The One Where the Girls All Get Tied Up (mm/fff)

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The One Where the Girls All Get Tied Up (mm/fff)

Post by Newdayrocks »

It was what seemed like a normal afternoon in New York City, and so the lovely Rachel Green decided to go visit her friend, Monica Bing, after work.

When work was over, Rachel headed over to the apartment where her friend lived. Oddly, the door was locked, which was an odd occurrence, as Monica was usually very inviting. But, since she had a spare key, she didn't worry too much.

"Hey Mon," she said, upon walking in "you would not believe the day I had. Since the guys are going to the movies, I figured we could do..." she continued, before realizing no one was there.

"Mon? Monica, are you home?" she asked, but still no answer.

"Hmm, maybe she stepped out or something," Rachel said "I guess I should just wait for her then."

With that, she sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. After settling down, she could swear she heard some strange noises, almost like low humming, and eventually began to realize they weren't coming from the TV. Turning it off, she listened around to see if she could hear them better. When she got to Monica's bedroom, she could hear the noises a little more clearly, coming from inside.

"Monica, is that you?" she asked "everything all right in there?"

She heard no response except for the strange noises again, and so, she decided to open the door.

"What is going on in...oh my God!"

Rachel was shocked to find her friend, clad in a red blouse that hugged her figure, a pair of blue jeans and black boots. She was sitting on her bed, duct tape wrapped around her ankles, and presumably holding her hands behind her. A strip of the grey stuff was over her mouth, and Monica began making frantic muffled noises under it, trying to get Rachel's attention.

"Monica, what happened?" Rachel asked, "wait, this isn't some weird kinky game you and Chandler are playing, is it?"

Monica responded by making even louder muffled noises, so Rachel walked over to her friend and peeled the tape off. Monica spat out a balled up white cloth, which Rachel guessed might have been a sock, before looking at her friend.

"Okay, first of all, I don't play any kinky games," she said "and, even if I decided to, what kind of game would require me to tape myself up like this?!"

"Okay, so what did happen?"

"I don't have time to explain, just quick, call the police before they come back."

"Before who comes back?"

"The pizza man, who do you think?" Monica replied sarcastically "the guys who did this to me."

"All right hold on, I'll call them right now," Rachel said, "oh wait, I left my phone in my purse, which is in the living room."

"Well get it, and hurry!" Monica said.

"Okay, don't go anywhere Mon."

"Not like I have a choice," Monica replied.

Rachel headed back into the main room to get her purse, only to find that two men were there.

"Well well, what have we here?" one of them said "looks like we have a visitor, and a very pretty one at that."

"I'm gonna assume you two are not pizza delivery guys," Rachel commented.

"Correct, cutie," the one man said, before producing a gun from his pocket, which Rachel looked at in fear. "Now, we're going to take a trip back to the bedroom. I take it you'll be smart enough not to make any noise; it would be quite a shame to shoot a looker like yourself."

Rachel nodded before the two men approached her, with the one sticking the gun into her back. Then she was matched into the bedroom.

"Hey Rach, did you...oh," Monica said, after seeing her friend was now a prisoner "I see you've met my unexpected guests."

"It looks as though our little hostess has managed to free her mouth," the one man said "Victor, please see to that."

"I don't know who you bastards think you are, breaking into my apartment and taking me prisoner, but you are gonna be in for it, oh yes," Monica said, as the man known as Victor bent over to pick up the dropped sock "and if I find that you've messed up the apartment in any way, there is gonna be hell to...mmmph!" was all she managed before the sock was stuffed back in her mouth. Victor then took out a roll of duct tape and sealed a new piece over her lips, then, for good measure, added another piece, causing Monica to struggle and emitted muffled threats & insults.

"W-what are you two going to do with me?" Rachel asked fearfully.

"For now, we need to make sure you can't raise the alarm," the one man said, and reached into his pocket before producing a roll of duct tape "so hands behind your back please."

Seeing she had no choice, Rachel did as he said and felt the tape as it wrapped around her wrists. "What are you two even doing here?" she asked.

"Let's just say, people are looking for us after we made a substantial withdrawal from the local bank."

"Oh, so you're thieves," Rachel commented.

"We don't think of it as stealing, just taking back money that is wrongfully being used," the man said "after all, why should money sit in banks and go to the rich, instead of the common people who earned it?"

"Hey, I'm all for having more money, but I have a job and earn it," Rachel explained. The man finished taping her wrists, and she tried pulling them apart, but it was no go.

"Have a seat on the bed next to your friend," the man ordered and Rachel did so, as he began to tape her ankles.

Rachel began to regret her choice of attire, a white colored dress and brown sandals. The tape didn't hurt her bare ankles, but she didn't like the feeling.

"Okay buddy, I'd think twice about this if I were you," Rachel said, trying to maintain a brave front " 'cause my boyfriend is a Navy SEAL, and if he finds out what you're doing to me, ooh, you are gonna get it," she added.

Of course she was lying; she doubted Ross had the strength to take on two men, especially if they had a gun. Still, she could dream.

"Okay beautiful, now we need to do one more thing," the man said "an unfortunate precaution, since it is a shame to silence your lovely voice."

"Yeah whatever pal, knock off the flattery 'cause it ain't working," Rachel told him.

"Very well," he replied and dug into Monica's drawer, which only caused the black haired woman to scream and fight the tape even more. He then pulled out a sock, identical to the one in Monica's mouth, and balled it up; "open wide."

"Could I maybe, not have a sock in my mouth?" Rachel asked "or, how about if I promise to not say anything at all and you don't even have to waste tape on me; what do you say?"

The man responded by stuffing the sock in Rachel's mouth, then putting tape over it before she could do anything. Rachel angrily glared at him, the sock muffling her words.

"You two pretty ladies stay put now," he said "don't worry, we'll leave you once we feel it's safe for us to make a move. In the meantime, thanks for letting us use your apartment," he said to Monica, before closing the door.

After the two left, Monica & Rachel began squirming and thrashing, hoping to free themselves from their tape bonds. Their long hair swung back and forth as they tried unsuccessfully to break the tape, muffled noises of exertion being all they could make under the tape around their mouths.

After the tape refused to budge, both women looked at each other. They didn't know what to do, or when the crooks would leave. They knew the guys would be back, but that could be hours; how long would they have to stay like this? Both women knew they had to find a way to escape, but how?
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Great story! Please continue!!
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Post by Caesar73 »

I agree! Please continue!
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Post by Solarbeast »

I agree with those comments above me. This is a great story that I hope you continue when you get a chance. I can’t wait to read what happens to these two beautifully trussed up women.
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Post by Newdayrocks »

Thanks everyone. If any of you have an idea how Phoebe can get into the mix, let me know, or I'll stick with what I can come up with.
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Post by Newdayrocks »

Struggling against the tape was getting nowhere, but Rachel still felt she had to do so.

This was a nightmare for her; taken prisoner by two bank robbers and left bound & gagged in her friend's bedroom. She knew there was crime in New York, but it had rarely affected her or her friends.

She shuddered when she thought about what the two men might do to her or Monica, helpless as they were. She didn't really know if they would, but it was unsettling to consider.

Rachel was snapped out of her thoughts by Monica's extremely loud mmmphing. Rachel figured her black haired friend had something to say, and turned towards her.

"Ggtt yrrr ppphhnn!" Monica yelled, as much as the tape and sock would allow.


"Yrr pphhnn, gttt ttt!" Monica replied.

Rachel tried to make sense of her friend's muffled speech, and thought over what she had heard.

Hmm, let's see, what could she be saying? Rachel pondered she'd want me to get something to help us, but there's nothing here that could, except my phone, unless they got that too.

Suddenly, it came to her Oh, Mon wants me to get my cell phone. Hmm, that's gonna be kind of hard, but maybe I'll be lucky and those guys will be gone. Well, I've got to try, cause there's no telling how long we'll be here.

Deciding she needed to act quickly, Rachel kicked off her sandals and began hopping over to the bedroom door in her bare feet. Turning around, she grabbed the knob with her bound hands and turned it, thankful when she heard it work.

After opening it a crack and not seeing any sign of their captors, Rachel hopped out into the room where her purse still lay. Grabbing it with her bound hands, she hopped back to the bedroom, remembering to close the door behind her.

As Monica watched, Rachel dumped the contents of the purse unto the bed, before finding her cell phone, bending over and grabbing it as well as she could in her taped up hands.

I don't know how the heck I'm gonna use this thing like this, but I've got to try, she thought I just hope someone gets the message

She looked over her shoulder as she attempted to type a message with her fingers, but it was hard and there were lots of errors. After hitting "send," she plopped down on the bed, spent from her exertions.

Both women looked at each other hopefully. With some luck, maybe someone they knew would see Rachel's text message and call for the police or at least come help them.

The two didn't know how long it had been after that, their only option being to sit there, hoping the two robbers would leave and possibly let them go as well.

Unless they're afraid we know too much, Rachel thought, gulping nervously.

Suddenly, the girls heard loud knocking at the front door. Both of them tried their best to scream for all they were worth, but the tape & socks muffled their cries.

"Mon, Rachel, are you girls here?" came the voice of their blonde friend, Phoebe Buffay "okay, well that's a stupid question, I mean, if they're not here, then they're probably at Central Perk. We really need to find some new hangouts."

Phoebe opened the door and stepped in "hmm, they aren't here; looks like I should've gone to Central Perk first after all."

Hearing Phoebe, both women began trying to get her attention, not just through muffled screams, but by stomping their bound feet as well.

"Oh, sounds like they might be in the bedroom," Phoebe commented, hearing the noise "I hope I'm not interrupting anything kinky. Nah, what am I thinking, it is Monica after all."

Phoebe opened the door and was shocked to see her two best friends sitting on the bed, bound and gagged with duct tape.

"Oh my God, what's going on?" a shocked Phoebe asked, running over to Rachel "please tell me this was just some kinky game or something. Also, can I play?"

The blonde took the tape off Rachel's mouth, and she spit out the balled up sock. "First of all, why does everyone assume being tied up means kinky?" Rachel asked "and second, why would we be tied up with tape?"

"Maybe you don't have handcuffs?"

"Listen Pheebs, untie us quick," Rachel told her "these two bank robbers broke into the apartment and tied up me and Mon. I don't know where they went, but I don't wanna be here when they get back."

"No problem," Phoebe said, reaching around for the tape on Rachel's wrists "okay, little problem."

"What do you mean little problem?"

"Well, this is duct tape, I mean, I can't just untie it, or you know, use a key," Phoebe explained "I'd have to cut it."

"Then get something, and hurry!"

"Man, someone's bossy when they're being held prisoner," Phoebe commented before leaving the room.

"Well Mon, this is it, soon we'll be out of here and then we can call the police to arrest those creeps," Rachel said happily.

"Tthhhnnkkk Gggggdd," Monica replied.

"Yup, as soon as Phoebe gets back with something to cut us loose," Rachel added, "which should not really be taking that long. I mean, if she doesn't want to get a knife, she should at least be able to find some scissors or something."

Rachel continued to wait however, as her blonde friend did not seem to be in any hurry to return.

"Uh, any minute now Pheebs," Rachel said impatiently "hurry up, we've been sitting here for who the hell knows how long, what is taking you so long?" she added until she heard the bedroom door open "thank God, Phoebe, what the hell happened...?"

Her statement was cut off when she saw the blonde enter the room, with the two crooks behind her.

"Hey Rachel, I met your new friends," Phoebe said "they seem nice, minus the whole 'pulling a gun on me' thing."

"It seems that your little attempt to escape has failed my pretty little hostage," the lead crook, Connor, said "and now, your blonde friend here will be joining you."

"That's okay, I'm kind of busy," Phoebe replied, until Victor jammed the gun barrel into her back "on the other hand, I was going hang out with them anyway."

After a few minutes, Phoebe found her hands and feet secured with duct tape as well. Rachel had the sock and tape gag replaced, and now it was the goofy blonde's turn.

"Um, Mr. kidnapper guy, do you think maybe I couldn't have a sock in my mouth?" Phoebe asked "I mean, I know you gotta gag me and everything, but could I like, maybe have one of those between my teeth deals like you see on TV?"

"Since you have been such a cooperative captive, unlike your friends, I suppose we can arrange that," Connor said. Rummaging through Monica''s closet, to her gagged protests, he eventually came out with a long scarf.

"Oh yeah, that looks good," Phoebe replied "I think I remember when Monica first wore that. It looked pretty good on you Mon, so fashionable and....mmmpph," was all she said before the scarf was placed between her lips, then knotted behind her long blonde hair.

"Now that we have prevented your little friend from coming to your aid, I regret to inform you that we will need the use of this apartment for a few hours longer," Connor explained "after that, we will leave and you lovely ladies will be eventually be rescued."

Rachel & Monica responded to the news with angry muffled grunts, but Phoebe stood silent.

"I thought you might say that," the crook said before he and his partner took their leave, closing the door behind them.

Once they were gone, the three female friends began to pull against the tape, hoping that it had loosened or they could find a way to get free. Otherwise, they would have to hope the boys would come rescue them.
Deleted User 2162

Post by Deleted User 2162 »

Awesome story you have a gift with describing everything with solid detail!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Really great continuation !
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Post by Caesar73 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 5 years ago Really great continuation !
Agreed! Good work!
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Post by Newdayrocks »

Just wanted to note that this story is not over. I have some other things to work on, but I will finish this one when I can.
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Post by DallasNotAustin »

Very good story, love the detail and visualization and the title still makes me laugh because I lack a sense of humor. Good story though! Keep it up!
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Newdayrocks wrote: 5 years ago Just wanted to note that this story is not over. I have some other things to work on, but I will finish this one when I can.
Can’t wait to read these new stories! Ur an amazing writer!
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Post by Newdayrocks »

It had been unknown hours since the three females had been bound & gagged by a pair of invading criminals. Since then, they had pulled against their duct tape restraints, to no effect.

The two thieves hadn't shown up in a while, so Phoebe decided to make a move. Shaking her head as much as she could, and working with her tongue, she managed to work the scarf out of her mouth.

"Sorry I got your scarf all covered with saliva Monica," she apologized.

Monica issued a gagged retort.

"Listen, I think those two criminals might have left," Phoebe explained "so now would be a good time to, I don't know, get free or something."

The other two girls narrowed their eyes at her.

"Oh right, we've been trying that," Phoebe added "well, if one of you has a phone, I can call for help."

"I don't think that will be necessary," came a familiar voice.

The girls looked to see the two crooks in the doorway.

"Oh hey, long time no see; we thought'd you guys had left," Phoebe explained.

"Actually, we were just about to leave," Connor said "things have died down enough that we can leave without attracting suspicion. But we just wanted to make sure you lovely ladies were taken care of before we did."

"That was nice of you, but you didn't need to go to so much trouble," Phoebe told them.

"Apparently, we do," Connor replied and opened up Monica's dresser, pulling out a balled up pair of socks.

"Why would you steal Monica's socks?" Phoebe wondered, until it dawned on her as the criminal approached "oh."

Before she had a chance to say anything else, the crook put the socks in her mouth, then secured the scarf over them, tying it tighter this time. Now Phoebe found what sounds she could make were muffled, like that of her friends.

"That should ensure that you won't be raising the alarm for a while," Connor said, before he and his partner headed to the bedroom door "thanks for the hospitality; it's too bad we didn't have time to get to know you ladies better."

"Ggg tttt hhhhlll!" Monica yelled through her gag.

"Don't worry, I'm sure someone will find you, eventually," the criminal said, before closing the bedroom door.

The three women were partially relieved; though their captors had left, they were still tied up. Rachel & Monica especially were getting sick of the taste of the padding in their mouths, and not being able to talk. They hoped they could free themselves, or that their male friends got home soon and got them out of this.


About five minutes later, Ross, Joey & Chandler arrived at the apartment building and were making their way up to the room.

"All I'm saying is, Mr. Incredible could totally beat Superman," Joey said "cause Superman is vulnerable to kryptonite, but Mr. Incredible isn't."

"Yes, he's just vulnerable to everything else," Chandler pointed out.

"Okay, but he has a super family to back him up. Does Superman have one of those?"

"Could we not have this argument, I have had to listen to this for the last hour," Ross said.

"There's no argument man, Mr. Incredible is better than Superman, end of story," Joey said.

The other two ignored him, as they arrived at the door to Monica & Chandler's apartment. Opening it, they stepped inside.

"That's weird, I expected Monica to be home to greet us," Chandler said.

"The girls probably went shopping or something," Ross suggested.

"Yeah, you're right," Chandler said; just then, he heard banging noises "did we have an infestation of woodpeckers all of a sudden?"

"Sounds like it's coming from your bedroom," Ross replied.

"Monica's probably moving the nightstand again," Chandler said, walking over "maybe she needs some...Oh my God!"

The other two men rushed over to see what had caused the outburst, and were shocked at what they saw.

All three girls were bound with duct tape and sitting down, save for Monica, who was now on her back, her legs curved and ready to kick the door again. Seeing her husband, Monica let out a cry of happiness from under the tape.

"Mon, what happened?" Chandler asked, as he peeled the tape off her lips.

Monica spit out the sock "a couple of crooks showed up unannounced and decided to hang out here for a while," she explained "they didn't mess the place up, did they?"

"No it still looks like always."

"Good to know," Monica said, "now get something to cut this tape!"

"Rach, are you okay?" Ross asked, after peeling the tape off her lips.

"No, I'm not okay. I was bound and gagged by some criminals, my mouth tastes like sock, and I'm all sweaty from struggling all day."

"Oh man, those two crooks better hope the police find them, 'cause if I find them first..." Joey said.

"You'll do what Joe?" Chandler asked.

"You know, punch 'em or something," Joey said "anyway, what the hell kind of city is this where people can go into people's apartments and tie them up?"

"New York, apparently," Chandler replied.


Soon the three girls were freed and stretched their limbs for the first time in a long time.

"I don't ever want to go through that again," Rachel said "being tied up and helpless like that, not to mention scared of what's going to happen next."

"Hey, you won't have to," Joey assured them "cause you got us looking out for you."

"You three were at the movies while all this was happening," Monica reminded him.

"Okay, so it's not exactly foolproof."

"Well I think tomorrow we should invest in an alarm system," Chandler said "I don't want to come home and find my wife bound & gagged again. Unless it's my birthday or something."

"Yeah, nice try," Monica replied.

"Come on, let's go to Central Perk," Ross suggested "you three have had a rough day and I think you need some relaxation."

"Good idea," Monica replied "plus I could use something to get the taste of sock out of my mouth."

"Ditto for me," Rachel said "then, I'm just gonna lie in the tub and soak my joints and pretend this whole thing never happened."

With that the 6 friends left, the three females happy that their frightening experience was over. However, they would certainly take precautions in the future to make sure this didn't happen again.
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Post by OkDokey »

Love it!
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Post by damsel »

I read this earlier, but either the system ate my reply, or maybe I just dreamed I wrote one. Anyway, love this, and the characters' dialogue really sounded like what they would say on the show
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Post by slackywacky »

damsel wrote: 4 years ago I read this earlier, but either the system ate my reply, or maybe I just dreamed I wrote one.
Sometimes forgotten stories can be really fun to read, like this one.
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