The Suitcases (FF/FFF)

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The Suitcases (FF/FFF)

Post by AlexUSA3 »

The Suitcases (FF/FFF)

Behind me is a rolling black suitcase that occasionally squeaks because of a bit of rust in one of the wheels. A tap with my shoe keeps it quiet. No more squeaking, although the bag shakes a little. I’m quite satisfied with my suitcase; it’s big, it’s tough, and it does all I need it to do! The fabric allows the contents to bounce around as they stretch and retract.

I’m a tall girl, over 5’7” tall. My curly brown hair lifts a little from the combination of a spring breeze and a brisk pace. I’m wearing a red miniskirt and a thin white tank-top. A blue kerchief bandana completes my Memorial Day coloration that could as easily be seen as a French flag; I am French. Too bad it’s a fall breeze, the holiday is Labor Day, and I’m Mary-Ann Voisin!

Alongside the suitcase is a second suitcase, this one blue and of a hardside design. It’s extremely wide for a suitcase; it’s necessary to get the most out of a hard-side design. This one offers us a minimal amount of trouble. It’s really a wonderful suitcase and my favorite to use for travel, but I think I may have packed too many things.

Us? Sorry! Alongside me is my friend Kendra Kristensen. She’s so short, one friend calls her a Lilliputian. At 5’0” short, she perhaps is an oversized Lilliputian! Ha! I don’t know if it’s that or just bad genetics. What I know is that she has the prettiest blonde-brown hair. Maybe I am in my colors for France, because Kendra is wearing a pink knee-length skirt, a white tank-top, too, and a brown bandana headband. Yum, Neapolitan ice cream, my favorite! A pink scrunchie is holding her hair up as well.

Kendra has a pink suitcase. It’s a perfect color for her, and it’s also a soft fabric one. Every once in a while, she gently shakes the suitcase as if she wants her wheels to squeak. The squeaking is a bad thing! I don’t want it to squeak! I want the suitcase to be nice and quiet, submitted to my will. I am the one in control, right?

I put the suitcases into the back of a white 1999 Chevrolet Suburban. It’s not a bad vehicle for a girl like me, who got out of juvenile detention just 4 years earlier, saved her money, and bought this with her hard earned money after riding a bicycle to her two regular jobs and to many of her side gigs! I’m proud of my first car, and I never imagined how many thrills would be had in it!

I get in the driver’s seat, and Kendra gets in the passenger seat. It’s good to be going to visit our clients after so much discussion. We have things to sell, but they understandably want to see the products in person. If I decided to go camping, I’d bring not much. Hee hee. I’m not attached to things at all, and I’m quite the minimalist. Oh, I know where to make investments, and after I lived as a homeless person for two months I knew how to really rough it while camping.

“That way,” Kendra looks at her phone and points, and I turn down that street.
“Got it,” I respond to her while I continue driving at the speed limit as I always do.
“Sheesh, Maddy, you drive like a freaking Grandma!”
“Oh, like you don’t?! Get real! Your middle initial is ‘P’ for ‘Putz’ my dear.”
“OK, so I’m just as bad. At least I’m not wearing a French flag like you.”
“At least my bandana doesn’t crush my skull! Is this the house?”
“Yeah, that’s the one,” she directs me to back into the driveway.

Two gentlemen greet us with a smile, and I take the suitcases out of the vehicle with Kendra in charge of rolling her pink suitcase into the house. We were criminals who met in prison, and I guess we never learned because we’re here to engage in quite the illegal business trade! I have no trouble with these suitcases at all! They’re… moving an awful lot, and now they appear to be talking?! They’re alive! What is this?!

“Did you bring it all?” one man asks.
“Yes, we brought all three products, as you can see,” Kendra gestures like a game show hostess.
“Perfect. Can we see them all in action?” the shorter second man asks with excitement.
“Of course you may. Just don’t try anything. My friend here is packing heat,” I cackle loudly.
“Nothing funny. You don’t get where we are except by being honest,” the first laughs.
“Is this really honest or legal?” I ask them before taking the soft black suitcase aside.

That's when I open the suitcase and finally show my greatest trick: my friend Kylie is with me and both sexy and incapacitated . The poor thing is flashing huge blue-gray eyes and breathing heavily. She’s absolutely buck naked. Isn’t it wonderful?!

Ropes bind Kylie's arms in a tight boxtie with a breast harness and a crotch rope. The ropes are about half the thickness of a typical clothesline, whatever that works out to. A series of ropes binds her legs, three for her thighs and four for her legs. Of course I strung her big toes together because I just had to do it. Ha ha!

Inside her body is a phallus that has an outer face designed so that it’ll lie flat against her crotch area and includes a groove for a crotch rope. I force the girl to stand and push her with typical dominatrix ease. Kylie groans sensually when I lean her against the counter and put binder clips on her breasts. The screech is so satisfying! I love doing this to girls.

PULL!, a hearty jerk on Kylie's crotch rope jiggles the object inside her body and evokes a quick and strong reaction from the girl who has been practically edged since I tied her up. I know an orgasm from Kylie when I see one, but that is easy to get from just tying her up most times. This girl is kinky and adventurous and won’t deny it. Oh, Kylie, did you really have to orgasm already? You’re going to like your new life.

A pair of socks soaked in her cum is held in her mouth by a long strip of white fabric that passed through her teeth three times before I knotted it. A head harness muzzle gag keeps the gag in place. She looks around the room and wails. The kinkster knows I am capable of so much and never knows what I will do next.

“That one performs nicely!” the shorter man grins.
“All three of them,” I motion, “Before we left, I lined them up. I took the socks of one girl, put them against the crotch of the second, forced the second to orgasm three times, and stuffed those socks in the mouth of the third. Very genuine reactions you’re seeing.”
“What about the blue suitcase?” the bigger gentleman motions.
“Ah, a wonderful choice!” Kendra grins now, too, and takes over on that one.

Hoods, mummification, strangulation and asphyxiation, strap-on invasion, humiliation and fornication, eating penis and vagina alike, having her vagina eaten, objectification and verbal abuse, Kylie is a crazy kinkster even in my book. Perhaps more wild is her willingness to dish out nearly anything she’ll take. It's hard to find someone who will accept the insane things that she accepts. Even crazier is that she has done nearly all of it, except for actual body-to-body sexual acts, on camera.

The blue hard suitcase opens to reveal another buck naked blonde girl, my friend Hannah. Blue irises, brilliant blue, are replaced by black pupils that are fully dilated from fear and being in the dark space for so long. She is less fortunate because her wrists, forearms, and elbows are all tied with wire; all of her bondage is wire. Her crotch is open, though, and without a device to torture her, but she has a crotch wire and a harness like Kylie. Their legs and toes are tied similarly, but Hannah’s toes are tied with thin metal wire. She has the socks of Kylie and the cum of the third in her mouth underneath the brown bandana she had been wearing before her kidnapping and, I guess, 8 layers of duct tape. A deeper shriek comes when I clamp her nipples.

This girl is less adventurous than Kylie, but her thirst is stronger and more demented. She also is willing to give whatever she will take, but she can more savagely give than Kylie. She’ll enjoy a strangulation, and nothing is more exciting to her than being forced to eat a girl’s crotch until she is licking up the fluid with her tongue. Similarly, she enjoys forcing others to eat herself. This is our demonstration item. Kendra lays Kylie on the floor and puts Hannah on top of her.

“Eat that carpet!” Kendra orders her, “You have 3 minutes, and she better shriek twice!”
“MMMMM!” Hannah refuses.
“DO IT!” Kendra spanks Hannah without any concern, “Work around that d-ck!”
“OWWW!” she begins rubbing her gag against Kylie’s crotch.
“Three minutes? Really?” one of the men questions Kendra.
“Wait until you see what these two can do. Queen Carpet vs. Queen Orgasm.”

Hannah is so good at this. How about she doesn’t need 30 seconds to get the first piercing shriek out of Kylie, and she’s almost as fast at getting the second. Now, Hannah’s face is soaked in the sticky fluid. She lets out a loud “EEEEEEKKK!” after staring at the gentlemen before her. She knows what’s happening to her now. She can struggle all she wants, but she’s stuck. Hee hee!

Girl number three is so French that she even squeals and gag talks with an accent! Ashley is so adorable, and best of all she is only 18! She turned 18 under a month before this! Hotties are in distress in this room, and this one is destroyed just like Hannah with a soft and restrictive bright white rope that will leave gorgeous rope marks in her skin. For the crotch rope, I use a black one just in case it doesn’t wash out.

Ashley is extremely kinky and loves both dirty and clean bondage games. Since she turned 18, she had already explored her tendency to be, as we call her, bondage-sexual. She experimented with Kylie already, and she knows some things she wants to try. Today, I am finding out if she likes eating carpet and having hers eaten.

Ashley is a dark-haired girl and about my own height. She looks amazing buck naked, and her tits are perfect in the harness. They're probably C/D, but they aren't mushy like mine. The joke about French being fuzzy is true in Ashley’s case. She jumped headlong into things, and perhaps she is wishing she had been a little less eager.

“EEEKKKK!” a high pitched squeal accompanies the pinching of her nipples.
“Eat that carpet!” I point to Kylie.
“Nmm mmm!” she shakes her head.
“It's not a request; it's an order,” I twist both of her nipples without remorse.
“OWWWWWW!” I love the sounds of a damsel-in-distress.
“EAT!” I push her against Kylie’s crotch.
“You too!” Kendra drags Hannah under Ashley’s crotch.

Some would call us groomers, but every progression in Ashley’s bondage journey has been at her own request. Everything I have ever done to her was 100% consensual, and today’s bondage is no exception. What am I saying? Yes, I am making them demonstrate to slavers, fully on their own terms.

We're bondage models; Kendra arguably is semi-professional since she has no other job. This is all part of a scene, and we've been under the purview of cameras since we left the house with the suitcases rolling behind us. It's all a big act, except maybe for the ever aroused Kylie. Kylie is a big bondage addict though. All five of us will be paid nicely for this.

I can tell that Hannah and Ashley are uncomfortable with performing this particular act with one another. I suppose they take their mother-daughter relationship a bit seriously, but they do it for the camera without any visible complaint. In fact, the discomfort may be a good thing for scenes like this. Kendra cannot resist spanking Ashley’s bare bottom. Making the sights of the naked girls funnier is that I let Ashley and Hannah keep the blue bandana headbands they were wearing at the time I tied them up.

This is when we begin to hogtie them. This film is only just beginning. These scenes with this particular studio can be upwards of an hour of film reel time, and we’re only at 15 minutes. It’s a simple matter for me and Kendra, but for them it’s a real test of matters especially since it took a good 25 minutes to get them as ready as they were to start filming! Mwahaha! Suffer, ladies! A scene with Nabber Cellar is not for the faint of heart!

“Let’s take them to the meat rack…,” the taller man says, waits 15 seconds, and adds, “Cut!”
“Huhhhhh?” Ashley sits up and looks at me for an explanation.

The meat rack is a really fun place down in the eponymous cellar, a place where all sorts of wild and crazy stuff happens. Two weeks before, Kendra and I filmed scenes where one of us wore a catsuit while using a strap-on to torture the other, and yes we did it! A clean strap-on does not count the same as actual human flesh. The carpet eating, on the other hand… questionable.

So what is the meat rack? It’s a reinforced metal bar in the basement from which suspensions are tied. In this case, we are going to suspend them; you’ll have to wait and see, but at least Kylie no longer needs to have a phallus inside her body although she is enjoying it more than I expected. Just taking the device out of her is enough to make her orgasm.

Hop, ladies! Hop! Yes, I will spank you all. No, don’t worry, Hannah, the men won’t hurt you; they are gentlemen despite being producers of sadistic bondage. I feel bad for her; she has much fear of men due to her past. Ashley is not so fearful despite her own past; Kylie isn’t too fearful despite a gnarly time in prison. How kinky we are!

Down to the basement, our dears! Yes, you shall be finely displayed in the cruelest of manners. The meat rack is for damsels like you, girls who won't shut up! Turn here and stop right there so my friends and I can hoist you up. Hannah, how dare you hop away! Get back here! A violent spank will make you submit. Now I will suspend you upside down instead! Kyle is orgasming; be more like Kylie you foolish girl!

Now, they are suspended. Kylie, Hannah, and then Ashley dangle from the meat rack. Kylie and Ashley are upright and suspended by ropes around their chest. Hannah is swinging upside down like a bad girl! Hannah, I was going to tickle torture your feet and then spank you; instead, I will heat up your feet after oiling them before tickling them. Then we shall beat your feet, ladies. In the finale of this round, your boobies will be tortured. Tickling, spanking, beating, torturing!

A little oil and a little heat gun. Now, Hannah, you shall suffer more than the others! It was nice knowing you, my friend! Ah ha ha! I shall really torture you; Kendra will be in sole charge of your torture. Scream, Hannah; scream! Are your feet nice and tender like a piece of meat? Sweet. Give it to them, gentlemen and lady! Commence the torture!

“Ha ha ha!” comes from my victim, Ashley.
“Ahhhhhh!” comes from Kendra's victim, Hannah.
“No no no!” comes from the men’s victim, orgasming Kylie.
“Prepare to cry,” Kendra brandishes a toothbrush and approaches Hannah.
“Time to have fun!” I grab a toothbrush as well and approach Kylie.
“Mmm!” Ashley gets it from one of the men as the only one of the three comfortable with men.

The laughter! The laughter! Oh, Hannah, you are screaming, and in your eyes you are so happy to be suffering in this way! You are so talented that your expressions sell it as torture, but you're the happiest one of the three. It's not just kink; it's that you love Kendra so much! Laughter is a beautiful thing, and I admit that I enjoy few things as much as Kendra dominating Hannah for a scene as heavy as this one.

Kylie is a delight in bondage. Now I will explain what I meant by comfort. Kylie was f-cked by the prison cards repeatedly from the day that maniac first started hurting inmates until the day he was fired. He also took a “liking” for Hannah. He tried on Kendra, but Kendra feigned like she had enjoyed the abuse, which made him lose interest. Kylie… cannot have children. She enjoys fake boy parts still because that is how kinky and strong she is, but she is not interested in getting married to anyone, male or female. Inside, she suffered the most of all of us. It’s no wonder she was on suicide watch so much?

The blonde with the blue-gray eyes is a bondage damsel wonder. Look at her giggling loudly; is that a smile I see under the tape? She shrieks and fights and swings about from her struggles; the suspension lets her move about. I wrap an arm around her legs to hold her still. My captive, my way. Giggles and smiles mixed with angry resistance. Such is Kylie Svensson, the kinkiest girl I have ever met although the one with the most horrifying trace back to her kinks.

Ashley is a very different kinkster with a different story that she forbids anyone tell for her. I am sorry, but I must leave it at that. Her kinks do go back to her childhood experiences as well, but I am blessed in a sad way. The orphan, until she turned 18, was under my legal care. She might in all have had the worst life of us all, but she never gave up hope like the rest of us did. Ashley is a gift in my eyes, a precious gift. I let her make her own decisions on employment, and for her 18th birthday she asked if she could become a bondage model! She has a hunger that will never be satisfied; bondage is a journey for her.

Ashley is the most into the role, with tears rolling down her cheeks while the gentleman tickles her without remorse. In fact, I think she has struggled herself into an orgasm. Kinky, Ashley! I am impressed by your behavior, and I didn't know you were so fuzzy until today! Enjoying your forced giggle fit, my love? My little niece, since you see me as your aunt?

BZZZZTTTTTTTT! the brushes whirl, and the damsels-in-distress howl into the horrid gags so lovingly prepared by me and Kendra. They laugh and laugh and laugh. Then us four captors laugh and laugh and laugh at them. Sadistic, aren't we? Kendra's an actor; one of the men hams it up. The other man and I? Oh, are we sadistic! I’m getting a little wet just thinking about it.

Hannah shrieks the loudest of all. She's upside down and got the par-fried foot. I love hearing the sounds of a girl in mutually agreeable bondage torment. The buzz of the toothbrush is like a song in my eyes. The giggles of the victims lift my heart. Their screams energize me. I am such a sicko! Ha ha!

Now, we swap positions. The gentlemen get Kylie, I get Hannah, and Kendra gets Ashley. All I need is a little more oil and a little more of the heat gun. I want Hannah to be nice and tender but not in danger of a real burn. A heat gun with a thermistor is best for this kind of work. I then take a thin metal ruler and crack it down across both of her soles.

“That's it, my dear! Wait until I do this to your butt!” I smack her again.
“Stop it!” I grab because she is thrashing like a maniac.
“Awwwwwwww! Is the little girl in distress?” I slap her a fourth time.

So energizing! I repeat my villainous actions and enjoy Hannah shrieking so loudly. I enjoy being a sadistic monster as a personal wonder drug. I just get such a thrill from a screaming helpless damsel. It's even better because the girls had me grab them all in CNC style since we were having fun before real filming began.

Hannah isn't going to survive much more of this. She might handle the worst pain of us all, but that's because she suffered the worst pain. That means she is most liable to tap out, or getting so overwhelmed she asks for the scene to end, at any moment. She is a warrior princess, but even warrior princesses have their limits.

That's why I quickly switch to spanking Hannah. Her time is further limited by being in the upside down suspension. I know I will get 10 good spanks, if even, before she is out of this world in terms of what she can psychologically handle. I have my limits, too, and so does each and every one of my friends. Even within what is acceptable to do to a girl, there is a point where she can take no more.

Ashley and Kylie take their beatings like warriors; neither shows a sign of tapping out on me. I need them to survive to the next round because that's when the dominatrix in me will really shine. Kylie groans and fights more than Ashley, but Ashley articulates her disdain more carefully with a series of “Huck you!” type expressions. Spanking is a great way to make Ashley show off that non-submissive bottom in her.

“-ITCH!” she curses when Kendra paddles her.
“The only one who's a b-tch here is you! B-tch slave!” Kendra loves swearing.
“HO HUCK YOURTHELF!” comes after the next spank.
“No, no, no, my love… That will be me f-cking you after this.”
“OUCH! You're a thyhohath!”
“OK,” Kendra nods, “With that I will agree wholeheartedly.

Kylie's first reaction to anything is to orgasm. If she's aroused, then she will orgasm. I wouldn't be surprised if she orgasmed over 60 times before the film is completed. It is never boring when Kylie is at your mercy, and if you're a girl she might seduce you into really playing with her afterwards.

“MMPPHHH!” she squirms at that spank.
“Nice reaction.”
“GRRRMMMMMMM!” the damsel kicks her legs so she swings about.
“You have a lot of fun reactions to things,” the men nod in approval.
“MMMMMMMM!” she orgasms that time.
“Damn, no limits to what makes her cum, eh?”

The final round sees Kylie and Ashley tied spreadeagle on beds. We have to pause the film for the transition. That way, they can sell this as a four part video. The beds are queen beds so that they can be in a full X shape. Hannah has to be left out of this one, so we strap her to a St. Andrew's cross and put it between the beds.

It's hump day, ladies! Kylie is fine with rubber penis, but not with the real deal. Have you noticed I don't use the slang or foul words for anything here and rarely, if ever, am cursing in my own speech? Yes, it's rubber penis; I’ll sooner call it schlong than those overused D and C words! Ashley and Kendra are sharing an intimate sisterly moment before we start filming.

“Let's do this!” I say, and the film begins.
“Gentlemen, last demonstration is how the girls react to a good strap-on f-cking,” Kendra explains.
“What about the third one?” one asks.
“She'll shriek and literally pass out,” Kendra tells the truth, “Bad experiences.”
“We’ll snuff her then.”
“WHAT?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Hannah shrieks, but we ignore her.

Kendra and I can be sickos on the film set. Strap-on is a thing, but to do it to Ashley is a bizarre way to show how much she trusts and loves us. For a buck, she’ll try just about anything! She is very bondage-sexual. It just feels wrong to me because I love her enough I became her legal guardian, but Kendra is an actress and sees it as an act while for me bondage is part of my personality.

Instant orgasm from Kylie, who is as wide-eyed as ever. She rolls her eyes back, and she is grunting loudly while I do the dirty deed. This girl is unmeasurably kinky! Oh, you are a kinky girl, Kylie! Mwah! Yes, I can feign being lesbian during a scene, for the pay is good enough. Kendra, on the other hand, again, is nothing but a model, and pretending to be lesbian and kissing Ashley like she's in love with the girl is easy. It’s readily apparent Ashley has adopted this acting trait despite a genuine love of this act.

“Mwah! It was nice knowing you,” Kendra kisses Ashley while humping her.
“Huh? What the huck hoes hat hean?!” Ashley snarls.
“It means these gentlemen are going to buy you and sell you to some Arab prince or a German politician.”
“No no noooo!” the brunette struggles and orgasms.
“Mmmmmmm!” Kendra again kisses her, “That was a perfect performance.”
“Let's finish off the other one,” one man hands me a roll of duct tape.
“With pleasure!” I take it, “Sorry, girl, but we can't set you free, and your refusal to let a man play with you gives you no sale value.”
“Nnnnnn!” Hannah gets her nose taped shut.

Hannah squirms on the cross. In reality, she has 2 minutes; in acting time, she has less than 30 seconds. She struggles and cries out loudly while her loved ones watch her so slowly die. She thrashes a little and then pretends to pass out. The scene ends, along with this four part thriller. I quickly untape Hannah's nose, and an already free Kylie goes over to her for a kiss.

“Hottie!” the tired Kylie says with pride, “We're going to your place to have fun?”
“Mmm hmm,” Hannah nods.
“How can you have more left in the tank?” Kendra asks her.
“I once did three films like this in one day with these guys,” Kylie winks at her.
“That was fun,” Ashley sits up while Kylie and Hannah fornicate, “Did I do well?”
“You were a starlet!” I hug her, “Now let's get you into that change of clothes!”

Sorry, this dominatrix is tired. Our story ends here. Thanks for reading! Until next time!

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Post by Caesar73 »

Quite the ride! An ingenius Idea!
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Post by LunaDog »

And an absolutely entertaining one. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
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Post by Caesar73 »

LunaDog wrote: 2 weeks ago And an absolutely entertaining one. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
Me too :) I like the basic idea and it was so well done!
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