The Other Box (F+/F+) (COMPLETE 06/07)

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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Interesting chapter, I enjoyed it quite a bit.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago It keeps getting better and better. I hope I'm not repeating myself. But if I am, it is only because it is true. Wow, @RopeBunny, wouldn't it be something to have a sub like Ush who would make herself naked with a thought and tie herself up arbitrarily tight with another thought. I have to wonder what resources you will give Morgan to compete with this pair.
I think some might argue half the fun from the other side is actually doing all the things, the dance, the wholistic experience. Whichever side of the experience one is coming from, as they say, it's about the journey, not the destination :P
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thank you both for the comments.

Posting the next part now, below. Prehaps one (two at most) more still to come.

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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

Just. Get this done. Try to focus on the tasks at hand: find Morgan, find Fury. Try to focus.

Not so easy when, thanks to my kinky girlfriend, all I really want to do is find someplace quiet so we can continue playing.

But we can't. Play. Not yet. And even once we retrieve Luna's wand, even then we still can't play. Not until we've talked, so I can tell her all the things I know now: what I am, where her wand comes from, the war we're apparently supposed to be on opposite sides of.

And, once I'm done talking, what will Luna say back?

So much to do.


Find Morgan.

"Remember." Giving Luna's hand a small squeeze. "Do not,"
"Let go." Giving me an amused smile as she finishes my sentence. "I got it boss."

She probably thinks I'm being overly dramatic.

I'm not.

"Holy fuck." Shouted, from right next to me, and even then I can barely hear Luna over the noise. It's a wonder I can even hear myself, in my own head, over the howling rampaging wind.

From the nothing, the quiet, of the caves, the hurricane like sandstorm running throughout the Endless Desert hits like a freight train. Luna and me are pushed, bullied and forced, back a full half dozen metres before I'm able to plant my feet and square my shoulders. Pull Luna into a tight hug to stabilise her too.

"I am Ushinatta." Shouted, screamed out at the raging storm. Head held high. Defiant. "Commander of the Sand. Keeper of the blade Tide waits for You. By right of blood. In my father's name."

Feeling Luna stiffen against me, guess that's one revelation down.

"Koya-dan-Muuur. Ruler of the Endless Desert. The long walk nowhere. First of the Shadowmancers, keeper of Fell from Below. You will extend me courtesy."

No script. There's no proper form for this, at least nothing in my head regarding how a Dark God talks to the living Desert she- ought to, maybe, kind of sometimes does -commands.

After a long handful of seconds, waiting, wondering if I really do have the pull I'm assuming, the storm retreats. An area of calm opens up like the eye, as though we're now stood in the centre of the maelstrom. And it's still there, still close enough to easily see. It's no less loud, the storm, all that flying sand, seems no less dangerous, but still I feel.

"Yeah." Sounds like the laugh she coughs out is at least halfway forced, trying to lighten the mood, to distract maybe from where I've taken us. "Must be nice." Luna pulls herself closer. "Place is scaring the shit out of me."
"I think that's the point."
"Yes yes. Okay." Giving my cheek a kiss. "Stop sounding so smug just because your sandcastle house is better then mine."
"Pyramid." Kissing her back, half distracted as I remember a thing I've never actually seen. "Dad's house. My." I guess I must. Probably? Have a room there. "House." I frown. "The Black Pyramid of Koya-dan-Muuur."

"And there you go again with the creepy names." Definitely teasing now. Hugging me, one hand wandering across to tease at my breast. "Endless Desert. Black Pyramid. Koya. Um. Something someone."
"And don't think," giving me another kiss, "that I missed all that shouting a moment ago where you mentioned this Koya guy being your Dad."

"It wasn't meant to be a secret." Grinning despite everything: despite the fact that until I tell Luna these things I know they technically are secrets. "Don't worry Moon Girl, soon as we've got your wand." Giving her a kiss. Strange to be having a normal conversation except at shouting volume.

Because of all the damn sand, because of the actual fierce storm blowing not so many metres away.

"Soon as we've got Fury." Repeating myself. "I've got a whole bunch of secrets and interesting things to share."

And fingers crossed my wand versus Dark God revelations don't bring out some unknown militant streak in my girlfriend. Because that, a fight between us, would be awkward.

"So. Um." Pushing her bare foot through the sand. "Do we have to go and actually find Morgan? Or...?"
"Or." I nod, giving Luna a half smile. "Weren't you listening Moon Girl. I'm Commander of the Sand."
"Indeed." Turning a slow circle, Luna shivers, shakes her head. "Could you get it to stop talking? Do you think?"

No. Unfortunately. Because that part is creeping me out too.

The Endless Desert is a lost place. In some circumstances easy to find, but in all cases virtually impossible to leave. You'd swear, prehaps, that you were travelling downhill only to find yourself suddenly stood atop a high dune. Or you may stumble across the same marker post- the Desert is littered with all manner of signs and ruins -repeatedly, no matter which way you turn, or how many paces you take between sightings.

And yes, the wind does talk. It howls and moans, it laughs, cackles. Familiar voices from out of your own past will seem to shadow you, making just enough sense that you'd swear an old acquaintance was right there, beside you. Until you turn around.

"Just make sure you don't talk back."
"But." Pulling a face. "That's silly. Ush. Why would I,"
"People do." Shutting her up with a shake of my head. "This place isn't friendly."

A final tut, shake of my head. I pull Luna into a quick hug before dropping down on bent legs to place the hand not holding hers palm flat against the sand.

"Bring her to me." Still shouting, which gets me a brief laugh from Luna, which makes me laugh back because it is all, the shouting, very dramatic.

"So now we wait."
"Okay." Nodding. Luna looks around, shrugs. "So. Um. You really met your Dad?"
"I really did."
"Wow." Turning to face me, looking into my eyes. "And, um, everything's okay?"
"I think so?" Because I feel like it is. Sure we still, Dad and me, need to do a whole lifetimes worth of catching up. But so far, just off that one brief encounter, I feel like things are okay.

"Does he look like you?"
"More or less." Holding up my free hand, fingers splayed open. "Just. Well. The black is all over."
"Face too?"
"Face." Nodding. "Um. Chest." What I'd seen around the vest top anyway. "He had clothes on." I shrug. "But it looked like more then mine."
"So you inherited all this," stroking my arm, giving me tingles, "the power and stuff, from him?"
"Apparently. Guess hitting twenty-one was some kind of catalyst for the change to occur?" Thinking out loud, because I haven't given it any thought until now. But it sounds right.

At which point Morgan stumbles, half falls, into our little zone of calm.

I don't know how. Or, rather, I do, but I don't want to think about how: Morgan has been, at some point in her wanderings, half stripped and tied up. Admittedly I don't know what she was wearing, but I'll bet there were trousers or a skirt at least covering those skinny legs.

Legs which are now naked. No trousers or skirt or shorts. No thong or girl style pants of any kind. No socks, no shoes. From the waist down Morgan is nothing but pale legs and a neatly trimmed bush, more like a small landing strip of short wiry hair.

Above the waist things are more- aside from the rope, although to some that's normal too -as you'd expect. A fitted long sleeved top, high tee style neckline, tight enough even without the bondage I'd wager to reveal the outlines of Morgan's bra. The top is black, and kinda reminds me of ninja or assassin clothing.

Her arms, pressed together from elbow to wrist behind Morgan's back, palms together almost like praying, are held in place by rope which wraps the chest too.

She wouldn't of known, about this little oasis, until she walked across the threshold. Which probably accounts for the stumble. To go from fighting the wind with every step to sudden calm would unbalance most people.

"Hi." Checking for about the fiftieth time that I'm still holding Luna's hand, because I am Commander of the Sand, but that doesn't mean I trust it, I give Morgans blank confused stare a little wave. She blinks back. Licks her lips. Turns to look behind her at the wall of sand. Shivers. Walks over.

She isn't gagged. So at least we can talk.

"Morgan. Right?"
"Yes." Like a grumble, annoyed to have to admit such or prehaps just annoyed to be talking. To me. Morgan gives Luna a dagger filled look.

"Hey." Taking a step forwards, Morgan flinches back. Good. "You." Jabbing a finger at her. "Can go back into the fucking storm if you're going to eyeball my girlfriend." I take another step, grab the rope running under Morgan's B cups, yank her close. "Got it?"
"Y." Trying to pull away, completely failing to break my vice like grip. Morgan stutters. Tries again. I wait her out, smile in her face, pull her back in close so our eyes are inches apart. Give her my best blank stare.

"Got it? Morgan? No more shit. Talk to me, tell me things. And I'll send you home."
"Home?" As though she's forgotten.

People forget things here.

"Yes." Nodding. "Just. Be a good girl and talk to us, and then no more sand."
"Okay." Nodding back. To be fair the Endless Desert is one hell of a good persuader.

"Where's your Mum?"
"My Mum?"
"The blue wand." Surely she knows this? Her gun, which she shot me with, leaked blue smoke. So. Morgan knows. She's just confused, or acting dumb. Which won't end well for her.

I try again.

"Your Mum. Keeper of Indominus-decrees-nul, the blue wand." I see her stiffen as I mention the colour. She knows.

"Where is she?"
"Said she'd be back." Morgan pauses, glances behind me, which means at the raging storm since there's fuck all else to see. She shivers. Nods like a decision made. "She told me to get you." Me. Clearly. "And stop Luna from interfering if she didn't tow the line. She,"
"Later." Giving Luna's hand a quick squeeze. She doesn't know that by dating me she's now on the wrong side of the fight. "I'll tell you after we're done with Morgan, Moon Girl. Okay?"
"Right." Giving my cheek a kiss. Trusting me, which earns her a tut from Morgan.

Which earns her a glare from me. Which shuts her up.


"Last question. Where's Luna's wand?"
"You want...?" Confused. Because as a Dark God, the enemy, why would I want to help retrieve one of the few things capable of ending me?

Guess Morgan's never been in love.

Wait. Um. Am I?

"Yes." Done talking, I just want to get this all wrapped up, go home, play. So I grab Morgan by the chest rope again, and half push half march her backwards, all the way to the storms boundary. And of course she fights me all the way, which does her no good.

"Luna's wand." Holding her in place, bare butt and bound arms tickling the edges of the storm. "Where is it Morgan?"
"In a box." Glancing over her shoulder. "Please. Don't."
"Just tell me." Bringing her a couple of inches closer to me, away from the storm, showing her all can be fine. "Tell me where the box is?"

She does. I look at Luna, who nods, giving me a smile. A kiss for a job well done. Happy, my girlfriend is happy, and not at all phased at what's happened here. The Desert, Morgan being half naked and bound, my threats. Luna is on team me.

I smile back.

"Thank you. Morgan." I push her away. "You can go now."

Morgan stumbles, falls backwards towards the storm.

Doesn't reach it.

Instead I send her away.

"Back to campus."
"No." Trying to be shocked, Luna can't help giggling though. "But she's...." Half naked. And tied up.

"S' what she deserves." I nod like a person who made the right choice. Luna's giggles become a proper laugh, which sets me off.

Just a wizard and a Dark God, laughing in the middle of a talking sandstorm in a realm full of lost souls.

Because I don't know the caves I can't take us back and put us where the box is. We'll need to navigate, using Morgan's helpful instructions, from the room I found Luna in. Which because I know it, jumped here from it, I can take us back.

For a brief moment sand envelops us, transporting Luna and me from Desert to caves, back into the centre of the room.



Even as the sand falls away, vanishing as it does, I feel Luna stiffen in synch with me as we both become aware of what's in the room with us.

Or. Not what but who.

Blue. And not blue like Luna's pink without Fury in her hand. BLUE like my BLACK shot through with YELLOW.

Stood just inside the room prehaps just under a dozen metres away, even now kicking the door closed behind her.

A grin on her face.

Morgan's Mum. The family resemblance is there: the slim small breast topped figure, the same colour hair. The same face, only older.

Dark black jeans tucked into brown leather knee high boots and a white shirt open at the top, sleeves rolled up to show her own symbol, larger then Luna's this one climbs halfway up the right forearm. And in her right hand: a wand. Black shot through with both white and blue, not gently zigzagged like Fury, this wand is straight with a gentle curve at the handle end, like a child's stick pistol.

No words, she's, before I'm even fully aware of everything, got Indominus-decrees-nul raised, pointed at me. At Luna stood beside me.

The grin on her face becomes a scowl.

The blue smoke surrounding her seems to boil down her arm, rushing towards the wand, towards us.

And Luna, suddenly, somehow quicker then me, darting in front. Putting herself between me and the wand.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Very nice chapter - especially that devious Cliif Hanger at the end :)
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Post by GreyLord »

Luna does have a good heart to step in front that way. What a fascinating world you have invented, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. Eagerly waiting to see how you solve this cliffhanger. I need to learn how to write one of those.
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Post by Nainur »

The Endless Desert is...not endless, or so it seems! :D
Therefore this oasis is well visited, which is great, do not get me wrong. Most interesting thought-lines and exchanges, as always. And a fine cliff-hanger on topf, which i like especially!
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Feels like Ush has been jumping from one predicament to the next. Exited to see what will happen next!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Oh dear, let's hope there's a happy end in site for Ush and Luna. Wonderful chapter, really drawing all the threads together :D
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Post by GreyLord »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago Feels like Ush has been jumping from one predicament to the next. Exited to see what will happen next!
Ush does that, doesn't she?
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Post by RopeBunny »

The cliffhanger. I couldn't think of any other way to leave it. Writing any more would've spoiled what's coming below, but it was quite abrupt.

Thanks for all the comments, final chapter time now. As always, enjoy :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Geek.

If I had to do it again, make the split second decision: move or don't, I can't say whether I'd do the same thing again.

Because it's crazy. Nuts.


Ush brings us back from the Desert. And, not her fault in any way. How after all can you know? Unfortunately the room we arrive in, the same one I'd been chained in, the same one we'd left not an hour previous, happens to be freshly occupied by the owner of a wand.

Morgan's Mum.

I'm happy to admit near total ignorance of what's going on, the wider picture concerning exactly why Morgan's Mum told her to capture Ush, and me. Ush did say she'd explain. I trust her to explain, just as soon as we're back in the dorm, Fury safely in my hands.

Prehaps she can explain it all to me whilst laid on my bed, in a nice hogtie?

I'll even let her keep that pretty dress on.

But. Thing is. I've picked up hints, half said things. So I know, or at least think I know some stuff: there are more wands, and apparently whatever Ush is, which is what her Dad is too? I guess. Whatever they are doesn't like the wands.

I think?

Fuck knows why.

But it's clearly true. Because here we are, returned from the Endless Desert to find Mrs Morgan's Mum, waiting for us or just here by dumb luck. Grin on her face, wand- I think mine looks cooler, just saying -already raised to strike my girlfriend down like some kind of Jedi with a grudge.

So I move. Instinct taking over, the deep rooted urge to protect the one I love.

Wait. What? Um.

Even whilst the blue smoke is bubbling down her arm, powering up to strike I'm lunging, placing myself, my body, between Ush and the wand.

And I am so screwed. I am almost certainly dead. Because if Ush's kind and the wands are enemies then surely Morgan's Mum is preparing a killing blow.

I'm a dead girl. But, in that instant. I don't care.

Sand. A tight cone, a contained storm I recognise as being the method by which Ush travels. Sand erupts directly in front of Mrs Morgan's Mum only to near instantly fall apart, vanish.

And it must be Ush, those quick reactions, leapfrogging me, to save me, even as I sought to block her.


Tall. Black skinned lean frame clothed in canvas combat trousers and a vest top. Black spiky hair falling down one side of his- that isn't a girls frame, even from behind I can tell -head.

Moving even as he appears, moving even whilst Mrs Morgan's Mum brings her arm down, thrusting her wand towards Ush and me.

Towards Koya-dan-Muuur now, because who else, given Ush's rough description of her Dad, could this black skinned man be? Who else would appear directly blocking the path of Ush's attacker.

Holding nothing in a two handed grip, Koya-dan-Muuur swings, pivots. And as he does the nothing becomes something, becomes a weapon like a long pole, dark brown coloured wooden handle in the centre, around which are tied yellow and red woven things not unlike bracelets with trailing ends. At each end the handle becomes a long slender katana looking blade, black. The whole weapon looks well over six foot long.

Koya-dan-Muuur's first swing chops the hand holding Indominus-decrees-nul off at the elbow. Mrs Morgan's Mum opens her mouth, doesn't get the chance to scream as the second blow, the backswing, the other blade cleaves her head off at the shoulders.

And all this, from Ush and my arrival to now, happens in mere seconds.

"Don't ever kidnap my daughter." A cultured voice, some kind of Asian mashup of accents. Spoken very calmly as Koya-dan-Muuur watches Mrs Morgan's Mum collapse onto the floor, the fountain of blood from her gaping wounds spraying him, seeming not to care.

Her head, eyes open almost comically wide, mouth the same, frozen in the pre scream moment, hits the floor. Bounces. Rolls off into a corner.

Her arm spins, tracing a downwards arc, hand now gripping nothing. Because Indominus-decrees-nul has vanished. Somewhere.

Koya-dan-Muuur spits on her fresh corpse. Which, the spit, hisses and bubbles like acid.

Letting go his polearm, which vanishes the same mysterious way it arrived. No smoke. No puff. It appears to become sand, collapsing in on itself, losing it's straight rigidity, the sand disappearing as it tumbles to the stone floor.

Turning to face Ush, and me, Koya-dan-Muuur smiles, revealing a mouthful of sharks teeth. Which becomes a frown as, taking a step towards us Fury materialises in my open right palm.

The box was, at a guess, sealed by Mrs Morgan's Mum. Some kind of spell. And, again I'm guessing, when she died the magic broke, or ended. Because suddenly I could sense, feel, Shakta-el-furiosa again. So of course I called for my wand.

Because I missed it.

And maybe, a sudden thought which I'll have to ask. Though who exactly I can ask I've no clue. I found Shakta-el-furiosa by chance, stumbled across it literally half buried in the ground. At times I've wondered, did I find Fury, or did it come looking for me? Do the wands pick the owners?

And if so prehaps that's where Indominus-decrees-nul has vanished to, prehaps that wand is, even now, laid on a particular path, or resting on a certain shelf between two favourite books. Waiting to be discovered by the next Mr's Morgan's Mum.


Koya-dan-Muuur pauses. Glances from me, stood in front of. Blocking? His daughter. To Fury, a wand, just like the thing he just killed someone for waving at his daughter. To Ush, stood behind me.

"Are you hale?"
"I." From behind me I can hear the humour in Ush's voice. Hale. Who even talks like that? "Am. Yes."

Koya-dan-Muuur nods, turns his head a fraction, black eyed stare fixing on me.

"And you. Girl."
"Luna." From both my mouth and Ush's.

"Luna." Tasting the word, tongue flicking out like a snake. A small nod. "Very well. Luna. Do you know what it is you hold? That I would kill others for being in my presence with such."
"She doesn't." Stepping up beside me, Ush, shaking her head, placing a hand on my arm to forestall any words I'd most likely been about to say. "But I will tell her."
"Very well."

And, after an awkward feeling pause. Koya-dan-Muuur stood, silent, staring at us. Ush, equally silent, staring back. And me fidgeting on the spot, being sure to keep Fury held low else this blood splattered. Um. Whatever he is? Decides I'm a threat equal to Mrs Morgan's Mum after all.

"You want me to tell her now," Ush, tutting, "don't you?"

"So. Moon Girl." Still looking at Koya-dan-Muuur I see his lips lift into a smirk at his daughters use of my pet name. Ush takes my hand in hers, steers me around so we're face to face. Her father still here, in the room, stood close, but no longer included.

"Shakta-el-furiosa is one of seven wands." My girlfriend begins, still holding my free hand in both of hers. "Created a long time ago."
"Long long ago." From beside us, voice sounding far off, lost in memory of times past.

"Humans." Pushing my hand at me. "You. Created the wands from the bones of the seventh Dark God." Bringing my hand back to gesture at herself, then to the side at Koya-dan-Muuur. Before letting go. "My father. Me. We're Dark Gods. There were seven, until humans killed one, and used the pieces to create wands capable of destroying the other six."

"Oh." Fuck. Me. Looking down at Fury, which I'd always assumed was wooden. Which is actually made of bone. From a God. "Fuck."
"Indeed." Koya-dan-Muuur. His voice jerking my attention to the side, to him. His voice is still cultured, even and calm, but beneath that I'd wager is rage. At Mrs Morgan's Mum. At the keepers of the wands.

Rage. At me?

"So. Moon Girl." Ush, moving slightly so our two becomes a three, a loose triangle. "In truth. There's, kinda, a war. A forever thing, between the Dark God's and those weilding the seven wands. Which means...."
"That we're." She'd stopped on purpose, letting me fill in the rest. Which. I nod. Now I see. Fuck. "You and me are on separate sides." Looking from my girlfriend to her father. "Aren't we?"
"Yes." Eyes on me, Ush offers a half smile, which I return.

"Thing is." Turning to fully face her Dad. "I don't care. Father."
"No?" Not angry. Amused? Interested?

"No." From the corner of my eye I see Ush's arm move, as she holds out her hand, to me. "I." Swallowing, giving me a sideways look of hope and want. "Love her. Father. War or not. I will not fight this girl."
"I love you too." Taking Ush's hand, squeezing. I blow her a kiss. "Sir." Looking at Koya-dan-Muuur, trying not to flinch, to keep my voice steady. Making sure to keep Fury down. "I knew nothing of this war until your daughter told me. I am Shakta-el-furiosa's keeper, but." Um. What do people say, what did they used to say? "On my life, I shall not raise it against you and yours."

Silence. Stretching, filling the room. Ush and me stand, holding hands, unable to stop exchanging the occasional cheeky smile like two kids in love.

Which, let's be fair, is- wizard and Dark God parts aside -exactly what we are.

And across from us stands Ush's father, Koya-dan-Muuur, midnight black skin, vest top and face covered in a rising slash of blood.

The silence stretches out.

"I saw you. Luna," mention of my name jerks my attention away from Ush, from those 'please tie me up and fuck me' eyes. I look over at Koya-dan-Muuur, who nods. "Friend," almost a teasing tone on that one word, "to my daughter. I saw, facing the wand Indominus-decrees-nul, your intended sacrifice."
"Um. Well." Probably wouldn't do it again, probably I'd run away instead. Should I say that? "Um."

"Very well. Daughter." Stepping forwards, towards Ush with open arms. "If this is the path you wish to walk, then do so now with my blessing."
"Thank you." Eyes widening in surprise for a moment, exchanging a brief glance with equally shocked me. Guess we were both expecting.

Some sort of argument.

A fight.

Prehaps Koya-dan-Muuur simply taking Ush away by force, locking her up in that Pyramid, going to extremes to keep her away from little- mostly harmless -me.

But instead it appears we have her father's approval. Damn. And wow.


Ush steps forwards into the offered embrace, coming away with a matching slash of Mrs Morgan's Mum blood on her pretty dress. I grin, because why not, which means I'm totally not paying attention and am completely caught off guard moments later when Koya-dan-Muuur sweeps me into a similar crushing press.

I just about manage, last second, to remember Fury, to quickly pivot and angle my right hand so the wand- which put on quite the light show last time it came into actual contact with a Dark God -doesn't touch Ush's father.

"It will not be easy." Looking from his daughter to me, having retreated back, putting distance between Ush and me, and him. "You know this, yes?"
"Not much ever is." Ush, shrugging, lifting my hand to kiss it.

"There may be." Cocking his head, thoughtful. "Issues. People on both sides who do not agree with your choice. This war has raged, in it's fashion, since time. Some will not see this potential union as favourable."
"And. Um." Trying to join in, to be a part of this since it does actually involve me.

A war. Which by sheer crazy circumstance I'm now a part of.

Fuck me.

"Well." I look at Ush, who gives me an encouraging smile. "Fuck them. Um. Sir."

Ush giggles, like a little girl, which sets me off.

"Quite." Smiling. "Fuck them. I shall do what I can. Talk with those creatures and powers who will listen. I will make them understand that you both walk within my shadow. But." Holding up a finger in warning. "This path you have chosen, you must remain vigilant to the dangers both from our kind," giving Ush a small smile, "and from humans."
"We will. Father." Ush, answering for us both. I nod.

"Well." Tossing nothing at Ush. "No matter what, you will need this, daughter."

Ush, because when something, even nothing, is thrown, you reach out to catch it, holds out a hand. And the nothing becomes sand, becomes something bought forth by Koya-dan-Muuur, something long and narrow.

Which Ush catches.

It's a sword, brown leather scabbard with a belted harness attached, dull silver buckles. The scabbard, the sword inside as Ush takes hold of the black grip, pulls half the blade free, is curved. A long thin katana in the Japanese style, the blade is shiny metal, silver, with a strong hint of light blue like the sky, like the clear ocean, and strange looking symbols cover the lower third.

"This is...?"
"Yes." Koya-dan-Muuur nods. "This is the blade Tide waits for You. Forged long ago. Your birthright daughter. Ushinatta. Commander of the Sand." Koya-dan-Muuur makes a fist of his left hand, places it in the cupped palm of his right. Bows. "Happy birthday, daughter."
"I." Ush laughs, let's go the blade, which slides smoothly back into the scabbard. "Thank you. Father. But. Um. I don't know how to fight."
"You will find time spent in close proximity will cause a transfer of some knowledge."
"The." Confused, I look from Ush and her new accessory to Koya-dan-Muuur. "Sword will teach Ush to fight?"
"In a way." Nodding. "However, come and see me, visit with me at the Pyramid. There is help I can give."

Koya-dan-Muuur gives me, gives my wand I realise with a start, a significant look. "Help, knowledge, I can offer to you both."
"You'll." Surely not, because I'm still, despite dating- fucking, tying up -his daughter, I'm still the enemy. "Help me with the magic?"
"I will try."
"Wow. Um." I bow, doing my best copy of the cupped fist that I just witnessed him do, because I feel like just saying thank you, for that, isn't enough. "I would be, really really grateful. Thanks."

Ush and Koya-dan-Muuur hug one more time, and I'm glad for her, not being alone in this world anymore.

With a tipped salute, a last smile, her father leaves, the sand wrapping and consuming him, vanishing him away, back to the Endless Desert no doubt. Where we will, both of us, visit.

And it says loads, about what a big deal Koya-dan-Muuur's offered knowledge is, that the thought of setting foot back into that howling place doesnt fill me with too much dread.

"Well." Turning to face Ush as she has to face me, both of us wearing matching smiles. I gesture with Fury at Tide waits for You, still held by the middle of the scabbard loosely in Ush's left hand. "Seems now we both have an accessory with a silly name."
"So we do." Ush looks down at her sword.

Her face, her eyes, as she looks back up, meeting my gaze. Despite the blood stained dress, the black limbs and hair, the eyes like twin pools of darkest night. Despite those far too sharp teeth, a predators smile, too wide on her pretty face.

Pure mischief. She. Ush. Without a doubt the most fuckable girl I've ever met.

"Well. Moon Girl." Blowing me a kiss. "Wanna go home and tie me up?"

Stupid question.
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Post by Nainur »

Well, hell, wtf?!

Honestly, I had to re-read and still feeling a bit lost, doesn't matter. For sure loved the last two lines! :D ;)
Awesome, the whole thing. Awesome.
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Post by Caesar73 »

What a fantastic web you have woven here, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention] !
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]RopeBunny[/mention], you have smoothly mixed a high quality fantasy with a bunch of TUGs and released the result on this site. Well done and thank you very much. I do hope to read more of Moon Girl and Ush in the future.
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Post by ThatDino »

What a conclusion, lovingly written and greatly amusing! So much potential for sequels if you ever find the inspiration... Thank you - as always - for your contribution! :D
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Post by tickletied84 »

"Well. Moon Girl." Blowing me a kiss. "Wanna go home and tie me up?"

Stupid question.
Brilliant, the last couple of lines sum it up - a mixture of fun bondage TUGs, and some form of dark magic. Loved reading it, hoping there's lots more coming from your creative mind :D
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

Another absolute banger. Can’t wait for your next one!
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Post by RopeBunny »

I'm so very grateful to you all. Such an amazing response all through this story, thank you for taking the time.

To those who mentioned the potential of more Luna/Ush, yes. I'd love tp write them again, but not yet. I can think of several possible story arcs but at this time they're all just single line ideas. Not fleshed out. I need to think and plan.

In the meantime I'll likley be writing another Plymouth story, since several have mentioned an interest in reading her again. Quite aside from which I love writing Plymouth.

Most likely starting soon.
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Post by GreyLord »

Everything you do is great, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. Whatever you pick is sure to be well receive.
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The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hey, great ending.

Ties off (pardon the pun)/concludes just enough to be satisfying, while leaving enough open for the reader's imagination (or maybe follow-ups down the line). Ultimately isn't that what written stories are for, to open/use one's imagination? One of the 'advantages' they hold over other mediums that is often overlooked (too much detail/information can end up being less in some cases).

Either way, I hope to see more, on whatever story(ies) you choose to/are inspired to write next.
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Post by RopeBunny »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Whatever you pick is sure to be well receive.
Thank you :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 1 year ago concludes just enough to be satisfying, while leaving enough open for the reader's imagination
I agree with this, a good point well made in my opinion.

This is how I try to write, individual chapters and indeed the whole story arc in places. Some stuff doesn't need or shouldn't be explained. A hinted at TUG from the past or the mentioned threat of a TUG, for instance, in both cases I'll sometimes not follow through, which leaves what happened open to each individual.

Gives the reader something to ponder. Something I hope they'll (you'll) enjoy wondering at.

Thanks :D
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Post by Switchgirl »

Wow! Another story! Love it!
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Post by Bound to Please »

Great Story, keep posting.
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