The Good Neighbor — Reader’s Vote (mm/FF): Part 9 (5/7/2024)

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The Good Neighbor — Reader’s Vote (mm/FF): Part 9 (5/7/2024)

Post by TapeTurtle »

Part One:

“There’s just no way. No way, man. What did you do?” Keith stared blankly at the image on my phone, his mouth agape. “Tell me everything,” he said quietly, handing my phone back to me.

On the screen, our blonde, scalding-hot neighbor, Mrs. Ellis, stared directly at the camera, her eyes wrinkled from her smile, her smile hidden well behind several strips of wide black electrical tape. In the photo, her hands, ankles, knees, and chest were wrapped tightly in the tape, forcing her otherworldly curves to protrude outward. She was standing in the middle of a messy, under-construction-looking kitchen, head tilted playfully to the side, blue eyes wide with a pretended, playful terror.

“Did she let you do this?” Keith stared confounded back at me.

“Of course — I wouldn’t commit a felony and not tell you first,” I chucked back. I wasn’t surprised at Keith’s disbelief. Growing up across the street from each other, we had both come to age with a shared, mythical admiration toward our shared neighbor, Amy Ellis. Growing up, she was the blonde bombshell married to an often salesman. They lived comfortably and openly, Mrs. Ellis making her vast, intricate yard and backyard pool available to any of the kids in the dog days of summer. This is how we got to know her, little by little, over several years. Now, long divorced and struggling to keep up with the daunting property, they didn’t see as much of her. For Keith, this photo marked the first time he had laid eyes on her in about a year.

“You need to start talking,” Keith said to me, still staring at the photo in my hands.

— — — — — — —

I was walking home from the last day of a crappy summer job when I crossed past the Ellis household. Mrs. Ellis was bringing out the trash to the bins just outside of her fence. She locked eyes with me and smiled. “Bennett? Is that you? I don’t think I’ve seen you all summer!”

“I’ve been working — up until today actually. Just quit my job, so I guess I’m just getting home early today.” I paused for a moment at the fence. Mrs. Ellis strode up to meet me, her hips and muscled legs tightly shaped by dark blue jeans. Her blonde hair was tied into a ponytail, and bobbed over the straps that held up the green tank top she was wearing. “Can I take that from you?” I asked, holding out my hand for the trash bag.

“Oh that’s kind, thank you.” I took the bag and placed it in the bin. “I’m sorry about your job — you’ll find another one. No shortage of business looking to rent strong young men. What were you doing again?”

“Maintence odd jobs at that old apartment complex a few blocks up. It was easy work, but they asked too many hours from me. I’m 17 — I deserve a little bit of summer.” I noticed Mrs. Ellis’s focus drifting. “How are you? It’s been a long time.”

“It has, hasn’t it? Oh I’ve been better. This house is going to make me jump off a roof.” She threw her hands up in frustration. “If anybody told me that getting left with a big house would end up being more curse than blessing, I would have let him keep it and packed my things. Everything is starting to break down — cabinets, flooring, plumbing, you name it. Costs a lot of time and a lot of money — I have plenty of one but not the other.”

“I’m glad you stayed! Sorry it’s been hard — that house looks like a real beast. Have you had anybody out here to come help you?”

“Can’t afford it. Between jobs right now unfortunately. Going back to school most likely, which at my age is almost laughable.”

“I don’t think that’s true,” I said, trying my best to sound comforting. “Want me to come in and take a look at a few things? No charge. I like these types of jobs.”

“Really? You’d do that? I can try and pay you a little bit — though it’s not what I’m sure your time is worth.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Geeze; well okay Bennett, thank you! If it’s really no trouble…I have some cabinets that need mending. Can we start there?”

“Lead the way!” I deftly hop over the fence and follow Mrs. Ellis inside, trying and failing to not watch her hips sway ahead of me.

— — — — — — — — — —

“Mrs. Ellis….what is this?!” My jaw dropped as I stepped into the kitchen. In front of me, a mess of old cabinets lay swinging and creaking up on their mounts. Black electrical tape had been wrapped haphazardly around knobs, nails, entire doors in an attempt to keep them upright. Rolls of the black tape lay on the counter. “Did you try to tape…your wooden cabinets together?”

“Don’t make fun of me! I don’t know what I’m doing!” Mrs. Ellis blushed heavily, smiling. “Can you fix it?”

“Yes — it’s not that hard, but I definitely won’t be needing all this.” I began stripping the black tape off of the cabinets, balling it up and handing it to Mrs. Ellis, along with the two rolls on the counter.” I won’t be needing any of this in fact.

“None of it? Why did I buy it then? Ugh, what a waste. There has to be some use for it…” Mrs. Ellis began listing off various incorrect applications for the tape on various issues afflicting her house, each one misguided and undoubtedly bound to make things worse. “What do you think?” She turned back to me as I fiddled with the cabinet fastenings, and hopped onto the counter, having a seat a few feet from me. Even just out of the corner of my eye, I couldn’t keep my gaze focused on any thing but the deep cleavage plunging down into her too. Between her body and her talking, I was quickly becoming useless as a repairman.

“I don’t know Mrs. Ellis.” I called back, trying to round up a few fallen screws beneath the wooden doors. “Maybe for different jobs later, but none that you just mentioned. Best to just put it away for now so it’s not in the way.” Not thinking, I continued. “Or you can put a piece or two on your mouth so I can focus.”

“What?! On my mouth? You little jerk.” Mrs. Ellis laughed teasingly at me for a moment.

I got nervous all of a sudden, not meaning what I had said, and not hating the subconscious suggestion either. I waited curiously to hear what she was thinking.

“I guess I do blab on a little, huh.” After a few prolonged moments of silence which made me worried I’d offended her, I noticed Mrs. Ellis scoot across the counter until she was right next to me. “Fine. If that will help you focus. I owe you, don’t I?” Mrs. Ellis handed me one of the black rolls of tape. “You may do the honors — I’ll probably mess it up.” She laughed and leaned sideways toward me, lips closed.

Not wanting to give her time to second guess anything, I moved quickly and silently, pulling three strips of tape from the roll and pressing them firmly onto Mrs. Ellis’s mouth. The final strip I smoothed over with my thumbs against her face. I had never touched Mrs. Ellis’s face before — her sharp jawline and pronounced cheekbones still had a softness that made my chest tremor.

“Mmmpfhm?” Mrs. Ellis laughed into the tape. She gave me a thumbs up, as if asking, “All good?”

“Much better!” I tried not to shout my response. “Now I can get to work! Do you have a toolbox I can use?”

“Mmmpf!” Mrs. Ellis nodded her head, laughing at trying to hold a conversation in her gagged state. “Mhhffmmph.” She held up a finger, slid off the counter, and darted out of the living room. A few moments later she returned with a toolbox in two hands, clearly never opened and brand new.

“Perfect. I’ll take that.” Reaching out for the toolbox. As Mrs. Ellis grabbed the handle and extended out to me, she let go with her other hand, revealing to the two of us that the box had not been locked closed. To our shared horror, the toolbox spilled out onto the floor, sending hammers and screwdrivers and nails and dozens of other bits and pieces scattering across the kitchen.

“Mmmfppffffhhhhh.” Mrs. Ellis held her face in her hands, embarrassed and exasperated.

“I can’t believe you just did that.” I said, only half-kidding. An idea formed in my head as I took inventory of the fallen tools and pieces. “I thought your mouth was all I’d have to tape to get some work done. It looks like we’re gonna have to tape up all of you if this cabinet is going to get fixed.”

To my shock, Mrs. Ellis didn’t argue. She didn’t look up, her head still buried in her hands, laughing at herself now through her gag. Without making eye contact, she grabbed the tape off the counter. “Mmmmf hmm.” She said with a sigh, nodding downward, handing me the roll.
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Post by jone123 »

Several female in my life that i would love to have similar experience with
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Post by SquidIncMaster »

Very fun start to a story with great potential!
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Post by charliesmith »

I enjoyed this story! Hope there is more!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Part Two:

“So…did you finish the cabinets? Was it weird afterwards when you untied her?” Keith pressed me almost frantically for more details. I pulled my phone away from him and smiled, excited to drop the next twist in the story.

“I didn’t untie her. She’s still taped up right now in her kitchen.”

“She’s…she’s what?” Keith face sank with concern. “Is she okay? Benny, what did you do?”

“Relax. She asked me to leave her. It was actually her idea for me to take the picture and come find you. I need another pair of hands to finish the cabinets. She said to try and find you.”

“Oh…well okay then. But why the picture?”

“Because I forgot your birthday present last week.”

“I don’t follow,” said Keith, confused.

“I made a deal with her. We agreed that if Ms. Ellis can’t escape by the time we get back to the house together, you get to tie her up too, however you want, before we finish the cabinets together.”

“Shut up. That’s not real.” Keith sweated slightly, his voice getting shaky.

“Happy birthday buddy. Come see for your self.”

— — — — — — — — —

The two of us tore through Keith’s house, out the door, and a few houses over back to Ms. Ellis’s. I could see Keith in a full sweat as he put his hand on the doorknob. “Dude, if you’re telling the truth, and she’s still taped up, you never have to buy me a birthday present again.”

“Here’s hoping. She seems pretty strong. Don’t hate me if she pulled it off. Let’s see.”

The two of us opened the door and stepped cautiously inside. A faint rustling sound greeted us as we made our way through the hallway and turned the corner into the kitchen. Keith stopped cold as he stepped onto the tile floor. To my delight, and to Keith’s amazement, Ms. Ellis was where I had left her, bound and gagged on the kitchen counter, lying on her back and staring up at the ceiling. Her hair was disheveled and her body covered in sweat. Her green tank top had wrinkled and around the tight tape, exposing her lean stomach and one of her bra straps. Hearing us enter, she let out an exasperated moan before breaking out into light, tired laughter, her eyes still on the ceiling.

“Mmmhmmmmffff. Mm hmmm!!”

“Looks like I did an alright job!” I called out toward her.

“Ffffm hm.” Ms. Ellis rolled on her side to face the two of us, her chest drooping to the side, emphasizing her cleavage. “Mmffff hm fffmmhm?”

“Good to see you, Ms. E!” To my surprise, Keith, now full of confidence, strode straight up to our bound neighbor and put his hand on her shoulder. “I heard you were in need of some help with your kitchen.”

Ms. Ellis nodded up and down, looking up at Keith and smiling behind her taped lips. “ I also heard you made a bet with my friend her that it appears you just lost. Is that true?” Mrs. Ellis rolled her eyes, nodding slowly again and sighing.

“And you’re still cool with that arrangement?” Keith reached forward and slowly peeled the tape off of his neighbor’s lips.

“Hi Keith. Good to see you too. Doesn’t look like I’m in much of a position to bargain. I’ll do just about anything to get this house fixed back up. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able — HMMFP!”

Keith pressed the tape back onto Ms. Ellis’s mouth, much to her displeasure.

“No time to lose then buddy! Let’s get to work!”

Turning back to me, Keith came up to the cabinets and began helping me finish up the last of the repairs. Even handier than me, I was surprised at how quickly Keith moved through the measuring and drilling of each joint and hinge. Mrs. Ellis watched us quietly from the counter, no longer fighting the tape that tied her.

After nearly no time at all, the cabinets were finished. “That ought to do it. Mrs. Ellis, would you like to take a closer look?”

“Mmmmmhhhmmmff.” Mrs. Ellis nodded, squirming her way back up right, then sliding gingerly off of the counter and on to her tightly taped feet. Slowly, she shuffled and hopped across the kitchen toward us, her remaining upright green tank top strap falling and exposing both straps of her bra. Her chest bounced excruciatingly slowly as she made her way closer, tempting both of us to gawk. Clearly noticing this, Mrs. Ellis began to laugh. “Hmmfrrrm.” She shook her head in mock disapproval.

“Hmmmmm.” Our blonde neighbor finally inched her way to the cabinet, and with a big sigh, nodded her final sign off. “Mmmmfffhm!” She mumbled thanking us.

“Don’t thank us yet! I believe you owe my friend a special thanks here now, don’t you!”

Mrs. Ellis hopped in place toward Keith, staring at him and smiling. Her blue eyes brightened over the black tape on her mouth. She nodded sweetly. “Hmmmmffmm.”

“Well why don’t you two go discuss in there how he’d like to receive his thank you, I’ll wait in here and see what else needs fixing.” I pointed over to a nearby bedroom, winking at my best friend as a smile spread wide across his face.

“What he said, hop along ma’am. We’ve got decisions to make!” Keith ushered the bound blonde toward the bedroom, ogling her bouncing body from behind, and closing the door quietly behind them.
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Post by SquidIncMaster »

Very excited to see where this goes!
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very nice chapter!
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Deciding to turn this story into a reader’s choice story to try something new! Please weigh in on how you’d like to see the story continue.

1. When Ms. Ellis comes out of the room, she’s wearing:
A) a bathing suit
B) a crop top and jean shorts
C) a sports bra and gym shorts

2. Ms. Ellis emerges bound with
A) More tape
B) Rope
C) zip ties
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Post by hafnermg »

1. A!
2. A!
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Post by milagros317 »

1. A
2. B
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Dpsiic »

1. C

2. B
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Post by Flyingfoxman »

1. C

2. B
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Post by ninterz »

1 C
2 B
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Votes are in!

Part 3:

Several minutes passed with no activity to speak of. I made myself busy by cleaning up the small mess from the cabinet job. After about 5 minutes I saw Keith swing the bedroom door open before sprinting up to me. “Dude. Would you be able to come back next weekend and fix the filters on her pool?”

“Uh….sure? Why?”

“Because, well…” Keith grinned. “Because Mrs. Ellis agreed to do this thing for us on the condition we help fix her pool next week.” He laughed. “It’s worth it. Trust me.”

“I guess that’s fine then. What is she doing?”

You just wait her a little while longer. Mrs. Ellis! He said ok!” Keith turned back to the bedroom and ran inside, slamming the door behind him. Ten to fifteen more minutes passed before the door opened again, this time while my back was turned in the kitchen.

“Here we are, buddy!” Keith said softly, stepping out of the room. He wore a sheepish grin, and in one hand held a rope that extended back into the room. “Come on out Mrs. Ellis!” He tugged the rope a few times, before my jaw hit the floor. Little by little, Mrs. Ellis hopped her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. She was bound tightly at the ankles and knees with a thick brown rope that rested about three inches below the new pair of pink gym shorts she was wearing. The same rope cinched her wrists and elbows together behind her, and was wrapped above and below her bulging chest. Her chest was now barely covered, pressed tightly together by a black Nike sports bra. She hopped quietly in her bare feet and scanty clothes into the middle of the kitchen.

Mrs. Ellis’s face was red, partially, in sure from the effort of keeping her balance — partially, also, from the embarrassment of the amount of skin she was showing, now practically in her underwear in front of a pair of 19 year olds.

“Bennett, I’m blaming you for this.” She said in mock anger. “What have you gotten me into.”

“I don’t think I’m the one who let Keith talk her into a new deal,” I shot back playfully. “That was you!”

“Touché. So now what boys? Do I just stand here? What are your plans for me?”

Keith’s face went blank and turned toward me. “I never thought that far ahead.”

“You didn’t think of what comes next? What kind of a kidnapping is that?” Mrs. Ellis wiggled and struggled likely in the rope, trying to keep her balance. The top half of her breasts sagged down over the bra as she bent over and stood back up. Gaining her balance, she looked at me. “Looks like your partner needs some helping seeing this through, huh?”

“Actually, Mrs. Ellis. I think it presents us an opportunity.” I pause for a moment. “I’d love to hear your ideas. What do you think we should do with you?”

— — — — — — — — — — —
You Decide!

Mrs. Ellis suggests that the boys…
A) Gag her
B) Take some pictures
C) Make another bet
D) Pick 2 from above!
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Post by Flyingfoxman »

C. Make another bet
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Post by GagFan96 »

D) gag her and make another bet.

And I really like this so far I can't wait to see what direction it takes.
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Post by TapeTurtle »

I think I’m going to break the tie and side with GagFan!

— — — — — — — — — — —

Part Four:

“You want me to decide? That’s a lot of power, isn’t it?” Mrs. Ellis strains against the ropes welding her upper limbs together. “Well, I guess not that much power.” She takes a few moments to think. “I guess if I ask to be let go, the answer would be no?”

“The answer would in fact be no.” Keith chuckled at the question. “Not until you’ve earned it.”

“That’s what I anticipated.” Mrs. Ellis rolled her eyes at Keith, before catching my own stare. “Well I guess I’ll have to earn it then. How about another bet? Bennett, you seem to be proficient in that…” The buxom blonde hops over to her young neighbor. “I’m guessing your bet would probably start with taking care of my big mouth though. Am I right?”

Still struggling to comprehend what exactly was unfolding in front of me, I grinned sheepishly. “I think you’re probably right about that. Okay. A bet it is then.”

Mrs. Ellis smiled. “Great! One step closer to getting out of this. Now go ahead and tape my mouth again and tell me what I need to do.”

“Very well. Keith, want to do the honors?” I launch the roll of black tape to Keith across the kitchen.

“Don’t mind if I do. This color looks great on you Mrs. Ellis. It matches your bra!”

“Don’t remind me,” the trussed up bombshell replied. “You boys better do a great job on this pool next weekend…” She closed her lips, anticipating the tape.

“No, no. Not that easy this time.” Keith grinned devilishly as he picks up a small rag off the counter. “Open.”

Mrs. Ellis stared incredulously at my friend, burning a hole into him with her glare. “You twerp. Fine. Go ahead.” Not breaking eye contact, she opened her mouth, her lips curling at the edges into a sarcastic, venomous smile. Keith forced the rag into her mouth and closed her lips over it with his fingers, working surprisingly confidently. Ripping several pieces of tape from the roll, he sealed her mouth shut and then turned back to me.

“I did my part! I think she looks great! Mrs. Ellis, why don’t you spin and show us how well I did.”

“Mmmmfffffffff.” Ms. Ellis groaned into the rag in her mouth and complied, hopping up and down and spinning, sending her curved body in a hypnotizing motion. “Ffmmhmm?” She asked, hoping we were satisfied.

“Perfect. I’ll let Bennett take it from here.”

“Well…let me think,” I said, contemplating the sudden power I had just been given. The bound and gagged neighbor stared in anticipation at me, I think smiling. A smile creeps across my face as well.

“I have an idea,” declared. Come with me! Walking into the main foyer of the house, the front door to my left, the office door to my right, and small home gym up the stairs.

“Ready for your mission?”

“Mmfffffhmmmrrhm…” Ms. Ellis sighed unexcitingly, hanging her head, before looking back to me and nodding.

— — — — — — — — —

You Decide!

Does Bennett make Ms. Ellis…

A) Start a Zoom chat with someone in the office

B) Hop out the front door to the street and back.

C) Hop on a treadmill for a certain amount of time.
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Found an AI rendering of what I’m imagining Ms. Ellis to look like.

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Post by Flyingfoxman »

A) start a zoom chat
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Flyingfoxman wrote: 1 month ago A) start a zoom chat
Fun — this one would be funny!
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Post by ninterz »

I'm also on A
Maybe she can get a college of her to join her :D
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Post by Caesar73 »

I would go for B!
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Post by johopp »


Maybe Ms.Elli's colleague secretly records the video conversation and uses it to blackmail her later.
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Post by TapeTurtle »

Part Five:

“Hhhfffrrrrhm…mmmmfff.” Mrs. Ellis groaned in apprehension as she hopped past my outstretched arm and into her office. She bounced a few times more up to her desk, then turned around, cocking her head to the side in curiosity.

I motioned to the chair. Cautiously, Mrs. Ellis sighed through her nose and plopped her curvy body into the chair with a thud. “Mmmffpfh?” She asked, unclear as to what she had to do now.

“First order of business,” I said, winking at Keith beside me. “We need the login to your computer.” I took a sticky note and placed it in front of her, and handed a pen to her heavily bound hands. “Go ahead. Write it down here!”

Mrs. Ellis grunted in confusion, but followed my direction, hesitantly twisting her arms to allow her wrists and hands near the table to grab the pen. Straining, she wrote down the password and leaned back in the chair. “Mmffpfh.” She tried to say, clearly confused as to what we were plotting.

“Thanks! Just one moment now.” I quickly grabbed the keyboard and logged in. Clicking around methodically I pulled up the FaceTime desktop app. Mrs. Ellis’s eyes grew wide, now fully comprehending what was about to happen.

“Hhjfffmmhm! Mmfff hmmmfph! Hhhmmmmhhhh…” Mrs. Ellis became frantic, writhing in the chair, screaming, but also laughing hysterically.

“We figured the best way to earn your way out was to show off Keith’s exceptional rope work to someone. Right bud?” I winked at Keith, who couldn’t keep himself from laughing.

“That’s right. Why don’t we go easy on her though and let her choose who we call?”

Mrs. Ellis squirmed more against the rope welding her limbs together. After a series of pleading grunts and moans into the rag in her taped mouth, she relaxed her upper body, and accepted defeat. Scorching back to the pen on the desk, she craned her arms and wrote on the sticky note: “Jennifer. At least let me text her first.” She held her bound hands out for her phone, which Keith grabbed from his pocket and handed to her.

— — — — — — — — — — — —

“Anne…what in the world…what did you do?” Jennifer stared at Ms. Ellis through the screen her eyes wide and mouth agape. “You let them do this to you?”

Now laughing uncontrollably into her gag, Ms. Ellis leaned forward and nodded in between fits of giggles.

Keith and I stepped into the frame behind her. Keith placed his hands on the bound and gagged blonde’s shoulders. “Hey Ms. Jenn! It’s been a long time hasn’t it!”

Jennifer scoffed and shook her head in disbelief. “Keith? Bennett? What a reunion…I think I last saw you two when you were like…14.”

Jennifer was dead on in her guess. As Ms. Ellis’s best friend and colleague at the gym they used to run together, she was a frequent presence at the Ellis household. For a year or two, she even became a family friend to the two of us, which as young boys, we did not mind one bit. Jennifer stood at about 5’6” with a toned, fairly curvy frame. She was a fitness model before meeting Mrs. Ellis, and would hang around the house and invite us inside to teach us how to make authentic Japanese food, the way her parents taught her after they moved to America. In the artificial light of the computer screen, she still looked like she could be 28 years old.

“Well I’m glad we get to see you Ms. Jenn! Especially under the current circumstances!” I gave Ms. Ellis a playful pat on the head, which she yanked away from in playful anger.

“So let me get this straight. You guys are repairing that horrible house that Anne is still living in since D-Bag moved out. And in exchange…this?” Jennifer motioned her hands toward her bound friend.

“That’s pretty much right. Although in this case, she also lost an escape bet. So we had to punish her for that too.”

“Of course you do!” Jennifer laughed. “Well, stand up Anne. I want to see the full picture of what you’ve gotten yourself into.”

All three of us laughed. Carefully we helped Ms. Ellis out of the chair, and tilted the screen up to show her full, tightly tied body, which seemed to spill out of both the ropes and the sports bra she was wearing. Ms. Ellis playfully hopped in a circle to show her friend a full 360 degree view.

“I have to say. I’m impressed. You boys know your stuff.” Jen laughed softly. She pulled out her phone and took a quick picture of her bondaged friend. “I’m sure that will come in handy later,” she said, putting her phone away. “So what’s next? Are you about to let her go?”

“Maybe. Haven’t decided yet.” I said, smirking at our helpless neighbor. “We have another job to do next weekend with her pool so maybe it is time to let her go for the night.”

“Awww that’s too bad.” Jenn teased. She paused a moment, then continued. “Actually, I have another idea.”

— — — — — — — — — — — — —

You Decide! Jennifer suggests that the boys…

A) Make Ms. Ellis employ the boys to repair some things at the gym they run together.

B) Let Jennifer help with the pool next week.

C) Come fix something at Jennifer’s house.
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