Hitchhiker (M/F, some F/F)

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Post by slackywacky »

“You awake?”

For a moment I laid on the bed, under the covers, waiting for an answer, before I remembered that Elsa was not in the cabin. I sat up, yawned, before grabbing clean clothes out of the little cupboard behind the drivers’ seat. Looking at the clock on the dash, I could see I had slept for 5 hours, which for me was enough to make me feel refreshed.

“Coffee time.” I said to myself, opening the curtains and letting the morning light shine into the cabin.

Dressed in my usual shorts and t-shirt, I climbed out of the truck, locking the door, and walking to the rear of curtain trailer, opening the left door. The sides of the trailer were made of strong vinyl, but the rear doors and the front wall were metal.

“Yo, sleepy head, are you awake?” I called out.

Elsa looked back at me from halfway down the trailer.

“I am getting coffee; do you want some? Anything to eat?”

She shook her head in return, indicating she didn’t want coffee or food. I shrugged, closed the door, and walked towards the main building. I had parked away from the building, the rear of the truck facing the tree line, and there were only 2 other trucks parked close by. Most other trucks were parked in a line in front of me between my truck and the truck stop building. There was a Derailed Diner, a Subway and a Chester’s in the Oasis Travel Center on County Road 64, right off the I-10. A Marathon pump and a TA Truck Service completed the plaza. The person who build the place had a sense of humor, as a train car and a truck jutted out from the main building as if they had crashed through the walls.

“Good morning.”

I was greeted by a young blond woman when I walked into the diner. It was about half full, with what looked like mostly truck drivers.

“Sit anywhere you like.”

The hostess looked like she was barely 18 but was pleasing to the eyes. I sat down at an empty table near a window, mostly out of habit, although I could not see my truck from the diner this time. A menu was already on the table. As almost always, I went for the big all-day breakfast. Traffic on the I-10, which I could see from the window, was going at a good speed, but I new we would hit Mobile, AL, soon, hence I had stopped here.

“Coffee?” The waitress, an older woman in her 50’s, asked me.

I nodded and waited for the cup to be filled. So far the trip had been easy. From Bunnell, FL, to Las Vegas, NV, was 2300 miles, a trip I could probably do in 33 hours straight, if that had been legal and physically possible. I had done a couple of weird trips in my time, but never one that required 33 hours of constant driving. Once I hit Jacksonville, FL, I had changed from Interstate 95 to Interstate 10. Traffic had been light, it was the middle of the night, and I had made good time. Elsa had been sleeping in the bed and she did not wake up till after I stopped at the truck stop and filled up on gas.


The plate was full of hot food and I dug in. It was excellent, just what a truck driver needed. Thinking ahead, I knew we would change interstates at Mobile, going from I-10 to I-98. I did not want to hit that in Mobile’s rush hour traffic, plus I wanted Elsa to see the crossing over the bridge at Mobile Bay. And since we were on a tourist trip, well Elsa was at least, I figured we could visit the USS Alabama, a WWII battleship.

“More coffee?”

I nodded and the waitress filled up again. I enjoyed the breakfast, even if it was early afternoon. When I was done, I settled the bill, leaving a nice tip, and walked back to the truck. I grabbed some keys from the storage area in the door and walked over to the back of the trailer, opening the left door again.

“Ready to come out?” I asked Elsa.

She nodded and I climbed in the trailer. Still dressed in the blue shorts and the t-shirt she got from Mandy before we left, her hair was unkept and she looked happy to see me.

“Did you enjoy your time in here?” I asked her.

“Hmmppffff.” She grunted as a reply, shaking her head.

The side canvas of the trailer was thick enough to not let much light in. It was not completely dark, enough light entered from the edges of the canvas, but it was not very bright. I looked at my Swedish hitchhiker for a moment, taking in the view of the helpless woman. Her hands were cuffed in front, with a 6-foot chain running from the cuffs to the rail in the floor of the trailer that would normally be used to secure a load. I had forgotten I had bought the chain, a small sized stainless-steel coil chain, when I stopped at the Walmart after leaving Chicago. Two padlocks, one connecting the cuffs to the chain, the other connecting the chain to the floor of the trailer, prevented Elsa from getting away from the center of the trailer. The chain allowed her to walk around, but not far.


“Yeah, I know you want out. It has been 5 hours since we locked you in here.

“Hmpf?” She asked.

I just nodded, figuring she just wanted a confirmation. I unlocked the handcuffs. Her hands went to her mouth, but I had taken precautions to prevent her from getting her gag off. The gag consisted of one of her own panties, I had no idea if they were clean or not, stuffed in her mouth and tape wrapped around her head, covering her face from her nose to her chin.

“Hmmppffff.” She grunted, frustrated that she was not able to remove the gag.

The fact that I had wrapped her hands with electrical tape, after I had handcuffed her, made it impossible for her to work on her gag. I had used a whole role of tape for her hands, wrapping them in nice tight balls.

“You want the gag out?” I asked, always being the gentleman.

She nodded and I carefully, as to not pull out too many of her natural blond hair, removed the tape. She spit out the panties.

“Thank you.” She sighed.

She held out a hand towards me, indicating that she wanted me to remove the tape from her hands. Ignoring her, I walked back to the door of the trailer.

“Coming?” I asked.

“Really? You are going to leave me like this?” She held up her still tightly taped hands.

“It will not stop you from walking.” I said, jumping out of the trailer.

Elsa walked to the end of the trailer, sat down on the edge and I helped her down.

“We’re almost at Mobile, Alabama, and I thought I would take you on a tourist trip. The USS Alabama is located at Mobile and it is open to the public. There is more to see there, a submarine and planes and military vehicles, but the main attraction is the retired battleship. She was the fourth and final member of the South Dakota class of fast battleships built for the United States Navy in the 1930s.”

“Look at that, a walking encyclopedia.” Elsa grinned.

We walked to the front of the truck, after locking the trailer, and I helped Elsa into the cabin on the passenger side. Once I got in on the driver’s side, I did up her seat belt, before doing mine. I had done my quick walk around the truck and trailer and it looked good, so I started the engine and headed for the exit of the truck stop.

“We will be crossing the Blakely River and Spanish River, which together form the Mobile Bay. It is a long bridge, but I figured you wanted to see it. Once we’ll cross, we’ll head to the battleship.” I said.

“Sounds fun. I never been on a battleship before.” Elsa replied.

Turning back onto the I-10, it did not take long to drive the 18 miles till we hit the Mobile Bay. The bridge is 7 miles long and is one of 2 bridges across the waters.

“Wow, that is impressive.” Elsa said. “Which I could take some pictures, but somebody taped up my hands.”

I had not thought about that.

“Sorry.” I said.

I drove as slowly as I could, without being a danger on the road, but traffic was light heading into Mobile. Leaving Mobile was already picking up traffic. After 4 miles of the bridge, I took exit 30 onto US Highway 98, also known as Battleship Parkway. Elsa could see the battleship ahead and once we made it to Battleship Park, I stopped at the entrance gate.

“Afternoon.” The young guy at the counter said.

I handed him the entrance fee in cash.

“Thank you.” He said, handing me my receipt.

“I can park here, right? I did not see a sign saying, no trucks.” I asked.

“Yes, you can park, just park with the RV’s, we have enough space.” He said, waving me through.

I drove towards the main parking area, noticing 2 RV’s parked in the lot closest to the road and parked the truck next to them. Turning my attention to Elsa, I worked on the tape on her hands, unwrapping her hands. Once her hands were free, she moved her fingers around.

“That feels better. You are really helpless without fingers.” She stated.

“I bet, but it was fun watching you.” I replied.

She took a moment to freshen up, before grabbing her phone and exiting the cab. I grabbed my Nikon camera and climbed out on my side.

“What you want to do first?” She asked me after walking around the cab.

I locked up and looked at the sky. Clouds were starting to move in from the Gulf of Mexico. The weather forecast had said rain in the evening.

“Let’s do the outside displays first, then we’ll do the Alabama.” I suggested.

Elsa agreed and after spending over an hour viewing the military equipment outside, we finally walked to the enormous ship. The tour was self-guided, which is perfect, as we can take as long as we want at some points and skip other items. It turned out that Elsa had a craving for knowledge, she wanted to see everything of the battleship, and before we knew it, closing time was coming up and we had not even seen half the ship. And we had no time to visit the Medal of Honor Aircraft Pavilion or the USS Drum, the submarine. When I looked over at the visitor parking lot, my truck was the only vehicle left.

“Did you enjoy the Alabama tour?” The guard at the entrance to the Alabama asked.

He was a tall good looking blond guy, about Elsa’s age, dressed in military uniform.

“It was great.” Elsa replied. “It is a shame we missed some of the other parts, but I bet you have to arrest me if we would not listen to you and walked around some more.”

The guard smiled, his eyes glittering. Elsa was laying it on thick, flirting with him. The weather was changing, more and more clouds were rolling in.

“Yeah, we would have to put you in the brig on the Alabama.” He replied.

“What is a brick? I am from Sweden; I don’t know what that means.” Els asked him.

“Sweden? Wow. That is interesting.” He replied.

I was kind of standing on the side, letting the two have their conversation. Elsa stood in front of the guard, looking up to him.

“My parents are from Norway. Kan du Norsk?” He asked.

I figured he asked if Elsa could speak Norwegian.

“Jeg snakker litt norsk. Pratar du svenska?”

He smiled and shook his head.

“That was about as much as I can say. I assumed you asked me of if I spoke Swedish?”

“Yes. I speak a little Norwegian, but not that well. My English is better.”

“I was born here, so the little bits I know in Norwegian are from my parents. I am Jens, nice to meet you.”

“Hi Jens, I am Elsa. This is Jack.”

We shook hands. Elsa explained she was hitchhiking through the US and I was showing her around.

“The brig, not brick, is the prison on the ship.” He answered Elsa’s earlier question.

“We did not get that far. Maybe I should have you arrest me, so I can see it.”

Jens was still smiling. Suddenly his radio came to life.

“Jens, can you close up? I have to leave early.”

“Copy that Steve. Will do. Did you shut down the Alabama CCTV system?”

“Yes, only the outside cameras are on.

He put his radio away and his smile just got bigger. He reached behind his back and took his handcuffs out of the pouch they were in on his belt.

“Seems I will be the only one working tonight. Turn around miss. I have to detain you for being on this property after visiting hours are over.”

Elsa looked at me with a grin, before slowly turning around, holding her hands behind her back, allowing Jens to cuff her. After double locking them, he held on to Elsa’s upper right arm and guided her to an entrance into the bowels of the Alabama. Jens indicated to me to follow him.

“Do you have any weapons on you?” He asked her when we were inside a hallway.

“No sir.” Elsa said.

“I will have to search you. Would you like me to call a female guard or can I do it?”

“You can search me.” Elsa grinned, knowing perfectly well there was no female guard around.

Expertly he ran his hands over Elsa’s body, the blond woman not helping by moving around, so he had to redo certain parts. His hands rested a little longer than needed on her butt and breasts, but I figured Elsa was okay with it, since she kind of enticed him. Finally, it looked almost as if Jens was going to search her again, he grabbed her at her upper arm again and led us deeper into the ship. We had to go down several levels, sometimes on steep stairs, it was after all a battleship, not a cruise liner. We were heading deeper into the ship than the normal tour would.

“Mind you head.” Jens said after opening a watertight door.

Jens opened a door in the hallway behind the watertight door. The room we walked into was small, but it was divided into 2 areas. One side had a desk and chair, the other just a bench. Both areas were divided by steel bars. The door we entered by was on the desk side of the steel bars.

“Welcome to the brig.” Jens said, walking Elsa over to the door in the steel bars.

The door itself was also made of steel bars, framed on all four sides. He opened it, it was not locked, and helped Elsa sit on the steel bench. Two steel ankle cuffs were screwed with short chains to the bottom of the bench. Expertly Jens locked one onto Elsa’s left ankle. Normally two people could sit on the bench and both be chained to the bench, but in this case there was only Elsa, so Jens used the other cuff on Elsa’s right ankle, forcing her to sit in the middle of the bench, her legs slightly spread.

“You can wait for your preliminary hearing here. I must go and lock the ship up. Jack, are you joining me?” Jens asked.

I nodded. I did not mind seeing a bit more of this battleship.

“We’ll be back.” Jens said to Elsa, closing and locking the steel bar door that gave access to where Elsa was chained up.

“You are going to leave me here?” She asked, seeing how Jens directed me to the door of the room.

“Prisoners don’t get to choose. You will stay here until an officer is available to listen to your rebuttal.”

He looked at Elsa for a few moments, a smile on his face, before he followed me out of the room. He turned the lights off and closed the door, leaving Elsa in the pitch dark.

“It will take an hour to close her up. Elsa will have to wait until I am done. I already did a few far away areas before I met the two of you, so we should be good. Okay?”

I nodded in agreement and followed him, glancing back one more time to where Elsa was sitting locked up. This was probably not what she had in mind, but as so often, there was nothing she could do about it. I could only grin.
Last edited by slackywacky 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Thank was so much fun. I really enjoyed that chapter. I wonder how long she will be on ice and if they will set up a fake hearing for her.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Nice change of pace - glad Elsa is getting to experience some variety in her captivity, and finding out what happens when you bait guards that have prisons and chains!
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

This one's one of the best storys I've ever read. I hope you'll continue soon! Keep up the great work
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Post by Gagfan »

I continue to enjoy this story, the characters' interactions continue to be quite cute and amusing. I tend to trend towards "darker" stories (and admit my imagination runs wild with alternative 'what if' darker results for our pervy little damsel) however this may be one of my favorite light hearted bondage stories I've ever seen. I always eagerly check for updates on this one!
For my stories I haven't gotten around to posting here: https://gagfan.wordpress.com/
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Post by LatexLover »

Gagfan wrote: 3 years ago I continue to enjoy this story, the characters' interactions continue to be quite cute and amusing. I tend to trend towards "darker" stories (and admit my imagination runs wild with alternative 'what if' darker results for our pervy little damsel) however this may be one of my favorite light hearted bondage stories I've ever seen. I always eagerly check for updates on this one!
Agreed. Although I wouldn’t be opposed to any dark turns. 😈
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Post by Beaumains »

Great as always! A very interesting scene is unfolding. I love the creativity you put in this story.
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Post by slackywacky »

Thank you [mention]Beaumains[/mention] , [mention]LatexLover[/mention] , [mention]Gagfan[/mention] , [mention]FabianStr2016[/mention] , [mention]tickletied84[/mention] and [mention]wolfman[/mention] for your comments. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy.


The private tour through the USS Alabama was interesting. Jens told me a lot of stuff and showed me areas of the ship that were normally off-limits to visitors.

“How did you guys end up here?” He asked me about halfway into his tour to close for the day.

I told him how Elsa and I had met and that we were on our way to Las Vegas after staying in Florida for the weekend.

“You plan on driving most of the night?”

That had been indeed my plan, so I confirmed. It had worked out well last night, the roads had been quiet, and we had been lucky that there were not many road constructions. That was one of the few things I did not like about driving at night.

“I suspect you want something to eat before getting onto the road, right? And you want something else than truckstop food, I guess?” Jens asked me.

We were on the way back to where we had left Elsa behind.

“Yeah, I was planning on stopping somewhere.”

“I know just the place. Unfortunately, you cannot park your truck there, but I can take you guys and bring you back here.”

“We don’t want to inconvenience you.” I said.

“I’ve got nothing going on tonight. I was planning on going there anyway. Monday evening is specials evening. Elsa is not Vegan or such?”

“So far she has been eating everything, she is definitely not vegan. I think we’re good.”

“Okay. It is Monday, but I better call them, it is not a big place. We’ll have to wait till we’re outside, no reception in this metal box.” Jens grinned.

We walked some more, and I started to recognize the section we were in, it was where we left Elsa. Jens opened the door leading to the brig. He turned the light on. I could see Elsa blink after being in the dark for almost an hour.

“For a moment I thought you guys had forgotten about me.” The young woman behind the bars said to us.

She was as we had left her, handcuffed hands behind her back and her legs spread by the ankle cuffs on either ankle.

“How can we forget a beauty like you?” Jens said, standing in front of the steel bars that divided the room.

Elsa grinned, but did not reply. I stood back and watched the two of them.

“We’ll be back soon.” Jens said to Elsa. “I have to make a phone call and there is no signal down here. Don’t go away.”

“What? You just come in and then leave me again?” Elsa replied, sounding surprised, shaking her cuffed hands.

Now I had to grin, seeing her reaction.

“Okay, you can come along.” Jens said, opening the steel bar door and walking towards Elsa.

He kneeled and unlocked the cuffs on her ankles. Elsa turned her back towards him, but he made no move to release the cuffs on her wrists.

“Come on.” He said instead, grabbing her by the arm and leading her towards the door.

With a sigh, Elsa let herself being guided through the inside of the USS Alabama. Going up stairs with your hands cuffed is easier than going down, but both Jens and I made sure we helped Elsa whenever needed. It took just under 15 minutes before we reached the deck. He made a quick phone call, while holding on to Elsa, the reservation for dinner. After disconnecting, Jens let go of Elsa and he turned around to lock the door. Elsa grinned and started to run away down the walkway towards the quay. For somebody with her hands cuffed behind her back, she was quick.

“Oh damn.” Jens said, making sure the door was locked, before he chased after her.

It was not a fair race, having your hands cuffed behind you makes your balance weird and Elsa had trouble keeping her speed up, Jens did not have that problem and closed in on her.

“Misbehaving are we?” Jens asked Elsa when he grabbed her. “Wait till we are out of this area if you want to do that, the CCTV systems are active out here and it will not be easy to explain why a handcuffed woman was running away from me.”

“Sorry.” Elsa said, letting herself being guided to the entrance of the walkway onto the ship.

Jens and Elsa waited for me to come down before Jens locked the gates. He guided his prisoner towards a deep blue Ford Interceptor. It was unmarked, but it was not hard to see it was a government vehicle.

“Nice car.” I said.

“A 3.3-liter V6 Hybrid, 318 horsepower, top speed around 137 mph.”

“Based on the Ford Explorer, obviously.” I said looking at the car.

Jens grinned and opened the back door and motioned to Elsa to get in. She resisted slightly.

“Where are we going?” She asked instead.

“Dinner.” Jens just said.

“Oh, okay.” She scooted into the prisoner compartment.

Jens closed the door, and I could see some movement in the back of the car. When we got in the front seats, Elsa had switched the handcuffs from being locked on behind her back to in front of her.

“Dangerous prisoner, this one.” Jens said, a smile on his face, seeing Elsa hold up her cuffed hands. “Next time I use the hinged cuffs on you.”

Elsa grinned. Jens started up the car and drove away from the museum grounds. He stopped shortly at the gate to inform the watch that the truck would be parked a little longer in the parking lot. Then it was onto US-90, which is one of the main arteries in Mobile, and the amount of traffic showed it. Not that the many traffic lights helped.

“Can’t you turn on the siren and lights?” Elsa asked.

“For you? Nope. We get told off if we do that in town.” Jens replied.

Eventually we made it to a left turn, I had no idea where we were going, and the street names did nothing for me, as I had only been in Mobile once before. We turned left onto Holcombe Avenue, which turned into Halls Mill Road. Jens stopped in front of what looked like a barn.

“We’re here.” He said, while he handed Elsa a handcuff key through the opening in the divider. “Get yourself unlocked.”

That turned out to be easy enough, as it took her only a couple of seconds. By the time Jens opened the rear door, she had the cuffs off and handed both key and cuffs back to Jens.

“For a moment there I thought I was going to be fed by the two of you.” She grinned. “Where are we?”

“This is Osman’s Restaurant, specializing in German and other European foods.”

“Doesn’t look very big?” Elsa said, looking around.

“No, and most times it is full. The ‘Zigeuner Schnitzel’ is really great.”

They walked to the entrance and entered the building. It was indeed not excessively big, and it looked full, but the waitress saw Jens and pointed at the only empty table. He raised his hand as acknowledgement.

“There is our table.” He said, leading the way.

It did not take long before the waitress showed up at their table, bringing bread and butter.

“Hi Jens, how are you? I missed you last week.”

“I am rather good, Katja, I had night duty. Meet my new friends, this is Elsa, from Sweden, and Jack here is a truckdriver from Vegas. They were at the Alabama today and I figured I show them some decent food, instead of truck stop food.”

Katja laughed and greeted us. She stared at Elsa for a few moments.

“Have you been arresting cute women again?” She asked Jens, much to Elsa’s surprise.

Jens grinned. The cuffs had left slight marks on Elsa’s wrists, but she thought nobody would notice.

“You caught me. But wouldn’t you arrest her too? She is cute.” He replied.

Elsa stared at him with a surprised look on her face. I laughed.

“I’ve been arrested a couple of times.” Katja explained to Elsa.

Both women laughed.

“Oh, you have, have you?” Elsa said, looking at Jens, who turned a little red.

“He is harmless, but cute.” Katja grinned, making Jens turn a deeper shade of red.

Elsa nodded.

“Anything to drink?” Katja asked, switching to being a waitress again.

Elsa was the only one taking an alcoholic beverage, a white house wine, which Katja had recommended when she saw Elsa look at the wine list. Both Jens and I still needed to drive, so we stayed with non-alcoholic drinks. In the end both Elsa and I had the ‘Zigeuner’ schnitzel and it was, as predicted by Jens, excellent. The desert after dinner was Black Forest cake and it was delicious.

“I am full.” Elsa said when she finished the last piece of the cake on her plate.

I had to agree. It had been a while I ate this much.

“Hope it does not impede your travel plans tonight.” Jens said to me.

“We’re not in a hurry, so if we don’t get that far, we’ll be okay.” I replied.

Katja came with the bill, but when I wanted to pay, Jens took the folder and told Katja to put it on his bill. Both Elsa and I disagreed, but he stuck to it, so in the end we let it go. While Elsa went to the bathroom, Katja came out with us to the car, she had a break, and we talked about nothing special, waiting for Elsa to return. After Jens unlocked the car when Elsa got back, she opened the rear door and wanted to get in, when Katja looked at Jens.

“Isn’t she forgetting something?” She asked.

Jens looked at her and grinned, reached behind his back and got the cuffs out of their pouch again. Without a word, Elsa turned her back to him and held her hands behind her, allowing Jens to cuff her.

“She is flexible enough to bring them to the front.” I said, remembering the trip to the restaurant.

“We can prevent that.” Katja said and she walked over to a bright red 2015 Ford Mustang, one of the first of the current series, that was parked only 2 cars over.

She got something from her dashboard and when she walked back, I saw black handcuffs in her hands.

“Nice car. You always have handcuffs with you?” I asked.

“She also has a concealed carry permit for her Glock 17.” Jens said, laughing.

I looked at Katja in a different way.

“I am a single woman; I need to protect myself.” She said, handing the cuffs to Jens. “Make sure I get them back.”

“Will do, you’ll be wearing them soon again.” Jens grinned.

Elsa, who had turned towards us, turned around again, and let Jens cuff her at the elbows. It pulled her elbows together, leaving only the distance of the two-chain links between them.

“That should prevent you from getting your hands to the front.” Katja said, looking at Elsa.

“Thanks.” Elsa said, with played annoyance.

The door got closed by Jens after Elsa moved onto the back seat and I got in on the passenger side again. Katja kissed Jens before he got into the car. He lowered his window.

“Come back soon.” Katja called out to Jens when he started the engine and backed out of the parking lot.

“Will do.” He replied.

“Safe trip guys.” She said, before Jens drove away from the restaurant.

With traffic not as heavy as earlier, we made good time back to the truck. Jens parked right next to it.

“This way we block the view from the external cameras. He said before opening the rear door and helping Elsa out of the car.

“Did you want to change her restraints?” He asked me.

I had not thought about it yet. I knew I was going to drive most of the night and had assumed Elsa would be sleeping, but she might as well sleep tied up.

“Not a bad idea.” I said, opening the truck and grabbing some of the ropes.

“Don’t I get a say?” Elsa asked.

“If you want a gag in your mouth, yes.” I replied, laughing.

Elsa just stood there, allowing Jens to remove the cuffs on her elbows, which I replaced with rope. Six wraps, nicely cinched and knotted, pulling her elbows all the way together.

“She is flexible.” Jens stated, looking at my handiwork.

He undid the cuffs around Elsa’s wrists and another rope replaced it, another six wraps, a cinch, and a knot away from her fingers.

“Don’t think she will get out of that.” Jens said.

“Give me a hand getting her in the truck.” I told him.

A few minutes later, Elsa was sitting on the bed, where I tied her ankles together. She laid down on the bed and I put the blanket on top of her.

“Safe trip guys.” Jens said, like Katja had done before. “It was great meeting you.”

He waited until I drove away from the parking lot, before getting back into his car.

“Ready for a few hours on the road?” I asked Elsa when I turned onto the interstate but did not get a reply.

When I looked back, I could see she was already asleep.

“Sweet dreams.” I said and concentrated on traffic.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by wolfman »

Another great chapter. I really like the way you create such wonderful supporting characters in this tale. Jens and Katya are both interesting in their own right but don't distract from the main characters and of course Elsa is delightful as ever.

Really great stuff
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 3 years ago Another great chapter. I really like the way you create such wonderful supporting characters in this tale. Jens and Katya are both interesting in their own right but don't distract from the main characters and of course Elsa is delightful as ever.

Really great stuff
Absolutely. Very. Great. Stuff :)
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Post by LatexLover »

Do you ever write anything non TUGs related? You’re a rather good storyteller in general, even without TUGs being involved.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Fantastic again [mention]slackywacky[/mention] I really enjoy that Elsa is now getting so comfortable she is getting off to sleep with a tight elbow tie!
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Post by slackywacky »

LatexLover wrote: 3 years ago Do you ever write anything non TUGs related? You’re a rather good storyteller in general, even without TUGs being involved.
I wrote many different things over the years, like technical books, training manuals, non-fictional articles, and science fiction.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Risperdaltied »

Excellent chapter - beginning to think that Elsa can’t sleep now without being tied up....
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by Beaumains »

Great as always! I always like the non-interesting details like the specific roads, the name of the ship, that the restaurant is German, the specs of the car, et cetera. Such things help to bring the story and characters alive. Awesome read. I can't wait what Vegas will bring to this couple!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I liked the "Jägerschnitzel" :)
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Post by Bcdtied »

Perfect! I can’t wait to see what the next adventure is.
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Post by slackywacky »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago I liked the "Jägerschnitzel" :)
One of the few things I miss here in Canada, although people say there is a good restaurant in Kitchener. It is actually hosting the largest October fest outside of Germany. Not too far away.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

The biggest Octoberfest outside Munich ? I did not know that :) A goog Jägerschnitzel I can eat any time :)
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Post by Blindman »

Darned good Story! And I'm not even into bondage.
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Post by slackywacky »

Blindman wrote: 3 years ago Darned good Story! And I'm not even into bondage.
Not into bondage and you are on this site? Now that might need some explaining :-)

Thank you anyway for the comment, very much appreciated. Also thanks to [mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] , [mention]Beaumains[/mention] , [mention]Caesar73[/mention] , [mention]Bcdtied[/mention] for their comments.

Next chapter below...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

I regretted taking US-98 out of Mobile, AL, and not Interstate 10. It would have meant extra mileage, but it would have been easier travelling, as US-98 was just a 4-lane road, with traffic lights, constant side roads and slow traffic. On the other hand, taking I-10 might have been easier, it was a lot of extra miles and since I was not in a hurry, I could do without the extra miles. Once we left the outskirts of mobile behind, it became easier and I did not feel as bad about taking the route the nav system was guiding me on. Just before New Augusta, Mississippi, Elsa started to stir.

“Can you untie me; my arms are starting to hurt.” She asked.

“I’ll stop at New Augusta; we’re just coming up to it now.”

“Thank you.” She spoke, before trying to get comfortable.

“What happened, did I tie you to tight?” I asked, since she normally didn’t have a problem having her arms tied for a longer period.

“I must have been in a position that reduced the blood flow. Sorry.”

“Sorry?” I grinned. “Why are you apologizing. It should be me that apologizes since I tied you up.”

“Accepted.” She said, laughing.

I pulled into the Tater’s truck stop. The Exxon gas price was more than I was willing to pay, so I figured, since I still had enough gas, I would wait till reaching a bigger town. I parked the truck at the rear of the parking lot and turned the engine off.

“Let me untie you.” I said to Elsa, turning around to face her.

The parking was unlit, the only light coming from the name signs on the gas pumps and the main building, but it was enough to see what I was doing. It only took a few minutes before Elsa was free of the ropes around her elbows and wrists. She undid the rope around her ankles herself.

“That feels better.” She said once she could move her arms again.

“You need a bathroom?” I asked.

We had only been on the road for just over an hour, but I knew she had been drinking wine at the restaurant.

“I could use a shower too.” Elsa said.

“Okay, let’s get going, I want to be on the road again soon.”

We grabbed our things and walked over to the main building, only to find out that they did not have showers. It was not that big a truck stop.

“That’s a bummer.” Elsa said.

The young man behind the counter, covering the night shift, was staring at Elsa. She was still dressed in her shorts and t-shirt, no bra, and her nipples poked her t-shirt as it was chilly in the building, the air-conditioning was doing a really good job of keeping things cool. The cleavage she was showing was not helping.

“Ice cream?” I asked, seeing the large freezer display when we returned from the bathrooms.

“Nah, not now.”

I grabbed a coffee, the brand was not too bad, and paid at the counter. Elsa stood next to me, leaning against me and it was clear that the kid behind the counter was disappointed that she was with me. It did not mean he was not staring anymore though.

“Thanks.” I said when he handed me my change.

“Let’s get rolling again.” I told Elsa.

Just before walking out the door, she turned around and waved at the guy behind the counter. She grinned when we walked out of the building. Another trucker, on his way into the building, also stared at the blond Swedish woman. We both laughed while we walked back to the truck and climbed in. Elsa went back to the bed and I started up the diesel. The Sirius-XM radio turned on and the soft sound, as I did not want to wake up Elsa when we left Mobile, started to play again.

“Okay if I go back to sleep?” She asked me, covering up under the blanket.

“Yep, I’ll be doing the driving.” I grinned.

I turned back onto US-98 and continued our journey. The darkness didn’t bother me, I was used to driving at night and with traffic being light, we made good progress. Just before getting to Hattiesburg we merged onto the I-59 North and for a short while we travelled the wide interstate. I knew it would not last as on the north end of Hattiesburg we turned onto US-49. It was a road pretty much like US-98 and I was glad it was still night; traffic was not too bad. Elsa was sleeping, the radio was playing, and I was enjoying the ride when I could see flashing lights ahead of me.

“Trouble coming up.” I said to myself, slowing down when I got closer to the lights.

A police car blocked the westbound lane. I slowed down more and when the officer flagged me down, I stopped.

“Morning. US-49 is closed due to an accident. The detour is not difficult, take a right here onto Walter Lott Road and when you get to Homer Folkes Road, take a left, that will bring you back onto US-49. Make sure to take Homer Folkes, not Howard Folkes Road. Howard Folkes comes first, Homer Folkes road is just past it.”

“Famous people around here, the Folkes?” I asked.

He grinned.

“They own some of the land around here. Drive safe.” He replied and indicated to me to continue onto the detour, before heading back to his car.

I turned onto the small undesignated road. It quickly turned away from the highway and I never saw anything from the accident. Homer Folkes road was even smaller and I was glad I did not have traffic coming the other way. It was a mostly straight road, that was helpful, and soon I came up to US-49 again. Looking to the left I could see flashing lights in the distance, but nothing that I could identify. I hoped there had been no fatalities.

“Here we go again.” I said to myself turning back onto the main road.

Two hours later I got to Jackson, MS. US-49 merged with Interstate 20 and I covered a decent amount in the next two hours, before Elsa started to stir again. We crossed into Louisiana and according to the nav system we were about to reach Shreveport. I figured we made enough distance for the night and I could use a bit of sleep. The Pilot Travel Center sign at the LA-157 exit near Fillmore looked inviting and I turned off the interstate, turning left towards the truck stop.

“Where are we?” Elsa asked, sitting up.

The Pilot Travel Center was busy, even at 5 in the morning. Maybe it had to do with the casino that they had or maybe because they had a truck parking that was litt. Truckers preferred parking spots with lights.

“Close to Shreveport, Louisiana.”

“Louisiana? I thought we were in Alabama?” Elsa asked.

“We left Alabama a while ago and we crossed through Mississippi.” I told her.

“I missed a complete state?” Elsa asked.

“At least you can say you been there, even when it was while sleeping.” I countered. “Plus, these states are not that wide, so it does not take long to cross them. It will take you longer to travel them from north to south.”

“And that is supposed to make me feel better?” Elsa asked with played annoyance.

“Yep.” I grinned.

I parked the truck in the outermost left spot in the last row of the parking, giving us a little privacy as behind us and to the right was a wooded area. It was busy in the parking lot, so I was happy to get this spot, as there was not that much choice. Trucks were parked everywhere.

“We travelled all this?” Elsa asked, showing me her phone.

The maps app showed the route from Mobile to Shreveport.

“That looks like a lot.” Elsa said.

“We drove for 6 hours.” I told her.

“I assume you want to go to sleep?” She asked me.

I nodded, I felt like I could sleep a few hours.

“I am hungry.” She stated. “I’ll go to the restaurant.”

“They have a casino too.” I replied. “Don’t lose all your money.”

Elsa grinned. She grabbed her wallet, ID and phone and climbed out of the cab on the passenger side, which was facing the trees. I got out on the driver side as I needed to go to the washroom.

“They will have showers here.” I said to her.

“Oh yeah, I like that.”

She climbed back into the cab and came out several minutes later, carrying her backpack, which I assumed had a set of clean clothes in it. The morning was still warm, and the air was humid. This far south it was a quite common weather condition. We walked towards the main truck stop building.

“See you later.” I said to Elsa when she headed for the showers.

After doing what I needed to do, I headed back to the truck. The bed was still warm and when I laid down, after closing the curtains, as the sun was coming up, I could smell Elsa’s odors on my bedding. The faint smell of her hair was on my pillow. It was a pleasant smell and it helped me fall asleep quickly.

“Ring, ring, ring.”

I slowly woke from my sleep. I had been dreaming of Elsa and it took me a moment to figure out where I was and that my phone was ringing. I liked the old-fashioned phone sound, it was clearly audible over other sounds, so I used that as my ring tone.

“This is Jack.”

“Hi Jack, it is Mandy. How are you?”

I looked at the dashboard clock and noticed it was just past 11 AM, I had been asleep for over 5 hours. I put Mandy on the speaker and sat up, opening the curtains, letting some light in.

“I am good, you?”

“Missing you and Elsa. It is quiet around here. Good thing I am on the road.”

We chatted for a few moments.

“Did you get to Dallas yet?” Mandy asked.

“Nope, I am near Shreveport, Louisiana. Why?”

“Dad has a broken-down truck near Dallas and wondered if you could take over the trailer, it is scheduled to go to Vegas too. I assume you can drive a Turnpike Double?”

“Yes, I have done that before. But it will mean I can only do Interstates, as I won’t be allowed on smaller roads.” I told her.

“Yes, we know. But both trailers, the one you are pulling and the one in Dallas, are both 48’ trailers and the one in Dallas has a tandem dolly.”

“Sounds fine, I don’t see a problem. What is the load?”

“Furniture. 12,000 lbs. Pretty light.”

“Send me the info. I might not get there till later today. Is that okay?”

“No worries. There is no rush on this load either, I just figured since you were heading to Vegas that you could take it along.”

“How is Megan?”

“Not sure, but I suspect she is probably screwing somebody.” Mandy grinned.

While we talked, I noticed that a piece of paper was stuck under one of my wiper blades.

“Hold on a second.” I told Mandy, opened the driver door, and grabbed the paper. “Somebody left a note under my wiper.”

I unfolded the paper; it was from Elsa. It read:

“Lost a bet. I am travelling with Mike and Denise, truckers. Pick me up in Longview, Texas. I am safe, don’t worry. Details will be sent to your phone.”

“What’s going on?” Mandy asked.

I had forgotten she was still on the phone.

“Elsa lost a bet and is with two other truckers. Let me check my phone.”

I checked incoming messages and found several from Elsa, or at least Elsa’s phone. The first showed a selfie of Elsa, standing sideways between two older people, which I assumed were Mike and Denise, in front of a dark blue Freightliner Cascadia. The three of them were smiling on the selfie, but I could see that Denise was holding the phone, as Elsa’s arms were tied behind her back with tie-raps. The tie-raps were a good size, they looked like half an inch wide. I could see them on Elsa’s wrists and elbows, which were pulled together behind her back. More tie-raps were used above and below her breasts and around her waist.

“Looks like Elsa got herself in a bind again.” I told Mandy, sending her a copy of the photo.

I waited for Mandy to get the image, browsing the other text messages I received while I was asleep. There was one with coordinates from Elsa, all other messages were from Mandy and regarded the trailer.

“Oh, wow. She is genuinely smiling, so it looks like she is having fun.”

“Yeah, they send me coordinates, which I assume are somewhere near Longview, I’ll look them up in a minute. I wonder that the story behind this situation is. Oh well, I’ll find out later. I got your info for the trailer. I better get some breakfast and get going.”

“Keep me posted. Miss you guys.” Mandy said before disconnecting.

I figured that I had time for breakfast, or lunch, whatever you wanted to call it, and I also needed a shower, so I did those things first. It didn’t take me long, but I was not hurrying. I filled up the tanks, replenished some of the groceries for the truck and grabbed one last fresh coffee, before hitting the road. The coordinates, 32.40673, -94.74216, were south of Longview and my navigation system translated it to 3168 Pleasant Green Road, Longview, Texas, about an hour and a half away. I grinned; I could not wait to hear the story behind this situation. With a fresh coffee, I turned back onto the Interstate, heading to where Elsa was.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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The G-Man
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Post by The G-Man »

Elsa sure is adventurous, and a lot too trusting. Still, fun story, and I like the way the characters are developing.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The G-Man wrote: 3 years ago Elsa sure is adventurous, and a lot too trusting. Still, fun story, and I like the way the characters are developing.
Indeed :) But so far everything went well - I really wanna know, what this bet was about - but we will learn soon enough :)
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Post by tickletied84 »

Is Elsa that desperate to see Alabama that she's got herself tied to see it??

The detail you offer in the stories really brings them to life - thanks again for a great chapter.
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