Bondage model by choice... (MMF/FFFF)

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Post by slackywacky »

Fun on the beach

“Really?” Linda asked. “Isn’t that what kids do when they are at the beach?”

“Yes, but that does not mean we can’t do it too.” Diana said with a big smile on her face. “We just do it better.”

“Why me? Why not use Mac or maybe Aryah? She will be game for something like this. I think I might feel claustrophobic.”

“Firstly, Aryah is not a model on the site, there is no paperwork in place, and this is a set for the site. Secondly, how can you be claustrophobic if you are on the beach?”

“How can you be claustrophobic if you are a bondage model?” Aryah added, dressed in a no brand light blue sleeveless t-shirt and black bikini bottom.

Linda sulked, although most of it was played.

“Come on, turn around.” Diana said, seeing right through the playacting of her friend.

“Turn around? What for?” Linda asked.

“I need to tie your hands. We need to make sure it is clear you will not be able to get out by yourself.” Diana replied.

“Shouldn’t we tie more than just her hands?” Mac asked, adding her two cents to the conversation. She was dressed in her diving suit.

“Maybe we should, after all it is for the website and the paying members could get it as a bonus clip.” Diana said, while thinking about the options she had.

“We can do one clip tying her up, the second one of the burying.” She added.

“Thanks for nothing.” Linda said sarcastically to Mac, however the smile on her face told a different story and both women laughed.

“We need a lot more rope.” Aryah said, looking at the single piece of rope that was lying on the sand.

“I’ll get some.” Diana said and she walked back to the villa.

They were standing on the beach at the villa. It was just past 10 in the morning and the weather was cloudy, but still warm. The sun and clouds played a game of hide and seek, with the sun winning for now. Robert and Jim were on a shopping run, as they needed more groceries now that they had another guest in the villa. They would only be here for two more days, but that did not mean they did not need food.

“Here we are.” Diana said when she came back from the villa with enough rope to tie up 5 people.

“Who else are you planning to tie up?” Mac asked, looking at the amount of rope.

“Oh, I don’t know. I can think of a number of people.” She replied with a smile.

She handed the video camera’s she had brought to Mac and Aryah. She told them how they worked again and what to look for. She also told them to keep an eye on each other, as you did not want the other camera in the picture. They had played with the camera’s last night, when this plan was being hatched, but the reminder did help, Aryah found.

“Your turn.” Diana said to Linda.

Linda turned around and presented her arms behind her back. She was dressed in her yellow two-piece bikini and walked around barefoot. Her long blond hair was done up in a ponytail, as that was easiest for today’s shoot. Diana was dressed in a white t-shirt and orange shorts, her hair hanging loose. She had left her slippers at the edge of the path to the villa, as she, like Linda, preferred to walk barefoot in the sand.

“Ready girls?” She asked Mac and Aryah, who both nodded.

They filmed how Diana tied Linda’s hands behind her back, first finding the middle of a very long rope, placing that at the back of Linda’s neck, with the ends of the rope hanging to Linda’s front on either side of her neck. Diana grabbed the rope on the left side and circled it all the way to Linda’s wrist around her arm. She did the same with the rope on the right and the right arm. Then she brought both wrists together, bending the arms at the elbows, having both arms horizontally, wrists just past each other. She wrapped both ropes around both wrists, before pulling the rope to the center of the rope at Linda’s neck. Expertly, Diana pulled it back down to the wrists, raising them in the process. She wrapped the rope around Linda’s wrists again, including one more time to the neck rope. This had pulled Linda’s wrists up to just below her shoulder blades. As there was a lot of rope left, she tied a knot at the wrists and ran each end of the rope separate again on the outside to Linda’s upper arms. The rope was wrapped around the upper arm, and then back between her arms and her back. Diana repeated these steps two more times. As there was still rope left, she wrapped it around Linda’s upper body, creating a web of rope around the blond woman, neatly cinching the ropes.

“Wow, nice and tight.” Linda said, shaking her upper body, but nothing moved.

Diana helped Linda sit down in the sand on top her folded legs.

“Time for your feet.” Diana said.

She tied each folded leg separately with a rope from Linda’s upper leg to her ankle in a tight frogtie, cinching the rope between the leg and the ankle. The sand had made applying the ropes a little easier, as she could burrow a passage below each of Linda’s ankles. Once she was done, Diana stood back up to give both Mac and Aryah an option to film the bound woman sitting in the sand.

“How do you expect me to get from here to there?” Linda asked, indicating with her head where she needed to go.

“We’ll carry you, don’t worry.” Diana said with a smile.

Once she was satisfied the tying of Linda was filmed enough, she asked the others to give her a hand. The three women lifted Linda up and carried her carefully to the big pile of sand, a few meters away. The big pile of sand came from the hole that Robert and Jim had dug before they left for groceries. Last night they had come up with the plan to bury somebody in the sand. They had not decided on who it was going to be till this morning, but since they needed a hole, Jim and Robert had dug one. It was about 4 feet deep. Luckily it was not very hard to dig in the sand, but they had to taper the hole sides to prevent the sand from running back into the hole. Using water to keep the sand wet had helped a little.

“Let’s slide her in carefully.” Diana said when they placed Linda next to the hole.

They lifted the bound woman again and while Linda pointed her knees down, they slowly lowered her into the hole. It turned out to be a little too deep, so they had to pull Linda out again and put some sand back into the hole. The second time the placed Linda in the hole, they noticed it was perfect, Linda’s neck stuck out just above the edge of the hole. Linda was on her knees, leaning against the side of the hole.

“Okay, let’s film this.”

Diana allowed the others to film the helpless woman in the hole for a few minutes, before she started to shove sand into the hole. She took care not to get sand in Linda’s face. The sand filled up rapidly.

“We should add some water to this.” Diana said, knowing that adding water would make the sand harder.

“I am fine as it is.” Linda said from down in the hole.

Diana grinned but grabbed a bucket that the boys had used during the digging of the hole and filled it with sea water. Once back at the whole she poured it into the hole, turning the soft sand hard. More sand was added and then more water was added. It took a good fifteen minutes before the hole started to be filled.

“This is pretty tight.” Linda said, trying to wriggle, but failing.

“The ropes or the sand?” Diana asked, while pouring more water in the almost filled hole.


“Any problems breathing?” Diana added, making sure Linda was okay.

“I am good. Just nice and tight. Even without ropes around me I would have had a hard time to escape this.” Linda said.

“Yes, but this is more fun. And nobody can see you are actually tied.”

Diana was right. With the sand now being all the way up to her neck, all that was visible of Linda was her head and blond hair. The others filmed a bit more, before turning the camera’s off.

“That looks… interesting.” Aryah said, looking at Linda.

“If you want to change places, feel free. Can somebody scratch my nose, I have an itch?” She asked.

Aryah obliged. Linda had to grin when Aryah rubbed her nose very lightly.

“A little more please, I won’t break.”

After Aryah rubbed Linda’s nose one more time, she stood up and looked around.

“We should probably get rid of the left-over sand, so that Linda can look around.”

The others agreed and made quick work of spreading the left-over sand around the beach. From a distance it was impossible to see that a whole had been dug, if it was not for Linda’s head sticking out.

Time for a drink.” Mac said, walking back to the villa.

The others sat down next to Linda.

“You okay?” Aryah asked.

Linda told her she was fine. The sand was nice and cool, but the compression was spread all over her and she could not move much. She was able to wriggle a finger, but that was about it. Even without ropes this would have been a tight situation.

“Wine!” Mac said, when she came back with 4 glasses and a bottle of white wine.

“I prefer red.” Linda said.

“Woman who are buried to their necks in the sand should not complain.” Mac said.

They all laughed and Diana and Aryah held the glasses, while Mac poured. The sun had won the battle with the clouds and the beach was bright.

“Cheers.” Mac said, before she drank from her glass.

Diana took a sip herself first, before she held Linda’s glass.

“Would you like a drink?” She asked the head of Linda.

“Nah, I am good. I could use a nose scratch again.” She replied.

Aryah gave Linda another scratch, and while the others sat around Linda drinking wine, Linda tried to relax. It really felt like being hugged all over. Moving her head was the only thing she could do. Luckily for the group, beaches in Aruba were mostly sand, so it had been easy to dig and there were no stones hiding in the sand to hurt Linda.

“This is good wine.” Aryah said, having a refill from Mac.

“I know.” Mac said. “I should get another one, this one is empty.

She got up and walked back to the villa. When she returned with not one but two bottles of wine, both Diana and Aryah were lying on towels next to the head of Linda. It was weird to look at, seeing two full bodies and one head.

“I found some more wine.” Mac said when she reached the others on the beach.

They relaxed, for some easier said than done, and enjoyed the nice weather, while drinking the wine.

“Can I get a sun hat?” Linda asked after a while.

Diana got up and got one from the villa, placing it on Linda’s head. She also brought sunscreen.

“Better?” She asked.

Linda nodded. The sun was getting warm. While lounging on the beach, they waited for the boys to come back to show them the result from all the work they had done that morning.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Just wondering (other than the fact nobody reacted after a full day, just kidding), would anybody be interested in the PDF version of this story? I had a few questions on that subject and figured I see if there is more interest...
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Post by Caesar73 »

Linda surely enjoys that trip to the beach: Tied up, buried to the neck - and sipping some well cooled white wine :)

Nicely done!
Last edited by Caesar73 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bandit666 »

What another great read and just he sort update and thoughtful chapter we’ve come to expect. Brilliant :).

And as for the PDF idea you could count me in, it would be great to be able to download the whole tale from the start
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Post by slackywacky »

Buckets and visitors

There were a few things that stood out to Jim, dressed in white shorts and a very colorful Hawaiian shirt, when he walked onto the beach, coming from the villa that early afternoon. They had put all the groceries away when they arrived back from town. Robert was in the kitchen making snacks and Jim had decided to have a look at what the girls were doing.

“Hi ladies.” He said when he walked up to them.

First thing he noticed was that two of the three women on the beach were sunbathing. Diana and Aryah were both sunbathing topless, Mac was still wearing her diving suit and was reading a book in a lounge chair she had brought out. Linda was nowhere to be seen. The second thing he noticed was that the hole they had dug was gone. He could not exactly remember where it had been, but the big pile of sand was gone. The third thing he noticed was the bottles of wine lying around.

“Looks like somebody was thirsty.” He said.

He sat down next to his wife.

“What happened to the hole?” He asked her.

“We filled it.” She replied, not getting up from her beach towel. “Can you put lotion on?”

Jim grabbed the bottle of sun lotion and started to apply it to his wife’s back.

“Did you wear that shirt to town?” Mac asked with a big smile on her face.

Jim’s shirt was visually loud.

“I bought it in town.”

Diana opened her eyes and looked at him.

“Men have no taste.” She stated, closing her eyes again, enjoying the application of the lotion.

“I agree.” Mac said. “Even most tourist would not buy that one.”

“I liked it. It made me feel happy.” He said, playing that he was offended.

He had bought it because it was loud and ugly, and he knew the girls would react to it when they saw it, as they just had.

“How are we doing?” He asked the others.

Aryah replied that she was doing fine, and Mac said she was getting tired, although Jim suspected the empty bottles of wine might have something to do with that.

“I am going for a nap.” Mac stated, getting up and walking towards the villa.

She grabbed a sandwich from the tray that Robert was bringing out when they crossed paths just outside the villa.

“Lunch.” Robert said when he reached the others.

He put the tray with food on the upside-down bucket that was standing next to where Aryah was sunbathing. Neither Diana nor Aryah moved, they were not putting on their t-shirts, just because Robert and Jim had shown up.

“Where is Linda?” Robert asked, settling down in the lounge chair Mac had vacated a few moments earlier.

Both Diana and Aryah grinned, making Robert look at Jim with an expression on his face as to ask him what they were laughing about.

“She found a hole to hide in.” Diana said.

Robert still looked like he did not understand what she meant. Jim got up and grabbed a snack from the food tray Robert had brought out. He noticed the tray was angled a little and moved the bucket it was set on a little, so that is was straighter.

“Put that back.” Linda’s voice said.

Jim looked around to see if he was not mistaken, but Linda’s voice came from the bucket.

“Come on, I don’t need to suffocate in here.” Linda’s voice said.

Now Jim was sure her voice came from the bucket. He picked up the tray of food and put it aside, before lifting the bucket up. He laughed when Linda’s head became visible.

“Oh, I see somebody made use of the hole we dug.” Robert said with a smile, seeing his girlfriends head sticking out of the sand.

“Looks like you girls did a good job.” Jim said, inspecting Linda.

Aryah had come up with the idea of putting the bucket over Linda’s head. It was a large metal bucket, so there was enough space for her head, and they had made sure there was an opening in the sand to make sure Linda would get enough air.

“Seems you are a little stuck.” Jim said.

“Oh, you don’t know half of it.” Linda said, only hinting about the fact that she was tightly tied, while being buried in the sand.

The battle between the clouds and the sun that had been going on all morning was finally being decided in favor of the clouds, it looked like the weather was going to change. Diana sat up and put her t-shirt back on. Aryah did not move, soaking up the last bits of sun.

“It was fun to put her in the hole. We filmed it, so you can process it for the website.” Diana said to Jim.

“Somebody will have to dig me out.” Linda said from her position in the sand.

“We will, but not yet.” Robert said, relaxing in the chair he was sitting in.

The part of the beach they were on was public beach, but in the few days they had been there, they had never seen other people. They had seen some tracks, both human and what looked like dog tracks, but they had not seen the people that made the tracks.

“Oh, a visitor.” Diana said.

A dog had walked up to the group, wagging its tail, and started sniffing around.

“Where did he come from?” Aryah asked.

Jim looked down the beach and he could see three people, two adults and a child, coming their way. The dog must have gone ahead of them.

“There are a few people coming.” He said, mostly to Aryah, as she was still topless, although Aruba had no law against being topless.

Aryah sat up and put her t-shirt back on.

“I am sorry.” The man in the group of visitors said when they got close.

It turned out to be a family, father, mother and daughter, from Netherlands on vacation in Aruba.

“No problem.” Jim said.

The dog was sniffing at Linda, who could do little to avert the attention. When the man saw her, buried in the sand, he laughed. He grabbed the dog and put it on a leash.

“Sorry about that.” He said to Linda.

“Don’t worry.” She replied.

“Can my daughter come over and see you? We did this yesterday with her, except not as serious as what you guys did.” He asked.

“Fine with me.” Linda said.

The man called his daughter over and he told her that these people had played the same game as they had yesterday, except a bit better, as he had just dug a shallow trench and had covered her up with a layer of sand.

“Looks like she can’t get out.” The daughter said, looking impressed.

“Thank you for letting her see you.” Her father said, before they said their goodbyes and walked away further down the beach.

“That was funny.” Robert said.

Linda grinned. It was weird to only have her head sticking out of the sand and have people she never met before comment on her situation.

“Can somebody feed me a sandwich?” Linda asked, feeling a little hungry.

Robert fed her a sandwich and some water. The sun had disappeared behind the clouds and the wind had picked up, creating waves on the water. There was no risk Linda could be reached by the surf, the hole had been dug far enough from the water.

“Looks like we are getting rain.” Aryah said. “When the wind picks up like this, that is normally what we get. In a few hours it will be sunny again.”

“Better dig me out.” Linda said, not wanting to be on the beach in the rain.

She could have guessed that nobody showed any intention of releasing her from her prison.

“Come on, guys.” She pleaded just as the first raindrops started to fall.

Robert got up from his chair and grabbed the food, walking away to the villa. Diana and Aryah grabbed their wine glasses and towels and ran to the villa too.

“Jim?” Linda asked.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let you get wet.” He said, although what he meant was not what Linda was thinking.

With a smile on his face he placed the bucket back over Linda’s head.

“Come on, really?” Linda asked, but she did not get a reply.

Jim made sure that there was an opening for air to enter by propping one side of the bucket up. It did not help Linda, as all she could see was the inside of the bucket. Once he was sure the bucket would stay put, he grabbed the lounge chair and placed it next to Linda, making sure somebody would not accidentally kick the bucket or something similar.

“We’ll see you after the rain, unless you get out. We’ll have a glass of wine waiting for you.” Jim said to Linda, before he left her alone.

Linda told him what he could do with his wine, but Jim did not hear it, just as he entered the villa, the rain poured down. Linda quickly found out that rain on a metal bucket makes a lot of noise and there was no way for her to turn it off. She tried using her head to whip the bucket off, but it was too large, and she did not have enough range of motion to successfully move it. It looked like all she could do was wait for the rain to pass, while listening to the rhythm of the rain hitting the bucket that covered her head.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Poor Linda! :) I always like dialogues, the tone of them! Hopefully Linda will be released soon - she has earned that 😁
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Post by Bandit666 »

Yet another wonderful and thoughtful update to a story that just gets better, how I wish I’d been able to devise something so magnificent:)
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Post by slackywacky »

Yeah, we passed 30,000 views. Thanks guys!!


It rained for almost an hour, hard at times, slower sometimes, but enough to keep people out of the rain. Linda was bored. She could not see anything other than the inside of the bucket in the little light that came in through the opening for air to flow in. The rain noises were loud, which made it impossible to ignore the fact it rained, and she greeted the quieter moments when it did not rain hard. When they had started, being buried in the sand did not sound so bad, but now, several hours later, the fun of being buried in the sand had been replaced with boredom.

“Hello, anybody there?”

Whenever the rain subsided a little, Linda called out, but there was never a reaction. She figured the others would all be in the villa, waiting out the rain. As she was effectively blindfolded by the bucket, she did not see that Robert had checked on her a couple of times. Being buried in the sand, she hardly felt the ropes around her body. She knew she would never have escaped the ropes, let alone the ropes and the sand. Her bladder had told her she needed to pee a while back, and since nobody released her, she had done the only thing she could do. Not that it made her feel better, but at least she knew nobody would see it, the sand absorbed it.

“Hello?” She thought she heard somebody.

If she was just tied up, she could wriggle, the sand did not give her any play and it felt like being stuck in concrete. When they added the water when they filled the hole, it made it feel even more like being stuck in concrete. At least when the others were around, she got distracted by what they were doing, even if it only was sunbathing, but being alone with a bucket over her head, made her feel very lonely.

“Are you okay?” She heard Robert ask.

“Let me out please, I am so bored.”

“Are you in pain?”

“No, I am doing fine, it is just so boring being here alone.”

“Well, you will have to wait a little longer.”

Linda said some things in reply which are better not printed. In the villa Diana, Aryah and Jim sat at the kitchen table, eating some of the sandwiches Robert had made. Robert himself came running back to the house, after checking up on Linda.

“Come and eat.” Diana said, after Robert dried himself with a towel.

“Yes, I am coming.” He replied.

“How is our buried treasure?” Jim asked.

“Bored and tired of the rain. She wants out, but I told her we were not going to dig her out while it rains. He reaction was less than friendly.” Robert said.

Diana grinned, as she could understand Linda’s feeling. She had been buried in sand before, it had been a while ago though, and she knew how it felt to be stuck like that. Linda was even more restrained, as she was tightly tied with rope.

“According to the weather forecast, it should stop raining in 11 minutes.” Aryah said, looking at her phone.

“I still don’t get how they can tell up to the minute when it is going to rain or not.” Diana added.

This started a whole conversation on how good (or bad, depending on your point of view) the weather forecast was. It turned out in this case they were wrong, as 15 minutes later it was still raining, although not as hard as before.

“Well, there goes my trust in the weather forecast.” Jim said with a smile on his face.

“Aryah, you know we are leaving here in 2 days, right? But we’ll be travelling on a yacht to some of the other islands. If you feel like it, you can join us, there is enough space on the yacht for a few extra passengers. I know Mac can’t come, she had business to attend too, but you are welcome.”

“Thanks Diana for the offer. I think I will join you. Vince will be away longer than 2 more days and I do not like being alone in the house. I know it is weird, but that is how I feel when nobody is around. Yes, I would love to join you. What kind of boat are you traveling on?”

“The 121-foot (37 meter) super yacht Crystal. She was designed in 2015 by the renowned Bill Dixon. Three spacious decks, 5 staterooms, it can handle 10 guests. It has a sundeck with a Jacuzzi and a bar and a fore deck for watching the views.” Jim told her. “Her range is 1480 miles at a maximum speed of 23 knots, although cruising speed is 12 knots. And the yacht weighs 260 tons and normally comes with 6 crew.”

“What are you, a yacht salesman?” Diana laughed.

“Did you rent it?” Aryah asked.

“It belongs to a friend of Diana’s father; he lets us use it once in a while; I can’t afford a 7.4 million Euro yacht.” Jim replied.

“That much? Wow, that must be one nice boat.”

“Yacht or ship.” Jim corrected her with a big smile on his face. “There are differences.”

“Sorry, yacht.” Aryah said, smiling.

“It stopped raining.” Robert interjected.

“Are we digging her out or are we leaving her a while longer?” Diana asked.

“She’s been in there for 4 hours. I suspect she will want to get out, but we can play that we’re leaving her till the evening. We’ll get out there and go do what we did before the rain.” Jim said in response.

The others agreed that is was a good plan and just as they wanted to walk outside, Mac came out of her room.

“Hi guys, what’s happening?” She asked.

“The rain stopped, so we’re going back outside to keep Linda company.” Aryah replied.

“Rain? Is Linda still out there?” Mac asked, not seeing Linda in the group.

“Yes, we’ll dig her out soon, but we are going to make her believe she stays in there till the evening.”

“Okay, I can play along.” Mac said.

They walked outside onto the beach. Robert lifted the bucket up and put it away, revealing Linda’s head.

“Hi girl, how are you doing?” Mac asked Linda.

“I would not mind getting out of here.” Linda said, but she noticed that nobody was doing anything that looked like they were going to dig her out.

The sun had come out again and both Diana and Aryah put their blankets on the sand and laid down, pulling their t-shirts over their heads, sunbathing, while Jim, Mac and Robert dried of the chairs and sat on them.

“Okay, funny, hahaha.” Linda said, seeing that everybody worked hard to ignore her.

There was not much she could do with only her head sticking out of the sand, she sighed and waited for things to come. The rain had made the sand more compact at the top layer, giving her the feeling that breathing was more difficult, but she knew it only felt that way.

“Maybe we should go out for dinner tonight?” Robert suggested.

“Not a bad idea, it has been a few days.” Diana replied from her towel on the sand.

“Maybe go to the casino again, I heard they have a great escape artist working in the area.” Jim added.

“They don’t allow us to work other than on Saturdays, when the cruise ships come in. We asked for more nights to make a little extra money, but the casino sees us as competition.” Aryah added to the conversation.

“That is not right.” Mac said, listening to the young woman. “I’ll see if I can get that changed.”

“That would be great, if you could.” Aryah said.

“Maybe you should all get of your arses and dig me out.” Linda said, a bit annoyed that they did not think about her.

“Did I hear swearing?” Robert said, looking around.

“Maybe we should gag her.” Jim added.

“Oh no, you are not putting a gag in my mouth.” Linda said, although she knew it was probably a losing battle.

And she was right. Several minutes later, Robert had walked to the villa and came back with duct tape, a rag and earplugs. He rolled up an earplug and inserted it into Linda’s left ear, her right ear getting the same treatment a few seconds later. She could have resisted, but it would have been very easy for Robert to hold on to her head, so Linda had decided not to resist.

“Open up.” Robert said, looking at an angry looking Linda.

She opened her mouth and let Robert push the wad in her mouth, stuffing her cheeks to the max. He kept stuffing until the whole wad was in her mouth, after which he wrapped the duct tape around her head, first from her nose to her chin, then, to her surprise, above her nose, blindfolding her with the tape.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” She complained, but nobody listened.

“Silence at last.” Jim said, which caused Linda to grunt in mock anger.

“If we want to go out for dinner, we have about another hour to go, before we should get ready. Do we leave somebody behind to watch over Linda?” Diana asked.

“Nah, we’ll just put the bucket back, she should be fine. The bugs don’t come out till later in the evening.” Mac replied.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” Linda complained in her gag.

The earplugs reduced sounds, but did not block all sounds, so Linda was still able to hear the conversation around her. She did not want to be buried here alone until they came back, but she knew that if they left her here, there was nothing she could do.
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Post by Beaumains »

Poor Linda. At least she should be happy the sand isn't itching.
“I would not mind getting out of here.” Linda said,
I can spot a small loophole in this. :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Beaumains wrote: 4 years ago Poor Linda. At least she should be happy the sand isn't itching.
Yeah, or creepy crawlers crawling through the sand... I kept it bug friendly ;-)

Spoiler alert (hmm, I did that for the other story too ;-) ) She will be coming out of the sand soon...
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

From sand to water

When Jim and Robert finally started to dig, right in front of Linda, she did not see it, as the tape was still around her face. She had been buried in the sand for over 6 hours. Being tied up for that long was difficult, being tied up and buried was even worse. Even if she could not see or hear it, the boys were clever, instead of digging her out, they dug a new whole right in front of her, allowing them to dig faster. If they had to dig her out, they would have to be careful, now they could just dig. It still took time to dig another hole, but they did not have to go as deep as the hole Linda was in. Once they reached a decent depth, they removed the sand between Linda and the new hole. Linda knew something was going on, as she felt movement, but suddenly being free and falling forward got her by surprise and she screamed in her gag. She fell forward into Roberts arms. Her impression was still visible in the first hole, where her back had been.

“Hmmppffff.” Linda said, feeling great to be released from the sand.

She had wondered why the did not undo the gag, earplugs or blindfold, but she had learned that the boys had their own plans most of the time, so she just waited. Robert had caught her and lifted her up, so that Jim could grab her, while he was standing on the edge of the hole.

“Got her.” He said, when he lifted her out of the hole and placed her on the sand.

She was still tightly tied, her upper body wrapped in lots of rope and each of her ankles tied separately to her upper leg in a frogtie. Sand was sticking to her body. Jim and Robert filled the holes, leaving a small indentation in the sand when they were done, as the girls had spread out some of the sand that had come out of the first hole.

“I’ll take her in.” Robert said, looking at the bound female lying on the sand.

Jim nodded and sat down on his chair again.

“Have fun.” He said.

Linda wondered what that was about, but when Robert picked her up, tied and gagged as she was, she figured she would be tied up a little longer. Robert carried her carefully to the villa and into their ensuite bathroom. He carefully placed her belly down in the bathtub and opened the warm water tap. Making sure the water was not too hot coming out of the shower head, he started to rinse his girlfriend off.

“Hmmmmmmm.” Linda said in her gag, indicating she was enjoying the cleaning job.

Robert meticulously rinsed Linda’s body, from her neck all the way down to her toes. She did not even mind still being tied, the warm water felt great, the attention from Robert was something she would enjoy every day of the week but she could do without the gag, blindfold and earplugs. However, if that made Robert happy, she did not mind. The water rinsed away the sand and even still tied up, being able to move again was a nice feeling.

“Enjoying this are you?” Robert asked, seeing her reaction.

The stream of water switched from the shower head to the regular tap and Linda felt the water slowly starting to rise. Roberts hands caressed her body and she could tell her body was reacting to him playing with her.

“Hmmpppffff.” She tried, but the tape around her head held the wadding in her mouth in place and did not allow her to say something that he would understand.

Slowly the water rose further, Linda figured Robert had closed the drain. His hands stopped touching her and that brought her attention back from her body to the fact that she was still tightly tied in a bathtub that was slowly filling up.

“Hmmppffff.” She said in her gag.

There was no reaction. With the earplugs in and the tape blindfolding her, she could not even determine if Robert was still around. She knew him well enough that he would never leave her alone in a dangerous situation and she knew it was part of their games to make her feel she was alone, even if she was not, but there was always that little bit of doubt. She struggled against her bonds, but other than sloshing water around, she failed in getting out of the ropes holding her prisoner.

“Hmmmmmpppppppffffffffffffff.” She tried again, a little more desperate.

The water was now covering a large part of her body and she had to keep her head up to be able to breath. With a bit of effort, she managed to turn on her side, which made it a little easier to breath, but she knew the water was still running, so the tub would fill up more. And it was a big tub, she would never be able to hold her head above the water when the tub was full.


Other than the water getting higher and higher, there was no reaction to her gagged screams. She fought her bonds ones more, with the same result as before, they did not budge. The water was getting so high that even lying on her side she would be submerged within the next few minutes. And she was still not sure if there was somebody in the bathroom with her.

“Hmmmmmpppppppffffffffffffff hmmmmppppppffffffffffff hmmmmmppppfffff”

Her screams were now getting desperate, as her head was almost submersed, and she fought her bonds, sloshing a lot of water over the edge of the tub, but more was still coming in, she was losing the battle. The danger, deep down, exited her, being helpless for real, not just in an imagined scenario, made the adrenaline rush through her body. She fought one more time before the water got so high, she was not able to get her nose above the water surface and she tried to hold on to that last breath for as long as she could. She slowly let out bubbles, but she knew once this breath of air was gone, she would not be able to get new air. She wondered where Robert had gone, he would not let her drown and would have lifted her out of the water if he had seen her. Then the last bit of air ran out and she had to breath in, at which moment she felt a hand grab her bonds around her upper body and lift her just far enough out of the water so that she could breath.

“Breath.” She heard Robert say.

She gulped air into her lungs through her nose. Just as she wanted to breath out, Robert let go of her and she disappeared under water again.

“Hmmmmmpppppppffffffffffffff.” She screamed, which turned into bubbles under water.

She shook her head, wanting him to lift her out of the water, but he waited until she was almost out of air again before he picked her up. He lifted her onto her knees and held her there, allowing her to breath.

“Okay?” He asked her.

Linda nodded. And Robert let go and she fell forward into the bathtub again, splashing water everywhere. She fought her bonds yet another time, again they held her tightly in an embrace. Even the duct tape around her face was mostly holding. She kept moving around in the tub, until Robert grabbed her again and lifted her back onto her knees.

“Hmmpppffff.” She shook her head.

“Not good?” He asked the wet bound and gagged woman.

She prepared herself for being dunked again, but to her surprise Robert held on to her. He played with her breasts and there was not much she could do to stop him. He could see she reacted to his playing with her breasts as her nipples stood out through the thin yellow bikini top. A slight moan escaped her gagged mouth. She enjoyed the attention to her body, and she tried to push herself towards his hands, but all Robert did was let go of her and with a muffled scream she fell into the tub again.

“That was fun.” He said, although Linda did not agree had she heard him say it.

She had only been able to get a small bit of air in her lungs and she was quickly running out. She twisted in her bonds, but she was unable to get her nose above the water. The helplessness of the situation exited her, even though she needed to breath soon, but she felt a response in her body. The response was also clear to Robert, who just smiled. He waited a couple more seconds, pushing Linda just a little harder, before he pulled her up. She gasped for air and he let her go again, splashing in the water. Again, she just managed to get some air into her lungs before the water embraced her again.

“Time for the next step.” Robert said to Linda, although Linda could not hear him with her head underwater and the earplugs still in her mouth.

Waiting a few more seconds, he pushed her close to her limits, before he pulled her out of the water again, this time completely lifting her out of the water and carrying her to the king size bed in their bedroom. He placed her on the end of the bed on her knees and pushed her over, falling onto her back and bound hands.

“Hmmpppffff.” She exclaimed.

But when Robert started to play with her breasts again, sucking on her nipples, her body reacted. She was still soaking wet and tightly bound, but that did not seem to bother Robert. He stripped of his clothes and kept on playing with his helpless girlfriend. Bound and gagged as she was, she could not do much, so she had to let Robert do the work, but this was not the first time they had sex while she was bound and the little movement she had was enough to add to the situation. Having her legs tied in a frogtie allowed her to spread her legs and the thin bikini bottom easily removed by Robert, before he entered her. After the bondage play in the bath, Linda was already close to an orgasm and Robert didn’t need to do much before he felt her body spasm, experiencing a powerful orgasm.

“That’s how we do it.” He said when Linda bucked while experiencing a second orgasm only moments later.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” She grunted, breathing heavy through her nose.

“No worries, luv, we still have an hour before we need to leave for dinner. More than enough time to enjoy this a little more.” He said, seeing how she was reacting.

This just caused her to grunt in her gag again. Robert started playing with her helpless body some more and it did not take long before they both exploded into simultaneous orgasms. He let Linda have a breather after that, before he started to play with her again.

“Let’s have some more fun…” He said, slowly entering her again.

When Robert walked out of the bedroom, showered and dressed, he met the others in the living room.

“Is Linda coming?” Mac asked.

“No, I asked if she wanted to come, but she did not reply, I left her on the bed, she seemed tired. I’ll bring something back for her for later.”

“We have not decided yet where we are going, but I suspect we can go without her. I am not surprised she is tired, after being stuck in the sand all day.” Mac added.

Robert had to grin, he was pretty sure it was not the being buried in the sand that had tired Linda out, it might have been the playing in the tub or what came after that, but he had not asked her, as he had left her still bound, gagged, blindfolded and ear plugged on the wet bed. She had fallen asleep and he didn’t want to wake her to untie her, so he decided to leave her bound and gagged.

“Let’s go for dinner.” He said, walking towards the door, leading the others to the waiting taxi.
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Marco was watching the taxi leave from the villa. He had been staking out the place for some time. He knew it was a rental, mostly Airbnb, but also other organizations used it, and he knew that this normally meant that the people using the villa were not as tight on security as the regulars on the island. He had not been around for the last few days, but he remembered there were 2 men and 3 women staying in the building and he had seen all five of them leave in the taxi.

“Let’s see what they have for me.” He said to himself, walking quietly to the villa, putting his leather gloves on.

There was hardly any traffic on these roads, he had hidden his car a few hundred yards away at an entrance to the beach, making it look like the occupants of the car were on the beach. He looked around before entering the property, but he did not see anything that was a concern to him. He knew the place did not have an alarm from an earlier scouting trip, so he knew it was just down to picking the locks.

“This should be easy enough.” He murmured, taking his lock picks out of his dark grey coat.

He kneeled and with the expertise of somebody who had done this many times before, he unlocked the door. He smiled as he got up and walked slowly into the villa. Without having to look far, he saw camera’s, laptops and tablets around the living room. Grabbing the stuff, he placed it all just outside of the door, so he could load it up quickly when he got his car. He checked the first bedroom, but did not find much of interest, the second bedroom was much the same, it looked like both were occupied by women. The third bedroom door was closed, and he gently opened it.

“What the fuck?” He said when he saw the tightly tied woman on the bed.

Linda had no idea that she was being watched, as she was still asleep. Marco stepped into the room when he did not get a reaction from her. It became quickly clear that she could not see him, even if she was not asleep, as tape was wrapped around her head, covering both her mouth and eyes. Whoever had tied her up had done a fantastic job, as he figured she would never be able to escape her bonds.

“What an unexpected price.” He said softly.

It was clear the woman was asleep, her breathing slow and steady. He also noticed she was nude, as what used to be a yellow bikini was lying on the bed next to her. Looking at the bed he wondered why the bed was wet, but that did not bother him. He considered his options. He could leave her and take the loot that he had found so far, or he could take her along, he knew he could hide her in his basement, the empty storage room could be used as a prison for a while. If he always kept her blindfolded, she would never know where she was held. He could even ask for a ransom, making some big money instead of the 100 to 200 dollars he would get for the camera’s and computers. But he knew that kidnapping brought his criminal activities to a new level. He had to make sure nobody knew he was behind this.

“I’ll take her along, if it doesn’t work out, I’ll release her somewhere.”

He left Linda on the bed, walked to his car and drove it to the villa. He loaded the valuables into the back seat of his old Renault and walked back inside the villa to get the bound female. Linda started to wake up when she was being lifted. Marco was not a big guy, so carrying the bound woman was not as easy as he expected and he almost dropped her when he navigated the doorway, but he managed to get her in the trunk of his car before she started to move.

“We are going for a little ride.” He told his prisoner.

Linda did not know what was going on, all she knew was that somebody had lifted her off the bed and had carried her outside and put her in the trunk of a car. She didn’t know who or what and with the wad still in her mouth, there was not much she could do to find out. The muffled sounds of somebody getting in the car and starting the engine could be heard before the car started moving.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” She screamed in her gag.

The sound of her screams barely reached Marco, while driving the car. He knew he had to get her to his place quick, the island was not very big, and he did not know how long the other residents of the villa would stay away. Once they found out the woman was missing, the police would get involved, but he figured if he could prevent her from seeing him, there would be a good chance to get away with his plans.


He heard another muffled scream coming from the trunk of the car. He was not worried somebody would hear her screams, his car made more than enough noise, and he even turned on the radio nice and loud, so that it suppressed the sounds of the woman. He really liked what he had seen so far, the blond hair, the firm breasts, the toned body, maybe he could sell her to the crime bosses on the island, they were always looking for new female flesh. Although he figured a ransom demand might get him more money. The drive was not long, and he parked his car next to his house. The house was a detached stone building, build in the 1980’s when the tourist industry started to boom on the island. The closest neighbor was 50 yards away and the old lady that lived there would probably be asleep by now. Quickly he brought the cameras and laptops into the house, before going down into the basement and checking the storage room.

“This will do nicely.” He said, looking around the bare room.

There was no window, the door to the storage area was heavy, she would not be able to break it, even if she managed to escape her bonds. Satisfied he walked back to his car and opened the trunk. He untied the ropes holding her legs folded. She tried to kick him, but he hit her with his open hand on her butt.

“Hmmppffff.” She screamed.

“Don’t do that again.” He told her, distorting his voice somewhat.

Linda growled and wanted to kick him again, but he had slapped her hard and she still felt the sting on her butt cheek. Whoever lifted her out of the trunk, he had to stabilize her as for the first time in 10 hours she needed to stand on her legs, and they did not want to work. It took a few minutes before she was able to stand. Her captor forced her into a house, down a set of stairs and into what sounded like a small room. He forced her onto the ground, and she felt her legs being tied at her ankles.

“Hmmppffff, hmmppff hmmpppffff.” She said in her gag, trying to ask what was going on.

Marco looked at the woman on the floor. She was pretty, he enjoyed watching her, but he knew he had to get a ransom demand ready and figure out a way of getting the ransom money without the cops finding him. So, he looked at her one last time in the dim light from outside the room and left her alone. The door closed and he locked it. He knew the door was the only way in and out of the room, so he moved the heavy work desk in front of the door. Even if she would get out of her bonds, would be able to unlock the door, she would still have to move the desk, before the door would open.


He could hear her gagged screams, but he knew nobody would hear it outside of the basement. The fact that he had this beautiful helpless woman in his basement excited him so much, he had to pay a visit to the bathroom. When he came out a few minutes later, a smile was plastered on his face.

“Thank you.” He yelled downstairs, knowing well that Linda would not hear him.

He used the computer he had to create a ransom note, never taking his gloves off to prevent fingerprints. He knew that the police could trace printers based on the ID’s they printed on each page, but the printer was stolen, so nobody knew that he had it. When he tried to figure out how they should contact him, he remembered he had an old burner phone that he had never used. He walked into the bedroom and started to search for it. It took a while but eventually he found it. The number was written on the phone with a black marker.

“I can use this.” He said to himself, walking back to the main room.

Half an hour later he had the ransom note finished. Now he needed something to deliver it. When he looked around the house, he noticed the old milk bottle. The plastic bottle was perfect for what he intended. It had been there so long; the inside was dried up. He rolled up the paper, stuffed it in the milk bottle, leaving a little of the note stick out. Satisfied with it, he took his car keys and the bottle, closed and locked his house door and walked to the car. When he turned on the car, the radio started blaring loud music again, so he turned it down, before driving back to the villa.

“I hope they are not back yet.” He said, while navigating the small roads in Aruba.

When he got closer to the villa, he slowed down. The road in front of him was empty, a car was some distance behind him, but he figured not close enough to see what he was doing. Just before he reached the villa, he opened the window and when he passed the villa, without stopping, he threw the plastic bottle out of the window. In his mirror he could see that it landed perfectly on the driveway of the villa. He checked his rear-view mirror to see what the car behind him was doing and he noticed it was actually a taxi and it stopped at the villa.

“Perfect timing.” He smiled as he rounded a corner.

He drove back to his house without incidents. Parking the car only took a minute and after dropping his keys on the desk, he walked downstairs. His prisoner was silent until he moved the desk, which made some noise.

“Hmmmmppppppffffffffffff.” She screamed, fighting her bonds.

“Calm down.” He said, distorting his voice again. “I am not going to hurt you if you behave.”

He squeezed her breasts, which resulted in her trying to move away from him, but bound as she was, she could not move much.

“You are beautiful.” He told her.

Linda was breathing hard through her nose. In the beginning she had figured that Jim and Robert were playing with her, but slowly it had sunk in that she was really kidnapped. Feeling his hands touching her breasts was not something she liked, and she tried to get away from him. She had hoped to be released from the tight ropes, but it looked like she was out of luck. When his hands touched her breasts again, she started crying, sobbing in her gag, wishing for this nightmare to be over, but she knew there was nothing she could do to change the situation.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

Wow, I did not expect that turn of events! Very dramatic! And nicely done - as always! I'm very very curious what happens to poor Linda.

Storywise: I liked that unexpected turn!

Let us hope the best for our heroine. I wonder if this incident will have consequences for the relationship between Robert and Linda ... but on the other hand: Who could have anticipated a burglary?
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Post by wolfman »

Really awesome update.

You continue to weave a great story with each update. Kudos to you
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 4 years ago Really awesome update.

You continue to weave a great story with each update. Kudos to you

You are 100 Percent right here! I'm so thrilled! What will the Gang do, to save Linda?
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Post by Caesar73 »

I keep all fingers crossed for Linda! This Saga is outstanding in every aspect! Great work!
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Post by slackywacky »

Update coming soon. Just finished chapters on my other story ( ... caab906bda). This story is next, as we need to rescue Linda.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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All together again

“Hi William, wish we could meat under better circumstances.” Mac said to the police officer, before letting him in.

“It is always good to see you, Mac, but I agree, we can do without kidnappings. Any news since I left the station?”

Mac told him what had happened since they cam back from dinner. Finding the door open and laptops and camera’s missing was nothing compared to the fact that Linda was missing. And since they could not find the ropes or other materials that had been used to restrain Linda, they figured she had been taken against her will. They found the bottle with the ransom note, confirming their fears and Mac had made some calls to people she regularly worked with. William Rensen was an inspector with the Aruba police force and when Mac called him and explained what happened, he said he would be coming over.

“So, what is missing, other than Linda?” he asked.

“Five laptops, 3 tablets, 4 cameras.” Robert stated.

“And Linda, I understood from what Mac told me she was already bound and gagged?”

“Yes, she is a bondage model and she was tied, gagged and blindfolded.” Jim added.

Aryah, Diana, Robert, Jim and Mac were all seated in the living room area of the villa. When they came back from dinner, they had found the door of the villa open and computers and cameras were missing. When Robert checked their bedroom, he also found that Linda was missing. Since they could not find any of the ropes she had been tied with, they suspected whoever had taken her, had done so without releasing her. Aryah had found the bottle with the ransom note on the driveway.

“They ask $100,000 as ransom. Can you get that kind of money?” William asked.

“Yes, I can, but we might have another way. All our laptops use SIM cards, so we should be able to locate them, if they are not shutdown, just like you would locate a phone.”

“Please give me that info, I have our techs trace the cards.”

Robert and William walked into the other room and they worked with the technician of the Aruba police to trace the signals, if any.

“Good news.” Robert said when he walked back into the room. “Two of the laptops were still on and we have their location within a 500-meter range. It is not possible to get a more precise location; the equipment is not precise enough. But it is not like there will be hundreds of houses in that area.”

“I’ll be sending some people to that area, under cover, to see if we can find out more.” William added.

“The note states we should call the number on the note for the ransom instructions. You think that might help?” Diana asked.

“Once I have my people in place, we’ll dial the number and see what they want. Maybe we can catch them when they leave for the pickup.” William replied.

“That is assuming that Linda and the laptops are still together.” Aryah added.

“Yes, but it feels like a crime of opportunity. Not something that was planned weeks in advance. I think they robbed the place, found Linda and took advantage.” William said.

“I agree.” Robert said, using his extensive Security training to come to that same conclusion.

It took 20 minutes before William got the call that his people were in the area where the laptop signals were detected.

“There are about twenty houses in the area. We’re not doing a door to door yet, but we control who goes in and who goes out. We suggest you make that call.” William said to Robert.

Robert dialed the number, which was already determined as being a burner phone. The phone ran and rang before it was finally picked up.

“You have Linda, we want her back.” Robert said.

“Bring the money to Grapefield Beach. There is a trashcan to the left of the entrance of the main parking lot. Put it in the trashcan at exactly 6 AM tomorrow morning. No police or you never see her again.”

The call was disconnected by Marco. Robert looked at William if they had a lead on the phone.

“We narrowed it down to 4 houses, we are getting a search warrant. Once we have it, we’ll start knocking on doors. Should not be longer than 15 minutes. My men are keeping a look out.”

Nervously they waited. Robert could hardly sit still.

“I should not have left her on the bed.” He was cursing herself.

“You did not know.” Diana said, trying to help him. “It was not your fault. And based on what happened, we learn and adapt. Next time we go for dinner and somebody is tied up, we’ll leave somebody behind.”

Jim grinned at her statement. Even a kidnapping could not get her thirst for bondage suppressed. William’s phone started ringing and everybody held their breath, while he answered.

“They found Linda and arrested a small-time thief who is known to police as a burglar. She is safe.”

Everybody relaxed at those words.

“Thank you, William.” Mac said.

“My team did the work.” He gave credit were credit was due. “And it helped we could trace the laptops and they were in the same house as Linda. Medics are checking her out, we’ll bring her here when they say it is okay.”

Robert finally sat down and relaxed a little. He was still dealing with guilt, as he had left her bound and gagged on the bed, but he hoped she could forgive him. It was almost an hour later when a car showed up at the villa and Linda, dressed in hospital clothes, got out and walked to her friends who were all waiting for her.

“Thank god you are back.” Diana said and hugged Linda.

Everybody hugged her, before she got to Robert, who had been standing slightly back from the others. Linda walked up to him and looked him in the eyes before she spread her arms around him and hugged him tight.

“I missed you.” She said.

“You’re not mad at me, for causing this?” He said, surprise in his voice.

“Why? Because somebody broke into the villa? Because you left me tied on the bed? I was exhausted and I was asleep when you guys left. I would have been fine if it had not been for this jerk robbing the place and thinking he could make some money.” Linda said.

“I was worried sick.” He said.

“We all were.” Diana added. “Thankfully this guy was not the smartest around. And thanks to Robert, who remembered that we could trace our laptops, we found you sooner than later.”

“I need a bath. I pissed myself during my captivity, as he would not let me go to the bathroom, so I am not feeling very fresh now.”

“Let’s go inside.” Jim suggested.

It was agreed with William that all the paperwork would be done later, as they just wanted Linda to rest, so he left them alone. Mac would take care of the formalities, sometimes having a lawyer as a friend was very useful.

“Let me run a bath for you.” Diana said, while they entered the living room of the villa.

Linda sat down at the table and told her story. She had not seen much, due to the blindfold, but when the police released her, she had seen the dump that the kidnapper lived in.

“Most of the time I was left alone, the only times I hated was when he touched me. There was nothing I could do but endure it. Being tied was not a problem, I have enough experience in that to be able to survive that, it was more what he would do to me. Luckily the police were able to find me quickly.”

“Robert did that, he traced the laptops and as long as they were close to where you were, which we hoped was the case, we knew they would find you.” Jim added.

Linda looked with a smile on her face to Robert, who still looked worried.

“I know I have a decent man as my boyfriend.” She said, seeing a small smile on Roberts face. “But I think it is time for a change.”

She could see the expression on Robert’s face change. He suddenly looked worried again, he did not want to lose this woman that he loved.

“Will you marry me?” Linda asked him, to everybody’s surprise.

“Euh… I… euh… YES.” He replied, grabbing her, lifting her up and hugging her.

“Yes, I will marry you.”
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Post by Solarbeast »

Well that’s an interesting twist, but hopefully that still means the story will continue at some point as I know you have a few other stories going on as well that are really good a well.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I did not expect, that Linda would be found so quickly - good Job! And the finish of the Chapter was great. Since I'm a hopeless romantic, I liked it very much. Good dialogues as always. And Roberts Contrition? Very plausible. Linda is a tough cookie.
Last edited by Caesar73 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by slackywacky »

Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago hopefully that still means the story will continue at some point

They are about to board a yacht for a cruise, so plenty of stuff still to happen (and now I need to plan a wedding somewhere, and see how Linda feels about doing the study for the university, and more). But this one is not over yet. I just didn't want to make the kidnapping taking up a lot of time/space.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sounds all fine to me :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Sweet Gwendoline

With a splash the waves crashed into the hull of the yacht. The sun was shining, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, the temperature this early afternoon was nice and warm, and everybody had gathered on the sundeck.

“It is so relaxing, the motion of the ship, the nice warm temperature, this is why we left the cold and came here.” Diana said, lying, only dressed in a red bikini bottom, on her tummy on one of the deck lounges.

“After the last few days, it is nice not to have to worry or run around.” Jim confirmed.

He was sitting in one of the deck chairs, reading a book. The last 2 days had been hectic, sorting out everything for the kidnapping charge, filing the paperwork, getting everything in the villa packed up for the transition to the yacht, saying good-bye to Mac, as she could not come along and a lot of other small things.

“I lived all these years on Aruba, and I actually never been on a yacht. I was once invited to do my show on one of the cruise ships, but this is a first. Thank you for taking me along.” Aryah said.

She was, just as Diana, only dressed in a bikini bottom, hers was white, and she was soaking up the sun.

“We’re glad you came along.” Linda said.

Linda had recovered remarkable fast from her kidnapping experience, maybe because she was used to being tied up, the psychologist, whom she had to see the day after she was rescued, had said. He figured she might experience a relapse at some point in time, but he had seen no reason to keep her under observation. Now she was sitting, dressed in a white one-piece bathing suit on a chair on the sundeck.

“Oh, I am enjoying myself. It might never happen again I get to sail on such a beautiful yacht.” Aryah replied.

The superyacht Crystal, with its length of 121 foot (37 meters), was designed in 2015 by Bill Dixon, a renowned yacht designer, and build by Moonen. There were 5 lavish staterooms on board, ranging from the on-deck master stateroom, with ensuite bath, to two twin staterooms, each with a Pullman. Jim and Diana occupied the master stateroom, while Linda and Robert used the full-beam VIP stateroom. Aryah had taken one of the twin staterooms, stating she just needed a bed to sleep on.

“It is beautiful, I agree.” Linda said.

The yacht had three spacious decks, which allowed the people on board to separate if needed or they could host big parties. The Chrystal expansive interior evoked luxury, showcasing high-quality materials complemented by a fine Northern European finish. Boasting exceptional outdoor living areas, the yacht provided numerous areas to relax and enjoy time on the water. The sundeck was the perfect spot to unwind, soaking in the Jacuzzi or enjoying a cocktail at the well-stocked bar.

“So, remind me, how do we get to enjoy this superyacht?” Robert asked.

“It belongs to a friend of my father. He is a CEO for a large company and used it to travel around the world. He always saw me as the right woman for the son he never had. I’ve spent a few summers on the ship, enjoying the lifestyle. But I must admit that, even though I enjoy the luxury, I don’t mind something a little less.” Diana explained.

“The crew, normally six people, but since we are a small group, there are only four, will do their best to make us as comfortable as possible.” Robert added.

“Are the aware of your little games?” Aryah asked.

“Another reason there is only four of them. We have sailed with this group before, all are Dutch citizens and they have the open mindedness of the Dutch people. Bondage is not something dirty to them, it is just a way of live. And they have helped us out several times during previous visits, so don’t worry.” Diana said, a smile on her face.

“Just don’t do porn in public spaces.” Jim added. “There are limits to what they will accept.”

They had not seen much of the crew yet, Mike had introduced them earlier in the day when they boarded at the Aruba marina, but since they left port, they had been virtually invisible. Diana knew that they got paid exceptional well by the owner of the yacht, as he needed people loyal to him.

“I’m getting another drink; can I get something for anybody else?” Linda asked, getting up from her chair.

Normally she would only have to ask, and the crew would make her a drink, but they knew that this group didn’t need the pampering some other guests needed, so they stayed out of sight most of the time. Linda could see Erik (with a ‘K’, as he always said), the captain of the ship, standing on the bridge of the ship. The yacht cruised at a mere 5 knots. If needed the yacht could go up to 23 knots. Their destination was Curacao, which was not far, just a 113 kilometers, less than 71 miles.

“Any particular places we are going?” Aryah asked.

“Unless the owner needs the yacht, we have free range. I figured we do the island tour, start with Curacao, Bonaire, Grenada, Barbados and all the way to Dominican Republic and to Miami via the Bahamas.” Jim replied.

“That’s more than a few days.” She countered.

“Might take up to 3 weeks. But if you want to go home earlier, we can drop you off and fly you back.”

“I just don’t want Vincent to think I have abandoned him.”

“You told him where you are and how to reach you. He is still on the cruise ship, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, on the Empress of the Sea, for another 4 days before she makes landfall at Aruba again.”

“Maybe he can get another trip as bartender, which meant you can stay longer.” Linda said, while coming back from the bar with her drink.

“We’ll see what happens, I am flexible since I don’t have a real job anyway. Being a busker has its advantages.”

“Maybe we should tie you up, so you can practice. You have not been tied up for a few days.” Jim said.

“You mean since I was delivered to you in a wooden box, taped up and sealed up?”

“That was 5 days ago. We almost forgot about that.” He replied.

“I thought after Linda’s kidnapping, we had enough of ropes for a while.” Aryah stated.

“Robert already tied me up again.” Linda stated. “I spent the last night in the villa tied up on the bed again. It was by my request and it took some convincing Robert to do it, but I am not letting that one bad experience ruin my fun. He was so tender; it was very sweet.”
Robert’s cheeks turned red. He had not agreed with her being tied up already, but since she asked, he had not refused, and they had cuddled for hours. It seemed to have helped Linda.

“You are one strong lady.” Aryah said.

“Let’s do an escape contest.” Diana said.

“What did you have in mind?” Jim asked, never knowing what his wife would come up with.

“Similar as to what you did to Aryah at the Casino. One rope per person, one knot. First one out wins.”

“Fine with me.” Linda said.

Aryah agreed too and Jim got three same length ropes from one of the unused staterooms that was in use as a storage room. When he came back, they girls had all moved to the lower rear deck, which was mostly empty. It could be used as a deck for getting into the water by lowering it, but for now it was raised and unused. The ropes Jim got were each 20 feet long and around a quarter inch thick.

“Who’s first?” He asked, looking at the three women.

Diana and Aryah were both still topless, Linda was still in her one-piece bathing suit.

“I’ll go first.” Diana said.

Jim located the middle of the first rope and hung it around Diana’s neck, the rope hanging to the front. He ran the ends on either side under her armpits, crossing the rope at her back, before running it to the front and between her legs.

“Hands at your back, pinky fingers against each other.” He instructed Diana.

She put her hands at her back, almost like holding her butt cheeks ion each hand. Robert wrapped each rope about 5 times around an individual wrist. He pulled the rope on each side of her hips to the front, this pulled Diana’s hands apart, but only as much as there was play in the rope. Diana grunted, as she recognized the sequence of tying as one that John Willie used to apply to his models. Escaping from it was very hard on your own.

“Not done yet.” Jim said, running the rope around her hips, back to her hands, running it between her hands and her butt, before running it to her waist.

Here he wrapped it tightly about 6 times around her waist, including her arms, which pulled them tight against her middle. He used the left-over rope to cinch the ropes already present and when he was done, both ends of the rope met on Diana’s belly, where he tied a knot.

“All done.” He said.

“Wow, that is pretty tight.” Aryah said, looking at how Diana was tied.

“You are next.” Jim told her.

It took roughly the same amount of time to tie Aryah up in the same position. Neither women had their legs tied, Jim had focused the whole 20 feet on their upper body. When he was done with Aryah, Linda stepped up and soon she was tied identical to the other women. Robert was leaning against the wall of a cabin, looking at the three bound females.

“Now let’s see who gets out first.” He said, enjoying the view.

The women started to struggle against their bonds, but it was clear to all of them, both male and female, that escape was not likely. Whatever the women did, the ropes would not budge.

“This is a great tie; I cannot get any headway with this.” Aryah said.

Linda and Diana grunted a confirmation, whatever they tried, the ropes did not move. They struggled for another 15 minutes before all three of them took a break and just stood on the deck.

“Okay, I give up, I will never escape from this.” Diana said.

She had been tied like this before and she knew it was virtually impossible to escape from it. Linda and Aryah had never experienced this tie, but they had also figured out that escape was impossible.

“Are you letting us out?” Diana asked, knowing already what the answer would be.

“Nope, you wanted to escape, so escape.” Jim said, smiling.

It did not take long for the girls to figure out a way to escape. It was just awkward with their hands tied the way they were, but Linda stepped up to Aryah and she started to work on the knot. Jim had just used a simple know, as he already suspected they would need to help each other to escape, so it did not take long before the rope was untied. It took a little more effort to unwrap the rope from around her body, but finally Aryah was untied. It did not take her long to untie both Linda and Diana.

“That was fun.” Aryah stated. “Where did you learn that tie?”

“John Willie, one of the early bondage pioneers, invented this one. I read about it in a book on Sweet Gwendoline.”

“Who?” Aryah asked.

He explained who Sweet Gwendoline was and that she always got tied up.

“I’ll forward you some links on the internet if you want.”

“Lunch is ready.” Robert stated, seeing Miranda, the only female in the crew, indicate that lunch was served.

The group walked to the sun deck, where the lunch was served, while talking about John Willie and Sweet Gwendoline.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Beaumains »

Good part! I had a little hope the kidnapping would be somewhat longer, but I understand your choice.
have the open mindedness of the Dutch people
A bit of a rush generalization, but Diana might have a skewed image due to the people she met. ;)
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Post by BindPam »

I'll be honest, I do have a fantasy of being bound and gagged, and buried in the sand....but I'm not brave enough for the burying :lol:
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