Just Another Day at the Office M|F -PART FOURTEEN ADDED-

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Post by tieduptee »


Thanks for the comment! Totally forgot to reply to this since we were PMing also haha!

Stay tuned, Nick won’t always give Brooke her sweet release straight away ;)

Brooke also won’t take shit from Nick, even though she’s proven to be quite submissive around him - I think it’ll be an interesting power struggle between the two!
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by qarlcue »

I'm new here, at least to the new site. It's been a while. I just found your story and enjoyed it. Thanks! I'm looking forward to the other parts :)
The kid in church that giggled at the song, "Bless'd be the tie that binds..."
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Post by tieduptee »

Hello everyone!!

I would like to profusely apologise for my little hiatus that I've been on - life after Germany has just been super busy, which hasn't given me much free time for writing :(

However, I am hoping to write more over the next little while and I've got some great ideas for this story so just stay patient with me.



I couldn't believe my ears at Nick's commands, but the little nymph inside of me wasn't going to let me rebel against him. Part of me was also afraid about what Nick would do if I did disobey him again - I did not want to find that out any time soon.

However, that little buzzing bullet of doom was making things so very hard for me...

I steadied myself slightly and made a little hop forward, gasping slightly in fear as I feel myself wobbling. Nick is behind me in a second and puts a hand on the small of my back.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fall." He softly coos in my ear. "Keep going." He encourages me.

I continue to make hops forward, getting bigger each time as my confidence grows. It takes about five minutes, but Nick and I make it towards the elevator and the stainless steel door opens almost as soon as Nick presses the button.

I'm then shuffled into the elevator before being situated in the corner, panting and grunting into that huge ball gag. Gosh, that's a workout! On the other hand, the vibrator is working on me. In between the panting, I'm moaning into the rubber ball too!

Nick then leans over and presses the button on the top of the tower of buttons, lighting it up as "PH"

Does he have a penthouse?

"Someone's enjoying themselves aren't they?" Nick chuckled, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look over to see him inching closer to me, his signature smirk occupying his face.

The vibrations increase in power and intensity and my eyes go wide. Oh god no!

"Mmmph!" I yelped into the rubber ball in my mouth, straining against the ropes encircling my body. I then begin to curse Nick behind the gag and all he can do is laugh.

"I can't put into words how entertaining this is, watching you struggle in those ropes and moan into that big ball in your mouth." Nick tells me, as he moves very close to me.

He brings his hand up and moves some hair away from my face and neck, exposing it to him as he eyes it up.

"You're an exquisite woman, Brooke." He states, moving closer into my neck.

I feel his velvety smooth lips touch my neck and I let out another moan. Oh. My. God.

His lips felt like heaven on my neck, slowly caressing it as he left a trail of open-mouthed kisses upon it - I can't tell if it's hm or the vibrator making me go weak in the knees at this point!

He continues to pepper my neck with kisses, all whilst the vibrator continues to buzz at its maximum rate, leaving me almost panting into my gag, getting drool everywhere.

My eyes close in complete pleasure as my sexual desires begin to take over - all I want is for Nick to keep doing what he's doing and for me to hit my sweet reverie.

Of course, that was not the case.

In what feels like a split second, Nick has stopped kissing my neck, the vibrator is turned back down low and the silver stainless steel elevator doors have opened.

I whine pathetically. Why can I not just have one easy moment of pleasure?

"Come along Brooke, there's only a little left to go. Can you handle it?" Nick teases, grabbing ahold of the belt around my jacket and tugging me forward, towards him.

"Get moving little one, I don't have all night." He continues.

I send him a glare and huff into the red rubber ball, before beginning the task of hopping once more.

Nick keeps ahold of my belt, guiding me towards the apartment door which is directly opposite the elevator.

The door is a dark mahogany brown with a gold handle that needs a key card to open it. Very suave.

I guess that is Nick to a T, though.

As I'm about to take my last few hops to reach the door, Nick does the unspeakable thing and increases the vibrator to the max. I almost topple over right then and there!

"Mmmmph!" I screech.

His laugh echoed through the hallway. Of course, he finds this so damn funny.

"Almost there now, I know you can hold out just a little longer. I just have to find where I put my key and we can go in. Sound good?" Nick stares down at me.

I nod frantically at him. Hurry up and let me in this apartment already!

Another tug at my belt forces me to make another few baby hops before I'm right next to his apartment door, where Nick starts to search his pockets for his key card.

He's doing this on purpose!

He checks every outside pocket and at this moment, I could easily feel myself teetering on the edge of orgasm. Oh for goodness sake, please stop dragging this out.

Alongside the moaning and grunting, I then begin to whine and plead to Nick to stop being so slow.

He notices and tugs me close to him, so our bodies are pressed up next to each other.

"If you think that the noise you're making right now is going to make me go any faster, you are sorely mistaken. You forget that you're the one in control of your body right now. If you want to cum, do so. You just have to endure the consequences of your actions Brooke." Nick says, his voice stern and his eyes a dark chocolate brown.

Dominance oozed out of his every pore, and I was so turned on by it. I instantly pipe down.

Now obviously, an orgasm was what I wanted more than anything. Nevertheless, I would not look forward to whatever 'punishment' Nick would be dolling out later on as a result.

Nick then uses his free hand and reaches into his inside pocket, producing the golden key card, waving it in front of my eyes in a teasing manner.

He lets go of me and moves to insert the card into the door, making it beep before opening it.

To be honest, I'm lucky I'm able to even focus on anything else at this current moment other than this vibrating bullet. Just a few more steps and you can have the orgasm you want - do not screw this up now!

Nick enters the apartment a little, turning to face me. His hand reaches out to grip onto my jacket's belt once more, and tugs on it. "Come to me, my captive." He purrs.

"Mmmmm..." I groan in total arousal. Seriously, I think I'm going to need to go to therapy after this.

I try to forget about the vibrations in my crotch (keyword, TRY) and hop towards him as he backs into the apartment.

As I hop forward, the continuous garbled moans and groans are emitting from my ball-gagged mouth. I'm also sure I'm panting like a dog again.

Finally, I cross the threshold to Nick's penthouse and he closes the door behind me. I squeeze my eyes closed for a second and want to weep with joy.

I made it!

Then the vibrations stop completely.

You have got to be fucking KIDDING me!

Now, I'm furious.

He did not just make me go to all of the efforts of making my way up here, bound and gagged just so he could tease me like this! If I would have known that, I would have just had the orgasm and taken the punishment!

Nothing could have been worse than this, surely.

"Well done Brooke, I'm glad you've completed your first little bondage challenge." Nick grins down at me. I want to slap that smirk off his face so bad right now.

"I can tell this doesn't please you...Now yes I did say I would happily grant you an orgasm... but did I tell you that I would give you one as soon as you arrived here?" He raises an eyebrow as he questions me.

My face feels hot and flustered and I'm ready to cuss Nick out to oblivion. Well, I just assumed it was implied!

"As I mentioned before my little captive, there will be plenty of time for that. Right now, you need a break." He told me.

And at that moment, I was stunned.

A break? I don't want a break! What I WANT, is to get off! I deserve that much after the day I've had.

I begin to whine and plead once more into the red ballgag, but Nick puts his index to my mouth, hushing me.

"This is not up for discussion. You've been tied up all afternoon and your muscles need a break. I can't have you going all stiff and your limbs going numb, alright?" He tells me gently.

This was a side I hadn't seen from Nick yet - it was strange, but it made me even more attracted to him than I already was.

"So, I'm going to get this ballgag out of your mouth, untie you, then I'll rub some of those sore muscles, yes?"

I let out somewhat of a disappointed sigh and nodded slowly. He was probably right.

"Mhm." I mumbled behind the gag.

"Good girl." He grins, before moving behind me to unbuckle the leather straps of the rubber ball.


So, Nick shows a bit more of his gentle side, more on that in the next chapter!
How are we feeling that Brooke has been denied her orgasm? I know a couple of you guys wanted to see that - poor Brooke haha!
Thank you again for reading and leaving comments, I love seeing all your feedback!

Tee x
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by Mask6190 »

An excellent return! Great job as always.
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Post by tieduptee »


Thank you so much, glad to see the story is still being well received!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Good continuation, as per usual. BUT, I am starting to feel sorry for Brooke, she's being teased and tormented, by a man, who I assume has some sort of feelings for her. Has he no shame, does he not feel any guilt ?
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Post by tieduptee »

It's definitely something that is going to come up with Brooke and Nick - he's going to get a bit of a shock when he realises he can't do what he wants ALL the time.

Thanks for the comment, glad you're enjoyig the story! x
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by Caesar73 »

Thanks for continuing the story, Tee! And I like Nicks gentler Side towards the End of Chapter 8 :) Very good, the description of Brookes Feelings, her growing frustration!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Wow Tee if this is the result of a short break all I can say is roll on chapter 9. This is a great story so well thought out and guided. You’ve no idea how much I’d love to turn you into my very own Brooke right now.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wow as well! What a great update - am glad you've got your creative juices flowing again! Will be lovely to see how their relationship develops from here - both with Nick showing his gentler side and Brooke maybe risking a punishment if it grants her release!

Enjoyed the phrase "your first little bondage challenge" - not sure that Brooke thought it was a little challenge!!
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Post by tieduptee »

Thank you all for your lovely comments - it’s great that you guys have been enjoying this update :)

It’s going to be an interesting one for Brooke and Nick in the next chapter. Boundaries are going to be tested and emotions are running high!

Stay tuned, update should be up in the coming days :)
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Post by tieduptee »

I know it's been ages... don't hate me!! Life, as usual, has gotten in the way but here we are with another update for you lovely people :)

This chapter is quite different from what we've encountered so far - I hope you enjoy!


The ball gag comes out of my mouth with a 'pop', leaving a lot of drool to drip down my chin.

Not one of my most glamorous looks, I can tell you.

However, Nick was kind enough to put his handkerchief to good use once again, gently pressing it against my lips and my chin. He carefully wipes away any excess drool.

"Quite the day you've had, huh?" He asks me, the signature smirk reappearing on his perfectly chiselled face, raising a brow as he makes eye contact with me.

I let out a slight sigh, finally being able to take a moment to process everything that has gone on today - it was crazy how things had escalated over the space of a few hours.

It was only then that I feel my emotions begin to overwhelm me. My brain starts whizzing with a million thoughts, feelings and questions.

Was this going to become a regular thing? Did Nick have some sort of feelings for me? Why did he choose to do it this way, instead of asking me about it before?

I couldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed the events that had transpired today, but it occurred to me that for the most part, it wasn't really to my benefit.

That struck a chord with me.

It was apparent that throughout the day, Nick had planned every move to suit him and his needs, but only really gave me any satisfaction to please himself. Yes, I was able to replicate one of my most desired fantasies, but in a lot of ways, I never got to fully enjoy the experience.

At every moment, I felt like Nick HAD to have the upper hand on me and that made me feel like I wasn't seen as an equal to him.

My head begins to spin with the amount of thinking I'm doing - I don't even notice that Nick has untied my whole body and I'm finally free of all those ropes.

"Everything okay Brooke, you haven't said a word in the last 5 minutes... I didn't wear you out too much, did I?" Nick chuckles.

I then realise that I'm not okay. I'm pretty pissed off at this moment.

He thinks this is some kind of joke and I feel like I've just been some sort of toy for him to play with and discard as and when he felt like it.

I bring my eyes up to meet his, pursing my lips to the side.

"Did you have your fun today?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest.

His raised brow comes back down and furrows together with his other, looking confused.

"Well we've both had our fun today, that's been clear." He replies.

"I'm not talking about us, I'm talking about you. Who, to be honest seems to have been the only person who's had all the fun all day."I fire back at him, feeling my face heat up in anger.

"What are you trying to get at here? Are you trying to tell me that you didn't enjoy any of this? Because your begging and pleading for me to let you orgasm tell a completely different story." Nick defends himself and I scoff derivatively.

Of course, he was going to use that excuse on me!

"Well, it didn't matter if I was on my knees begging you because you would have just done what you wanted anyway!" I raised my voice, my anger hitting its peak.

"All day, you've had me more or less helpless to all of your wishes. Frankly, I didn't even get the chance to get a word in before you started carrying out your little plan!" I continued, running a hand through my hair frustratedly.

Now it's his turn to scoff at me. Nick then takes a step closer to me.

"Are you suggesting that this was non-consensual? Because you had more than enough opportunity to express your view. You were more than happy to be tied up and played with!" He points at me, narrowing his eyes.

I can't believe he doesn't see it. How can he not see how his actions were damaging today?

"That's the problem! That's all I was to you today - just something for you to pick up and play with and then you would just be tossed me aside when you had other things to do." All of my anger is now dissipating and now I just feel hurt.

It felt like Nick had taken something so sacred and intimate to me, using it for his gain. He might not see it that way, but that's the way it looked to me.

I feel my bottom lip begin to tremble and before I even realise, my eyes are filling up with tears. I just wanted him to hear where I was coming from. This was something that was all so rushed and I felt like I wasn't allowed any time to process it before the next 'game'.

The tears start running down my cheeks and I let out a little sob, all of the emotions inside me reaching their peak.

I hear a sigh and I look up, seeing Nick with a solemn expression on his face. For the first time, he wasn't looking down on me and wearing that arrogant smirk on his face.

He moves a step closer to me, his large tanned hands reaching up and cupping both sides of my face. He gently sweeps his thumbs under my eyes, wiping the tears away.

"No no, please don't cry." He coos gently to me, continuing to brush away the tears that fall down my face.

"I-I just feel like you used me." I whimpered, squeezing my eyes closed when I feel my chest constrain with a pang of hurt.

"You got your way, you got to do this to me, and then you're just going to carry on with life as normal, and I'll be left wondering if this-- if I even meant anything to you at all."

One of Nick's hands moves to cup the bottom of my chin, pushing it upwards. I still have my eyes closed and I'm too afraid to see the look on his face.

"Look at me, Brooke." He says to me.

This time, it's different from before. His tone isn't strict and demanding, it's as if he's almost pleading me to.

I slowly open my eyes, sniffling slightly and lifting my gaze to meet his. When our eyes meet, it feels as if Nick was staring into my soul.

"In no way, was that my intention at all today. If anything, I wanted you to have just as much fun as I did. if I thought for one second that you weren't enjoying yourself, I would have stopped it in an instant." He explains, moving some of the stray hairs from my face.

"You're right, I was out of line. I should have provided you with an opportunity to say no, or let me know if you were uncomfortable. That won't happen again. The last thing I wanted was to make you feel this way... I especially don't want to be the reason for your pain. I can't stand the idea that I made such a beautiful woman cry."

At that moment, I could have cried more. Not out of hurt, but happiness.

It was good to know that Nick had understood my feelings and validated them. It was also very sweet of him to compliment me the way he did - I sure hope he wasn't buttering me up.

I then feel him pull me into his chest, wrapping both his arms securely around me as my face is practically buried into his muscular chest. I take a moment to inhale his fresh-yet-musky scent. He smells so... warm.

"I want you to know, that I don't do this with just anyone. I took a big risk doing this with you, I know. However, I am completely enamoured by you and have been, since I first laid eyes on you."

Then I did start crying more. I couldn't believe how emotional I was this evening!

I sniffled and sobbed on his chest, sure that I was getting his expensive shirt damp with my tears.

Nick's hands slowly and gently run up and down my back in an attempt to soothe me. For a few moments, we stand there in silence as he consoles me.

Once I've stopped crying, and feel calm finally, I pulled away from Nick a little, seeing that not only had I dampened his shirt with my tears... I got makeup on it! Oh god, he's going to kill me!

"Nick, I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to-" I then feel a finger softly being placed over my lips, hushing me.

I look up at Nick, meeting his eyes once more. My eyes were wide, hoping he wouldn't be angry. A small smile breaks out on his face as he stares down at me.

"Don't worry about it, it'll wash out I'm sure. Now little doe, no more tears, okay?" He tells me gently, wiping under my eyes again.

Little doe? Was that his new nickname for me? It made my heart swell inside and a smile begins appearing on my face too.


Something a little different for you all! After considering the comments I believe you all were right - we needed to see a more human side of Nick. It's time he realised he can't always get his way!

As always, I would love to hear your feedback in the comments below!

Anything that you would like to see in the upcoming chapters?

See you in the next update!

Tee x
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by WyattW5 »

Very good TieupTee. I like the little shake up all this time has been games and fantasies. my enterpretation of this chapter is when reality hits Brooke. a toy for Nicks amusement until he returns her altimate weapon of power her voice. in which case she reminds him she still has her teeth to drop him down a peg.

AND I love the little nickname original. so what is the little petname will she have for him?
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Post by ukguy26 »

Great story, loved every bit of it :)
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, I think now Brooke will have more of a say in the relationship, which is good thing. :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

This was unexpected - but only at first sight. Showing Nicks soft understanding site was really well done!
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

I dunno, I don't fully buy Nick's story. His overall plan so far has been so perfect, everything done with such confidence and swagger. To make a complete 180 and go soft seems too convenient. You could make the argument that he pushed things too far in regards to the vibrator torture, but this seemed more like him apologising for being caught, trying to sweep this issue under the rug and keep going.

Nice addition either way, only time will tell I suppose.
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Post by wolfman »

Consistently, first class. Really well written and characters who have developed really well.

Thank you for writing this.
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Post by tieduptee »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago Consistently, first class. Really well written and characters who have developed really well.

Thank you for writing this.
Somehow I've missed this notification - thank you so much for this comment!

NOTE: another update should be coming today! keep your eyes peeled!
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Post by tieduptee »


In the next hour, Nick had kindly drawn me a bath, where I took full advantage in relaxing. The warm water soothed me like a comforting hug, allowing the ache in my muscles to dissipate. After soaking until my fingers and toes were well and truly pruney, I got out and changed into one of Nick's soft t-shirts that he left out for me.

Since he was over 6 feet tall, the t-shirt was oversised on me - fit like a dress! I then made my way back out to the main room of Nick's apartment, where I see him standing in front of his vast windows, holding a glass of Scotch. I quietly make my way over to him and wrap my arms around his torso, leaning my cheek on his back.

He lets out a long breath, and it's like I can feel his whole body begin to relax. "Little doe..." He greets me gently.

"Hi," I mumble, having buried my face into his clothes and body. He chuckles, allowing me to feel its vibrations.

'I assume you enjoyed your bath?" He asks, me nodding in response.

'Good." I then feel him turn around in my arms, so he's facing me.

He takes his free hand and strokes my hair softly for a moment, before taking ahold of my chin and moving my head up to look at him.

"God, you're beautiful." He comments. Instantly I feel my face burning with embarrassment as I start blushing.

He lets out another chuckle and downs the last bit of Scotch in his glass before setting it down, now wrapping both arms around me. He pulls me closer into him, holding me securely, but not tight enough that he's squeezing or hurting me — just a warm embrace.

However, due to his huge muscles, I doubt I'd even be able to escape his grip If I wanted to - but of course, I didn't.

It was strange to me that in the space of a day, I got so many versions of Nick. The Nick who was my boss, dominant and sexy Nick and finally, Gentle and sweet Nick. I think I know which one I like best already - although I would have never imagined myself having been in this position today. Not in the slightest. It was still mindblowing that Nick had some feelings for me, let alone being the enabler of my most desired fantasies.

I just hoped that he had heard me earlier. I cannot deny that he had made me feel something unusual and indescribable, but he has to know where the line is. I think we're on the same page now, though.

I wasn't sure how long Nick and I had been standing this way, but I didn't mind. I could have stayed like this forever, wrapped in this beautiful man's arms.

"Why don't we order something to eat? I'm sure you're more than hungry." Nick asks, breaking the peaceful silence between us. "I've got wine too." He looks down at me with a small grin.

"That sounds perfect." I meet his gaze, a smile tugging at my lips too.

'Okay, I'll call now. Italian good with you, sweetheart?" He looks down at me. I nod in response, followed by an "Mhm."

Unfortunately, Nick releases his arms from around me and moves away towards the kitchen. I'm guessing that's where he left his phone. While he's away, I turn back around to face the window, taking in the view.

Since the penthouse is at the top of the building, there's a fantastic view of all the city lights, buildings and hills as far as the eye can see. Everything seems as if it's twinkling - I'm mesmerised by it all.

So much so, that I didn't hear Nick coming back and gasp in surprise when I feel his muscular arms wrapping themselves around me and entrapping me against him.

"Everything alright, little doe?" He mumbles in my ear, placing a soft kiss just below it.

I can't help but let out a slight moan. "Yes... I didn't hear you coming into the room again." I tell him.

'That's because you were too busy, day-dreaming." He teases me, swaying me a little. "I have to say; you look adorable in my shirt. I think you should wear my clothes more often." I can already picture his cheeky little grin.

"Well, it was either this or I walk around naked." I shrugged. Boy, I should not have said that.

"That definitely wouldn't bother me." He chuckles and moves close to my ear again. His breath fans over my ear and neck, tickling it slightly.

"But then again, I don't know if I'd be able to keep my hands off of you. Seeing you in my t-shirt is bad enough..." He rasps, now planting soft and open-mouthed kisses on my neck.

My breath hitches in my throat and I bite down on my lower lip to stop me from making any noise. But his kisses were so delicate, yet laced with sensuality. It was so hot!

His trail of kisses continued down my neck and back up, where he takes a moment to gently suck on my sweet spots, finally eliciting a moan from me.

"Nick..." I whimpered, writhing in his arms.

"Shh, enjoy the feeling princess." He gently commands, and I can feel myself melting at his touch.

He lets his hand travel down the side of my body, gently caressing my thigh and rear. This only fuels the building arousal I can feel stirring in my loins. I yearned for his hands to be all over me. I longed for him to shower me in all of his kisses.

The gentle caresses of my rear turn to soft gropes, granting more moans from me. All the while, Nick is still peppering my neck with kisses.

"Touch me." I breathed in between moans. Nick stops what he is doing and brings his head up to look at me.

"What did you just say?" He asks, looking at me with his brows furrowed.

"I want you to touch me... Sir." I tell him softly, now starting to grind m hips against him. He's turned me into a sex addict in the space of a day.

That dark chuckle comes back as his grip tightens on me slightly. "You are a very naughty girl, Brooke. What am I going to do with you?" He whispers in my ear, his hand travelling up the t-shirt and towards my breasts. Once he reaches them, he takes time in massaging each one individually before gripping them a bit tighter.

"Is this what you want?" He asks me, his voice so velvety smooth. I'm still pretty horny from before arriving at Nick's apartment.

I then feel a sharp pinch and then realise he has ahold of my right nipple. I gasp and moan as he plays around with it.

"Mmm... yes, Sir." I whimpered as he pulled at my nipple. I could feel the fire in my nether regions igniting once more, also beginning to feel the dampness between my legs.

"What has gotten into you, Brooke?" He asks, now moving onto fondling my left breast.

I can't even answer him - what has gotten into me? I'm raging with a ton of sex hormones that just came at me out of nowhere! Having his hands roam all over my body and grope me was sending me in a frenzy.

Nick's free arm was still wrapped around my waist, keeping my arms pinned by my side and not allowing me much room to wriggle free. It was a hold that held so much power but didn't have to be bone-crushingly tight. As I continue to let him touch and grope me, my mind goes back to today's events.

All of the positions Nick had me in, the things he made me do, the things he did to me. One moment, in particular, that stands out, is when he had me bent over his car, tied up and began to spank me. THAT was a moment. It was something I never saw coming, but secretly enjoyed every part of it. He didn't hit me hard enough to hut me a lot, just enough to shock the system and give me a pleasant sting on my buttcheeks. I wouldn't mind having him do it again...

While I was in my little thought bubble, Nick continues playing with my breasts and kissing my neck. Once I'm pulled out of my trance, I let out a loud moan.

"Oh god..." I panted slightly, writhing around again.

"You're starting to get very noisy little doe, don't make me have to do something about it," Nick warns me. That's when an idea pops into my head.

"Maybe you should do something about it.." I said, biting down on my lower lip to stop me from moaning again.

Nick stops what he's doing a second time and looks at me like a kid in a candy shop. His eyes are ablaze with lust. "Is that so?" He asks me,

"Mhm... I have been a very naughty girl... maybe you should punish me." I look at him seductively through my lashes, and I can see he is itching to join the game I want to play.

"I think you're right." He states, removing his hand from my breasts.

He proceeds to lightly run his hands over the rest of my torso before he stops at the hem of his t-shirt, just below my knees.

"And I'd be happy to oblige." He grins down at me. In a second, I'm bent over with my butt sticking up in the air. The t-shirt is now around my waist, exposing me.

"Grab the bottom of the shirt with your hands and hold onto it. Do not let it go. Hold it in place." Nick commands. I do as he says.

"Now just so I'm clear, what is it that you want me to do?" He asks, teasingly.

Here we go again with his teasing! I can't say I've missed it. But, he did have a way of building my arousal slowly, which made everything more intense. Nick then moves his free hand to caress my ass softly.

"I-I... I want you to spank me." I said quietly. I can already feel my face getting hot again as I'm sure it's crimson red.

"I'm afraid I didn't catch that, Brooke. Tell me what it is you want me to do to you." I can picture his devious little side smile as he continues to rub small circles on my buttcheeks.

"I want you... to spank me, Sir," I say louder this time, feeling my body shaking in suspense.


I squealed as I feel the instant sting of the blow on my rear end. Another two come, and are little harsher than the last.

"Ah!" I cried out, wiggling in Nick's tight grasp.

"No wriggling out of this Brooke, this is what you asked for. Now stand here and take the punishment or I'll make it worse." Nick orders.

The tone in his voice shows he means business, but I can't help crying out when he spanks me another five times with no break. However, Nick has had enough of my whining and whimpering. He removes the arm around my waist, to tightly clamp his hand over my mouth, silencing me.

"Shut up." Is all I hear from Nick before he continues to swat my ass a few more times.

By this point, my ass is stinging quite a bit, and I'm panting into Nick's giant hand. I then feel his hand softly caressing my right buttcheck, rubbing it gently to soothe how red it was.

"Mmm..." I whimper behind his hand.

"Shh... little doe. I'm making it all better." He coos at me. Little did I know, it was only for a moment.

As I was getting comfortable, I feel another smack — this time on my left buttcheek.

"Mmmph!" I cried out, wriggling slightly.

"I bet you're glad we're on the top floor, huh? Imagine if someone could see you half-naked, bent over and getting spanked. They'd see how much of a dirty girl you are." Nick laughs.

At that moment, the wetness between my legs increases. Nick was right. What a sight that would be!


"Mmmph!!" I squealed and whimper once more, feeling like this assault would never end.

Well, you did ask him for it, stupid! My inner goddess rolls her eyes at me.

On the other hand, it was incredibly sexy. I moan again at the prospect of it all.

The torment continues. Swatting, caressing, swatting more, and caressing more. By the end of it all, I'm a quivering mess!

Nick and I were right in the thick of it when we hear a doorbell ring. "Delivery for Nick!" The guy shouts from the other side of the door.

In a flash, Nick hoists me back up before taking his hand off my mouth and twirling me around to face him. Before I even get the chance to catch my breath again, his lips are on mine.

It felt like fireworks were going off around us and once again, I'm melting into his touch. A few seconds later, Nick pulls away.

"We aren't done here." He winks at me before going to answer the door to get our food.

Yeah, he's got that right!


Extra-long chapter for you all! It's the least you all deserve.
There's no bondage in this chapter but it comes back next chapter - just wanted to bring a bit more hot and steamy chemistry between Brooke and Nick first.

Did you like that Brooke got to take charge a little bit?

As always, thank you to EVERYONE who reads and comments on this, it makes me so happy!
Feedback is always welcome!

Tee x
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by WyattW5 »

Very thoughtful update. From arranging Brookes Bath to ordering Pizza I like how Nick's personality is shifting not the same thing over and over again. and Brooke I really enjoy how she is playing more into the eager submissive role. I think she should try to push a little more. keep up the awesome writing.
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Post by tieduptee »

WyattW5 wrote: 4 years ago Very thoughtful update. From arranging Brookes Bath to ordering Pizza I like how Nick's personality is shifting not the same thing over and over again. and Brooke I really enjoy how she is playing more into the eager submissive role. I think she should try to push a little more. keep up the awesome writing.
[mention]WyattW5[/mention] Thanks so much for the comment! I’m glad you’re enjoying the little changes along the way. Brooke definitely will be using her voice more often. That is... when she’s not gagged.
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice work! This Chapter seems like an interlude to me. Focussing on the developing relationship between Brooke and Nick. You describe the interactions between the two Protagonists very well - and the underlying Psychology seems absolute plausible to me!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful update - hearing Brooke's thoughts really adds to the drama and builds up the tension - will Nick do as she asks or will he continue to push her further towards her limits. I like that Brooke is starting to make some suggestions, will hopefully keep Nick on the right track so they don't have another disagreement!

Hope her cheeks aren't too crimson that the pizza guy can see...
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Post by wolfman »

Another really great chapter. Really like the transition from the overt enforced power Nick had when Brooke was bound, manifesting much more sublty in this chapter.

Also loving that we are seeing more of their desires and the conflict in Brooke.

Really great.
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