Bow Before The Queen (F/M+, F+)

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Bow Before The Queen (F/M+, F+)

Post by TayDay95 »

Hi everyone, this story is loosely connected to my previous stories...

The Daughter’s Bodyguard:

and Set Me Free, My Dear Valerie:

In this story we will follow the lovely Cassandra: Image

[mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]TomYi[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention].

Hope you all enjoy, feel free to leave a comment with any thoughts, suggestions or feedback you may have! 😁


Cassandra Li, born Li Chanshan, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, was born and raised in the city of Melbourne, Australia. For almost the entirety of the 38 years of her life, she had been struggling. Whether with her health as a child, finances as an adult, bad relationships, her very traditional and overbearing parents, or with her natural beauty that seemed to draw in every kind of guy she wasn't interested in dating... Yes, Cassandra hadn't always had the greatest luck.

But two years ago, something had made it all worthwhile... She'd given birth to the most wonderful little girl, Li Sun, or as Cass loved to call her: Sunny.

Sunny was just that, a ray of light and happiness in the neverending slugfest that was Cassandra's life. The sweet little girl's father had left them without a second thought, but it didn't matter to Cass, Sunny was her world, and she'd do anything for her.

Literally anything.

So it came to pass that on a typical autumn morning in the city of Melbourne, Cassandra experienced one of the greatest moments of her life...

She lost her job.

Fired from her work at a clothing retail store because the business was suffering, the latest in a long line of setbacks, the shy, dejected Asian mother went for a long drive around the outer edges of the city proper, before she went to pick up Sunny from Day Care.

"So how was your day sweetheart? Did you do anything fun?" The lovely lady asked her child in the passenger seat, trying to appear optimistic.

"We got to do finger painting!" Sunny jostled happily in her seat.

"Oh that sounds nice! Are you going to show me when we get home?" Cass smiled.

"Yeah! I used lots of purple because, um, I like purple and it's my favourite colour!" Sunny explained adorably. "Did, um did you have fun today mummy?"

Cassandra had to force herself to keep smiling, she didn't know how she was going to feed her poor daughter, nevermind pay for her Day Care until she could get another job, but Sunny was still very young, and Cass wanted her to have a happy childhood.

"I... sure did sweetheart. But mummy's decided I'm not going to work in that boring old shop anymore!" She made it sound like a good thing to the innocent child.

"Okay... Can I go to, um, can I go to Maddie's house on Friday?" Sunny asked innocently.

Cass couldn't help but smile, life's so much simpler in a child's mind. "Yes darling you can go to Maddie's house on Friday."

As she answered her daughter, Cassandra rolled her eyes, smiling at the innocence and ignorance of the young girl. When she noticed something new about the neighbourhood...

The old disco club that had closed down in the 80's, that she remembered as being deserted and run down, was coming up on her right... But it was completely transformed!

The building stood out on the old Melbourne street like a speck of gold in brown dirt. Gone were the worn brick walls, the dilapidated sign and the tape on the windows that the local kids had smashed every other weekend... Instead the walls were painted a bright red, with black, highly detailed silhouettes of a man and a woman graffitied over the red background. Obviously being the middle of the day, the place wasn't open, but she saw a neon sign that would light up spectacularly when it got dark.

In bright red, highly stylised, almost demonic-looking letters, the sign read:


Huh, Cass thought, a new nightclub. It had been years since the mad, wild party days of her youth, but the Asian beauty had worked in a nightclub before as a waitress. She knew that new venues were always looking for help, so she decided to pull her red Honda SUV to the side of the road, unbuckling her seat belt.

"Sunny darling, mummy's just gonna go look at something okay? Stay in the car, I'll be right back!"
She ordered her child.

"Okay mummy!" The cute girl smiled.

Her high heels clipping and clopping on the asphalt road as she crossed it, Cassandra went up to the front door of the club, and sure enough, there were Help Wanted sheets. Yes! This could be the break she needed! Maybe she wouldn't have to go long without work!

Only then... She saw the job description.

Help Wanted

Dominatrix - Full Time

Experience preferred but not necessary. Training provided if needed.

If interested please contact business number.

Cassandra's jaw dropped, a dominatrix?! What kind of club was this place?! She kept looking at the other jobs posted, but they all followed the same vein... Full-time submissive wanted, part-time switch wanted, casual dominant wanted...

Good lord, this was a bondage club!

Rather horrified that such a risqué establishment had opened in her neighbourhood, Cassandra turned to go...

But then she remembered how hard it had been just to find that retail job, how she'd struggled to get, well, most of her jobs. She looked back at the posters... Apparently, the pay would be, frankly, incredible.

Cassandra sighed deeply, for Sunny, the least she could do is give it a try. She typed the number into her phone so she could call it that night at home.


Sure enough, when night fell and she was all settled down in her small apartment in Collingwood, Cass nervously sat on her two-seater couch, having just put Sunny to bed.

"Huhhh..." She sighed deeply. "I can't believe I'm doing this..."

She pressed call on her phone, and after a few seconds, a high-pitched, rather young sounding female voice answered.

"Hello? Club Intimate." An American accent radiated through the speaker. "Kate speaking..."

"Hi Kate, my name's Cassandra, I recently drove past your club and saw the Help Wanted signs in the windows... and I'm ca..." The stunning but reserved mother really had to stop and build up the nerve to say the words aloud. "I'm ... calling about the... the dominatrix position at your club?"

"Oh that's wonderful! Thank you so much for calling! We're actually holding auditions this next Saturday for the position, if you don't mind me asking now, what experience do you have as a domme? Could you send me through your resumé?" Kate asked in a gleeful tone, she seemed nice at least.

"Well, see I... I actually have no experience, I was just wondering if maybe I could inquire about another kind of position like bar staff? I do have lots of experience there." Cass tried to work her way around the situation.

"Ahhh I'm so sorry but we've already filled all our bar staff positions, we're just filling up the bondage-related positions at this time." Kate sounded genuinely apologetic and understanding.

"Damn" Cass cursed under her breath "Well uh, I don't think I'd really measure up to the experienced girls, like I said I've never done bondage before so I think I'll just..."

"Oh that's perfectly fine, believe it or not, you're not the first jobseeker we've had with no experience, and as the ad said, we can provide you with training as myself and my partner Daniel are well experienced, and we already have some very well-versed dommes in our employ, we just wanna get some more quantity to add to the quality!" The American girl explained.

"So... You think I might have a chance?" Cassandra started to show the slight beginnings of a smile, standing up off her couch.

"I think it certainly wouldn't hurt if you attend the audition and give it a whirl! It's amazing how many people who've never tried bondage end up wishing they'd always been into it haha!" Kate laughed.

"Well, ok then, I'll give it a whirl like you said!" The Asian beauty smiled widely, feeling a strange sense of relief.

"Great, next Saturday the 15th, at midday is when we'll be starting, see you then!" The cute-sounding American bade her farewell.

"Thank you so much! See you then, bye Kate!"

Hanging up the phone, Cassandra felt both sick to her stomach, and strangely excited. This could be the break she needed to give herself and Sunny a good life...

She just had to learn as much about bondage as she could, in only a week and a half...

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Post by NotSeen »

Bloody hell, how on Earth do you find time to write this much? Kidding aside, this sounds _very_ promising... although Sunny might have difficulties when someone asks her 'what does your mum do for a living?'
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Post by GreyLord »

[mention]TayDay95[/mention], I generally do not follow F/M stories. For you, I will have to make an exception. You have set up an interesting beginning.
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice start! Seems like a promising story. Stories where the protaganist is introduced into bondage/tie-ups seem common on this site, but I seldom read them from the other side of the dynamic. I hope Cassandra will like it.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Introduction is promising - and I´m curious where you will lead us with that story :)
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]NotSeen[/mention] Wellll I'm unemployed so, yeah, plenty of free time to write stories lol.

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] I appreciate that mate, certainly don't feel obliged to follow the story if you're not interested, but that being said I hope I am able to keep you entertained 😊

[mention]Beaumains[/mention] thank you so much for commenting, Cassandra's reaction to her first bondage experience will be... Let's say... Interesting haha. Stay tuned!

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] Glad to see you for another take my friend, hope you enjoy it!
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Post by Red86 »

Interesting start! Looking forward to seeing more!!
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Post by TomYi »

A decent start. Cassandra's real pretty, but it's the setting that lends itself to the most excitement. It's a bold crossover that you're doing, and it might serve you well to promote it even more as an expansion to your other successful stories.
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Post by Bandit666 »

I take a few days away from here. Simply to recharge my batteries and work on a few ideas of my own and you go and produce yet another popular interesting tale. Keep it up mate. And maybe I can retire and allow someone else to take my place.
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Red86[/mention] thanks brother, looking forward to giving you more! 😁

[mention]TomYi[/mention] Yeah I guess you have a point, Kate and Danny are only going to have a couple scenes at most in this tale as it is most definitely Cassandra's story, but I see what you mean 😊

[mention]Bandit666[/mention] I certainly hope that's not the case as you've provided this site with some truly amazing stories over the years mate. Hell I remember us helping each other out with our writing on the old site haha 😊
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]TomYi[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]nayte4767[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention].

Okay everyone, time for Cass to take her first steps into the world of bondage, meet Tommy Petrovic: Image

And Aaliyah Mesbah:

As always really hope you like this chapter, and I'll have more for you soon 😁


Across the week and a bit that followed, Cassandra's time was taken up with two things: spending some much-needed mother-daughter time with young Sunny...

And after she put the little one to bed every night... Researching bondage.

Grabbing a drink and putting the tv on in the background, she would open up her laptop and start browsing the internet. And what she found both greatly intrigued, and slightly unsettled the Chinese beauty.

There were literally thousands upon thousands of videos and photos depicting women being tied up, gagged, beaten, groped and fucked by men. Not all of it was that extreme, in fact most just had the girls struggling in their bonds and moaning, but the more hardcore stuff was hard for the sheltered single mother to watch.

Fortunately, she would discover that some of those videos, particularly by a website called, had behind-the-scenes portions with the models who were tied and abused, and it put her mind at ease when these girls expressed how much they enjoyed their experiences.

As Cassandra kept researching her upcoming job, she began to find more footage where the women were the ones in charge, both over men and/or other women. She didn't know why, but that appealed to her so much more...

On the night before she was due to go to the Club for her audition... She realised that as she watched a sexy dark-haired mistress caress her boyfriends' bound body... Her hands had started to drift down between her legs, and she was unconsciously starting to lightly rub her pussy.

When she saw what she was doing, she stopped and shut down her laptop...

'Wow...' the hot Asian mum went to bed that night.

'Am I... Into this stuff?'


The next day, after dropping Sunny at Day Care, and spending a few hours at home getting herself ready, puzzling over what to wear, and freaking the hell out that she was ACTUALLY doing this, Cassandra arrived at Club Intimate.

Walking through the heavy black glass doors at the front of the red and black painted establishment, the dark-haired beauty was welcomed by a nice soft black carpet floor, bright, colourful artwork hanging on the walls, which were painted red with black bondage-themed silhouettes much like the outside, and two white doorways on either side of a large darkened, wooden reception desk.

Behind the desk sat a very attractive young woman, probably no older than 21, with heavily bleached, basically silver hair, and deathly pale makeup aside from the black lipstick and purple eyeshadow that matched her obviously emo or goth themed clothes: namely a tight black lace corset, a black lace choker, and though Cass couldn't see them, black fishnet stockings that showed off her gorgeous pale legs. The whole look was topped off by the piercing jutting out from just under the girls bottom lip.

Cassandra felt rather intimidated, not so much by the girl, but by the sheer grandiosity of the room around her, besides, as soon as she walked in, the young lady smiled at her brightly.

"Hello, welcome to Intimate!" The pretty goth girl spoke in a bright, happy voice that completely betrayed her dark, edgy aesthetic.

"H-hi..." Cass greeted the girl. "I'm here for the um..."

Even being in a place dedicated to the stuff, Cassandra was hesitant to openly talk about the "B" word.

"For the dominatrix auditions?"

"Ah yes of course, you're right on time! I'll just ask you to sign in on this list, and then just head straight through the door on your right." The bubbly girl smiled, pointing Cass to a clipboard on the desk.

"Th-thank you." The Asian mum's voice quivered a little, she really was stepping into an alien world here...

"Cassandra, is it?" The goth girl asked.

"Um, yes, how did...?"

"Oh Katie, the owner, she mentioned you hadn't really done this kind of thing before, so she asked me to help you feel extra welcome."

"Oh... wow... that's, haha, really kind of her!" Cass chuckled a little in disbelief as she picked up the pen to sign the list, there were quite a few names already jotted down...

"Yeah believe me if you get the job, you'll love it here, Katie and Danny, the owners? They run a tight ship, but they're seriously the nicest people I've ever met, in fact everyone I work with here is super nice!"

Cass had to hand it to Katie, this receptionist girl really was helping to put her mind at ease...

"Oh sorry I'm rambling haha, I'm Jessica by the way, you can call me Jess!" The bubbly black-clad beauty smiled warmly.

"Nice to meet you!" Cass shook her hand, smiling back. "So um, I guess it's ok if I ask you but uhh..."

Surprising herself, the nervous mother unbuckled a large leather belt that had been keeping a long black overcoat done up around her chest and waist. Opening the coat up, she revealed to the young girl that she was wearing a simple black lace bra and panty combo underneath, this was paired with a pair of Cassandra's classiest black high heels, which were nothing to sneeze at, they were just open-toed, curved party heels that she broke out on special occasions.

"Do I... well... look okay?" Cass asked anxiously.

The pretty platinum blonde looked the sexy Asian up and down, looking more impressed with Cassandra's body than her outfit.

"Well, I'll be honest, it's nothing like what the others have worn, but maybe it'll work in your favour, with Kate and Danny you never know!"

And just like that, Cass didn't know whether to be reassured, or even more nervous!

"Ok then..." She approached the white door, her hand on the handle. "Here goes nothing..."

"Good luck! I really hope you get the job!" Jess waved happily. "If you need anything at all just come see me!"

Cass turned and smiled, this girl was so nice...

"Thank you Jess..."

With that, and with a deep breath, Cassandra opened the door.

She stepped into a huge room that, at first glance, honestly just looked like any other nightclub... Along the wall to her left, there were a couple of booths with cushioned seats and a small stainless steel table in the centre of each. A really fancy-looking, brightly lit and very well-stocoed bar stood at the back of the room, with only a few red barstools bolted to the floor around it. Scattered here and there were some tall black wooden tables, with four barstools surrounding each one Most of the room was covered in black carpet, except for a large section on Cassandra's right, divided from the rest of the room by two tiled steps, which was all red polished wooden boards, no doubt this was the dancefloor. It stood in front of a large burlesque style stage complete with red curtains and a great assortment of bright lights and big black soundspeakers..

Upon that stage, stood a tall, incredibly muscular, devilishly handsome Latin-looking man in a black suit and a white open-collared shirt, his black hair stylishly cut into an almost military-style fade. Though his expression was stern and his brow furrowed, there was a definite kindness in his dark, piercing eyes.

Beside him, holding his massive hand, an absolutely stunning petite girl with long, flowing blonde hair, a few years younger than him, stood gracefully on the stage in a dazzling black backless minidress that showed off her magnificent cleavage, as well as her shapely legs and killer hourglass figure.

Cass rightly assumed they had to be Kate and Daniel, the owners of the club. Below them, on the dancefloor... She laid eyes on her competition.

A large assortment of what looked like just over a dozen women stood milling about, most of them dressed in black, and many in either some kind of leather, latex, lace or PVC. There were ladies of all shapes, sizes, ages and colours... The youngest that Cass could see looked about Jessica's age, while the woman who appeared to be the eldest could almost be Cassandra's mother, with a great deal of makeup caking her face.

As she approached the dancefloor, the meek, novice Asian mother felt like a sheep stepping into the midst of a wolf pack. It was like they could sense that she was fresh meat, that she was nervous and unsure of herself, so many truly dominant women in one place, and Cass felt like she was the kind of person they loved to use and abuse... shy, quiet, and frankly, afraid.

"Hi!" A familiar voice called out from the stage. "You must be Cassandra?" It was the blonde girl, speaking in an American accent, so definitely Katie.

Feeling every eye in the room fixate upon her, Cass simply nodded.

"Great! I'm Katie, so glad you could make it!" The pretty blonde smiled, and completely dazzled the entire room. Cass was gobsmacked, this young lady was beautiful beyond words!

"So glad all of you could make it! Now I believe that's everyone, so how about a quick introduction? I'm Kate, most of you will have spoken with me on the phone." Katie spoke like this was some kind of everyday office workshop, and Cass was very taken aback by the casual atmosphere.

"And I'm Daniel, or Danny, Katie's partner. As you all know we're the owners of Intimate, and we're looking for a few new dommes to work in our dedicated bondage club." The big burly man spoke up in a gruff, deep, very concise voice... Cassandra had an ex-boyfriend who'd served in the Royal Australian Navy, and this Danny guy spoke a hell of a lot like him, blunt, loud, and clear.

Though the Asian beauty was nearly wetting herself with anxiety, she did feel relieved when Danny said "a few new dommes". Multiple open positions at least meant her chances of success were improved... But still, she had literally no idea what she was doing, her plan was to just wing it and hope everything turned out ok...

It wasn't the best plan, but it was all she had.

"Ok, so ladies if you'd like to make yourselves comfortable over at the booths, we'll call you up one at a time, we'll be giving each of you ten minutes to show us what you can do with our two volunteer subs for the day..." Katie explained the situation,and then beckoned with her finger to a pair of people offstage.

A beautiful, big-lipped, big-breasted girl, of what appeared to be Arabic appearance walked out wearing a red and black corset which exposed her incredible DD, maybe even E cup breasts, and her enticing shaved pussy.

She was joined by an average-height, fairly well-built Caucasian man, maybe a couple years younger than Cassandra, with a ripped physique that while skinnier than Danny's massive frame, was still incredibly sexy. He wore a black jockstrap that barely contained his very appealing manhood which bulged tightly against the material, and as he turned around to show his entire body, showed off his tight, muscular buttocks.

Cass couldn't help but smile a bit at the slightly stubble-faced, brown-haired, very handsome hunk as he casually strolled out onto the stage...

Her smile only widening when their eyes met, and he began to smile back at her...

'Dammit Cass focus! You're here to get a job!' the Asian beauty thought to herself.

"Ladies, meet Aaliyah and Tommy, Aaliyah is one of our resident switches who has been with us for a few months now, and Tommy... is our bartender!" Kate smiled.

The whole room erupted into laughter, and Tommy just took it in stride, laughing with the crowd.

"Hahaha fortunately Tommy loves to be a sub in his spare time, and he agreed to come in on his day off and help you fine ladies out. So, like I said, get comfortable, plan your sessions, and we'll call you up one at a time for your ten minutes with Aaliyah and Tommy, the dommes with whom we're most impressed, will be asked to do a quick interview. Oh, and we have all the gear you'll need, in case some of you couldn't bring your own. Good luck ladies!"

With that, the small crowd of dominatrices departed in all directions, some heading to the bar, some to the booths.

Cassandra stood in place just that little bit longer, blushing as she continued to make eye contact with the gorgeous brown-eyed man up on the stage...

She finally walked over to the booths, a smile on her face.

Suddenly, she was really looking forward to her first bondage session.

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Post by Caesar73 »

Cassandra´s first steps into a new world :) Wondering what she is getting into - I find you described her mixed emotions very well, one can feel with the persons involved!
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Post by Beaumains »

This will get difficult for Cassandra, or not. The fact that she's invited also says something. Now Danial and Kate can mold her into the kind of domme they want if she likes it. I have little hope her audition will be succesful, but she surely will be in the business if she tries her best.
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Post by Red86 »

"Suddenly, she was really looking forward to her first bondage session."

I myself am really looking forward to her 1st session! It's probably not going to be perfect since it's her 1st time (especially since she only has 10 mins) but I'm guessing Danny and Kate will see her potential 😀
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Post by nayte4767 »

Good start you have going on here
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Cassandra´s first steps into a new world :) Wondering what she is getting into - I find you described her mixed emotions very well, one can feel with the persons involved!
Thanks mate, I felt like Cass would be understandably nervous going into a situation like this, but also, she's seen that there's a good side to what's happening. So glad you could join me for another tale my friend! 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

Beaumains wrote: 3 years ago This will get difficult for Cassandra, or not. The fact that she's invited also says something. Now Danial and Kate can mold her into the kind of domme they want if she likes it. I have little hope her audition will be succesful, but she surely will be in the business if she tries her best.
Indeed, all she can do is try her best, the other domme's may have all the experience, but... What if she can bring something different to the table? 🤔

Thanks for commenting mate I appreciate it!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago "Suddenly, she was really looking forward to her first bondage session."

I myself am really looking forward to her 1st session! It's probably not going to be perfect since it's her 1st time (especially since she only has 10 mins) but I'm guessing Danny and Kate will see her potential 😀
Haha I'm glad you are Red and you'll be getting it really soon! You know what Katie's like, always rooting for the underdog, so yes I imagine she may be more inclined to look past any inexperience Cassandra has. 🙂
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Post by TomYi »

You're setting up the environment very well. I like stories like this where the BDSM smut can just keep flowing naturally from the setting rather than having to be contrived in one way or another.
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Post by GreyLord »

I am enjoying this story very much, [mention]TayDay95[/mention]. Cass is a most likable protagonist and your writing keeps me on the edge looking forward. In particular, I look forward with anticipation to the training that Danny and Katie will put her through.
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Post by TayDay95 »

[mention]Bandit666[/mention], [mention]Red86[/mention], [mention]NotSeen[/mention], [mention]GreyLord[/mention], [mention]Caesar73[/mention], [mention]nayte4767[/mention], [mention]Beaumains[/mention], [mention]wolfman[/mention], [mention]TomYi[/mention], [mention]tickletied84[/mention].

Hey everyone, back with another update, let's see how Cassandra's first session pans out shall we? 😁


Cass' legs bounced and shuffled nervously on the spot, without her even realising as she sat at one of the VIP booths, waiting in both dreaded anticipation, and cautious excitement for the well-dtessed American couple to call out her name.

One by one, dominatrix after dominatrix took to the stage, subjecting Aaliyah and Tommy to all manner of ties, gags, tortures and commands. The longer she watched, the more intimidated the Chinese beauty became by some of those women. Some were very affectionate and nurturing towards the two subs, one or two were bordering on sadistic, but all of them, to a tee, carried a supreme air of authority.

Meanwhile, Cass was sometimes lucky if she could convince Sunny to clean her room most weeks...

She watched Tommy like a hawk, the way his muscles bulged and flexed as all sorts of bonds encased his masculine body, the way his dreamy eyes sparkled above whatever gag he happened to be wearing at the time sent wonderful chills up Cassandra's spine. As terrified as she was of going up on that stage,at the very least,she would be happy to interact with that handsome submissive barman!

"Ok, thank you..." Kate thanked the latest in the procession of domme's as their ten minutes expired. "Cassandra Li?" She called out.

'Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit shit shit!'

Cass' heart nearly leaped into her throat. Standing up from the booth on somewhat shaky legs, she crossed the large black-carpeted club floor, feeling every eye in the room watch her.

She glanced over at Kate and Danny, who both gave her a reassuring smile.

That certainly helped.

As she reached the stairs and began to ascend them onto the stage proper, where the beautiful Aaliyah and handsome Tommy stood in their near-naked state, she glanced into the eyes of the gorgeous bartender...

And blushed fiercely when she saw his left eye close in a subtle wink.

That definitely helped!

'Ok Cass, come on girl, you can do this, you can do this...'

Seeing that just off-stage, there was a large rack adorned with all manner of bondage equipment, from bonds to gags to toys and everything in between. Cassandra found her mind going blank, there was so much to choose from! Some of the other domme's had relied too much on this stuff, others barely at all... What the hell should she do? She only had ten minutes!!!

Then it occurred to her...

Just ask the people she would be using the stuff on!

In a move that seemed to puzzle and amuse some of her competition, Cassandra's heels clipped and clopped on the stage as she approached the pair of attractive submissives and shook their hands.

"Hi!" She spoke softly "Aaliyah, right? And Tommy?"

"Yes, nice to meet you." The pretty arab girl smiled.

"Very nice to meet you." The handsome bartender added.

"I was just wondering, is... uhh is there anything in particular you'd like me to do for you here?" Cassandra asked, probably not establishing much in the way of dominance, but from what she'd seen online, dommes were supposed to help their subs feel comfortable to a degree.

If Cass had looked towards the hot Americans, she'd have seen them smile gladly at each other as they already jotted down notes...

"Oh, okay well I really like to be blindfolded while I'm being spanked, and I'll take any kinds of binding except steel handcuffs, I had a bad experience with those once involving a bedframe..." Aaliyah explained.

Cassandra took mental notes, if she had any advantage here, it was a good memory.

"There's not much I'll turn down, though when it comes to gags, I find I really like having my mistress' panties stuffed in my mouth. If Lia wants to be spanked, I'll gladly go for that too." Tommy grinned, being very blunt with his new temporary domme.

"Well... Sounds good to me!" Cass hesitated, but smiled somewhat confidently, she'd seen a few videos online of people being gagged with socks and panties... But she didn't know if she was ready to take here off in front of a bunch of strangers...

Walking back across the stage, Cass grabbed what she felt she needed... And centred herself, taking some deep breaths.

'Okay Cass, if you're gonna be sexy, now's the time. If you're gonna be strong, now's the time. If you're gonna be a mistress... Now is the time!'

Digging deep inside that nervous, shy outer shell, Cassandra commenced a search within her own psyche, summoning up all the confidence, all the authority, all the toughness she could muster.

And she found something.

Buried deep.

A story from her childhood, a character she'd once feared and respected...

Yes... She would work perfectly...

The woman that turned around on that stage, two coils of rope in one hand, a ball gag and a silk cloth in the other, may have looked like Cassandra Li... But it wasn't her...

This was someone else entirely, strutting towards Aaliyah and Tommy, a sexy, devious smile on her face.

"Kneel, my slaves." This Asian beauty ordered, and the slaves obeyed.

Suddenly, the entire room went quiet but for the stomping of the black bikini-clad woman's high heels. Her voice sounded somewhat different... Louder, slightly deeper, more sensual and provocative...

Circling the slaves slowly, this mysterious woman that had seemingly replaced Cassandra then bent over, shamelessly presenting her tantalising derriere to everyone in the club, as she laid a hand on her gorgeous subs' shoulders and whispered so only the two of them could hear.

"You are now my subjects, you will do as I please, when I please, and only to please me, do my loyal subjects understand?" The beautiful Asian asked.

"Yes mistress.. " Aaliyah and Tommy both answered without hesitation.

"Mistress...?" The woman formerly known as Cassandra sounded both surprised and scarily amused, almost like a supervillainess...

"No, no my foolish subjects..."

She straightened up, and walked in front of the kneeling pair, hands rested on her gorgeous, shapely hips, her posture perfect, her expression smug...

"I am your Queen... and you will address me as such!"

The entire room was fixated upon this domme now apparently known as The Queen.

"Yes... My Queen?" Aaliyah replied hesitantly, followed by Tommy.

"Excellent... Now offer me your hands slaves, behind your backs!" The Queen barked her commands.

Immediately her subjects obeyed, crossing their hands behind their backs, and one at a time, their intimidating, yet benevolent mistress used a coil of rope each to place their wrists in thick, improvised handcuffs, utilising a complex system of loops and knots, which, despite the Queen's sudden and amazing turn of attitude, was rather sloppy... Betraying her lack of experience.

That being said, her air of authority did not waver, her presence unshattered as she bade the pair test their bonds for her amusement. Despite the slightly shoddy ropework, the ties still held firm, at least well enough to keep her slaves' partially restrained.

"Both of you, open your mouths, wide..."

"Yes, My Queen" the pair obeyed, an obvious bulge forming in Tommy's jockstrap, and progressively getting bigger as he watched Aaliyah bite down on the red ball gag their mistress had brought over from the rack, moaning sweetly into the rubber ball as the silk cloth was also tied over the Arab beauty's big brown eyes.

"Mmmmph..." Aaliyah's voice was so youthful and full of pleasure and satisfaction.

"You..." The Queen laid but a single finger on Aaliyah's shoulder "...will remain quiet..."

"And you..." She did the same to Tommy. "Will keep your mouth wide open until I say otherwise."

The pair nodded as The Queen strutted across the stage back to the rack, an absolutely unrecognisable figure from the nervous wreck of a woman who had first crossed the dancefloor. The entire club was in awe, two or three rival mistresses looked on in frustration and jealousy, realising they were being upstaged by a supposed first-timer...

The Queen returned to her kneeling submissives bearing royal gifts:

A second silk cloth in one hand, and a large black paddle in the other.

One side of the paddle was simply thick, solid plastic, while the other side was covered in a more soft, almost cushion-like material, clearly a paddle designed to inflict both pleasure and pain, warmth and discomfort...

Tommy eyed down the large spanking toy with a healthy amount of excitement, his jaw still hanging open as his Queen had demanded.

"Slave, look upon your Queen."

He was commanded, and he obeyed, gazing upon the beautiful Asian domme who now stood imposingly, like a sexy goddess over him. She dropped the paddle suddenly, causing him, Aaliyah, and most of the room to flinch.

Except for Danny, the ex-Marine who'd been around gunfire and explosions most of his life. He and his blonde bombshell of a partner watched, enthralled, as The Queen presented her hand to the open-mouthedl hunk.

"Kiss it."

He obeyed, leaning forward, looking into the sexy, scary monarch's eyes as he planted a firm kiss on the back of her palm.

"Good boy..."

She then stepped forward, her black panties mere centimetres from his face.

"Kiss it..."

Again he obeyed, smiling as he took in the scent of his Queen's moistening womanhood through the black lace, and pressing his lips right between her thighs. The Queen moaned with pure pleasure.

"Mmmm... wonderful... you're a good and loyal servant." She smiled naughtily.

"Thank you, my Queen." The handsome man replied.

Hooking her fingers into her panties, The mind-bending monarch slowly removed them from her legs, stepping out of the holes gracefully, and knotting them into a ball.

"Tell me you want to be gagged, my slave." She held the wadded-up undies in front of his mouth.

"I want to be gagged, my Queen, I want you to gmmmmmph!"

The submissive bartender grunted and groaned with pleasure as his wish was granted, and he tasted this strange woman's pussy in his mouth, his lips soon compressed together by the cloth being pulled over his mouth and cheeks, to be tied off at the back of his neck nice and tight.

That jockstrap was simply unable to contain his absolutely throbbing manhood at this stage...

So his Queen removed it, exposing him on stage for all to see, it was hardly the first time that day a mistress had done so, and he wasn't shy about his cock in the slightest, so he wasn't bothered at all.

Strutting over to the still-silent Aaliyah, she took the blindfolded, gagged and bound girls tits and squeezed them hard, causing the raven-haired sub to wince slightly, determined not to cry out as she'd been ordered to stay silent...

"Good girl..." The Queen planted a kiss on the young girls cheek.

Finally, realising she was losing time, the surprising new Domme on the scene in Club Intimate spent her last couple of minutes behind the two gorgeous bound and gagged slaves, carefully helping them lie forward onto their bellies as she went to town with both sides of the paddle.

When she noticed Aaliyah was stifling her moans, the sensual Asian gave the pretty brunette permission to make as much noise as she liked. Aaliyah moaned and groaned with such wild passion and pent-up arousal, that the mistress, who had never considered she might be attracted to women, felt her pussy go wet at the noise.

Likewise, the panty and OTM gagged hunk began to grunt with unmitigated excitement with every new strike of the paddle, it appeared The Queen was holding back, whether out of kindness, or an uncertainty she was keeping extremely well-hidden beneath her new persona, was unclear, but Tommy could feel the sexy mother doling out more pleasure than straight-up pain.

"Aaaaand that's ten minutes!" Danny called out.

'Damn' Tommy thought 'It was just getting even better!'

Almost as soon as Danny announced the session was over, Cassandra breathed a massive, very obvious sigh of relief.

It was the strangest thing to the people watching, almost as quickly as The Queen had appeared, she disappeared once more. And Cassandra Li, the sexy, beautiful, but very ditsy and shy single mother was back again in her place.

"Thank you Cassandra, very well done!" Katie smiled very brightly, the American cutie might have stood up and applauded, but this was a hiring process and she didn't want to show favouritism.

"Oh... wow... haha, I did it... I can't believe it!" Cass panted in disbelief. She'd survived her first bondage session, live audience and all, and was quietly confident she'd absolutely nailed it!

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Post by NotSeen »

Holy... SHIT that was hot. Still waters run deep, huh? If Danny and Katie do not hire Cass, they're the biggest dunces since the people who turned down The Beatles.

...and now I can't help but think what will it be like if/when Queen Cassandra gets her hands on Emma, Val and Beth. Hey, a guy can dream, right.
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Post by nayte4767 »

I like where this story is going
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Post by GreyLord »

When [mention]NotSeen[/mention] wrote
Holy... SHIT that was hot. Still waters run deep, huh? If Danny and Katie do not hire Cass, they're the biggest dunces since the people who turned down The Beatles.

...and now I can't help but think what will it be like if/when Queen Cassandra gets her hands on Emma, Val and Beth. Hey, a guy can dream, right.

he nailed this completely. [mention]TayDay95[/mention], I can picture Cass doming Emma, Val, Beth and Katie all at the same time.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by TayDay95 »

NotSeen wrote: 3 years ago Holy... SHIT that was hot. Still waters run deep, huh? If Danny and Katie do not hire Cass, they're the biggest dunces since the people who turned down The Beatles.

...and now I can't help but think what will it be like if/when Queen Cassandra gets her hands on Emma, Val and Beth. Hey, a guy can dream, right.
Haha thanks buddy, I mean, I think it's a given that Cass is pretty much already hired, but we had to give the other domme's somewhat of a fighting chance lol! 😂
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