A Bully's Tale (f+/f+) (ILLUSTRATED) *NEW (short) CHAPTER 14/11*

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Post by RopeBunny »


"Em." Barging in, hands too full of laptop and Fury to knock. Too excited to knock anyway. "Em. You need to see this."
"Don't you knock?" Sounding amused, smiling as she looks up from her desk, the surface of which is strewn with college paperwork, plus her own open laptop. "It's almost ten."
"It is?" I've been in and out of too many rabbit holes since dinner, and honestly haven't looked at even the small clock on my laptop once. "Oh. Um." I want to show her. But. "If you want I can," gesturing at her door, "um?"
"No no." Standing, stretching. "I could use a good excuse to stop. Come on." Climbing up onto her bed, patting the duvet beside her. "Show me what's got you all excited."

Ashley's number still sits on my phone. I haven't used it. I doubt I ever will.

"I mean." Talking to myself, which I do often, walking to school on a wet Thursday morning. "What would I even say?" I laugh, imagining. "Hi Ash. I'm free after school tomorrow if you fancy tying me up. Meet me in the woods?"

Which is exactly what I should say. But I won't. There are no signs from Ashley that she wants me to make contact. And, without a green light from her, in whatever form it might take, I find myself unable to take that first step

Michelle and Deborah are huddled outside the gates, smoking. Tasha loitering not far away chatting on her phone. All three obviously waiting on Ashley. Walking passed I suppress a smile. Since being tied in her house, since our talk, I can't help but picture all five of Ashley's hangers on as little fluffy white sheep.

"Baaaaa." I whisper, safely inside, out of both earshot and the rain. Heading for class.

"And. Besides." Sitting on my bed one Sunday evening, Fury resting on the duvet in front of me, looking at my right palm. "I've got other issues to deal with."

Namely, the wand. Why, and how, did it work when I tied up Em? How did I manage to float that cup? And why, after two successes, did it fail on me in Ashley's back garden?

I'm not mad. Yes, I had wanted to best Ashley, for once, to see what might become of her smug winners smile once she wasn't in fact winning. But, overall, what happened instead was far from a disaster.

"And I stripped because," emerging from the woods on a Monday afternoon, feeling out of sorts, deflated, at not having been pounced upon. "Well." A shrug, a laugh. "Because she told me too." And I've made a habit these last years of doing what Ashley says where tie ups are concerned.

Which is half of the truth. The other, more complicated, is that being tied up in less clothes sounded thrilling. Fun. An interesting twist. Part of me, in that moment, wanted Ashley to see me, to see all of me.

I had been working myself up, mentally talking myself into, removing the thong, but she'd stopped me.

"Okay." Two days later. Wednesday. After school but before dinner, sat at my desk, still in uniform but with shirt a third of the way open and tie discarded on my bed, airing out. "What I need, really." Fingers hovering over the keyboard, the Google search bar sitting empty, waiting. "Is a guide. Like a," laughing, because I can't see me possibly finding a real, "beginners how to."

"Maybe." Back at my desk, feeling nicely full after a dinner of spicy enchiladas, showered and changed into small ocean blue spandex Nike shorts over yellow boy pants, and a baggy black Alton Towers tee, no bra. "Maybe," looking at my palm, remembering, "I used a picture of you to find Fury's name. So." Looking across at the wand, which is back inside my underwear drawer. "Maybe if I search Shakta-el-Furiosa, something will show up?"

"Welcome." On the screen, the YouTube video I've only just found, watching half before realising what I'd stumbled upon, an old man sits before the camera on a comfortable looking dark red leather sofa. There's a friendly smile on his face, surrounded by a well trimmed white beard. He is, really thin. Like, ill thin, looking like nothing more then a skeleton wearing shrunken pale skin underneath a too large dark blue suit. There's a cream fedora on his head, beneath which wisps of white hair are escaping.

"My name," a shake of his head, "is not important. I am here today to talk. About magic."

Em gives me a sideways, amused, look. And tuts. "Just." Pointing at the screen. "Watch."
"Okay." Holding hands up in surrender, my sister turns her attention back to the video.

"So." He gives a small nod. "My granddaughter, who has been kind enough to help a clueless old man out today, tells me that this. Video. Will be made accessible to all?" A pause, a frown but not at the camera. A nod as his question is answered. "That is. Well." Scratching his beard. "At this late hour, it is a risk worth taking."

"Though many of you will no doubt see this, and hear my words. And, though some of you who do may even learn some small thing from them. My words." Raising his right hand, a clenched fist. "Are meant only for one of you."

The old man opens his fist. I hear Em gasp, I smile. On his weathered palm is a symbol, in black. I have the same one. "If you are seeing this, keeper of Shakta-el-Furiosa? Then, consider my words all the. Genuine. Help, you are likely to receive."

Leaning forwards, I pause the video. Turn to face my sister, right hand laid on my lap, palm open.

"It really happened then?"
"Yes." I know what she means: her room, that evening. "Um. Sorry?"
"Sorry?" Frowning. Then she laughs. "Right. Ha. Sorry you used a magic wand to walk through the wall and tie me up." She waves a hand at me. "S' fine. I get tied up all the time."
"You do?" Shocked, all the times I've been tied running through my head like a checklist. Maybe we should compare notes? "Well. How.... Oh." She's laughing, and I, because I am a little bit tie up obsessed, fell for it. "Fuck you."

I laugh too, because it is funny, and because I'm glad she isn't mad at me for something I really wasn't trying to do.

Not to her anyway.

We watch the rest of the video. There are wands, plural, laid out on a low light coloured wooden table before him. Em laughs as he selects Harry Potters, from the movies, of which I've only seen number four. But before picking up Harry's wand his fingers linger, for a moment, on Fury. He taps it, looking up directly into the camera, directly at me it feels in that moment. A small smile chases itself across his lips, and he nods. Once.

"Every wizard needs a wand." Standing, Harry's wand grasped loosely in his right hand. "So. Allow me to show you some of the basics."

"It's all about the shapes, you see." Twirling the wand in an upwards spiral. "But it's about the mind too." Tapping the side of his head with a finger. "You must picture, imagine, the thing you wish to achieve. The shapes will bend and stir to life what energies you require, but it is the mind that commands."

"Okay." Em frowns at the screen, the video finished. "But, what shapes?"
"Hmmm." Tapping a finger against my lips. "Quite."

On this, the specifics of which shapes might encourage which particular magics, the old man had been silent. So.

"Maybe the shapes aren't important?"
"How so?"
"Well." Feeling my way around my answer. "He said shapes, but he said the mind commands. So. Maybe the shapes are just as he said, to stir everything up, and then I." Shrugging. "Somehow, focus all that stirred energy into whatever I actually want doing."
"Maybe?" Frowning. Shrugging, both of us staring down at Fury, resting on Em's bed beside me. "It's possible."

"So," after a long, thoughtful, silence, Em gives my knee a nudge with hers, "what will you do now?"
"Practice I suppose?"

There's no doubt in my mind that Fury's real. No question that, once I master the apparent need to combine shapes with thoughts, anything could and should be possible. Including- breathe Kayley, keep it calm -trussing someone up.

Someone with black hair.

"You're smiling?" Em notes, nodding at me. "Something funny?"
"What?" Wiping at my lips, trying to remove the grin I hadn't known was creeping across my face. "Um. Just. You know." I laugh, my head full of images. "Thinking of some spells to cast."

"When will you practice?"
"The weekend. Sunday."
"Fuck no." Em laughs. I grin. "I'll go out to the park, find a quiet spot. Try to float some leaves."
"Is that all you want to do," giving me a half smile, a look that says she knows a thing, "all that magic on tap. Just to float a couple of dead leaves?"

I shrug, laptop and wand already in hand. Unwilling at this point to get into any kind of deep conversation regarding what I'd really like to be doing with my magic. Instead I leave Em to her studying, and take myself off to bed.

"What's this?"
"Thought you could use a spellbook." Em grins at me over her Sunday morning mug of tea. I've wandered downstairs, bleary eyed in just an oversize railway themed tee- Dad loves trains, he'd like it if we all did too -to find Em already dressed. Waiting.

The book, resting against an empty mug at my spot on the table, is A4 sized and hardback. The covers are green, I love green. On the front 'Spellcasting' is written in black gothic script, below which Em's drawn the symbol currently stamped on my right palm.

More gothic writing on the back, in the bottom corner. 'Property of Kayley, first wizard of the third bedroom, keeper of the fury.'

The whole thing is laminated.

"Do you like it? Sis."
"I love it." Turning the book over and back, flicking through the pages, all blank. I grin. "You did this for me? Really?"
"For you." Nodding. "I've heard all the best wizards have them."
"It's amazing." It really is, I come around the table, giving Em a hug.

"I thought I could," gesturing at the book, Em gives me a hopeful smile, "help?"
"With the," not sure how, but, with the, "spells?"
"Well. No." Em laughs. "But I can watch, take notes in the book. Help you figure it out."
"Maybe," thinking out loud, "give me some pointers. If you see something working."
"Yes." Nodding. "What do you think, Kay?"
"Sounds great." I nod, smile, Em's smile grows in response.

Em's already changed, ready. I throw on a pair of grey black jeans, a white Vans tee and my blue Adidas. Into a bag we dump the spellbook, along with pencils and pens for writing notes, or drawing diagrams. Whatever Em feels necessary. We chuck in a bottle of water each too, plus Fury of course.

Em takes her keys, locking the door behind us. We head out into the park

"Here." I nod, Em slips the bag off, leaning it in the shade of a nearby trunk. We're over the far side of the park, where a rising slope of trees hides a dual carriageway. "It's perfect." Nodding, bending to slip Fury out. "Anyone who can see won't be able to see much."
"True." Shading her eyes, doing a slow panoramic turn. Shaking her head. "There's nobody close."

Em sits down, putting the trunk at her back, placing the bag in her lap, resting my spellbook against the bag. "Ready." Smiling, giving me a thumbs up. "Whatever you feel like trying, sis, let's see what that stick of yours can do."
"Right." Looking down at Fury, loosely gripped in my right hand. "Let's have a go then."

"You think?" Grinning as I take a sip of water, quite pleased with myself.

It's been just over two hours. We've had some false starts, and plenty of what Em keeps jokingly commenting looks like me attempting one handed semaphore signalling. But, we've had successes too.

About seven pages of notes, the first five of which are solely useful techniques for focusing my thoughts. Bullet points. However silly that sounds, almost a half dozen pages just basically saying 'don't get distracted' and 'picture it happening slowly' amongst other things. It is all relevant.

Page six and seven: diagrams, wand movements, the basics of floating and moving objects around. Telekinesis.

Yes, so far all I've moved are leaves, but I'm betting the techniques are the same regardless of weight, up to a point anyway. Plus leaves, but a half dozen at once, not just one, and all moving independently of each other at times.

So. "Nailed it." Giving Em a high five, both of us laughing.

"Do you think we should try more?"
"Hmm." Thinking, Em shrugs. "Are you tired?"
"From, you know." Smiling, putting a finger either side of her head, staring intensely at me. "Too much magic."
"Oh." I laugh, she looks silly. "Nope."
"Well then, sure." Giving me a nervous smile, taking a deep breath. "How about we go home, so you can work on tying me up again?"

"What?" Spitting out my water. Coughing.

"It's what you want isn't it?"
"Um." A quick smile flicks across my face. "Well."
"Why don't I explain?"
"Okay?" Explain what? "Sure. Go ahead sis."

"Basically, it comes down to. Well." Shaking her head, tutting. Deep breath. "You've got this wand. Right?"
"I do."
"And it doesn't matter how or why, but, now you can do magic. Right?"
"Seems that way." Grinning. "Yes."
"And, do correct me here, sis." Giving me a sideways smirk. "But, from where I happened to be sitting it very much appeared the first thing you tried to do with Fury, was to tie me up."

"Oh." Em's turn to grin now, at my surprise no doubt. She nudges my shoulder with hers, since we're sat side by side. "So, sis, care to share whatever big secret has you wanting to tie people up?"

I don't tell her everything.

I get tied up, but I don't say by who. Nor do I provide much detail. Em seems content though.

"So, getting tied up," she's thinking through it, "by." A wave of her hand. I don't think she cares about specifics. "Some girl. That's what exploring was?"
"Yes." Smiling at the codeword, which maybe we won't need now. "I just," a shrug, "didn't want to share. Sorry."
"For what?" Hugging me. "We've all got secrets. Just. Promise me it isn't bullying?"
"It isn't." It is. For Ashley it is anyway. But. Well. How can it be bullying if I like it.

Was it really bullying in her room when I walked inside the house willingly? When I stripped willingly?

"It's," I can't help smiling, "more like a game."
"A game you apparently keep losing."
"Well." Blushing. "Maybe I. Um."
"You like to lose huh?" Em laughs, after a moment I do too.

"So the point is." Thinking. "You want to tie them for a change?"
"Yes." Holding up Fury, staring as I turn it left and right. "If I can."
"You did it once." Patting me on the shoulder. "And. Lucky you big sister's here, ready and willing to be experimented on."
"If you're sure?" She doesn't look sure, giving me a nervous smile. But Em shrugs. Nods and stands up. "Well." A nervous giggle. "No. But." Having packed the bag, she hoists it onto her shoulder. Giggles again. "Let's do it anyway. Come on."
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

I just read this story and it's amazing! I hope you'll continue!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Clever update - an older sibling helping out is always helpful.

The updated pictures add a lot to the story as well - I'd recommend everyone checks them out - if only to see the sheep! :lol:
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Post by Nainur »

and even 'Harry Potter' about to help?! :D What about Hermione - she knws everything! :lol:
Some swish-and-flick might help, too... ;)

Lovely update!
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Post by RopeBunny »

tickletied84 wrote: 2 years ago

The updated pictures add a lot to the story as well
Thanks :D I'm quite pleased with them.
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Post by RopeBunny »


Back home, still nervous, I head upstairs to change. Because. "If I'm going to be tied up, then I want to be comfortable."

"Sis?" Ten minutes later, Kayley knocks on my door. "You in here?"
"Come in." Wriggling shorts over my butt, snapping the elastic waistband as I let go. Giggling. "I'm decent."

"No bra?" Shaking her head and tutting, waving the offending item at me having scooped it off my bed.

"Nope." Doing a couple of small bounces, up and down on my toes, arms out either side. Look at how comfortable I am. "Comfortable." Nodding. "Remember."

The shorts are black, and spandex, the small kind that hug a girls butt, but have no legs. Knee high socks, black and white striped, hug my lower legs. Up top, a cut off hoodie. The kind with no zip. It's dark red, long sleeved, and barely covers my bust, hanging off the breasts, the hem floating above my small but not flat belly.

"So," Kayley dumps Fury, plus my spellbook, our collection of pens and pencils, onto the bed, "where are we doing this?"
"That's up to you sis."
"It is?"
"Sure." A quick shiver of nerves. "It isn't me you're trying to tie up, ultimately."
"True." Nodding. "So?"
"So," gesturing around my room, "do you know where you'll be trying to tie them? Maybe it'd be better practicing on me in the same spot?"
"Oh." Nodding. "Yeah." Looking around my room, walking a lap.

"I should," tapping her lips, "probably, just stick to something easy."
"Is there such a thing?"
"Is there an easier tie?"
"Well." Putting her hands behind her back. "The wrists, maybe." Snapping her legs together, being called to attention. "The ankles. Maybe laying down?"
"Um. Sis."
"Em?" Kayley, halfway up onto the bed, glances across at me, her eyes faraway. I laugh, point. "Maybe it should be me up on the bed?"
"Oh." Looking around, focusing. Kayley blushes, laughs. "Oops."

"So I sit?"
"No." Shaking her head, hands moving to try and describe. "You need to lay down. No." More gestures. "On your belly."
"Really?" Would've seemed better to face the ceiling, surely? Id tie me to the bed on my back. For, you know. "Better access."
"Nothing." Shaking my head. But, you know what. I do want to know. "Just." Rolling back over, laid on my back now. "Wouldn't a bed tie be better this way around?"

"Well then...."
"But this isn't a bed tie, sis." Kayley puts her own wrists together, in front this time. Smiles. "This. Tying the wrists and ankles. That's kinda universal."
"I could do it anywhere." A mischievous smile, one I don't think I've seen, spreads across my little sisters face. "Indoors. At the park. In the woods."
"At school." I grin, joking. But.

"Exactly." Kayley nods, giggles at my shocked expression. Spreads her arms wide. "What?"
"Nothing." Holding up a hand. "I don't want to know, so long as you don't get expelled, or arrested. Then carry on."
"Arrested?" Amused. I throw my pillow at her. "Shut up."
"Sorry." Laughing anyway though.

"So." Back on my belly, facing Kayley so I can see, observe. So that when she gets it right, I'll know what needs noting down in her spellbook. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be." Picking up Fury, shaking herself out. "It was." I can see her thinking. "Like dreaming, before."
"Yeah? So like," remembering the leaves a couple of hours ago, what we talked about, what I drew and wrote, regarding how she moved them, "this. The thinking part of tying me up. Maybe you have to go deeper?"
"I think so too." Kayley nods. "More focus. I need to." Looking down at her hands. "Step outside myself. Right?"
"That's how I remember it."

Like a projection of my sister. Not her. But her. Like a ghost controlled and, I guess, linked to her by that black only half seen, sometimes not even there, smoke and shadow trailing back through my wall.

I dare say she could, once in the projected state, do all sorts of things. I've mentioned as much too, to which she agreed, but, right now this, tying someone up, is all that interests her when it comes to this particular spell.

And. Well. It's her choice.

I lay still. Watching. I don't even really need to be on my belly. Last time, on my chair, she'd been capable of moving my limbs, limbs that I couldn't move myself. But, being laid like this, legs together, hands loosely clasped behind me, might help?

Being able to see me acting like a girl ready to be tied, despite the still present nerves, might help her get into the zone.

So I watch.

And. "The fuck?"
"What?" Kayley, having spent close to a minute slowly fading out of view, turning invisible as though someone were turning down her personal dimmer switch, is suddenly back. Almost like. Ping.

"You were invisible."
"I." Staring down at her arm. "Was?"
"Yes." Which, isn't what she's aiming for. But. "Want me to write it in the book?"
"Just a couple of notes?" I sit up. "Makes sense I think?" Opening the book, grabbing a pen. "The more you know how to do, the better, surely?"
"True." Nodding, coming to sit beside me. "Okay."

I draw a couple of pictures, wand direction. Stance. Anything that might help. Then make notes about whatever Kayley was picturing: colours, shapes. General wishes.

"Okay." Laid back down. "Ready again, sis."

For close to fifteen minutes nothing happens. Kayley waves her wand, making passes, thrusts, drawing shapes. For the final five of those minutes she simply stands, wand lowered, eyes closed. Facing me but as inactive as a statue.

"Sis?" I whisper. "What are y...."
"Shhhh." Whispering back, one eye cracking open. "I'm." Breathe in. Breathe out. "Focusing."
"Okay." She's closed her eye again, so doesn't see me nod. "Sorry."

Kayley's lips quirk, a quick smile. Silence resumes. Her expression is serious, almost frowning with closed eyes. Focusing, concentrating. I wonder, idly, watching her, what images she's trying to conjure to guide her magics, to make her wishes, her wants- which right now, and I can't think it without a small shiver of nerves crossing my body, is me tied up -a reality.

Finally. She moves. Slowly. Her body shifts, one leg back, one foot turned, her stance becoming side on. She begins to move Fury- her name for the wand -up and down. Slow. Almost like a cross between an orchestra conductor and a chef stirring a pot of thick soup. I watch, semi mesmerised by the slow dance of it all, then my gaze strays upwards, to her face. I gasp. Kayley's smiling, eyes still closed, but, a huge grin is splitting her face.

And then, her eyes open, and the world stops.

All of it except my sister anyway. She, her hand, keeps moving, conducting in lazy, almost half speed now, up and down strokes. She keeps doing this all whilst her dark shadow self, the projection she's conjured into being, steps forwards to seperate it's black silhouette from the host.

I can feel my heart thud thudding in my chest as Kayley's shadow- I think shadow is the term I'm going to use from now on, it's fitting -steps towards the bed, a white smile, perfect mirror to Kayley's, on it's face.


Instead of climbing onto my bed, the shadow walks through it, because it can, though I really wish it would behave more like a person, a not like a creepy monster or ghost. My bed is of normal height, so from the thighs down the shadow appears to be wading through a particularly opaque patch of water. It. She? Walks around the side of me, vanishing from my limited field of vision.

Because yes I'm still breathing. Yes my eyes are open. But I can't move my head, or any part of me. So. My gaze is fixed straight ahead. At my sister.

From experience I know the shadow can move me though.

My arms are already behind me, hands linked loosely together, but now I feel them being rearranged. Placed side by side and pulled close at the wrists, which feel pinched. By rope I assume. Shortly afterwards my ankles, already together, begin to feel pinched too.

These two things I was expecting, it's the tie Kayley mentioned, something universal she'd said. The gag though, is a surprise.

Some kind of ball, not completely solid, smooth and red, appears in front of my face. A black leather strap, like a belt complete with dull silver buckle, emerges from each side of the ball. Kayley's shadow is, as she comes around the side into view, holding this gag by the straps. She pushes it against my half open mouth, wriggling the ball between my teeth, then bringing the straps around my head.

I can feel them being tightened, fastened at the back of my head.

Job done, which is to say I'm now tied, and gagged, the shadow retreats back towards Kayley, still standing in place, still conducting at a speed which makes her seem to be underwater. Kayley's real flesh, body, seems to absorb the shadow.

And, with only one Kayley in the room, time crashes back into the world.

"Mmmffp mfmmfmmm." I manage, making no sense, earning an amused smile from Kayley, who seems to be swaying slightly. I work my jaws, because, damn but the ball is huge, and in doing so realise the gag has been fastened very loosely. So I spit it out, which leaves it dangling around my neck like some kind of kinky necklace.

"Fuck me." Shaking my head. "What even is that?"
"Oh." Kayley sits down, takes a breath. Shrugs. "I'm." Reaching out to finger the ball. "Honestly. I'm not sure?"
"But." Wriggling, trying to struggle my bound body around so I can sit next to my sister. "No no." Huffing, shaking my head as Kayley reaches out to help, almost falling onto my side. "Honestly," shaking my head, "and you do this for fun?"
"Well." Kayley grins. "Yeah."
"Crazy girl." I laugh, Kayley joins in.

"Right." A final push, hopping and bouncing across the side of the bed, bringing myself next to Kayley. "Fuck."
"I did offer to help."
"I know." For some reason it hasn't yet occurred that I could've just asked her to untie me. "Anyway." Trying to get comfortable. "Fuck me but these ropes are tight."
"They are?" Sounding pleased. "Good."
"Good?" Another struggle. I tut. "I, honestly don't feel like I can free myself you know."
"Again with this good. Why is my helplessness a good thing?"
"It's." Frowning. "Well. It's complicated."

"Can you simplify it?"
"I guess." Scratching her nose. "Maybe?" Kayley turns to me. "Let's just say. If you can't get out, then. Maybe. It's up to me when you get free."
"Oh." I hadn't thought of that angle. "So," I muse, nodding, "you'd be in charge."
"Pretty much. And." Kayley flicks the ball again. "I might not know what this is, but, you being able to spit it out is excellent."

"It is?" Shaking my head. "Hold on now. Little miss, weren't you just saying that helplessness." I pause to wriggle my arms, the tight ropes are pinching my wrists, it all feels very strange. "Is a good thing?"
"Well then." I go to shrug, realise I can't. Tut. "I'm not very helpless if I can spit out the gag, surely?"
"True. But." Grinning. "I wanted you to spit it out."

"You see." Kayley stares down at her right hand, opening and closing, making fist after fist. "It's strange, projecting myself like that. Like a dream. I. Well." Flopping back onto the bed. "I wanted to prove it was still me in control."
"Who else would it be?"
"Exactly." Turning my head, I see her nod. "Let's face it, Em, we know fuck all about all this. For all I knew, the projection only looked like me, but was actually some other thing taking over. So."
"So you made this choice to make the gag loose, just to prove it was you." I finish for her. "I'm. Impressed."

"I think I can be faster too."
"Like." Clicking her fingers. "Well, not like blinking fast. But, like a wind or something." She gives me a quizzical look. "Did it feel slow, to you?"
"It certainly didn't feel quick." I think. "I think time, or something, stopped. But I was still aware."
"Hmmm." Thinking. Nodding. "I'm sure if I didn't slow down to enjoy tying you up, I could totally go faster."
"Wait? What?"

"We should write it all down." Kayley jumps up, marching across the room to retrieve the spellbook. "Make notes before either of us forgets."
"Good plan." I smile, slightly embarrassed. "Only."
"What." Dropping everything onto the bed, flicking through to an empty page, turning the book to me. "Here, Em, you're a better writer then me."
"Yes. Um."
"Could you." Shaking my head. "Ha." I wriggle my bound arms one more time. "A little help first." Kayley starts laughing. I smile. "Please."
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

What a great story! Please continue!
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Post by RopeBunny »


Final bell, schools out. Another day done, just a shame it's Monday, the week just begun instead of nearly over.

Michelle lights a smoke, offers me one. Charlotte checks her phone. We loiter, a loose huddle waiting for Ashley, the leader of our six girl wolf pack.

Jody. Long curling brown hair and the largest bust in the group. Wears a skirt almost as often as Ashley.

Tasha. The tallest, skinny and flat chested. She plays netball alongside Ashley.

Michelle. Blonde hair always tied or plaited. Almost as busty as Jody.

Charlotte. Ginger haired, a size fourteen in a group of tens, plus Tasha's eight.

And me. A D cup like Michelle, with brown hair like Jody, only longer. We all, for various reasons, fell in with Ashley here at Blue Oaks.

"Stub that shit out."
"Sorry Ash." Michelle and me both mumble, pitching our half smoked fags away onto the floor. Better really to pinch them out, slide them back into Michelle's packet for later. Neither of us works, so, smokes, the cash to buy them, is a rarity. But if we go through all that fuss we'll be left behind.

Because Ashley doesn't slow, let alone stop. Like a ship under sail she sweeps through the gates, already angling for the woodland path, the quickest route home. For her.

The rest of us fall in behind. We'll likely be ignored. We likely won't even get a farewell, or a promise that she'll be out later. These days, the past two weeks and change, Ashley just isn't herself. She's, distracted I'd call it. Quick to anger towards the five of us. I'd almost say we'd done something to piss her off, though I can't think what? And none of us will dare ask, because asking might just flip that temper of hers over.

And then it'll be me, or Charlotte, one of us tied up somewhere.

And that's another part, another thing I, and a couple of the others I've held whispered talks with, have noticed. She hasn't bullied anyone in awhile. One girl in over half a month- some overweight eleven year old -and even then all Ashley did was bind the girls wrists.

Something. Is. Definitely. Up.

But. Maybe, I've just spied the solution.

"Hey." Jogging a half dozen paces, bringing me level with Ashley. I raise my voice, bringing the other girls in on it too. "Ash."
"Debs." Not looking across at me, I can see she has a small twig in her hand, is methodically stripping it of bark. The sort of thing a bored person does to kill time.

"Look." I point. Ashley doesn't even raise her head, so I tell her. "Isn't that." Pause, for dramatic effect. "Kayley? Up ahead of us. Isn't she." Another pause. "Heading into." Giving Ashley a small nudge. "Your woods?"

"What?" Michelle, coming up on one side of me. "Fucking Kayley?"
"In your woods Ash?" Jody, on the other side of Ash now, with Charlotte and Tasha paying attention too, all the girls alert to what I'm doing- trying to break Ashley from her funk -and either lending, or ready to lend, support.

I tut, loudly, several of other girls join me. "What do you say, Ash." Giving her as hard a nudge as I dare, trying on a smile. "Shall we help you teach Kayley a lesson?"

"Hmmm?" Ashley, finally, raises her head. I see her see Kayley, look right at her. And- good news -she smiles. "Come on Ash," Jody, giving our pack leader a small nudge too, "surely you've got some tape or something in your bag. Let's go put it to good use."

And. For just a moment the normal predatory set of her mouth, like a hunter showing just enough teeth to scare the prey, softens. For two, maybe three heartbeats, I'd swear Ashley's looking at Kayley with something like affection.

Certainly I've never seen her turn that smile on any of us.

And maybe she sees me see her smile, because her eyes flick to the side, at me. And all at once her face changes, the smile becoming more of a warning snarl, eyes narrowing, teeth bared. The sudden switch is enough to have me stumbling back a couple of paces, out of range.

Ashley stops. Abruptly. As she's want to do. "She's too far ahead." Gesturing, and, yes, Kayley is a fair way ahead. But. I feel like even two weeks ago no distance would've been too great if Kayley, or some other girl Ashley felt like bullying, were the prize. "And. Besides." Nodding to herself. "I need to stop by the shop. For Mum." Nodding again, like someone making shit up on the spot I'd swear, but dare not say. "To get. Milk."

"Will you. Um." Got to admire Jody's nerve. She's Ashley's oldest friend. And, we are all friends. We five, we hang out all the time, but, Ashley views us as friends too. Right? Jody gives Ashley a small smile, shrugs. "Will you be out later?"
"My Dad's got some leftover cans in the garage." Michelle, ever willing to please, and probably for reasons I doubt even she knows the most picked on of us by Ash. Pipes in.

"Fine." Like it's an effort, to come and hang with us. But she does smile. "I'll be at the skatepark."

She doesn't say what time. But at least we know which skatepark, since there's only one.

The next day, Tuesday, and Ashley's late coming out of school.

"Does she have detention?" I ask, my hands itchy from not having smoked all day. We- most of us since some of the other girls will smoke if there's drink doing the rounds -finished Michelle's pack off last night. I get my allowance at the weekend, which might as well be a year away for all the help that promised cash is right now.

"I." Michelle shakes her head. Shrugs. "Don't think so?"
"What did she have last?"
"Sports?" Charlotte, guessing. Between us we all share some lessons with Ashley, and each other. We're all together for Math, but sports is Tasha, who hasn't been in all day. "So she's just changing." I shrug. "So. We wait."

Of course we wait. And, whilst we wait, almost like deja vu I see.

"Really?" Jody, following the line of my gaze. Tutting. "Thought she had sports too. You know." Waving a hand in the air. "Go Pharaohs."
"Must've changed quickly." Michelle, looking too whilst Charlotte and me giggle at Jody's mocking show of team solidarity. We all go to the games. We cheer whenever Ashley scores, we boo whenever Kayley gets the ball.

"Must've." I muse, watching Kayley wander towards the woods. "I." I actually click my fingers, like someone in the movies having a really good idea. I laugh, and grab Jody by the arm. "Come on."
"Hey." Almost being pulled over. "Debs. What?"
"Come on." Already a half dozen paces away. "After Kayley. Quickly."
"But." Smiling, taking a step to follow, my sudden energy proving infectious. Jody shakes her head. "We can't. Not without Ash."

"We're only going to slow her down. Maybe." I grin. I have a roll of thick tape in my bag. We, all of us girls, always carries something, because Ashley might need it. "Maybe just bind her to a tree. Just." I giggle. Putting finger and thumb close together. "Only a little tied up."
"Okay." Jody, nodding, grinning. "We'll slow her down." Pointing at the other two: Michelle and Charlotte, smiling too now, all four of us up for it. "You two bring Ash. Quick as she'll come."

And we're off. Near running. Bags. And it has to be said in Jody's case breasts, bouncing merrily along as we do.

Inside the woods I cut left. There's more then one path cut or trampled through, multiple rat runs, several ways of getting to the same exit. Of course Kayley, like always, will stick to the most convenient path, the shortest route towards home. Which means Jody and me, provided we keep up our speed, can out flank her.

Which we do, emerging back onto what you could call Kayley's path- having stopped for a half minute to catch our breath and tidy ourselves up -in front of the tall blonde.

"Oh." Kayley exclaims, looking up, spotting us. Stopping. She gives the two of us a puzzled frown, turns around to look behind her, then turns back to us.

"Nice day for it." I grin. Jody's smiling too. Kayley shakes her head. "You're early."
"I haven't reached the ditch yet."
"Well." Stumped. Ashley always does the talking. I look across at Jody, who takes a step forwards. "That's fine. We can always carry you the rest of the way."
"After you tie me up I suppose." Not asked, not made a question. Kayley smiles, like she just heard a good joke. "Where's the shepard then?"
"The boss." Shaking her head, still smiling. And it bugs me that I think she just managed to score a point.

It bugs me that her little joke just went over my head. Jody's too judging by her frown.

"Ashley's coming." Jody nods. "She's right behind us."
"Shouldn't she be behind me?"
"Well." Kayley grins, shakes her head. "If she's coming from school, surely she'll be coming this way." Stepping to the side, gesturing off down the path behind her. "Which means she's behind me. Not you."
"Shut up." Jody, huffing, wagging a finger at Kayley. "Any more of that shit and I'll gag you."
"Promises promises."

"I will."
"Are you allowed to play unsupervised?" She's teasing Jody, teasing us both. Which makes me falter, for a moment. All the times I've been there when Ash has tied Kayley, she's never acted so.


"Fuck it." Nudging Jody, who looks as confused as I feel. I drop my bag onto the weed scattered floor, and pull out my roll of tape. It's time to reestablish the correct order here. "Come on." I smile, nod. "Let's just tie her to a fucking tree. Show the bitch who's in charge."
"Right." Jody grins back, dropping her own bag, rummaging inside and pulling out a matching roll of thick tape.

"For me?" Kayley grins. Holds up a hand. "Hang on. Stop." Which for some reason we do, pausing our advance. "Wait there." Kayley drops her own bag, out of which she pulls. A.

"Ta dah."
"What the actual." I burst out laughing. "Fuck. Is that?"
"A stick?" Shaking her head. Jody tuts. "What's it for?"
"Really?" This time we both laugh.

"Hold on." Nudging me, Jody points. "I've got it. She's going to do a spell to force us to tie her up."
"Or maybe to tie herself up." I laugh. "Save us the bother."
"Wrong." Kayley tuts. Smiling. "And. Wrong."
"Of course it's wrong." I half shout, Kayley's attitude, her unexpected confidence when I was sure she'd be worried. Or scared. Is getting to me. "We're wrong because you holding that stupid stick is wrong. Because." I pause, to take a breath. Jody jabs her roll of tape towards Kayley, apparently just as annoyed. "It's wrong because," Jody waves her tape at Kayley again, "magic. Isn't. Real."

"It's called Fury."
"What's called Fury?" Kayley opens her mouth. I hold up a hand, shake my head. "You know what. I don't fucking care. You." Pointing my own tape at Kayley. "Are getting tied up. Now. By us."
"Now be a good girl." Jody waves a hand to the right. "And go stand by that tree."

"Get fucked." Kayley tells us, calmly, shifting her stance, spreading her legs slightly and turning side on to Jody and me. She smiles, and brings her stick- held right handed -up in front of her.

"What the fuck are you do...." Jody begins as Kayley begins slashing and twirling her stick through the air between us. She's cut off mid sentence by a tremendous gust of wind. Strong like a localised hurricane, out of nowhere, buffeting the two of us. The wind steals any ability I have for coherent thought, any sense of my body as I thing I can control and move. It's like I've been frozen. For the, prehaps five seconds, that I'm engulfed, I honestly couldn't feel a thing except that wind, not even my own fingers. And whilst it was blowing I'm not sure I'd of even been able to tell you my name.

I'm on the floor. How? Was the wind really that strong? Something tight on my wrists and ankles. Something soft in my mouth. I squirm, something squirms behind me, pressed into me. A pair of blue Adidas fills my vision. I look up, finding Kayley towering giant like. She smiles, brushes a strand of hair off her face, back behind her ear, and hunkers down, knees bent, in front of me.

"Well." Nodding, tapping her stick, a piece of black bamboo I now see, on the floor by my nose. "I'd call that a success. Wouldn't you?"
"Mmmfppf mm...." I stop, confused. Why can't I talk?

"Ha." Grin widening. Kayley nods. Stands. "Well. I'll leave the two of you to figure this out." A mischievous look flashes across her face, and, before I realise it, she's pulled out her phone, taking a half dozen or more photos of me, moving quickly around, bending, capturing all the angles.

Of Jody too?

Leave the two of you? Is it Jody I felt behind me?

"Tell Ashley." Kayley looks thoughtful. Taps the stick against her lips. Smiles. "Tell her Kayley says hi. Tell her." Backing away. "Well." A shrug. "Doesnt matter. Have fun girls." Kayley waves, turns, and dissappears down the path.

Leaving me to, finally, discover what's been done to me.

My wrists are pinned behind me, lashed together by something. Something that's pinning them tight. My ankles are pinned too. Feeling around I find what I think are Jody's hands, close enough to mine that, and I can feel I think her feet pushing my feet too.

I think we've been tied back to back, her wrists and ankles bound to mine.


There's a gag too, some kind of cloth.

Plus, my- likely Jody's too -shirt is open. My tie has been undone and discarded, with my shirt hanging open all the way down to my waist, exposing my white bra and flat stomach.


And. The wind did this? Really? Because, and I'm fucked if I know how, but, lining all the ducks up in a neat row, everything points to this being Kayley's doing.

Kayley, who's barely left before Ashley, with Michelle and Charlotte trailing in her wake, comes around the corner.

"The fuck?" Stopping, mouth working, frowning. Ashley looks around whilst behind her Michelle's mouth is on the floor, and Charlotte's suppressing a giggle.

"Mmmffm ppfmfmfmm mmmmm." I wriggle, feeling Jody wriggle behind me, hearing her own gagged words, her own confusion matching mine. "Hold on." Ashley comes closer, hunkers down, pulls the knotted cloth from my mouth.

"Why," still looking around as she balances next to me, "are the two of you tied up?"
"Because, I've got to say." Shaking her head. "This is not what I thought I was being bought to see."
"Mmmffppff mmmm..."
"Shush." Ashley leans forwards, swatting Jody on her bra covered breast. Shutting her up mid moan. "So. Debs." Focused back on me. "Care to explain?"

"It was Kayley."

To which Ashley doesn't laugh, doesn't tell me to fuck off and think up a better story. Only looks at me. Silent. Waiting.

"Um." I think. What else can I say. "I don't know how. Ash. But." Shaking my head. And, because I can't think of anything else, I've got no way of explaining any of this, so. I say whatever I can think of. "She had a stick. And."
"Oh. Um." I nod. Ashley's face, the sudden change from mild disinterest to full attention has thrown me. "Yeah. Some black piece of bamboo. And. Anyway, she...."
"Did she say anything?"
"Did." Slapping my breast. "She." Slap. "Say." Slap. "Anything."

"She said." The slaps weren't hard, it's more the humiliation. I've never been tied up by Ash. By anyone. Michelle has. Maybe Tasha? But not me, certainly not Jody. Laying here now though, breasts as good as out, Ashley doing as she pleases with the two of us, it feels humiliating to be so helpless. To have no control.

My brain feels sluggish, broken, unable to think clearly with me in this unexpected and unexplainable- to me -state. I shake my head. Ashley tuts, then comes down to join me. Sliding her skirt and school shirt clad body down onto the muddy ground, she lays lengthways with me, her feet down with mine, her eyes level with my eyes.

"Now." Reaching out, grasping my bra clad breast, squeezing. I whimper, Ashley smiles her predators grin, the one I've seen her turn on Kayley so many times. But never on us. Never on me. "Debs."
"Ash." I swallow. Being groped so forcefully, whilst tied up, is having a strange effect on my body. My nipples have gone hard, and I can feel a buzz of excitement between my legs. "Please. Let me go."

"Tell me what Kayley said."
"She said hi."
"Hi?" Squeezing my erect nipple between finger and thumb, Ashley frowns. "That's it?"
"Yes." My body squirms, feels like I've lost control over it, as though the wriggling is something Ashley can, and is, activating by twisting my nipple. Like turning up a dial. "She seemed upset you weren't here. Um." Think, Debs. "She called her stick Fury. And. Um." This all feels so silly, like I'm making shit up, but Ashley's looking at me with a strange intensity, as though every word matters. So.

"She. Um. There was a wind. And. Well. Then we were on the floor, like this. And. Kayley smiled. And. She. Told me to tell you hi." I close my eyes, suck in a breath. Squirm some more. "Please."
"Please?" Eyes open again. Ashley's smiling, a kind of far off look in her eyes. Then her expression turns hard. "No." Letting go. Pulling my gag back up, yanking the cloth behind my head. "She only said hi. Yes?"
"Mmmfmfm mmmmm." I nod, unable to talk now I've been gagged tightly again.

Ashley stands back up, brushes herself off. "I want you to know." Looking more at the sky then any of us girls stood or laid around her. "All of you." A brief smile quirks Ashley's mouth. "That getting tied up, especially by Kayley, is not something we should ever allow."
"Mmmfm ppffmfmmff mmmm." I hear Jody moan. Ashley nods. "Exactly." She smiles. "Prehaps I do need to have words with Kayley." She looks down at me, and, I'd swear her smile, for a moment, is the same one she wore yesterday when we spied Kayley entering the woods.

"Soon." Nodding, walking off, leaving the four of us girls behind, two of us tied, two not. Ashley offers no instructions on what she'd like done about mine and Jody's state. "Maybe tomorrow." I hear her muse, voice growing quieter. "We'll have to see."
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Post by NotSeen »

Hmmm... Now, it wouldn't be that Ashley is pissed because Kayley did her magic-tie-up -thing to two of her tag-alongs... instead of doing it to her?
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Great continuation! Hope for another part
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Post by RopeBunny »


Too late.

It isn't here, no shard of grey on black amongst the living green. I miss green.

Here no more. So. Phase two.

I drift.

I wait.

Time passes.


There. Unmistakable. But. Two? I must choose, left or right, up or down, forwards or backwards, faster or slower, to stay or to....

Too long. I am. I will be. Better. It has just been too long drifting, too much time spent outside.

I choose. Wisely?

I find. Girls? Yes. Humans, girls. They are, five, girls. Some of these girls are on the floor, they are bound, unable to rise. Yet, despite appearing to ask, they are not being helped.

It is the bindings on these girls, or, maybe, the girls themselves, who have the scent upon them.

Do they have it?

I. Follow. When they leave. Unseen. But, I am felt. One, a girl who was bound, shivers, turns, looks. At me but through me. Because I am unseen.

I choose to follow this girl.

Home. She uses a door, whilst beside her I pass through the wall.

I watch.

I wait.

And. Nothing of value, to me, happens. It is not here. The scent is fading. I chose poorly.

But. If she has been touched by it once, she may be touched again.

It is, right now, the best chance of finding what I seek.

She, the girl, sleeps now, in darkness. I like the darkness.

I, move closer. Changing and bending and shaping those parts of me I can. Growing a skin. I become her, a near perfect copy as we lay, face to black eyed face.

She wakes, swimming up from deep sleep. Blinking, a lack of understanding plain to see.

Eyes go wide, wider still as I smile. She whimpers, recoiling as I reach out, her own reflection coming through the mirror, touching.

"Shhhh." Putting a finger to her pink red lips, voice changing as I talk, mine becoming hers. "Do not struggle. This is." Flex, inside. Bringing forth a cocoon, a stretching, growing, sack of shiny darkness which crawls up the girls body from her feet. Sealing all but her mouth inside, pinning- for the cocoon is mine to command -arms to her side, legs together.

The black material shrinks, tightening, becoming smaller until it has moulded to the girls every curve: from large rounded breasts to slim legs. Now, she can only breathe. Any movement other then helpless wriggling is beyond her ability. And, yes, she could scream, cry out. But, who where I am sending her will hear?

"Necessary." I finish, watching with some amusement as she, of course, wriggles. Squirms.

"Help me." She pleads after some time. Laid still now, on her back. "What's," licking her lips, turning her head, her cocoon blinded eyes, towards me, "what's going on?"
"That." I see her flinch at the sound of her voice from my mouth. I can't help but smile. "Is no longer your concern."
"No." Climbing atop, straddling her black wrapped body with my naked one, placing a hand on each breast. She wriggles again, but can't stop me. "Sleep. Now." I tell her, focusing, flexing a second time, sending her into storage, sending her away.

Because, she can no longer be her, now that I am.
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Post by Nainur »

Ouuuuuuuhhhhhhh, scaaaaaaaaaaaary.... :shock:
(just kidding: :) )

well, it has been halloween, but I do not think this 'Seeker' is going to leave at once again...
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Post by RopeBunny »


I wake up to a single message, from Ashley:

'Can we talk? After school?'

Heart beating fast, lips dry, I type back:


Hit send. And then turn my phone off. Because I'll get nothing done if it's on, in my bag. Because I'll be checking it, I feel I will, hitting the unlock key to see whether Ashley's decided not to wait, wants to talk now.

I want to talk now.

Which is why I leave my phone at home. Just to be safe.

There's, I'm certain, only one thing she could want to talk about. What else but the state I left two of her sheep in? "But does she know?" I wonder aloud, stood before the mirror, knotting my tie. "Does she," staring at my right palm, at my symbol, "has she figured it out?"

I stare at myself some more. "Fuck it." I almost shout at my reflection. "Okay then. Let's dress up."

Off come trainers and trousers, and pants. On goes a grey and pink thong, and. "There you are." I exclaim, pulling my black school skirt out from the depths of a drawer. On my feet, a rarity for me who- largely due to netball I feel -likes the lightfootedness of trainers, I slip on and lace up a pair of knee high boots.

Removing my shirt, I strap on my thongs matching bra, which is grey, and has quite a plunging middle. It is, by school standards, very risqué.

"And." Striking a pose, grinning, trying to ignore the small voice, and the tingles. Trying not to think about the fact I've just, basically, tarted myself up for Ashley's benefit. I nod. And leave.

"Because." Walking through the woods, Fury in my bag, back to thinking out loud again. "The peices are all there." I hold up a hand, fingers splayed, counting off points. "I tried to tie her up. I did this using Fury, which." Grinning. "I told her was a magic wand. I." Thinking. Nodding. "Tied up two of her. Um. Baaaa." I laugh. "Friends. Who surely can't remember anything of the experience save that I had Fury." I think some more. Grin. "Oh. And the angry wind."

Because, thanks at first to Em, that day over two weeks ago in her room, stepping outside myself, doing the whole projection magic. I can make shadow me move much faster now.

Fast. Like a wind.

And I've spent two weeks doing nothing with my spare time but practice.

And, though my own opinion is surely biased, I'm getting good at magic. Certainly I'm good enough now, at several different things, that I can do them almost every time. First try. I'm good enough that, for the past several days, plus this morning, I've felt the need to keep Fury close no matter where I'm going. The idea of not having my wand to hand at all times is, now I can use it with ease, not good.

I don't know why it isn't good, it, just feels better to keep Fury close.

"Every wizard needs a wand." I tell nobody, emerging from the woods, Blue Oaks in sight ahead.

My school day is split into five lessons. Two then a break. Then one and another break, which is supposed to be lunch. And the final two finish the run.

History first, today, followed by Sports. Which means Ashley. And Tasha.

Only around half my lessons are shared with any of Ashley or her gang. Luckily none of them cause me to be in a room with all six of them at once.

The changing room, both before and after the actual doing sports part of the lesson, is a noisy place, full of half dressed girls laughing and shouting. Either heading too or from the shower stalls once the lesson is over. Within all this, in one corner, is me. I get dressed, both times, quickly, head down and focused. This comes from force of habit, not from fear of Ashley's bullying. I'm just quick because I have nobody to laugh or shout with.

In the hall, one of the first girls to arrive, trying to ignore the usual staring and whispered comments from the boys that my E cups and short black sports skirt attract. I spy Ashley walking in some five minutes later, one of the last to arrive, Tasha trailing obediently behind. She, Ashley, sees me, and our eyes lock. Just for a second.

She smiles, not like a shark, something more friendly crosses her face.

I'm about to smile back, the most natural of things. What else do you do when someone smiles at you? But behind Ashley is Tasha, and Tasha, because I'm me, and no doubt because of what I somehow did to her friends, is glaring. Tasha can't see Ashley's face, and that fact alone, the knowing that Ashley's breaking ranks by not glaring, makes me smile.

Which only makes Tasha glare harder, even as Ashley's smile widens, then vanishes as Tasha's mouth moves, the taller girl pointing. At me.

I turn away. Prehaps some plot is afoot, some plan by the sheep to extract revenge. But, poor things clearly can't execute without the boss.

And. "She's seeing me after school." I mutter, watching as the teacher moves through us, dividing one large group into two. "She's seeing me anyway." Watching as Ashley and Tasha, placed by random chance into the other group, move away. I grin. "So you sheep are out of luck."

Out of the sports building, seperate to the rest of the school and reached by way of a covered shrub flanked walkway, I almost walk into Deborah. Except she steps back out of my way, an almost spooked expression on her face. Looking up, registering what just happened, I can see the other three: Michelle, Charlotte, and Jody, all stood close by. Waiting for Ashley, because it's first break. Michelle and Charlotte give me equally wary looks, stepping back, a mirror of Deborah. Jody though, wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day, simply stares.

I, resisting the urge to laugh, fancy being scared, or nervous, of little wizard me, ignore them all, continuing on my way.

Third lesson is Maths, followed by lunch, after which is French.

French is the only class I share with just Ashley.

Every classroom at Blue Oaks, the tables arrangement is different. Well, there are repeats, but, the point is each teacher sets their room up: what they want on the wall by way of posters or student work, how both our tables and their desk is placed. French, for which I have Mr Beddows, who never wears a tie, is always in jeans and trainers, and is I think fifty something with cropped white hair and glasses. Mr Beddows has his tables set up in groups of two. The tables are rectangular, wooden topped with black metal legs, so, a set of two means four chairs in a two facing two arrangement.

There are empty seats in most classes. Usually, due to my status as a loner, and it being well known I'm Ashley's favoured target, and therefore best given a wide berth, I'm left to sit alone.


"How were the sandwiches?"
"Huh?" Shaken from my semi daze, sat alone near the back of the class, waiting for Mr Beddows to arrive, I look to my right to find Ashley dropping down into the seat next door. She hasn't put her tie back on since sports, something I've seen often from Ashley, almost as though she's goading the teachers to tell her off. My own tie is loose, but present, though the top of my shirt is open so I can breathe, it just isn't open like Ashley's, which shows a hint of her B cup cleavage. She's in her customary skirt and black army style boots.

"I saw you eating."
"At lunch." Ashley puts finger binoculars to her eyes, looks at me through the holes. "We were across the field."
"But." Come on. I give myself a small shake, try to breathe. I'm not often this close to her, not unless I'm being tied up.

"We're making a plan to kidnap you." Ashley tells me, matter of factly, smiling as my mouth drops. She shrugs. "Well. The others are anyway."
"The other girls." Dropping her voice. "You know, the sheep." Which makes me giggle. "They've spent all day making plans to kidnap you later."
"Later." I think. "After school later?"
"Or at the weekend." Shrugging. "I told them I'd think about it."
"Oh." Suddenly feeling quite warm inside. Fuck the others, but, Ashley kidnapping me? I could get behind that plan.

"So. Um." How do I ask without sounding weird? "I'm getting kidnapped?"
"Don't be stupid." Tutting. Smiling. "I'm just fucking with them, making it look like a give two shits about Michelle's," bringing up her hands, making the air quotes, "'amazing plan.'"

Ashley laughs, stops, frowns at me. "Oh for fucks sake Kay." Laughing again. "You're pouting, about not being tied up." She playfully punches me in the arm. "Again."

"So." Rubbing at my arm. I think it was playful, but, Ashley punches hard. I try to get my head around everything. "Everyone wants to kidnap me?"
"And tie me up?"
"Right again."
"Because of what happened to Debs and Jody?"
"Because of what happened to Debs and Jody." Nodding. "Which you...?" Looking me in the eyes, I can't help but smile, giving Ashley a small nod. "Fuck me." Ashley breathes out, shaking her head. "You really did."

"But." I think some more. "You. Don't want to kidnap me?"
"Now now." Wagging a finger. "I didn't say that. I just don't want to do it right now." A pause, a nod. "Or with help."
"Oh." Ashley laughs at my grin, I'm feeling warm and tingly all over again. "And." I look down at the seat she's in, then around the room, noting several other vacant spots. "You're sitting here?"
"Yes." Doing her own visual lap of the room. Giving me a, only slightly nervous, a rare crack in her armour, smile. "Is that okay?"
"Yes. Um. I'd like that."

"Besides." Leaning back, stretching, unlike me- always prepared -Ashley still hasn't gotten a single book, or pen, out of her bag. She flops forwards, and leans sideways towards me, her head almost close enough for a kiss. "I thought we could talk now."

"Now?" Yes please. But. "But." I point, at Mr Beddows, breezing into the room, pushing the door closed with a practised backwards kick. "Class."
"It's only French." Giving the teacher, now stood behind his desk, frowning down at an open book, a dismissive wave. "Don't you want to talk?"
"I do. But."
"Well then." Ashley grins, scoots her chair closer to me, like a co conspirator. "Say it with me, Kay. Fuck. French."

And. She's sat really close. So far into my zone of personal space she might as well be sitting on my lap. And, she's smiling, at me. Not an evil smile, something playful, the smile she wore whilst lashing me to her bed post that Saturday. I smile back. "Fuck French."

"Miss Marley." Mr Beddows semi harsh tone cuts through the small bubble that'd been slowly building around Ashley and me. "Language. Yes."
"Yes." Blushing. I hardly ever get told off in class. Beside me Ashley giggles. "Sir."
"En francais." Giving me a hopeful smile. "In my class, Miss Marley, en francais only. S'il tell plait."
"Oh. Um." Engage brain. "Oui. Um. Desole, sir."
"Good." Smiling wider, as Ashley giggles again. Not helping.

"So." We're supposed to be doing a worksheet, writing down stuff about numbers, but. Instead Ashley has my right hand pinned to the desk, holding it down with one hand, whilst she uses a pen held in the other to prod at my symbol. The whole experience is, not unpleasant.

Ashley looks from my symbol to my face. If anything we're sat even closer now, our chairs touching, our bodies semi entwined since her left arm is curving under and around my right, her elbow pressing on my breast. Our faces are very close, and, again, as she turns to me I have that feeling of her being close enough to kiss.

"What is this then?"
"It's." But I can't focus. Ashley has a red pen, a felt tip, and is busy drawing an outline around my symbol. And I know our closeness is affecting her too, because for all she seems better able to carry on as normal, I can hear her breathing, which is shallow, and quick. Like mine.

"It's...." Stopping. Turning to look at me again. Faces close. Again. I could count her freckles. She smiles, blows at my hair. "It's what?"

"Counting." From right behind us. How did he get there? Mr Beddows moves around to the front of our desk, hunkers down. "S'il vous plait. Miss Spicer. Miss Marley." Tapping our sheet, a brief frown at my symbol, which, thanks to Ashley's doddling, actually looks drawn on. "Un. Deux. Counting. Oui?"
"Yes. Sir."
"En francais, Miss Spicer."
"Oui." But with a grimace, making me giggle. Mr Beddows shakes his head. "Please. Ladies." Tapping the sheet. "Do the work."

"Here." Slapping her left hand down in front of me, an act which, as if such a thing were possible, brings Ashley even closer. "Do a shape on my hand."
"A." Now her arm is pressed into both my breasts. I swallow, try and fail to stop a brief shiver as I feel my nipples harden. "Shape?"
"Yes." Putting a black marker in my right hand, closing my fingers around it. Ashley doesn't let go. "Maybe." Leaning in, whispering like a secret. "Then I'll be able to tie you up with magic."
"No." Whispering back, feeling boldness from somewhere, I take each of Ashley's hands in my own, and place them wrists crossed on the table between us. "I'll be doing the tying up."

"Okay." I- fuck me -actually hear her breath catch. Ashley swallows. Nods. "I'll," a tiny smile, "let you."
"Let me?" How am I, still, feeling so bold? Taking the black pen I wave it over Ashley's wrists, like a wizard. "Ash." Looking her in the eyes. Feeling- no shit -an actual jolt. "I don't need your permission to bind you."

I tap the pen against her wrists. "Alaca zam."

Then laugh as she flinches, and gasps. Eyes going wide as. Nothing happens.

"You." Smiling though, flexing her hands, wrists, I'm shocked to note, placed back crossed on the table in front of her. "Little shit."
"Ha." I wave the pen again. "Magic."
"Fucking." Tutting. "Little cheat."
"Cheat am I?" Reaching for my bag, every intention of getting Fury out, of showing her. "I'll show you...."

"Ladies." Called out from his desk. "Last warning."

But, sorry sir, by this point I'm having too much fun to care. So. "Fuck French." I whisper, enjoying Ashley's smile as I take her left hand, placing it in front of me- can she feel my nipples, hard as rocks, pressed against her arm -and, pinning it in place with my own left hand, proceed to draw on her palm.

And. I'm so engrossed, leaning forwards, head down, Ashley's head down to close by and rested on her right hand, her elbow on the table. I'm so caught up in my art, in the feel of Ashley's skin as I hold her hand still. Caught up in hearing her own breathing, still shallow. Like mine.

All of that. Of course neither of us notices the clock steadily counting down to lessons end.

"I'm sorry ladies." It's just us, and Mr Beddows, left in the room. "But no sheet to hand in means detention for you both."
"Whatever." Ashley, no stranger to detention, to being kept behind at days end, shrugs. She takes her pink slip, to be handed in and signed as proof she attended, and slips it, slowly, somewhat deliberately pressing on it, into my shirts front pocket. "Here." Patting the slip, patting my pocket. Basically, patting my left breast. "Kay." Ashley takes the other slip from a somewhat speechless, semi wide eyed, Mr Beddows. "We'll." Winking at me. "Talk later."

She leaves. Laughing. I collect my bag from beside my chair, and leave too. Science next, shared with, though of course not sat anywhere near to, Michelle and Charlotte. I smile, wondering idly whether I should attempt to count how many evil versus how many nervous looks I get.

"Maybe I will." I laugh, weaving through the incoming students. At the door I glance back, Mr Beddows is still standing behind his desk, still somewhat wide eyed.
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

The writing is just so great! It's really fun to read and sexy as well, I hope for some more tie up stuff in the future!
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Post by Risperdaltied »

Brilliant story - as always!
Bikinis + bondage = perfect combination
Feel free to PM for RP - to be tied or to tie...
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thanks for the continued comments.

Next chapter might take some time. I did have a good couple written, first drafts anyway, but it didn't flow quite right. So I've binned them, and am starting again.

Patience then, please, more is coming.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Just keep it going [mention]RopeBunny[/mention] - you are doing a fantastic Job.
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Post by Nainur »

happy to wait - lovely writing worth waiting for!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Thank you both, for those kind words. I'm sorry this has taken so long.

Just a short chapter below, because I realised I was heading for something really long to get to the point I had figured to stop at, so, this to set the scene, and then the rest coming soon.

Enjoy :D
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Post by RopeBunny »


"No more waiting." I announce to nobody except the bush I'm currently crouched behind. "I'll show them."

And by them, let's be clear, I mean her. I mean Ashley.

Ashley. The boss. The leader. We all, the five of us who follow, we don't try to be favourite, but we do seem to be forever seeking approval. We. I, just want to do well. Because I'm tired of being the girl Ashley ties up when she can't find a girl to tie up.

If she calls, I come.

I have to come, you understand, because to not come, to ignore or refuse Ashley's request, would pan out much worse for me whenever I did next see her.

It ought to be something I can be proud of. I ought to be able to lord it over the others: the fact of how often I've been a guest at Ashley's, compared to them. But she isn't inviting me over once or twice a month, on average, for company. No, she messages me because she's bored, and wants to play.

The truth is I've, possibly, been tied up more times then Kayley.

But maybe today I can put a stop to that. A shame for Charlotte, or Debs, whoever winds up taking my place at the bottom of the gangs food chain, but, well.

"Should've listened to me girls." I mutter, a smile creeping onto my face as Kayley approaches.

She's dressed for school, because it's a school day. I'm in my shirt and trousers too, I'm just not going. My parents, prehaps too laid back though I'm not complaining, left at half seven this morning to spend a four day weekend up north, gifting me an empty house.

Which, the opportunity to actually put my plan, one of several we'd all batted around in the wake of what Kayley did to Debs and Jody, into action. I'm not going to waste the chance.

I did message the other girls last night, offering them an in, a chance to bunk off today, to join me in what's sure to be a famous victory. None of them were interested though. So. "Fuck em." I shrug, seeing Kayley stop, turn to look back at her house as one hand goes to her bag. She frowns, takes two steps back the way she just came. Then stops again, shakes her head, laughs, and resumes her approach.

The only one I didn't message was Ashley. I want my trap well and truly sprung before I invite her over to see the results.

"Toss me your bag." I point, having stepped from cover into Kayley's path. We're just inside the woods, just out of sight as far as casual observation is concerned. "Hands up."
"Really?" Kayley laughs, but does actually drop her bag onto the ground, before raising her hands. "Am I," another laugh, "under arrest?"
"What?" Taking four steps forwards, closing the distance.

"Hands up." Kayley waves her hands, emphasising her point. "It's what cops say."
"Oh." Of course it is. I tut, take another step forwards. Nervous and, if I'm honest, expecting to fall foul of whatever magics- yes, seriously -Kayley used to best Debs and Jody at any moment. It's, the potential of winding up tied and wriggling on the floor, a necessary risk. If I want to carry out my plan, and take Kayley, then first I have to willingly place my head into the lions jaw.

And, if she doesn't bite- tie -me, well, then I'd say we're off to a good start.

I point at her bag. "Leave it alone."
"Leave it...?" Looking from her bag to me, frowning. Then a grin splits her face. "Ha. Right. Honestly."
"What?" Actually taking, though I feel silly, a step back. Not liking Kayley's grin, how it keeps getting wider.

"I don't have it." Shaking her head. "Oops."
"My wand." She tuts, laughs. "I left. Well." A shrug. "I forgot to pack it. So." Gesturing back over her shoulder with a thumb. "Fury's at home."
"So you...." a small, still nervous, smile appears on my own face. A lucky break? Kayley nods. "I can't tie you up Michelle." She shrugs. "Like I said. Oops."

I, just about, manage to stop myself from breathing all my pent up tension out in one long rush. I keep my face as neutral as possible, with only that small smile betraying the rising excitement inside.

We're- I'm -on.

"You know." Talking, to me but not at me, because I'm behind her. "School starts soon."
"Not for us." I smirk, for the first time enjoying the feeling of being the one in charge. Not the one standing on the sidelines watching. Not the one being tied.

"So." Not moving her wrists, in fact Kayley turns around, bringing us face to face. "What's the plan here? Michelle."
"The plan," waving the black cable tie I'm holding in her face, "is I'm taking you back to my empty house."
"A kidnapping then?"
"Yes." I nod, and smile. I like how that word, which defines my plan, sounds coming from Kayley's mouth. "I'm, kidnapping you, for. Um...."
"Until lunch?" Half smiling. Teasing? Fuck me, I realise, seeing it first hand for the first time, she really is into it.

"For an hour?"
"Overnight?" Kayley giggles as I huff. "Maybe I need to be gagged, huh?"
"Just." Fuck but she's keen, and, unexpectedly playful about all this. I was expecting more of a fight, because, well. I'm not Ashley. I'd thought she'd only be submissive, and do as she were told, if Ashley were tying her. I breathe out, close and open my eyes. Kayley giggles again. "Fine." I've no idea how this got turned around so fast, how my plan is now being added to by Kayley. But. "I'll gag you too."

"Okay." Nodding, happy at getting her way. Who the fuck is happy to be gagged? Or kidnapped for that matter? Kayley spins around, puts her wrists behind her, offering them to me. "Carry on then, 'Chelle. Kidnap me."
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Post by Nainur »

astonishing. How will that lead to?
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Post by FabianStr2016 »

Nice short new chapter, I'm excited to the next one!
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Post by GhostTrain »

Good story, interesting twist with the wand.
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