Mr. Black Meet Miss Red and Miss White M-FF

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Mr. Black Meet Miss Red and Miss White M-FF

Post by WyattW5 »

this is a new story I want to see what people think before I proceed with a follow up.

Jason Black would never consider himself an unduly paranoid person. But when he noticed the faintest glimmer of light coming from the office of his assignment he did not know what to think stopping his truck down the road.

A man of Black’s profession had many enemies and a number of competitors he had no doubt someone was trying to snake this job from him. Reaching into the glove compartment of his car he grabs a short barrelled revolver sliding it into his side holster. The man parked his car and ran along the edge of the ditch.

The dead of night in this little suburb was home to some quite interesting people. Jason Black’s target. European mobster Giuseppe Silvano. While only a handful of people knew about him. He was wanted by Interpol and other various National organizations. His work in slave trafficking was nearly legendary.

Jason Black was hired to put an end to Silvano and form it into an accident or otherwise. Black had studied the man’s movements constantly foretelling he was likely to be asleep at this late 2 am.

Approaching the house Black noticed the house door was untouched but the garage door was left open just enough for someone to roll underneath the following suit. Black’s eyes adjusted well in the darkness as he found a set of wooden stairs, rather than walk along them to make the stairs creak as they would.

He grabs hold of the railing and with all his might leaps over it and sets his bottom on the railing before sliding onto the landing. Opening the door without much force he could hear rustling over the other side of the house. Stepping lightly the man eye’s the kitchen to see some wine opened and two glasses poured.

Expensive Italian this stuff costs twenty grand a bottle.

Shaking his head Jason moves on following the rooms into the empty dining room a nice elegant dark wood dining room set once again marked a hint of exquisite taste to the assassin's mind. Shaking his head he walks into the open door to the living room was left empty without a machine or even a clock inside.

Hearing the rustling some more upstairs he hears some mumbled complaints. Going up the stairs into the hallways he noticed the upstairs office door wide open with a light on and a bedroom door open.

“Look the money is more then what you expected we can... you can have the money just let me go”

a woman’s angered voice growls as she emits a low grunt of frustration.

“Well, I do that, you call the cops I’d be gone by the time they got here but you know I just never like taking those kinds of chances, besides with you left behind it gives something to slow the police chase”

“For all the woman in there knows, you are my accomplish only you know who I am”

“I don’t know who you are we met through Tally's bar we only gave each other aliases for security we went through this come on just let me augh” the woman’s voice began grumbly and incomprehensible.

Black decided to peek into the open bedroom door to see a woman dressed in a white sleeveless blouse. A white pencil skirt her head was covered in a white scarf with tiny black polka dots. A knotted cleave gag in her mouth. Her hands tied with rope behind her back her ankles tied in white three-inch heels. Acknowledging this was Silvano’s lady friend. Unknown name or anything about her. She kept her face greatly concealed by sunglasses and a headscarf over her raven hair.

Acknowledging she was no threat to anyone in that condition. Opening his belt he could hear the man laugh and giggle as the woman in the office commence to groan and grumble. Peeking into the room Jason’s eyes grew wide as the red-headed woman on the floor had been wearing a black turtleneck and jodhpurs with riding boots. She had tape binding her ankles and knees tape wrapped around her mouth a number of times.

The turtleneck was now rolled up and the man’s hands were rubbing and caressing her bosoms. Her eyes were wide with rage as she looked to the hands fondling her large bosom. Then her emerald eyes look up seeing Jason she squealed into the gag.

Jason shot back away retreating a bit. He could hear the man draw a weapon from his belt. Hearing the click of a gun hammer Jason could sense the man was giving chase. Staying in the bathroom Jason listens to the heavy footfalls of the man.

Who wears steel toe boots on a B&E

As the booted footsteps stopped in front of the bathroom door. Jason grabs his belt off his waist looking up he backs away from the door. As the man kicked it open taking too long to recover his aim. Jason used his belt to whip the man in the face knocking him to the floor.

Kicking the gun from his hand. Jason wraps the belt around the man’s neck as the man tried to punch Jason the hitman grabs the wrist bends it awkwardly wrapping the wrist and neck inside his belt using this as a leash to hoist the man up. Pressing the man’s knee into the man's other shoulder.

“I mention the name of your employer you say yes, practice”

“Oh my fu”

kicking the man in the stomach he let out a coughing fit for air as Jason released the belts pressure a bit.



“Zhenya, Cesare, Nikolayevich, Marsico, Henly, Griffiths... do you understand the rules?”

“I’m just here for the money, I heard this Eurotrash MF works export, was out of town, heard he was out of town, here to take the money and run please don’t kill me”

lifting the balaclava from the man’s head Jason draws a blade and sets it just above where the belt clenches his skin. Digging the sharp edge just to draw some blood.

“If I see your mug again, I will put you in the ground, get out”

Releasing the man from his belt the man throwing his balaclava at him Jason kicks him down the stairs. Picking up the burglars revolver Jason checks the cylinder with a chuckle sliding the gun into his waistband.

Walking into the bedroom Jason walks in slowly doing his best not to make the floor whine under his weight. Approaching he noticed the girl had stopped wiggling on the bed. As her head began to turn Jason puts his hand gently on her scarf covered hair holding her head straight towards a wall away from him.

“I am not here to harm you alright, I am going to blindfold you, then take your gag out so you and I can have a conversation if you talk peacefully and civilly I will release you when the time comes if not I will leave you in a situation you do not like do you understand”


She speaks trying to nod her head Jason looks around the room for something to blindfold her with when he sees the folded silk scarves on her desk. Taking one he folds it into a band with his left hand still holding her head with his write he blindfolds the woman. Before releasing her head from his hand and unties the cleave gag pressing his hand over her mouth

“Do not scream”

removing his hand from her mouth she spits out a soaked wad of cloth. Coughing a little she tries to look around with the blindfold finding only darkness.

“Who are you what do you want?”

“Giuseppe Silvano, where is he?”

“I do not know a Giuseppe Silvano”

the woman’s British voice spoke almost fearfully before Jason clamps his hand over her mouth the other hand clamps into a fist looking at her he wished to strike her but oddly his moral disposition refrained him.

“I have been watching him come out of this house for the past two weeks. Your boyfriend the two of you went shopping in the mall last Thursday you picked up a nice lacey bra. Do not lie to me again”

“I do not lie, sir, his name is Gino Salatino, he works import exports he went for the weekend to work out a shipping snafu please believe me”

“When will he be back?”

“Tomorrow night please let me go I will pretend you were never here”

“But those rope burns on your arms are telltale signs, my dear”

“I will tell him I was playing with some self-tie stuff he knows I like that kind of stuff just please let me worry about that, and leave”

“I am not here to harm you or take your money to understand, I need to have a discreet word with him, now beings I chased off the big burglar, let us see what the lady burglar has to say”

“You... you are not with them?”

“No, I came on my own now open wide please”

“Oh please I will be quiet”

Stuffing her mouth Jason tied the other scarf between her teeth. Standing up Jason grabs a couple of scarves and walks from the bedroom. Down the hall and into the office where the woman in a rolled up turtleneck her natural bosom revealed. Looking up to see Jason she began to struggle to grunt into her gags. Kneeling down next to her Jason rubs her cheek making her nudge away from him.

“I am not going to hurt you okay, I am gonna cut the tape off your mouth and we can have a conversation like human beings or I have some fun with you it’s your choice” cutting the tape off her head Jason raised her ponytail to peel the tape off her mouth pulling the wad from her mouth she drew a quick breath.

“Don’t hurt me I know what this looks like but I was just a hired girl the other guy is the mastermind I just did as I was told please don’t” clamping his hand over her mouth Jason looks into her eyes.

“No doubt you’re a nice girl but right now I need you to shut up” releasing her mouth her face turned stern and annoyed.

“I am not the owner of this house, but I am not a burglar either, I am an unfortunate acquaintance of the house owner now shut up behave you will make it out of this unscathed, but I am curious as to your connection with your ‘partner”

“We met over at a low-end bar on the other side of town, a place where lowlifes and girls like me go often, the bartender gives us tips on locations for a fee. This was our third job together, the bastard” shaking her head

“The other places were small stuff managed to nab maybe a thousand two at most, but here we found nearly a twenty thousand in the desk alone”

“Would you believe me if I told you there was more in the basement?”

“The basement more, how would you know that?”

“I’ve snuck in here two or three times, the basement if I counted right, there is at least a quarter of a million dollars”

“What how could he?”

Explaining their choice of target was an international criminal who made his living dispersing work orders for girls around Europe and America. The burglar’s face grew shocked.

“You aren’t hurting anyone but him by stealing his money, so I make you a deal you co-operate with me you keep the twenty grand you picked from the safe, and I’ll add an extra ten for you never to speak of this or come near this house ever again, the woman in the next room is scared to death”

“What is it you want me to do, for thirty grand least I could do is help maybe make a ransom letter”

“I am not here to ransom her either, knowing him he would likely pay me twenty grand to have my way with her the pig, what I want is for you to stay out of the way best way I know that is to keep you tied up”

“So you want me to stay tied up, over the weekend for thirty grand?”

“Close enough, I’ll even give you bathroom breaks and meals if you are polite”

Jason spoke calmly his voice firm and commanding. Looking into her emerald green eyes her jaw rolled a few times looking to him. eyeing him carefully the woman's gaze searches from him to her bonds.

"I have a couple of requests?"

"what is that?"

Jason asks almost smiling as he raised his knee from underneath him rubbing his chin with his right hand. his left held her shoulder keeping her from falling backward's.

"can you lower my shirt please, I would like to keep some of my pride or dignity whichever you want to call it. I do not want my breasts to be exposed the entire time"

"fair enough it makes no difference I've seen them they are nice if you don't mind my saying"

Taking the front of her shirt she lowers it back down over her belly making her smile softly at Jason before he asks.

"next request?"

"well, I would ask you to refrain from touching them but you did so without asking"

"what you think me an abuser like your partner?"

"I did not know what to expect, what did you do with my partner anyway?"

"I just reminded him how much blessing it is for one to breathe on his own power, may I know your name?"

"My name is Shania Redding may I know yours?"

"for safety sake, just call me Mr. Black"

"Mister Black, alright will you be leaving me again?"

"for a bit, I need to speak with our host she could probably use a break I am going to gag you but not with tape open your mouth nice and peacefully"

Doing as he instructed he stuffed the cloth back into her mouth before he took one of the scarves he bought and tied it between her teeth. Standing up Jason turns around and flicks the light off. leaving Shania in her bonds.

Walking into the bedroom the girl follows Jason with her blind gaze as he sits down beside her. removing her gag.

"how long have you been tied like this?"

"I don't know I think I was tied up at five-thirty or so"

"nine hours and fifteen minutes, I do not envy how achy you will be by the end of this, what happened how did they tie you up?"

the woman gave Jason a detailed explanation of how she had just gotten home from work being a Saturday overtime she was going to settle with some fine wine before the door rang and the woman approached saying her car had broken down and needed to call a tow truck.

"so she got in pretended to be on the phone while her partner snuck in the garage and tied you up?"

"you are half right, he snuck in told me to take them to the office where his partner the girl found the safe they tied me on the bed when his partner found my rope collection and decided to tie me up. i have seen him sneak some rope in his jacket pocket"

"so I see now, I am gonna untie you and let you use the restroom then I am going downstairs to make some dinner alright"

"wait you are going to cook for me?"

"I will but I have a condition, what is your name?"

"Clara White Sir. and your name?"

"you may call me Mr. Black beings you will likely never want to see me again after this I see no need to try and become more friendly now hold still while I unbind you"

Untying Miss Whites hands and ankles keeping her blindfold on Jason escorts her to the bathroom setting her in front of the toilet and closes the door. Believing he left Clara did not attempt to remove her blindfold or her headscarf simply slid her skirt down and removed her underwear and performs her ablutions.

"just stay calm Clara, do as he will say he will let you go"

Jason struggled to keep silent as he heard her words of self-encouragement standing up returning her skirt and underwear to the proper place she washes her hands under hot soapy water before standing in front of the sink and puts her hands together behind her back and called.

"Mr. Blacki am finished" opening the door Mr. Black approaches calmly placing a hand on her shoulder another on her elbow guiding her from the bathroom to the bedroom"

"I am going to bind you more comfortably then you were earlier, this is a kindness please do not make me regret it"

Saying nothing Clara felt her hands be bound crossed her front before a strand connected to her ankles. filling her with the wad of cloth once more he bound the cleave gag between her teeth and wound a larger scarf over her mouth keeping her lower face concealed.

feeling confident in his ropework Mr. Black decides to go downstairs and get some dinner ready for Miss White and Miss Red. wouldn't this be an amusing weekend?
Last edited by WyattW5 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'm very impressed! Very much so :) The scenario is very good, the dialogues are written very well. Speaking for my part: I would greatly enjoy a follow up :) Mr. Black's Character is some kind of Gentleman:) I like him!
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Post by Macher »

Interesting scenario, definitely one I'm interested in. Dialogue and characters are good. Will definitely read more of it should you choose to continue it.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Very good story, lots of detail, I think you should write some more, it is a bit different, and very interesting. :)
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part two because a few of you guys liked It, apologies this is longer and less bondage filled.

Cooking some Breakfast/dinner for Miss White and Miss Red. Jason Black had fun. Cooking steak and eggs dicing some onion into the mix Jason made two omelets for them. And brew a cup of coffee for himself. Mr. Black was ready for breakfast.

Ascending the stairs Jason went into the room with Miss white noting she was asleep Jason decided to leave her. Finding Miss Redding sitting on the floor her eyes drooped but as she heard the approach her eyes went large looking up to Jason who knelt down next to her.

“Breakfast is ready, I am gonna take you downstairs okay”

“Umphf kmmpf” picking Miss Redding up Jason carried her bridal fashion from the room down the hall into the dining-room setting her down on a chair removing her cleave gag and the stuffing she choked out a little cough.

“The stuffing was dry can I ask you please to dampen them before you fill my mouth again”

“I depend on how civil you be with me this weekend alright”

“Alright, may I ask how am I supposed to eat, like this”

Signaling her bound hands Jason nods holding a second fork he cut her food and gave her a bite. Allowing her to chew and swallow she let out a little gasp of satisfaction.

“Thank you, for a merc, you seem warm-blooded”

“And you seem quite street-wise for a society child?”

“How could you tell?” Shania mumbles looking to Jason’s direction averting her eyes from his calm gaze.

“Who the hell wears riding boots and Jodhpurs on a Break and entry?” giving her another bite to eat he gave her some orange juice through a straw with a satisfying ah.

“My parents are rich, but since I dropped out of college they weren’t willing to fit any of my bills anymore and I had to fend for myself okay, I started by picking rich frat boys on campus bars”

“The downward spiral of crime one minute your picking pockets next you are trying to break in houses and steal money from safes”

“What are you going to do with me when this is over, I mean I have seen your face, I can pick you out of a crowd?”

“Yes you can, but I’d expect thirty grand to be a reasonable silencer” Shania’s emerald eyes narrow as she looks to Jason quizzically

“You mean you would give me the thirty thousand dollars no gimmicks or tricks?”

Jason nods giving Shania another bite she chewed it nicely before he gave her another sip. Finishing her omelet Jason guided her to the bathroom binding her hands in front before closing the door to allow her privacy during her ablutions.

He guided Shania back upstairs into a guest bedroom where Jason tied a rope from her ankles to her wrists damping the mouth stuffing down again Jason taped her lips shut and whispers in her ear.

“This is a test, pass and you get rewarded fail and you will be punished”

“Hmmwphf?” Shania’s eyes narrowed curiously as Jason left the room and closed the door hearing her mumble away to herself in her simple tape gag.

Opening the bedroom door to reveal Clara had been stirring steadily in her bonds. She was mumbling as she shuffles along her bed slowly. Looking through the drawers Jason prepares Clara for after her breakfast.

“Good morning Miss white”

“What time is it?”

“It is about six am you slept a good three hours miss”

“Thank you uhm why can’t I see” Raising her hands to remove the blindfold Jason’s hand shoots up stopping her hand.

“This was for your safety understand, what needs be done here will be done I leave you can get on with your life but until then breakfast”

“Oh, you cooked for me?”

“Of course, I am an uninvited guest least I could do is cook your meals”

Helping Clara stand Jason helped her walk from the bed to the bedroom door when she trips and falls. Grabbing her and hoisting her into his arms Jason looks down on her.

“Sit light Miss white this will be effortless”

Carrying her down the stairs setting her on the chair every attempt to reach for the table was stopped by the rope leading to her ankles.

“I will feed you breakfast alright, do not distress”

“Alright Mr. Black, but I have an allergy to mushrooms”

“Good I added onions and red and green bell peppers”

Setting her fear aside Jason was able to feed her a great many bites before she spoke. Feeding her sips of orange juice through a straw making her content with her predicament.

“This Giuseppe Silvano you are after, he looks like my Gino?”

Jason did not answer. Clara sighs and tries to sit forward attempting to look sincere through her blindfold.

“What did this Giuseppe character do, to deserve such a warrant for his life?”

Taking a deep breath Jason shook his head not knowing why this woman vexed him so. Leaning in closer Jason spoke calmly.

“Giuseppe Silvano is a world known ladies trafficker”

“What... no Gino doesn’t do that sort of thing, he is a kind polite fellow when I came to America he helped me catch a cab”

“That is how you met?”


Acknowledging the ancient calling card. New girls in a different country caught by a spotter often get in the cab or have the cab followed to where they are going and spy on them to figure out a good time to kidnap them old as the hills but still effective.

Sick sadistic freaks Jason had never really known a clean moral compass. In his line of work, he turned his white gloves red but targeting vulnerable women was a line he refused to cross.

“What will happen when you find this man Giuseppe?”

“You do not need to worry about that Miss White, you have three more bites to eat then I am going to offer kindness in exchange for silence and compliance”

the girl stiffened immediately after he spoke the words calmly giving her another mouthful she chewed slowly trying to hear Jason as he spoke.

“I am going to run you a bath and shower but I cannot give you the full privacy you will want”

Her mouth opens awkwardly petrified with what he means when he fed her the last few pieces of the omelet. He gives her another sip of Orange juice Jason takes the time to free Clara’s ankles to use the rope as a leash guiding her into the bathroom. Turning the water on hot Jason removed her wrist bonds before he rubbed the circulation back in the joints.

“I am leaving the room for two minutes, you may remove your blindfold to undress yourself check the water for how warm you like it when it is ready to set this towel over your body tie the blindfold back on then call for me I shall help you into the tub”

hearing the door close. Clara swiftly untied her blindfold seeing the water running at a steady warm temperature. Removing her blouse, skirt nylons and underwear. Clara took the closest towel and wrapped it around her body just above her bosom. Taking a deep breath. Facing the bathtub she turned the water off and places the blindfold over her eyes. The soft satin of her blindfold felt wonderful.

“Mr. Black. I am ready for you”

hearing him enter and take a deep breath Clara trembled at his touch looking her over. He rubbed her arm with a gentle hand

“I am going to set you in the tub, I apologize for this inconvenience”

“Just do it gently please” she trembles as Jason opens the tub curtain hoists Clara bridal style into the tub.

“I am going to set you in the tub bottom first keep the towel on until I close the curtain again, then set the dry edge of the towel over the rail understand”

nodding uncertainly she trembles in his grasp. Sliding her into the warm water her feet and bottom enter the water.

“How long do I have for this Mr. Black”

“I give you forty minutes but I will be in here with you the entire time”

“But the other woman she could”

“She could your right, but she can’t do you any harm while I am here” Clara nods blindly as she hears the curtain chyme as the metal clicks over the rail. Removing her towel. Clara lays in the tub soaking the water and steam despite the circumstances she admits she has never had a nicer bath. Always worried about someone calling or texting disrupting her peace.

Forty minutes past.

Clara had scrubbed her body clean when she stood she found her wet towel no longer available. Feeling concerned she looks around trying to find it. Jason raises his arm over the railing.

“Take this one I warmed it for you”

Taking the towel he gave her it was nice and warm using it to dry herself before wrapping it around her chest above her bosom and lets the rest drape past her knees. Taking a deep breathe she opened the curtain holding the towel with one hand pulling the curtain with the other.

“Thank you. May I ask you a question”

“It will cost you” sighing she lowers her head deciding whatever his price would likely be worth it.

“Why are you being so polite to me, no doubt I am a burden trying to tell you not to do your job making you feed me, help bathe me” Clara stops to tremble to look to where she hears Jason’s soft breath.

“in essence take care of me physically? Would it not be simpler to hogtie me, throw a sack over my head with tape around my neck and leave me to wet myself in the tub?”

“My name maybe Black Miss White, but my heart is not while my job is ugly and often cruel I still feel pain and compassion for those I effect”

Nodding Clara white set her hands behind her back. Looking up to the ceiling through her blindfold.

“Do what you will, I will comply”

“I don’t know why but I think I expected more resistance from you?”

“You have shown me nothing but concern, comfort and consideration the least I can do is give compliance” Jason nods leading Clara by the shoulders from the bathroom. Setting her on her bottom she looks to where she thinks Mr. Black stands.

“The price you have to pay for your question, you are going to call Gino he will be on speaker, ask him how his trip is going alright”

“But I could ask for help beg him to come back and” Jason’s hand shoots up to her mouth and nose clamping them closed.

“Next outcry from you I will remove that towel and bind you in your natural form do you understand?”


Using Clara’s cell phone she found Gino’s number in the top five. I called it and put it on speaker phone.

“Ciao Caro, Clara my love it is so good to see you call how are things over there ah?”

Giuseppe voice seemed happy content and amused as Clara tries to smile feigning a joy.

“Things are staying good over here, I was wondering about your trip you haven’t called”

Giuseppe began blending Italian and English translation his underlings screwed up an order that was supposed to go to Monaco found it’s the way to Paris and the Paris shipment went to Italy.

“But regardless of my Bella, I am excited to say I will be coming home early. As early as tomorrow morning my Bella”

“That is wonderful Gino I cannot wait to see you”

“Now my Bella forgive me, I need to tend some last business then get you your present, ciao baby”

Hanging up the phone she looks up to where she heard Mr. Black set her cell phone on their dresser. Mr. Black explained he had left an outfit for her to wear on the bed next to her he was going to leave the room and allow her to change.

Hearing the door close. Clara removes her blindfold and her towel seeing the outfit. Mr. Black had planned it was simple but stylish it was a sleeveless silk blouse with a black skirt. He even chose a comfortable yet appealing pair of underwear. It was a shame he didn’t come in to watch. Clara tough as she put her panties on then her bra and skirt she noted the cell phone was on the dresser.

Taking an idea she quickly rushed for it and opened the phone and began dialing numbers. Before she could even find her dial pad page. She felt something hard and cylindrically hollow click behind her head.

“You really shouldn’t have done that Miss. White” Looking down Clara drops the phone feeling hopeless. She puts her hands behind her back.

A few minutes later.

Miss Clara White lays on her bed hogtied with her silk scarves. Her mouth filled with her own worn panties which she had been wearing a little longer than a day. A scarf cleave gagging her followed by another scarf over her mouth. Duct tape wrapped around her head three times and a final scarf tied around her nose.

Her moans came out as pitiful whimpers as she struggles and shuffles around her bed. At the least Mr. Black had left her bra and underwear on she thought as she moaned. Angry at her own stupidity. As far as kidnapping and hostage scenarios went this guy was pretty relaxed.

Very comforting regarding how he had her, the next opportunity she got she had to make it up to him. so he could trust her as he’s proven she could trust him.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Interaction between Mr Black and Clara White I enjoyed the most. A real Gentleman!
Keep it going :)
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Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

Sorry about the longer chapter getting both damsels in this part. hope you guys like it.

Stepping back counting to ten Jason needed to calm himself. He did all in his power to prove to Miss White he would bring her no harm but it did not work. She still refused to yield and simply trust. Just growing angrier by thinking of it Mr. Black conceals his rage.

Descending to the basement he knew Giuseppe was not so smart as to leave incriminating evidence. In his safe house, which this place practically was. Approaching the safe Jason commences to punch in the passcode into the dial and open the safe. Learning it through the use of UV lights to identify the code combination.

Retrieving some files and the funds from the safe. Jason closes it and walks back to the kitchen. Sitting down scanning the paperwork they were all files of his most profitable shipments young women from their home country. Splitting it evenly from America to the smaller more humble countries of Europe.

He would show Clara this on his next excursion with her. But first Shania needed tending to. Standing up Jason walks from the kitchen into the guest room where Shania grumbled Into her taped lips. Kneeling down he removes the tape like a bandaid.

Accepting the damp cloth in his gloved hand Jason knelt down to Shania’s level. Pulling a bottle of water with a straw he set the straw to her lips.

“Do you need a bathroom break?”

“Would be nice” she admits nodding steady and Jason accepts with a sharp nod in turn

“If you promise to behave, I will offer a shower”

“That would be even nicer”

Jason stands up untying Shania’s ankles and wrists sitting her up he walks with her. Down the hallway into the bathroom, he closes the door and speaks calmly.

“When you disrobe for your shower fold your turtleneck and Jodhpurs on the counter, then head in for a shower I shall collect your clothing and get you some fresh ones”

“thank you”

Shania calls out as she sits on the toilet performing her ablutions. Her mind wandered to the man outside he was intent on coming in while she showered. What was to stop him from peeking. Being a peeping Tom watching her bath in the nude. Shuddering she thought back she had thought of worst things.

Finishing she stood up disrobed her clothing and folds them all neatly on the counter taking a towel into the tub before turning it and the fan on. The first cold blast of cold water made her cringe before the water turned hot. These middle-class showerheads were finicky recalling the one at her parents' house easy turn and instant warm water. Shania began to lather herself. Keeping an eye on the door of the bathroom noting it not open or click close. She let herself relish in the lather of a good shower.

The sight of a vans tail lights struck Jason’s curiosity. Approaching the edge of a window Jason watched as three unsavory characters. Dressed in jeans and black and grey hoodies exit the van.

Two of them were bean poles very thin appearance of drug users an African American aged roughly thirty with a thin grease filled mustache and a black bandana doo rag the grip of a 22 Luger in his waistband. The other a thin Caucasian with a dirty blond goatee. A skater hair cut that clung too tight to his head due to grease.

The third one at least three hundred pounds red hair hidden below a toque. Armed with a baseball bat. Protective booties on over the shoes of their feet Jason could tell they were crude enough to smash the door open and reveal their intent first hand but clever enough to cover their traces.

Cracking his neck Mr. Black got ready for the bout. As these men, armed with a hammer a crowbar and a baseball bat. Jason pulls his pistol looking the revolver over. He needed to keep things quiet for at least tomorrow.

Retrieving his belt from his waist he watches as one of the smaller thugs approach the door. About to slam the bent end of the crowbar into the door frame Jason opens the door and quick as a flash whips the buckle into the thug's throat. And so the fight commences.

(A few moments later)

the large thug lays out flat on the back of his van. As Jason pulls one small drug using vandal on top of him. Both knocked out from a couple of hard punches to the temple and a broken jaw for the little guy. Held by a belt to the throat on the side view mirror a blond-haired thug with a goatee holds the belt whimpering.

Begging for release. With the two thugs unconscious in the van, Jason turns his attention to the blond-haired thug. Jason draws Luger from the thin dark-skinned vandals pants. Jason looks to the man who began to physically fight his bonds. Snapping the side-view mirror off he ran into Jason’s gun hand pistol whipping him into the tarmac.

“What are you doing here, speak quick and speak plain”

“Bartender at Tally’s told us rich Euro-trash Mother-fu was”

Drawing the weapon’s bolt back Jason aims it at the man's forehead. Making this dilated eyes wide and bright. Tears commencing to fall down his cheeks and into his beard.

“Go tell your bartender this Eurotrash MF has a real nasty guard dog, he sends one more band of you drug peddling vagrants into this house, I will personally come down to that bar and blow that bar a new storm drain got it”

The man started to nod and Jason removes the belt from his throat and kicks him into the passenger seat raising the gun to the man's eye level. As the thug began to nudge into the driver seat Jason enters the side of the van aiming the gun at him.

“Go straight to the bar stop for no one and then head out of town I see your mugs again... this gun goes off got it says I got it”

“I got it”

“Get out go” slamming the door Jason watches as the van drives away looking around the neighbors he could tell the neighborhood was still sleeping after dawn.

Thank god for sleepy Saturday mornings

Exiting the shower Shania took note the clothing she had put there was gone. And now a red camisole and skirt. A black bra with white lace designs and matching underwear. Shania had never seen a set like it. Putting it on she noted the wear was a might snug for her and the camisole just rose below her bra line. Grunting she turns around to face the door.

“Mr. Black I am done, sir”

“Miss Red I apologize for the sizes very limited selection”

“I understand what did you do with my old clothes?”

“You will get them back when we are done here alright”

Shania nods looking to Mr. Black she looks down. Holding her hands together in front. Mr. Black approaches calmly taking her hands he binds them behind her back with a scarf.

“I have a question before you gag me again”

“which is?”

“Why aren’t you taking full advantage of your power?”

“Excuse me?”

“Listen I may be a bad thief but I am not so dumb, you have almost complete power over me and another woman and have not taken advantage of anything from me, you could grope or fondle any part of me and I’d be powerless”

“It is because you are powerless I will not touch you, I will not grope you I will not fondle you. I do not like harming women at all”

He states with a sigh almost sounding sad he speaks calmly. Guiding her from the bathroom back to the bedroom where she would be kept again.

“Is it because you believe we do not want to be touched you refrain from touching us”

“Remember your second condition for this weekend?”

Nodding she looks down she herself had set this condition. Amazed he would honor it. Jason lays on the bed binding her ankles together with a scarf. Jason turns to her face looking into her emerald eyes.

“Forgive me, Miss Red, I need to go”

“When was the last time you slept?”

“I do not need to sleep yet, I had a good long nap before coming over for this”

Taking the stuffing he filled her mouth once again before another question could escape her lips. Jason tied a knotted cleave gag between her lips.

“I am going to leave you for a while I am going to cook some lunch alright?”


Leaving the room Jason felt famished his bout with the three thugs and the extensive time he spent staying up to watch his captives was slowly taking a toll on him. Entering the kitchen. He put the bottle of wine back in the fridge and grabbed some water. Using a straw Jason began to sip the water. Turning to the clock at eleven thirty.

Bathing Miss Red took much longer than expected. Jason looks around the cupboards thinking of what he could make for the two ladies and himself. He set himself aside to think of Miss White. No doubt she would be sore from her predicament.

Walking into the bedroom Miss White was sobbing in the bedroom. Approaching Jason sat on the bed beside her his hand commence to untie the scarf around her nose when he took notice of something by the bedside table.

Shifting over to the bed Jason pulls the bedside table away from the wall. Jason uncovers a really neat piece of work. Raising it to his eye level he turns back to Miss White whose head had not turned. Placing the item under the covers Jason cuts the tape from her head.

“I am so sorry, I just... I just” sobbing some more Mr. Black stroked her hair before turning her head away. Jason did not speak just untying her ankles and her wrists Jason sat her up she looks down on the floor.

“You are to walk down to the kitchen and have a seat I will not tolerate any further deviation from my instruction you understand”

Mr. Black’s voice was calm but almost cold in his delivery. Standing up hands behind her back Clara marches forward. Walking down the stairs was a little odd not having Mr. Blacks hands on her shoulder to support her.

As she reaches the bottom step she stumbles. Falling backward she felt a strong supporting arm around her arms and abdomen. Her face shot up to the arms origin and looked deep into Mr. Blacks face his pale blue eyes. Hinting a seriousness that he maintained like a statue.

“Would you like some lunch?”

“Please I am famished”

The two reach the kitchen Jason binds her hands behind the back of the chair leaving her ankles free she made a small grunt of discomfort as he cinches the rope tight. Walking around the space between the dining room and kitchen.

“I am cooking Pizza you accept?”

“Yes,” Clara watches as Mr. Black takes the premade dough from the fridge taking the ingredients from pizza sauce to mushrooms pepperoni and three kinds of cheese.

“Tonight for dinner we are going to have dinner with Miss Red, the female burglar I expect you will both act civilly towards each other this means. No crude remarks no taunting and most especially no bullying”

he finished laying the dough on the cooking sheet. Throwing it all into the oven preheated. Jason turns to Clara.

“How did you get that mark on your eye?”

Noting the small scrape left over his right eye. A small souvenir left by one of the thugs. Jason smiles calmly.

“It appears your residence has been listed for a prime target for a Tally’s bar. More like a job fair for thieves and lowlifes”

Clara looks down than to Jason’s gloved hands some streaks of what she imagined as blood and maybe drool.

“No one will come back around alright, you will be safe here”

“I wish I could believe that” Clara blurts out accidentally looking timidly to Jason who just sighed heavily leaning on the counter.

“What else am I to think I am tied up your prisoner in my boyfriend's house”

Shaking his head Mr. Black turns around to watch the clock on the oven. Thinking of an argument to settle her fears. Fighting to keep himself from roaring in anger he turns around to face her.

“You may be my hostage, but that does not mean you are in any way shape or form in danger, you have no control over your limbs your eyes or even your mouth but are you not provided for?”

“I suppose...”

“There are men far worst then me out there Miss White I pray you never meet their true face, men who take pleasure in violating the helplessness of a woman”

“And you are so noble because... you only kill bad men correct”

Clara’s tone took a strange sarcasm Black had not noticed ever before striking a cord he takes a breath leaning forward.

“To say I have only killed the guilty would be a lie, to say I enjoy it would be even farther from the truth”

“I try to specify my targets as killers, thieves, and bad men but I cannot always make that discrimination”

“You hunt your own kind”

taken back by her remark Jason scratches his hair before looking down to his fist recalling those he had taken who deserve and those who did not. Killing men and women alike intemperance of his youth.

“And I will suffer the consequences of my actions when I face my reward”

The two fell into silence as the oven beeps and Jason removes the Pizza from the oven and slides it on the table between them. Cutting it into a few slices he feeds Clara two pieces with gentle hands she got more sauce on her face this way. Making her giggle a little she looks down shyly.

“Why would you let me go after all of this?”

“Because I am not here for you Miss white, I am here for your Gino, my Giuseppe once I handle him I will leave, you will likely never want to see me again”

“That is likely yes. I love him”

“The question is does he love you”

“Of course”

Raising a mocking eyebrow Clara looks down doubting his real commitment. Leaning back on her chair she commences feeling her ropes tugging her arms snugly.

“I would suspect if he truly loved or cared for you he would have called you rather then you have to call him”

“He never calls on business says he likes keeping home business at home and work business at work”

“Sure he does”

“Mister Black!” Clara spoke finding uncertainty in her tone she looks into his eyes again and takes a breath. Steeling herself to ask the question she looks into Black's eyes seeing no sign of falsehood in their gaze.

“Do you have evidence that Guiseppe Silvano is my Gino?”


“May I see it?”

Pausing to think Clara could see the curiosity in Mr. Blacks expression sitting on the edge of the kitchen island. Crossing his arms over his chest looking down on her.


“Would not eyewitness accounts be more effective then camera photos taken by others sent mysteriously through fax?”

“Sure enough... or you could lie to me and say he is not your Gino in which case I already know he is by your own admission”

“What, how?”

“You said he went to reorganize a shipment in Monaco and Paris were both set up's, by Interpol and other organizations putting a pinch on him”

“You work with Interpol?”

“On occasion but that is none of your concern, I am now going to take you to the living room and you can watch television alright”


Helping her stand walking her into the living room setting her on the reclining chair her hands still bound. Binding her ankles together Jason took a scarf and simply cleave gagging her.

“Any specific channels you like”

“Wephf nephworphf”

Turning the tv to that channel. He set the television on low so he could hear her while he decides Miss Redding could likely use some lunch as well. Walking up the stairs having both damsels occupied at the same time. It could prove amusing.
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, enjoyed reading it, good story line too :)
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Post by Mask6190 »

This is a fun story. Keep up the good work :D
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Post by WyattW5 »

glad you both like this story
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Post by WyattW5 »

Last part of this story. may make a sequel if people are interested.

Ascending the stairs again. Jason sits down next to Miss Redding who grunts into her gag. Looking up at him calmly

“Arph ymphf ophphf?”

“I am fine just... I don’t know”

Standing up he helps her stand to untie her ankles taking her by her arm he walks her downstairs to the kitchen setting her at the table removing her cleave gag. She looks down at the Pizza on the plate in front of her.

“Thank you, Mr. Black”

“Hmphf” Miss White calls from the living-room looking back at them in the kitchen. Jason looks over “remember what I said Miss White, Civil”


Miss White leans back on her chair Shania looks to Jason calmly feeding Miss Redding her pizza she chews each bite slowly allowing him to talk without being interrupted.

“this afternoon and tonight you two will be tied up together while I tend business, I expect both of you under best behavior understand”


Shania nods after swallowing her last bite of pizza Jason feeding her a few sips of water Jason looks to Miss White in the livingroom who found herself looking back on them a curious mix of fascination and amusement in her eyes. Jason looks back to Shania who looks back on Clara who turns back to the television.

“How much longer do you mind telling me?”

“I do not mind telling you it is none of your concern”

“Fine” Shania groans before being hand fed the last slice of pizza. Wiping her face with a damp cloth Jason stands up basically carrying her from the kitchen table to the couch setting down across from Clara. Miss Whites eyes grew wide.

“Cmmphf wpphf plmmphf bmmphf unphfaphf?”

“I will take your gag out under strict promise no screaming shouting yelling or backbiting”

Shania looks to Clara who nodded to her and Shania nods looking into Jasons face showing him the truth.

“I promise to behave and I think she does too”

“All right, one moment Miss white I will have this off in no time”

“Thank you, Mr. Black, you are most considerate”

“Do not misuse this opportunity”

looking down Clara nods before looking to Miss Red blushing calmly looking up to Jason. Swallowing nervously licking her lips she talks calmly

“would you mind if me and her talk?”

“So long as it is low and pleasant by all means”

“You don’t have to worry Mr. Black if she wants to try and escape I will stop her” Miss Redding spoke with a chuckle winking at Miss White.

“You are working with him?”

“Kind of for him at this point I think”

Miss Red smiles looking back on Jason who listens to this conversation with bemusement. Turning back around Jason left the room but kept an ear on Clara and Shania. Who’d have thought they would be so nice together Shania would ask about the show and Clara would give little tidbits of funny back story to make the two girls giggle.

Jason sat down and got in touch with one of his few ‘spies’ who were tracking/tailing Giuseppe. Apparently, he had gotten on a flight no less than an hour ago bound for Baltimore being no less than an hours drive from here. Jason knew he was on his way back to his little den. Either to hide some more money away or to take what he has and run.


Clara and Shania sat chuckling in the livingroom watching the show take a comical turn. The two girls seem to forget their predicament for even a moment and enjoy each others company.

“I am so waiting for Lorenzo to go through that door and find his sister with Michael”

“Oh I could so see that happening too”

the two girls watch the show but Shania turns to Clara feeling a little nervous swallowing her concern she looks to Clara calmly speaking.

“I am sorry for breaking into your house, it was a foolish thing to”

“It is all right, just glad I am just glad your partner didn’t hurt us”

“I know he was really creepy wasn’t he”

“Indeed he was, what do you think of Mr. Black?”

“So far he has treated me fairly, stern serious but seems there is trust in there” Shania claims adjusting her position on the couch looking to Clara then back to the tv.

“Honestly he strikes me as a man of honor beside him being a hitman” Clara states with curiosity thinking of Mr. Black.

“Criminals can have honor, just most of the time you have to dig to find it”

The two girls watch tv for a little while longer before Mr. Black walks down stairs looking to Clara catching her attention with an alarming question.

“Does your Gino have any guns in the house?”

“No of course not I’m terrified to death of them”

“I see... Thank you”

Clara and Shania look to each other curiously before Mr. Black goes to the basement. Leaving them to hang on the strangeness of the question looking back to the television they seem to sit there for what appears to be like hours. Jason gave them the remote to change the channel they spent one hour watching Clara’s show and an hour watching something of Shania’s choosing.

By the end of the two hours, Jason had sat down on a kitchen chair between the two when Shania looks to Jason curiously

“what you afraid we will bite?”

“Not exactly, not sure you would want your captor sitting next to you, may make you uncomfortable”

“Why don’t you sit me next to Shania and you take this chair it is more comfortable”

“No thank you, I was just going to ask which do you want lil wok to the corner or Cortez’ Quesadilla?”

“I beg your pardon,” Shania asks looking to Jason vexed by his tone when Clara smiles.

“He must be using a food delivery app looking up the local restaurants that send drivers out this way, either Chinese or Mexican”

“I would love some Mexican please but who is paying we are both tied up the delivery boy will see us”

“I will make sure he does” Jason spoke looking to Shania’s whose eyes grew enormous “you can’t be”

“I most certainly am, now I am afraid no more talking”

“What nophf”

Stuffing Shania’s mouth with a damp cloth Jason places a piece of tape over her lips. Smoothing it out she grumbles before kneeling next to Clara awaiting her outcry

“What will the delivery man say when he sees us like this?”

“I will handle him peacefully, now open wide please”

Shoving a cloth in her mouth he stretches tape over her lips before standing up walking to his wallet grabbing two fifties.

How much did he buy from Cortez?

They had a very short wait mumbling through the tape barely coherent words pass through their lips. Looking from each other to Jason as the car pulls up. They look wide-eyed at each other as the young man steps out carrying a couple of plastic bags full of food.

Knock... knock.... knock

please don’t let him see us

Jason opens the door calmly smiling as he takes one bag and sets it down on the landing. The delivery boy just manages to peek inside seeing the girls watching tv they both look to him their eyes huge with concern.

“What ..ah is going on here?”

Jason smiles leaning in close to the young man’s shoulder. Whispering in the boys ears the kid's eyes grow wide as Jason held up a pair of fifty dollar bills in his hand. The kid looks from them to Jason and to the money in hand snatching it quickly.

“You got it”

The kid burst out the door rushing like a bull back into his car and drives off. The two girls look skeptically on Jason who takes the warm bags of Mexican food and sets it on the table.

“Whmmphf diphf yuphf tmm hmmm?”

Clara speaks through the cloth and tape looking over to Jason as he sets three plates and a couple of glasses taking out the wine that had been chilling in the fridge since this morning.

“I told him if he comes back around seven thirty tomorrow morning and frees you, he will get an extra two hundred”

“Whuphf?” Shania bursts through the gag looking at Jason dumbfounded at his silly idea.

“If he doesn’t come I will come back and untie you myself I promise you that, now dinner time all right you two will be completely untied to eat remember I want a pleasant dinner”

Kneeling down Jason removes Shania’s first rubbing her cheeks the skin irritating her cheeks looking to Jason before standing up as he unties her legs to free her hands.

“We’ve co-existed so far”

Clara speaks when Shania removes Clara’s tape before Jason untied her ankles and Shania helps with her wrists. Rubbing her arms together the ropes burned to her skin looking down she shakes her head before turning to Mr. Black.

“May I ask a courtesy?”


“Would be useful but I also feel a little underdressed still in my bra and skirt may I go and get a top”

“Miss Red can you go upstairs and pick out a top please”

“As you wish Mr. Black” Shania goes upstairs and Jason turns to the downstairs bathroom.

“Off you go”

lowering her gaze Clara performs her ablutions, she turns at the sound of a knock on the door.

“It’s Shania, I picked out your shirt” Opening the door shyly to allow Shania in holding a red button up blouse. Clara put the blouse on leaving only the top two buttons undone and tucking the loose bottom under her waist. She leaves allowing Shania to use the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Jason looks down on his phone a message from his informant. The plane was an hour flight out from the airport meaning Jason had a total of two hours. Feeding the girls getting them set for the night and dealing with Giuseppe just enough time if all went to plan.

The two girls sat at the table Clara sat timidly beside Shania who cheerfully dug into the nachos. Pouring them both a glass of wine the two girls drank it steadily Jason looks at the clock before looking down eating a Quesadilla the two girls ate their tacos and burritos until they were stuffed.

“So what is your plan Mr. Black Giuseppe shows up and you just off him one to the head two to the chest”

“No, I want you two neatly tucked away in the guest bedroom when he arrives”

“Guest bedroom you mean we are sleeping together?”

Shania asks uncertainly and Jason nods looking to Clara who nods unsteadily her hands visibly trembling. Jason knew there was nothing he could do to truly prove her Gino was Giuseppe.

“You asked about guns Mr. Black I would like to know why?”

“Because I found a few in the house”

“A few?”

“Two both specifically rare pieces for an Import export agent to have, and one who isn’t supposed to have guns in the house, they were uniquely placed”

“Where were they?” Shania asks curiously holding her glass of wine looking to Jason who looks to her before deciding it was all right to disclose.

“I found a peculiar shotgun next to Gino’s side of the bed, and a special handgun in the bathroom behind the toilet of all places”

“A shotgun in the bedroom And! A pistol in the bathroom they are no more than ten feet apart, why would he have a gun, and so close”

Jason allowed her to think the options through as he let them finish their supper. Setting the dishes in the dishwasher Jason turns to the two ladies who stood knowing full well one thing was gonna happen.

“Here I give you two an option, option A I tie you up and leave you in the bedroom or I chloroform you and leave you to sleep on the bed, with the door unlocked but Chloroform has a nasty effect on people some cases headache and vomiting, here is your options”

“I hate to say this but tie us up”

Clara states with displeasure and Shania nods looking to Clara holding her hands on her back puffing her chest out. Jason instructs them to get as comfortable as they want. In the guest bedroom.

Clara takes off her skirt and blouse to wear some comfortable fluffy cotton pajamas. Allowing Shania to pick out her choice of outfit choosing a purple and black teddie they were quite the pair.

Binding their hands in front hugging each other Jason only tied one leg to a bedpost. For a gag, he made a simple cleave gag no filling to avoid choking while they slept. Clara and Shania look into each other's eyes. Fearing the end Clara hugs Shania tightly. Fearing for her Gino. Until she notices what looks like a baby monitor.

“Ah mi amoira Clara! Where are you milove”

A pause follows before they hear Gino speaking loudly

“How did you find me, what... please the safe in the basement has half a million”

“Ah mi Bella-Clara wonderful body eh oh sucha butt she is wonderful to tell you what, you take her to have her do what you will to her give me hours headstart you will never worry of me again”

Clara’s eyes widened as she listened it was clearly Gino’s voice she recognized the words as clear as a shout. Hugging Shania now anger taking her by storm.

“Whmphg thmmphf lphfl bupharphf”

“Calphf yuphfelf”

“Hphf plffphed mpphf”

“Hephf wuphf nphf buphfer yuphf aphyphore”

The two girls look up to each other before biting their gags pulling them off looking around. Trying to find a way to escape their ropes Clara shakes her head. She was such a fool laying in bed all Clara could think was to apologize to Mr. Black.

“I don’t know where to go from here?”

“He is only a guy, Clara the world is full of them most of them better than him anyway”

“I know its just... I hoped for a bright future with Gino... Giuseppe”

“Well, I know I am not much better then him, but if you want, I could maybe stick around help you as a friend”

“I may need a friend after this” sniffling she nods and the two cuddle in bed. Hugging each other drifting off to sleep.

(A week later)

Giuseppe Silvano was found two days later his little convertible was launched from a cliff. Found dead on scene no one asked any questions Clara took over his funeral as all had suspected her too. Shania had moved into the house and had found small gainful employment.

Saturday Morning Shania and Clara were about to go and do some much-needed grocery shopping to find. A parcel sitting on their front step with a marker written letter.

Make a new life for yourselves. Enjoy as I can’t

Opening the parcel they found themselves blown away. Counting the money there was little more than four hundred thousand dollars. Watching the two girls faces was priceless. Jason snickers as he watched the reaction from his long ranged rifles scope quarter mile away. Lowering the rifle scope he starts the truck and opens his phone.

“Next Client?”
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Post by Caesar73 »

I liked this story very much. Especially the dialogues between Mr. Black and his Charges :) Very well written!
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Post by Mask6190 »

Great story and a satisfying ending :D
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good story, enjoyed reading it, well done :)
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Post by WyattW5 »

thank you guys for reading this story and following it to the conclusion I am most pleased you enjoyed it. would you be open to a 'spinoff'
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Post by Caesar73 »

Of course I am :)
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