Mr. Black and the Infinity Ring. F/F and M/F series complete.

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Mr. Black and the Infinity Ring. F/F and M/F series complete.

Post by WyattW5 »

I am warning those who read this. this is not going to be a beat around the bush adult stories. and the subject matter can be perceived as rather dark. please take this into consideration while you are reading. this is not Mr. Black being a gentleman white knight. things are going to get messy.

Chapter 1 The Trapper.

Jason Black sits in his pickup on an old gravel road in the backwoods of South Carolina. His eyes scanning a leather-bound book in his lap. Miss Satin had given him a new Target however this one seemed to be quite elusive. Never straight and narrow anymore.

A figment of the imagination nicknamed Goddess Xev. Apparently, she runs this operation called the Infinity Ring. A white slave operation has been known to take girls around the state. Kidnap them sell them to buyers across the state line.

Jason Black had to start from the ground up. Using several sources of information Jason was able to track what these people called a Trapper. Men or women who find unsuspecting girls and take them for a little ride then knock them out before they are prepped and sent to the next stage. The Stage Jason needed to figure out.

After two weeks Jason finally caught sight of the trapper. She is a black haired woman about forty-five to fifty years old wearing a grey sweater. Heavy makeup. Driving a blue suburban 2003 heavy rust on the edges.

He had finally caught her. She was driving down one of her old hunting trails. As it was called by those affiliated with the scum who profit from this dirty labor. Watching her truck drive Jason picked up the steady pursuit a total of three times finding her favorite dirt road patterns.

That was three weeks ago. Now Jason sits on the edge of County road 16. Waiting for the Blue Suburban to come or any car for that matter. Opening the door Jason removes his suit jacket deciding it best to blend in with the local country boys he trades his suit and tie for a flannel jacket and denim jeans.

Walking forward. Jason turns to notice a blue suburban driving forward. Drawing a small Luger 22 Jason decided the small caliber was enough to get what he needed. The Suburban slowly began to stop along-side his truck. Jason had taken cover beside his truck and watched as the Driver halted.

Popping from cover Jason fires the pistol four times into the tire. As the driver began to pull away. The air instantly gave out and the car sunk to its front right. Jason runs to the driver's side pushing the gun into the driver's face.

Hazel eyes were cold as stone glaring at him. She had the door nearly open this allowed Jason to open the door to reveal her full frame. Besides the makeup of her face. She gave the appearance of a back-country yokel housewife. Grey sweater and jeans.

“Mrs. Trapper. Mr. Black pleased to meet you... I have some questions I need to ask you!”

“Fuckoff” her sneer gave Jason a reason to chuckle.

“Well I imagine you will have a brighter tune before I am done” the woman gave a huff before sighing

“best not stay here then, another car could be coming saw a van ma and little kids”

“This country road, I have not seen more than four cars on it for four hours yours included... but to keep you from trying anything I do have a precautionary measure...” Jason brings out a roll of duct tape

“You are not taping me up you sumbitch you are not taping me up” ripping her from the car Jason quickly commenced to tape her wrists behind her back pulling her elbows back he taped them as well.

“You better let me go this fucking minute, I am part of an organization a big organization I know men who’ll hand you your balls” snarling the woman struggles and fights his grip.

“Not before I hand you yours... Something you seem to misunderstand for me to be scared of your threats... I need to be assured there is no way you will escape what is coming?”

“Nothing is certain Jackass I can get out and when I do I’ll fucking” exasperating a sigh Mr. Black takes a roll of tape and begins to wrap it around her mouth.

“I have had enough of your feral tongue woman...” stating with force Mr. Black opens the backseat to reveal the seat pushed all the way forward. Throwing the woman over the back seat Jason commences taping her ankles. Together.

“Now you will sit in here and contemplate how you would like to act in our future conversations, while I put the spare on” slamming the car door Jason heard her muffle and watched her shake and move the whole Suburban with her fidgeting.

Going under the tailgate Jason examines what needs to be done. Opening the trunk to get the toolbox Jasons eyes to gaze upon a poor Hispanic oriented young lady her long black hair draped down to her shoulders. Her eyes averted with an ace bandana while her arms were restrained with leather cuffs that added to a collar.

Her mouth was gagged with another bandana wrapped between her teeth. She began to moan and shuffle around.

“Whophf phfapfh whophf phfarphf!”

“Young lady, I need you to listen to me just a moment, I am not here to harm you... but I need to keep you like this for another hour or so I apologize for the inconvenience”

“Plephf lephf mephf gophf iphf tophf yophf ugphf dougph haphf muphf”

“I am not after money Miss, I just want information, I am sorry” grabbing the tool kit and the jack. Closing the back of the trunk lifting the front right tire Jason had it stabled before going below the trunk. Sadly the nuts were rusted and required much more muscle then he liked breaking a sweat at the awkward angle Jason got the spare loose before wheeling it forward and applying it to the front right.

Setting the old tire in the backseat. He watches as the Trapper snarls and growls at him. Her words still understandable through the tape. But it serves his purpose. Grabbing her by the arms Jason drags her forward setting her in the front seat.

“Now Miss Trapper. I am aware of your little organization of which you are just a front runner I know, I am looking for someone who is very renowned in your line of work but would never deal with you directly. Answer me calmly and honestly I will make this end just a little nicer”

“Andf iphf uhphf dohf?”

“I can make this last until night fall” Jasons tone turns dark his eyes glaring into the soul of the middle-aged woman who nods.

“Whafphf dophf yuphf waphf?”

“After you pick up the girls what happens then?”

Miss Trapper began to speak around the tape cursing Jason for everything he is worth. He ignored her comments as he always did and could. Looking down on the driver seat turning the truck into drive pulling out.

After ten minutes Jason glances to the woman beside him smiling to himself. Her eyebrows shoot up and she gargles angrily at him. Not saying anything of actual value but trying to scare him with threats as almost every so-called ‘professional’ did.

Finding a small secluded laneway leading into thick evergreen trees Jason pulls into the lane and parks deep enough where no one could see him. Drawing a small knife from his belt he brings the blade up to the Trapper's throat. Her eyes shoot open to stare at the blade below her chin.

“I will not ask you pleasantly again... what do you do after girls when you capture them?”

“Depfenphfngpf onphf thephf worphf”

“Their worth, you mean you categorize girls?”


“What will happen to our lady friend in the back?”

Miss Trapper began to explain. That girls who were still maturing ‘physically’ would be sent straight to auction. They were classed as middle to low worth. The matured women were sent to one they called the trainer. They were the ones to supposedly train the mature women to act as servants.

“I will need the information on these two”

“Uphf wiphf tephf yuphf” nodding Jason glances to the back where the young lady lays in the back of the truck. Glancing back to Miss Trapper had begun to mumble and talk before Jason presses a hand on her collar stopping her mutterings.

“Stop and think, long and hard when I come back I want names and addresses specifically this Trainer... I will be back in a few minutes”

Getting out of the truck Jason walks to the back door opening it he reaches in. Grabbing the girl by the arm as she felt him she fought struggling fiercely to avoid his direction.

“Miss please stop fighting... I mean you no harm” she kicked at him but he grabbed her ankle and drags her forward setting her on the tailgate Jason removed the leather cuffs from her ankles.

“I am releasing you but I need you to follow my instruction alright?” the girl stops her struggling for a moment as she glances in Jason's direction the bandana blocking her view he could see the girl struggled to breathe with the cloth bound tight on her nose and the gag had been holding some cloth to keep her quiet.

“I will remove the collar and cuffs, but you must leave the blindfold on do you understand?”

“Yeph” she finally said before Jason gave a curt nod removing the gag first allowing her to breathe she yakked on the soaked cloth. Clucking her throat from the discomfort Jason had reached into the truck to grab a warm bottle of water and Miss Trappers purse picking the wallet. Opening the cash department he was surprised to see eight hundred dollars in her wallet.

Returning to the girl Jason helps her drink the bottle of water. Breathing heavily Jason nods seeing her relax before he removes her binds.

“Calm yourself please... what is your name?”

“Bridget” she mutters heavily and Jason nods “you hitchhiking?”

“yeah she offered me a ride before pulling a gun on me”

“Well you are fine now... do you have a family?” the girl replies she has family in Wisconsin. Removing the cuffs from her hands Jason rubs her wrist to get the circulation back in keeping his gloved hands from massaging her body he could see her still trembling like a leaf.

“Family is the greatest protection anyone can have, take some advice go back to your family, no amount of drama is worth losing the protection of loved ones” removing the collar Jason helps her stand up supporting her. Jason began to guide her out of the bush back to the road.

“Alright Bridget, I want you to walk straight this way, use your feeling your left foot needs to be on gravel and your right foot needs to be on asphalt you can tell the difference?” she nods gingerly before Jason puts the eight hundred dollars in her pocket.

“You may take the blindfold off when you hear your first car coming for you...” taking Miss Trappers 38. He slides it into Bridget's other waistband sliding her shirt over it Jason whispers.

“If someone tries to take advantage of you again, one bullet to the waist another to the chest” turning Jason began to walk back when Bridget turns her head slightly “wait who are you?”

“A bad man who tries to do some good in his life” Jason replies still walking to the car.

Returning to find Miss Trapper unmoved from her spot in the passenger seat her eyes narrowed bitterly as Jason ascends back into the car. Removing her gag she spits at Jason.

“You bastard did you have to rifle my purse or my wallet, I needed that eight hundred to pay for gas and” slamming a fist into her chest she began to cough

“what did I tell you about your tone” coughing Miss trapper face had turned from angry woman too scared child. Before Jason tries again.

“What can you tell me of the Trainer and the Auctioneer?” turning the truck in reverse Jason backs out of the spot. Listening to Miss Trapper spill all her secrets of the Infinity ring ‘big wigs”

The Auctioneer lives a twelve-hour drive small farmhouse in a place called Barnsby. He was the one to traditionally do the pricing of the women. The Auctioneer would get in touch with the trainer and they would meet.

She told him where the auctioneer lived and offered to drive him there herself. In which Jason had asked her how would she get there. Indicating the GPS he turns it on and asks her to punch in the dial.

Finding the Auctioneer on the speed dial. Jason smiles calmly turning to Miss Trapper.

“Thank you, your assistance is no longer required”

“Does this mean I am okay to go?”

“One last question before our business is concluded, why is it called the infinity ring?”

“When someone enters the ring they can’t go be they buyer, or merchandise” Miss Trapper states with a hint of a smile Jason nods.

“Alright time for you to go to sleep” from his breast pocket he draws a syringe pushing it into Miss. Trappers arm he injects her with a mild sedative to knock her out for a few hours. Before he puts the rest of the plan in motion.

Two hours later.

Miss Trapper wakes up to find her hand's zip-tied to the steering wheel of her car. Her feet were free but stuck in the sneakers she had chosen to wear but she notes the shoelaces are bound together. Eyes growing wide she calls out to help.

No one around to hear her. A rumble began to engulf the car as she glances to the left the iron rails of a train began to chug its way toward her. Turning to her right she can see the train. Blowing its whistle in a warning. Miss Trapper begins to fight and squirm doing all in her power to get the car moving,

the car was running and in the park as her hands attempt to reach the shifter. She was barely able to slap the thing up which sent the car in Reverse making her car back up. In her fury, she had not thought to put the brake on making the car grind backward's out of gear. Now only the cab of her car was in line for the train to smash. Traveling at an extreme speed of sixty miles an hour.

Miss Trapper had only time to look down on the note. Mr. Black had left on the steering wheel.

You know somewhere deep down you deserve this.

Much Obliged

Jason Black

Jason watched as the train crashes into the side of the car making the entire car roll and fly over the train. Crashing fifty feet away the train slowly came to a stop. Jason had taken note of the Driver now deceased it was time to proceed onto the Auctioneer.
Last edited by WyattW5 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hard Stuff! But very good!
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

I am glad you like it.

and I put a warning this isn't going to be Crystal clean Mr. Black. just might be tough balancing his gentlemanly style with the brutal tactics I am thinking of.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Seems like something very personal for Mr. Black. Revenge? Dark Tones - there surely is a reason for this dark side of the force of Mr. Black to emerge.
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part two. I hope you guys like it.

Finding the Auctioneer with the assistance of Miss Trappers GPS was a breeze. But trying to spy on the only farmhouse in a radius of ten miles. That was tricky. Driving his truck off-road just enough to hide it. Jason takes his rifle from the toolbox and used the scope to navigate the house.

An auctioneer is a middle-aged man with short white hair weighing about two hundred pounds. He often dressed in a white button-down shirt and blue slacks or dress pants. Which seemed quite odd for a rural setting. He had expected the man to wear denim jeans and a flannel shirt.

Jason had camped out in the brush for the better part of four days. Spending a total of five hours tracking his movements. Using Miss Satin to locate details on this Auctioneer the name he gave. Otto Knechtal was an insurance broker who operates from his farmhouse.

The only time he would leave is to settle a claim, or to go grocery shopping. The claim business was very seldom because his insurance company was fake. Just a means to justify his income. Which is relatively high considering he leaves the house only once or twice a week.

Watching as Mr. Knechtal got into his grey sedan he drove away. Jason decided now was a good time to intercede. Opening the tailgate of his truck he sets the rifle away. Exchanging the small Luger. For a larger Charter arms 44 revolver, his knife, and his drugging tool kit.

Jason descends upon the house. Having not seen any camera’s around the property. Approaching the back door with a leather-gloved hand Jason attempts to unlock the door to no avail. Coming back around the garage Jason had known this place did not have a locking garage door. Jason gently lifted and slid the unit backward's.

The action caused a strange noise to come from inside. Only lowering it a few feet enough to roll below Jason got onto his back drawing his revolver he rolls under the door onto the cold concrete. His eyes wide as he glances up to see a person standing in a red turtleneck and blank leather pants accompanied by two in leather heals.

Her hands were bound above her head half leaning she appeared much like a limp slab of beef struggling to hold their position. Her eyes were covered with a white scarf while her mouth was sealed by silver tape over her mouth. Talking around the tape she mumbles and gargles begging for release. Getting to his knees and closing the garage door Jason approaches the woman.

either in their early to late twenties her blond hair was very neatly folded on her head, not a strand seemed out of the tucked position she kept it. Her bosom gave Jason the appearance the Auctioneer was likely going to send this girl to the Trainer. It would give him a good opportunity to make contact...

The girl began to shout into her gag attempting to get someone’s attention. Thinking her captor was ignoring her she began to wiggle and shake shuffling her bosom to get attention after a minute or two she finally moped and fell silent again.

Walking into the house Jason examined the surroundings the house was neat but bare-bones decorated. A handful of fake plants no photographs there was a recliner and couch a small tv. Checking the kitchen bare-bones necessities bottles of water cans of soup the only perishable item was a carton of milk.

This was a safe house. And one thing all safe houses had were a cache of things the person might need equipment-wise. The closest thing to a cache Mr. Knechtal had a briefcase in the guest bedroom opening it revealed a brand new Glock 43 pistol 9mm ten shot magazine. He had two extra magazines packed and ready to go plus envelopes of money.

Taking the pistol Jason had taken the two magazines and stuffed them in his pocket. Before turning around and leaving the room. Coming back into the kitchen Jason opens the fridge to grab a bottle of water. Walking back into the garage he made his presence known by slamming the door.

“Plmmphf lemphf mephf gmmphf”

“I am going to remove your gag so you can take a drink I will then lower your arms so you will not be suspended”

“Yuphf yorphf nophf himphf!”

“No I am not him... ask no more questions and you will make it out of this alive understand” the girl nods before Jason peels the tape from her lips drawing the damp cloth from her mouth. Unscrewing the cap he brings it up to her lips.

“When did he bring you here?” lowering the bottle from her lips she runs her tongue over the parched lips and gasps with relief.

“I do not know... I was taken on a Tuesday... my car broke down and I” pressing a non-violent hand to her lips he ceased her chatter.

“Relax and breathe, are you ready for another drink?” the girl nods and Jason puts the bottles to her lip again.

“I need you to play along for a little bit, I am going to gag you again and bind you in a different more comfortable position... I need you to act scared”

“I am scared” the girl stammers nervously turning her face in his direction.

“I give you my word I will not hurt you... and you will suffer no further cruelty from him whilst I am here” she struggles to find comfort in his words as she hangs from her arms whining in the pain and discomfort.

unraveling the rope from her hands she fell over from the reaction. Fortunately, Jason was there wrapping a hand chastely around her belly steadily pulling her away. Mr. Knechtal kept a desk computer and office chair in this garage. Setting her on the chair he rebinds her hands to the arms of the chair.

“Better?” the girl only nodded as Jason gave her one last drink.

“I am sorry to do this to you”

“Please no” she whispers before Jason stuffed her mouth with the gag and found the tape and pressed two pieces to her mouth. Brushing a gloved hand on her hair she recoiled from his touch.

Jason had begun to investigate the computer. Finding his expense papers and online ledger. He tried to get onto Mr. Knechtal’s auction site but it required and encryption code.

Needing the man to open the site himself Jason had decided it was best he set aside and wait. Taking a position on the stairs to the house. Glancing to the hostage in the corner she mumbled and groaned but soon she seemed to pass out in her chair. Jason had learned to feel the warm air from her nose.

two hours later.

The sound of cars rumbling tires informing Jason the guest has arrived. The garage door opens and the man steps forward his expression bitter as he looks to his hostage but as he looks to Jason aiming his revolver at the man.

“Hello, Otto...”

“Who are you... what do you want...” he looks to his hostage trying to make a smile pointing to her.

“You want her she’s yours no charge just leave me be” drawing the hammer back Otto began to stammer his mind flustering to think of a worthwhile bargain.

“This is what I need from you, sir... I need access to your auctions sight... and I need the information regarding the Trainer”

“Who told you?” snarling Jason fires a shot between his legs making the man buckle.

“The trapper is out of business... do what I tell you... you may be able to escape your fate” the man looks Jason in the eyes his bottom lip quivering before raising both hands in a prayer style whispering to himself.

“Alright... the trainer, the trainer I meet him on scheduled visits”

“Drives in?” the man shakes his head explaining the man uses a helicopter to land in the neighboring field disguised as a crop duster agricultural chopper. Jason nodded as he explained from the chopper he would deliver them to the Trainers men who escort the higher classed ladies to his facility.

“And how many girls will he have at this facility?”

“No more than five, he handles each woman himself, a bloody miracle worker turn the vicious hellion to a conforming twat” sliding the revolver back into his holster Jason tells Otto he needed to give Jason Access to the Auction sight.

“So this young lady here... she is a higher class I imagine?”

“Oh yes, the Trainer can turn her a profit of seven-fifty to eight hundred easy, the scared ones are easily broken”

“Uhphf nophf a hoprh!”

“Listen hand her over to the Trainer we can make good profit fifty-fifty?” Jason looks to the woman in the corner beginning to squirm showing signs of her distress Jason looks to the man.

“Your auction site now Mr. Knechtal” the man nods “okay okay here” going to the computer he commences to punch in the codes and soon the Auction site was open. Jason looks down on the sight and nods calmly looking up to the Otto and smiles

“very good now plug this thumb drive into your computer and copy the data from your site into the drive”


“You wanna die?” Jason bluntly calls making the old man stammer struggling to plug the drive in the scanning of the drive and transferring took a total of a half-hour. The buyers had encrypted usernames and account information.

“Do you allow random guests to make purchases?”

“No. Each guest must be associated with an active member already, and they must create a profile connected with an account to Panama, Switzerland, or Libya Somalia and Sudan?” Jason nods smiling as the thumb drive finished before sliding the drive into his pocket.

“just have one more question for you... Mistress Xev” the man's eyes grow wide. Stepping back in fear Jason examines the man testing his intelligence there was little way for Otto to overpower him. He was unarmed at least thirteen years older and a solid seventy pounds heavier but his limbs were less defined. If he put up a fight Jason knew to strike for his back.

“I do not know that name?”

“I know you do Otto, give me what you know of her and I will leave you to your business I will walk away right now” Otto began to consider the option. His eyes began to darken knowing his thought Jason grabs the man by the arm and slams a fist into the small of his back. The middle-aged man crashes to the floor.

“What the hell... who are you”

“Your goddamn nightmare tell me what you know of Xev or so help me god!” a knee began to buckle on the man's throat Jason shook with the rage inside only finding restraint in the last moments hurling himself off the man. Otto began to gargle and cough in discomfort getting his breath back Jason stands up and approaches slowly taking the belt from the man's waist and wraps it around the old man's throat.

“You will tell me what I want to know, death is an easy solution... but I can make this torment last for a week. I’ll make a Tracheotomy hole to make give you a little extra air if I have to” Otto looks into Jason's eyes dark menacing form lies behind the curtains of his brooding soul.

“She... was last... known.... to... be ... in...Fresco” the man passed out from the loss of air. Snarling Jason grabs the man by the arm and began to drag him into the house. Throwing his carcass on the couch Jason approaches the bedroom opening the cache he takes a grand bundle of money out before marching out to the hostage in the corner.

“The binds and the gag will come off but I need you to keep the blindfold on until I tell you it is okay understood?” the woman gave a short nod before Jason knelt next to her cutting the binds to her hands and feet. Peeling the tape from her lips and stuffing from her mouth.

“Can you stand?”

“I think so” the girl speaks gingerly trying to push off the chair Jason caught her by her back and gently began to push her towards the car. Setting her beside the car driver's side door. Placing the wad of money in her left hand and the car key in her right Jason whispers in her ear.

“When the garage door closes shut, get in the car and drive out of here tell the authorities whatever you want but do not mention my presence, understand” she nods before she whispers

“Who are you... why are you helping me, I am not all?”

There was a girl like you I knew... I could not save her... but I can help you” Jason manages before stomping back to the house. Closing the garage door with a commanding slam! As if the starting pistol of a race she rips the blindfold opens the car door and drives off.

Marching inside Jason ascends the stairs into the living room seeing the old man stirring steadily. Jason grabs a dining room chair takes a rope from the man's garage and wraps it in the form of a hangman’s noose.

Taking the old man's limp figure Jason struggled to puppet him to a standing position using zip ties to bind his wrists to the belt loops of his pants. Jason watches as the man steadily sways on the chair.

The man shook awake after twenty minutes of idleness he looks around catching his bearings including his situation. He looks to Jason who sat on the couch.

“You don’t have to do this I have money I can give you some... I can vanish disappear never existed, give you the auctioning business... listen I make a good paycheck, I can make you rich”

“I am already rich, what I want?” the old man nods in excitement seeing him squirm gave Jason another dose of excitement.

“Perform the Hampden Jig” smiling he kicks the chair out and watches as Otto Knechtal squirms and struggles. Jason made the noose sloppy and inaccurate to make the death look like a suicide. Approaching at the last minutes to cut the zip ties from his wrists the man's hands fumble his throat trying to undo the knot he lost consciousness before long and the life was drained from him.

That night.

Sitting in his hotel room Jason puts the thumb drive into his computer and emails the information to Miss Satin. Informing her he wanted identities on all clients. And most specifically the location and origin of the payment account are from the Trainer to the Auctioneer.

Getting the Trainers information in minutes Jason looks down to see the information was given by one Jerome Bradley. An African American man who owns a Villa on the mountains north of Santa Monica.

The Cellphone rings at his side Jason looks down picking up the familiar number of Miss Satin. Flipping the device open Jason looks at his computer screen.

“Sir. Our technicians, we're able to put identities and locations of everyone on the auction sir”

“Good send the information to the FBI and Interpol”

“Sir putting all of this public could make a lot of enemies?”

“I already have enemies, Miss Satin, one day I will kill them or they will kill me I do not care these people need to be dealt with, something tells me I do not have enough bullets, but maybe the authorities can have a fun time” Jason smiles hanging up the phone. Setting the phone aside he looks over the list trying to find Xevs data.

The information of Mistress Xev puzzled him. Nothing about Fresco made sense to him. But if Bradley was in California perhaps Knechtal meant San Francisco. He would get more information from Bradley. But first, he had to go to California.
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

This tale is a dark one, thrilling - a man on a mission. Very good!
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

Part three the Trainer.

the Villa was exquisite. Ample with dozens of corridors, three pavilions a swimming pool, a hot tub. And one of the toughest exterior protection programs Jason had come to contact with. Motion detection lights. A surveillance camera watching a section and guarding another security camera. There would be no shooting one out ad sneaking past.

The only place that was remotely safe from the camera view was the balcony. Watching for nearly three weeks Jason found only one occasion where he could sneak onto the balcony and slip in. The smog could get very thick and the kicker of it all one could not tell a smoke grenade from the fog itself.

Using a grappling hook Jason managed to climb onto the balcony and slide into the cover of the house. Popping a second smoke grenade Jason waited for the smoke to bellow from the can to cover the next three cameras. Rushing forward Jason quickly got to work punching in a code to unlock the door. Sliding in the door. All his research gave Jason reason to believe the security cameras only came around the outside of the house.

Coming around the corner Jason had kept a pistol at the ready. Turning the corner Jason's eyes grow wide as he looks to a lean woman dressed in pink lingerie. But what startled him the white and pink ball-gag between her lips. Her black foundation made the whites of her eyes pop she turns squealing before Jason wraps an arm around her chest and stomach before clamping a hand over the gag stopping her squeal.

“Please don’t scream”

“Nohf lephf mpehf gophf”

“I am going to let you go, help you escape. Just stop fighting me” Jason speaks before the woman shook her head fighting even harder to escape Jason’s grasp. Oh lord, Stockholm has taken over. Snarling Jason begins to drag the woman out of the hall. Bursting through a door Jason hurls the woman to the floor closing the door behind him his eyes grow wide.

The room he had entered was a giant room one wall had several assortments of training tools, like a bullwhip, cat-of-nine-tail, several paddles a few floggers. A yellow device Jason had seen maybe once or twice. Cattleprod!

“Jesus Christ” Jason mutters s the woman backed away from him wide-eyed as a doe in the headlights of an oncoming car. Jason watches the girl carefully raising a hand he begins to lower to a crouched position a hand raised.

“Please stop fighting, I am here to help you!”

“Npphf plephf... iphf uhmphf nmphf” the woman squealed recoiling backward Jason noted the pink leather cuffs on her small wrists as she reached for the wall grabbing at the bullwhip. Jason had begun to wish he had just drugged the girl. Clenching his fist the woman brought the whip back and spreads it his direction.

Catching the end of the whip before it recoiled and struck her. Jason wrapped the leather end in his fist twisting it in his hand. Bringing the wielder closer Jason brought the woman close her eyes wide screaming into her ball gag before Jason wound the whip through the leather cuff d-links. Binding her hands behind her back Jason wedged the handle into a spot and kept her there.

Stepping back Jason. Looks the woman over. She was very thin likely a hundred ten hundred twenty pounds but she was very tall at least six feet. Her blond hair fell down around the neckline. Her brown eyes were wide with concern struggling to escape her predicament. Jason turns around and leaves.

Gun in hand Jason marches forward ready to use his gun. Coming around the corner Jason tries to keep his composure. He had not expected to find anyone but Jerome Bradley himself.

Coming to a wide-open space a fake fire sits in a circle next to an oval couch surrounding a red circle table. On the table bags of weed half-opened bottles of brandy and some cocaine. Naturally, one vice is never enough for most.

Checking the kitchen Jason found the wine and liquor cabinet filled with vintages of bourbon and brandy. The fridge had the fundamentals to make some wonderful dishes.

Mr. Bradley certainly enjoyed the wealth he made through illegitimate and legal work. Every flat surface in his house had either a piece of art or a decanter bottle filled with either liquor or snacks.

Stepping down the hallway opening the garage, his Mercedes was gone. Which meant Jason had to occupy the lady in pink. But he checks the house in case there were any other surprises, men of the black market bargains always carried some special toys in the house for protection.

The hallways lead him to the first row of bedrooms three rooms all along the right side each one artificial wood but each had a queen-sized bed and an armoire. Opening each bedroom Jason opening each closet every armoire. Behind one armoire a Mossberg shotgun. Pumping the weapon until each shotgun round. Throwing the weapon behind the armoire.

Popping the cap off the shotgun pouring the gunpowder in the trashcan and stuffing it in a garbage can. Coming down the next hall the sound of heels strike the floor Jasons eyes widen as a heavyset woman wearing a tight spandex suit, a black corset around her middle.

Long white hair is drawn out the back of a spandex black hood. Her rosy face covered by a black hood only her nose and eyes were exposed. But what was exposed gave a distilling sign of fear. Her hands were bound in front with black leather cuffs a chain running down to her ankles. Lowering the gun Jason raises a hand.

“I can help you” the girl's eyes grow wide expecting her to run Jason raised the gun again before she raises her hands out taking this indication Jason slides the revolver into his holster and begins to examine her hands. They were bound with a padlock key.

“Any idea where the key is?” Jason asks rhetorically but the woman began to talk into a gag pointing over her shoulder. Turning around as if to lead him Jason follows her downstairs into a cellar turning the fluorescent light on she points to a small box that looked like a breaker a combination padlock on it.

“Combination padlock this just gets better, stay here I’m going to find a way to open this lock” the man spoke looking to the lock and dial. The sound of a buzzer caught his attention looking to the woman her eyes widen.

“Maphfurphf?” Bradley

“He is here” she nods fretfully Jason nods “okay, open the door let him in act natural I am not here... do your best to keep him away from the red playroom” the slave looks to Jason before going back up

“Phapnf yphf” she turns and ascends the stairs. Looking around Jason found the toolbox with a ball-peen hammer and a flathead screwdriver. Setting the driver in Jason rings the hammer once he jarred it a second strike the padlock fell down. Popping the case open over two dozen keys stood unsure which to take as the small padlock key he left it. Jerome would tell him in due time.

Ascending the stairs Jason heard the constant chattering of the woman in blacks' high heels. Jerome grumbled as he strolled across the hardwood floor. Finding the living room he sat down and began to thumb the mail before Jason comes up behind.

“Excuse me, Mr. Bradley, we have some business we need to attend”

“And what do you want?” the older man spoke with a puff of authority. Jason met many guys like this on the job. Men inside their own house believe they are the lord the king of the household. This man had a real lord complex two slaves only boosted that ego.

“From you, I need two things which keys do I use to unlock your two house pets... second... I want the location of Mistress Xev!”

“So... you’re the one who leaked our clientele data to the feds... you made a lot of enemies mutherfucker!” drawing his tool from his belt Jerome looks to the woman in black who had taken cover by a wall stared in fear.

“When I am done with this fucker your gonna get it bitch!” the old man snarls before Jason pours a small vat of acid over the man's face.

“Goddamn fucking bastard” the man screams trying to brush his face into the couch cushions. Marching around Jason grabs him by the hair.

“Threaten her again I will strangle you with your intestines and feed you your liver now... Xev where is she”

“Kiss my ass” throwing old Mr. Bradley over the couch Jason kicks the couch over as he steps over it following. Jerome had begun to crawl backward getting to his feet.

“You’re a crazy motherfuck...” taking a heavy decoration Mr. Bradley had on a small table Jason hurled it at the man striking his spine the big man screamed in pain falling backward. Trying to scamper away Jason turns to face the woman in black.

“Go to the red playroom, and wait there... try to talk to the lady in pink... I mean you no harm” Jason states turning back to Bradley his face twisting to a demonic growl marching down the hallway following Bradley who had gotten to his feet.

Prying a door open Bradley rushes to an Armoire grabbing his Mossberg 500 he man pumps the weapon before looking downrange ‘you dead now mother fucker” he boasts smiling as he holds the shotgun like it was the greatest weapon on earth.

Coming through the door quietly Jason watches as Jerome smiles squeezing the trigger. The weapon announces a simple click. Jerome's eyes widen as he pumps the weapon again no response. Lowering the gun he checks the chamber to find the shotgun rounds empty looking up to Jason who smiled.

“are you done”

“You come to my house... my castle... you distress my servants”

“Servants your slaves... you keep your housekeeper in chains... you keep a lock on your keys which tells me they are not given proper care for their ablutions” when Jerome looks to Jason in confusion Jason continued.

“One thing I learn about mankind in my increasingly difficult and annoying encounters with them, they are lazy they take the shortest easiest route to do anything in their lives be it shoveling the driveway to taking their pets for their morning constitutions... the fact you keep their cuff keys in a breaker box locked in the basement” Jason emphasized the point aiming the revolver at the dark-skinned man.

“Tells me they may get to use the bathroom once maybe twice a day”

“They do not complain...”

“Because they know you won’t get off your fatass and do it” Jason blurts out thumbing the hammer of his revolver.

“That gun makes you a big man does it” Jerome taunts looking up to Jason who looks down on the weapon clicking the safety on Jason throws it aside.

“I don’t need a gun” using this as his chance. Jerome stands up using the stock of the shotgun as a battering ram he tries to push through Jason who stepped aside hooking Jerome's leg.

“Man of your aging years and expanding waistline I would recommend a charter arm's off duty, standard thirty-eight revolver no hammer double-action” Jason smiles was as the old man scrambles down the hall pushing his way through the door.

Leading the march out to the back Jerome glances to Jason. Waving his hand hoping Jason would wait for him to catch his breath. The younger man kneels down clutching onto Jerome's leg and with the strength of a draft horse drags the man back inside.

Trying to drag Jerome to the breaker box. A sudden rush blindsides Jason hurling him into a wall. The tall woman in pink stands her hands now free but the ball gag still in her mouth.

“Lady I am trying to free you” the woman picked up a heavy object and hurled it at Jason before charging at him not wanting to hurt the woman Jason's patience shriveled up quickly delivering one punch to her chest flattening her against the ground. Rolling her to her stomach he takes a pair of zip ties and binds her hands behind her back. Looking up the lady in black had a look of fear and regret snarling Jason picks up the blond woman handing her over.

“Take her to the red room and keep her in there”

snarling Jason looks around while the blond slave had distracted Jason. Jerome had escaped for a moment. Using his instinct Jason proceeds carefully. As he approaches the door of the Master bedroom Jason peeks around the corner. Jerome stood to examine each bullet in his firearm.

“Oh Jerome... come on out” Jason portrays an ignorance playing to Jerome's confidence. If Jason thought Jerome was hidden that gave the older man a ‘sense of security’ but Jason knew that all too well.

“Jerome get your flabby ass out here before I hurt this girl”

“Do not hurt her” the man rushes out the door in such a hurry he ignored Jason's presence. Kicking Jerome's knee grabbing him by the head and holding his throat Jason was quickly able to make the older man throw the gun into the wall.

“Listen to mee... I can pay you well... I make... over a million dollars... tell you what let me go I will split my shares with you, seventy thirty men”

“I am not here for Money Mr. Bradley I want the information about one Mistress Xev that is my main purpose for my visit no more no less just give me something you know about her give me that and you can keep your life” the man grumbles before Jason began to dig his hands into the old man's flash making him cry out in pain.

“Alright alright... she owns a horse ranch North of here up near the mountain range but don't expect a warm welcome...”

“I never get a warm welcome expectation is as cold as the grave” releasing the old man Jason picks up his revolver and slides it into his holster.

“I keep my promises, you may keep your life but I am taking your slaves”

“The hell you are!”

the old man stands up rushing to the kitchen drawing a knife from the block. Jason had been walking for the red playroom when Jason turns around aiming the pistol for the old man's forehead. He may have been bent on killing. The reason for the situation soon made the man back up. Stepping forward, drawing the gun back Jason snarls as he brings the man into the living room “drop the knife” setting it on the table Jason instructs him to sniff the cocaine when he refused Jason struck the man in the head rips the packaging open and buries his nose in the powdery substance.

“Plmph nphf” the old man squirms and struggles as Jason snarls telling him to breathe it in. Finally breathing the cocaine in Jason watches as the effects take hold, this would likely be enough to cause an overdose Jason had drawn the man up throwing him against the couch. The big man began to wipe the powder from his nose and mustache.

“How do you feel?”

“I’m gonna kill you” nodding Jason rolls his sleeves up just before his elbows crackling his shoulders “one last thing before you do? The padlock keys for your lady friends?”

“The key with the black stopper on it you will know which I am talkin about haha” smiling the old man bends down grasping the razor he would use to form lines he stands ready to kill.

The large man charges forward. He was not expecting Jason to crouch down wrapping two strong arms around his waist. Picking up the two hundred sixty pound man. Hoisting him up and carrying him outside throwing him into the grass the big man began to stammer.

“Jeez what is happening to me?” he got to his knees struggling to concentrate when Jason clutches his ear.

“The drug is taking effect dumbass” Jason counters dragging the large man up to the edge of the balcony. Looking over Jason smiles examining the large man before him.

“What are you no... no” using all the might he could manage Jason chuckles the large man over the rail to plummet to his end.

“Pride before destruction, a haughty spirit before the fall” Jason snarls turning back for the house Jason starts by looking for the keys finding the one with the black stopper.

Running back inside Jason unlocks leg irons to the lady black than her handcuffs. Pulling the mask off she had microfoam tape over her lips. Peeling it off she drew a heavy sigh once a thick wad of damp cloth was pulled from her mouth.

“Thank you, my god, thank you” she reaches up to wrap her arms around Jason but he kept his hands gently on her elbows keeping her back.

“Let's help the lady in pink shall we, try and keep her calm while I remove her bindings” the woman nods looking to Jason carefully. Turning to the woman in pink binds she had begun to stir from her rest. Kneeling down next to her Jason waited for the woman in black to speak.

“Gently, gently Sara this man is not going to hurt us alright”

“hephf kephf tuphf herphf maphser!”

“Master was hurting us, Sara, we can go back to our homes, our friends our lives” Sara began to shake her head buckling and fighting in her binds Jason was reluctant but he did free her binds. Before he could take the pink cuffs off the girl lashes out like a feral wildcat.

Lashing out slapping and smacking at Jason's face and shoulders. Stepping back the woman in black wraps her arms around Sara hugging her shouldering her head on her shoulder Jason drew back brushing a hand on his chin where her fists had connected to his chin.

“She is calm now Sir!” Jason nods reaching forward gently unbuckling the leg cuffs Sara wore. Before the woman in black removes the wrist cuffs and Jason stands up saying he will be right back.

Going to the master bedroom opening the closet door. Grabbing a set of clothing for the ladies sadly Mr. Bradley was at least twice the lady in black's size and Sara she was even smaller. So taking a pair of sports coats he walks back to the red playroom.

The woman in black had removed Sara’s ball gag and she was almost sleeping in the woman’s grasp.

“We need to go ladies” the woman in black nods helping Sara standing Jason helped the Lady in black stand. He wraps a coat over her shoulders handing it to the woman in black.

“What is your name?” Jason asks calmly as he leads them from the playroom the woman in black looks to him carefully.

“My name is Lucy” a small head curl gave Lucy a reason to think he was prodding her again.

“Lucy Hansen... if I remember right this is Sara Charter” Jason nods leading the two ladies out to the Mercedes in the garage. Opening the garage door Jason let Sara into the backseat. And sets Lucy in the passenger seat. Getting into the driver seat Jason starts the car and drives on.

“How long have you been here?” Jason asks looking to Lucy who swallows nervously “I was taken in 2005...” the shock nearly made Jason slam his foot into the brake turning to Lucy.

“The year is 2017" her hand reaches to her bosom Jason looks to her the shock on her face. Jason had wished he could have broken that more gently but this hunt this job... had begun to turn him cold.

“I imagine you are going to have a great shock, where are you from?”

“South Dakota”

Jason began to interview her with questions. How she was taken the procedures she went through. The Trainer himself abducted her when she took a vacation to LA. There he took her from her hotel took her to this place. And tortured her to submit.

Jason had to bite back many curses and outbursts as he heard this. He began to wish he gave Mr. Bradley a slower more painful death. Remembering the motto for this job. Emotions run cold practical defeats theatrical.

Taking the girls to a boutique Jason got them both better dressed. Before taking them to an airport. Buying them both tickets to South Dakota Jason had used Miss Satin to get in touch with Lucy’s remaining family a younger sister and a few cousins.

Once at the airport Jason got the two ladies out looking them both over.

“Miss. Charter, you are going to go with Miss Hansen for a while... when you are ready to contact them, take this” giving her a small business card the woman looks down on the number then up to Jason himself nodding she takes the card and slides it into her pocket.

Turning to Lucy, Jason hands her one to then the ticket and boarding pass.

“Thank you” she breathed again reaching for him Jason opened his arm to embrace her for a hug. Holding her close Jason looks up to Sara tears in her eyes and she nods her thanks. Releasing Lucy he watches them enter the airport. And turn around.

Leaving the Mercedes at the airport. Jason marches away looking down on the watch. If he was able to get to his truck and make way for the Northern mountains he would be able to reach the ranch in four hours.
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Millennial Club
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Post by Caesar73 »

One man. One Mission. Do we learn more about Mr. Blacks reasons? Something tells me they are very Personal.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by WyattW5 »

the Last chapter of Mr. Black and the Infiniti ring. thank you to those who have read this far. I know these are pretty far off from the usual tie up stories on here but I hope you enjoy them all the same.

another heads up some content might be a little extreme for some for that I apologize. P.S. here is your answer Cesar.

Final Chapter: Mistress Xev

On a small horse farm on the southern side the Rockies. A charming woman dressed in denim jeans and a blue plaid shirt with a thick brown leather belt with a stylish blue flowery belt buckle. A red bandana around the woman's neck covering up the bust that was left undone by the top two buttons.

to most, her apparel is normal except one or two small details. The four-inch skinning blade on her right hip carved mahogany grip. Even the little weapon paled in comparison to the Winchester rifle in her left hand. A remake of the famous Winchester 73. In her mind it had helped the great frontier westward it battled Indians, lawmen, and Outlaws alike. It would keep her safe from the harm she was expecting.

Entering the horse barn she had fed the horses allowed them to roam the paddock to play. Finishing her lunch she had slid the rifle into leather saddle scabbard. She had begun to brush off a blanket to take a horse out riding.

Taking her saddle and blanket she sets it on the wooden fence post before finding her rope lead-shank. Out to fetch the first of four horses. Catching the oldest brown horse named Horace. Bringing him over to the fence line she had gotten him saddled before she felt the hairs on the back of her neck begin to tingle.

Gripping the wooden stock of her rifle she looks around. Mounting the horse she looks around pulling back on the reins she began to guide the horse around the confines of the paddock. It did not matter where she rode or how fast she went. Her instincts were on alert.

Six hours later.

It was six pm. She was warm with the afternoon sun. her horses had all been exercised cooled off and brushed and put back in their stalls. As she had begun to lose the sensation of someone watching her. She draws the repeater from the saddle holding it she checks the repeater in her hand.

Crossing from the barn to the house. She visually checks each room before setting the rifle in the living room. She opens a gun cabinet and draws a medium-sized stainless steel revolver from the cabinet sliding the weapon into her back waistband. She walks into the kitchen.

Heating three cans of chili in a pot over the stove she looks out the windows constantly not certain of her security. Once the Chili had begun to boil she poured some into four bowls.

Setting each one on one large tray she opens the door leading to a dark cellar. Using her elbow to turn the light on she descends into the dimly lit basement at the bottom of the stairs was a dusty old wooden bench. Across from the bench bound to a concrete wall four girls varying in ages from ten to seventeen.

“You girls behaving for mamma?” the woman smiles setting the tray on the bench awaiting responses but the only one that came was ten-year-old Penelope’s mouse-like voice.

“Yes, m..m...miss Xev” the girl stammered in fear the woman smiles at her seeing the girl's eyes large with fright.

“Very good little slave... for that you can get your dinner first are you hungry” the girl feebly nods before Xev turns to three other girls glaring at her. The oldest girl a blond-haired tanned skin girl of seventeen years named Jessie snarls behind a black two-inch ball gag.

The next oldest was Susan. Fifteen years old of Asian origins. Her long black hair drawn back her big eyes begged for mercy as drool hung two inches from her red inch and a half ball gag.
The third oldest of twelve is Keisha. A girl of African American descent her black hair was worn in long blackish brown dreads. Her eyes were wide as her pale mouth formed around the awkward cleave gag Xev had forced into her mouth.

“The rest of you can go hungry for all I care” Xev smiles taking the first bowl kneeling down before Penelope stirring the chili before feeding the girl. She looks to quickly scans each girl. All of them were stuck in yellowed grungy tank tops and in soiled panties. None of them weighed heavier then seventy pounds.

These girls would likely pass out if they did not eat soon. She imagined they would grow hungrier as they watch the little one eat. Smiling as she feeds the ten-year-old with a spoon. Oh, the joy of running this operation. No one thought twice when she drove her truck and horse trailer to town. All she had to say was a horse show was near. When in fact she was driving to meet the Jerome Bradley or Otto Knechtal.

Each girl was bound by a black leather collar around their neck secured with a padlock. While their hands were bound by a coarse chain over their wrists. Only the three older girls needed gags cause they had been bent on causing a ruckus with their early morning ablutions.


Her eyebrows raised Beverly looks tot eh three girls all anxious to make as much noise as possibly the cold look in the woman’s eyes kept them quiet. Looking down on Penelope the girl breathlessly whimpered before Xev took the rag she had gagged Penelope with this morning and stuffs it back into her mouth.

“Oh... Beverly!” a loud voice calls out, but not a friendly one.

Standing up Xev rushes back upstairs slamming the cellar door and locking it with a combination padlock. She runs to the cabinet getting her Winchester. Going over to the door she opens the door using the door frame to shield the rifle.

“Where are you... you bastard?”

The woman calls scanning the area looking down the sight of her rifle. Her hands growing damp with sweat. Concern filling her she pumps the lever activating a thirty-eight bullet into the chamber.

“Did you miss me Bev” the voice calls from the trees making her turn nearly shooting at the response.

“Come on out you prick” snarling Jason comes around the corner wearing a Black leather jacket grey v-neck shirt. A military gun belt on his hip the holster on his right hip was empty and both hands had a stainless steel revolver in the gloved hands.

“Jason... you!”

“Hello, Beverly... been a long time” breathlessly Beverly lowers the gun her mind racing with a dozen questions but the only one to come up.

“What have you been doing?”

“Hunting” was the only answer from Jason she examines him. He stood as handsome as she remembered his tall lean form wide shoulders that could hold the world. The only malice in his appearance was the two revolvers in his hand.

“Was it you?” squinting Beverly asks adjusting the rifle in her grasp and the man gave a casual shrug.

“What do you mean?”

“Well... half my clientele have been arrested or on the run... all of them want me dead and whoever unleashed hell upon us” Beverly struggles to grip the rifle the heat of her hand made the wood of the rifle slips.

“I thought we had agreement?” growling Jason adjusts the grips of his revolvers.

“You broke it” raising the revolvers Beverly squeezes the trigger of her rifle firing at Jason’s feet. Jason fires his left revolver first. Sidestepping Jason fires his right revolver as Beverly cock’s her rifle and fires again. Moving without thinking both combatants discharge their weapons their eyes honed on each other while Beverly’s rifle movements were awkward and slow she kept Jason back with hot lead skimming his form while Jason fires slowly but smooth keeping Beverly in his close sights.

Falling to her knee Beverly discharges her rifle the bullet strikes Jason in the hip before the man had discharged a bullet making Beverly screech in surprise both taking a moment to examine their hurts Jason looks down on his coat to reveal the bullet had gone through.

Beverly, on the other hand, felt blood begin to form on the edge of her ear as a few locks of hair were now shorter and singed. Raising the rifle she strikes the trigger and the hammer reports a defining click.

Raising the barrel in disbelief she could not believe she had discharged each bullet in her gun. Jason looks down on his revolver she did not need to know what he had in his mind. One bullet left. Throwing the rifle at him she rips the revolver from her waistband holding the firearm in both hands she discharges the first shot with a recoil up her arms to her shoulders.

Jason had not charged her as she expected. The man had dodged her bullet and rushed into the house scampering down. The last thing she really wanted is Jason to get into the house. Between all the hardware she had inside and the fact her guests were in the cellar.

Honing her courage she rushes into the kitchen to find Jason had taken cover with a chair hurling the wooden object at her. The double-action revolver squeezes the kick of the revolver made the synthetic handle jump in Beverly’s sweat covered palm.

Jason had taken full advantage of the chair flying at her and charged. Wrapping his strong arms around her picking the woman up and hurling her onto the counter making the unit fall to the floor with a deafening crash.

Aching from the impact Beverly had lost control of the revolver. Her left hand searching for the weapon. Jason, however, was on his knees breathing heavily. Bending backward his eyebrows narrow biting his tongue. His eye closed when Beverly got the hold of her weapon she swung hard aiming to kill. A heavy wooden cutting board strikes Jason across the face.

Sending him flying away from her. Beverly struggled to get to her feet watching as Jason got to his knees using a chair to support his hand on the side of his head. Biting back his anger Jason turns to face Beverly who had taken the dishes from the drying rack to throw at Jason. Dodging her projectiles the man flew into a doorway putting his full weight the man crashes through the wood and onto the cold cement floor.

Laying on his back Jason looks up to see four girls wide-eyed and chained up. It appears he had caught Mistress Xev in the middle of her work. Crawling to a standing position. Crouching under the bench Jason listens as the sound of shuffled boot steps comes to the top of the stairs.

“You dead yet Jason?”

Keeping quiet Jason was surprised when the oldest of the hostage's lookup an earnest gaze talking to Beverly through the ball gag.

“He is dead?” the girl gave a convincing nod before Jason heard her steps coming down the stairs slowly and steadily.

“You lying brat” Beverly snarls turning gun on the oldest girl before Jason rushes forward gripping the woman by the throat. Clutching tight Jason hurls the woman into the cement stairs making her cry out in pain. Trying to jump up she waves the gun in her left hand before Jasons fist slams through her face.

“You and I are gonna talk Beverly...” the man snarls looking to the four captives standing up the man pushes a hand against his cheek next to his temple staggering towards the girls he falls between the oldest and the second oldest.

His right hand a key is extended. The girls recognized it as the keys to their binds. Jessie had reached for the keys finding each one she takes the collar off removes her chains and ball gag before releasing the others.

Unsure of what to do. Jessie tells the three to go upstairs looking down on the man who was out almost cold. Jessie calls to Susan for a glass of cold water. Getting a glass ready Susan hands it to Jessie who kneels next to the man splashing some over his face before tilting his head back trying to get him to drink. The man chokes before he rolls to the side.

“Jeez” the man curses feeling his head Jessie reaches for him

“We need to go” the oldest Jessie speaks looking down on the man below her. The large man looks up to her “yeah...” rolling to his elbows he struggles to get back to his feet.

“Take the others and go for the barn... I’ll join ye when I am done” the girl nods cautiously running up the stairs to join the Asian child. Jason watches as the door closes and looks down on Beverly who was sleeping quite soundly.

Growling he takes her by the arm and drags her back upstairs. Removing her leather boots taking the skinning knife from its scabbard. Jason set her on the bed. Disrobing her boots shirt and jeans. Finding some rope in Beverly’s drawers Jason winds the rope around her wrists.

Binding the rope to the headboard binding leaving her ankles bound. Jason sat in a chair and waited for an hour. Finding a lockbox filled with layer upon layer of hundred dollar bills. Nearly fifty thousand. Petty cash.

Using the Bandana Jason had wrapped the one around her neck into her mouth. and removed the one binding her hair to cleave her mouth closed. while he did not generally care if she screamed out here. this was for his own concern for his ears.

Walking out of the house Jason had found his truck and drove it up to the house. opening the console where he kept a portfolio. Beverly would wanna see this.

By now Beverly had begun to stir. Watching her rise she looks to Jason. Instantly started to fight. Squirming and fighting. She began to growl her mouth began to bite at her bandana looking up to Jason.

Now seated on the bed. His face solemn-looking down on the envelope in his hands. Examining the paper in his hand closing his eyes Beverly could almost see the tear in his eye. removing the bandana Jason had expected any number of curses or complaints. instead.

“What did I do?” Beverly asks trying to face Jason as best she can to look at Jason he straightens his features. Glancing at her the man raises a picture from the stack of papers from his hand.

“Do you know her?” Jason asks holding the photograph of a happy teenage girl long flowing brown hair beautiful green eyes. Sun-kissed tan skin a beautiful smile holding onto a very young man. Who was not Jason Black?

“If I should I don’t?” Beverly shrugs her shoulders looking to Jason with a grimace.

“Her name was Hannah Breecher... she was supposed to go to Princeton New Jersey...” grimacing Jason turns his head looking to her turning to be on his knee looking to Beverly.

“She had decided before going to school, she would travel a bit, she had wanted to see the two oceans”

“A nice idea... living down the mountainside of the Pacific I’ve never felt that need” Beverly speaks trying to play along with Jason’s words turning from Beverly to the picture in his hand.

“She had dreams of being a veterinarian she loved helping animals. Before she went to school and got a job, she decided to see both oceans, she had traveled to Virginia Beach she had taken nearly two hundred photos from the encounter” smiling the man draws his cell phone skimming across ten photos allowing Beverly to see. The woman struggled to sit up in her bonds looking to her arms.

“Instead of taking a plane as I had encouraged, she had decided she best see the whole country. Traveling by bus, she had manages to get to a small place called Convoys Nest” Beverly’s eyes began to widen Convoy's nest was a truck stop less than a hundred miles east of here.

“What happened to her?” Beverly could no longer force the dehumanization she held for most other girls. She did not get personal with most people. Specifically, girls and women because she had captured and sold so many. She made a massive living selling off girls. Now Jason Black had basically thrust one in her face forcing her to think of the mind behind the face.

“Somehow in her journey to the West. She had found herself in a Drug lord Mansion in Texas... she was the Drug lords sex slave, she was kept in a heated room given little more than bare scraps for food” the tremble in Jason's voice told her she had struck a chord and she was in no position to beg for mercy.

“Who was she to you?” Beverly found herself in cowering looking to Jason who glares at her. Ice behind his eyes his face twisted with bitterness.

“My Niece and Goddaughter” Jason stands up drawing a gun in his hand he looks to Beverly his face cold as stone. The rage behind his eyes there was nothing Beverly could do but tremble. And beg.

“Jason, please... we can work this out... we can resolve this...” Jason ignores her calls as Jason leaves the room. Jason was taking great lengths to make the house ready for her incident. Jason did not care about certain forensic measures. Returning to Beverly’s side tears fill her eyes as she begins to plea.

Jason was here to kill her the look was plain in his eye. No argument would make Jason turn his mind. She had seen the man work once before there would be no dissuading him. But she had to try.

“I am sorry... alright I did not know she was your... I am sorry... this was all business it was not personal” shaking his head Jason draws a syringe from his coat looking down on her.

“Teterodetoxin” Beverly’s eyes grow wide as Jason sets on the edge of the be in all of her squirm and struggles, Jason plunges the syringe into the girl's forearm.

“I give you a total of five minutes before you are rendered paralyzed, but your pain sensors will remain completely intact” snarling Jason pats her cheek before sitting up “somewhere inside, you know this is what you deserve...” kissing her forehead Beverly tried to struggle before the drug had taken hold.

Removing her rope bindings. Jason leaves the room lighting a cigarette tossing the stick onto the oil-slicked countertop and fire soon took over.

Later that hour.

The house was aflame Jason leans against the hood of his truck watching the flames eat at the structure and the smoke engulfs the sky. A sliver of joy sprout in his heart. The American slavery ring was gone. And any attempt to rebuild would be swept away.

Turning to the truck the girls were in the backseat all asleep a strange feeling of security in the cab of Jason’s truck. Getting into the truck Jason drives away. This had started as a fox hunt to find a target. Turned to a personal vendetta. For once Jason felt he had done something good. By doing some things really-really bad.

twenty-four hours later.

fire crews had gotten the fire to a smoldering mess. Local Sheriffs department had blocked the area off as agents in blue windbreaker’s march around the area. Standing next to the Sheriff the lead agent. A forty-six-year-old red-haired woman kneels before a scattered evidence field.

“You say all she did was ride horses” the agent turns to the Sheriff a tall chubby older man who nods.

“Yes... seemed every weekend she was heading off on another rodeo or horse show or some business” the Sheriff answers his Stetson in his hands.

“What's the question here Boss!” a tall broad man speaks holding a camera in his hands looking to the agent who shrugs “what do you think the question is rookie?”

“Well... We have ten thirty-eight caliber cartridges spread around this area, one of our guy found forty-four caliber slugs in a tree over there and a few more were hammered into the crumbling walls of the house”

“Don’t look face-value Tom... we were given intelligence that a member of an American Slave ring was connected with the owner of this ranch...” the Agent turns to her cohort who stood there putting the pieces together.

“We show up, she is burned in a house fire and there are signs of a shootout” the states letting the camera fall the straps holding the back of his neck.

“Reminds me of the Giuseppe Silvano case” he spoke kneeling down to take another photograph. The Sheriff looks to the Agent in question and he replies

“We had just gotten dirt on this large European sex trafficker get enough for a warrant and conviction, the next week he is found deceased” the large agent had knelt down to take pictures of the brass cartridges spent over the gravel below their feet.

“What do you think Agent Stihl?” the woman approach looking over the surroundings.

“Either we have, community leader cutting ties before we capture them or a bad guy on a samaritan streak” Erica Stihl thought to herself examining the fire again. Her curiosity would consume her. Even if it took using some dirty methods she would find out who was doing this. And ask the best question of all. Why?
Millennial Club
Millennial Club
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Joined: 5 years ago

Post by Caesar73 »

The reason why Mr. Black did all that. Finally it was revealed. It had to be personal. And I imagine this was as personal as it can be. From start to finish this was a story about a man on a mission. And the finish was dramatic. Very dramatic. I liked it!
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