Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

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Mark and Nancy (f/m, f/f, etc) (updated 5/17/2019 Ch. 7 p5)

Post by volatiledesire »

This is a story I wrote for the old site. It was written 2008 or 2009 and I like to think I've improved since then, but you tell me. Either way I'll repost it here. I considered posting in the archives but there is a slight chance I'll finish it. It's a long one but not near the length of Jack's Story.

I'll post it slowly over the coming weeks allowing time to fix the bad grammar and other inconsistencies.

If you've read Jack's Story you'll find similar themes and situations here.

All the best.
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 25 times in total.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 1 - Wacky Wednesday

There comes a time in all kids lives when they realize that Mom is not just the person that makes dinner and cleans house. For some kids it happens when they first realize the jar of lotion in the nightstand is not for her hands, or perhaps that the short cylindrical object does not really ease Mom's tired shoulders. We discover by accident or by growing awareness that Mom is more than just a chauffeur and cook, she's also a woman.

For Mark, a 15 year old kid with a scrawny body and unkempt hair, it happened quite differently, most would say oddly. Mark was a typical high school male, a T-shirt and jeans kind of kid who counted his day blessed if he managed to follow one of the sexy high school cheerleaders up the stairs. He came home loaded down with books to find his Mom and her best friend in the whole world, Teresa, sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

Teresa and Mark's Mom (her name was Sharon) were the same age, the same build, and had the same length of hair. The only difference was that his Mom was "blond", (that's what she told everybody), and Teresa was a red-head. They were both dressed in very nice clothes, skirts and heels. Sharon's outfit was mostly shades of red, whereas Teresa loved green. They both stood up from the table when Mark entered the kitchen for a drink of water.

"Oh, son, I'm so glad you got home on time."

"You're all dressed up, what's going on?"

"Teresa and I are going shopping and maybe a manicure if we have time."

Mark shrugged, "Cool, see you later."

Teresa spoke up then. "I hope it's ok, but our house is being renovated for the next couple of weeks and Nancy needs a quiet place to study. She's old enough to take care of herself but I don't trust all those filthy workmen in our house right now. Your Mom said she could stay here."

This was excellent news, Teresa's daughter Nancy was a gorgeous red-head that made every boy's burgeoning libido burst whenever she walked by. She also refused to date anyone, saying she was too busy with school and gymnastics to spend time with boys. She was a sophomore in high school and as a freshman way out of Mark's league. He played it cool though, "Sure, no problem."

His Mom smiled slightly. This of course meant she knew exactly what he was thinking. "It's a big house, I'm sure you'll stay out of each other's way." With that, Sharon and Teresa left the house.

Fifteen minutes later the door bell rang. It was Nancy. She was oddly dressed, her legs were covered in shiny black spandex as were her arms and over this she wore a pair of jean shorts and a white T-shirt. Mark cocked his head at an odd angle while holding the door open for her to enter.

Nancy noticed the look. "Gymnastics practice," she said. Mark still looked confused. "Mom didn't want me to go to the house wearing my practice unitard so I have it on underneath."

"Oh, I see." Mark nodded quite pleased to see her wearing the sexy outfit even if it was mostly covered. Despite her being a year older a growth spurt put Mark at near her height though she could likely best him in any sport, including wrestling.

"I'll just grab the couch," Nancy said walking into the living room and turning on the television.

"Sure, let me know if you need anything." Mark said walking slowly upstairs desperately trying to think of a reason to stay in the same room.

As it turned out Mark got lucky and she came upstairs. "Hey Mark."

"Yeah, in here."

Nancy walked into his room looking around. "I've got to run home and get a book I left there."

"Uh, but your Mom said she didn't want you to be there while the workers were there."

"Oh pulleeez, Mom is such a worry-wart. I'll be fine."

"Ok, but I'll have to tell her." Mark said.

"What?" Nancy turned, her light hearted tone disappearing in an instant.

"I'll have to tell her you left." Mark smiled.

"Why you little rat, we've been friends for what 10 years and I've covered your ass more than a few times."

"Uh, you don't so much as smile at me in the halls at school, whatever I owe has been paid."

"Nobody is nice to the under class, what else is new. Seniors don't smile at me either."

Mark then did the one thing that would always drive his older sister nuts before she went to college, he turned around and ignored her.

"So I'll see you in a little bit." Nancy left the room.

Fifteen minutes later Nancy returned. Mark met her in the kitchen drinking a glass of water. "So how was it."

"Unpleasant, they were cat calling me when I got out of the car so I just left."

"So I guess your Mom was right?"

"It appears that way. You're still going to tell her?" Nancy asked slowly.

"Afraid so, I'm a man of my word." Mark said sarcastically.

It happened really fast. Nancy grabbed him from behind and wrapped her arms around his body pinning them to his sides. Whatever she did in gymnastics made her really strong, she easily lifted him off his feet and carried him into the living room tossing him face down on the couch. With her knee in the center of his back she wrenched his arms painfully into the small of his back where she tied them there with rope she produced from her pocket. Two more lengths encircled his body at the ankles and knees.

She stood up and watched as her captive squirmed around until he faced her. There was a box of rope on the floor that smelled like storage area in the garage. She selected another length. "I don't think you'll be telling my Mom anything." She rolled Mark back over and wound the rope around his elbows cinching them close together. More rope was wrapped around his waist and shoulders pinning his arms to his body. A hasty, but effective job.

"Ok, ok, I won't tell. Let me go."

"Yeah right, sure I'll let you go. But first I have to get a few pictures to blackmail you into not telling." She knelt down and took off her shoes and removed her ankle socks. She then stood up and took off her shirt. Mark was obviously pleased by the sight of her womanly curves displayed beneath the tight garment. She stood wearing only her jean shorts and black unitard.

She then jumped on the couch and straddled Mark's chest holding her socks up to his mouth. "Don't worry they are clean." Mark jerked his head from left to right rapidly but she managed to grab his nose and held tight, eventually the combination of lack of air and the heady experience of being sat on by a gorgeous girl defeated his resistance and the socks filled his mouth. She then used her light weight, stretchy shirt to hold it all in place. Mark could not dislodge it once she tied it firmly behind his head.

"There now, no more talking." Nancy smiled at her success

Mark tried to make noise, but with his mouth propped open by her shirt and the small socks threatening to slip down his throat, silence was the only option. Nancy rolled Mark off the couch and began searching in her backpack. "Where is my camera?"

Mark manage to sit up and tugged with all his strength in an attempt to free his arms but the brute force attempt did not work. "It's in my car." Nancy said aloud and ran outside.

Instead of struggling Mark quickly found the knot holding his wrists secure and frantically picked at it. When Nancy returned swinging her camera from her wrist the loops of rope were starting to loosen. The required concentration must have been evident in his eyes because Nancy stopped fiddling with the camera and looked at him. "What are you doing?" She quickly ran over and pushed Mark onto his side and retied all the knots. "I can't have you escaping." She ran out of the living room into the garage. Moments later she returned with a roll of black electrical tape. She wound the tape around Mark's hands, forcing them into useless lumps. "There we go, that will hold you."

Nancy stood up and flipped her red hair over her shoulder and began taking pictures while Mark struggled into a sitting position. With his fingers useless it took much longer to push himself up and all the while the camera flashed. Once Mark's back was against the couch Nancy set the camera to timer mode and sat down on the couch with his body between her legs like some kind of trophy. She soon tired of the taking pictures and pushed him into the middle of the room where she tied his ankles to his wrists in a firm hog tie and sat down on the couch and opened a book.

Escape was impossible and every attempt was greeted with mocking laughter from Nancy. "I'll let you go in an hour or so before our Mom's get back."

Mark laid his head down trusting that the consequences of being found in this situation would guarantee eventual release. The click of heels outside the front door caused Nancy to leap from the couch. She froze like a deer caught in the headlights when the door opened and Teresa walked into the house. "Hey honey," Teresa began, "Where's your shirt?"

Mark's Mom also entered and immediately saw her son bound on the floor. Her eyes widened first in surprise and then in amusement. "I think I know where it is."

Teresa looked down and yelped. "Oh my goodness, what is going on here? Nancy what have you done?"

Nancy was still frozen in place unable to speak coherently. "Was my son bothering you?" Sharon asked.

The question jarred Nancy loose from her stupor. "Uh yeah, he was being a pest."

Mark strained to look at his Mom who he expected to free him at any moment. Instead though she just smirked at him. Both of the older ladies sat down on the couch on either side of Nancy. "That's some pretty good rope work," Mark's Mom said removing her heels.

"I think a cousin taught her that, he used to love being tied up." Teresa said.

Mark struggled and grunted loudly through his gag trying to get anyone's attention. Nancy was also wondering why they were not freeing him. Teresa reached into the box and grabbed a handful of the rope. She quickly dropped it, "That stuff is filthy."

Sharon smiled. "If you two are going to do this more, we're going to have to get you some proper equipment. These ropes are way too coarse. Silk scarves and satin ribbons feel so much nicer."

It was at that moment that things cracked apart inside Mark's brain. His Mom suddenly transformed before his eyes from a middle-aged homemaker into something else entirely, a strange hybrid between an alien and a supermodel. Mark's eyes locked onto hers and a mischievous little smile bloomed on her face.

Teresa interrupted the non-verbal exchange. "But these will do nicely, don't you think, Sharon."

Nancy realized what her Mom just said. "Do nicely for what..."

At that moment both women jumped on Teresa's daughter, the two older women had surprise on their side and in moments Nancy was pressed face down into the couch with her hands tied behind her. They were far more efficient than Nancy and in less than 10 minutes she was lying beside Mark in an identical position and gagged with her mother's hosiery which she had removed from beneath her dress.

Mark's world was coming unhinged. His Mom was going crazy. Nancy looked to be having similar issues.

The two women went into the kitchen and spoke quietly together. Nancy and Mark tried to wiggle together to help free each other but with Mark's useless hands he could not do anything and Nancy's hands were so well bound she could not reach her own knots.

One thing became absolutely clear when the two formerly normal homemakers walked back into the room smiling. Mark and Nancy knew very little about their respective mothers. "Enjoying yourself?" Both Nancy and Mark wagged their heads back and forth and made unintelligible sounds through the garments held in their mouths.

"Good, we've decided that it is nice knowing that our kids aren't misbehaving or getting into trouble. It's like a breath of fresh air compared to our constant worrying." Teresa said.

Mark got a worried look on his face, he feared his immobility was going to be extended further.

"So since you enjoy the confinement we thought we would help you." Mark's Mom finished.

Mark's eyes widened but Nancy lost it, she started thrashing about pulling at the ropes, but both women already left the room. Moments later they returned each with a plastic grocery sack in their hands. "We're not mean so we want to make you more comfortable." Scarves were pulled from the sacks and were used to quickly blindfold the struggling teenagers. Angry sounds came from beneath Nancy's gag. Mark seemed resigned to his fate. His legs were released and he was pulled to his feet by two pairs of hands. His Mom led him upstairs and into the master bedroom.

"Yeah, that will be perfect." Teresa said to something Mark could not see, "but you better have him use the bathroom."

Once inside the large master bathroom Mark's Mom began to unfasten his jeans. He struggled immensely, obviously not wanting to be naked in front of these women. "Stop it Mark, it's just me. Teresa has gone to deal with her daughter." His Mom answered. Of course being 15 years old he was still not too keen on being disrobed by his Mom. "I've seen you naked thousands of times, just relax."

Sharon quickly removed her son's jeans and allowed him to use the bathroom in relative privacy, though he could not see to confirm that. Once the process was finished Mark felt something cool and slippery being pulled onto his legs. Still bound with his hands wrapped in electrical tape it was difficult to discern what his Mom was doing until the garment reached his waist. His earlier encounter with Nancy gave him the experience of Lycra against his skin. He realized she was putting some kind of tights on him. He immediately started yelling through the gag and struggled to kick the garment off his legs.

"Listen Mark," his Mom began. "Calm down, I promise you will eventually appreciate what is going to happen. If you don't sit still things will only get worse. What's it going to be, are you going to trust me?"

Mark paused for several seconds judging the sincerity of his mother's tone of voice. The idea of the most beautiful girl Mark knew seeing him wearing tights drove the reasonable answer out of his head. Mark shook his head and struggled with the tape still binding his fingers.

Sharon sighed impatiently, "I've got two choices here, black or hot pink. If you continue to struggle guess which one I'm going to choose. The unitard is simply going to protect your skin."

Mark stopped struggling, a unitard was bad, but a hot pink unitard was beyond-the-pale awful.

"Thank you. I know you think I've gone crazy or that you've fallen down the rabbit hole but not really. Teresa was just saying how she wishes you and Nancy would hit it off so she would not have to worry so much about her. And I'll admit I've been worried about you too, Mark."

Mark's confusion was apparent despite the blindfold and gag. "How exactly was getting tied up in black spandex outfit going to get Nancy to like him." He thought to himself

"Hold still now I'm going to release your fingers and arms and take off your T-shirt so I can pull the unitard on the rest of the way."

Mark held still while she worked to remove the rope and tape and he moved only enough to flex his sore arms and rub his chafed wrists once they were free. His Mom grabbed the hem of his T-shirt and pulled it up over his head. The shirt's collar pulled the blindfold off with it and Mark blinked in the harsh lights of the master bathroom. His Mom did not seem to notice as she pulled the unitard over her son's stomach and guided his arms into the long sleeves then closed the small closure behind his head. Mark looked down over his body, wondering if he had been coated in some kind of oil.

Mark glanced over just in time to see his Mom lean into the bathtub and grab a pile of white rope. The sight of the ropes made Mark realize the he was free and could flee if he wanted too. He leapt to his feet and accidentally shoved his Mom as he sprinted from the bathroom causing her to topple over into the bathtub with a yelp. Mark did not look back and ran out of the bedroom and down the hall to his room. Inside he slammed the door quickly, locking it behind him, with a sigh of relief. "Finally a bit of luck on my side," he though to himself. Then for good measure he slid his dresser in front of the door.

A small grunt and sigh from the bed caught his attention He turned to see Nancy staring at him with a white piece of material pulled between her teeth. Her black unitard matched his own except white ropes crisscrossed her body from her ankles to her shoulders. Her hands were bound to her ankles so tightly that her heels were pressed into her buttocks. Her elbows were also tied so that they almost touched. The strain in her eyes above the gag brought Mark back to his senses. Mark pulled open the drawer on his night stand and grabbed a pocket knife quickly severing her bonds.

She took a moment to rub her arms and pulled the gag from her mouth. "Thanks, that was not fun."

Mark tried to respond but realized he still had not pulled the gag from his mouth. He quickly yanked Nancy's T-shirt down to his chin and worked the socks out before untying the T-shirt hanging snuggly around his neck. "What is going on?"

"My mom has gone crazy. And by the look of what your wearing your Mom has too." Nancy answered.

Mark blushed. "Yeah, she was getting ready to tie me up when I ran out of the bathroom and ran in here."

"Do you have any clothes I can wear?" Nancy asked.

"Sure," He tossed her a sweat shirt and went to get one himself when his Mom knocked on the door. "Mark, that was not very kind."

Mark shook his head. "That was an accident. I panicked. Are you two on drugs or something? Nancy looked like she was in pain before I freed her."

There was a small silence. "Nancy, honey, were you in pain?" It was Teresa.

Mark watched Nancy who had just pulled on the sweatshirt. It made her even more beautiful with her Lycra covered legs sliding out from beneath the hem of the oversized shirt. Mark stepped closer to the dresser, prepared to hold it against them if necessary.

"No, not really. I guess." Nancy responded the last part fading into a whisper.

"See Mark," His Mom said.

Mark shook his head at Nancy who shrugged. "I'm a gymnast," she whispered, "very flexible."

Mark rolled his eyes and whispered back. "What do we do?"

"Open the door so we can talk about this." Mom said even though she could not have heard the question.

Nancy shrugged. "I don't know."

"I have a nasty bruise on my shoulder from where you shoved me in the tub." Mom said.

"Look Mom, I'm sorry. I freaked out. In fact I'm still a little freaked out here."

"Open the door, son." Mom said.

"I don't think so."

There was a long drawn out silence. Mark found the time to pull on a shirt and sweats while their mothers discussed things in hushed whispers. Finally Teresa's voice came through the door. "Nancy honey, do you remember what is happening next Saturday?"

Nancy's eyes widened. "Yes of course, the gymnastics competition."

"You can't go."

Nancy's hands flew to her mouth and moisture immediately formed in the corners of her eyes.

"Unless..." Teresa's mother continued from the other side of the door.

"Unless..." Sharon took up for her friend. "Mark allows you to tie him up and then you, Nancy, must open this door."

Mark's eyes stared at Nancy in stunned shock. The two devious women were playing a game and their beloved children were just a couple of pawns they could push around the board. "She's bluffing" Was all Mark could muster in response.

Nancy stood up and came over to where Mark stood by the closet, moisture glistening in her eyes. "Please, please Mark. I have to go to the competition."

A beautiful redhead sophomore wearing loose sweatshirt over a black unitard stood before a skinny, shy teenager asking, no begging, if she could tie him up. "Really? You know she's bluffing."

Nancy leaned in close the scent of her exertions mixed with a flowery perfume further crumbling Mark's resolve. "I can't take the risk, please." Then she knelt to the floor and began to beg.

At this point Mark would have said yes to anything short of castration. He dropped his head in acquiescence when Teresa spoke again. "Oh, and one more thing, there is a satchel in the room on the far side of Mark's bed. It contains some rope for you to use Nancy. And since Mark hurt his mother he has to wear the outfit that is inside there too or no deal."

The one-two punch, first his Mom shocks him with an inescapable situation and the other piles it on. Nancy stepped over to the bed and picked up the canvas bag. Inside was a pile of loose rope and a pink leotard, not hot pink but a soft ballet pink color. "Oh my God," Nancy said barely suppressing a giggle. "They have got to be kidding." Then she remembered her gymnastics competition and she dropped the leotard on the bed and pulled out a pair of matching pink tights and ballet shoes. "At least there isn't a tutu." Nancy said grinning.

The sight of the pink spandex bolsterd Mark's resolve. "No way, I can't do that, not ever by myself, and no way in front of you."

Nancy tossed all the ballet clothes on the bed and stepped closer. "Oh please Mark, I won't tell a soul. I have to go to the competition. I've been working for months and months."

"I can't, Nancy."

"It's just clothes, you're wearing a black dance outfit right now and I've seen you in it already." Nancy begged tears now falling down her cheeks.

"It's a girl's ballet costume, though. I just can't."

"Oh come on, Mark. You look kind of cute in the black one. It is probably made for a girl too. Just change in the closet I'll tie you up and this will be over." Despite the tears Nancy managed a seductive smile.

"Oh Nancy," her Mom called through the door. "If he is able to free himself inside an hour. You forfeit the competition. We'll be downstairs waiting for you, whatever you decide."

Mark heard the footsteps move away from the door and move down the steps. "What is it with them. This is a Wacky Wednesday if ever there was one."

"I promise never to treat you badly again, Mark. We can be genuine friends. You've already rescued me once today. If you do it twice, you'll always be my hero."

"Sure if you ever manage to stop laughing." I retorted. "And you will likely forget your promise the day after Saturday."

"I didn't laugh when you first came in, did I?"

"You were gagged."

"But I didn't laugh. Like I said, you look cute in the unitard. Take off your sweats and I'll prove it."

"Alright if you can keep from laughing while I'm wearing this black outfit I'll wear the pink one. If you so much as giggle, you'll have to miss your gymnastics thing, deal."

"Deal, strip."

Mark took off his sweats and then quickly pulled off the sweatshirt while searching for any sign of a smirk on her face. Nancy stepped closer, put her hands on Mark's shoulders and kissed him full on the lips. Mark's eyes flew open and then slowly closed as Nancy maintained the contact. "There now, doesn't that prove that you're my hero?" Nancy said after a few seconds.

Half a minute later Mark was finally able to blink, two minutes after that he could speak. "Stay out here, I'll change in the closet." He grabbed the pink leotard and pink tights and stepped inside his small walk-in closet. The neck closure of the black unitard proved a challenge but once he figured it out, he was able to peel the garment off quickly. The tag on the black unitard had a stylized silhouette of a female dancer, which proved Nancy was right about the unitard. Obviously the tights were next and he had no idea how to put them on but after lots of tugging and pulling on the fabric Mark managed to get the strange garment into position. Now his legs were a shiny pink in the light of the closet. "Good grief this sucks."

The leotard was next and it had the same kind of neck opening as the unitard. In just a few seconds he pulled it up his legs, slipped his arms into the long sleeves, and quickly fastened the closure behind his neck. The sleeves were different then those of the unitard. They were tight at the wrists and forearms but puffed out at the shoulders, it looked so feminine. "I would appreciate it if you didn't laugh." Mark spoke loudly through the door.

"Do you need another kiss?" Nancy said back.

Mark stepped out of the closet. "That might help."

She did not laugh but she did not kiss him either. "Here sit on the bed and I'll help you with the shoes."

Nancy slipped the pink satin slippers onto his nylon covered feet and than wrapped the ribbons around his ankles, crisscrossing them up his calves making a large bow behind his knees. She did the same with the second shoe and then grabbed a length of the rope without even looking up. She quickly wrapped it around his ankles several times and cinched the ropes by passing the last length between his ankles perpendicular to the loops.

"Who taught you this?"

"Bend your knees. A cousin of mine, he loved being tied up." Mark did as instructed and she repeated the process with another length of rope just above his knees. A third length of rope was tied across the soles of his feet and tied to the ankle bindings. A fourth was wrapped around his thighs and Nancy struggled to get the ropes to pass between his upper legs to cinch them down.

"Good grief why so much rope."

"You heard them, if you escape I can't go to the competition. Turn around and put your hands behind your back, palm to palm."

Mark felt the ropes wrap around his wrists for the second time in one day. Another length of rope passed around his upper arms forcing his shoulders back. His elbows were no where near touching like Nancy's had been when Mark found her, but he had no more freedom of movement. Another length of rope cinched the elbow tie tightly and Nancy strung the remaining length around the ball of Mark's shoulders, across the back of his neck, around the other shoulder, and down to the elbow tie. This elaborate configuration ensured that it would not be slipping down the taper created by his bound arms. "Drat, I'm out of rope. Do you have anything in here that will work?"

"I think you've done quite enough."

"Perhaps, but I can't take any chances." She pushed Mark down on to the bed face first where he quickly turned around and sat up. Nancy was going through the drawers of his dresser and night stand. She found a roll of black electrical tape, the sash from an old robe, and several shoe strings. "This will have to do." She glanced under the bed. "Oh perfect," She pulled out the ropes that had been cut when Mark freed her earlier. She selected the longest pieces and tossed them onto the bed next to her pink victim.

Quickly resuming her work she wrapped a length around his body and over his wrists pinning them down. Other pieces were used to cinch these tightly making it impossible to move his arms away from his back. A final piece of rope was then used to tie his ankles to the rope between his elbows pulling him into a strict hog tie. "Ugh, you're done right?"

"Not quite." Nancy picked up the shoe strings and used them to wrap and cinch both his thumbs and pinky fingers together. Then she picked up her T-shirt that had been used as Mark's gag earlier and knelt down in front of his face. "Open wide, this is pretty thin material so it will fill your mouth nicely.

"A gag, you've got to be kidding, I can't even roll over."

"I can't take any chances, sorry."

Nancy stuffed the stretchy cloth into his mouth and wrapped the sash cord several times around his head to hold it all in. She then went through all the ropes that remained and found nothing but really short pieces. "I need something to hold you to the bed. I'm all out of rope."

Mark groaned though the gag and tried to rock back and forth with little success. "I'll go ask our mom's, maybe if I ask right I'll get on their good side." Nancy slid the dresser away from the door and left the room. Mark was positioned perpendicular across the bed with his head a few inches from the edge. He continued to attempt to roll over or slide forward but only succeeded in a slight rocking motion. Nancy soon returned carrying a plastic sack. "They are watching television, they gave me the rest of the rope they had." She pulled his body to the foot of the bed and rolled him onto his side so his legs and arms were touching the metal tube frame of the foot board. She then wove the long rope around the foot board and his cinched bonds. When she was done he could not so much as wiggle. She even threaded the rope around the back of his gag so that his head was held still. "I know you aren't comfortable but your Mom will release you soon. Thanks Mark, for saving the day." Nancy leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Mark did not even bother to grunt in response. She left the room shutting the door behind her.

He tried to struggle, but there was no point. There was a good view of the red-numbered clock on his nightstand and he watched as the minutes slowly ticked away. After 45 minutes had past Mark was beyond uncomfortable. His arms and legs screamed to be moved and his jaw was throbbing. Time moves slowly when you watch the clock, it moves slower still when you are tightly tied down with nothing else to do but watch the clock. Mark went over the day in his head: waking up, going to school, coming home to the news Nancy would be over. Then how it all went crazy; getting tied up by Nancy, Mom finding out, leaving him tied, trying to tie him up, and now this. It was becoming clear the reason Mark was wearing a pink ballet outfit strictly tied to the foot of his own bed was his mother's fault. Mark figured he slipped into some sort of alternate universe on his walk back from school.

After one hour and twelve minutes passed, the door to the room opened and his Mom walked in. "I guess she did a good enough job then." His Mom had changed out of her nice red dress and now wore a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt. Instead of releasing her son, she examined the knots and ropes and patted her son on his spandex covered bottom. Mark squeezed his eyes shut trying to communicate his discomfort.

"Yeah, she was highly motivated." She continued trying to wiggle a finger underneath the robe sash holding the gag in his mouth. "Nancy and her mother have gone home, so it's just you and me now. I think my ploy worked by the way."

Mark's eyes widened in confusion, "What ploy?" He thought.

"I think Nancy is slowly warming up to you. You saved her gymnastics event, but mostly I imagine it is the vulnerability you managed with her. I mean putting on a pink spandex and letting her make you helpless is the ultimate in vulnerability."

Mark was beginning to get upset, he wanted free. Mom smiled and continued talking. "The leotard and tights fit well. They are actually Teresa's, even the shoes fit perfectly." Mom said to herself giving his bound feet a squeeze. "That's good to know."

Mark sighed and stopped straining, his Mom continued talking as if nothing was out of the ordinary. "Teresa and I are nearly the same size too, she has a bit more up top but that rarely matters."

Mom pulled over the chair from the desk and sat down. "Alright, I know you want to be released but it's easier talking to you when you can't blow me off. So I'm taking advantage." She reached for an envelope from the pocket of her sweatshirt. "Remember this?" She held up the manila paper. Mark immediately recognized his report card. Where was she going with this?

"We're going to start with your worst grade and work from there. The "D" you have in history is first." At this point his mother removed the gag and left the room for a few moments returning with a glass of water and a straw. After a few sips Mark had worked his jaw enough to speak. "My arms and legs are really sore Mom, can you let me go, please."

"As soon as were done with our discussion. Tell me, when is your next history test?" Mom asked.


"Do you feel prepared for it? Have you studied?"

"No, not yet, I was planning to cram for it the tomorrow night."

Mom shook her head. "Do you like the predicament you are in now?"

"No," Mark responded immediately.

"If you can't get an "A" on that test, there will be consequences."

Mark's mouth fell open, but he could think of nothing to say. Did she mean she was going to tie him up if he did not get an "A" or just consequences in general.

"Do you understand?" Mom asked slowly.

"Not really," he whispered. "What happens if I don't get an "A"?"

"I'm not going to hurt you Mark. I love you, but you have been slipping away. Your grades have fallen. You prefer solitude. I'm worried about you."

"So what, you're going to tie me up so you worry less?"

"Not exactly, but I'll do anything to make sure you turn out ok. And besides Nancy is cute, this might turn out well for you."

Mark shook his head. "You never answered my question. What happens if I don't get an 'A'?"

"I'm sure it will depend on how good or bad you actually do, but Teresa will decide what happens."

"Nancy's Mom. Why?" Mark asked.

Mark's mom shrugged her shoulders, "We think you can be a positive influence on Nancy, and vice versa."

Mark was really confused now but stopped asking questions. During the pause his Mom slowly released the ropes, beginning with his feet and working up his body. It took a few minutes after all the ropes were removed for him to stand and remove the ballet costume. He took a hot shower to help relieve his aching muscles and joined his Mom downstairs while she watched the news.

"So how did you end up getting tied up today, Mark?" His Mom asked.

"Nancy went over to her house to pick up a book. I told her I was going to tattle on her. She never actually got the book but I said I would tell anyway. That's when she jumped me and tied me, she took pictures as blackmail."

"Yeah, we saw those. Don't worry they're gone."

Mark nodded. "I'm off to study for history."

"Good night son."
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Post by Fordman »

Bondage matchmaking. Great story, looking forward to the next chapter.
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Post by TightsBound »

I really enjoyed this story! Nancy sounds like a dream girl, and I really liked the outfits they wore. Looking forward to what’s to come!
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Post by gaggednbarefoot »

Boy tied up by older girl, gagged with her socks them boy and girl tied up by older women. I think I'll like this story.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thank you for all the comments. Here's Chapter 2.

All the best.
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Chapter 2 - After the Test

Nancy navigated the human jungle that made up the halls of the high school. She was down at the wrong end of the hall for her current grade. As she weaved through the hall looks followed her, many obviously curious why an older student would be here, but most of the guys were simply enjoying the shape of her legs in the black skirt.

Nancy's mind was elsewhere though. She could not escape the memories of yesterday's experience at Mark's house. She had known him since they were in diapers and always thought of him in that way, a friend, but the events of yesterday had changed things. She could not escape her feelings when he rescued her from the ropes. He did not try and blackmail her or force any promises, he just immediately cut the ropes.

"I can't believe he was willing to wear the ballet clothes so I wouldn't miss the gym meet." Nancy whispered to herself as she dodged several young girls chatting by their lockers. Nancy ignored the continued stares from the guys but held her books close to her chest. She was used to being stared at, and not just by underclassmen. Then she stopped, Mark was before her tucking books in his locker, oblivious to her presence. "What has changed?" She said to herself as she stared at him.

"He's still the scrawny guy I've always known growing up." A different voice answered in her thoughts. Now though, the scrawniness was overlaid by the compelling image of him helpless before her, willing to do anything she asked.

She shook her head and stepped closer. "Hey Mark, how you doing?"

Mark blushed at the sight of Nancy, it was obvious he was thinking about yesterday. "I'm fine, I guess. What are you doing at this end of the hall?"

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did. I did not get a chance yesterday." Nancy said with a genuine smile.

Mark returned the smile. "Your welcome, though my Mom is still crazy. What about yours?"

Nancy shook her head. "We didn't talk about it much. Though I still have to go over to your house after school until the workmen are gone."

"That's fine, but I have to study for my history test tonight so I won't be much company. Mom has something cooked up with your Mom if I don't ace it." Mark said.

"Ace it, why do you have to ace it?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know, I really couldn't argue with her at the time, I was rather tied up at the moment when she brought out my report card."

It was Nancy's turn to blush. "Really she talked to you right then?"

Mark nodded. “I was there for well over an hour, just like you left me.”

"I'll see if I can find out what's going on." Nancy turned around and walked way.

"Ok, see you tonight." Mark said.

Nancy nodded with a smile over one shoulder as she retreated from the hall. The curious looks from the surrounding teenagers shifting between herself and Mark nearly made her giggle. Mark was about to get a lot of curious questions from his peers, the thought did not displease her. She at least owed him that.


That evening Mark sat at his desk in his room transcribing information from his notes and his history book. He often found writing down the necessary facts allowed him to recall the information better. He understood history, it is just he found it a pointless recitation of dates and events. If he wanted to know something he would read about it later. Right now he just did not care, except Mom had changed that last part a bit.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. "Hey Mark, it's Nancy, can I come in?"

Mark had not heard her arrive at his house so he was surprised by the voice. "Sure, sure, come in." Nancy walked in and again she was wearing a T-shirt over some kind of spandex garment. Her jeans covered her legs so he could not tell if it was a unitard or not. Her arms, however, glittered with a shiny hologram print. "When did you get here?"

"About an hour ago, do you want a drink?" Nancy held out a can of soda and took a seat on the end of his bed opposite the small desk where Mark worked.

"Thanks, I guess I was too engrossed in this history crap to hear you come in. Did you find out what's going to happen to me if I don't ace it?"

Nancy shook her head. "I talked to Mom briefly tonight, but she isn't telling. I'm guessing she hasn't really decided and is waiting to see what happens after you take the test."

"I hate Friday tests, you ruin the weekend wondering about the results." Mark said popping the top on his soda can.

Nancy nodded in agreement. "I'm sure you'll do fine. I'd better go."

"Good luck on your competition Saturday." Nancy smiled and stood to leave. Mark quickly added. "And thanks for not laughing at me yesterday."

Nancy stopped and she tucked a few red hairs behind her ear. Her eyes drifted toward the bed where she had tied him. "I meant what I said yesterday, Mark. You looked cute, not funny."

Mark blushed a deep crimson. "Uh...umm... thanks, I guess."

Nancy left the room and Mark spent the next hour trying to get his mind off Nancy and onto the American Revolution.

* * *

The test went well, at least he thought it went well. He had an answer to every question, whether or not the answer was correct or not was yet to be determined. Nancy caught him in the hall after class. "How did you do?"

Mark shrugged. "I didn't get stumped. So that's good."

"You coming to the meet tomorrow?" Nancy asked.

"Sure, I'll be there." Mark said.

"Alright see you then." Nancy walked away.

Mark's Mom always went to Nancy's events mostly to be with her friend, never before had he been interested, things were definitely different since that fateful Wacky Wednesday. "Could Mom actually know what she was doing?" Mark shook his head.

* * *

Gymnastic competitions were long affairs but Mark could think of worse ways to spend a day then watching extremely athletic women running around in tight clothing. The bleachers were a tad uncomfortable but Nancy looked incredible. She wore nude tights that sparkled in the light and a shiny dark-green leotard with long sleeves that set off the color in her hair. Many times when she was waiting to compete she would sit down next to her mom and chat "So are you still worried about your test?" Nancy asked while pulling her team sweatshirt over her leotard.

"I wouldn't be if I knew what was going to happen if I screwed up." Mark responded looking at his mom.

"Don't look at me," Sharon responded. "Teresa's in charge of that business."

"I'll think of something when the time comes," Teresa answered. "Stop worrying. I'm a nice person. Aren't I Nancy?"

Nancy rolled her eyes. "Sure Mom, whatever."

The rest of meet went well, Nancy took second on the floor exercise and her team won overall.

* * *

The weekend ended with little excitement and Monday rolled around. Mark admitted to some nerves surrounding the test results but the smile he got from the teacher when he walked into the classroom set his mind at ease.

The tests were passed out individually to the students. When she passed by his desk she squeezed Mark's arm and whispered, "Excellent work, you really studied hard."

Mark flipped the test over and saw the bright red smiley face with words "Excellent Work" just below the grade of "B+". Mark's face fell, he must have gone a bit pale because his teacher gave him an odd look.

The remainder of class was long and boring and Mark barely heard any of it. He headed for the door at the end in a haze of worry. "Mark, can I speak with you a moment?" His teacher asked but Mark did not notice and continued out into the hall. A classmate tugged his shirt. "Dude, the teacher wants to talk to you."

Mark returned and walking to her desk. "You did really well, a dramatic improvement, why do you act as if you just lost your shot at a college scholarship?"

"I needed an 'A', Mrs. Wilson. That's all, I was really shooting for an A."

"Oh, I'm sorry, if it's any consolation you did the best in the class."

"Thanks, Mrs. Wilson, but I don't think that will help."

"Do you want me to speak with your mother? I am very impressed with your effort."

"No thanks."

"Alright then, see you tomorrow."

Mark left the classroom and saw Nancy waiting for him outside the room. "Oh, you look terrible. That bad?"

"No, I did the best in my class according to Mrs. Wilson." Mark handed her the test.

"You did the best and got a B+?" Nancy said in surprise.


"Oh, goodness. I won't tell Mom, she'll have to find out herself."

"Thanks for that, anyway." Mark said sliding to the floor near the classroom door.

Nancy gave him a quick hug. "Don't worry, I'm sure Mom won't do anything too crazy."

"You mean like having a gorgeous girl ask me to dress up in a ballet uniform and then be tied to the bed? That kind of crazy?"

Nancy paused for a moment and smiled. "Gorgeous huh, you think I'm gorgeous?"

Mark blushed.

"Never heard that from a guy before." Nancy continued despite Mark's embarrassment.

Mark looked into her deep green eyes. "You're kidding. No one has ever..."

A bunch of girls yelled over to Nancy, "Oh, got to go. See you tonight."

Mark walked away crushing the test into a wad in his fist.

* * *

Mark walked into the house after school, Mom and Teresa were talking in the kitchen over coffee like they did most days. "Nancy still at practice?"

"Yeah, no rest for the champions." Teresa responded.

"So how did you do on your history test?" Mark's Mom asked.

"The teacher said I did the best in my class." Mark said and handed her the crumpled up paper from his backpack.

"That's great honey, I'm proud of you."

"I guess all my devious schemes will be of no use..." She glanced down at the wrinkled paper. "B+! The best grade in your class and you got a B+?"

"Apparently so, she seemed real excited for me." Mark said hoping to defer then inevitable.

"Too bad you needed an A. Though I'm real proud you did so well."

Mark's shoulders sagged, let's get this over with. What do I have to do?"

Teresa stood, "Come with me." She led her best friend's son into the spacious spare bedroom on the main floor. The room did not have a bed in it so it was used mostly for storage. Much of this had been cleared away and a single wooden chair with armrests was placed along the back wall. "Have a seat there."

Mark did as instructed and then saw several bags on the floor. Teresa removed several long lengths of shiny ivory ribbons from the bags. "These are made of long strips of satin material folded in half and sewn together. They are soft and won't leave marks on the skin but just as strong."

Teresa used the ivory ribbons to tightly tie his hands to the armrests of the wooden chair. More were used to tie each of his ankles to opposite legs of the chair. The last were wrapped around his body and the chair keeping him from standing up. "Are you in any pain?" She asked stepping back.

"No, no pain."

"I have to gag you next."

Mark shook his head. "This is what I get for doing the best."

Teresa shrugged and held a wad of silky material, similar to the ropes, to his lips . Mark accepted it and soon his cheeks were puffed out with the material. Another ivory satin ribbon was wrapped several times around his head to keep the packing from being pushed out. "Alright, that's it for you."

Mark sat and waited. If this was all then Teresa's reputation for deviousness was greatly exaggerated. He was not even wearing anything embarrassing which was the least of what he expected to happen. The minutes ticked by and he was beginning to wonder if he’d studied too hard. Why put forth all that effort if this was the only consequence?

Then the door opened again and this time Mom, Teresa, and her daughter Nancy entered the room. Mark was stunned by what he saw. Nancy was wearing a white unitard with long sleeves, most of her head was hidden under some kind of matching hood which left only her nose and mouth exposed, as her eyes were covered with a blindfold.

His Mom stepped close and whispered. "She can't hear because we put ear plugs in her ears. She thinks she is taking your place for your punishment because you stood up for her last Wednesday. She has no idea you are here."

Mark's mind swirled. What possible point was there to all this? How was this any kind of consequence and why would Nancy agree to such a thing. The gag prevented even the smallest sounds of his protest.

Teresa opened another bag and pulled out a roll of clear plastic wrap. With her friend's help they wrapped each of Nancy's legs in the clear plastic. They repeated this with her arms and torso trapping her fingers. They crossed her arm across her chest and wrapped the full length of her body turning her into a plastic mummy. When the first roll was spent Teresa grabbed a second until her daughter was covered in several layers from neck to ankle and she stood upright only because Mark's mom supported her.

Nancy was not gagged yet she did not protest during the wrapping process. Mark wondered why she would do this for him? Nancy's grunts pulled at his attention as the two fiendish women lowered her to the ground and finished wrapping her feet. Duct tape was added to several key areas around Nancy; her ankles, knees, waist, and upper arms were all encircled by a ring of the gray tape.

As a final indignity Teresa used the duct tape and encircled her daughter’s forehead which she then connected to her ankles forcing her head back and her feet into a ninety degree angle. She grunted in protest. "Ugh, how long do I have to stay like this?" Her voice sounded strained by the arched position.

The two women said nothing, knowing her blocked ears, and quietly left the room with a smile toward Mark. "Have fun." Teresa whispered as they closed the door.

Nancy laid on her stomach but moved her legs from side to side switch from her right side to her left. She grunted continually from the strain of her position. Mark could only watch the mummified form of the girl as she struggled. He wondered at the purpose of this, if she was willing to take his punishment why force him to watch it? After several more minutes Nancy began to speak, her discomfort becoming more intense. "Hello, if anyone is there, I'm really hot and my neck is starting to ache."

Mark tried to yell through the gag, but Nancy made no indication she could hear him. "Hello Mom, Sharon? Please let me go. I can't take much more of this. My neck is really hurting."

Several more minutes passed and Nancy was getting desperate. Tears began leaking from beneath the blindfold and she cried out in sobs. "Please let me go. Please. This is hurting."

Mark watched her gymnast's muscles strain against the plastic wrap and her head pull at her ankles as she tried to get relief from having it bent back for so long. Mark tugged viciously at his bonds but he could not get free of the chair to help her.

Soon Nancy's requests for help descended into screams begging for relief. "Somebody, help me! Mark are you home!" She screamed.

Nancy calling his name with tears streaming down her face was more that Mark could handle. Tears began to flow from his own eyes as he savagely jerked at the bonds holding his arms to the chair. His face turned a deep red and he heard the crack of splintering wood. Hope bloomed in his mind and with a final jerk he tore one of the arm rests free from the chair. By now, Nancy was crying continuously.

Enraged passed the point of sanity. Mark used his one free hand still attached to the broken piece of the arm rest, and pushed with all his might and snapped off the other armrest. The critically weakened chair collapsed under his weight shattering into several pieces. A sharp lance of pain ripped through Mark's left leg but he did not notice, he was free. Mark crawled toward Nancy dragging pieces of the chair still attached to him by the silken ribbons.

When his hands found her body, Nancy jerked. "Oh thank God, please let me go. I can't take this."

Mark ripped at the tape holding her head to her ankles and gently lowered her face to the floor. Nancy groaned loudly in relief. Mark next pulled the hood off her head, it slid off easily taking the blindfold with it.

“Mark, thank god, get me out of this.” Mark clawed at the plastic wrap holding her arms using broken pieces of the chair as knives to pierce the thick plastic. Nancy soon pulled her arms free. "Thank you Mark, that was awful.” Her eyes opened wide suddenly. “Oh my God, you're hurt."

Mark looked down at his leg and saw a quarter inch thick splinter piercing his left thigh. His jeans were soaked in blood which had left a trail of red from the remains of the chair. The adrenaline drained from his body and he slumped over. With his vision swimming, the last thing he heard were Nancy's screams for help.

* * *

With a nauseous feeling in his stomach, Mark swam from unconsciousness. The first person he saw was Nancy holding his head in her lap. "His eyes are open. Mark, just lie still."

"The bleeding is slowing down, he missed the artery." Teresa said.

His Mom appeared before his eyes. "Do you think you can walk, we have to get you to the hospital."

Mark tightened his stomach muscles and lifted his upper body off Nancy's lap. He looked down and saw his jeans had been cut away and several blood soaked bandages were wrapped around his left thigh. The piece of wood could still be seen poking through the red and white mass of cloth. "Yeah, I'll try."

"Teresa get the car, Nancy and I will help him, grab several towels from the kitchen."

Mark stood up and Nancy and his Mom put his arms around their shoulders. There was a large blood stain on the coffee colored carpet. "Jeez, sorry about the carpet."

Nancy sniffled a little bit. She had obviously been crying but she was completly free of the plastic wrap which had been discarded in the corner along with the pieces of chair and satin ribbon. She still wore the white unitard. Mark hobbled a little bit, but every movement sent arcs of pain through his leg as his muscles contracted around the wooden splinter. "I can't, I'm sorry."

"Alright, son, it's ok. I'll call the ambulance." Nancy and his mom lowered him back to the ground. Nancy stayed with him.

"What happened?" Mark asked.

"After you freed me, you passed out. I jumped up and ran to get help. Our stupid mothers were waiting in the kitchen." Nancy sent a venomous glared towards the two nearby women.

"I don't understand. Why did they do that?"

"They underestimated you. You tore the chair apart to get to me. I don't even know how you did it, it is made of oak."

Mark remembered Nancy's tears and her screaming his name. "Yeah, I couldn't take it. Why did they do that to you?"

"They told me I was to take the punishment for your 'B+' test score for you. I agreed because of what you did for me on Wednesday. The rest was my Mom's stupid idea." Nancy said with obvious anger. "My ear plugs and your gag prevented me from knowing you were watching. They couldn’t have understood how uncomfortable having my head forced up like that would be."

"So Teresa's idea for punishment was to have me watch her daughter in pain." Mark said his voice cracking when his leg throbbed.

Teresa entered the room. "Ambulance is on the way, but to answer your question, I was right wasn't I?" Teresa did not pause for the confused looks. "The punishment for the B+ was to watch Nancy in pain, no matter how temporary. I underestimated your chivalry, though. I'm glad you were able to break the chair. You might have hurt something more serious if the chair had not broken."

I looked down at the pencil sized shard of wood and wondered if I would have survived. "Nancy would you flag down the ambulance for us?" Mark's Mom asked.

"No way, I'm staying with Mark. She can do it." Nancy angrily pointed at her mother.

Teresa looked hurt but understood her daughter's anger and left the room.

"Nancy I know you want to stay here, but you can't go to the hospital dressed like that. Run upstairs and find a sweatshirt." Nancy nodded and darted out of the room.

Mark met his Mom’s watching eyes. "I'm sorry for my part in this, I should have realized what would happen, so like your father. How do you feel about Nancy?"

Mark looked at his mom, and took a deep breath. "She's beautiful. I'm just afraid..."

Nancy stepped into the room. "Ambulance is here."

The next few hours were a flurry of activity that was largely forgotten by Mark thanks to some wonderful pain medication.

* * *

The next real moment of clarity came the next day when Mark woke up in his bed. He remembered leaving the hospital and the doctor talking about how close the spear of wood had come to piercing his femoral artery, but not much else. A white bandage now covered the place on his leg. A quick glance at the clock showed 10 o'clock in the morning. School was obviously out of the question but there were crutches next to the bed so perhaps a quick walk around would pass the time.

His leg was surprisingly strong, the crutches were barely necessary but he used them until he arrived at the couch and the television remote. The short distance down the stairs proved to be a lot and he never even turned on the television before falling asleep.

He woke up hours later with a blanket covering him and Nancy sitting in front of the coffee table on the floor doing homework. "Wow, I slept a long time."

"Yeah, I skipped practice today to see how you were, you've not been much for conversation." Nancy laughed.

Nancy wore a simple T-shirt and jeans but even such common clothing could not dim the blaze of her red hair and gorgeous eyes. Mark smiled at her without responding.

She blushed at his gaze, and turned away, "Thank you for yesterday. It seems you have done more for me than I can repay."

"It was a setup, Nancy. Your Mom..." Mark began.

"You didn't know that though, you..." Nancy paused her voice cracking a bit. "You nearly killed yourself to get to me. You tore a chair apart. No one has ever..."

Mark wasn't sure what to say. "When you called my name, well, my mind blanked, I don't really remember tearing the chair apart."

Nancy reached down beside her and picked up a paper bag and removed a pencil-sized splinter of wood. "Look at it, it's amazing. I'm keeping this."

"A broken chair?" Mark was a bit puzzled.

"A reminder." Nancy smiled.

There was a long silence. "Well it's official then, your Mom is crazy too."

Nancy laughed at that and they spent the remainder of the evening watching television and chatting about less serious stuff.
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Post by harveygasson »

That's a great story, even if the Mum's are a little extreme. Will there be more parts?
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Post by volatiledesire »

harveygasson wrote: 6 years ago That's a great story, even if the Mum's are a little extreme. Will there be more parts?
Yes, there are more parts, I stopped writing it in 2010 so the ending kind of just ends. If there is enough interest I may continue it. It will take me a bit to post because there is quite a bit of editing to do, it's not up to my current standards.

I just counted. There are about 20 individual posts written.
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Post by harveygasson »

Wow that is quite a lot
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Chapter 3 - Monopoly

After a few days, Mark's leg was more than strong enough to stand on. During his recovery he made sure to be resting on the couch when Nancy arrived. She still came over everyday after school and he really enjoyed that time. She seemed to wear a different spandex outfit everyday, always under a pair of shorts and T-shirt. "How many different gymnastics outfits do you have?" He asked after pulling himself upright on the couch.

Nancy laughed. "What's wrong, don't you like them?" She gave him a knowing smile.

Mark blushed. "Of course I like them, but I've never seen you wear the same color twice."

"My mom buys tights in bulk, and I have about a dozen leotards and a dozen unitards. Well, I should say Mom and I have them, we often share them."

"Oh that's right, Mom talks about how your Teresa still dances." Mark slid over on the couch, giving Nancy a chance to sit next to him. "She says she's pretty good."

Nancy shrugged and sat down on the couch. "It's a hobby for her, keeps her in shape she says."

Mark switched on the television and they spoke little until Sharon and Teresa walked in. "Hey you two, got your homework done?" Sharon said while walking into the kitchen.

Mark and Nancy nodded. "Yeah, why? You taking us out to eat."

Teresa laughed. "No we brought Chinese, and the workmen at the house are finishing up today. They are working late so Sharon is going to put us up for the night."

"Nancy can have your bed, Mark." Sharon said while looking at her son.

Mark shrugged. "That's fine by me, I'll grab the couch."

Nancy and Teresa both started to protest. "We don't want to put you out of your beds."

Mark spoke faster than his Mom. "Not a problem at all, I can watch TV until late this way."

"And he won't ever wash his sheets again," Sharon whispered to Teresa out of earshot of Nancy.

Teresa laughed loudly and Nancy looked back and forth between her mother and Mark who had turned red from his Mom's remark. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing honey. Let's eat." Teresa grabbed the bags of food and passed it around the table.

The table conversation was fun if mundane. Outnumbered three to one Mark feigned interest in subjects involving feminine things like dance, fashion, and celebrities. After the dishes were cleared Teresa left the room for a few minutes returning with a board game in her hands. "Who's up for a round of Monopoly?"

Nancy groaned. Mark shrugged.

Sharon smiled. "Oh come on Nancy, how 'bout if we make it more interesting?"

Now Nancy's head popped up. "What do you mean?"

Sharon smiled broader. "Let's each write down a consequence for the loser. Then we will play the game, and the three losers will have to choose a paper from a hat. Though I don't think you should be allowed to select your own."

"Let me get this straight," Nancy began, "I write down say, 'Mom has to wear a clown costume for a day'. Then she has to do it if she loses.

"Not exactly," Mark's Mom corrected. "You would write down, 'You must wear a clown costume for a day', since you don't know which loser will draw that consequence. Only you won't have to do it. It's possible Teresa could draw that but not guaranteed."

Teresa was smiling. "Are you game?"

Mark shrugged. "I'll do it if Nancy does?"

Nancy looked at Mark and frowned. "You know they talked about this beforehand."

I looked at Mom and Teresa who shrugged.

"If you choose one of theirs, it might be worse than when you were tied in the pink ballet costume."

"It's possible they could choose each others, assuming they both lose." Mark said.

Nancy nodded. "True, let's play."

"Before we start, write down something for the losers, fold it up and put it in this bag." Sharon held up a small grocery sack. "Oh and whatever you decide, it should not last longer than a few hours, if it lasts any time at all. So no dyeing hair purple or getting piercings."

Teresa asked. "What if it can be covered up but lasts longer than a day, like a drawing on the skin."

Sharon thought for a second. "As long as it can't be seen with normal clothes on."

Mark looked hard at Nancy's Mom wondering what she could possibly concocting in the devious mind of hers. He finally shook off the worrying thoughts and focused on what he would like a loser to do. He finally wrote, "Loser must pose for professional pictures in costume/outfit of winner's choice." He folded the piece of paper and tossed it in the bag, he was the first to do so.

"Already have something in mind, son?" Mom smiled.

Mark shrugged. "Sometimes ideas just come to you."

A few minutes later four pieces of paper were in the sack and Sharon set it aside. The game was setup and dice began to roll. If life were fair, Mark would have won the game. Despite Nancy doing her best to help him out by agreeing to some lucrative trades, he was still the first to be bankrupt.

Lady luck shined on Nancy, though. She avoided her mother's Boardwalk and Park Place properties every time, the hotels Teresa bought were useless in her quest to defeat her daughter, they did however spell doom for Sharon. She landed their twice, and then there were two.

Unfortunately for Teresa, Nancy never did land on her hoteled properties. She skated to an easy victory while owning less than half the board. "Alright now for the moment of truth, we losers have to choose from the bag." Teresa announced.

Mark had a knot in his stomach, he feared this would end badly no matter which scrap of paper he pulled out of that bag. Teresa seemed excited. She quickly reached in and grabbed a folded sheet of paper, "Oops, that one is mine." She drew again and placed hers back in the bag. She dramatically cleared her throat and read the words. "Loser must pose for professional pictures in costume/outfit of winner's choice." She laughed and so did Nancy.

"That's a good one," Nancy said. "Who's was it."

"Mine." Mark raised his hand.

"I like how you involved the winner, nice touch, I'll have to think what I want Mom to wear for her photo shoot." Nancy giggled.

"Alright, my turn." Sharon reached in and grabbed a piece of folded paper. "You must clean Teresa's house wearing a French Maid's uniform and high heels."

Mom's jaw fell open and Teresa laughed. "I was actually hoping Mark would get that one."

Mark's jaw joined his Mom's at those words and Nancy kicked her mother, "Stop teasing him."

"Sorry, you will be a fine maid, Sharon."

"I can't believe you." Mark's mom protested. "I mean, I have to clean your whole house? In heels?"

Teresa smirked. "I need to make sure my video camera is charged up."

Sharon shook her head. "I'll have my revenge."

"I'm sure, but I believe it is Mark's turn to draw. He either chooses your consequence, or Nancy's."

Mark reached his hand into the bag and unfolded the paper. He read first to himself. His face fell and his head hit the table, "I'm not doing this."

"Must of been mine," Sharon said. "I hoped you would get it Teresa. Read it aloud."

"Loser spends an afternoon in the sun. Dressed in a bikini, the loser will sunbathe whether she wants to or not, since she'll be tied down to the lounge chair."

Teresa looked at Sharon. "You wrote that one for me?"

"Yeah, you could use some color."

Nancy patted Mark on the back. "I was hoping you would not get mine, but now I wish you did."

"What's yours?" Nancy's Mom said reaching into the sack. "The loser is tied to a tree and covered with honey or corn syrup."

Sharon laughed. "Oh that is a tough one."

Mark shook his head. "I'd much rather do that than get tied down to a lounge chair for an afternoon. I don't really have to wear a bikini, do I?"

Teresa answered, "If you don't wear the bikini, than I should be able to choose my own costume for the photo shoot."

"And I shouldn't have to wear the high heels when I clean Teresa's house." Sharon followed.

Mark looked at Teresa, "But that would completely remove the point of posing at all, you'd just pick a nice dress or something."

Teresa shrugged. "I guess then you'll want to follow the whole of your consequence too then?"

"Why did you have to be so explicit about what was worn?" Mark looked as his Mom.

"Sorry, I was thinking about her getting that one, kind of short sighted I guess."

"I tell you what," Teresa smiled. "I'll let you trade with your Mom, if Nancy agrees of course."

Mom giggled. "Sure, I'll take lounging in the sun over cleaning in high heels any day."

"No thanks," Mark said dejectedly. "But I don't want to have anything to do with picking the bikini or better yet, I'd rather not ever see it at all."

His mom glanced over at Teresa. "I'm sure we can work that out."

Nancy had been silent during this entire exchange then she finally spoke up. "What are you two doing?"

Sharon and Teresa looked at her daughter. "What do you mean?"

"You picked a consequence that included embarrassing and feminine clothing," Nancy said pointing at her mother. "And you did too." Nancy nodded toward Sharon. "You had to know that there was a good chance Mark would pick one of those. My Mom has an excuse she thinks Mark is cute and likes teasing him. But you’re his mother, what gives?" Nancy ended with a direct look at Sharon.

Mark stared at Nancy only now seeing the possible conspiracy. He also thought back to the conversation he had with his Mom while bound to the bed in the ballet costume. He remembered her talking about how both Teresa and him were the same size or something. "Hey yeah, what gives?" Mark spoke up.

"Truly, this is just a coincidence, we did talk about playing Monopoly and about having something happen to the the losers but we did not conspire on what was written on those papers. I really did hope Teresa would get mine, she is too pale. The bikini was just there to make sure she did not get out of it by being fully covered. I should of said 'smallest swimsuit' or something."

Teresa just laughed, "He is cute, but a bit young for me."

Sharon punched Teresa in the arm. "Hands off my son you old crone."

"Old? I'm 37. I'm not old." Teresa pouted.

Mark shook his head. The conversation had moved on, the only thing he learned was that Teresa thought him cute and enjoyed embarrassing him. If only she did not have such a gorgeous daughter he could avoid her altogether. Mark glanced over at Nancy who was frowning at the giggling older women, even with the frown marring her face she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her red hair was pulled loosely into a pony tail with a few straggling wisps framing her face. She obviously felt his eyes and turned slightly to catch the gaze. Mark did not look away just continued to stare into her green eyes and smiled. Nancy eventually turned away with a slight bloom of pink in her cheeks.

"Well," Teresa interrupted, "when shall we make good on these little adventures? The workmen are gone tonight Sharon. So this Saturday would be perfect for you to start cleaning."

"That's fine." Mark's Mom said.

"What about you Mark? My new backyard is much more private than yours, how about you come over to my house on Saturday too and we will..." Teresa paused and smiled. "...get you fixed up."

"Maybe I'll just renege?"

Three heads swiveled toward him. They each were silent and somewhat shocked.

"Ok..." Mark felt sheepish with all eyes focused so intently on him. "...I guess I'll see you Saturday."


Sleeping in on Saturday is one of the great joys of adolescence. Mark drank deeply from this particular luxury, waking usually around 10:00 am each Saturday. This Saturday was no different. He rolled about of bed and into the shower just before 10 and entered an empty kitchen inside an empty house. There was a note on the table from his mom, "Hey Mark. Remember to come over to Teresa's house today. You've got a debt to pay."

Like he could ever forget. A quick glance outside showed a cloudless sky and bright sunshine, his hopes of a rain delay were dashed. Teresa and Nancy's house was only a few blocks away but Mark managed to stretch the five minutes it would normally take into about 30 minutes. He slowly ate breakfast, slowly got dressed, and slowly walked down the street.

The sun was pretty warm by the time he rang the doorbell. He was staring at his feet when the door open and the sound of his mother's voice surprised him "Welcome to Teresa’s residence."

The surprise of hearing his Mom's voice was nothing compared to the shock of seeing her. She stood in the doorway wearing a French Maid's uniform. The short black skirt blossomed from her waist supported by white petticoats. Her fishnet covered legs descended from mid-thigh down to where they entered a pair of high heels that had to have been at least four inches high. Above the skirt his mom's waist looked much thinner, either by comparison with the wide skirts or constricted somehow by the garment. Her low neckline showed more cleavage than Mark felt comfortable seeing on his Mom. The whole ensemble was supported by the short puffy sleeves bordered by white lace. Her blond hair was piled on top of her head in a dramatic updo that supported a small white cap.

Mark's mouth fell open and he could not find the words to say. This of course brought a smile to his Mom's immaculately made up face. "Quite the costume, eh?"

Mark entered the house brushing past his mom's skirts that nearly filled the doorway. She was forced to take small steps due to the high heels and hold her arms bent at the elbow to keep her hands out of the skirts. The overall effect was quite stunning, his Mom was the ultimate French Maid. "Uh, yeah, you could say that."

"Follow me please."

Mark followed his Mom trying his best not to admire how her legs and body moved in the sexy garment, this was his Mom after all. She led him to a room on the main floor that was empty save for a bed and a few dressers. This had always been the guest room. "Please remove all your clothes and we'll get started." She entered the attached bathroom.

Mark hesitated only briefly before disrobing. The bandage on his leg was now only a small square, basically to hide the few stitches that had yet to dissolve. The pain was almost gone, surprising since it had been just ten days or so. His Mom returned with an odd looking pair of glasses. They looked like two bubbles connected by a small strap. "These small sunglasses are designed for use in tanning booths, the only difference is these lenses have been completely darkened so you won't be able to see. Also there is a layer of adhesive so they won't fall off your eyes even if you shake your head. It's just a bit of spirit gum, easily removed later."

"Alright," Mark stepped forward. He felt the skirts of her costume brushing against his body as she placed the strange glasses over his eyes. His world went dark, a few gentle presses and he felt his Mom step away.

"There now. Now it's time for the swimsuit. Would you like the one piece or two piece?"

"Huh? I thought the piece of paper said bikini?" Mark responded.

"It did, but we all agreed that you could choose if you want too, if not we'll just stick with the two-piece like the paper said." Mom responded.

Mark shrugged. "The one piece then, as long as this counts."

"It does. Lift your leg." Mark felt the tight, stretchy material being pulled up his legs and settle in around his waist, he had to adjust himself but it was not uncomfortable. Without the use of his vision, he could tell the suit was a full cut bottom and had straps that passed over his shoulder about an inch thick. The neck opening of the suit stopped just below his throat, much higher than he expected and he could feel some kind of criss-cross pattern of straps on his back. "There now, all set. I can't say you look good but it's not horrible, just a little odd, perhaps if we shave your legs?"

"Mom," Mark said in a classic whine.

"Just kidding."

Mark used his hands to feel around on the swimsuit, there was material a few inches wide that crossed over his chest where his breasts would be if he had any. These straps crossed over his shoulders very close to his neck. This left the front of the suit open from his belly button to his chest in a diamond shape. The leg openings ended higher on his hips than any briefs he had ever worn which made the backside of the suit tend to fall into the crevice formed by his buttocks.

Holding his Mom's hand he was led out of the spare bedroom into the backyard. "Ok we are standing in front of the lounge chair, just kneel down and reach forward."

Mark felt the chair and slowly eased his way onto the soft cushioned surface. It was in the fully reclined position and he laid down on his back. "Alright then, we are using some thin cords that are soft and won't cover your skin." Teresa's voice said.

"Where's Mom?" Mark asked, startled by the new voice.

"She has a lot of work to do, so I'll take it from here. Don't worry I'll be gentle, let me know if anything hurts." With his arms comfortably at his sides, Mark felt a thin rope wrap a few times around his left thumb. This was pulled down firmly into the cushion of the lounge chair and tied so he could not raise his hand. This was repeated with his pinky finger. The same process was done with his other hand forcing his hands comfortably to his sides. Some quick tugs proved that getting up was no longer an option.

Next his legs were spread to the edge of the lounge chair, not widely but they were no longer touching and a thin rope was wrapped several times around his big toe, preventing him from moving his foot and keeping it pointed downward. By the time both his feet were restrained in the same manner the heat of the sun was making its presence known. Sweat beaded on his forehead. "Um...I'm going to need some sunscreen."

"Your Mom didn't give you any?"

"No, no she didn't." Mark responded.

"She's going to get a demerit for that one. Perhaps a spanking." Teresa laughed.

Mark blushed furiously feeling uncomfortable with how much fun Teresa was having with the two of them.

"Let me finish tying you down, and then I'll find some sunblock."

"Finish? What more could you possibly..." Mark felt a cool wet towel placed over his forehead just above his eyes. Across this more rope was applied pressing his head down into lounge chair making it impossible to lift his head.

"There all set, I'll be right back." Teresa said and Mark heard her walk away.

The sun continued to beat down, and sweat trickled down off of his body. Finally after what seemed like hours, Teresa returned. "Sorry, I could not find any sunblock and I had to run to the store. I'll get you fixed up. I don't think you got burned, I was only gone fifteen minutes."

Teresa applied the sunblock to every inch of Mark's body as far as he could determine and then walked away. The back door opened and closed leaving Mark alone to his thoughts. Blind, bound to a chair, unable to move, and in a girl's swimsuit. Thoughts swirled through his head, maybe people were watching, maybe it was a trick and he was out in an exposed area. He had seen nothing but the entry way and the guest room when he arrived, perhaps things had changed since the workmen had finished with the remodel. The more the thoughts swirled the more he tugged at the unyielding bonds.

Keeping track of time was impossible, the most he could do was count the number of sweat beads flowing down his face. It seemed like hours were passing. The door finally slid open and Teresa's cheery voice greeted him. "Well it's been two hours, we figured four hours would be enough but were going to turn you over now."

"Turn me over? Why?" Mark asked.

"While sunbathing you always turn over to do the other side. Plus, you are probably getting stiff and sore in that position."

Mark could not argue with the last part. It felt good to stretch for the few seconds that it took for Teresa to release all the knots. He turned over and she reapplied the ropes to his fingers and toes and had him turn his head to the side and used several turns of rope to hold his head firmly against the lounge chair cushion. It was surprisingly comfortable despite the circumstances. Teresa then applied more sunblock and returned to the house.

Mark had no idea how long it was before the door opened again. This time Mark could hear Nancy and her Mom talking. "I can't believe you two," Nancy said. "Four hours, he'll have tan lines for sure."

"Shhh, he'll hear you, besides it's SPF 30, he'll be fine."

The footsteps came closer. "Mark, are you awake?" Nancy whispered.

Mark decided to play at being asleep. It was embarrassing enough with the two older women but Nancy seeing him like this was almost too much to bear. He kept his mouth shut hoping she would leave.

"He's asleep, so what is it with you and Sharon, why all the girl stuff?"

"What do you mean? It's not like we knew he would draw that paper out of the hat, Sharon intended that one for me I'm almost positive. There’s no conspiracy here."

"How do you explain the little event a few days ago with the ballet outfit?" Nancy pressed.

"I was a bit miffed that he knocked over his mom and that was the first thing that came to mind. It worked out well, look at his grade in history class." Teresa explained. "I don't think you understand how much we love you two. Not just because we are Mom's, we are best friends and we each love both of you."

"I still think you are plotting something." Nancy said.

"Oh we are plotting, just not what you think." Teresa said with an obvious smile in her voice. "If you are so concerned about him getting tan lines why don't you apply some more sunblock. I'm going to check on Sharon."

"There's another thing, where did you get that sexy French Maid's costume she is wearing?" Nancy asked.

"I have to have a few secrets don't I?" Nancy's Mom said.

The door opened and closed and Mark could not tell whether Nancy was still there until he heard the familiar sound of sunblock being squirted out of the bottle. The touch of Nancy's hands was much nicer than her mother’s, more hesitant and gentler. Mark moved his head and hands to indicate he was no longer asleep.

"Hey you, having fun?" Nancy said.

"Actually no, this is once again a situation I would never have wanted you to see me in. I guess I'm checking in my hero cred."

"What? You didn't renege on a bet and you think what? You're being a pansy?" Nancy said with obvious sarcasm.

"I'm tied to a chair in a girl's swimsuit, what red-blooded American male would allow this to happen?" Mark responded.

"An honest one, and one that is not all that good at Monopoly." Nancy got close enough to Mark's ear that he could feel her warm breath. "Besides you are still my hero and you have a cute butt, especially covered in hot pink spandex." Nancy laughed.

"Ugh, I did not need to know that. I was blindfolded before I saw what I would have to wear."

"Oh, sorry," Nancy continued to apply the sun block. "I have some bad news though."

"What? Tan lines?" Mark asked.

"I'm afraid so," Nancy answered.

"I guess I'll either have to tan them out or wear a shirt."

"So you are going to sunbathe nude?"

Mark thought for a second. "No, but without a shirt. If I get a dark enough tan, the lines will fade, right?"

Nancy touched a spot on his hip. "This will still be there under you shorts, I'm pretty sure that they don't make male swimsuits cut this high, even speedos."

Mark groaned. "I guess I'll have to tan nude then, how much longer do I have to stay here?"

"I'll go check."

Moments later Nancy returned. "Mom says you have another hour, here's something to drink."

Mark felt a straw touch his lips. He drank greedily not realizing how thirsty he was until the water was offered. "Thanks, I needed that."

"Your welcome."

"So what's the plan for your Mom's costume?" Mark asked.

"Well, I thought something sexy and revealing would be embarrassing, but after seeing your Mom prancing around in that French Maids' outfit I'm not sure she would mind that at all."

"Why do you think she's worn that before?" Mark asked.

"I don't know, seems likely. I don't think she bought it just for your Mom."

"So what do you think she'll hate the most?" Mark asked.

"Something that doesn’t hide who she is but doesn't accentuate or highlight her beauty."

"How about a man?" Mark suggested.

Nancy was silent for a few seconds. "That might work, except that if done right no one will recognize her"

"An effeminate man perhaps, say like Charlie Chaplin."

"That has possibilities." Nancy said.

"Oh, I've got it," Mark said excitedly, which was hard to do tied down to the chair like he was. "A fat suit. Make her dress up as a fat woman, full makeup to give her a fat face even."

"Oh, that's perfect, she will hate that. Thanks Mark, I've got to make some phone calls."

Mark felt pretty good about his idea though without Nancy's company the time started to drag on. The sun was really beating down. Sweat rolled from his brow. The hour had to have passed but no one had come to free him. Several times he contemplated yelling out but he did not want to attract any attention to himself especially if any neighbors happened to be nearby.

Finally the door slid open. "Hey, I've been here long enough by now haven't I?" Mark spoke to whoever stepped out.

"That depends," Teresa began.

"Depends on what?"

"Oh whether you tell me what Nancy has planned for me."

Mark could not help but smile. "She's keeping it a secret, eh?"

"Let's say she is being quite discreet." Teresa responded slowly.

"So if she has something in mind that you don't like, are you planning to renege?" Mark asked.

"Clever boy." Teresa said. "No, but I still want to know what it is."

"If Nancy is not telling you, than I will not tell you."

"You've been out here for nearly five hours, are you sure you don't want me to tell me?"

"You let me go and I'll consider telling you what we discussed, how about that?"

"I don't believe you." Teresa said.

"You've already left me longer than you said you would. So don't be too surprised if I don't believe you either." Mark retorted.

"Fine, keep your secrets." Teresa snapped.

Mark felt the cords holding him to the chaise lounge fall away and the door to the house slam shut as Teresa walked off. Mark removed the vestiges of rope from his body and sat up. He then pulled the small sunglasses away from his face. After taking a few moments to adjust to the bright light, he looked down over his body. As Nancy had said, the suit was a hot pink color, and it looked to be made of two straps that crossed over each other. He pulled the suit away from his skin and saw a very clearly defined tan line.

Mark stood up and noticed that he was in a very secluded yet well lit garden area that surrounded a jacuzzi. All of this was new, the work Teresa had done was extensive and Mark barely recognized the house he had spent many hours in throughout his life. He did not spend too much time looking around and ran to the door and into the guest bedroom.

His Mom was running the vacuum cleaner and stopped when she saw him. "You made it."

"You violated your own rules, I have very bad tan lines. I remember you said that it shouldn't last more than a few hours, it could take weeks to tan this out." Mark showed her how clear the tan lines were. "And what is this swimsuit it can barely be called a one piece, it shows as much as a two piece?"

"They call it a pretzel suit because of how it crosses around the body. I thought the sunblock would do a better job." Sharon replied. A pretzel suit

"Well, it didn't, and I'm stuck wearing high collar shirts all summer long." Mark went into the spare bedroom and pulled off the suit. The damage was worse than he thought, the tan lines were so clear it almost looked like he still wore the suit. He pulled on his t-shirt and shorts and the tan lines were still visible above the collar of his T-shirt where the straps had passed over his shoulder close to his neck.

On the ride back home he tried to think of ways to reverse the damage but if he continued to tan it was likely his skin would darken maintaining the contrast. Maybe he could apply sunblock on everything except for what the swimsuit covered, which meant tanning in the nude, not something he could do from his own house. Revenge on Teresa, for not putting on enough sunblock, and his Mom for coming up with the idea in the first place, crossed his mind several times.

That evening Mark was relaxing on the couch when his Mom came home. She nearly fell over next to him. "That woman is a slave driver. Can you rub my feet?"

Mark's mom kicked off her shoes and placed her bare feet in his lap. He could still see slight indentation from the high heel shoes. "At least it's over." Sharon sighed.

"Not for me, I still have these very clear tan lines." Mark grumbled.

"I have an idea about that. We go over to Teresa's tomorrow while she's gone with Nancy to her photo shoot and if you put the pretzel suit on again..."

"Whoa, whoa, I'm not putting that suit on again." Mark interrupted.

"Hang on and hear me out. If you put on the suit, we can use a spray on sunblock on your whole body and then you take the suit off."

"Oh, that leaves only the spots beneath the suit exposed to the sun."

"Exactly," Sharon smiled. "Though we will have to be careful taking it off as not to smear the sun block or it might not work."

"Alright, tomorrow then." Mark said and walked off to bed. "Good night."

"Good night, honey."

* * *

The next morning Mark was wakened by his Mom. "Hey, wake up sleepy head. Teresa just left for some appointments that Nancy set up for her, we should head over there now."

"Ok, let me get my shoes on." Mark quickly pulled on his clothes and ran downstairs stopping at the kitchen for a quick bowl of cereal before climbing into the car next to his mom.

"Let's hope this works, even with your T-shirt on you can tell you have some odd tan lines." Sharon said as she pulled the car out of the driveway.

"Let's not forget who wrote this particular thing down." Mark responded with a sideways glance at his mom.

"Right, so what does Nancy have planned for her mom today?"

"You'll have to wait and see. I'll admit that I'm interested in seeing how far she takes it."

The house was deserted when they arrived, Sharon had a key and they quickly entered. Mark had a chance to look around this time and was amazed by how much had changed. The remodeling really opened up the spaces and added several areas that were not there before. The kitchen was bigger, there was a room for laundry, and the backyard was now equipped with a private garden area and a jacuzzi.

"I found the suit in the laundry." Mark's Mom said while he was peeking through the blinds into the backyard.

"Ok, let's get this over with." Mark said following his Mom into the spare bedroom.

After closing the door, Sharon grabbed a bottle of suntan oil. "Strip and we'll put this on everywhere first."

"That's not right, I need to tan only where the suit was." Mark protested.

"If you burn instead of tan you're in a worse position than you are now." Sharon explained.

Mark grabbed the oil and ducked into the spare bedrooms private bathroom.

"Don't put on too much and rub it in good." Mom called after him. "Oh and here's the suit, you'll have to put it on for a few moments."

Mark stuck his hand out and took the pretzel suit from his Mom. A few minutes later the door opened. "Ok Mom, come in here and get this over with, I hate having this thing on again."

"But you look so good in pink." His Mom laughed.

"Very funny." Mark endured his mother adjusting the suit in places he could not see. She then sprayed the sunscreen onto his body and quickly but carefully peeled the suit off. "Alright I'm heading outside."

"I'll get you in half an hour we don't want to make it darker there so we'll have to judge the progress slowly. Make sure you lie in exactly the same position. And let's hope for the best."

Mark went outside and the lounge chair was still in the same position as the day before with the narrow ropes still attached to it. He quickly laid down with his arms at sides and waited. Off and on his Mom came out and suggested he flip over. They repeated this for about two hours and then Mark went inside.

"It may take awhile to see the final affects so I think we should quit for now." Mark's Mom said.

"Ok...", Mark had a towel wrapped around his waist and headed toward the spare bedroom for his clothes when the garage door opened and Nancy walked in followed closely by a very large, overweight woman that looked strangely familiar.

"Can I get out of this now..." The obese woman was saying to Nancy, "I'm sweating a river here."

The woman spotted Sharon and froze.

Mom put her hand up to her mouth stifling a laugh. "Teresa, is that you?"

Teresa did not answer. Mark took a step closer. "Holy Cow! Nancy, you did a great job."

Nancy smiled. "Thanks, it was a great idea, Mom hated it."

Teresa was wearing a large one piece dress that did little to hide her extra bulk, special appliances had been attached to her face and neck to heighten the illusion of a severely overweight person. "You Mark, are in so much trouble."

Mark opened his mouth but Nancy interrupted him. "Why Mom? Look at the tan lines you gave him, at least you get to take off your costume, can you think of a way to take off his tan lines."

Nancy's anger softened her mother's ire. "I have never been so embarrassed in my life than walking into that photo studio."

"So you won't be hanging an 8 by 10 glossy over the mantle?" Sharon chortled.

"I've got pictures of you scrubbing a toilet displaying your lacy underwear yesterday so I'd watch the jokes, girl." Teresa retorted. "Now Nancy, help me get this off please." Teresa pulled off the one piece dress. She stood there wearing the flesh-toned fat suit and shoes.

Nancy finally noticed that Mark was wearing nothing but a towel, "What are you guys doing here?"

"Trying to fade out the tan lines, it was Mom's idea we'll see if it works. Where did you get the stuff for your Mom?"

"The theater club in town had the fat suit, and all the accessories. They let me borrow it."

"Great job," Mark responded with a smile.

"Yes, Nancy, she looks so realistic." Sharon said.

"Thanks, you should see the photos. Especially the one where she is wearing a bikini." Nancy laughed. "It was so hard to get her to smile."

Mark laughed all the way to the spare bedroom where he put on his clothes. They spent the rest of the day together and once the costume was off even Teresa managed to laugh about the whole ordeal.
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Post by volatiledesire »

That's Chapter 3.

A gift for whomever spots the Monty Python reference first. :)

All the best...
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 4 - A Bad Bet

Mark lounged on the back porch reading a book. The tan lines were nearly invisible now after about two weeks of focused tanning, his skin now a dark brown and the summer had only just started. He was just starting to doze off when the back screen door opened.

"Hey Mark, did you hear?" Nancy said sitting in the chair next to him. She wore white shorts with a pink tank top and flip flops.

"Huh? Hear what?" Mark responded, unable to stop his gaze from sliding down over her legs.

"Mom has a dance recital in New York, and your Mom is going too." Nancy said with excitement.

"Oh yeah, Mom mentioned that. I just thought you'd be going."

"Me? Never, I hate her recitals, I always went because she never wanted to travel alone, but since your Mom is going, I get to stay at home."

"Great you can help me mow lawns." Mark smiled.

"Actually I got a job at the theater helping with costumes. They were so impressed with how I transformed Mom that they hired me to help out."

"That's cool. When do you start?"

"Monday. I only work a few hours a day."

"So that's why you can't go with your Mom." Mark said.

"Yep, and why she asked your Mom to go. So what are we going to do while our parents are gone?"

"Sleep in, lounge around, play video games, work as little as possible." Mark said while placing his hands behind his head and propping his feet up on a small table.

"Speaking of which, you ready to get your butt kicked in Mario Kart?" Nancy said playfully jabbing Mark in the arm.

"Ha! You wish. Let's go."

The two friends began the first of many rounds of the racing game. Mark won every time. "Why do you always pick Princess Peach?" Nancy asked.

"I’m winning that’s why. I drive the best with her, always stick with what works. How many times have you won with Toad?"

"I can beat you, how about a little wager?" Nancy suggested with a smile.

"You have to be kidding, you have not won a single race." Mark said.

Nancy just raised her eyebrows and waited for his answer.

"Fine, what do you want to wager?"

Nancy thought for a few seconds. "I've got it. The loser has to spend an afternoon inside the dog crate we have at our house."

"You have a dog crate, why? You don't own a dog." Mark said.

"We used to watch the neighbors dog and they moved away and left it. It's been collecting dust for months in the storage room. It's easily big enough to fit you."

Mark nodded. "Is it large enough for you though? Why are you so anxious to get locked inside a dog crate."

"Getting a little ahead of yourself there, aren't you?" Nancy said.

"Let's play."

"Alright, Peach, prepare to lose." Nancy laughed.

"Very funny, Toad."

The stress of the bet must have cracked Mark's nerves because he made a basic mistake early on and was never able to recover. His increased efforts only created more and more silly mistakes. He ended up taking dead last in the race. "Ha, I knew you'd crack under the pressure."

"Beginners, luck, double or nothing." Mark demanded.

"Hmm, double or nothing eh?" Nancy said tapping a finger against the side of her cheek.

"Alright, if I beat you again you have spend the afternoon in the cage naked." Nancy laughed.

"No way, our Mom's would kill us if they found out." Mark said.

"True. True. Ok, you have to wear a flesh colored unitard, that's near to naked anyway."

"Fine. Let's play Toad."

"Anything you say Princess." Nancy smirked.

This time Mark was doing much better, but Nancy was keeping up easily, just before the finish line Mark's sweaty thumbs slipped off the control and he hit an obstacle allowing Nancy to win. "Damn."

"Hurray!" Nancy said. "Come over to my house after our Mom's leave for the recital. They'll be gone by 10 o'clock and you'll spend the afternoon as my nearly naked doggy."

Mark shook his head, "I can't believe it."

"I'll tell you what, since I like you so much, I'll give you another chance."

Mark's head perked up. "And...".

"You win the next race, and we're even. If you lose three times in a row, you have to spend the afternoon in the dog crate dressed as your favorite racer."

Mark's eyes bulged. "What? You've been spending way too much time around your Mom."

"Sorry, it's the only thing I can think of to up the ante. Are you game?"

Mark paused for a long time before answering. He did not relish having to wear one of Nancy's unitards, but dressed as Princess Peach would be even worse, especially in front of Nancy despite all he had been through with the beautiful red head so far. "Fine, let's do it."

Nancy laughed, "You do look cute in pink."

Mark thought about the first time he'd worn the color when she tied him up in the bedroom, then the second time, tied to the lounge chair at her house. "There will be no third time." He muttered under his breath.

"What was that, Peach?" Nancy snickered.

Mark ignored her as the race began. He played a strong race but Nancy knew something he had yet failed to admit. Pressure ruined his game. His hands were sweating, the controller bent under the strain of his grip. In the end, Nancy did not beat him, he simply beat himself. She was barely trying in the third race even falling behind many of the computer controlled opponents but Mark did even worse.

Nancy stood up, deciding not to gloat. "Our moms are leaving tonight, be over at my house tomorrow after lunch. No later than one o'clock." Nancy left without another word.

Mark did not respond, his imagination of being dressed like Princess Peach while inside a dog crate was shutting down his mind. He just stared at the television. As his Mom prepared to leave he put on a brave face to wish his her a good trip. "What's wrong with you, most teenagers would be thrilled to know they have the run of the house for an entire weekend."

"I guess I'm just tired from mowing lawns."

His Mom shrugged accepting the answer and having little time to investigate further. "Alright, now remember only Nancy is allowed in the house while I'm gone. The same goes for her house, as far as I know."

"Ok, that's fine, she's the only one who comes over anyway." Mark answered.

Sharon's intuition was obviously still in full operation. "Did something happen between you and Nancy?"

"Other than her beating me in a video game, no." Mark responded sticking close to the truth.

The half-truth seemed to diffuse the situation and his Mom grabbed her bags and walked to the door. "I love you, see you Sunday night."

"Love you too, Mom." Mark shut the door and slumped down against it.

"I just can't do it." He whispered to the empty house. "Not again."

* * *

Nancy woke up the next day and was done with her morning routine in record time. In solidarity with what Mark would have to wear she wore a pink shirt and a tennis skirt. She had no luck finding a Princess Peach costume so she was going to just settle for a pink leotard and tights, combined with a blond wig she borrowed from her work. "Peach must have workout clothes, how else would she keep her figure." Nancy laughed aloud.

By the time one o'clock rolled around Nancy had managed to drag the dog crate out of storage and it was prominently displayed in the living room. She placed several soft pillows inside and waited for Mark to arrive. Fifteen minutes passed, than thirty and she was beginning to get worried. At two o'clock she locked up her house and walked down the street to Mark's house.

Taped to the front door of the house was small folded piece of paper. The note inside read:
Mark wrote:Dear Nancy,
I can't do it. I can't willingly allow myself to be put into such a costume. I'm sorry. I'm just going to hide from you until our parents come home. I know you probably hate me now for reneging on a bet but I can't do it.


P.S. If it's any consolation I'll be spending a much less comfortable weekend than you.
Anger rose within her as it was obvious Mark did not trust her. What did he expect her to do? "It's not like I'm inviting the high school over to humiliate you." Nancy said as she crumpled note in her fist.

Nancy knew where Mark was hiding, the postscript of his note revealed the secret. In their neighborhood the street drains were all connected to a canal that flowed behind the houses, there were two drainage tunnels which emptied into the canal, Mark often explored this labyrinth of tunnels as a kid. Nancy had not been down there in years but she still remembered exploring alongside him. "He's not getting out of this that easy."

Nancy ran home and grabbed a flashlight and a few other items. The cement floor of the canal was covered with a thin layer of mud and Nancy could easily see the tracks that began at Mark's house and led to the largest of the feeder tunnels. Leaving her light off she quietly entered the tunnel allowing her eyes to adjust to the gloom while looking for Mark's light source.

* * *

Mark settled himself onto his sleeping bag. He found a small cubicle space where three much smaller drainage tunnels combined into the larger tunnel that he had entered from. There was ancient graffiti on walls much of which had been written by himself and Nancy. It had been years since he had been down here. As long as the weather remained fair he would be fine until Sunday, making occasional runs back to the house for food.

His flashlight would run for several hours and he had extra batteries if necessary. He brought several books and constant flow of water provided a pleasant background music. He used his imagination to turn it into a game. He was hiding out from the mafia who was trying to kidnap him. Unfortunately he did not expect the mafia to find him so quickly. "There you are you little jerk." Nancy said stepping into his light.

"How did you..." Mark began.

"Easy, just followed your tracks until I could see your flashlight. I'm so disappointed."

"Look Nancy, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. It's just too embarrassing."

"You mean the same guy who destroyed an oak chair to save me is too soft to handle a dog crate?" Nancy asked.

"It's not the crate, it's the costume." Mark responded.

"Well I couldn't find a Princess Peach costume, anyway, but I found a suitable replacement. That however is not the problem right now."

"What is the problem then?" Mark asked a bit confused.

"You reneging on a bet." Nancy had a bag slung over her shoulder and she opened it and removed two coils of rope. "Turn around Mark."


"Turn around and put your hands behind your back," Nancy interrupted.

For reasons his adolescent brain could not fully comprehend Mark did as his beautiful friend asked. In the dim light of two flashlights he allowed Nancy to tie his hands and arms behind his back. When she finished his hands were forced into the small of his his back. More coils of rope soon held his ankles and knees. A final rope connected his wrists and ankles prevented him from standing. Nancy gathered up the books, sleeping bag, and other supplies. "What are you doing?"

"I'm leaving, and taking your stuff back to the house. Don't worry I'll be back to collect you shortly."

Mark watched as the light slowly disappeared down the tunnel until only his imagined phantasms and the gentle flow of the water remained to keep him company. Hours seemed to pass and all his efforts at escape had failed. Nancy rope tying skills far outmatched his own. Finally a meandering light flickered from down the drain tunnel. After such a long time in the dark the bright light seemed like a signal fire and as it got closer Nancy’s face seemed that of an angel.

"You are still tied," Nancy laughed. "Houdini would be disappointed."

Mark did not respond to the jibe.

Nancy pulled a plastic shopping bag out of her satchel and tossed it next to him, then approached him with a pair of scissors.. Mark assumed she would cut the ropes, but was surprised when she began to cut his shorts and shirt. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"Shredding your clothes. Isn't it obvious?"

"Why?" Mark asked as she continued.

"I've locked up your house and hidden the key, only I know where it is."

"Ok, so..."

"The only clothes you have are what you are wearing and when I'm done, the only thing holding them on your body will be the ropes you are tied up with."

"I'll be naked, you can't leave me down here naked." Mark said with increasing nervousness especially after the fourth cut severed the waistband of his shorts and underwear.

"I have no intention of leaving you here. Whether or not you are naked is entirely up to you. In the bag next to you are some clothes, I'll loosen the knots and you can choose whether you exit this place clothed or naked."

"Either way, it's broad daylight outside, and someone will see me."

"First of all, the trees are so over grown around our neighborhood it's doubtful anyone will see you. Secondly, you should have thought about that before you decided renege." Nancy pulled the largest pieces of his clothing away from his body and stuffed them into her bag. She then untied his hands and headed back down the tunnel leaving him one flashlight. "I'll be waiting at the entrance to this tunnel, don't take too long."

Mark quickly removed the last vestiges of the rope holding him and when he stood the remnants of his clothes fell like confetti onto the concrete floor. Mark nervously peered into the plastic bag and saw a mass of shiny pink material. Closer inspection revealed an ankle length, short sleeve unitard. With a sigh, Mark took off his shoes and pulled the slick material over his body carefully threading his arms into the small sleeves. "I always make it worse." He pulled his shoes back on and slowly marched back down the tunnel.

He saw Nancy’s body blocking the exit of the tunnel. The sun was lower in the sky but there were still hours of daylight left. Mark hesitated though Nancy knew he was there.

"Come on out now, we have to get to my house quickly if you are going to keep your love of pink spandex a secret." Nancy laughed.

"You're being mean." Mark said still not moving.

"Here I'll make it easier for you." Nancy stepped into the tunnel and walked behind him. "Put your arms behind you please."

"How is this going to make it easier?" Mark asked as rope was again tied around his wrists.

"You'll see." Nancy passed more rope around his waist and shoulders to keep his arms behind his back. She then tied a long tether to his waist rope and tugged him out of the drainage tunnel.

Mark bucked and resisted her the entire way, she had managed only to get him to the center of the concrete canal about six feet from the entrance to the tunnel. "Let me go, someone will see."

Nancy tied the tether to a tree root which had pushed its way through the floor of the canal. "I can leave you right here or you can stop resisting and get to my house faster. What's it going to be?"

"When did you turn into such a mean person."

"The same moment you tried to renege on a bet, I hate that."

Mark sighed again, "Alright I'll stop resisting. Let's hurry."

Nancy pulled him down the canal until they were directly behind her house than they moved through the shadows of the trees until they entered the gate that led to her backyard. Anyone watching would have had to follow them longer than a second or two to recognize the pair. Once inside the house Nancy released Mark from the ropes. "Alright I'll get us a couple glasses of water and then you have to start your time in the dog crate."

"Fine, the sooner it's over the better."

After long drinks of water, Nancy led Mark into the living room where the large dog crated waited. "Go ahead and get inside, I've added several pillows so you should be relatively comfortable." The crate was large enough that Mark's back would just touch the top of the crate if he arched his spine while on his hands and knees. It was short enough to keep him on his knees. If he laid down he would have to keep his legs bent in a kind of easy fetal position.

Nancy closed the door and patted the top of the crate. "Alright, I smell like stagnant water and sweat so I'm going to grab a shower."

Mark waited until he heard her ascend the stairs before attempting to open the crate. Mark used his fingers to work the latch and in moments he crawled out. Thinking quickly he went to the master bedroom and found some more masculine clothes. The best he could do was a pair of black spandex exercise shorts and a plain white T-shirt. Not perfect but much better than the pink unitard. He grabbed some rope from where he had been untied upon entering Nancy's house and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

Nancy was humming to herself in the shower so she could not hear Mark enter. Nor did she hear him remove her clothes and any towels from the room. When the shower stopped Mark spoke. "I wouldn't move the shower curtain if I were you. Unless you want me to see you naked?"

"How did you get out?" Nancy said.

"I'm not a dog, it wasn't hard, but that's not important. Unless you want me to see you naked, you need to let me tie your arms behind your back."

"I'm naked right now," Nancy said from behind the opaque shower curtain.

"I'll give you some clothes then you must promise to let me tie your hands."

"If I refuse to promise." Nancy asked.

Mark pushed on the corner of the curtain with his foot.

"Alright, alright, I promise, give me the clothes."

Mark handed her the pink unitard he had been wearing until a few minutes ago.

Nancy sniffed. "It smells like the canal." Though Mark heard her pull the tight garment. Soon the curtain slid to the side and Nancy held her hands out before her. "There, now be quick about it."

Mark realized he had not allowed her to dry off before donning the unitard and dark spots covered the unitard. "Patience, Nancy, and put your arms behind you please." Nancy was a vision in the shiny material and Mark had trouble concentrating on the task of tying her wrists. He was not as accomplished at tying as Nancy, more used to being the victim instead of the villain in these situations but when he finished Nancy's struggles did not loosen the cinched coils holding her wrists together. "Ok, follow me."

Mark led Nancy with her hair still dripping water onto the sleeves of the unitard, down to the main floor into the living room where the dog crate was. "Alright get in, please."

"My arms are tied."

"I know. This way you won't be able to escape like I did."

Nancy slowly inched her way into the crate using her shoulders and knees to enter backward. When her feet touched the back wall Mark used a short length of rope to tie her wrist ropes to top of the crate making it impossible for her to reach the latch. "There now, all nice and cozy."

"How long are you going to keep me like this." Nancy asked her green eyes blazing at Mark through the slats in the crate.

"I will release you after I've gone to my house and got a fresh change of clothes. These are still a little too girly." Mark said plucking the white T-shirt that fit a bit too snugly for his liking.

"How do I know you'll keep your promise, it wouldn't be the first time you backed out on a deal." Nancy argued.

The words stung, the truth often does. Mark did not respond at first, then remembered the ordeal in the canal. "I've paid for that mistake, I wore that unitard out in the broad daylight with my hands tied behind my back. I've learned my lesson, I should have followed through. Now where is the key?"

Nancy was silent for a while. "I'll wait you out."

Mark smiled. "Stubborn as always, I love that. I'm going to go take a shower now. I was down in the canal longer than you."

Mark enjoyed the hot water despite only having girly body washes to use for soap. He spent a long time just letting the heat flow over his body. When he finally shut the water off a slender hand entered behind the shower curtain holding a towel. "Here you go, you might want to dry off and wrap that around you."

"How did you get out?" Mark asked genuinely surprised

"You need to work on your rope skills." Nancy answered.

Mark wrapped the towel around his waist and pushed the curtain aside. Nancy still wore the unitard with an amused look on her face. "Now what do we do?" Nancy asked

"What do you mean? Should we call it even?" Mark said.

Nancy shrugged. "Ok, that works. It's getting late anyway. The key to your house is under the doormat."

Mark shook his head. "You did not even try and hide it."

"Nope, let’s watch some TV." Mark suggested.

"Later. Mom has this list of things I have to do." Nancy responded.

"Yeah I was supposed to mow a lawn today."

“I’ll see you at eight o’clock.” Nancy said.

“Sounds good, I look forward to it.” Mark answered.

Nancy smiled and they each held each other’s eyes a moment or two past the awkward point. Finally Mark cleared his throat and dashed for the door.
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Post by DommeKirsten »

I seem to recall more. Any one have these stories?
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Post by volatiledesire »

There is more, just haven't posted yet.

I'll try to get it on here, since there is interest.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 1

Sharon pulled the car into the driveway. She turned around to speak to her two young nieces sitting in the back seat each staring out the window with white plastic buds sprouting from their ears. The eldest girl had long blond hair twisted into a wrist thick braid cascading down one shoulder. She wore a layered T-shirt look that snugly covered her curves. A pair of gray leggings and a scarf used as a belt completed her look. Sharon pointed to her ear.

"Yes, ma'am?" The young woman said after removing an ear bud.

"Just call me Sharon. We're here."

The other young girl in the back seat removed her music player as well and unbuckled the seat belt. She had shorter black hair that covered her ears and shoulders. Several strands of hair fell down across her cheeks which she quickly tucked behind one ear. She also wore a couple layers of stretchy cotton T-shirts with a pair of jean shorts.

Now that Sharon had both their attention. "Now Michelle," she looked at the blond girl who was fingering her braid. "I've made the beds up in the guest room, will it be ok if you and Tamara share a bed, it's a queen size?"

Michelle looked briefly at Tamara and shrugged her shoulders. "That'll be fine."

"Unless you snore," Tamara laughed.

Sharon led the two girls into the house helping them with their luggage. "I wonder where Mark is? I told him to be here when we got back." Sharon looked in the kitchen and the living room. "The guest bedroom is the second door on the left up the stairs. You two go ahead I'm going to check the backyard."

Sharon walked outside and made sure that her son's bike was still at the house and briefly checked the storage shed and the wooded areas over the back of the fence. Michelle met her at the back door on her way back in. "Uh, Mrs..., I mean Sharon, we found Mark."

"Where is he?"

"You'd better come see." Michelle said.

Sharon followed her niece up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. There sitting in the middle of the room was her son Mark. His legs were bound at the ankles, knees, and thighs with white cotton rope. More ropes were wrapped and cinched over his legs, waist and chest holding him firmly to an armless chair.

Sharon reflexively hid her smile by putting a hand in front of her lips which made her amusement all the more obvious. "Oh my goodness." She walked around Mark and took a look at the ropes holding his arms. Several loops held his elbows closely together behind the chair and more encircled his wrists. More lengths connected his wrists to his suspended ankles so his feet could not reach the floor. Mark had already turned a vivid shade of pink and was struggling to say something except that the white cloth covering his mouth was keeping something stuffed between his lips.

Michelle and Tamara were more than a bit surprised by their aunt's reaction. "We found this note taped to his chest. Who is Nancy?"

Sharon took the note and read aloud. "Hello Sharon, this is Nancy and I wanted to surprise your nieces with a gift and Mark was so kind to volunteer. It is amazing what you can get him to do for a kiss. Have fun." Sharon smiled and watched even more color bloom in the few parts of Mark's face that were not covered by tight cloth.

"Nancy is a long time friend of ours who lives down the street. She and Mark have become close."

Michelle and Tamara giggled while Mark hung his head in embarrassment. "I guess since this is your gift I leave it to you to take care of him." Sharon left the room catching the stunned looks on her nieces' faces without missing Mark's grunts of outrage.

"Get my camera." was the last thing Sharon heard before going downstairs to start on dinner.

* * *

Tamara and Michelle could not hold back fits of giggles as they snapped photos of their bound cousin. "Hey Tamara, take one of me with him." Michelle placed her head on Mark's shoulder and gave him a hug from behind while smiling at the camera.

"Oh me too," Tamara said handing the camera to her sister. Tamara plopped down on Mark's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Let's do one with the timer." Michelle set the timer and placed the camera on the bed then she jumped up and joined Tamara in a stern pose that made Mark look like he was in deep trouble.

Mark constantly mewled through his gag but the girls ignored him.

"I wonder if we could meet Nancy?"

Mark nodded and made a series of unintelligible noises. Michelle seemed to get the gist of what he wanted. "No, I think I'd like to talk to her before we let you go." Michelle and Tamara darted out of the room leaving Mark behind struggling with renewed vigor against the expertly tied bonds. Minutes later they returned with the phone and a scrap of paper from which they dialed.

Michelle held the phone to her ear. "Hi Nancy."

Michelle listened for a moment. "Yes this is Michelle, Mark's cousin. My sister Tamara and I just wanted to say thanks for the present."

Michelle and Tamara both lapsed into fits and giggles again. "Yeah, we'll be here a couple of weeks while our parents are traveling."

Another pause while Michelle listened and Tamara leaned in close to hear. "Sure, we were hoping to meet you. Could you come over?"

"Great, see you in a few minutes." Michelle turned off the phone and looked at her sister. "And you thought we'd be bored the whole time."

"I'm glad to be wrong, this Nancy girl sounds cool." Tamara smiled. "I bet she's a redhead."

The two girls busied themselves putting their things away in the room until they heard a knock on the door. "Come in," they both said in unison.

Nancy wore a green dress made of a stretch fabric that fell to her mid-thigh. The color, coupled with white opaque tights made her appear older especially with her red hair pulled into a loose ponytail. Her eyes twinkled as they glanced in Mark's direction. "Hi, I'm Nancy."

Michelle nervously fiddled with her braid and introduced herself and her sister. "Do you and Mark do this a lot?"

"No, not that often. The first time was over a year ago and a couple more times since then, those are long stories though." Nancy sat down on the bed and used Mark's lap as a footrest.

Tamara sat down on the floor, "Do you think you could teach us?"

Mark looked at Tamara and then at Nancy and shook his head violently back and forth.

Nancy laughed with surprise. "We are going to get along just fine." Nancy stood up and walked behind the chair Mark was sitting in. "Sure, it's not hard once you get the basics down, come here and take a look."

Using Mark as an example Nancy explained the techniques she employed to make him helpless. Safety, circulation, cinching, and different positions were all discussed. "But," Nancy said. "You really just have to practice." Tamara and Michelle just looked at each other neither one comfortable enough to volunteer to be tied.

Nancy came to their rescue. "Since Michelle is wearing leggings it would be best if she were tied first, they will protect her skin."

Michelle nodded and Tamara cast her eyes about for something to tie up her sister. Cotton clothesline was soon procured and Nancy offered a few guiding remarks during the process that led to Michelle being hogtied on the bed."

"That was good Tamara, can you wiggle free Michelle?"

The young blond struggled with the rope and after a couple minutes was able to slip a loop over her wrists which created enough slack for her to pull a hand free. "Next time Tamara, if you tie her arms to her body it will be much more difficult for her. "Let's let Michelle have a turn and I'll show you."

"I need to change into some longer pants." Tamara said.

"Tights preferably," Nancy suggested. "They are easier to slide the ropes across."

Tamara laid out some tights on the bed but hesitantly looked at Mark who was quietly watching the whole event. "Oh, sorry," Nancy said and grabbed a pillow case off the bed and pulled it down over Mark's head. A second one followed the first. "There you go, now he can't see."

Tamara giggled and changed into a pair of black footless tights. Nancy then schooled Michelle on how to tie up her sister, again in a hogtied position. This time however, she showed Michelle a few additional places to add rope including one that attached to her wrist ropes and was then pulled between her legs. Michelle could not stop giggling about that one.

Tamara's reaction was somewhat different. "Hey, whoa, stop that. Ugh, it's like the world's worst wedgie." Ropes encircled Tamara's torso above and below her breasts, around her waist and between her legs, each loop keeping her arms tightly bound against her body.

"Ok, Tamara, see if you can get out." Nancy said.

Tamara struggled, rolled around, grunted and groaned but could not manage to escape the ropes. "Good job Michelle, your first try too."

"You helped me. So what do you do now?" Michelle looked down at her sister.

"Let me show you something," Nancy knelt down on the floor at Tamara's feet. She found a thin piece of string and began to wrap it around Tamara's big toes.

"Hey what are you doing? Isn't it time to let me go." Tamara complained he black hair nearly obscuring her eyes.

Nancy tied Tamara's big toes to one of the ropes encircling her upper body and then began to draw circles with her fingernails on Tamara's exposed soles.

Tamara went wild. "Stop that..." She gasped between bouts of laughter. "Oh god, please let me go."

As Michelle got in on the action, Tamara was soon beside herself with tears of laughter pouring down her face.

Mark was desperately trying to shake the pillowcases off his head. Two beautiful girls were tickling a third and he was completely blind, only the sounds of laughter and rustling clothes fueled his imagination.

Finally Michelle and Nancy allowed Tamara to catch her breath. "You are in for it now Michelle?" Tamara said still gasping.

"Hey it was Nancy's idea. It's not my fault you didn’t tie me up better."

There were a couple of knocks on the door and Mark's Mom walked in the room. She took a quick glance around the room. "Well, at least you girls won't be bored."

Michelle giggled. "She sure has."

Sharon knelt down next to Tamara and felt the tightness of the ropes around her wrists. "Very good, just remember not to tie too tight, and watch for circulation problems."

Michelle and Tamara both nodded.

"And never put ropes around the neck."

Again the cousins nodded.

"Ok, well it's time for dinner. Let's get everybody released. Your Mom is joining us Nancy, so you can help them out." Sharon looked around the room and smiled. I’m sure glad Mark and you girls will have nothing to do while you stayed here."

Mark grunted from the chair, while everyone laughed.

* * *

Mark rolled out of bed and tugged on his summer time attire of cotton T-shirt and shorts and went downstairs to the kitchen. He joined Michelle and Tamara at breakfast finding it impossible to hold any kind of grudge over the events of yesterday. His cousins were cute and it was not really their fault. They all had some good laughs over dinner the night before.

His Mom walked into the room with capris and a peasant blouse looking through her purse. "Good, you're up. I don't get to go shopping with my own daughters so I'm taking advantage today. We’ll probably get our nails done too. I assumed you didn’t want to join us."

Mark sniffed. "As if."

"Well Nancy is coming with us and I told Teresa that you would help her put some stuff in her attic for her. She'll be home all day."

Mark nodded. "I'll mow the lawn first."

Mark pulled out the mower from the shed and filled it with gas. Moments later Nancy arrived. She wore nearly the same kind of clothes as he did except everything looked amazing on her. A green clip held her hair behind her head. "You aren't going with us?" Nancy smiled.

"Oh yeah, I'm so disappointed. Mom is making me mow the lawn instead."

"Have fun."

Mark nodded. "You too. Try not to corrupt my cousins any more."

Nancy stopped and looked back. "Michelle is older than me. Who's corrupting who?"

"Ha! You are a lion among cubs, don't you see how they look at you?"

Nancy cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Oh please," Mark said. "It's just like at school, you are the queen bee. Must be your personality, your presence."

"Doesn't seem to work with you." Nancy said.

Mark walked away from the mower and closed the gap between them. He stepped close enough to smell her unique scent. "Why do you suppose that is?"

Nancy took a step closer so their eyes were inches apart and her hair brushed across Mark's face. "You are the only guy who looks at", she hesitated not sure how to say what she felt.

"I..." Mark started to say but the front door opened suddenly and Tamara bounded outside.

"Nancy you're here..." She realized that she interrupted something when both Nancy and Mark simultaneously took a step back. "Oh, I’m sorry." Tamara blushed.

"He was just telling me something, you're fine." Nancy followed Tamara onto the porch and inside the house. She looked back briefly and caught Mark still looking at her.

Mark mowed the lawn and then walked down the street to Nancy's house. Teresa, Nancy's Mom, opened the door before he had the chance to knock. She wore a long spaghetti strap maxi dress in a deep blue color, her hair falling loose about her shoulders. The dress was so long that Mark could not see her bare feet until she stepped back to let him in. "Thanks for doing this. If I go up there the dust really fires up my hay fever."

"No problem."

Teresa led Mark upstairs to the hallway where several plastic tubs were stacked on the floor. Teresa pointed to the rope that opened a trap door leading to the attic. "Just pull on that and the stairs will fold out. Wait till I get downstairs it's really dusty."

Mark waited until Teresa disappeared and then pulled on the handle, he expected to get showered with dirt but it was relatively clean. A thin layer of dust did cover most of the boxes in the attic but it was not terrible. Mark quickly heaved one box up the rickety ladder and put it in an empty corner. Being a bit of a snoop by nature, Mark looked around for several minutes. In a dark corner Mark spotted a scrap of shiny fabric peeking out of the top of a paper sack. Shiny things always attracted his attention most especially when it decorated the female form but even now he could not help but take a look.

Inside the paper snack were silk scarves of various sizes and shapes. Mark knew Teresa was no stranger to ropes and things and there were a few of the scarves that still had knots in them. A couple of other sacks had similar contents, sashes, ribbons, satin belts, etc.

Mark picked up the sacks and went downstairs. Teresa was lying on the couch asleep with the book she had been reading on the floor. She was lying on her side with her arm hanging over the side of the couch. An idea bloomed in Mark's head but also a long potential set of consequences. Teresa was known to be quite severe, but opportunities for vengeance this ripe did not come along often. Mark knew, though without proof, all the crazy ideas that got him in so much embarrassing trouble were Teresa's and not his Mom's.

The more he thought about things the less he cared about consequences. This opportunity would likely never come again. It was now or never.

Mark slowly snuck around the couch, he had no idea if she was a light sleeper or not but he had several of the longer scarves in his pockets and two in his hand. Mark figured he would have to surprise her and sit on her legs. His Mom was surprisingly strong so he was not going to underestimate Teresa. With a final deep breath Mark scooped her arm off the floor and placed it behind her back. He had to roll her over to get the other arm which was pinned beneath her. By the time he had both arms behind her, Teresa was coming awake. Mark quickly sat on her lower legs and tied her wrists together behind her back.

Before he was done Teresa was awake. "What? What are you doing? Get off me."

Mark continued his work concentrating to finish the cinch between her wrists. He used his second scarf around her elbows. Teresa was flailing wildly and her heels thudded into his back. Still he pressed on cinching the scarf between her elbows.

"Mark you are in so much trouble, why are you doing this?" Teresa yelled.

Mark decided to answer that question. "I need the practice, with all the girls in my house learning how to tie me up thanks to Nancy."

Teresa struggled like a wild cat. Her red hair flew around so violently that it looked ablaze. Mark quickly rotated around and caught her kicking feet in a loop of silk and knotted it off using the trailing end to cinch her ankles. She tried to turn over but Mark kept his weight on her legs working hard to tie the knots well enough so she would not escape. He added more scarves over the existing ones and put several around her body pressing her arms and legs against her body.

Teresa was starting to relax. "Look you can't keep me like this forever, why don't you save yourself and let me go now. I promise not to do anything."

Mark laughed. "Yeah right, I'm going to have to enjoy this now. There is no way you will let me off easy."

Mark connected Teresa’s folded legs to her wrists in a firm hogtie before using a wider scarf around Teresa's eyes. “Hey,” she started to complain before Mark pulled a knotted scarf between her teeth. Several more scarves covered those so her head was completely shrouded in silk. Finished with his work Mark checked the other ropes making sure all the knots were out of reach.

"Now what." Mark said. "That's the problem with tying someone up. It’s no fun whatsoever, unless..." Mark raked his fingernails over the soles of Teresa's feet. Teresa roared through her muffling gag and spasms wracked her bound form. "That’s fun to watch."

After several minutes of tickling Mark stepped back. "I better go finish putting the boxes in the attic, don't go anywhere." Mark stepped away but could see Teresa's hand vainly picking at the scarf bonds holding her in the rigid position.

The remainder of the boxes were quickly put away and when Mark returned Teresa was still where he left her and making no progress. "Your daughter taught me well, eh."

"I know your mad at me but the second I untie you, you’re going to call Mom and I'll be in trouble."

Teresa muffled something in response which Mark could not decipher.

"Do your worst, let's see if you can control yourself and be as nice to me as I am to you." Mark released one of Teresa's hands and quickly scampered home, taking the remaining bags of scarves with him.

The next few hours Mark spent steeling himself for the inevitable punishment that was to come. Mark figured as soon as she got free Teresa would be on the cellphone to his Mom and that would be that. It was just such a thrill tying her up, and she deserved it. Eventually, Mom, Nancy and his cousins returned from their shopping trip. "Did you remember to help out Teresa?" Mom asked.

"Uh..." Mark hesitated looking for signs of deception in the statement. "Yeah, no problem. Did you have fun?"

"Things are so expensive these days, but yes we had fun."

Nancy, Michelle and Tamara were comparing fingernails at the kitchen table and no one seemed to be holding back any accusations. "Is it possible she didn't mention it?" Mark whispered under his breath as he went outside.

Mark used the forested area behind his house to secretly make his way over to Teresa's house to see if she had somehow failed to get free. A quick peek through a knot hole in the fence revealed Teresa sunbathing. "That's weird," Mark said as he made his way back home. "She's up to something."

That night, Mark spent several minutes rigging up noise traps around his window and door just in case.

Post by arizzle34 »

I absolutely love this series! I have read it over and over and can’t wait to continue reading it. I really enjoy seeing Mark and Nancy get closer with each chapter. Bravo bravo!
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 2

The days passed. Nothing happened. On the third day Mark's Mom handed him a letter. "This is from Teresa, she told me to tell you thanks and sorry it took so long to pay you, she's been tied up a lot with work."

Mark scanned his Mom's face for any evidence that her words had a hidden double meaning but she continued flipping through the pile of letters. Mark opened the envelope which contained a crisp twenty dollar bill with a neon yellow sticky note attached. The word "Thanks" was written in Teresa's feminine script with a hastily sketched smiley in the dot of the exclamation point.

Mark tucked the money in his pocket and went to his room. "Perhaps she really is ok with what I did." He whispered as he ran up the stairs.

Laughter came from the guest bedroom where his cousins Michelle and Tamara were staying. Mark resisted the urge to listen in and fled to his own room. A quick change of clothes later and Mark was back out the door of his house and into the wooded area that lined the neighborhood drainage lands behind house. The woods were a rabbit warren of trails and trees surrounding a concrete canal that was always dry unless it was actively raining. Mark knew every nook and cranny of the place and his favorite area was a large grove of cedar trees whose low hanging bows created a hollow space underneath. The evergreen kept the ground dry and Mark had worked to expand the space so it was quite roomy, nearly tall enough to stand up. He called it his fort.

The fort was no secret, Mom and Teresa knew about it but only Nancy had been in it. Mark relaxed in a curved nook between two roots shaped perfectly to be comfortable and thought through the events. He was still a bit embarrassed around his cousins because of being tied up by Nancy when they first arrived. He felt a little better due to his success with Nancy's Mom, but no one knew about that. He decided he needed some revenge on Nancy, that would show his cousins he was no push over.

Nancy was a gymnast and a dancer and would be extremely difficult to overpower, he needed a trick of some kind. Scenarios popped into his mind and most were quickly discarded. The thin shafts of light that penetrated the cedar canopy had faded to twilight before Mark had a plan that showed the slightest chance of working.

* * *

The next morning Mark called Nancy. "Hey can you meet me at my fort."

"I suppose, why there?"

"I need to talk and with Michelle and Tamara around it will be hard anywhere else."

"Ok, give me an hour."

"That's fine." Mark hung up and dashed out the back door toward his fort..

He laid out a blanket on the most level part of the dirt floor and checked to make sure all his supplies were in place. Then he sat back and waited.

"Hello, Mark, you in there." Nancy called out a few minutes later.

"Yep, come on in."

"I can never remember which side the opening is on." Nancy said.

"Right over here." Mark crawled out of the prickly tunnel of branches that formed the entrance. Nancy soon was inside bending her head slightly to keep her hair out of the branches that criss crossed over head to form the ceiling. She wore a pair of black opaque leggings and a multicolored flowing skirt and matching shirt. Her hair was pulled behind her head and braided into a single ponytail.

"Wow, you look good." Mark said.

"Thanks, just something I could throw on." Nancy said obviously enjoying the compliment. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I'll get right to it, honesty is the best policy and all." Mark took a deep breath. "I want to practice tying you up?"

Nancy cocked her head to one side. "Yeah right, you don't need practice."

"Yes I do. Ever since you showed Tamara and Michelle how to do it, they have been plotting to tie me up and I want to strike first. It's only fair since you were the one who involved them in the game."

"You don't need any help from me. You’re good enough."

"Not true, I have no idea how to tie someone up who is struggling to escape." Mark lied.

"You could just catch them while they’re sleeping." Nancy answered.

Mark nodded while scanning Nancy's face for any evidence she knew of his exploits with her Mom, but she showed no sign of it. "Perhaps, but there are two of them. It will be impossible to get them both at the same time, one would wake up and that would be that."

"Than how do you propose to tie them both up while they are awake."

"I'll take them one at a time, they don't spend all their time together, but they sleep in the same room." Mark sighed. "You see why I need the help? You owe me."

"I owe you? How you figure?" Nancy smiled.

"You tied me to that chair." Mark answered.

"You let me do that." Nancy countered.

"You said you'd kiss me."

"I did kiss you."

"I will give you a kiss if you let me practice." Mark smiled.

Nancy laughed. "Oh, you think I’m that easy."

Mark stepped closer and looked directly in her eyes. "I am."

Nancy was the first to look away. "Ok, ok, you can practice on me."

Mark grabbed a bundle of rope. "Alright, you need to act surprised and try to stop me from tying your hands together. Don’t go crazy and get hurt or anything."

At first Nancy easily escaped but after several failed attempts Mark came up with an effective strategy. It involved pinning her arms to her sides with a lasso of rope around her torso and then tripping her legs so she had to break her fall instead of resist. The elbows were wrapped with the loose ends of the lasso followed by the wrists. When it was all said and done Nancy was bound into a hog tie with ropes around her knees, waist, and chest. "Ok, Mark, you got me. Let me go." Nancy struggled but only managed to rock back and forth.

"What about your kiss." Mark laid on the ground next to Nancy and stroked the side of her neck. The fire slowly drained from her eyes as Mark continued. He pressed his lips onto hers and let them linger for several seconds feeling the warmth of her breath. "I hope you can forgive me."

Nancy's eyes popped open. "Forgive you for what?"

"This." Marked pulled a knotted scarf between her lips and quickly tied if off behind her head. Several more scarves covered that one including a blindfold. Nancy bucked as much as her bonds would allow which amounted to little more than sliding to the edge of the blanket. Mark finished with a large scarf that completely covered her head. "I'll be right back, I think my cousins would be interested in seeing my fort, don't you?"

Angry snarls followed Mark as he ran home, he did not want to leave her unattended for longer than a few minutes. Michelle and Tamara were lounging in front of the television. "Hey would you guys like to see my fort?"

The two girls looked at each other and shrugged. "Ok, we can take a look. Is it far?"

"Not at all, just behind the house in the trees."

"Ok, we’ll get our shoes." What seemed like hours later, the appeared at the back door. "We're ready."

"Lost your shoes eh?" Mark asked, trying to control is impatience.

"No, but we had to use the bathroom, check our hair and stuff." Michelle said.

"Ok, follow me." Mark led the two girls through the woods. Fallen trees or small mud puddles that he barely noticed became huge obstacles for the girls who carefully navigated through the brush as if every branch were full of razor sharp thorns.

Finally they arrived. "Ok, there it is."

"Where?" Michelle asked.

Mark pointed to the copse of cedars. "Right there." He walked over to the entrance. "Just crawl through here and after a few feet you'll be able to stand again.

"I'm not going in there." Tamara responded. "It probably full of bugs and spiders."

"It's perfectly safe, Nancy comes in all the time. I've been here all morning."

Michelle and Tamara looked at each other and shrugged. They knelt down and slowly entered the fort. "It's kind of nice." Michelle said. "But too dirty."

Mark wiggled his way past her and stared dumbly at the empty blanket in the middle of his fort. "Impossible." He said loudly.

Michelle and Tamara looked at him curiously. "What are you talking about?"

Mark ignored the question and shook out the blanket that was rolled into a wad in the middle of the fort. Inside the blanket were lengths of cut rope and several scarves. As well as a folded piece of paper. Mark grabbed the paper and dropped the blanket on the floor.

Tamara bent down and picked up the severed rope. "What is going on here?"

Mark ignored her his eyes scanning the contents of the paper. The typewritten note said:
Note wrote: If you want to see her again, Mark. You must meet the following demands.
1. You must be tied in the exact same position as Nancy.
2. You must be gagged and blindfolded with scarves, just like Nancy.
3. You have two hours to comply.
Mark read the letter in disbelief, then Tamara snatched it from his hands. After a quick struggle Tamara finished reading. "You tied up Nancy? And she escaped."

"She did not escape, these ropes were cut. Someone freed her."

"So you thought to get revenge by tying her up and now she's been kidnapped." Michelle said.

"Well... something fishy is going on here."

"We're going to tell your Mom," Tamara said as she crawled out of the fort.

Mark opened his mouth to argue because he was sure it was a trick but he could not think of a reason not to tell his Mom so he stopped and followed his cousins out of his fort.
Last edited by volatiledesire 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Well, that was a nice twist at the end! :)
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I’m quite interested in seeing who freed her!
Check out my DeviantArt page!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]TamatoaShiny123[/mention]: I´m not sure, Nancy was freed :D I Imagine, she was just spirited away :D
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Post by volatiledesire »

Chapter 5 - The Cousins - Part 3

Lost in thought, Mark did not try to catch Michelle and Tamara as they ran back to the house. Suddenly all their fears of mud puddles and snagging limbs disappeared in the joy of getting their cousin in trouble. By the time he reached the back door to his house, he was convinced Teresa had done it.

Mark walked into the kitchen where his Mom was reading the letter. "It's a trick Mom. Teresa left that note."

To the shock of Michelle and Tamara, Sharon nodded. "I agree, but you still have a problem."

Mark looked carefully at his Mom. "Problem? I don't see a problem? It is a trick. Nancy’s fine."

Sharon addressed Michelle and Tamara. "Do you girls see the problem?"

Michelle and Tamara's faces furrowed in thought. "If it’s Nancy's Mom han she is fine and there is no real reason he should have to do what is on the note."

"Really? What would Nancy think of him if he refused to comply in order to save her, even if it is fake." Sharon asked.

The girls' eyes lit up. "Of course! She will naturally assume Mark doesn’t care about her. Not even enough to get tied up to save her."

Mark was slow to catch on but his stomach sank when Michelle finished speaking. "So if I refuse to get tied up Nancy will think she is not important to me. But it's a trick, her own Mom is behind this."

"I'm sure she is, and you have 90 minutes to decide what to do. Actually less than that, since it will take us a while to tie you up."

Mark collapsed onto the couch. "Teresa called you didn't she?" Mark asked after a few minutes.

"Does it matter? Nancy will still think what she thinks." Sharon responded. "You better decide quickly."

After several minutes during which time his Mom and cousins reviewed the note, Mark finally decided. "I don't really have a choice." His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Ah, would you really want one, son? Nancy is a beautiful girl." His Mom said with a soft squeeze of his shoulder.

"Yeah but why do I have to prove how much I love her." Mark said.

"You don't, but girls love a knight in shining armor, are you sure she is head over heels for you? Do you think you might need to win her over, just a little bit?"

Mark thought about this and tried to imagine what would happen if some smart college boy found his way into Nancy's heart. How would he, a younger high school kid, stack up to that? "Like I said, not much of a choice. Let's get it over with."

Sharon stood up from the couch where they were talking. "Michelle and Tamara, I think you can handle the details."

Mark jerked his head up. "What? They can't do it."

"I'm sure they can, Nancy showed them a thing or two."

Tamara reached down and grabbed Mark's hand. "And we've been practicing."

Mark groaned.

"Oh, and Mark..." His Mom said as they headed for the back door. "Make sure and provide them with your stash of supplies."

* * *

"The note specifies that you be tied in the same position as you tied Nancy. Since no one else was there you'll have to tell us." Tamara said after spreading out the blanket over the dirt floor of the fort.

"It was a simple hogtie."

"Were her knees tied? How about her elbows or shoulders? Give us the details, man."

Mark explained where he had tied all the ropes.

"Ok, what about the gag."

Marked opened a bag and pulled out a wad of scarves. "I used these."

"Blindfold too?" Michelle asked.

Mark held up the scarves again.

"How many?"

"Half a dozen."

"On just her face." Tamara said with a raised voice.

"If she rolled off the blanket I didn't want her to get her face dirty." Mark said while unsuccessfully hiding a smile.

Tamara caught his smirk. "We will attempt to offer you the same courtesy. Let's get started. Lay down."

Mark laid down on the blanket and kept a blank face while his wrists were tied together. This was followed by his elbows. "Hey easy, I'm not a gymnast like Nancy."

"I think we'll do the scarves next." Michelle said.

Mark allowed his mouth to be filled with a wadded scarf and then two more were pulled between his teeth. Next more of the silky squares were wrapped over his eyes and he felt two more wrapped around his head. Speech and sight were gone. The girls continued working on his torso wrapping more rope around his waist and shoulders ensuring that he could not move his arms away from his back. They then moved to his legs wrapping rope around his knees and ankles. Their lack of expertise proved to be quite uncomfortable for Mark. They cinched the ropes around his knees too tight so when they bent his legs to complete the hogtie the ropes cut deeply into his skin and squeezed the bones of his knees together in a painful way. Mark tried to express his discomfort but the girls could not understand and ignored him.

"See you later Mark." Tamara said while laughing.

"Oh wait Tamara," Michelle said. "We'd better make sure he doesn't wander off." Mark felt the rope between his ankles and wrists rise upward and any movement from side to side was eliminated. "There now, no running off." Michelle laughed.

Mark hoped he would not be here long. The girls had pulled his elbows too close together and his shoulders were aching. His knees were squeezed so tight the pain was already beginning to fade into a dull numbness. The heat of the warm day coupled with the strain of his position caused sweat to dampen the scarves around his face making his breathing labored.

Mark tried to count the birds singing above him. He tried to rub the scarves away from his face but with this shoulders pulled back and his hands pulled upward he could barely touch the ground with his face. He tried to stay tough and even convinced himself that Nancy would really be impressed but in the end he was nothing but miserable. Finally, the sound of rustling branches in the direction of the entrance greeted his ears. "Well, well, looks like you have some concern for my daughter."

Teresa's voice was like music to Mark's ears. He moaned and grunted trying to get her to see the strain of his position. He felt a hand on his legs. "Good grief, who tied you up? It wasn't Sharon, that's for sure. She knows better than this. Must have been those cousins of yours."

Mark felt the ropes holding him in the rigid hogtie relax and he slowly straightened his legs. The ropes holding his knees and ankles were then removed. "Ok, I'm going to help you stand and then we’re walking back to my house."

Mark tried to speak his disagreement with the proposal.

"You don't have much of a choice and I can't understand you anyway. So just stop it." Teresa said.

Teresa led Mark out of his fort and guided him through the woods. When you can not see it is harder to do everything and it seemed like Teresa's house was twice as far as he remembered. Eventually the familiar sounds of her backyard filled his ears and he was led into the house and down into the basement. The stifling scarves were removed and Mark blinked against the sudden influx of light. He was in the spare bedroom and though he expected to see Nancy she was not there.

"Please take a seat and I will release your hands so you can rest your shoulders, don't try anything."

"Where's Nancy?" Mark asked while Teresa picked at the knots.

"She's at dance practice."

"How did you know I tied her up?"

"Just a hunch really, based on what you pulled last week with me."

Mark did not know what to say. He thought about apologizing but he enjoyed it so much. "So I guess I'm about to pay the piper."

"That's one way of putting it." Teresa smiled.

"I thought you enjoyed it." Mark said.

"What difference does that make?" Teresa asked.

Mark thought about that for a second and realized she was right. "Ok then, I promise to do whatever you ask, if you go easy on me."

Teresa stood up and pressed a finger into the side of her mouth. "Ok, but I'll need to test your commitment first. Let me get you loose."

Mark wondered what kind of test she meant, until his elbows were freed and relief flooded his body, cancelling out all other thoughts. "Oh, that feels better."

"Ok, stay here, I'll be right back." Teresa said.

Thinking this was the test, Mark stayed in the seat. Once she trusted him he could escape easier.

She came back in a little later carrying a box. "I'll go easy on you if you put this on." Teresa pulled out a black suit of some kind. It was a shiny black unitard with long sleeves and a hood attached. There was a triangular panel of white velvet that started at the crotch and extended upward toward the shoulders. Mark had trouble figuring out what it was supposed to be until he saw the open-faced hood with two triangular protrusions on the top. It was a cat costume, and it appeared to be made of spandex.

Mark backed away from Teresa tripping over the chair and falling onto the floor. "No way, I'm not wearing that."

"It's the only way I can trust you not to run away, you give me your clothes and wear this." Teresa stood waiting for his decision.

Mark pondered making a run for it, but figured it would be so much worse next time if he succeeded, especially with all the girls ganging up on him. "Fine, but you have to leave the room."

"Then you have to pass me your clothes the moment I leave. And I mean all your clothes." Teresa said.

"Fine fine." Mark said.

Teresa walked out of the room after spreading the catsuit out on the bed taking the box with her. Mark stood behind the cracked door and passed his clothes to her one at a time until he was naked at which point she closed the door. "You have 10 minutes."

Mark unzipped the thick spandex fabric and pushed his legs inside. Once his arms were in the sleeves he struggled to zip up the back. He did the best he could and made no attempt to put the hood on. One thing not immediately apparent until he had the suit on was the amount of padding in the chest. The padding combined with the triangular shaped white velvet across his chest and stomach gave him the illusion of a feminine figure, much like many women's bathing suits are cut and colored specifically to reduce the waist and enhance the bust and hips. To complete the look a long black tail extended from the suit and was stiffened with wire to keep from wrapping around his legs.

The door opened and Teresa walked in. "Time's up. Oh good it fits, but you have to put the hood on." Teresa had the box in her hands and removed two black objects. She partially unzipped the suit pulling it down his shoulders. She then inserted the two objects into two hidden pockets just beneath the white velvet panel. "Even women sometimes need a little help in the bosom department." Pulling the suit back over his shoulders and the hood over his head. Mark looked down his body and could only see his feet through the white velvet valley between his faux breasts. "Have a seat in the chair please."

"What now? I look ridiculous."

"You mean fabulous, don't you." Teresa laughed. She produced a combination padlock from the box and handed it to Mark.

Mark looked at Teresa confused.

"Do you know how to change the combinations on those."


Teresa explained the process. "Now I want you to think of a combination and tell no one what it is and set it on that lock."

Mark thought for a second and then set the padlock, double checking it to make sure his combination worked. He spun the dial and handed it back to Teresa. "Ok."

Teresa grabbed a roll of black electrical tape out of the box. "Ok hold out your hand."

"I'm already wearing the costume. Do you have to do that?"

Teresa nodded. "Part of the costume. Makes it harder to remove."

Mark held out his black spandex covered arm. Teresa peeled off a piece of the rubbery tape and wrapped his hand into a fist. She then fetched from the box a tight glove padded in the shape of a paw. "See told you it was part of the costume."

Mark opened his mouth to retort but decided against it. It would only make it worse. His other hand was given the same treatment and his transformation into a female cat continued.

"Ok, please put your hands...uh, I mean, paws behind your back." Teresa said.

"You said if I put on this stupid costume you would go easy on me."

"I am going easy on you, I will not tickle you like you did to me. Now stop whining, it's not like I'm asking for one of your nine lives." Teresa giggled.

Mark stood up and placed his hands behind his back, Teresa used some white cotton rope to bind his wrists and elbows forcing his arms back and his chest out. It was less stringent than what his cousins did though, a fact that was small comfort in his current situation.

Teresa looked back in the box. "Oh I almost forgot. Have a seat, and watch your tail there."

Mark sat down on the edge of the chair to avoid the tail of the suit. Teresa went behind him and unzipped the suit, and pulled the hood forward off of his head so it hung loosely under his chin. "Ok open wide."

"You're kidding."

"Nope, I can't say it's part of the costume but it does match."

Mark opened his mouth slowly and Teresa wedged between his teeth a shiny black ball with two straps which she tied behind his neck. She then pulled the hood back into place and zipped the suit closed again. "There now, nothing but purring from you."

Mark rolled his eyes and sniffed.

Teresa pulled out a small case from the box. "Now for a little cat face." She used several different makeup tools on his face spending a lot of time on his eyes. The long strokes of black makeup that formed his whiskers were the only part of the process Mark recognized. She finished by brushing makeup on his lips that were stretched around the black ball in his mouth. "There we go, all done. Do you want to see?"

Mark paused for a second and then nodded his head. Teresa held up a mirror. He saw a girl's face. Layers of dark color around his eyes gave them a very feminine look. The tight open-open faced hood hid all traces of his hair and ears, the makeup hid the rest of his identity as a male. Mark strained at the ropes but nothing happened. He growled through the gag but Teresa smiled and just petted his head. "There, there kitty, it will be ok."

Mark watched her turn again to the box with an increasing sense of dread. "What more could there be?" He thought. "It can't get worse."

"Now for your feet." Teresa held two socks that were again padded to look like paws. She slipped them onto his feet pulling the tight catsuit over the top to conceal the seam.

Teresa reached back into the box. "And here is your collar, every pet in this city should have a proper license." The collar was thin leather in a bright pink color dotted with rhinestones. Dangling off the front of the collar was a little plaque with the word 'Kitty' written on it. "I thought about naming you 'Pussy', but decided it was too inappropriate."

"Alright, the fun part is over." Teresa picked up a length of rope and quickly tied Mark's ankles together. She then pushed on his shoulders bending him at the waist until his new bosom was pressing into his thighs. She wrapped rope over his back and beneath his legs to keep him in the bent position. Another rope attached to the front of his collar pulled his head down so his chin was inches from his knees. "Ok I better go get your cat carrier now."

Mark had no idea what she meant by 'cat carrier' but it sounded like a cage. He struggled but could not move an inch. Even standing up proved difficult with his head pulled down so far. Teresa returned with an antique looking metal bound chest on a dolly. Mark shook his head and moaned through the gag but Teresa ignored his feeble protests and easily lifted his legs into the chest which had a few inches of foam placed on the bottom. Next Teresa shoved him gently on the back causing him to fall forward out of the chair, in order to keep from hitting the opposite side of the chest Mark bent his knees which put his whole body into the chest, his pointed cat ears just touching the opposite wall. Teresa quickly tied a rope from his ankles to his hands keeping him in a compact ball. Mark's back was too high for the lid to close so Teresa pushed him onto his side and placed a several pads of foam around him. "Now don't worry, the boards of this chest have gaps in them, you will probably even see light." She then shut the lid.

Mark could hear her somewhat muffled voice quite clearly and there were slivers of light entering the chest from the lid. "Do you remember your combination?" There were several clicks. "Oops, I forgot to take your gag off. How will you tell me the combination to the lock that is now keeping you in this chest?"

As useless as it was, Mark yelled through the gag in a fit of panic.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Teresa is really really devious. I hope she gets a taste of her own medicine sometime :D :D
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Love the story. I like it when the girls get a?taste?so to speak.
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Post by volatiledesire »

Thank you all for the comments, it's been fun re-reading the story. Here's the next part.
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