mrjones2009 : Nothing Personal 3 - Criminal Intent (F/F)

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Love this! Keep going!
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Post by Caesar73 »

One may say, that Natalies escape attempt was ill advised, or foolish. But on the other hand: I understand her. To do something, to gain control - even for a moment. For strong and independent characters like Hayley or Natalie the whole situation must be heavy to bear. Or do you think, this stunt was a sign of desperation? Here I'm not so sure. Maybe. Louise Williams tries to be understanding at the end of the chapter, which is nice.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Hayley, Natalie and Gayle are in dire peril. Not to know how long they will be kept captive, what will happen to them, to be dependend on the goodwill of their captors. This dependance must get to them. The description of the Situation, the Connections between the characters. This is very well written. Every small piece falls into place.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 26

“Anybody got a really, really good idea” Gillian said to the room. They were all sitting round a table in Hayley’s office staring at the laptop that they had taken from Martinez’s private office two days ago. They had tried to access the hard drive but it was password protected.

“I can give it to one of the computer science guys at the College. They should be able to get round the password and circumvent any encryption software.” Rhiannon picked up the laptop and put it into a case that she had brought from home.

“How do you plan to get them to do that without asking any awkward questions?” Michelle asked.

“The guy that I have in mind to look at this has a bit of a crush on me. I am sure that he would be glad to do me a favour. I will just tell him not to look at the contents” Rhiannon replied with a smirk. “I will get it to him first thing tomorrow morning.”

Christina was more relaxed than she had been for a while. Everything had gone so smoothly with the break-in and indeed break-out again at the Section 10 facility that she found herself whistling a jaunty tune and almost skipping as she made her way back to the car. Rhiannon’s infatuated geek would get the information they required from the procured laptop and they would make good progress. Christina had to admit that she felt great. It felt much better doing this now than she ever had working for Elizabeth Crawford. Christina had a lunch arranged with her sister so her mind was somewhere else. She gave only a cursory glance at the unmarked black panel van parked next to her car. The van was parked next to the driver’s side door so she had to turn side on and shuffle between the van and the car to get to the door. Before she could get the key in the door Christina heard the van door slid open and at the same time out of the corner of her eye saw a black clad figure appear from hiding behind the front of the van and instantly she went on high alert, albeit too late to do her any good. The van's sliding door had already opened and a pair of powerful hands grasped Christina in a bear hug from behind. Before she could react the black clad figure clamped an all-too-familiar smelling cloth to her face and between them pulled her backwards into the van and onto a mattress, Christina then saw the door slide shut with the three of them inside. Christina instantly thrashed against her attackers but felt the gloved hands of a third attacker grab her legs to prevent her from kicking out. Christina knew that thrashing about was an amateur mistake when it came to being kidnapped; she well knew that you just inhaled more of the chloroform fumes and you went out quicker. Christina held her breath and continued to lash out but it was no use these women; and they were women Christina could tell from the physiology of her attackers knew what they were doing. The cloth remained fixed in place over her nose and mouth.

Christina’s attackers knew that it was just a matter of time before the chloroform took effect, Christina could only hold her breath for so long. Christina continued to hold her breath and struggle, to her surprise Christina found that she managed to get one of her stocking clad legs free and used it to lash out at the attacker grasping at her legs. Christina felt her heel make contact with bone; probably a shoulder and her legs were suddenly free. Small victory but not the one that Christina required was the cloth removed from over her nose and mouth. Christina tried to wrestle free of the other two attackers but it was no good, as she struggled she had to eventually let her breath out which lead to her inhaling a large amount of the fumes from the chloroformed soaked cloth. Christina then felt the third attacker jump back onto her legs, pinning them to the mattress. At this point she could now feel the chloroform having an effect, her arms and legs were tingling and she was starting to lose strength in her struggles. Her attackers obviously noted the development also “The chloroform is starting to have an effect. Hold her a bit longer and she will be out” said the one holding the cloth over her nose and mouth. Christina got a massive shock, she knew that voice. Suddenly, in a panic Christina came to life and resumed her struggles, growling into the thick pad currently held across her mouth. Her attackers seem to be caught off guard with this but kept a firmed grip of Christina. The squirming Christina's movements gradually slowed. Even fully restrained, Christina remained defiant, locking eyes with the cloth wielding woman but eventually accepted her fate and the growl trailed off into a soft moan as her head lolled to the side in a display of chloroform induced slumber.

“Hold that cloth on for a while. I want to make sure that she is out.” The attacker with the cloth removed it for a couple of seconds before reapplying and letting Christina inhale the fumes. The attacker did this on several occasions to ensure that Christina was well dosed. After they were sure that Christina was well dosed the attackers collapsed against the panelled sides of the van.

“Well that was a bit more work than I had anticipated” said the attacker who had been kicked in the shoulder. The attacker removed the mask she had been wearing before running her hands through her long, thick blonde hair. “Bit of a wildcat.”

“That’s because you don’t know her as well as we do” said the cloth wielding attacker. “Isn’t that right Kirsty?” The third member of the kidnap gang had met up with Kirsty and Victoria on the instructions of Louise Williams.

“We are old colleagues Linda” was the reply. Victoria and Kirsty both removed their masks to reveal their faces. Kirsty turned to face her blonde companion. “You get in the cab and drive us to the apartment whilst Linda and I ride with sleeping beauty here.” The blonde nodded and quickly opened the door and hopped out, seconds later Kirsty heard the engine start and felt the van start to move. Kirsty leaned over, lifted Christina’s head and slid a pillow under her head. “Getting soft in your old age Kirsty”, the comment received a withering glare as a response.

Chapter 27

Christina felt the rattle of the van as it drove over worn streets. She had been awake for a couple of minutes but hadn’t opened her eyes. She was waiting for the full effects of the chloroform to wear off before confronting her abductors. At the same time she was running through what had happened and mentally admonishing herself her not seeing it coming and allowing herself to be snatched. Playing the scene through her head again Christina got to the part where the attacker who had administered the cloth to her spoke and suddenly bolted upright, all semblance of play acting now forgotten, “Nice to see you again Christina.”

“I wish I could say the same Victoria” Christina said locking gaze with Victoria and not looking away. After a couple of seconds Kirsty leaned over and produced a set of leather padded cuffs and waived them in front of Christina.

“Hands out in front Christina” Kirsty said. Christina decided that her odds of fighting off Kirsty and Victoria weren’t good so complied and Kirsty placed a cuff around each wrist and secured them in place by tightening the small buckle as far as it would go. Christina winced at how tight they were made. Kirsty noticed the reaction, “professional courtesy.” The bindings were left at only the cuffs for the present time. All three women in the rear of the van relaxed for the rest of the journey. The van slowed and turned, Christina used her legs to brace against the wall of the van as it tipped and entered an underground garage. The van pulled to a halt and the engine died.

“Have we reached our destination Kirsty?” Christian enquired. The answer supplied was a thick white cloth stuffed in her mouth. Kirsty then used a blue silk scarf to cleave gag Christina pushing the cloth deep into Christina’s mouth. Then Kirsty blindfolded Christina. Victoria pounded the wall of the van and the door was slid open from the outside. Christian was pulled out of the van and led across the parking area to a lift. The car was waiting for them with the doors open and Kirsty, Victoria and Christian entered. Kirsty entered the required code and with the doors closed and the lift ascended to the penthouse. It took a while before Christina heard the soft ping that confirmed the lift had arrived at its destination. The lift opened directly into the penthouse suite and Christian was led into the spacious living room.

“Good evening Christina. Sorry, should I say Ms Howard. It is a pleasure to see you again.” Christian instantly recognised the voice as belonging to Elizabeth Crawford and would have responded but being gagged thought that it would be pointless. Kirsty removed the blindfold so that Christina could now take in Elizabeth Crawford and the opulent surroundings. “I have some business to attend to but we can chat after that. It shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours. So looking forward to hearing about your new friends.” Christina tried not to wince. How did Crawford get her information? Anyway that was for worrying about later, she had to find an escape route as Crawford would eventually get the information she wanted from her. Christina had seen her do it to other women.

“What will we do with her boss?” Kirsty said.

“Use the chloroform then put her to my room. We can have a better chat once you have had a rest Christina.” Before she could react Christina felt a cloth clamped over the lower half of her face. The smell from the cloth was unmistakable. With the chloroform still in her system from the earlier dose it wouldn’t take her long to succumb to the fumes. Christina didn’t get that much time to take in her surroundings before her eyes closed and she collapsed into Victoria’s arms. Kirsty and Victoria carried the unconscious Christina through into the bedroom and deposited her on the bed. Elizabeth Crawford was particular about how she liked to find her captives and after removing the cuffs and gag Kirsty and Victoria went about stripping Christina before applying Elizabeth Crawford’s preferred diaper. Then they placed a leather cuff on each of Christina’s ankles and wrists before using silk rope to bind each cuff to the corner of the bed. After checking the restraints were secure Kirsty and Victoria left the bedroom and Christina to her fate.

Christina gave each of her the restraints holding her to the bed and found that they were not going to come loose from whatever she did to them. Christina was naked apart from a thick, floral patterned diaper around her groin area. She knew that this was a favoured tactic of Elizabeth Crawford to place her captive in a vulnerable position to show dominance. It usually worked. The door opened and Christina looked on with interest as a figure walked into the room, no wait that was the wrong word. Crept into the room was a better description. The figure approached the bed cautiously. As the figure entered the cone of light produced by the bedside lamp Christina could make out some details. It was definitely a woman, a blonde woman wearing a maid outfit. “Christina my name is Joanne Smith. I am an undercover federal agent investigating Elizabeth Crawford and suspected links to fraudulent and criminal activities.” Well that was straight to the point Christina thought.

“You better be sure that I am one of the good guys otherwise your cover is blown” Christian retorted.

“Well you are bound naked to the bed of one of the bad guys.” Christina had to concede that point.

“Some kind of kinky game between friends”

“I have been studying Crawford long enough to know her preferred method of questioning.” Christina decided that the chat should end hear.

“Would you be a dear and untie me from the bed?” Joanne nodded and set about untying Christina, one limb at a time. Christina nervously looked at the door, expecting Elizabeth Crawford to enter at any minute. Joanne eventually completed the task and pointed to a chair in the corner.

“Your clothes are over there.” Christina nodded and waddled across. Jennifer watched her until Christian undid the sticky tape holding the diaper in place the she turned away. Christian quickly dressed and then said “Let’s get out of here” and headed for the door. Before leaving the bedroom she turned to Jennifer and asked “You do know the way out?”

“Yes” Joanne responded “we can head out down the fire escape stair and into the rear alley. My car is a block away.” The two of them strolled through the flat with Jennifer leading the way, through the door and into the stairwell and eventually out into the alley.

“What’s your story then?” Christian asked as they walked side by side toward Joanne’s car.

“I had been investigating Crawford and her associates for a couple of years without getting anywhere. I stumbled over something that started my interest and I was the only one looking in that direction. My supervisor let me run with it for a while.”

“Then Natalie Twain got involved and you lost your chance at a career making bust” Christina stated. Joanne nodded and used her remote to unlock her car. When the car pulled away from the kerb Jennifer continued.

“Although that section of her criminal organisation was brought down I knew that as she had gotten away she would continue her activities. So I stayed on it. Eventually my supervisor though I crossed the line and order me off the case.” There was a pause “but I stayed on it unofficially.”

“How did you end up wearing that outfit?”

“I hadn’t been getting anywhere so I went undercover as a maid working in the building. The building has a lot of on-site staff including janitors, maintenance officers and maids” Joanne explained. “But I wasn’t getting anywhere…..”

“Until you were sneaking around the penthouse, found me tied to a bed, recognised me as a former associate of Elizabeth Crawford and decided to see if you could use me as a shortcut” Christina interrupted.

“Basically yes” Joanne responded. “Where do you want to go?” Christina gave her the address to Hayley’s office. Joanne indicated and pulled out into the traffic. “And please call me Jo. Only my parents call me Joanne.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that was a close call. The whole rescue Mission would have been jeopardized, if Jo had not rescued Christina. Her escape must infuriate Crawford - and now the rescue Party will be able to make real progress. This setback is well deserved: I'm very thrilled how the rescue Operation will unfold!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Maybe Joanne will have some useful Information and Rihannons IT-Guy will crack Martinez' Laptop. So far Christina and the others do not have any clue, where to look after their friends. I do not know many stories, which fascinated me so much. Every day, I wait for the next chapter. Press the refresh button. First time? Second time? Nothing .... and then exhilaration: The next chapter is online :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 28

It hadn’t taken Rhiannon much to get the computer tech to look at the laptop, some compliments and a couple of loose buttons on her blouse had done the trick. It had only taken the tech a couple of hours once they started. The laptop was waiting on her desk when she arrived in her office the following morning with a folded sheet of paper. Rhiannon sat in her chair, picked up the paper and started to read. Some of it was tech jargon that went completely over her head but basically it informed her that the tech had managed to gain access to all of the files. It also noted that the new username and password combination for the laptop and the files. Rhiannon found her mobile, found the appropriate group chat and sent a message. The replies were almost instantaneous and a meeting was arranged for later that evening.

“Has anybody heard from Christina?” Rhiannon asked.

“I sent her a text but haven’t had a reply” Gillian replied with a shrug of the shoulders.

“Hopefully she hasn’t decided to disappear on us”

“You still don’t trust her do you Rhiannon?”

“Not as far as I could throw her if I am being honest. I don’t think that is unreasonable given our history” Rhiannon said by way of response. Gillian had to concede that she had a point.

“Surely we can take this to the police. Hayley’s dad is the Commissionaire. He will do something.” Michelle chimed in.

“The only issue with that would be explaining where and how we can by this information. Which, if you remember correctly was by posing as federal agents using credentials stolen from an agent that we held forcibly against her will, breaking into a facility run by a shady and maybe corrupt government organisation and stealing personal property” Rhiannon said this whilst ticking off the points on the fingers of her left hand.

“When you put it like that……” Michelle conceded.

Just then the door was flung open and Christina burst in followed by a tall, slim blonde woman wearing a maid uniform. “We have to make a move now. I know roughly where they are being held.” Christina found herself confronted by a room full of bemused stares.

“Where have you been Christina? We’ve been trying to contact you” Rhiannon said. Christina entered the room and took a seat and briefly went through what had happened to her, being grabbed in the car park, her meeting with Elizabeth Crawford and her escape.

“I assume that is where you found her?” Jane said pointing at the woman in the maid outfit.

“I am Special Agent Joanne Smith; but please call me Jo.”

“Well what’s your part in all of this?” Rhiannon asked whirling her hands in the air. Jo then took a seat bedside Christina and went through her background and investigation. Eventually ending when she got to the stage where she had uncovered the purchase of a boat and the subsequent payment of berthing fees at two small harbours on the coast. “Can I use that laptop?” Jo asked pointing to one that was lying open on the table. After opening the internet browser and finding what she wanted Jo spun it round so that the rest of the group could see. “The two harbours are located here and here” Jo pointed at two positions on a map of the coast that she had called up. “My guess is that they use the boat to smuggle things offshore either to other boats or to one of these islands” Jo indicated several small island some way off the coast.

“Well that is where I think we can help you then” Jane said. Christina turned and looked at Jane. “We got something from the laptop.”

“There wasn’t a lot to be honest” Rhiannon jumped in “however there were some interesting references to an island, a privately owned island plus references to a funeral home and train times. If I remember correctly the train timetables do refer to those towns Jo just pointed out.”

“Surely if we put it all together you could take this information to your bosses?” Jane asked.

“Well as I explained officially my investigation doesn’t exist. I was making progress but these women seem to have powerful friends and we were asked to drop it. Anything I have at the moment I can’t really use” Jo replied.

“Christina I assume that you think that Hayley and Natalie have been taken……..” Rhiannon left the question hanging.

“I think that the Crawford and her crew or associates have some kind of smuggling network going on and that Hayley and Natalie are somewhere in that network. The best lead that we have is the boat and the two harbours so I suggest that we try both. Unless there are any better ideas?” There was only silence.

“Anyone fancy a cup of tea?” Michelle asked. Everyone turned to look at her before the group broke out in a fit of giggles.

Chapter 29

It was agreed that they would split into two teams and head for the towns with harbours that Jo had highlighted in Hayley’s office. Crawford and her associates had to have a boat in one of these towns to serve the island. Well that was if their theory was correct. Once they found the boat, they would find at least part of Crawford’s operation and hopefully manage to trace their missing friends. Although it would take longer to drive both groups took vehicles rather than take trains due to the freedom that it would give them. So it was that Christina found herself sitting in the passenger seat of Rhiannon’s small silver BMW as they past a sign saying Welcome to Jacob’s Harbour, Special Agent Joanne Smith sat quietly in the rear seat. It was late afternoon and the town and the harbour looked great under the rays of the setting sun as the car followed the road from the top of a hill and descended into town. Once they reached the edge of town Christina acted as navigator guiding Rhiannon to the hotel that she had earlier book by telephone. Pulling up outside it didn’t look very promising, dated would have been a kind description.

The women piled out of the car, each grabbing a bag and headed for the entrance. Christina opened the door and made her way across to the reception desk. “Welcome to the Harbour View Hotel” the young man said before looking up and getting a look at his new guests. At that point a strange look came over his face and a goofy grin broke out across his lips.

“I called earlier and booked three rooms.”

“Er…..well…….yes ma’am I can…………erm…………..see that we have three rooms booked. Best in the hotel I can assure you” the young man said, regaining some composure as he spoke. Christina spun round to look at Rhiannon who could barely contain her giggles. “My name is erm………..Eric. If you well………….need anything during your stay please let me know.”

“Well thanks Eric. If you could just show us to our rooms that would be great for now” Christina said with a smile.

“Sure. No problem.” Eric grabbed three keys from behind him. “Do you need a hand with your bags?”

“No thanks Eric, we only have small bags so can carry them ourselves.” As Eric went to led the way toward the stairs Rhiannon leaned toward Christina and said “That poor boy was practically drooling Christina. I suspect there aren’t too many women like you around here.”

“I shall take that as a compliment” Christina said. The three women followed Eric up several flights of stairs and along a corridor until Eric in turn opened three doors and handed a key to each of the women in turn.

“Eric. Is there anywhere that I can put my car?” Rhiannon asked just as Eric set off back toward the stair.

“We have a couple of garages in one of the lanes behind the hotel. If you drop by the desk I will give you a key.”

“Great. I will be down in ten minutes” Rhiannon replied.

Back on the island

Hayley was starting to get frustrated at being restrained for so long after having such relative freedom for couple of days. Despite knowing that it was unless Hayley found that she was trying to fight against the soft, thick down filled restraining bags that she was confined in. The only positive was that it gave her plenty of time to run through everything in her head and look for ways to make an escape. So she hadn’t actually managed to come up with anything yet, she kept stressing the word yet in her mind. Just as she was looking through possibilities through her head for the umpteenth time Hayley heard the door open and heard a familiar voice. “Good news ladies. The away team is back and we can go back to letting you have more freedom.” Hayley felt somebody standing beside her and then heard a zip followed by the sensation of the pressure of the thickly packed down being released. Hayley assisted by wiggling as the external restraining bag was slid from her body. The top of the internal restraining bag was flipped open and Hayley enthusiastically whipped her legs from the bag onto the ground. Yelena was standing there beside Louise and undid the straps and cuffs binding Hayley’s arms. “Listen Hayley I will leave you in charge of letting your companions out of their restraints. The usual dresses and bindings for your excursion are in the wardrobe. I will leave you to get everyone ready for on the hour.” Hayley nodded and set about removing her gag. Louise and Yelena exited the room with a broad smile breaking over Louise’s face.
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Post by Caesar73 »

So, some progress has been made. That´s good news, for sure. Every now and then, an old fashinoned piece of good luck is in order :D Meeting Jo, and cracking the laptop that is definitely good. Very plausible is the end of this chapter: Hayleys frustration is only to understandble. No chance of escape. No mistakes being made by their handlers. But Hayleys enthusiasm to get out of the bag, even it means the usual restrictions. On the other side, there are times, when you have to be thankful even for small favors. And Louise is even very gracious leaving it to Hayley to free her companions. What I do not get: Why is Louise smiling broadly? About Hayleys reaction? What do you think? Compassion maybe?
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, Louise Williams strikes me not as cold hearted villain. She seems to know, that small favors make easier for both sides, captors and captives alike. Actually it is really clever. I must give her that.

One Scene I like, when Christina Rihannon and Jo check in. I can imagine how Eric feels insecure stand in front of him. So funny :)
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 30

They were going to need a boat to check the island. That was for sure, together with some kind for plan. In order to formulate the plan, well a good plan, they would need some more information about the island and what they were facing. Rhiannon was lying on bed with these thoughts running through her head when there was a soft knock at the door. Opening the door Rhiannon found Christina leaning against the wall directly across from her door. “Nice to see that you are up and ready” Christina said. Rhiannon hadn’t known Christina long but could tell from her body language and clothing that Christina meant business. Christina hag on what she would call her business clothing, figure hugging turtle neck sweater, in lilac, tight jeans and black boots. Her full length down jacket hung folded over her left forearm. “We don’t have much time so we need to get moving on getting some information.”

“Where do we start?” Rhiannon said sitting on the bed as she scrambled to put her sneakers on the correct feet. Christina entered the room and sat across from Rhiannon on the other bed in the room.

“Probably best if we split up. That way we can cover more ground….” Christina paused and turned her head slightly. She could have sworn that she had heard floorboards creek in the corridor as if someone was there. After a couple of seconds Christina shook her head and told herself to stop being stupid. This old place had given her the creeps for some reason.

“What was that about?”

“Just my imagination playing tricks, I would suggest that we try local cafes, shops and the harbour. You take the harbour and I will take the train station. Ask around like you are thinking of moving. Start with the weather and work your way up from there. Just be careful as Crawford may have people looking out for visitors and we will stand out as not local.” Rhiannon nodded as she continued to get ready, finally pulling on her heavy wool jacket.

“Okay. Let’s get going then.” Rhiannon and Christina exited the room and Rhiannon locked the door. The two women made their way down the stairs, past the desk and out onto the street in the soft morning light. Neither of them noticed the figure watching them from behind net curtains from a first floor window.

Christina looked at the map of the small town that she had taken from the hotel and formulated a plan of action. The train timetable that was on the back of the map confirmed that trains were not exactly regular, there were only two due to stop today. Both were later on in the afternoon so there was no point in getting to the station before then.

Rhiannon entered the hotel and walked up to the desk. She had spent the morning asking around the local stores and harbour area about unusually activity as subtly as she could. Her mobile phone had died half an hour ago and she wanted to check if Christina had left a message for her. Rhiannon stood on tiptoes and leaned over but there was nobody about. She decided to go back out and try and find Christina, spinning round Rhiannon jumped as the woman that ran the hotel standing a two yards away from her. How had the woman managed to sneak up on her? Perhaps it was the slippers that she was wearing.

“Sorry to startle you love?” the old woman said.

“That’s alright. I was just going back out to find my friend, can’t contact her. My phone is out of charge.” Rhiannon said waving her phone in the air as if to explain. The woman stared back through the lens of her thick glasses.

“Love she is just off the phone, asked that you wait for her here. Would you like a nice cup of tea whilst you wait?” The older woman could see Rhiannon relax. “Come on then, follow me into the parlour. Oh and please call me Diane.” Rhiannon followed the woman through the main communal area on the ground floor to a smaller room that had been decorated like it was still 1959. “Take a seat love and I will get the tea.” Rhiannon slipped off her coat and folded it over the top of one of the large armchairs in the room. Which Rhiannon then sat in and had a look around. Nothing really jumped up and hit her apart from the slight smell of mould. After a couple of minutes Diane returned carrying a tray with a complete tea set and two matching china cups and put it down on the table. “What do you take in your tea?” Diane asked, picking up the teapot and pouring the liquid into the two cups.

“A splash of milk and one lump of sugar please” Rhiannon replied. Pouring the milk and putting a sugar cube in Rhiannon’s cup before giving it a stir.

“You young things can take sugar, not me I am watching my waistline” Diane said with a smile. Rhiannon smile back and brought the hot tea to her lips and took a sip before blowing on the surface of the tea to cool it down. The two women continued to chat and drink the tea. After about half the cup Rhiannon started to feel funny, a bit light headed. Rhiannon put the cup awkwardly back on the table, almost spilling the remaining contents onto the carpet. “Are you alright love, you don’t look well.”

“My head feels a bit fuggy.” Rhiannon replied and tried to stand up but stumbled and had to use both hands to catch herself on the large armchair. Rhiannon then felt a light touch on her shoulder, lightly pushing her back into the chair.

“Just relax love and let Diane take care of you.” Rhiannon flopped back into the seat, her head spinning, closing her eyes hoping that it would help. When she opened her eyes again Diane was standing over her and she was opening a small glass bottle. Diane placed the cap on the table and reached into her pocket and produced a thick wad of cotton wool, Diane then poured a decent amount of the liquid onto the cotton wool. Rhiannon might not have been at her best quite at this point but her brain had put two and two together. There was obviously something in the tea, wait no not the tea the sugar and it was making her drowsy. Rhiannon tried to get up but her legs weren’t working and once again Diane pushed her back down with her left hand, then using that same hand to clear away some loose hair that had fallen across Rhiannon’s face before pressing the wad of cotton wool over Rhiannon’s face. Rhiannon instantly recognised the smell from the cotton wool, it was chloroform. Rhiannon longed for the days when she didn’t recognise that smell. Rhiannon tried to swipe away the cotton wool wielding arm but in her weakened state Diane easily parried these away. “Now don’t fight just you relax and take a nice nap. Let Diane take good care of you love.” Rhiannon shook her head in frustration but couldn’t shake off the cotton wool which Diane kept locked over her nose and mouth. Rhiannon could feel the chloroform start to take effect, her eyelids started to get heavier until eventually she couldn’t fight it ant longer and everything went black. Diane removed the cotton wool from Rhiannon’s face and put it in her pocket. “Keith, Keith come in here would you” Diane called. After a couple of seconds Keith came running into the room and stopped dead when he took in the scene.

“What did you do?”

“This young lady has been running around town asking questions about Mrs Crawford so I had to do something. We can’t have outsiders coming in and making trouble. Think of how much that woman has done for this town recently. Don’t worry she is just sleeping off the chloroform” Diane replied if that explained it.

“But you can’t do things like this Gran. Remember what happened last time” Keith responded his voice heading toward a high pitched whine.

“Don’t you take that tone with me young man! You do as your Gran tells you and take this young woman up to the spare bedroom in my flat and leave her on the bed. I will come up and deal with her shortly, before the chloroform wares off.” Diane looked on as Keith’s shoulders slumped and she knew that he would do what she told him. Diane then watched on as Keith picked up the young woman in both arms and carried her toward the stairs. The lad wasn’t big but he was strong, it must be from playing football at high school. Diane picked up Rhiannon’s jacket and bag so that they wouldn’t be seen.

Diane looked through the wardrobe in the spare room until she found what she was looking for at the back. Unfortunately her husband had lost control near the end and had to wear adult diapers. There were some left over when he passed and she had kept them. You never knew when things would come in useful. Diane pulled the packet out and looked inside. There were six left which Diane reckoned would be enough. Diane pulled one out of the packet and unfolded it. As she turned round she heard the rustling of sheets. Rhiannon was starting to come round and was moving her arms and legs, her eyes were half open. “I am not ready for you to wake up just yet.” Diane brought the chloroform doused cotton wool out of her pocket again and clamped it over Rhiannon’s nose and mouth, pushing her head down into the soft pillow. Rhiannon’s eyes went wide in shock before there were some feeble attempts to knock away the cotton wool but Rhiannon was in no position to resist and slipped back under again easily. Diane quickly went to work. Keith had already removed the young woman’s sneakers so it didn’t take long for Diane to remove Rhiannon’s socks, pants and panties before lifting Rhiannon’s bottom and sliding the diaper underneath and then securing it in place with the sticky tabs. Diane had a large collection of silk scarves and rope so decided to use these to tie the young woman. Diane worked quickly using the scarves to bind the wrists, ankles and thighs of the unconscious young woman then switched to the rope which Diane wrapped around Rhiannon’s chest and stomach to pin her arms against the body. Diane then tied more scarves just above Rhiannon’s bound ankles. This was so that she could tie rope around Rhiannon’s legs without it chaffing the skin. A nice touch Diane thought. Diane did this then tied the other end of the length of rope to foot of the bed leaving a little bit of slack. Diane stood back and admired her handiwork and finding it satisfactory sat on a chair in the corner and waited for Rhiannon to wake.

Diane waited patiently, knitting to pass the time. Thinking about it she had drugged the young woman twice in quick succession so it may take a while. When Rhiannon started to stir Diane was ready and quickly hand gagged Rhiannon whilst she squirmed against the bonds and remembered what had happened. They locked eyes and Diane put the middle finger of her free hand against her lips, the universal sign for keep quiet, Rhiannon nodded her understanding and Diane removed her hand. “What are you doing you crazy old cow? Rhiannon said “You can’t just drug people and tie them up!”

“If knew I couldn’t trust you to be quiet. So I will have to make sure you are quiet.” Rhiannon followed Diane’s eyes to a pile of fabric that was sitting at the top of the bed. Diane had looked out some large handkerchiefs, a bag of cotton wool pleats and a couple of scarves for this purpose.

“Don’t even think about using that stiff to gag me, untie me and we can talk” Rhiannon said almost pleadingly. Where was Christina she thought, would Christina hear if she shouted for help now. Diane ignored the pleading and picked up one of the large handkerchiefs and scrunched it up.

“Open wide” Diane leaned down and grabbed Rhiannon’s chin. Rhiannon hesitated before realising that there was nothing that she could do to alter her current situation and opened her mouth and let Diane insert the handkerchief into her mouth. “Good girl, you just keep that in there until Diane gets a scarf ready.” Rhiannon watched as Diane picked up a scarf and tied a knot in the middle. Diane then placed that knot in Rhiannon’s mouth and tied the ends of the scarf tightly at the nape of Rhiannon’s neck. “Not finished yet unfortunately, you need to be very quiet” with that Diane picked up the bag of cotton wool pleats and removed a large length and folded it three times over, creating more than two inch thick wad of cotton wool. Next Diane folded a scarf lengthwise into a band and placed the cotton wool at the centre of it. Rhiannon did wonder what the woman was now doing but that question was quickly answered when Diane placed the thick pad of cotton wool over Rhiannon’s mouth and then brought the ends of the scarf round the back of Rhiannon’s head before tying them together; compressing the cotton wool over Rhiannon’s mouth, double gagging her. “There that should be nice and effective” Rhiannon tried to shout a response but it was basically inaudible. “There, that isn’t so bad is it love? Nice and quiet. Now don’t you try and remove that gag otherwise I will have to come up with something much, much more severe” Diane paused as if awaiting a response so Rhiannon nodded her understanding. “You just relax and let Diane take care of you.” There was a knock at the door and Keith’s voice came from the other side.

“Gran the delivery driver from the laundry needs your signature.”

“Tell him I’ll be down in a minute.” Diane waited until Keith had left before turning back to Rhiannon bound on the bed. “If you haven’t noticed you have a diaper on so don’t worry about soiling the bed.” Rhiannon fidgeted to confirm that statement then mumbled something intelligible from behind her gag. “Good girl I will see you later.” With that Diane left and shut the door. Rhiannon raised her head and listened for a while and heard the door being locked. Rhiannon slammed her head against the pillow in frustration; she couldn’t believe that she had been abducted by a silly old lady.

Diane made her way back to the reception desk where she found her grandson. “Keith, remember if her friend asks she never returned to the hotel” Keith nodded in agreement “I will wait a while then try and contact Ms Crawford or that nice woman Louise to see what to do next.”

As his Gran headed off toward the back of the hotel Keith decided that he couldn’t be involved with this. His hand hovered over the handle of the old fashioned phone before he picked it up and dialled a number from memory.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That went bad. Rihannon is in trouble. Let us hope, that help will come soon. That attack was not be expected. Do not trust old Ladies. They are not as harmless as you may think.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I'm curious who Keith is calling. Christina or anybody else we know? But that leaves one question open: Who then? Good cliffhanger here!
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 31

Walking toward the hotel there was something a concern at the back of Christina’s mind that she had been watched all day. It was probably just nerves and the fact that this town was slightly creepy. Christina has asked some general question around town pretending to be a potential purchaser of a boat who would be looking to berth it at the local harbour. She had asked abut train times, the local amenities and also the island off the coast. The locals were nice but very cagey with most answers being polite but short and to the point.

When Christina entered the hotel reception Diane was back at the desk covering for Keith who had said that he had something urgent to do after he had come off the phone. Diane had heard him talking but couldn’t get close enough to make out what was being said. The telephone rang and after allowing her customary three rings picked it up. “Good evening you have reached the Harbour View Hotel.”

“It always make me laugh, that hotel name Diane, even after all these years” said the voice on the other end of the line. “Your place never had a view of the harbour.”

“Hello Marjory” it was Diane’s sister who ran the one of the bars in the town. “Did you just call to laugh at the name of my hotel or is there something else you want to discuss.”

“In that case I will cut the small talk.” That suited Diane just fine. “It’s about these strangers going around town asking awkward questions.” This piqued Diane’s curiosity. Glad that she wasn’t the only person who was concerned. “That pretty blonde that you mentioned last night was in asking questions and I know she was around other businesses as well. I don’t think its right. I hear there were another couple of women going round other places as well”

“Funny you should say that I came to the same conclusion. I had to take care of one her friends earlier. Purely for her protection you understand. The locals don’t like strangers going round asking questions.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I just gave her something to help her relax. Now I have her restrained in my spare room.” There was pause at the other end of the line as Marjory considered what this meant.

“What is someone finds her?”

“Well I don’t have any other guest for a number of weeks, it is autumn after all. Plus I made sure she will be very quiet. The only real issue are her friends.” Diane let that linger out there for a while.

“I sent her up to the municipal buildings.” Diane knew that her nieces, Marjory’s daughters both worked there at the clinic a couple of days a week. They were both nurses. After a short pause of contemplation Marjory responded. “I will ask Kim and Chloe to take care of this.” Then the line went dead.

The building looked modern, perhaps only five years old. It was obviously a development designed to bring some of small local services under a single roof. Jo looked at the directory signage on the small lawn out front. The Fire Service was round the back but everything else is seemed to be through the front door. Entering the well lit corridor the first door on the left was what she was looking for, the Sherriff Department. Unfortunately it was locked. A sign read that the office was open Mondays and Thursdays with a number underneath for use in emergencies. Jo was disappointed but thought that she should have a look around anyway so walked up the corridor and quickly hit a crossway. Fortunately there was clear signage in place, straight ahead to the fire service, left to what looked like some kind of medical facility and right to the library and other services. Jo decided to turn left.

At the entrance to the medical facility there was a set of double doors, the left hand side door was lying open so Jo took this as an invitation and entered. There was a desk with a woman sitting behind it wearing a nurse’s uniform. The woman looked up and smiled “Hello there. Can I help you?”

“I don’t think so.” Jo said “I was looking for someone in the Sheriff Department but that seems to be closed. My name is Special Agent Joanne Smith” producing her credentials.

“Yes unfortunately we are a small town operation. The clinic here” the nurse made a gesture with her hand indicating the room around her “like all of the other services are only open on certain days of the week. My sister and I are the only staff on duty at the moment.” Jo looked the nurse over again. The uniform was a bit dated; the nurse even had a cap on. The name of the badge said de la Fuentes. “I could give you the emergency number for the County Sheriff Department of you like?”

“Thanks you but it isn’t an emergency” Jo responded. It was a decision she would regret later.

“I can give you the tour is you like?” Jo was a bit puzzled by the offer but having nothing else to do she decided to accept. The local healthcare professionals may have some useful information if she could ask the correct questions. The nurse stood and introduced herself as Kim.

Kim opened another door and beckoned Jo to lead the way through a door. This was obviously some kind of ward. They had entered a corridor running for a decent length with doors leading off into small private rooms. There was another woman in uniform standing next to a small cart beside the door to the second door down. “Agent Smith this is my sister Chloe” Kim said from just behind Jo. Jo was tall for a woman, around 5 feet 10 inches tall in her stockings but Chloe must have been around 6 feet tall even wearing sensible flat shoes. With her blonde hair, blue eyes and obvious Scandinavian heritage Jo was pale but both twins were the opposite.

“Pleasure to meet you Agent Smith” Chloe said with a smile. Jo was astonished how alike the two sisters were. Chloe noticed the glances that Jennifer was making between the two. “We’re twins Agent Smith.” Chloe had picked up a roll of white micro foam tape, pulled out a length and cut it off.

“Sorry was I staring a bit and please call me Jo” Jo apologised and looked around but couldn’t see any patients. “What’s the tape for?”

“Your mouth” Chloe said. Caught off guard by the comment, Jo didn’t have time to react as Kim grabbed her arms from behind. “What are ymmmmmmm” Jo didn’t get to finish the sentence as Chloe smeared the tape over her lips then quickly bent down to grabbed Jo’s legs. Between them the two nurses picked up the now struggling Jo and carried her through the door and into the room. Jo was thrashing against her two attackers but they were both strong girls. Jo felt herself dumped onto a bed but before she could react, Chloe pinned Jo to the bed like a professional wrestler. Jo tried to squirm free but Chloe held firm, Jennifer could feel Kim grabbing her left leg then felt something hooked round her ankle before being tightened. Jo tried to move her left leg but found it was held almost steadfastly in place. Jo redoubled her efforts but couldn’t get any leverage against the nurse lying on top of her. Jo then felt something tighten around her right ankle, which like her left was soon held in place. Next was a pressure against the top of her thighs as something was pressed over then. Jo saw Kim out of the corner of her right eye move up the bed, stop and fiddle with something on the side of the bed before Jo felt Kim grabbed her right forearm and slip something over her right wrist and tighten it and move on giving Jo a wry smile. Once again the movement of her right arm was restricted; quickly her left arm followed before Chloe finally removed herself from on top of Jo and quietly exited the room. Jo could now raise her head and see that she had been strapped to the bed using padded leather straps. Jo looked on as Kim place two further straps over her stomach and chest and tightened them.

“That should hold you. These are finger control mitts” Kim said flashing what to Jo looked like large white padded gloves. “I am going to put one on each of your hands. We don’t want you hurting yourself trying to escape.” Escape Jo thought, with the heavy leather restraining straps she could hardly move.

“MMMMMMMMMM” Jo mumbled from behind the tape.

“Now don’t get upset.” Kim replied as if she understood Jo had said. At that point there was a noise as Chloe retuned wheeling a trolley that contained large piece of medical equipment, pulling to a stop just beside the bed. Jo turned to look at Chloe and watched as the nurse unhooked a black rubber mask from the trolley and began to play with some of the valves. Soon a hissing noise was audible from the mask. Chloe was now stood at the edge of the bed, moving the mask slowly toward Jo.

“Now just relax and take deep breaths. It will just put you to sleep, nothing to be worried about.” Jo didn’t like this and turned her head away. Suddenly Kim appeared in Jo’s vision, looming over from behind the bed.

“No point in fighting. What will that achieve?” Jo knew that Kim was right. Strapped down like she was it would be no kind of fight but it was a natural reaction. Kim placed a hand of either side of Jo’s head and gently turned it back so that Jo was facing up, this allowed Chloe to place the black rubber mask over Jo’s nose and mouth and hold it in place. Jo felt the flow of gas against her skin and held her breath. “Can’t hold your breath forever Joanne. Better to relax, take deep breaths and slip under.” Jo had to agree so started to breathe normally and inhale the fumes, eventually succumbing to the fumes and slipping under.

“You tidy up in here and I will go and call Auntie Diane from the desk. Take the tape off her mouth. It may look strange if someone happens to walk past. Just don’t go far.” Chloe said to Kim as she shut off the valves on the medical equipment and put the mask back in its cradle.

Meanwhile at the station

Christina stood on the platform at the station, arms crossed across her chest and leaning against a wall. The night was starting to close in as she waited for the final train due that day to arrive. Till now she had tried to engage several travellers in conversation but had only got polite but curt responses in reply. Glancing at her watch Christina sighed in frustration then caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning to confirm what it was she recognised a familiar face, young Keith from the hotel. He was carrying a suitcase in one hand, a large holdall in the other and had a rucksack on his shoulders. Due to the lengthening shadows he young man didn’t notice Christina until he was almost was where she was standing. “Hello Keith. Are you off on a trip?” The startled young man jumped in the air. When he landed he turned to face Christina.

“Oh…..erm….hi Miss Howard” Keith stammered.

“Please call me Christina.” Christina decided to take Rhiannon’s word for it that Keith had taken a shine to her and play on it, coming off the wall and getting close to Keith, breathy voice and such like. “I asked if you were going on holiday.”

“No actually I had a disagreement with Gran. I am off to college, got a full scholarship on the football program.” Keith said this with a hint of pride. Quite right Christina thought.

“A bit early for intake I would have thought”

“Yeah it is but I called and asked if I could get there early. They didn’t mind. I managed to get a job on campus as well and they said I could report and help with set up for the year starting. If I can help it I won’t ever be coming back to Jacob’s Harbour” Christina found herself liking the young man and his ambitions but it did raise the question of what had brought him to make that call. Before she could ask they were interrupted.

“Good evening young Keith. Where are you off to?” It was Mr Hogan the stationmaster.

“Hello Mr Hogan. I am off to start college” Keith replied.

“Excellent. Is this woman bothering you Keith?”

“No Mr Hogan. We were just talking about…….” Keith paused and looked at Christina who sensed that any chance of getting any useful information from Keith had just vanished. Keith shrugged as is to confirm that was the conversation ended. The tall stationmaster turned his gaze onto Christina.

“You’re one of those women that have been going around asking questions. We don’t like that round here. It’s a nice quiet town with everyone minding each other’s business” Mr Hogan said toward Christina in a matter of fact kind of way.

Christina hugged Keith close and pecked him on the cheek. Once she had moved out Christina could see that the young man was bright red. What she couldn’t say was that she had slipped her mobile number into the pocket of his jacket. Christina gave Mr Hogan a glare as she left the station and headed back to the hotel.

Back at the Harbour View Hotel

Kim and Chloe wrestled the struggling Jo toward the rear entrance of the hotel. Fortunately it was now fully dark so even if somebody drove past they wouldn’t be able to see much. Diane left the entrance and walked toward the three women. As she approached Diane could see that Kim and Chloe had heavily taped Jo’s wrists together with white tape in front of her and judging by the bulging cheeks stuffed her mouth before sealing it with more of the white tape. There were also large white things over her hands. Diane grabbed Jo by the chin, “Look I have some chloroform and cotton wool in my pocket. Do you know what chloroform is used for?” Jo nodded that she did. “Now I am happy to use the chloroform but would rather not”, well not until you are up the stairs Diane thought, “so behave and stop struggling.” Jo again nodded her understanding. “Good girl. You go upstairs with Kim and we’ll get that nasty tape off.” Diane let go and Jo allowed herself to be led easily through the rear entrance of the hotel by Kim.

“Hello Auntie” Chloe said, leaning down to peck the older woman on the cheek.

“Glad to see you honey.”

“What is that on her hands?”

“They are finger control mitts. They are normally used to prevent agitated patients pulling out drips and the like. They make it almost impossible for the person wearing them to grip things.”

“Good girl. Any additional restraint is welcome. Did you bring an extra pair?”

“Yes, there are a couple in the boot of the car along with the other supplies that you wanted from the clinic.”

Inside Jo was led up what felt like never ending flights of stairs to what she assumed was the top floor of the hotel. Jo was prodded along a corridor to the end where Kim told her to stop in front of a blue door. Kim opened the door and led Jo through a same living area with a built in kitchen and through another door into a small bedroom containing to single beds. Jo screamed behind her gag when she recognised Rhiannon lying bound and gagged on one of the beds. Jo guessed that this was the same fate that was about to befall her. Jo was about to try and get past Kim when she felt two hands shove her forcefully onto the unoccupied bed. Kim quickly used more white tape to bind Jo’s ankles. “Auntie will be up shortly. Don’t do anything silly and you will be fine” Kim said before turning and leaving. Once Kim had left Jo levered herself up and sat on the edge of the bed looking at Rhiannon. Rhiannon nodded toward the rope securing her legs to the frame of the bed indicating the Jo should untie it. In response Jo held her hands up, showing Rhiannon the large, padded mitts that covered her hands, preventing her from using her fingers. Rhiannon’s shoulders slumped. Just then they heard footsteps approaching, then the door opened and Diane entered.

“Hello ladies. Just relax and I will take care of you.” Jo looked up and found Diane standing over her. Jo couldn’t put her finger on it but there was something unsettling about the woman. Diane reached down and suddenly pulled the tape from Jo’s mouth.

“OOOOOWWWWWW” Jo screamed but it was largely muffled by the cloth in her mouth. Freed from the tape Jo used her tongue to push the cloth from her mouth.

“We could have kept that in but I have some fresh cloths ready anyway. But you look tired Jo perhaps you need a nap?” Diane produced the bottle of chloroform and the cotton wool and began pouring the drug onto the cotton wool.

“You said you wouldn’t use the chloroform” Jo said. “Look I don’t want mmmmmm” she never got to finish what she was saying as Diane clamped the cotton wool over her noise and mouth. Diane leaned in and pushed Jo back onto the bed, all the while keeping the cotton wool clamped over her mouth. Jo thrashed her head around but Diane seemed to be practised at the art of knocking people out and kept the cotton wool pad firmly in place until Jo’s struggles subsided and Jo eventually went limp. Rhiannon had watched all this wide eyed and helpless on the other bed.

Diane turned round and looked at Rhiannon “Don’t worry it’s your turn next.” Rhiannon watched as Diane removed Jo’s skirt and panties before putting the young woman in a diaper. Diane then quickly bound Jo exactly the same way that Rhiannon was currently bound. The crazy old witch actually whistled while she worked. After finishing with Jo, Diane turned her attention to Rhiannon. “Let’s get this gag off you first.” Rhiannon wouldn’t normally have complained about that but knowing that she was going to be drugged with chloroform took the edge of the delight. Diane untied the knot of both silk scarves at the back of Rhiannon’s head then removed them, the cotton wool and cloth that had been used to silence the young woman.

“I would say thanks but I know what is coming next” Rhiannon said with what she hoped was a bit of defiance in her voice. Diane just busied herself with freshening up the cotton wool pad with chloroform and then lowering it toward Rhiannon. “Wait. What are you planning to do with us?”

“That nice Ms Williams is coming the day after tomorrow and we can take it from there. I suspect that she will take you two away to that island. That will be nice won’t it? You’ll enjoy that. I hear it’s lovely.” Rhiannon didn’t try to fight as the cotton wool pad was pressed over her nose and mouth, she was too stunned by the woman had said. Rhiannon relaxed and took even breaths until the fumes got the better of her and she slipped into unconsciousness hoping the Christina could mount a rescue before it was too late.

Once Diane was sure that Rhiannon was out she removed the pad stood in the centre of the two beds. Hearing the door open Diane turned to see Kim standing in the doorway. “Auntie I put our bags in the one of the rooms down the corridor. I thought that you would want us to be close.” Solid thinking Diane had to admit.

“After they wake up Kim please gag them both just like I taught you. It’s important to keep them quiet. There are plenty of cloths, scarves and cotton wool.” Kim nodded and headed away to have a shower. Diane then exited the room and closed the door behind.

Chloe was standing behind the front desk tidying what little there was lying on the shelves when Diane came downstairs. “How did you get on Auntie?”

“They are both sleeping at the moment. I wanted to calm them down after they saw that they had both been captured.” Chloe nodded in agreement that this was a sound course of action. “Your sister is having a shower and getting ready then will keep an eye on them.”

“How long will we have to keep them?”

“Miss Williams said that she would be here the day after tomorrow.” Diane started to walk around the room. She found that it helped her think clearly.

“Now it’s just the busty redhead that we need to deal with”

“Shall we get her Auntie?”

“No. I think she is a dangerous one. I have another idea or two about how to deal with her. Let me make a call regarding a back up plan.”

Damn it, Christina cursed silently at her phone. What is it with this place and the lack of mobile phone reception! Nearing the hotel Christina could feel the cold start to bite as the mist rolled in from the sea and was glad of her thick down jacket. There was also a distinct lack of street lighting which added to the eeriness of the setting. This town was indeed a bit creepy. Christina hustled through the entrance of the hotel and stopped at the desk slightly taken aback once she realised that Diane wasn’t behind the desk. “Good evening. How can I help you?” the tall, jet black haired woman asked.

“Is Diane about” Christina replied “I’m a guest and I was looking for some friends that are also staying here.”

“Sorry bit they haven’t returned yet dear.” Diane said thinking about the two bound and gagged lying in her spare room upstairs. Christina almost jumped in the air. She hadn’t heard the old woman come up behind her. “This is my niece Chloe” Diane said indicating the woman behind the desk “she is helping me out now that Keith has left.”

“Yes I met him at the station. Heading for college on a full scholarship you must be proud.”

“Yes, yes we are” Diane replied. But Christina could tell there was no enthusiasm behind the words and there was a slight uncomfortable pause.

“Have my friends left any messages?”

“Nothing. But I am sure if you wait here they will be back soon” Diane replied with a shrug of the shoulders. Diane then looked to Chloe. Christina followed the gaze and saw Chloe shrug as well. Christina stopped and assumed the double teapot, clenched fists on hips. There was something not quite right about this situation but she couldn’t put her finger on it. “Would you like a cup of tea whilst you wait?” Without saying anything Christina turned and headed back out onto the street.

“Time for the back up plan Auntie?” Diane nodded and lifted the telephone receiver from the cradle on the reception desk.

Christina exited the hotel and turned left and walked for a couple of minutes before realising that she didn’t know where she was heading for. Rhiannon and Jo could be anywhere in town and without reception it would be chance if she actually found them. Although something at the back of her head told her that something had happen to them.

The mist continued to roll in as Christina walked around the town aimlessly. She could go back to the hotel but she sensed that she wouldn’t be safe there. It was then that she heard the footsteps behind her; at first she thought that it was her imagination getting the better of her but she concentrated on the noise and they were definitely there, getting closer. Christina quickened her pace and tuned a corner into a dark street. Hurrying on she suddenly saw a shape emerge from a doorway and block her way. It was a short but stocky man, wearing jeans, a grey jumper and baseball cap. Christian tried to step round the man but he moved to block her path. “Now lady a friend of ours wants us to take you to her so let’s make this easy on everybody” the man said with a thin smile on his face. Christina didn’t respond, just locked stares with the man and smiled a knowing smile.
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think, the men, trying to get Christina are in for a surprise. They won't know what hit them, I hope:) Be it as it may, Christina needs support, urgent. This small Town is a criminal enterprise itself. Time to send in the Cavalary, Gillian and Jane.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Do we know, who Keith called? Even if not: All the pieces of the Puzzle will fall into place. I'm sure of that.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 32

Christina sensed the man behind her get close enough then picked up her left leg and slammed her foot down onto the man’s foot. The man yelped in pain and automatically bent down to grab his foot. This was exactly what Christian had planned for as she planted her feet and swinging from the hips smashed her right elbow into the man’s temple, crumbling him in a heap. Using the momentum from that move Christina brought her arm forward and drove her fist into the throat of the man in front who also went down. Handily the man went down with his legs spread giving Christina the opportunity to drive her foot into his groin. Christina paused and took deep breaths recovering from the exertion of the brief fight. Both men were lying prone on the ground making groaning noises. Christina went to leave then had a thought and approached the man who had blocked her path, bent over and checked his pockets.

“What are you looking for?” the man asked through gritted teeth.

“These” Christina said with a smile, producing a car key from the man’s pocket. She had decided that it would be best to get out of town and regrouped with Gillian, Jane and Michelle. She didn’t like having to leave Rhiannon and Jo but they were big girls and would have to take care of themselves for now. Beside when she got out of town she could maybe call and get some help. Christina left her would be attackers in the middle of the street and walked up to the junction. Pressing the bottom on the key remote Christina saw the faint flash of lights further up the road on the right. Hurrying Christina got the car, a battered blue sedan and jumped in. Before starting the car and pulling away Christina pulled out her mobile and bashed out a text message to Gillian outlining the basics of what had happened then set the mobile down on the passenger sheet. The message would send automatically when reception returned. All that was left now was to get out of town.

After three hours driving Christina turned off the main road and into the town of Hudson’s Cove. Gillian had responded to her text and following the directions contained within that Christina easily found the hotel where they Gillian and the other girls were staying and pulled up at the rear door. Christina called Gillian and let it ring twice before hanging up and killed the engine. A couple of minutes later the rear door opened and Christina saw a familiar head peek out. Christina got out of the car and hurried through the door. They then made their way to Gillian’s room where Christina found Michelle and Jane waiting for them. “Nice to see some friendly faces” said Christina whilst slipping off her jacket. Gillian stood with arms crossed.

“So what happened then?” Christina had been playing this over in her head during the drive and starting from the moment they had arrived in Jacob’s Harbour went through what had happened, including her thoughts about the town and events.

When Rhiannon had come round from her chloroform induced nap she noted that Jo was still completely out of it. There was nobody else in the room and she hoped that Jo would come round before their abductors returned. At least that would give them a chance to have a discussion. Jo then started to stir but before she could regain her senses enough to communicate the door opened and Kim entered wearing a traditional nurse’s uniform. “Nice to see that you are awake Rhiannon” Rhiannon didn’t like it when people who abducted, drugged, bound and gagged her tried to get relaxed and familiar. Rhiannon watched as Kim approached the table that sat between the two beds and picked up several items. “Let’s get you girls gagged and then we can all relax for the night.” Speak for yourself Rhiannon thought. Jo groaned and shifted on the bed, recovering from the effects for the chloroform. Kim dropped supplies onto the bed before stuffing a cloth into Rhiannon’s mouth then picked up a silk scarf and used it to hold the cloth in place. Kim then folded up some cotton wool pleat and held it over Rhiannon’s mouth using another scarf to secure it in place tightly tying it at the back of Rhiannon’s head. Rhiannon then watched as Kim removed a line of drool that had run from the corner of Jo’s mouth down to her chin before gagging her in exactly the same fashion as Rhiannon had been.

Kim quickly checked that both diapers were still clean before tidying up the room. Then Kim pulled a fresh pair of finger restraint mitts from a box and heading back toward Rhiannon and slipping them on the bound woman’s hands, securing the Velcro straps at the wrist. Satisfied that both women were now secured Kim turned off the light and left the room, locking the door behind her, Rhiannon looked around the room and wondered what she was going to do now.

Chapter 33

Through the binoculars Christina watched the two men in classic looking sailor uniforms tying up the boat at the end of the pier. Scanning along the hull of the boat Christina saw the name of the boat, confirming that it was the boat owned by Elizabeth Crawford. “That’s the boat there, just being tied up.” Christina said and handed the binoculars to Gillian who had a brief glance and passed them along.

“Well, well, well there is a familiar face” Christina said spying Victoria through the binoculars. The tall woman strode purposefully along the dock carrying a compression sack in each hand beside a smaller woman with shoulder length brown hair. They both wore long down jackets. From the body language and conversations that Christina could see through the binoculars it was clear that the smaller woman was in charge. There was a discussion between the two women and the men in sailor uniforms before the men walked off. You could tell by the bounce in their step that they were happy about how the conversation ended. Then the smaller of the two women turned to survey the landscape and Christina saw her face. It was Louise Williams. “Well yet another familiar face.” Christina lowered the binoculars and handed them to Gillian and told her where to look. After scanning the scene Gillian returned the binoculars.

“Let’s wait until in gets dark until we enter the town” Gillian said “should be in about an hour or so.” They went back to Gillian’s car which they had parked in a lookout spot overlooking the harbour and sat in silence whilst Gillian’s collection of 80’s pop escaped from the speakers. Christina had dumped the car that she had borrowed from her two would be attackers just off the highway late last night. Over the past two days the group had sat and tried to get a plan of action agreed but couldn’t come up with anything that covered all of the potential variables. Christina has eventually said lets just wing it and see what happens but was insistent that they start at the hotel. The others agreed and then it was just a matter of picking a time. Before leaving Gillian had composed a lengthy e-mail detailing recent developments and sent it to Detective Smith. Having seen the arrival of Louise Williams and the boat a plan was starting to formulate in Christina’s head.

Having sent the two crewmen off to enjoy a night offshore with instructions to be back at the boat at 10am sharp the following morning Louise and Victoria made there way to the hotel. The plan was to stay at the hotel overnight and take the two women that Diane was holding back to the boat very early tomorrow morning and leave for the island. They entered the hotel and were met at the reception desk by a smiling Diane “Good evening ladies and welcome. I have prepared two very nice rooms for you to stay in, only the best for Ms Crawford’s people.” Victoria stopped in her tracks and stared at the older woman behind the reception desk. At first she couldn’t believe it was her but it definitely was, the woman who had started her down this path when Victoria had been a college student. Diane took a quick glance at Victoria but no hint of recognition crossed across the older woman’s eyes.

“Thank you Diane. I am sure that Ms Williams will be pleased” Louise responded. “Can we see the two women?”

“Indeed. Please follow me up the stairs.” With that Diane turned and led the way to the top floor with Louise and Victoria flowing close behind having regained her composure. Along corridors and through doors, past two dark haired women sitting on a chairs and Louise was finally looking down at the bound and gagged Jo and Rhiannon lying on the beds.

“Can you take of their gags for a moment?” Louise requested and Diane obliged. Victoria who had dropped the compression sacks just inside the door pulled out her phone and took photographs of each of the bound woman.

“What are those for?” Jennifer asked.

“The boss likes to see what she is getting before it arrives. It gives her a head start on passing on the merchandise.” Louise replied. Rhiannon did not like that answer one little bit.

“You can’t do this I am a federal agent, you really have no idea how much trouble you are in” Jo was starting to panic and rant a little.

“You can gag them again now” Louise said.

“Please do” Victoria seconded.

“I will get my nieces to get them ready for the night whilst I show you to your rooms downstairs.” Louise and Victoria followed Diane out of the room. On the way out of the living room of Diane’s flat she signalled to Kim and Chloe who got up and entered the bedroom. Jo was frantically trying to get free of her bindings.

“Calm down you will only get worked up. No need for that. Just accept what is going on” Chloe said to Jo whilst reaching for a cloth and bottle of chloroform.

“Need to get out of here” Jo mumbled quietly whilst still working at her bindings. Rhiannon looked on as Kim and Chloe slowly approached Jo. Chloe held a cloth menacingly in her left hand. Jo didn’t register the two women until then grabbed her and pinned her down on the bed. “Wait what re you doing?” Jo screamed.

“Just relax and take nice deep breaths” Chloe said before clamping the cloth over Jo’s nose and mouth. Jo shook her head from side to side to try and dislodge the cloth but that was hopeless. Bound as Jo was and with the two nurses on top of her there was nothing that she could do. The force that Chloe used to clamp the cloth over Jo’s nose and mouth meant that her head was forced down into the pillow. Jo fought for a while before the drug started to have an effect and the struggles got less and less forceful before she went out completely. Rhiannon had watched all of this knowing that she would be sedated using the chloroform once Kim and Chloe had finished with Jo. It turns out Rhiannon wasn’t going to be disappointed.

An hour later and with darkness descended Gillian cut the engine off and let the car drift to a stop two streets away from the hotel where Christina had stayed. They had entered town with the lights off, trying not to get noticed. The way Christina had described it the town was all some kind of inter connected web that didn’t like strangers so best not to attract attention. Gillian had to admit that with night fully closed in and the mist coming off the sea it was rather creepy. All four women glanced at each other before opening their doors, slipping out and closing them again with as little noise as possible. Christina took point with Jane and Michelle following and Gillian brining up the rear. The small group made their way from the car along darkened streets avoiding the small cones of light created by the occasional streetlights until they were crouched at the rear door of the hotel. It was then over to Jane who produced her small set of tools from a pocket and started to work at the locks on the rear door. Eventually there was a click and Jane pushed the door open. Everyone went inside and Jane carefully closed the door behind them. Christina once again took the lead. There were some distant noises coming from somewhere to their left and Christina decided to head that way first.

As they got closer they realised that the noises were being caused by someone working in the kitchen. Christina put her hand up to indicate that the rest of the group to wait whist she had a look. Glancing into the kitchen Christina saw a tall, dark haired woman washing dishes in a sink. This was Chloe finishing cleaning up after dinner. Christina beckoned Gillian forward and indicated the she should take a look. As Gillian was looking into the kitchen Christina prepared a cloth with chloroform. The two then entered the kitchen and crept toward Chloe and pounced simultaneously hauling Chloe down to the floor, before Chloe could shout for help Christina thrust the cloth over her nose and mouth. Gillian had ended up below Chloe and wrapped her arms and legs around Chloe to prevent her from struggling and getting free from the cloth that Christian had clamped over the lower half of her face. Despite the struggles of the large woman Christina kept the cloth securely in place until Chloe’s eyes closed over. Gillian pushed her way out from under Chloe once the struggle was finished and sat with her back against the kitchen cupboards where she was joined by Christina. “Well that was hard work” whispered Gillian.

“Strong girl” Christina agreed nodding. Jane and Michelle had entered the kitchen and were making their way toward them at this point.

“Found a lot of this lying around” Michelle said holding up a roll of white tape.

“Use it on her” Christina was pointing at Chloe “and use quite a lot.” Gillian nodded. Michelle flipped Chloe onto her stomach and then proceeded to wrap Chloe’s wrists several times with the white tape. Turning round Michelle saw Gillian making a signal that she should continue so did so. Michelle must have wrapped the wrists ten or fifteen times. Then Jane helped Michelle whilst she wrapped the tape around Chloe’s body to pin her arms in place, after that it was tape around the ankles and thighs finished off by a cloth stuffed in the mouth with plenty of strips of tape to keep it in place. After taking a couple of moments to take stock the group set off, again with Christina taking the lead.

Not knowing exactly where to go next Christina headed for the stairs and check the rooms that she and Rhiannon had used. Making there way up to the second floor Christina tip toed along corridor before stopping outside the room that Rhiannon had been in, she carefully tried the handle and pushed the door open. Looking inside it looked like nobody had used the room for about a week. No clothes, no mess and no Rhiannon. Christina closed the door and headed back toward the staircase to head to the top floor. Christina leaned in and whispered to Michelle “Stay here and watch our rear.” Michelle nodded and made herself almost invisible in a dark corner of the stairwell.

On the third floor Christina could feel that there were people on this floor. Moving along the corridor Christina, Gillian and Jane stopped outside the final door. This door was different from the others, Christina assumed that this may be Diane’s personal flat. Suddenly Christian heard noise from behind the door and jumped to the left flattening against the wall, Gillian and Jane followed suit. The door opened and Kim entered the corridor and turned left, letting the door close behind her. Kim took a couple of steps and then paused, as if sensing something wasn’t quite right. Christina didn’t wait for Kim to turn round and grabbed Kim, hand gagging her with her left hand whilst wrapping around Kim’s body, pulling Kim back to the other side of the door. Christina and Jane pinned Kim against the wall whilst Gillian prepared a cloth with chloroform. Now that the initial shock had worn off Kim was starting to squirm against the two women holding her. Seeing that Gillian was ready Christina removed her hand and it was quickly replaced by the chloroform cloth that Gillian had prepared. Kim’s eyes went wide as she instantly recognised the aroma coming from the cloth. Kim struggled against the three women but the weight of numbers was too much to overcome and Gillian watched as Kim’s eyes rolled and then closed over.

Christina used signs to indicate what she though the plan of action should be and Gillian and Jane both nodded in agreement. Christina and Jane picked up the sleeping Kim and carried her along the corridor and down the stairs back to the room that they knew was empty. Gillian had gone on ahead to make sure the coast was clear. Entering the room Christina and Jane dumped Kim onto the bed where Michelle quickly went about binding Kim using the same white tape that she had used on Chloe again finishing by stuffing a cloth in her mouth and making sure it stayed there using several strips of tape. The women then began a whispered conversation. “I hope that something is going on otherwise we have just drugged, bound and gagged two women for nothing” Jane offered.

“There is something strange going on and I reckon it’s behind that door upstairs” Christina replied “so let’s get to it.”

In the absence of any other plan Christina thought that they should just barge through the door where they had earlier heard the voices. At this point there was no time to go on the back foot. So Christina found herself standing on one side of the door with Michelle, Gillian and Jane were on the other side. Christina held up her fingers and counted down from five to one before grabbing the handle and bursting through the door followed by the other three women. What they found was hotel owner sitting on a couch in the middle of the room, on an opposite couch were Victoria and Louise Williams. All three had turned to look at the women who had just bundled into the room. They then stood and turned to face Christian, Gillian, Jane and Michelle who had all come to a stop. Christina would have called this a stand off. They two groups stood staring at each other for a minute. “Nice to see you again Christina. What’s the plan?” Louise Williams said.

“Where are our friends?” Christina asked. Nobody replied by Diane, the hotel owner glanced at a door off the main room. Christina guessed that was where they would find Jo and Rhiannon. Christina didn’t really know what the next move was when suddenly Victoria said.

“Remember that operation in Naples Christina?” Christina eyes narrowed. Could Victoria be suggesting what Christina thought she was?

“What happened in Naples?” Christina heard Jane whisper into her ear. Before anybody could say anything else all eyes turned to Victoria as she produced a cloth from her pocket and poured a large amount of chloroform on it.

“Good idea Victoria” Louise Williams said “lets get these would be rescuers sleeping then we can MMMMPPPPPHHHHHHH.” Victoria had clamped the cloth over Louise’s nose and mouth. Louise’s eyes went wide with shock as her colleague applied the cloth. Diane stood in shook at this turn of developments. Louise struggled, slapping ineffectively at Victoria’s hands to try and get her colleague to remove the cloth. Louise was forced back onto the couch as the drug started to sap the strength from her fight. Christina looked on and knew that the struggling would soon subside as the drug invaded her system. Louise’s strikes started to miss their targets and eventually her arms dropped to her side before not long after Louise’s eyelids closed over. Victoria held the cloth in place for another couple of seconds before removing it. Christina made her way across to the other couch to confront Diane.

“I knew there was something creepy about you? My friends better be alright or else” Christina said forcefully jabbing a finger at Diane’s chest.

“They are in the spare bedroom behind that blue door. She drugged Rhiannon then brought her up here. Her nieces, who I assume you have already dealt with are nurses at the local facility and snatched the blonde there and then brought her here” Christina heard Victoria say from behind her. Without having to be told Gillian hurried to the door, opened it and seeing both Rhiannon and Jo lying bound and gagged on beds gave the thumbs up. Gillian entered the room and made her way across to Rhiannon. Gillian went about freeing her friend from her bindings and was rewarded with a hug and a large smile.

“Glad to see you Gillian” said Rhiannon once her gag had been removed.

“Straight back at you” replied Gillian.

“MMMMMMPPPPPPHHHHHH” Jo screamed from behind her gag.

“Sorry Jo let’s get you free” Gillian said before unbinding the Special Agent. Rhiannon and Jo both took off the diapers that they were wearing and put of jeans before entering the living area. They found Michelle and Jane binding Diane with white tape and Victoria and Christina manoeuvring Louise so that they could tie her arms behind her back. Rhiannon ducked back into the bedroom and came back out holding a pair of finger control mitts. Rhiannon walked over to Christina and held them out.

“Put these on her they are effective.” Christina paused for a moment before grabbing the mitts and putting then on Louise before using a thin length of cord to bind her wrists and then turning to Victoria.

“You realise that this doesn’t mean that I trust you Victoria” Christina stated as she stood face to face with her former colleague.

“I do. But I owed that old bitch over there. She is the reason that I am in this game.” Christina has never heard that story and didn’t want to at this point. She had other things to consider.

“You had better leave as soon as possible. You should still have enough daylight to get most of the way to the island before darkness falls which will cover your approach” Victoria said.

“Yes but what do we do with her” Jane chimed in pointing at Victoria.

“Look I realise that you don’t trust me so let me put on a diaper and leave me tied up here. The only favour that I ask is that when you get back from the island you let me have a head start on the authorities. I believe that there is a basement in this place used for storage of old equipment.” The group all look round each other before Rhiannon nodded at Christina who extended a hand which Victoria shook. Michelle had been searching the hotel owner’s flat and found the bags belonging to Christina, Rhiannon and Jo which should dumped in the middle of the room.

“Rhiannon, Jo you two go and get freshened up and changed. The rest of us will get them secured in the basement. Although not Louise, I think that we will take her with us.” With that the groups split up to tackle there tasks.

Victoria had been good to her word. After finding a diaper in the bedroom and putting in on she hadn’t resisted as Michelle had used the white tape to bind her wrists behind her back and then wrapped the tape around her body to pin her arms to her body. “Sorry but Christina said that I had to gag you” Michelle said apologetically to Victoria who just shrugged. Michelle scrunched up a cloth and forced it into Victoria’s mouth before using several lengths of tape to hold it in place. Without having to be asked Victoria took a seek on the couch next to Diane who was glowering at Michelle over her recently applied gag having been bound earlier in the same manner as Victoria. The groups then busied themselves getting ready before Christina stopped and out her hands on her hips.

“Right I think that’s it ladies, time to go. Let’s get these down into the basement and head off. Rhiannon grab all the chloroform that you can find and bring it along.”

Jane had earlier taken the keys for the hotel from Diane’s pocket and led the group, having picked up Kim and Chloe on the way down the stairs into the basement. Jane found a switch and turned on the lights. The large group formed a rough semi circle with Kim and Chloe occasionally making disgruntled noises of protest behind there gags. Christina looked around and came up with a plan. The basement certainly was a dumping ground for old stuff, including old mattresses and bedding. “Jane will you help me get four of those mattresses flat on the ground.” With a bit of effort the two women managed that and then found some pillows and through them onto each mattress. “One bound and gagged lady per mattress.” The group help there captives onto the mattresses and then used a liberal amount of tape to secure their legs together until they were satisfied that there couldn’t get free.

“What will I do with these?” Rhiannon asked Christina indicating the two bottles of chloroform that she had carried down the stairs.

“Pour it on the pillows so that they are breathing in the fumes. It won’t be enough to knock them out but should keep them groggy enough for a spell that they don’t try to get free.” Rhiannon nodded and went to work, eliciting groans from the women on the mattresses once they recognised the fragrance coming from the liquid that was being applied to the pillows.

After the weird hotel owner, the twin nurses and Victoria and had been secured in the basement the women gathered in the common area on the ground floor. Louise Williams sat quietly bound and gagged in a chair near the corner of the room.

“Who is going to drive the boat? I haven’t got a clue where to start” asked Gillian. They all stood looking at each other until there was a quiet clearing of the throat from the edge of the circle. They all turned to find Michelle shyly standing with her hand raised.

“I can. I mean I will. Drive the boat, sorry sail the boat.” The others looked at Michelle with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment. “My grandpa had a boat and used to take me a couple of times a year. He taught me the basics; as long as it has an engine I will be fine.”

“What about navigating?” Rhiannon chimed in.

“I wouldn’t want to traverse a large ocean but with modern equipment I should be able to find the island.”

“Well having her will help” Christina answered pointing at Louise who was currently sitting silently on a chair in the corner. The group of women then set about getting ready for what they hoped would be a successful voyage.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, Diane got a healthy dose of her own medicine. Well deserved. I would have liked to see the face of Louise Williams, she surely didn't know what hit her.

I liked the way Christina, subdued her attackers and took the Initiative, along with the other Girls. Victoria was a surprise, and I have now an educated guess, who Keith may have called.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 34

Jo and Michelle walked along the pier making their way toward the Seaductress which was moored at the very end of the pier. They had been sent along as the advanced party to check that there were no surprises waiting for the rest of the group. Jo unlocked the door and stepped onboard followed by Michelle. After having a quick look around Michelle made her way to the bridge and started to get familiar with the controls and get prepared to leave the harbour. Jo found a light switch and turned the lights on and off on three occasions, the fourth time that she put the lights on she kept them on. It was the agreed signal to the others that it was safe to approach.

The rest of the proposed rescue party approached made there way along the pier with Christina keeping a firm grip on Louise. At the present time Louise wasn’t giving them any problems but Christian didn’t want to take any chances. Jo held the door open as Louise was led onto the boat by Christina who was then closely followed by Rhiannon, Gillian and Jane. “Christian, follow me” Jo said “I think that I found the room where any hostages would be held.”

“Jane will you please go and help Michelle so that we can get started as soon as possible whilst Jo and I have a conversation with Louise. Jo led the way with Louise following and Christina bringing up the rear of the small column. After going along a short corridor and down a flight of stairs Jo paused at then opened a cabin door and ushered Louise inside. Without having to be asked Louise walked across to the bad and sat down. Just then the engines started up and they all felt the boat pull slowly away from the dock. Christina handed Jo some straps from her pocket and indicated the Jo should use them to bind Louise’s legs. Whilst Jo was attending to that Christina looked in a cupboard and took in the contents. There were several large bags containing what she assumed was the large restraining sacks or whatever they called them, padded cuffs, piles of rope and nylon straps, cloths, scarves and gags, a veritable treasure trove of binding accessories. Christina shrugged and pulled one of the bags out, removed the restraining bag inside and set it down on the floor.

“The system is designed to work with two of the bags.” Christian turned and saw Louise sitting on the bed staring at her. “There are two sizes bag, smaller tighter, inner bag with a side zip then the larger one with the centre zip over the top.” Christina nodded and turned round and looked again. Christina did then notice that there were two different sizes of bag. Grabbing one of the larger bags she removed it from the sack and laid it out next to the smaller one of the ground.

“Thanks” Christina replied.

“I assume that they are for me?” Louise asked.

“Later. But first we have to chat about what we are going find on this island and remember the more you help us the better it will go for you long term.” Louise nodded her understanding. “How many are still on the island?” Christina asked Louise.

“There will be four female guards, Kirsty, Yelena, Amber and Suzanne plus Martinez and Crawford. The other staff; cleaners, cooks and gardeners shouldn’t really get involved. They all stay in a block away from the main house and by the time we get to the island they should have finished. Even if they saw something they may just turn a blind eye. It’s what they are used to doing anyway.”

“So what exactly goes on?”

“Crawford has interests in many different enterprises both legal and otherwise. The island is used for smuggling mostly, both for her own purposes and also those of her clients or business partners. The merchandise comes in by train or road, onto the boat then the island where it is stored until the customer arranges for pick up by boat or on rare occasions helicopter.” Christina asked further questions about security arrangements and layout for the main house. Louise answered the questions fully and Christina hoped truthfully. When she had no further questions Christina picked up one of the gags that was lying on the shelf and went to put it on Louise. “Is there any need for that?”

“There most certainly is?” Louise opened her mouth and lifted her head to let Christina insert the soft ball in the centre of the thickly padded gag into her mouth then Christina secured the strap at the back of Louise’s head. “Now don’t move” Christine instructed then Jo and Christina exited the cabin and stood in the gangway.

“There are six of us so not bad odds” Jo said.

“Not really” Christina replied “somebody will have to stay and watch Louise and the boat, so that leaves five. It makes sense that this would be Michelle. Plus they are all professionals and we will need a bit of luck to get past the CCTV.”

“What’s the plan for that?” Jo asked. Well physically Jane and I are the best matches for Victoria and Louise so we pose as them and hopefully get close enough to take care of the guard monitoring the CCTV system before the alarm can be raised.” Jo looked at Christina who could tell that she wasn’t that convinced by that plan. “We don’t have any other choice at this juncture.”

“And we do have the element of surprise on our side” Jo added. I hope so Christina thought. That and a trusty chloroform soaked cloth. Christian nodded and went back into the cabin where they found that Louise had in fact not moved at all. Christina untied Louise’s wrists and beckoned her to stand. Louise did and went to unbuckle the gag.

“No, sorry that stays in place for the foreseeable future” Christina said by way of a response. Louise gave Christina a puzzled look. “I need your clothes and security codes” Christian said in a faux Arnold Schwarzenegger accent. The expression on Louise’s face got even more perplexed.

“I don’t think she gets it Christina” Jo said.

“That was my best Austrian Oak. Anyway just take your clothes off we need them for later.” Louise started to strip. “You can leave the underwear on. After that we are going to secure you for the duration so if you want to put something else on then feel free to grab it.”

Once Louise had stripped she made her way across to the wardrobe and pulled out a down filled suit and flung it onto the bed. Then marched over to a set of drawers, selected the middle drawer and removed a large diaper from it and held it up to Christian and Jo. Louise tossed it to Jo before stepping out of her panties and lying on the bed. Jo took the subtle hint and approached the probe figure of Louise on the bed, unfurling the diaper as she did so.

“Well I never thought I would be putting a diaper on a grown woman” Jo commented as she tidied up. Christina was busy at this moment replacing her own clothes with those that Louise had stripped off about half an hour ago. Not being that familiar with the restraint system and having no instructions to follow it had taken the pair of them that long to get Louise fully secured. Christina could swear that Louise had actually been laughing at their efforts on occasion but with the woman being gagged Christina couldn’t have sworn to it. Once finished getting redressed Christina took a long look in a mirror whilst Jo went to get Jane. The clothes were a bit tight in certain areas, her bust and rear were larger than Louise’s but they would pass. She would find a jacket to put over it.

“Right let’s get Jane something to wear Jo.” Christina said as Jo and Jane came back into the cabin. They checked that Louise was secure before following Christina out of the room and along the corridor. They checked behind a couple of doors before finding what they were looking for, a bedroom that was clearly used for Elizabeth Crawford’s operative. Jane started to strip whilst Christina checked through wardrobes and selected a combination of a sweater and trousers that would fit Jane and tossed them on the bed. “Those should fit.” Christina then selected two full length down jackets, one for her and another for Jane before closing the wardrobe and putting one on. It fitted just right, running her hands over the smooth fabric she had to admit that there was something comforting about the feel of the jacket. Anyway back to business. Christina looked around the room and found what she was looking for. It was a small cupboard secured by a digital local. Using the code Louise had kindly supplied earlier Christina popped the locked. Once inside she removed four of the chloroform containing bottles within and put one in each of her pockets before handing the other two to Jane who did the same. Christina then went into a drawer and grabbed some cloths and lengths of cord. Christina was sure that there would be plenty of binding equipment on the island but always like to be prepared.

“You have a good eye Christian, everything fits just right” Jane said. Christina just nodded and handed Jane some cloths.

“Let’s get back to the cabin and see where we are?” The answer was about forty five minutes from their destination. The group settled into an uneasy silence as they anticipated the task facing them. Christina went into the pocket of her borrowed jacket and produced a bottle of chloroform and a cloth which she placed on a counter next to Michelle. “When we all leave it might be better to dose Louise with the chloroform. I don’t think that she will be causing any problems but better safe than sorry.” Michelle nodded but didn’t turn and look at Christina or the chloroform bottle.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 35

Michelle cut the engines and let the Seaductress drift into the island’s pier. Jane and Christina jumped from the bow and stern with ropes and quickly tied the boat to the pier. The two women then glanced at each other. This was the point of no return. They both nodded at each other and headed toward the end of the dock and followed the directions that Louise had supplied to guide them to the main house. As they turned onto the driveway leading to the main house Christian had to admit that it was an impressive structure. As they approached the house Christina and Jane pulled the brims of the caps that they had taken from the boat down to shield their faces from the CCTV camera at the main door. Louise had told them that there would be one guard watching the CCTV system at this time plus another doing patrols around the main house at irregular intervals whilst checking on the captives.

There were no issues as Christian punched the code that Louise had given her into the pad beside the door. The electronic lock disengaged and Christina pushed open the door and entered the spacious entrance hall. After taking a brief moment to admire the scale of the room Christina set off toward the security station where the guard would be monitoring the CCTV system. Christina didn’t really have a plan, it was more a case of looking confident and hoping that nothing went wrong. Striding purposefully down the corridor Christina could feel Jane following her closely. As she walked deeper into the building Christina mentally went through the directions supplied by Louise until she paused before the door that had the security room behind it. Well that’s what she hoped. Christina looked around but couldn’t see a camera covering the corridor that they were standing in so she signalled for Jane to stand on the other side of the door before knocking lightly on the door and taking a couple of steps back. Jane went into her pocket and produced a cloth and bottle of chloroform, applying a liberal amount of the anaesthetic to the thick white cloth before returning the bottle to the pocket of her jacket. Christina heard light footsteps on the other side of the door. As the door began to open Christina turned and walked away, taking slow, easy steps. “Hey. Where are you going Louise?” Christian heard from behind her. Christina stopped but didn’t turn round, wanting to lure the woman toward her. Christina heard footsteps on the wooden floor. Once the footsteps ceased Christina waited a split second and spun round. The woman was wearing a down jacket and a large billowing dress as Louise had said the guards would be. The guard paused for a moment, mouth open, puzzled at not looking into the face of Louise Williams. That was the opportunity Jane needed to sneak up behind the guard and clamp the chloroformed doused cloth over her nose and mouth. A look of wide eyed shock crossed the guard’s face at this turn of events. Christina grabbed both of the guard’s wrists to prevent her from being able to grab at Jane’s hand and remove the cloth. Christina had to admit that the guard put up a valiant struggle but was powerless against her two attackers. Christina looked deep into the guard’s eyes as her struggling got less frantic as the fumes from the chloroform started to have an effect, the struggles got less and less effective as the guard slumped to the floor. Jane kept the cloth firmly in placed and Christina kept looking into the guard’s eyes until the eyelids fluttered and close over. Jane looked to Christina who let go on the guard’s wrists, letting her arms fall to the ground. Christina nodded to Jane who removed the cloth from over the guard’s nose and mouth and stuffed it into her pocket. Then between them Jane and Christina picked up the guard and carried her back into the room containing the security systems for the island.

“Let’s put her in that chair” Christina said to Jane indicating a large padded, leather chair sitting next to a CCTV console. “You bind and gag her whilst I text the troops.” Jane nodded and went about positioning the guard better in the chair. Whilst Christina used her phone to send that text Jane looked around the room to find something to bind the guard. Jane’s eyes found a cupboard which she approached and opened. Jane opened it and wasn’t in the least bit surprised to discover it was filled with binding equipment. Jane made a quick decision and grabbed a handful of different lengths of cord, then for good measure also picked up a set of cuffs to use on the guards wrists.

After texting Rhiannon that he coast was clear Christian made her way across and picked up an electronic key card that was sitting on the desk in front of the bank of CCTV monitors, hopeful that this card would give her access to any room throughout the building. Next she scanned the bank of screens. There were six screens showing images from cameras located around the property. To the right had side of that was a large screen as large as the other six combined, this is what she was looking for. It showed the location of both the guards and the prisoners on the property by the electronic tags that they wore; red for the prisoners and blue for the guards. The screen showed a single blue dot in the room with her, two blue dots in another room further along the hall with the final blue dot slowly moving along a corridor in the floor above. Christian quickly made assumptions on the dots. The two in the room along the corridor would be two off duty guards, the two stationary dots upstairs would be Crawford and Martinez with the final blue dot being the roving guard. They would have to take care of her first. Christina then turned her attention to the red dots, the prisoners. There were four, three in a large room at the end of the corridor plus a single red dot in another room toward the back of the house.

Startled by a noise from behind her Christina spun round and saw that Jane was having a few issues securing the guard. “Not very good at that are you” Christina stated.

“You say that like it is a bad thing” was Jane’s reply. “Give us a hand then.” Christina made her way across and picked up a selection of the length of cords. As Jane had already used the cuffs to secure the guard’s wrists behind the back of the chair Christina picked up two long lengths of cord and used these to secure the guard to the chair. At the same time Jane as struggling through the underskirts to secure the guards ankles and legs together. Having accomplished that Jane used another length of the cord to secure the guard to the seat of the chair. Just after they had finished securing the guard to the chair there was a quiet knocked at the door. Christina opened the door and let Rhiannon, Gillian and Jo slide through.

“It is nice to see you ladies. I have the lay of the land from the security feeds so let’s not waste any time. Grab a handful of those cords each and let’s get moving.” Gillian, Jane and Jo all nodded. “Oh and you better gag her before we leave” Christina said indicating the unconscious guard sitting bound in the chair. Jane forced a cloth into the unconscious guard’s mouth then used a scarf securely tied at the back of the guard’s head to keep it in place.#

“Let’s go and get our friends” Rhiannon said. Christina looked around the room then took hold of Rhiannon’s arm and led her into a corner of the room. Lowering her voice and leaning in close to Rhiannon Christina said “look we have to take our time and take care of the guards first. We don’t want any nasty surprises.” Rhiannon went to interrupt but Christian raised a hand to silence the protests before then came. “I understand but we have to take this carefully.” Rhiannon’s shoulders slumped the she nodded. There was something else that Rhiannon wasn’t going to like. “You stay here and monitor the house, well mansion for movement and if you think there is anything that we should now about give us a call.” With that Christina signalled to Jo, Gillian and Jane to follow her and headed out of the door and along the corridor to where Christina hoped they would find two guards soundly asleep.

The four women slipped silently into the room where the two guards were indeed soundly asleep, although not as soundly as they hopefully would be after the sedative had been administered. Christina had led the small group along the corridor to outside the room where the blue dots and indicated two guards would be. Pausing outside only long enough to soak two cloths in chloroform before Christina used the key card to disengage the electronic lock. After entering the room the women spilt into two groups of two and made there was across to single beds where the two women slept, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen. Christina and Jo were on each side of one bed, Gillian and Jane had taken similar positions at the other bed. Gillian held up her hand and counted down on her fingers so that the attacks would be simultaneous. Then they pounced, Gillian and Christina clamped chloroform soaked cloths over their victim’s nose and mouths whilst Jane and Jo pinned the women down onto the beds. Both women struggled valiantly once shocked awake by the attack that saw their nose and mouths covered with a chemical soaked cloth. However they had no leverage to fight off their attackers and eventually succumbed to the fumes from the cloths.

“Tie and gag them both” Christina said. I am going to take Rhiannon and find Hayley and Natalie.” Christina exited the room the three remaining women pulled a large pile of cords or various lengths from the bag and set about securing the guards. Gillian took the lead for this task, deciding that she was probably the most experienced. Gillian took one of the guards and instructed Jane and Jo to bind the other guard, following her lead. Firstly Gillian took one of the shorter lengths of cord and bound the guard’s ankles together. Next Gillian took a slightly longer length and used it to secure the set of bound ankles to the frame at the bottom of the bed, a similar length of cord was then used to bind the guards legs together at the thighs, perhaps a bit of overkill in this situation but better safe than sorry thought Gillian. After securing the guards legs Gillian looked across to make sure that Jane and Jo were following suit, they were. Gillian then bound the guard’s wrists together with a length of cord and they used a fifth length to secure the bound wrists to the headboard at the top of the bed, lifting the guard’s wrists above her head as a result. Finally Gillian obtained a long length of cord and used it be secure the guard to the bed by tying it just below the guard’s breasts. Taking a step back to admire her handiwork Gillian looked around the room and found what she was looking for, a chest of drawers. Opening the top drawer she found what she was looking for a, the female equivalent of a man drawer featuring amongst over things handkerchiefs and head scarves. Grabbing four lacy female handkerchiefs and a couple of the scarves she made her way over to where Jane and Jo had just finished tying the guard, checking their handiwork Gillian gave a nod of professional approval before handing Jo two of the handkerchiefs and a scarf.

“Ball up the two handkerchiefs and stuff them into her mouth then fold the scarf and tie is tightly over her mouth to hold the stuffing in place.”

“Won’t that hurt? Do we need the stuffing?” Jane asked.

“It won’t hurt but it will be uncomfortable, something to keep them occupied rather than thinking about loosening their bounds and yes we need the stuffing. You really need it to muffle the noise effectively.” With that Gillian went about gagging the guard that she had bound and watched carefully as Jane did the same.

As Christina made her way back toward the security room she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Quickly pulling it from her jacket Christina glanced at the screen, Rhiannon has sent her a screenshot from the security system showing a blue dot making its way down the stairs. It was the last guard making rounds. Christina quickly prepared a fresh cloth with a liberal dose of chloroform and pressed against the wall just down from the corner that the guard would come round. Christina was confident as she would have the element of surprise.

The guard appeared round the corner and stopped dead, shocked to find Christina standing right in the middle of the corridor. But before the guard could do anything about her discovery, Christina grabbed her and pressed a damp cloth clamped tightly over her face. Christina’s forward momentum meant that the guard fell backwards with Christina purposefully landed on top of her. Christina felt the wind get knocked out of the guard which meant that the guard inhaled a large dose of the chloroform fumes. The guard clawed at the hand the held the cloth, all the time inhaling the sickly sweet fumes of chloroform. Christina was long practiced in the art of subduing women and despite the struggles soon felt the strength drain from the guard’s body and soon the guard’s eyes rolled back in her head as darkness took her. Christina managed to get her hands under the guards shoulder and starting dragging her toward the security room. Rhiannon opened the door just as Christina arrived and helped Christian haul the guard the last few yards and into the centre of the room. “Right lets get this one secure and then we can crack on.”

Having bound and gagged the guard Christina was now confident that there were no other guards waiting around corners to pounce on them, the information supplied by Louise had proved accurate to this point, so strode confidently along the corridor toward the room where Hayley and Natalie were being held. Rhiannon followed a pace behind. Unlike Christina she was nervous and expected someone to spring from behind a door. Christina stopped at the door behind which they would find Rhiannon’s abducted friends. Christina swiped the key card and heard the electronic lock disengage. Christina went to push the door open but paused and looked at Rhiannon. “Probably best that you go in first.”

“Good idea” Rhiannon replied and braced herself for what she might find.

Rhiannon opened the door stepped into the room, looking around and taking in the sight that greeted her eyes. The room was large and contained three double beds. On each bed lay a large sleeping bag contraption. Rhiannon knew from first hand experience that these were used to restrain bound captives, although the bags laying on the bed looked larger, puffier and more inflated than the one that she remembered being restrained in. Rhiannon felt a nudge in her back, spinning round Rhiannon found Christina giving her a gentle reminder to get on with things.

For no obvious reason Rhiannon picked the middle bed and would her way across, without stopping Rhiannon made her way to the top of the bed. As she walked Rhiannon could not resist running her hand over the smooth fabric of the sleeping bag, applying some gentle pressure she could feel the thickness of the down filling. At the top of the bag Rhiannon broke into a smile. Framed by the puffed out hood bag was the head of Hayley King. “Morning Hayley, what do you say we get you out of here?” Hayley eyes lit up and Rhiannon heard an unintelligible noise form behind the gag that was over Hayley’s mouth. Hayley raised her head so Rhiannon reached round, undid the buckle and gentle removed the heavy gag from Hayley’s mouth.

“Am I glad to see a friendly face at last” Hayley exclaimed! “Now if you could just get me out of these bags I would eternally grateful, big zip in the middle.” Rhiannon quickly turned her attention to freeing her friend and found the clip holding the zipper at the centre of the large bag and started to open it, wincing at how loud the nose seemed to be in the otherwise silent room. Christina made her way across to the bed on the right hand side of the room. Rhiannon unzipped the bag as far as it would go and then made her way to the bottom on the bed. Grabbing the bag with both hands she pulled at it whilst Hayley helped as much as possible be slithering around, the combination worked and the bag came away to reveal to Rhiannon’s amazement a second bag keeping Hayley cocooned within. Getting over her shock Rhiannon moved to the side of the bed and found the zip for the second restraining bag and quickly got it open so that she could undo the bindings securing her friend. Hayley vaulted up from the bed once Rhiannon had completed removing her bonds and enthusiastically hugged Rhiannon. It was then, looking over Rhiannon’s shoulder that Hayley noticed Christina helping Natalie to escape from her bonds.

“What the hell is she doing here?” Hayley spat through gritted teeth, the sight of Christina transporting her back several weeks to that hotel room where Christina chloroformed her and handed her over to Elizabeth Crawford and her gang of criminals. Hayley released Rhiannon and made to head toward where Christina was finishing off removing the restraints from Natalie.

“We haven’t got time for that now Hayley” Rhiannon whispered into Hayley’s ear having grabbed Hayley by the upper arm. There was a brief moment of tension in the room as all four women paused and glanced around before Hayley nodded her head. Rhiannon just about felt the tension leave her friend’s body through the padding of the down suit that she was wearing.

“Christina, would you be a dear and get our fellow captive Gayle out of her restraints whilst Natalie and I freshen up?” Hayley motioned with her head toward the other bed. As Christina helped Gayle get out of her restraints Hayley and Natalie quickly changed into fresh down suits. It was the best that they could do at he present time. At the same time Rhiannon brought both of them up to speed on developments.

Once Gayle had been freed Hayley did the introductions. “Rhiannon meet Gayle Hutton.” Rhiannon nodded. “Gayle, meet Rhiannon Scott and the other person lingering in the background is Christina.” Hayley shot Christina a withering glare with her ice blue eyes. Christina knew that there would be a long conversation to be had later but they had other more pressing issues at this time; namely to get Elizabeth Crawford.
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Post by Caesar73 »

That Hayley harbours no Sympathies for Christina is not very surprising. Christina deserted Hayley and left her. Even if Christinas Motives are understandable. But what Choices did Christina have. Leaving her sister in the hands of Crawford, or abandoning Haley? And Christina did make amendements in finding Hayley and Company. I'm sure Haley will understand that there was hardly any other choice, that Christina could have made.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Oh and I can hardly wait till Martinez and Crawford getting a healthy dose of Chloroform. Especially Martinze took way to much pleasure in doing her Job. Remember her gloating when she confined Natalie the first time in the restraint system. Or how much fun she had tying and gagging Hayley? So it is only just, that there will be some payback. It would be poetic Justice, if Crawford and Martinez would be restrained in the same bags - for weeks to come :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

I think Natalie, Hayley will be happy, to get out of these fancy suits. Wearing them for weeks must be tiresome :D :D :D
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Chapter 36

“We have neutralised all of the guards so it should only be Martinez and Crawford left to take care of” Christina said to the small group that had gathered round her in a rough semi circle.

“And you believe Louise because she mentioned that she was once a girl guide?” Hayley said, with a heavy drop of sarcasm.

“Well see those nice bracelets around your ankles” Christina paused as the three former captives all glanced down “the locations are monitored from the security room. All of Crawford’s gang including Martinez and Elizabeth herself wear similar bracelets that are also monitored from the security room…..” They were smart women Christina didn’t have to join the dots. Hayley nodded her understanding.

The group headed back to the security room where they found Jane, Gillian and Jo who had retuned there after securing the guards. After a brief round of hugs and introductions Christina moved across to the screens and looked at the two blue dots on the floor above. After a brief but heated conversation it was decided that Christina, Jane, Hayley and Natalie would confront Elizabeth Crawford with the remainder of the group heading back to the boat.

Christina, Jane, Hayley and Natalie tooled up for the job at hand from the supply cupboard in the security room. Giving the rest of the group a five minutes head start plus an instruction to leave if they weren’t back at the boat within ninety minutes Christina took the lead and exited the security room; Hayley brought up the rear and carefully closed the door behind her. Having just got free from several weeks of being bound she did not want the sound of a door closing to send her back there. Christian kept close to the wall she edged her way along the corridor toward the staircase that led to the first floor, unconsciously Christina ran her fingers along the wall. Reaching the corner of the wall Christina raised her hands, indicating that the three women behind her should pause. Christina looked round the corner and seeing nobody in sight broke cover and headed for the bottom of the staircase, Natalie, Jane and Hayley in close attendance. At the top of the stairs Christina paused, tilting her head as if listening for some noise. Christina indicated right and trotted off with the rest of the women following close behind.

The group continued along the corridor until Christian paused outside a door. They all stood silently and listened for any indication of movement from behind the door. Then suddenly the door opened and they all turned to find themselves looking at Martinez. Fortunately Martinez was as in shock at finding herself the group standing outside and didn’t react before Christina reacted, tackling Martinez to the ground inside the room, straddling her body and clamping a hand over Martinez’s mouth, ensuing that the woman couldn’t scream. The two women started struggling on the ground, arms and legs everywhere as Martinez realised that she would have to make break free before anybody else got involved. Unfortunately for her it didn’t take long for the others to get over the shock and went to assist Christina. Jane dived onto Martinez’s legs to pin then in place whilst Natalie grabbed a flailing arm and held it down. Christina and Martinez both turned round at the same time to see Hayley preparing a cloth with chloroform. Christina turned and looked down on Martinez and could see the woman’s eyes widen in anticipation of what was about to happen, the application of the chloroform soaked cloth to her nose and mouth. Martinez shook her head but it wouldn’t do ant good against four attackers. Hayley calmly knelt next to Martinez, the fabric of her down suit rustling as she did so. Martinez continued to struggle then without warning Christina removed her hand and almost instantaneously Hayley clamped the cloth over Martinez’s nose and mouth. Christina leaned over to Hayley and whispered “Don’t knock her all the way out. Just enough to make her groggy and easily managed.” Hayley nodded and they both turned there attention to Martinez who was trapped breathing in the chloroform fumes. Martinez obviously had a high resistance to the drug as it took longer then expected for most of the fight to leave the woman and for her eyelids to start drooping closed, once that happened Hayley removed the cloth.

“Gag her quickly Natalie” Hayley said. Natalie jumped to it and stuffed a wadded up cloth into Martinez’s mouth, instantly silencing the light moaning that the semi conscious woman was making. Christina got up off Martinez and rolled her over; removing a short length of cord from a pocket Christina used it to securely bind Martinez’s wrists in the small of the woman’s back. Then Natalie used a scarf to hold the cloth that was in Martinez’s mouth in place. With Martinez secured they stood around, glancing at each other as if to say what next.

“Let’s just give her some time to come round then we get Crawford” Christina said glancing at her watch. “There is no rush.”

Chapter 37

Martinez rolled onto her back pinning her bound hands behind her and looked up at the women who had gotten the better of her. She didn’t like anybody getting the better of her. “Looks like she has shaken off the worst of the effects of the chloroform Hayley” Jane said.

“Indeed” Hayley replied. Martinez kept looking from woman to woman among the four that were currently standing round her. Hayley and Natalie each grabbed Martinez under an arm and helped her up into a standing position.

“MMPPHH” Martinez mumbled from behind the gag.

“No need to thank us. All part of the service” Hayley said with a smile.

“This is the situation Martinez. We have all of your guards subdued and out of action downstairs. The only person that we don’t have is Crawford and we are going to get her now and we were planning to take you with us” Christina paused, “as long as you behave. Otherwise the chloroform comes back out and you go all the way out this time.” Christina could see Martinez’s shoulders slump, no doubt she had been holding out hope of rescue by colleagues. After taking a couple of seconds to consider her position Martinez nodded her acceptance of the situation. Christina once again took the lead and headed purposefully out of the door and toward the room where they would find Elizabeth Crawford. Natalie took a firm grip of Martinez’s upper arm and followed Christina, almost having to drag Martinez then Hayley nudged her in the back which elicited a bit more co-operation. Jane brought up the rear, carefully closing the door behind her.

Christina stood square on facing the door into Elizabeth Crawford’s room. Hayley had giving her a description of the layout of the room. This time rather than having to be subtle Christina decided to go with the direct approach and hammered on the door like a police officer searching for a suspect. When there was no response Christina turned to Hayley “Perhaps she isn’t in?” Hayley shrugged and indicated for Christina to try again. Once again Christian administered a heavy knock to the middle of the door. Then they heard movement.

“This had better be important. I do not like being disturbed at this hour” yelled the very angry voice of Elizabeth Crawford from the other side of the door. Christian, Hayley, Natalie and Jane braced themselves as the door flew open and an irate Elizabeth Crawford stood in the doorway. It took her a second to process the site that greeted her but when it did Elizabeth Crawford’s jaw visibly dropped.

“Oh I think that you will find it is Liz” Hayley said. “You don’t mind me calling you Liz do you?” Hayley then took a hold of Martinez and pushed her into Crawford which caused both women to end up in a heap on the floor; Crawford on her back with Martinez on top trying desperately to get off which with her wrists bound behind her was not going to be easy. Christina, Hayley, Natalie and Jane entered the room and closed the door behind them despite to the best of their knowledge there being nobody else left in the main house that wasn’t bound, gagged and currently having a chloroform induced nap. Natalie leaned over and whispered in Elizabeth’s ear.

“Let’s have a chat.” Hayley then moved to place the recently refreshed chloroform soaked cloth over Elizabeth’s nose and mouth. Elizabeth knew what was coming and assuming that the cloth heading her way was chloroformed soaked she wriggled frantically, finally shoving a struggling Martinez from on top of her and tried to pull her head away but Hayley quickly clamped the cloth in place. “It’s four versus one Elizabeth so just relax and breath in the fumes” said Hayley. Crawford looked into Hayley’s eyes with anger. Seeing no other alternative Elizabeth did as Hayley advised and didn’t struggle against the cloth with eventually everything turning black as the fumes took full effect.

The first light of day started to shine through the curtains as Elizabeth Crawford blinked as she came round from her drugged slumber. Immediately she knew that she was bound to her bed exactly like she liked to have her guests restrained. Despite that she still tested the tension in the ropes that were attached to the leather cuffs around her wrists and ankles that held her spread eagled on the bed. Once satisfied that she wasn’t going to get loose she turned her attention

“What have you done with Martinez?”

“Taking a nap in the bathroom” Hayley replied waving a cloth in the air. “Do you fancy another one?”

“I thought that you wanted to have a chat” Crawford said with barely disguised sarcasm dripping from the final three words of that sentence.

“Well we were talking when you were out and we decided that we don’t really care what you have to say Elizabeth. So it’s nap time again and we will be heading off.” Hayley started to slowly pour liquid from a glass bottle onto the soft, thick white cloth; seeming to savour the moment. Once satisfied that the cloth was juicy enough Hayley started to approach Crawford. All of the other women in the room looked on as Elizabeth started to struggle wildly against the rope holding her in place on the bed, panic in her eyes.

“Wait, wait don’t do that! Take me back with you Hayley” Elizabeth almost pleaded.

“Why should we do that?” was Hayley’s terse reply.

“The people that we pass on the smuggled goods to are due around midday. I assume that you will be going back to the mainland before calling for backup. That will take at least four hours plus the time it takes to get the coastguard or whoever here. That will be too late. If you leave me here and they turn up and see this they will assume that I have talked. They will take me away and I seriously do not want that to happen.” Hayley almost felt sorry for the woman, the pleading tone in her voice. At least that explained why Gayle, Natalie and her were always restrained in the early afternoon.

“As far as I am concerned that would be fate playing fair.”

“Look I know where you are coming from Hayley. Please take me along. I promise to spill my guts on the whole operation and take my medicine.”

“We already have Louise for that and she has been very helpful so far” Christina said. “Beside you deserve anything that comes your way.” With that Christina stuffed a wadded up cloth into Elizabeth’s mouth and used a scarf to hold it in place.

“I will give you the option of having a nap Elizabeth” Hayley offered politely holding the cloth tantalisingly under Elizabeth Crawford’s chin. The reply came by way of a shake of the head. Hayley shrugged her shoulders and placed the cloth, damp side up at the top of Elizabeth’s chest. “If you take deep breaths the fumes will relax you a bit.”

“What about the rest of her crew?” Natalie asked, slightly uneasy at the choice that had just been made.

“Well I think that it is up to you as you have been held captive by them for almost a month” Christina said.

“I would leave them to their fate. They knew what they were getting into; none of them are innocent bystanders. Not like Gayle for instance. She happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up being abducted and held captive” Hayley said. Christina turned to Natalie who nodded in agreement.

The group exited the room to the sounds of Elizabeth Crawford making severely muffled noises of rage from behind her gag. Hayley had no idea what the woman was trying to say but the hair on the back of neck stood up. As much as she didn’t want to think it something told her she hadn’t heard the last of this woman.

Christina lead the way along the corridor and down the stairs but paused at the bottom, not instantly turning right to head toward the main entrance to the house and beyond that the road back toward the dock. “What’s the matter?” Natalie asked from behind. The whole troop had now stopped on the stairs.

“There was another red dot on the security system. It’s got me thinking” Christina replied.

“Do you think we should check it out?” was Jane’s reply.

“Well I wouldn’t want to leave some poor innocent woman’s fate in the hands of whoever turns up” Natalie said with her voice rising slightly. Natalie was still disturbed by the decision to leave their captors to their fate.

“Christina and I will check it out them, you and Jane head back to the boat. There isn’t any point in more of us taking chances than we have to.” Hayley said in reply to Natalie. With that Natalie and Jane headed off toward the front door and the relative safety of the dock.

The two women stare at the door for almost a minute before Christina used the electronic key card that she procured earlier and swiped it through the reader. They heard the lock disengage and after Christina has pushed the door fully open they both entered. Surveying the scene once inside Hayley recognised the layout as exactly the same as the room that she had been held in with Natalie and Gayle, except on a smaller scale with just the single bed. On that bed lay what looked like a hugely inflated sleeping bag in which was encased a well bound woman no doubt. Hayley decided to grab the bull by the horns so to speak and strode up to the side of the bed. It was then that she noticed that this restraining bag was slightly different to the ones that she had been put in, there was a veil like section over the hood with only a couple of small air holes so that you couldn’t make out who was contained within. It also had the added benefit for the captors of blocking the vision of captive. The woman in the bag seemed to sense Hayley’s presence and there were some muffled noises from the bag coupled with some very minor signs of movement. Hayley took the hint and unzipped first the outer with Christina pulled away from the bottom of the bed and then the inner bag without ever taking another look at the woman contained within. With both restraining bags lying open Hayley and Christina took a step back as the woman swung their legs out of the bag.

Hayley and Christina looked on in shock as a man slid out of the restraining bags. The man made an impatient noise from behind a gag, shaking his head as if trying to give the two women a visual hint as to what he wanted them to do. After taking a few seconds to get over their initial shock both Hayley and Christina quickly went about removing the many bindings that secured the man.

“Thanks ladies” the man said once all of his bindings and gag had been removed.

“So what’s your story?” Hayley asked.

“The abridged version is that I am a government agent and was working undercover in Europe, with one of your fellow American as a partner as it happens. We were compromised and in the act of escaping she got away but I was not so fortunate.” The man looked around and noted the light coming through the window. “I see that blonde lady is wearing a similar get up to me so I assume that she was also held here but you Ms Redhead are not, neither are you attired like our captors so I assume that you are with some kind of rescue mission.” Christina nodded.

“Crawford and all of the others have been subdued. We have free run of the place” Hayley stated.”

“At the moment” the man replied. “How did you get here?”

“We have a boat” Christina replied.

“Well may I suggest that we heard there quickly whilst we have the advantage and before anybody else shows up? Perhaps somebody who wouldn’t like the fact that we are wandering about and all of the guards have been taken care of.” Both Hayley and Christian nodded. “But just before we go….” The man made his way quickly to the wardrobe, opened it and grabbed a garment bag that was hanging inside. “Ladies first, let’s go” with that Hayley and Christina made their way out of the door at a brisk walk followed by their new acquaintance.

Chapter 38

The door to the small bathroom opened and Agent Warwick stepped out, freshly shaved and showered into the bedroom using supplies that had helpfully been on the boat. Hayley and Natalie watched on intently as he walked across to the bed where he had laid out his shirt and suit, taken from the garment bag that he had grabbed back in the house. Agent Warwick picked it up and with ease and a strange precision put it on. “Ladies I would like to thank you again for your help back on the island, and of course the lift on this boat.” Agent Warwick casually picked up a set of cufflinks and put them into the cuffs of his white shirt.

“Agent Warwick……” Natalie said

“Please, call me Mark” was the reply.

“Back on the island you gave Hayley the short version but……..” Natalie left it unsaid.

“You would like the full story now” Warwick completed the sentence for Natalie.

“Yes and please we have a decent amount of time so don’t leave anything out.”

“Natalie if I didn’t know better I would say that you were a Police officer” Warwick responded, raising an eyebrow. Natalie just smirked, giving Warwick confirmation of his suspicion. “Take seats ladies as this may take a bit of time.” Natalie and Hayley perched on the edge of the bed as Warwick started his story.

“It was about three months ago and I was investigating a crime syndicate operating across Europe with some suspected ties to America. I had been instructed to liaise with an American contemporary, a female agent that I only knew by her codename for this operation, Rusty and we were posing as suppliers, well middle persons that could get hold of a number of items such as arms and information.”

“Where was this?” Hayley asked.

“Who was involved with this crime syndicate? Especially the US links” Natalie asked.

“I cannot really divulge that kind of information to you” Warwick said with a smirk. “I just met you.” This comment was

“And what exactly is your organisation?”

“British Secret Service” Warwick answered. There was a silent pause for a couple of seconds before both Natalie and Hayley said simultaneously.

“Carry on Agent Warwick.”

“Anyway back to the main story. Rusty and I had managed to work our way into this operation and had got to the point where we had arranged a meeting with someone who was near the top of the organisation. We arrived by car at the designated location which was a large warehouse in a secluded industrial estate. At the agreed time we chapped the door and were allowed to enter the large open ground floor area of the warehouse. We were led past various stacks of boxes to the centre of the warehouse to where a small group of people waited to receive us. After getting a look at the group we knew that we had made some progress. Two of the group were known to be the top lieutenants of the main man, Lazlo the man mountain Hungarian enforcer and Trinh the tall, elegant woman of Vietnamese of descent who was pretty much where the action was within the organisation. Nobody had spoken, I though that we had cracked in until Trinh called me by my real name. That’s when it all kicked off, shouting, shooting and bodies everywhere. We couldn’t get out of the warehouse as the entrances were all guarded so between us Rusty and I managed to fight our way onto the mezzanine floor, into one of the rooms and locked the door. Almost instantly there was banging at the door trying to knock it in. We both looked around frantically and the only exit that we could see was a small window that Rusty could just about squeeze through but someone with my frame had no chance. I convinced her to leave me and help her out of the window and watched as she used a drainpipe to escape.”

“Not long after Rusty had managed to squirm through the small widow and drop to the ground the wood around the lock finally gave in and Lazlo and Trinh stepped into the room. Lazlo was pointing a decidedly large pistol straight at my chest. I know that it is a bit of a trope but I decided to raise my hands at that point, these two were not to be messed with. Trinh said nothing but approach me and then frisked me very roughly and thoroughly. Then she brought my arms behind my back and used a length of rope to tie my wrists together. A bit roughly I may add. Trinh then told Lazlo to keep an eye on me whilst she phoned the boss.”

“As you are probably aware ladies this crime syndicate specialise in identify swaps. I was about to become one of those people that was replaced. During that telephone call Trinh was instructed to take the opportunity to replace me with one of their operatives. At least for a short spell they could gain information before my organisation found out. Anyway Trinh took great pleasure in telling me this when she returned. Trinh produced a cloth from her pocket, rolled it up lengthwise and used it to cleave gag me. There was a cot in the room and Lazlo forced me down onto it, Trinh then used some more rope to bind my legs together in a three places. Trinh then used a longer length of rope to tie my bound ankles to the frame of the cot. With that they both turned and left, I struggled for a bit trying to get free but the ropes held firm”

“Anyway if they did away with me then the body may turn up and start questions being asked. Better that I disappear. That was when I met your friend Elizabeth Crawford. The crime syndicate did business with her and apparently she was the person to go to when somebody had to disappear. As I lay bound and gagged on the cot contemplating my fate when the door opened and this tall, elegant woman walked in, it was Elizabeth Crawford wearing a figure hugging black dress, hose and a stylish long jacket Crawford was closely followed by a tall blonde woman wearing a cargo pants and a full length down filled coat. Crawford approached the cot and

“Now I am going to take that nasty gag out of your mouth but no shouting or it goes back in. I will also untie the rope holding you to the bed so that you can sit up.” I nodded that I understood and with that Crawford did as promised and I found myself sitting beside her on the bed with my wrists and ankles still bound. I watched as the tall blonde produced a bottle of water from her pocket and poured some powder form a small foil packet into the bottle and giving it a shake until it dissolved. The tall blonde then handed the bottle to Crawford.

“Look to explain it is my job to keep you out of the way for however long is required. Now Agent I am good at this. You will be kept restrained almost at all times but I can assure you that you will be more comfortable than now in these primitive restraints. My entire staff is female but don’t get any ideas I doubt you will ever be in a position to take advantage of your greater physical strength. My women are all highly trained in abducting people so you will be well taken care of.”

“Here please this” Crawford said raising the glass to the agent’s lips.

“What is in it exactly?”

“I won’t lie to you. It is a sedative that will keep you out for a period of time. The only down side is that it takes fifteen minutes to take effect. If you don’t my colleague and I will force it down you so I advise that you play nice.” At this point I decided that discretion was the better part of valour and drank a good portion of the water.

“Good boy. I wouldn’t worry about having to urinate after all of that water, we have diapers for that. Now we must get a move on so I don’t have time to let that sedative take effect. I don’t suppose you want to walk down to our van before I use the chloroform?” Before I could respond Crawford produced a cloth form her pocket and clamped it over my nose and mouth. I tried struggling for a bit but bound as I was there wasn’t much I could do, eventually I succumbed to the fumes and everything went black. I woke taking the slow boat to the island and have been there ever since.”

“Now that I have told you my story I think that it is only fair that I hear your story” Agent Warwick said with an arched eyebrow. Natalie and Hayley looked at each other.

“I’ll run through the main points now. It all started………..” Hayley began.

Chapter 39

Hayley, Natalie and Rhiannon made their way below decks toward the room where they had left Louise Williams restrained and gagged. They all entered the room and took positions looking at the fully lofted down cocoon that encase Louise. Rhiannon glanced at her two friends and said “You were kept in those things for how long?”

“Most of the day at the beginning then less as time went on” answered Natalie “for almost three weeks.”

“Were you not sweating massively after fifteen minutes?” Rhiannon continued with the questioning.

“Believe it or not it was not that bad when it come to heat. The technology has moved on, the fabric is very breathable.” Hayley answered this time. “And to answer your next question it is very, very comfortable. Worryingly so that you just lie back and enjoy it.” Hayley shrugged to indicate that she knew that was weird but it is what it is.

“Let’s get her out and start shall we.” And with that they went to work.

Louise Williams found herself sitting in a chair rubbing her wrists looking at the three women. “Remember what you said to Christina earlier about co-operating Louise” Hayley said. Louise nodded “well this is your chance to prove it.” Louise continued nodding like one of those dogs in the back of cars. Hayley nodded at Rhiannon who produced her mobile phone and pointed at Louise.

“We are making a recording so just start at the beginning and carry on. We have around forty five minutes until we reach Jacob’s Harbour so we should get a large chuck recorded.” Before Louise could start Natalie spoke up.

“And if we think for a second that you are bull shitting us then we turn round and drop you back off at the island.”

“Yeah no problem, understood.” Louise said rising her hands. After taking a second to compose herself Louise stared straight at the camera lens in Rhiannon’s mobile phone. “My name is Louise Claire Williams and for the past four years I have been working with Elizabeth Crawford and Sophia Rousseau as part of the Crawford Crime Syndicate……….”

Approaching the relative safety of Jacob’s Harbour Gillian’s phone suddenly pinged, quickly retrieving from the pocket of her jacket Gillian noted that she now had reception and threw the phone to Hayley. “Make the call.” Hayley caught the phone with her left hand and punched in the number from memory.

“Dad, good morning it’s Hayley.” Hayley then paused. The group couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation but it didn’t take a great imagination to guess what was going on.

“I know that I haven’t called for a while but if you let me explain…….” Hayley stopped again as her dad interrupted. “Funny you should mention that, yes indeed I was kidnapped again.” Hayley removed the phone from her ear as her dad went on a rant. “If you let me finish I can explain. And get a pen and paper I have a couple of addresses that need to be raided as soon as possible” Rhiannon gave a thumbs up which Hayley acknowledged with a wave. “Rhiannon just sent you an e-mail with some of the evidence on it.” After twenty minutes and with the boat approaching shore Hayley finally managed to get her dad off the phone ending the conversation with “just call me back on this number.”


Hayley sat at the restaurant table reading the paper. There was a big headline on the front about a large smuggling operation being smashed by police. On the inside pages the report went into more detail. The organisation smuggled everything from drugs to people to stolen property. There was also a column linking them to the scandal around the property deal and the kidnappings and blackmails involved with getting that it agreed. The last paragraph explained that the deal was now on hold pending further investigation, that federal authorities were investigating and that charges were likely. Louise Williams’ testimony had been crucial and she had negotiated a nice deal, nine months detained at the pleasure of Section 10 wasn’t exactly hard labour. Christina Howard had also made statements on this case plus given statements about other criminal activity across the state. This meant that she was able to agree an even better deal than Louise Williams; just the six months detention. Christina said that she could do that no problem. The story didn’t mention what anybody else had been charged with.

Hayley was finished reading the story when Natalie walked in with her partner Detective Smith, the first to arrive for this gathering. Hayley got up and hugged Natalie before pecking her partner on the cheek. The two detectives took seats opposite Hayley and the small talk started as the waited on the rest of the group to arrive. Shortly after the rest of those invited arrived first Gayle, then Jane followed by Michelle, Rhiannon arrived with Gillian and finally Jo. They all ordered food and drinks before and the conversation drifted away from what they had just been through to far more mundane affairs. Towards the end of the evening Detective Smith quietly slipped away to leave the women to it. Eventually after the bill had been settled the women started to drift away until Hayley was left with Natalie and Gayle. The discussion moved onto what they had been through at the hands of Elizabeth Crawford’s criminal gang. Hayley could tell that Gayle was still nervous about it.

“Gayle I can guarantee that nothing like that will ever happen again” Hayley said. Famous last words Natalie thought but kept her mouth shut.

Before leaving the restaurant Hayley went to use the restroom, checking her mobile on the way she noticed that she had several messages. Quickly scrolling through the numbers associated with the messages Hayley was shocked when she looked at the name associated with the final number. It was her old friend roommate from college who she hadn’t heard from it roughly three years.

After reading the text a broad smile broke across Hayley’s face. Certainly an interesting development she said to herself.

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