Deception M/F : Story Complete

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Post by wolfman »

Ryan decided to monitor Shaw. If Steve needed law enforcement invovement, up she would be the best option. Distinguished career, honest and driven. Plus, she was at the heart of the investigation, into the missing women.

He logged onto the phone tracking software and locked her details in. He could track her location, listen in to calls and even turn the phone into a bug if he needed to. 

He sat back in his chair and wondered, "Steve, why are you involved in this." 

Ryan owed Steve. When a routine transport job ended in an ambush, Ryan woke in an insurgent camp. Against orders, Steve swept the camp and pulled him out of there, leaving a pile of sleeping guerillas for the army to clean up.

Since his parents were killed, Steve had a strict no killing rule, to the great relief of many people. However, the doctors death appeared to indicate an end to that rule. "What would make him kill again?" He asked himself. 

He reviews the case. The red head, Louise, has had a tough life and might be as broken as Steve, the sister is evil and would be better off gone. 

Ryan comes to a grim realisation. "If he has found Louise and recognised her as a kindred spirit all bets are off. In the old days he was a clinical machine. In the years since his parents died, he has in some ways mellowed. He even laughs at times."

Ryan removed his glasses and pinched his nose. He liked Steve and didn't want to lose his friend. If anything happened to her, there was no telling what he would do or how many bodies he would leave in his wake. He would not stop until he is dead, or everyone else is. 

Shaw showered and dressed in grey trousers and a pale blue top, before grabbing a leather jacket and heading back to the office. 

Data services had unlocked the phone recovered from Louise's home. It was registered to the sister and contained many of the video files from the laptop. Further proof of the sister involvement. "When I find her, she is going down for this." Shaw resolved. 

She scrolled through the contacts, initials with no clue, who they were. She would have to wait until phone providers confirmed registration details. She stopped scrolling when she saw a familiar number and her blood ran cold.

She locked her computer and went quickly to the roof. She lit a cigarette with shaking hands and stared across the city. 

The door opened as an out of breath, Anderson stepped out onto the rooftop. "Guv, you alright?"

Shaw turned to him "Just needed some air."

"You took off sharpish, just wanted to make sure you were ok."

She took a deep breath and looked and Anderson. They had worked together for a while and she trusted him. "We have a problem. I have just looked at the contacts on Helen's phone. I found a number I recognise."

He raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

Shaw stubbed out her cigarette, knowin what she must do. "Let's go, I will brief you on the way."

Steve and Louise showered and changed in relative silence. Steve restrained all the snipers and moved them to the basement with Dickens. He returned to the living room and couldn't find Louise. 

He found her in the bathroom scrubbing the floors, removing the blood. "Hey, I can do that." he said softly. 

She looked at him and shook her head. "I need to do something."

He crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her. "I understand, thank you." He kissed her on the cheek. 

"It's ok, it needs doing and I don't want to just sit." She sinks into his embrace. 

"No, I, er, thank you. If he was still alive when I came in and passed out, we would both be dead right now. You saved us." He says, kissing the top of her head tenderly. 

The enormity of what he said didn't sink in for a moment. This man, this powerhouse, was thanking her for saving them. "I couldn't let him hurt you." She whispered. 

"You are amazing." He sighed. "You are so strong, everything you have faced in your life and you have not let it beat you. You can do anything and I would like to be by your side when you do."

She looked up at him, with her eyes wide. "Really?"

"I love you Louise and I don't want to let you go. When this is all over, I want us to share a life away from all this."

Louise chokes back tears, nodding furiously. "I want that too. A new life, together, away from all this. I love you too."

As she said the words, Steve felt electrified, she wanted him, she wanted to share a life. He had closed himself for so long and this goddess, had opened his heart and allowed him into hers. Steve cried softly. 

They held each other in warm silence, immune to the horror of their surroundings, silently pledging to never leave the other. 

Shaw drove fast through rain slicked streets. "I had a look at the numbers on her phone and saw one I knew." She said, her voice wavering. 

Anderson nodded, seeing that she was shaken, he allowed her to continue at her own pace. 

"I was trying to make sense of the contact entries. Until I saw." She paused "Superintendent Chalmers number."

Anderson turned to her. "What? Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I have seen his number every day, since being made a detective inspector."

"Jesus, is he a client, or what?" Anderson asked. 

"No idea, but he is involved somehow." Shaw said lighting a cigarette. "Sorry, I need this one."

Anderson stared out of the windscreen. "No worries, you know I quit three years ago right?"

"Yeah, I am really sorry." She exhaled. 

"Don't be, can I pinch one?" Anderson asked, lighting up. "If we do this, there is no going back Guv."

"I know, but it needs to be done and done quietly, we can't have the press all over this." Shaw said, her voice pained. 

The drove on in silence, each dreading their arrival.

Across the city, Ryan was listening in. He has recorded everything. He rises silently,  grabbing his keys and heading for the door, as Shaw was telling Anderson about the superintendent. 

"This doesn't feel right." He thought to himself. "I can't put my finger on it, but something is off. Anderson doesn't seem phased."

He is still en route as he hears them get out of the car.

Steve and Louise parted briefly to allow him to gather up the men from the woods and her to finish the bathroom. 

When he had finished, he locked the basement door and returned to the living room, to find Louise asleep on the sofa. He gently covered her with a fleece blanket and tucked it under her body. He sat next to her and rested her head on his lap. 

He began listing what needed to happen. 
Get a crew in here to clean up.
Find out who is after me.
Deal with Helen. 
Get clear of this mess. 
Start a new life. 

The first two he would call Ryan about, the next, who knows. Initially, it would have been simple, but he couldn't bear the thought of putting Louise at risk. "She needs to be involved to get closure, I can't keep that from her."

Helen was sat quietly. She had removed the tissue paper. "I am evil, why would anyone save me." The thought had been haunting her since her father left. 

"Maybe the vampire needs my evil, to become stronger?" She wept. It was all so ridiculous, so far fetched but the spirits she had seen told her that this was real. 

She felt deflated, she wanted to be a warrior and fight the evil chasing her, but she was not worthy. 

"I am sorry, Louise." She whispered. She was sorry not for how she treated Louise, but because it had caused her to end up like this. 

She ate her beans in silence watching the feed above her head. "You are preparing me for a war, I am not worthy of fighting." She hissed at the implacable screens.

She was exhausted by it all and fell into a dreamless sleep as the feed ended and darkness fell.

Shaw and Anderson braced themselves as they emerged for the car into the rain at the Superintendent's house. Shaw felt a pit in her stomach as she knocked the door. 

A few moments later, Chalmers opened the door. "Do you know what time it is?" He demanded, annoyed. 

"I am sorry sir, we need to speak to you urgently." Shaw said, gravely. 

"You had better come in then." Chalmers said as he stepped back.

They entered the living room, where Chalmers sat. The two officers, stood. 

"Well, what is it?" Chalmers asked, impatient. 

"We have unlocked the phone found at the scene of the first abduction." She began. "We found your number listed in the contacts." 

"I see." Chalmers said slowly. "Thank you for bringing this to my attention."

"Sir, we need to ask why your number was on the phone." Shaw asks, pained. 

"Anderson, I need you to edit the record to remove my number, when you get back to the station." Chalmers ordered. 

"Yes sir." Anderson replied. 

Shocked, Shaw turned to Anderson. "What the hell?"

"If you knew my number as well as the superintendent's, you would have seen it in the list too." Anderson said, unable to look her in the eye. 

Shaw stands stunned. "How could you?"

"Long shifts and no social life, needed to get action somehow." Anderson shrugged. 

Shaw pulls out her phone, Anderson slaps it away. "Sorry guv." 

She draws her weapon, as Anderson hits her with a taser.  

"It pains me to say it, but can you get rid of her?" Chalmers asks.  

"Yes sir, I will take care of her. Public and messy, accident or quiet and out of the way?" Anderson says as he approaches the prone inspector.

"No trace, quiet and out of the way. I have been following your work very closely and I think we need to talk about a promotion." Chalmers says, warmly.
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Post by wolfman »

"Mmmm this feels nice." Louise thought, enjoying the feel of the soft blanket on her skin. She tried to lift her hand but could not free it from her fluffy encasement. 

Where Steve had tucked her in, he had inadvertently mummified her, trapping her arms and legs. She looked up at him as he dozed. 

"I am trapped until he wakes." she realises, biting her lip. "I give myself to him, I am gladly his prisoner. I can't do anything until he frees me." She sighs. 

She tested the limits of her prison, there was not much scope for movement at all. She could only lay there and wait, as a dull warm started to grow in her core.

"Wrapped like this, my surrender is complete." she whispers as, the warmth in her core, begins to fill her. 

Ryan stands at the back of the superintendents house. "This is a mistake. You are not Steve." He thinks to himself as he readies his pistol and pulls his balaclava down. 

He quietly picks the lock and slowly opens the back door, with gloved hands, slipping into the kitchen. He hears sounds of struggling and the ratcheting of handcuffs, being applied. 

"Let me go." He hears Shaw shout. 

"Keep her quiet." An older voice, he guesses is Chalmers, orders. 

"I am so sorry, Guv, I didn't want it to end like this." A younger man says, as he hears muffled cries. 

"Been a while, old son. Here goes." Ryan muses as he opens the kitchen door and steps through, weapon raised.  

He sees Shaw struggling on the floor, hands cuffed behind her, a scarf in her mouth. The younger man is just straightening up as the older man looks on. 

Ryan shoots the younger man in the neck and all eyes turn to him as Anderson falls. The older man reaches into his pocket as Ryan shoots him in the shoulder. Chalmers stares at the dart as his legs give way. 

Shaw struggled to her feet and ran for the door. Ryan chases her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he drags her back, kicking and thrashing into the living room. 

Ryan pushes her onto the sofa and zip ties her ankles, before restraining the two drugged men. He sits in the armchair, breathing hard, staring at the scene around him. "What a balls up." He chides himself. 

He turns to the furiously struggling Shaw. "Inspector, I need you to focus so we can talk." He speaks slowly and deliberately

"Het he hucin co." She seethes, through the gag.

"In time, I promise. It may not feel like it right now, but I am a friend. Whilst your colleagues are having a nap, we have things to discuss. Are you willing to talk?" Shaw says quietly. 

Shaw gives a final tug of her cuffs and nods, staring daggers at Ryan. 

He leans forward and removes the scarf from between her lips. 

"Thanks." Shaw says, scrutinising him. "You are the man from the shop!"

"Yes, I am and I have been keeping tabs on this case." 

"And the note?" Shaw asks. 

"Just keeping you on your toes." Ryan smiles. He tosses the handcuff key onto the sofa next to her. "Cuff your hands in front of you and place the key on the arm of the sofa. If you try anything, I will put a dart in you and leave you to take your chances."

She slowly takes the keys and fumbles with the lock of her left cuff. After a few attempts, she manages to release the cuff. She considered going for the man, but he was across the room and armed, she would not be able to reach him. Reluctantly, she brings her hands in front of her and reapplies the cuff and deposits the key. 

Ryan slowly gets up and approaches Shaw. He places her cigarettes and lighter next to her with an ash tray. "I have a feeling you may appreciate them. Ryan says, his voice calm. 

"Thank you." Shaw says as she lights up. "I have got to cut down." She berates herself. 

Exhaling slowly Shaw looks Ryan in the eyes. "So, you wanted to talk."

He places a usb stick on the table next to him. "A recording of you, from the rooftop, to them planning your demise. I will be leaving this here."

She raises her eyebrows. "How?"

"Doesn't matter, say you were wearing a wire as you had your suspicions, say you recorded it on your phone. All that matters is that you have proof, to take to your people."

"No, not my people, two from my station are involved there may be others. I will get SOCA involved, they are a pain, but independent."

He nods appreciatively. "Sounds good to me." He rises to leave. 

"Wait, please." Shaw begins. "I have questions."

"Of course you do." Ryan weighs up his options. "You can ask, however, I won't guarantee, I will answer."

"Who are you?" She asks. 

"Call me Eric Bristow." Ryan smiles. 

"Like the dart player?" She asks with a raised eyebrow. 

"Not my name but it will do for now."

"Fine." She huffs. "Who do you work for?"

"Doesn't matter." He evades. 

"Why are you watching me? Why are you helping?" She asks frustrated. 

"A friend of mine, is involved and I am looking out for them." Ryan speaks evenly. 

"The Irishman?" She probes. 


"Who is he?" Shaw says, stubbing out her cigarette. 

"My friend. That is all I will say." 

"Are the girls safe?" She shifts in her seat. 

"I believe at least one of them is safe, but cannot confirm this." Ryan catches himself before giving too much away.

"Which one?" Shaw wishes she could tear into the man in an interrogation room. 

"Cannot confirm." Ryan says, getting to his feet, he crosses the room and releases her legs as he keeps the pistol trained on her. "Time for me to leave."

Ryan begins backing away. 

"Eric." Shaw says sharply. "Thank you."

He nods as he leaves the room.  "You're welcome. Stay safe. You will never see me again."

Out of sight, he bolts from the house and returns to his car. Pulling off his balaclava, he thinks. "Well that was bracing."

‎Shaw wastes no time freeing herself. "Screw it, I am done with this case." She retrieves her phone. Dialling her SOCA liaison, she lights another cigarette. "I am done chasing ghosts."

"Dennis, it's Shaw, I am sorry it is so late." she apologises. 

"Shaw, from the kidnap case?" He speaks roughly and coughs.

"Yes, I need your help, with a wrinkle in the kidnap case and can't trust the local service." She speak fast and even. 

"Sounds bad, what do you need?" He asks, a concerned tone in his voice. 

"I can't explain, over the phone, but I need you to come to 115 Eton drive. Can you bring a couple of officers?"

"If this is a wind up." He starts. 

"No joke, I have a situation linked to the case." She pleads. 

"Alright, alright." He reassures her. "Give me an hour, if I can get there sooner, I will."

She leans back on the sofa, running her fingers through her hair. "Two ghosts haunting me, colleagues implicated and two women still missing. Once Dennis arrives, I will have to hand this over to them, they will tear our station apart."

She glances over at Chalmers, with tears in her eyes. "How could you?"

She sits in silence waiting for Dennis to arrive, suddenly feeling very small.

Steve stirs from his sleep, woke by a soft moan. He looks down and sees Louise, flushed, her breathing shallow, writhing in the blanket. He gently shakes her. 

Her eye slowly open as arches her back, the gentle warmth between her legs filling her body. She closes her eyes and bits her lip, as a low moan escapes her. 

Suddenly realising what is happening, he is a little off guard. "Oh, right, carry on." He whispers. Settling back in the chair, he begins idly stroking her body, through the blanket. 

"Mmmm that feels so good." She coos. 

He shifts position and begins massaging her shoulders, his fingers firmly, untangling the knots in her muscles. 

Her body writhes under the blanket, like a fur covered snake as her breathing becomes ragged. 

Despite the knowledge of the men he has locked in the basement, Steve cannot tear himself away. "I have never seen anything as beautiful as your face in this moment." He softly sighs as he gazes down at her, whilst she climaxes.

"That was amazing." Louise whispers between deep breaths. 

"What just happened?" Steve asks curious and confused. 

"When I am in your arms I feel myself surrender to you. But, wrapped and helpless, in your care, it felt amazing. Feeling helpless, yet safe, I." she pauses. "I have never felt this way before."

"I don't know what to say." He says helping her to sit whilst wrapped. He gently holds her chin, and speaks softly. "You really are beautiful." he gazes into her eyes before kissing her deeply. 

Her arms and legs are still restrained within the blanket. She purrs as they kiss.

A noise from the basement, interrupts their embrace. "I think the kids are up." Steve says regretfully. "We will come back to this." He promises with a kiss on the cheek as he releases Louise.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very good! The Conversation between Ryan and Shaw was especially nice!
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Post by BindPam »

This is so perfect! Steve and Louise are so right for each other!

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Post by wolfman »

Steve holds Louise close, listening to the noises coming from the basement. The confused and angry grunts muffled by the heavy locked door. 

With a pang of regret that their embrace must end, Steve begins. "We need to get those men out of here."

"I know." Louise gives a supportive nod. 

"I need to make a call." Steve says, with a faraway look in his eye. 

Taking that as her cue, Louise sighs. "No problem, I will make us a coffee." Louise says, pecking Steve on the cheek and heading for the kitchen. 

Steve pulls out his phone. "No messages. That's good." He says, as he dials the office.

"Hi Steve, how is it going?" Ryan answers. 

When you speak to someone on the phone daily over a period of months, the voice is very important. "Ryan's voice sounds strange, somehow." Steve thought. 

"Is everything ok?" Steve asked, wary. 

"Yeah, one of those nights." Ryan replied, hesitantly. 

"Do tell, old son." Steve's voice is light. Old son is there code for whatever it is, I am on your side. 

After a pause Ryan starts. "Inspector Shaw. I was keeping tabs on her and she identified someone from the client list and was en route to see them with another officer."

Steve nods. "Ok."

"Well, something didn't feel right so I went along. Turns out that the client was a police superintendent and the officer she took was also a client. They jumped her and were about to make her disappear." 

"Right." Steve suspects where this is going. 

"I tranq'ed the officers and brought her up to speed. Gave her a recording from the audio feed, we talked briefly, I confirmed that it was my belief one of the girls was safe, but not which one. Then I left for her to hand everything over to SOCA." Ryan braced himself. 

"You have been busy. I am sorry you have been polishing a chair for so long. Sounds like a result all around." Steve says appreciatively. 

"I expected a dressing down" Ryan thinks as he breathes a sigh of relief. 

"Shaw has had a rough deal in all this. Her station is compromised and will likely get shut down. Might be an idea to keep an eye on her in case any other clients go after her." Steve says measured. 

"Good way to flush them out. I will monitor her discreetly. Anyway you called me. What do you need?"

"Had some visitors at the Highland house. There are currently fourteen men restrained in the basement and one body. Can we get them extracted? House sanitised and confirm who hired them?" Steve makes the request nonchalantly. 

"And there was me, worried about tranq'ing two men." Ryan says with a chuckle. 

Steve laughs in response. "Well as you put it that way."

"Who is the body? Are they known?" Ryan asks. 

"Yes. Verified as Dickens." Steve says gravely. 

"Really." Ryan, recalls the brutal military consultant. 

"Yes, by the way, you are right, one of the sisters is with me and she is safe." Steve confides.  

"Had a feeling." Ryan nods. "I can tell the change in you. Anything you need just ask." Ryan says warmly. He thinks "I have a feeling, I am going to miss working with you."

"I appreciate that. We will be leaving the house shortly, don't want to be here when crew arrives." Steve tries to change the subject. 

"I understand. If you need anything, give me a call." Ryan offers. 

There is not code given, but Steve knows Ryan is behind him. "Sorry Ryan, I gotta go. Take it easy."

"You too mate." Ryan says as he hangs up. 

Ryan shakes his head. "Fourteen captives, plus a body. He is certainly on form."

Dennis sits opposite Shaw in the study, given the condition of the superintendent and Anderson, her hands were handcuffed behind her. "Setting aside the fact that both men are clients of Helen's. Would you care to explain, how their current condition?"

Shaw starts cautiously, explaining how she confirmed the superintendents number, confronted him and was then overpowered by the two men. Dennis nodded as she laid out the details of the evening. 

"I had my suspicions about Anderson, as every lead he followed in this case went no where. So I invited him along to catch them both.  I was foolish and should have arranged support. When I was handcuffed and gagged, I was sure, that was it." She paused, she hated lying like this but the truth was too far fetched and would raise too many questions. 

Dennis was listening, calmly, his face betrayed no emotion. 

"As I lay on the floor, they were talking about what to do with me and then I saw Anderson turn towards the kitchen door. I heard a pop and he fell to the floor. Then there was another pop and the superintendent fell." She stuck as close to the facts as she could. 

"A man walked into the room, about five feet eleven, medium build, dressed and black with a balaclava. He had a wide barrelled pistol in his hands, which he kept trained on me at all times. The man walked over to check the superintendent and Anderson. He placed a usb stick on the table and pointed at me. Then he dropped the handcuff keys at my feet and left."

Dennis raised his eyebrows. "Do you know who this man was?"

"I didn't see his face and he didn't seem familiar. He reminded me of the Irishman, but he wasn't as large."

"Did he say anything?" Dennis asks, narrowing his eyes. 

"No. Not a word. He kept his weapon pointed at me as he walked around and left as silently as he arrived." Shaw explained. 

"Strange, very strange." Dennis says softly, shaking his head. 

"That is one word for it." Shaw begins. "A woman, drugging and pimping her sister, who went missing and after being found, was taken from under our noses by a local doctor.  A doctor who was providing drugs and using the sister, whilst running an underground clinic. Meanwhile two serving officers are clients of the sister as well. In the mean time the pimp has gone missing and there are mysterious armed men, involved somehow in all this."

"I called you in, because if two officers from the station are involved in this, there may be more. I must assume the station is compromised and the possibility exists that this investigation has been compromised from within." Shaw speaks quickly trying to get the words out before the tears she feels welling up, she wishes that she was not cuffed, so she could hide her face.

Dennis rises from his seat. "I need to make some calls, wait here." he stalks from the room. 

Shaw can't hold back any longer, the tears come and she doesn't try to stop them. The tears ruin what little makeup she applied. When the tears cease, she hangs her head. Her shouders are starting to ache. She has been handcuffed since Dennis and his team arrived and it is getting light now. 

An hour later, Dennis returns. "Ok, internal affairs have been notified and will be interviewing all officers from your station. Operations will be on hold and officers from three surrounding forces will cover. You are now suspended, pending a formal review of this case."

He motions for her to lean forward and removes the handcuffs. "I am sorry Kate, I tried to keep you clear, but they insisted. I need to take your warrant card."

"I don't think anyone involved in this case, will keep clean of the mud." Shaw says rolling her shoulders. With a touch of sadness, she hands over her warranty card. 

The rest of the morning, was a blur, internal affairs sent an officer and she was interviewed again under caution. She was allowed to leave at lunch time.

Shaw emerges from the superintendents house. SOCA have officially taken over the investigation and all officers from her station are suspended pending an investigation

She sits in her car, numb. She lights a cigarette with shaking hands. She sits in silence, "It didn't hurt as much as I thought to hand over my warrant card. Given everything that has happened in this case. Do I really want it back?" The thought, hits her like a hammer. 

As she turns on the engine and heads home, one thought keeps going through her mind. "Do I want to be a police officer after this?"

Louise re-enters the living room with two coffees as Steve hangs up. "All ok?" she asks. 

"Pick up for our guests is arranged. Once we have had these, we will need to make a move." He responds, with a touch of sadness. "Shame, I will miss this place." He thinks, knowing he will never return. 

"Good job we are still packed then." Louise says wrapping an arm around his waist.

He slips an arm around her shoulders and kisses the top of her head, smiling. "True. Shame we couldn't enjoy this place more. But, the sooner we get moving, the sooner we can settle."

"Steve." Louise being, nervous. "I have been thinking and I want a new start, with you. There is nothing in my old life for me any more. I want a clean break and a chance for us to see if we can build something together." Louise says resting her head on his shoulder.

"I want that too. I want to draw a ine under my life and then start afresh with you." Steve says squeezing her shoulder. The lean into each other and their lips meet in a loving, slow dance as their tongues become entwined.

Louise returns her head to Steve's shoulder as Steve whispers. "Time to get your sister."
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Post by BindPam »

They are soooooo close to starting their life together!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I feel sorry for Shaw! But maybe there is a silver lining at the horizon.
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Post by wolfman »

Steve loaded the car with a few extra items and clothes. He smiled as Louise emerged from the safe house in black jeans and an electric blue t-shirt, walking boots and a leather jacket. "Even simply dressed, she looks amazing." He thought, as his heart leapt. 

Louise needed to get out of the house to escape the noise. She was eager to get moving. As she stepped out, she noted Steve loading the car. "Black chinos and a dark green shirt is a good look for him." She thought smiling.  

She was nervous about seeing her sister again. "What will I say if she is awake? What will she do? What will I do?" She smiled at Steve admiring his rugged good looks and easy physicality. "Thank you for everything." She thought as she recalled the relief she felt when he rescued her.

They had saved each others lives, but the way she felt, he had saved her soul too. She quickly crossed the courtyard and threw her arms around his chest. Steve smiled and embraced her warmly. Louise felt herself melt in his arms as her arms were pinned to her sides. Steve gave her a wink to confirm they were pinned on purpose.  "I cannot wait until this is all settled." Steve whispers.  

"Neither can I." Louise purrs. "Sooner the better." 

"Shall we?" Steve asks, nodding towards the car.  

Louise closes her eyes and nods, bracing herself for what was to come. "Let's do this."   

Helen writhes, lost in darkness. "The spirits are gone." She realises. "I haven't heard from anyone in so long and now the spirits are gone. I am truly forsaken.  She weeps uncontrollably, her body wracked with sobs as she lays on the floor.

"No one and nothing will protect me. When they come, I only have myself for protection." She thinks as she curls up on the floor and cries herself to sleep.    

Shaw locks the front door as she enters her home. "I have never been so pleased to be home." She thinks as she moves room to room confirming everything is as she left it and that all doors and windows are secure, before changing into a set of pyjamas. 

She pours a glass of white wine and takes a seat in the living room. "Well it is happy hour somewhere." She says, realising it is mid afternoon. She raises her glass to toast the clock. 

She lights a cigarette and thinks of everything that has led her to this point. She rocks gently, thinking of the moment, she was bound and gagged as two colleagues talked about her demise. Not just colleagues, trusted colleagues. In that moment, the people she had come to count on as constants, had betrayed her. 

"I will never be able to work in that station again and no other station will accept me, after this." She thought sipping her wine. "My career is effectively over. I have arrested extremists, rapists, murderers and I am undone by an evil sister and a pair of ghosts." "No," she said out loud. "The ghosts weren't part of the problem. They helped along the way."

Tears formed in her eyes as she recalls the man known as Eric stepping in to save her life.  In her mind she was transported back to the house, handcuffed and gagged, resigned to her fate. That was the only time since becoming an officer, that she had felt fear. 

"I don't know if I still want to be a police officer any more." She thought. "The job has changed and I am in harms way more often than not. I am good at what I do, but it is only sheer luck that I am alive right now." 

She lit another cigarette and pulled out her phone placing it on the table before her. Shaw had checked her clothing at the superintendents house for listening devices and found none. She concluded that the only way a recording could have been made was through her phone. 

"Eric." She started, speaking into the phone. "I don't know if you are listening, I just wanted to say that SOCA have taken over this case and I am on suspension, with the rest of the station. With the recording you gave, the officers you shot will be going, to prison for a long time." 

She paused taking another sip of wine. "Chances are at the end of this, I will no longer be a police officer, but thanks to you, I will be alive. Thank you for saving my life." 

Shaw didn't know or care, if Eric was listening, it just felt good to say the words out loud. She drained the rest of her wine and stubbed out her cigarette.  Heading to the bathroom for a long hot soak, that she hoped would cleanse her of the dirt of this case.   Across town,

Ryan listened to Shaw's phone, he heard the pain in her voice. "She was a good officer and it is a shame it has to end like this for her." He thinks, regretfully.  

He reflects on the events of the evening he saved her. He has not been in the field for a few years and was nervous about going into action again.  He was at one time, a member of Special Branch and the thought of a senior officer involved and a possible trap had not sat well with him. Moreover, he couldn't abide the thought of a good officer dying, when he could stop it.  

The more he thought about it, the more he was sure that there was no other way. If he had let Anderson take her, he might have lost them, if he had burst in before they made their move, it could have been one on three. This was the best way, but, no outcome would have been great for Shaw. 

His own phone pings with a message confirming that the cleanup team had arrived at the Highland house and recovered the men and the body. They would wipe any traces of evidence before leaving. It also confirmed that Steve had already left. "Look after yourself, mate." Ryan says, staring at his phone.    

Louise is napping in the car as she feels a gentle hand shake her. She opens her eyes and looks at Steve. "Sorry just dozed off there." She apologises.  

Steve tenderly kisses her. "I like watching you sleep. Sorry to have to wake you." "What's up?" She asks, stretching in the car.  

"We are here." Steve says, with a gentle smile, as they pull into the driveway of the old cottage.  The cottage rests on the side of a valley, three hours drive from the nearest town. This is a place Steve purchased in secret. An out of the way place known only to him and now, Louise.  

It is a modest property with three bedrooms and a garage. But it is the basement and sub-basement that they are here for today.  

Louise feels a shiver, "It looks so normal." She thinks, struck by how mundane the home is, contrasted with her sisters incarceration beneath it.  Her pulse quickens at the thought of seeing her sister once more.

Steve squeezes her leg reassuringly. "It will be ok." He speaks softly. "This will soon be over." ‎ 
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Post by BindPam »

I really liked this chapter, am really glad Louise and Steve are together, but I'm getting worried about what will happen to them in the end. Helen is still an issue....
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Steve gathered the clothes that he acquired for Helen and threw them into a cement mixer, before adding a couple of shovel fulls of dirt and gravel and turning it on.  

Louise was a bit lost. "That is not a washing machine." 

Steve smiled, reassuringly. "That is pretty much the point, these are new clothes, if Helen has been living rough and not washed for the whole time and she is wearing new clothes, then that would ring alarm bells." 

Louise nodded, appreciatively. "Makes sense, if you have a bag for them, is it worth popping that in too?" 

"Good idea." he said adding the bag to the mixer. Steve took her hand gently. "We have some time before the clothes are ready and there is no point getting Helen just yet. I would say we have an hour or two to relax." 

"True, we could relax, or...." Louise couldn't believe what she was thinking or what she was thinking of suggesting. "You could show me the bedroom." She spoke slowly, biting her lip as she waited for Steve's response. 

Steve was stunned. He had been thinking of their lovemaking while in the car but hadn't dare say anything. "Really? You can't be tired, you had a nap in the car." Steve said with a cheeky grin.  

"I definitely need some time in the bedroom though." She said pretending to be coy. 

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the house, with his lips locked to hers and their tongues hungrily exploring each others mouths. He took the stairs two at a time with Louise in his arms.  He set her down on the bed and climbed on top of her. Straddling her he leaned down and slowly kissed her neck.  

"Wait." Louise said softly. "I want you to tie me up." 

"Are you sure?" Steve asks, skeptically.  

"Yes." Louise whispered, biting her lip. "I want to surrender to you." 

Steve nodded. "Your wish is my command, I will need to get some things though." 

"I want this, I want you." She said urgently. "You have given me so much. I want to give myself utterly to you." 

Steve wanted her utterly and would do anything for his flame haired goddess. "You have me, body, mind and soul. I hate to leave you, I will be as quick as I can." 

Louise quickly removed her clothes and knelt on the bed facing away from the door with her hands at her sides. Her breathing was ragged, as she wondered if, when planning her kidnapping with Steve before all this began, she was expressing some desire to be bound and give herself without reservation. Almost as if some part of her knew, that Steve was the one. 

Steve raced down to the basement to gather a few choice items. He couldn't believe what they were about to do, but given the intensity of the last few days, he believed that they both needed something powerful to cut through it all.  He looked at the hatch to Helen's cell and headed back to Louise.   

Steve entered the room, his breathing shallow. Louise had her back to him and her head bowed. He crossed the room quietly. She tensed and her breath caught in her throat as he traced a line up her arm with his finger, his finger crossed her shoulders, moving aside her hair, allowing his lips to softly kiss the nape of her neck.  

Louise moaned softly at the light brushing of his lips on her skin. She craved him, but dare not speak for fear of breaking his spell over her.  

He moved to her front and gazed into her eyes. "Before we begin, I just want you to know that, you are the most beautiful woman, I have ever seen and that I love you." He placed a soft kiss on her forehead. 

She nods. "I am yours." 

He picks up a roll of bondage tape and begins slowly and methodically wrapping it around her head, covering her eyes.

Louise bites her lip. "I have given my sight to him, may he take the rest soon." 

He took her hands and fastened a padded leather cuff to each wrist. ‎Then he took a roll of bondage tape and began to wrap it around her, starting just below her breasts down to her waist, trapping her arms by her sides. He finishes by applying more tape around her body above her breasts. "How is that?" He asks gently.  

Louise nods, unable to speak due to the flood of sensations from being bound, her pulse quickened within the tight bindings. 

"Can you open your mouth please?" Steve whispers. When the does, he packs her mouth with a wadded up cloth and seals it in with more tape.  "Is that ok?" He softly asks.  

Louise tries to speak, her words little more than a muffled grunt. She nods and muses. "I have never felt more safe, or more alive."  

Steve takes a soft coil of rope and wraps it around her kneeling, left leg, securing her ankle to her thigh. He cinches the rope and then secured the end of it to the ring of the cuff on her left wrist. He places his fingertips on her shoulder and trailes them across her back as her walks behind her. She moans softly, as he bound and secured her right leg and cuff.  

Steve arranged pillows on the bed and gently lifted her placing her near the headboard on her knees. "I will be back in a moment." He whispered, regretting having to leave her, even for a moment. "I will just be in the bathroom. If you need me, hum happy birthday." 

Louise nods, as she explores her bonds. She writhes against her restraints and moans into her gag as she discovered how helpless she was. "This feels so different to the other times Steve bound me." She reflects. "I can't move and wouldn't want to. I hope Steve comes back to me soon." 

Steve shaves quickly, making sure his face is smooth. He watches her without speaking as he shaves. As she is testing her bonds he is enraptured by her. "I love you so much Louise. I will move heaven and earth to give you the life you deserve." 

Unable to move or see, Louise focused inwards, becoming aware of her body in a way she had never felt before, she could feel the subtle way the tape moved as she breathed, the crispness of the duvet she was kneeling on and growing moisture between her legs.  

She did not hear Steve cross the room, but when he softly kissed her erect right nipple, the light brush of his lips, filled her senses with a jolt of sensation.  

"Sorry to leave you, I hope I can make it up to you." Steve says softly as he lays on his back in from of her and guides himself up between her legs. She is powerless to resist, but her bonds have nothing to do with it.  He softly kisses her womanhood, his lips teasing hers, as his tongue hungrily flicks her clitoris.

She rocks gently, throwing her head back with soft moans.  Slowly the flicks of his tongue, become a torrent of pleasure as he varies the speed and direction of his strokes. Louise arches her back as she feels herself near to orgasm.  Steve eases off between her legs, to pull her back from the brink a little, eliciting a frustrated moan from Louise.

As Steve slows his tongue, he strokes her legs, savouring their feel. Louise begins to wiggle her hips trying in vain, to push herself down onto his face.  

Without warning, Steve resumes between her legs faster and more intensely than before. The shock floods Louise's senses and she bucks wildly. She feels a fire in her core that will consume her, she tries to hold it back but it overwhelms her.  Steve's tongue continues to dance between her legs and he reaches up caressing her breasts.  

Louise feels everything all at once, the intensity of her climax, Steve's hands kneeding her breasts, his tongue within her, the cool air on her exposes skin, the slight restriction of the tape around her body as she breathes and the faint traces of more orgasms to come. Her mind races unable to keep up with the assault on her senses.  

Steve slows down as she cums a second time, he eases himself from under her shaking body and wipes his mouth. He lifts her and eases her into his lap, guiding his manhood slowly inside her. She gasps, her breathing ever more ragged.  

He wraps his left arm around her holding her close and caressed the back of her neck with his right hand as he showers he collar bone with light kisses.  She feels every inch of him inside her, his strong arms like a cage of muscle around her bound body, her soft breasts pressed against his chest, powerless to lift a finger and total in her surrender to him.

As he thrusts into her, she grinds down onto him as much as her bondage will allow.  Her thrashing, slowed as she became exhausted.  She became lost in the sea of sensation, unable to resist, she allowed the waves of pleasure to carry her, to the rapidly approaching shores of ecstatic bliss once more.  

Steve slowed his rhythm as he felt her cum. She rested her head on his shoulder and he gently rocked her as he experienced his own climax.  In the aftermath he held her close, gently stroking her back.

He squeezes her tightly and whispers in her ear. "I love you, Louise." She coos in response.   He unwrapped the tape from her mouth and removed the cloth. She breathes deeply. "I am utterly yours. That was amazing." 

Steve smiles. "That was about an hour, we still have another hour to fill." 

Louise's eyes widen under the tape as she is unsure if he is joking. In the back of her mind a little voice says, "If he is serious, it is not like you can stop him." She smiles as his lips meet hers.
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Post by BindPam »

This is what I've been waiting for; Louise and Steve have connected, they're now a couple, and at last they're defining their roles to each other.  I love that Louise has told Steve, to his face, no room for misunderstanding, that she's surrendering to him, for bondage and whatever else.

What I also love is that even though Steve has her in bondage, he's reminding her of what she knows, that he loves her. If he tried to play it rough, it wouldn't be realistic for her to be receptive. She would need to be reminded he loves her.

He did that, and rough groping and rough sex, along with bondage, is now something she would want  ;)

What a great story!
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Post by wolfman »

Reluctantly, Steve untied Louise so that they could deal with the business at hand. "For the whole time she was bound, I was her world and she was mine." He realises, as he unwrapped the last of the tape from her body, freeing her arms.  

Louise was still catching her breath as he was released. "I have never felt anything like that. That was the most intense feeling of my life. What the hell just happened?" She was still reeling when Steve led her to the bathroom.  

They washed each other in the shower, she was too exhausted for anything more. They were quiet, an unspoken bond between them guiding their actions as they moved in sync.  

As Louise dried her hair, Steve dressed and collected the clothes from the cement mixer. He shook of the excess dirt and checked each item as he loaded the battered clothing into the bag.

He returned to the bedroom and knocked as he entered.  "Are you ready?" He asks softly.  

Louise nods. "We have put it off for long enough. Let's do this."   

He takes her by the hand and leads her to the basement. In many ways it is much more sparse than the basement he kept her in. The centre of the room is dominated by a pulley hanging from the ceiling over a hatch in the floor. 

He checks his phone confirming that Helen sleeps down below. He cancels the video feed that is due to start in an hour and pockets the phone.  

Moving quickly, he picks up a small tripod and a fishing rod. "Lou, could you pass me that small grey box please." He asks as he picks up two pairs of night vision goggles. 

She fetches the box and watches him fascinated, trying to work out his plan.  

He selects a needle from the box and attaches it to the line. Then he positions the tripod and mounts the line on it. He passes a set of goggles to Louise who puts them on. As she moves to lower them over her eyes, he touches her hand. "Let me get the lights first." He pushes a button on the side of the goggles, before plunging the basement into darkness. 

As they don their goggles, the basement is transformed into a green a black hole. Silently, Steve opens the hatch and begins lowering the needle. It's descent ends two inches from Helen's mouth.  

Steve waits for the needle to stop moving before taking out a vial of ketamine that he retrieved from the clinic. He takes the dropper out of the vial and once a second drips some of the solution onto the line.  Each drop travels slowly to the needle, where it falls silently into her mouth. With half the vial used her replaced the top. "That should be enough to knock out an elephant." he whispers.  

Louise looks on, her breathing is shallow and her palm slick with sweat. Sensing the moment approaching where she sees her sister again.  

They wait in darkness for a few moments to allow the drug to take effect before Steve rises and turns the lights on. They remove their goggles, and look at each other. "No going back now." Steve says, squeezing Louise's arm. 

He lowers himself into the hole using the pulley and the first thing he notices is the smell. "She certainly smells like she has been living rough."

He thinks wrinkling his nose against the stench of stale urine and sweat. Helen lays peacefully sleeping, her hair is matted and her skin slick with sweat. Steve attached a harness and uses the pulley to bring them both back into the basement.  

Louise waits nervously as she awaits their ascent. "Soon this will be over." She thinks as the chain clanks, indicating that Steve and Helen are returning.

She smiles as she sees Steve's head emerge from the hatch.  "The feed had not done Helen justice." Louise thought as she helped Steve lay her on the floor. "She has lost weight, her hair looks awful and my goodness she stinks. She is wretched" in that moment, Louise realised that all the hate and bitterness was no longer in her heart, looking at Steve, she knew it had been replaced with love. 

Louise looks within herself, trying to find the hate that drove her to this place and found it no longer there. She didn't hate Helen. Without her, Louise wouldn't have met Steve. Helen would get her just desserts. Her reward for her vile nature would be either a life in prison or on the run. Louise was satisfied with that. 

Steve and Louise do not speak as they dress Helen. Moving in sync they act with one purpose. When they are done, Helen is dressed in dark jeans, a blue t-shirt and sweatshirt and ankle boots. 

"What happens now?" Louise asks.  

"Originally, I was going to take her to a music festival and leave her in a camper van. The logistics of that would be an issue though. She will only be out for a few hours." He said adding some tins of beans, bottled water, the remaining ketamine and a few tabs of LSD to her bag.  

Steve carries Helen to the car placing her on the back seat, while Louise puts Helens bag in the boot. Once their own bags were in the car, they set off.             

They had been on the road for an hour when Steve asked. "If you wanted to disappear how would you do it? He had a plan but wanted to get Louise's input.  

"I guess, I would get a tent and hide in the wild."
She suggested.  "Not a bad option if you have the skill to live off the land. But, what if like your sister, you didn't have the skills?" 

Louise narrowed her eyes in concentration. "If you can't go where there are no people, go where you can be anonymous. Maybe on the streets or different guest houses and keep moving." 

"Most guest houses will take a swipe of a card to cover any extras and that can be tracked though." Steve softly points out.  

"Hmmm good point, so either steal a card, which comes with its own risk or the streets, maybe a squat somewhere. She smells unwashed so that could work and she hasn't got any signs of being outdoors for a while." She suggests.  

Steve smiles. "So a squat of some kind then?" 

"I would say so, but if you are going to do that, why stay in the area, where you can be recognised? Why not go elsewhere?" She asks. 

"Abroad?" Steve questions.  

"No, her passport would be flagged and she have been stopped by customs. I am leaning towards a squat, somewhere that she has never been." Louise says with growing confidence. 

"Carlisle or Glasgow?" He suggests. 

"She worked in Carlisle for 6 months, so Glasgow." She answers.  

Steve smiles warmly. "I was thinking the same thing. It will take about two hours to get there from here." 

Louise squeezes Steve's arm. "Thank you for letting me come. I know it might make things harder for you. " 

He looks at Helen in the rear view mirror with disdain. "With everything she has done to you, shutting you out of this didn't cross my mind." 

"Thank you Steve, for everything." Louise says sincerely.  

Steve gently squeezes her leg. "Thank you for your gift to me. You have given me so much, your love, your warmth and hope for a future. Once this is done, I want a lifetime with you to show you how amazing you are." He takes her hand and kisses the back of it.  

Tears form in Louise's eyes. "I want that too. I am yours in every way." 

"I am yours too." With all his training and experience, he had never said anything with such conviction before. 

They continue onward towards the city, hand in hand, in comfortable silence.‎
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Post by slackywacky »

Nice. Will they find her sister in (possibly) Glasgow or was this the end?
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by BindPam »

If this is the end, it's perfect! If it's not, and there's a little more, that would be great too.

I really want a sequel! 
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As they enter the outskirts of the city, it starts to gently rain as the rural lanes turn into city streets. 

"How are you holding up?" Steve asks conscious that Louise has been quiet for most of the time since they retrieved Helen.  

"I am ok." She says absently staring out of the window.  

"Are you sure? It's just that you have been quiet since we got her." Steve probes gently.  

"I am, I don't know, I don't know what to feel. She used me and ruined any chance I have of having children. I should by rights hate her. But without her, I wouldn't have met you." Louise begins. "Since meeting you, I have begun to think of a future with hope and not dread. You have given me a chance to have a life free of her." 

"The hardest part of starting a new life is letting go of old hurts, however hard that is." Steve softly speaks. "The last months and weeks have been an emotional barrage for you and I understand that. I am here for you. I will help you heal and do anything you need me to." 

"That means so much, thank you." She says as she squeezes his arm. Louise glances back at her sister. "Helen can go to prison or die on the streets for all I care. Between her actions and your love, I no longer have any feelings towards her. I am done her, she is no loner my sister. She will get what's coming to her." 

Steve heard the resolve in her voice. "She has more strength than she realises." He thinks. "She constantly surprises me, she is smart, strong and she has kept going long after most would have folded. She is like me in so many ways. As she surrenders to me, I pledge to her that I will always care for and protect her from all of the world's ills." 

"I feel like I have changed and the things she did were to some other person." She said thoughtfully. "When we are together, I know the world cannot touch me." Louise squeezes his leg reassuringly.  

"I was cold, calculating and ruthless, but right from the start, you touched a part of me, awakening something I thought I had lost. Before I met you, I existed, now, I live." Steve struggled to find the words, to express how he felt.  

Louise, feels her eyes moisten as tears start to form. "I love you." He kisses her hand.

"I love you too." He says glancing at her.  

They continue in silence, passing quiet roads and avenues, there is barely any traffic at this time of night.  As they continue, they enter a rundown street in the industrial part of the city. 

Steve pulls the car to a halt by an abandoned warehouse. "This is the place."   

They work quickly, after donning gloves, Steve takes Helen and throws her over his shoulder and Louise picks up her things. The make their way into the warehouse and enter the women's locker room.  It is a large room, lit by the streetlight pouring through the frosted glass.

Steve lays Helen on a bench whilst Louise scatters some of the items from her bag to give the impression that she has been here a few days.

Steve runs back to the car. One of the additional things he packed was a plastic bag containing used bean tins and water bottles. He collects these and returns to the room.  

Whilst he is gone, Louise looks at her sister. "You are nothing to me. Once I leave this room, I will forget I ever had a sister and will move on, but you will always wonder what happened to me and what happened to you. For the first time in your life you lose. I hope you rot in hell."  

"You took my hopes for a family, everything positive and you destroyed it. You sold my body for and for what? A bag of clothes, a drug addled mind and a nationwide manhunt. Congratulations, I hope it was worth it." She lowers her voice. "I loved you Helen, and you used me. How could you? Your own sister."

"Actually, I should thank you." Louise continues. "This has made me stronger than I ever thought possible. Within myself, I have found the strength to save my own life and the life of the man I love. Whilst you remained weak, using people who have worth, because you have none. You are pathetic and you deserve everything that you get. You disgust me." 

Steve listened at the door, allowing Louise to finish and counting to ten before entering. He says nothing, letting her keep the moment private, as he piles the empty tins and bottles in one corner.  "I think we are done here." He say softly.  

"One second" Louise asks. Taking a used bean tin and splashing some of the remaining sauce on her face and clothes, before tossing the tin back in the rubbish pile. 

Louise hugs him. "Can we go?" She whispers.  

Steve nods, taking her by the hand and leading her back towards the car.

"Why this place?" Louise asks. "This is a non-descript warehouse, why here?" 

"Off the beaten track, not too much foot traffic, the nearest shop is a petrol station about five minutes walk from here. That petrol station is often used by police in the area at start of shift as officers get a coffee to take with them." Steve explains.  

"How do you know this stuff?" Louise asks baffled.  

"Had an investigation up here not so long ago, scouted that kind of information out just in case." Steve clarifies.  

As they approach the car, Louise stands still, as Steve turns to her, she hugs him. He wraps his arms around her and she kisses him deeply.  "What was that for?" Steve asks smiling.  

"Just because." She says biting her lip.  

He opens the door for her as she enters the vehicle and then gets in the driving seat. Steve turns to her cupping her cheek. "How do you feel?" He enquires. 

"Lighter," She sighs taking his hand. "Free." 

He kisses her deeply and smiles. "Me too. Shall we get out of here?" 

Louise nods. Settling back in her seat, her head turned to face Steve, she smiles as she thinks of the future.    
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Post by RopemanSteve »

Damn, this is a great story.
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Post by lochness »

I hope to see them get married on a beach.
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Post by BindPam »

I really need for my boyfriend to tie me up, blindfold me, lie next to me and read me this story. The whole story, all of it. 

Louise and Steve are the perfect couple.
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Post by wolfman »

Helen woke with a start on the day of her release. She shuffled quickly into a corner looking around the abandoned locker room furtively. "Is this a trick?"

She noticed a pile of empty bean tins and water bottles. "Have I been here the whole time? Was it a dream?" She looks down at herself. "Clothes?" 

"Jeans, t-shirt and hoodie, not my choice." she thinks in disdain. "I prefer something that makes me stand out." She stops as her eyes widen. "Of course, my solitude is complete and I am being sent out into the word. I blend in now, I am camoflaged against humanity so the vampires can't see me coming."

She jumped up, searching the room frantically. "No!" she cries, unable to find her weapon. 

She slumps to the ground. Her hand rests on a piece of wood, she glances down. It is the handle of a sledge hammer, the head nowhere to be seen. She lifts the weapon. "Perfect. Much better."

She sits on the bench and rubs the handle on the rough tiles of the floor. 

After an hour, the end is sharpened into a rough stake. She notices night falling. "Nearly time to hunt." As she gulps beans down spilling some of the juice down herself.

"My camouflage is in place, I am armed and ready." She exits the room and sees the abandoned warehouse bathed in moonlight. She stalks between the empty shelves and stops sharply. 

Before her bathed in moonlight is a discarded, high visibiity vest, shining in the moonlight. 

"Oh, it is beautiful." She purrs, appraising the celestial armour that the spirits left for her. She approaches with reverence. "With this armour of light, and my stake of fury, I pledge to fight the evils of the night, wherever they may be."

Helen dons the vest slowly, marvelling at how light and flexible it is. With the velcro fastened, she hefts her weapon, practising thrusts and swings. "I am ready." She screams into the night.  

Constable Graham turns to the other officer in the patrol vehicle as night falls. "Why have you got them on?" He asks pointing to the sunglasses he wears. 

Constable Daniels chuckles. "Sorry mate, since you had your teeth whitened, it is too bright in here."

In a deep glaswegian accent, Graham retorts. "Ha bloody ha. At least I have my own teeth." As he pulls into the petrol station forecourt. 

"Ouch, that hurts." Daniels says feigning offence. "A nice latte will ease my pain, your turn."

"Fine." Graham says exiting the vehicle. 

Beyond the glare of the forecourt lights, Helen crouches, watching silently. "I didn't expect to see one so soon." She thinks observing the officer with the almost glowing teeth. 

She stretches and readies her weapon. She whispers a silent prayer to the spirits as she circled the forecourt. Closing on her prey.

Helen watches the vampire as he glides unnaturally through the shop of the petrol station. "They really do look like us." She notes.

Her blood boils when she sees him chat to a young mother and child in the queue. "Foul creature, I will protect the innocent from you, this night."

Graham wonders who the woman in the high vis' vest was, that he saw on the way in, he finishes chatting to the young mother and her baby, as he backs out of the door, a Coffee in each hand. As he emerges, he sees the wild haired blonde woman, with the bright yellow vest, charging at him. He doesn't have time to react before the wooden stake strikes him in the chest. 

The officer is thrown back from the force of this impact. The old wood of the handle shattered against his stab vest, but the pain as he lay there, told him he had at least one broken rib. 

Helen curses inside.  "His evil has wrecked my exalted weapon, but I shall not deviate from my course." She hefts the handle like a club and swings, screaming, "Die foul demon!" as Daniels rugby tackles her to the ground. She loses the weapon in the struggle and claws at her attacker, trying to gouge out his eyes.

Graham gathers his wits as he sees his partner struggling with the banshee. He rises slowly as pain lances through his chest and tackles her legs. Every thrashing kick, from her sends fresh waves of pain through his body.

She flails as the officers hand cuff her and secure her wildly thrashing legs. "You blood suckers will never defeat me." She cries. "I am a holy warrior, blessed by the spirits, to destroy you foul creatures." 

As the officers put her into the back of the car. Graham radios it in. "762 to dispatch, we have an officer down at Queenslie petrol station, medical support required, suspect detained over."

"Understood 762, additional officers and medical support to be dispatched. ETA 10 minutes for medical, 14 minutes for law enforcement back up."

Graham is slumped against the side of the vehicle. "Jesus, I hate full moons." He states with a squint. "Did you smell her?"

"I think I will be smelling that for a week." Daniels says, watching the screeching and thrashing prisoner in the vehicle. 

"Dispatch reckons 10 minutes for back up." Graham shifts uncomfortably. "Enough time for a coffee then, I go the last one."
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Post by wolfman »

Two days later

As the sun sets over a beautiful Cornish bay, Steve and Louise finish fish and chips, side by side, in a car park looking out to sea. "This is wonderful." Louise says. "Nothing to do and nowhere better to do it."

"Mmmm." Steve agrees, taking her hands. "Tonight will be a beautiful evening, but without you, it would just be an evening."‎

Steve's phone rings as they are finishing dinner. "It's Ryan calling." He thinks as he turns, sadly to Louise. "I had better take this."

Louise squeezes his hand, and nods. ‎

"Ryan. How goes it?" Steve opens on speaker phone.

"Steve, we found out who hired the teams at the house." Ryan sounds shaken. 

"Really? Anyone we know?" Steve is wary of the implications of this news.  

"They have been listening in on our comms and know everything. Director Lombard, hired the men to take you out to prevent the company being brought into disrepute and your and I quote misuse of company resources." Ryan speaks slowly. 

"Ryan, get out of there." Steve speaks concerned for his friend. He looks at Louise, worried.
"It is ok mate, Old Man Harris hit the roof when he found out, spent three hours tearing strips off of Lombard and sacked him. He chewed me out too, but, I am ok." Ryan seems to relax. 

"The Old Man never liked actions like that without his oversight." Steve reflects, Harris supported Steve after the death of his folks and was a good man at heart, but demanded a lot from his people. 

Ryan hesitates. "He called me in to the office after and gave me a right rollicking. He wants to see you both in the morning."

"What? Both of us." He nervously looks at Louise. "Why?"

"His exact words were, 'get them both in here so we can sort this bloody mess out'." 

Louise looked at Steve and pressed mute on the phone. "We have made peace with my life, let's make peace with yours." She says softly.

"It might be a trap." Steve says concerned. 

"Maybe, but it is better than looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives. Besides, you are my white Knight, you will save us, we do this together." She smiles. 

Steve nods grimly before unmuting the call. "We will be there." He advises Ryan. 

"What time?" Ryan asks. 

"When we get there. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us." Steve says. 

"Let me know, I will get the kettle on." Ryan says. 

"See you in the morning mate, have a good night." Steve says hanging up. 

Ryan looks up as the call disconnects. Old Man Harris nods. "Thank you Ryan, you can go home now."

"They were going to find out at some point." Steve says softly. 

"What can they do?" Louise asked unsure of Steve's disquiet. 

"Anything they want. They are plugged into law enforcement, military, covert government organisations the works." He said wearily.

"What are we going to do?" Louise asks feeling tired al of a sudden. 

"If they wanted us dead, they would send a better team and this time we might not be so lucky. The fact that they have asked for us to come in says that, maybe, they want something from us." Steve says, his eyes narrowed.

"We could run." She offers.

"They would find us eventually, besides I don't want to wait for the knife in my back." He says thinking aloud.

"We go together, I am with you in this." Louise said firmly.

"I can't ask you to come. This is my mess." Steve said sadly. 

"A mess you got into for me. You are not alone." Louise says, "Besides I have this." She says with a smile as she pulls out another glass nail file. 

Steve laughs. "How can I refuse?" His smile fades. "Whatever happens, I want you to know that you made me whole. Thank you for everything."

"You gave me my life back. You have given me peace. We are two sides of the same coin. Let's do this." She says with a lump in her throat. 

He nods and pulls back onto the road. "We do this together." 

"I still have that cash you gave me, shall we get a cooked breakfast when we get there? Make it clear we are they're on our timetable and not there's." Louise suggests. 

Steve nods appreciatively. "I could go for a full English."

They turn in for the night and set off early, for the two hour drive.

Ten O' clock the next morning Steve lays down his fork after a breakfast of bacon, sausage, fried egg, beans, mushrooms and toast. The café is quiet and located about five minutes from the office. 

"Thank you for breakfast, that hit the spot." Steve says, smiling at Louise as she finishes the last of her breakfast. 

"My pleasure, I must admit I needed this." She says, between mouthfuls. "Just the thing to set us up for the day."

"I have no idea what will happen, or what is waiting for us in there." He says, looking tired. 

"Whatever there is, we will face it together." Louise says firmly. 

"I wish there was another way." Steve starts, before taking her hand. "You are amazing, with you by my side, we can do anything."

Louise squeezes his hand pulling a glass nail file she asks. "Shall we do this?"

Steve smiles warmly, pulling a file of his own. "Let's go."

Ryan is waiting for them in reception. He rises to greet them shaking Steve warmly by the hand. He turns to Louise, taking her hand delicately in his. "A pleasure to finally meet you." He says with a smile. "Glad you are ok."

"Nice to meet you too. Thank you for your part in all this." Louise says a she thinks. "He is shorter than I thought."

"Nonsense, Steve did the heavy lifting, I just piloted a phone." He turns to Steve. "He is ready for you."

He leads them through the office, as heads turn, the team unused to seeing Steve with a smile. A low level murmur of gossip follows them through to Harris' office. 

As they arrive at the large wooden double doors, Ryan turns to Steve, "Harris wants to see you alone first."

Steve looks at Louise, she returns his gaze with a reassuring smile. "I will be ok." He says patting the pocket holding her file. 

He kisses her gently on the cheek. "Ok, I won't be long." Turning to Ryan, he says. "Look after her."

Ryan nods. 

Steve opens the doors and crossed the threshold. 

"Steve." Harris announced as he walked in. The wiry old man got up from behind his desk to greet him with a twinkle in his eyes. "You have been busy."

"You could say that." Steve says, shaking the CEO's hand. 

"I am sorry about the mess with Lombard's men, never should have happened." Harris says sincerely. 

"No harm done, at least not to me." Steve smiles.

"Please take a seat." Harris says motioning to an arm chair. "Tea?"

"Black, no sugar please." Steve answers taking a seat. 

Harris joins him with two cups, his face serious. "Steve, let's get down to business." he begins. "You have kidnapped two women, used company safe houses for personal gain, interfered with a police investigation and killed at least two men."

Steve shifts in his chair. "That about covers it." He says having decided to play it straight and take responsibility for Dickens death, as well as the doctor. 

Rhetorically, Harris asks, "What am I going to do with you?"

He continues. "If I threaten you, you would storm out and kill any teams we send after you." He pauses. "Not is a good option from my side."

"I can see how you would think that." Steve says evenly. 

"The truth is, you are a problem solver. Highly skilled and methodical to a fault. You are an asset here and I don't particularly want to lose you and but then there is this business with the girl."

Steve's hackles rise. "If you harm her." Steve starts in a low threatening voice, before being cut off. 

"Relax, If I threaten Louise, you will likely kill me and anyone else you encounter until you find her. I have something else in mind."

"Go on." Steve nods. 

"I want you to act as a consultant on some of our more difficult contracts, mostly hands off, with occasional field work. We will arrange for new identities and housing for you and your good lady and you will act in an advisory capacity as required, within reason of course." Harris' words are measured and even.

"What is the catch?" Steve asks sceptical. 

"No catch. Steve you are one of the best. Why have one of my best focus on one contract, when he could guide several?" Harris starts. "I remember how hard it hit you when your parents passed. You'd changed and not in a good way. But, since meeting this woman, you are a bit more like your old self."

"True." Steve smiles with a faraway look in his eyes. "She is amazing."

"I have always liked you, Steve. You are a good man, make a life for yourself." Harris starts. "What do you say?"

"Where would we be based?" Steve asks. 

"Wherever you wish, you can work remotely and travel as needed." Harris tops up their teas. 

"I would need to discuss it with Louise first." Steve says deep in thought. 

"She has changed you." Harris nods, the old Steve would have given a straight yes, or, no, on the spot. "Of course. Give me a call in a couple of days. Now, shall we ask her to join us?"

"Please take a seat." Harris says as Steve shows Louise in. 

After he outlines the proposal offered to Steve, he reassures her. "No need to answer now, as I said to Steve, call me in a couple of days."

He turns to Louise. "Now, it I my understanding that you were seriously assaulted by an operative of this organisation."

Thinking back to the farm house, Louise nods. 

"This has been discussed with our legal department and we are will to offer a settlement of three million pounds, as a settlement for damages and to eliminate the possibility of you suing this organisation."

"No." She says firmly. "I don't want money, I have no interest in legal action, I just want a new life." She squeezes Steve's hand as he smiles at her. 

Harris raises his eyebrows. "Would you be prepared to sign to that effect?"

"I have no problem with that." Louise shrugs. 

"I will get the documents drawn up." Harris says surprised. 

"There is one other matter." Harris says taking Louise's hand. "Look after him, he's a good man."

"No," She smiles. "He is a great man. I will always be at his side."
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Post by BindPam »

I am repeating myself? I don't care :P Adventure, drama, and romance!

And we're about to find out everything we don't know yet ;)
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Post by wolfman »

Two weeks later. 

Kate Shaw sits in the dock of her tribunal hearing numb and exhausted. She listened to speaker after speaker condemning her actions, her character and her handling of the case.

"After she was recovered alive and was in protective custody, she was taken again never to be seen. What's worse is you were there." the head of the tribunal said

"One of your officers was undermining your investigation and you were oblivious." The prosecutor said. "You had evidence of a senior officers involvement and instead of going through proper channels, you took an officer who you were oblivious was corrupt." 

"You entered a suspects property without a warrant or notifying dispatch and were subsequently disarmed and could have been killed." The prosecutor later added. 

"It is only a pure fluke that the main suspect was apprehended. If left to Inspector Shaw, she would still be a free woman."

On and on the accusations flew. Whatever defence she filed, was batted away. They hung her out to dry. She felt sick and exhausted by the barrage.

After two hours, incessant grilling, they brought in an external private sector reviewer, based on some new edict or other required non-police insight in high profile cases. Shaw was unclear of the specifics of his involvement, "Given how it has gone so far, he is bringing more nails for my coffin." She thought mournfully. 

"How did it come to this?" She asks herself. "I am a decorated officer, stripped of resources and betrayed by colleague, this is unfair." A lonely tear rolls unseen by the court, down her cheek. 

A black man with flecks of grey in his beard took the stand. Shaw understood that he was a former Special Branch Detective Inspector called Ryan working for some contractor or other, with a familiar voice.

"Given that the corruption highlighted in this case extended from her team right up to the superintendent, the possibility exists that where Inspector Shaw acted alone and without oversight, she inadvertently may have prevented further complications to its outcome."

"With reference to the victim disappearing from custody, I refer the board to the fact that Superintendent Howarth only signed off one officer and it was blind coincidence that Shaw was present when the victim was taken again. Also Shaw locked the hospital down at the point of occurence and based on the evidence, my conclusion is, that one or more officers, may have let the victim be removed from the hospital."

He pressed on shooting every allegation down in short order. Shaw's eyes widened as she recognised his voice halfway through his testimony. "Eric?"

After three hours of relentless testimony, dressing down all of the evidence against her, Ryan summed up. "In conclusion, it is my finding that Inspector Shaw is an honest and prodigious officer, surrounded by those who stymied her investigation and as such, should not be accountable for actions driven, by her superior officer, who maintained a sinister agenda, in a case exposing underground medical facilities and a prostitution ring. Furthermore, she exposed herself to great personal risk in the completion of her duties and a failure to recognise this will be a travesty of justice. This case highlights fundamental flaws in the actions of the police service as a whole and to lay the responsibility for thee failings on the shoulders of one officer, is unconscionable."

When he finished speaking, Ryan sat back. "Even if this is not enough to save Shaw's career, this needed to be said and put on record." He thinks, nodding to himself as he notes Shaw staring at him.

The panel deliberated for two hours before returned to the chamber, each with a tired look in their eyes.

The head of the tribunal rises and bids all participants to stand for the final verdict. 

Shaw takes to her feet, nervous of the outcome. 

"It is the finding of this proceeding," the head began, "that whilst Inspector Kate Shaw did not follow protocol, her actions were in the spirit of the oaths undertaken when any officer undertakes their duty. Honour, courage and decency." The head of the tribunal takes a sip of water. "She proceeded at great personal risk and in so doing, discovered an underground medical clinic and associated network, exposed a network of those who make use of trafficked human beings and uncovered corruption within the Police Service."

"It is our conclusion that in this case, the defendant, acted with uncommon valour and foresight and will therefore be recommended for the Queens Police medal and commendations be placed upon her permanent service record and taken into consideration for her next application for Chief Inspector. Furthermore, we will consult with her directly, about her choices for her next posting." 

"What the hell just happened?" Shaw thought lighting a cigarette outside of the court. The tribunals use of similar wording to the external investigator was not lost on her.

Seeing Ryan exit the building she ran over to him. "May I have a word? She asked, her eyes flashed with anger.  

He turned to her. "Of course, it will be nice to talk, without you in handcuffs." He smiles warmly and indicates that she should lead the way.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Shaw deserved that! She acted on dangerous turf. It was right serving her.
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Post by BindPam »

heh heh, that was fun....

But now it's time to check in on Louise and Steve!

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Post by wolfman »

Helen lay on her back. Her squirming, is an exercise in futility. The straight jacket securing her arms and body was strapped tightly. Whilst the medical restraints that secured her upper arms and ankles to the frame of the bed, held her firmly in place.

She was once strong and confident woman, a user of people, with connections to powerful men. Now she is confined to her bed, monitored constantly and fed through tubes in her nose.

When she was arrested he attacked the arresting officers, she pent a night in a cell screaming about vampires. A medical examination confirmed habitual LSD use and occasional Ketamine use, which doctors suspect has caused a psychotic break.  

Helen was deemed by social services and the criminal prosecution service, as unfit to stand trial. As a result, she will remain in a high security medical facility, until such time as she may be tried for her crimes.

Helen cried and flailed in her bonds. "I can't stay here the vampires will eat me." She called out. "You will never keep me here, I have been anointed."

A slim, blond nurse in a crisp white uniform, enters the room. "How are we today, Helen?" She asked absent mindedly, as she checked Helen's chart.

"Please, you have to get me out of here." Helen pleaded. 

"And why is that?" The nurse asked, distracted, as she changed the colostomy bag and checked the catheter.

"This is an evil place, they have me and are feeding on me." Helen whispered in a conspiratorial tone. 

"Oh really?" The nurse, uninterested, checked the feeding tubes. 

"You." Helen exclaimed as her eyes widened, in realisation. "You work for them. How could you?."

"Bills to pay." The nurse replied, bored, checking her visual responses with a torch.

"Flee now. Save yourself. Take me with you, please." Helen begged.  

"Would love to, but I am happy here." The nurse released one of the cuffs holding her arm to the bed and applied a blood pressure cuff. 

"Wait, what are you doing?" Helen asks, confused. 

"Just checking your blood pressure." The nurse said filling out the chart, before whispering. "Need to make sure you aren't running dry."

Helen thrashed wildly. "Let me go!"  "You can't do this!", "How can you live with yourself?", "Why?", "I curse you for all eternity!" She screamed more insults and pleas for help.  Her screams turned to sobs as the nurse resecured her arm. 

"See you tomorrow." Nurse says brightly as she leaves. Her heels click on the hard floor she is chased by the wailing of her captive patient, until she reaches the office.

As night descended, her struggles abated and she lay back panting. "It is no use." She thought. "I am in their hands. Their tubes slowly suck the life from me and I cannot lift a finger to stop it." 

"They have won." She said through freely flowing tears. "I will never be free."

She nodded to herself. "So be it. I brought this upon myself." She breathes slowly. "My evil, drew them to me and now nourishes them, as it destroyed others."

"I had a life paid for by the violation of others." She muses. "Look how successful I am, if only I had known."

Sighing she thought of the girl in her flat, on the night she woke under a looped feed. "I am sorry Poppy, you poor, sweet girl. I betrayed your trust and sold you to the highest bidder. I faked friendship to draw you close, I wish I had treated you like a friend and not a commodity. I am so sorry."

She recalled the times, that she had drugged Louise and laid her out for clients, to use as they wished. Louise had lain there, unfettered but unmoving. Unaware of the sins committed against her. While she looked on and counted the money, but not the cost.

When Louise stormed round, Helen had laughed at her,  when Louise grabbed for her and Helen pushed her hard to defend herself, she saw how hard she fell and knew what the blood had meant. 

She had threatened to blackmail her sister when she called to say she had lost both the baby and any chance of conceiving again. When inside a part of her died and the depth of her betrayal had sunk in.

"It hurt so much when dad died." She thought. "All I wanted was my sister back, but I had destroyed any chance of that."

She vowed to stop there, until Dr Callard threatened to expose her to the police and she was forced to start again. He hated him for that and wished he could join her in this room.

Helen shifts uncomfortably in her bonds and offers a silent prayer to her sister. "Louise, I used you and hurt you so much. I ruined you, when all you wanted, was to be my sister. I hope that wherever you are, you are safe. I do not deserve your forgiveness, or my own. I am so sorry."

She stared at the ceiling for a feed that was not there and waited for darkness and the solace of her spirits, that would only come, when the eternally burning lights go out. 

She does not struggle, she is resigned to her fate. Her mind became still and the world fell away as she thought. "This is my life. I will never be free." Her mind sank, tormented by the wrongs she had wrought, plagued by vampires, corrupting her flesh.

Even in her mind she did not resist as one thought repeated over and over.  "I did this to myself. I surrender to my sins." Helen lay on her back.
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