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Post by BindPam »

I think I'm seeing the possibility of a happy future for Louise and Steve... :)
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Post by wolfman »

Louise's exhaustion guided her to a deep sleep without dreams. She woke just after dawn and stretched on the bed, revelling in the freedom to move. 

Slowly she sat up, rolling her shoulders. Her aches seemed to have dulled in the night. Experimentally, she got off the bed and stretched again. "I need coffee." she says to the empty room. 

Opening the wardrobe she finds a pair of cotton pyjamas which were a little large, but were comfortable and warm on this cool morning. 

She crossed the room and took a deep breath. "Moment of truth." She thought as she turned the handle. She relaxed as the handle turned easily and opened the door. 

The house was quiet as she padded down the stairs and searched for the kitchen. Louise, found a cup and some instant coffee and stared out of the window, as she waited for the kettle. It was a bright clear morning, and she watched the birds flitting in and out of the bushes at the end of the garden. 

Once the kettle boiled she made her coffee. Holding it close to her face she inhaled the steam and coffee scent. She took her cup and opened the back door to get some fresh air. Spying a set of garden chairs and a table. She emerged from the house, barefoot into the cool morning air. 

The air was bracing reminding her that she was alive. She remembered the fear she had felt at the hands of Doctor Callard. "Thank you Steve." She said silently, she was back in the moment that Steve entered the room and filled with the relief she felt in than moment.

Steve's phone pinged softly alerting him to the back door being open. He woke after a restless night. He opened sore eyes and checked his phone. 

He took to his fee and crossed the room quickly, collecting a stilleto on the way to the door in case he had visitors. Upon opening his door, he noted Louise's door was opened. He hung his head with a sigh and returned the blade to its hiding place. 

"Probably for the best." Steve thought ruefully. He readied himself to chase he, but paused. "If you love someone, set them free." He half remembered a quote. "Let her go Steve." He thought with a certainty he rarely felt.

Silently and slowly, he walked downstairs. Trudging into the kitchen, he turned on the kettle for a coffee, surprised to see how quickly it boiled. Making a coffee, he sighed, wondering how to fill his day and pondering if Louise would go to the police. 

"This is a secure location, but if she goes to the police, I will be a sitting duck." He thought pensively. He turned to the window to enjoy the view one last time, before heading out. 

He stood open mouthed, stunned to see Louise, sat outside slowly sipping from her cup. "She had the keys and could have run, but didn't. Did she stay for me or the promise of a new life?" He thinks as he lays there. "Behave yourself, Steve. She is here and that is enough."

He begins checking the fridge and cupboards. Confirming he has what he needs, he readies himself and opens the back door. 

"Good morning." he calls out. " How did you sleep?"

"Morning." Louise responds turning to face him. "Quite well thanks."

"Would you like some breakfast?" Steve asks warmly. 

"That would be great, let me make it." She offers. 

"You are a guest, besides, you have had a rough few days and need to rest a bit." Steve says softly.

"Thank you, Steve." Louise says, her eyes not leaving his. 

"No problem, any preference?"

"I mean it Steve, thank you. You saved my life." She speaks, her lip trembling.

Steve crossed the space between them swiftly and wraps an arm around her. "It is ok." He says, taking her chin gently in his free hand. "You are safe now, no one will hurt you."

She squeezes him and whispers "Thank you."

He holds her close, his arms around her like shields that will ward off all the world ills. "You are safe." 

The moment stretches and Steve does not let her go. "This feels so right." Steve queezes her at the thought. "Are you ok?" He asks tentatively. 

She nods wiping tears from her eyes. "I must look a mess." She says in a half laugh. 

"Not to me." Steve says looking her in the eyes. In his mind, he chides himself, "Why did you say that? Do you want her to run?"

Louise smiles, whilst wiping her eyes. "What just happened? Did he really say that?" Her pulse quickened. "What did she want?" 

She quickly landed a peck on his cheek. "Thank you Steve, but I really don't feel it." She looks away, sensing the passing of the moment. "Do you mind if I freshen up a little?"

"Of course." He smiles. "I will start breakfast, any preference?"

"Surprise me." Louise smiles in return, as she heads inside.

Steve's mind is reeling. He needed to focus and he had always found that cooking helped clear his mind, so set about breakfast. 

He removed the skins from several cumberland sausages and browned them in a saucepan, breaking them up as he goes. He adds a few chilli flakes, paprika and pepper and a bottle of passata allowing it to simmer. 

Watching the meal simmer, his mind still reeled, "What does it all mean? Why did she kiss me? Am I falling for her?"

He adds parmesan and oregano, before cracking some eggs onto the top of the simmering dish. A sprinkle of basil follows before he adds the lid. 

"It could be the events of last night." He wonders. "She sees me as a white Knight, a rescuer and seeks to repay me for her freedom? No, that doesn't seem right."

He takes two tortillas and sprinkles some applewood smoked cheese between them. He places them in a pan and cook until bottom is crisp and flips it. 

"Steve, you need to stop trying to second guess her and focus on what you want?" He says to himself. 

He turns the toasted cheese tortilla onto a chopping board and cuts it into quarters piling them onto a plate.

"That is what I need to decide." He concludes, waiting for his breakfast guest.

Louise enters the bathroom, closing the door behind her. 

"Oh wow." she says splashing water on her face. 

She retrieves a toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed her teeth, for something to do, in order to stop her thinking about what just happened. 

"He scares me." she says looking into the mirror. "But, he saved me." Her eyes become downcast. 

She breathes deeply, only one question on her mind. "What do I want?" 

She stares, at her reflection, seeking an answer. 

The smells of cooking pull her from her contemplation and after a final splash of water she returns to the kitchen. Watching Steve from the door she asks herself, "Is Steve that intense about all he does?" She finds herself blushing as she enters the room.
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Post by wolfman »

Helen readied her stance. She had sacrificed a tin of beans down the toilet, in honour of the spirits protecting her. In exchange for the sacrifice, she requested that they attack her, to give her practice defending herself. 

They came slowly at first and she could easily evade them. After a few moments some rushed her only to be cut down by her weapon. 

The numbers grew and she was unscathed, a warrior goddess in their midst. She was ready for any foe who may challenge her.

Her office was like a sauna. Shaw had just received another call from the superintendent. It was her idea to keep word of the irishman out of the press. On the plus side, upon hearing that she had been assaulted and disarmed by this man, the superintendent, pledged every available resource that she could ever need to this case

On the other hand, she had fielded calls from the Garda and PSNI and neither agency could identify the man. Which meant he could be a rogue former officer from either. The Army was less forthcoming, protecting their records closely, they gave no information. 

She was getting tired of hitting brick walls with this case. Shaw drained the dregs of her coffee, mouth screwing up in protest at the taste of the cold brew.

She turned to face her approaching sergeant. "Anderson, what have we got?"

"Guv, no sign of the doctor, but financials show that he has leased a warehouse, SO19 are en route." 

"Text me the address and tell them to hold position until I arrive." She says discarding the cup and snatching her coat, eager to get this case moving and find the missing sisters.

Her phone pinged with the address, by the time she got in her car, she knew the location and roared out of the car park in a black unmarked police Volvo. She lit a cigarette and opened the window fully, revelling in the cool night air. 

"Finally, something to get stuck into." She said relieved. 

She updated the superintendent on the way, arriving just after finishing her cigarette. She parked near the police teams rally point and exited her vehicle. 

The SO19 commander, Davis was adjustin the straps on his tactical gear as she arrived, recognising her he strode across the staging area, shaking her hands. "Shaw, we are all set to breach, is there anything we should know?"

Shaw respected this man, from work breaking people smuggling rings last year. "During the course of this, I have encountered a potential operative with specialist training. Unable to confirm if he is a loner. We are also seeking two misin females." She says, showing the commander, Helen and Louise's photos on her phone. "As of right now, Callard is number one suspect, however, Helen appears implicated. Ask your guys to be ready for anything?"

"They always are." He says grimly. "You always get the messy ones. Are you following us in?" Davis asked. 

Shaw nodded. "Provided it is ok with you."

"No problem at all, you know the drill, stick to cleared areas until the whole building has been swept and secured. You might want to get some ballistic armour on, before you enter."

"Thanks Davis, I appreciate this." she says opening the boot of her vehicle retrieving a ballistics vest.

She waited as the team swept in. She was eerily reminded of the last time she waited for a building to be cleared and they found a drugged girl, piles of evidence and the sister of a kidnap victim, no where to be found. "Someone is covering their tracks. I am sick of us being one step behind." She thought. 

Over the radio the first "clear" calls were coming in. Shaw entered the property, going from room to room in a more meticulous fashion than the officers, before her. 

The radio blared into life. "Jesus, get a coroner up here." In the background she heard a man vomit, she raced through the building. 

As she got to the room, Davis put his hand on her shoulder. "You don't want to see this." He said, through his visor, he saw pain in his eyes. 

She gently pushed his hand to one side and entered the room, almost immediately wishing that she hadn't. 

Shaw knew she would need a lot of scotch to wash away what she saw in that moment. Dr Callard was a blood soaked mess, clearly dead. However, his passing was neither quiet nor quick. He was a mass of bruises and cuts. He had been strapped to a birthing chair and tortured. The floor under the chair was strewn with blood, faeces and broken glass. 

Shaw had seen a lot of human darkness in her career, but this methodical torment was something else. She knew why an officer vomited earlier and followed his example.

She went outside for some air, to escape the sights and smells of that room. The irishman did this, that much she was sure of. She remembered her. Meeting with him, he had her cold, but didn't hurt her. "Why?" She asked herself. 

She remembered the feeling of helplessness in his presence and her heart fluttered when she recalled handcuffing herself. 

She shuddered, dispelling the feeling. But couldn't help wonder what would have happened if he had stayed.

Steve and Louise ate breakfast in comfortable quiet. She was skeptical about the dish at first but ate with gusto. Steve cleared the table whilst Louise relaxed on the sofa. 

"This is nice." Steve thought to himself while loading the dishwasher. "But is it real?"

His phone buzzed. 

"Ryan." he said answering 

"Steve, the police have found the doctor." He pauses. "Someone did a real number on him and word is that some crazy, Irish, mercenary is involved." 

"I see, thank you for the update on this." Steve smiled to himself.

"The higher ups want you to steer clear of this one. It is too high profile and too messy." Ryan says almost pleading. 

"I think you may be right. I have been looking into it and I feel the risk exposure on this is borderline unacceptable. I am out on this one" Steve said firmly. 

"This is some bad business. So," He paused, "Are you going to finish your holiday?" Ryan asked cautiously.

"That is the plan, I have been flat out for a while, want to unplug for a bit." Steve said, feeling wary and bracing himself. 

"It's just that, well, Tina and I are having some people over this weekend and I wondered if you wanted to come."

"Ah." Steve was caught off guard, by the unexpected invite. 

"You work, like no one else. It is all about the job for you, it ain't healthy. Come along, meet some people and relax. You do relax? Don't you?"

"Yes, of course I do. I like nothing more than spending an evening with a glass of wine and a book on ancient interrogation techniques." Steve says with a smile. 

"Er, well that's good." Ryan says unsure. 

Steve laughs softly. "Actually I am kind of seeing someone and we are going to have some time away."

Ryan was speechless, first off, Steve knew how to laugh, second, he is seeing someone. "Bring her along." He offered. 

"It is early days at the moment, but maybe in the future." Steve hated to lie. 

"No worries. Look the red phone flashing so got to go. Let me know if you need anything. Yeah?"

"Will do, hope you have a good weekend. Say hi from me." Steve said as Ryan rang off.

Steve stood in the kitchen staring at his phone. Ryan was a good man.  They had worked together for a while now and had their own code. 

The phrase kind of seeing someone, was one Steve used when he had a lead and was following it. 

Ryan's invite confirmed he understood and would provide off the books support if needed. Steve hadn't expected the offer of support but welcomed it. "I will try and keep him clear of this." He resolved.

Most troubling was Ryan's mention of The red phone flashing. This was code for "They are listening." This could be a problem.

"Time to get things moving." He said softly as he moved to join Louise on the sofa.
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Post by tieduptee »

This is such an intense story but I'm really enjoying reading it!! Dying for Louise and Steve to get together - can't wait for the next update! :)
Tie me up, stuff something in my mouth, wrap some tape around it and let's have some fun!

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Post by wolfman »

Louise reclined on the sofa after a hearty breakfast. "I could get used to this." She thinks, blushing. 

Steve enters the room, a serious look on his face. Louise had heard him on the phone but didn't hear what was said. The look in his eyes told her it was not good news. 

"Is everything ok?" She asked gently, as he joined her. 

"Looks like my firm are watching my activities." He said, matter of factly. 

Louise's eyes widened, looking around. "Are they watching us now?" Fear tinging her voice. 

Steve relaxed. "I am sorry, they are monitoring my movements, not watching us." he assured her. 

The tension eased within her. "What does that mean?"

"For the most part, no problem, but could make releasing your sister, a little tricky."

She shuddered thinking of her sister in a cycle of vampire videos and beans. "Can I see her?" She asked with morbid dread. 

Steve nodded pulling his phone and logging on. He handed the phone over. 

The camera was on night vision mode and Helen was weakly flailing at invisible foes, cursing and screaming at the top of her lungs for the vampires to face her. 

Louise hung her head. "We can't leave her there much longer." She said weakly. 

"I know, I have a plan for releasing her." Steve spoke quietly. 

"Would you like to tell me?" Louise was unsure whether she wanted to know. 

"I have a plan but, will need your help with it. If after I have explained it, you want to back out, I understand, as there would be some risk to you." He spoke slowly and deliberately, emphasising the gravity of what he was about to say. 

"I understand." Louise replied with conviction. 

"Ok, here goes." Steve began to lay out the plan. 

Helen stood, triumphant, easily vanquishing her foes. She was ready. The spirits were so impressed with her prowess they blessed the toilet roll she now held so reverentially. 

Slowly she began the wrap her legs in the delicate paper working her way up her body. Once finished she was covered from head to foot in tissue paper. 

She lay back and awaited her transformation. She would emerge from her cocoon, as an avenging angel and would rain fire on those who pursued her.

Louise sat back, trying to take in all the elements of the plan, he was not wrong, there was a lot of risk. 

Steve would obtain two identical set of clothes, one for each of the sisters. He would then drug Helen and load her into a camper van. Louise, disguised as Helen, would then drive and leave her and the van in the middle of nowhere. Steve would then pick her up and they would abandon Helen. 

It sounded simple but, there was a lot to go wrong. She took a deep breath. 

"What are your thoughts?" Steve spoke breaking the silence. 

"She will need spare clothes, as well as those she will be wearing and the clothes she has on would need to look lived in. She will need cash as well, she would not go anywhere without money in her pocket." Louise said thoughtfully. 

Steve looked at Louise with fresh eyes, appreciating her insight into the plan. In the back of his mind, he had considered what she was suggesting and was pleasantly surprised, with her suggestion. He nodded, smiling gently. 

Louise took another deep breath. "Also, I will need to get fuel for the camper van disguised as her."

Steve was genuinely surprised at this suggestion. "That is too risky." he shook his head. 

Louise stood her ground. "The police will accept her turning up in the middle of nowhere. But if she has been on the run a few days, in the same vehicle, she will need to fuel it. Otherwise, Police will start looking for where she has been hiding and begin asking why she is on the move now."

Steve, was caught off guard. She had made a brilliant point and making the police think Helen had kept low key but mobile would have them chasing their tails trying to pin point her movements moreso than finding her hiding place. "I really have misjudged you." He thought. "I am never on the back foot. Yet, she has surprised me twice in as many minutes." 

He nodded. "You make a good point."

"I am in." Louise says nodding. 

"Thank you, Louise, I can't do this without you." Steve felt humbled, as he spoke. He never asked for help, in truth he could do this alone, but he needed her with him on this.

Louise felt a lump in her throat. She had felt like a passenger in her own life for so long. However, in this moment, the most driven and focused man she had ever met, had asked her for help and seemed genuinely relieved when she said yes. 

An idea sprang to mind. "I don't suppose you have any exercise equipment handy, do you?" she asked. 

"Yes." He answered, unsure of where this was going.

"When you go for clothes, I will have a workout, that way when I get fuel, I will smell like I have not washed for a few days." She said nodding. 

"Good idea." He said smiling. "There is a bike and rowing machine in the back." 

Steve was struck by her attention to details, he smiled to himself. "We should work together more often." He mused.

"I think we are all set, if it is ok with you, I will get moving. Is there anything you need?" Steve asked

"Could you get a bottle of nutrisse 10.01 hair colour? Same shade as Helen. Or a blond wig." 

"No problem. You really are an amazing woman" He said smiling. Without thinking he leans forward and kisses Louise softly on the cheek as he stands. 

"I am sorry." Steve apologises not knowing what came over him. "You fool." he thinks. 

They are motionless, Steve internally berating himself for the uninvited kiss. Louise stunned by what the kiss means. 

Louise rises to her feet "It's ok." She says softly. 

Steve gently touches her arm. "I am sorry."

His touch is like a bolt of lightning penetrating her core. He breathing is ragged. The past few days have made her value the freedom to move and act freely. But right now his touch reminds her of how much she has missed meaningful human contact. 

I an that moment she lunges forward, pressing her lips to his, throwing her arms around his neck. 

Steve holds her close as they kiss, their tongues urgently, exploring each others mouths with a hot and breathless, abandon. Steve cradles the back of her neck as he kisses her deeply. Their lips part as he buries his face into her neck softly caressing her skin with his lips and tongue. 

Louise throws her head back, losing herself in the pleasure of Steve's lips. She lifts her legs and wraps them around Steve's waist, grinding against him. 

Steve hand moves under thigh her supporting her weight. He continues to slowly kiss her neck as he lowers her onto the sofa. Her legs hold tight as they clench his grinding hips. 

She moans softly, releasing his neck and removing her top. She reaches up pulling his shirt loose admiring his washboard stomach and tight chest muscles. 

He reaches down taking a silky soft breast in each hand, gently caressing and squeezing them. He leans down, taking her left nipple into his mouth, allowing his tongue to dance at first slowly and then with more urgency.

Louise feels a shudder in the core of her being. Her hands tangle in Steve's short hair pulling him close to her. She feels alive. After so long sleep walking through he life, after the torments of the last few days and the fear she felt at the hands of the doctor. She feels alive. "Don't stop." She pleads. 

"No chance." His mind free. After so much focus and repression of his feelings, he is letting it al go and it feels incredible. He savours the taste of her and wants more. 

Steve's hands caress her sides as his lips move down her body, leaving a trail of soft kisses across her taut stomach, working slowly down. 

"Oh God, please..." Louise whispers hoarsely as she pushes her trousers and underwear down. 

He pulls the last on her clothing free and she is naked under him, her pale, smooth skin like milk in the morning light. He kneels by the sofa placing a hand under her perfect bottom and resting his thumb at the base of her vagina, his other hand parts her lips. 

Louise breathes heavily, unsure of what Steve is doing, she lifts herself slightly to see and slumps back as Steve's tongue softly brushes her clit. She bites her lip as she moans, sinking back onto the sofa. 

Steve's tongue begins gently teasing her, slowly at first, with minute, gentle, fast strokes of his tongue. He shifts position increasing the speed of his tongue, his mouth covering her, he revels in the taste of her, each drop propelling his tongue, each stroke stronger, slowly building the speed of his excess. 

Louise feel something primal inside her, something powerful in her core waiting for release. Each of Steve's intimate caresses bringing it closer. He body shudders. 

Steve changes stroke writing his name inside her with his tongue. She tenses, holding her breath and then screams, her body writhing and bucking beneath him. 

Louise is helpless as waves of pleasure tyear through her body. Her body feels too small, like it cannot contain all it is feeling and she has to let it out with a scream. 

Steve is relentless and picks up the pace even further. Louise's body churns. She feels overwhelmed. She had never felt anything like this before. She tries to recover as she feels the next waves building inside her. 

Steve lean back, slipping two fingers inside her, he slowly rocks them back and forth as he removes the rest of his clothes. 

Louise feels his fingers and craves more. "Don't stop...." She breathes. 

Steve wipes his mouth and climbs on top of her, easing himself into her as he leans in for a kiss. 

Louise feels every centimetre of him as he enters her. She gasps, thrusting her hips, grinding into him as she kisses him deeply.

She can feel her whole body trembles as he thrust into her. She throws her arms around him as she tenses again and the waves of pleasure threaten to engulf her. She holds onto him, for fear of losing herself in hedonistic delight. 

Steve feels everything lift from him, his guilt over his parents and his many sins, his repression and his focus. There is only now, this moment, with this goddess and it is glorious. 

He feels her body rock beneath him as he holds her tight and he picks up the pace, his powerful thighs pumping into her as he feels his release. He slows his pace and withdraws from her. They kiss urgently and settle into each other on the sofa.  

Panting they lay in each others arms, spent, unable to speak, they sleep in each others arms. ‎
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Post by slackywacky »

WOW, this story keeps giving. Great work.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Great work! 😊😊
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Post by lochness »

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Post by BindPam »

The romance and erotica in this leaves me speechless.

I really hope this won't be the only story with Louise and Steve. They are completely right for each other, and really need a whole series!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I"ll second that motion 😊
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Post by wolfman »

Shaw was in the mobile command vehicle, set up by Callard's clinic. She had spent the morning reviewing data retrieved from the clinics computers and her headache was building. 

Indications are that the good doctor was running an underground clinic for any who could afford it. Illegal organ transplants, gun shot wound surgery, the works. She had a list of names a mile long that she had just sent to Serious and Organised Crimes Agency (SOCA) and was waiting for a call back from them. 

Forensics confirm that Louise was here but have found nothing to indicate where she went and the CCTV footage of the area showed nothing. They were chasing ghosts. 

But worst of all, she was out of cigarettes. She needed some air. "Anderson, popping to shop, you need anything?" She asked her sergeant. 

"Ooh, could you grab me a bottle of water and a sandwich, please?" The sergeant said as he was co-ordinating officers canvassing the area. 

Shaw gave the thumbs up, as she donned her jacket. It was not far to the shop so she decided to walk, getting some air may help clear her head. It was a warm day, and the sun on her face felt good. 

"Where were those girls?" She asked herself. 

She mulled over the facts of the case "Helen had drugged and pimped her sister out, until they had fought, the good doctor treated Louise and the sisters became estranged. Louise appeared to be getting on with her life until she disappeared. At the time she vanished Helen was pimping another girl." She paused, looking up at the sky for inspiration. 

"Why did Helen wait until now?" Shaw wondered. She entered the shop encased in her own thoughts and walked into a man who was leaving. "I am so sorry, in a daze this morning."

The man said nothing and moved to leave the shop. 

Shaw gathered a couple of bottles of water, a couple of sandwiches and some biscuits for the team, requesting cigarettes when she reached the counter. 

Ryan smiled to himself as he exited the shop after successfully placing a note in Shaw's pocket. "Nice to be away from the desk for a bit." He thought. 

Shaw exited the shop and reached for her lighter. Her hand closed around a piece of paper, withdrawing it slowly with her fingertips. She didn't recognise the writing but it's content was clear. 

"You are in too deep."

"Tell me something I don't know." She thought, as she carefully put the note into an evidence bag and slipped it into her pocket. She already knew there would be no prints on the paper, the paper would be generic and it would be a dead end, yet again. 

"I hate this case so much." She said, as she lit a cigarette and began slowly walking back to the command post.

Steve woke with a start, he sank back onto the sofa as his mind was filled with thoughts of the morning. He held her close and softly kisses the top of her head as he remembered the raw sensation of the mornings passion. 

He carefully rose, making sure he didn't wake her. He gently slipped one arm under her knees and the other arm under her shoulders and lifted her off of the sofa. 

Steve carried Louise tenderly upstairs. They entered his room and he lay her on the bed, covering her with a duvet. She rolled onto her side. He slid into the bed and curled up behind her laying an arm over her waist. He brushed her hair over her shoulder and softly kisses her neck. 

"What happens now?" Steve wondered, lost in the gentle movements of her body against him as she breathed softly next to him. His fingers lightly brushed her stomach and she shifted slightly. He couldn't remember the last time he was with a woman, but, he knew it never felt this good. He closed his eyes and let sleep claim him. 

Louise felt warm, she pulled the duvet close around her and touched Steve's arm. She opened her eyes, in an unfamiliar room. "It was real." She smiled as her eyes moistened. 

She lay in Steve's arms, savouring the feel of him against her. When he kissed her on the cheek and apologised, she was overcome and all of the emotion of the last few days poured out. She had fought her feelings for this man, in the moment she decided to kiss him, she made peace with her feelings. 

She had never felt such passion, both within herself and by another person for her. "This is real." She moaned softly as she recalled his tongue and lips on her body. 

Steve's are squeezes her as she moans and he kisses the back of her neck. She turns to face him and they look into each others eyes smiling.

Louise puts her arm around Steve and they close the gap between them. Louise sighs at the feeling of her breasts touching his bare chest. Steve leans forward and softly kisses her. She returns the kiss as his hand strokes the outside of her thigh and settles on her bum, pulling her close. 

She shudders as she feels his manhood pressing into her lower stomach. Louise pushes Steve onto his back and slowly climbs on top of him. Lowering herself slowly onto him, she bites her lips as he slides slowly inside her. 

Steve gasps as he feels himself enter her, his hands on her hips guiding her onto him. He throws his head back, as he pushes into her. 

Louise's body tingles as she feels him inside her, filling her up. She slowly grinds into him, softly moaning. 

Steve reaches up and cups her breasts, teasing each nipple between his thumbs and forefingers as he bends his knees behind her and thrusts upwards into her.

Louise begins moving her hips in a figure eight and places her hands over Steve's. He breathing ragged, she throws her head back. 

Steve releases her breasts and pushes himself up, so he is sitting with Louise on his lap, she throws her legs around his waist and rocks her body. Steve pulls her close and kisses her deeply, their tongues dancing in unison. They rock together tightly embracing, lips locked and hips slowly moving together. 

Louise feels a warmth build inside her once more. "Please, don't stop." she whispers.  

She slows her movement tensing ready for the first wave to wash over her. Steve begins to pump harder and faster to compensate, feeling his own climax approaching. 

Louise feels the wave approaching faster than she is ready for and her whole body shakes as her first orgasm sweeps through her. She cries out in pure pleasure. 

Steve is not holding back, he marvels at how beautiful Louise is at the point of orgasm and his heart skips. He leans in and kisses her neck, as she continues to ride him. She moans softy. Her hands caressing her breasts.

Steve puts his arms around her and unknowingly, pins her arms to her sides as they kiss passionately. 

Louise feels Steve inside and surrounding her, her arms feel trapped. Their kisses render her speechless. She feels helpless in this man's arms and surrenders to the feeling. "Until he releases me I am trapped in his arms, his kiss steals my voice and I am powerless. Nothing can touch me, while I am in his embrace." She muses. "If this is being a prisoner to his passion, I never want to be free."

With that thought, a primal place inside her erupts racing through her body and erasing all other thoughts from her mind. She writhes furiously, as Steve explodes into her. They slow their motion and sink onto the bed. Where Steve releases her from his arms.  

In a small voice Louise whispers. "Thank you." Her heart fluttered. The warm, safety and peace of her captivity in his arms, was replaced by the joy of her release. Now she was free and all she wanted was to lay still with Steve.
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Post by BindPam »

Absolutely perfect.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve lay back on the bed, with Louise's head on his chest, her warm skin against him felt so good. He smiled as her breath tickle the hair on his chest. Louise softly moaned as he placed a protective arm around her.

Steve couldn't believe what had happened that morning. "This was all I ever wanted and I don't want it to end." He thought as he lay there. "If Louise decides to start a new life, I hope she wants me to be a part of it." 

He began to wonder about walking away from his life and putting everything behind him. Making a new start himself and breaking away from his life.

But first, Helen needed to be dealt with. He could not risk Louise's safety, not after this morning. He would go with the back up plan. 

Louise felt safe and warm. Her body still tingled in the warm afterglow of their passion. Nothing else mattered in this moment. Not even Helen. 

She sighed, they would need to part, so that Helen could be released. She snuggled into Steve. "Helen can wait." Dismissing her with a thought. 

"Once Helen is freed, Steve and I need to talk. I don't want my old life, I want a new start away from everything." She decided. "Would Steve join me?" She dared to hope.

Steve stirred, squeezing his companion gently. "I think I am going to have a shower, if that is ok."

Louise looked up at him. "Only if I can join you." She smiled. 

Steve returned her smile and kissed the top of her head. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he tenderly kissed her. He effortlessly lifted her from the bed and she once again rested her head on his chest as he carried her to the bathroom. 

He lowered her feet to the floor and she stood before him. Her arms still wrapped around him, she gazed into his eyes. 

Steve placed a hand in the small of her back and gently pulled her to him. His other hand on the nape of her neck, he kisses her, not with the urgency of the mornings passion but with the slow, deliberation of a kiss that could last a lifetime. 

Louise sighed, surrendering to his kiss once more, she was helpless before him. "I was empty until today, until he filled me with love." She caught herself. "Did she love him?"

Steve moved his hand from the nape of her neck and turned on the shower. He stepped back to admire this goddess before him. She still bore the marks of captivity, but even after all she had been through, she was stunning. 

They entered the shower, hand in hand. They plunged into the stream of shower. Cleansing the sweat of the morning. Louise turned to face the shower, washing her hair, revelling in the hot stream on her face. 

Steve lathered his hands and stood closely behind her, he reached around her caressing her breasts. His soap slick hands sliding effortlessly over them as he massaged them. 

Louise stopped cleaning her hair and settle back into Steve as he kneeded her breasts. She closed her eyes and moaned. Steve removed his hands for a moment to reapply more soap. Louise placed her arms by her sides and bit her lip in anticipation. 

As he wrapped his arms around her again, his left arm reach across her to take her right nipple as her right reaches across to the left. He shifts from her nipples to her breasts, gently kneeding them whilst holding her close and kissing the base of her neck. 

Louise's breathing was ragged, she was helpless in his embrace and his touch and kiss felt wonderful. Her breath caught in her throat as he slid one of his hands down her stomach and between her legs. 

"She has brought me back to life. I think I and in love." He thinks as his fingers gently massage between her legs, sending shudders through her body, that rocked his own. 

Louise felt her body shudder as his fingers danced between her legs and across her breast. His lips on her neck sent shivers down her spine. In the cage of his arms, she felt safe and warm, as her body, yielded to his touch.  She had never felt so alive 

Her legs gave way as she came in the shower, Steve caught her and they sink to the floor of the shower, she turns to face him and they kiss under the cascading water.

Steve emerges first allowing Louise to wash her hair. He watches her in the shower, marvelling at the way the water accentuates her skin tone. 

As she emerges, he wraps a towel around her, gently drying her and kissing any stray water droplets away.

"Mmmm, that feels amazing." She sighs. 

"You are amazing, it is what you deserve." He whispers. "I don't want to stop."

"I know." She hangs her head. "But, we need to deal with Helen." 

"Yes, unfortunately." He says, with a touch of sadness.

Drying off in the bedroom, they sat on the bed.

"The plan I said before, is too risky." Steve started. "There is a way I can do this solo with no risk to you."

"I want to be a part of this." She spoke softly. "She devastated me, I want to be involved. Please don't shut me out."

He smiled. "I had a feeling you might say that."

Before he can continue, his work phone rings. He eyes it suspiciously. "Work, might be trouble." He whispers to Louise as he answers on speaker phone. 

"Ryan, this is a rare honour, what's up?" Steve opens, keeping it light. 

"Steve, I thought we were friends."

"Of course we are, what's up mate?" Steve was curious, Ryan was usually all business. ‎

"Saying you can't come this weekend, because you are going away. A couple of the guys say, they are going to a party at yours this weekend and they are bringing bbq." Ryan says, with fake hurt in his voice. 

"I was going to, but as I said, me and the lady going away." Steve says warmly, winking at Louise. 

"Scouts honour?" Ryan asks. 

"Scouts honour, brother." 

"No worries mate, gotta go red phone flashing." Ryan says as he hangs up. 

Steve turned to Louise. "We have to move. Now."
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Post by BindPam »

I really like how this is turning out :)
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Post by RopemanSteve »

This really graphic. Really, REALLY graphic.

Awesome, please continue :)

You got the male lead's name right, too!
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Post by wolfman »

Steve moves through the house quickly, collecting various items as he goes, explaining the situation to Louise as they pack. 

"Ryan and I have worked together for a long time and we have a code in case of trouble. " he says retrieving two tranquilliser pistols. 

"I thought we were friends, is code for be prepared. A party at yours is trouble coming, a couple of guys means it is verified by multiple sources." He grabs a pack of darts. 

"Bringing bbq, means scorched earth, they will burn all involved." He says, as he grabs a large pack of zip ties. 

"Scouts honour, means that company support is available if required." he says grabbing a few other small packs.

"So, er, who is coming?" Louise asked, feeling a little out of her depth. 

"As no names are mentioned, it is an unknown party. Most likely, another contracting firm, possibly hire by your company, possibly hire by one of Helen's clients." Steve clarifies, as he grabs a small tool kit.

"How do they know you are involved." She enquires. 

"Hard to say, maybe they heard I was assigned and decided to come for me on the off chance." He suggests, wondering.

"Ok, but why bother?" Louise asks again. 

"Two high profile disappearances, that are baffling law enforcement, if these agencies can find you two then, it could add five percent to their rates." he turns to her. "Sorry, but you are a valuable commodity."

"I feel so special." She smiles at him and winks.

He turns to her. "You are special. In so many ways." Gently he strokes her cheek.

"So are you." She says covering his hand with hers. 

He leans in and kisses her deeply, pulling her close. As their lips part, Louise rests her head on his shoulder. "I will protect you." Steve whispers in her ear. 

Louise smiles to herself and squeezes him. "I know you will." She sighs.

Shaw is back at the command post, wondering who put the note in her pocket. She left her jacket for no more than five minutes. Anderson was accounted for and the SO19 team were in a debrief with Davis. She worked through the officers present at the time eliminating each in turn. 

"Oh, you dopey sod." she berated herself. "The guy in the shop. How could I have missed that?" 

Grabbing her coat and keys, she heads for the door. "Anderson. Can you hold the fort for a bit?"

"Yes, Guv. What's up? Trouble?" He called back. 

"I think someone is trying to play games." She says jogging to the car. 

The shop is two minutes away. She strides in with a purpose. The shopkeeper spots her as she enters. "Good morning again, did you forget something?"

She draws her warrant card. "Detective inspector Shaw, can I see the cctv footage of when I was in here earlier."

"I suppose so, but don't you need a warrant for that." The man says resting his hand on the counter. 

Shaw eyes the man and takes a chance. "Normally, yes. I am in the middle of a missing persons enquiry and a man that was in here may have information. Time is short and I need to see footage to ID him."

He crosses the shop locking the door. "Please come through." he says leading her into the back. 

"I will make you a copy. Should only take a moment, tea in the pot if you would like some."

"Thank you." She says as she sits in an arm chair. 

He returns after a couple of minutes to find the inspector asleep. She had been on the go for almost 24 hours and sleep pounced on her like a wolf. 

The shop keeper, gently shakes her, she moans softly, before waking with a start. She sits forward her head in her hands. 

"Are you ok?" The shop keeper asks, handing her the disc.

"Yeah, just burning the candle at both ends."

"Word to the wise, rest while you can, or drop when you shouldn't." The shop keeper says. 

Shaw nodded. "Thanks for this."

She wearily rose and headed for the door.

Back at the command centre, she played the footage. The man was average build, and wore a baseball cap always managing to avoid being in shot for the camera. "He is good." She nods. 

She calls Anderson over and briefs him on the encounter, showing him the note. 

He nods. "Is this the irishman again?"

"No, he was a little taller and slightly bigger. Could be an associate. Could you quietly canvas for anyone who saw this guy?" She asks.

"Of course." He says looking uncomfortable. "Guv? You look done in. Why don't you get some sleep?"

She went to argue, but knew he was right, she was a liability in her current state. "I think, you are right, I will be in my car if anyone needs me."

"Ok, boss." He says shaking his head. 

"What?" She asks. 

"Go home, get proper sleep, forensics won't be done for a while, I can handle SOCA if they call. We need you on point for this mess."

"Fair enough." She smiled already thinking of her bed, as she headed for the door.

Helen lays frustrated in darkness, she had followed the spirits instructions, but was still mortal. Her angelic transformation was not happening. 

"Why have you forsaken me?" She called into the darkness. 

"Because you are evil." A voice from the darkness responds. "You profit from misery with no remorse. Your sister in missing and you don't question it. You wronged her and for all you know, she is dead now."

"She is weak and deserved it." Helen spits in contempt. 

"You will never be an angel, when the vampires come, they are welcome to you." the voice says. 

Her eyes widen, as she recognised the voice. "Dad?"

"You are no daughter of mine." Her fathers voice says. 

"Wait, dad, please." She cries. 

She weeps alone in silence.

Steve loads the car swiftly, concealing items all over the vehicle as Louise dressed. Steve suggested warm and comfortable clothes. 

She went with black jeans, brown leather ankle boots, a light blue t-shirt and a dark purple hoodie. She grabbed the bag Steve gave her with the cash in it and pocketed the glass nail file. She tops her outfit off with a black leather jacket. 

Louise decided to prepare for the journey and made sandwiches and coffee to keep them going. She conceals a small lettuce knife and sheath in her boot. Hoping that she would find the courage to use it, if she needed to. 

In her heart, she knew, she would do whatever she had to, to escape her life and start afresh. She watched Steve as he loaded the car. "Please let him come with me." She prayed silently.
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Post by wolfman »

They drove for hours, taking back roads and avoiding cameras where possible. There was a warmth to their silence with Steve occasionally putting his hand on Louise's leg, or Louise squeezing Steve's arm.

Steve stretches behind the wheel. "Would you like some music?" He asks.

"That would be nice." she said smiling. 

"Go for it." He replied, smiling, whilst thinking to himself, "It is nice to let someone else in. I have been alone for so long."

She turned on the radio and began to search for something easy listening. Settling for a station playing Sinh, Early Spring, she settles back in her seat. 

Steve thinks "Good choice." and nods appreciatively.

Steve's mind turned to the task at hand. "So. We get to the house, sort clothes, go to her, drug her, dress her and get her out of hole and then drop her off. Simple eh?" He thought out loud.

"When you put it like that. It is." Louise smiled, but thought. "So much can go wrong with this."

"When we get to the house, I will drop you off and head out to get clothing for her. I would like you to come, but there is too much risk of exposure." He said with a pang of regret, knowing this was becoming messy.

"I will be ok." She said squeezing his leg. 

Steve smile and took her hand kissing it softly. "I know."

"I just want this over with now." Louise said looking into the far distance. 

"Soon, I promise." Steve assured her, squeezing her hand.

They arrive just before dusk, Steve showed Louise in and then gave her a tour. The house was small, but well stocked. Surrounded by woodland but with a clearing roughly 50m all around. 

Steve held her close as he was about to leave. "I hate having to leave." he whispered, as he kissed her cheek. 

He handed her a burner phone. "My number is in there, if you need me call. I should only be a couple of hours."

She smiled, "You do remember what happened last time you kissed my cheek, don't you?" she asked with a cheeky grin. 

Steve grinned and embraced her warmly, their lips met in a slow dance. Louise moans softly. Neither wants to stop, as they kiss deeply. Louise slips her arms inside Steve's embrace, sinking into the feeling.

Steve laughed gently. "Matter of fact, yes I do. I wish I could stay a little longer."

"So do I." She said sadly. "You will be back soon and when this is done we will have all the time we need."

"Does she mean, she wants me to stay with her?" Steve thought hopefully. "Yes we will." he sighed, as he left. 

He quickly drove to town, this was a rural area with few cameras, so he was parked and on the move within thirty minutes. The shops were all closed but, that was fine with him. He donned gloves and a balaclava behind a Marks and Spencer. 

Steve made short work of the lock and slipped inside, before he slipped into the stock room, he bypassed the alarm. He worked quickly and selected a range of clothes for Helen and picked a light green dress and heeled shoes for Louise. 

He felt uneasy and wasn't sure why. He removed the bypass and exited as quietly as he left. He removed his balaclava and returned to the car. "Damn." he thought, "There is no where here, I can get hair dye or a wig."

"How did I miss that?" He berated himself. "Because you are in love." His heart lurched as he admitted it to himself. 

A few days ago, he was devoid of feeling, a machine, now he was in love. Feeling something other than bitterness and rage for the first time in many years. "She is an incredible woman." He smiled to himself. 

His reverie was broken by a ping from his phone. "Perimeter breach detected." He logged on quickly and saw five men readying themselves to breach the door. 

He dialled the burner as the phone pinged. "Property compromised."

The phone rang and rang, the cameras showed Louise running with the phone in hand. "Run, Lou, run." He whispered, his heart racing. 

One of the men grabbed her and pinned her to the floor. Another man picked up the phone. 

"Hello Steve. We popped round when you were out." the voice said. 

Steve breathed out slowly, to steady himself.  

"We have the red head, bring the blonde and we don't have to hurt her. You have an hour."

"The blonde is two hours away, I will need longer to get her and get to you." Steve said his voice even. 

"Fine with us, you have four hours, gives us more time with this one." The man says with an edge to his voice. 

Steve hears Louise shouting in the background. "Put her on." Steve says. 

"Be quick, clock is ticking."

Louise is breathless. "Steve, I am sorry, I couldn't stop them." 

"It is ok, just do as they say and they won't have a reason to hurt you. I will be there soon, I promise." Steve struggles to keep his voice even.

"Better get moving. Time is a wasting." the voice returns to the line. He hears Louise shout "I love you." As the call is ended

"Shit." Steve says out loud, they must have been watching the house on the off chance. The voice sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. 

A pit open in his stomach. "They know she loves me, God know what they will do to her"

"If I take Helen to them, the truth will come out about Louise, I can't let that happen."

He quickly retrieved his stash of equipment from the car and prepared himself for a war as his emotions drained and he became a machine once more.

"Get your fucking hands off of me." Louise spits at the man zip tying her ankles. Her wrists and elbows are already bound behind her and she kicks for all she is worth, until a second man pins her legs down as they are tied at the ankle and above the knee. 

"Does it make you feel big, two of you onto one woman?" She kicks out at the men who step back. 

"Can someone shut her up?" A stocky man says. 

The voice from the phone speaks up. "I have got something to stuff her mouth with." He leers at her rubbing his crotch. 

"Try it you prick, I will bite it off and Steve will shove it up your ass." She screams defiantly. 

The voice grabs her by the chin. "Cute. But speaking of asses, yours is mine when this is done. See we ain't here for you or your sister, that's just a nice bonus. We are here for Steve and when he gets here, he is in for a shock."

"He will mess you up." Louise defiantly hissed at him. 

"No, he wont." the man says as he stuffs a scarf into her mouth and duct tapes it in tightly. 

She curses him through her gag as he carries her upstairs and sticks her in the bath on her stomach. He then zipties her wrists to her ankles and leaves her alone. 

"You will get yours." She thinks, while testing her bonds. They were tightly secured but she still had quite a but of flexibility. 

"Helpless again." Louise mumbled. "No this feels different, I am tied up but don't feel helpless, not like when I am Steve's arms." she shivers at the thought of her arms pinned by his as they kiss. "These ties are just restraints, but in Steve's arms I surrender."

"I wonder what it would be like if..." Louise daren't complete the thought able how it would feel if she were bound when Steve kissed her.

He train of thought is stopped when the Voice re-enters. "Don't mind me." He says as he drops his trouser and shorts, taking a seat on the loo. 

The stench made her eyes sting and she coughed into her gag. The voice washes his hands and reaches down to touch her face. Louise bucks wildly trapping his hand against the side of the bath with a headbutt. 

"Bitch." He whispers, flexing his hand. He reaches down in front on her putting the plug in the bath. "Just for that, you can have a wash." Her eyes widen as he turns the cold water on, so it slowly begins to flow into the bath. "See you in a couple of hours."

Louise screams into her gag and fights the immovable zipties, cursing him as he leaves. "I am stuck." She realised, as she tries to control her breathing. "Steve! Please stay away, it is a trap."

The voice strides out of the bathroom, still flexing his hand. He takes out his radio. "Listen up gentlemen, we probably have just under two hours before our target arrives. Stay alert and we will check in every twenty minutes." He pauses. "Remember, he is a well trained operator, take no chances, we need him alive."

"The five of us in the house and the ten in the woods, would be more than enough. He will be dropped before he gets to the front door."‎
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Post by BindPam »

Uh oh....Louise is in trouble, and really just bait....Be careful Steve!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Yep, Louise is in trouble. But I do hope, that Steve will rescue her. But the odds are not very encouraging ...
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Post by BindPam »

Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Yep, Louise is in trouble. But I do hope, that Steve will rescue her. But the odds are not very encouraging ...
He has to save her! He and Louise are like a super couple!
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Post by Caesar73 »

BindPam wrote: 4 years ago
Caesar73 wrote: 4 years ago Yep, Louise is in trouble. But I do hope, that Steve will rescue her. But the odds are not very encouraging ...
He has to save her! He and Louise are like a super couple!
Steve to the rescue! Against all odds! And: May the odds be always At your favour!
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Post by wolfman »

Steve was crouched, unseen, six feet from one of the men in the woods. He had spotted the ten men with thermal goggles and was about to engage the first of them as the voice spoke over the radio. 

"Right, twenty minutes till their check in, going to be tight." He rises silent as a shadow and shoots the man in the neck with a tranquilliser. He catches the man before he falls and zip ties his ankles, wrists and elbows, before supergluing his mouth shut. 

He is on his feet and moving less than thirty seconds after the transmission ended. He strides silently towards his next target. 

Steve mulled over the transmission. He knew the man's voice. Dickens, former territorial army, dishonourable discharge, for striking an officer. He had worked with him in Mexico and disliked his methods. The man had no, finesse and little skill, he was a Blunt instrument at best and a thug at worst. "All the gear, no idea." He thought to himself.

Steve was a machine, but Dickens was a beast. Actively taking pleasure in the pain of others. He was dangerous, in a very different way to Steve.

Steve emerged from the trees shooting another man and restraining him quickly. The drug would last for a few hours. "Plenty of time to get clear." He thought, as he swept through the woods like a wraith.

She continues to twist and squirm but can get no leverage on the ties. The bath is beginning to fill and she has to arch her back to keep her face clear of the rising water. "I will not give up, the only man I surrender to is Steve. Not these thugs."

Never before had she fought like this. But, then never before, had she felt a love in her heart, like she felt for Steve. As she fights, she feels something small and hard in her back pocket and smiles behind her gag. "How could you forget that?" She chides herself.

"Amatuers." She muses. "I am no expert but surely they should have searched me before dumping me in here." She thinks, straining to reach the glass nail file, she took from the clinic. 

Dickens was busy, walking around the house, checking his men. Each man covering a different direction with a powerful tranquilliser rifle. The woods were full of his men, all approaches covered, that fool didn't stand a chance. 

He sat in the living room for a moment, with a glass of scotch and reflected on his dealings with Steve.  

On a hot summers day, he and Steve were commissioned to protect a local dignitary. It was a quiet day, until a cartel owned technical raced into the square. Steve had got the principal clear, while Dickens opened fire on the technical, unleashing dozens of rounds at the vehicle and finishing it with a couple of grenades.

That day was a result, the principal got away unharmed and the cartel boys were all dispatched. But, when he saw Steve, instead of a high five, he got a broken jaw, just because a few of the locals got caught up in the battle. 

They hadn't worked together since and Dickens was stuck on the low rent jobs while Steve lived the high life. "Well that changes today." He thought grimly, checking his watch. "Time to check in." he whispered as he finished his scotch and picked up his radio. 

It had taken Steve, eighteen minutes to dispatch and restrain all the roving patrols. Now he had reloaded his pistols and was entering the tunnel from the tree line to the basement. He took out his phone and logged on to the cameras, confirming where the men in his house were, he was concerned that he couldn't see Louise. "She must be in the bathroom." He thought, as he put his phone away. "God help them, if they have hurt her."

He readied his pistols and entered the basement, focused, calm and ready. 

Dickens keyed the radio. "All units sound off." the four men in the house responded, then the radio was silent. "Sound off, all units." He shouted, jumping to his feet and running to a window. 

Peering out into the darkness he keys the radio again. "Snipers, do any of you have eyes on target, or tree line teams?" 

The word "Negative." echoes back at him over the radio. 

"Stay sharp, he is coming." He shouts as he heads for the bathroom. 

Louise stood dripping, behind the bathroom door. She had put the file back in her pocket and had drawn the lettuce knife from her boot. 

Dickens opened the door with his right hand, around the edge of the door. "Your boyfriend is on his way, shame he won't be in time to save you."

Louise slashed the knife across the back of his fingers on the door frame, drawing blood from ragged, deep cuts. 

Dickens bellows and shoves the door, sending Louise hard into the wall behind her. He comes in low his hands reaching for her. Louise slashes wildly with the knife. 

He blocks most of her blows, but still has an angry gash on his face from her assault. He grabs her wrist and bats the knife away. "When he gets here, we are going to torture him slow and make him stare at your corpse." 

She tries to shake him loose and they dance around the bathroom, she claws at his face and he shoves her hard. She stumbles back and falls into the bath. 

Dickens wraps his fingers around her throat as she tries to sit up. Pushing her down into the water. Louise beats her fists against his arms and claws at his neck and face. Her lungs burn as she clings onto the little air in them. She grasps his wrists and tries to dislodge them. 

Her grip on his hands starts to loosen as the large man crushes her beneath the surface. She feels her strength draining, her hands sink to the bottom of the bath and she feels the nail file that must have slipped from her pocket. 

Louise grasps the file, and with the last of her strength, thrusts it blindly upwards. ‎
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Post by BindPam »

Time's running out!

I can't see this ending badly, but how will Mark be in time? Hurry Mark!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow! What a Chapter! Louise will get Dickens, I bet! Lots of action - I like that!
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Post by wolfman »

Steve was taking aim at the last man, at the far end of the house, when he heard a bellow and sounds of splashing from upstairs. 

The man turned, bringing his weapon to bear, as he turned and fired wildly. Steve shot him in the neck and felt the pinch of a dart in his leg.

"No, no, no." He repeated over and over, as he removed the dart. He ran to the bathroom, desperate to save his love. 

He felt like he was running through treacle, everything seemed to slow down, his limbs became heavy. His mind raced. "Please God no. Let her be ok. Please let me save her."

His limbs, struggled to obey him, as he burst through the door, nearly slipping on the wet floor, as the dart took effect.  

"I love you, Louise." He whispered before his eyes closed.

Shaw woke slowly, her body stiff. She rubbed the back of her neck and stretched. "I needed that." She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes. 

She rose from the bed, clad only in a long shirt and headed to the kitchen. She flicked the kettle on and lit a cigarette. Drawing deeply, she mulled over the details of the case. "Every lead, goes nowhere, every clue, is a dead end, it is like these girls have just vanished. We are chasing ghosts." She exhaled through a cloud of smoke. 

She made a coffee and picked up her phone. Anderson had texted to confirm that a couple of witnesses remember seeing the man from the cctv, heading towards town on foot, but didn't see his face. 

Forensics confirmed that blood at the scene matched the doctor and that is Louise. Blonde hairs were found at the scene but didn't match Helen. 

The hard drives had been sent off for analysis and seem to contain massive amounts of data. 

As she checked an email came through with the autopsy results. The doctor had taken a savage beating, but cause of death was from internal injuries caused by the scotch bottle. 

"Jesus, what a mess." She said out loud, as she lit another cigarette and drank her coffee, considering her next move.

Steve woke with a start on the bathroom floor. Louise was kneeling at his side, her body rocking and sobbing uncontrollably. 

He jumped up with a start, looking for Dickens. Steve looks upon his face, ruined with deep scratches, slashed from forehead to chin and something like a shard of glass protruding from his ruined eye, blood leaking slowly from the wound. Dickens, does not move, does not breathe.

He runs to Louise. "Are you ok?" Throwing his arms around her.

She jumped, startled and collapsed on to him. "I thought I had lost you." She cried, hugging him. "I tried shaking you, but you didn't respond. I thought you were dead." Louise said smiling through tears.

Steve held her close. "I am going no where."

They sat in silence on the cold, wet floor. Both relieved that the other was ok. 

In time the tears stopped, Steve took Louise's face in his hands, brushing wet hair from her eyes. "Are you ok?"

She nodded, unable to speak. Thinking of the life she took and the life she nearly lost. She stared at the floor, her arms dropping to her sides. 

Steve held her close and whispered softly. "It's ok, you did what you had to. You survived because you fought. If you hadn't, then." He tailed off not wanting to say the words. 

Louise melted inside as soon as Steve took her in his arms. She was safe again, nothing could happen to her, while she was in his arms. She knew he was right and if she hadn't killed him, she would be dead and Steve would be in their hands. But she couldn't shake the image of the dead man's face from her mind.

Louise looked up at him. "Thank you, for saving me." She said. 

"No, you saved yourself. You are amazing." Steve he leaned in for a kiss. Their lips locked in a slow embrace, fuelled by relief and fading adrenaline. 

"I couldn't let him hurt you." She said as their kiss tailed off. 

"What do you mean?" Steve asked curious.

"He said that he was here for you, not me and he was going to torture you." Louise said trying to keep her voice even. 

Steve raised his eyebrows. "Oh Louise. You are so brave."

"He said he would have me and then he said he would kill me and make you look at me as he tortured you." She whispered. 

"Who is after me then?" He asked himself. "I need to find out and stop them otherwise Louise and I will never be safe."

He pulls her close and they embrace, lost in their thoughts. 

"I cannot believe she killed Dickens. She never stops surprising me. She seems more worried about me, than herself." Steve thinks as he kisses the top of her head. 

"I cannot believe he is here, I don't want to lose him. I will always fight for him, as he does for me." Louise's mind races.

"Need to get Helen released," Steve mused. "We could leave her for a month or two but, that just means we have to come back. No, better to get her dealt with and move on. I will call Ryan for clean-up and collection of assailants. But need to get bathroom cleaned."

Louise felt sick. "When will this end. I just want this nightmare over and done with. Will we ever be safe?"
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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