Revelation (M/F) (F/M) - A sequel to Devastation

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Post by wolfman »

The aircraft rocks almost impreceptibly due to turbulence. The passengers in the cabin are oblivious to the movement, more concerned with obtaining refreshments and an in flight meal from an ever helpful stewardess. They cruise at eighteen thousand feet, within the hour the plane will begin to descend on final approach to Cape town.

The cabin is alive with the sounds of chatter in a dozen languages, from English and French to Afrikaans bubbling under the mainly Mandarin speaking travellers from Hong Kong.

In the hold, one traveller rests, despite the cold she sleeps soundly. Just as she has, since departure from Hong Kong international airport.

Dani opens her eyes, and breathes in sharply. She shivers from the cold in the cargo hold and sits up rapidly rubbing herself to warm her body. She yawns and stretches, "Coming back from the land of the dead, rejuvenates my body, but you just can't beat a decent bit of kip."

She unzips the suitcase and climbs out, doing a few gentle lunges and stretches, before sitting cross legged on the floor. She rests her hands on heer knees and closes her eyes. Her breathing slows and becomes even and steady, each breath relaxing her body a little more.

Reflecting on the last few days, she thinks, "When I was the Zombie, if I could do, what I can do now, it would only have taken a few weeks. Soon this will be done and dusted and I can get back to my family."

A moment of melancholy fills her, before she hardens her resolve, "Missing them, wont get you back to them Dani. Focus."

She looks up, hearing the faint buzz of the planes intercom in the cabin over head annouce, "Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking, we are just on approach to Capetown, we will be descending , once we have cleared Madagascan air space. The weather in Capetown is....."

Dani nods to herself, ignoring the rest of the message, "This is it."

With a thought she sidesteps into the Deadworld and floats above the jungles of Madagascar, while the plane carries on to it's destination.

Reaching out to the necrotic matter around her, she crafts a set of wings, protruding from her back and soars high above the canopy. She orients herself with the sun and then with a flap of her wings she surges forward. She whoops with joy, thinking, "Gliding is one thing but this feels so much more exhiliarating."

Something akin to adrenaline coarses through her spirit, when she loops and rolls through the dead sky. She feels a release of tension within her and welcomes the sense of peace, it brings.

With powerful wingbeats she lances across the skyheading north west, following a flock of gulls out to sea. The steady flap of her wings and rhythmic surge of her movement, becomes like a moving meditation, chasing all thought from her mind until her target crests the horizon.

"Here we are, Ampere, the artificial island that the Bland Group was going to name as capital of their artificial nation. Ramos's thoughts indicates that it has taken five years to build and to be fair it is a hell of a feat of engineering. Three miles across, fully self sufficient in terms of power and fresh water due to desalination plants and off shore wind power. With the oceans providing all the food that they need in terms of fish and seaweed." She thinks with a grudging admiration. "Hospitals, luxury hotels, golf courses and dozens of other distractions for the rich and powerful. The perfect billionaire's playground."

"At least six hundred miles from the nearest land, a hundred miles from the nearest shipping lane and away from all flight paths. This place is well off of the beaten track. That is why the Bland Group came here after The deaths of the Fashion and Media Moguls and the Doctor. They thought they would be safe. " She pulls up and hovers, looking down on the island, "They think it is their sanctuary. However, it will become their tomb."

Edward Arno cuts a dashing figure, in a sharp three piece suit, crisp shirt and shoes polished to a mirror shine. He marches the length of Ampere's stateroom, nodding and smiling at the remaining members of the Bland Group. Taking his place at the head of the table he addresses the room, fixing each member in turn, with his gaze. "Brothers and sisters. Honoured comrades, we gather in this santuary to mourn the loss of our estemed colleagues. Cut down in their prime by cowards who lack the vision we have of our glorious future."

He sees the doubts play across the members before him and acknowledges the raised hand of Summer St. Claire. 

She nods respectfully and stands, before speaking "We have lost our distribution network, media influence, medical infrastructure and politcal sway. How can we make this work?" Her soft French accent, makes the accusation sound like a song of love.

He nods thoughtfully as she speaks, appearing visibly relaxed. He pauses for a moment, "A very good question Miss St. Claire." He says smiling benevolently at her, before continuing, "Mr Ramos may have passed, but the contracts we have with his organisation are iron clad, the same is true of the good doctors medical group. We have contingencies in place regarding media coverage. As for politcal sway, the reverend's loss hurts, but each of us in this room have influence of our own." He spreads his hands wide, "Brothers and sisters, the losses we have suffered, hurt us, but will not stop us from claiming our future."

Around the room, group members nods and murmur their assent, listening to his words. However, one voice rises above the throng, "What of the money we had in the Grand Cayman? Some of us lost big time." The brash London stock trader, complains.

Arno nods and takes on a sympathetic air, "This was indeed a terrible loss. I blame myself, for not having better failsafes in place. I will personally reimburse everyone who lost money as a result." 

The trader raises his eyebrows in surprise and offers a genuine "Thank you, Edward."

Arno nods warmly at him and smiles, "All of the pieces are set and we are poised to claim our right. We are no longer just the elite in our fields ladies and gentlemen." He pauses for effect, "No, we are beyond that. We are a world power."

He raises his hands slowly, mirroring the growing applause in the room.

While Arno waxes lyrical in the state room, he is blissfully unaware of the woman in his office. The cleaner wears overalls, dust mask and bandana covering her hair. She takes great care dusting in his office, around the open latptop on his desk, with the screen locked. 

She moves on to his drinks cabinet plucking out an expensive bottle of scotch with a latex gloved hand and laying it on the desk. With practiced efficientcty, she find a small roll of tape and tears off a strip. A moment later, she has lifted a print from the bottle and holds it poised to unlock the laptop.

"This is too easy." She thinks, suspiciously, "Unguarded laptop, with everything nearby to unlock it."

Outside the door the two guards on duty stand at arms, ready for any attempted incursion into the office, unaware of the intrusion in progress. 

She steps away from the laptop and replaces the bottle. Taking a step back, she stands in the corner of the office. "This is a sparse office, desk, laptop, comfy chair and a few bottles of booze. Nothing strikes me as odd directly, but what am I missing?" She wonders before she realises, "It's not what I am missing, it is what the office is missing. No glasses. He doesn't strike me as someone who would drink high end scotch from a bottle. No books or even a charging point for a phone.  This is a facade."

She enters the deadworld and experimentally flots through the walls and floor, until she finds a tunnel leading down. She floats down, finding a secret tunnel leading into the bowels of the island. "This is more like it." She thinks following the tunnel down to a small chamber.

Dani steps into the circular space, relishing the feel of the cold air. In it's centre is a large padded arm chair, with a keyboard recessed into the right arm. It's set before a large computer screen, she examines the seat and shakes her head, "Trap." She thinks, seeing the concealed panels in the arms, back and base of the chair, "Anyone sits, they will be locked in. Clever idea."

Taking her time she does a close eyeball search of the space, thinking, "Drinks cabinet with a single glass, cigars same brand as Mr King with ash tray and lighter. Bathroom off to the side, nicely equiped but not extravagant. Even a fold out bed. This feels more like a place of peace for him."

She notes a small panel on the back of the base of the seat and clicks it open. It slides open silently, revealing a slim tablet. With a gloved hand, she claims it and thinks to herself for a moment. "This is not just about Arno, it is about the Bland group, I have a hunch the pin will reflect that." She enters the number 25263 without success and stares at the tablet again. She shakes her head in dismay and enters 12345, unlocking the tablet.

Exhaling slowly she searches the tablet finding the control software. For a moment, she stares at the icon thinking, "There is only one thing I can do here."

With a trembling finger, she drags the Icon to the bin and confirms deletion. Then empties the bin and performs a factory reset on the device. Finally she cracks open the tablet and removes a choice selection of the chips in place. She crushes them underfoot and hides them under a floor panel, before reasembling the tablet and slipping it back into it's hiding place.

"Probably not the only enabled device, but will make it a little harder for Arno to deploy the weapons." Dani thinks quietly. She casts her eyes upwards, considering her next move, "Need an extra level of failsafes."

The island is kept in touch with the rest of the world thanks to a satellite uplink and a hardwired cable to Madagascar. This ensures that anytime day or night, the island is connected to the world.

Dani steps into the living world, directly under the lone camera in the comms room. Dressed in the uniform of the security team with a cap covering her dark brown hair and a face mask covering her mouth and nose. Her disguise is completed by a pair of silver lensed mirror shades.

She stands still, as if guarding the room. No one working there gives her a second look. She betrays no emotion, releasing the tiny razor edged shuriken to hover in the grip of her will. The tiny shard zips away, darting between work stations, clipping wires and severing connections. The assembled technicians, begin looking at each other with a growing disquiet, whilst all of their workstations go dead.

The lead technician stands up sharply, kicking his chair away. He looks at his colleagues and addresses them in an overly dramatic tone, worthy of an oscar, (In his own mind) "Settle down people. We need to re-establish connection to the satellie uplink. Eli, work out what has happened. Sophie, get me a working access device. Enoch, try turning everything off and then turning it back on again."

"What will you do, Gary?" Sophie asks, raising an eyebrow.

He loosens his tie and stands with his hands on his hips, before he fixes her with a steely gaze and simply says, "Whatever I have to."

None of the assembled techs seem to notice the security guard blink out of view.

Dani steps back into the real world in the primary maintenance block of the onsite water park and pulls a drawstring bag made of necrotic matter from her pocket. She selects a plastic ziplock bag and slips it into her bag, before she searches the shelves for a few moments until she finds a box in the cleaning supplies section.

She takes out a dozen or so, ninety plus percent strength chlorine tablets and places them into the inner bag. She launches the bag with her will, towards the satellite assembly. As it flies towards its target it folds, flexes and compresses, turning the tablets into a powder. By the time it lands, the bag is filled with powder.

The moment she steps into the dead world and floats up to the dish, the necrotic bag vanishes. Leaving the ziplock bag laying innocently on the floor.

Dani is already moving with purpose, flying through the dead world while she creates a massive axe from necrotic matter in her hand. She emerges into the cool evening air on an artificial beach. Using the blade of the axe she digs a channel revealing the hardline to Madagascar. Without emotion she swings the axe down again and again, severing the physical data connection to the rest of the world.

"You there, stop." A voice cries out. The guard and his partner draw their weapons and point them at her with purpose.

She smiles under her disguise and sprints towards the surf, flinging the axe towards the men. The security team duck under the blade and come up ready to fire. But their quarry has already disappeared into the waves.

Less than ten seconds later, Dani stands before the emergency uplink controls and instructs the dish to move out of alignment. When she is done, the dish points down towards the centre of the island. "Right on cue."' She says under her breath, hearing the sound of approaching boots.

With nimble fingers, she plucks the ziplock bag from the floor and stuffs it into a pocket. "This is it. This will be tight." She thinks, reaching for the bolts that hold the cover to the mechanics of the dish in place. With an iron grip, she twists the bolts and slowly begins turning them.

"Stop, Ampere security." A voice from behind her calls, ignoring the voice she managed to remove the panel, hearing the familiar click click of a weapon being cocked.

"Stop or we will shoot." The voice calls out. She reaches down and begins to unscrew the cap of the dishes hydraulic fluid reservoir.

"Please the uplink is down. I need to rebalance the hydraulics and get it back online." She pulls the cap free, hearing the men approach cautiously. "Get this done babe." She thinks, pulling the ziplock bag from her pocket and opening it.

Dani empties the bag into the reservoir and manages to re-secure the cap. "That should do it." She says standing and dusting herself down. "This needs to be perfect." She thinks taking a step back, lettering the back of her foot catch on a stray bolt on the floor. She tumbles backwards spilling over the guard rail of the high ledge with a scream.  The guards race forward to catch her a split second too late.

She feels her head spinning for a moment, in the dead world and sits back watching the results of her endeavours.

The security team hangs back for a moment, trying to make sense of where the mystery woman went. In that moment they are limned in flame, when the chlorine reacts with the hydraulic fluid in a fiery conflagration.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sometimes I am at loss for words. This is such a moment [mention]wolfman[/mention] and so I will make it short: Oustanding, even to your High Standards, I´ll have to read the Chapter again.
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, [mention]wolfman[/mention], this adheres to high standards. I enjoyed every moment spent reading this. Wonderful Dani moves with precision destroying evil as she goes.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Sometimes I am at loss for words. This is such a moment @wolfman and so I will make it short: Oustanding, even to your High Standards, I´ll have to read the Chapter again.
Thank you once again for your kind words. The current arc is a challenging one to write to say the least, but I am pleased it is garnering such good feedback.
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Indeed, [mention]wolfman[/mention], this adheres to high standards. I enjoyed every moment spent reading this. Wonderful Dani moves with precision destroying evil as she goes.
Dani is a force of nature indeed. I am so pleased you enjoyed reading this and am grateful for your kind words.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Security Chief Szmi stands before the assembled billionaires and addresses the room. His black uniform and cold demeanour lend him and extra air of authority, beyong his formidable stature. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Our greatest security asset is our location. We are a long way from potential aggressors." His voice is calm with a hard edge, as he speaks with a deep Serbian accent.

"We have teams constantly monitoring the air and water for signs of potential aggressors. We are equipped with state of the art countermeasures to prevent any interlopers getting closer than we wish." He says calmly, before adding, "Even if they do get to the island, we have a hand picked team of the world's best operators, equipped with state of the art weapons and equipment. Even Nirvana would struggle to match our people."

He waits whilst a murmur, echoes around the room, before continuing, "We have a sufficiently sized security force to repel anything up to three battalions. We have in place sea defenses to engage any inbound vessels, above or below the water at a range of ten miles." He says, letting the point sink in, "As for air defense, we have anti air batteries than can engage any aircraft, including stealth aircraft at a range of fifteen miles and point defense capabilities, to engage missiles before they get close to us."

Arno places his hand on the Chief's shoulder and takes over, "That ladies and gentlemen, is before we get to the options offered by the SDI platforms. We are safe from incursion, in a way that no other nation could hope to match." He casts his hands wide, addressing the room, "The loss of our comrades in arms is a tragedy, but we owe it to them to continue in their name."

A collective wave of relief ripples around the room and Arno basks in the glory of the moment, "We will honour the vision of our founder Joseph Bland. His treatise has guided us. We will prevail." Arno says, warmly, "The difference between nations and conglomerates is a matter of recognition. We have a means to force recognition by the governments of the world. Soon, we will become a world power and no force on earth will be able to stand against us."

Far from the beyond the state room, Dani steps out of the dead world, dressed in an Ampere security uniform. Red hair tucked into her cap, with a facemask and mirrored sunglasses covering her face, no one questions her presence, as she walks towards the armoury.

She bumps into a careless guard, who apologises profusely even though she doesn't stop to berate him. She thinks to herself with absolute certainty, "I belong here."

With a swipe of the card she lifted from the careless soldier, she enters the armoury and begins loading two large bags, with a wide selection of gear. A voice from behind her, intrudes on her focus, "You, what are you doing here?"

Without looking up Dani shrugs and in an Isreali accent responds, "The higher ups are getting twitchy, they want the front lines reinforced with extra gear." She scoffs and shakes her head, "As if anyone has a chance of assaulting this place."

The guard behind her laughs, "You got that right. At least they are trying to keep us safe instead of getting us killed. Do you need a hand?"

"Thanks, but this is my assigned pain in the ass. No reason to spread the burden." She turns to the soldier and lowers her glasses for a moment, looking him in the eye, "I will be done in a couple of hours, if you want to do something to ease the boredom, I am sure we can find a bar somewhere."

"Wow, she has gorgeous brown eyes." The guard thinks, before smiling warmly, "Tiki bar, seven pm, I will get the first round in. What you drinking?"

"Just get me something wet and sweet. I am sure I can return the favour. Names Miriam." Dani says with a wink, thinking "The power of boner is strong with this one."

"Jake. Catch you then." The guard says excusing himself.

"Just as I suspected. The security here is provided by very bored men and women, seeking anything to ease the boredom." She thinks, zipping up the two holdalls.

Dani settles on the roof of the security teams mess hall and takes a deep breath, "This will work." She promises herself, stepping across the barrier for a moment and returning with a number of sky blue bags constructed from necrotic matter.

Working in silence, she takes a block of plastic explosives from one of the holdalls and fits a detonator, before slipping it into one of the bags. Over an over she repeats this, until the holdalls are empty.

Dani nods to herself with a look of determination, "The war begins."

The guards below, are oblivious to the bags overhead with their deadly cargo, camoflaged as they are against the pure azure of the sky.

As Arno continues to outline the glittering future of the Bland Group, Chief Szmi places a gentle finger on his earpiece and turns up the sound. As he listens his brow furrows more deeply with concern, "Fire crews to all hangars and docks. All Medical facilities on standby for immediate casualty ingress. All leave is cancelled, security personel report to barracks for immediate deployment."

Szmi catches Arno's eye and raises and eyebrow. Arno subtly nods and flicks his eyes to the door, not pausing in his captivation of his audiance, as he spins forth his vision of the future.

Szmi slips quietly out of the door and keys his microphone, "Cech, report."

"Sir, we have been hit. All units are on standby." Cech replies.

"For goodness sake man, be specific. Where have we been hit and who by?" Szmi demands.

"No idea who has hit us sir."' Cech says, nervously swallowing, "The hardline to the mainland has been cut, the satellite uplink is down, the main comms room has been decimated." He pauses before continuing, "Every aircraft has been destroyed and the all boats in dock have sustained major damage."

"How the hell has this happened?" Szmi asks, in a low threatening tone.

"We are still trying to figure it out. There is nothing on any of the cameras. One patrol was present when the hydraulics for the satellite array blew, but we cannot speak to them until they are out of surgery." Cech answers, nervously.

Szmi thinks to himself for a moment, before coming to a realisation, "We are almost completely cut off from the world, the only link we have is the radio antenna. Redeploy all units. I want a ring of steel around it."

Dani sits back and watches the islands guards move into position around the main antenna. She smiles, taking a sip from a canteen, "That's it protect the last line of communcation." she pauses for a moment, her resolve waivering, "That is not my target."

"If I do this, when does it end?" She thinks to herself, "Is this the best way?"

"I wish I wasn't alone right now. I would love a conversation with Sasha or Niki now." She thinks imagining what they would say to her, "Sasha would tell me to take out the platforms first and then round up the Bland Group. Niki would tell me to seek justice."

"These people will never face justice in a court of law. Their money and power will buy them out of it one way or another." She decides, "They deserve the same mercy they showed at the Phoenicia."

Szmi re-enters the state room, making a bee-line for Arno. Edward sees the look of concern on the chiefs face and  beckons him closer. He listens thoughtfully, to the chief explain how thoroughly they have been hit.

In the aftermath of the chief's report, Arno stands indecisive for a moment. "We are almost completely cut off, with no way to get off of the island. We can call for extraction on the radio, but it could take days. We could hide, but then the rest of the group will doubt our safety and in turn question our group and it's goals."

He looks the chief in the eye and subtly winks. "Very good, chief. Keep me informed. Leave now."

Szmi nods and leaves, thinking, "Idiot. Does he have no idea, what is going on here?"

Arno casts his gaze across the faces of the assembled billionaires and nods to himself, "Ignorance is bliss."

Dani watches the state room from beyond the barrier, "These are the people responsible." She thinks, crafting a dozen blades from the necrotic matter around her, "Blood is on their hands." She feels a sense of calm, crafting a NAKI style suit to cover her body, with a facemask and sunglasses to cover her face.

She takes a deep breath to centre herself, "The guards and staff here are lackeys. They do as they are told and seem to lack the authority to act without approval. There is no reason to engage them. As soon as this room is cleared, I am out of here."

She is calm and resolute as she crosses the barrier, stepping into the state room. She makes eye contact with Arno and decides, "You go last."

The occupants of the room, barely have time to start screaming as Dani's blades fly through the air. The whirlwind of death, tears through the assembled billionaires, with the same ease that they would pass through paper targets.

Dani gathers the blades in a formation around her and stalks towards Arno's cowering form, hiding behind his chair. She takes her time slowly moving through the blood spattered room, eventually coming to a halt in front of the last billionaire alive in the room.

"Your reign of terror is at an end, Arno." Dani says with fire in her voice, "Your schemes have left a trail of bodies behind you. You are responsible for hundreds of deaths. Now justice will be done."

Arno smiles up at her, commanding her, "Stop."

"You no longer make the rules here." She wants to say, however, her body is frozen in place, she cannot even move her eyes to look away from Edward Arno's sickly grinning visage, "What the hell is happening?"

Arno stands up, straightening his tie and adjusting his blazer, before looking her in the eyes, "You will obey me and answer my questions. Nod if you understand." Dani nods, without wanting to and her blood chills in her veins.

"Who are you?" He asks, calmly. "Danielle Taylor." She responds, despite fighting the urge to speak.

"Who sent you?" Arno asks, taking a seat, as Dani responds, "Maerig Draig."

"What kind of name is that?" He asks without thinking. Dani focuses all of her will to stop her speaking, but fails, saying , "Welsh."

"British eh? Funny I thought it would be the Armericans or Chinese who would stop me." He shrugs, then points at a chair opposite him and commands, "Sit down, put your hands on the arms of the chair and don't move." 

Dani screams in her mind, as her body moves unbidden, coming to rest in the chair. Arno sees the rising panic and confusion in her eyes and leans forward, "Just as you have abilities, beyond humanity, so do I." He smiles, reaching across and stroking her cheek with his hand, pulling free her facemask, before removing her glasses. "My word. You are beautiful, such a shame to hide that face."

Dani swallows, feeling her gorge rise in her throat, from his cold reptillian touch. The feel of his fingers, leaves an ice cold sensation on her skin, reminding her of frostbite.

"You see, the plan was that I obtain the SDI network and use it to prove our power. Then either the Americans or Chinese, would step in. I would then cross the group and work with whichever government turned up first, whilst the other members of the Bland Group are hunted down." He presses gently on her jaw, opening her mouth slightly. Despite her best efforts, she cannot close her mouth again, "With the aid of my gift, every member signed an agreement upon joining. Among other things it ensures that the resources of the member return to the group in the event of their deaths. With everyone else dead, I am the sole member of the group and you have just made me a very rich man." He whispers, moving in close and pressing his lips to hers in slow, tortuous kiss. He pulls back slowly, letting his fingers trail on her neck, before replacing her facemask.

"Oh God. Please don't let him do that again, it feels like he is sucking the life out of me." Dani pleads in her mind, unable to voice her protests.

"Don't worry my dear, you will learn to enjoy my affection." Arno says, pulling back from the kiss, "Am I correct in thinking that you are the sole agent of distruction, that has been dogging our operations since Guam and the agent who has effectively cut off this island with impunity?" 

Dani feels a million miles awat from her body, when against her will she says "Yes."

"What was your plan after you killed everyone in this room?" He demands, coldly.

"Just leave and go back to my family." Dani says, despite trying to hold her tongue. 

"Your family? Do they have powers too?" Arno asks, with a hint of excitement.

Tears stream down Dani's cheeks, hearing herself say, "Yes."

"We will most certainly talk about them." He chuckles to himself, "I wanted a weapon to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies." He rests a hand on her shoulder and then whispers into her ear, "Now I have two. You will serve me and do my bidding in the world. Your life as you know it, is over. When your will is crushed, you will bring your family into my service. Moreover, you will do it willingly."

Much as she wants to scream at him and break his neck. But even with all her might, she cannot even lift a finger. "Please don't do this." She silently, pleads.

"You should have killed me when you had the chance, instead of trying to lecture me. If you had, you would be on your way. However, now you are little more than a plaything, under the might of my will." He pauses, giving her a vicious grin, "Congratulations on being the first of your family to join me." Arno crows, before pulling away from Dani and fixing her with a malicious gaze. "Now, Aside from you and I, kill everyone on this island, then return here for further instructions."

Dani screams in her mind, feeling her body rise up from the chair and move towards the door, powerless to prevent what she knows is coming. Tears stream from her eyes, as she opens the door, orbited by a cloud of blades, glittering with deadly purpose around her.
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by GreyLord »

Oh, no! But you gave warning. We knew this was coming. The question now is, "Is this a temporary setback? Or is this the introduction to an entire new arc."

Whatever you decide, [mention]wolfman[/mention], I am sure it will be of the highest quality.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

So Dani seems trapped and powerless - though I cannot believe that this is the end. What an incredible turn [mention]wolfman[/mention] - the end of this Chapter is - chilling .....
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago Oh, no! But you gave warning. We knew this was coming. The question now is, "Is this a temporary setback? Or is this the introduction to an entire new arc."

Whatever you decide, @wolfman, I am sure it will be of the highest quality.
Dani is tough, but is she strong enough to free herself. She is smart and resourceful, but will that be enough?
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago So Dani seems trapped and powerless - though I cannot believe that this is the end. What an incredible turn [mention]wolfman[/mention] - the end of this Chapter is - chilling .....
Edward Arno is a very bad person and possibly the nastiest piece of work I have ever created. Dani's future is far from certain
View my latest story, Revelation, here;

To view it's prequel Devastation, please click below;
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Post by wolfman »

Dani screams in her mind, trapped in her body, unable to control herself. She commands her blades to fly forth, shredding the group of guards in front of her. When the life leaves their bodies, their souls use the necrotic matter on her body and her connection to the dead world, to pass to the great beyond.

Her mind is seared with the fear and pain in her victims minds, as they breath their last. "Please stop." She begs herself. But there is no mercy, as she sweeps through the island, with brutal efficiency. 

She is stunned by how she adapts without thinking, to face anyone who crossed her path. When she encounters an armoured foe, she splits her blades into needles, sending the shards unerringly into her targets. One group barricades themselves into a store room to escape her purge. Dani forges the blades into a single metal ball and smashes nthrough the door, before crushing the men.

Onwards and forwards she moves, forced to watch, a passenger in her own body. Screams fill her ears and the stench of blood and death fills her nose. Her fingers still feel the warmth of the last person, she choked the life out of.

But worse than the guards and the soldiers, are the families of those who work here. The look on the children's faces seared into her mind in their last moments. Each child's face burning bright in her mind, with the same searing heat, as he hatred of Edward Arno for forcing her to do this.

Before the last person on the island dies by her hand, she is no longer thinking. Her mind blasted by the effort of trying to stop herself, coupled with the cavalcade of images of slaughter and visions of those she has slain, has no desire to try to think at this point.

With a crunch the last man dies. Without ceremony she turns and marches back to the state room, with the blood of over two hundred souls on her hands.

Emotionally drained, she stands in the state room, surrounded by the bodies of her previous victims. She has no tears left and can only stand motionless and stare at the floor.

Arno re-enters the room, smiling, "Stand still until I tell you to move and do not try to kill me." He commands, before walking in a slow circle around her. "Poor thing you have worn yourself out, haven't you?" When she doesn't respond he adds, "Answer me."

"Yes." Dani says weakly, to a man she has come to hate, in a very short space of time.

"From now on, when I ask you a question, you will answer and you will address me as master." He orders, coldly. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Dani, feels a fire light in her soul and she thinks, "First he robs me of my ability to use my body, then he forces me to slaughter everyone on the island, now he wants me to be his slave. Never, he may control my body and what I say, but I will never let him force me to be a weapon again."

He chuckles to himself, "Look at you, strong, proud, powerful and yet with a few words you are reduced to a mindless plaything." He pauses, thoughtfully before darkly saying, "You are my plaything. You are my toy. From now on when you speak about yourself, you will call yourself Master's Toy. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Dani says, weakly.

"What is your name, plaything?" He asks, maliciously.

"My name is Master's Toy, Master." Dani says, numb, whilst in her mind, she is seething with anger.

"Very good." He says, with a smile, "Follow me plaything." He orders, turning his back on her.

"I could kill you before you could feel it, if I could move of my own free will." Dani thinks, falling into step behind him.

"These are my private chambers, we will stay here tonight. When we are ready, we will take my emergency escape sub and head to South Africa." Arno says, conversationally.

The room is large and provides ample proof that money does not buy taste. The bed has a heavy steel frame, with crimson, silk sheets and pillows. Sumptuous gold arm chairs, stand guard either side of the door and a thick orange carpet covers the floor, clashing violently with the lime green walls of the room.

Arno takes a seat in one of the arm chairs and commands Dani, "Strip. Slowly. Give me a show."

"You fucking prick." She thinks, unable to stop herself from slowly undoing the zip of her NAKI suit and gyrating her hips. Her breasts burst free of the suit and sway in time with her hips. He watches lustfully, while she peels the suit down to her waist, leaving her upper body naked and glistening with sweat. She turns her back to him and bends over, slowly sliding the suit past her hips and gently wiggling her bum as it slips down her legs. She steps out of it and kicks the garment under the bed, where it fades and evaporates. Seductively, she turns to face him once more. 

She hooks her thumbs under the bottom of her sports bra and flexes and undulates the perfect muscles of her stomach as she lifts the sports bra and tosses it behind an arm chair where it too vanishes. She turns away from him and places her hands on her hips. She strokes the outside of her legs, bending at the waist, whilst pulling her underwear down. 

He sighs lustfully, as she stares at him between her legs, whilst she is bent over. Slowly she stands with her underwear in hand and tosses them across the room to land behind a dressing table, focusing her will she ensures that they do not disappear.

She moves to cover her breasts and womanhood, but he stops her ordering , "Hold your arms out straight in front of you and spread your legs a shoulder width apart." When she complies, he rises from his seat obviously aroused and moves towards her.

Dani watches his approach and thinks to herself, "Fuck off, pal. Don't fucking touch me." He steps between her out streched arms and gently cups her breasts. He licks his right middle finger and slowly reaches down between her legs. His finger hovers close enough to touch her pubic hair but not close enough to touch her labia. He smiles and steps back, "Just checking, Toy."

"I am going to kill you. I don't know how, but you are a dead man walking." She silently pledges.

He steps back and slowly walks to a chest, just out of her eyeline. A moment later he walks up behind her and whispers in her ear,  "Do not resist."

"I can feel your hatred of me, coming off of you in waves." He says, with a smile, "This will be the story of your life from this day forward. I will humiliate you. I will command you as I see fit. You will do my bidding and you will remain powerless to resist." He pauses and then moves to her other ear, "You will kill everyone, I order you to. I don't want to just own you, toy. I want to utterly break you. When I do, I will make you beg for the chance to bring your family into my service."

Dani glares at him, wishing her look could kill. "You are an arrogant bastard and you think you are unstoppable. You will make a mistake. I will have a chance and when I do, I will kill you." She thinks, defiantly. "You will never get close to my family."

Arno pulls her arms back slightly and commands her, "Hold still and let me put this on you."

Dani numbly stands allowing him to pulls the stiff canvas sleeves of the jacket up her arms and slip it onto her shoulders. Standing behind her he reaches around her, pressing her back to his chest, whilst securing the straps of the jacket in front of her. "This is the wrong way around, she thinks as the straightjacket is pulled around her and tightened forcefully.

"Whilst I am asleep, I cannot control you. So I must make sure you are secure for the night and unable to escape and do me harm." He whispers into her ear, before kissing her neck, sending a wave of cold revulsion through her.

She is unable to resist as he brings her arms behind her and slips her forearms through a loop, between her shoulder blades and the small of her back. He passes the straps at the end of the sleeves, through loops at her sides, before securing the ends together tightly across her stomach. "While you sleep, I will sidestep to the dead world, leaving this thing behind and come back to kill you." She thinks, coldly.

Subtly she tries to open her hands, but the tightness and strength of the canvas sleeves, force her hands into fists. Arno turns her to face him, then slowly and deliberately, secures every buckle with a small padlock. "Nearly there, toy." He whispers, coldly. He bends down and reaches between her legs, pulling a strap attached to the back of the jacket and looping it through a buckle at the front. He pulls it hard, forcing the stiff, rough strap to dig painfully into her womanhood.

She grunts in pain and hates herself for the involuntary tear that trickles from her left eye. Arno reaches up and brushes away the tear with the back of his finger, almost tenderly. "Shhh it is alright Toy, This has to be tight to make sure that you are ready to serve me in the morning."

He walks behind her again and a moment later she feels the cold sting of a tight steel collar secured around her neck. A small click at the nape of her neck signals the addition of a padlock. She feels his hands on her shoulders and allows herself to be gently guided to the edge of the bed, "Sit down." He commands, knowing she is powerless to resist.

Edward notices a look of disquiet in her eyes and speaks softly, "Permission to speak, toy."

Dani looks at him and asks the biggest question on her mind, "Why are you doing this, Master?"

He smiles benevolently down at her and cups her cheek with his hand. "If you are to be my weapon, I need you to act without thought or risk of hesitation. When you are broken, you will willingly do anything to please me. Even when I rest, you will enfoce my will, because you will be to weak to do otherwise." He pauses for a moment, "You may speak freely, until I command you otherwise."

"Will you force me to have sex with you, master?" She asks, feeling a lump in the pit of her stomach.

He considers the question, for a moment before answering, "I have not decided that yet. But during the course of breaking you, you will certainly do things for me."

"Why couldn't he lie?" She thinks, unable to form a response.

He slowly crosses the room and retrieves a bag from the chest, then deposits it on the bed next to her. He locks eyes with her and pulls a heavy canvas strap from the bag. He pushes her legs together and secures the strap around her ankles, crushing them together. She watches, helplessly as he secures another strap around her thighs and more above and below her knees and around her calves.

"Please don't do this, master." She pleads, thinking of all of the people she was forced to kill by this man.

"Why shouldn't I? With your abilities, if you possess even a shred of free will, you are a threat to me. To get the best from you, I need to crush you." He explains, calmly. "If I give you a target and it takes a long time to complete your objective, I may have to sleep during your mission. What would stop you from killing me, if you are free from my control?"

"You may command my actions, but in my heart I will always resist you, master." Dani says, defiantly.

Edward's face becomes shrouded in sadness, before he utters, "Then your torment will know no end."

"You will never win, master." She says, with all the power in her heart.

"I won, the moment you decided to lecture me, instead of killing me." He says, cruelly, "I am just training my prize and getting her ready to bring her family to me. Now be a dear and open your mouth."

Dani's eyes widen in fear as her mouth opens and she finds herself unable to close it. Her eyes follow Arno as he pulls a sturdy looking leather panel with straps either side of it. He turns it over, revealing a three inch rubber ball. She finds herself unable to turn away or close her mouth as he slowly, guides the rubber intruder past her lips and deep into her mouth. With vicious force, he tightens the straps, trapping the painfully large ball in her mouth, pinning down her tongue. "Once you have proven you can handle that, we shall see what else your mouth can accomodate."

Dani's heart sinks, understanding that this is just another way he seeks to break her, "Narcissist, megalomaniac, deviant, genocidal maniac. This bastard ticks all the boxes."

"Nearly done, toy." He says, looping a strap behind her neck and under her legs and tightening it, forcing her knees up under her chin.

He gently pushes her back onto the bed and rolls her onto her side. Dani watches with dismay, as he attaches a chain to her collar and locks it to the side of the bed. She feels straps attached to the straps on her straight jacket and and leg bindings, them secures to the bed.

"Move to the other side of the bed." He commands, from a position standing behind her. Dani feels numb as her body bucks and flexes in place unable to move. He smiles darkly, and commands "Stop."

Arno sits on the edge of the bed and rests a hand on her hip, gently he whispers, "When I sleep, I have no hold on you. But this set up should keep you under control. But don't get too hopeful, while I am awake, you are mine to command in any way I see fit."

A feeling of creeping dread crawls over her, as she hears the rustling of clothing behind her. Her heart sinks, seeing the light turn off and feeling him climb onto the bed behind her.She feels a wave of nausea, when his breath hits the back of her neck.

He slips an arm under her neck and bends his arm back, to allow his hand to squeeze her breast through the fabric of the straight jacket. His other arm, wraps around her stomach, pulling her tightly against his body, trapping his erection against her rump. With a tone approaching tenderness, he whispers in her ear, "Good Night, Toy. I hope you sleep well." His kiss on her neck makes her feel sick to her stomach, before he adds, "Move to the other side of the bed."

As her body bucks and writhes beyond her control, she closes her eyes, trying to distance herself from the humiliation she feels, "I can't move enough to sidestep away from this guy. I am well and truly stuck." She thinks, feeling her tormentors body stiffen with a grunt behind her.

Repulsed by the sticky wetness on her back, she thinks to herself, "He has done this to people before, he is too well practiced. I swear, whatever it takes, he will not do this to another person. There is no way, he will get his hands on any of my family, or anyone else."
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Post by GreyLord »

From the depths of her despair, Dani's next rise to the heights will seem that much more meteoric. Great writing, [mention]wolfman[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago From the depths of her despair, Dani's next rise to the heights will seem that much more meteoric. Great writing, @wolfman.
Absolutely. Arno is a really a hateful Subject - I hope he met his demise accordingly.
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago From the depths of her despair, Dani's next rise to the heights will seem that much more meteoric. Great writing, @wolfman.
Fear not [mention]GreyLord[/mention], Dani will rise again. However, it is always darkest before the dawn.
Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago From the depths of her despair, Dani's next rise to the heights will seem that much more meteoric. Great writing, @wolfman.
Absolutely. Arno is a really a hateful Subject - I hope he met his demise accordingly.
He is the most hateful character, I have ever made. When and if the end comes for him, he will truly deserve it.

Kind regards, jason
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Post by wolfman »

What follows is the longest night of Dani's life.

As if the sticky patch of his seed covering her rump and lower back were not enough, less than an hour after laying down, she had cramp in her jaw from the massive ball forcing her mouth open. Soon after the pain of her arms being forced into the same position for so long, brought cramps of their own. 

She shivers involuntarily, with every part of her exposed skin in contact with her captor infused with an icy cold. "Shit, it feels as if he is sucking the warmth out of me." She thinks, exhausted, "I may not be able to sleep, but I can try meditation to get away from the discomfort."

Dani closes her eyes and takes a slow deep breath. Her mind is awash with a cavalade of images from those who died in Grand Cayman and those whose lives she was forced to take. "This is not right, not after everything he has done. This can't end this way."

"There is no way, I am going to let him get away with it. Somehow, I will stop him." She silently pledges.

Rolling her shoulders does little to relieve the pressure on her arms, but it gives her a sense of purpose. Something that she can do that gives a small sense of control. "His control does seem to drop when he sleeps, I have an idea how I can deal with him, but it will not be pleasant and may take a while." She thinks to herself.

Her blood runs cold feeling Arno stir behind her. She tries her hardest to stay still and quiet, but soon a weak moan of pain escapes her. Dani feels his arms tighten around her and press her back into him. Her heart sinks, knowing what is coming next.

"Toy." Arno whispers, kissing her earlobe, "Move to the other side of the bed." 

The early morning light spills lazily into the room, bathing Dani in warmth. "Never thought I would be so glad to see the sun." Dani thinks, exhausted, "With luck he will get up soon. Four sessions of move to the other side of the bed is enough for one night."

She tries to block the sticky wetness covering her lower back and backside from her mind. But all she can focus on is the tightness of her bonds, her cramps and the pain in her jaw. "I am sure he has done this before. Why else would he have the specialist restraints?"

Dani considers the man spooning her for a moment, "Rich guy, can control peoples minds. Probably how he made his money. Likely knows business well, otherwise he would not be able to keep the spoils of his actions. He hasn't tried any military style torture, so he is probably untrained in those techniques. He is a control freak, probably learned all he knows about humiliation and torture from porn clips."

"Maybe he is looking to live out his fantasies." She thinks but then a dawning realisation, strikes her, "Control. He seeks absolute control. He cannot stand rebellion." She smiles to herself, "He wants the one thing he will never have. Me, body, mind and soul."

Dani feels his arm shift from around her waist and then feels him withdraw his other arm from under her. His absence is a welcome relief as she feels warmth return to her body. "Brace yourself."

Arno returns from the bathroom and releases the straps securing her to the bed. "I hope you had a good night, you are in for a long day." He says, wearily, "I will remove your restraints now, do not move and do not resist me."

Dani goes limp in his arms, when he lifts her off of the bed and removes the strap behind her neck. She screams in pain, when he straightens her legs. "There was a flicker of something there when I screamed. What was it? Regret perhaps?" She wonders, while he unstraps her legs.

"I am sorry about last night, I got carried away." He mumbles, fumbling with the straps to the straight jacket. He gently, helps her straighten her arms and removes the restraining clothing.

"It feels so good to be free. Have to bide my time or he will strap me up twice as tight for God knows how many times as long." Dani thinks, nervously, "Something seems off. He seems almost remorseful."

Arno gently cups her cheeks in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "Let's get this thing out of your mouth." He says, with a gentle smile. With nervous fingers he released the strap behind her neck and pulls the ball from her mouth.

Dani howls in pain, when she tries to close her mouth. "Shhhhh don't try to speak for now. Let me look after you." He says in an earnest tone.

"It is an act." She realises, "He is trying to show a caring side, to make me question my assumptions about him. He wants me to think of him as more than just a monster."

Arno reaches down and slips and arm under her legs and another under her back. With some effort he lifts her, "You are safe, I will not hurt you."

"Typical abuser, hurts someone in the evening, regrets it in the morning. Or at least that is what he is trying to portray." She thinks, looking up at him, "Let's see how this plays out."

He crouches in the shower, holding her in his lap, under the warm jet of water. His hands work in concert with the warm water to cleanse her and massages her aching muscles. After a long night of cramp and muscle pain the water feels good, in spite of the chilling touch of her captor.

The water jet ceases at the touch of a button and he lifts her from the shower cubicle, wrapping her in a thick fluffy towel. He gently rubs the towel over her body exploring every inch, in his quest to drive moisture from her skin. She doesn't resist, when he pulls out a hair dryer and combs and dries her hair as well.

"I think it is time to take a chance. See how he reacts." Dani thinks, cautiously, "Need to get more intel, before I can come up with a plan."

"Thank you, Master." Dani says softly and bowing her head.

"You are most welcome, toy." Arno says, stroking the top of her head, "I can be a benevolent master, when you please me. What do you think of that, toy?"

Dani chooses her words carefully, "That is good to know, Master. What kind of things please you, Master?" Whilst thinking, "So many mixed messages, trying to show remorse, but still calling me his toy. He is trying to plant the seed of willing subservience in a rather ham fisted way. He has no idea what he is doing."

"While you are not being used as a weapon, there are other ways in which you may serve me." He says, watching her closely.

"You can already command me to do anything you please, Master." She looks up with teary eyes, "I am powerless to resist you, Master. What more can I do to serve you, Master?" While Arno considers his respose, she thinks, "Establish the pattern of speech. Keep calling him master, even when you don't have to. Remind him of his power."

He gently cups her chin and raises her face towards him, then places a gentle kiss on her lips, before saying, "I am sure you will work it out, toy."

Dani relaxes her shoulders and decides to take a risk, "I get it. You have absolute power over my actions and can force me to do anything you want, Master. But, I can't work out what your plan for me is, Master."

"I am sure you will work it out, toy." Arno says, with a smile, "In the mean time, tell me about your family, toy." He commands, with a malevolent grin, emphasising the word toy.

Dani feels herself forced back into her own mind as her body begins to speak, "My father is a former special forces operative and one of the best soldiers in the world, Master. My step mother Louise, is the largest shareholder and CEO of the Nirvana group, Master. My aunt Kate is a former police officer and anti terrorism officer, Master. My sister Sasha has superhuman reflexes and strength and can bend reality, Master. Nikita can heal wounds of herself and others, shapeshift, use the abilities of animals and is a trained soldier, Master. Fey is a highly trained stealth operative who can transfer feelings from herself to others with a touch, Master. Jim can control technology with a thought and Carl can see patterns in the world, finding the truth of things, Master. Sasha has superhuman reflexes and strength and can bend reality. Her two adopted daughters who share a psychic link with their other sisters and she has just had a baby, Master."

Dani hates him for forcing her to tell all and hates herself for not being strong enough to stop herself and thinks, "You will never get your hands on them. I will destroy you." For a moment, she imagines Sasha and Fey suffering a night like she had the previous night and her heart sinks, but when she thinks of what he could get Nikita to do, her heart breaks, "I have to stop him before he has a chance."

"Interesting. Seems like your family would be great assets to me don't you think, toy?" He asks, deep in thought.

Dani feels a wave of nausea crawl up her throat with the words, "Yes, Master."

"I am pleased you agree, toy." Arno says, with a dark smile, "How will you bring them to me?"

In her mind Dani beats her fists against the walls of her imaginary prison, screaming as loud as she can, pleading with herself not to say anything. Meanwhile from her lips, the words flow freely, "Sasha is still bedridden from a C section birth, so whilst she would bring everyone in easily, she is not the best option, Master. I would go for Tara first, she will bring her sisters, Kim would bring my family and everyone would be compliant to stop her from being hurt, Master."

Arno nods thoughtfully, "Interesting." He says, thinking of the possibilities, "With what your family can do. They can take care of anything I want and I can keep you, as my special plaything."

Dani glowers with anger bubbling up inside, "I don't care what you do to me, I will never let you get your hands on them, Master." She says in a low threatening voice.

Arno raises an eyebrow, in surprise, "You spoke out of turn, toy. That will never do." He says, coldly, "When I am done with you, you will beg me to switch places with your sisters and brothers." He chuckles, "You will beg to switch places with one of your sisters adopted daughters."

Dani fights to find the strength that allowed her outburst a moment before but finds herself lacking.

"Seems there is a strength to you, that I underestimated, toy." Arno says, with a hint of admiration, "You say you don't care what I do to you.  We shall see about that." He thinks for a moment before commanding, "Follow me and do not speak."

Dani glowers at the man's back as he leads her into another room. She notes that apart from a leather arm chair, desk and a TV screen there is very little in the room. "Sit down and do not resist, toy."

Dani feels like a passenger in her own body as she sits in the chair and Arno positions her arms on the arms of the chair. "Do not move, stare at the screen." He commands coldly.

She stares at the screen unable to look away, as recordings from the islands security feed begins to play. Arno leans down and whispers into her ear, "This is a recording of your greatest hits, don't worry the original recordings have been irrevocably erased. But this still shows all of the most creative and bloody ways you ended the lives of people on this island." He stands behind the chair and places his hands on her shoulders, "You say you don't care what I do to you and I believe you. With a few words, I made you do this. Next time, it will be a hospital, a school, or a nursery."

Dani witnesses the crescendo of carnage on the screen and the brutal efficiency she sees of her own actions breaks her heart. Over and over the feed plays and she cannot help but feel horror at the thought of being sent after children.

"I can almost feel the self revulsion in your heart at what you see. You killed children, as brutally as you killed soldiers." Arno whispers, evilly, "Every act of will or disobedience, will result in you being sent to a school, to ply your craft. You should not be afraid of what I can do to you, toy. You should be afraid of what I can make you do to others."

Dani hears him move out of her line of sight towards the door, unable to look away from the bloodshed on screen. 

"Enjoy the show, toy. I will come back for you when I am ready." Arno snarls, as he leaves.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Honestly? I can hardly wait till Arno gets what he deserves - before he can lure Danis Family in. At the moment I just see no way how Dani can escape .. . it is hard to see her suffer, after all she went through already. Hard Stuff [mention]wolfman[/mention] but great stuff. May Danis suffering soon find an end!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just an afterthought: The way Arno Dani is calling her "Toy" it is so telling. He calls Dani not by her name. He degrades her to an object. A Toy. How cruel.
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Post by wolfman »

Dani certainly is going through the grinder, but she is strong. This is some of the hardest situations I have written and I have struggled to keep it grounded and not gratuitous in his treatment of her.

He is a monster and is dehumanising Dani, treating her as less than a person. Maybe that will be his downfall, or maybe it will be hers.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago He is a monster and is dehumanising Dani, treating her as less than a person. Maybe that will be his downfall, or maybe it will be hers.
His downfall or hers? That is the question :)
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Post by wolfman »

"Did you miss me, toy?" Arno asks returning to the room, almost twelve hours after he left.

Dani feels sick to her stomach, following her extended confrontation with her own actions. She has no control as she answers, "Yes, Master. Misery loves company, Master." She smiles to herself, "Even without me in control, I have a little sass."

Arno's eye twitches at the slight, but he holds on to his clearly visible anger for the time being, simply saying, "Follow me."

She follows in his footsteps, leading her back to the bedroom, with a sense of dread growing in the pit of her stomach. "Go to the toilet, clean yourself and return to the spot where you are standing and don't move."He commands.

"Thin-skinned narcissist." She thinks, as her body walks without her permission to the bathroom. While she sits on the toilet, she tries to summon enough rage to free herself from his control. Thinking of the last moments of those he forced her to kill, she tries to take their pain and use it like a crowbar to break his hold on her. However, all her efforts are for nought, as she finds herself cleaning herself and preparing to return to her master.

Returns to her spot and stands patiently waiting for her master to acknowledge her. He steps out of the room for a few moments and returns holding a tall glass filled with some form of milkshake. He places the straw in her mouth and commands her, "Drain the glass."

He watches patiently, while Dani slowly drinks the thick liquid through the straw and explains, "It is a protein shake, fortified with minerals and vitamins to keep you strong, toy."

Dani grimaces swallowing the last of the sickly milkshake. While her body welcomes the nutrients, her throat is repulsed by the texture of the fluids.

"Well done, toy." Arno says, with a smile, "Now you have been to the toilet and fed. I think we should get you to bed."

"I was hoping for at least a few minutes grace." She thinks, unable to stop her body being led to the bed. "What indignities will he visit upon me tonight?" She wonders, feeling nauseated. "At least he falls asleep soon after he climaxes."

"Kneel on the bed, toy." Arno commands, watching malevolently, as she complies.

Dani finds herself unable to resist as he takes a pair of handcuffs and snaps one around her right wrist and the other around her right ankle. A moment later, her left wrist and ankle are likewise secured. She feels a chain locked around her waist and hears him attach chains, securing them to either side of the bed, preventing her from moving from her spot. "Looks like i wont be able to move enough to sidestep again." She thinks, mournfully.

Dani winces, feeling zip ties secured around the base of each of her breasts, making her C cup breasts, swell and become more sensitive. She doesn't need to look down to know that they are darkening slightly. His body presses against her back, as he reaches around her and bgins to fondle and squeeze her bound breasts, illiciting moans of pain from his captive.

"He is escalating. Last night it was a touch of the leg or a dry hump. Now he is touching me intimately. Can I use this to my advantage?" She wonders and starts to think of her options.

Whilst she is lost in thought, he squashes down a large foam ball and forces it into her mouth, packing it in tightly. The stiff foam of the ball is so densely packed, even if he didn't seal it in with several wraps of duct tape, she could never push it out. He smoothes down the tape, which covers her lower face from her chin to just below her nose.

Dani considers how he has bound her this night and last and wonders, "This is not just about bondage or an exercise of power. This is fear, he is frightened of me. Maybe even frightened of all women. That's why he ties me so thoroughly and gags me at night, to take away every means of exercising my strength. It might be why he calls me toy, he is dehumanising me. He cannot do this, if he sees me as a human. He feels he is the master of all he surveys and will not tolerate any threat to that."

Arno ties a thin cord to the front of the chain around her waist and then runs it between her legs, painfully bisecting the lips of her labia and on between her bum cheeks, before securing the chain tightly to the chain at her back. Dani whimpers softly at the bite of the cord in her most sensitive region and something akin to remorse flickers across her captors face. The flicker is fleeting and soon he is all business again.

He moves to her front and places his hands around her slim waist, lifting her slightly to allow him to slip his legs, between hers, forcing her to straddle his groin. He tightens the chains securing her to the bed and adds another two, securing the chains linking her handcuffs to the edges of the bed.

Arno considers blindfolding his prisoner for a moment, but finds the allure of her eyes, to strong to hide them away. He lays back, staring up at his helpless prisoner. Seeing her not as a living weapon, but rather as the most beautiful woman he has ever seen.

He reaches up, gently caressing her bound breasts and commands her, "Pretend you are riding a charging horse."

Dani winces from the painful squeezing of her breasts and feels her body buck and grind against the groin of the man beneath her. "Here we go again." She thinks looking down at the man, lost in passionate rapture beneath her. "At least with the angle and position I am in, he won't slip inside me."

She feels his body tense after a few moments and then feels a wet stickiness cover her labia and inner thigh. Dani watches closely, as the man slips into unconsciousness. She tests the limits of her bonds just to confirm she cannot climb off of him and so reluctantly, leans forwards. Painfully she rests her bound breasts against the chest of the sleeping man under her. 

Dani closes her eyes with the seed of a plan germinating in the back of her mind "He seeks gratification on his terms, when he desires and it doesn't matter how. He is not used to being told no. Normally I would just say that and roll the dice, but with his abilities, he would just shut me down. Maybe the key is saying yes." She begins to flesh out her plan until sleep finds her.

Arno wakes his captive in the night to go horse riding and after two vigorous races, she falls asleep again.

Dani wakes in a fit of muscle cramps and desperately tries to stretch against the confines of her bonds. It slowly dawns upon her that she is no longer laying on top of her captor. She searches the room for any sign of him wondering what indignity he has planned for her today.

Arno returns to the room from the bathroom, noticing her looking around, "Good morning, toy. Miss me." He says, with a smile, earning an angry glare from his prisoner.

He slowly walks around the bed trailing his fingers across her skin, each touch sending a wave of icy cold nausea through her. He moves the pillows off of the bed and sits with his back to the headboard. "Stay down and stare ahead." He commands.

Dani find herself staring at his erect manhood, unable to look away. She feels a sense of revulsion, when he reaches down and strokes her hair. He leans forward, running a hand down her back and squeezing her left cheek, bringing his manhood closer to Dani's face. He finds himself pulls from his thoughts by her grumbled complaints.

He sides back and with a look of displeasure, siezes her chin foricing her to look up painfully. "Problem, toy?"

"Hay hi heek, naser." She mumbles, with a pleading look in her eyes.

"I have no idea what you said. I am not even sure that I care." He says, coldly, before softening, "That said, it is a shame to keep your lovely mouth covered." Gently, he begins teasing the end of the tape loose, before slowly unwinding it from around her head. When the last strip is removes she opens her mouth, unable to push the sponge free and looks up with pleading eyes at her tormentor. He pulls the it free and sets it on the bedside table.

Dani takes a moment to catch her breath before speaking, "Please Master. May I speak, Master? She notices a slight hardening of his erection, every time she says Master.

"Permission to speak, toy." Arno says, staring at her lips as they curl and caress every word.

"You have me exactly where you want me, master." She begins, cautious of laying it on too thick, "You have absolute power over my body and speech while you are awake and can easily restrain me helplessly before you sleep, Master."

"What are you getting at, toy?" He asks,smiling inwardly at her display of helplessness.

"Over the last couple of nights, it is clear you have needs, Master." Dani notes her captor raise an eyebrow, "It is understandable, Master. You are a powerful man and like all powerful men, you have powerful needs, Master." She lets the point hang in the air for a moment to see which way he would jump, when he nods, she continues, "A few dry humps, is not enough to give you the release you crave, Master. It also means that I cannot rest, Master. When the time comes for you to order me to act on your behalf, if I am fatigued, I will not perform as well for you, Master."

Arno cannot deny the logic of her argument but cannot confirm where she is going with it, "What is your point?"

"You said, you weren't a rapist, yet you use me for gratification which is not scratching that itch you have, Master. If you let me sleep unmolested, I will perform oral sex every evening before bed and every morning when you rise, Master. We would both win, Master." Dani says, feeling nervous about this deal with the devil.

Arno strokes the stubble on his chin thoughtfully, before he asks, "Why don't I just order you to do it?"

"When you ordered me to kill everyone, I did so without hesitation, Master." She begins, then takes a deep breath, "There was no hesitation, Master. Just as there was no thought, or finesse, Master. I worked in a brothel in Monaco to get close to a target and I had to perform to the high standards, set by the employers, Master. However, if you wish to benefit from those skills, I need to be in control to use them for you, Master."

"Tell me if you are being honest." He orders, testing her.

"Yes, Master. I am highly skilled with oral sex." Dani hears herself say.

"I need to think about this, toy. You have given me much to consider." Arno says, thoughtfully, before ordering her "Kneel and then do not resist me."

Her sore muscles, struggle to respond to his command, but she is soon on her knees on the bed. Her reaches for her waist and removes the cord between her legs, being rewarded by a sigh of relief from his captive. With practiced skill, he uses the cord from between her legs to ties her hair back into a ponytail, planting a kiss on her shoulders as they are exposed. 

Arno pulls a thicker rope from his bedside drawer, then secures it to the chain around her waist where the crotch rope was attached. He runs the rope down and places a knot precisely, pulling the cord tightly between the lips of her labia, pressing the knot against her clitoris. Dani feels a sense of dismay, when he keeps the tension on the rope tight and pulls the cord on her ponytail, forcing her head up and back. He ties the knot off and her head is pinned back, keeping pressure on her clitoris.

He places a hand on her shoulder and forces her to lay down, tightening the rope between her legs a little more. With a gentle pressure from his thumb on her chin, he opens her mouth, before stuffing the large ball back in. "I am going to consider your proposal, while I freshen up. This should keep you entertained in the mean time, toy."

Dani closes her eyes, feeling once again helpless and at this mans utter mercy. "I have planted a seed, I hope it grows." She thinks, listening to his footsteps heading towards the bathroom. She groans with dismay, hearing the last words of the man before he closes the door, "Nod your head, toy."

Edward steps out of the shower and admires himself in the mirror. The man staring back at him, has thinning grey hair, a slight paunch and a little extra weight around the jowls. However, the man he sees, is grossly overweight, with a several chins. "What are you looking at you fat fuck?" He berates himself.

He wets the shaving brush and lathers it generously, before applying a thick layer of soap to his face, "There is no way a woman like that would look twice at you, without your money or powers."

With calm fingers he plucks the straight razor from the bathroom cabinet and opens the blade with a flick of his wrist. He thinks , darkly to himself, "It's true, without my money or powers she wouldn't look twice. But I have money and powers and she is next door, helplessly bound and willing to provide oral on demand."

Confident strokes guide the fine edged blade over his skin, removing stubble and soap with each pass. The ice cold blade against his skin, feels refreshing, removing his doubts as easily as it removes three days growth of facial hair. "If it is a trick, I can stop her with a word. So nothing to lose, as far as that goes."

He rinses the blade of all soap and rubs a hand over his now smooth chin and cheeks. His finger comes away with a light touch of blood from a cut on his upper lip. He takes the first aid kit from under the sink and applies a little antiseptic and a liquid bandage to seal the wound. 

Arno slips a robe on and nods to himself, content with his decision. 

Dani nods, her body slick with sweat. Despite the tension and constant stimulation of her clitoris, she remains resolute. "I will not give him the satifsfaction, of my satisfaction." She thinks, focusing on the sensation of his repellant touch, to stop her from going over the edge.

"Hello, toy. Stop nodding." Arno says, cheerfully exiting the bathroom.

He sits on the bed and pulls the sponge from her mouth once more, "I have considered your proposal and find myself in agreement. However, in order to seal the deal, I will need a taste of what you have to offer."

"Of course, Master." Dani responds, thinking, "The trap is set."
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, I seldom came across a character i find more depicable than Arto. What he puts Dani through is horrible. On the Plus side: Dani has plan - which seems to work. She grabbed Arto by the balls and will probably hurt him where it hurts. Another strong Chapter [mention]wolfman[/mention] though not easy to read and not easy to write. Congratulations!
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Post by GreyLord »

I must agree with [mention]Caesar73[/mention],
Another strong Chapter @wolfman though not easy to read and not easy to write. Congratulations!
Although the tone of this chapter is very different from your usual material, it is appropriate for the story and very well delivered. Dani must do what is necessary to achieve her freedom.
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Post by wolfman »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago Well, I seldom came across a character i find more depicable than Arto. What he puts Dani through is horrible. On the Plus side: Dani has plan - which seems to work. She grabbed Arto by the balls and will probably hurt him where it hurts. Another strong Chapter @wolfman though not easy to read and not easy to write. Congratulations!
He is a vile character, but Dani may have found his weakness, will it be enough?
GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago I must agree with [mention]Caesar73[/mention],
Another strong Chapter @wolfman though not easy to read and not easy to write. Congratulations!
Although the tone of this chapter is very different from your usual material, it is appropriate for the story and very well delivered. Dani must do what is necessary to achieve her freedom.
It was a hard choice to take this route, but I feel it was very worth it as a demonstration of her resolve in the face of dire odds. Thank you for sticking with it.
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Post by wolfman »

"Would it be possible to have the use of my hands please, Master." Dani asks, staring once again at Arno's member.

"You don't need your hands to suck me off, toy." He says, edging forward.

"If you would like your balls massaged as part of the experience, I will need the use of my hands, Master." Dani says quietly, keeping her gaze downward. While waiting for his answer, she thinks, "Appear submissive and needy as you can. Let  him have no doubt of his power over me."

"She seems serious about giving me the fulls works." He thinks, before asking, "Can I trust you, toy?"

"With the constraints you have placed upon me, I cannot act against you, Master." Dani says, without willing it.

Arno smiles to himself, "It appears I have you under my thumb, without breaking you, toy." He says caressing her cheek in a manner that could be confused with affection. "I see you serving me well for a long time, toy."

"I do not wish to earn your displeasure, Master. I will serve you, Master." Dani listens to herself say, feeling a shard of ice in her heart, wondering, "Can I really do this?"

"Very good, toy." Arno says, licking his lips, "If you do well, I may reward you."'

"Thank you, Master." Dani says, quietly, "May I be released from my restraints, Master?"

"Of course, toy. Let me help you." Arno says, reaching for the keys to her chains and cuffs with trembling fingers.

Dani waits patiently, watching as her captor releases her restraints one by one. "His fingers are trembling. He is high on adrenaline. He is a very excited little boy." She observes. "The constant dry humping of me when bound and gagged, is a sign to me he craves instant gratifiation."

Once freed she remains still, before asking, "May I stretch a little, Master? The pain of my sore limbs will distract me, from serving you well, Master."

"Of course, toy. By all means proceed." Arno says, rising from the bed and taking a seat on the chair to the left of the bed, ready for a show.

She stiffly climbs off of the bend and stands with her back to Arno and bends over placing her hands behind her knees. Slowly she continues to bend until her face almost touches her shins. Arno begins to sweat watching her calves tighten and her perfectly toned rear, flexed for his delight. 

Dani doesn't need to see him to know the effect her display is having and decides to change it up a notch. Still bent over, she places her hands on the floor and performs a handstand. When balanced she does the splits, holding her legs out perfectly straight. Walking on her hands she turns, giving Arno a view from all sides, before bringing her legs together and rolling to her feet.

Facing Arno, she squats before him. She rests her hands on her knees and  opens her legs, giving her captor a full view of her shaven haven. She slowly stands and lowers herself again and again. Then clasps her hands behind her back and bends forward, keeping her arms straight and thrusting her breasts towards him.

Arno sighs, his breathing ragged. He watches every move, every twitch of her sinews and every curve of her body, while she continues to stretch and twist her body. Like an poledancer, she spins around the bedposts, wrapping her legs around it and hanging upside-down and swinging her body around horizontally. She exposes herself to him from every angle, every move a display of technique and prowess that flows from the one before. To his eyes, her body flows like a river, effortlessly snaking around the room in an erotic river of flesh..

She finally comes to a rest on her knees before him, close enough that he can feel her breath on his inner thighs. Her breathing is quickened from the exertion and her body is slick with sweat. She bows her head, not making eye contact, "Thank you, Master. I feel much more limber now, Master."

In his mind, Arno imagines a thousand and one positions to bend her in to and take her. His breathing is ragged when he softly says, "Very good, toy."

"I appears to have gotten myself very sweaty in the process, Master. May I take a quick shower to freshen up please, Master?" She asks, innocently. "I don't wish to make you all dirty, Master."

His eye twitches at the delay, but he agrees nonetheless, "Of course, Toy."

"Thank you, Master." Dani says, gratefully, "May I also be permitted to use the toilet, Master?"

"Yes, toy. You may." He agrees, staring at her sweat slicked breasts.

"Thank you, Master."' Dani says relieved, "May I also wash my hands, after I have been to the toilet, Master?"

"By all means."' He says impatiently, fearing the waning of his raging erection.

"Thank you, Master. May I also brush my teeth to freshen my mouth to accept you, Master?" She asks, thoughtfully.

"Of course, toy." He says, closing his eyes and immersing himself in the memory of her workout.

"May I also trim my nails, to ensure that I do not scratch you, Master?" She asks, sensing his frustration.

"Oh for goodness sake, just do what you need to do." Arno barks, impatiently.

"Thank you, Master." She says with a dark look in her eyes.

Dani launches herself at him, before he realises what is happening. At the same time the underwear she discarded on the first night of her ordeal, flies to her hand. His eyes bulge, when her left hand presses her them into his mouth and holds them firmly in place.

Confusion plagues his mind when she forces his head back against the wall. "Hmmm mmm mm mmam hummmph." he protests.

"Sorry, you will have to speak up a bit, Master. I can't quite understand you, Master." Dani says, with a cold smile.

He frantically tries to pry her hand off of his mouth and demand she release him. But his pleas are a muffled and garbled mess, stifled by her hand and her underwear forcing their way into his throat. "How can you do this, toy?" He thinks utterly confused.

Dani punches him sharply in the throat over and over again, crushing his windpipe, maliciously whispering "FYI fucker, if there is someone who believes the only way they can be free is to kill their captor, don't tell them to 'Do what they need to do.' It will not end well for you."

Arno struggles to breath. However his Adam's Apple has been detached from the assault and folded over his wind pipe, preventing any air from reaching or leaving his lungs.

She stares coldly into his increasingly desperate eyes, not seeing his pain, instead seeing the pain of those he killed in Grand Cayman and those he forced her to slay here on the island. She feels no pity for the man, only indignation at his crimes. "You will burn in hell, for all you have wrought." She hisses, "More to the point, you will die, knowing you had me where you wanted me, but you died because you listened to your penis and not your mind."

His eyes flicker and he goes limp in her arms. Without ceremony, she snaps his neck with a brutal wrench and slams his head into the wall. She rises to her feet, stepping away from his body satisfied at his passing. A step later she is through the barrier and in the dead world once again.

Dani hangs her head and takes a long, slow breath of air that doesn't exist and feels herself relax, before a voice cuts through the silent void of the world.

"Hello, toy. Did you really think you would get away so easily?" The voice says, coldly.

She clicks her neck and looks up to see Arno standing before her, "Hello Eddie. Glad you could make it." She says brightly.

"No idea why you are so cheery, deary." He says coldly, before commanding, "Kneel."

Dani looks at him and smiles, flying across the gap between them and grabbing his throat, "I don't think so." She counters, maliciously.

His fingers claw at his throat, trying to pry it free, in vain. "When you were alive you had power in the world, both through money and your word. But here you have neither. Here. I have power."

Arno tries to wrest himself from her grip. But finds that he is lifted by his neck, running on the spot comically.

Dani smiles to herself and with a stroke of her hand, holds him in a spreadeagle position in mid air with his jaw clamped shut. She casually walks around him, then stands behind him, "Don't worry, I am not the same kind of sadist as you are. I have been away from home for too long already."

"I made a mistake with you of giving you a chance. I wont do that again." Without remorse she flexes her will and tears Arno into countless shreads, flinging him into the great beyond. She stands alone in the dead world and thinks to herself, "I have wasted enough time on him."

Dani returns to the living world, filled with sombre purpose. She sees the room as she left it with her tormentors lifeless body still where he fell. For what happens next, she is glad that she is dressed in a loose fitting white toga and sandals. 

She stands over Arno's body, filled with a mixture of regret, remorse and loathing. She commands his body to rise and bids him to follow her. She stalks through the corridors of the state building, with each room she passes, more of the dead follow her.

In the afternoon air, a gentle breeze kisses her skin, in a way she thought she would never feel again. She selects a spot in the centre of the golf course over looking the sea and commands the copses with her to begin to clear the area. "This is a good spot, quiet and pretty, with the wind blowing across the island out to sea."

She taps the memories of those who passed through her to the great beyond and gently grips the memory, holding it tenderly in the hands of her minds eye, while she find the information she is searching for. "Thank you." she whispers solemnly to the original bearer of the memory, before she wraps her will around herself and flies across the island, to a motor pool area. 

She climbs into an earthmover that had been used to clear land for the construction of buildings here and with a twist of wires, it rumbles into life. A few moments later, she digs the shovel into the ground near the spot she had chosen. 

Once a trench a hundred metres long by ten metres wide is in place, she climbs atop the earthmover and reaches out with her mind. With every ounce of her sapped strength, she begins calling the islands dead to her. One by one the fallen inhabitants of the island approach and lay down to rest in the trench. She knows all their names and whispers a prayer in their honour when their bodies approach the trench. 

Dani maintains a vigil until long after the sunset to ensure that all of the island's fallen are in the trench. Without warning she moves from her spot and launches herself into the air once more. She streaks across the island to the still smouldering airport. With a look of emotionless focus, she climbs aboard on of the few intact fuel trucks and returns to the trench, as thunder rumbles in the distance.

She dumps the fuel into the trench and surveys the scene before her. "You died, because a small man willed it. You died by my hand. I pray you did not suffer. I will never be forgiven for what has transpired here, least of all by myself." She pulls out a flare and lights it, "With this act, I lay you to rest, I hope you find eternal peace and joy. I commend your remains to the four winds, to leave this place and the evil that envelopes it. For as long as I live, I will carry your memories within me and honour them as best I can." 

There are no living souls for miles around, however, were any present they would see a massive conflagration. Its flames stokes by an approaching storm and the powerful wing beats of a pure white angel flying overhead, with tears streaming from her eyes.

At dawn she stands tall, but weary. Her ash covered cheeks, are streaked with tears. she turns away from the trench follows the memories of Szmi to Arno's escape submarine.

Exhausted, she plots in a course and sets the autopilot. She returns to the guest cabin and sits on the edge of the bed. She exhales slowly and stares at a spot on the wall, almost too tired to think. 

Dani lays on the bed and closes her eyes. But even exhaustion and dehydration are not enough to stop her tears, as she is assailed with thoughts of what might have happened, counting her blessings after a narrow escape.
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Post by GreyLord »

And that takes care of that, [mention]wolfman[/mention]. Well done. Throughout her ordeal, Dani was resolute and it paid off for her. She did nothing shameful. Only things forced on her over which she had no control. Or only what was necessary for her survival.

Just as an aside, if she stretched for me as she did for Arno, I would be a puddle of jello on the floor long before she had to kill me.

All paths are open to you now. I am eager to see what you will do next.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by wolfman »

GreyLord wrote: 2 years ago And that takes care of that, @wolfman. Well done. Throughout her ordeal, Dani was resolute and it paid off for her. She did nothing shameful. Only things forced on her over which she had no control. Or only what was necessary for her survival.

Just as an aside, if she stretched for me as she did for Arno, I would be a puddle of jello on the floor long before she had to kill me.

All paths are open to you now. I am eager to see what you will do next.
Thank you for your kind words [mention]GreyLord[/mention] Dani is very tough and determined in a lot of ways. She went through quite an ordeal at Arno's hand and faced her own personal hell.

In all fairness when she said she went undercover at a brothel, she was being truthful. Maybe at some point more of that will be shared.
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Post by Caesar73 »

wolfman wrote: 2 years ago Dani is very tough and determined in a lot of ways. She went through quite an ordeal at Arno's hand and faced her own personal hell.

In all fairness when she said she went undercover at a brothel, she was being truthful. Maybe at some point more of that will be shared.
Indeed that was quite the ordeal she went through and things might gone even worse, if Dani had not been able to use Artos Weakness against him. Dani is a most fascinating character and we discover ever more facettes of her, as the account about the brothel clearly shows.
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