't feel my heartbeat, and.... I hold my breath, try to hold my breath, and I can't, because I wasnt breathing. The ghost has stolen my body, my living breathing body, and in return I now have hers.

Was I a ghost before the robes landed on me? Could I of somehow vanished the chains without the robes help? I spend some time just sat on the floor, thinking, trying in part to decide whether any of those big questions even matters. In the end, I decide to seek out some answers, because doing something is better then sitting here waiting to see whether those teeth will show up.

I put the robe on, because I don't want to be naked. Nobody can see me, true, but it still feels weird. It doesn't close, of course, so just like with the ghost my own pubic hair, trimmed into a tidy landing strip thank you, along with a good portion of each breast, is on display. Nothing I can do about that though, and besides, I've bigger problems then my bits being on show. Wearing the robe, the tingling sensation returns, but I don't feel sleepy this time. It's hard to describe, but I feel awake, better, there must be some kind of power in the robe, or wearing it is the key to unlocking something inside of me. Either way, I can feel things, like possibilities, bubbling away beneath the surface of me. Ideas, thoughts. Like, if I flex just so, which I do, doing something I couldn't even begin to describe with both my mind and what feels like most of my lower back muscles, and just like that I'm slowly rising into the air. "Fuck." I exclaim, in a whispery rasp far removed from my old voice. I think, and flex again, bringing myself slowly back down. "Okay." I nod, a smile forming. "What's next?"

Practice, and exploration, that's what. Slowly, carefully, I learn all the new, I should say cool new, things I can do. Turns out, I don't need the robe, though it does seem to make everything easier, to increase the power and effectiveness of what I can do. I guess when the robe landed on me, whilst I slept, powers my transformation into a ghost, or whatever I am, gifted me with, awoke. I don't know how long I practice, and learn, for. Eventually though, when I'm ready, I manage to reopen a portal back into the world.

It's dark when I return. Night time. I smirk at the irony. I'm stood with my back to my old bedroom door, it having been easiest to step back through the same door I left from. The house is quiet. I turn around slowly, until I'm facing the bedroom door, my bedroom door, now new Drusilas bedroom door. Is she in there now? Does she know I'm out here? Does she even expect me to return? Time to find out. I reach out, and gripping the handle I gently pull. It moves, so I quietly open the door, before slipping inside.

It's empty, no Drusila, no anyone. Not even any furniture. When the three of us moved in we bought furniture with us, so none here now means I, she, at least, has moved out. "Damn it." I curse, flexing my hands, trying to climb back down from the adrenaline rush that had been coursing through me at the prospect of both revenge and a potential fight.

I check the rest of the house. No furniture in either of the other two bedrooms, so Addison and Lucy are gone too. No clues anywhere either, no mail on the counter. "Damn." I say again. But then I smile, and regard the front door. "The hard way then." I tell it. I shrug. "That's fine. I've got nothing but time."

The front door explodes outwards, and, torn free of it's hinges, is flung clear across the front garden to land in the road. I step through the gap, and look around. No lights come on, nobody comes to investigate. "Ready or not." I say, smiling, as I begin to walk up the road. "Here I come."
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Post by RopeBunny »


I head for the all night Esso garage, humming some half remembered classical tune as I walk towards the end of my road, where it's situated. As I wander onto the forecourt a car is just leaving, an older couple in a dark blue Volvo estate. I can see them staring at me, but I ignore them, my attention instead on the lone young female cashier, stood behind the counter, staring at me. I give her a little wave, causing her to spit out the water she just drank. She watches me as I walk between the deserted pumps, towards the door, which opens with a quiet hiss as I approach.

Inside, the lighting is way too bright. I head for the counter, passing shelves stacked with chocolate bars and crisps that I no longer crave. The girl hasn't moved, is still watching me, looking nervous, maybe even scared. She's young. Her big breasts and large belly press against her white tee. Her hair is black, like mine, but shorter, and tied back into a single loose tail. "Hi." I say, waving. She flinches behind her protective glass shield, looking like a rabbit caught in headlights, wanting to run but unsure which way leads to safety. I sigh, and try again. "Hi."
"You're naked." She points at me, whispering, as though afraid to say it out loud. I look down at myself, shaking my head. "Well no, actually, I'm wearing this robe." I tug at it, briefly exposing one of my breasts to her. "See. Now." I gesture at the empty shelf where the days newspapers are usually stacked. "Are you all out of papers today?"
"But. You're naked."
"No. I'm not."
"You're naked." She nods to herself. I sigh, we seem to be stuck in some kind of loop, and try again. "No. Well, yes. Under this robe I guess I am. But these are the only clothes the ghost left me. So." I shrug, what are you gonna do. "Now. Where are the papers?"
"But you're naked."
"Fine." I glare at her, and she obviously sees something in my eyes, because she ducks down out of sight, whimpering. "Have it your way."

I summon a chain, just one. It appears over my left shoulder. Entering through the hole it ripped in reality, and then rattling it's way at speed towards the shop girl. Even just one still sounds like an angry metal monster. The girl screams as the chain plunges through the reinforced glass, shattering it, before snaking down to find her. Wrapping itself around her chest, looping above and below her breasts, shredding her tee as it does, exposing her sensible white bra, and pinning her arms to her sides, it then drags her up off the floor, pulling her over the counter, bringing her to me. She doesn't stop screaming the whole time. The chain holds her upright, so we're eye to eye. She's still screaming, so I slap her, just hard enough I hope to stun her into silence. It doesn't work. "Hey." I say, trying to sound reasonable. "Stop that. I only want to talk." But she doesn't stop, just keeps screaming in my face, shaking her head. I look at her, and shake my own head, realising she's too far gone, too scared of ghosts, of me, to be able to calm down. I look past her, at her side of the counter, I only need to know what day of the week it is, what time, there must be something useful back there. Leaving the girl chained up, I walk around her, floating up into the air as I do, so that I glide over the counter top, coming down on the other side, landing with a crunch amongst the glass shards. I look around, and locate a small black messenger bag, with Marvin the Martian artwork, which contains her phone. I pull it out, and tap on it to light up the display. And then I swear, loudly.

Fourteen months have passed, since the ghost stole my body and cast me into the dark dimension. Over a year, when it felt like a month at best. Now what?

I stick to the plan of course. Calming down, I look again at the complete date. It's a Tuesday, around eleven. I think. Lucy used to have Wednesdays off, because the Library has to close at least one day in seven to give the staff a break. On Tuesday nights, the manager, a close friend and regular participant in her sessions, stages a lock in after hours, so that she and Lucy, and a varying group of others, can role play until long after midnight. Perks of the job she used to joke. "Okay then." I nod, feeling calmer now that I've regained my focus. I look back at the girl, as I replace her phone, she seems slightly calmer, no longer screaming, just breathing heavily. "I'm going now." I call out to her. But she just shakes her head in response, refusing to even turn to look at me. I shrug, and vanish the chain. It fades away all at once, causing her to fall to the floor. As soon as she lands she starts crawling away from me as fast as she can, towards the door. I leave her to it, leaving through the fire exit door that I discovered behind the counter, then walking directly away from the garage, by a route that won't bring me in sight of her, lest I set her off all over again.

Walking to the library, trying to stay away from main roads as best I can so I don't draw unnecessary attention, I reflect on my circumstances. The fourteen months revelation has hit me hard, I can feel myself brooding about it still. But ultimately there's nothing I can do to change it, so I try my best to let it go, to focus instead on what I can do, what I decided to do. To seek out Addison, and Lucy, and, if I can find her, new Drusila. To seek them out, and to get answers, or revenge, or both. After awhile I start to feel better, and a short time after that I realise I'm humming again.

Reaching the Library at just after midnight there are still a scattering of cars present, which hopefully means I'm not too late. Lucy is involved with two separate role play groups, the one she has charge of where both males and females play, and this one, which is for girls only. It's a rule made by the head librarian, from what I remember Lucy telling me, though she just scowled at me when I asked, fairly I thought if slightly teasingly, whether this rule was due at least in part to the fact that Lucy's friend and boss only dates females. I could, I suppose, simply smash open the doors, as I did leaving my old house, but I'd rather not announce my arrival here. I walk towards the main double doors, grinning, bending my will, or reality, just so, and like the ghost that I believe I might be now, I simply walk through the closed doors. My body tingles slightly as I pass through the thick wood, but walking through doesn't slow my pace. I think I'm invisible like this, which is to say that in the movies ghosts tend to be invisible. Obviously in the dark dimension I had no easy way to check, no mirrors, no other people, that I saw anyway. Maybe now is the time to find out. So, rather then reverting to my usual state, I wander off through the lobby, heading into the main area, aiming for the back of the building, where I remember from a session I attended the table they normally use. As I walk I try not to giggle.

Rounding a bookcase, I spy them all sat around their usual circular table. There are six girls present, including, I grin, Lucy. Walking right up to the table it would appear I actually am invisible, as at least one of the girls is looking in my rough direction, and she doesn't seem the least interested in my being there, or in my near naked appearance. Curious, because I do enjoy a good adventure from time to time, I stop, standing beside the table in a gap on the opposite side from the Dungeon Master, which happens to be Lucy's friend, and listen in. It seems the group are exploring an Orc filled cave network. From what I can pick up it sounds as though they were captured earlier, in the forest above these caves, and must now escape. It sounds quite fun, and I'm almost sorry to ruin their nights play. Almost.

I wait until the group encounter some Orcs, until simple exploring becomes combat. Then, grinning, I reach forward, losing my invisibility as I scoop up a handful of mixed shaped dice from the girl to my right, a skinny girl with pink spiky hair playing an Elf fire mage. "Suddenly." I say, trying hard not to laugh as everyone around the table gasps in shock. "An angry ghost appears."
"Dru?" Asks Lucy, staring at me. "That's Dru?" Asks the head Librarian, puzzled. "But I thought....?"
".... But we saw Dru with you last weekend?" Continues a dark haired girl. "Hi Lucy." I say, waving my dice filled hand. "Be with you in a moment. But first." I roll the dice, all at once, tossing them across the table, grinning. "The ghost attacks."

I summon chains, a whole host of them. They make a howling sound as they appear from behind me, a loud crash that causes at least one girl to clap her hands over her ears. Then, with a rattling that is almost deafening, they fly through the air, attacking the group before any of the girls can do much more then stand up. In mere moments all of the girls bar Lucy have been secured tightly. Most have simply been pinned in their chairs, wrists yanked behind them, legs forcibly spread and pressed against the chair legs. One of the five has been thrown back several metres, against one of the concrete pillars that holds up the first floor, with chains then wrapping around her and the pillar, mummifying her to it. The final girl, the Dungeon Master, has been dragged up onto the table, and then spread out in an X shape, with chains snaking off each of her limbs, pulling her tightly in four directions at once, towards each of the table legs. All five of the girls are mostly naked now. I'm not entirely sure why the chains shred any clothing they come into contact with, I remember them feeling slightly hot, slightly sharp, when they attacked me, or it might just all be part of the magic. Despite having a good understanding of most of the things I can now do, there is still so much I either don't understand or, like the chains, have no easy way to test or verify. Of the five the DM on the table has come off the worst, she's completely naked, having struggled whilst the chains were pulling her back across the room as she tried to run. Of the others, it's just slashes. Some pubic hair, or not, here, an exposed nipple or whole breast there. Lucy is staring at me, her mouth working, but no sound emerging. Whilst all of the chained up girls are either screaming or babbling nonsense. I shake my head, it's like a replay of the Esso. "Right." I say. "That's enough noise for one night thank you." I set off around the table, stopping at each girl, using discarded scraps of clothing from each one to make a gag. I stuff each girls mouth until it's full, forcing cloth or strips of bra fabric in until I can't fit any more, then, using one of the longer intact strips I secure the stuffing in place, knotting it tightly behind the head, making sure none of the girls can simply spit out their gags, even after I'm gone.

Lucy is still staring at me, she's stopped trying to talk, and is instead slowly shaking her head, as though trying to deny any of this is actually happening. I walk over to her, she sees me coming and visibly flinches, trying to hide behind a chair. I stop in front of it, and sigh. "That won't help you know."
"I'm sorry." It's almost a whisper. "I said. That won't...." I begin, before stopping, and shaking my head, realising she's actually apologising. "Well. It's about fourteen months too late, wouldn't you say?" She nods, still trying to hide from me. "Come on." I say. "Stand up, stop cowering from me. I'm not here to hurt you."
"You're not?" Lucy comes halfway up from her crouch. "But I thought?"
"That you'd never see me again?" She nods, and I smile. She half smiles back, standing up all the way. "So, you're back?"
"And you're not going to hurt me."
"I just want to talk."
"Okay." She takes a step around the chair, and I grin. She smiles back, properly this time. She looks around, at the empty tables, and gestures at one of the smaller ones, as though offering it up, as she asks. "Where would you like to talk?"
"In the dark."

I see her eyes go wide an instant before she drops, as the realisation hits her, and then she's gone, tumbling straight down through the portal I opened directly beneath her feet. She screams as she vanishes into the darkness. I look around, at the five remaining chained up girls, all of whom are looking at me with various degrees of fear, at least half of whom are actively struggling. I smile at them. I've honestly no clue what the chains will do once I'm gone, just one more thing I've yet to test. My own stayed tightly on me until the robes freed me, but that was in the darkness. I tilt my head, thinking, perhaps I should return in a couple of hours, to check. Or maybe not. I giggle, and blow them all a kiss. "Have fun girls. Roll to save versus magic next time huh." I step forwards, jumping into the hole Lucy fell through, allowing the darkness to swallow me up.
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Post by Trickster »

So intriguing, eerie and well-written!
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Post by RopeBunny »


Unlike when the ghost cast me through a portal, this one I've opened is much closer to the ground. Lucy doesn't have far to fall, and due to the weird laws of this place she doesn't hit the ground too hard, just as I didn't. As soon as I pass through the portal I close it behind me, to prevent unwanted guests, then I summon the chains, sending them rattling down after a freshly landed Lucy. By the time I land, nice and softly, on my feet, she's waiting for me.

There's a kind of frame, like a cross, made out of dark almost blood red wood, rising several metres into the air. The chains have pulled Lucy up onto this, and secured her in place. Her arms are pulled out to each side, held cruciform, with a chain wrapping each arm from elbow to wrist. Her legs are pointed straight down, pinned together by chains that also hold her tightly, preventing her from sagging or slipping. Finally, a chain crisscrosses her chest, making an X shape, separating her breasts, pinning her top half in place. In the act of binding her the chains have completely stripped Lucy. From her shaved pubic area to her large pert breasts she's completely on show, and unable to do anything about it. I look up at her, as she looks down at me. "You said you just wanted to talk." She accuses. I grin, floating up and closer, putting me face to face with her. Reaching out, I see her flinch, trying to wriggle herself away from me, but she can't. I trace a slow circle of her left nipple, smiling as I see it harden. I run my finger down, following the line down past her belly button, all the way to her pussy slit. I tap her sensitive area twice, gently, enjoying seeing her flinch each time, hearing her breath catch. "Sure." I reply. "We're here to talk. But on my terms. Understand."
"But why?"
"Got it?" I repeat, reaching back up, twisting her nipple this time, even as I give it a small tug. Lucy cries out in response, nodding. "Yes. Okay. Got it."
"Good." I nod. "Let's not forget who got who banished to this fucking dark place right?" I twist again, to make my point. Lucy's breath catches, and she yelps. "Fuck. Shit. Okay Dru. Okay." I let go, and float backwards a couple of metres. "Okay then Lucy. Now. Why don't you tell me a story?"
"Okay." She nods, getting her breathing back under control. "Okay."

"Did you know every Library, every major one anyway, has a special section?" I shake my head, no. Lucy smiles, revealing a secret, and continues. "This section contains whatever ancient books the Library owns. First editions, one offs, reference manuals. Rare books. Things written hundreds of years ago in some cases. Viewing is by appointment only, and then a person has to know the book even exists before they can look at it. You can't just turn up at the desk and ask to see the rare books, otherwise everyone would be allowed." She looks at me. "Do you get it?"
"Yes." I nod. "Its very clever. Only people in the know can look. Only people who actually need to see it."
"Exactly." She beams, as though it were all her idea. "After Addison saw the ghost on the stairs I went and researched her. I thought if I knew more about ghosts I wouldn't be scared anymore." She looks at me. "Because you wanted to stay, and I'm your friend, so I wanted to be able to stay too, without being scared."
"Okay." I nod. "So did you find anything."
"I did." She explains, becoming quite excited at times, forgetting that she's trussed up several metres off the ground. "She's not a ghost, she's a Demon."
"A Demon?"
"Yes. I saw her picture in an old military history text. She was summoned from a dark dimension." She looks around. "Which would be here I guess?"
"I guess." I shrug. "It's where I was sent after...." I gesture with my hands, not really wanting to actually voice Lucy's betrayal right now. She nods, understanding, then goes on. "Almost a thousand years ago. Some King, fighting another King, managed to somehow summon her, to drag her into the light."
"Because she grants favours."
"Not wishes then?" I smile. Licy smiles too, shaking her head. "No. Favours. A wish is a gift, with a favour you're owed something in return."
"Okay. So what did she get in return."
"Nothing. The King tricked her."
"I sense an explanation." I give her a questioning look. She nods. "Go on then."
"This Demon. In return for gifting the King victory, and a crown, she wanted to live in the light. She needed a human to swap skins with, to exchange her body and life for theirs."
"Oh." Is all I can say. Lucy nods. "Yes. Jumping forwards, and simplifying things, she is you, and you're her."
"So I'm the Demon now?"
"Kind of." She gestures, by nodding, down at her chained naked body. "You've certainly gained her powers, and you look like her. And she looks just like you."
"You've seen her?" As I say it I remember the Library, and nod. "You've seen her, I remember a couple of your gamer friends saying so."
"Yes." She nods. "She's you now. Human." She pauses. "I think." She shrugs, as well as the chains will allow. "She doesn't know how to be human. Plus, she doesn't have any friends I guess. But she does have your life. Your job. She left Addison and me after a couple of days. But occasionally she'll just show up, with some human problem she doesn't understand. And I help her as best I can."
"Right." I say, not really caring about the Demons problems, at least not right now anyway, her time will come. "So go back to the King now. Tell me the rest."
"There isn't much to tell. The King promised, and then instead of delivering he somehow banished her straight back to the darkness. Only she found a way back out I guess, because she was in our house."
"You guess?"
"Yes." She grimaces. "Anything after the Kings betrayal wasn't covered, the book was only interested in the battle, and the immediate aftermath. So yes, I'm guessing, that based on us seeing her she somehow found her own way out."
"Looks like it." I nod, before fixing her with a glare. "So now tell me why I'm the one the Demon switched with." Lucy flinches, swearing as the chains tighten around her, my sudden flash of anger causing them to react, to dig further into her. But she nods, and tells me.

"I told Addison, one day whilst you were out, I told her what I'd found out." She shakes her head. "I just wanted her to know she didn't need to be afraid anymore, that we could all live with the Demon, that she couldn't hurt us. She just nodded though, like she didn't care. Then, about a week later, she came to see me at work, to take me out for coffee. She spent the whole time talking about this amazing plan she'd thought up, about how she and I could get a favour from the Demon. 'Anything we wanted' she said."
"So the two of you sold me down the river." I look at Lucy, spreading my arms. "How could you Lucy?"
"I had no choice." She shakes her head. "I'm sorry Dru, I am. Addison tried to sell it to me straight. She somehow thought I'd willingly give you to the Demon. I told her no, and I thought that would be the end of it. She smiled, said okay, said it was just an idea. Then she got up and left. Then the next day she set about destroying my life."
"She did what?" I'm surprised, shocked. I've always known Addison has a mean streak. Luckily it doesn't often show itself, not towards me anyway. Clearly she's far worse then I ever thought. I ask Lucy. "What did she do?"
"Everything. She got me fired. Burnt all my comics and roleplay stuff. She even hacked my Facebook. She'd managed to bad mouth over half my friends before I found out. I confronted her. She actually laughed at me, like ruining my life was all a joke, no big deal. But then she stopped laughing. She looked at me, deadly serious, and told me that until I helped her she wouldn't stop. That, in the end, I'd help her, that I'd willingly give you to the Demon."
"So you helped her."
"Yes. What choice did I have? I went with her, whilst you were out, up onto the stairs, to meet with the Demon. She did all the talking, offering you up, in return for a favour each for the two of us. The Demon simply nodded, before disappearing again. That was on a Wednesday. On the Friday she came for you."
"Yes." I grimace. "I remember."

I hold up two fingers. "Just two more questions."
"Okay." Lucy looks hopeful. "And then you'll let me go?"
"One." I say, holding up a finger, ignoring her on purpose. "What did you and Addison get from the Demon?"
"Addison got to be rich. A whole vault full of money. On the Saturday, the day after you vanished, she won the lottery on a quadruple seventy million rollover."
"And you?"
"I got to be popular."
"That's it?" She nods, her voice quiet. "It's all I've ever wanted. I might be pretty. But boys never notice me, not the hot boys anyway. I'm into all the wrong things for that."
"And now?"
"Now." She smiles, closing her eyes and flexing her body just so, clearly remembering something bedroom related. I smile despite myself. She opens them again, and looks at me. "Let me go please."
"Not yet. Last question. Where is Addsion?"
"Where else." Lucy laughs. "She bought the penthouse on that new tower down by the lake, highest building in the city. She's living it up in the clouds from what I've heard, hosting a never ending party."
"Right." I nod, slowly beginning to drift away. "Thanks."

"Wait." Lucy calls out, straining against the chains. "Yes?" I stop. "What?"
"Aren't you going to free me?"
"But." She looks at me, pleading with her eyes as much as her voice. "You've got to let me go. The lead singer of Dusk til Dawn...." I nod, I've heard of them, already regular pop music chart toppers fourteen months ago "....he's in my bed, right now, waiting for me to come home. Please Dru. We're getting married in three months."
"Well. No. Lucy. Just. No. Whilst that all sounds lovely. Just swell. You'll forgive me for not giving a shit about your life right now. For now, you just wait right there."
"But Dru." And I lunge towards her, through the air. And as I do something new happens. It's like I drop out of reality twenty metres away, only to reappear almost instantly less then one metre away. Lucy screams, as the chains dig in again, as I reach out with both hands, grabbing hold of her breasts, squeezing them, putting my face right up against hers. "No Lucy. Another word from you and I'll find something to gag you with. I'm sorry Addsion used you. I am. But you're responsible for my becoming this too. You benefitted. So now. You're going to stay here, whilst I go and find you some company." I slacken my grip on her breasts, only holding them gently now. Leaning down, I kiss each one in turn, before straightening up once more, to kiss her full on the lips.

I feel her responding to me. She closes her eyes, kissing me back, even as her body strains slightly towards me, against the chains. "Be a good girl." I whisper. She nods, whispering back. "Okay." I pull away, she whimpers briefly as I break contact.

I vanish, backing away through the portal I create, into early morning sunshine. Lucy watches me go.
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Last edited by Deleted User 2628 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just discoveref this story! I like Ghostwriter stories and this one in particular :D I guess, Addison is in for a surprise :)
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Post by Deleted User 2628 »

Last edited by Deleted User 2628 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RopeBunny »


Standing on newly landscaped grass, where before there was only a concrete factory, on a Wednesday, with the morning sun beginning to show a willingness to actually do it's job and warm the day up already, I look up at the ten floors rising before me. I can almost hear the music and shouting coming from the penthouse above. Or at least, knowing it's happening, it feels as though I should be able to hear it.

This is Addisons castle in the sky. Lakeside View. The tallest of five apartment blocks, and the only one facing the lake, which, for those lucky enough to live on the correct side of the building, means a very pleasant view indeed. I assume Addison has that view, living on the top, but of course there might be two penthouses side by side, or four, so maybe not. It's this lack of knowledge regarding the buildings layout that dictates my plan going forward.

I could simply fly up, on the outside, to land on her balcony, and force my entry from there. Provided she has a balcony of course. If not then I could simply shatter one of her windows, and fly in through the gap. But which windows are hers?

Better to enter normally, by the front door. Just like a normal person I think, looking at my reflection in the glass, shaking my head.

The front door is locked, with a keypad entry system, and a buzzer for calling up. I stare at this unexpected problem, trying to decide if I shouldn't maybe smash my way in after all, when luckily, the door clicks. I look up, to find a well dressed young guy, fashionably spiked blonde hair, slim and muscled, wearing a fitted dark blue suit, pushing the door open from the inside. "Yes?" He says to me, blocking the open door, checking I guess to make sure he should let me in as he leaves, just like a good neighbour. "Hi." I wave, he's very cute, and I find myself suddenly quite flustered by this first male contact in over a year. "I'm trying to see my friend, in the penthouse."
"Right." He nods, smiling. "Been buzzing for hours huh?"
"I doubt she can even hear you calling." He nods upwards. "All that music. I'm down on the sixth, sometimes I swear I can feel the bass."
"Oh. Right. Sorry." He shrugs. "Not you're fault. Be good if she'd turn it down though. Cops 've already tried twice." I grin at him. "I'll see what I can do." He seems to actually notice me properly at that point, as he steps to the side, holding the door open for me. As he looks me up and down I suddenly remember my near nakedness. He coughs, and looks up quickly, his cheeks colouring red. "Oh." Is all he says. "Yes." I reply, lost for words myself. "Well...."
"Nice costume." He manages a slight grin, which makes me grin back despite myself, at the unexpected compliment. "Thanks."
"Thought the fancy dress thing was last weekend though?" He muses, letting the door close behind him, leaving towards the car park opposite.

I walk in, heading across the lobby, towards the lift. I don't look back, because I don't want him to catch me checking him out again. And if he's checking me out, then I'm not entirely sure what I could, or would, or should, do about it. So I don't look back. There's a door for the stairs beside the lift, along with a large sign, red writing on a white backing, reminding you not to use the lift in cases of fire. I push the lift call button, nodding at the sign, and wait.

A ping announces the lifts arrival, with the shiny metal door sliding open moments later. I step in, and look around. It's a good sized cube, with all three inside walls being two tone blue, darker blue below, then paler above, for the lake and the sky I guess. Separating the two is a metal handrail that runs the length of the inside, apart from the door. One side wall has the control panel. A button for each floor, with the standard alarm and door buttons too. I push for floor ten, and the lift pings its acknowledgement, closing its doors.

Which don't manage to close completely, as a hand suddenly appears in the gap, accompanied by a. "Hold on." I curse under my breath, having wanted privacy, but it's too late as the doors are opening again. The hand belongs to a young girl. A slim blonde, wearing skintight white jeans and a tiny pale blue top that barely covers her enormous breasts. The top hangs off her flat stomach, and jiggles with every move she makes. Her strappy black sandals have a huge heel on them. She bends down, and with some effort picks back up the two twelve packs of beer she'd obviously put down to grab the lift doors. She walks into the lift, oblivious to my glaring at her, and setting down the beers, leans over to push the tenth floor, despite the fact it's already lit. The lift pings again, and closes the doors, beginning its ascent.

"So," I look across, to find her looking me up and down. "are you Addys friend?" Addy? I frown, since when was it Addy. "Kind of." I answer. "You?"
"Totally." She giggles, waving a hand at me. "Addy and me are like, total besties. You know?"
"Ye...." But she just carries on talking, right over the top of me. "Yeah. I mean. We even got our tits done together. Down in London. Stayed in the same hotel. The Savoy it was. Have you ever been to the Savoy?" She looks me up and down, but doesn't wait for an answer. "I love the Savoy. It's so much better then the Ritz. That place is so dated. This one time, last year, on a shoot, Marcus. He's my manager by the way. I mean, sure we were fucking, but, you know. Anyway...."
"Shut up!" I yell at her, having had enough. As I shout the lift shudders, and stops. The lights blink out, with half of them, for emergencies, coming back on moments later. Her mouth drops open. "Oh my god." She blurts out. "Did you do that? Is it broke? I have to get this beer back to Tommy. Have you met Tommy, he's amazing. He plays football for United. Not the first team, not yet anyway, but he's totally getting a place next season. This one time...."
"No." I say, waging a finger at her. "No more stories. No more talking. Understand?" She stares at me, then opens her mouth. "No." I take a step towards her. "I'll fix the lift, and then we can ride up together. In. Silence. And then you can go give the beer to footballer Timmy and I...."
"It's Tommy." She wags her finger at me. "And anyway. What are you wearing? Fancy dress was last week. I remember you know, because Addy and me went as slutty schoolgirls. And Holly was totally...."
"Enough." I scream at her. "For fucks sake just stop already."
"One more word." I hold up a finger. "I'm warning you." She shuts up, thankfully. I breathe out. "It's Tommy though." She says, almost sulkily. I glare at her, and she flinches back, but too late.

The chains arrival is deafening in the small confines of the lift, like a sonic boom. She's thrown back to the floor, and in no time has been wrapped into a tight hogtie. A chain around her wrists also loops about her waist, whilst each of her legs has been separately chained up bent double, shredding her jeans, and making it look like she has frogs legs. A final chain has wrapped around her neck, with a good two metres of slack trailing on the floor. "What. Hey." She shouts, starting to struggle. "No more talking." I tell her, bending down to rip off her top. Predictably, she isn't wearing a bra, so her perfect round breasts, got to be at least an E cup, bounce about as I free them. I knot her ruined top in the middle, before shoving it into her mouth, and tying it off behind her head. She's still struggling, but I'm not finished yet. Taking up the slack from her neck rope, I loosely tie it around the handrail, to stop her from leaving the lift. Then, still kneeling, I rummage around inside her tiny black leather handbag, which had been resting ontop of the beer. Finding her lipstick I stand up, and on the back wall I scribble 'FREE to a good home' in hot pink, adding an arrow pointing roughly towards both the girl and the spot on the handrail where I tied off her neck chain. "Okay then." I say, addressing the lift. "Let's go already. Addy's waiting for me." The lift obeys, now that my anger isn't messing with its systems, and renews its steady climb.

With a final ping, the doors open onto the tenth floor. I peer out. A short corridor leads to a single set of dark wooden double doors, flanked by large green leaved potted plants, with 10A written in gold lettering above them. A half dozen thongs and bras are nestled in the plants, and a young guy is slumped against the one on the left, naked except for a pair of black boxers, an empty litre bottle of Grey Goose vodka between his splayed legs. His snores are loud enough that I can hear them over the steady thumping bass beat coming from beyond the doors. Bending down, I scoop up the beers one handed, it helps to be a demon sometimes, and with my free hand I pat the hogtied girl on her butt, about the only part of her still covered by her ruined jeans. "Okay then." She jerks her head up, rolling onto her side to look at me. I grin down at her. "Time for me to go and see your bestie. Don't worry, I'll say hi from you. What was your name again?" She tries to shout at me through the tight gag, which renders it unintelligible, all whilst struggling around, causing her breasts to jiggle. Again. I smile, and flick her nipples. She yelps, and struggles some more. "Later then." I say, standing up. Leaning over I push every single button on the lift, just to give her something to think about, and then step out. I wave at her as the doors close, giggling as she continues to struggle. The lift motor whirs into life, and I turn my attention to the door.

I try the handle, and it opens, so I simply walk in, locking the door behind me.

Inside. I'm stood in a large entrance hall, with the rest of the apartment both to the left and right of me. Looking through open doors it appears the living areas are to the right, all open and sunlit, with a corridor to the left hinting that at least one of the bedrooms is that way. The thumping bass is coming from the right, so I go right.

I find a large kitchen dining room, with a set of glass doors leading out onto a huge balcony, which is probably big enough to qualify as a roof garden. Lots of greenery in pots, a large gas BBQ, and a wooden seating area under a wood and white canvas gazebo. Next to the gazebo is a large hot tub, bubbling away despite being empty. In the middle of the garden, on a blanket, a skinny girl is noisily fucking a fat guy with glasses. She's knelt ontop of him, bouncing up and down whilst he fondles her small breasts. "Good for you." I say, stopping briefly to smile out at them, which of course they don't see. Slumped in one of the dining table chairs is a girl, asleep and snoring, one hand thrown over her face, a line of dribble running from her mouth down onto the cleavage provided by her low cut red top. I dump the beer onto the table, stealing one and pulling the ring tab, she doesn't even flinch. "Fair enough." I say to her. "But none of you can be here." Mentally reaching out to all three, flexing, I open up portals underneath them, which they all instantly fall through. I'm keeping an image of just outside in my head, the patch of grass I arrived on. The sleeping girl, and the couple screwing, will only pass briefly through the darkness before appearing safely there. Hopefully they won't even break their rhythm.

I leave the now empty kitchen behind, resuming my walk towards the music.

The next room along, the entire flat is like a giant horseshoe, with the entrance at the centre and each half bending back behind you, hugging the central stairs and lift, is the lounge. Larger then the kitchen, with only two doors on the far wall, one of which is open revealing a small bathroom. A huge flat screen dominates one wall, the biggest I've ever seen outside of a cinema. It's on mute, it could never compete with the music anyway, but on the screen I can see Wile E Coyote once again trying to catch the Road Runner, this time using the old fake tunnel routine. Six people, three couples, are sprawled on a large dark blue sofa that's positioned in the middle of the room, facing the screen. All of the girls are in bikinis, with the boy's wearing board shorts, and in one case a pale yellow tee too. In front of the sofa a seventh person, another boy in shorts and no top, is sat leaning against the sofa. Three fat and sweet smelling roll ups are doing the rounds between them, and the immediate area is littered with empty cans and glass bottles. I stand between them and the flat screen, it takes longer then you'd imagine before I'm noticed. "Hey girl." Shouts one of the boys, just about audible over the music. "Move already. I can't see my boy Wile E."
"Man. Fuck that Wolf." Shouts one of the girls. "That Road Runner gonna show him."
"He ain't no wolf sister." Chimes in a second guy. "That Coyote is a Coyote." Which strikes him as funny, and he cracks up. Several of the others join him. One of the girls, perhaps slightly more sober, has been staring at me this whole time. I turn my head, noticing her, and she points at me. "Hey. Where's your costume?"
"She wearing it now." Says one of the guys, gesturing at me, before laughing all over again. "No stupid." She hits him. "Fancy dress was last week. Where's her bikini."
"Damn yeah." One of the guys is pointing at me now, too, at a very specific part of me. "You all naked girl. What's up with that."
"Yeah girl. Fancy dress was last week. You know." I put my head in my hands. Fucking stoners are giving me a headache. "Right." I clap my hands, which thankfully shuts them up. "Goodbye." I wave at them, creating another portal as I do, this one large enough for the whole sofa, plus the guy leaning on it. Two of the stoners actually wave back. I shake my head as the sofa drops through, and then close the portal.

In one corner of the room, on a table, is a proper, and expensive looking, DJ set up. Turntables and a mixer, plus other things I've no clue of, all are connected by a maze of wires. Sat beside all of this are eight speakers of varying sizes, four to a side. Additionally placed with the set up are a couple of posh looking disco balls. In the sunlight I can barely make out the play of coloured lights dancing and chasing each other around the room. But at night it no doubt looks very impressive. There's even a strobe, currently turned off, sat nearby to a smoke machine, also off. Rather then destroying it, using magic of some kind, even though I'm tempted, I settle for simply yanking wires out all across the back of the equipment. The first couple have no effect, then half of the speakers shut down, and then, with a sudden burst of feedback, everything shuts down, and it's quiet. "Thank you and good night." I mutter, just as a door slams from the other side of the flat, and I hear a familiar voice scream. "Who shut off my fucking music."

I turn around, and wait, as I hear footsteps approaching through the kitchen.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"Hey. Where is everybody?" Addison, it's definitely her, shouts from the next room, getting closer. I stand in the middle of the room, where her sofa used to be, facing the door. Waiting with my arms crossed. "Hey. Chris, Frankie? Laura? You back...." She walks into the room, sees me, and stops dead.

"Hello Addy." I say, grinning. "Expecting someone else?"
"Dru." She says, grinning back at me as she tap taps on her phone, before tossing it onto the armchair beside the door. "How unexpected." She gestures around at the empty room. "Where are all my guests? Where's my fucking sofa?"
"About ten floors that way." I respond, pointing down. "Hmm." She replies, looking me up and down. I take a moment to do the same to her, noticing the changes. She's stood with her legs slightly spread, hands on her hips. A very defiant pose. As slim as always, her skin is deeply tanned, a clear indication she's been spending at least some of her new found riches jetting all over the world. Her long curling hair, still dyed fire engine red, is now additionally dyed a deep black for the final several inches all over. Her new breasts are huge, even larger and rounder then lift girls. All she's wearing is a string bikini, the black thong bottoms little more then a triangle, whilst the sky blue triangles on the top do a terrible job of covering her up. Her nipples are covered, but little else. She shakes her head at me. "You shouldn't of come here Dru."
"Care to explain why?"
"You were supposed to stay in the dark."
"Dont worry. I'll be heading back there soon." I nod at her. "With you."
"Where's Laura?" She gestures at my beer. "I sent her out for those."
"You're new bestie?." I tease, grinning. Finishing the last of my can, tossing it over my shoulder, I shrug. "I left her in the lift. But to be honest, the way I gift wrapped her, she could be anywhere by now."
"Now now." I wag my finger. "You're in no position to judge." I gesture down at myself. "After what you did to me." Addison just shrugs though. "You weren't supposed to come back."

My temper flares at Addison's complete lack of compassion over what she did to me, and without even realising I've done so, I hear the booming and ripping of the chains I've summoned as they pass beside me. Addsion screams in fear, all bravado vanishing as she turns to flee, but she's already too late. One chain catches her arms, yanking them together behind her, wrapping them all the way from wrists to elbows. The second snares her ankles, even as she takes her first step away from me, pulling them together too, wrapping tightly. Addsion loses her balance, crying out as she pitches forwards, unable to protect her face as she falls. The chains never let her land though. Her ankle chain grows longer, even as it flows upward towards the penthouses high ceiling, taking Addison with it. Upon reaching the ceiling the chain borrows in, anchoring itself, suspending Addison upside down in the rooms centre. Her face is now roughly level with my chest, with her long hair falling downwards but not quite touching the floor. As she begins to struggle, causing a gentle swinging motion, her wrist chain wraps itself additionally around her waist, pinning her arms to her body.

"Well." I say, smiling, as I walk up to her. "Now who regrets sacrificing their friend just for some money?"
"Bitch." She spits back at me. "Let me down."
"No." I give her a push, causing her swing to become more pronounced, like a pendulum. "I think it's time we talked."
"I've got nothing to say to you."
"But." I suddenly feel quite deflated. It's not like I came here to repair a friendship, I'm not sure it would even be possible after what she did anyway. But I at least thought I'd find some remorse. That she'd be slightly sorry. Damn it. As she swings towards me I reach out, grabbing her bikini top, holding it to keep her still. "You're not even sorry." I ask her, almost whispering. "Are you?"
"No." She shrugs, and then starts laughing. "Did you come here just for an apology?"
"I thought we were friends." I almost plead, trying to understand. "No." She shakes her head. "I don't have any friends."
"But. All the things we did together."
"So what." She shrugs, or tries to. "I'm pretty, you were too."
"Is that really it?"
"Yes. Number one. Me. That's all that matters. Everything, everyone else, is just baggage slowing me down."

"Well then." And I'm done. I don't even want to be here anymore. I don't want to look at her. Everything she's saying just feels like one poisoned barb after another, each one stabbing me in the heart, destroying a lifetime of what I thought were happy memories. I had planned on dragging her back into the darkness, chaining her up to a cross I'd raise right next to Lucy, keeping them both there, though what I did next was still somewhat vague. Now. Now I just want to be alone, to never have to see her, or possibly anyone, ever again. I yank at the bikini top, ripping it off her. Thanks to the wonders of surgery Addsions huge breasts don't even sag, instead they remain pointing straight at me, almost as though they too are taunting me. As her top comes off it sets her to gently swinging again. "Fine." I say. "I'm done. With you." I gesture around, at her flat, at the world, at everything. "With this. I'm leaving." And then, suddenly, I can feel a tingling.

It starts in my chest, before rapidly spreading out, filling the inside of me. "What?" I say, confused, looking down at my hands, at my stomach. A girls voice begins talking, her voice strangely familiar. "Who?" I say, spinning around. But although the voice feels like its whispering directly in my ear there's nobody near me except Addison, who has begun to laugh. Suddenly, just as I begin to feel a tugging sensation deep inside me, as though my body wants to be somewhere else, and won't take no for an answer, I realise why the voice sounds so familiar. It's me. My old voice. Which was stolen by....

I gasp, the realisation hitting me far too late, even as a wall of darkness opens up behind me, reaching out tentacles to grasp and wrap around my limbs, dragging me back, swallowing me up. "Be seeing you bitch." Laughs Addsion, winking at me.
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Post by RopeBunny »

007. Finale.

It isn't my darkness. The place I'm dragged backwards through isn't where I left Lucy, where I was first thrown. This darkness is much angrier. Lightning flashes constantly all around, and though it doesn't illuminate anything the resulting noise is deafening.

My robes are ripped from me by a hurricane force wind that accompanies the storm, I see them turned to ash, the ash blown in all directions, leaving me completely naked.

And then, so quickly I still haven't even had time to consider fighting back, my journey is over.

It takes me a moment, the trip and the flashes, all the noise, was so disorienting, it takes me a moment to realise that I've stopped moving. All of my limbs are still stretched out behind me, as they were when the darkness took me, I try to move my left arm, and I can't. I try again, with each limb in turn. No luck. I can't turn my head, it too is secured, but with my eyes I can just about see what's been done to me. Each of my limbs is pointed behind me, stretched out tightly in a kind of diagonal X. From the elbows and knees back each limb disappears into the wall. Whatever the wall is made of has flowed around each limb, creating a perfect seal, trapping me and holding me rigid. The position I've been placed in means my body is thrust forwards, so with my legs spread as they are both my breasts and pussy are front and centre. Just to make sure I can't move, and to shut me up, the wall has flowed out towards me at neck level, encasing my neck, flowing both around and into my mouth, forcing it open, forming a very penis like shape that I'm forced to bite down on as it grows and stretches until it's filled my mouth up completely. So I'm trapped, with no way to move, and no way to talk, I can't see any easy way out, and with my robes gone whatever magics I have will be greatly reduced in power.

I look around, to see where I am. It's dark, with the only light source being a thin strip of sunlight escaping around the side of a small curtained off window, set high up near the ceiling. The room I'm in, what little I can see of it, looks like a basement. I can't see any of the other walls, or any steps leading up and out, mostly all I can see are cardboard boxes of all sizes, stacked up in piles that march away from me in all directions.

Movement, off to the left. I can't really move my head, the cock in my throat won't let me, so I look with my eyes, and my worst suspicions are confirmed as I see myself step out from the shadows.

She's smiling, new me, as she approaches. Stopping in front of me, giving a little bow, which makes her giggle, she looks me up and down. "Well then. I've gotta say, well done you for making it out of the darkness. Personally, I didn't think you would, or at least, not so soon anyway. Still." She shrugs. "Makes no difference now. Because now you're trapped in a different kind of prison, and I'm not letting you out. Ever." She walks away, into the darkness. Thinking she's gone, and with panic suddenly rising inside as her words sink in, I begin to struggle. Or at least I begin to rock my body back and forth an inch or two, since that's all the movement I appear to have. But then I hear a scraping sound, something being dragged closer, and she reappears, pulling a wooden chair behind her. She sets it down a couple of metres away, facing me, and lowers herself onto it. "Right then." Crossing one leg over the other, so it rests ontop. "That's more comfortable. Since you're not going anywhere, I'll do you the courtesy of explaining everything." She grins. "Like a villain in a kids show huh."

"I know you've spoken to Lucy already. Don't worry." She waves a hand at me, as though I've actually spoken. "I'll go and bring her back for you. It's no trouble. So given you captured her I'll just go ahead and assume you know at least most of the backstory here. Yes?" She grins. "Just speak up if I'm wrong. Okay." She giggles. "Oops. Or not. Turns out. When I swapped with you, we swapped everything. So now I'm just some helpless little girl, like Addison, who we'll get to in a moment. I knew you'd eventually be coming for me, if you managed to escape, so I knew I needed some way of fighting back. Well." She does a pretend conjuring gesture at me and the wall holding me. "Ta dah. I might not have any magic inside of me, no power to call on anymore, but I can still use a scroll. And luckily for me I just happened to know the location of the church where one was buried, a scroll containing the power to summon and trap any demon you could name. And...." She does a kind of dramatic pause, clearly enjoying herself. "Since I was you, I know your name. And a Demons name is a powerful thing. So. I blew your savings on a flight to Russia, retrieved the scroll, then went to see Addison. I told her you'd eventually escape, and that when you did she'd be fucked, then I offered my protection, for a price. Obviously Addsion paid up, and that money bought this house, which I needed for it's basement, with enough cash left over for me to live without working, for awhile at least. When you showed up at her flat, she messaged me, and I used the scroll to bring you here." She smiles at me. "And now you're all caught up."

She stretches, standing as she does. "Anyway. I've things to go do. Your life to go live." She giggles. "You'll be fine down here. I know you don't need food. Or sleep. So." She waves, giggling again as I begin to struggle. "Goodbye old Dru. Enjoy the rest of forever." And she leaves, walking away into the darkness, leaving the chair sat facing me, empty, almost like a taunt. I hear her climb the stairs, open and close a door, and then I'm alone.

Time speeds up, and slows down, and eventually loses all meaning here in the almost darkness. I can't even remember what day of the week I was captured, and I've no clue of the month, so keeping a count everytime the sun rises is impossible.

When I can focus, I try to come up with an escape plan. I feel around inside myself, trying to find some up til now undiscovered power, some part of me I can flex just so, to break free. But I find nothing. With my robes, maybe, but without them I'm missing something, and whatever power I'm left with just isn't enough.

I don't need to sleep. But my mind begins to drift, to wander through made up waking daydreams. I relive my happier memories, or sometimes, as the sun begins to peek into the basement at the start of another new day, I'll close my eyes and play let's pretend I'm not a helpless captive. I'll daydream my way through a made up normal day, maybe I'll go to work, or maybe it's the weekend. My daydreams are about the only things that keep me sane.

Addison visits me, maybe a half dozen times. Swaggering down the steps as though she were the one who caught me. She always stays most of the day, taunting me, almost always using her hands to tease and torment me. Frustrating me as she repeatedly brings me to the brink of happiness, only to leave me forever hanging. New Dru shows up too. Sometimes. Mostly she just sits in the chair, watching me, smiling. Occasionally she brings her dinner into the basement, and when she does it's always a takeout, something delicious, the smell of which lingers for hours afterwards. I might not need to eat, but try telling my sense of smell that.

So time passes.

Then, one night. I'm roused from a daydream about some guy I once met at a record fair, imagining the perfect date for us: him taking me to a Happy Hardcore revival in some kind of huge open warehouse or dance club, with DJ Hixxy headlining. An endless night of dancing and kissing, my flesh pressed against his. I hear a muffled crash from upstairs, followed by footsteps, and shouting. The shouting goes on for a couple of minutes, and then there's a second crash, followed by a loud thump on the ceiling, and then silence. The silence stretches out, to the point where I actually begin to believe I imagined the whole thing, and then the basement door explodes.

Someone turns on the light, I hadn't even known there was one, let alone a switch for it at the top of the stairs. New Dru or Addison always bring a battery powered lantern down with them. I blink against the sudden harsh glare after forever spent in semi darkness, whilst I hear someone slowly descending the stairs. They reach the bottom and cross the room towards me, swimming into focus as they do. It's a girl, a new girl.

She's slim, and young, around my age, wearing a pair of skintight faded blue jeans tucked into loosely tied black combat boots, and a tight black tee with a drawing of Godzilla giving a thumbs up on the front, which hugs her large firm and pert looking bust. Her long curling hair is dyed fire engine red, and bizarrely for the middle of the night she's wearing aviator sunglasses, the reflective mirrored lenses showing my own face staring back. "So." She says, looking me up and down. "Here you are." She claps her hands, and smiles. "Remember kids." I hear her mutter. "Try not to scream."

I gasp as she removes her sunglasses, tucking them into the neck of her tee. Her eyes are black, just like mine. Well, one of them is. Her left eye is a milky grey colour, with two angry looking scratches running down through both her eyebrow and actual eye, before continuing halfway down her cheek. The scratches are all scar tissue now, but they look like deep wounds. She stands very still, hands by her sides, palms facing me, looking right at me, for several minutes before anything happens, and when it finally does I gasp all over again. Her shadow, which had been puddled at her feet, suddenly begins to grow. It changes as it stretches out away from her, defying the light above it, taking on the shape of a tall slim male with clawed hands. Then, the shadow bends somehow, coming up off of the floor until its stood directly behind her, towering over her by almost a metre, its head coming close to the ceiling. It walks fowards, stepping through her, coming directly at me, and I can't help struggling and screaming around my gag as panic seizes me. But, stopping before me, the shadow man puts a finger to his lips. "Hush." He says, his voice a low rasping whisper, like you'd imagine a snake would sound were it given the power of speech. "We mean you no harm this day. Be still please." I stop, I'm still mostly shitting myself, because ontop of everything else when he just spoke to me all I could see in his mouth were row upon row of sharks teeth, I stop mostly because, like all the other times I struggled, its getting me nowhere. "We begin now." The shadow says, and looking behind him, at the still motionless girl, I realise she's mouthing the words exactly as and when he speaks them. I return my attention to the shadow, just as he plunges both his hands into my stomach.

I go to cry out, at the shock of it, before realising I feel no pain, despite the fact both arms are now elbow deep inside of my chest. It tickles if anything. Taking a step closer, bending slightly so that his face is inches from mine, he speaks a single word, a name. "Ki-Bak-Furi." He says, and then he pulls, stepping back as he does, dragging me out of the wall after him. I collapse onto the floor, coughing, my whole body a numb tingling explosion of sudden feeling. The shadow man releases me, stepping back.

"Come on." The girls voice again. "Let's get you up." I feel her hands around my chest, as she lifts me up, helping me into the chair. I sit, slumped slightly, as she hunkers down in front of me. She's breathing heavily, and looks like she could use a sit down herself. "How do you feel?" She asks. "Better now." I nod, raising my head to look at her. "Thanks. You look like shit though."
"Just give me a minute." Waving my comment away. "Seperating is hard. He shouldn't be in the world, even for a minute. But it was the only way. Anyway." She holds out a hand. "I'm Scarlet."
"Drusila. Dru." I shake it, and she smiles. "What happened to your eye?"
"Long story." She grimaces. "I'm afraid that whilst we, whilst I'm, glad to free you, because our kind should never be locked away, I did so for semi selfish reasons."
"You need my help?" I guess. She nods. "Yes."
"Okay. I mean. Sure." I look down at myself, smiling. "I mean. I'm naked, and I'm not sure if I've even got any powers now. But. If I'm guessing this right then you and I are the same?"
"Kind of." She makes a see saw gesture with her right hand, even as her shadow briefly bubbles, growing a pair of long tentacles that stretch towards me, as though it were angry at my comment, before they die back and it returns to normal. "To keep it simple let's just say yes, we're both demons. As for your current state." She smiles cheekily. "I've clothes in my car for you, and we'll buy you better on the road. And as for your powers, I wouldn't worry on that score. I bet you already feel stronger?" With a start I realise she's right. Now all of the tingling has faded I feel amazing, virtually bursting with power. I look at her. "I thought I needed the robes?"
"No." She shakes her head, standing, breathing normally again and looking better despite that angry scar. "From what little research I did on you, those were only ever a focus. You're free of them now, you'll just need practice." Remembering something new Dru said, I ask. "When it freed me. The shadow, you?" I look at her, questioning, she nods, so I continue. "You said something to me. A name. Was it my name?"
"Yes. I couldn't free you without it." She smiles at me. "I know what you're going to ask next. Roughly translated it means 'The Lady of Chains.'"

I stand up too, no longer able to sit down, I feel like I could take on an army single handed. "What do you need help with?"
"There's a Teddy bear we need to kill." She replies, the expression on her pretty face, a combination of sadness and fury, stops the laughter at such an absurd thing cold in my throat.
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Post by SoftlySwitching »

Love this story, especially the interactions between characters
Bound and gagged, completely trapped in sensations of silk and fur, either giving or receiving, I’m in 100%
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