Boredom Breaker V2 (vote story) (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful description of the outfit, and liking that Carmen is at least tied now, although still as cheeky!

It's an A from me!
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Post by RopeBunny »

B, if not tonight then tomorrow.

Thanks for voting :D
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A phone starts ringing. It isn't mine, left in the bathroom with my housekey and nestled inside a small pile of the clothes I was wearing. This phone is out here, on the drawer unit behind me I'd guess, given I can hear it vibrating against the wood whilst some obscure rock song I've never heard blasts into the room at full volume.

"Okay, okay. Fuck." Chloe wanders into the room, completely naked, dripping water. She walks beside and then behind me, totally ignoring both my bound body and my look of shock at seeing her naked. Not shock at her skinny body, though her limbs are all very thin, her ribs and pelvis partly visible. Nor shock at her breasts, which are huge, but I already knew that from the shape they made against her tee when she was tied laying down on my bed. It's her tattoo that surprises me. I'd seen a hint before, but hadn't realised it'd be so big. It looks like a sun, complete with those wavy parts kids always draw coming off it, has landed on her right shoulder. The main orb takes up the entire shoulder, and then some, with the waves stretching out around her upper right side. Halfway down the arm. Onto her right breast. Down her back. The waves that would've climbed her neck and face are shorter, as are a couple of others, giving the whole thing a nice overall non symmetrical look. The whole tattoo is black. "Shit." Chloe curses. "What?" I ask over my shoulder as the rock music abruptly cuts out. "Work." Chloe tuts. "Hold on. Yes." I stay silent, but can't help listening in. "Dave." Chloe huffs out a breath. "It's my fucking day off Dave. What? Yes I did them last night. On the desk out back." Chloe appears next to me again, walking back towards the rooms door. "Yes they are. Yes they are. Dave, it's my day off." Pacing the room now, dripping less. Chloe holds the phone away from her face briefly, flipping the screen off with one finger, sticking her tongue out too for good measure. "What?" Bringing it back to her ear. "No. I was," shaking her head, smiling, "going through a fucking tunnel. No. Don't be a prick Dave, of course I'm on campus." She looks up, giving me a half smile. "Busy. Fucking some busty blue haired girl I've got tied to my roomies pole." I burst out laughing, Chloe makes a shush gesture at me, but can't help smiling too. "Yes I am. Want me to prove it?" Holding her phone up, before I fully realise what's going on Chloe has taken a photo of me, and, after a couple of taps on her phone, puts it back against her ear. "Huh?" Grinning. "I know right." She looks me up and down, licking her lips. "Maybe. Make me an offer for her and we'll see." Laughing at my shocked expression, blowing me a kiss. "Anyway. Fucks sake Dave, this is the last screw up I help you fix. Ten minutes. What. Because I have to get dressed first. Honestly, I can't fuck her with my jeans on, can I?" Stabbing her phone screen, she tosses it back onto the bed, then disappears back into the bathroom.

"Fucking Dave." She half shouts through the open door to me. "I've got to go redo what I already did do last night, because the little prick lost the paperwork."
"He's got a little prick?" I half shout back, feeling playful, not at all mad that some guy called Dave now has a photo of me tied up wearing something very revealing. I'm too lost in the moment, lost in the thrill of how Chloe could do that without asking first. That she could even, jokingly, or -fuck me the very idea has me buzzing in the best of ways -otherwise, offer to sell me, all because I'm helpless and she isn't. "Ha." From the bathroom. "Not a clue." Chloe walks back in, dressed in the same jeans and top she just took off, her damp hair still spiking up all over her head. She stops in front of me, looks me up and down, then smiles. "I need to gag you." She decides, nodding.

"Okay." I nod, feeling quite a tingle at the way events have turned so suddenly. This, Chloe having to leave, wasn't part of our agreed plan: to come back here and play. But, faced with this alteration, Chloe isn't offering to untie me and do a reschedule. Nor is she telling me how long she needs to be gone for. Whether due to being distracted by Dave the prick, or whether she genuinely desires to have me trussed up here, waiting for her, Chloe seems to of decided that I'm to be gagged, and then abandoned. I could ask her myself, instead, of course. Tied up I may be, but this is all just a game. There's nothing stopping me from asking to be untied, or from asking Chloe when she'll be back. But I don't want to. This current twist is far too much fun to spoil.

So I keep quiet, watching with a small smile as Chloe laces her trainers back up, then sticks her phone and key into a side pocket of her jeans. She vanishes behind me again, returning moments later with a ballgag in her hands, which I notice happens to be one of my larger ones, the rubber ball the same red as my lipstick. Stopping in front of me she opens her mouth, then her phone rings again.

"Fucks sake." Yanking it from her pocket. "Yes? Dave, I'm coming okay, just...." She grimaces, cupping and balancing the phone between her shoulder and ear. "Oh." Briefly looking at me. "Right. Yeah, I got it." Without any warning she reaches forwards, pushing the gag towards my mouth, which obediently opens for her without any thought from me, allowing Chloe to stuff the huge ball inside, forcing my jaws wide. "Five minutes." Chloe tells her phone, not even really looking at me as she reaches around my head, fumbling at the leather straps before managing to locate and thread one through the others buckle. "No no." Yanking one handed on the strap, pulling the gag tight into my mouth. I can feel both straps digging in at the sides now. "Well. Make a start already." Fiddling behind my head two handed, which, given how she's holding her phone, entails leaning her chest against mine as she stands on tip toes, our faces touching in such a way that we're almost sharing the gag for a few moments, moments where, because of how much she's ignoring me, but all whilst making me more helpless, and pressing herself into me, I feel myself getting very turned on, knowing my pussy will be damp to the touch already, should someone care to get off their phone and reach down to find out.

"Just those things?" Stepping back, nodding as she holds her phone normally again, Chloe looks me in the eye, smiling slightly. I try to smile back, wiggling my breasts at her. She makes to reach out for them with her free hand, but then grimaces. "Already? Fuck." She turns, putting her back to me as she walks across the door. "No no. Shit. Yes. I meant yes." Opening the door, not looking back, not to wave, or to blow me a kiss. Not even stopping to tell me after all when she'll return. Without pausing Chloe steps out into the corridor, allowing the door to swing closed and click locked behind her, abandoning me here, in the dorm of a girl who's still mostly a stranger to me, way too tightly tied and gagged to do anything except wait, and wonder what might happen to me next?

What does happen next?
A- Chloe doesn't return. It gets dark. Carmen is still tied. (Will mostly be a chapter of Carmen daydreaming about what might be about to happen to her, just me writing whatever stuff I feel like really. Something different, for those who fancy it)
B- The stripper roommate returns home, and is admiring Carmen, checking out her breasts (comparing sizes and so forth maybe) when a random room spot check occurs.
C- The random room spot check occurs, as mentioned above, but with only Carmen present. Carmen is forced to convince the lady staff member that she hasn't been abused/isn't being held against her will, all whilst still tied up and being eyed up (possibly played with) by the staff person.
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Post by Solarbeast »

I’ll go with option B again to see what happens.
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Post by RiggerTom »

Tough choice. B, or C? I think I'll go with C
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Another great add. C for me
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Post by tickletied84 »

Another great update - sometimes you just can't get the staff! And of course the girls have to bail the guys out....

I quite like the idea of A.
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Post by RopeBunny »

C it is.

[mention]tickletied84[/mention] thanks for the A vote, it definitely would've been interesting to try writing that's for sure :D . Just not this time.
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Post by tickletied84 »

That's a shame [mention]RopeBunny[/mention] but we must respect democracy! (although can always offer that as an option another time...)

However, whatever you write will be fantastic as always.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I can't actually see a clock. It takes me some time- ha -to realise this fact. For awhile at least my mind is too busy, enjoying all the various sensations being trussed tightly to the stripper pole is providing my body, to even think of such mundane issues as whether Chloe's now been gone one hour or three. I love the feel of rope biting into my skin, how it pinches and digs in, which only happens when it's been tied properly. By which I mean so tight I've no hope of wriggling free.

Not that I want to get free. Fuck no, where would be the fun in that? I mean, I could then pounce on Chloe, when she finally resurfaces, and bind her exactly where she tied me. Or anywhere. But to me being tied is several orders of magnitude better then tying someone else. I am a little rope whore, however, I'm only truly happy when I'm the helpless one in the game.

So I stand, because that's how I've been tied, and I wait. My body continues to alternate between a growing tingle everytime I think I hear footsteps, or voices, anywhere close by. Including outside as semi regular groups of students wander passed Chloes ground floor window- shame the curtains are shut. And, when I can't hear anyone, I'm still mostly turned on, but from the ropes only, not from the sudden or potential imminent arrival of Chloe, returning to, I hope, give me a good fucking.

Or, if she's tired, maybe she'll sell me to Dave, and he can have me instead. Put that allegedly small prick of his to good use.

Instead of Chloe though, it's a stranger who eventually opens the door.

Wandering in, still knocking as she does, head down to focus on the tablet held before her. "Chloe? Mckenzie? Spot check time. Are you girls...." She stops, both talking and advancing into the room, having finally looked up. Our eyes meet, and her mouth quirks upwards slightly, the brief ghost of a smile, there and then gone. Then she looks back down, using one hand to tap things out on the screen as she turns to the right, and walks off into the ensuite.

I watch her work, when she's in view anyway, as she does a tour of the room. Opening drawers, getting down on all fours to peer under both beds. Tap tapping on her tablet the whole time. She completely ignores me, which in my opinion is quite a feat. Not only am I slap bang in the centre of the room, meaning she has to keep treating me like a roundabout each time she needs to cross the room, but I'm also a very busty heavily tattooed near naked girl, completely helpless. How could anyone possibly ignore that? For my part I keep quiet. I could moan, and wriggle, I could try to gain her attention. But there's a certain level of thrill in the fact that she's refusing to acknowledge me, an added twist to my abandonment. It sets my pussy tingling to think that this lady could simply leave, having not even said 'hello' or 'by the way do you require help?'

So I watch, and I wait for her to make the first move, even if that move is nothing more exciting then walking back out the door in five minutes time.

She's young, whatever subject she teaches I'd guess this is only her first or second year doing so. Average height, with a curvy build that's mostly so due to a rounded belly and thick upper legs, plus a still reasonably pert pair of C cups. There's not much visible muscle on her frame. Straight brown hair, lighter in places, is cut into a shaggy style that doesn't quite reach her shoulders. Slip on brown boots, the kind with a steel toe and a white fur inner lining, are on her feet. A pair of frayed light blue denim short shorts hugs her not so small butt, tied with a dark green canvas belt, the loose end of which hangs down about half a foot. There's a fair bit of skin hanging over her shorts waistband, and an exposed slash of belly between the shorts and white tight fitting tee she's wearing. Covering some of the vest, and her arms, is a black unzipped hoodie, with the college's name printed on the right breast in white.

"You know," she finally speaks again, sitting herself down on Chloes bed, just inside my view if I turn my head to the side, "we mentioned the pole to Mckenzie last month." Picking up one of the coiled ropes left on Chloes bed, smiling, putting it back down. "It appears she hasn't listened though." The girl tuts, stands, and comes around in front of me. "You understand," holding up the tablet, so the back is facing me, "I need to make a report." Looking over the tablet at me. "Right?" I grunt behind the gag, doing my best to shrug, in truth not really understanding. "Okay." Nodding, smiling. "Good." Dropping her attention back to the tablet. "Won't take a moment."

It takes me a moment to realise that her 'report' mostly involves taking photos of me, from nearly every angle you could imagine. Close ups, of my breasts gagged mouth and butt. Check. Full length from all four sides. Check. Ant's eye view, which is possibly just a close up of my barely covered pussy. Check. She certainly covers all the bases. And, I'd almost believe it were all for official purposes, except for the smirk that keeps leaking onto her face. All through this I do my best to stay still, fighting the urge to fidget under this possibly tie up girl loving stranger. The trouble is I'm getting increasingly horny, being so helpless, unable to tell her to stop, or ask 'what the fuck' at least.

"Right. Good." Putting her tablet down. "Now, I just have a couple of questions, if that's okay?" I nod, feeling silly as a line of drool chooses that exact moment to break free from underneath my gag, beginning to run down towards my chin. "Oops." She giggles. "Hold on." Stepping in close, pressing her smaller chest but larger frame into mine, she reaches around and unbukcles me, removing the gag, tossing it onto Chloes bed. "Better?" She asks. "Sure," I half smile, "wasn't unhappy to be wearing it mind. But...."
"Is that so?" Picking it back up, dangling it in front of me. "We can always find a good excuse to replace it you know."
"Well." I wriggle, making my breasts bounce against hers. "Not like my opinion on the matter counts for much."
"Guess not." Smiling. "Do you uh," gesturing down at my chin, just as I feel the drool beginning to drip down into the underlying cleavage, "want me to take care of that for you?"
"Please." I nod, then gasp as she leans forwards, first licking from my chin up to my lips, ending with her briefly flicking her tongue between them, before going further down to lick the thin line that had begun to trickle down into my cleavage. "Mmmm." Grinning as my body shivers, coming back up to wink at me, she licks her lips. "Now then." Taking a step back, grimacing slightly. "In some ideal world, we could just have a play. But, having found you here there are some questions I need to ask." She picks her tablet back up, sitting back down on the bed, this time closer to me, in a spot easier to see. "Is that okay?"
"We can't have a play?"
"No. Well." She waves a hand, twirling it. "I'm here as a, potentially, concerned member of staff right now, not as a horny girl."
"You're horny?" I tease, wiggling my breasts. "Right now?"
"I. Well." Closing her eyes, shaking her head, but smiling. "Well. Yes. Kinda. But...."
"Is that why you took so many photos?" Still teasing, seeing her look at me I lick my lips seductively. "Would you like to shot a video," bouncing my breasts up and down as best I can, "put the gag back on. I'll moan and do a little bounce just for you. Give you something to wank over later before bed."
"Fuck me." She breathes, shaking her head. "Aren't you just the biggest tease."
"Just horny like you." I smile. "I like to play."
"Yes." Nodding. "I'm beginning to see that. Anyway." Tapping her tablet. "I do have questions."
"Sure sure." I nod. "But, shouldn't you untie me first?"
"Well." Adopting a serious tone. "If I have been put here against my will, which is what you're about to ask me, right?" She nods wordlessly, I nod back. "Good good. Well then, shouldn't your top priority be to free me from these nasty tight ropes that I hate."
"Oh. Um." She goes to stand up, putting the tablet down, looking glum. "Kidding." I burst out laughing. "Sit down. I don't need freeing. Promise. And I'm not at all in distress."
"Caught you." I laugh again. "You looked so sad when you thought I had to be untied."
"Did not." But she smiles. "I just.... Um.... Well, I just."
"Doesn't matter." Shaking my head. "Did you really have any questions that you have to ask?"
"I do actually need to check you're a student here." She nods. "We had some problems at the start of term. A couple of the girls, and boys, were sneaking their partners on campus, letting them bunk in their dorm rooms."
"Oh." I hadn't heard. "Wow."
"Indeed." Nodding. "Kind of a security risk. So. Yes, I need to know your name, please?"
"Carmen Stokes. Shark fourty seven."
"Right." Tapping at her screen, nodding. Glancing up at me, then back down. "Good. Carmen. Thank you."
"I check out then?"
"So I'm not in any trouble?"
"No." Shaking her head, smiling. "No suspension for you."
"And I can remain tied up?"
"Yes." Her smile widens. "I think we'll allow you to remain in place, for now at least."

What happens next?
A- Carmen convinces the girl she needs to conduct a full body search. Carmen is regagged, then played with.
B- Mckenzie comes home. Between them Carmen and the girl manage to convince her she's in trouble for tying Carmen to her pole, and must be tied naked to her bed as punishment. Mckenzie is too tired to understand, and so gets tied.
C- As B, except Mckenzie is hogtied, but Carmen gets untied to show the girl how since she doesn't know how to tie anyone.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Definitely option A
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Post by Dpsiic »

A please ❤️
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Post by RiggerTom »

Definitely picking A
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Post by tickletied84 »

I know it's a losing battle but I'll say C, in case there's a late rush on it...

However all sound great!
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Post by Caesar73 »

C it shall be:)
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Post by RopeBunny »


And to think I only included option A (the winner) as an afterthought, just to give more choice. Really expected a straight up fight between B and C.

For those who did vote C, fear not, I shall include similar options very soon.
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Post by RopeBunny »


"So, this report," I begin, trying to keep the smile off my face, because I've just had a really good idea, "is it finished?"
"Report?" She looks confused. I nod at her tablet. "Sure," I wink, "all those photos. You know." Still trying to stay serious. "For that important report about this pole that shouldn't be here."
"Oh. Um." She starts blushing. "Well. Um. It...."
"The photos aren't actually for a report."
"Um. How did...?"
"Just a guess." Now I do smile, doing a small wriggle, making my breasts bounce again. "Are you sure you don't want a video?"
"Oh." Now she's really blushing. If I had to guess, from my vast experience of not even being twenty yet- ha -I'd say she likes girls, and especially the idea of tied up girls, but has zero actual real world experience of either. I should obviously go easy on her, be kind, helpful. But teasing is just too much fun. "Maybe you should add some more rope? Because," shaking my top half, "I'm fairly certain that in about three hours I'll be free."
"You will?"
"Yes." Shaking again, dropping the serious tone. "Only if I try really really hard though."
"You," she looks from the pile of rope to me, "want to be free?"
"Fuck no." Laughing, which earns me a shy smile from her. "What I want is someone to play with me."
"Yes." I nod. "Just. It's all just a game."
"Just a game." She repeats, again looking at the rope. "But," almost to herself, as though I weren't even here and she were repeating a conversation she's had with herself before, "how do you even play?"
"I could show you?" I pipe up, making her jump slightly. "If you'd like?"
"Show me. How to play?" Picking up a rope, turning it over in her hands, she gives me another shy, almost hopeful, smile. "Yes." I wink, feeling a swarm of happy butterflies begin to dive bomb my stomach and pussy as she licks her lips, looking up at me from the bed, rope still in hand.

"So." I pause, frowning. "What's your name anyway?"
"Right. Beth. Well, it isn't always a game. But," shaking my head, "I'm not going to try explaining everything. That would be like a huge buzz kill. Right?"
"Yes." I confirm, nodding. "So. Right here. Just, play along with me, okay? Go with the flow and all that crap."
"Okay." Smiling. "I'll try."
"Good." I take a breath, mentally rewinding back to that moment a couple of minutes ago. "Well then, Beth," I wink, she blushes slightly, but smiles, "would you say that really important report of yours is finished now. Or...." I give her a little wiggle, watching her eyes track my breasts like a homing missile. "Would you say it still needs work?"
"It still needs work."
"Okay. Good."
"Most definitely." Laughing. "Anyway. What do you feel the report is lacking Beth?"
"Oh." She looks thoughtful, but shrugs. "I. Don't know." Biting her lip. "Is it okay if I don't know?"
"Sure." Nodding. "I've got enough ideas for the both of us."
"Really?" Laughing. "Maybe I should be the one tied up." Which makes her blush. I stick my tongue out. "Not a chance, this pole's mine." Shaking my bound body at her. "Now, would you like to hear my thoughts?"
"Well. For a start," feeling half the butterflies migrate en masse up to my nipples, "I feel like you should probably conduct some sort of body search."
"A." She gives me a confused head shake. "Body search?"
"You know." I wink, feeling horny just thinking about it, let alone when Beth actually does it, hopefully. "Check me for hidden contraband. Shit like that."
"But, isn't that in prison?"
"Honestly." Shaking my head, smiling. "Do I really have to invite you a second time to take my clothes off and stick a finger or five up my pussy?"
"What?" Beth, had she been drinking, would've spat it all out. I laugh. "Well, what did you think I meant?"
"No clue." She rubs a hand across her cheek. "My brain is having a moment I guess, lack of sleep and stuff."
"S'alright. If you're tired," I raise an eyebrow, "for real, then I'll understand if you just want to leave."
"Seriously. We can swap numbers and everything, do this some other time in your room or mine." I smile. "No bother."
"No no." Beth stands up, smiles. "It isn't so much tiredness as I've got some shit going on, takes up my mental time. You know?" She gives me another nervous smile. "If you're still happy, I'd very much like to finish my report, Miss Stokes."
"Oh." Smiling at the formal use of my name. Nodding. "Yes. Of course. Please, go right ahead."
"Thank you." Dropping her voice to a whisper. "Seriously, I'm allowed to strip you and feel you up?"
"Oh yes." Grinning like an idiot in anticipation. "Gag me first though."
"Gagged too?"
"Can't forget the gag." Winking. "Oh, and don't forget extra photos, for the important report."
"I won't." Beth picks up the gag, and advances towards me. "Open wide please."

She doesn't lean in to buckle the gag, instead after making sure it's properly in my mouth Beth walks around behind me, and sorts the strap out from there. "Right then, well," coming back around to the front, scooping her tablet off the bed, tapping out a rhythm on the screen with her long fingernails, "where to begin?" I do a little moan, and wriggle my breasts at her. "Not yet," Beth smiles, running a nail up the open front of my lingerie, adding two more fingers when she reaches my squashed together breasts, so that whilst one runs up the middle, a finger also traces across each. I sigh, closing my eyes briefly. When I open them again Beth's gone.

"Shame in a way you're tied so tightly." She comments, from behind me, at the same time running nails up one butt cheek, making me squirm. "Because this tattoo would definitely be worth a closer look." I squirm again, moaning, in my mind seeing her kneeling behind me, tablet up, taking close ups of my tattooed butt hole, what she can see of it anyway given the pole is jammed right into my buttcrack. But the bottom of my one piece is no more then a thong, just a shoelaces thickness as it runs down and under, only widening slightly as it nears my pussy lips. "A shame indeed." She tuts, her fingers returning, stroking up and down my right cheek, sometimes taking a wide arc that brings them close to my buttcrack.

I hadn't been paying attention, had been too lost in that simple up and down, the tingling it's creating in my butt, to notice Beth's moved. Again. And then she touches my pussy. "Well well." I can hear the smile in her voice as I'm jerked back to reality. She's still tracing my butt, and only stops now, having come around me on her knees, quietly. Looking down at her over the twin peaks of my D cups, I see her smiling, reaching out with one hand, which I can feel gently stroking up and down my thong covered pussy. The thong is wet, because I'm wet, because I'm very very turned on right now. Leaning forwards Beth kisses my thong, right on the wet patch, making me moan at the contact. "Definitely something here worth investigating." She looks up, winks at me, then grabs her tablet, and takes maybe two dozen photos, even taking the time to get a couple with herself in the frame. One showing her licking my thong, her tongue right in the slit between my lips. If anything her photos, knowing I have no say in what happens to them, only makes me more horny, which makes me more wet.

"Not sure you can wear this thing anymore." Beth stands, giggling. "It's kinda ruined." Stepping in close, this time from the front, she proceeds to unknot my lingerie at the neck and behind my back, her face very close to mine as she does, her eyes playful, mine mostly half closed as I enjoy the feel of her still clothed breasts pushing against my suddenly naked ones. "There." Beth tosses my one piece aside, and though I'm almost certain she couldn't of removed it without breaking the thong part, which doesn't undo and needs to be stepped into and out of, I'm way too turned on at my sudden and complete nakedness to care.

Next up is more photos, lots more. Beth takes her time doing a slow circuit of me, tablet held up, smiling as she concentrates. Getting all the angles whilst I mostly squirm and moan under her gaze, wanting desperately to be touched, enjoying the thrill of being on display. She takes several selfies too. Her arm around my shoulder. Her licking my nipple, and biting my nipple ring. Licking my exposed pussy. Her face right next to my pussy as she, suddenly, slips a finger or three up inside me, making me gasp.

"Now time for the physical exam." Beth teases, tossing her tablet onto Chloe's bed, stepping in close.

She begins at my breasts. Clearly trying to follow the script, at least in part, each is given a good look over. She lifts them up, by the ring, running her nails all over and around each one as it's held suspended in the air. The ring itself is flicked, tugged. "To check for...." Beth begins trying to explain, but then just smiles, shrugs, and leaning down gives my nipple a lick, making me sigh. For a good while she stands facing me, running sharp nails up and down each breast, occasionally allowing one or both nipples to be caught, her face very close to mine as she gives my ball gagged mouth the occasional kiss. My Kraken is traced too, her nails running the length of each questing tentacle in turn, occasionally digging in to lightly scratch my skin, leaving a faint red mark that'll fade within the hour each time.

Eventually she moves down, from standing to kneeling, to focus on my pussy. This too is licked, and toyed with, stroked by her fingers, teased and felt up. Kissed. It doesn't take her long to bring me close to an orgasm, not combined with everything else she's done, plus all the tight ropes to remind me what a helpless little rope slut I am. But she pauses, making me open my eyes, and look down. "Should I...?" She flicks at my sweet spot with one finger, almost making me orgasm right there. I moan, nodding, trying to thrust my crotch out at her. She smiles, and, just for a moment I think she's getting up, to leave me hanging. The ultimate power play. But she's only shifting position slightly, and in under a minute has me screaming into my gag with pleasure.

Afterwards, standing, she removes my gag, allowing us to kiss properly. She doesn't offer to untie me, and I don't ask. The kisses are good, her tongue coming tentatively into my waiting mouth, being met by mine, and all whilst one of her hands cups my left breast, long fingernails flicking my nipple, and her other traces up and down my side from armpit to thigh.

"Back in a moment." Beth tells me, heading for the ensuite. I nod, way too far gone at that moment to try anything complex like actually speaking. After a minute the toilet flushes, and she reappears, grinning at me. "Well," glancing at her tablet, "I think we can safely say that's going to be one thorough report."
"Yes." I smile back, stretching against my still very tight ropes. "So. Um" Beth looks from me to her tablet, to the dorms door, and back to me. "What do I do with you now?"

What happens next?
Mckenzie comes home early. Between them Beth and Carmen convince her she's to blame for Carmen's tie, and she needs to be tied up as punishment. The question is:
A- Carmen (because Beth sucks) hogties her in her schoolgirl stripper outfit.
B- Carmen (see above) ties her naked to the bed, but, somewhere in the arguing, in order to convince her it's all true, Beth winds up having to be tied next to her, also naked.
Or, for those who don't want Mckenzie in the picture (yet or ever):
C- Beth leaves, because Carmen loves being abandoned, but she forgets to make sure the door is closed.
D- Carmen is untied, so she can show Beth a tight hogtie.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Even though I want McKenzie in the story at some point, I can’t pass on the potential of Option C for Carmen’s ongoing adventures.
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

My vote’s for B
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Post by Ducttapelover93 »

Definitely C I’m hoping maybe those to Asian girls find her. They must still be pissed right?
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Post by RiggerTom »

Voting B this time
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Post by Thorg201 »

I’m definitely going with B
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Post by YugoSK »

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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]YugoSK[/mention] you know I can only count one of those B votes right :lol:

Though B wins anyway. I'm anticipating a long chapter, maybe, so might not be able to post until tomorrow.

Thanks for the continued votes and interest :D
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