From Russia With Love ( F/F )

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From Russia With Love ( F/F )

Post by LunaDog »

Once again i wish to thank our good friend @Caesar73 for granting his kind permission for my use of one of his characters. One whom he has recently 'bought back into action' in his own truly magnificent tales. This is the story of just how Natasha started working for Boris Oblomov, with some bedroom 'action' with the character of my own that Natasha inspired me to create, thrown in for good measure.

And, i'm going to try something different in the way i tell this tale. This first, 'introduction' part is told in a normal 'third person' manner, but then the story will be told by the two Ladies themselves, alternating between the two of them. Indeed the same action may often be described twice, but from 'both sides of the coin' as it were. Once again, many thanks to Caesar, and i hope that you, he and, above all Natasha herself, enjoy this muse.


Russia’s Chief Police Commissioner, Svetlana Dementieva, opened the envelope with a considerable feeling of anxiety. For she knew just whom, even if indirectly, it had come from and had a fair idea what the contents contained within the letter inside would be, even before she’d actually performed that action. For it had been composed by one of the Oligarchs that had become such a feature of Russian society since the collapse of the Soviet Union all those years ago. And for Svetlana those contents were very much unwelcome.

For this particular ‘Gentleman’ Svetlana knew to be ruthless, cruel and well, downright evil, even compared to the ‘normal’ such character. A man named Boris Oblomov. And as she’d correctly guessed the contents of his ‘letter’ was a ‘job offer.’ An invitation to come and ‘work’ for him as his ‘security chief,’ an offer that was something that Svetlana had NO desire to accept. For, not only did she despise Oblomov in a ‘professional’ sense especially, but she’d never been able to ‘pin anything’ on him despite a fervent desire to do precisely that, there was also the matter that she’d recently passed into her sixties, and genuinely wondered at such an advanced age whether she possessed the energy and stamina required for such a demanding role, even IF she had actually wished to take it.

In fact, Svetlana was on the verge of actual retirement, she was currently working her notice in respect to her present position, a fact that, somehow, Oblomov had clearly become aware of. And while his offer was VERY lucrative financially, Svetlana’s own monetary position was EXTREMELY comfortable, basically in that respect she was set for life and would NEVER need to work again.

However, the problem as she saw it was that Boris Oblomov was a VERY powerful man, somebody one couldn’t simply say ‘NO’ to without possible consequences. Firstly, she’d need a plausible reason in order to do so, well she might have covered that ‘base’ with her age concerns, a genuine factor. But also, if SHE wasn’t going to ‘take the job’ it might help if she could suggest somebody else suitable that Oblomov might consider as an acceptable replacement. Svetlana believed she could find just such a candidate.

For recently a young Lady, presently in quite a junior capacity in the Russian Federation Police Force, had come to Svetlana’s attention. Clearly ambitious, ruthless and VERY capable, Natasha Bolgonskava, might just be the ideal person to satisfy Oblomov’s requirements. And, if he was prepared to offer her the same financial reward that he’d promised Svetlana, then it would be a considerable ‘step up’ from Miss Bolgonskava’s present salary. One she might very well be tempted by. So, she called her potential young protégé into her office.

“Natasha, as you know I’m due to retire from my position very shortly. And, well I’ve had this extremely tempting offer of alternative employment from a well-known ‘businessman.’ However, I’m not certain that I’d be able to perform the duties required to an acceptable standard, my advanced years would possibly result in myself not possessing the necessary energy or stamina. So, I’m going to decline his offer. However, it’s my opinion that this position is almost ‘tailor made’ for somebody of your youth and talents. And you’d be WELL paid. Far more than what you receive now. Would you be interested?”

“Yes, Commissioner Dementieva. I am. Very much so in fact. May I know the name of my ‘prospective employer,’ before I answer FULLY that question though?”
“Of course. I assume that you’ve heard of Boris Oblomov? It’s him who has approached me.”
“The well-known Oligarch, Commissioner? Exactly what role has he offered you?”
“He’s asked me to become his ‘Security Chief.’ Not sure entirely what the role entails to be honest because I haven’t replied to him just yet. But I KNOW it’s NOT for me, because of the reason I informed you of earlier. However, as I say, I believe that you would be fully suitable. If you ARE interested, I would be more than willing to accompany you when you meet him.”
“Thank you, Commissioner. I would very much appreciate that. And yes, I’m VERY interested in the role, if Mr Oblomov wishes to take me on in the position.”
“Good. I’ll contact him with that in mind.”

Oblomov had provided a direct, personal e-mail address with his offer so that was Svetlana’s preferred method of reply.

Dear Mr Oblomov

Thank you so very much for the very real honour of considering myself for your position. Please believe me Sir, I’m very much flattered that you clearly consider me worthy of serving you in this role, but I’m afraid I do question whether I am, in fact, the correct person for it. For, I’m sure it would be a demanding position, requiring a large degree of devotion, strength and stamina, in order to perform it correctly, the ONLY way such service should be approached with. However, as you may not be aware of Sir, I have recently passed into my seventh decade upon this earth, and I must question whether I still possess those required qualities, in order for my service to yourself to indeed be at such a sufficient level. So, on that basis, I must, very reluctantly, decline your kind offer, for which I feel the utmost respect.

However, I recently have had the pleasure of working with a young Lady, who in my honest opinion, does exhibit the necessary skill, devotion and ambition to completely fulfil this position to a degree that I’m sure you will find utterly satisfactory. Therefore, I have NO hesitation in recommending her to yourself in this respect, Sir. Her name is Natasha Bolgonskava, I have spoken to her, and she is extremely interested to be considered by yourself in regard to this role.

May I suggest that Miss Bolgonskava and yourself schedule a meeting together, in order for yourself to determine her suitability. I am most willing to accompany her to formally introduce her to you.

I trust that you find the above satisfactory.

Yours sincerely

Svetlana Dementieva
Commissioner of Police.

She hit the ‘send’ button. ‘Well, it’s too late to ‘bottle out’ now, hope Oblomov doesn’t take my refusal personally, because NO, he isn’t the sort of man I’d want to get on the wrong side of,’ she told herself! Thankfully he replied quickly, expressing his regret that Svetlana felt unable to accept his offer herself, but respecting and agreeing with her stated reason for that decision. And he would be utterly delighted to consider Miss Bolgonskava for the position as a feasible alternative and would be pleased to meet the pair of them to that effect. To Svetlana’s GREAT relief! And he suggested holding this ‘interview’ just after Svetlana officially retired.
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Post by LunaDog »

Svetlana's P.O.V.

So, a few months later, I found myself at Natasha’s address, helping her load her personal bag into my car for the journey to an arranged meeting place. Where we’d be taken to Boris Oblomov’s headquarters, apparently, he was keen to keep the location of said establishment secret. But no problem, I was now officially retired. Proving her worth to the Oligarch would be Natasha’s concern now, NOT mine.

“Good morning, Natasha, ready to go?”
“Yes, Commissioner Dementieva.”
“I’m retired now, so less of the ‘Commissioner!’ I’m plain ‘Svetlana,’ now. Please feel free to call me that, in fact I’d prefer it.” Smiling at her as I suggested this.
“Fair enough, Svetlana.” Receiving a smile in return. Off we set.

To be honest it was a very pleasant journey. I found Miss Bolgonskava to be delightful company, she was highly intelligent, fully aware of current affairs, and was completely capable of interesting conversation. Naturally we touched upon the subject in hand, her prospective ‘employment.’ I tried to ‘pass on’ as much ‘benefit of my experience,’ considerable as it was to my young protégée as I could. And I also sensed another aspect to her, she was UTTERLY gorgeous, with very a REAL sexual allure. Tall, slim, her beautiful face featuring high cheekbones and piecing grey eyes, I actually felt a flutter of sexual excitement run throughout my own body! ‘Well,’ I told myself. ‘let’s see if anything develops here. If not, I wasn’t going to push things as I’m an old Lady now, but if Natasha sent out the right signals, I was NOT going to refuse.’

As the kilometres passed by it was clear that Natasha was ‘open’ to some ‘fun’ during the two nights we’d be staying at the hotel next to the agreed ‘rendezvous point.’ I actually felt my pussy flutter at the prospect of bedding this delicious young Lady. Yes, I WAS married, but, make NO mistake, my ‘husband’ did as I told him to. And anyway, he wasn’t there.

Natasha's P.O.V.

Whilst the prospect of a VERY long journey wasn’t something that I’d have willingly chosen, it was almost immediately clear that Svetlana’s intermate company would make that time far more enjoyable than I’d anticipated. Sure, she might be old, but she was knowledgeable, wise and highly intelligent. After all, she’d enjoyed a long and VERY distinguished career, starting by rising to become a full Colonel in the old Soviet K.G.B. Police organisation, and then elevating herself to the VERY top in the new Russian Federation Police Force, following the collapse of the old regime.

This Lady was clearly somebody I could learn an awful lot from, and I did feel very honoured that she’d recognised my potential and had recommended ME, for this quite prestigious position. Add the fact that she’d immediately put myself at ease, by letting me know that I could simply call her by her name, instead of any ‘honorary title,’ it was clear that we were going to ‘get along’ VERY nicely together.

Another thing I noticed about her was her smouldering sexuality. Sure, she was now over sixty years of age, but she had that air of sexual ‘authority’ about her, she’d clearly still ‘got it,’ I was in NO doubt about that. She must have been a REAL stunner when she’d been MY age.

And she began to show a very CLEAR interest in me. Well why not, maybe as well as professionally, this experienced older woman could teach me a few things in bed too. One thing I told myself, IF the opportunity arose, I wasn’t going to refuse, and we had two nights in a hotel, where neither of us would be known. Could be fun!


We arrived at the hotel, checked in and I contacted Oblomov to inform him that Natasha and I had arrived there, the arrangement was that his people would pick us up the next day. Once rested from the long journey, Natasha and I met in the dining room, sharing a good meal together. And there was DEFINITELY a ‘spark’ in those lovely grey eyes of hers, and the vibes between us were THERE, I was in NO doubt.


Svetlana looked simply stunning as she joined me in the dining room. YES, I WANTED her, I KNEW by now. As we departed after a lovely meal, alone in the corridor, HER lips met MINE!
“Not tonight, Svetlana, as I’m still SO tired after the long drive, but if things go well tomorrow, then you just TRY stopping me from coming to your room afterwards!”
Her eyes displaying PURE lust, she replied. “Fair enough, I understand about the journey taking it out of us, but I therefore must do my VERY best to persuade Boris Oblomov to offer you the post. Then I’ll help you ‘celebrate’ in the BEST possible way!” Another truly passionate kiss followed before we went our separate ways to our own rooms.

Tomorrow turned into today and after breakfast, Oblomov’s people arrived, right at the agreed time. We were invited to take position in the back seat of the car, and then blindfolded. But NO sort of restraint or other sensory deprivation was applied, and even the aforementioned action was apologised for. As Svetlana had implied, obviously the Oligarch’s sense of paranoia regarding the location of his ‘lair’ becoming public knowledge was very much real. It took about thirty minutes to arrive at our destination, and I obtained my first glimpse of Boris Oblomov. Somebody I felt straight away I COULD do ‘business’ with.

Naturally he greeted Svetlana first, after all it was her who was his ‘contact.’ And then he warmly introduced himself to me, shaking my hand with what appeared to be genuine affection and welcome.

And so, he began to show us his headquarters, soon it became crystal clear that Svetlana had briefed me very well. For, let’s face it, this was an ‘interview’ for the position of ‘security chief’ and she pointed out quite a few possible ‘issues’ in that regard. But because of the talk we’d had, I was able to do so myself as well, and I sensed that Boris Oblomov was impressed with BOTH of us. Very much including me.

And after an exclusive ‘one to one’ chat in his private study, he confirmed that I’d ‘hit the right note.’ For he smiled, then commented. “Miss Bolgonskava, or may I address you as Natasha?”
I nodded my assent. “Thank you, Natasha. Now it’s clear to me that you very much possess the necessary qualities in order to perform the duties that I require of you and do them well. So, I am delighted to offer the position to you. At the same renumeration terms that I’d offered to Commissioner Dementieva. Do you wish to accept the position.”
“Yes, Sir. And I promise you to perform my duties to the very best of my abilities, to confirm that your faith in me was fully justified.” He offered me his hand and I took it.
“I believe that you will do just that, Natasha. Welcome aboard.”

Well, that was the business part of the equation nicely dealt with then. Time for the ‘fun’ part, with my distinguished if elderly, sexy companion, to take centre stage. Both of us were again, politely, blindfolded as we were driven back to our original rendezvous point. Our power of sight restored, we left the vehicle, which swiftly departed leaving the pair of us alone, standing in the hotel car park. “Shall we eat some food first, or devour each other, Svetlana?”
“Maybe a quick bite first, Natasha. But not too much, I’ve some plans for you that don’t need frequent ‘toilet visits’ getting in the way!”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Sorry for the late response @LunaDog - somehow it escaped we you started a new adventure! Thank you for your kind words 😀 I like the idea, the plot very much - and I wonder in what Direction you will lead us. I am very much looking foward to the next part!
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Post by LunaDog »

Thank you good Sir. Just hope i can do your lovely Natasha the justice she deserves.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

An interesting start. Looking forward to finding out more about the characters.
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Post by LunaDog »

Svetlana's P'.O.V.

So, after a very quick and small meal, it was back to my bedroom to await the arrival of my younger, sexy companion. Good job I’d made some ‘preparations,’ eh? For I didn’t just want to share my bed with the delicious Natasha, I wanted her ‘attached’ to it, completely under MY power and control. Where I’d be able to decide exactly WHAT activities would happen between the two of us, and WHEN, just like I normally do with my husband. And, after I’d had my fun with her? Well, maybe, just maybe, I’d like to end up in HER hands, to find out just what SHE wanted to do with me! However, I’d have to ‘capture’ Natasha first, but I believed that I’d worked out a method to do just that. Hoping she’d fall for it!

It wasn’t long before a gentle knock on the bedroom door announced Natasha’s arrival, she almost burst through across the threshold, after which I shut and locked the door! We immediately kissed, VERY passionately, setting the ‘tone’ for the evening in NO uncertain terms! And now, I made my ‘play.’ After allowing her to remove the dress she wore, meaning that ALL she was adorned in was a very lacy suspender belt holding up the sheerest nylon stockings I’d EVER seen, she hadn’t even put any panties on, I approached her with a blindfold. “Why don’t you allow me to guide you sightless through our ‘night of pleasure,’ together?”
“Do you know what, Svetlana? THAT is a bloody good idea, yes, why not?”

So, within a minute later Miss Bolgonskava could see NOTHING. “Well Darling, how does that feel? You’ll have to rely on me now, you have to allow me to take you to heaven unsighted, guided entirely by my knowledge and experience.”
“Sounds good to me, Sweetheart.”
“Well then, let’s get you onto the bed and then we can begin.”

I gently led Natasha to the bed, no satin covering unfortunately it wasn’t THAT posh a hotel and laid her down upon its surface. Climbing onto her prone body, sitting down upon her chest, I knew when I struck it needed to be both fast and VERY decisive! Suddenly I reached under the single pillow on which Natasha’s head lay, and pulled out the two silk bondage ties that were underneath it. I pulled her left arm towards the solid right-hand bedpost of the bedframe, and immediately tied to around her wrist and the post, knotting it, capturing that arm.

Now I KNEW that wasn’t a secure or inescapable bond and given enough time Natasha would be able to free her arm from the bedpost, but almost certainly not before I’d captured her second arm, and THIS bond would be PERMANENT! Well, as permanent as I WISHED it to be that is, obviously I would be releasing her from the bed at some stage in the future, but that decision would now be totally mine to make, with her in NO position to dictate the timing! Within minutes I’d achieved my aim, and to be completely frank it rather appeared to me that Natasha was NOT making much of an effort to escape, almost as IF she WANTED to place herself in my hands, allowing me to return to that first bond, and simply re-do it, PROPERLY this time. Meaning that Natasha’s two arms were now fastened to the bed posts in such a manner that escape from my intentions was now completely impossible for her. SHE WAS MINE!

Natasha's P.O.V.

I’ve got to be totally honest sexual anticipation was coursing uncontrollably around my body as I knocked on Svetlana’s door. I just KNEW she’d got something planned for me, there was NO way this was going to be a ‘conventional’ lesbian sex session, the old vixen certainly had something in mind. I mean what was all that ‘I’ve got plans for you’ speech about? And not wanting either of us to need to visit the toilet? OH MY GOD, she’s going to tie me up, isn’t she? Well, IF that’s what you have in mine, Svetlana, the answer is ‘YES.’ But, yes there IS a ‘but,’ once you’ve had YOUR fun with me, it then becomes MY turn!

Having secured my arms to her bed, Svetlana completed her captivity of my now helpless body by tying my legs to the bed posts of the lower bedframe. “Well then, my Darling Natasha it rather appears that you no longer control events. You belong to somebody else, do you not?”
“Can’t argue with you there, Svetlana.”
“Should that not be MISTRESS Svetlana? So, I ask again, to whom do you belong to now?”
“I belong to my Mistress Svetlana.”
“Correct. And for how long?”
“For as long as Mistress wants.”

Svetlana now, unseen by me of course, moved her hands until she’d grabbed hold of both of my nipples. “What have we here? Shall I ‘christen’ these? How about we call this one,” Svetlana squeezed the nipple of my left-hand breast, “Ivan? And this one,” transferring her attentions to the right-hand companion, “Igor?”

“Whatever you say Mistress Svetlana.” Because she bent down over my trapped body and now started to ‘play’ with said nipples with her teeth, gently ‘chewing’ upon them, one at a time. As the figures of one of her hands headed towards my pussy, which of course was SOAKING wet by now, and two of her fingers ‘attacked’ my clitty! Bloody hell Svetlana, I can’t take much more of this! Because Mother Nature took her normal course in circumstances like this, and soon I could resist my tormentor NO more. My body arched against its bonds, as I released a scream of pure ecstasy while that condition FULLY claimed me! Excitement ran amok around my entire form uncontrollably, with myself unable to prevent just what Svetlana had so skilfully induced! Not that I WANTED to, of course.

Sorry, you think that my older ‘lover’ had finished with me? Not a chance, during the time I needed to ‘climb down’ from this ‘high’ she, again unseen by me, pulled her old ‘strap-on’ out of her travel bag, and fitted it, including placing the ‘attachment’ on her own clitoris to bring her some pleasure too. “Been a good few years since I used THIS on a female,” she uttered to herself, remembering shagging a girl called Anastacia Petrova with it MANY years ago, “not that you need to know about that!”

Svetlana now placed herself fully on top of my body, and now I felt her ‘implement’ as she gently inserted it inside of my aching pussy, remember I hadn’t seen her fit it. Never mind, it felt utterly delicious as she gently slid it in, until she fully emersed her ‘tool.’ Yes, it did feel good, fantastic even, as now Svetlana began to gently retract it, then slide it back inside, slowly at first as she kept up the ‘cycle,’ in and out, in and out. In the meantime, her lips assaulted mine, with a passion that completely disguised her advanced years.


Oh yes young Natasha, now you are MINE, as I started to accelerate my actions, faster and faster, yes, despite being over sixty now I’ve still ‘got it’ as soon I was pounding my young captive into the mattress of the bed. And that ‘attachment’ of the strap-on was doing its job very nicely, thank you very much, as things were ‘stirring’ down there! Also judging by the gradual increase in volume of the moans emitted by Natasha, it was clear that she was also becoming more and more turned on.

It wasn’t long before I’d driven the pair of us to that joyful ‘destination’ where sheer pleasure awaited. What made it even better was that I’d manged to ‘arrange’ for both Natasha and I to arrive there almost simultaneously, her climax took hold literally seconds before my own hit me, with an intensity that overwhelmed my body irresistibly. God, this felt SO fantastic, as I screamed in sheer ecstasy, but of course my oral emissions were not the only ones in that room at that precise moment! I truly believe Natasha’s own cries were FAR louder than mine!

I put Natasha ‘through it’ twice more before I called a, hopefully temporary, halt to proceedings. Two reasons for this, I’d completely enjoyed having Natasha as my sexual captive, but now I fancied seeing just what she had planned for me. And let’s be realistic, I wasn’t any form of ‘spring chicken’ anymore, I KNEW that I needed to ‘ration’ my strength and stamina, I wanted enough left to enjoy just what Natasha was going to inflict upon me. But I wanted to ‘stoke’ her up a little, I actually wanted her to be annoyed and slightly angry with me, so I could feel the FULL force of her sexuality. So, it was time for a little play acting!

Once I’d released her from the bed, I basically dismissed her. “Thank you, Natasha, that was truly magnificent, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed our evening together. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And then laid myself down on the bed, doing my best to simulate falling into a state of sleep. Would she take the bait? Oh, and I’d quite DELIBERATELY left a bottle of chloroform on the dressing table. Hopefully she’d ‘clock it!’


BLOODY HELL SVETLANA! You selfish mare! Oh, so you’ve had YOUR fun, and now you expect ME to just leave! Wait a minute, what’s that over there? Go on now, you fall asleep on me, well let’s just ‘assist’ that process, shall we? And then, when you DO have the courtesy to wake up, you’ll find that the situation will have changed somewhat! I grabbed a cloth, soaked it in the contents of the bottle that my, soon to be captive, had so conveniently left ‘lying about’ and gently placed said cloth over my ‘partners’ nose and mouth. Sweet dreams, former Commissioner Dementieva!


Fantastic. Despite my ‘pretend’ state of sleep I could determine just what Natasha was up to. She’d clocked the drug, and was fully intending to use it, just as I hoped. As she placed the cloth over my ‘breathing orifices’ and that simulated sleep became real I now knew that when I awoke I’d be firmly in HER hands and power. And with her in the mood to want to punish me for my perceived rudeness towards her. PERFECT!
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Post by LunaDog »

Natasha's P.O.V.

So, you wanted to deny me, eh Svetlana? You wanted to fall asleep on me? Well now you ARE asleep, and you’ve got a little surprise awaiting you when you wake up. Swiftly I moved her body into a central position on the bed, just about the same location she’d had me in. Now I tied her arms together in front of her, linking her wrists together VERY securely. Pulling her bound arms above her head I now fastened the ‘assembly’ onto the top rail of the bedframe, meaning she now belonged to said furniture and wouldn’t be leaving it of her own volition.

However, before I tied her legs to the lower bedposts, I decided to dress my captive up a little. She’d been completely naked up to this point, but as I’d now captured her for sex, I now wanted to place her in, what are the, albeit unofficial, ‘clothes of sex.’ I soon found the items I wanted in her travel bag, grabbing a suspender belt and some, VERY sheer, nylon stockings!

I took my time over the task of fitting these items to my prisoner’s form, as I said the stockings were VERY sheer, and it would have been so easy to damage them, but I did manage to avoid that successfully. Good. And now, with my victim dressed appropriately I fastened her legs, spread out to the respective outer bed posts.

Meaning Svetlana was securely fastened to the bed in an inverted ‘Y’ shape. She was now going NOWHERE until I, and ONLY I, said so. Just for good measure I also placed the blindfold she’d used on me onto her own head and covered HER eyes with it.

Svetlana's P.O.V.

As soon as I ‘came to’ I knew I’d got just what I wanted, and I was now completely in Natasha’s power. Firstly, I could see nothing and could feel the blindfold, my own I guessed but my captor could have used one of hers, in place over my eyes, denying them the ability to perform their normal function. Now, while she’d tied my legs spread out to the outer bed posts of the lower frame, as normal, Natasha had adopted a slightly different strategy regarding the top half of my body. But don’t worry, I KNEW insistently that her bondage was totally secure, and I wouldn’t be able to escape. She’d tied my arms together and then to the top rail of the bed frame, but very cleverly so there was NO chance of escape. Oh, yes, I BELONGED to her now!

And that wasn’t quite the end of her ‘surprises’ for me, when she’d ‘put me out’ my legs had been naked, but now they were coated in VERY sheer nylon. Along with the accompanying suspender belt.

“Natasha, you little minx, are you there?”
“Oh yes, I VERY much am! Thought you could deny me, did you?”
“Well now I know different.” I could have lied and told her that I’d PLANNED this, after all why would I have left the chloroform bottle out? But then I knew she was NO fool, and no doubt had guessed my REAL intentions. I might have even impressed her.
“Don’t you just, Svetlana, don’t you just. And, because you tried to deny me, that’s only going to make your punishment in my hands FAR worse!” Got THAT one just right it seemed!


I was starting to get this feeling that Svetlana had deliberately tried to make me believe that she’d attempted to deceive me, and being tied up in MY hands is precisely what she’d set out to do. But then, so what? Whether she DID want it or not, THAT is exactly the situation that she now found herself, to MY utter delight, I fully intended to give her a VERY torrid time now! IT WAS PAYBACK TIME!

And the first action I decided to take at this point was to remove the power of speech from my helpless captive. I’d bought a nice ball gag with me, and just what was the point of THAT if I wasn’t going to use it?

Into her mouth it went! Swiftly I fastened the straps, and now my former boss couldn’t say a thing, all she could emit was muffled groans of pleasure. As I allowed my hands to ‘play’ with her nylon coated legs, pushing the sheer material against her skin. “Enjoying this are you, Svetlana? And THIS is just the beginning of my torture of you, be in NO doubt as to that!”

Slowly my hands continued their action, but gradually they moved upwards, towards my prisoner’s pussy. And once they arrived at that destination, I allowed one finger to penetrate my captive’s pussy, finding Svetlana’s ‘clitty,’ and beginning to torment her with stroking that, but NEVER enough to induce a climax, leaving her almost shaking in frustration. “What’s this?” Knowing that my gagged ‘companion’ couldn’t utter any sort of reply, well not one that made ANY sense, that is! Although I WAS treated to some sort of “eeeemmmmppppttthhhhhh” sound for my efforts! However, as I did strongly suspect that Svetlana HAD deliberately allowed herself to end up in my hands, after a while I relented, and took her ALL the way to orgasm.

Resulting in her body shaking, as much as my bonds permitted it to of course, and more unintelligible attempted ‘cries’ emitting from her mouth, as much as its ‘ball’ guest would allow that is. Quite a show I’ll willingly admit. Not that I was even considering releasing her yet, you understand.


Now firmly in Natasha’s hands, I must admit that her next move took me completely by surprise, as she placed a very effective ball-gag within my mouth! Not sure I was too keen on the idea, but then I had NO choice in the matter. Now she started rubbing my nylon coated legs, teasing and tormenting me, especially when her hands moved upwards my pussy, whereby having reached it one of her fingers commenced playing with my ‘clit!’ She REALLY stroked up my frustrations, deliberately preventing me from achieving a climax, until, whether by accident or design I know not, she failed to stop in time, orgasm taking over as my body shook as much as its restraints consented to. And I tried to cry out in pleasure, but all the gag allowed was some muffled complete nonsense!

However, I had this feeling that Natasha had FAR from finished with me just yet, not that I WANTED her to, and so it proved. “Well my Dear Svetlana, THAT was a very tasty ‘starter’ but please don’t make the mistake of thinking that I don’t intend to devour the ‘main course.’ YOU ARE MINE NOW! Mine, your body is just simply pure food to feed my immense sexual appetite! And after the joy of today and my new position and career, just guess how hungry she is? Oh, sorry, you can’t answer me, can you? Well, I’ll tell you. RAVENOUS! You’re staying here on this bed until she’s satisfied, and believe me, THAT state of affairs is a LONG way off!

Something I had NO difficulty in believing, Natasha. After all I was going NOWHERE until SHE said so! But, just what did she plan for me now?

Unseen by me of course, she was going to use my own ‘implement’ upon me. I heard, rather than saw, her placing my ‘strap-on’ onto her own body, and it didn’t take long for this very intelligent ‘adversary’ to work out just how to position the clitoral ‘attachment’ into its desired place. She was READY!

And just before she climbed onto the bed and my bound and helpless body, Natasha removed the gag from my mouth to my great relief. Which was rather short-lived as her lips now attacked mine, with a level of passion that I used to employ when I was her age, and that now, in my advanced years, I only just about managed to cope with! And then I felt IT, Natasha HAD given her, or should that be my, ‘cock’ a good coating of lube, as I felt her insert it, gently thankfully, into my aching pussy! With NO complaints from me, I WANTED her to give me a real good ‘shagging.’ And it was clearly obvious that she intended just that!

However, I should have taken notice of that old saying, “be careful what you wish for!” I mean, Natasha was under half my age and FULLY fit. Also one needs to bear in mind that I’d expended some of the strength I DID have, shagging her while she was MY prisoner! Because Natasha was in NO mood to show me ANY mercy whatsoever, as I suppose was her right! Although she did actually begin her shagging of my pussy and body slowly, bless her, in and out, as I say gently, but it wasn’t long before she began to accelerate the motion! Believe me, it wasn’t long before she was REALLY pounding me into the bed!


Oh yes Svetlana! YOU’RE IN MY HANDS NOW! And didn’t she just KNOW it, after starting slowly, I will admit at that time in my life I wasn’t experienced in any way with using a ‘strap-on,’ alright I’ll acknowledge it, this was actually my FIRST time, but I soon felt confident enough, I AM a fast learner, to ramp up the ‘pace’ and before long I was pumping her at ‘full throttle!’ With the natural desired effect for both of us occurring almost simultaneously, not bad for a novice, eh? Svetlana let out a scream of PURE ecstasy, but the volume of her cries was completely ‘drowned out’ by the intensity of my own as my tremendous climax overwhelmed me!

Well, that WAS good, I’ll willingly admit, but do you REALLY think I’d finished with her just yet? Of course not, and the fact that my captive was very much female now entered the equation. For there was NO need to wait for a certain organ of a male to ‘re-charge,’ oh no, once I’d got my breathe back I could start on her again almost immediately! Be rather rude to ‘Mother Nature’ not to, now wouldn’t it? Well, that’s what I thought anyway, and remember, Svetlana was in MY hands, not ME in HERS so no, I didn’t consider asking her if she agreed with me on this one!

But now she would be able to see the pure lust in my grey eyes, for I removed the blindfold covering hers, and looked her straight into them with my own. Seeing that said lust hadn’t just got a full hold of my own emotions, but my elderly captives’ too. I felt almost challenged by the tone of Svetlana’s eyes as they almost bored into my own, almost as if to dare me! Well Svetlana, you’re just about to fully discover that I am NOT a girl to shrink away from a challenge, especially one of a SEXUAL nature!

Once again, I allowed my ‘cock’ to penetrate my elderly captive’s pussy, slowly at first, yes I wanted to put Svetlana ‘through’ it, but I still respected and liked her. After all, she HAD done me a massive favour in recommending me for this position I’d now gained, so I wanted this session to be a celebration above all. Repeating what had worked SO well just beforehand proved to be a smart move, because just as roughly ten minutes earlier I bought Svetlana to climax simultaneously as one of those delicious occurrences fully took hold of me! And THIS time her cries drowned out my own as she screamed out MY name, “NATASHA! NATASHA! OH GOD! NAATTTAAAASSSSSHHHHHHAAAA!!!!!!”

What a complete ‘turn-on!’ I have to admit, as if my ‘fires’ weren’t already stoked up enough! Twice more I shagged my captive to a full climax for both of us, before I did sense that she was possibly beginning to reach the limits of her stamina. Perhaps a little rest period was in order?
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Post by LunaDog »

Svetlana's P.O.V.

I will, reluctantly I know, confess that I was beginning to question my ability to withstand Natasha’s sexual ‘assault’ upon my pussy and body anymore, as she skilfully and relentlessly bought both herself and me to what, our fourth or was it fifth ‘joint’ climax together. Don’t get me wrong, I’d thoroughly ENJOYED being her captive and slave, but well, I’m well past my peak when it comes to sexual stamina. Whether she herself was possibly starting to ‘flag,’ remember it was HER who was doing most of the hard work here, I wasn’t sure of, but mercifully she stopped, informing me that it WAS time for a break! Thank heavens for small mercies! And during this ‘down-time’ she actually released my bound arms from that top rail of her bed, moving them around to offset cramp. Once re-secured, Natasha repeated the process, giving my legs, individually, some exercise to again offset the possibility of cramp.

But although Natasha HAD released my limbs, please note this was a very much temporary state of affairs, because I was back in her firm bondage to the bed, it was clear she hadn’t finished with me yet. “Well, here you are then Svetlana, still in MY hands, and believe me you’ll scheduled for some more ‘nookie with Natasha!’ But I know that you need a break, to be honest I was rather struggling myself with the ‘pace’ I’d set. And maybe, when it IS time to resume the fun, I might want to use your tongue a little. Shall we try a bit of soixant-neuf?”

Well Natasha, I’m not exactly in any position to deny you, if THAT is what you want, am I? And, at this stage I couldn’t see her, or the look on her face, anymore, as back on went the blindfold. My world became totally black once more.

So, I sensed, completely unsighted of course, Natasha’s nylon coated legs stretch out either side of my head, obviously she’d removed MY strap-on from her pussy. I could feel the heat and ‘passion’ being emitted from her ‘organ’ as she bought it right into the range of my mouth and tongue. It was crystal clear just what she planned for me to do, and I didn’t disappoint her. Gently I allowed my tongue to ‘explore’ her pussy and it wasn’t long before it found just what she hoped it would. My reward for this? Her own tongue proceeded to perform EXACTLY the same ‘action’ at the other end of the bed, with her FREE arms starting to gently stroke my, now also stocking adorned, legs at the same time.

Natasha's P.O.V.

My first action before I reversed my body so that both of our mouths would be ‘covering’ the other’s pussy, was to place my captive back into a state of total darkness, as I placed the blindfold over her eyes again. Meaning that she couldn’t see me remove the ‘strap-on,’ which incidentally, just like the blindfold itself, did belong to her, from my mid-riff. Now I ‘swung around,’ gently positioning my pussy so it lay right by my prisoner’s mouth. And her tongue immediately responded, flicking out and teasing my pussy, before it located just what I, and I had this feeling Svetlana also, wanted it to. My ‘clitty!’

Well, if Svetlana WAS making an effort to please me, surely I could allow her to also enjoy herself. So, my own tongue began to join in the ‘action’ doing to her just what she was doing to me! And it wasn’t long before this began to achieve the desired ‘result’ at BOTH ends!

As my climax hit me, then I COVERED my captive’s face in my juices, but she didn’t seem to mind too much. Possibly because to a very large extent she was completely distracted, once again we’d worked as a team and pure ecstasy claimed her at almost the same time as it did me. And as I started to calm down, I noticed out of the corner of my eye the discarded ‘strap-on.’ Why don’t I put it on her, after all technically it IS hers, and then shag her as if she was a male, thought I?

No sooner thought than done! Making sure that I’d carefully placed the ‘attachment’ just where it would ‘tickle’ her clitoris and lead to climaxes for her as well as me. I DID like Svetlana; I was grateful to her for helping achieve this position with Boris Oblomov and I wanted her to enjoy herself with just what I was doing to her as much as I was. Well, maybe not QUITE as much, you KNOW what I mean! By now I’d FULLY come to realise that she had, quite deliberately, delivered herself into my hands and power, her body was now available here and now for my pleasure and amusement!

Now then, I thought to myself, should I allow her the privilege of KNOWING I was going to make her male or not? What decided it for more was the state of her face, completely covered in my sexual ‘output,’ I mean I wasn’t THAT cruel. So as I gently washed her face, naturally I removed the blindfold, to be rewarded with the sight of Svetlana’s beautiful eyes staring into my own, and almost wishing me to carry on. For such an old Lady, she had a remarkable amount of stamina, I willingly admitted to myself. And, if she DIDN’T want me to stop just yet, who the hell was I to deny her desire?


As you can ALL well imagine I am FAR from sexual inexperienced, I’ve enjoyed MANY an exciting sex session in my life, most of those of course being with my English ‘husband,’ whom I ‘captured’ all those years ago now. But it had been a LONG time since I’d been quite so ‘turned on’ as I was here and now, utterly helpless in the hands of young Natasha. She was proving to completely exceed my expectations, and those had been HIGH, believe me! But she was clearly operating on another level entirely.

After we’d both pleasured each other with our respective tongue, an action that had resulted in Natasha’s ‘product’ smothering my face, as she kindly set about washing it off she removed the blindfold, therefore I noticed her looking intently at my ‘strap-on’ that she’d so nonchalantly throw aside not long before. And it didn’t very long for me to work out that Natasha fully intended to use it again, but not in the manner that I first thought. Oh no, she was going to place it around MY midriff, and then impale herself upon it! Let’s face it, even if I HAD wanted to stop her, securely tied to this bed and helpless, I couldn’t have thwarted her. But I had NO desire for that, I WANTED this! Especially as my captor was SO careful to ensure the ‘attachment’ rested in the correct position, where it would fully ‘tickle’ my clitty! It was now totally clear to me that Natasha had indeed ascertained that I had deliberately surrendered myself into her power, and as a result wished for me to enjoy myself fully, if not quite as much as herself.

Having fitted the strap-on to MY body, and allowed both of us a period of rest, Natasha ‘climbed aboard’ as it were. After another of her ‘trademark’ long and passionate snogs, we embarked on her latest sexual adventure, slowly at first as she felt for the ‘rhythm.’ Which didn’t take her long to find at all, and soon she was totally pounding me into the bed.

Natasha helped herself to three full climaxes whilst she shagged my ‘cock,’ succeeding to taking me to that delightful place myself during a couple of those. And then she stopped, although far younger and fitter than me, it was HER doing all of the REAL hard work here, and even she, strong that she most certainly is, couldn’t keep going for ever. Thankfully, because believe me, my desires for the night were now FULLY satisfied, and now I truly felt that hers were too! But, WHAT A SESSION IT HAD BEEN! I’ll be TOTALLY honest here, and say willingly that THIS, with me helpless in Natasha’s hands and power, had possibly been the GREATEST sexual night of my ENTIRE life, with the possible exception of that memorable night ALL those years ago, when I took Robert away from Anastacia Petrova.

At last Natasha undid the secure bonds that had held me to the bed and in her power for those hours. Utterly shattered, having visited the bathroom, both of us settled down on the bed, cuddling the body of the other, and almost immediately drifted off into a VERY deep sleep. Great fun the evening HAD been, but now both of us were completely ‘cream crackered!


With Svetlana utterly captured and totally subject to MY desires, I put her REALLY through it, as I impaled my pussy her ‘shaft’ to some GLORIOUS climaxes, noticing to my delight that she achieved a few herself, before it hit me that I really had ‘run out of steam!’ It had been a FANTASTIC night with her, very much including the period when she had been in charge of matters, and it was ME who had been subject to her bondage. But now I was completely spent, and I guessed that Svetlana probably was too. Reluctantly, it was time to STOP! So, I undid the bonds that held her, and once we’d both been to the loo, we quickly entered the state of REAL slumber, lying in each other’s embrace.
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Post by LunaDog »

Nastasha's P.O.V.

Come the morning the ‘action’ DID start again, but now this wasn’t the time for the frantic ‘shagging’ of the night before. With both of us free to move, this was gentle ‘making love’ as opposed to raw sex. But, in its own way almost as enjoyable, although we KNEW this was the end of any ‘relationship’ between us. Soon we’d be returning to Moscow, her to her new ‘retired’ life with her husband, and me to make the preparations for new one, as Boris Oblomov’s ‘Security Chief.’ A fresh challenge which I was VERY much looking forward to.

Svetlana's P.O.V.

After breakfast, it was time to ‘hit the road’ for the long drive back to Moscow. The ‘chatting’ between us being far less than the journey here, our excursions of the previous night mostly to blame, but the ‘atmosphere’ was calm. We’d both seriously enjoyed the company of the other, leading to precisely the sort of situation where words are no longer necessary. When we finally reached Russia’s capital I dropped Natasha off at her, for now but not much longer clearly, home. Wishing her all the VERY best for her new ‘employment.’ Time to return to my captive husband. Who I WAS looking forward to seeing, sure when I first ‘took’ him my attraction was based upon the sheer lust of his surrender to me, but over the years I HAD grown to love him. Both of us thoroughly enjoyed in our own ways, what we had shared together.

And that was the last time I ever met up with her, although at a football match in Moscow a few years later, which Robert’s nephew was playing in, I saw her from afar in the Director’s Box, setting next to Oblomov, the owner of the club who Robert’s family relation played for.


Within less than a month I had reported back to my new ‘boss’ to commence my duties. Duties that I was able to attend to with skill and success, thereby cementing my position very nicely, thank you very much. And I discovered that Boris’s influence extended beyond Russia. For example, he’d recently purchased ownership of a top club in the English Premier Football League, a club based in London named Chelsea.

Who’d just signed a new central defender named Wes Elliott from a team in the English ‘midlands,’ Leicester City. As I fondly looked at the printed profile and physical shape of this new ‘acquisition’ I most definitely said to myself.

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