Safari Jo does it again. (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

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Safari Jo does it again. (F+/F+) [FINISHED]

Post by RopeBunny »

This story could also be called 'It's Good to Make New Friends.'
Or even 'RopeBunny Attempts an Epic Team up.'

Either way, I hope those who enjoy my supernatural themed TUG stories will find good things here :D

Some of you may even recognise the quote I'm using for a title ;) if so feel free to share the fact.
Last edited by RopeBunny 3 years ago, edited 22 times in total.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I have a sword now.

It belongs to the God, that dark shadow presence forever coiling inside me, granting me access to powers whose limits I'm still not entirely sure of, power enough to save my life as I lay bleeding out several years ago. That was when the Dark God offered me hope in return for a joining: my body to its essence. I have no regrets. The list of things I can do now is long, and still growing. Some would call my abilities Magick, but I cast no spells when I open a dark portal or fling balls of pure energy. I think it, the God flexes, and our will becomes real. The God is always there, like a symbiote, whispering, helping.

The sword was just one weapon among many, in a vast room in an equally vast dark stone castle perched atop and built into a steep hill with sheer cliffs on two sides, itself located in a realm of almost total darkness whose only light comes from an old and withered dying red sun laying just above the horizon line. I had my pick. There were guns, from old but well oiled Baker rifles to a huge barrelled flamethrower that breathed as though alive in some fashion. For closer combat my sword was in the mid range, halfway between a metal glove with clawed fingers and a long double bladed spear that wouldn't of stood upright in most rooms. There was armour too, almost exclusively medieval plate or Japanese Samurai designs. But it was the sword alone which called out to me, and which I now never leave home without, wrapping the whole thing in a diry orange cloth and carrying it if I can't actually wear it without attracting attention.

The blade itself is straight and narrow, over three feet long, and double edged. A dark gunmetal silver with it's name, Western Sorrow in the Rain, carved low down on one side in symbols no human would be capable of reading. The hilt metal is the same colour, prehaps a shade or two darker, and not in the least bit ornate, a straight square cut cross gaurd that narrows first then tapers slightly wider at either outer edge, before narrowing again to end in a flat point, above a black and dull faded red wrapped handle long enough for a two handed grip, finished by an orb shaped pommel, also gunmetal silver, which has slim groves running across it, sectioning the sphere into eight equal pieces. The scabbard is dark brown leather, and straps to my waist with two belts, one wide, one narrow. The belts are long, and even tied into a knot after buckling the ends still hang down over half a foot, with the sword itself riding low down on my left hip. Despite it's size the sword is remarkably light weight, and I found, after much practice, that I could wield it equally well one or two handed.

To help learn this new skill I've taken up LARPing, joining a local mixed sex group who practice weekly and spend at least one weekend a month engaged in events against or teamed with other groups. It's surprisingly good fun, even the dressing up part.

I don't work. The castle, which actually belongs to the God, has a room piled with treasure, like something straight out of a fantasy flick only minus the fire breathing dragon. There was even some modern currency, though I'm unsure how it got there, to get me started, and, after some careful enquiries in various countries with less strict laws then my own, I managed to find some gentleman willing to buy my gold for a very reasonable fee whenever I need my funds topping up.

I still reside in England, for all that I have access to a castle and can literally jump through a dark hole to anywhere, there's only one place I want to base myself. My current residence is a large three bed located on the top floor of a seven story apartment block that overlooks both the main railway line as it dives down towards the main city station and a large freight yard. It calms me to be able to sit out on my wide corner balcony with a bottle of vodka and watch the locomotives shunting, to see the modern overhead wire powered passenger stock glide past silently. All that time working on the railways has given me a geeky love of trains. I prefer flats, to live in. Being surrounded by so many other people helps to scramble my power signature, so the God believes, which should make it harder for any other potential Wizard Teddy's to get the jump on me without some advance warning sense of my own kicking in.

I still see Drusila, the girl who a ghost cursed by swapping their lives around, whose since learned to live remarkably well with her new lot and powers. I killed the ghost, at that point just a girl who knew how to read and use a Magick scroll, because yes whilst I don't use it the stuff does exist, when I rescued Dru, and we've been friends ever since. She doesn't have a fixed address, being a ghost means she doesn't actually need sleep or food, or much of anything. But, when she does crave normality or a change of clothes she comes here, and we hang out. It isn't like I need to give her a key anyway.

Aside from Drusila I don't have any contact with the other beings who frequent this Earth, those I know about anyway. I haven't been back to the Great Sharks island, what would be the point? I asked for help with Teddy Wizard, it helped, but this most ancient of beings doesn't view companionship in normal human terms. You can't just drop in for a drink and a catch up. I saw it once though, from a distance. Late one night about half a year ago, stood atop a tall sand dune in the middle of the Sahara, for no other reason then I wanted some peace, to be away from people and noise for a night, my wandering gaze happened upon it's house sized fin carving a path through the sand about a half mile to the South. I saw the fin slow, and felt the Sharks mind reaching out, touching mine. "Old friend." I mouthed, nodding, one hand on my sword. "You are armed." Came the reply, ghosting through my head. "Yes." I nodded, dropping my hand. "But not against you."
"It is wise." A pause, the scar that runs down my face, through one eye, had gently tingled, as though touched. "Old friend. To always be ready."
"I shall remember your words." I smiled at the unexpected compliment, watching as the fin sank out of sight, gaining speed.

But that's enough catching up. The real story, Jo's tale you could say, starts on a wet Wednesday afternoon.
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Post by Nainur »

okay, Dru is probably no vampyre in this one. :D
Carry on, please!
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Post by RopeBunny »

True [mention]Nainur[/mention] she isn't.

Kind of a tricky thing, this team up I've committed myself to. Unfortunately I'm not Marvel/DC, so my character's aren't necessarily well known.

With the exception of Jo the other main girls appearing are from previously posted stories on this site though.
I do realise that fact doesn't actually guarantee that you the reader will know them.
I'm doing my best to write backstories, relevant information and so forth, for each girl into the narrative, which should help.

I hope.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed the first chapter very much. Thank you for continuing this series!
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] You're welcome :D . I like Scarlet, plus the other supernatural ladies I've created (soon to be appearing as our tale unfolds) and am always pleased to find a comment confirming I'm not just writing about them for my own pleasure.
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It's a train horn that finally rouses me. Having just returned from a week in the US, pleasure not business, my body clock is all screwed out of synch. I wound up not getting to bed until gone six last night, closing my curtains whilst scowling at the rising sun. And due to it being close to my wake up time as I climbed naked into bed, I didn't bother with an alarm. "Let fate sort this one out." I mumbled, closing my eyes and yanking the thin duvet up over my head.

"Well played." I mutter now, tipping a salute, having gone to my bedroom window, which, like my balcony, faces the railway. It would appear a loaded freight is stuck outside the yard, and the driver, apparently having exhausted all the other means of communication, is now leaning on his locomotives horn until someone emerges from the cabin to wave him in. I yawn, stretching my arms wide, and pick up my phone, glancing from the display informing me it's almost three to my still warm bed. "Well," shaking my head, "at least I didn't miss dinner." I look at my bed, tempted despite everything to crawl back in, to have a lazy day. And then a muffled but clearly human moan sounds from somewhere outside my room. "Fucks sake, not again." I huff, smiling despite the brief stab of anger, because it is kind of funny. Still naked I open my bedroom door, heading through the flat to confirm my suspicions.

I'm right, it's another offering. The thirteenth in ten months.

Since I first went to the Dark Gods castle, in it's home realm, the first time it had returned- having been imprisoned inside my old multicoloured twisted rope wrist bracelet -in several centuries, we keep being sent gifts. Whilst there I saw nothing else living, but, something saw me. The Dark Gods followers, citizens of the dark realm, know their master has returned, and apparently naked trussed up girls are considered appropriate to the occasion.

And they've all been girls. Because the God's a he, though not in any human terms, but, when the God does manifest, either inside my head for one of our talks, or outside of me on those rare occasions direct contact is needed, the shadow form it takes is distinctly male. Tall, long limbed, well muscled. No discernable features, no cock, but definitely male. being into girls too makes relations between us that much smoother, my pleasure is his pleasure. Sex in a shared body just takes some getting used to is all. But I won't be fucking this girl. She isn't here willingly, and I'm not that kind of monster.

I could put an end to all of this by revisiting the castle, but I'm not quite ready to face whatever lives there yet. Nor am I ready to face the other responsibilities my living in his realm would require, not least of which is command of the Forgotten Legion, the Dark Gods personal army of the dammed. Easier for now to stay here, on Earth, and deal with these gifts as and when they're dropped into my life.

This one's young, late teens or early twenties I'd guess, and quite plump. Which is a nice change. So far it's been skinny all the way, with the only variety being the colour and style of the girls hair, and her bust size. This one's breasts are huge, a match for the rounded belly that's puddled on my sofa, both belly and breasts wobble when she struggles. Reddish brown and wavy hair is cut short so it barely covers her ears. She's been hogtied with dirty white rope, quite severely too. Wrists bound to a tight crotch rope, ankles tied to a chest rope that's squeezing her breasts and attempting to unite her elbows behind her back. Her gag is like a rusty metal frame forcing her jaws wide open, buckled to her head by black leather straps, which would be very helpful if I actually had a cock. She isn't blindfolded, none of them are, and, seeing me sets her off struggling and half moan half screaming, bucking around on my three seater sofa, which her large body completely fills. Watching her I can't help but smile. "Going to fall off if we're not careful." I mutter. And then she does, with a squeel, landing on her side, on my carpeted floor, with a loud thump that my downstairs neighbours are sure to of heard. "Damn it." Still smiling, shaking my head at her continued struggles which haven't been slowed one bit by the fall, I go to the bookcase to grab my atlas.

"Hi." I wave, sat on the floor beside her, legs crossed. "English?" I ask as she stares at me, her newly ungagged mouth working. I haven't untied her. The first time, I did, then I had to chase a skinny flat chested Indian girl clearly fast enough to be an Olympic athlete down seven flights of stairs, only catching her in the end halfway across the parking lot when I opened a portal for myself and appeared in front of her. She was so shocked she didn't even think to slow down, or dodge, and ran into me at full speed. The impact didn't even cause me to flinch, check out that Dark God power in action, but the Indian knocked herself out cold, and crumpled into a heap at my feet. Luckily it had been the middle of the night, so nobody saw, and now I keep them tied up. She stares at me, at my nakedness, at my scar. I think. Her mouth works some more. I wait. Finally, she nods. "No." Then shakes her head. "Yes." Her accent is very thick, maybe Russian. "I speak some."
"Okay." I smile, placing the atlas down between us. "Where are you from?" I ask, opening it up near the front, a double page world map. "Tell me, please." I run fingers over the page. "And I'll take you home."
"Those things...." She shakes her head, then wriggles in her bonds, before looking up at me. "I am prisoner?"
"No." I point again at the map. "Tell me where, and you can leave."
"No trick?"
"No trick." I smile. I know the God wants her, she is for him after all. But, we've had this talk. Twice. I'm pretty enough to get a fuck, even a kinky girl who'll let me tie and gag her first fuck, without needing help. She smiles back, nervously, nodding at the atlas. "Turn to Ukraine. I show village."
"Excellant." I turn pages, and, using my finger and her directions, we find the spot. "Okay." Nodding. "Good. Just let me change." I stand, leaving the atlas open next to her. "Have you home in time for bed."

The cloudless dawn sky of six has turned into a grey overcast drizzly day, so I dress appropriately, tucking skinny black jeans into black steel toed boots only loosely laced so they hang open slightly up top. A white vest top goes over a grey bra, itself covered by a thin black waterproof jacket. As a final touch I put my wide brimmed old brown leather hat on, to keep the rain out of my eyes, but leave my sunglasses on the counter. It'll mean people can see both my all black with the occasional flare of colour eyes and my scar, but wearing tinted glasses in this weather will probably attract more attention. It could be sunny where my potential prisoner lives, but, having checked the cupboards and fridge last night, I'm out of everything except butter and jars of pasta sauce. So once back on home soil a shop run will be needed. It isn't far to the nearest Tesco, and I fancy the fresh air, so no car keys, just phone and wallet, plus the house key. And of course my sword, which I wrap up in the orange cloth I keep for these occasions, binding that with off white cord.

"Okay?" I ask, pleased to see she hasn't struggled away, or gotten free. "Yes." Looking me up and down, should I be worried about being recognised? So far only one of the thirteen has been British, a busty blonde Welsh girl who, amazingly, spent most of the time she was tightly stretched out on my bed giggling. Her I could've fucked, and almost did, she just seemed so into it, she even began flirting with me after awhile, and insisted on giving me her number before walking naked back into her student digs on the outskirts of Swansea as though such a thing were a normal everyday occurance. The memory makes me smile, maybe I should call, before I shake my head, focusing back on the present, and this girl. Sword held in the middle I hunker down, placing my free hand on her back. "Hold on."
"To wh...." and then we both drop through the hole I've opened up, falling into the darkness that I use to travel both across the globe and between realms.

The Welsh girl, and prehaps two others aside, I drop in, then drop out, leaving them as a tied up package for a local to find and help. This girl is no different. We appear, at the bottom of a five step path that leads up to a stone built mid terrace, one of many similar houses marching up this steep sloping road. A quick glance around shows me lights on in several nearby houses, plus a good scattering of both men and women on the street. That's good, the ladies will ensure none of the men get any ideas. This is, roughly, the centre of her village, which on first impressions looks more like a town, not that I'm any judge of former Soviet block architecture and layout. If I'd been here before I could've been more accurate, but coming in blind like this, with just a dot on a map for guidance, it's all I can do to not appear inside a stone wall, or down a well. "Take care." I tell the girl, giving her butt a pat. Then, baring my shark teeth filled mouth at the nearest men, who'd been inching closer, one holding a large mechanics spanner, stopping them cold, I drop through a second hole, and am gone.

In the store I get a trolley, because I can't hold my sword and a basket and shop. I take my time, wandering the aisles, enjoying picking out some interesting meal combinations. I try not to get too stuck in a rut food wise, something I've found it's easy to do when you're forever cooking for one. Tescos is pleasantly deserted, people are still at work, or already home. After a half hour I'm almost done, and am stood in front of the chocolate display, debating Galaxy versus Dairy Milk as a treat for tonight, when there's a tap on my shoulder.

It's a lady. Late twenties, like me, with a body as equally slim and muscled, definitely rocking a six pack under her tight tee. Her skin is as dark as mine is pale though, almost actual black, and her bust, possibly a B, but enhanced by the usual push up bra to appear closer to a C, looks right on her frame, unlike my large pert E's. Where my own hair is dyed fire engine red, curling and tumbling halfway down my back, hers is dyed white, twisted into thick long dreadlocks and tied back loosely with a dark red strip of cloth. Grass green jeans with rips at the knees sit low on her waist, showing a hint of white thong. Her tight tee is black, with the legend 'Here Be Dragons' stamped across the chest in white, above a white arrow pointed straight down at her crotch. Despite the rain outside she isn't wearing a coat.

"Hi." She smiles, I smile back. "Hi."
"I was wondering whether you could help me?"
"Um." I look left and right, we've got the aisle to ourselves. "I don't work here." I shrug. "Sorry."
"I knew that." She waves a hand, dismissing the point. "This is your trolley though. Right?"
"Yes." She's pointing behind her, where my trolley sits resting next to the opposite row of shelves. And, suddenly, I don't like the way she's stood between me and my sword. That small smile on her pretty face feels like a taunt, no longer seeming friendly. I move to step around her, but she moves too, reaching my trolley first with a graceful kick then slide across the smooth floor. "This cloth." Reaching out a hand to stroke at the orange material wrapping my sword. I have to resist the urge to fling her halfway towards the freezer section. Why am I suddenly so jumpy? "Yes." I take a deep breath, calmer now she's dropped her hand. "What about it?"
"I'd love to know where you got it?" She makes to reach for my sword again, then stops, looks me in the eye, and I'd swear she smirks. "Can you tell me?"
"Honestly." Shaking my head. "I don't remember it was so long ago."
"Old then is it?"
"Yes." Which at least is the truth, the cloth came from the castle. I reach out now, laying my own hand on the sword, sure I see her face twitch into a brief scowl as I do. "I'm sorry." Facing her, compelled, not knowing why except that it feels right, to pick Western Sorrow up, holding it by the still wrapped hilt in my right hand, resting the blade across my right shoulder so it points diagonally upwards. I shake my head. "I don't think I can help you."
"No." She shakes her head too, looking me up and down even whilst beginning to step backwards. "I don't think that you can Scarlet." Then she turns around, having reached the end of the aisle, and the line of tills. Turning right, towards the main doors, she vanishes from sight.

I put my sword back down, carefully. Slow movements, deep breaths. Climbing back down, calming myself, and the God, easing our fingers off the collective trigger before someone accidentally drops a tin can two aisles over and I wind up putting a car sized hole in the roof. How can one stranger crank me up to such a point so quickly?

Walking out of the store fifteen minutes later, two bags in each hand, plus the sword, head tilted down to keep the rain from blurring my vision, I have a sudden thought. At what point in our brief talk did I tell her my name? This stops me in my tracks, rooting me to the spot halfway across the parking lot. I tilt my head left, then right, thinking. My train of thought is derailed though by a nearby engine growling into life. I look up, sports cars being a passion of mine, and that rumble would sound at home in any tuned hot rod. But it's a large white camper van, moving slowly towards the exit, and the main road, some weird looking foreign plates on the back. I watch it leave, wondering who would do such an unnecessary modification, then get myself moving again. I need to get home, and think. Because it feels like something's going down, and I don't want to be caught out.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The Showdown at the end was imtense :)
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Post by RopeBunny »


I love LARPing. It's just so funny, especially when you make the effort to play properly. Getting into character, acting the fights almost as often as you're actually seriously trying to win.

After all that weirdness at Tescos, three days ago now, I did some thinking. And I talked with the God.

The lady, if I'm right about her, if she is trouble, had no power signature. Everything like me: the Shark, Dru, Hessel-Tar-Quickstep. Teddy fucking Wizard. We're all lit up like Guy Fawkes, if you know how to look. You get close enough to something with this level of power, you and it, or he, or even she, both know the other is there. Fighting between our kind is rare now, because it never ends well. The Shark eating Teddy is about as clean as it gets. History, I've been told, is littered with gaps, and each gap was a conflict. The small ones, maybe only a city was lost. But the big ones, like when the four became the three, those are realm enders. These days an uneasy truce exists. Something like the Cold Wars detente strategy. Nobody wants to be the one to rock the boat, to start the unstoppable landslide. None but the craziest anyway. And I just didn't get that vibe from her. Our brief conversation just felt, on playback, too well thought out. So. No powers. And not crazy. But there's definitely a problem there. I feel certain that, whatever she is, she's deliberately setting us on a collision course. Which raises the question of how I deal with her? How much can you prepare when you've no real clue what's coming, or when?

If Dru were around I'd talk to her. She stood by my side against Teddy, and I've no doubt she'd have my back again, just as I would hers. But she's not here, and I've no way of tracking her down. She doesn't even carry a phone, telling me that 'Ghosts don't WhatsApp' with a cheeky smile whenever I mention that it'd be nice to talk sometimes other then when she drops by.

So I have a sleepness night. Then, because I've got to do something proactive, I pack booze and ketchup, plus several warm blankets. Ready, and dressed in a bikini, I jump myself onto a deserted island somewhere in the Philippine Sea, near the equator. There I find peace and quiet, and time to reflect, which helps me to stop worrying about things I can't change. I fish, none of the local marine life expects me to be that fast, cooking my catches on an open fire with wood from a half dozen trees, the tall stumps of which I use for sword practice. Gazing out at a star filled cloudless sky on the Friday, night two, drinking the last of my vodka, toasting the dying fire with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders, I feel calm. Let her come, when she's feeling brave enough. I'll be ready.

And then it's Saturday. Time for LARP.

Our group, The Hounds of Doom: so named because the leader and founder, modestly rich, lives out in the countryside on a converted farm where he keeps about three dozen dogs. His name is Zak, it's his farm we tend to practice on. This weekend we're all travelling about a hundred miles north in Zaks old enough to be a classic partly restored coach, his other passion, to engage in a mass brawl with about twenty other groups. We've bought camping and cook out gear because it's a two day thing.

I haven't shared much about myself with the group, or anyone really. Dru aside the book of my life is something I never lend to others. It's all so complex. I've a suspicion that, given my extra pert inflated chest and dyed hair, some of the other Hounds think I'm a cam girl, or an escort. Or something similar. It doesn't bother me, and I can see how they'd arrive at that particular wrong conclusion, especially given my expensively modified Nissan, which they've all seen, because I've got to get to practices and the occasional social meetups in various pubs somehow. I guess I could be like some kind of mystery, except that nobody's ever shown the slightest interest in solving me. Which suits me fine.

The Hounds don't have a specific dress code, save that you try to appear medieval in some sense. Even jeans would be allowed, so long as they were paired with maybe a corset or a tunic of some kind up top. And boots. I've so far resisted the urge to stop by my castle and turn up to a meet rocking one of my full suits of actual eight hundred year old plate. This weekend I'm wearing a dark green dress the colour of pine needles. The dress is a simple thing, made of thin wool it slips on over my head, coming down to just above the knees and deliberately tatty around the hem. It's sleeveless, with a scooped low neckline that shows a good amount of cleavage, helped by the tightly front laced black underbust corest I wear ontop of the dress, because bras weren't invented yet. The corset pulls the dress in tight, improving it's look. On my feet I wear knee high brown leather slip on boots that I bought specially for LARPing, they've no heel meaning I can run or fight in them as needed. Weapons wise I keep Western Sorrow wrapped up, slung across my back hidden in plain sight. My fake LARP sword hangs off my left hip in much the same style of belted scabbard as my real sword. Occasionally, though not today, I'll carry a long spear too. There's a married couple on the team, and at one event, having been 'killed', I lay on the ground and watched the two of them last for over five minutes, back to back, spears sweeping and jabbing never ending wide arcs as he protected her and she returned the favour moments later. It was captivating stuff. They've since been showing me how whenever time allows at practice.

Everything kicks off after lunch, half the groups are given 'forts' scattered around the wood and parkland we're on, and are given an hours head start to get to them and work out a suitable defence. The bases are just white gazebos erected ontop a slight hill, or next to a stream, the rest as always is down to imagination. At two the other groups, us included, are released.

There are a dozen of us Hounds, five girls and seven guys, ranging in age from mid twenties to early fifties. Of the girls I'm the only one not here with her partner. Zaks wife Sally tends to stay behind at camp, which makes for a raiding party of eleven. More then enough.

By half three we're closing in on one of the hilltop forts. Zak has the main force hiding inside the treeline about a hundred yards from the base of the small rise it sits atop, me and two of the other girls, Amelia and Kate, are slowly, quietly, sneaking around the back, where the hill is steeper. We'll have to climb, but once at the top we'll attack, which is the signal for Zak to lead the main charge. A classic pincer movement.

I'm bringing up the rear, and none of us are looking down. Kate and Amelia miss the loop by blind luck, me, I'm doing one of my checks behind, walking backwards for a half dozen paces whilst I check we're not being snuck up on. I'm not so lucky. My foot lands right inside the rope loop that's been carefully laid on the ground, partly concealed with leaves. I hear a click, and am turning back around to check on the other two when my foot is yanked out from under me. My head and feet reverse positions very fast as I'm pulled up into the air, left dangling by one leg about ten feet off the woodland floor.

"Ha ha." I hear a girls voice cry out in triumph from somewhere off to the side. "Safari Jo does it again."
"Scarlet? What the hell?"
"Huh?" I twist, trying to see behind me even as my body slowly spins around anyway, bringing an amused Amelia and Kate into view. "Hi." I wave. "Oops." They both laugh, I do too. Both girls are wearing similar outfits to my own, knee length dress tunics and knee high slip on boots. Kate has a brown front lacing leather waistcoat on over her cream dress. She's a large girl, quite rounded but in a sexy way, with a large bust to match. The waistcoat is only halfway done up, and looks likely to snap open at any moment. Amelia is, size wise, between the two of us. She's not wearing anything other then her dress, which is a deep blue colour. Her own sword, Kate uses a two handed axe, has a waist scabbard like mine, the belt helps shape the dress around the middle. Amelia also has the smallest chest of our group, she's opted for a tee style high collar. Her dress is a roomier fit then ours, which cling to mine and Kate's chests. Both girls are blondes, with shoulder length hair cut into similar shaggy styles, though Kate's curls more.

"What happened to you?" Amelia asks, stepping closer, reaching up to give me a small push. "Hey." I swat her hand away. "Stop that."
"Sorry." They both giggle again. I shake my head, smiling, looking around. Aside from a great view down Kates top I can also see my weapons, both of them. It would appear my sudden yanked flight pulled Western Sorrow off my shoulder, it's laying, still wrapped up, on the floor just off to one side, with my fake LARP sword resting next to it. "Was this them?" Kate jerks a thumb over her shoulder at the hill. "Do you think?"
"Traps in a LARP?" I look at Amelia, who's been into this the longest of us three. She shrugs. "I don't think it isn't in the rules." She looks around, we all do, trying to spot whoever caught me coming to claim their prize. Amelia shrugs. "But, I've never seen this done."
"Did you girls hear that voice?" I ask. "A moment ago. Sounded like a girl."
"Yeah." Kate nods, looking to Amelia, who nods too, adding. "But I thought this fort was that all boys team, the wasisname Dividers. Or something?"
"I thought so too." I nod, feeling a cold icy hand walk up my spine as my brain makes a worrying connection. I need to get free. But, I look up, moving my fallen down dress, which I'm trying to ignore the fact that's exposed my black spandex tiny gym shorts, to look at my bound ankle, I don't want to use my other abilities in front of these two. If I can help it. "Got a knife?" I ask. Kate shakes her head. Amelia puts up a finger, and smiles. And then I hear the pops.

Three of them, coming from my current left. The treeline. The same place I'm sure I heard the girls voice. The pops are close together, maybe a second apart, but by the third I've managed to place the direction well enough to spot a puff of smoke, to see the small silver metallic sphere appear from thin air just in front of a small copse of Hazel. The sphere sails through the air, tracing a shallow arc as it heads straight for me. I just about have time to spot the other two, one on a direct intercept course with each of the two girls, before all three strike home.

On impact the sphere shatters, harmlessly, against my chest, with a sound like breaking glass, creating a roughly circular impact field about a foot across. Half of this debris falls away, tumbling towards the ground, the other half comes alive. I, we all as I look down at the other two, are suddenly covered in dozens of tiny silver black robots. They resemble spiders, ten legged, with four small tentacles atop a rounded but squashed body. No face, but each tiny construct is covered in blinking red lights. The tentacles surround a small hole in the middle of the spiders back. These holes are ejecting a thin white cable, which the robots are quickly using, en masse, to tie the three of us up.

Looking down, even whilst fighting a slowly losing battle myself, I can see my friends have already completely lost. Both Kate and Amelia have been turned into semi cocooned hogtied parcels within half a minute, with their wrists and ankles joined together behind them. I say semi because the thin cables crisscross rather then wrap their bodies, leaving plenty of gaps where a strip of dress, or a square of white skin, is visible. Both girls can still see, heads and eyes are moving all around in short panicked bursts, but tightly wrapped cable is forcing their mouths open, blocking the tongue from moving, effectively gagging them. Even as both girls moan and struggle helplessly I notice the robots have strung cables out to the base of the closest large tree, and are using these cables as a means to drag my friends away. As for my own struggles I can no longer move my legs, which have been pinned together in a half dozen places from ankles to crotch. One arm has already, because I was taken completely by surprise, been lassoed and pulled up towards my waist, then secured there behind me at wrist and elbow, with the elbow cabling also doing a good job of squeezing and pressing my breasts into an interesting but slightly painful shape as seveal strands are running an almost figure eight shape around them. I'm so far ungagged, but can feel several of the little robots crawling down my neck, heading for my face even as I feel the first tug of a cable on my still free arm.

"Safari Jo does it again." Cries the same triumphant female voice, from, I'm sure of it now, the same spot as before, which is the same spot the spheres appeared from. Is she hiding inside the copse? Is it who I think it is, and if so, who the fuck is this lady who waltzes right up to me in Tescos, then attempts to kidnap me three days and a hundred miles later? I need answers, which means it's time to take action. I look down at my LARP friends, both of whom are rolling and struggling around on the grass, going nowhere having now been tethered from three seperate directions to three seperate trees. I'll miss them, all the Hounds, but, once I step out of the shadows here there'll be no going back without a thousand questions. And I know from previous experiences that I'll never be able to answer to the point that I'm not viewed with something between confusion and outright fear.

"Be a wonder if I don't have to sell up and move too." I mutter, shaking my head. Then, reaching down inside, I let the God loose.

Black fire ignites across my whole body at once, turning everything that isn't my own body and hair to ash in seconds. The robots die in a machine gun crack of multiple tiny explosions, even whilst their cables and my own clothes, plus the original snare rope around my ankle, fall as powder and twisted useless scraps towards the woodland floor below. My own fall takes me straight into a dark portal, which, like the rest I've ever opened, resembles a roughly circular tear in reality. Whether floating in the air or opened agaisnt something solid, like a wall or the floor, the inside is always as dark as the blackest night you ever saw, yet seems to be moving and swirling like a storm cloud, occasionally even showing a hint of pink or green light. Having fallen into one I fall almost immediately straight back out of another, landing next to my swords. Completely naked I hold out my right arm, and Western Sorrow rips itself backwards through its cloth wrappings, clearing its scabbard, appearing to jump up from the ground, into my waiting hand.

"Come on then." I shout at the copse. "Let's be having you."
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Post by RopeBunny »


Pop. Another sphere appears from the copse, in a small puff of smoke, sailing the same shallow arc towards me as it's friends. I smile, and wait for it to get close. Just before it reaches me I spin on the spot, holding Western Sorrow in a two handed grip, coming back around swinging my blade as though I were playing baseball. My sword connects perfectly with the sphere, cutting it clean in two, the halves continue past me showering sparks even as they lose height, falling.

Returning to a one handed grip I rest the point of my sword on the ground and stand, feet slightly apart, facing the copse. I smile at the half dozen Hazel bushes, at whatever's hiding behind, and shake my head. And wait.

"I thought you lot always healed?" The invisible female half shouts about a minute later, just as I'm trying to decide whether she's somehow escaped. "What's up with that?"
"I guess you were mis informed." I reply, raising my own voice to match hers. I reach up with my free hand, tracing the scar that Teddy Wizard gave me, following the two lines as they run down through my left eye, itself now useless and milky white, finishing up low down on my cheek, close to the side of my mouth. "Why don't you come on out of there?"
"Not yet." A pause. "Maybe I'd like to talk first."
"So talk." I shrug, looking left and right, confirming that we've, somehow, still got this small patch to ourselves. "I've got time."
"Aren't you cold?"
"Not really." I look up, making a point of noticing the largely blue sky. "It's a beautiful day, don't you think?"
"I prefer Fall."
"Not British then?"
"Fall. Autumn."
"Ah." A brief pause. "Clever girl."
"I try." Smiling at the bushes. Still waiting. Eventually. "Embarrassed then?"
"Why?" I shrug. "I've fought naked plenty of times."
"Is that what we're doing?" I can hear a slight edge of amusement to her words. I shrug again. "I'm sure we'll get around to it eventually." By now I've heard enough of her voice to be fairly certain, so I ask. "It was you, in the shop?"
"Why Scarlet." This time she's almost laughing. "Whatever makes you think we've met before?"
"Ha." I shake my head. "Very cute. Just how do you know my name?"
"Long story."
"So. I've got time."
"Yes. Well." I hear a click behind me, at the same time something cold and circular is jabbed against the base of my spine. "We don't all live forever." And then, quieter, almost a whisper right in my ear, from behind me. "Safari Jo does it again."

My sword arm twitches. "Nope." The voice, somehow from both right behind and off in front of me. The thing is jabbed into my spine again. "We're not going to be chopping anything else. Let it go."
"And if I don't?"
"Then we both get to find out what another of my new toys can do." She sounds happy, like she's enjoying all this. Maybe she is. I weigh up my options, taking a moment, considering how fast I could launch an attack, the actual chances that whatever she has pressed into me will actually do real damage. It feels like a gun. Can a gun kill me? The God says no. It wants to fight, is in fact spoiling for one. I smirk, at the very least I owe it to my fellow LARPers to take this someplace else.

She isn't ready for the portal, which I open directly underneath us. There's a cry of surprise from behind me as we both fall into the darkness, re emerging moments later in a completely different forest.

The lady. Jo. Who I still haven't seen, but who else can it be attacking me, really, won't know, but this is the woodland where Teddy Wizard met his fate. My chosen spot, largely due to how far away it was from the nearest town or farm. A safe place for a fight, which is what I want again right now.

The drop out of the exit portal is only a couple of feet, but she won't know that, and if you don't know where the ground is a couple of feet can feel like forever. I hit the ground and roll forwards, away from her, from Jo, counting on that disorientation to give me a few precious seconds. I use the roll to turn myself around, coming up into a sideways fighting gaurd, my sword held high in a two handed grip.

There's nobody there. "Fuck." I mutter, snatching glances left and right, wishing she had some kind of power I could sense, realising as the thought crosses my head that I can sense something, faintly, miles away at the edges of my perception. A power the God knows from a literal forever ago. I gasp as it's revelation becomes mine: one of the three. Staying in my gaurd stance I think, trying to replay recent events. She, someone, was definitely behind me, having somehow snuck around me whilst tricking me with some sort of voice box, making me think they were still in the Hazel copse. And that someone came through the portal, I felt the rush of air as they fell, heard them cry out. "So where the fuck are you?" I wonder aloud, finally dropping the sword to my side, relaxing, looking around. I'm stood in the centre of a clearing. A clearing I made larger when I was last here, unleashing my fury onto Teddy, turning several dozen innocent trees to dust and burned stumps, but not even slowing him as it turned out. "Damn but he was scary." I mutter, shivering slightly, remembering. There's no way this lady could've gotten to the treeline in the seconds it took me to roll clear and come back up facing her.

And then a patch of forest directly across from me shimmers, briefly, revealing the dark green silhouette of a skinny female stood against the forests green and brown backdrop. I blink, not sure what I'm seeing. Some kind of high tech camouflage? The silhouette tips me a salute, then, with a brief all over burst of static, it vanishes, completely blending in again.

My attack is years too late. The ball of dark energy I fling, aiming low, to incapacitate not kill, strikes the trunk of a thick Ceder, shredding a six foot section, causing the crown to simultaneously drop down and topple over backwards, taking a couple of skinny young Beech with it. "Shit." I shake my head. I should probably look up who owns this forest, pay them some compensation.

And then Jo returns fire. I don't see her, but I hear the guns boom off to one side of me, turning in time to see the strangely slow moving bullet, which looks like a red shotgun shell type cylinder, just before it hits my right hip. My hands spasm open, which means I drop my sword, and then my whole body locks rigid as a massive electric charge travels through me. I can't even scream as my body shuts down, my view tilting as the charge cuts out, and I crumple to the ground, darkness closing in.

"Good, you're awake." I blink, and roll onto my side to check out both my situation and surroundings. I'm still naked, and the good news is I haven't lost my sword. Western Sorrow is laying next to me, sheathed in it's leather scabbard. The bad news is I feel quite immobilised. Something cold, maybe metal, is around my neck. Metal also loops my elbows and wrists, holding both behind me, the same kind of loops are around my upper legs and ankles too. My body is locked into a straight I shape somehow. I can barely move. What feels like a ball gag is in my mouth, I can feel the leather straps digging into the sides of my jaw, running up either side of my nose and over my head. Still no sign of Jo, which, given her apparent invisibility, doesn't mean anything. And then I'm being turned over, onto my other side, and there she is. Her face anyway.

It's the lady from Tescos, jet black skin and thick white dreadlocks. Some strange looking goggles are pushed up on her forehead, and, below the neck she looks like a movie special effect. It's as though her head is floating, because the rest of her is missing, blending seamlessly into the grass and tree trunk behind her. Unless she moves, then, at this close range, I can just about see her limb as a slight blur effect. "Surprise." She does a small bow, and giggles. "Now then." Clapping her hands once. "Since one of us appears to be quite helpless, I'd say that means I've won. So. Let's get you somewhere more private shall we." She bends down, reaches out, grabbing at my right nipple, giving it a savage twist, grinning as I cry out behind my gag at the sudden pain. "Safari Jo does i...." Is about all she manages to say.

Because I don't need my hands, or the ability to talk, to attack. A single black tentacle, looking like a living shadow, erupts from my back, snaking through the air whiplash fast it wraps twice around Jo's waist, before flinging her away across the clearing we're still in. Before she's landed I've already sunk myself, and my sword, through a portal. I'm heading for that familiar power signature, hoping the God isn't mistaken, hoping that this member of the three, who may not even remember the Dark God given certain circumstances there isn't time to fill me in on- something about a church though -is more hospitable then the Great Shark when it comes to uninvited guests.
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Post by Nainur »

well the length of the chapter doesn't make it quick to read, but it is worth to do so, IMO. Very good, ambitious story.
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Post by RopeBunny »

I've never been one for writing short chapters, which I guess some prefer. Mostly I write each (chapter) so it ends at a good point, something to hopefully make you all want to continue.

I tend to like writing detail too, rather then brief descriptions.

Anyway, [mention]Nainur[/mention] , I'm glad you found the effort worth it :D
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Post by cdpattycd »

Great story and very well written. I like that it's a longer read and I look forward to reading more of your stories.
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]cdpattycd[/mention] thanks :D
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It's been almost a year since I freed the storm by blowing up the restored St Echoes church, which sat at the rough centre of my university campus.

And no, I haven't been smoking anything. And yes, I did say I freed the storm.

Let me explain, I've got time before my date. St Echoes is, still, a new establishment, this is only it's second year. The second year of my engineering degree too. The university was named after the medieval church they built the campus around. Turns out that St Echoes was more trap then place of worship back in the day though. Contained within the churches very stones, buried beneath the basements wooden floor, was the storm. The real actual living embodiment of the wind and rain and thunder. Because, apparently, there are actual Gods living amongst us. Who knew. Some silly girls managed to inject a small part of this storm, her name, one of them anyway, is Maelstrom, into me. Eventually, after forcibly taking control of my body several times, we talked, the storm and me, and, to be brief, I agreed to reunite the trapped sentient part with the greater more wild whole. In return, though I didn't actually ask for any specific reward, I'm now the storms champion.

So what does that mean, I hear you ask. Well, so far, not much. I have powers, mostly stuff you'd you'd at least loosely associate with storms, there's a whole bunch of really cool shit I can do, things I've spent a year practicing. But, since freeing her, I haven't seen Maelstrom once. She hasn't called on me, hasn't set me any tasks. I am the champion who waits. For now.

Oh, I look different too. Very different from the blend into any crowd me of old. All part of Maelstroms gift. Stepping from the shower, part of the ensuite bathroom connected to my single room, second year students don't have to share, dorm in Elm- all the on campus houses are named after trees -I take a moment to look myself over in the full length mirror. My hair is about the only part of me that didn't change. I've never dyed out the natural black, and I like it curly, and long, with extensions added so it tumbles past my shoulders, falling down my back. The rest of me though, very different. In truth I look like a heavily tattooed porn star, which I kinda like. My body was always on the toned side due to lots of swimming, but I ate badly, a curse of several late night online gaming sessions a week, so my belly kept on growing, along with my butt and upper legs. Now though every part of me is toned, and slim. It's my breasts that make me think porn star when, like now, I'm looking in a mirror. They're F's, rounded like orbs, sitting high and topped by very pointy nipples. My breasts bounce all the time, no matter what bra I wear, which means I'm forever getting eyed up. Unfortunately for the campus boys though I've only got eyes these days for my fellow girl students. As for the tattoo, because it is just one, but it's big. Thirteen spiky black shapes are dotted around my body, linked together by black swirls. Every part of me is covered: breasts, back, pussy, arms and hands. Even the soles of my feet. A slim spiked curve beside the left eye, both eyes are completely blood red, is all that's on my face though. Basically, so long as crazy's your thing, I look great.

Giving myself a nod, about to reach for a towel from the rack, suddenly something bizarre happens. All at once I'm aware of someone in my room, just beyond the bathroom door. I've never been close to anyone else with power, but that's what I can sense now. Power, like a beacon lit up in my head, like a big red compass arrow pointing straight through the wall beside me. At the same time everything lights up there's a thud then brief groan of metal springs as something lands on my bed. I frown, and, too intrigued to consider either my now forgotten towel or the potential danger awaiting me, I wander naked through the door, into my room.

There's a lady on my bed. And she's naked. And tied up. With a gag. And, as if that wasn't all weird enough, she's got a sword.

She's pretty, is my first thought. A skinny pale skinned body toned in all the right places, with a bust maybe a cup size or two smaller then mine, yet no less pert. Her hair is fire engine red, clearly dyed, tumbling down around her face even whilst parts of it are messed up by a face harness style ball gag, a black ball and leather straps that look tightly buckled. One eye is black, the other, framed by two long scars that run the left side of her face, is a milky white colour. A metal pole runs the length of her body, down her back. Metal rings, which I can't see any obvious fixings or padlocks for, attach her body rigidly to the pole in five seperate places from neck to ankles, keeping her held in place.

She's laid with her back to me, so I don't see her face until I walk around my bed, bringing myself into her line of sight. Strangely she isn't struggling, or making any sounds. She lays still, her eyes looking me over, assessing even as I assess her.

A mad urge to lay down next to her is steadily building inside me. It doesn't help that I'm supposed to be going on a date in about ten minutes, so, in anticipation of a fuck with Kelly, a blonde first year with a nice rack who's maybe carrying a couple of extra pounds, I'm already quite horny. But this lady is, should be, powerful, I belatedly remind myself. But, I tilt my head, frowning down at her, if she is, then why hasn't she exploded out of all that metal yet? Why is she still, apparently, laid helpless on my bed?

And the real trouble here is that I'm, at heart, a kinky little bitch. I can feel myself getting wet just looking at her. A naked sexy girl, completely helpless, has just been dropped into my room. Surely it'd be rude not to enjoy this offering?

"Can you sense me?" I ask, having decided to throw caution to the wind, and lay down, tossing her sword onto the floor to give me room first. She'd appeared laying lengthways down one half of my single bed, which means I've room enough to lay down on my side, propped up on one elbow facing her. My bed is small though, which means we're very close, a fact which isn't helping calm my still horny mood. Nor is the fact her breasts are pointed right at me, thrust forwards by her pinned back arms like an open invitation. Returning my attention to her face, which isn't easy, I see her looking right at me. And then she wriggles her bound body, which makes her breasts bounce. Is she flirting with me?

Deciding to be even bolder I reach out, touching one of her breasts, clenching internally as I do, expecting that now she'll launch some form of attack. Now I'll be the dead cat. But no, instead she moans, a good moan, the kind that invites more contact. So I smile, and scoot my body closer, letting go of her breast as my own larger chest squashes into hers, reaching around behind her instead, cupping her butt, pulling her naked pussy up agaisnt mine.

We stay laying this way for several minutes, long enough for my phone to ring twice, no doubt Kelly, wondering why I haven't shown up to the date I no longer care about. This strange lady's eye, the one that still functions, is quite intoxicating, a blackness I could easily lose myself in, with the occasional flare of colour like some distant explosion. Our faces are close, noses touching, I can feel her breath. Can, and do, flick out my tongue to lick at the ball filling her mouth, making her moan each time. I can feel the wetness between her legs, a mirror of my own arousal. Letting go of her butt I reach up, finding her breasts again, caressing, teasing her erect nipples, making her squirm.

"Do you want me to stop?" I ask sometime later, aware that I still don't even know what she's doing here. Aware too that I've somewhat taken advantage of her helplessness, and haven't really given her a choice yet. She looks at me, our faces and bodies still sharing the same space, and shakes her head. I grin. "Do you want to talk then, want me to unbuckle that gag?" This one seems to give her pause. For a couple of minutes I wait, watching her eye twitch, her lips quirk and move slightly around the gag, almost as though she's having a conversation, though clearly not with me. Then she nods. "Okay." I nod back. "Hold on."

"Better?" I ask, tossing the harness over my head, hearing the muffled thud as it lands on the carpeted floor. "Yes." She nods, flexing her jaw. "Good." I smile, laying back down, pressing my body into hers again. She smiles back, wriggling her body against mine, getting comfortable. "Going to kiss me now?" She asks. "Sure." I reply, leaning my head in, locking my lips to hers.

"So what are you anyway?"
"Short version." She replies, wriggling again. Her head is resting on my outstretched arm, beside mine, whilst my other arm is stroking her butt, holding her body agaisnt me. She looks down, smiling, it appears, at our squshed together breasts. Then she looks back up, her gaze meeting mine. She shrugs. "I was just a normal girl. But now, I guess you could say I'm a host."
"To what?"
"The Dark God Orm." She frowns at my confused expression, then giggles. "Not heard of him then?"
"No. Should I have?"
"Considering what you've got inside you, what I can sense there anyway, I thought maybe you would. Yeah."
"Oh." I look down myself, letting go of her butt to trace at the tattoo as it runs over one breast. "So you know what I am then?"
"I thought you were the Ever Raging Wind, one of the three, the Maelstrom." She frowns. "Your power signature says so anyway. But...."
"....Well." she shakes her head. "You just don't look right."
"Met the Wind have you?" I tease. She shakes her head, but doesn't smile back. "Not me. But Orm has, before she was imprisoned."
"Indeed. Is she free then?"
"Right. Because of you?"
"Yes. Long story."
"I'll bet." She looks me up and down, smiling. "So you were just a girl, once, like me?" I nod, she looks me up and down again. "And now you're.... what?"
"I'm. Kinda." I blush, because it feels a bit silly to say aloud. "I'm Maelstrom's champion."

She looks at me for a second, and then bursts out laughing. "What?" I ask, trying not to smile back. "I am."
"I'm sure," she gets herself back under control with an effort, "that you are. It's just." Shaking her head. "You couldn't make all this shit up."
"So an actual God's in there then?" I ask, stroking one of her breasts, enjoying seeing how it makes her wriggle, a small moan escaping. I grin, moving my hand to cup her breast, bringing it up to my mouth, sucking on her nipple. "Tease."
"Yeah?" I grin, reaching down, finding the slit of her already wet pussy, sliding a couple of my fingers up inside her, seeking out the sweet spot. She gasps, my grin widens as I begin to rub gently. "If there's really a God in here, then just break out of all that metal already. Truss me up and make me your bitch." I lean forwards, kissing her, keeping the rhythm going as I do. Then I stop, abruptly, pulling back and out. I wink. "If you can."

"It isn't as simple as that."
"No?" I roll over onto my back, stretching, smiling up at the ceiling. "Care to explain."
"Apparently there are rules." She huffs, I look sideways at her, she shakes her head. "Etiquette and shit, so I'm being told."
"Told?" I make the connection. "By the God? Orm talks to you?"
"Isn't that kinda weird, having someone in your head?"
"Not now. Maybe at first. But," she shakes her head, "I'd miss him if he was gone."
"So explain." Reaching across, using my added strength I pull her up ontop of me, spreading my legs slightly so her pinned together two are between mine, her breasts and body pressing into me, her collared head hovering above. Reaching up, I trace the lines of her scar, making her shiver. "Tell me about these rules."
"Well." She wriggles slightly as my hands begin stroking down each side of her body, running from armpit to butt and back. I smile, she leans in and kisses me, I kiss her back. It takes awhile before she pulls away, and starts speaking again. "Apparently, according to.... I don't know, because the words aren't any I'm willing to attempt. Something to do with mutual respect and not being officially invited. Old school stuff anyway." She grimaces, shakes her head. "If I'm understanding what I'm being told right, the gist is that this room, which is yours. Right?"
"This is my dorm room yeah."
"Dorm room?" She looks across at the door. "This is a college?"
"Uni actually."
"Right. Well. This room is, technically, your realm, and I'm here uninvited...."
"I guess you did kinda drop in unannounced." I smile, she does too. "Yes. Well. I'll explain when you're ready. The point is, because I came without asking first," she shakes her head, "then you get to do with me as you please."

"You're shitting me." I laugh, but she shakes her head. "Afraid not." She frowns. "Do you know any of the history of these things. Maelstroms history?"
"Really? Why not?"
"Long story." I shrug, feeling kind of embarrassed that I don't know more about this thing that includes me. "There's a book," I wave towards my bookcase, "but I've never been able to make much sense of it. And Maelstrom, when I did meet her." I think. "Briefly. She wasn't exactly up for a long talk about what I was buying into as her champion."
"Hmm. I see." She smiles. "Well. I'll do what I can to explain things for you. Clue you in more to this other world you're now part of."
"I'd appreciate that." I give her a kiss, pulling her head down onto mine.

"For now." She smiles down at me. "Let me just explain this particular craziness by saying that all the Gods, beings of power, the three, all of them have a sort of truce, because there were too many fights. And this rule is one of many that helps the truce function. I mean," she laughs, "who'd willingly drop in unannounced if it'd mean you could wind up like this?"
"True." I reach down, slipping a finger easily inside her, she's still that wet, smiling at her gasp. "Must be terrible."

"So," sat on the side of my bed, sometime later, "I can really keep you. Like this?"
"Well." Squirming inside her restraints, still laying lengthways in her forced I position, she looks up at me. "I'm kinda hoping you don't."
"But I could though." I smile, reaching down, teasing at a still rock hard erect nipple, feeling a whole fresh stiring of arousal deep in the pit of me at the thought. "If I chose, and said it was so, you'd have to be my sex slave?"
"Mmmm." She closes her eyes, trying to arch her breasts closer to me. "Yes. Yes you could."
"It's tempting." I drop my hand, she opens her eyes, pouts at me, making me laugh. "Tell you what." I stand. "I'm going to make you a deal."
"A deal?"
"Sure. Let's have some fun."
"Right." She squirms again, trying to get comfortable. "I'm listening."
"Well, let's say...." I have a sudden thought. "What's your name anyway? Not Orm, you?"
"Hmm." I nod. "Nice." She smiles, blushing. I lean down and kiss her. "Right. Scarlet. Here's my offer. Sod the treaty and all that. If you can escape before I return in two hours, then do it. I mean." I giggle. "Fuck it. If you do, then, after we eat the pizza I'll be bringing back for our dinner, I'll let you truss me up anyhow you want."
"However I want huh?"
"Sure." I grin. "There's plenty of rope and crap around the place."
"Is that right?" Scarlet grins, I grin back, nodding. "And what if I'm still trussed up when you return?"
"Well." climbing up onto the bed, pushing Scarlet over onto her back. Straddling her bound body I shift mine upwards, so I'm kneeling directly above her face. I grab a handful of Scarlets hair, mock tough, thrusting her mouth close to my pussy. "Let's just say if someone is still helpless when I return, then someone will be eating something other then pizza for dinner. Hey." I all but jump off my bed at the unexpected sudden scrape of Scarlets tongue against my slit. She laughs, then nods. "Okay then.... um?"
"Oh. Right." I smile. "Morgan."
"Morgan." She nods. "It's a deal." She jerks her head towards the door. "Off you go then. I'll be sure to have that rope ready when you get back."
"Feeling cocky huh?" Scarlet shrugs, smiles. "We'll see."
"Well." I grin. "There's just one thing I need to do first."
"And what wo...."

At which point, time slows to less then a snail's pace, as I speed up, flexing my powers.

I can move fast, really fast, when I want to. Like now. This power, my speed, is the one I've practiced the most. It requires focus. Normal interactions, with people or stuff, is easy, running is hard. At the speeds I can move a tight turn is impossible, there's large holes, still not repaired, in two walls of the bin store near the campus library from when I tried a hairpin turn whilst running and instead just carried straight on. I just need room, and some forward planning.

"Okay then." I tip an invisible hat to Scarlet, too busy squeeling and blinking to notice. "See you in a couple of hours sexy." I grin, enjoying the sight of her one final time. All I did was strap the ball gag harness back on her face. Plus I stuffed a large dildo and a butt plug inside her, to make things interesting, tying a crotch rope to ensure neither could simply fall out. I dressed too, just skinny fit faded blue jeans and a white vest top over a white bra, converse on my feet. She finally looks up, still wriggling her suddenly full crotch. I wave, blowing her a kiss. "Remember to have that rope ready for me then." She moans back, already struggling, squirming, making those gorgeous breasts bounce. With an effort I turn around, closing the door behind me, locking it.

Fuck knows how I'm gonna concentrate on getting any coursework done now, knowing that, free or not, she'll be waiting for me when I return.
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Post by RopeBunny »


Two hours later, pizza box in hand as promised, I'm back. Approaching the door to my room, up on the top floor and nearly at one end of the building, my insides are a complete jumble, all in knots. Do I want Scarlet to be free or not? Whatever state she's in when I open my door, it'll clearly still be good times. But which do I want more, for her to still be helplessly locked up, or for Scarlet to be free, meaning it'll be my turn? Aside from all the potential upcoming fun we're sure to have though, there's also the important point that I've still no clue what she was doing in my room. I know how: she's paired with a being of immense power, a Dark God called Orm, but there hasn't yet been time to discover why she was naked, and tied up. I smirk, we've been too busy fucking for chit chat.

No noise coming through the door, which tells me nothing. I take a last breath, my whole body tingling, and turn the key.

She's still helpless. I frown, and close the door behind me. "Well," Crossing the room, tossing keys and pizza onto my desk, kicking off my shoes. "I gotta say, Scarlet," sitting down on the bed next to her, "I really wasn't expecting you to still be wearing all this metal." She grunts at me, giving her tightly secured body a wriggle. "Okay. Hold on." I smirk, rolling her onto her stomach so I can unbuckle the ball gag fitted head harness she's wearing. "There." I toss it onto the floor. "Better?"
"How the fuck did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Before." Scarlet wriggles her crotch roped pussy at me, making me giggle as I remember the quite large dildo and butt plug I wedged inside her before leaving. Both of which, plus the gag, I did whilst moving at Maelstrom enhanced speed. Genuinely faster then a blur. She shakes her head, but smiles. "Ah. I see you remember what you did to poor helpless me now."
"Well." I shift my position on the bed so I'm laid down next to her, using one arm around her neck to cuddle the head, and body, in close, whilst reaching down with the other. "As I recall," giving the crotch rope a tug, making Scarlet moan, "a certain someone is my prisoner anyway." I tug on the rope again, harder, grabbing the back of Scarlets head by the hair, forcing her to kiss me even whilst I continue to tug at the rope, knowing that each tug is driving both dildo and plug deeper inside her, simulating a fuck. Finally I pull away, releasing her hair, but keeping the rhythm going down below. "Isn't that right?"
"Fuck. Fuuuuckkk. Mmmmm. Yes. Yes, fuck, oohhhh fuck. Please." Is about all the sense she can make it appears. I grin, and let go briefly, reaching down inside for my speed.

Which means, without breaking the rhythm, I go in an instant from fully clothed to naked, from laying beside Scarlet face to face to laying beside her but reversed, so that my own now naked crotch is mashed into her face, my legs wrapping her head, holding her in place so my already damp pussy is pushing against her mouth. She lets out a muffled grunt of surprise, and then I tug her crotch rope to one side, plunging my own tongue into her already stuffed pussy, working at her sweet spot. After a second I feel Scarlets tongue begin to return the favour. I grin, reaching around, finding and teasing her butt plug, both of us racing towards a mutual climax.

"The speed." Scarlet says after, laying still bound but now cuddled into me, both of us on our sides, belly to belly, sharing kisses. "What of it?" I shrug, stroking her breasts. "Not anything you've seen before huh?"
"No." Shaking her head, smiling. "Moving that fast, it's a neat trick."
"Yeah." Lifting up one of my inflated breasts, feeding Scarlet my erect nipple, which she licks, making me shiver. "I've got other tricks."
"I'll bet." She smiles, eying my breast greedily as I let it go, returning my hand to her butt, which I freed of the plug at the same time as removing both dildo and crotch rope. Scarlet gives me a kiss. "All jokes and treaties aside though, Morgan. It's kinda embarrassing to have to ask, but, can you help me get free? Please."
"You mean," I shift up onto an elbow, pulling Scarlet over onto my stomach so I can see the metal pole she's bound to, "you really can't break this metal?"
"No." She shakes her head, huffs. "I tried. Look." And I watch, seeing her arms strain, muscles bulging, then I scoot back fast as some kind of black fire erupts all over her body, dying back within seconds. "See." She shakes her head. "Whatever fucking Safari fucking Jo did. It was clearly built with people like us in mind."
"Safari Jo?"
"Help me out, and I'll explain."

Turns out the pole has a hidden panel halfway between Scarlet's neck and elbows, on the back, a spot impossible for the person inside the restraints to reach. Takes me forever to find, the whole pole is flush, the panel only discovered when I happen to push down on it, at which point it clicks, sinking slightly, then slides up into the pole revealing eight switches and a keyhole. "So what do they all do?" Scarlet asks me, laid on her stomach, fidgeting. "Well." I run my finger down beside the switches. "Looks like one switch per metal loop thingy, plus a couple I've no clue what the symbols mean. Then a final master on off." I tap beside it. "It's set to on now. Guessing that'll just open or lock them all at once?"
"Might do." Scarlet half looks over her shoulder at me. "What about the key hole?"
"Not an on off type thing then?"
"No." I lean closer, reading. "It looks like some kind of override. Maybe? Put in a key, turn it to one of," I count, "four positions, which are just numbers." I shake my head. "Could be anything."
"True. Master switch then?"
"Sure." I grin, half tempted to be a tease. After all, according to some ancient rule that sounds like a bunch of bollocks, which means it's just about stupid enough to be true, Scarlet's all mine, possibly forever, should I wish it. And, even in just these few hours, I think I like her enough that keeping her trussed up, all helpless and ready for me to play whenever the mood takes me, would be perfect. But. Because I kinda think I might like her like her, like, properly, I need to see whether she likes me too, and I'll only know that once she's free. It all sounds very school playground, but it's solid logic too. And anyway, she clearly needs help with something. I shake my head. Someone anyway. "Hold on." I count to three, in my head, then flick the switch to off.

It works. There's a click, and all the loops pop open, then retract back inside the pole with a quiet whirring sound. After that the pole shrinks in length to about a foot.

We sit on my bed to eat, I rustle up a couple of water bottles from a desk drawer to go with the now cold pizza. Scarlet doesn't have any clothes, and doesn't ask to borrow any, so, with an internal shrug, I stay naked too. I don't pass comment on how the first thing she does is retrieve what must be her sword from the floor, placing it beside her where she keeps reaching out to touch it every couple of minutes.

We talk whilst eating, all the while stealing not so subtle glances at each others nakedness, smiling whenever we're caught in the act.

"So who's Safari Jo then? And why did she tie you up?"
"Honestly, I don't have a clue."
"Indeed." Scarlet grimaces, reaching up to touch her scared face. "It's like fucking Teddy all over again."
"Long story." Shaking her head, dropping her hand and fetching another slice. "I'll tell you another time." She gestures, with the pizza, at her left eye. "Teddy gave me this."
"Not Jo then?"
"No. Her I've only just met."
"And you've really no clue why she's...." I wave my own slice, trying to think up an appropriate word. Scarlet helps me out. "Hunting me."
".... Hmm. Is that what it feels like?"
"Kinda." Scarlet thinks, I give her time. She nods. "In the woods. I met her briefly before, but the woods was where it all kicked off. It definitely seemed like she was out to capture me. Like a...." Twirling her pizza slice, searching for a word herself now. ".... Fucking, trophy. Or something."
"And you. Or," I point at my brain, "Orm, you've never heard of this Jo before?"
"Ever heard of us being hunted? Any of us?"
"No. Captured yes. Trapped for various reasons. But none of those times was like this. It just felt, going up agaisnt her, like she was treating it all as some form of sport. Even the name, Safari Jo." Scarlet shakes her head. "How much more big game hunter can you get?"
"True." I nod. "So what happens next?"
"Clothes." Scarlet smiles as I pout. She leans across and kisses me. "Don't look so glum Morgan, I'll come be naked in your bed again once I've dealt with Safari Jo."
"Oh. But I thought?"
"Well." I shrug, then smile. "I thought maybe you'd like some help?"
"Well." Scarlet smiles, giving me another kiss. "Of course you can come too. I just," shaking her head, "she's only coming for me. But if you stand at my side, if things go badly, you'll wind up as her trophy too."
"I'm sure it won't come to that." Shaking my head. "I mean, what kinda powers is she packing?"
"That I can see. Big fan of tech though."
"So, she's a person then?"
"Near as I can tell."
"Well," I shrug, "don't powers trump guns?"
"Hmm." Scarlet frowns. "She bested me once already." Standing up, stretching, the pizza finished now. "If you want to help Morgan, add your powers to mine as it were," coming around the bed to sit next to me, "then. Fuck it. You know two's gotta be better then one."
"Settled then." I nod, smiling, giving Scarlet a hug. "Do you want to borrow clothes, or....?"
"I'll get some from mine."
"Okay." Nodding. "Sure. How are we getting there though?" I'm picturing flying us both, because of course I can. I'd be a crap champion of the very wind if I couldn't leave the ground. Picturing Scarlet up in the sky, naked, which is a bad idea surely? "Do you need me to....?"
"No." Shaking her head. "Get yourself changed, I'll get us both to my place."
"Right." I stand, heading for my drawers. "Just give me a minute."

"I've a question." I ask over my shoulder, rooting through clothes, trying to find something that says 'ready for war'. "Do you mind sharing some more of that history knowledge?"
"Course not." Sat on my bed, cross legged with the sheathed sword resting in her lap, Scarlet smiles. "If I know it, then I'll answer."
"Right. Um, good. Well," I stand up, turning around to face my new definitely friend, possibly more, given time, "earlier, when you said you knew me, you called me.... the storm anyway, one of the three."
"I did." Nodding. I hold up the middle three fingers on my right hand. "Well, three what?"
"That's an easy one." She grins, pointing at my hand. "Three elements."
"But." I frown, waggling my thumb. "Aren't there four?"
"There were." Scarlet frowns, shakes her head. "There still is. Kinda. But long ago the Lord of the Deep challenged and defeated the Walking Earth."
"So," I think, "water and earth had a fight?"
"They did." Nodding. "Forever ago now."
"And water won?"
"Yes. So now the Shark travels freely on both water and land."
"Probably best you don't know about that one." She shivers. "Orm counts the Shark as a friend, and it still scares the shit out of him." She thinks, shrugs. "Mostly."
"So there's the Shark. Maelstrom. And, what, the fire?"
"Yes. The Light Bringer."
"So the Shark, the water's, what, in the ocean?"
"Mostly. He tends to go where he pleases though."
"I see." I give an involuntary nervous glance out my window. Scarlet laughs. "And." I throw one of my thongs at her. "The Air, Maelstrom, now she's free, can circle the globe. She can be anywhere on Earth, right?"
"Earth and beyond yes."
"Beyond?" Scarlet grins. "I'll show you my castle sometime."
"Castle? No shit?"
"No shit." Shaking her head. "When all this is over, come see my realm."
"Sure." I grin. "It's a date. Anyway, that just leaves...."
And...." I make a gesture. "She?"
"She." Scarlet nods. I hold up both hands, making a play of looking around. "She's....where?"
"Sleeping." Scarlet huffs out a breath. "We hope."
"How come?"
"The Light Bringer," shaking her head, "could kill us all. Burn down the worlds. Easily."
"Indeed." She smiles then. "Still. Let's not worry about what might happen if some idiot decides to poke the tiger with a stick." She waves her arms at me, a come on gesture. "Put some clothes on already girl. Put those tits away before I decide to molest you some more."
"Well." Stood with hands on hips, facing her. "When you put it like that, maybe I'll just..."
"Clothes." Scarlet throws my thong back at me. I catch it, and grin, bending back down to my drawers, getting sorted.

"Ready." I pronounce, stepping out of the bathroom, having wanted, because it felt important, to brush my teeth before we left. "Very nice." Scarlet stands up, giving me a visual once over as I do a little twirl for her, giggling. Skintight black jeans, each with a faded patch around the ripped knees, hug my legs, under which I'm wearing the red thong I tossed at Scarlet earlier. Up top a black bra, which I wear from force of habit as my breasts don't need the lift, sits underneath a khaki green vest top which has a low cut v shaped neckline. On my feet are black knee high lace up boots, like a boosted variation on what soldiers wear, only mine have chunkier soles. No coat, the wind no longer bothers me, and the rain hasn't fallen directly on me in almost a year, it actively curves away as it gets close, hitting the ground all around rather then land on me, which is so cool.

"Right then." Scarlet holds out a hand, grasping her sword in the other. "Let's go to my flat, I'll grab some clothes, then we can go back to the woodland where Jo and me fought." She shrugs. "It's as good a place as any to start searching for her."
"Sounds like a plan." I nod, taking her hand. "How do we travel then?"
"Like this." Scarlet looks pointedly at one wall of my room, upon which a hole filled with swirling black clouds blooms. I gasp, letting go of her hand to peer closer. "Very impressive." I nod a moment later, stepping back, taking her hand again. "And you can open these whenever you want, to go wherever you want?"
"Pretty much." She shrugs, giving me a playful shove with her shoulder. "We can't all fly like the wind you know."
"We just step through?"
"Yes." Giving my hand a squeeze. "Might be a little disorienting for you, first time always seems to be. Just keep your eyes open, my advice, and breathe."

Coming through is scarier then I'd expected. You see this stuff, teleporting, magick gates and all that on telly, you never expect there to be a middle. You step through, and instantly, bang, there you are arrived. Not the case in reality though. One step takes you through the doorway, or portal. The dark opening Scarlet tore in reality. Then you've got to take a few steps inside before emerging through the exit hole, which you can't actually see. You just have to trust that there's a way out directly in front. And those steps are quite trippy. Nothing but that foggy looking blackness all around, though far off in the distance I'm sure I caught a flash of pink lighting up a vast patch of the cloud below me and off to one side. Couldn't see the floor, but whatever I was stood on felt firm thank fuck. And, despite holding hands when we walked through, for those handful of seconds inside the tear I was alone, with nothing for company save a whining white noise shriek sounding like the airless vacuum of space, with a distant boom like cannon fire accompanying the pink flash.

Out the other side, stumbling, the sudden reappearance of Scarlets hand in mine, steadying. I turn my head, but can see only a normal wall. "Fuck me." Shaking my head. Scarlet gives my hand a squeeze, before letting go. "You get used to it." She smiles, moving off ahead, down the short zig zag shaped corridor. "Kitchen." She points to an open doorway as she passes it, calling back over her shoulder. "Lounge." An almost closed door on the opposite wall, which she pushes open without slowing. "Make yourself at home Morgan. I'll get changed."
"Will do." I call out, my eyes on Scarlet's naked butt as she walks around a corner. Moments later I hear the sound of water cascading towards the floor, then the quiet thump of a closing door cuts off the sound. I smile, breifly tempted to go join her in the shower, but I'm already changed, so I shrug, heading instead for the lounge.

Stupid that, having entered her flat without using the front door, neither of us thought to check it for signs of forced entry, or small blinking metal boxes fixed to the frame on the inside. Nor did we think to look around outside, where Scarlet at least might of had reason to pause at the sight of an at least semi familiar white camper van.
Last edited by RopeBunny 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Oh you Legend!

Morgan is back!

Brilliant - can’t wait for the next episodes!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by Nainur »

yeah, hot stuff!
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Post by RopeBunny »

[mention]Risperdaltied[/mention] sorry, realise now I probably should've tagged you sooner, given you the heads up that this, here, was the next Morgan story. Welcome anyway :D
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Don’t worry about that - you keep writing - I’ll find you.... :twisted:
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Scarlets whole flat, what I've seen of it, is very impressive. Does she work? I've been assuming I'll have to, that being Maelstroms champion won't pay the bills, or put food on the table. If she does work then it must pay very well. The flat looks new. Is it a penthouse? I remember reading somewhere that prices increase the higher off the ground you are. Walking into the lounge I stop, taking in the view out of the large glass double doors directly ahead across the room, to the good sized corner balcony beyond. Definitely touching the clouds in this flat. The room itself is large, with a three seater light orange fabric sofa flanked by matching armchairs on one side, and on the other a large wall mounted flatscreen, beside which sits a shelving unit holding a Sky box and Blu Ray player. Underneath the tv, and dotted all over the flat, are plants, from ferns to cacti the flat is an explosion of green.

Something about the room decor is off though, and it takes me a moment, my eyes rescanning the room more slowly, to realise what had triggered alarm bells a moment ago. There are several guns laying on the low table in front of the sofa.

Stepping forwards, for a better view of the whole room, already clenching my hands into fists in anticipation of a fight, something slams into my left side, the side facing the seats.

I grin, opening my hands back up, enjoying the rush. The guns, the shot, Jo must, somehow, be here, looking for round two on Scarlet's home turf. Was this how she bested my Dark God powered friend, I wonder, feeling the strong electric charge coursing up and down my body, worming inside, trying to lock up my muscles, trying to shut me down. But you can't out electric the storm. Several months ago, back in the depths of winter, over halfway drunk and feeling quite indestructible with it, I flew into the middle of a thunderstorm, convinced that as the storms champion I should, surely, be able to survive a lightning bolt?

Luckily, I was right.

If anything Jo's bullet adds to my power, boosting my reserves. This really must be how druggies feel after a fix, I think, as the charge dies away, leaving everything looking more in focus, more real. My whole body is tingling. Is this how Maelstrom feels all the time, I wonder again, having had the thought as I landed after sitting inside the storm for a half hour. "Try again Jo?" I ask, looking around, frowning, because there's no sign of her. "Maybe." A girls voice smirks from right behind me, as I feel something sharp press into my neck just under my chin. "So," the ghost voice continues, because, I can see a hint of my reflection in the balcony doorway ahead, and there's nobody behind me, "Scarlet has a friend. A friend who doesn't like guns." I feel the sharp blade dig in slightly, forcing my chin up. "However will I cope." The voice almost laughs. "Quite," grinning, "however will any...."

"....of us manage to win." I finish from the other side of the room, now stood with my back to the balcony doors. A perfect defensive position I figured. Turning on the speed, maybe I should've lashed out, attacked, or even made a break for Scarlet's room, to both warn and enlist her. But, jacked up on power from Jo's opening shot, I reckon I can take her out alone. I grin at the empty room. "Okay then, Safari Jo, my turn."

I can see the air. It's been a hard skill to master, one I didn't even know I possessed until, by chance, I happened to stop whilst walking in a local park to watch some guys flying one of those large professional kites. Seeing it loop and dive, then climb, focusing on the movements, I realised with a shock that I could see the air currents, the way it bends and curves around objects, revealing, just to pick a random example, an invisible person who happens to think they've got the upper hand.

She's across the room from me, moving, having left the open doorway now stopping between the sofa and an armchair. Facing me, hands by her sides, something like a small blade in her right. All I can tell of detail is that she's slim, either bald or wearing some kind of hood. Or helmet. I turn too, facing her new position, seeing her body tense as she realises what my change of direction must mean. "I see you." I mouth, before throwing a blast of wind towards her.

If I chose I could, with minimal effort, punch Jo through the wall, and the next wall, and on, throwing a powerful enough gust to keep her sailing away for miles. But then I'd have no proof that she was indeed gone. She could, if the trick invisibility armour I'm assuming she has on is good enough, get up off the floor and come straight back after Scarlet. After me now too, because for better or worse I'm in this fight now, to the end. Plus I remember Scarlet commenting that she didn't even know why Jo was hunting her. I'm sure she'd welcome the chance to sit down for a nice girly chat, just the three of us, with Jo bound of course. So with all those factors in mind the wind I create merely throws Jo backwards, picks her up, slams her against but not through the wall. I keep up the blast, pinning her in place as lightning arcs off my body, each bolt powerful enough to severely injure any normal human it strikes. Lightning, by it's very design, isn't an exact thing, the bolts leave me, erupting out of my skin at hands or chest, any part of me not covered by clothing, then simply seek a route that'll allow them to earth out. But, for every black burned stain I cause to appear on Scarlet's wall, at least two bolts score a hit on Jo, following the funnel of wind, winding around and through it to strike home, causing her body, though still mostly blending into the pale blue painted wall she's pressed against, to occasionally change to an all over dark green, sometimes patchy black in places.

A stray bolt hits the overhead light, causing the bulb to explode in a shower of glass. The very next strike, through sheer bad luck, finds the plug socket directly underneath Jo, setting off a cascade of bangs around the room as every socket, plus Scarlets flatscreen and Sky box, explode too.

By now Jo is just static, completely visible, her green suit is fountaining sparks from four seperate places. I cease my assault, allowing her to drop to the floor, but instead of pressing home my advantage I wait, hands still by my side, legs slightly apart.

Coughing, Jo sits up, her suit still sparking and hissing. Popping at the joints with every movement she makes. It's definitely some kind of metal armour, near skintight, like a catsuit, but with a slight curving bulk around each limb. Using the wall for support she stands, then straightens, and reaches up to her helmet, which looks just as sleek as the armours body, with large eye lenses and some kind of grill in place of the mouth. With a twist and hiss of air the helmet comes off, and is tossed away behind the sofa. Still coughing Jo waves a hand at me. "Hold on, fucking not Scarlet." She bends over briefly and spits a wad of phlegm and blood onto the carpet. "Just let me get this pile of shit off, then I'll come kick your ass."
"Sure thing." I grin, feeling cocky. "I'll be over here in the winners corner, waiting."
"Winners....?" Jo looks up and me, then begins to laugh, which makes her cough. "Oh," reaching up with her left arm, yanking her right arm plating off, it appears the whole suit is segmented, "you're a funny girl and no mistake."
"I try."
"Got a name funny girl? Only," pulling off the left arm, "I need to know what to write on the little plaque in front of your cage."
"Think you're putting me in a cage huh?"
"Definitely." Grinning, holding both leg pieces up at the thigh, yanking, causing not only the legs, but also the chest armour, to split in two, front and back, the whole lot falling, or in some cases tossed, onto the floor in a shower of sparks, looking like nothing more then a pile of scrap metal. "I've got enough tricks to take you out not Scarlet. You'll see."
"It's Morgan." I half shout, her cockiness suddenly very irritating. Jo smiles, kicking her dead armour aside, clearing a space between us. "Okay then, Morgan. Come take me. If you can."

Without armour I get my first proper look at Jo. Jet black skin, white hair twisted into thick dreadlocks, muscles everywhere. All she's wearing is a bikini. The bottoms are hipster style, and light grey, with some sort of red patch on the left side that curves around towards her butt. The triangle tops, covering a small yet pert bust, are purple, connected by white string. She's got no visible weapons, save her hands, loosely balled into fists. All Jo's guns are still on the table, the knife dissappeared away to the side somewhere, falling out of her spasming hand during my indoor lightning storm. "Okay then," I nod, a grim smile on my lips, "ready or not here I come."

There's a knack to fighting at speed, jumping in, connecting, then slowing down briefly so the effects of your attack can occur. At which point you speed straight back up again, and the whole cycle repeats. I've had very little practice: just one go with a cushion tied dangling from a tree if I'm honest, just to see whether my sudden idea would even work more then anything. My lack of coordination, combined with my lack of knowing how to throw a good punch, means I don't manage to achieve much. Added to which I'm not used to being jacked up on extra power, which adds an extra burst of speed each time, throwing off my timing. I land a punch to Jo's gut, then manage to sweep her legs, but my third, a punch to the side of the face as she goes down, comes in too high, missing. Returning to normal speed, stood over her crumpled form, I shrug internally, it seems to of worked anyway.

"Had enough?" I tease, bending down, grabbing a handful of dreadlocks, pulling Jo's face up off the floor. "No." Jo coughs, before suddenly swinging her body around, pivoting, seeming to spin on the spot around her head. Her legs connect with mine whilst I'm still turning my head to look, for once years too slow, sweeping me off my feet, causing me to release her hair as I begin to tumble down, even whilst, still spinning like some kind of breakdancer, Jo is tucking her legs back in under her, standing back up.

To find me stood up too, putting us face to face. Just before hitting the floor I sped up, using a well placed gust of wind to right myself, spinning my own tight circle as I rose back to readiness.

"Clever girl." Jo nods as I grin at her. "Are you ready to surrender yet?"
"Shouldn't that be my line?" I ask. But Jo shakes her head. "No?" I shake mine back, slowly, mockingly. "Let's us do a tally." Holding up my right hand. "You've hit me," I wiggle my thumb, "once. Maybe twice. And it did nada. Whereas." Holding up my left, wiggling all my fingers. "I've hit you so many times," gesturing at her near naked body, "you don't even have any clothes left." I laugh, but Jo only shakes her head again. "Are you familiar with cards Morgan?"
"Cards." Nodding. "You know, the spades, the burnt trees."
"Sure." I shrug, only paying half attention. "I've played poker."
"Well then," and now, though I'm still not paying enough attention to really register the fact, more fool me, Jo's grinning, "do you know the phrase, 'an ace up your sleeve'?"
"Hmm? Isn't the ace in the hole?"
"Well, actually, Morgan," the grin drops off her face, "today it's beside you." Jo takes a quick step backwards, opening up the gap between us. "Spot," she points at me, detain."

I look right, then left, which means by the time I see Spot it's already too late.

One of Scarlet's armchairs, the one nearest Jo and me, was a very well made fake. What I see in it's place is the very top of the chair, now silver, apparently melting into some kind of dull silver metallic pool that's spreading across Scarlet's carpet. The silver is broken up by patches, or spots, of black. Out of the pool several thick tentacles, the same dull silver colour, are sprouting.

Before I can even think to react, the tentacles have grabbed hold of me. Four of them grab a limb each, whilst a fifth slithers around my neck from behind. Those around my wrists, the two that are touching my bare flesh, feel cold, not quite ice, more like water from the fridge. With surprising strength the four stretch me out, suspending me in mid air, tugging my limbs so tightly that for a brief panicked moment I fear this thing is actually trying to tear me apart. I open my mouth to scream, at which point the fifth tentacle worms its way in, stuffing my airway, silencing me. Reaching inside I try to speed up, as though I'll be able to outrun Spot, but despite struggling for almost ten minutes as time stands still around me I'm unable to change anything regarding my situation, my extra boost is either ineffective or has already waned. The four have my limbs pinned and stretched too wide, holding me off the ground, preventing any leverage, and the fifth tentacle both holds my neck in place, and effectively gags me.

"Safari Jo does it again." Jo whispers, grinning as she approaches me and the pool, which of all things sprouts a long neck beside her, at the end of which sits a head roughly resembling that of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, complete with sharp teeth and an extra long very dog like tongue hanging from one side of its mouth. "Good boy." Jo pats the head, which turns to liquid, falling back into the pool with barely any splash. "Well." Looking me up and down. "Shall we tally up the points again, Morgan, do you think?" Jo, stood right in front of me now, reaches forwards, unbuttoning my jeans, tugging the zip down. She grins. "Spot," snapping the waist string of my tiny red thong, "come see what we've found." From the corner of my vision, just about, I see a sixth tentacle emerge from the main mass still sitting on Scarlet's floor. Snaking up through the air I loose sight of the tip, only to feel it moments later sliding inside my jeans. "That's right." I hear Jo comment. "Go explore." At which point my legs are forced even wider apart, as the tentacle first prods at my pussy lips, stroking and teasing the slit in the middle, before slipping slowly inside, changing shape as it does, thickening, the tip turning bulbous, pushing further and further, burrowing deep, stretching me wider, filling me completely. I moan and whimper around my gag, which, as if on cue, morphs and changes too, turning into a second thick metal cock, one so large I'm forced to breathe through my nose.

Spot keeps me pinned helplessly in place like that, spread into a wide open X shape, full of cocks, whilst Jo retrieves a knife from somewhere, and cuts off all my clothes, save for my boots. She smirks as my bra comes off, seeing my huge round breasts bounce free, the traitor nipples standing erect due to my helpless state. Jo spends a moment teasing at my F cups with her knife, flicking and pricking at my nipples, running the blade across each breast in turn. All of which makes me moan, which makes Jo smile all the wider. Her knife is soon replaced by a pair of tentacles, one per breast, wrapping around the base of each before spiraling tightly up towards the nipple. The tips becoming like fine thread, able to wrap and squeeze at my nipples.

"Fun time Spot." Jo pats at my naked belly, stepping back. "Five minutes."

Which means Spot treats me like his fuck toy for, I'm guessing, because I can't see a clock, five minutes. It feels like longer. I'm held rigidly in place whilst the cocks in both my pussy and mouth begin to throb in perfect synch. They grow and shrink together, simulating thrusts, the tips moving deeper, then retreating, then returning deeper inside again. Face fucking me even whilst my pussy is taking a pounding. As the rhythm begins to build, speeding up, making my moans and whimpers grow louder, the tentacle inside my pussy sprouts a small addition, which seeks out my clit, teasing and rubbing at my most sensitive spot. And all the while my breasts are being toyed with too. Squeezed, stroked, my nipples pinched and flicked, and squeezed too. It doesn't take Spot long to send me crashing over the top, screaming my orgasm against the huge cock that never slows as it pounds my mouth. But then Spot does slow, almost stopping. I whimper, feeling spent. But it isn't over. I suddenly feel a fresh probing tip of cold metal sliding around my asshole, teasing at it, before slipping inside, where it too grows, expanding into a third cock. And now Spot begins again, pounding all three of my holes now, building the rhythm quicker this time, holding my body pinned and tightly spread whilst fucking me to yet another muffled screaming orgasm.

And all the while, all throughout Spots playtime, Jo stands and watches. She smiles up at me, one hand down inside her bikini shorts, fingerings herself, taking pleasure from my suffering.

Finally, spent, exhausted, I realise I'm now laid on the floor, no longer secured or invaded by Spot. Distantly, almost as though it were happening to someone else, I feel Jo moving my limbs around behind me. I feel cold metal closing snuggly around my wrists, my ankles, other parts of me, pinning me into position, making me helpless yet again. Something cold slides into my still wet pussy, something else invades my asshole, making me moan against the large ball that I suddenly discover filling my mouth, pressing firmly against my tongue.

I no longer have the energy to fight back though, or the will to find the speed I could call upon to escape. It seems Safari Jo has bested me after all.
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Post by RopeBunny »


I stay in the shower for ages, washing the stink of my encounter with Safari Jo, plus all the sex with Morgan, off me. Something, some nagging feeling, keeps trying to tell me I should be moving faster. But why? Jo isn't here, right? No doubt she's left the woodland I stranded her in already, but, she doesn't know where I am, so the advantage is mine. And besides, I love a good soak. Even the power cutting out doesn't see me shutting of the steady stream of hot water, after all, this estate is still only three quarters finished, and power outages, whilst they wire in another new building, aren't unheard of.

The, to some, relatively simple connection that, if she found me at my local shop she surely knows my actual address, never occurs to me. Our initial encounter feels like forever ago, now more then half forgotten, overtaken by more recent events. Oops.

Eventually though even I have to admit that I'm clean, that it's time to stop procrastinating. I shut off the water, and climbing from the shower stall wrap one thick white towel around my body, tucking it in just above the breasts, with a second wrapped around my dyed red hair. I spend a couple of minutes at the sink, brushing my teeth- mostly as I can't remember anymore when I last did -and generally staring at my reflection, at the damage Teddy caused. With a grimace, shaking my head at old memories, I head into my bedroom to change.

Only to stop dead in the doorway that links the ensuite to my room, as I find a naked metal bound Morgan laid out on my bed.

It's a variation on how I was secured by Jo earlier. Laid on her belly, but rolling onto her side, no doubt at the sound of me gasping, I can see a familiar looking metal pole running behind Morgan, from neck to ankles. Her pole has the same loops as mine, securing her arms behind her at wrists and elbows, pinning her legs together too at ankles and knees. Her neck is looped too, with a large ballgag connected to a complex looking full head harness of black leather straps keeping her silent. The differences are around the crotch area. A slim metal loop runs around Morgans waist, with an equally slim band running down from the loops centre, running between the legs pressed tight against Morgans pussy and running up inside her butt crack at the rear. Seeing me, Morgan grunts, wriggling her bound body at me, whilst behind her Jo, dressed in only a bikini- for some reason -unfolds herself from the corner she'd been leaning in. A grin on her face, and my sword held loosely in her right hand.

"What do you think? Safari Jo does it again. Right?" Tapping my sword against the pole, making Morgan squirm. "Let her go." I look from Morgan to Jo, scowling at the dark skinned hunter. "She isn't anything to do with whatever's going on between us."
"She isn't?"
"No," shaking my head, "this is my fight. And," spreading my arms wide, "I'm right here. So, let her go, and we can see whether you're good enough to put me in her place."
"Not offering to swap with her then?"
"No." Shaking my head. "If needs be I'll free her and best you."
"Fuck me." Shaking her own head. "Why are you lot always so cocky?"
"Not cocky," I smile, "just aware of our capabilities."
"Yes." I nod, holding out my hand towards her. Western Sorrow, forged long ago from alloys alien to Earth, recognises Orms power signature, and flies free of Jo's grasp, spinning once as it crosses the room so that I'm able to catch the hilt. I grin at Jo, at her slightly shocked expression. "Like I said, 'Safari Jo'," using a mocking tone, "I've got this."
"Hmm." Jo crosses her arms beneath her small breasts, looking from me to Morgan. She shakes her head. "You know what, Scarlet, I'm too tired for this grandstanding shit." She clicks her fingers. "Spot."

I had the sword held low but ready in a two handed gaurd, my nerves on a hair trigger, just waiting for Jo to make the move I know is coming. So, when I sense more then actually see movement above me, I'm bringing Western Sorrow up to parry the expected blow without conscious thought. The sword slices clean through something silver, which is dropping down on me from my ceiling, almost like it fell out of a bucket because, seeing the way it falls and is parted by my upward sweeping blade, I'm reminded of water. Only thicker. I keep Western Sorrow held high, above my head, only to feel it suddenly tugged downwards, a movement so sudden, and done with enough force, that it causes me to topple forwards. As I fall I see that the silver liquid has somehow closed around my sword, sealing the tear I'd made in it back up even whilst the part of it already landed on my bedroom carpet is parting, coming back up towards me in two wave like reaching tentacles.

I hit the floor, unable to keep hold of my sword as I roll, absorbing the impact. Coming up, just before the tentacles engulf me, I see Western Sorrow dissappear inside the liquid, cutting my connection somehow.

It's like being battered by the sea. The liquid, which is cold, and smells faintly metallic, swamps me, knocking me back off my only just regained feet, plunging me under. I fight back, or attempt to anyway, kicking for an assumed surface, using my hands in an attempt to tear a path for myself. But, I'm very quickly disorientated. Lost. Unable to even tell whether I'm upside down or not. The liquid is opaque, blocking out all external light and stimuli. But still I fight, even as I feel my towels torn from me, even whilst parts of this strange substance seem to harden around my arms and legs, tangling me up. It forces itself inside me, into my mouth, up inside my pussy, invading. And still I feel myself becoming wrapped up, my arms pulled and forced down to my sides, my legs, despite my full and stretched pussy, pinned together. I'm being slowly rolled over and over, on the spot, the liquid squeezing my body tighter with each roll as this strange thing, alive in some fashion I can't grasp, seeks to immobilise me. Finally, blind, feeling as though a tight net is crisscrossing my body, digging into my flesh, I feel air against my skin, followed shortly by the sensation of fingertips brushing across my right nipple, making me moan.

"Safari Jo does it again." I hear the triumph in her voice, even as I completely fail to struggle my body even a small amount, so tightly have I been wrapped.

"Good boy Spot. Now, take them both to the van."

I'm lowered completely back down into the liquid again, and can, for a short while, vaguely feel movement, as though I'm being carried somewhere. I don't even notice I'm becoming sleepy until I realise my consciousness is slipping away, that I'm starting to drift. Worst of all, I'll think later, is that, as I do slide into the darkness and silence, my current situation, the clear fact of my definate loss and actual capture by Safari Jo, the added fact that I've absolutely no clue what she now intends on doing with either myself or Morgan, isn't worrying me the way it ought, instead all I feel is calm. Mellow.
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Post by Risperdaltied »

RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago Should I start locking my door at night then? :lol: ;)
Depends whether you want to spend time tied up in a bikini....

But then you wouldn’t be able to write these excellent stories....
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by Nainur »

Risperdaltied wrote: 3 years ago
RopeBunny wrote: 3 years ago Should I start locking my door at night then? :lol: ;)
Depends whether you want to spend time tied up in a bikini....

But then you wouldn’t be able to write these excellent stories....
True, very true…
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