She Who Resists His Bite (M/F)

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She Who Resists His Bite (M/F)

Post by TayDay95 »

Hey everybody here’s the latest of my story ideas with a supernatural theme! Hope you all enjoy it, please comment with any feedback you may have!

Meet Julian: Image

And Jennifer: Image


“May I be of service, Master?” The dull-minded mortal asked of Julian. Another slave, another disappointment.

Thousands of years of power and influence and this is where his path had led him, to hiding away from the world in a dark old house while he enslaved the minds of humans? The handsome, muscular, dark-haired creature no longer knew why he bothered, why he continued to seduce the mortals into his service. One bite and his venom would infect their frail little minds, inducing a state of forced obedience to the vampire’s every command.

For centuries he’d enjoyed the power he held over the primitive creatures, even long after they rebelled against his kind and took the Earth for themselves... but the practice of binding them, silencing them, blinding them and pleasuring them to gain pleasure himself, had become so exceedingly dull.

“Master?” His blonde-haired pet asked once more. Sat alone in his large red cushioned-chair by the fireplace. Julian sighed heavily and stood up, both admiring and reviling the primitive girl. He’d bound her, naked with her hair down and plenty of makeup applied, in enough rope to restrain a charging bull. Her beautiful cheeks were marred with indents on her skin from hours of wearing that thick rubber ball gag he’d bought specifically to fit her mouth. Her small perky breasts jutting out for him to caress as he pleased. But there would be no pleasure in it for him, no excitement, because he knew well that she would feel nothing but what he told her to feel.

“Ah, you bore me, slave...” he growled in his deep, husky English accent.

Julian turned his pretty, petite captive around, and letting his canines grow and sharpen into needle-like fangs, his eyes glowed a bloody red as he sank the teeth into the young brunettes neck, time to undo what he’d done to her in the first place...

Julian’s mind sought his venom inside the girl’s bloodstream, isolating it, gathering it back to its source, as he felt he’d located all that was in her blood, he began to suck through his fangs. The girl did not react, even when expelled, the effects of Mind-Cager venom such as his own always lingered for at least a few hours.

The bound, naked, literally helpless young beauty did not flinch or react when Julian retracted his blade-like teeth back into human form, releasing himself from her neck, the scant few drops of her now-untainted blood dripping down her collarbone not fazing her.

“These are my final instructions to you my slave...” Julian began, wiping her blood from his lips and tasting it. “You will run out into the night, and you will keep running until you fall asleep. When you awaken, all memory of our time together shall be gone from your mind.”

“Yes Master.” The girl answered immediately without a shred of emotion.

“Now go! Leave me be...” Julian sat back in his chair, staring into the flames as the latest of his discarded mortal playthings ran out of his sitting room, out the front doors of his mansion, through the open front gate and out into the vast green fields shrouded in the mist of the night.

The vampire contemplated times past when he had no need to even cage a human’s mind. They were obedient to his kind from the moment the first of them drew breath. Back then he had the choice of all the finest stock with whom he could fulfil his desires... but then some fool decided to grant his mortal slaves freedom, and how did they show their gratitude? By wiping out the creatures of the night until the vampire race was nearly extinct.

Julian existed now only as a legend, a story human mothers told their children to scare them to sleep. He had not even seen or heard of another of his species in a thousand years.

As a member of the Mind-Cager strain, enslaving humans as his pets seemed to be the only thing left that gave Julian’s long life any meaning, and even that could no longer fill the void inside him. But he continued... because it was all he knew to do.

Tomorrow he would search anew for another victim, holding out hope that whomever he found would be the one to bring purpose back into his very, very long life.



“Ellen Lindsay, aged 21, who was first reported missing almost a year ago by her family, has been found safe and alive by authorities late last night. Miss Lindsay was found asleep, naked and tied up heavily with rope behind a gas station on I-95 with no recollection of her time in captivity, how she was abducted or even how she was able to escape...”

The staff of Keller Architecture & Design swarmed around the tv, all perturbed by the mysterious case of Ellen Lindsay.

Except for Jennifer Pope, who was far too busy finalising the blueprints for her latest remodelling scheme of an old Dutch-style mansion in upstate New York. Noticing the commotion outside her office the beautiful Assistant Chief Architect got up from her desk and clapped her hands. “Alright everybody back to work please? We’ve got a busy week ahead of us!”

All of her subordinates soon got back to their desks, maybe not all of them liked Jennifer as a person, but as an architect and manager she was among the best new players on the scene. After completing her five-year degree at Harvard, she’d gotten an internship with Keller A&D and worked ferociously over the next three years to get to where she was now. Having grown up in a tiny apartment with ten other people as a child, Jennifer had always wanted to build, but her real goal had always been to build first a better home, then a better world for her family to live in. It was a silly dream, perhaps, but a dream worth pursuing in her eyes.

Just as the ebony beauty sat back down at her desk, her phone began to ring, the blinking light indicating it was her assistant, Holly. Straightening the pens on her desk so they were parallel with the edge of the table, she waited her usual four rings before answering.

“Yes Holly?” Jennifer spoke quickly as time was money and she had a lot to do.

“I have a caller on line two Miss Pope, it’s a potential client from the local area, a Mr. Julian... Hayman? No, sorry, ‘Hee-man’ spelled Haemon.” Holly struggled with the name. “Mr. Haemon”

“You think he’s worth our time?” Jennifer tried to hurry her assistant along.

“He said it was about restoring his family estate, and from the sound of it his family is reeeeaally old. So I’d say so.”

Well that certainly piqued Jennifer’s interest.

“Okay then, put him through.” Jennifer conceded, this client had better be all Holly had cracked him up to be.
“Hello?” A deep, husky, rather wearied male voice answered after two rings of the phone. Jennifer still mentally counted out the last two rings before replying.

The long-raven-haired 26-year-olds demeanour immediately changed from uptight and stressed, to bright and chipper:

“Hello Mr. Haemon, I’m Jennifer Pope, Assistant Chief Architect here at Keller Architecture & Design...!”

Her official work training said she could use acronyms over the phone, but Jennifer always said the full words in every acronym, she had to or she’d explode...

“Ah Miss Pope...” the husky, admittedly rather attractive voice piped up. “I was wondering if you could help me with something...”

Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Intriguing concept : I have a thing for vampire stories, since I read Bram Stocker and watched those Christopher Lee .Movies. Two of my most favourite modern Vampires are Angel and Spike from the Buffyverse.
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Post by TayDay95 »

Yeah I love a good vampire story, and I’ll be exploring a little bit of the tale of Dracula in this too down the track. Offering my own spin on it.

Thanks heaps for your comment mate 😁
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Post by GreyLord »

Vampires and TUGs, a winning combination for your story. Glad to see you back at it again so soon after finishing Bodyguard. This looks to be a tale that I will enjoy very much.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Red86 »

Okay, you've caught my attention again! I already like where this is going. I guess I'll pull up a chair and prepare to be seated on the edge like I was in The Daughter's Bodyguard :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago Vampires and TUGs, a winning combination for your story. Glad to see you back at it again so soon after finishing Bodyguard. This looks to be a tale that I will enjoy very much.
Haha yeah I needed to take a couple of days to calm down after doing so many rapid fire posts but here I am! 😁

Great to see you back too GreyLord!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago Okay, you've caught my attention again! I already like where this is going. I guess I'll pull up a chair and prepare to be seated on the edge like I was in The Daughter's Bodyguard :D
Hahaha I’m seriously flattered buddy I hope I can live up to the expectations you guys have set for me 🙂

Man [mention]Red86[/mention], @GreyLord and [mention]Caesar73[/mention]! We’ve gotten the commenting band back together hahaha!
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Post by TayDay95 »


Jennifer pulled on the surprisingly grotesque-looking metal door knocker that adorned one of the two large wooden doors at the entrance to Haemon Hall. It looked like the head of a bat with it’s two jutting top fangs forming the handle that she was to pull and bang against the rest of the metal piece. Hadn’t Mr. Haemon ever heard of a doorbell? Or better yet, maybe a maintenance team?

The beautiful ebony architect had pulled up the grey gravel driveway in her black Chrysler annoyed out of her mind, traffic on the I-95 had made it so she was arriving just as the sun was going down, in fact, the house was already obscured in shadow as she approached it, she would just have to make this appraisal as quick as she could and grab some coffee for the long drive back to her place. Jennifer got out of her car, and she’d been appalled at the state of the old man’s home. The lawns, if they could be called that, looked like they hadn’t been mowed in an eternity. Ivy was climbing the corners of the west AND east wings of the mansion, the fountain at the centre of the driveway was basically just a chipped stone bowl with a pair of dismembered feet standing in them. There were large cracks in one of the upper-storey walls, roof tiles scattered here and there... And on top of all that, the cement patio that welcomed visitors was unswept, covered with dead leaves and blades of grass. That had always been one of Jennifer’s biggest triggers of her OCD, unfortunately she had no broom or rake to clean it herself, and she had to remind herself that this wasn’t HER home.

Despite the mess, she could see architecturally that this was indeed a very well built home, both from an aesthetic and practical point of view. It appeared to be Civil War-era in style, with a touch of Greco-Roman influence in the grey marble columns that both decorated and supported the floors between each of the eight-paneled wooden-inlaid windows of which there were eight on each of the two storeys.. To offset the natural grey of the columns, the majority of the mansion was painted red, or at least it was, a great deal of the paint was peeled off, weathered and faded from prolonged exposure to the elements without being regularly touched up. The front of the house drew visitors in to be flanked by the west and east wings, which jutted outwards toward the gate, with four windows per storey, eight rooms in each wing, no doubt needing a lot of work. Jennifer had been calculating what it would cost to fix all this up in her head, and all she could say was, it was a good thing Mr. Haemon had offered to pay so much...

Growing impatient, Jennifer went to knock on the door again, only to be startled by an unexpected voice.

A voice behind her.

“Good afternoon Miss Pope.”

Jumping at the seemingly sudden appearance of a young, tall, black-haired man behind her. Jennifer held her hand to her chest as she laughed in embarrassment.

“Ohh hahaha I’m so sorry sir I... I didnt hear you .” Still laughing, Jennifer couldn’t help but think.... the driveway was all gravel... if this man had been walking up to her from behind, wouldn’t she have heard him? Nevertheless any concern she had dissipated as the... admittedly very attractive, but rather pale young man smiled warmly at her.

“Oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to startle you!” He laughed along with her. “You are Miss Pope I presume?”

The man spoke with a refined, posh-sounding English accent, his voice deep on a low register, and very worn and husky... wait, Jennifer thought, THIS was Mr. Haemon?? She’d assumed from his weary voice and the state of his home that he’d be an older man, perhaps with some kind of physical disability.

But he was so... so... ho-...well... her age! He was dressed incredibly well in a perfectly tailored black suit and black shirt with the top two buttons undone, slightly showing off a hairless, but clearly muscular chest.

Jennifer cleared her throat, anxiously stroking her hair as she smiled at his dark, mysterious brown eyes.

“Yes, Jennifer Pope, Keller Architecture & Design, and you must be Mr. ‘Hee-mun?’ I trust I’m pronouncing it correctly?” She held out her hand to shake his, but she was surprised by just how cold his skin felt against hers on a warm summer evening.
“I’ve never heard it pronounced better.” He smirked, taking her hand, Jennifer was shocked yet slightly flattered, when he didn’t even hesitate to pull it up to his lips and plant a cool, soft kiss on the back of her palm. He appeared to look her up and down, admiring the way her grey pencil skirt complimented her curvy young hips, her white business shirt was tucked tightly into said shirt. She did so so it would be perfectly straight across her body to satisfy her OCD, but she realised now as she had a young handsome man looking at her, she’d made it so the shirt hugged her skinny torso nice and tightly, causing her 36D cup breasts to bulge through her closed two-button grey business jacket. Her black, glossy, wavy hair hung over the left side of her face, concealing her beautiful visage slightly from his intense gaze.

“It’s a real pleasure to meet you Miss Pope.” He almost whispered in that smooth, almost growling Englishman’s voice.

“Well... I uh... it’s very nice to meet you too sir.” She withdrew her hand, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Jeez, she thought, she hadn’t had a man do that to her in a long time... or, ever really. Perhaps it was a a formality for the English aristocracy he felt he had to abide by. Nevertheless, she would be washing her hand later, she hated being touched by people in general, never mind with their mouths... even if said people were as good-looking as him.
Taking the young beautiful businesswoman through the front doors, Jennifer found the inside of the mansion was in a far superior state to the outside... in fact, everything was immaculate! Like it had been professionally cleaned in only the last few days... maybe he was just more of an indoor person. A magnificent grand staircase welcomed visitors in the lobby, which split apart into two other red-carpeted wooden staircases that led to the second storey. The railings were an immaculate late 19th century black iron design with several loops and flairs beneath the iron supported wooden beams.

Already Jennifer was impressed, especially with the red-and-gold colour scheme that dominated the lobby and gave it an aura of wealth and splendour. Best of all, satisfying her OCD, everything was perfectly aligned and parallel where it needed to be.

“Well... this is gorgeous Mr. Haemon! So, how would you like to sta-...”

She looked around the room, Mr. Haemon had disappeared somewhere, she smiled in confusion.

“... start?”

How the hell did he keep moving without her hearing his footsteps? Her own steps clomped loudly on the hardwood carpeted floor.

“Haha, M-mr. Haemon?”

Her bright, beautiful smile slowly faded.


Jennifer felt a sick feeling in her stomach as what little light was shining into the house from outside disappeared, the house went dark, slowly, but very surely.

Where was a light switch?

Finding one by the front entrance, she flicked it down...

All that came on was a single, buzzing, crackling light from the chandelier that... wait, there was no chandelier there before!!

The light barely lit up the large, ever-darkening
front room of Haemon Hall.

Jennifer immediately thought, ok, I’ve seen enough horror films to take a hint, I’m getting the fuck out of here!

Turning quickly back to the big, suddenly imposing wooden doors, Jennifer tried to rattle both the handles loose.

Nothing. There were no keyholes... how was that possible?!

“Oh my god no...”

Jennifer literally couldn’t believe what was happening, keyholes don’t just disappear! Men don’t vanish without making a noise! Chandeliers don’t materialise out of nowhere!

Turning back around, Jennifer screamed.

A huge swarm of large black bats flew right into her face!


This was probably the worst move she could have made, but with the doors mysteriously blocked off, the desperate, terrified ebony beauty kicked off her heels, leaving her legs in only dark nylon pantyhose and she booked it down the hallway on the right. The hissing, screeching, terrifying creatures flapping and clawing away around her as she ran.

Even as she was being attacked by a merciless swarm of bats, Jennifer kept thinking. Yes the front door was locked and couldn’t be opened, but maybe one of the rear entrances might give? She would just have to remember her bearings and keep making her way to the back of the house.

Which was easier said than done with the creatures milling around her like a swarm of locusts descending on a fresh harvest.

Suddenly, the swarm broke away from her and flew with frightening speed towards the end of the long, almost pitch-black hallway. Stopping Jennifer went to run back the other way, but then... the bats started to... to...


One by one, the flapping, jittering, screeching animals turned completely black, looking almost like smoke, or just, shadows. They started to mold together into a single shape... was that a leg?!?!

It was, the black shiny shoes were the first to form, followed by... suit pants... a belt... the open jacket and the black business shirt... cold, pale hands... a gaunt, pale face contrasted by the man’s raven-black hair and stubble...

It was Mr Haemon.

The most terrifying part wasn’t even the fact that he’d just appeared before her from a swarm of bats... no...

It was his eyes.

They glowed dimly in what little light there was in the hallway, and they were red.

As red as roses, as red as blood...

Lighting up his end of the hallway suddenly, Julian produced a small old-fashioned gas lantern, seemingly from nowhere. As he held it up to his face, he was half revealed by the dim orange glow, while the rest of his head was completely obscured by the darkness.

He was smiling. And as he did, his canines began to grow, began to sharpen into a terrifying point, almost like Julian held tiny daggers in his mouth.

“Welcome to Haemon Hall, Miss Pope...”

With a wave of his hand. Jennifer screamed in absolute terror and pelted back down the hallway from whence she’d came. And she was followed...

But not by him...

By ropes.

Looking over her shoulder, Jennifer couldn’t believe her eyes. Ropes... yes.... ROPES were slithering along the floor, writhing through the darkness towards her. They moved like predatory snakes, hunting their prey, taunting her, they longed to ensnare her in their clutches.

Holding his hand out, Julian smirked, no matter how old he was, how dissatisfied he’d been with his slaves of late... he always enjoyed this part.

Jennifer tried to reach the doors again, hopefully, if she was lucky, she could just charge into it and barrel through it like they did in the movies... yeah it was a shit plan, but she wasn’t at her most mentally capable considering she was running for her life in a haunted house being chased by a vampire and seemingly sentient ropes.

Running with all her might, Jennifer tried to approach the door from an angle, and slammed into it arm-first...

Ok, yeah that was a big mistake. She crashed to the floor, fortunately her pride was more hurt than she was. But she couldn’t rest with those thi-


“Uhh!!” The ebony beauty gasped in terror, one of the ropes had rapidly coiled itself like a boa constrictor around her stocking-clad ankle.


Without mercy, Jennifer was dragged out of the chandeliers light, and into the pitch-black darkness...


Last edited by TayDay95 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Boundcurious »

Noooo don’t stop there!!!
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Post by TayDay95 »

Boundcurious wrote: 3 years ago Noooo don’t stop there!!!
Mwahahaha you’ve fallen into my cliffhanger trap! 😂
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Post by ropegagged »

I love it when magical ropes encase a captive! Very excited for the next chapter
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Post by Caesar73 »

Pretty dramatic. You can feel Jennifers fear and desperation!
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Post by Red86 »

As Caesar said, you can feel Jennifer's fear and desperation!

Well one thing is for sure, didn't take long for me to be back on the edge of my seat again :D
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Post by TayDay95 »

ropegagged wrote: 3 years ago I love it when magical ropes encase a captive! Very excited for the next chapter
It never occurred to me as something I could try in other stories, that’s the joy of going with the fantasy genre 😁

Thanks for your comment mate 🙂
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Post by TayDay95 »

Caesar73 wrote: 3 years ago Pretty dramatic. You can feel Jennifers fear and desperation!
Glad I was able to convey that well 😁
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago As Caesar said, you can feel Jennifer's fear and desperation!

Well one thing is for sure, didn't take long for me to be back on the edge of my seat again :D
Haha well if I have things my way you’ll be off that seat before you know it! 😂
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Post by TayDay95 »


Jennifer knew in her heart it was pointless, there was nobody else around for miles, and even then, she was clearly alone in this huge, dark, ominous mansion, but her survival instincts were dialled up to eleven as the creepy serpentine ropes slithered and slipped their way across her body.


The poor young architect was sobbing and screaming hysterically, terrified. One of the inexplicably sentient coils of rope wound itself swiftly, viciously around her right wrist, while another did the same to her left, the two haunted bindings then yanked sharply back so as to pull the ebony beauty’s arms behind her and upwards towards the ceiling, with two more ropes wrapping around her skinny waist and yanking her to her feet.

Julian slowly emerged from the shadows, lantern in hand and a devilish, creepy smile on his face. His pale hand waved in perfect sync with the ropes as they wound and weaved their way around Jennifer’s helpless body.

‘Ok, so the ropes aren’t alive, HE’S controlling them!’ Jennifer thought to herself, realising she would have to calm herself in order to have any chance of escaping this evil man... or rather... creature. Sniffing and blinking back the tears in her eyes, she still couldn’t help but pant heavily with fear.

Julian opened his palm towards Jennifer, and then slowly closed it towards himself as though he were pulling on a cord. The ropes, which had now tangled the scared young woman in a frightening web of twine, hoisted Jennifer into the air by her chest, stomach, legs, elbows and wrists. Then as Julian beckoned, the ropes carried their hyperventilating victim towards him until the poor girl’s face was directly in front of his menacing red eyes...

“My my Miss Pope... you’re certainly one of the more beautiful mortals to grace my home.” The perverted vampire sniggered viciously as he creepily caressed Jennifer’s cheek, causing her to try and shy her head away.

“This will be easier for you if you choose not to resist my dear.” He declared, waving a finger to wrap a fresh cord around the sobbing girl’s head. Forcing her head back to face him. Jennifer quickly realised resisting him physically was impossible, she would have to try and manipulate him into granting her her freedom.

“Wh-what are you?” She stammered, trying to control her quivering voice. “You’re obviously very powerful.”

Julian scoffed. “Flattery will get you nowhere my dear, but you are nevertheless correct... I am born of the Old World, before The Fall of my kind.”

It was working, Jennifer had subtly appealed to the vampire’s massive ego, and as he strutted around monologuing, hopefully she could search for some advantage, a way to escape!

“I am a Sai’shalarr, my dear. A Mind-Cager. You see, the Prime Ones created our society to thrive by dividing us into different gene-strains, each of us gifted unique abilities to ensure the survival of our race...”

The vampires ramblings couldn’t have made less sense to Jennifer even if she were interested in hearing them, nevertheless he continued his speech, not having many chances to tell this story to someone who could comprehend it. Jennifer’s eyes darted around, looking for something, anything to help her escape!


She followed the path of one of the ropes, the one around her right wrist, as she followed it to it’s source, the young architect realised it was attached to one of the thin wooden columns on the landing.

“As a Mind-Cager my role was to keep your primitive race in line, to keep the minds of our slave race in check, one bite to a human’s neck, and they become entirely subservient to my will...”

Jennifer was only half-listening, Julian was prancing up and down the floor, his ropes going somewhat slack as his concentration faded from his captive, thinking back to days of power and glory long passed. The pretty businesswoman examined the railing near the beam where her wrist-rope was connected...

Many people may have missed it, but Jennifer’s keen, OCD-afflicted architects eyes noticed that both the railing and the beam were bowing trying to maintain her full body weight. So while this house appeared to be in perfect condition, in truth, it was just as rotten and poorly-maintained as the outside...

A few significant tugs on the rope, and maybe... just maybe...

Jennifer used all her core strength to curl herself up into a ball in midair, Julian, still strutting around preaching his past, paid no notice. Jen let herself drop hard against the ropes.


As she dropped, pulling hard downwards with her wrists, Jennifer both heard the wood straining to maintain its integrity, and felt it slightly give way.

It was working!

Waiting until Julian’s back was turned again, Jennifer curled up again, it was so hard to do so when suspended in midair, but she was desperate, in fear for her life, and that fear was giving her incredible strength.

Again she dropped, another loud crunch erupted from the landing.

But then Julian turned around and approached the frightened young damsel. His fangs bared, his speech concluded.

“And now my dear, I wish I could keep you like this... but since The Fall, we are required to let humans learn of our presence, and I cannot let you get free to warn your mortal friends...”

He jerked the cord on her head back, tilting her bare, delicious neck upwards. A most enticing snack...

Her eyes went wide with fright and hopelessness...

He buried his fangs into her neck. A tiny trail of blood trickling down her neck... she felt... she felt...

Pissed off.

As the smug vampire backed away from Jennifer to let his venom take effect, he laughed at her attempt to curl herself into a ball one last time.

“Ha! Oh you dull, pretty little creature, you can’t struggle your way out of this...” with a wave of his hand, the vampire tightened every single cord around Jennifer’s young athletic body...

Inadvertently finishing her job for her as he made her drop to the ground, pulling the rope so tight that the beam jerked loose, snapping free of the landing.

Looking up at the balcony, Julian eyes the source of the noise with curiosity. He then looked down furiously at Jennifer, who smirked at him through her tear-stained eyes.

“You were saying, asshole?”

Wait, what? Julian was puzzled beyond belief, that wasn’t possible, there was no way! His venom should have taken effect! How was she still-...?


The entire balcony, having suffered from centuries of neglect, started to collapse in on itself, splinters of wood starting to crack and fly across the front lobby of Haemon Hall.

Julian, furious, dissipated into his bat-swarmed form, flying and screeching down the right-side hallway to escape the wreckage.

Jennifer collapsed to the floor, the ropes now lifeless in loose tangled around her body. Scrambling to her feet, she sprinted as fast as she could away from the collapsing roof. She couldn’t believe it! She was free! She could get away! She just needed to find a back door to this hellhole and she would be clear of this nightmare!

Booking it down the left-side hallway with nothing but pantyhose on her feet, the business-suited young woman opened a number of doors, with every room she came across was just barren, empty, with no windows...


At the fifth room, she saw moonlight seeping in through the large wooden-framed windows she’d seen on the outside. Yes! Yes she just needed to get through that and she’d be out!

Luckily, there was a wooden chair in the middle of the room. Grabbing it, Jennifer raised it high, though it was heavier than she’d anticipated, and hurled it into the glass, which cracked but didn’t shatter.

“Dammit!” She cursed loudly, picking it up again, she looked behind her to make sure Mr. Haemon wasn’t there, he wasn’t, but she had a feeling he would find her again real soon...

Grunting with all the effort she could muster, the athletic petite ebony beauty pelted the chair into the window!

It smashed into a hundred tiny shards!

Yes! Yes! Thank God! She could get outside!!!

Not even thinking about all the broken shards still jutting upwards from the windowsill, Jennifer immediately regretted jumping up onto it hands-first, the points sticking into her skin. Despite the pain, she was determined to get out of that terrifying house, so she ignored the cuts and fell onto soft grass outside the window. She could feel wind against her skin... she just had to get up and run... come on Jen, get up, run for your life!


Up in the sitting room of his mansion, Julian was seething, tricked by a pathetic mortal! The gall of that human bitch!

This was some kind of trick, no human in five thousand years had ever resisted the control of his bite! It was a scientific impossibility! Even a couple of Blood Reapers, those vile human monsters, had fallen prey to his influence...

He was furious, tearing more ropes from the huge chest he kept them in, they snaked behind him like a mass of writhing, floating worms as he...

Ah... he smelt blood...

The vampire lord disintegrated into a swarm of bats...

Jennifer sprinted around the west wing of Haemon Hall with all the energy she could, there were a number of small cuts bleeding on her hands and feet, but that was of little concern to her: cuts would heal, that monster though, she was sure, would kill her.

Making it around to the front of the house, Jennifer could see her Chrysler parked in the driveway, she was so close!!

Did she... yes! The keys were still in her jacket pocket! She took them out, sobbing in terror as she sprinted hell-for-leather across Julian’s poorly kept lawns.

The Chrysler beeped, beckoning her to it.

She practically crashed into the door, fumbling with her shaky, blood-slippery hands as she managed to pull it open and pile herself into the driver’s seat!

Her shaky hands struggled to slit the key into the console. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck please just GO IN!!!” She screamed.

The keys slid in to the keyhole, she turned them, and that beautiful HEMI engine roared to life!

“Haaaahhh! Yess!!! Ha haaa!!” She laughed with adrenaline-induced craziness.

She threw the gear stick into reverse and floored it!

But then she looked up, and shining in her headlights was the pale, black-clad figure, Julian Haemon. His fanged mouth open wide in a shrill, terrifying screech.

“Aaaahhh!!! Nonononono!” Jennifer remembered! The pistol in her glovebox!

She quickly popped it open, she knew it would be loaded, she always kept it loaded. Rapidly clicking the safety off, she pointed it, one-handed through the front windshield...

But he was gone...

A clawed hand suddenly smashed through the window and grabbed her by the throat. He was floating in midair alongside the rapidly reversing sports car.

Julian leaned over and screeched terrifyingly at his defiant captive...

Then she pointed the hun right at his face.

And pulled the trigger.


The explosion of gunpowder split the Vampires screech short as he dropped to the ground, tumbling and rolling across the gravel.

Jennifer floored it, rapidly turning the Chrysler around before kicking it into drive. She raced out of the open gates, escaping into the night.

Was it over?

Did she make it out?

Oh god, she had...

Jennifer sobbed with utter relief as she sped down the long empty road away from Haemon Hall back towards the Interstate. She still couldn’t comprehend what had happened back there. But she was glad it was over, she had no idea how she would be able to explain this without finding herself thrown into a mental hospital...

Well, she could cross that bridge when she came to it, right now she needed to get to the nearest gas station and find a phone, call the police, and get a whole fucking army to storm that place and kill that monster!


Julian groaned in pain as his body naturally worked to push the bullet out of his skull. Fortunately it wasn’t made of silver, saving his life.

Slowly but surely, the Mind-Cager rose unsteadily to his feet...

How... how had she not been effected by his venom? Her mind was free of his influence! It couldn’t be!!!

Limping back to his dark, ruined home, the ancient lord knew what he had to do.

He must call out through the Ae’thor, find the spirit of his sister...

She would know what to do.

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Post by Caesar73 »

This part has it all: Drama, Emotion and Action :) Julian got what he deserved - he paid for his arrogance dearly!
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Post by Boundcurious »

I’m still enjoying, thank you! Also never heard “booking it” before your story so I’m learning as well as enjoying haha
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Post by Red86 »

TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Haha well if I have things my way you’ll be off that seat before you know it! 😂
Well after that chapter, your getting there 🤣

Now I'm more then curious how she resisted his bite and was not affected. This is getting really really good!!
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Post by GreyLord »

So many actors have played Dracula. I have been trying to imagine which one would be best to play this version. Perhaps that will clarify as you continue the story. Great job!
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by TayDay95 »

Red86 wrote: 3 years ago
TayDay95 wrote: 3 years ago Haha well if I have things my way you’ll be off that seat before you know it! 😂
Well after that chapter, your getting there 🤣

Now I'm more then curious how she resisted his bite and was not affected. This is getting really really good!!
Thanks buddy 😁 there’ll be more to come soon as I’m sure you know hahaha
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Post by TayDay95 »

GreyLord wrote: 3 years ago So many actors have played Dracula. I have been trying to imagine which one would be best to play this version. Perhaps that will clarify as you continue the story. Great job!
True and there’s no doubt Christopher Lee is still one of the greatest. Well as I think of the version I’ve imagined for this story (who we won’t see until later on) I actually think of Henry Cavill in a similar style to Geralt from The Witcher, only more evil haha
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Post by TomYi »

The thrilling chase sequence has won me over. Now I'm wondering how Julian's sister is going to react. I'm now conflicted because I don't wan't Julian to get his hands on Jennifer, but I still wanna see her wearing rope lol
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Post by TayDay95 »

TomYi wrote: 3 years ago The thrilling chase sequence has won me over. Now I'm wondering how Julian's sister is going to react. I'm now conflicted because I don't wan't Julian to get his hands on Jennifer, but I still wanna see her wearing rope lol
Thanks so much for the comment Tom! I won’t spoil anything except to say that Julian becomes a very different person around his sister haha
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